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26 February 2021
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In 2017 Bulletin broke the news of a daycare owner in Phalaborwa who allegedly assaulted a 3-year old boy with an electrical cord at her daycare centre. This week, three years after the fact, Magistrate PD Nkuna sentenced the 56-year old woman to five years in prison without the option of a fine. Read the full report inside on page 3.
Photos: Steven Shulman & Joe Dreyer
26 February 2021
Opvolg: Nòg ses vas in SASSA skandaal Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853
■ Joe Dreyer Die Valke het nog ses verdagtes in Khobo, buite Tzaneen, hierdie week vir vermeende korrupsie en bedrog met betrekking tot die Suid-Afrikaanse Agentskap vir Maatskaplike Sekerheid (SASSA) se ongeskiktheidstoelaag, inhegtenis geneem. Na bewering het sekere SASSAamptenare tussen 2018 en 2019 met behulp van ‘n tussenganger saamgespan om mense wat nie in aanmerking kom vir ongeskiktheidstoelae, in Tzaneen-omgewing te werf om vir ongeskiktheidstoelae te registreer. Die staat het gevolglik ‘n verlies van meer as R300 000,00 gely. Die eerste twaalf verdagtes, waaronder drie SASSA-amptenare van Nkowankowa, een tussenganger en agt onbevoegde begunstigdes, is Maandag, die 22ste Februarie, in hegtenis geneem met die afskop van die Valke se klopjag. Dinsdag se inhegtenisnames bring dan die totaal tot 18 verdagtes wat tot dusver vasgetrek is. Die operasionele lede wie deelgemaak het van hierdie operasie sluit lede van Misdaad Intelligensie, lede van Tzaneen SAPD en SASSA-amptenare in. Al die verdagtes het Woensdag, 24 Februarie, in die landdroshof op Tzaneen verskyn
Die tweede groep van ses verdagtes wat inhegtenis geneem is. op aanklagte van bedrog en korrupsie. Teen druktyd het ons nie terugvoering oor die uitkoms van hierdie saak ontvang nie en die soektog na nog verdagtes duur voort. Intussen het die Valke lede van die publiek teen ‘n swendelaar in die omgewing gewaarsku. Volgens die Valke is daar ‘n man wat homself as dié een-
Hawks nab gold diggers Valke vang ‘Spruit vrou’ ■ Joe Dreyer
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
One of the phendukas in one of the illegal gold refining labs.
■ Billy Sibuyi
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
heid se Kol Monyela voordoen en by familielede van die beskuldigdes reeds geld ontvang het vir hul vrystelling. Hy het na bewering aan die families van die verdagtes verduidelik dat hy ‘n senior lid van die Valke is en dat hulle kon betaal om te verseker dat hul familielede vrygelaat word. Daar word beweer dat hiérdié man reeds R40 000 van die families af ontvang het. “As die Direktoraat vir Prioriteitsmisdaadondersoek wil ons die publiek verseker dat ons lede nie die families van die beskuldigdes mag skakel of op enige manier geld kan eis nie. As u gebel of gekontak word deur iemand wat beweer dat hulle van die Valke is en geld eis, moet u weet dat u op die punt staan om geswendel te word. Kontak asseblief in so geval die naaste polisiestasie.”
The Mpumalanga Hawks, Tactical Response Team Pienaar, Forensic Science Laboratory Head Office Pretoria, Local Criminal Record Centre Nelspruit, and the SSG Security at Barberton arrested two suspects, a 24 and 29-year-old, during an intelligence driven operation last week Friday. According to the Mpumalanga Hawks spokesperson, Capt. Dineo Sekgotodi, information was received about a suspect who was running two semi-laboratories that were allegedly processing gold bearing materials in Barberton. “The team proceeded to the identified addresses whereby the suspects were found busy crushing the gold bearing materials. Two men were arrested,” she said. Eight phendukas (a cylindrical gold refining machine) and other equipment used for processing gold bearing materials were seized for further investigation and the two suspects, Nkosinathi Welcome Nkosi (24) and Thembeka Sekizwe Maseko (29), were granted R2 000 bail respectively by the Barberton Magistrate Court
on Wednesday, the 24th of February. The case was then postponed to the 23rd of April 2021 for further investigation. Both suspects are facing charges of being in possession of gold bearing materials and running illegal processing laboratories. One of the suspects, Thembeka Sakhizwe Maseko, has a previous conviction from 2018 when he was arrested underground in the mine. He was charged with trespassing and sentenced in November 2018 to one year and six months which was wholly suspended for three years.
Die Valke se ernstige handelsmisdaadondersoek-eenheid het hierdie week in Hoedspruit op die Zandspruit landgoed toegesak. ‘n Drie en dertig jarige vroue verdagte is in hegtenis geneem op klagtes van bedrog nadat sy na bewering meer as R1.6 miljoen van die Huiseienaarsvereniging se geld verduister het. Daar word beweer dat die verdagte tussen 28 Januarie 2019 en 24 Oktober 2019 as finansiële bestuurder by die Zandspruit Huiseienaarsvereniging NWO in Hoedspruit in diens was. Volgens die woordvoerder van die Valke, Kapt Matimba Maluleke, word daar verder beweer dat die verdagte fiktiewe eise geskep het sodat dit gelyk het asof dienste aan die maatskappy gelewer is, en dat sy die geld in haar eie bankrekening sowel as haar man se rekening oorgedra het. “Hierdie onreëlmatighede het tydens ‘n oudit aan die lig gekom,” het Maluleke verduidelik. Teen druktyd gister, Donderdag 25 Februarie, het die verdagte in die hof op Hoedspruit voorgekom en is die beslising nog nie bekend nie.
Die verdagte word inhegtenis geneem. Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 15/02/2021
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Tzaneen 103%
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26 February 2021
You can teach an old dog some new tricks ■ Joe Dreyer & Roelof de Jonge Coco is a 15-year-old Chinese Chow, who was adopted by the Tarmahomed family in the middle of last year. This beloved pet had a near death experience on Monday after he was washed away during the heavy rains in the area. The family said that he was prone to running away during heavy weather and that this last great exploration was his fourth brush with the outside world. The Tarmahomed’s property is bordered by a partial wetland and they believe that because Coco loves water and getting wet, he likely went out when the downpour started. Dancing in the rain proved a
little more daring than the pooch had anticipated however, and soon he was washed away by the usually placid stream running through the wetland, which had grown into a raging river due to the sudden heavy storm. Coco was washed into the middle of the wetland where he became stuck in the dense reeds. Being an elderly gentleman, Coco was unable to free himself of his own accord and so he called for help. He spent close on an hour barking through the storm in the hopes that his owners, or someone nearby would hear his call and rush to his aid. When the Tarmahomeds awoke that morning, the children were puzzled by Coco’s absence. Because he was not the barking-type, they paid little attention to the distant barks at first, but as they neared the wetland bordering their property, they realized it was their beloved pet calling for help. They rushed back to the house and called the Mopani Fire Department. The Letaba SPCA were also alerted and chief inspector Ellie Potgieter rushed to the scene.
Hakeem, Mika’eel and Safiyah Tarmahomed with their pet, Coco, a day after he was saved from a near-death experience on Monday. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
Former day care owner sentenced to five years ■ Billy Sibuyi The former owner of Tjiff en Tjaff day-care in Phalaborwa was sentenced to five years in prison in the Phalaborwa Magistrate’s court on Thursday, the 18th of February. Elize Janse van Rensburg (56) was further declared unsuitable to work with children and she will not be able to operate a preschool or work at a school or institution which deals with children ever again. She was further declared unfit to possess a firearm. Her sentence followed a conviction of Assault with intent to cause a grievous bodily harm (Assault GBH) as per Phalaborwa CAS 31/09/2017 where she allegedly assaulted a 3-year-old coloured toddler boy who was a learner at her day care centre. On Wednesday afternoon, the 6th of September 2017, the mother of the young victim visited the day-care centre and was met by her crying child who complained that he was assaulted. She inspected the child and observed bruises on his buttocks and ears. She immediately contacted the police where a case docket was opened and an investigation by Sgt Phionah Ndlovu of Phalaborwa Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses (FCS) ensued. The boy was taken to the district surgeon where medical examination was conducted and it revealed that the boy was seriously assaulted. During her trial, Janse van Rensburg confessed that she assaulted the boy with an electric cable, however the motives was never disclosed. She was sentenced to five years direct imprisonment without the option of a fine. This, despite her defence team lodging an application for a wholly suspended sentence which the state prosecutor did not oppose. The state in fact, supported the application and submitted to the court that Janse van Rensburg was remorseful and that she was willing to pay compensation to the victim of R3 000 that she had raised, to which the mother of the victim refused and said that the state should do as they see fit. Judge presiding, Magistrate PD Nkuna, however questioned what a suspended sentence would mean to the community. “Those illiterate people out there in our society who, when they see a convicted person walking around, they think that the person has been discharged and the law did not run its course. They lose confidence in our law,” stated Nkuna as he was handing down his sentence to
Janse van Rensburg. “According to them, law is when they see a convicted person suffering in his or her freedom and this is what this court will do.” Magistrate Nkuna stated that the injuries sustained by the victim were serious and would also be serious injuries if they were inflicted on an adult, despite the defence, supported by the state, stating the opposite. He also said that the child would not only suffer visible injuries but also mental injuries as the evidence by the victim’s mother showed that she was already having difficulty in taking the child to school, as the victim allegedly refuses to enter a school. Nkuna in handing down the sentence said that he would deviate from the prescribed minimum sentence of 10 years because Janse van Rensburg was a first-time offender and of an old age. However, he said that the day care owner, claimed to feel remorse for what she had done but, her sense of remorse had passed with time. “She claims that she wanted to plead guilty from the beginning but her [previous] defence advised her against it,” the judge said. He commented that if the accused had in fact been sorry, she would have left her defence when she wanted to plead guilty and her defence advised her not to. Nkuna felt that the defence had planned to mislead the court from the onset and that “it shows that the defence was undermining the intelligence of the court by coming to court and lying. The submission that the accused is remorseful is rejected by the court”.
Elize Janse van Vuuren
“We received a call from the owners of the elderly pooch at around 06:45 that morning. They explained that Coco had wandered out the yard due to the heavy storm,” explained Ellie Potgieter, Chief Inspector at Letaba SPCA. “When I arrived on scene, the members of the Mopani Fire Department and EMS were already waist-deep into the ravine searching for Coco.” According to Potgieter, the elderly chow had stopped barking due to exhaustion and this caused the rescue team to lose sight of him for a second as they were relying on his bark to determine direction. He was stuck in the reeds when senior officer Lulu Stemmet, Fire Prevention Officer at Mopani Fire Department, reached him. The reeds ironically held him aloft just long enough to be rescued. “Had we arrived a few minutes later, Coco would likely have drowned as he was terribly exhausted. We brought him out of the river and warmed him up in the vehicle as we drove to Serala Animal Clinic. We dropped him off there and he was immediately tended to,” said Potgieter. When Bulletin visited the family on Tuesday afternoon, Coco was already getting back to his usual self. We asked him about his ordeal and what he thought whilst being stuck in the reeds, and the moment the rescuers reached out to him. He barked with gratitude. Hakeem, Mika’eel and Safiyah Tarmahomed said that they were elated to have their beloved Coco safely back at home and expressed their heartfelt thanks towards the rescuers who took the trouble to save him.
Senior officer Lulu Stemmet, Fire Prevention Officer at Mopani Fire Department,saved Coco.
“Ontspan, die damwal is faain” meen kenners
Die Tzaneen damwal het nie ‘n kraak in nie. Foto: Steven Shulman
■ Joe Dreyer Nee, die Tzaneen damwal het nie ‘n kraak in nie, en nee daar is nie waterlekke verder af teen die onderkant van die wal nie. Hierdie week het ‘n foto wat deur Bulletin se redakteur, Joe Dreyer, geneem is, die rondtes oor sosialemedia gemaak nadat hy klaarblyklik “per ongeluk” ‘n massiewe kraak aan die bokant van die damwal afgeneem het. Dit is egter nie ‘n kraak nie. Verskeie lede van die publiek het hul menings hieroor gelig. Bewerings is gemaak dat die wal dood eenvoudig gaan bars en al die huise aan die onderkant van die Tzanegeni landgoed gaan “wegspoel”. Hierdie is ‘n feitlik inkorrekte stelling. “‘n Span ingenieurs onder leiding van die hoofingeneur aan die stuur van die projek by die Departement van Waterwese, Thabo Hloele, het die damwal reeds ‘n paar keer inspekteer en vasgestel dat die strukturele integriteit daarvan nog gesond is,” het Jacques Kruger, Voorsitter van die Letaba Waterverbruikers Forum, aan Bulletin verduidelik. “Daar is nie ‘n kraak op die wal nie. Wat die mense op daai foto sien is glad nie iets om oor bekommerd te raak nie. Mense moet onthou dat die damwal nie seepglad gemaak is op daardie lyn waar hy afgebreek is tydens fase 1 van die projek nie. Hierdie looparea bo-op die wal is grof en plek-plek sal daar grassies en takkies vassteek soos
die water oor die wal vloei. Dit is miskien wat die illusie van ‘n “kraak” geskep het.” Min inwoners van die dorp weet dat die binnekant van die damwal eintlik ‘n uitgeholde tonnel is, wat die “ingeneursgallery” genoem word. In die binnekant van hierdie wal is daar ‘n reeks kleppe en drukmeters en ander toerusting wat daagliks deur gemoniteer word. Sou daar die geringste lekasie wees, sou die ingeneurs onmiddelik daarvan in kennis gestel word en sou die departement die nodige stappe geneem het om die inwoners te waarsku. “Die water wat die mense op een van Steven se lugfoto’s waargeneem het is nie waterlekke deur krake in die damwal nie. Dié is water wat van bo van die wal na onder deur die bakstene gesyfer het na die baie reën. Dit is dood normaal. Iewers het iemand so paar weke terug ‘n foto geplaas van ‘n seksie op die wal wat vir hom gelyk het soos stene wat lig as gevolg van die water druk van die anderkant van die wal af, maar dit is ook nie moontlik nie aangesien die wal eintlik ‘n tonnel is en dit sou beteken dat die hele tonnel binne ook onderwater moes wees.” Bulletin het gereël om op ‘n toer te gaan deur die damwal se gallery en sal ons lesers “vertueel” saam met ons op daardie uitstappie neem. Dit behoort in volgende week te gebeur so hou asseblief ons Facebook-blad dop vir verdere kennisgewings. Tot dan… kalmeer die boude.
26 February 2021
SA’s unemployment hits a 12-year high ■ Billy Sibuyi
Statistics South Africa have published the latest unemployment numbers for the fourth quarter of 2020, on Tuesday, 23 February, displaying that South Africa’s unemployment rate has hit its highest point in over 12 years. The official unemployment rate increased from 30.8% to 32.5% between the third and fourth quarters, or by 1.7%. This is the highest unemployment rate recorded since the start of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) in 2008. The unemployment rate for those aged between 15 and 24 stands at 63.2% while the unemployment rate for those aged between 24 and 34 rose by over 3% to 41.2%. The result show that about 1 million people moved from the not economically active to the work force, albeit it includes those that had lost their jobs due to the lockdown imposed in the country. What was alarming is the difference between those who returned to work and those that remain unemployed as the latter has the highest number. The number of employed persons increased by 333,000 to 15 million in the fourth quarter of 2020, and the number of unemployed persons increased by 701,000 to 7.2 million compared to the third quarter of 2020. According to the Democratic Alliance, the unemployment rate revealed by the QLFS for the fourth quarter of 2020, which stands at 42.6% on the expanded definition of unemployment, underscores the need for urgent legislative changes to make the labour market more flexible and absorptive. “That is why the DA will be submitting significant amendments to the Labour Relations Act in Parliament in support of the economic reform agenda, to help create an environment more
conducive to job creation,” stated the DA Member of Parliament, Dr Michael Cardo. He said that the key takeaway from Tuesday’s QLFS is that between the third quarter and fourth quarter of 2020, the number of unemployed people increased by 701 000 to 7.2 million which excludes 2.9 million discouraged work-seekers. “We have been told that since the announcement of the Presidential Employment Stimulus in October 2020, more than 430 000 jobs and “livelihood opportunities” have been created through public employment schemes like teaching assistant programmes, municipal infrastructure maintenance programmes and the like. This is a drop in the ocean. These “jobs” are shortterm, piecemeal, and will have truly little effect in helping to overcome the unemployment crisis in South Africa,” said the member of Parliament on a statement issued by the DA. “Only the private sector can create jobs at scale and rapidly absorb predominantly unskilled workers into the economy. That means freeing business from the chokehold of state regulation. Yet, the trends are not good. Small business continues to suffer because of the extension of collective bargaining agreements to parties that did not sign them in the first place,” he continued. Cardo also said that the recent extension of an agreement with the Bargaining Council for the Fast Food, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades to all employers and employees in the industry would cripple small businesses in the sector and lead to job losses. “On the other hand, the recent double-digit, above-inflation hikes to minimum wages in the agricultural sector, a sector which has the ability to absorb large numbers of unskilled workers, are going to lead to another jobs bloodbath,” he stated.
Are our private air charters in trouble?
■ Billy Sibuyi
The Democratic Alliance (DA) has written to the Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, to request that she convene an urgent meeting with industry stakeholders, to address the imminent collapse of businesses operating in the private charter sector as many are expected to pay thousands once again in annual licensing fees for 2021-2022 despite being unable to operate. The Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing global lockdown have created dire economic circumstances for many South Africans. For many whose livelihoods depend on tourism, as in the case of private charter operators who depend on international tourism for income, this has been no exception. According to the letter written by DA member of parliament, Hannah Shameema Winkler, private charter operators are required to pay hundreds of thousands for licensing fees in advance annually. Winkler stated that, prior to the lockdown in March 2020, operators paid their licensing fees in advance for the year 2020/2021 but were subsequently unable to operate. “Even though some private charter operators are unable to operate, they are now expected to once again fork-out thousands in licensing fees for the upcoming 2021/2022 year”. “Considering that many private charter operators have generated no income in the last year, they are in no financial position to pay thousands more for
licensing fees when there is no certainty that they would be able to operate,” stated Winkler. She also said that the logical step to assist in staving off the collapse of these businesses is to at least allow for the transfer of licensing fees from 2020/2021, for those private charter operators that paid upfront but were unable to generate income, to cover their licensing fees for 2021/2022. “Every day that private charter operators are unable to pay licensing fees on their vehicles for the year 2021/2022, they are being penalized which compounds financial strain and for some is accumulating in insurmountable debt,” she continued. According to Winkler, the government has a responsibility to, in as far as it can, ease the burden on business during this unprecedented economic crisis. “The plight of those worst affected in the private charter space has thus far fallen on deaf ears despite being an integral part of the tourism supply chain and job creation in the sector.” Winkler also said that the DA will continue to put pressure on the Minister of Tourism, Kubayi-Ngubane, to intervene on behalf of the worst hit private charter operators and they will continue to engage and report back to stakeholders. Bulletin spoke to Thomas Nel, Operations Manager for Unique Air, and he however said that the civil aviation fees in South Africa were actually quite reasonable. “Although our business has faced some challenges this past year, we remain optimistic for the future of tourism in Southern Africa”.
Mmamoloko Kubayi Ngumbane
Forget service delivery, here’s a million bucks
■ Billy Sibuyi
The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s mayor, Merriam Malatji, and her municipality have taken the decision to set aside R1 million of the municipality’s budget for bursaries to be granted to needy students to further their studies. This despite their municipality’s infrastructure being left to disintegrate causing their ratepayers to spend days on end without running water, electricity or a functional sewerage system. Were it not for a team of volunteers from this town deciding to patch up the unprecedented number of potholes in the streets, or the volunteer cleanup team spending their days doing the municipality’s work for them in maintaining the sidewalks and public parks, Phalaborwa would be even worse off. If that is at all possible. Judging by this municipality, it is. Malatji acknowledged that there are numerous needy learners in the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, and it is for that reason the council decided that it should provide funding for training and education in various occupational directions such as the technical, professional, and administrative occupations. The bursaries from the esteemed council will apparently only apply to South Africa residents who are also the residents of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. On what grounds will the recipients of this socalled funding be dished out? Will the esteemed mayor take it upon herself to visit the students and inspect their report cards or will she take their personal finances into account? Who will be discriminated against? Do the residents need to have citi-
zenship, because one can be a resident of a town or country without being a citizen. The mayor was speaking at the ceremonial handover of scientific calculators and mathematical instruments to Physical Science and Mathematics pupils at Matome Malatji High School, in Maseke Village on last week. The calculators and mathematical sets were sponsored by a mining supply company from Sandton and the mayor urged learners to use them with care and for the purpose of school. Her visit to the High School is an “integral part” of the Mayoral back to school campaign together with monitoring and compliance check of Covid-19 to selected schools around Phalaborwa. She already visited Masaswivona, Lepato, Vuxeni and Lebeko High Schools to encourage learners to work hard and take science and mathematical subjects to reach their dreams which require these subjects. The Mayor was accompanied by the Ward 10 Councillor, Sinah Shayi, Dr Kgoshi Pilusa, who was representing the Municipal Manager’s Office and the sponsor. ***Editor’s comment: The mayor decided to visit the schools in the outlying villages of Phalaborwa. We cannot help but wonder whether the children in those villages have running water, electricity and enough funding for books and stationary? We cannot help but wonder whether the esteemed mayor deemed the schools within Phalaborwa town unworthy of her assistance or whether she perhaps feels that pupils from these schools come from homes which do not require any donations of calculators and mathematical sets? At least we can rest easy with the knowledge that the schools in the impoverished villages, though they may not have much, are Covid compliant.
26 February 2021
26 February 2021
LET’S TALK REAL ESTATE Is it the right time to invest in Commercial property With the property market off to an excellent start in 2021, the residential property market continues to excel. Sadly on the other hand, the commercial property market in certain sectors is showing a decline. When it comes to commercial property the first thing that comes to mind is, if I invest in Commercial property, will my investment be safe? This all depends on what type of commercial property one invests in. The Tzaneen property prices keep increasing; this is mainly due to stock not being readily
available. During the Covid period a lot of offices became vacant and business started having their staff work remotely. This created a situation where specifically bigger office buildings became unoccupied and in low demand. On the other hand, smaller offices became higher in demand, due to the fact that businesses have scaled down on workforce and the Covid regulations limiting the amount of workers that are allowed to occupy an office at any given time. The market is also moving more to residential areas, where properties have the potential to be rezoned into business. This way clients can stay and run a business from the same premises, saving on
double bond or rental payments. Commercial property in the retail sector and CBD has retained value and even became higher in demand, with people trying new business opportunities in a retail market that remains vibrant. When looking at commercial property the same scenario applies as to a residential property. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!!! Other major factors are accessibility, visibility and affordability. At the end of the day, with the right advice and guidance from a professional and qualified real estate agent, one can still find the perfect investment in a Commercial property.
61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 • nicola.strydom@seeff.com
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■ Roelof de Jonge President Cyril Ramaphosa se Staatsrede vir 2021 was bloot ‘n goeie vertoning vir die paviljoen, in ‘n verkiesingsjaar. “Die president het uiters dinamiese aankondigings gemaak en baie gefokus op wat vir die mense gedoen is en nog gedoen sal word,” het Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA, gesê. “Presies wat van ‘n president verwag word in die jaar van ‘n verkiesing.” “Maar, bly hy in dieselfde land en ervaar hy ons werklikheid? Die ware toets vir die sukses van enige besigheid, en dan die regering, lê in uitslae. Is alle Suid-Afrikaners werklik beter daaraan toe as ‘n jaar, tien jaar, twintig jaar gelede?” Die president erken dat die land ‘n ekonomiese inspuiting nodig het en roem dan op sy ekonomiese herstelplan se sogenaamde suksesse. Maar, wat die land werklik nodig het is ‘n beleid wat ekonomiese belegging na Suid-Afrika lok. “Sy benadering is baie idealisties maar wat mense in praktyk ervaar is wyd van sy siening verwyder”. “Werkloosheid en armoede is op ‘n rekord-laagtepunt, en die inperking was maar ‘n klein druppel in daardie emmer. Regstellende aksie en swart ekonomiese bevoordeling is ‘n mislukking. Kyk maar na ons kragsentrales, SAA, die Landbank of enige instansie waar ras bo kundigheid gestel is. Klein oppervlakkige suksesstories gaan nie die land red nie.” Die TLU SA is positief oor die president se aanslag om plaaslike produkte en plaaslik koop te bevorder, maar ongelukkig maak ‘n ongunstige arbeidsbeleid en onsekerheid oor privaatbesitreg dit baie moeilik vir entrepreneurs om hier besigheid te doen. “In werklikheid word entrepreneurs gedwing om kapitaal die land uit te neem om ‘n volhoubare bestaan te maak”, volgens Geldenhuys. “Nee wat, die Staatsrede, soos die Begrotingsrede, is ‘n gespeel met woorde om mense te paai.”
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Legals & Notices ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2014 of Government Notice No. R983 in Government Gazette No. 38282 of 4 December 2014 as amended on 07 April 2017 under the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998 of intent to carry out the following activity: (ACTIVITY NO. 28) Residential, mixed, retail, commercial, industrial or institutional development where such land was used for agriculture, game farming, equestrian purposes or afforestation on or after 01 April 1998 and where such development (ii) will occur outside an urban area, where the total land to be developed is bigger than 1 hectare. (ACTIVITY NO. 40) The expansion and related operation of facilities for the concentration of poultry excluding chicks younger than 20 days, where the capacity of the facility will be increased by (ii) more than 5 000 poultry per facility situated outside an urban area PROJECT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION: Taganashoek 465 LT construction of 6 poultry houses. LOCATION: RE of the portion 3 & portion 34 of the farm Taganashoek 465 LT situated in the Letsitele District within Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality. OFFICIAL: Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Telephone number 015 293 8300 CONSULTANT: Bucandi
Environmental Solutions, PO Box 317, Viljoenskroon, 9520. Tel 076 422 34884, Fax 086 551 1894, E-Mail info@bucandi.co.za DATE OF NOTICE: 26 February 2021. In order to ensure that you are identified as an Interested or Affected Party, please submit your name, contact information and environmental interest in the matter to the consultant before 29 March 2021. _________________________________
LEGAL NOTICE In the estate of the late ANNA CATHERINA SOPHIA NORVAL, Identity Number 371126 0060 08 1, who resided at 5 OMEGA TOWNHOUSES, CNR. SOETDORING AND KIEPERSOL STREETS, ARBOR PARK, TZANEEN and died on the 17th of OCTOBER 2012, Estate Number 9659/2012. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242 TZANEEN REFERENCE: WFB/EM/EST. NORVAL _________________________________
BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWING OORDRAG IN TERME VAN ‘N KONTRAK VAN EIENDOM WAT DEEL UITMAAK VAN ‘N BESIGHEID Kennisgewing in terme van Artikel 34(1) van die Insolvensie Wet 24 van 1936
word hiermee gegee aan belanghebbende partye en krediteure van die beoogde oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van eiendom wat deel vorm van ‘n besigheid binne ‘n periode van 30 dae van die laaste publikasie van die revante advertensies. Provinsie: Limpopo 1. DORPSGEBIED OF DISTRIK: ERF 456 TZANEEN UITBREIDING 5 DORPSGBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING L.T. LIMPOPO PROVINSIE 2. VERKOPER OF HANDELAAR OF VENNOOTSKAP: Bekmar Irrigation (Eiendoms) Beperk 3. BESIGHEID OF HANDEL, SOORT, NAAM en/of STYL EN ADRES WAAR GEDRYF: Bekmar Irrigation (Eiendoms) Beperk, handeldrywende in besproeiingsdienste en b e s p ro e i i n g s vo o r ra a d te Koedoestraat no. 11 Tzaneen, 0850 4. DOEL EN VOORNEME: Verkoop van eiendom wat deel vorm van die besigheid, soos meer volledig uiteengesit in (1) hierbo. 5. KOPER: Blygedacht (Eiendoms) Beperk 6. BESIGHEID EN ADRES: Kudustraat no. 11, Tzaneen, 0850 7. ADVERTEERDER EN/OF AGENT, ADRES EN DATUM: STEWART MARITZ BASSON INGELYF, LEX NUMERI GEBOU, PEACESTRAAT 23, TZANEEN, 0850 * Adverteerder se e-pos adres: elzette@smbattorneys. co.za * Adverteerder se telefoonnommer: 015 307 3760 * Datum vir publikasie: 19 Februarie 2021 _________________________________
Pioniers sê hartlik dankie
Thys Steynberg en die Boere vir die heerlike groente. Die Koelkamers vir die gereelde hoendervleis wat ons maandeliks ontvang. God’s rykste seën vir jul hulp aan die bejaardes.
26 February 2021
Stanford’s headmaster applauds his 2020 Stanford matric class Lake College CLASS OF 2020 TOP ACHIEVERS ■
class of 2020 excelled in obtaining an average of 2.05 distinctions per candidate.” The headmaster of Stanford Lake College (SLC), Alan Red“Our Dux pupil of 2020, Danica Altenroxel, achieved a refern, lauded the matric class of 2020 and the teachers of markable 8 distinctions for Accounting, Afrikaans First AdSLC in what turned out to be the most challenging aca- ditional Language, English Home Language, Information demic time for pupils across South Africa. Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics, AP Mathemat“After what has felt like an eternity, we finally have the ics and Physical Science, with her lowest mark being 93%. matric results for the class of 2020. A year like no one has Her top mark was an incredible 100% for Mathematics. ever experienced, a year of social, emotional and academ- She was placed in the top 1% of all candidates who wrote ic disruption along with hardship and uncertainty”, Red- the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) final examinafern said. Danica Altenroxel tion in 7 of her 8 subjects.” Lia Revelas Husnaa Dada Faaria Rhemtula “A year in which our pupils spent lengthy periods of 7 DISTINCTIONS “Lia Revelas also achieved a full house of 8 distinctions. 8 DISTINCTIONS 8 DISTINCTIONS 7 DISTINCTIONS time away from school, learning in a forum in which they Lia Accounting Accounting Afrikaans Accounting was placed in the top 1% of all candidates in AfriAfrikaans Englishare Home Afrikaans Afrikaans had never learnt before. These results a Language testament to kaans First Additional Language. Husnaa Dada and Faaria English Home Language Geography Business Studies English Home Language all that isInformation good about our Technology Life Orientation English Home Language LifeRhemtula Orientation earned 7 distincLife Orientation Life Sciences Life Orientation Life Sciences school.” tions each with Faaria beMathematics Mathematics MathematicsIEB Results: Mathematics “The professionalism of ing placed in the top 1% of Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Physical Sciences 100% Pass Rate, candidates for Accounting, AP Maths AP Maths our staff, their ability to adapt and develop new 22 years and countingMathematics and Afrikaans teaching methods and First Additional Language. their absolute desire Danica and Faaria were 8 to 8 distinctions of distinctions ensure that, regardless placed in the top 5% in 6 or 7 subjects in addition to 7 the circumstances, our mamore distinctions distinctions 97.5% Bachelor tric pupils would be given a distinction in Life Orientaeverything they required Pass Rate tion.” to achieveD the best of their “As I am sure you will agree, HE AV LE ID abilities.” N these marks make excellent Afrikaans Afrikaans An average of 1.95 EW PU LA AP Maths AP Maths LL LU ER “These results RA reading. Idistinctions congratulate IN are, more German Afrikaans Afrikaans KA HA C.A.T. per all DA GE Owen Venter Juan Botha Jamie de Witt Malaika Mohlaba Tshedza Moila S HN English AP Maths PI N I.T. I.T. R ES importantly, a testament DO the students involved and History English Life Orientation Life Orientation 6 DISTINCTIONS 5 DISTINCTIONS 4 DISTINCTIONS 4 DISTINCTIONS 4 DISTINCTIONScandidate Business Studies Accounting Life Sciences to the agility, hard work Life Sciences would once again like to Afrikaans History Afrikaans Afrikaans Life Orientation Life Orientation Mathematics Afrikaans Mathematics Mathematics Life Sciences Language, Life Orientation English Home Language English Home Languageto the Stanford and Physical resilience of the classEnglish Sciences CAT PhysicalHome Sciences pay tribute Physical Sciences Mathematics Geography Mathematical Literacy History History of 2020 and their refusal to LifeGeography Lake College staff who, Information Technology Orientation Visual Arts Life Orientation Life Orientation Life Orientation Life Sciences allow the pandemic to adthrough hard work and dedMathematics 6 5 5 5 pupils 5 ication, equipped our versely affect them. distinctions I salute distinctions distinctions distinctions distinctions them all.” with the academic skills to “Once again, we have realise their full pomaintained our 100% pass tential.” Matric pass rate since the inception of the school rate, with LE LE 87% of our pupils “We are exSI M B A DI O N N EL LE GA EA N IK securing bachelor’s degree ER tremely proud KG D N E IT G Accounting LI N O RA N AU PO HO D Afrikaans Accounting CH Afrikaans Afrikaans Afrikaans DE passes that will N enable them ofM the StanG ID University Afrikaans exemptionER Business Studies Business Studies Geography Business Studies I to Life pursue Orientation further studies Geography ford class of Life Sciences Life Orientation Geography Mathematics Orientation Life Orientation Life Sciences Life Orientation at tertiary institutions. The Life 2020!” Physical Sciences Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Life Sciences Alan Redfern
MEET OUR TOP ACHIEVERS Stanford Lake College
100% 87% 2.05
Average number of distinctions per candidate www.slc.co.za I info@stanfordlakecollege.co.za
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26 February 2021
Eiland Road finally earmarked for rehab
The side of the road at the sinkhole site has started to crack even further.
The sinkhole itself was painted bright yellow by Eiland resort staff.
Progress is being made on the detour route around the sinkhole and should be ready by next week.
■ Joe Dreyer The sinkhole on the P43/3 “Eiland Road” has dropped a few more centimetres since the last report in this newspaper last week. The heavy rains the region experienced this last week did not help the efforts by the roads crews to start work on the problematic situation. The detour road created to circumvent the sinkhole is now nearing finalization too, but there is still some work needed to ensure its compliance to the Mopani District’s Roads and Transport Department’s safety standards. It is driveable however, but motorists are advised to use the alternative route via Giyani Road. Regarding the state of the entire Eiland Road however, we spoke to Joel Seabi, spokesperson for the Mopani District Municipality’s Roads,
Transport and Infrastructure department. “We have received a number of complaints and in a full report on the state of that road, we have found that the interim solution of merely patching potholes with cold tar, is no longer a viable. The entire road needs to be rehabilitated,” said Seabi. “We have tabled this project as a priority for the next financial year which starts in April. Through engagements with Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) we have discussed this matter in depth and it is very clear that the P43/3 “Eiland Road” needs to be lifted, and a completely new black top needs to be poured. That road has disintegrated to a level where it can no longer be saved and must basically be completely reconstructed.” Seabi added that the department had been completely absorbed by a similar project on the
Giyani Road which has now been handed over by the contractor. He also mentioned that there are two other roads in the Greater Letaba Municipal jurisdiction receiving attention. When we asked him for an estimated start date on the Eiland Road, he said that it is still too early to determine that as various processes need to be finalized before the project could kick off. “The road in question has been placed on the Table 5 schedule for roads projects planned for the new fiscal year and that now needs to be tabled before Treasury to acquire the necessary funding to appoint a contractor. The process of appointing a contractor also needs to be completed according to the necessary protocols which unfortunately may also extend the waiting period for the kickoff of the project. But, I assure our residents in that area that the Eiland Road is a
priority high on our list.” At the time of going to print on Thursday, the 25th of February (yesterday), there were visible signs at the sinkhole that vehicles had scraped their undercarriages on the tar as they either entered or exited the sinkhole. It appears as though despite the very clearly visible road signs and the bright yellow road markings calling for caution, motorists are either driving too fast or not paying attention to the road ahead of them. Motorists are asked to please be careful when travelling to and from the ATKV Eiland resort and Spa until such time as the sinkhole is repaired. We will keep you updated on the progress of the rehabilitation project when it starts. To read the previous articles on this issue, visit www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and follow our Facebook page Far North Bulletin.
Unicorn’s pothole a priority for SANRAL ■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen town has thus far received more than double the average annual rainfall measured over the last 73 years. On Tuesday, the 23rd of February it was reported that thus far 357.9mm water had descended from the heavens just this month which is, according to resident Pluviophile (lover of rain) Fanie Oberholzer, a lot more than the 166mm average over the last seven decades. With more rain predicted for the coming week, concern was raised over the state of the town’s roads and other infrastructure which seem to buckle in the face of excessive deluge. Not all the roads in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s jurisdiction are the responsibility of the local municipality, however. Though the roads across town are riddled with massive potholes which are currently in the process of being fixed, the most concerning of the damaged roads is the R36 which runs past Unicorn Preparatory School. This road is the responsibility of South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL). We spoke to their newly appointed Route Manager for the Road Routine Maintenance of the R36/6, R529/2, R71/2, and R532/3, Mpho Rogers, on Thursday morning (yesterday the 25th of February). According to Rogers, the The sinkhole in Circle Drive (R36) being repaired by SANRAL workers. Photos: Roelof de Jonge road surface was damaged during the heavy rain in the weather doesn’t interrupt much the same way that the our efforts too much, we will Eiland Road sinkhole started. be done with complete rehabilThe water from the ravine which Monday morning Hyundai’s sign itation of this section of the route flows through the culverts beneath post had an intimate meeting with in no more than two weeks.” the R36, ate away at the compactSkirving Street. Rogers reiterated their concern for the ed soil beneath the road’s surface which safety of the public as they are all too aware caused the asphalt to cave in and the sinkhole that the route experiences heavy traffic congestion to form. daily. “We apologize for this inconvenience, but we “We have already dispatched a team to the site and they have need to get this sinkhole repaired before we have a removed the damaged curb stones and secured the area. We discovered that because of the high volume of traffic in that area, the major accident. My teams will be busy for the next weight of the vehicles travelling over the site, caused the culverts two weeks and working as efficient as they can, but beneath the surface to break and move even further apart,” Rogers we ask motorists to have some patience please, and be careful when approaching the site. We have explained. “Our team has already removed the damaged pipes and started posted someone at the site to flag down the traffic, The sinkhole on Monday morning just after the heavy downpour. recompacting the soil. We now have a workable site and as long as but motorists need to be careful, nonetheless.”
26 February 2021
Stanford Lake College
Danica Altenroxel 8 DISTINCTIONS
Faaria Rhemtula 7 DISTINCTIONS
Accounting Afrikaans English Home Language Information Technology Life Orientation Mathematics Physical Sciences AP Maths
Afrikaans English Home Language Geography Life Orientation Life Sciences Mathematics Physical Sciences AP Maths
Accounting Afrikaans Business Studies English Home Language Life Orientation Mathematics Physical Sciences
Accounting Afrikaans English Home Language Life Orientation Life Sciences Mathematics Physical Sciences
Jamie de Witt 4 DISTINCTIONS
Malaika Mohlaba 4 DISTINCTIONS
Tshedza Moila 4 DISTINCTIONS
Afrikaans CAT Geography Information Technology Life Orientation Mathematics
Afrikaans English Home Language, Geography Life Orientation Life Sciences
History Life Orientation Mathematical Literacy Visual Arts
Afrikaans English Home Language History Life Orientation
Afrikaans English Home Language History Life Orientation
100% 87% 2.05
Matric pass rate since the inception of the school University exemption Average number of distinctions per candidate
Sport 26 February 2021
DEEP BLUE to the rescue
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TASC’ers set sights on Nationals ■ Joe Dreyer
Two swimmers from Tzaneen’s oldest swimming club, have their eyes set on the South African National Championships to be held in Gauteng in mid-April this year. The 18-year-old Ronan Theron and his team mate, Juan Meintjies (15), spoke to Bulletin on Monday afternoon during training at Tzaneen Amateur Swimming Club’s (TASC) home base at Tzaneen Primary School. “Ag oom,” said Theron in the typical schoolboy manner, “I am pretty sure if I just keep my head down and take one less breath on that return 50, I’ll go sub-minute for the 100. It’s all in your head you know – the race – most of it is won or lost right here, between your ears.” To make the cut and qualify for the SA Nationals, Ronan will have to break the mental barrier of going sub-minute and touching the wall in at least a time of 59:36 for the 100m Fly. His personal best now is 1:00:43 – just 1,06 seconds off target. In Ronan Theron
swimming, at least this level, one second is roughly 1,6 meters which could mean the difference between a top three podium position and a fourth place. Swimmers will spend entire seasons training, to shave just a few split seconds from their times. But Ronan is positive. “I am confident that I have what it takes to break that barrier, and I know that when I get up on those starting blocks flanked by other great local swimmers, they will push me that extra bit. This weekend will be an exciting one!” When he is not making waves in the pools, Ronan, who is a matric pupil at Merensky High, enjoys other sports too. He does particularly well in field hockey and high jump (given his towering height of just over six foot) although he plans to focus all his attention on finishing his school swimming career on a high note. “I want to try and hit a sub 24 seconds for the 50 fly and sub 30 for the 50 back at least. Then I’ll be satisfied… for now.” To his side stands the younger, significantly shorter Juan. Also a fly and back aficionado, Juan will be vying for Nationals this weekend too. He will be competing in a few age groups lower than Ronan, however that means little when one looks at the time sheets. His current personal best for the 100 Fly is an impressive 1:05:30 with the time he needs to beat to make the cut in Polokwane being half a second faster at 1:04:57. “It’s all about training and focus really. And the friendships you build with other remarkable athletes. Swim-
ming is a mind game as you compete with yourself constantly. The training is vital, but if your mind is not focussed, you will fail. I am focussed on this weekend, and I am determined to make the cut. After Nationals, I aim to go big and hit the big leagues with the low times like my hero Chad le Clos. It is my goal to hit the sub-minute and sub-25 mark for the 100 and 50 fly before I turn 18.” When Juan is not in the water, he is causing stirs in other sporting arenas including the rugby field, hockey pitch, and the 100m and 200m sprints around tartan athletics tracks. He is currently a student at Ben Vorster High School where he is completing his tenth-grade academic year. Both swimmers have impressive 50m Fly times chalked up next to their names too (25.94 for Ronan and 27.66 for Juan) but they will not be allowed to qualify for nationals in any distances shorter than 100m as per the international standards. Coaches Liezl and Hein Toerien were visibly proud of their swimmers as they conducted their interviews. “These two boys have shown their commitment and talent and we are exceptionally proud of their achievements!” said an ecstatic Liezl. “Swimming is, and always should remain about the children and their personal growth. What these boys have achieved in their careers is something that they should all be proud of regardless of the outcomes this weekend. We are extremely proud of them and I know that they will give it their best in Polokwane come Saturday,” added Hein. Photos: Joe Dreyer
Juan Meintjies
Ronan Theron
Juan Meintjies