Bulletin Newspaper 4 June 2021

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• SHE REP • Incident Investigation • Driver Assessments • OHS Legal Liability


4 June 2021


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@sikelelaskills.co.za Website: www.sikelelaskills.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa



The MEC of Health in Limpopo, Dr Phopi Ramathuba joined the Mopani District Mayor, Pule Shayi this week as they officially handed over the premises of the former Clinix Private hospital, to the state-run Maphuta Malatji hospital. The hospital will admit and treat only Covid-19 cases. During the visit the MEC rather surprisingly claimed that the shortage of doctors was not as concerning to her as the shortage of cleaners and groundsmen. Read the full article on page 3.


4 June 2021




Bull throws delivery bakkie around Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


■ Joe Dreyer A dashcam video of a Bosbok Gas & Smeermiddels delivery truck being charged and damaged by an angry elephant bull has gone viral over social media channels. The video shows a delivery vehicle being charged at by an elephant after the bakkie seemingly posed a threat to the animal. Bulletin contacted the company and spoke to Nathan Traut, the Marketing Operations Manager who explained in brief what transpired. It was a delivery like many others that Norman Nukeri made to his clients in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve just outside Hoedspruit. On the 1st of June he was traveling in the Bosbok Gas delivery truck, towing a full load of fuel, when he noticed a group of elephants crossing the road he was traveling on in the distance. Being from the area and aware of the dangers of approaching these great beasts, especially when in the company of their calves, Norman slowed his vehicle to a steady halt a few metres away and waited for them to cross. The elephant cow and her young crossed the dirt road and disappeared into the bush. Suddenly to the left of the vehicle a large bull appeared from the bush and charged the bakkie. Norman banged on the side of his vehicle in an attempt to frighten the elephant away. The noise seemed to work and the bull stopped in its tracks a few metres from the bakkie. It turned to the side and walked off into the bush. Suddenly the animal made an about turn and charged full speed at the vehicle once again. This time however, Norman’s banging on the side of his bakkie did little to deter the bull who lowered its head and rammed full force into the front of the vehicle completely destroying the bonnet and damaging the front bumper and grill. The bull lifted its powerful head with its tusks still firm locked in place below the bakkie’s bonnet and shook the vehicle backwards and to the side as though it was a child’s toy. The animal stopped, inspected the threat and walked slowly backwards before determining that the perceived threat had been sufficiently eliminated and re-joined its family. The vehicle suffered significant body damage but was mechanically sound and able to drive. Norman

was shell-shocked but suffered no physical injuries. It was the first time that an encounter of this nature involving a Bosbok Gas vehicle or employee had ever been recorded. Norman was unable to reverse his vehicle out of harm’s way as he was towing a trailer full of fuel. “We dispatched the owner of the company and one of our other drivers to Norman’s position after the incident. They removed the bonnet and drove the bakkie back to the office. The delivery was still

made to our clients and we are very fortunate that the ordeal ended in the manner it did and nobody was injured,” said Traut. “We live in the African bushveld and these types of things happen. You learn to live and deal with it.” On Thursday morning Norman was back out in the field doing his daily deliveries. He was unavailable for comment. If you would like to see the video of the incident captured on Norman’s dashcam, please visit our Facebook page at Far North Bulletin.

Follow up: Privateers must pay for water ■ Joe Dreyer The water tanker problem in Tzaneen will soon be no more. That is if the agreement entered into between the Group of Private Water Tankers and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality holds water – pun intended. This week Bulletin again received numerous complaints from residents and business owners in specifically the old and new industrial areas, of hundreds of litres of water being drawn from fire hydrants by unmarked, private trucks bearing JoJo tanks. In the past Bulletin has reported on this matter and we were told by the GTM communications department that the trucks were allowed to draw water and transport it to the rural areas where there was a water shortage which the municipality could not service effectively due to a shortage of vehicles. We were also told that a list existed upon which the various private water tankers was listed and that a qualified municipal employee would be tending to the fire hydrant from where the water would be drawn to ensure that no damage to municipal property occurred. This list was never furnished to us, and not a week after this initial statement, we published a video of a fire hydrant spewing thousand of litres of potable water into the ground after its head was broken off by one of these private trucker teams. 084 4000 911 Spokesperson for the GTM, Neville Ndlala, this 072 98 98 911

week furnished us with a letter from the municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, addressed to the Group of Private Water Tankers (GPWT), informing them of the approval of their request to draw water from the Greater Tzaneen distribution network. The letter was dated 3 May 2021. In this letter Matlala listed very specific requirements which must be adhered to in order to uphold the agreement. One of these being that a list of the trucks which will be drawing water be submitted to the council in order to establish a database – which means that there never was a list as mentioned by the GTM’s communications department in November last year. Matlala also stated in the letter that the GPWT will be required to pay a Council approved rate of R16.50 per kilolitre of water drawn, and that proof of payment must be presented before any water can be drawn. The tankers will only be allowed to draw their water at an approved point which in this case has been identified as 21 Koedoe Street in the industrial area. No trucks can draw from any other point and the operators of these trucks will be liable for a hefty fine should they not adhere to any of the regulations stipulated in the letter. Residents of Tzaneen

are encouraged to report these trucks to the municipality or send images or videos of transgressing trucks to joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za

084 22 00 911




Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 24/05/2021

Tzaneen 100.6%

Help for Tourists

4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.

e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

084 400 0911

e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.

Ebenezer 100.3%

Merensky 101.6%

Dap Naude 104%

Middel Letaba 10.4%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.3%

Klaserie 100.4%

Tours 99.4%

Vergelegen 101%

Magoebaskloof 100.5%




4 June 2021



Phalaborwa’s abandoned hospital reopens ■ Billy Sibuyi The Maphuta Malatji Hospital was handed the keys to the abandoned Phalaborwa hospital facilities formerly run by the private health group, Clinix, on Tuesday, the 1st of June. The hospital was left unused since 2017 when the Clinix Health Group ended its agreement with the Limpopo Department of Health sighting lower than expected profit margins as the main factor. The handover of the hospital comes at a time when the so-called “third wave” of the Covid-19 virus approaches. According to the Limpopo Health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, the facility will focus primarily on coronavirus patients until such time as the hospital is fully equipped. Currently the facility is equipped with 38 beds and has been admitting patients since Monday, the 31st of May. The handover makes it the third facility in the province to be fully equipped to treat Covid-19 patients. Ramathuba said the reason for this hospital to focus primarily on coronavirus patients, was that during the so-called second wave of the virus, people from Phalaborwa were admitted in Tzaneen Mediclinic or Polokwane. According to her, that was very far to travel. “We are working together with private doctors offering them space to work here so that they can admit their patients. Most of the time private patients want hotel service so this facility can offer that. Equally, the mines and the military bases, will also be utilizing this facility. So, we have big plans for this facility but for now we have 38 beds that we have solely dedicated to deal with Covid -19,” said Ramathuba. The facility will operate as a wing for the local Maphutha Malatji hospital and according to Ramathuba the same management will oversee the functions of the new hospital, which is to be named by the district mayor, Pule Shayi, with the local chiefs of Ba-Phalaborwa. “When funds permit, we will prioritize management. What has killed our budget is that we have so many administrators in the department and we do not have nurses, cleaners and grounds men. So, my main focus is to get these people here and the current management will manage them,” she stated.

- MEC says doctor shortage not as dire as cleaners Bulletin wanted to know, given the poor track record of the Maphutha Hospital, how the new wing would restore confidence to the community and a boastful Ramathuba just pointed to the corridors and said the building itself was already restoring confidence. Bulletin also wanted to know whether there was a budget allocated to the new hospital and Ramathuba said that the budget that they had was only for Covid-19 patients. “To deal with Covid-19 we are covered, the next step is to be able to equip our maternity ward so that we can start using it, then we will do the pediatric ward and the theatre. We are alive to the reality of our budgetary constraints and we will not tell a lie to anyone, however we have captains of industry and with the executive mayor, we will engage the business sector of this town,” she stated. Despite Maphuta Malatji failing in delivering services due to a lack of doctors and the obvious question being how the new facility will operate under the current staff shortfall, Ramathuba was convinced that the lack of doctors was not a bigger problem than the current lack of cleaners and groundsmen.

MEC Phopi Ramathuba seemed more concerned over the lack of cleaners and groundsmen, than the lack of doctors

The Limpopo Health Department delegation led by MEC Dr Phopi Ramathuba and the Mopani District Mayor, Pule Shayi attended the handover of the Phalaborwa hospital. Photos: Billy Sibuyi

“Doctors, yes we do have shortage, but that shortage is not as dire as the shortage of cleaners. My biggest concern is not about appointing doctors, because those ones, they are there,” she said. Ramathuba also indirectly hinted that the doctors are mismanaged at the hospitals and that could be the reason for lack of doctors in hospitals. “[verbatim] Go to Khensani hospital and see the drama that happens there, doctors as early as 10:00 or 12:00 they are out and working in private surgeries and the

owners of those surgeries are not even here and have opened the practice and studying in Johannesburg,” she stated. “We must improve how we manage doctors, because there is no way that at 10:00 I [as a doctor] must leave my patients and go and see private patients because I will be paid there.” Bulletin wanted to know how Ramathuba planned on dealing with doctors that are rather attending private practices even though they are employed by the government, and she told us that was not her issue but the management’s. “It is the job of the CEO and the nurse manager to manage these people and that is why you see me removing them because when I say manage and you don’t manage, I remove you. So that is how I will deal with it, I will remove people who are failing to manage the doctors,” she concluded.

Tear it all to the ground ■ Joe Dreyer

The now open piece of land behind Pres. Steyn Street. Photo: Hannes Dreyer

- Municipality choses ugly way out

Phalaborwa town has always boasted beautiful thick natural bush areas that separated neighbourhoods and added to the natural beauty of this bushveld paradise. But in the last two decades the act of illegally dumping household rubbish, garden refuse and even mutilated animal carcasses has taken precedence over the more civilized act of driving to the dumpsite to discard your waste. Evidently, the act of fulfilling your mandate as a municipality in keeping these bushy areas and parks in the town you claim to serve, clean and maintained, has suffered a similar fate. Runners, dogwalkers and residents going for morning strolls have long since complained to their ward councilor about having to navigate the heaps of decomposing household waste scattered sporadically along their favourite routes. DA Ward Councilor, Sybrandt de Beer, lodged complaint after complaint with the omni-absent Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality to see to it that the bushes be cleared and cleaned. For three years this was not done, until this week, just a few months away from the coming elections, the BPM Parks department finally stepped up. Their answer to the problem? Bulldoze entire sections

of bush and leave nothing standing. Not a single tree, shrub, plant or plume of grass escaped the might of the bulldozer that ripped through the bush between Pres Steyn and Pres Brand Streets this week. The once beautiful, albeit not maintained, natural bush was turned into a desert in the space of an afternoon. The municipality in the meantime have allegedly told Councilor De Beer that they will not be building any houses in the areas they destroyed and they have plans to destroy the entire bush area between Soetdoring and Essenhout Streets. “At the back of Pres Steyn Street where there are a lot of sewerage drains, there was regular overflowing and the excuse from the municipality’s water department was that they cannot get into the area to unblock these drains because of the overgrown bush,” stated de Beer. “They will not have any excuse to repair their drains now, as there is no longer any bush in this area.” De Beer further told Bulletin that he had received many complaints from residents in his ward about the overgrown bush which is why the areas were bulldozed. At the time of going to print we had not received any information on these “bush clearing” projects from the municipality’s spokesperson.


4 June 2021





Freddie the elephant packed his trunk ■ Joe Dreyer Bulletin received a video on Thursday the 27th of May from a concerned couple living on the outskrits of Phalaborwa town. The video showed a young elephant bull strolling on the property in Mollengraaf Street, clearly in search of water from their swimming pool. Unbeknown to the animal however, the pool was empty due to renovations and so what he found instead, were the occupants of the house, Giel and Marna van Niekerk. The video showed him strolling onto the Van Niekerk’s property three days in a row in search of something to drink. What it did not show was that the youngster had made house calls to their neighbour, Piet Grobler, a few nights prior where he was photographed standing shoulder height in Grobler’s

mostly empty pool, drinking rain water. The bull was affectionately named “Freddie” after the Queen hit “I want to Break Free”. Being avid wildlife lovers, the couple were elated at the regular visits by this magnificent young bull, but they feared for his safety as it would only be a matter of time before he was reported to Nature Conservation and would likely be shot as suggested in several social media postings. They contacted Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation who immediately sprang into action. It was soon discovered that Freddie had broken out of the Palabora Mining Company (PMC) reserve and was roaming the properties adjacent to the mine’s property in search of drinking water. Wild Heart contacted the mine’s management, Nature Conservation and all other relevant role players to set in motion a plan to safely return Freddie to his herd. The foundation explained in a post on their social media feed that they

were racing against time as they understood that should a person be hurt during an encounter with Freddie, it would mean the animal’s untimely yet certain demise. “In instances like these, there are definite protocols in place, which include waiting for the elephant to return to the reserve himself, or guiding him back there either via drone or helicopter,” the foundation explained on their Facebook newsfeed. “With a calm approach, a little pressure from social media, and collaboration with the mine owners and authorities, soon Freddie was on the receiving end of the flying prowess of our friend, Gerry McDonald, who piloted the chopper guiding Freddie home. We received live updates as it happened. And Freddie walked calmly through the open gates of the mine property, on his way back to the Reserve.” If you have not yet seen the videos of Freddie’s clandestine night time visits, please follow us on Facebook and view the videos and photographs there. Our Facebook page can be found by searching Far North Bulletin.

Freddie the elephant spotted in a swimming pool on the property of Piet Grobler.

The Van Niekerk’s son tells Freddie he is a bad boy after the elephant damaged a garden faucet.

DA opposes new amendment to gun laws ■ Joe Dreyer

On Thursday, the 3rd of June (yesterday) the ANC in the Limpopo Legislature accepted the DA’s motions on the Limpopo Department of Education’s failure to deal with violence, sexual harassment and learner safety as well as their opposition to the Firearms Control Amendment Bill. The ANC did however oppose a motion acknowledging the handover of farm title deeds by President Cyril Ramaphosa. The first motion noted the need to protect gun ownership for self-defence as it was the last line of defence for many people in Limpopo, and the rest of South Africa. It also outlined that factors such as an under-resourced South African Police Service (SAPS), high crime rate in Limpopo, porous borders and lax rural safety plans necessitated lawful firearm ownership for self-defence. The second motion was that pupils in the province

were subjected to bullying, school stabbings, gangsterism in schools, sexual harassment, inappropriate sanitation and poor infrastructure as a result of the Limpopo Department of Education’s failures, and called for a debate on these issues as well as the plans from the department to address them. The admission by the ANC in the legislature of the Limpopo Department of Education’s failures show the extent of the crisis in the province’s schools. There has been no improvement over the years and no funds dedicated specifically to directly address security concerns and bolster security measures at problematic schools. The DA’s third motion was rejected by the ANC. It noted that President Cyril Ramaphosa’s handover of title deeds in May this year, to 30 farmers in Tafelkop was definite proof that there is no need to amend section 25 of the constitution. The handover displayed that meaningful land redistribution and redress can take place as long as there is the political will to carry

it out. The DA was allegedly shocked by the ANC’s stance and refusal to acknowledge the importance of handing over title deeds to farmers who had leased the land for more than 25 years. The ANC’s rejection of the motion can be interpreted as a disinterest with progressing land reform and an obsession with amending section 25 of the constitution. “It must be noted that the DA was the only opposition party to participate in the budget speech debates of Education and Transport and Community Safety. This is proof that the DA remains committed to serving the people of Limpopo,” said Katlego Suzan Phala, DA Whip in the Limpopo Legislature.

18 years for poaching: The ‘war’ continues

■ Joe Dreyer

More convictions and sentences are on the cards for illegal poaching in the Kruger National Park and this has sent cold shivers up the spines of those awaiting trial. Both convicted and suspected poachers in the Kruger National Park are frozen with fear as more of their kind are being sent straight to prison without the option of a fine. On Tuesday, the 1st of June, the Malamulele Regional Court sentenced two men from Mozambique, Enock Sibanda (31) and Eckson Shirinda (28), to 16 years imprisonment respectively for poaching-related offences. The department of environmental affairs believes that the court sentences will send a strong message and hopefully act as a deterrent to poachers and would-be poachers. These court sentences come at a time when poaching incidents increased due to lock down regulations in South Africa. Although Sibanda and Shirinda pleaded not guilty, they were convicted of trespassing in the Kruger National Park, contravention of Immigration Act, possession of prohibited obliterated firearm, possession of ammunition, illegal hunting and killing of an elephant.

Sibanda was also found guilty of possession of an illegal firearm and both he and Shirinda were arrested on the 14th of November 2018 inside the Kruger National Park by rangers. The state prosecutor, Norman Makhubele, told the court about the impact of animal poaching on the environment. In arguing for a suitable sentence, he said that poaching affected the environment by depleting certain species of animals which could cause animals that are endangered to become extinct. “The accused persons were jointly convicted for these charges through common purpose. The court sentenced Sibanda and Shirinda to eight years for illegal hunting and killing of an elephant by removing its tusks, 12 months’ imprisonment for trespassing, 12 months for contravention of the Immigration Act and eight years for possession of prohibited obliterated firearm and ammunition,” stated Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi, the regional spokesperson for the directorate of public prosecutors in Limpopo. Although both these men were sentenced to a total 16-years imprisonment respectively, the court ordered that the sentences run concurrently, meaning they will only be imprisoned for the larger sentence of eight years.




4 June 2021



Warriors launch formal Foundation at ceremony ■ Joe Dreyer It was a blisteringly cold evening out on the Magoebaskloof mountain pass where a very unique group of people were readying themselves for an evening that would change the lives of 24 youngsters forever. It was the Warriors Autumn Quest graduation ceremony and in attendance were the founders of the Warriors Programme, Rudi and René Viljoen with their daughter Rowena, son Ruan and the rest of the Warriors Facilitators and Instructors surrounded of course, by the 24 brave youngsters who just completed their Autumn Quest and would be receiving their official jackets. The Warriors Academy needs little introduction as it was started by the Viljoen’s more than 18 years ago as a programme to help young students develop emotional intelligence, leadership skills and facilitate their personal empowerment. Essentially, youngsters arrive at the doorstep of the Warriors Academy as socially awkward individuals afraid of what the world and life in general will be throwing at them – and leave a few months later as grown adults, masters of themselves and dictators of their future. It has long been the dream to established a formal foundation and this year that dream came to fruition at the birth of the Warriors Foundation. This new foundation will act as a catalyst for upliftment in providing deserving underprivileged students with the opportunities to enrol in the Warrior programme. The foundation will actively seek out the most deserving recipients of bursaries and scholarships and help them develop strong characters and leadership skills to become the future leaders of an ever-changing society. During the ceremony on Thursday evening, the 27th of May, those in attendance at the Warriors base camp were treated to a threecourse meal while they watched short films on the progress made by each of the young quest participants. Brief introductions and words of encouragement by each of the graduates accentuated the importance this programme played in shaping the lives of the young adults who partook in it. It was an emotional evening filled with tears of joy from, and for, each of the Warriors. As part of a fundraiser for the newly established Warriors Foundation, tickets were raffled out among the guests and some amazing prizes were offered by some of the local businesses and resorts.

Coupled with other donations during the evening, the foundation received a fitting welcome. To those local companies looking for a vehicle to support their own corporate social responsibility projects, the Warriors Foundation is a viable alternative. There are many ways

to become involved including sponsorship of a leadership camp for your chosen charity or even offering a scholarship. For these options and more information on how to become involved, please visit www. warriorsfoundation.org.za

The group of 24 succesful Warriors who completed the Autumn Quest and received their jackets. Photos: Joe Dreyer

René Viljoen, Warriors Training Director, introduces the Master Adventure Instructors to the attendees.

Tumi Matlou

Rudi Viljoen

Lucky Bella Bamboo(ed) after draw ■ Roelof de Jonge

An elated Matsatsi Mashatola was the winner of the first lucky draw prize that was hosted by Bella Donna Boutique in Tzaneng Mall. Her prize was handed over by Bella Donna Boutique’s owner, Drinette

Bella Donna Boutique is one of the oldest stores in the Tzaneng Mall. Since the inception of Tzaneen’s landmark shopping mall in the early 1990’s, this unique clothing retailer was an established store. Drinette Walkenshaw acquired ownership last year from the previous and original owners, Lettie and Deon Frouws. She admitted that it was quite an adventurous move to acquire the business at the time, as it was during the initial “hard” lock down, but through sheer determination and some creative thinking, the store stood its ground. Drinette recently added the Australian brand, Boody Organic Bamboo Eco Wear, to its clothing range for women, men and children. Through this Aussie brand, a lucky draw competition was launched. The first lucky draw winner of the first month’s prize consisting of a hamper worth R650, was Matsatsi Mashatola. To be eligible for the draw is a simple process. All you need to do is spend more than R500 in store, and include a Boody Eco Wear item in that basket, and you will be automatically entered into the next two months’ draws. Bella Donna Boutique accepts laybuys on its wide range of clothing items. This boutique’s clothing stock ranges from the latest winter shoes for ladies, costume jewelry, necklaces, earrings and broaches. Looking for a neat and unique outfit for church and events, Bella Donna Boutique has a wide selection of girls’ party outfits and church dresses. With the winter that has now confirm its attendance for this year, Bella Donna has a selection of winter scarfs to keep the cold at bay. Amongst the high-quality products Bella Donna Boutique has in store to offers its customers are Angels Genuine Leather Shoes, Natural Steps, Savoy Classics, Paradise Footwear, Bouchara Wear, Boody Organic Bamboo Eco Wear, Roze Collection and La-Lida to mention a few.

Rowena Viljoen


4 June 2021





Boogkolskoot vir Kleinhans Local MTB riders dominate race ■ Roelof de Jonge

Dewalt le Roux, Nic de Beer, Morney Kleinhans, Armand Venter en Dian Schnetler.

■ Roelof de Jonge ‘n Aantal boogskuts van die Hoërskool Merensky het Saterdag die 29ste en Sondag die 30ste Mei op Phalaborwa aan die Limpopo-Noord se provinsiale veldkampioenskap deelgeneem. Morney Kleinhans het in die kol gekorrel met sy deelname by hierdie kampioenskap wat deur die Mopanie Boogskietklub aangebied is. Dié Plasie-skut het ‘n goue medalje verower en sodoende daarmee gekwalifiseer vir provinsiale asook nasionale deelnames. Heelwat van Merensky se ander deelnemende skuts het

ook hul teenstanders ore aangesit met hul skietvernuf om sodoende met medaljes terug te keer. Armand Venter het ‘n silwer medalje verdien wat hom vir twee provinsiale geleenthede laat kwalifiseer het. Venter se spanmaat, DeWalt le Roux, het ook met ‘n silwer medalje weggestap. Nic de Beer en Dian Schnettler verdien ook melding vir hulle deelname wie goeie rekening van hul skiettalent gegee het. Beide skuts het bronsmedaljes verwerf. Volgens die Hoërskool Merensky se bemarkingsbestuurder, Louis du Preez, gaan die volgende binnenshuise kompetisie op die 12de en 13de Junie in Kemptonpark plaasvind.

Merensky shine’s in Tritech ■ Roelof de Jonge The popular and annual Tritech academic event, which is presented by Merensky High School, is a competition for all mathematics, physical sciences and technology learners. This event finally took place on the 27th and 28th of May after it was cancelled last year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. This year the organisers found a workable alternative to ensure the event will go ahead, restrictions or not. A total of 21 teams from Merensky consisting out of six learners per team entered for the online alternative of the Tritech competition. On the 27th of May the gr.8 to gr.9 learners took part and the gr.10 to gr.12 learners had their turn the following day. The contest consisted over three rounds per event with the first round that tested the scientific methods of the participants through a rapid quiz session. The second round was to determine the intellectual skills through yet another quiz. In the last round the learners’ skills were subjected to practical problem solving. Merensky’s teams have passed this test with flying colours. According to this school’s marketing manager,

Louis du Preez, so far 20 teams from Merensky have already received an invitation for the next event which will be the regional round and will also be held as an online or virtual event. Only the top performing teams are invited to take part in the Tritech regional round. This regional round is set to take place on the 4th and 5th of August. According to du Preez, only the top 100 school teams from Limpopo, North West and Mpumalanga will compete for top honours.

Jayson Kahissay, Hlulani Ngobeni, Hope Muvhango, Nyasha Patel, Palesa Sambo and Dev Patel.

The next round of the Insect Science Limpopo Cross Country Mountain Bike championship was held on Saturday the 29th of May at Standford Lake College. The local riders from Tzaneen dominated the podium, with wins coming from Gordon Noel, Gunther Katzke, Sydney Swart, Billy Noel and Carine van der Merwe. Here are the top three finishers of the various categories. Nipper Girls: Leila Van Wyngaardt was the winner in this category, and she was followed by Janli Bester in second place and Zelmarie Kotze in third place. Nipper Boys: Aron van den Borre finished this class ahead of Aiden Bruce with Gianmarco Gualdi taking up the third spot. Sprog Girls: Chantelle Gouws was the victor in this division with Dorothy de Lange coming in second place. The third-place position went to Lohané Ehlers. Sprog Boys: In this category Daniel Eagar won ahead of Owen Hudson with Robbie Noel who crossed the line in third place. Sub-Junior Girls: Jana Kotze triumphed in this race ahead of Sophia van Wyk in second and Dané Strijdom in third place. Sub-Junior Boys: Gordon Noel showed his rivals a pair of heels in this race and went on to win with Henro van der Walt crossing the line in second place. Xandrich Schoerie took up the third spot on the podium. Youth Girls: The winner’s laurels was awarded to Lilan Baber with the second place going to Carla Jansen van Vuuren. In third place was Anke Rood. Youth Boys: Willie Willemse had a field day to finish ahead of André van Deventer who was chased down by Andani Raphalalani who eventually finished third. Junior Women: There were very few entries for this category. It was eventually Eliz-Mari Pretorius who won ahead of rival Amilia Goosen. Junior Men: The Insect Science Team riders were top of their game again with Gunther Katzke winning ahead of teammate Herman Fourie. The spot for third place on the podium was filled by Ruan

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Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R26.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R29/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R28.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R43/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R35.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R35.50/KM +BTW, EENRIGTING, (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Jansen van Vuuren. Elite Men: Komborero Bere had a splendid outing to win this class. He was chased down by Kabelo Motshegoa who eventually completed the race in second place and the third placed rider was Sean-Michael Ceronio. Sub-Vet Women: This category saw Carine van der Merwe taking the win from her fellow competitors. She was followed by Jackie O’Callaghan in second place with Chantal Weyers taking the final step for third place on the podium. Sub-Vet Men: Sydney Swart showed his mettle against a host of entries and rode excellent to eventually clinch the victory from Tiaan Rabie in second place and David Pieterse who finished in third place. Veteran Women: The winner here was Elané Anderson and she was followed by Liesl de Lange for the second-place prize. There were no more entries for this division, hence only two riders received prizes. Veteran Men: Bill Noel had a superb outing and he won this class ahead of Marc None in second place and Pierre Bruwer in third place. The event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of local businesses, Insect Science, Miami Canners, BF Fuels Tzaneen and Letaba Networks, as well as various sponsorships from Merensky Timbers, H&W Signs, Du Paint and ClemenGold.

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4 June 2021



Rolbalbaan stampvol vir dié drie-spel stryd ■ Roelof de Jonge

Harry Malan, Estelle De Beer en Leon van Dyk het die prys vir eersteplek ontvang. Saam met hulle is die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub president, Naas Gouws, wie die pryse aan die span se spelers oorhandig het.

Die rolbalbaan van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub was op Saterdag die 29ste Mei met die geborgde Houers Kooperasie Letsitele drie-spel rolbalkompetisie ‘n stampvol geleentheid soos wat ywerige spelers hul opwagting gemaak het. Volgens Karen Kruger, die skakelbeampte van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub, behels die drie-spel kompetisie dat elke speler per span drie balle per skof oftewel beurt moet rol. “Die leiers van die spanne of Skips, moes flink dink om hulle spelers met strategieë by te staan om sodoende hulle teenstanders se balle uit te knikker en om ook so na as moontlik of selfs teenaan die witbal te rol.” “Die bestuur van die ATKV het die borg van hierdie geleentheid hartlik bedank vir die getroue ondersteuning. Ons klub se president, Naas Gouws, het die pryse namens die borg oorhandig.” Die wenspan het bestaan uit Harry Malan, Estelle De Beer en Leon van Dyk. Die span wat die pryse vir tweedeplek ontvang het se spelers was Johan von Backstrom, Linda Loubser en Annatjie Myburgh. In die derdeplek was die span van Johan von Backstrom, Linda Loubser en Annatjie Myburgh.

Die rolbalspan bestaande uit Johan von Backstrom, Linda Loubser en Annatjie Myburgh het die prys vir tweedeplek ontvang. Agter: Naas Gouws

Die span wat die pryse vir die derdeplek ontvang het se spelers was Tulli de Beer, Jurie Blom en Elize Malan. Agter: Naas Gouws

Legals & Notices EXCISION OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS HOLDING 34 POMPAGALANA AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent for the owner of Holding 34 Pompagalana Agricultural Holdings within the Greater Tzaneen Municipal area, hereby give notice that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the issue of an excision certificate in respect of the above-mentioned property. Documents relating to the excision application are available for inspection at the municipal offices, Agatha Street, Tzaneen and the offices of Omniplan Town Planners, 22 Peace Street, Loca Plana Building No. 6, Tzaneen until 04 July 2021. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J224. _________________________________

UITSLUITING VAN LANDBOU HOEWES HOEWE 34 POMPAGALANA LANDBOU HOEWES Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Hoewe 34 Pompagalana Landbou Hoewes in die Groter Tzaneen Munisipale gebied, gee hiermee kennis dat aansoek gedoen is by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir die uitreiking van ‘n uitsluiting serti-

fikaat in terme van die bogenoemde eiendom. Dokumente met betrekking tot die aansoek vir uitsluiting lê ter insae by die munisipale kantore, Agatha Straat Tzaneen en die kantore van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, Peace Straat Nr. 22, Loca Plana gebou Nr. 6, Tzaneen tot 04 Julie 2021. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J224. _________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T045762/06, passed by DE BRUIN FAMILIE TRUST (Registration number: 10011/1998) in favour of THE MOREBENE COMMUNAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION (Registration Number: CPA/04/0748/A) in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 38 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5) AND PORTION 40 (A PORTION OF PORTION 38) OF THE FARM ZOEKMAKAAR 778, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo

within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 1st day of June 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: Burtram / Judy Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: burtram@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027

this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 1st day of June 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: Burtram / Judy Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: burtram@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 14 THOMAS & SWANEPOEL ATTORNEYS



LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T63837/2006, passed by NICOLAAS MARTHINUS SPAUMER AND REINETTE SPAUMER in favour of THE MOREBENE COMMUNAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION (Registration Number:CPA/04/0748/A) in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 17 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5), PORTION 66 (A PORTION OF PORTION 17) AND PORTION 67 (A PORTION OF PORTION 17) OF THE FARM ZOEKMAKAAR 778, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane,Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T63838/2006, passed by SOEKMEKAAR BOERDERY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED in favour of THE MOREBENE COMMUNAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION (Registration Number:CPA/04/0748/A) in respect of certain PORTION 45 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5) AND PORTION 68 (A PORTION OF PORTION 17) OF THE FARM ZOEKMAKAAR 778, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 1st day of June 2021.

Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: Burtram / Judy Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: burtram@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 _________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T64225/2006, passed by PAUL SMIT EIENDOMME (EIENDOMS) BEPERK (Registration number: 1997/003842/07) in favour of THE MOREBENE COMMUNAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION (Registration Number: CPA/04/0748/A) in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 42 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5) AND PORTION 43 (A PORTION OF PORTION 42) OF THE FARM ZOEKMAKAAR 778, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 1st day of June 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: Burt-

ram / Judy Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: burtram@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 _________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T109807/2006, passed by PIETER BLOMERUS ERASMUS in favour of THE MOREBENE COMMUNAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION (Registration Number: CPA/04/0748/A) in respect of certain PORTION 4 AND PORTION 18 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5) OF THE FARM ZOEKMAKAAR 778, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 1st day of June 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: Burtram / Judy Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: burtram@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307







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Sport 4 June 2021

‘n Buffel van ‘n bofhou ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se jaarlik gholfkompetisie het Vrydag, die 28ste Mei, by die Tzaneen Buiteklub plaasgevind. Hierdie beterbal-kompetisie wat in aangename, matige weer beslis was, het sowat 32 spanne gelok. Green van Rensburg en Adi Botes was die uiteindelike wenners na hulle met ‘n totaal van 47 punte die dag se spel bo aan die telbord geëindig het. Die pryse vir die tweedeplek het aan Hansie en Tiaan van der Walt behoort. Gert van Zyl en Louis Erasmus was die span in die derdeplek. Volgens die Hoërskool Ben Vorster word hierdie gewilde gholfgeleentheid jaarliks gehou en die geld wat ingesamel word na afloop van die kompetisie word dan vir projekte by die skool aangewend. Die Vossies het hul dankbaarheid aan ieder en elk van die borge betuig wat tot die sukses van die geleentheid bygedra het.

Marno Jacobs

Nelson Marais

Ruan en Neville Huyseman saam met André Liversage junior en senior. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge

Werner Lategan skop stof op in die sandput met Evan Saayman en Henry de Beer wat agter hom sake dophou.

Johan Kelder speel uit die sand met Dewald van Heerden wat toekyk waar die bal gaan.

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