Bulletin Newspaper 2 July 2021

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LIFTING EQUIPMENT SHORT COURSES: • Rough Terrain/Earthmoving /Agricultural • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

SEASONAL FIRES START Photo: Roelof de Jonge


Tzaneen en omgewing is steeds in skok na die skielike dood van een van die area se geliefste inwoners. Ferdie Nel, “oom Klankman” is vroeg Woensdagoggend in sy hospitaalbed oorlede. Die familie het teen druktyd nog geen begrafnisreëlings bekend gemaak nie. Lees die berig op bladsy 3.



2 July 2021

Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@sikelelaskills.co.za Website: www.sikelelaskills.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa


2 July 2021




Cause of timber blaze still unknown Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


■ Joe Dreyer

On Wednesday afternoon at around 12:00 midday a fire somehow ignited a massive pile of wooden poles at the Margadant Wood timber yard in Tzaneen’s industrial area. At the time of going to print investigations into exactly how the fire started had not been concluded and the cause was not known. We were unable to reach the owner of timber yard, Riaan du Plessis for comment at the time but we have reports that no infrastructure was destroyed, and no employees were injured in the blaze. Upon noticing the fire, employees initially attempted to control the blaze themselves but soon realized that it was spreading beyond their control and the fire department was called in for assistance. The Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) rushed to assist. Ruoan Snyman took control of the scene as the Incident Commander and immediately organized teams to remove

as much of the surrounding timber to stem the spread of the blaze. “At this stage we really have no detailed information as to what started the fire or when it started exactly, but we focused on fuel clearance right away upon our arrival,” he said. Fuel clearance is a term used to describe the removal all materials which act as fuel for the fire. In a timber yard, that basically meant everything. “I managed to obtain permission from the Mopani Fire Department to dispatch the helicopters to the scene and they fought the fire from the skies. It was a massive double storey stack of poles which set alight and there really was no way to extinguish that. The only thing we could do was to keep it from spreading to the rest of the yard and just monitor it until the fire beat itself out.” Three-wheel wood movers were used to clear surrounding timber while firefighters focussed on containment. By 16:00 that afternoon

the choppers had stood down and returned to base and the fire had been brought under control. On the same day fires were reported in various parts of the Letsitele and Deerpark areas as the region enters the annual “fire season”. There

were reports of fires that started on a farm along the Deerpark Road because of believed negligence by the owner of the property. It was the same property that caused widespread destruction to neighbouring commercial farms in 2019.

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


Photos: Roelof de Jonge

Zero records of accidents for 2020 ■ Roelof de Jonge On Sunday morning the 27th of June, another truck with a full load of bricks veered off the George’s Valley R528 road heading towards Tzaneen. These accidents have become the norm on the Georges Valley Road and even the Magoebaskloof pass. In fact, they have become so frequent that eye lids are no longer batted at the mention of it. Usually, driver error is to blame. This last accident reportedly occurred after the driver experienced brake failure, which is one of the most likely causes of heavy vehicle accidents on this winding mountain road. The two occupants, a driver and passenger, were treated for minor injuries and both escaped serious harm. The brick company’s Swedish truck and trailer was lying on its side amongst dense overgrowth and trees. Its entire brick load spread across the road and cost many hours to clear, during which time the route became a danger to other motorists. The R528 George’s Valley Road is seen as the only safe option for trucks with heavy loads to travel to Tzaneen as opposed to the even more notorious Magoebaskloof R71 route. The best alternative however from Polokwane would be the Mooketsi, Modjadjiskloof route. Bulletin contacted 084 4000 911 the Limpopo Department of Trans-

port to gain some insight into the number of heavy vehicles involved in accidents along Magoebaskloof and George’s Valley. The Department stated however, since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the lock down regulations thereafter, they have not recorded the number

of accidents occurring since 2019. The figures given reflect 2019 only, however, the transport department did state because of the lock down regulations and subsequent travel restrictions, the accidents would be far less than in previous years. In 2019 there was a total of 18 accidents

along the R528 road and 91 on the R71 Magoebaskloof route. A total of 17 heavy vehicles, trucks and busses, were involved in these accidents and of these, 11 involved busses. The department did not release the number of deaths or serious injuries because of these accidents.

Emergency workers had to get their hands dirty on Sunday to help clear the road from a load of bricks that have fallen off after the driver of the truck lose control when the brakes of the truck failed. Photo: Roelof de Jonge

072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911




Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 28/06/2021

Tzaneen 100.1%

Help for Tourists

4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.

e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

084 400 0911

e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.

Ebenezer 100.2%

Merensky 101.6%

Dap Naude 100.2%

Middel Letaba 9.4%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.3%

Klaserie 99.4%

Tours 97.5%

Vergelegen 101.6%

Magoebaskloof 100.4%





2 July 2021


Ons Klankman sluit af Deafening silence over ■ Eden Garden continues Joe Dreyer

Oom Ferdie Nel (53) is hierdie week oorlede. Hy was bekend as die “Klankman” van die omgewing en elke musikant of organiseerder in die kontrei het sy nommer op hul selfoon onder “Ferdie Soundmaster” geprogrammeer gehad. Daaroor was daar nie twyfel nie. Nog minder dat hy werklik een van die mees saggeaarde mense was, wie jy in jou lewe sou ontmoet. Oom Ferdie het die klank en ligte behartig vir elke groot samekoms en geleentheid hetsy in ‘n skool- of kerksaal, of op ‘n buitelig verhoog by jaarlikse feeste. In sy loopbaan het hy gereeld met baie van die mees gewildste plaaslike sangers en musikante gewerk. Sowat ‘n jaar gelede het hy die gevreesde Covid-19 virus oorleef, maar het gereelde terugslae met sy gesondheid beleef. Aan die begin van Junie vanjaar het Ferdie sy been aan gangreen verloor na ‘n luidspreker op sy voet geval het. Sy been is net onder sy knieg geamputeer en steeds het hy positief en moedig gebly. Hy is egter op die 20ste Junie wéér in Letaba hospitaal opgeneem en het hierdie week ‘n operasie om die been bo die knieg te amputeer nadat hy infeksie opgedoen het, ondergaan. Luidens sy broer Riaan Nel, het die operasie goed verloop en was Ferdie Dinsdagmiddag in goeie gees en het met sy familie kommunikeer en selfs aandete gehad. Die volgende oggend is hy egter oorlede. “Ons weet nog nie presies wat die oorsaak van sy skielike dood was nie, maar dit sal deur die nadoodse ondersoek bevestig word,” het Riaan aan Bulletin gesê.

Na die nuus van sy afsterwe Woensdagoggend bekend gemaak is het plaaslike sosiale media platforms oorstroom met boodskappe vanuit die gemeenskap en tot sover as die buiteland. Ferdie Nel sal deur almal as ‘n opregte en goedhartige man onthou word. ‘n Ware meester van die klank industrie, en een met ‘n besonderse hart. Teen druktyd is die begrafnisreëlings nog nie bekend gemaak nie, maar die familie het bevestig dat die diens deur Ds Johann Fourie uit die Dinamus kerk gehou sal word en oor dié instansie se sosialeblaaie gebeeldsend sal word. Ons innige meegevoel met sy familie.

Ferdie Nel

■ Joe Dreyer

Matthew Mhlongo, the developer involved in Eden Garden cannot be reached on his mobile phone. This after multiple attempts by Bulletin to speak to him regarding the problems at his development just outside Tzaneen along Agatha Road. In the last month we reported on the plight of investors who have purchased stands in Eden Garden, which included construction packages, but have not yet been able to obtain occupancy certificates. This is because there is no sewerage system in place to pump raw sewerage from the homes to the pumpstation and then to the processing plant. A fact that was acknowledged by the municipality. In fact, a substation was built, and pumps installed, but

those pumps were removed at some point by a municipality – it is not clear if they were removed by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) or the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) because the spokespeople of both these institutions have passed the buck back and forth. In our last report we spoke to Odas Ngobeni of the MDM who made it clear that the Mopani District is in no way involved in the matter as the local municipality – the GTM in this case – is responsible for the maintenance and supply of infrastructure such as water and sanitation. Neville Ndlala, the spokesperson for the GTM said that the pumps were removed by the MDM. Ndlala has not yet responded to our inquiries for new information on when or where the pumps were removed to, why the development was approved, why the development has not been placed on hold until the sewerage infrastructure has been correctly installed or what the GTM discussed with the developer when they allegedly met for a meeting three weeks ago (the last time Bulletin

spoke to Ndlala he said that the GTM was aware of the problem and were going to have a meeting with the developer to discuss the way forward). In the meantime, we have received phone calls from concerned property owners who feel that they have been duped by the developer. The “package deal” mentioned by the property owner who spoke to Bulletin, was sold to him for more than R860 000 and included the stand, and a three-roomed house with a single garage. The house was built by Phethego Developments. “We want answers here. Every month I pay R8 000 back on my loan to the bank for a house that I cannot live in. My family and I have to rent a home in Tzaneen while our home in Eden Garden remains inaccessible,” said the property owner. “I am in contact with the developer regularly. Last year he blamed the delay in the process on the Covid-19 lockdown which I kind of understood, but last week he told me that they had run into a challenge while trying to lay the pipes for the sewerage. He said that they will need to blast through heavy boulders. So far nothing is happening.” We will be contacting the estate agents in the following week to gain comment from them on the matter and continue our efforts to reach Mhlongo who is reportedly based in Polokwane.


2 July 2021





Phala’s sewerage stench Charity shop to open soon persists after bush clearing ■ Billy Sibuyi

■ Billy Sibuyi It appears that poor service delivery, and in particular overburdened sewerage networks, have become the mantra of the small local municipalities in Limpopo. Last week Bulletin reported on the dire sewerage situation in Modjadjiskloof under the mismanagement of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) and this week another similar story surfaced in Phalaborwa. Hans Steyn, a Phalaborwa resident, said that he has had to live with the stench of raw sewerage since October 2020 and there is no proper indication from the mumchance Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality as to when, or even if, they would fix the problem. Steyn said he has four different job cards for the sewage that has been running into the street near his home in Kruger Street, and does not know what to do anymore. “I have complained to the municipality so many times, but I do not get any help. I even tried councilor Jane Williamson and she told me to keep reporting it, which I have done repeatedly. I have no more options and do not know what to do anymore as this smell is too much to deal with. It has been going on for an astounding eight months,” said a disgruntled Steyn. “I have now started to ask Sybrandt de Beer to assist me, and he is doing everything he can to assist but there is nothing happening.” Steyn explained that they could not deal with the sewage because of the overgrown bush there, and he spent his own money to clear the bush. Even after a whole section was bulldozed by the municipality’s parks management team, the sewerage manholes which are now accessible, have not been accessed. “I know they [Hans Steyn] are battling with this issue since October 2020. I have reported it every time he complained, and he even cut the grass at his own cost. I organized with parks to get a bulldozer to open that area, so the water or sewerage teams could have access. In the past the complaints from the municipal teams have always been that the bush was too

thick,” stated Sybrandt de Beer. During the past week streets like Reitz, Boshoff, and Baines have had their fair share of what the residents now call ‘H20 shedding’ and nothing has been done about it. Water problems continue unabated with the monotonous responses from the municipality that the problem is not with them but with the water supplier. The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality just does not seem to care and yet their accounts department appears to be well-organized, with residents expected to pay unjustified amounts for services never provided. De Beer said that the municipality keeps telling him that they do not know what the problem with water is, and they will enquire with Lepelle. But that is as usual where the communications channels, like the sewerage and water channels, become blocked.

The Nooters Club, a non-profit organization which forms part of the Greater Kruger Alley Cat Initiative based and started in Hoedspruit about four years ago, have their eyes set on opening their charity shop in Phalaborwa. The aim of the project is to actively control the feral domestic cat populations through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to save African Wildcat species. The Greater Kruger Alley Cat Initiative is spreading the TNR project to cover the whole of the Greater Kruger area. The Nooter’s Club will be opening their Charity shop to help raise funds to cover the costs of the veterinary bills. This initiative was started by two women in Phalaborwa, Mary Grobler and Andie Condogiannis. The Charity Shop will start by selling previously loved items and clothing as well as Juava Dog and Cat food. Thank you to everyone, who donated both financially and previously loved items and clothing, thus far. Thank you to the businesses in town who have given us great discounts on paint and goods needed to beautify our shop,” stated the Nooters Club.

The club also asked that the community continue to support the initiative to help save African Wildcat species. The Charity Shop is situated in Coster street between Phalaborwa Printers and Prima Fuels, and it will be opening early in July 2021. The club has asked residents to join their Facebook Page ‘Nooter’s Club Phalaborwa’ where they may be informed of shopping hours and the date that the shop will be opening. Should you require any further information or would like to donate, contact either Mary or Andie on 076 509 6146 or 072 018 2258.

Mary Grobler and Andie Condogiannis

Leopard killed on R40 ■ Billy Sibuyi A male leopard was killed after being hit by a vehicle on the R40 provincial road leading to Hoedspruit on Saturday evening, the 26th of June. An as yet unidentified motorist was traveling along the R40 when his vehicle hit the leopard, near Amanzimlotzi Riverside Bush Camp, authorities said. Strangely, reports by witnesses who saw an overturned vehicle a few metres from the carcass have surfaced, but it has not been stated whether the driver of said vehicle was responsible for hitting the animal. LEDET Spokesperson, Zaid Kalla, said however that the “leopard was killed, and the body disposed of accordingly”. Another motorist, Prince Shai, who shared video footage of an agonized leopard with Bulletin, explained that he and his friends were on their way to the riverside bush camp when they came upon the incident which had just occurred. “It was a little after 18:00 just before we made a

turnoff to the bush camp that we saw a leopard that was hit, and a distance from it, a car had overturned,” stated Shai who explained that the leopard was in severe pain as it tried to stand up but could not. “It was a sad moment for us, as we had hoped to see a leopard, just not an injured one. One of my friends had never seen this rare animal and to see it in that state for the first time was very heartbreaking,” he continued. The Department of Limpopo Economic Development Environment and Tourism (LEDET) confirmed that a leopard was killed on the 26th on the R40 road by a motor vehicle. They also confirmed that nobody was injured in the accident and that the SAPS were on the scene. Kalla said that wild animals were killed frequently on the R40. “It is a major road going through a wildlife region. Motorists using this road are urged to be vigilant when using the road and be on the lookout at all hours of the day for wild animals,” concluded Kalla.




2 July 2021



A decade of making the small things matter ■ Joe Dreyer Oasis Water celebrates its 14th year in Tzaneen this month. Which is significant for a number of reasons – other than this milestone marking more than a decade of locals benefitting from something not IN the water, but rather OUT of it. James and Maria Barkley have been going from strength to strength as their business literally burst from the seams over the course of the last five years. Even through last year’s hard lock down they continued to show growth as an essential service provider. Its a funny thing water. Just two little molecules that make the world go round. Well with the help of Oasis Water’s overly simplistic yet complicated enough to not go into the details about, Reverse Osmosis system, we essentially have three little molecules lubricating our world. Contrary to popular opinion, Oasis employees do not trek the trails of the Himalayas guided by mystic Sherpas on the backs of the lesser spotted Afghan camels to source purified mountain water to be bottled at Plantation Road in Tzaneen. Oh no, they use water from boreholes and even municipal waterpoints which they push through their renowned R03 and ozonation Oasis purification process to produce water so pure, you would be forgiven for believing a Sherpa had in fact had something to do with it. As a point of interest, “raw” water passes through a six – step filtration process, which includes Reverse Osmosis, ozonation and UV sterilization to ensure its superior quality. Anyway, the purity of their product became so legendary over the

course of the last five years that the Barkley’s were forced to move their operation into a bigger, more modern premises. Three years later they were again cramped for space as the demand simply continued to increase. Last week, the Oasis Water Tzaneen team proudly introduced their state-of-the-art water purification and semi-automatic bottling plant in Nyala Street, just a stone’s throw from their shopfront in Plantation Road. The official launch and ribbon-cutting ceremony was hosted on Saturday afternoon and included a tour of the facility and a tasty lunch. Here, at this new plant they can adequately see to the needs of their customers without having to deal with space or supply constraints. The plant boasts an impressive production line which has essentially semi- automated the bottling and labelling side of their business and lowered the labour intensity to up efficiency! Before acquiring the new plant, Oasis Water in Tzaneen produced on average of 260 000 litres of purified water a month and at their Retail outlet had at least 10 000 litres of the purest water this side of the equator on hand at any given time. At the factory this will increase to 30 000 litres. With the advent of the new plant, their bottled production figures are projected to increase exponentially. James and Maria are both elated at the opportunity to further improve their service delivery in a time where water has become one of, if not THE most valuable commodity.

Innocent Sekgopa

Oasis Water Tzaneen Management and Staff

James and Maria Barkley

“We must celebrate even the small things, small things like just three little molecules that have the power to change the world around us into a better, healthier environment,” said Maria. “During all of this, we thank our loyal customers for their continued support. Your contributions have made all the little things grow into something great!”

Richard Lekalakala representing Maeteko, Linden & Mayo Funeral Services with Maria Barkley and Cotrina de Klerk from Polyoak Packaging Polokwane


The finest purified and ozonated drinking water. REFRESH, REVIVE, REFILL

OASIS WATER TZANEEN Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road Tzaneen tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za | Tel: 015 307 2504




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2 July 2021






Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T79202/2012 passed by THE EXECUTOR IN THE ESTATE LATE, VALERIE DEY, NUMBER: 1769/2011 in favour of 1. RODNEY DEY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 541017 5086 08 7 and 2. GAYLE HARVEY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 560926 0078 08 7, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY, in respect of certain PORTION 2 (A PORTION OF PORTION 1) OF ERF 2333 TZANEEN EXTENTION 26 TOWNSHOP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost of destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 24TH DAY OF JUNE 2021. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@

joubertmay.co.za Our Ref: Fransie/rs/ FD301 _________________________________


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. TG1295/1985LB passed by ESTATE LATE BOY STRIGHT MAYIBA, Identity number:421117 5483 097 in respect of ERF 2963 NAMAKGALE-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.U., LIMPOPO PROVINCE which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having claims to the issue of such copies are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane Address: 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane Central, Polokwane ,0700 within TWO weeks after the date of publication of this notice. J.E RISIVA ATTORNEYS 29 THABO MBEKI STREET POLOKWANE 0699 TEL NO: 015 291 1664 / 073 799 5406 FAX NO: 086 661 3075 REF: JER/253 ESTATE LATE MAYIBA _________________________________




PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 24 October 2019 the under mentioned goods will be sold at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN, on 22 JULY 2021 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X RECEPTION DESK 1 X SMALL TABLE 1 X WOODEN SHELVES 1 X SAFE 1 X ROUND TABLE 5 X CHAIRS 1 X ACER LAPTOP 3 X COMPUTERS 1 X OFFICE TABLE 2 X OFFICE CHAIRS

1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33 A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008;(Url http:// w w w.info.gov.za/ view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 25 JUNE 2021 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1, AGATHA STREET

TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 5792 / 5694 FAX: 015 307 2553 E-MAIL: johanprk@ mweb.co.za REF: J STEYN/sdj/ BB3917 _________________________________


CASE NUMBER: LP6446-20 In the case between: MISAVENI LUCY SHINGANGE EXECUTION CREDITOR And AGRI BOX EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF AUCTION IN PURSUANCE OF AN AWARD of THE COMMISSION FOR CONSILIATION MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION granted on 27 MAY 2021 and an Enforcement of Award in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on 22 JULY 2021 at 10h00, at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN to the highest

bidder, namely; 1 x QUANTITY OF TOILET ROLLS 1 x QUANTITY OF WRAPPERS 1 x QUANITY OF PLASTICS 1 x QUANTITY OF FRUIT PACKS 1 x QUANTITY OF WATER BOXES 1 x COMPRESSOR 1 x QUANTITY OF FRUIT PACK BAGS 1 x QUANTITY OF PLASTIC CUPS 1 x AQUA REDI MACHINE 1 x BIG FAN 1 x QUANTITY CITRUS STRAP In terms of Regulation 32 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s record with the sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001. SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON 25 JUNE 2021 (sgd) M. Shingange APPLICANT MS. MISAVENI LUCY SHINGANGE _________________________________



In terms of Section 71 (A)(1) under mentioned goods will be sold to cover the storage fees and the sheriff ’s costs at the STORE ROOM, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, on 22 JULY 2021 by public auction to the held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: CASE NUMBER: 81/21 In the case between: LIMPOPO BOORGAT DIENSTE (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR And LOKOLANG TRADING & 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR MRS. LERTO IRENE MPITI 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR 1 x LANDROVER WITH REG NO. BTC 092 L 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to the judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at

the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert, Aquapark, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http:// w w w. i n f o . g o v a . z a / view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R1000.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 28 JUNE 2021 TERTIUS ROBERTSON SHERIFF LETABA (TZANEEN) 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN _________________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________

SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 nicola.strydom@seeff.com


Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280 info@sikelelaskills.co.za


Trophy Toyota 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof 015 309 9258


Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 060 739 2048/ 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. co.za


Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928


Letaba Crushers Crusher sand, Stone, Gabion, Crusher Dust, G1 up to G7, Filling, Builders Mix, Dump Rock. Contact us for more information: André Nel: 076 871 3243.



Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587 __________________________________

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2 July 2021



New upcoming Lexus NX simply electrifying ■ Roelof de Jonge Lexus recently announced the world premiere of the all-new NX, the first model of its next-generation range. The NX, as well as the fourth-coming model lineup, will better meet the diversifying needs and lifestyles of customers the world over, and in doing so, will promote the realization of a carbon-neutral society. Since its establishment in 1989, Lexus has been committed to the spirit of innovation and has continued to take on the challenge of providing new technologies and values to its customers and the motor industry. With the launch of the first-generation RX in 1998, Lexus created a new category of luxury crossover SUV’s and has been at the forefront ever since.

The NX is based on the “Lexus Electrified” electrification vision and will be available as both HEV and a Lexus first, PHEV, further accelerating the roll-out of electrified vehicles for some markets. Lexus will be offering a wide line-up of powertrains, including models powered by a 2.5-litre naturally-aspirated or a 2.4-litre turbo-charged engine as well as a hybrid variant. South Africa will introduce a full range at launch (excluding the PHEV variant for now) along with the model specs and derivatives. All-wheel drive (AWD) is available on models equipped with PHEV and 2.4-litre turbo powertrains, whilst both AWD and front-wheel drive (FWD) are available on the models equipped with HEV and 2.5-litre naturally-aspirated powertrains. The Lexus-first e-latch system electronically controls the latching and

unlatching of the doors. This feature is combined with a Blind Spot Monitor to provide a ‘safe exit’ assist function with control door opening. For the exterior, changes to the platform have resulted in an expressive, dynamic shape defined by softer angles and more organic forms. The interior is focused on creating a welcoming, hospitable space for each occupant and, for the first time, fully incorporates the Tazuna Concept. This human-centered cockpit philosophy enables a more seamless and intuitive connection between the driver and car to help enhance driving concentration. The hood has been extended to the edge of the front end while the grille surface has been raised vertically to strengthen the front end’s mass. For the rear combination lamps, an elongated light bar, located across the center of the vehicle combines with the independently positioned L-shaped lamps on the left and right to enhance the unique originality of the NX. The multimedia system’s high-resolution, 14-inch touch display provides clear images, thanks to an anti-reflective coating applied to the windshield and the use of glare-reducing bonding technology. The Lexus Premium Sound System consists of 10 speakers, including a large-capacity subwoofer box, utilising the bass reflex structure of the rear speakers and the body framework (lower back) to achieve rich and crisp low-frequency reproduction. The Mark Levinson Premium Surround Sound System is based on the Mark Levinson PurePlay concept. The all-new Lexus NX will be launched in South Africa early in 2022. The exact specifications and model grades will be announced at its launch date.

Everything but the local rally briefly bites the dust ■ Roelof de Jonge

again as their entries will remain valid. One of the route planners for the rally, Theuns Viljoen, who is a former rally driver himself and curLocal motorsport enthusiasts will have to wait a rently an advanced driving instructor in Tzaneen, little longer to get a glimpse of rally cars roaring said the planning of the rally was done and dustalong dirt roads at crazy speeds. The NTT Motor ed, and it was unfortunate that the date had to be Group Tzaneen Rally, round four of the WOMZA shifted. According to the African Regional Rally National Rally Championship (WNRC) which was Organization (ARRO) committee, this unexpected situation will unfortunately have a snowball effect on the rest of the championship dates with the possibility that the fifth round’s date will also need to move. An updated calendar will be issued in due course. But it was not only the NTT Motor Group Tzaneen Rally that had to be postponed, so was the case for the organisers of the South African National Rally Championship (NRC) that was supposed to host the 2021 edition of the Algoa Rally, originally scheduled for the 16th and 17th of July. A couple of the local participants like co-driver Louis Menge, pointing out the route for his Pretoria-based driver Anton Raaths, will have to linger about for a little while longer before heading off to Jeffrey’s Bay in the Eastern Cape for the Algoa Rally. Theuns Joubert along with co-driver Schalk van Heerden in their class S2000 Toyota Yaris won the last two rounds of the National Rally Championship. Theuns Joubert and his co-driver, Schalk initially scheduled for this weekend (30th and 31st of July), has been postponed due to new lock down regulations from Government. This fourth-round championship battle will now shift to the 20th and 21st of August. For those who have entered and still wish to participate on the new dates do not have to re-enter

van Heerden, in their class S2000 Toyota Yaris will also have to sit and idle about until the new date is announced. He would like to maintain his winning form from the third and fourth rounds at the Allstar Rally at the Carousel Entertainment World recently and is eager to get going. The NRC committee will publish a new date for the Algoa Rally as soon as a new one has been set.

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2 July 2021






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Sport 2 July 2021

Gewilde gholfdag ontduik nuwe reëls ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die gewilde Paint Pot, Smit en Kie Makelaars gholfdag, het naelskraaps die nuut aangekondigde Covid19 inperkinge gemis. Wat sou meen dat nie naastenby die hoeveelheid spelers vir die geleentheid sou kon inskryf nie. Gelukkig was hierdie gholfdag Vrydag die 25ste Junie by die Tzaneen Buiteklub aangebied voor president Cyril Ramaphosa Sondagaand die 27ste Junie die nuwe vlak inperkingsmaatreëls aangekondig het. Met die vorige inperkingsreëls voor die afgelope Sondag het die organiseerders besluit om slegs 25 spanne toe te laat, in ander woorde net ‘n 100 spelers kon inskryf. Die formaat van die kompetisie was in ‘n ‘tweebal beterbal scramble drive’ aangebied. Dit het die organiseerders genoop om van die ander inskrywings op ‘n waglys te plaas om vir hulle plek te maak indien een van die ingeskrewe spanne sou onttrek. Die gholfspelers van Polokwane, Anton Venter en René van Aswegen van Bryte Insurance, het met ‘n wentotaal van 49 die kompetisie in hul guns beklink. In die span-afdeling het hulle ook met die louere gespog. Die prys vir die langste dryfhou was aan Martie McCallaghan toegeken. Hierdie geleentheid word ter wille van welwillendheid gehou en is nie net jaarliks belangrik vir hierdie twee gevestigde maatskappye van Tzaneen nie, maar ook vir ‘n aantal tehuise en welsynsorganisa sies. Die geld wat vir die fonds gewin word, word beoog om aan die Helpende Hand Studiefonds, die SAVF se Tzaneen-tak, Goue Jare en God’s Haven geskenk te word. Die organiseerders, Paint Pot Tzaneen en Smit en Kie Makelaars, wil elke maatskappy en pesoon wie tot hierdie geleentheid se sukses bygedra het, hartlik bedank.

Frikkie Opperman bekyk die putjie uit tewryl Walter Herfurth vir Gericke du Plessis gelukwens met ‘n netjies bofhou.

Zanandi Janse van Rensburg

Jurgens Spaumer

Johan Pretorius beloer hoe hy die bofhou aan gaan pak terwyl die baljoggie geduldig wag.

Tristin du Preez

Alpha, Eco, Delta, but golf still on ■ Roelof de Jonge

Walter Herfurth

The latest news from the Limpopo Golf Union regarding the adjusted alert Level 4 Regulations of 27 June 2021, is that golf can continue to be played, subject to strict clubhouse restrictions. Even social golfers would be relieved that they would still be able to enjoy a round, although amidst stricter rules and without their favourite alcohol beverage. The union reminded all golf players and staff to adhere strictly to the GolfRSA Risk Mitigation Guidelines. Concerning the GolfRSA physical distancing and wearing of masks rules, the wearing of masks at the clubhouse of any golf establishment is mandatory. Out on the golf course, the new implemented rules require a couple of safety measures that must be adhered to. Players will have to wear a mask if they are not able to maintain a physical distance of more than three metres. This includes windy conditions with windspeeds of 24 kilometres per hour or more where players cannot maintain a physical distance of more than five metres. When players are able to maintain the above prescribed distances, no masks are required. GolfRSA clearly stated that these new rules do not replace any of the rules set by the South African Government. Golf players can follow GolfRSA’s website (www.golfrsa.com) to acquire more information regarding the new adjusted alert levels.

Tim Varrie

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