Bulletin Newspaper 28 May 2021

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28 May 2021


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Bulletin coined the term “Independant State of Claude Wheatley” during the hard lockdown in 2020 because of the visible lawlessness in this particular area of the town’s CBD. Three weeks ago we reported to the municipality that individuals were erecting houses, complete with concrete foundations, on the open field behind the R1 million concrete fence they erected to prevent this from happening. On Wednesday, the GTM demolished all the structures and removed the individuals. Watch the video on our Facebook page and read more inside on page 2.


Photo: Roelof de Jonge


28 May 2021




Illegal settlers removed from CBD Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

■ Joe Dreyer

Claude Wheatley Street which runs behind the Tzaneng Mall and adjacent to the Greater Letaba River has long been an area synonymous with lawless behaviour and excessive traffic congestion. Not only are the pavements along this road riddled with makeshift barbershops and hawker stalls, but the road surface itself leaves much to be desired. Bulletin has continuously highlighted the problems in this area which include the taxi drivers converting one of the lanes into a parking lot effectively transforming the dual carriageway into a single lane one way. We also reported on the R1 million spent by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality on the erection of a concrete palisade fence in 2015 which was meant to prevent access to the river. Less than a calendar-year after it’s erection however, vandals started removing sections of this fence and in mid-2016 a bus driver lost control of his vehicle rammed right through it, demolishing a significant portion of the barrier completely. It was never fixed and that led to illegal occupiers moving into area and erecting hawker stands and makeshift shacks. This year, a few of these illegal settlers took it a step further by pouring concrete slabs and erecting single-room structures which by all appearances, they were living in. Three weeks ago, motorists and local security companies raised their concern of the development of what appeared to them to


be the start of an informal settlement right on the banks of the river. This was not only illegal, but posed a security threat and would become an environmental disaster considering that the site borders the river and there were no ablution facilities. On Wednesday, the 26th of May, the GTM’s Traffic Department deployed to the site and using

Spietkop arrests Policeman ■ Jeff Jackson

A Gauteng Policeman, Warrant Officer Nilos Butifana Maholobela (57) was found guilty of corruption by the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Friday, the 21st of May 2021. Maholobela, who was stationed at SAPS-Dobsonville Detective branch, was caught by a Tzaneen Traffic official driving his private vehicle in Tzaneen area without wearing his seatbelt. As obliged by the law, the official issued a summons against the accused for contravening the Road Traffic Act. Instead of paying a fine, the accused decided to retaliate by pinning a case of culpable homicide he

was investigating, on the traffic official who issued the summons against him. The Hawks investigation into the matter proved that the culpable homicide case had nothing to do with the traffic official, as she was on duty in Tzaneen when the incident occurred in Dobsonville. The policeman also demanded R10 000 gratification in order to make the docket disappear. The matter was reported to the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation unit who conducted a thorough investigation which resulted in the arrest of the accused. The matter against Maholobela was postponed until the 4th of June 2021 for sentencing.

their TLB and some manpower, demolished all the structures and removed the material from the site. Bulletin posted a video on our Facebook page of the removal exercise and we have asked the GTM’s spokesperson, Neville Ndlala for comment, but at the time of going to print had received none.

9’s Cases postponed ■ Jeff Jackson Nine suspects who were arrested for public violence in Phalaborwa appeared in the Namakgale Magistrate’s court on the 25th of May. The suspects, Mavis Malatji (35), Peter Malatji (50), Ngwako Monyela (30), a SANDF member Tshepo Malungani (53), Katlego Malatji (29), Maredzi Malatji (34), Lebogang Shokane (28), Khali Malatji (32) and Joe Masilo Mashale (48) had their case postponed to the 28th of June for further police investigations. The suspects were arrested after Phalaborwa town was held hostage when the R71 road, R40 road and other subsidiary roads were blocked by protesters using tree branches, burning tyres and rocks on Friday, the 9th of April. The riot escalated and only four days later was it safe for motorists to traverse the routes once more. More police had to be deployed to the area and businesses, including the taxi industry, suffered tremendous losses.

Bestuurder:: Depot Werkswinkels ‘n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ‘n Tegniese Bestuurder: Depot Werkswinkels by ZZ2, geleë in die Limpopo-provinsie. Dit is ‘n senior pos en die suksesvolle kandidaat moet vakmanne en werkswinkels wat geografies verspreid is, koördineer en strategies belyn met die behoefte van die produksie afdelings. Primêre Verantwoordelikhede Kwalifiserende vereistes: en pligte: ● Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasie in ‘n tegniese

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

● ●

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


● ● ●

rigting gerugsteun deur praktiese ondervinding in ‘n boerdery omgewing (Ing. Diploma, - Graad of Ambag) Minimum van 5 - 8 jaar tegniese bestuurservaring op senior vlak Kennis en toepassing van tersaaklike wetgewing, regulasies en statute van toepassing in ‘n tegniese omgewing Rekenaarvaardig Skep bevorderende en opbouende verhoudinge Handhaaf hoë werksetiek en integriteit ZZ2 bied ‘n markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e-pos na talent@zz2.co.za

084 4000 911

Enige navrae kan gerrig word aan Johan du Plessis by 015 395 8243 of Niël Scholtz by 015 395 8679

● Bestuur, koördinering en integrering van die depot werkswinkels met bestaande stelsels en funksies in die maatskappy ●Verseker dat die depot werkswinkels op standaard is en toegerus is met die nodige herstel-toerusting, gereedskap en hulpbronne ●Bestuur van instandhouding prosesse om die beskikbaarheid en produktiwiteit van toerusting en gereedskap te verseker ●Opstel en bestuur van bedryfs- en kapitaal begrotings binne gestelde riglyne ●Opstel en handhawing van bedryfsveiligheidstandaarde in die werkswinkels ●Koördinering van indiensopleiding van depot personeel ●Rapportering en verslagdoening rakende alle aspekte van die werkswinkels Sluitingsdatum: 4 Junie 2021

072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911



Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 24/05/2021


Tzaneen 100.6%

Help for Tourists

4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.

e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

084 400 0911

e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.

Ebenezer 100.3%

Merensky 101.6%

Middel Letaba 10.4% Blyderivierpoort 100.3% Tours 99.4%

Vergelegen 101%

Dap Naude 104% Klaserie 100% Magoebaskloof 100.5%




24 May 2021



New road will connect R71 to Boundary Street ■ Joe Dreyer A twelve-year long vision will realize itself in three weeks from reading this article. A brand-new road that will connect the R71 highway to Boundary Street via Bert Booysen will be open for traffic before the end of June. The road replaces a section of Bert Booysen Street and will become an extension essentially, of the existing Loop Street that runs from Agatha Street between SupaQuick and House of Interiors to the intersection in Boundary Street. This new 280 metres stretch of road will ease the traffic congestion through the four-way crossing where the R71 and Voortrekker Road meet at the entrance to Tzaneen, whilst offering a much more convenient route for those living in Arbor Park, to and from the Lifestyle Centre or Mediclinic. But there is more to this new road than just the obvious. The entire project is a culmination of effort and cooperation by the private business sector and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and shows what can be achieved when these two spheres in a society take hands towards a common goal. It is not “another government tender” project either – the only beneficiaries in this instance are the citizens of Tzaneen. The construction of the road is conducted by Ekageng Construction in partnership with Tzaneen Developments and local businesswoman Willemien Roettgers-Schulte with the consent from the Greater Tzaneen Municipality “The initial planning of this route was

drawn up and tabled way back in 2008 and presented to council in 2010,” explained Abrie van Rooyen, of Tzaneen Developments, one of the construction companies involved in the project. “Our company was involved during the construction of Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre and it was at that time that we upgraded the road to Mediclinic and the infamous 4-way crossing at the entrance to town from Letsitele’s side. There were many discussions on possible ways to plan better routes to- and from the Lifestyle site at the time, and that is when the plans for this road was formulated.” The ground next to the R71 upon which the Sasol fuelling station rests, is owned by Willemien Roettgers-Schulte who owns said fuelling station. This new road cuts through her property to join the highway. In 2019 Bulletin spoke to Roettgers-Schulte about her plans to develop the property. The new road will open up the area and allow for those plans to be set in motion. “This road has been a long time coming and I am genuinely excited to be a part of this development and what it

holds for the community of Tzaneen. The expansion that this new addition to the road’s network will bring to the local economy is something positive and promising,” explained Roettgers-Schulte. “The R71 is a busy highway and traffic congestion at times became

unbearable. That will be a thing of the past when this road is opened in a few weeks. I am especially thankful that the contractors agreed to save one of the indigenous trees at the site, which will in future stand proudly next to the route.” “This entire development could not have been possible without Willemien coming onboard and literally sacrificing

a portion of her land to the cause, “ added Abri. “In a big way, we had the plans and the dream, but she made them realize. After she came onboard, we presented our finalized plans to the municipality, and after several discussions and inspections, they provided the necessary permissions and permits which set the ball rolling.”

Photos: Roelof de Jonge

Circle Drive’s massive Blue Gums finally fall ■ Roelof de Jonge

Photo: Roelof de Jonge

Residents of Tzaneen traveling along Circle Drive would have noticed the developments happening at the vacant piece of land next to Unicorn Preparatory School. This site is earmarked for a housing development and initially came to a halt in 2019 after Bulletin reported on an indigenous Yellowwood that was cut down by one of the sub-contractors. After the Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism department (LEDET) stepped in, the matter was resolved, and development could continue. This week, one of Tzaneen’s most experienced forestry experts Butch Baker, invited Bulletin along on Monday afternoon the 24th of May when he and a team from Busy Bee Garden Services were felling trees at the site. Most of the trees were thorn trees that are commonly found in the lowveld, and of course, there were the thirsty blue gum trees. “People would be amazed at how much water a single blue gum tree consumes on average to grow to its full potential,” Baker remarked. According to him, some of these old blue gum trees are estimated to between 15 and 20 years old, and some of these trees were towering up to 30 meters into the sky. The stumps of some of these old timers measured around five metres in diameter. Tree felling is a dangerous operation and encompasses a lot more than just grabbing a chainsaw and cutting down a tree. Baker and his fellow tree fellers first had to establish the direction the tree would need to fall in so that it did not cause any damage to any surrounding infrastructure or endanger the lives of people. Then one of the team members must climb as high as possible to the top of the tree to bind a rope around the stump. The other side of this rope is then attached to the back of an earth moving machine, in this case a bulldozer. This is to help with the direction of the fall when the tree is being cut. The tree fellers employed the services of a much larger than average sized chainsaw especially designed for felling giants. The operation took less than hour to complete.


28 May 2021





Onder Konstruksie Mountain Badgers clobber Musina

■ Roelof de Jonge

Die Hoërskool Merensky se bekende kunsteskool, die MDDK, het met die vertoning van ‘n uitmuntende produksie genaamd Onder Konstruksie van die 18de tot die 20ste Mei bewys waarom hierdie skool in Limpopo bekend staan as ‘n plek waar kultuur koning kraai. Volgens die skool se bemarkingsbestuurder, Louis du Preez, is die konsep, teks en rolspelers ontwikkel vanuit eie bodem. Onder die meesterlike hand van die regisseurs, Anriette van Wyk en Martinette Muller, het 21 akteurs, vier sangers en 25 dansers die gehoor in vervoering gehad. Altesaam 14 van die talentvolle MDDKaners het die gehoor reeds buite die saal ‘n voorsmakie gegee wat die res van die vertoning vir hulle gaan inhou. Die gepaste tema, ‘n klein bietjie goedhartigheid verrig wonders, het die gehoor tot nadenke gestem. Die produksie is vanweë Covid-19 se inperkings oor drie aande met ‘n klein gehoor gedeel. Opwindende nuus is dat daar ook binnekort ‘n verfilmde weergawe van die verhoogproduksie

Regisseur Anriette van Wyk met Priester (Johan van den Heever) en Master (Carl Dohse).

beskikbaar gaan wees. Belangstellendes kan nou reeds na die voorskou kyk op die Merensky se Youtube-kanaal, MHS Plasies. The 1st team chanting a team song at half time.

■ Roelof de Jonge

Boemelaar (Wessel de Kock).

The netball and rugby teams of Stanford Lake College welcomed the sides of Eric Louw High School from Musina on Saturday the 15th of May. This was before the dreaded announcement was made that all schools contact sports are prohibited from taking place in order to prevent a third wave of this virus from spreading amongst school children. The 1st XV ‘Badgers’ finally ran on to the field again after over a year of absence and they certainly did not disappoint. Despite having a smaller forwards pack than their Eric Louw counterparts, the tight five set the tone early by completely dominating the set pieces and rucks. This allowed the speedsters in the backline to run at will and show off their attacking skill. The Badgers comprehensively won the game 32-7, which is the highest winning margin against Eric Louw in the school’s history. The Baby Badgers rugby team which consists out of u.15 players, took on Eric Louw for their first home game. They had a great start by being up 12 - 0 within the first 15 minutes of the game. The visitors came back and scored a try just before half time. This messed with the Stanford lads’ psyche and they were soon put on the back foot and left defending most of the game. Eric Louw scored two more tries to lead 12 - 15 with a couple of minutes left. In injury time, Eric Louw managed to score another try to win the game 12 - 20. This winning streak was also seen on the netball courts. The players really gave it their all and the results speak for themselves. All the Stanford teams that played did exceptionally well, winning 3 of the 4 games played that day. The highlight of the day was the first team winning their encounter 28 - 11.

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28 May 2021



28 May 2021





Controlled fires in KNP


■ Billy Sibuyi






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Community Crisis Services 084 400 0911


Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. 060 792 7034

Roma Fuels/Roma Gass 6 Industria Street, New Industrial Area, Tzaneen 076 795 5000 sales@romafuel.co.za __________________________________

Bearing Man Group 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen 015 307 7334/5 __________________________________

Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 060 739 2048/ 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. co.za


Oasis Water Rentals, Refills & Deliveries 11 Plantation Road, Tzaneen 015 307 2504 079 523 5253


DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468


SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 nicola.strydom@seeff.com


Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280 info@sikelelaskills.co.za


Wisani Burial Society 083 513 4988 helene@wisani.co.za


Trophy Toyota 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof 015 309 9258


083 628 9257 Vervoer/Transport

Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R26.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R29/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R28.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R43/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R35.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R35.50/KM +BTW, EENRIGTING, (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com

Kloofsig Diesel 4 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof. 064 524 4000 071 885 8840

SAS Workshop Open on Saturdays. 072 988 8522


Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587


Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928

Deep cleaning of all types of FLOORS/TILES. Contact Lorraine: 073 722 7913 0726340032


Letaba Crushers Crusher sand, Stone, Gabion, Crusher Dust, G1 up to G7, Filling, Builders Mix, Dump Rock. Contact us for more information: André Nel: 076 871 3243.


Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en dispensers. Heelhuis filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746

Pest Control Specialists Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065

SANParks has for the last few weeks conducted controlled fires in specific areas around the Kruger National Park with the hopes of improving vegetation and preventing future wildfires. KNP Scientist for the abiotic processes, Tercia Strydom, said that fires were a common and natural occurrence in the KNP and have been employed for many generations to preserve the ecosystem and to prevent wildfires. She said that Savanna biome, which is also referred to as the tropical grasslands, and the Fynbos biome were dependent on fires to keep the ecosystem functioning healthy. “Because of the exceptional rainfall we had over the summer, we have a lot more fuel in the veld now. So, we expect up to 20% of Kruger to burn this year and that is why we will burn 12% and leave some lea way for about 8% that could be wildfires, which we will manage when or if they occur,” she said. “There is a direct relation between the amount of rain that falls, how much grass is grown, and how much fires we might have.” Strydom mentioned that because of the naturally occurring fires, the animals have learned how to co-evolve with the fire. “The tortoise for example would know to hide under a log or rock during fires, and many of the times the fire burns so fast and passes so rapidly, that the animals survive.” “Our savanna fires burn so fast over the grasses that there is actually very little contact time between the actual heat and the soil. I have also noticed that within a year, conditions of the soil returns to pre-fire conditions. So not only is the vegetation able to cope with fires but the soil has resilience as well.” Strydom said that controlled burns needed a big team which involved people lighting the fires, and more people observing the fires and making sure it stays safe. “We have an experimental burn plot that was started in 1952 and its purpose is to test the role of fires, various fires, intensity and seasons, and different frequencies of fire on the vegetation.” Bulletin wanted to know whether the emissions from the burning of the veld had a significant effect on both the atmosphere and animals and Strydom said that most of the fires they have in the park are carbon neutral. “We were able to establish that within a year vegetation and our landscape is back to being carbon neutral after the fire. We want to explicitly quantify how much carbon we emit every time we burn fires and that is why we have started measuring how much gasses we release, and it will all depend on the time of the year you burn as they will all be different,” she stated.

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Te Huur To Let 2 x Bachelors woonstelle beskikbaar, Geen diere. Kontak Giane 083 279 2343

Supervisor (Foskor 2.9.2 Legal Exam Certificate). 10 years’ experience. Kevin Reynecke 063 491 7103. _________________________________

Qualified Millwright. 7 years’ experience. Lucas Armand Voigt 066 329 9376.


Qualified Boilermaker. 10 years’ experience. CO2 & Stick welding. Lucious Green 078 370 4812


Gekwalifeerde Instrument Meganikus. 40 jaar ondervinding. Kobie Venter 076 227 4233 _________________________________

Local/Export Logistics Coordinator, Palbroker, Palpack – 2 ½ years’ experience – Tiaan von Straate 083 279 9153


Gekwalifiseerde dieselwertuigkundige

47 jaar ondervinding – Piet Geldenhuys 079 792 7765 / 079 808 5880 _________________________________

Qualified Electrician 6 years’ experience. Mosale Nyoffu 082 660 5051


Qualified Boilermaker, CO2 welding, Drawings, Conveyor belts. 12 years’ experience. Petrus Olivier 066 409 3368


Qualified Fitter, Plant Fitter, Manage work teams, Workshop manager. More than 20 yrs. JJ van der Merwe 082 683 4155


Fitter Machinist, Maintenance and Management. 35 years’ experience. Darryl Maritz 083 859 0949


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28 May 2021


Legals & Notices NOTICE: I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, in terms of Clauses 57 & 58 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipal Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law (2017) for the rezoning of Erf 486 Tzaneen Ext 6 (4 Annecke Street) from “Residential 1” to “Business 4” and the removal of restrictive conditions A.3.(h) from Title Deed T618/2020 for the purpose of converting the existing house into an office. Owner: Lottoprop (Pty) Ltd. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Town Planning, Civic Centre, 38 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850 for a period of 30 days from 28 May 2021. Any objections/representations must be lodged with or made in writing, or verbally if unable to write, to the Manager: Town Planning, at the above-mentioned address or posted to P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/representations, quoting the above mentioned application description, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s erf number and phone numbers and address. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS/ REPRESENTATIONS: 28 JUNE 2021. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN, P.O. BOX 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700. TEL. 015-2914177, FAX: 086 218 3267. tecoplan@mweb. co.za _________________________________

KENNISGEWING: Ek,Theo Kotze, as die agent van die eienaar van ondergemelde eiendom, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, in terme van Klousules 57 & 58 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipale By-wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur (2017) vir die hersonering van Erf 486 Tzaneen Uitbr. 6 (Anneckestraat 4) vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4” en die opheffing van beperkende voorwaarde A.3.(h) uit Titelakte T618/2020 met die doel om die bestaande huis te omskep in ‘n kantoor. Eienaar: Lottoprop (Edms) Bpk. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Stadsbeplanning, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat 38, Tzaneen, 0850 vir ‘n tydperk van 30

dae vanaf 28 Mei 2021. Enige beswaar/vertoë moet hetsy skriftelik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Bestuurder: Stadsbeplanning, voor die sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van sodanige besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word, tesame met vermelding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoeke, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/ vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erfnommer en telefoonnommer(s) en adres. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/ VERTOË: 28 JUNIE 2021. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN STADSBEPLANNERS, POSBUS 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700, TEL. 015-2914177, FAKS: 0862183267. tecoplan@mweb.co.za _________________________________

VUKANI INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING SERVICES INC Application in terms of chapters 5 and 6 of the Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management by-law Special consent for the construction and operation of a telecommunication mast and base station on Erf 592 Tzaneen Extension 6 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Greater Tzaneen, that we, the undersigned, Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. applied to the Greater Tzaneen local municipality for consent to construct and operate a telecommunication mast and base station on Erf 592 Tzaneen Extension 6 situated at 4 Claude Wheatley Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the applicant at the address mentioned herein, and at the offices of the municipal manager: Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 calendar days from 28 May 2021. Any objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and with the municipal manager at the above-mentioned address or deliver to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha street, Tzaneen on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/ representations, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property de-

scription and phone number and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the above-mentioned municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objection, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M.J. Mathye (015) 307 8031 Address and contact details of applicant/agent: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. P O Box 32017, Totiusdal, 0134 418 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, fax: 012 804 7072 E-Mail: pp@infraplan.co.za Ref No: ATLM245 ________________________________

Aansoek in terme van hoofstukke 5 en 6 van die Groter Tzaneen Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbestuur Bywet Spesiale toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n telekomminikasie mas en basis stasie op Erf 592 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 68 van die Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebuiksbestuur Bywet van Tzaneen, dat ons, die ondergetekende, Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basisstasie op Erf 592 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6, geleë te 4 Claude Wheatley Straat, Arbor Park, Tzaneen. Besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantore van die onderstaande applikant, asook by die kantoor van die munisipale bestuurder: Siviele Sentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir n tydperk van 30 kalender dae vanaf 28/05/21. Enige besware of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet gelyktydig by die applikant en met die munisipale bestuurder by die bogenoemde adres aflewer word of aan kamer 257, Siviele Sentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen op of voor die sluitingsdatum vir die inlewering van besware / verteenwoordigings wat die bogenoemde opskrif insluit, asook die beswaarmaker se belang in die aangeleentheid, die gronde van die beswaar / verteenwoordiging, die beskikker se eiendomsbeskrywing en telefoonnommer en adres. ‘n Persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan die bogenoemde munisipaliteit besoek en versoek dat sy/ haar beswaar, kommen-

taar of verteenwoordigings op skrif te stel. kontakpersoon: Mr. M.J. Mathye (015) 307 8031 Adres en kontak besonderhede van die aansoeker/agent: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Sevrices Inc. Posbus 32017, Totiusdal, 0134 418 Rustic Weg, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Faks: 012 804 7072 E-pos: pp@infraplan.co.za Verw. nr.: ATLM245 _________________________________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000, SECTION 57 AND 58 OF THE SPLUMA BYLAW, 2017 OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of Erven 627 & 537 Tzaneen Extension 6, hereby give notice in terms of SPLUMA 2013 and the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2017 that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of: TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 483 Erf 627 Tzaneen Extension 6, situated at 10 Watney Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 4” and removal of restrictive title conditions for the purpose of erecting flats, and; TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 484 Erf 537 Tzaneen Extension 6, situated at 18 Adshade Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 4” and removal of restrictive title conditions for the purpose of erecting additional dwelling units. Particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 21 May 2021 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 15, Municipal Satellite Building, 15 Peace Street, Tzaneen on or before 21 June 2021, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during

office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 _________________________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 EN 58 VAN DIE SPLUMA VERORDENING, 2017 VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van Erwe 627 & 537 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6, gee hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van SPLUMA 2013 en die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2017, dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van: TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 483 Erf 627, geleë te 10 Watney Straat, vanaf “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 4” en verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes vir die oprigting van woonstelle. TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 484 Erf 537, geleë te 18 Adshade Straat, vanaf “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 4” en verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes vir die oprigting van woonstelle Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 21 Mei 2021 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 21 Junie 2021 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 15, Munisipale Satellietkantoor, Peace Straat 15, Tzaneen, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag

gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 _________________________________

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA CASE NO: 27041/2014 In the matter between:VERVEEN INCORPORATED 1ST EXECUTION CREDITOR MALOKA ATTORNEYS 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR and NGOMA TRADING CC 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In execution of a judgement of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, held at Bloemfontein, in the above matter, a sale will be held at Sheriff ’s Office, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen, Friday the 11 June 2021 at 10h00 of the under-mentioned goods of the Execution Debtor: 1. Erf No: 3487 Tzaneen Extension 78 2. Erf No: 3488 Tzaneen Extension 78 3. Erf No: 3489 Tzaneen Extension 78 4. Erf No: 3463 Tzaneen Extension 78 5. Erf No: 3486 Tzaneen Extension 78 6. Erf No: 3479 Tzaneen Extension 78 7. Erf No: 3454 Tzaneen Extension 78 8. Erf No: 3425 Tzaneen Extension 78 9. Erf No: 3446 Tzaneen Extension 78 SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON 28 OCTOBER 2020 (sgd.) G ERASMUS MALOKA ATTORNEYS HARRY DILLEY STREET CENTRAL PARK TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 7496 REF: SEBOLA C/O GILDENHYS LESSING MALATJI INC ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFF GLMI HOUSE HARLEQUINS OFFICE PARK 164 TOTIUS STREET, GROENKLOOF PRETORIA TEL: 012 428 8600 REF: G ERASMUS/ rs/01754556 AND TO: NGOMA TRADING CC THE JUDGEMENT DEBTOR ULWAZI HOUSE 67 BEKKER STREET FAUNA PARK POLOKWANE LIMPOPO PROVINCE _________________________________


STROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Schedule R and in terms of regulation 13 of proclamation 293/62 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of the Deed of Grant TG652/1993LB passed by THE DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL AND LAND AFFAIRS, in favour of MARIA MAITE MODIBA, Identity Number 560625 0845 08 7, Unmarried, in respect of certain ERF 1726 LENYEENYEE-A TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 5 MARCH 2021 Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Reference: GM0205/ FM933 Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@ joubertmay.co.za _________________________________


ESTATE NO: 5004/2015 In the estate of the late ASNATH NWAPITI MUSHWANA identity Number 670303 0717 089, who was resident at HOUSE 2209 SECTION B, NKOWANKOWA who died on the 09 JULY 2015. All persons having claims against the abovementioned estate are required to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. JE RISIVA ATTORNEYS 29 THABO MBEKI STREET POLOKWANE 0700 TEL NO: 015 291 1664 FAX NO: 086 661 3075 EMAIL: Deeds@risivaattorneys.co.za REF: JER/EST A N MUSHWANA _________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No T13101/2012PTA passed by MANDEG REALTY PROPRIETARY LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER 1981/003365/07, in favour of JD GROUP PROPERTY HOLDINGS PROPRIETARY LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2011/006582/07 in respect

of certain ONE-HALF (½) SHARE PORTION 1 OF ERF 1972 TZANEEN EXTENTION 18 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO IN EXTENT 2,0815 (TWO COMMA ZERO EIGHT ONE FIVE) HECTARES Which has been lost of destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at CAPE TOWN on this 21st day of MAY 2021. CONVEYANCER JOHAN SALOMON LUBBE Level 1 No 5 Silo Square V&A Waterfront CAPE TOWN 0001 jlubbe@werksmans.com 021 405 5260 Ref: JDGR24142.50 _________________________________


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Notarial Deed of Lease K3127/2015 passed by White Bat Estates Proprietary Limited, Registration number: 1968/012725/07, in favour of D S REED AND SON PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number : 1959/004268/07, in respect of certain (a) Remaining Extent of the Farm Mooihoek 402, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province and (b) Portion 1 of the Farm Mooihoek 402, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 20 May 2021 Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za Ref: Fransie/FW063 _________________________________



28 May 2021





Bibberweer skrik nie Eiland rolbalspelers af nie ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub se spelers was Saterdag die 22ste Mei weer goed op dreef tydens die Noord Transvaal Kooperasie (NTK) Letsitele gemengde pare rolbalkompetisie. Die doodsnikke van laasweek se koue front vanuit die Kaap het uiteindelik sy opwagting in die binneland gemaak die afgelope naweek met die laevelders wat narstigtig die winterjassies nader getrek het. Die koue weer kon nie die deelnemers van stryk af bring nie en dit was uiteindelik die span van Andy en Sharon Greenwood, wie saam met Hans Laufs kragte gespan het, wat met die wennerslouere beloon was. Tulli en Nelia de Beer tesame met Jurie Blom het die tweedeplek ingeneem met hul spanvertoning. Die span van Johan van Wyk, August Bohmer en Corna Visser was spelers wie die prys vir die derdeplek opgeraap het. Volgens Karen Kruger, skakelbeampte van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub, word daar deur die week verskeie kompetisies vir die vakansiegangers aangebied.

“Ons het al die beginnerspelers en gemengde pare se spel reeds afgehandel. Ons is huidiglik besig met die enkelspel vir vrouespelers en dan sal die gemengde vierspel volgende week (eerste week van Junie) begin.” “Saterdae se kompetisies is hoofsaaklik geoogmerk vir borgdae kompetisies en dit wissel tussen drie- en vierspel wedstryde, afhangend van hoeveel spelers opdaag om te speel.” “Dusver was daar soveel belangstelling, dat ons twee sessies per dag moet hou om almal te huisves. Wanneer daar ‘n oop tyd is tussen die kompetisies en saans vanaf 17:00, word die baan beskikbaar gestel vir spelers wat graag sosiaal wil speel.” “Rolbal opleiding word ook aangebied vir beginnerspelers. Wat nog voorlê is kompetisies vir Eiland Rolbalklub se lede en dan natuurlik die jaarlikse Sitrus-toernooi wat weer in Augustus gehou sal word. Woensdae is die rolbalklub se deure gesluit.” Vir navrae aangaande die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub en hoe om betrokke te raak kan mense die klub se skakelbeampte, Karen Kruger, by 072 876 1246 skakel.

Collars to save the Wild Dog ■ Billy Sibuyi Despite the overall decline in wild dog numbers, which keeps them on the endangered species list, the Kruger National Park (KNP) has reported a steady growth in their numbers. A collaborative and innovative conservation project to conserve the endangered African Wild Dog (AWD), also known as the painted dog in the Greater Kruger Region, was implemented to help manage the man-made threats they may encounter. According to Grant Beverley of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, tracking collars are one of the most common tools used to monitor the movement and locate wildlife remotely. Location data is recorded, stored onboard and transmitted via a network of satellite or ground-based receivers which process the data and relay this information to a central database. “We collar one individual in each pack from a population containing approximately 300 - 350 indi-

viduals. We collar the alpha female, this means that 10% of the AWD in the Greater KNP will be collared,” he stated. GPS collars which weigh an approximately 450 grams or 2% of the dog’s body weight costs around R65 000 a piece. It allows the conservationist to obtain data on movements, determine home ranges, record behavioral data and improve reaction time in follow up actions to mitigate potential threats. The collar’s frequency is programmed into a receiver which, if in range, picks up the signal as an audible ‘beep’. Most collars have at least a 2 km line-of-sight VHF range. The main threats to the KNP wild dogs’ population were anthropogenic (human-caused vehicle accidents, snaring, hunting), and diseases. “Since 2014, six packs have become resident outside the western boundary of the KNP. Three separate incidents have resulted in approximately 10-20 AWD being shot, despite ongoing efforts to mitigate the threat they pose, including tourism incentives, relocation of packs, compensation for predation and frequent disturbance of AWD to encourage them to leave high risk areas,” he said. “During the past six years, at least 40 AWD were reported with snares, 29 of which could be saved, with the rest either dead or were never seen again. Anecdotal evidence from the last three years has shown that collared packs reduce the time and effort required to locate snared animals by more than a third, compared to animals not associated with a collared pack.” Beverly concluded by saying that the main pathogens that pose a potential threat to AWD, are rabies and canine distemper virus (CDV), both prevalent in the domestic dog population surrounding KNP and that in 2016, CDV decimated an entire pack of AWD in KNP, which fortunately did not spread any further through the population.

Andy en Sharon Greenwood en Hans Laufs het die afgelope naweek se ATKV Eiland Rolbaklub se NTK Letsitele-kompetisie gewen. Nardus Buys, die bestuurder van NTK Letsitele, en Naas Gouws, president van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub, het die pryse aan die wenners oorhandig.

Meet the new Chiefs ■ Billy Sibuyi

As a new path lies ahead, and a whole new year awaits, Frans du Toit Highschool held their prefect elections on Monday, 24th of May and elected their new leaders. Gideon Marais was elected as the new Head Boy whilst Tee-Jay Mathomu and Gerrit Marais will serve as his deputies. Thokozile Mkondwane was elected as the Head Girl, with Alejandra Marè and Rune Steenkamp as her deputies. Following the elections, the Head Boy and Head Girl shared their plans for the coming year. “I feel very honored knowing my fellow pupils have put their trust in me. I am very excited for the year ahead knowing that I am seen as a good leader by my classmates,” said Marais. “I urge my fellow pupils to participate in all activities happening at our school and use the excitement as motivation to better themselves in their own endeavors.”

Thokozile Mkondwane added that she too was excited and grateful that her fellow pupils had chosen her to lead them throughout the coming year. “I would like to incorporate fun interactive activities daily as part of my objectives for the next academic year and I would also like to motivate the learners to do better in academics,” she said. The new leaders echoed the feeling among their contemporaries which is that if there was something they learned in the last two years, it was that things could change at any moment. However, they were excited to make the 20212022 year the best it can be for both learners and teachers. Frans du Toit took the opportunity to express their utmost confidence in its newly elected head leaders and said that they knew this new group would continue where their predecessors left off, and take the school to new heights.

Gideon Marais Head Boy

Thokozile Mkondwane Head Girl

Gerrit Marais Deputy Head Boy

Alejándra Maré Deputy Head Girl

Tee-Jay Mathomu Deputy Head Boy

Rune Steenkamp Deputy Head Girl

Grant Beverly holds up an antena used to track signal of the collar.

Sport 28 May 2021

SAFETY SHORT COURSES • Workplace Hazardous Chemicals • First Aid • Fire Fighting • Confined Spaces Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@sikelelaskills.co.za Website: www.sikelelaskills.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa

Mighty Magoebs awaits riders ■ Roelof de Jonge

The dust had not quite settled for the Insect Science mountain bike (MTB) team as they are shifting their focus towards the next round of the Limpopo MTB XCO championship this Saturday the 29th of May. This was after their competitive outing at the fourth round of the South African MTB XCO Cup on Saturday the 22nd of May. The Insect Science sponsored Limpopo MTB XCO round will be held at Stanford Lake College. The SA XCO Cup round took place at the course of the Iron Throne MTB Park at Hartbeespoort. Arno du Toit who competed in the men’s division, was rewarded with a fine third place for his efforts amongst a competitive field of riders. Keagan Bontekoning also competed in the same category as du Toit and crossed the line in fifth position. The team’s female rider, Danielle Strydom, missed out on a podium position with a strong fourth place in the women’s race. Gunther Katzke raced in the junior category and finished his race in fifth place. Teammate Herman Fourie completed the race, albeit outside the top 10. Riders from the Insect Science MTB team also had quite an outing from the 22nd until the 24th of May at the 2021 Sani2C adventure race in KwaZulu-Natal. In the overall classification in the women’s team rider’s division, the Insect Science team was rewarded with an excellent third place. Alan Gordon rode consistently over the 265km

route to eventually finish in fourth place. About the Sani2C, this marathon race begins on a small sheep farm near the country’s mother of all mountain passes, the Sani Pass in the southern Drakensberg. Pedalling across a section of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands mist belt, riders negotiate scenic dairy and timber farms, glide through indigenous forests and soar down a breath-taking pass into the Umkomaas Valley before crisscrossing a nature reserve and sugar cane farms that eventually leads them to the shores of the Indian Ocean. About the SA XCO Cup and Limpopo XCO championship, XCO is the abbreviation for Cross-Country Olympic which is part of the Olympic programme. Cross-country races are held over undulating circuits with technical descents, forest roads, rocky paths and obstacles between 4 to 6km in distance. The race times varies from one hour and 20 minutes up to one hour and 40 minutes, depending on the category.

Danielle Strydom and Janice Venter

Keagan Bontekoning.

Cele’s fantasy for firearm laws strongly objected ■ Roelof de Jonge The new proposed amendment bill for South Africa’s firearm control act, by the minister of police Bheki Cele, has been a controversial topic for South Africans since it was published in the Government Gazette on the 21st of May. This draft firearm control amendment bill aims to bring some radical changes to the current firearm control act as constituted in 2000. This proposed amendment is open for comments by the public and organisations no later than 45 days from the date of this notice. These new amendments will not just impact ordinary gun owners, but it will also have huge repercussions for dedicated sport persons and professional and occasional hunters. Not to mention the changes for avid firearm collectors and the firearm industry. Philip Robinson, the Letaba-branch chairman of the Bushveld Hunters and Wildlife Conservation Association (BHA) in Tzaneen, notified the members from this organization that the executive council from the

Confederation of Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA) are already in the process of looking at these proposed amendments. “The purpose for the CHASA Exco to review these proposed amendments is to give thorough, well thought, logical, technical correct law terms and accurate comments. More information, reliable links and initiatives for comments or contributions to this proposed amends are expected soon by the CHASA Exco.” The Con-

federation of Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA) is a federation of over 25 hunting, hunting related and shooting affiliates across South Africa. CHASA aims to represent the hunter in securing the freedom to hunt. “We urge our members to remain calm and not to overreact or get emotional on social media platforms about this proposed amendment bill. There will be organisations looking for pure sensation and to wreak panic. Be vigilant not to be misled by such entities.” Martin Hood, an attorney and a passionate hunter himself, specializes amongst others in firearm laws, shared his sentiments with members of CHASA. “I am busy analysing the proposed amendment bill

John Roch

Alwin Fleischmann

like many others are. The bill is horrendous and ill-informed, and it angers me like it has many others. I am, ironically, looking forward to debating the contents of the bill with its drafters because I will be able to dismantle their arguments and publicly display how ignorant they are.” “On my reading so far, it is riddled with technical and drafting errors which shows it was written by dogmatists who have little or no understanding of the real world. One example is the proposal to remove semi-automatic firearms (rifles or shotguns) from the security industry. There are many others.” “Remember this: do not remain a bystander , use your right of freedom of expression positively and loudly.”

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