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MUNICIPALITY FINALLY BARRICADES PARK AGAINST TAXIS This week the Greater Tzaneen Municipality was seen planting heavy steel beams around the Park in Street Park to prevent taxi drivers from washing their vehicles in the pond and illicit traders from setting up shop. This after the cries of the residents in Ward 15 were paid little to no attention to by their elected ward councillor for more than a decade. This same councillor has now offered to cut and transport the beams to the site. Story on Page 5.
Photo: Billy Sibuyi
16 April 2021
KNP appoints female head ranger Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
■ Billy Sibuyi The Kruger National Park (KNP) made history by appointing its first ever female Head Ranger, Cathy Dreyer, who will take up her post at the beginning of May this year. Being the ‘first’ is nothing new to her as she was the first South African, and the first female, to win the Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa back in 2016 in London. The Tusk Conservation Award is given to an individual judged to be an emerging leader in conservation in Africa and in recognition of their outstanding contribution and considerable successes in their chosen field. The award was presented to Cathy by Sir David Attenborough, and according to her, meeting Sir Attenborough, was one of the most memorable experiences of her life. According to Ike Phaahla, SANParks spokesperson, Dreyer has an exemplary record in conservation management, law enforcement, people, and strategic management competencies and is the perfect person for the job. She is currently the Conservation Manager at Addo Elephant National Park (AENP) in the Eastern Cape responsible for both terrestrial and marine areas. Before moving to Addo, she was based in the KNP contributing to the protection and conservation of black rhino in the Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) of the Park. Cathy is replacing Ken Maggs who was with SANParks for nearly four decades and retired.
“She coordinated and participated in the implementation of aerial surveillance; and was also instrumental in drawing up protection strategies and patrol tactics aimed at protecting black rhino in the KNP,” stated Phaahla. “Prior to this, Ms Dreyer was employed by the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency as the Conservation Manager for the Great Fish River Nature Reserve home to one of the key black rhino populations in South Africa”. Phaahla said that Dreyer’s appointment comes soon after the KNP held a successful strategy session in March with stakeholders and employees on preparing a Rhino Implementation Plan aimed at arresting the decline of the rhino population with KNP. The Managing Executive of the KNP, Gareth Coleman, congratulated Dreyer on her new appointment. “We are looking forward to welcoming Cathy back to the KNP. She is no stranger to the challenges faced by the Ranger corps in conservation management and fighting wildlife crime. She brings with her a wealth of conservation management experience and in conserving rhinos. She has proven herself as a dedicated conservationist and a law enforcement officer,” stated Coleman.
He added that SANParks was currently preoccupied with developing effective management strategies to protect their Rhino population and to manage conservation and wildlife crime more effectively in the park in general. “A Turnaround Plan, which addresses these, and other key security, infrastructure and human capital challenges is being widely canvassed and consulted upon. Cathy will be key in driving these changes. We know that she will bring new energy, ideas and passion to our dedicated team within the Park,” he concluded.
Cathy Dreyer
Vier verdagtes vas oor Pangolin ■ Joe Dreyer Vier mans is Dinsdagoggend op Gravelotte, nadat hulle probeer het om ‘n Pangolin aan lede van die polisie te verkoop, in hegtenis geneem. Inligting is ontvang dat daar ‘n groep mans in die Phalaborwa / Gravelotte omgewing opsoek was na ‘n koper vir ‘n Pangolin. Lede van die polisie se veediefstal eenheid op Phalaborwa het hulself as vermeende kopers voorgegee en ‘n tyd en datum is vasgestel. In samewerking met lede van die Pangolin Conservation- en die Pangolin K9-spanne is die voornemende Pangolin-handelaars suksesvol in
‘n lokval gelok. Die mans het by die vulstasie op Gravelotte aangekom en is skielik deur die spanne se lede omsingel en arrestasies is gemaak. Een uitgehongerde Pangolin is op beslag gelê en onmiddelik in die sorg van ‘n plaaslike Natuurbewaringsentrum geplaas. Twee voertuie is op beslag gelê. “Ons weet regtig nie of hierdie Pangolin mannetjie dit gaan deurtrek nie,” het die hoof van die bewaringsentrum wie anoniem wil bly, aan Bulletin gesê. “Tans is hy in hoësorg en ons veg om sy lewe te red. Na wat ons ondersoeke kon vastel, het hierdie diertjie minstens sewe dae gelede
enige voedsel ontvang so hy is ongelooflik swak. Dit sal ‘n wonderwork wees as ons hom kan red.” Die stryd teen die onwettige handel in Pangolin is ‘n eindelose een. Min mense besef dat die Pangolin die bedrygde spesie is wat die meeste op die internasionale swartmark verhandel word. “Dit is vir ons ongelooflik onstellend om te weet dat as gevolg van ongegronde mietes en kulturiële bygelowe, hierdie weerlose diertjie heel moontlik van die aarde af sal verdwyn indien ons een oomblik ophou baklei vir hul voortbestaan. Iewers moet daar ‘n daadwerklike lyn getrek word, en dit sal heel moontlik moet wees in die howe waar ons sal moet druk vir swaarder vonnisse vir hierdie handelaars.” Die mans sal binnekort in die landdroshof verskyn op klagtes van onwettige handel in beskermende spesies. Teen druktyd is daar geen verdere inligting deurgegee nie, maar die Pangolin wat gered was, was steeds in ‘n kritieke toestand. Die bewaringspan gebruik graag die geleentheid om NTT Isuzu op Tzaneen te bedank vir hul ondersteuning wat dit moontlik maak om die stryd voor te sit.
Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Die vier verdagtes word deur lede van die polisie en die natuurbewaringspan vasgetrek.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
DEEP BLUE to the rescue
082 628 4181
Mother City’s loss is Tzaneen’s vet-gain ■ Roelof de Jonge Dr Larissa Odendaal and her team at Serala Animal Clinic in Tzaneen acquired the services of Dr Sarah Peters, an experienced veterinarian who hails all the way from the Mother City, Cape Town. Bulletin visited this clinic on Wednesday to meet Peters, and to introduce her to the community of Tzaneen and surrounding area. Upon arriving in her office, her beloved one year old Great Dane, Cosimo, lifted his sleepy head from underneath her examination table. “Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless. And I have much more pets like cats, African Grey parrots and a horse,” said Peters. “As of Thursday (16th of April), it will already be two weeks since I arrived
in Tzaneen. I’m still settling in, but doing great, especially with everybody that I have met thus far being super friendly and helpful which made my move here so much easier.” Peters lived in Cape Town for 20 years. She said the main reason for her move from the big city life to a more rural environment was her dream for her four year old daughter to grow up in a
small town. “I love nature, I am a person for the bush. And I am so over city traffic.” Peters will focus on acupuncture on animals, especially smaller pets like cats and dogs. She is also excited to work with small wildlife and said she already experienced working with some wildlife since her arrival and absolutely loves it. “I would like to thank each and every person so far for their super welcoming and warm heartfelt kindness towards me.”
Sarah Peters
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 12/04/2021
Tzaneen 101%
Ebenezer 97.9%
Merensky 102.3%
Dap Naude 104.3%
Middel Letaba 11.8%
Blyde Rivier Poort 100.5%
Klaserie 100.4%
Tours 100%
Vergelegen 101.6%
Magoebaskloof 100.6%
16 April 2021
Phalaborwa siege ends in seven arrests ■ Joe Dreyer & Billy Sibuyi In what could only be described as absolute lawlessness, Phalaborwa town and the surrounding settlements were held hostage by a group calling themselves the Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum (BCF). The group had previously (on the 26th of February) caused havoc on the premises of the Palabora Copper mine (PMC) when they stormed the entrance gates and set fire to the guardhouse and several offices. This was because of disagreements between the group and mine management regarding the appointment of a new contractor at Shaft 2. The BCF were concerned about the employment practices of the new contractor and demanded that local employment be sourced as per prior understandings between themselves and the mine management. Following that riot, 14 of the BCF members including its leadership, were arrested and charged with public violence. They appeared in the Phalaborwa Magistrate court and were released on R500 bail each after the magistrate stated that there was no evidence that the suspects would commit other offences. The damage caused by their actions was estimated at roughly R5 million. They are scheduled to appear in court again on the 30th of April. On Thursday last week, on the 8th of April, violence once again erupted as the BCF mobilized their members and subsequently blocked off every route into and out of Phalaborwa town by placing trees, large boulders and burning tyres over the roads. The R40 and R71 main routes were completely inaccessible and this brought the economy of the area to a grinding halt. Members of the community were allegedly unhappy about resolutions reached between PMC, Foskor, Traditional Authorities of Ba-Phalaborwa Communities, and the Mayor Merriam Malatji, whereby it was decided that CV’s and business profiles should be submitted online. This resolution angered the members of the BCF as this were decided without their participation at the meetings. During the week-long stand-off, motorists who needed to travel to other parts from Phalaborwa were forced to use a 300 kilometre detour through the Kruger National Park, or if they had a doctor’s appointment in Tzaneen or Polokwane, they were required to provide proof of this visit to random members guarding the blockades. Upon presentation of the required proof, they were permitted to pass and the members would remove a portion of the barricade and let the vehicles pass. In one instance there was an accident reported just a kilometer from one of the blockades and ambulance personnel were reportedly not allowed to pass. Members of the Phalaborwa CPF took up their positions at the various blockades and were eventually joined by the police and Public Order Policing (POP) units who arrived in a SAPS Nyala and
started removing the barricades. It is reported that rubber bullets were fired to disperse the rioters who took shelter in the surrounding bushes from where they pelted stones at passing motorists. The rioters threw rocks and debris at police and CPF members and fired stones at them from ketties. The CPF and police drove the rioters back who would regroup and return in waves to face the law enforcers who would drive them back again. This continued for five days before a meeting was scheduled. In that meeting between Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality (BPM), National Union of Mine Workers (NUM), Palabora Mining Company (PMC), Foskor, Traditional Authorities, and the Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum (BCF), which was held on Tuesday evening the 13th of April, it was agreed that these stakeholders needed to have an urgent team building exercise and restoration workshop to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship is nurtured. It was also agreed that there should be compliance to the mine health and safety act for the leadership of the BCF to access the mine premises, and that the Community Liaison Officers would be redeployed by today, the 16th of April. According to reports received by Bulletin, the BCF leadership will also be trained on the Social and Labour Plan which details the aspirations of the Mining Charter, and upon restoration of the relationship between the mines and the BCF, they will have monthly meetings to ensure information flow on a continuous basis. According to the mines, preference will be given to Ba-Phalaborwa locals for all vacancies, subject to them meeting the requirements, and BCF will also form part of the interview processes as observers for internal entry level- and major contract entry level vacancies. A resolution that all identified business opportunities for locals will be advertised on local platforms and on the internet was also made. It was also agreed upon that in cases where there were community issues, the BCF would take responsibility and engage with the concerned communities or individuals directly and report back to the mines on all community issues monthly. By the time of going to print it was confirmed that the police had arrested seven people including a 53-year old SANDF member on charges of public violence. First to be arrested were two suspects, Peter Malatji (50) and Mavis Malatji (35), who were apprehended on Monday the 12th of April. They appeared in the Namakgale Magistrate court on Wednesday during which the woman collapsed soon after they were remanded in custody. She was rushed to hospital where she was admitted under police guard. Both will again appear in the same court on the 20th of April. More arrests are expected.
Rioters were seen drinking beer and ripping off road marking signs to use as shields agaist the police’s rubber bullets.
Members of the Phalaborwa CPF assisted the Public Order Policing untis (POP) in attempts to contain the violent situation.
Phalaborwa CPF members and a group of protestors engaged in an endless empasse at one of the four way intersections outside Phalaborwa. Photos: Billy Sibuyi
Service protests break out in Hoedspruit ■ Billy Sibuyi
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The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) halted all its operations because of ongoing labour dispute protests by Nehawu. The agency which manages Manyeleti Nature Reserve, just outside Hoedspruit, has had to close its nature reserves across the province after a strike led by Nehawu since last week Tuesday, the 6th of April. According to a media statement by the agency, the executive management of the MTPA met with the MEC for finance, economic development, and tourism as well as the provincial leadership of Nehawu on the 9th of April to engage on the issues raised. “The negative impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic was slowly beginning to be addressed and this has the unfortunate negative effect on the positive development we were beginning to notice,” said the MTPA CEO, Johannes Nobunga. The engagement resolved to allow the MTPA and Nehawu to form an urgent task team which will immediately attend to all the issues of concern and find an amicable solution to get operations at reserves
up and running again. He said the reopening of their nature reserves was a priority as it would afford tourists an opportunity to continue with their planned trips. This followed a dispute over the placement of employees into the new organigram, particularly employees acting in manager positions. “They demand that these be placed in the acting positions instead of their normal positions. They also want the filling of the recently advertised senior management positions to be halted in favour of the placement,” stated Nobunga. “The management of the MTPA stands firm that these senior management positions are critical and will afford all staff members, even those in acting capacity, a fair opportunity to apply and be absorbed permanently within the new organigram.” According to Nehawu’s Welcome Mnisi, the union was fighting the MTPA’s failure to resolve salary, long serving, change of working conditions, and housing disparities. “We started last week. We are looking for intervention to resolve the issues. We won’t rest until the
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issues are resolved,” Mnisi said. “Some of our members are subjected to asbestos houses in the camps. It is worrisome that in this era there is an employer that is subjecting employees to asbestos houses.” The union is demanding that the recognition of long service awards should start from five years to 30 years, with a monetary value ranging from R2 500 to R15 000. Currently, the monetary value ranges from R1 500 to R3 500 for between 10 and 20 years. The DA called on the Mpumalanga MEC for finance and economic development, Vusi Mkhatshwa, to engage Nehawu to find an amicable solution to their grievances as this sector, which has already shed 134 000 jobs during the Covid-19 period, could not survive another disruption which might further add to the 46.4 per cent expanded unemployment rate in the province. Oupa Pilane, the chairperson of the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association (SATSA) Mpumalanga and Kruger Lowveld Tourism, added that the sector was on its knees and it needed everyone to pull together to save the thousands of jobs that are at stake.
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16 April 2021
ZCC: behind the enigma Land Bill chaos in Lenyenye ■ Jeff Jackson The former editor of both the Polokwane Review and the Capricorn Voice (which were replaced by the Lebowa Times), Barry Mouton, has released a book on the history of the Limpopo-based Zion Christian Church (ZCC). The book’s release comes amid the second postponement of the annual ZCC pilgrimage as a result of the Covid-19 regulations prohibiting large gatherings. The ZCC has always been a talking point because of the crowds it draws during Easter and in September, when the church celebrates its birthday with the deliverance of the birthday message by its leaders, Edward and Engenas, who were named after the founder of the church before it split into two after his death. According to extracts from the book, the church was founded by Engenas Lekganyane in 1925 and it is the largest indigenous religious movement in Southern Africa. An estimated one in ten South Africans is a member, according to Allen Anderson, Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. Mouton further states that there are two branches of the church with the main one led by the founder`s grandson, Bishop Lekganyane, born in 1955. The breakaway church is led by his namesake and great grandson. Both competing churches are headquartered at Moria, two kilometres apart on the same farm on which the founder died and was buried. They hold separate pilgrimages and events at different locations on the farm. The book further exposes some of the norms and secrets of the church, most of which are known by only members who are urged not to discuss church issues with non-members. Regular members of the main branch are expected to wear star badges while the competing St Engenas church members
are expected to wear dove badges which share similarities with that of Christianity and traditional African beliefs. The ZCC is known for prohibiting its members from drinking alcohol, smoking, eating pork as well as consulting traditional healers, among other requirements. Both churches Barry Mouton had a distinctive men`s organisation. Mouton further added that the growth of the ZCC church sidelined the traditional protestant churches that introduced Christianity into Southern Africa. The church, due to the vast membership base across the region, controls extensive business empires in areas such as transport, agribusiness and insurance. There are allegations that the church had grown to millions in membership due to the burial society they own called Khanya, which is said to have assisted many of its members with burials. Though Lekganyane was central to the redefination of Christianity,0 his life story had been difficult to track down. Very few records had survived and the church had always been secretive with members forbidden from discussing the church with outsiders. Church writings are restricted to members and are not found in libraries. Researchers were stifled in 1940 as the church sought to maintain tight control over its information. Mouton further said that the reason he wrote the book entitled “Engenas Lekganyane and the early ZCC: An authorised History” was to shed light on the enigmatic figure and the foundation of his church. He said that the full biography became possible after a substantial cache of documentation about Engenas and Lekganyane emerged in the last few years.
■ Jeff Jackson The visit by the parliamentary adhoc committee for public hearings on the expropriation of land without compensation bill in Lenyenye last week Friday was marred by excessive shouting from the members of the ANC and the red berets comrades. It all started with hundreds of members of the red berets marching through the main street of Lenyenye to the community hall where the summit was to take place. For reasons one can only theorize on, the meeting was held in the Lenyenye community hall which made it extremely difficult for stakeholders from Tzaneen, Letsitele and Gravelotte to attend given that they not only work during the day, but that the venue was not as central as the Tzaneen show grounds where rumour has it, the meeting was originally scheduled to take place. Arrogantly, the red berets collected everybody on the streets including street cleaners in order to increase their numbers. Their excitement was short-lived by the presence of the ANC members dancing around a sound system at the venue. Then they proceeded to the CBD where members were addressed by their leaders on the business of the day. All noise stopped when the motorcades of the parliamentarians arrived. And registrations commenced. The purpose of the event was to obtain input from community members before the bill could be sent to parliament for deliberations to be voted into law. Unlike during the road show to obtain comments from the public about the amendment of section 25 of the constitution in order to expropriate land without compensation, the Democratic Alliance (DA) supporters though present in the hall, was mostly invisible in comparison.
The meeting started with members of the portfolio committee reading out the contents of the bill to the masses and thereafter political parties followed with their positions on the bill. All parties except the Democratic Alliance which had reservations on the expropriation of land without compensation were in support of the bill and it seems the bill could have its day in the National Council of Provinces. (NCOP). The ANC, as expected, said that it supported the expropriation of property and land as just and equitable to restore the dignity of the people in addressing both access to property and land and the expropriation of that without compensation was part of that process. The party said that to them, the bill was about redressing historical injustices and the dispossession of the black majority. ANC members were in attendance were all handed out paperwork to insure that should they have a turn to speak, they would all say the same thing. An extract from the bill states that the purpose of the expropriation bill is to provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest, to provide for certain instances where expropriation with nil compensation may be expropriated in the public interest and to provide for matters connected therewith. The preamble of the bill states that no one may be deprived of property except in terms of law of general application. The issue of land that belonged to state being expropriated without compensation never sat well with traditional leaders who were present in those meetings. Most of the traditional leaders want the land which they claim was taken forcefully from their ancestors be returned to them since it was taken from them. As a result traditional leaders are taking most of the land previously unoccupied and selling it off for residential purposes.
Pa vermoor Trader trouble baba seuntjie ■ Joe Dreyer
■ Joe Dreyer
‘n 27-jarige man is die naweek op ‘n plaas in Broederstroomdrift buite Tzaneen inhegtenis geneem nadat hy sy 3-jarige seuntjie met ‘n skêr dood gesteek het. Die polisie op Tzaneen is tans besig met ‘n moord ondersoek en in hul verklaring aan die Bulletin word daar beweer dat hulle Sondagmiddag omstreeks 11:00 op ‘n noodroep vanaf die betrokke plaas reageer het. Daar aangekom is die beamptes deur ‘n vrou, Rejoice Dzingirai, voorgekeer en na haar huis geneem waar die lyk van die 3-jarige Emson Dzingirai met erge wonde aan sy keel gevind is. Die wapen wat gebruik is, ‘n skêr, is deur die polisie geidentifiseer en as bewysstuk geneem. Die verdagte, die baba seuntjie se pa, is inhegtenis geneem en het Dinsdag, die 13de April, in die hof op Tzaneen op ‘n aanklag van moord verskyn. Teen druktyd is die motief vir dié grusame en hartelose moord nie bekend nie en die verhoor is uitgestel vir verdere ondersoek. Die man is blykbaar steeds agter tralies.
The street hawkers who quite clearly have no fear of the laws that govern every other citizen of this country, have setup shop at the entrance to a sheep-farmer’s farm along the R71 headed towards Letsitele. This farmer who wishes to remain anonymous explained that he has already suffered stock loss to theft in excess of 33 heads of sheep in just the last month. He further explained that the group of men who have decided to annex the piece of state-owned land outside his entrance gate, were trading in the sale of meat which he believes to be the very same stock which they steal off his farm. “Over the weekend the guys sit at that little stall at my entrance gate and drink to their hearts’ content without fear of the authorities. Some weekends I count up to 50 individuals there. The safety concern is a greater problem for me as these guys sit and watch our farm every minute of the day and they seem to know exactly when I am not there and know the routine of all my workers and my family. We are soft targets.” Not only are they breaking the law in regards to illegal trading next to the R71, but they are also illegally drinking in public. When one takes into account lessons learnt from past attempts to remove illegal traders, it is strikingly clear that in this instance too, this farmer would have to be satisfied with zero response from the GTM, the police, SANRAL or the Provincial Traffic Departments. C’est la vie?
Murderer saved by police ■ Jeff Jackson Residents of Matimu in Khujwana village had to be restrained by the police on Saturday last week when they wanted to retaliate and attack the suspect accused of murdering a local woman. The woman was brutally murdered on the banks of the Letsitele River while out doing her washing. According to residents, the woman was allegedly killed by her neighbour.
The neighbours reported that members of the community were alerted of the incident by two children who accompanied the woman to the river to do her washing. It is alleged that when the children saw their mother overpowered by the man they knew, the ran home and alerted other members of the community who flocked to the river but could not find the suspect who ran away when he noticed children calling out for help. A source said that community members could not contain themselves when they discovered the body and noticed the terrible wounds she sustained during the attack. Allegedly the community members immediately contacted the woman’s husband at work who told them that he had passed the suspect moments earlier on his way home. The police who arrived sometime later, managed to dissuade members of the community from taking the law into their own hands and hunting down the suspect. The community had planned to find the suspect and attack him for his crimes instead of taking him to the police. However, on the same day the woman was attacked, the house of the suspect was torched. Thus far nobody was arrested in connection with the incident.
16 April 2021
The right park finally cordoned off ■ Joe Dreyer
After a relentless battle by the DA’s Desireé van der Walt, on behalf of the residents of Tzaneen, to have the park in Poinsettia Street cordoned off to prevent local taxi drivers from washing their vehicles in the pond, the municipality has finally stepped up. This once protected park bordered by Bohemia and Park Streets to its North and Poinsettia and Jacaranda Streets to its South, was mercilessly abused by local taxi drivers, truck operators and informal car wash operators over the course of a decade. Numerous reports flooded social media of taxi drivers washing their vehicles in the stream and the pond in this park daily, and residents from the surrounding neighbourhoods regularly complained to their Ward councillor of illegal dumping and noise disturbance emanating from the park. Nothing was however done about solving the problem The final straw on the camel’s back was when a man graffitied his phone number and the words “car wash” on the barks of nearly every tree in the area and setup an informal carwash right next to the pond. (Bulletin reported on this matter extensively and pressured the municipality to solve the matter). Within days there was litter floating on the pond and plastic bags and leftover takeaways lay strewn across the park. Bulletin raised the issue many times on public platforms and during one of the 138 daily drive shows broadcast live during the hard lockdown in April last year, documented the dastardly state of the site and even chased taxis off the property who were filmed washing their vehicles. Van der Walt had long been campaigning to have the park cordoned off. During the last few years she had written to the various acting municipal managers and mayors and raised the issue with environmental affairs. It was only after she took the matter to parliament that she was taken seriously. Finally last week a contractor appointed by the municipality started digging holes around the park and this week they were seen planting large steel I-beams into those holes. The beams are solid steel portions of previous constructions which were sourced from the
GTM’s workshop. The Ward Councillor for the ward (15), Tienie Prinsloo, is supplying the transport of the beams from the workshop to the site and has also agreed to assist in the cutting of the beams to the appropriate sizes. The municipality is thus only paying for the labour which has set the taxpayers of this municipality back R14 000. “We listened to the concerns of the community and took the decision to cordon off the park area. Our intention is to corner off the entire park and prevent the parking of vehicles there. This should prevent the illegal washing of vehicles and littering in this beautiful area and preA view of the park in Park Street which is now being vent any further noise disturcordoned off (finally). Taxi drivers will now have to find bances,” said Neville Ndlala, alternative means of littering. Photo: Roelof de Jonge spokesperson for the GTM. The project should be completed by May this year. the nonchalance of its elected officials, that they no longer have a fight ***Editor’s comment: It is shocking that it literally took years for the left in them? Do not for one instance be pacified into condoning illegal municipality to “hear the cries of the people” and decide to take it upon behaviour by paying heed to ridiculous comments regarding the “good themselves to fulfil their mandate of service delivery. Shocking too is work” completed in the fencing off of another park in town. The two isthat it took the residents and the head of the opposition’s constituency sues are not related and have no bearing on one another. Furthermore, in the area, to pressurize a ward councillor into seeking a solution to a the Poinsettia Park was cordoned off through the correct channels and very serious environmental issue in the ward under his care. Do politi- according to the processes that needed to be followed for such a procians (on both sides) underestimate the public’s intellect to such an in- ject. This does not by default forgive any unauthorized, albeit allegedly sultingly simple level, or is the public perhaps this easily worn down by well-intended, similar actions. Not by anyone.
Historic Malaria Institute in dire need of care ■ Roelof de Jonge
Residents of many small towns like Tzaneen see it as a crying shame that municipalities and government establishments, especially those with historical significance, are down-right neglected through incompetent management.
One such institution is the Dr Annecke Malaria Institute in Tzaneen. Desireé van der Walt, an established resident of this town and a member of Parliament for the Democratic Alliance (DA), decided to take it upon herself in her private capacity to do something about the sad state of affairs at this vital institute.
On Tuesday the 13th of April, van der Walt gathered a team of workers and set their sights on the main entrance of the institute where they started clearing the weeds and overgrown grass around the Modjadji trees. Because it is government property, no clean-up or maintenance work can be done (ironically) on or to the premises without authorization from the very same department which is supposed to preserve this significant establishment. “I live in the vicinity of this institute, and it is a shame that such a valu-
Desireé van der Walt with her team of workers who embarked on cleaning up the entrance of the Dr Annecke Malaria Institute in Tzaneen. The workers are Simon Mazibi and Milton Nonghovela. Terrence Malatji was absent at the time the photo was taken. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
able institution is so neglected. There are hardly any trash cans around for litter, and the walls, fences and paving are dirty and overgrown”, van der Walt said during the clean-up stint. “The Tzaneen Municipality seems to have no knowledge of the importance of this institute and it appear to care less what happens to this town’s assets and economy. It is time to ask Parliament questions on matters such as these.” Van der Walt also expressed her sincere gratitude for her team of co-workers, Simon Mazibi, Milton Nonghovela and Terrence Malatji, who all helped her to clean up the trees at the entrance to resemble a semblance of its past glory. If van der Walt gets her wish, a complete cleanup of the premises is on the cards.
16 April 2021
Road Accident Fund saved by High Court order ■ Jeff Jackson The Road Accident Fund (RAF) secured an unusual court order preventing successful claimants and their attorneys from laying claim to money in its Absa bank account and other assets to recover what they are owed. It was ordered by the Gauteng High Court that RAF is to pay all claims based on court orders already granted or settlements reached, which are older than 180 days. This must be done before the end of April, provided that the RAF is notified by the attorneys involved that they have outstanding claims which are older than 180 days. Judge PA Meyer also ordered that all writs of execution and warrants of attachment against the fund based on court orders already granted or settlements already reached, which are not older than 180 days, be suspended from the 1st of May until the 12th of September. In the meantime, the RAF, was ordered to take all reasonable steps to register court orders or written settlement agreements for claims on its list of payments, in order of the date on which the court order was granted or the date of the settlement agreement. Judge Meyer explained that implosion of the fund will trigger a section of the Road Accident Fund Act which bars any claims against it for compensation. In its application, the fund sought an order to sus-
pend all writs of execution and attachments based on court orders Meyer said the fund’s tardy and wasteful litigation and poor adminalready granted or settlements already reached where payment has istration was being brought under control by a new management not been received within 180 days. team, appointed by the Minister of Transport in 2019. This, it argued, would enable it to make payments on its oldest According to the judge, about 100 law firms have acted against the fund but this needed to be stopped so that it could get its affairs in claims first, which it would do before the end of April 2021. The matter first came before court in December last order. He said the fund had disclosed in court, papers that it relied on the fuel levy and loans for its funding. It could not apply for year. Numerous law firms and sheriffs across the loans at present because of its financial plight. The fund’s draft country were cited as respondents in annual statement ending March last year showed a deficit of the application, while the General R322 billion, with liability exceeding assets of more than R400 Council of the Bar and the Pretoria billion. Attorneys Association joined the Payment delays were expected to increase from an average proceedings as a friend of the court. of 187 days to 331 days. On the upside, new manageThese respondents were ordered to ment had already received R600 million back not execute against the fund’s Absa in duplicate payments. “A large number of Bank account or any other moveable attorneys are willing to work with the RAF asset until the end of February this year. to solve the current crisis, agreeing That order was extended until that the larger public interest March, when the court heard the must trump any possible inapplication, and then again until judgment was delivfringement caused by delayed Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula ered last week Friday. Judge payments,” Judge Meyer said.
Legals & Notices IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 377/2016 In the case between: QUICK CASH LOANS II EXECUTION CREDITOR, and MAMOSEGARE EUGEN MOLOPE E X E C U T I O N DEBTOR ID NO. 810701 5894 087 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate Tzaneen given on 4 May 2016 the under mentioned goods will be sold at TRANSNET HOUSE NR 20, HAMAWASHA TZANEEN, on 4 MAY 2021 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X BIG TV STAND 1 X LOUNGE SUITE 4 PIECE 6 SEATER 1 X COFFEE TABLE 1 X FLATSCREEN TV (NO NAME) 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68
of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 9 FEBRUARY 2021 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1 CNR AGATHA & SHORT STREET, TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307-5792 / 5694 Fax: 015 307-2553 E-mail: johanprk@mweb. co.za Ref: J STEYN/sdj/BB1475 _________________________________
NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENCE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACT, 1977 (ACT NO 12 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that LEMONDOKOP FILLING STATION (PTY) LTD, here-
inafter referred to as “the applicant” has submitted an application for RETAIL license, application number F/2020/09/02/0001. LOMONDOKOP 164 LTD 1 LOMONDOKOP VILLAGE SEKGOSESE, MODJADJISKLOOF The purpose of this application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone (015) 230 3600 Email: Gibson.Tshisikhawe @energy.co.za Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from date of the publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal address. Physical address The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 18A Landros Marais Street Postal Address The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag x 9712 Polokwane 0700
Tsebiso ka ga kgopelo ya laesentshe le kopo ea laesense go latela molao wa di tswletswa tsa Petroliamo, 1977 (Molao wa 120wa 1977) Tsebiso ye ke ya go tsibisha mekgahlo yeo enago le kgahlego goba bao e ba amago gore LEMONDEKOP FILLING STATION (PTY) LTD e tla bitsa mokgopedi a tsentshe kgopelo ya laesentshe ya RETAIL, nomoro ya kgopelo ke F/2020/09/02/0001. LOMODOKOP 164 LT 1 LOMODOKOP VILLAGE SEKHOSESE MODJADJI SKLOOF Lebaka la mokgopedi ke gore go fanwe ka laesentshe yeo e dirago meshomo ya go rekisha makhura a peterole, kage go hlalusitswe mo tatelanong di tukishetso tsa go lebella di pampiri tsa kgopelo di ka diriwa ka go ikgokaganya le molaodi wa Petroleum products ka: mogala: 015 230 3600; goba ka Fekse: goba Imeile: Gibson.Tshisikhawe @energy.gov.za Kganetso e ngwe le ngwe ya gofana ka laesentshe goya leka kgopelo e tshwanetse go bontsha nomoro ya kgopelo yeo ebego ka godimo,e tshwanelwa ke go fiwa molaodi wa Petroliamo Nakong ya matsatsi a moshomo a masome pedi (20) go tloga letsatsing la
tsibisho yeo, kganetso e bjale e tshwanela ke go tlishiwa atereseng yeo e latelago, bohlatsi ba bodulo goba poso ya mangwalo. Aterese ya gona ke ye e latelago: Molaodi wa Petroliamo Lefapeng la Matla Seterata sa 18A Landros Mare Aterese ya Poso: Controlelr ya di dirwishwa tsa Petroliamo Lefapeng la Matla Private Bag x 9712, Polokwane, 0700 _________________________________
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed Number T56687/1992 passed by FEDMIS PHALABORWA (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED in favour of THOMAS GROVÈ AND ELMINA SUSAN GROVÈ in respect of certain ERF 3178 PHALABORWA EXTENSION 7 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISON L.U., LIMPOPO PROVINCE. Measuring 1418 (One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighteen) Square Meters Held by Deed of Transfer Number T56687/1992 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two
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Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T103980/2001 passed by DIE TRUSTEES VAN TYD TOT TYD VAN DIE S A REDELINGHUYS TRUST in favour of HENTIQ 2493 ( PROPRIETARY) LIMITED in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 28 OF THE FARM CHESTER 235 REGISTRATION DIVISON K.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE Measuring 34, 3484 (THIRTY FOUR comma THREE FOUR EIGHT FOUR) HECTARES Held by Deed of Transfer Number T103980/2001 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice.
Dated at PHALABORWA This 4TH day of MARCH 2021 Applicant COETZEE & VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS Address 20 PALM AVENUE PHALABORWA, 4 TOVANCO BUILDING E-mail address Deeds2@coetzeevdmerwe.co.za Contact number 015 781 1365 _________________________________
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T12804/2005, passed by MADA KOTZE, in favour of JOHANNES HENDRIK KOTZE, in respect of certain ½ SHARE IN ERF 524 TZANEEN EXTENSION 6 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 13 day of April 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: K907 / M van Rensburg Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: marelize@
tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 _________________________________
NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T13021/1982 passed by DANIEL PETRUS BURGER, Born on 8 October 1934, in favour of VICTOR RONALD FROISE, Born on 25 October 1941, in respect of certain ERF 571 TZANEEN EXTENSION 6 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 25 JANUARY 2021. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no : 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za Our Ref: Fransie/DF055 _________________________________
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weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at PHALABORWA This 12th day of APRIL 2021 Applicant COETZEE & VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS Address 20 PALM AVENUE PHALABORWA, 4 TOVANCO BUILDING E-mail address Deeds2@coetzeevdmerwe.co.za Contact number 015 781 1365
Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________
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Supervisor (Foskor 2.9.2 Legal Exam Certificate). 10 years’ experience. Kevin Reynecke 063 491 7103. _________________________________
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16 April 2021
Vorster selected for districts ■ Roelof de Jonge
chagne from Chrome Golf Club, are the only other players from other established clubs in Limpopo, to be included in the team with Vorster. Neil Rathmann (Polokwane) will captain the side against a host of other country district teams from around South Africa. Here is the full list of players that will represent the Limpopo Country Districts team: Neil Rathmann (Polokwane), Jannie Bronkhorst (Polokwane), Adam Milanzi (Polokwane), Edwin Mackays (Polokwane), Shaun Mouton (Polokwane), Thinus Labuschagne (Chrome), James Vorster (Tzaneen), Tiaan Diederiks (Koro Creek) and Louis le Roux (team manager, Polokwane).
The Limpopo Golf Union recently announced its team to compete in the upcoming South African Country Districts tournament set to take place in East London. Tzaneen Country Club’s James Vorster who recently won this club’s championship, is one of eight players that were selected to represent Limpopo at the East London Golf Club course from the 10th until the 14th of May. The bulk of the team however consists out of players from Polokwane Golf Club, including Louis le Roux who will be the team’s manager. Tiaan Diederiks of Koro Creek Golf Estate and Thinus Labus-
James Vorster from Tzaneen Country Club was recently included in the Limpopo Country Districts team. Photos: Roelof de Jonge.
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Sport 16 April 2021
Jahdin skiet ‘n nuwe roer vir hom los ■ Roelof de Jonge
Sydney Whitcomb en Megan Strydom.
Die Bosveld Jagters en Wildsbewaringsvereniging (BJV) se Letaba-tak op Tzaneen het Saterdag die 10de April ‘n rondomtalie skietdag vir sy lede gehou. ‘n Rits aanloklike pryse het die skuts aangemoedig om in te skryf en daar is met groot ywer meegeding. Dit was egter Jahdin Fleischmann wie die botoon gevoer het deur met 700 punte as die algehele wenner uit die stryd te tree. Die skut was heel in sy noppies toe hy die eerste prys ter waarde van R10 700 na afloop van die dag se kompetisie in ontvangs geneem het. Fleischmann het ‘n splinternuwe 25-06 Howa geweer Jahdin Fleischmann. was die top skut vir die dag
gewen. Francois Malan, ondervoorsitter van die BJV Letaba-tak en Bryan Hyland, die hoof van dié tak se skiet dissiplines en baanoffisiere, het die pryse aan die onderskeie afdelings se wenners oorhandig. Die totale waarde van die pryse wat gewen kon word, was R25 000. Die tweedeplek algeheel met 680 punte was deur Pieter Bekker behaal met Machiel Pieterse wie in die derdeplek op 650 geëindig het. Daar het ook ‘n aantal vroueskuts hul slag kom wys. Die top skut vanuit die skoonheidsgeledere was Kylie-Rae Eberhard wie 425 punte opgestapel het. In die tweedeplek, ‘n skamele 10 punte agter Eberhard, was Liesel Roos met 415 punte. Die derdeplek se prys met ‘n totaal van 310 punte was aan Suzette de la Rey oorhandig. In die afdeling vir o/16-skuts, was dit Joubert Fleischmann met 635 punte wie met die eersteplek gespog het. Die prys vir tweedeplek het aan Lyla Stevens gegaan.
Menge - Raaths partnership on for 2021
■ Roelof de Jonge
Tzaneen’s local rally navigator, Louis Menge, teamed up with Pretoria-based rally driver, Anton Raaths, once more for this year’s Northern Regions Championship. This pair competed in a VW Golf during the 2020 season, and have since exchanged that vehicle for a Mazda RX2 with which they competed in the NRC4 class. Menge and Raaths did well in their Mazda this past weekend to finish third overall in the regional event of the 2021 NTT Toyota Delmas Rally in Mpumalanga. The race winners were Jonathan Simms and co-driver Hannes Pienaar in their class NRC4 Toyota Tazz, which means Menge and Raaths were second in their class. The NTT Toyota Delmas Rally also formed part of the first round of the National Rally Championship. Raaths and Menge finished 11th overall and second in the NRC4 class in the final classification (Round 2) where the national and regional competitors were combined. In the 1st round they finished second in the regional division and 9th in the national rally.
Rally driver Anton Raaths and his co-driver from Tzaneen, Louis Menge, boast with the trophies they received after competing in the NTT Toyota Delmas Rally. Photos: Supplied
Anton Raaths and his co-driver, Louis Menge, takes their Mazda RX2 through its paces in the past weekend’s NTT Toyota Delmas Rally.