Bulletin Newspaper 6 August 2021

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CONSTRUCTION SHORT COURSES • Fall Arrest • Scaffolding • Hand Tools


6 August 2021


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It has been three weeks since the campaign against the illegal outdoor advertising boards reached the shores of Voortrekker Road and still questions remain regarding the selection process and the validity of the removals. Inside this week’s pages we question Jetty 3’s future, the legality of the water trucks and why Merriam Malatji needs the private business sector. Read all inside.


Photo: Billy Sibuyi


6 August 2021





Phalaborwa’s not-so great wall of shame ■ Billy Sibuyi Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Theiler Street and a slip road to Palabora Copper Mine (PMC) will undergo a long overdue rehabilitation which will be funded by the local mine as part off the mine’s social responsibility. This was after the municipality together with the mine officially handed over the streets to construction company, TP Noko Constructions, on Tuesday, the 3rd of August. TP Noko is a locally based construction company and the Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor, Merriam Malatji, who was accompanied by the Speaker, Eric Hlungwane, and the Chief Whip, Didodo Rapatsa, said that she appreciated the efforts made by PMC to better the lives of Ba-Phalaborwa residents. “These two streets were long overdue and we are happy as the municipality that the construction work has commenced,” said Malatji. The mayor expressed her delight that Palabora Copper appointed a local company, because according to her, this will advance their experience and corporate image. According to a statement from the municipality, this project has created more than 20 small job opportunities for local community members.

Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

property are now considered an authority that must be approached before they approached the municipality. It remains to be seen whether they will return to seal up the gates again or will take the alternative route of tabling their grievances with the BCF who will then engage the municipality.

**Editor’s Comment: If the mayor was truly worried about the state of the roads in her municipality (which clearly, she was very aware of for a very long time) she could have used the municipality’s roads maintenance budget – said to be around R3 million a month - to repair these roads. Clearly the mayor and her municipality do not possess the necessary skills to adequately run the municipality as is evident not only by the state of the roads within the town, but also the frequent water shortages, daily sewerage spills into the environment, regular power outages and let’s not forget that time the Hawks confiscated her and her esteemed executive committee’s laptops to investigate allegations of fraud and corruption related to the awarding

of tenders. But she seems to believe that cheap publicity stunts will bleach the disastrous failures of her entire council from the memories of the rate payers. Thank the goodwill gods for companies such as PMC who have again come to the rescue of their community.

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 26/07/2021

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


was busy painting the wall why he was there, and he said that “There is a tender that the BPM which was given to guys from Polokwane, and we already stopped their progress on Sunday, because it was supposed to be given to locals in Phalaborwa.” The municipality stated that they hosted a seminar in July where they invited all businesses across Phalaborwa to attend, in this seminar the municipality said they taught businesspeople how the tender processes worked and how businesspeople could also bid for tenders. At the time of going to print, the “wall of shame” was demolished as it was established that the group had not followed protocol of first communicating with their councilors or the BCF. **Editor’s Comment: surprisingly the BCF who have some of the leadership and members in court over public violence, arson and the destruction of PMC

PMC does Merriam Malatji’s job (again) ■ Billy Sibuyi



The entrance gate to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s offices was bricked up by a group calling themselves “concerned businesspeople” on Wednesday morning the 4th of August. The group made some astounding and as yet unconfirmed allegations against the municipality’s mayor, Merriam Malatji, whom they claim was in the business of corrupt tender dealings. In a rather unconventional demonstration, these “businesspeople”, erected a 1,5-meter high wall at the front gate of the municipality, and in so doing stopped the activities of the entire institution including that of the public library. When asked why they opted on building a wall as opposed to welding the gates, they said that would symbolize a silent protest and “we are here for tenders and our peoples’ jobs, that is why we have built this wall”. According to Trevor Ngobeni, the spokesperson of the “businesspeople”, the BPM advertised tenders for bush clearing which was set to close yesterday, Thursday, the 5th of August and 10th of August respectively for several areas within the municipality. However according to them, the Mopani District Municipality, advertised the same tender and even awarded it to a company which already started clearing the bush in three areas around the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. “We don’t know what they are doing with this money, because the tender Mopani already awarded is the same tender that the BPM has advertised, so what is going on there?” asked Ngobeni. “When we want to sit down with them, they bring in politicians to speak to us in a meeting, but why are we speaking to politicians? We don’t want politicians, we want the municipal manager, chief financial officer, and one of the guys from the supply chain management, because these are the guys who have information,” continued Ngobeni. “This is not our only grievance, the municipality has a tendency of awarding tenders to companies which do not qualify as they do not have machineries. The municipality then pays them lump sums of more than a million Rand. We will stop at nothing until the children of Phalaborwa eat from the fruits of their land,” he stated. Bulletin continued to ask one of the members who


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6 August 2021


Jetty 3: No entry but enter at own risk? ■ Joe Dreyer There is still no clear indication of when Jetty 3 will be open to the public. First the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) told you that the facilities were closed because it was being used for a temporary tented isolation facility during the initial lockdown in 2020. Then, they told you the facility would remain closed due to the Covid-19 regulations of the various adjusted alert levels. This year they told you that the facility will remain closed, despite the President allowing all public areas to open, because they did not have the manpower to reopen in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations. And then they said anglers and boaters can enter Jetty 3 if they obtain a permit to do so. This story kept changing and has now changed once more. This week the GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala said that Jetty 3 will stay closed as they were needed to appoint a contractor to manage it, but this appointment process was delayed due to – you guessed it – Covid-19.

“Jetty 3 will remain closed (picnic) for now until we appoint a service provider to manage it. The procurement process has been delayed by Covid -19 restrictions but we are working of the process now,” Ndlala said. He made no mention of the very precise proposal submitted to the office of the municipal manager two months ago. A plan which compiled and presented by a group of local businessmen who very successfully managed the facility for many years at their own cost and have again proposed to take over the running and maintenance of Jetty 3 – at their own cost. In fact, one of these businessmen, Muis Joubert, still holds the liquor license for the venue. Seems like a decision to appoint a group of people with a proven track record and the resources to adequately manage this facility should be a no-brainer. But what about anglers and boaters in the meantime? Well, the GTM seem to be treading water on the matter as there is no clear explanation on the way forward other than a watered-down response clearly

intended to delay and pacify. “I must state however that we don’t allow people to use Jetty 3 to launch their boats and for fishing, but they must get a permit from our Planning and Economic Development Department (Land and Human Settlement Division). This permit is free and must be produced at the gate, without it, entry will be denied. Please note that those who use Jetty 3 do so at their own risk and that the GTM will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury.” Does this mean that Jetty 3 is closed or open? Or closed to those without a permit which is freely available at the aforementioned office, but only if you intend not to picnic at the venue and only if you agree that you will behave on the water which you are not allowed to launch your boat into? The Planning and Economic Development office is located at no 15B Peace Street next to the Blood Bank. You can contact Wiseman Mabunda at 015 307 8350 for more information.

Right on SAPS’ doorstep Follow up: Water tankers ■ break the agreement rules Joe Dreyer

Law abiding citizens are not allowed to launch their boats or go fishing on the Tzaneen dam, but the rest of society can engage in illegal public drinking, littering, noise disturbance, breaking the national curfew and even the dealing in illegal substances. All of this happened right on the doorstep of the South African Police Services Joint Operations Centre at the Tzaneen dam wall. Residents of Tzangeni report that this is a weekly occurrence with rowdy youths being delivered to the dam wall via taxi where they spend Friday and Saturday evenings drinking and enjoying ear-deafeningly loud music pumped out of the back of the vehicles. Empty liquor bottles, broken glass, used condoms and cardboard boxes litter the natural surroundings of the dam – three metres from an empty dustbin. Why is this spot at the wall closed to the boaters and anglers (the legal ones), yet taxi loads of youths are allowed to enter the gates of the supposedly secure estate? We have no answers

at this stage, but we will issue an inquiry to the powers that be who might respond with a workable solution such as handing over Jetty 3 to the group who have presented a water-tight proposal to manage it successfully.

Rubbish left at the Tzaneen dam wall after the weekend - meters away is an empty dustbin.

Follow up: exorcism continues ■ Joe Dreyer Two weeks ago, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality embarked on a crusade to exorcise the town of the evil that is illegal outdoor advertising. Many billboards were removed and summarily heaped upon a flatbed to be transported to the municipal stores. Fantastic news that the municipality is finally stating some enforcement of their own bylaws, as they should, and this can in many ways be attributed to the arrival of key role players in key positions at key departments who give enough of a damn about serving the community, to actually do their job. There is however a concern that many of the businesses have raised, and that is why only some of the billboards were removed, even after the owners of said billboards had reportedly acquired permission to have them displayed. In a certain section of the municipality there rests a once open to the public park, now converted to an encampment. Upon the perimeter fence of said encampment, there hangs 30 billboards.

One of which belongs to a ward councillor. Last week these boards were targeted for removal as per a statement from the municipal spokesperson, Neville Ndlala. A week went by and the boards remained. On Thursday (yesterday) another round of board purging commenced, yet the encampment’s adornments remained. No clarity from the GTM either, when asked about the municipality’s reluctance to go anywhere near the area with such gusto, one would be forgiven for confusing it with Groom Lake. “Today we are removing more boards starting at 10:00 and we are going to do it gradually until we clean up the whole town. This is not a malicious process, but this is to ensure compliance to the bylaws. Those who have applied to have their boards displayed, their applications will be considered and while these are being considered we will not remove their boards. Minitzani’s boards are not inline with the bylaws and each board must be individually applied for and be paid for monthly. The committee is looking into the individual applications and giving people time to reapply for the boards.”

■ Joe Dreyer Despite the request by Parliament that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality improved its communication channels with its residents, Tzaneen locals still have no clear answers on the hundreds of private water tankers they notice drawing water from hydrants in their neighbourhoods daily. Bulletin has reported on this issue numerous times in the last year and we are still no closer to understanding how the agreement between the so-called “Group of Private Water Tankers” and the GTM is structured exactly. Or more to the point, how the conditions of the agreement are being enforced. According to the agreement entered into between the two parties in May this year, the GPWT were allowed to draw water from hydrants in Tzaneen to be transported to the rural villages. But only at one specific hydrant situated in Koedoe Street. Nowhere else. They also had to provide a list of the trucks that would be drawing the water which would then be added to a list that the municipality would presumably keep on a desk in an office somewhere. The GPWT also needed to pay for the water they so eagerly draw from the Tzaneen hydrants at a rate of R16.50 per kilolitre. They had to present proof of payment before they drew the water. Sounds legitimate and if taken at face value, this agreement seems workable, but there exists a few problems which appear to have not been taken into account at the time of the agreement. One major stumbling block to this proposed system is the monitoring of the volumes of water drawn from any one hydrant. There is no meter attached to the hydrant in Koedoe Street and when visiting the site, Bulletin noticed only one municipal employee sitting in a bakkie with a clipboard listening to music on her earphones. Is the municipality guessing the litres drawn from the hydrants based on the size of the Jojo tanks mounted on the flatbeds of these GPWT trucks? Secondly, there exists the issue of tankers seeking out hydrants in neighbourhoods over weekends, specifically on Sundays, and filling up their trucks there. This past week a hydrant was broken off in King Edward Drive. Most of these trucks have no regard for the safety of the other road users or the

integrity of the municipal infrastructure. At the time of going to print we were still waiting for the list of registered trucks to be mailed to us – which we requested on the 24th of November 2020. We were also waiting for a proper response from Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM who simply replied to our inquiries on this matter with “we are compiling a list of these trucks for fines,” and when we asked about the proposed list of registered trucks, he responded with “we have pictures of these trucks, as I said, we are compiling a report.”

One of the water tankers drawing water from a hydrant.


6 August 2021





Who is starting the fires? Books to separate pupils ■ Billy Sibuyi Five fires were started by an unknown arsonist, or a group of arsonists, in and around the small mining town of Phalaborwa in the last two weeks. Though the fires are not huge blazes, they are started in areas of bush where, if not contained in its infancy, could cause devastation to local fauna and flora. This week another fire was started in Jakkalsbessie Street. The Mopani District Municipality (MDM) has come under some criticism for their inability to track any offenders of the fires and the inability to contain the flames as at Jakkalbessie where the small fire soon became a massive blaze. The chairperson of the Phalaborwa CPF, Anton Kellerman, said that he and his team battled the blaze from 13:00 that afternoon until around 21:00 that evening. “We know that these fires appear to be started by someone, we do not however know who this person could be, or whether it was intended to be malicious. It could very well just be someone burning rubbish or a vagrant starting a fire to keep warm.” Bulletin sent an inquiry to the spokesperson of the

Mopani District Municipality, Odas Ngobeni, and he confirmed the fire which occurred on Monday, charring the bush all the way to Schietoch army base. Ngobeni told Bulletin that two vehicles were dispatched by the fire department with a crew of five members, with the first vehicle being dispatched at 12:10 and the second one an hour after the first. “We wish to advise members of the public to refrain from the burning of rubbish or open fires, especially during this fire season when wildfires are most likely to spread faster. So, we all need to work together as we deal with fire emergencies. We encourage our people to have well-maintained fire extinguishers in their homes. But what is also key is for our people never to tamper with our fire hydrants,” explained Ngobeni. He said that the Mopani District Municipality’s Fire and Rescue Services remained committed to serve the community prioritizing the protection of life and infrastructure. He also encouraged members of the public to report all emergencies to their Disaster Management’s Centralized Communication Centre on 015 306 7000.

■ Jeff Jackson Because of the vast amount of contradictory information being circulated daily, many parents have expressed their concerns over the fact that some teachers did not receive their vaccines before the reopening of the schools last week. Some have also expressed concern over the lack of infrastructure at some schools which they believe will not assist in curbing the rate of Covid-19 infections. There were some schools that did not have even the basic furniture such as desks and chairs for their students, even before the new regulations were introduced to keep students distanced from one another while in the classroom. Bulletin received reports of some schools using stacks of books in the middle of the desks, to separate the pupils, while other schools used chairs. The provincial education department said that they vaccinated 73 609 teachers during the given time and they had exceeded the target by 12 037 vaccinations. It said another round will be allocated later in the year. “The number of staff added to the set target was catered for by additional doses of the

Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was offered by the Department of Health following a strong demand for the vaccine towards the end of the basic education sector`s vaccination drive. Those vaccinated included food handlers, janitors, and support staff from independent schools,” said provincial education spokesperson, Tidimalo Chuene. The national education spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, said that so far 517 000 out of the 582 000 members within the education sector were vaccinated. He said reasons for some teachers not being vaccinated included natural sickness, Covid-19 positive cases and pregnancies and those who were not vaccinated will be given another chance to do so, especially in areas in which there was political unrest. The Limpopo Education MEC, Polly Boshielo, said they were elated by the response they saw from the educators and support staff. “As many braved the cold mornings and long queues to get their jab, this to me demonstrates the commitment they have towards the normalisation of the sector and I urge those who could not to find time to do so, to make time and get the jab.”

Foskor saves BPM’s face ■ Billy Sibuyi

In another example of private business stepping up to serve their community, Foskor mine from Phalaborwa donated school shoes and stationary to destitute pupils at Prieska Combined School in Gravelotte on Tuesday the 3rd of August. The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality was also in attendance. The school, which is situated in the rural village of Selwane and surrounded by farms, has a total of 246 pupils. The donation was requested by the Mayor, Merriam Malatji, to help underprivileged learners who did not have school shoes. The donation was supposed to have been handed over during the month of July, Mandela Month, however it was not possible to do so due to other engagements according to the municipality. The mayor mentioned during the handover that the donation was part of restoring the dignity of

COSATU wants pensions paid out before plundering ■ Jeff Jackson Calls by the Congress of the South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and their affiliated workers unions, that government amend the provisions of the Pension Act and release a third of the workers’ pensions before the fund is decimated by Covid-19, reached an ear in the exalted halls of the ruling party. This after Treasury announced that it was still in discussions with stakeholders to have a chunk of workers’ pensions withdrawn and paid out. During a briefing on the Covid-19 support package by Minister Tito Mboweni, he said the Treasury was in discussions with the workers through the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) on the proposed limited withdrawals from the pension funds to support those who lost part of their earnings due to the pandemic. Mboweni further said every worker should have a retirement fund. The matter was first raised by COSATU when they proposed that 30 percent of the pensions of their affiliates be paid out. This coincided with the new Pension Act which stipulates that about 30% of government funds should be paid out upon retirement while the rest should be paid out monthly. This is done to avoid a situation where workers are left with no money after retirement. The government in turn, said it would like to ensure that the withdrawals are conducted under very spe-

cific circumstances such as to support those affected by the pandemic and to ensure that there is also the preservation of savings to avert cash liquidity after retirement. “We are working on it and there are a lot of complexities, and if we do not watch to the door, we will create liquidity problems.” said deputy director General Ismail Momoniat. “There needs to be a very limited window of access under very specific circumstances. South Africans already have a preservation issue, as some soon after resigning jobs and cashing out pensions, only small amounts is left in reserves. The deal therefore would need limited withdrawals.” Treasury added that after consultations were concluded, the matter would be tabled in Parliament. The DA previously proposed amendments where people economically affected by the pandemic, withdraw 75% of their retirement funds as security for their loans, while currently the law allow that retirement funds can be used to secure funding for housing needs. However, two weeks ago President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that money which was paid to the unemployed as part of relief from the economic devastation of the pandemic will resume. He also announced that discussions are at an advanced stage with stakeholders to introduce a Basic Income Grant (BIG) in which people not receiving grants and the unemployed, will receive money each month.

a poor child and most importantly to motivate them to focus on their studies. The Acting Principal of the school, Patrick Ngobeni, thanked the Mayor for helping the poor learners citing that the donation would reignite the spirit of learning and teaching at the school during these difficult times of Covid-19. **Editor’s Comment: What has the municipality and the mayor of Phalaborwa actually really accomplished other than riding private business for donations, and then claiming the glory for these initiatives? It is strikingly clear that this is nothing more than another cheap publicity stunt by the mayor and her council ahead of the coming elections. Thank you to Foskor who have again stepped up to the plate and ploughed back into their community. Were it not for Phalaborwa’s two mining giants, Phalaborwa would be a footnote on the map indicating where a town was used to thrive.

“We want all our illegal connections returned” ■ Jeff Jackson

Hundreds of community members closed the Khujwana- Lephepane road passing through their village demanding that the illegal connections disconnected by the district municipality be restored. The community accused the contractor working on the water reticulation programme in Khujwana, of denying them water by closing the pipes which were supplying them. Earlier this year, a contractor was appointed to implement the second phase of the Khujwana Reticulation Project which would result in standpipes installed in strategic streets to supply residents with running water. In the process, the pipes which the community had illegally connected to their homes were cut off which resulted in community members taking to the streets. Residents said they were promised that they will be restored. The protests forced employees of the contractor to abandon work in the area and leave for other areas. A community member who asked not to be named, said that community members were worried that when the pipes they connected themselves were disconnected, there was no communication between the contractor and the community. Residents said that they tried to hold meetings

with members of the ward committee, but the meeting kept being postponed. One of the ward committee members said that the project was implemented to alleviate the water crisis but illegal connections were hampering its progress. The pipe which was initially installed to supply water into the reservoir at Khujwana had never been effective because of illegal connections which hamper the smooth supply of water. Every time there were efforts by the authorities to improve the system, people started digging trenches and disconnected the water on their own. When there is no water, they complain. The nearby farmers also rely on the same pipe for irrigation. “With the nominations for the new councillors duly started the protests might be fuelled by those who were unsuccessful in having themselves registered as candidates. It is hoped that with the reticulation project reaching its end, the situation could return to normal.” Local headman, Steve Maila, who supported the protesters, told Bulletin that water trucks could have been sent to supply residents with water before they stood up to protest. He said people now rely on the Letsitele river nearby for washing while they buy drinking water. Attempts to contact the local councillors were unsuccessful by the time of going to print.



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6 August 2021


A day to remember: World Ranger Day ■ Billy Sibuyi Rangers often encounter poachers armed with high caliber hunting rifles, who do not hesitate to take human life and SANParks has lost 11 rangers in the past 12 months. The Kruger National Park (KNP) field ranger, Checkers Mashego, is one of the 13 rangers who died in the line of duty across the continent, a story Bulletin published. The KNP managing executive, Gareth Coleman, said that they were working to adequately equip the rangers to better combat poacher encounters. “We face a particular challenge in the Kruger because we have such many concentrations of rhinos. So, with the large attention that brings, it means that rangers must be both well prepared and well protected,” stated Coleman. With more than 715 poaching activities been recorded at the KNP in the first six months of this year, a total of 125 people were arrested for alleged rhino poaching or dealing in rhino horn across the country since January. KNP head ranger, Cathy Dreyer, said that rangers were faced with multiple challenges in their daily work also mentioning that due to the pandemic, their budget was severely affected. “The challenges for rangers are numerous, like working on a big open system, so it is always dangerous with animals around and the rangers are very comfortable working in the bush. But it is not only the animals that they have to face now, but also poachers or people that are coming

in to kill the wildlife and other crimes related to wildlife,” said Dreyer. “Today on World Ranger Day (31 July 2021), we want to pay tribute to our rangers for the incredible work they do each day to keep our National Parks and our iconic species safe. We also want to pay tribute to eleven of our staff members at SANParks who lost their lives to Covid19 over the past year,” said Barbara Creecy, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. “We find ourselves in a position where the efforts being made to combat wildlife crime, such as rhino poaching, are influenced to some extent by the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the battle to beat the Covid-19 pandemic.” Creecy also mentioned that for the first six months of this year, 249 rhinos were poached in South Africa. While this is higher than the number of rhino killed in the same period last year (166), it is less than the 318 rhino that were poached in the first six months of 2019. During the six months, January to June 2021, the KNP experienced 715 poacher activities, an increase of 3.77% in comparison

Snared buffalo died during rescue

■ Billy Sibuyi

and monitored all the time the hyena was never seen again, and the foundation believes it could have died Three weeks ago, Bulletin reported that the Phala- before they even constructed the boma. borwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF) were Eugene Troskie, a director of the PNHF, revealed trying to locate a hyena and a buffalo with snares on to Bulletin that a report came in about the snared them, as their fight against snaring continued. It has buffalo, a helicopter was deployed and the animal now been reported that the buffalo was found, as it was successfully darted. “The snare was successfully had circled back to the initial spot it was first sighted removed. This animal had picked up the snare from four weeks ago, at a local private nature reserve after a neighboring reserve, where the fences were damit had escaped through a broken-down fence from a aged by elephants, managed by the government,” government reserve. Both reserves are known to Bul- stated Troskie. letin, but for security reasons, they cannot be named. He explained that the type of snare used was a very Unfortunately, the hyena has not been found, even thick cable snare originally used in elephant fences. with a passive capture boma, set up with cameras “So, they took those thick cables and wound them apart, and these types of snares are rife in that game reserve where this buffalo came from.” Unfortunately, due to the extended period of the snare around the buffalo, its hoof had developed a massive abscess. “We did not have to cut out the snare as it had already rusted on the hoof and embedded into the flesh, so I pulled it out. His foot was swollen to twice the size than it would normally be, and the veterinarian said that chances of the buffalo recovering was zero,” stated. Troskie told Bulletin that the buffalo’s organs had already been affected and when the reversal drug was administered to revive him, the buffalo died. “About 90% of the animals that we try and rescue with snares, successfully recover. But it does happen sometimes that you lose an animal, and it’s sad but it is something that happens,” said Troskie. The hooves of snared buffalo


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to the number in 2020, which was 689 for the same period. From January to end of June this year, 132 rhino and one elephant were poached in the KNP. According to Creecy, from January to June 2021, 40 alleged poachers were arrested within the KNP. She also said that numerous confiscations of rhino horn have taken place both within the bush and at OR Tambo International Airport. She detailed that a total of 14 cases were finalised since the start of the year with a verdict, representing a 93% conviction rate.

One of the Ranger corps teams at the 2021 World Ranger Day.


6 August 2021





IN THE CHAIR WITH DR RUAN RADEMEYER The medical term for a mild gum disease is Gingivitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums or gingiva and is commonly caused by plaque or bacteria that accumulate on the teeth. Gingivitis is a non-destructive form of periodontal disease, but if left untreated it can progress to a Periodontitis which is very serious and may lead to loss of teeth. Common signs of Gingivitis are red and swollen gums or gingiva that bleed when we brush our teeth. In mild cases patients may be unaware that they have a Gingivitis because the symptoms are so minor. However, it is a serious condition and must be treated immediately. Gingivitis can be easily cured with good oral hygiene such as longer and more frequent brushing and flossing along with the use of antiseptic mouthwash. However, plaque that is not removed adequately can harden into calculus or tartar at the base of the teeth along the gums. Calculus

can only be removed professionally. Other causes and risk factors for Gingivitis include: • Changes in hormones that occur during pregnancy, puberty and menopause • Diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes and HIV have a higher risk of Gingivitis • Certain drugs can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue with increased risk of Gingivitis • Smokers are more at risk for gum disease than non-smokers • The risk of Gingivitis increases with age • Poor diet can lead to increased risk of Gingivitis such as seen in Vitamin C deficiency Early diagnosis and detection of Gingivitis is very important to treat the disease and prevent the progression of the Gingivitis to a Periodontitis.

• Brush the teeth at least twice a day and clean between the teeth with Dental Floss once a day • Use an electronic toothbrush if possible • Regularly rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash. Hope you all found this helpful. Next month we will discuss the progression of Gingivitis to a Periodontitis and the potential effects on your teeth and gums, but also your body in general.

Skole dink nog oor kontaksport

■ Roelof de Jonge

Die Minister van Basiese Onderwys, Angie Motshekga, het die opskorting van kontaksport by skole hierdie Sondag die 1ste Augustus gelig. Sportafrigting en volkontak oefeninge by skole kan vanaf Maandag die 2de Augustus weer voortgaan. Met die wintersportseisoen wat byna neusieverby is, en met die nuwe wysigings wat bepaal dat alle wedstryde eers vanaf die 25ste Augustus hervat kan word, gaan dit afrigters noop om in ‘n beperkte tyd wondere te verrig. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het met die aangepaste maatreëls, nie dadelik die groenlig vir leerders gegee om te begin oefen nie. Die skool se leerders het nie dadelik met volle kontak-oefeninge hierdie week begin nie, omrede Ben Vorster se personeel, beheerliggaam en sy afrigters eers tot ‘n besluitneming moet kom hoe hulle hierdie saak vorentoe gaan aanpak. Dis nou om aan die nuwe aangepaste regulasies te voldoen. Afgesien daarvan is daar ook die probleem wat opgeklaar moet word hoe die kinders moet vervoer gaan word aangesien spanne en hul afrigters nie saam op een bus mag reis nie want dit gaan die inperkingsmaatreëls se aangepaste regulasies oorskry, en dit gaan bonop ekstra kostes noop om nog meer vervoer vir die leerders te voorsien. Volgens die Hoërskool Merensky word daar eers nou met die verskillende sportsoorte se liggame geskakel om strukture ten opsigte van die maatreëls in plek te kry. Merensky saal eers waarskynlik volgende week begin met oefeninge, maar alle sporte mag nie voluit begin nie, soos rugby byvoorbeeld wat eers ‘n tyd kontakloos moet oefen en voorberei vir die res van die seisoen alvorens daar kontak gemaak mag word. Merensky se krieket is reeds voluit aan die gang en daar word beoog om volgende naweek, die 14de Augustus, al ‘n wedstryd te speel. Die nuwe wysings bepaal steeds dat geen toeskouers by wedstryde toegelaat sal word nie. Die organiseerders van die jaarlikse o/18 Craven Rugbyweek, die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Rugby Vereniging, kon daarin slaag om te verseker dat hierdie provinsiale skolerugbytoernooi wel vanjaar sal kan plaasvind. Alhoewel dit baie vreemd is om die Cravenweek-toernooi wat tradisioneel in die Julie skolevakansie beslis word, in Oktober te sien gebeur, was die organiseerders vasbeslote om hierdie jaar se Cravenweek-toernooi te laat plaasvind. Vanjaar se Cravenweek sal dus gedurende die volgende skolevakansie, vanaf die 3de tot 9de Oktober, aangebied word. Die organiseerders het ouers en matrikulante gerusgestel, met die wete dat dié leerders wie gedurende die Cravenweek moet studeer, wel toesighoudende geleenthede gebied sal word om te kan studeer gedurende die aande en op afdae oftewel wanneer spanne nie deelneem nie.

Dr Ruan Rademeyer

I recommend the following steps to prevent and treat Gingivitis: • Visit a Dentist at least once every 12 months to check for any signs and symptoms of Gingivitis or any other form of gum disease. • Get a professional clean from a Dentist or Oral Hygienist once every 12 months

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6 August 2021


ATKV Rolbal spog met nuwe borgskap ■ Roelof de Jonge Die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub het Saterdag, die 31ste Julie, sy laaste amptelike borgdag vir dié jaar aangebied met ‘n nuwe borgskap tot die klub se geleenthede, naamlik die Phalaborwa Pick n Pay Rolbalkompetisie. Volgens Karen Kruger (skakelbeampte van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub) het hulle die deelnemende spelers se harte bly gemaak deur geskenkpakkies sowel as kontantpryse te skenk. Volgens Kruger behoort daar nog ‘n aantal interne geborgde kompetisies te wees om aan deel te neem en sosiale spel sal nog steeds op Maandae, Dinsdae, Donderdae en Vrydag aangebied word. Die klub se afrigter sal na ‘n

afwesigheid die afgelope paar weke, volgens Kruger, ook weer by die klub wees om mense touwys te maak. “Die bestuur wil graag vir Phalaborwa Pick n Pay bedank vir hulle borgskap en hoop terdeë dat hulle volgende jaar weer so gaaf sal wees om ons rolbalklub te ondersteun.” Pieta Visser, die vise-president van die ATKV Rolbalklub en sy vrou Sandra, het die pryse aan die wenners oorhandig. Pieta Visser, Sonja Malan en Linda Laubser het met die eersteplek se pryse weggestap. In die tweedeplek was die span bestaande uit Callie Prigge, Johan de Bruyn en Hennie Beukes. Die span in die derdeplek se spelers was deur Harry Malan, Eric Kruger en Daan Swart verteenwoordig.

Cliff Hartman

Daan Swart

Legals & Notices NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 86 OF THE MARULENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BYLAW, 2016, FOR SPECIAL CONSENT TO CONSTRUCT A TELECOMMUNICATION MAST AND BASE STATION ON THE FARM ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT (TO BE KNOWN AS PORTION 3 OF THE FARM ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT). Notice in terms of Section 86 of the Maruleng Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bylaw, 2016, is hereby given that we, Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd intend applying to the Maruleng Local Municipality in terms of Section 49(2)(d) of the Maruleng Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bylaw, 2016, read with

Clause 21 of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, for Special Consent to use a portion of the above mentioned property in order to construct a Telecommunication Mast and Base Station. The property is situated at Kgopong Primary School, Ga-Mabin Township, Limpopo (zoned: “Government”). The application is to obtain Special Consent for the construction of a telecommunication mast and base station on the application property. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the Maruleng Local Municipal Offices, Directorate: Spatial Planning & Economic Development, 64 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, 1380 and the applicant. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application must lodge the objection in writing

with both the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, and the undersigned not later than 30 days after the 1st newspaper advertisement on 06 August 2021. Any person who cannot write, may during normal office hours at the offices of the Maruleng Local Municipality, request any town planner employed at the municipality, to assist to transcribe that person’s objections or comments. A person claiming to be an interested person in a land development application has the burden of establishing his or her status as an interested person. An interested person has to provide contact details in order to be heard. Information has to be provided with regard to the grounds of an objection and how rights and interests are affected. If an interested party has not demonstrated an in-

terest in all of the issues presented in a particular land development application or an appeal, the Municipal Planning Tribunal or appeal authority may limit the interested person’s participation to only those issues in which an interest has been established. Date of first advertisement placement: 06 August 2021 Date of second advertisement placement: 13 August 2021 Objection expiry date: 06 September 2021 Our Reference: Ga-Mabin Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 P.O. Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Tel.: (012) 346 2340 Email: rohanv@sfplan. co.za __________________________________


WA PEAKANYO YA SEKGOBA LE TAOLO YA TŠHOMIŠO YA NAGA, WA 2016 WA MASEPALA WA SELEGAE WA MARULENG, YA TUMELELO YEO E IKGETHILEGO YA GO AGA TELECOMMUNICATION MAST LE SETEIŠENE SA BASE POLASENG YA ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT (TŠEO DI TLA TSEBJAGO BJALO KA SERIPA SA 3 SA POLASE YA ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT). Tsebišo mabapi le Karolo 86 ya Molao wa Selegae wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Tšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2016, o file gore rena, Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd, re nyaka go dira kgopelo go Masepala wa Selegae wa Maruleng mabapi le Karolo 49(2)(d) ya Molao wa Selegae wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Tšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2016, o badilwe gotee le Lefokwana 21 la Sekimi sa Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga wa

Maruleng wa 2008, go Tumelelo yeo e Ikgethilego go šomiša seripa sa dinaga tšeo di boletšwego ka godimo gore re kgone go aga Telecommunication Mast le Seteišene sa Base. Naga yeo e Kgopong Primary School, Motseng wa Ga-Mabin, Limpopo (zoned: “Government”). Kgopelo e mabapi le go hwetša Tumelelo yeo e Ikgethilego ya kago ya telecommunication mast le seteišene sa base go kgopelong ya naga. Dipeakanyo le/goba ditlhalošišo tšeo di amanago le kgopelo di ka hlahlobja nakong ya diiri tša mošomo go Maruleng Local Municipal Offices, Directorate: Spatial Planning & Economic Development, 64 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, 1380 le go mokgopedi. Motho mang goba mang yo a gananago le go fiwa tumelelo ya kgopelo ye o swanetše go dira boipelaetšo ka go ngwalela Molaodi wa Masepala,

P.O. Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, le bao ba kgethilwego e sego marago ga matšatši a 30 ka morago ga phatlalatšo ya kuranta ya mathomo ya di 06 Phato 2021. Motho mang goba mang yo a sa kgonego go ngwala, a ka re dinakong tša mošomo ka dikantorong tša Masepala tša Selegae tša Maruleng, a kgopela town planner yo a šomago ga masepala go mo thuša go ngwala dipelaelo goba ditshwayotshwayo. Motho yo a ipotšago gore o na le kgahlego ka kgopelong ya tšwetšopele ya naga o na le morwalo wa go humana maemo a gagwe bjalo ka motho yo a nago le kgahlego. Motho yo a nago le kgahlego o swanetše go fana ka mekgwa ya kgokagano ya gagwe, gore a kwewe. Tshedimošo e swanetše go fiwa go ya ka metheo ya kganetšo/pelaelo le ka fao ditokelo le dikgahlego di huetšwago.

Ge mokgahlo o se wa laetša kgahlego ka go dilo ka moka tšeo di tšweleditšwego ka kgopelong ya tšwetšopele ya naga yeo e itšego goba boipelaetšo. Planning Tribunal ya Masepala goba bolaodi bja boipelaetšo bo ka fokoletša go kgatha tema ga motho yo a nago le kgahlego go dilo fela tšeo kgahlego e humanwego ka go tšona. Letšatšikgwedi la peo ya phatlalatšo ya mathomo: 06 Phato 2021 Letšatšikgwedi la peo ya phatlalatšo ya bobedi: 13 Phato 2021 Letšatšikgwedi la bofelo laboipelaetšo/kganetšo: 06 Lewedi 2021 Boitšhupetšo: Ga-Mabin Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 P.O. Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Mogala: (012) 346 2340 Emeile rohanv@sfplan. co.za


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Sport 6 August 2021

Drie dekades se Olifants-rit

■ Roelof de Jonge

‘n Plaaslike groep 4x4-geesdriftiges van Tzaneen het Woensdagoggend, die 4de Augustus, saamgetrek waarna hulle vanuit die dorp vertrek het om die jaarlikse Olifants 4x4-rit mee te maak. So maak hulle al sedert 1991 toe die eerste uitstappie geloods is. Die groep gaan met hul 4x4 voertuie in die sandbeddings van die Olifantsrivier baljaar waar hulle ook op die roete sal uitkamp. Hulle beplan om Sondag, die 8ste Augustus, terug te keer en dan Maandag, die 9de Augustus, se nasionale vakansiedag gebruik om uit te pak en ‘n ruskansie te neem na die afgelope paar dae se pret en plesier. Bulletin het met een van die organiseerders, Harry Wernich, gesels voor die groep 4x4- en buitelugliefhebbers op hul avontuurtog vertrek het. Wernich is een van die oorspronklike organiseerders van hierdie jaarlikse rit vir die afgelope 30 jaar. “Ons was nege manne wie op ‘n dag in 1991 saam besluit het om ‘n 4x4-rit te beplan, waar ‘n mens vir ‘n paar dae in die wildernis kan gaan ry en uitkamp. Johan Goosen, was die ou wat met die gedagte vorendag gekom het om die rit in die droë rivierbeddings van die Olifantsrivier te hou,” vertel Wernich. “In die daaropvolgende jaar het ek die leisels ten opsigte van die organisering van die Olifants 4x4-rit oorgeneem, bloot omdat niemand navore ingetreë het om dit te doen nie.” Hy verduidelik verder dat hulle oorspronklik ongeveer 15 tot 18 persone was wie die rit meegemaak het in gewoonlik tot nege voertuie. Soos die 4x4-rit begin het om as ‘n jaarlikse instansie ingewortel te raak, het die getalle van die 4x4-aanhangers en avontuurlustiges gegroei, soveel so dat dié groep nou byna uit sy nate bars. “In 2019 se rit het ons groep uit sowat 31 persone bestaan en ons het 13 voertuie gehad waarmee ons die Olifantsrivier aangepak het. Dis hartseer om te sê dat ons die afgelope paar jaar altesaam 17 van ons 4x4-vriende aan die dood moes afstaan, maar ons sal die goeie herinninge van hulle altyd onthou en ons mis hulle verseker baie.” Vandag is Wernich en Leon van der Vyver die enigste twee van die oorspronklike groep 4x4-avontuurlustiges wat die Olifants 4x4-rit nog getrou meemaak. Die groep wat jaarliks bymekaar kom is hoofsaaklik van Tzaneen, maar daar is van die deelnemers uit stede en van ander omliggende areas wie ook gereeld die rit beleef. “Een van die belangrikste aspekte van dié 4x4rit is dat ons altyd die natuurprag respekteer en dit skoon hou soos wat dit hoort. En vir die mense wat by die huis moes agterbly, ons Olifants-familie sal verseker ‘enetjie’ op jul almal geniet!” Wernich het egter aan Bulletin vertel dat hy na 30 jaar die leisels aan nog ‘n passievolle 4x4-aanhanger en buitelug geesdriftige, Cornel van Niekerk, oorhandig het om voortaan hierdie gewilde 4x4-rit te reël en lewendig te hou vir die volgende 30 jaar.

Hier is die groep van die 2021 Olifants 4x4-rit wie Woensdagoggend die 4de Augustus vanuit Tzaneen vertrek het.

Die manne van die 2021 Olifants 4x4-rit maak reg om die pad na die Olifantsrivier toe aan te durf waar hulle tot Sondag toe gaan uitkamp.

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