Bulletin Newspaper 27 August 2021

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27 August 2021


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Nothin’ but blue skies


With the sudden and unexpected resignation of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Municipal Manager, Thapelo Matlala, Tzaneen residents are left wondering about the future of their municipality amid rumours of factional infighting and the coming elections which are bound to bring changes to the management of the whitehouse. Will certain incompetent directors retain their seats? Page 3.


Photo: Joe Dreyer


27 August 2021





They have never had any water ■ Billy Sibuyi

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


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E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.


■ Billy Sibuyi

The lifeless body of a newborn baby was dug up by dogs on Tuesday morning in the township of Namakgale outside Phalaborwa. The body was discovered by a passersby heading to work in the morning. It is said that neighbourhood dogs had dug up the corpse and eaten its legs before leaving the torso in the yard of the family who buried it. “We do not know what happened here, only the family knows why they buried the body there. The truth will come out as what was covered is now uncovered,” said a witness. The police in Namakgale have since opened a case of concealment of birth and according to them, they have not made any arrests as investigations were still unfolding. “We received a report about the incident and rushed to the scene. On arrival, we discovered the body that was seemingly abandoned in the yard at Long Till Section, Namakgale and immediately commenced with probing the incident,” the police said in a statement. At the time of going to print no new information was released and no arrests had been made.

Phalaborwa’s station commander, Col Rakhadani, welcomed the conviction and sentence of Popolo Isaac Maake (30), a man residing at Namakgale outside Phalaborwa town. Maake was arrested and charged with two counts of theft out of a motor vehicle which was committed around Phalaborwa in January last year. According to the police, on the 24th of January 2020 at about 13:00, a complainant parked his motor vehicle along Palm Street next to Nizams shop and went to do shopping. “He was convinced that his vehicle was properly locked since he pressed the mobilizer to activate the locking and alarm system, little did he know that he had fallen into the trap of a criminal who had disturbed his locking system by using a remote distracting de-

The “meteor” reported across the skies over a large portion of the South African sky, was likely a portion of a Chinese rocket. This according to experts online who postulated over social media that the meteor could have been the upper stage of the Chinese Yuanzheng-1S rocket being deorbited. In a tweet on Wednesday, the 25th of August, Daniel Cunnama, Science Engagement Astronomer at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) agreed with Jonathan McDowell, an Astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics in the United States who calculated the re-entry burn of the YZ1S to place it in line with all the recorded observations of the “shooting star” from as far as Pretoria to Tzaneen on Wednesday evening. According to US data, the Chinese launched two

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

■ Billy Sibuyi

■ Joe Dreyer

Noodnommers Emergency numbers

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

vice,” stated Sgt Elvis Mongwe. Mongwe stated that upon the complainants return from shopping he was surprised to find that his car was not locked and a bag containing a laptop, charger, modem, and other valuable items were stolen. “He contacted the police who responded swiftly and a case docket of theft out of motor vehicle was opened. It was assigned to Det Sgt Bennis Ngobeni. Ngobeni’s investigation led to the arrest of Popolo Isaac Maake,” said Mongwe. He was later linked to other similar offences committed in 2020 in the same street. He was found guilty by the Phalaborwa Magistrate Court earlier this month and sentenced to three years direct imprisonment without the option of a fine. He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm in terms of the Firearm Control Act.

internet demo satellites and one unknown payload on the day in question. The unknown payload is assumed to be a Chinese Qian Shao SIGNIT satellite (geostationary satellite billed as a communications technology test satellite, but which is likely a military SIGINT mission. The satellite is reportedly mainly used to conduct a test on Ka-band in broadband). It could also be a infrared missile warning satellite. Tzaneen residents who spotted the burning ball trailing through the skies overhead initially sent out frantic emergency reports of a downed plane over Serala mountain. This proved false and it was purely coincidental as a fire had started on the mountain two hours prior, but only became visible as night fell. This was also incidentally the same time the “meteor” made its appearance. To view video clips sent to Bulletin by our readers, please visit our Facebook page.

Oh, truck! A truck crashed through the barriers of the R71 bridge in Phalaborwa on Wednesday afternoon. The driver was rushed to Mediclinic Tzaneen with minor injuries. The cause of the accident remained unknown.

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 23/08/2021

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Jonas Mahesu, for comment, and he requested that we sent him an email. Not surprisingly, at the time of going to print we had not received any comment from his office.

Meteor possibly Chinese

Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band

to interact with our ward councilor about this issue but to this day we do not get the help we need. Our people are living in conditions like animals and our leaders do not care.” Bulletin contacted the spokesperson

Dogs find baby Remote jammer jailed

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe)


Maseke Village in the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality only has one water supply tap for all the villagers to share. This tap rarely has any water and is the property of the municipality. The alternatives to this solitary faucet are either dried up boreholes or non-functional taps that have been in the village for decades. Residents have been buying water or paying to have buckets filled and collected from the nearest tap, which is kilometers away from the residents most in need. Sydwell Makana told Bulletin that residents who do not have money to hire a donkey cart have to walk more than six kilometers to collect water from a dug trench in the streams. Nomasonto Shivuri, who is among those who pay youth to collect water for her in donkey carts said that she pays around R100 for half a bakkieload of water. The villagers said that the water tanker from the municipality never comes to their community

and when it does come it never stops anywhere. “We are being neglected here by our municipality, they do not care about us but they are going to be looking for us to vote soon,” said one resident. Not far from this destitute village is the start of a construction of what seems to be an estate, reportedly belonging to a high ranking official within the structures of the ANC in Mopani. Villagers said contractors have not stopped building what they call ‘Nkandla’ even during the lockdown. Dennis Mahlahula, another community member, said that most people are forced to buy water from bakkie owners. “Things are very bad here! We are forced to buy water with the little money we have. Every month, you need a minimum budget of R300 to just buy water, and if you have washing you need to go to the river,” he said. “We have tried


Tzaneen 92.2%

Ebenezer 98.8%

Merensky 100.8%

Dap Naude 96%

Middel Letaba 8%

Blyderivierpoort 94.5%

Klaserie 90%

Tours 91%

Vergelegen 93.6%

Magoebaskloof 100.2%

COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911



A mighty tree falls

■ Joe Dreyer

Dr André Ernst, a pioneer in the global avocado industry passed away this week at the age of 68 following a short illness. He was known for his ground-breaking work in the global avocado industry and was most famous among the local communities as the “father of the Maluma”, a cultivar which gained international recognition and

André Ernst

placed the Allesbeste name firmly on the map. Oom André as he was lovingly called by those who knew him, was an intelligent man who instilled the ethos of hard work and dedication into his children and those closest to him. He will be remembered fondly within the local and international agricultural fraternity and his legacy will live on. Oom André leaves behind his wife Liezel, his children Edrean, Larissa, Zander and Ronald and six grandchildren. At the time of going to print no arrangement for a service had been communicated, but will be done timeously. “Every avocado tree on Allesbeste will bear witness to André’s commitment and passion. We, as the Allesbeste-family bid farewell to our father of so many years. For more than 40 years he set the unequalled pace and inspired every person in his immediate circle to be the best version of themselves. He expected only the best and gave more than his best. His absolute dedication to quality, standards and precision is reflected in every corner of the farm and nursery. In the hallways and the orchards we will miss his voice and will forever, fondly reminisce.”

And the acting resumes ■ Joe Dreyer The Greater Tzaneen Municipality was toppled into uncertainty this week at the sudden and unexpected resignation of Thapelo Matlala, the municipal manager. Matlala joined the GTM in 2018 from the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) where he spent many years. Upon his arrival in the municipality, it became immediately apparent that he would face severe opposition from particularly workers unions and factions for his strict approach to service delivery and the serving of the public. Most notably, one of the charges laid against him by the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU), was that he was “too bossy”. Before his appointment in April of 2018, Tzaneen had not had a municipal manager for close on a decade which led to the rotation of directors into the roles of acting municipal managers and the subsequent branding of the local offices as “Hollywood” because of it. During his time at the GTM, Matlala promulgated new bylaws, cut the overtime budget, overturned a multi-million roads tender shrouded in irregularities, put into motion the complete upgrading of the ailing electrical grid, implemented workable plans to repair the infrastructure and restored a community’s faith in its local government. He also approved the construction of the new road which links Boundary Street with the R71 and during the hard lockdown of 2020, founded the municipal foodbank which helped feed hundreds of destitute families. He was also praised for the ground-breaking move to introduce the use of drones to communicate the Mayor’s message on the dangers of Covid-19 to the villages and outlying areas – the first municipality to do so during the lockdown. There were numerous attempts to remove him from office through suspensions which were overruled in court and even an attempt on his life. Matala however refused to budge and each time fought the matters in court. Last week however, he resigned with immediate effect. In the meantime the GTM Council appointed

Thapelo Matlala

their director of Community Servies, Aleck Nkuna, as the Acting Municipal Manager with immediate effect for a period not exceeding three months. In a statement released to the press, the GTM said that Nkuna boasted several tertiary qualifications which included an Honours Degree in Public Management (2019), and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Limpopo (1994). The GTM said that he was currently finalizing his master’s degree in public management (passed all subjects, finalizing his dissertation). Nkuna previously served as the Director for Community Services in the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) in Modjadjiskloof and as Project Manager for Back to Basics at the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA). He worked in National Intelligence Agency (NIA) as an Information Editor, Agent Handler, and Unit Manager and joined the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in April 2018 – the same time as Matlala. At the end of the three months acting period the Council will determine the way forward. ***Editor’s comment*** It is uncertain what lies ahead for the Greater Tzaneen communities with the departure of Matlala. What is certain is that he made a tremendous impact and one can only hope that whoever occupies the Accounting Officer seat in future, will continue building on the framework this man put in place. Another certainty is that factional in fighting will forever remain the downfall of service delivery to the local communities who will be collateral damage in the eyes of the political hopefuls who will always place their own interests ahead of those they swore to serve. Farewell Mr Matlala, and thank you for your unwavering service. God’s speed.



27 August 2021


A veteran laid to rest ■ Joe Dreyer Manie Kriel (70), passed away on Saturday morning following heart complications. Affectionally labelled the unofficial Mayor of Phalaborwa, Manie Kriel was part of the town’s history. In his younger days he was deeply involved in politics and rubbed shoulders with many of the stalwarts including the late Nelson Mandela whom he famously knew personally. He was an outspoken president of the Chamber of Commerce and diligently fought for the rights of the citizens of the town he loved so dearly. On Sunday afternoon, he and his partner of 35 years, Meryl Heidtman, enjoyed a meal and desert after which he complained of indigestion. On Monday morning he paid a visit to his GP complaining that the indigestion and heartburn was not subsiding. By that afternoon he was being transported to Mediclinic Tzaneen and two days later was admitted to Mediclinic Midstream in Pretoria. His condition improved, but then deteriorated again to the point where on Saturday morning there was nothing more doctors could do. He passed away in the company of those who loved him. Manie leaves behind his five grandchildren, three sons Aldo, Renier and Jacques and the love of his life, Meryl. His memorial service will be held today (Friday, 27th of August) out of the Methodist church in Phalaborwa and will be streamed live over Facebook. Personally, I knew him as uncle Manie. Since my arrival in Phalaborwa as a young boy in 1990, he was a part of what I understood as my hometown.

When I returned to Tzaneen in 2015, he was one of the first to contact me. We spoke regularly, daily, and our discussions around politics and the current state of affairs were seemingly endless, but always enlightening. He said it like it was and cared little about those who disliked his approach and opinions. I will miss you uncle. I already do. Rest in peace dear mentor, confidant, and friend. We will hold the line.

Manie Kriel


27 August 2021





Vodacom Limpopo Region hands-over mobile libraries ■ Vodacom Limpopo Region Communications Vodacom Limpopo Region handed over mobile libraries to three disadvantaged primary schools across the province on Monday the 23rd of August. The three public schools were winners in the Vodacom e-School competition that the region had been running in the months of May and June. Vodacom introduced Mobile Libraries to help advance literacy development among school going children in South Africa. Recent studies indicate that children in lower grades struggle with reading and this is hampering their development and learning abilities. “Access to reading material is a major challenge in South Africa. As many learners do not have access to libraries and reading material, Vodacom believes that we can help address this challenge by broadening access to literacy by introducing mobile libraries in primary schools,” said Lelethu Nkula, Executive Head for Consumer Business Unit for Vodacom Limpopo. “Reading is a critical element for education as it can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health.” The top 3 schools that won in this competition were Kgotloana Primary School, located in Bochum – Blouberg Local Municipality, Peter Hermans Primary School, located in Bochum – Blouberg Local Municipality and Mbhureni Primary, located in Giyani – Greater Giyani Municipality. Latest research showed that the combination of internet access and adoption of digital tools in the classroom helps to improve grades and student marks. By

bringing hi-tech tools, such as the latest computers and mobile libraries, together with reliable internet connectivity, this will drive digital inclusion in education and improve teaching outcomes significantly. It Right: Mbhureni Primary will also improve learners’ output in critical subjects School handover, teachers such as Mathematics and Physical Sciences and Natand SGB with learners. ural Sciences. Supporting education is the main focus of the Vodacom Foundation. The Vodacom Foundation has an annual budget of approximately R110m per annum for corporate social investment projects, and just over 60% of the budget goes into Education projects. At the heart of our Foundation is the belief that our existing technology can be an enabler to the provision of quality education. In the past five years alone, Vodacom has spent over R350 million using technology to enhance and improve Education in South Africa. In 2018, Vodacom partnered with Global Citizen, a global movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. In this regard, on 2 December 2018 during the Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100 at FNB Stadium, Vodacom pledged that as part of our work to invest in education, the Vodacom Foundation would spend more than R500 million over the next 5 years on enhancing the education system in South Africa. Peter Hermans Primary School principal, Fedile Maepane, who voted for her school with Imran Khan, managing executive Vodacom Limpopo at Vodacom office.


27 August 2021





LET’S TALK REAL ESTATE How to choose your Real Estate agent Selling or buying a home is one of the most life changing experiences one will ever have. So, when it comes to making this decision, it is important to have someone to assist and guide you through this sometime, turbulent situation. With all that is happening in our country, our economy, and politics, it would be preferable to choose a realtor that knows all the ups and downs, the processes as well as knowledge and experience in the Real Estate sector. So where do you start and how do you compare? Firstly, look at the footprint of the Company/Agent you want to deal with. Does this Company/Agent have a reputable and honest reputation? Do you know that this Company/ Agent will have the integrity to truthfully price and sell your property? Will the Company/ Agent be transparent in all dealings with you as the client? Secondly, do you know if the Company/ Agent you are working with has the necessary qualification and documentation to properly deal with challenges that might arise from the property buying/selling process. Does your agent have the knowledge of the transferring process, the cost included and possibilities of what may legally affect a buyer/seller in a property transaction? Do you know that your

agent needs to hold a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate within the company they work with in order to legally earn commissions? Thirdly, can your Real Estate Company/Agent assist you with the bond application process and do they have the correct contacts to ensure you get the best possible deal on your application? On these questions we at Seeff can answer a definite YES! At Seeff we are committed to our clients. With our experienced and knowledgeable agents, you can put our Service to the test anytime. With 17 years of Real Estate Expertise, the company as well as each agent in our employment hold valid FFC certificates. Our agents undergo constant training through our Seeff back-office systems, where they can continuously improve their knowledge in an ever-changing market. Under the guidance of our highly qualified principal, Nicola Strydom, holding a National qualification Level 8 in Real Estate, obtained through The University of Stellenbosch Business school, each client, and agent can be assured that should a challenge arise, with our competence this might not even escalate to a great extent. So, when choosing your Agency be sure you choose the agency with the highest market

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Under the guidance of our highlyqualified principal, Nicola Strydom, holding a National qualification Level 8 in Real Estate, obtained through The University of Stellenbosch Business school.


Happy house hunting!

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Limpopo Party Hire Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.

073 265 2650



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Book studio time Contact Joe Dreyer

072 930 1462


27 August 2021





Convincing wins for Blues Gutsy hikers conquer ■ the misty Kloof Roelof de Jonge

The first and u/15 cricket teams of Merensky High School relished the day to get back on the cricket pitch for some actual game time after schools’ cricket was side-lined by the ongoing Covid-19 regulations. And boy did they relish the experience. This past Saturday, the 21st of August, they outperformed their opponents in the first matches of the Super League when they faced off against the Frans du Toit sides from Phalaborwa. The Fransies first team welcomed their visitors on their home turf in Phalaborwa, as a matter of fact, this match was played for what-ever reason at the sports stadium in Namakgale, just outside Phalaborwa. The U/15 match took place at the cricket oval at Merensky. Merensky’s First XI were dominating from the get-go with Phalaborwa never really managing to find their feet. The Blues batted first and racked up 458 runs for the loss of nine wickets in their allotted 50 overs. In reply, the hosts could only manage 141 runs on the scoreboard for the loss of 10 wickets. Merensky wrapped up the proceedings in just 28 overs to win by 317 runs. Ockert Schoeman was in top form for the Plasies, scoring and impressive 144 runs from just 78 balls. Hendrik Botes also performed well, scoring 133 runs from 102 balls. The other worthy contributions were

made by Louis Botha with 56 runs off 47 balls, and Don Hunter who added 45 runs off 23 balls. Christian Barnard excelled in the bowling department for Merensky. He took six wickets in eight overs for just 26 runs which included a maiden over. Schoeman was awarded with the title of Man of the Match after his excellent performance with the bat. The U/15 team of Merensky also performed well to eventually win by a massive seven wickets. The Fransies batted first and scored 122 runs for 10 in 24 overs. The Plasies answered with a solid performance to clinch this encounter with 123 for 3 in 24 overs. The bowling of especially Carel Jacobs really stunned the visitors. This bowler claimed four wickets for 13 runs in his seven overs, which included two maiden overs. He was well supported by fellow bowler Timothy Baker who also did well in his five innings which included two maiden overs and sending three batsmen back to the changerooms for a mere seven runs. With the bat in hand, it was Zayed Moosa who was on a roll. He contributed 50 runs from just 45 balls. He was well supported by Adriaan du Plessis who added 29 runs from 57 balls. The Man of the Match was without a doubt Jacobs for his impressive bowling performance. Both these teams of Merensky will play their next league matches against the sides of PHS on the 28th of August, (tomorrow).

The first cricket team of Merensky after convincingly beating Frans du Toit side this weekend in Namakgale.

■ Roelof de Jonge A 24km hike awaited 15 Merensky High School pupils on Friday the 20th of August. This hike formed part of qualifying for bronze certificates for this school’s Presidential Awards. What awaited the group was no walk in the park - literally. The clouds hanged grimly over the Magoebaskloof mountain slopes, which meant the whole hike consisted out of damp and misty weather. Once the group reached the Seepsteen Hut, about five kilometres into the route, they stopped for breakfast ahead of the next 11 kilometres to the De Hoek Hut with no sign of the misty weather subsiding. They finally reached De Hoek Hut at about 17:30 where they dug down for the night with a braai and some fellowship. The next morning, Saturday the 21st of August, they took on the long walk back to civilisation, stopping along the way for breakfast. They reached the Woodbush Hut after climbing over eight kilometres of steep slopes where they were met by their parents. Once the members of the group have completed their journals, the candidates can enter the silver level where, among other things, another hike awaits.

The grim weather along with steep and rolling hills could not dampen the spirits of the Presidential Awards bronze certificate candidates.

Geen keer aan vakansieoord rolbal toernooi nie

Die laaste 40 dae lê voor

■ Roelof de Jonge

Vanjaar se matriekklas van die Hoërskool Merensky is op Woensdag die 18de Augustus in dié skool se Byekorf behoorlik bederf en hulle ook ‘n blik te gee op dít wat was en dít wat nog vir hulle in die toekoms wag. Tzaneen se kringbestuurder van die Departement van Onderwys, Felix Nomvela, het ‘n inspirerende boodskap gelewer, asook al die reëls en regulasies vir die opkomende rekordeksamen bespreek. Die hoofleiers vir 2020/2021, Louis Botha en Emma Dalrymple-Hay, het die voorreg gehad om die 2017 tydkapsule op te grawe en het die inhoud daarvan met die gehoor gedeel. Die graaf wat vir hierdie geleentheid gebruik is, was vanuit die skool se museum gehaal. Hierdie is die einste graaf waarmee die eerste sooi in 1964 vir die nuwe geboue van die Hoërskool Merensky gespit was.

Die gewildste liedjie vir die matrikulante toe hulle in 2017 as gr.8-leerders by Plasieland aangekom het, was Bok van Blerk se Lemoene. Die nuusmakers destyds was Sikloon Irma, Donald Trump en die geveg tussen Connor McGregor en Mayweather. Die fliek van daardie jaar was Baywatch. Elke matrikulant het ‘n persoonlike paspoort na die matriekafskeid ontvang wat op die 29ste September gehou gaan word. Vanjaar se matriekafskeid se tema is A night in Paris. Die gr.12-leerders is ondermeer met pizza en koeldrank bederf om sodoende die gebruiklike ‘40 days’ te vier. Die verrigtinge was afgesluit met die tradisionele ballonseremonie. ‘n Interessante verskil vanjaar was dat hierdie wit en blou ballonne wat met lewenswense die lug ingestuur was, van bio-afbreekbare material vervaardig is.

Die wenspan se spelers is Danie du Bruyn, Netta Alexander, Leon van Dyk en Piet Geldenhuis.

■ Roelof de Jonge Daar is geen keer aan die spelers van die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub nie, alhoewel die einde van die seisoen vir dié klub se spelers wink. Selfs vakansiegangers oorval nog steeds die klub om te kan speel. Maar soos die einde van die seisoen nader kom vir wedstryde op Saterdae, kwyn die getalle van borgskappe. Volgens Karen Kruger, skakelbeampte en speler by hierdie klub, spring die klub se oud-lede self in om vorentoe te tree met die borgskap vir pryse vir die spelers. Saterdag die 14de Augustus se kompetisie was geen uitsondering nie. “Deur die rolbalseisoen, is die ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub bevoorreg om heelwat ondersteuning van borge te kry, grotendeels van plaaslike besighede, waarvoor ons innig dankbaar is”, het Kruger gesê.

Hierdie afgelope Saterdag was dit dan Callie Prigge wie saam met Harry Malan hul goedhartigheid, en beursies, weereens geopenbaar deur kontant pryse vir die rolbal wenspanne beskikbaar te stel. “Die bestuur wil graag hulle dank oordra aan hierdie interne borge, wat Saterdae se wedstryde ondersteun. ‘n Wedstryd om na uit te sien, is die Boere teen die Souties rolbal-oorlog, wat hierdie Saterdag die 21ste Augustus gehou gaan word.” Die pryse vir die eersteplek in die Prigge en Malan borgdag het aan die span van Danie du Bruyn, Netta Alexander, Leon van Dyk en Piet Geldenhuis gegaan. In die tweedeplek was die span van Leon Pieters, Eric Kruger, Elize Malan en Alta van Dyk. Die span wat in die derdeplek geëindig het se spelers was Robby Strachan, Pieter Laubser en Marie van Aarde.





27 August 2021


Olifantsgroep: “Ruim op jul gemors!” ■ Roelof de Jonge Net die ander dag het Bulletin berig oor die manne wat met hul 4x4-waens, soos dit vir die afgelope 30 jaar betaam, vanaf die 4de tot die 8ste Augustus toegesak het op die Olifantsrivier vir hul jaarlikse natuur- en pretrit. Bulletin het met Harry Wernich, die hooforganiseerder gesels na afloop van die ‘trippie’ en ook om bietjie van die foto’s te deel van hoe die geselskap die avontuur geniet het. Alhoewel dit duidelik was dat die manne hul gate uit geniet het, was dit ‘n onstoke Wernich wat na die mense gekap het wat tydens ‘n vorige naweek se kampsessie hul gemors net so agter gelaat het. Die Olifants 4x4-groep het eenvoudig maar ingespring om die morsjorse se rommel op te ruim. Nie net omdat hulle omgee vir die natuur nie, maar ook omdat dit die verantwoordlike ding is om te doen. En om

te verhoed dat enige persoon van die Olifants 4x4-groep en moontlik ander mense wat in die toekoms die rivier gaan besoek nie daarin trap en moontlik beseer kan word nie. “Ons het die blikke, bottelstukke en ander gemors in die rivier gekry van ‘n groep wat die naweek voor ons gery het. Ek dink net dat daar gepraat moet word teenoor hierdie skuldige mense.” “Enige natuurliefhebber en 4x4-geesdriftige sal nie ‘n kampplek so agterlaat nie. Ons wil ‘n beroep doen op mense om respek vir die natuur te kweek, want dit is vir ons almal daar om te geniet. Die mense wie dit so na gelaat het, ons weet wie julle is.” Wernich wie die afgelope drie dekades hierdie groep 4x4-geesdriftiges byeen gebring het vir die 4x4-avontuurtog, het vanjaar die vir die laaste keer hierdie buitelug geleentheid gereël en het die leisels aan Cornel van Niekerk oorhandig wie van 2022 die samekoms gaan reël.

Die konvooi van die Olifants 4x4-groep oppad na hul bestemming, die Olifantsrivier.

Dit vat dalk baie beplanning en organisering om die Olifants 4x4-rit te reël, maar dat dit prettig is, is gewis.

As een van die deelnemers vashaak, dan spring almal in om hand by te sit.

Die kampvuuur brand hoog tydens een van die uitkampsessies in vanjaar se Olifants 4x4-avontuurtog


27 August 2021





Legals & Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE All person having a claim against the under-mentioned estate must lodge their claims with the undersigned agent within 21 days from date of publication hereof. Estate number: 002295/2021 Master’s Office: Polokwane Estate Late: Mokibela Rebecca Ratlhano Date of Birth: 07 March 1965 Identity Number: 6503070332082 Last Address: 6 Darter Tzaneen Extension 75 Date of Death: 24 February 2021 Surviving Spouse: Masilo Morris Semosa Identity Number: 6307105 3680 8 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT: MOTSHEKGA MK ATTORNEYS 78 GORDON STREET MODJADJISKLOOF TEL: 015 309 8535 EMAIL: info@ moshekgaattorneys. co.za __________________________________


Portion 1 of the farm Droëbult No. 27-LU, hereby give notice in terms of Section 86 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the establishment of the township on part of the mentioned farms in terms of Section 51 read together with the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016 referred to in the Annexure hereto. Any objection(s) and/or comment(s), including the grounds for such objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full contact details, without which the Municipality cannot correspond with the person or body submitting the objection(s) and/ or comment(s), shall be lodged with, or made in writing to: The Municipal Manager, Planning and Development, Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 from 20 August 2021 until 20 September 2021 (not less than 30 days after the date of first publication of the notice). Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Municipal offices as set out below, for a period of 30 days from the date of first publication of the advertisement in the Provincial Gazette and local

newspaper. Address of Municipal offices: The Municipal Manager, Planning and Development, Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, 1390. Name and Address of applicant: SFP Townplanning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 or P. O Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Telephone No: (012) 346 2340 Fax: (012) 346 0638 Email: admin@sfplan.co.za Dates on which notice will be published: 20 and 27 August 2021 Closing date for objections and/or comments: 20 September 2021 ANNEXURE Name of township: Makushane Township. Full name of applicant: SFP Townplanning (Pty) Ltd on behalf of the registered owner being Ba-Phalaborwa Stam. Erven 1 and 2 will be zoned “Business 2” with a coverage of 11%, F.A.R. of 0.11 and a height of 12m. The intension of the developer is to develop a local shopping centre on part the properties of 11237m² GLA. Description of property on which township is to be established: Part of the farm Celhard No. 20LU and part of Portion 1 of the farm Droëbult No. 27-LU. Total area: 11.1325 hectares. Locality of the proposed Township: The farm Quagga No. 21-LU and farm Zebra No. 19-LU are

located to the north, Ben Farm No. 26-LU is located to the east, Provincial Road R71, the farm Makushane Location No.28-LU and the farm Mashisimali Location No. 800-LT are located to the south and the farm Ziek No. 771-LT and the farm Alonbridge 768-LT are located to the west of the application properties. Reference: 16/4/8/2 Our ref: F3987 __________________________________

MASEPALA WA BA-PHALABORWA TSEBIŠO YA KGOPELO YA GO HLOMA LOKHEIŠENE GO YA KA KAROLO 51 YA MOLAO WA MASEPALA WA SELEGAE WA BA- PHALABORWA WA PEAKANYO YA SEKGOBA LE TAOLO YA TŠHOMIŠO YA NAGA, WA 2016 –LOKHEIŠENE LA MAKUSHANE Rena, SFP Townplanning (Pty) Ltd re barekiši ba semolao ba beng ba polase Celhard No. 20LU le Seripa 1 sa polase Droëbult No. 27-LU, re fa tsebišo ya Karolo 86 ya Molao wa Masepala wa Selegae wa Ba- Phalaborwa wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2016, gore re kgopetše go Masepala wa BaPhalaborwa go hloma lokheišene mo seripeng sa dipolase tšeo di laeditšwego go ya ka Karolo 51 e badilwe gotee le diripa tše dingwe tša Kgaolo 6 tša Molao wa Masepala wa Selegae wa Ba- Phalaborwa wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2016 wo

o laeditšwego ka gare ga “Annexture” ye. (Di) kganetšo le/goba (di) tshwayotshwayo tše di nngwe le tše di nngwe, go akaretšwa le motheo wa (di) kganetšo le /goba (di) tshwayotshwayo ka mekgwa ya kgokagano ka botlalo, ntle le ka fao Masepala a ka se kgoneng go ngwalelana le motho goba sehlopha seo se romelang (di) kganetšo le/goba (di) tshwayotshwayo, di lebišwa go, goba tša ngwalelwa go: The Municipal Manager, Planning and Development, Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 go tloga ka di 20 Phato 2021 go fihla ka di 20 Lewedi 2021 (ka fase ga matšatši a 30 ka morago ga letšatšikgwedi la phatlalatšo ya tsebišo ya mathomo) Ditshwanelo ka botlalo le dipolane (ge di le gona) di ka hlahlobja nakong ya diiri tša tlwaelo tša mošomo go diofisi tša Masepala bjalo ka ge di ngwadilwe ka mo fase, mo lebakeng la matšatši a 30 go tloga go letšatšikgwedi la phatlalatšo ya mathomo ya papatšo ka gare ga Gazette ya Phorofentshe le kuranta ya motse. Aterese ya diofisi tša Masepala: The Municipal Manager, Planning and Development, Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, 1390. Leina le aterese ya mokgopedi: SFP Townplanning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 goba

P. O Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Nomoro ya mogala: (012) 346 2340 Fekese (012) 346 0638 Emeile: admin@sfplan.co.za Letšatšikgwedi leo ka lona tsebišo e tla phatlalatšwago: 20 le 27 Phato 2021 Letšatšikgwedi la go tswalelela dikganetšo le/goba ditshwayotshwayo: 20 Lewedi 2021 ANNEXURE Leina la lokheišene: Makushane Township. Leina ka botlalo la mokgopedi: SFP Townplanning (Pty) Ltd legatong la mong yo a ingwadišitšego e lego Ba-Phalaborwa Stam. Erven 1 le 2 e tla bewa lefelong la “Business 2” ka kakaretšo ya 11%, F.A.R. ya 0.11 le botelele bja 12m. Maikemišetšo a motšweletši ke go tšweletša senthara ya mabenkele a selegae go seripa sa naga 11237m² GLA. Tlhalošo ya naga yeo lokheišene le tla hlangwago go yona: Seripa sa polase Celhard No. 20-LU le seripa sa Karolo 1 sa polase ya Droëbult No. 27-LU. Palomoka ya tikologo: diheketara tše 11. 1325. Khumano ya Lokheišene leo le akanywago: Polase Quagga No. 21-LU le polase Zebra No. 19-LU di humanwa ka leboa, Ben Farm No. 26-LU e humanwa ka bohlabela, Provincial Road R71, polase Makushane Location No.28LU le polase Mashisimali Location No. 800-LT di humanwa ka borwa le polase Ziek No. 771-LT le polase Alonbridge 768-LT di humanwa ka bodikela bja mafelo ao a dirišwago. Tšhupetšo: 16/4/8/2 Tšhupetšo ya rena: F3987 __________________________________

NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T8811/2008 passed by JOHANNA JACOMINA BERGMANN, IDENTITY NUMBER: 580309 0063 08 4, UNMARRIED in favour of FRANSCOIS PETER JOUBERT, IDENTITY NUMBER: 720407 5091 08 3 and LESELLE JOUBERT, IDENTITY NUMBER: 751222 0300 08 8, MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO EACH OTHER in respect of certain ERF 1205 TZANEEN EXTENSION 12 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons

having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 23RD OF AUGUST 2021. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay. co.za __________________________________

NOTICE OF COMMUNITY MEETING IN TERMS OF INTERIM PROCEDURES GOVERNING LAND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES PROPOSED FARM NYAVANA NO 1037LT (CONSOLIDATION OF PROPOSED PTN 8 OF THE FARM SIRULURUL 427LT & PROPOSED PTN 2 OF THE FARM RADOO 682LT) A Development Company has, with the blessing of the Traditional Council, applied to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural development for a long-term lease over ±19,9978ha of Proposed Farm Nyavana No 1037LT (Xihoko Village). The purpose of the meeting is to record a community resolution. DATE: 1 September 2021 TIME: 11:00 VENUE: Nyavana Tribal Council Offices REPRESENTATIVE OF DEVELOPER: Moretli Mokhubidu 083 789 2660 DEVELOPMENT: SHOPPING COMPLEX All community members are invited to attend. Enquiries can be directed to the Developers: Moretli Mokhubidu 083 789 2660 and DRDLR Magofe Nesta Nkadimeng 076 213 7434 __________________________________

XITIVISO XA NHLANGANO WA TIKO KU YA MATIRHELO YA GOVERNING LAND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES EKA PURASI LERI NGA TA KUNGUHATIWA RA NYAVANA 1037LT (KU HLANGANISIWA KA XIPHEMU LEXI NGA KUNGUHATIWA XA 8 XA PURASI RA SHIRULURUL 427LT NA XA XIPHEMU LEXI NGA KUNGUHATIWA XA 2 XA PURASI RA RADOO 682LT) Khampani ya vutumbuluxi, xikan’we na pfumelelo wa khansele ya Vukosi, va rhumele xikombelo xa ku tirhisa misava ku ringana nkarhi wo leha eka Department of Agriculture, Land Re-

form and Rural development, ya Xipemu xo ringana ±19,9978ha xa purasi leri nga kunguhatiwa ra Nyavana 1037LT (eka XIhoko). Xikongomelo xa nhlanagno i ku tsala pfumelelano wa tiko. SIKU: 1 Ndzathi 2021 NKARHI: 11:00 NDZHAWU: Nyavana Tribal Council Offices MUYIMERI WA MUTUMBULUXI: Moretli Mokhubidu 083 789 2660 LESWI NGA KUNGUHATIWA: SHOPPING COMPLEX Vaaka-tiko hinkwavo va rhambiwa ku va kona. Swivutiso swi nga rhumeriwa eka Vatumbuluxi: Moretli Mokhubidu 083 789 2660 na DRDLR Magofe Nesta Nkadimeng 076 213 7434 __________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed Number T27784/1976 passed by, SAMUEL WILHELM KLEYNHANS in my capacity as a director of KLEYNBURG BOERDERY (EIENDOMS) BEPERK and in favour of JACOB WILLEM VAN REENEN, born on 8 November 1940, in respect of certain PORTION 5 OF THE FARM ESSEX 204 REGISTRATION DIVISON K.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE Measuring 115, 3985 (ONE ONE FIVE COMMA THREE NINE EIGHT FIVE) Hectares Held by Deed Transfer Number T27784/1976 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at PHALABORWA This 16th day of August 2021 Applicant COETZEE & VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS Address 20 PALM AVENUE PHALABORWA, 4 TOVANCO BUILDING E-mail address Deeds2@ coetzeevdmerwe.co.za Contact number 015 781 1365 __________________________________

To place your legal, email: admin@ farnorthbulletin. co.za





27 August 2021


Vossies netbal span dra Limpopo ligakroon

■ Roelof de Jonge

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o/14-, o/16- en o/18-netbalspanne het Saterdag die 21ste Augustus aan die Limpopo netbalkampioenskap by die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) deelgeneem. Dit was veral die eerstespan (o/18) van Ben Vorster wat die botoon gevoer het by hierdie kampioenskap deur al hul teenstanders te klop. In die eerste wedstryd vir die dag het hulle met hul gedugste teenstander, die span van die Hoërskool Pietersburg, afgereken. Hierdie seniorspan het met struktuurvaste en fisiese netbal van die eerste kwart af teen PHS oorheers. Enige foute wat die PHS meisies gemaak het, het Ben Vorster uitgebuit en in doele omskep. Soveel so was die verrigingting en ingesteldheid van die Vossies dat hulle deur die hele wedstryd ‘n doelgemiddeld van ‘n 100% gehandhaaf het. Hier-

die sege het die grondslag vir die oorblywende wedstryde gelê. Die Vossies het uiteindelik in al hulle kragmetings geseëvier en sodoende as die o/18-Limpopo ligakampioene vir 2021 gekroon te word. Met hierdie uitmuntende prestasie het die eerstespan nou deurgedring na die nasionale Top Skole Toernooi. Hierdie toernooi gaan vanaf die 24ste tot die 26ste September by die Hoërskool E.G Jansen plaasvind. Die o/15-span gaan op die 11de September aan die Kay Motsepe uitspeeltoernooi by PHS deelneem. Ben Vorster se o/15- en o/17-spanne gaan ook aan die “Fast 5”-toernooi op die 16de Oktober by PHS in Polokwane hul slag wys. Met al die inperkingsmaatreëls van die afgelope jaar wat skoliere gekortwiek het, nie net op die akademiese gebied nie, maar ook ten opsigte van

sport, het leerders maar min tyd gehad om blootstelling vir wedstryde te kry. Vir Ben Vorster se o/14-span was dit geen uitsondering nie met die gevolg dat hulle senuweë ‘n bietjie geknaag het in hul eerste twee kragmetings van Saterdag se Limpopo kampioenskap by PHS. Hierdie juniorspan het in die eerste twee wedstryde gelykop uitslae behaal. Dié span het dalk nie vanjaar met die gesogte titel weggestap nie, maar word reeds deur die skool se afrigters gekenmerk as ‘n span wat verseker in ‘n gedugte eenheid kan ontaard. Die o/16-span was goed op dreef totdat een van die spelers ‘n besering opgedoen het. Ten spyte dat die o/16-meisies steeds hul beste gegee het daarna, het hierdie besering die span se vordering gekniehalter om enige aanspraak op die ligakroon te maak.

Bronze for Ballers Skuts skiet eersdaags by SA’s ■ Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge

A total of three netball teams from Merensky High School competed at the Limpopo schools’ netball championship in Polokwane on Saturday the 21st of August. This top netball schools’ event was played on the courts of Hoërskool Pietersburg. The U/14 team from Merensky played in seven matches of which they won four, while the U/16 team was triumphant in three of their five matches. The First team won two of their four encounters. The U/16 girls and their senior counterparts were both bronze medal winners. The U/15 netball players are preparing for the upcoming Kay Motsepe tournament which will be held on the 11th of September.

Die vereniging vir luggeweerskuts vir skole, Limpopo Luggeweerskiet, het Saterdag die 21ste Augustus op Tzaneen die kwalifiseringsrondte vir die opkomende Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap gehou. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster was die gasheerskool vir hierdie beslissende kampioenskapsrondte. Hierdie skool se skuts het ondanks die swetterjoel inperDie Hoërskool Ben Vorster se luggeweerskietspan. kingsmaatreëls wat hulle verhinder het om meer gereeld te skiet as normaalweg, steeds gewys dat hy het die eerste plek in die lê-afdeling verower. Hy het verder hulle nie hul vernuf op die skietderdeplekke vir die staan- en knielposisies verwerf asook bronsbaan verloor het nie. Na afloop van hierdie skietbyeenkoms was Limpopo se span medaljes vir die 3P, 10m-staan en groottotaal deelnames. Die skuts van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat in Oktober aan aangewys. Altesaam vyf van Ben Vorster se skuts is onder die 18 spanlede wat vir die Limpopo-span aangewys was om aan die SA kampioenskap gaan deelneem, is Zander Engelbrecht, Tiard Thompson, Mia du Plooy, Dreyer van Heerden en Hanru Marais. SA kampioenskap deel te gaan neem. Die Limpopo Luggeweerskiet se vereniging bestaan tans uit Zander Engelbrecht het in die o/21-afdeling ‘n tweedeplek behaal in die lê-, staan- en knielposisie afdelings. Hy het silwer vyf skole naamlik die Hoërskole Piet Potgieter, Ben Vorster, Louis medaljes verwerf vir sy deelnames in die 3P-totaal, 10m-staan Trichard, Pietersburg en NEOS Christen Skool van Koedoeskop. Die sport bestaan uit vele afdelings namens sporter, veer, presisie en vir sy groottotaal van 876 uit 1000. Dreyer van Heerden wie in die o/14 ouderdomsgroep gekorrel en pistool met ouderdomsgroepe vir o/14, o/16, en o/21 skuts. Die doel van hierdie vereniging is om kinders te leer hoe om het, het ‘n derde plek in die lê-afdeling behaal en in die staanposisie roetiene het hy die eerste plek syne gemaak. Hy het ‘n met ‘n vuurwapen te werk. Asook om kinders sover in die sport goue medalje vir die 3P en 10m-staan items gewen asook goud te neem dat hulle eendag self sal wil besluit om te wil aan gaan met skiet as ‘n sport, en om hulle aan te vuur om te mik vir deelvir sy groottotaal wat hy geskiet het. Hanru Marais het ook in die o/14-ouderdomsgroep geskiet en name aan die Olimpiese Spele.

The u18 team of Merensky received bronze medals after their performance at the Limpopo schools’ netball championship this past Saturday.

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27 August 2021


Sport 27 August 2021

LIFTING EQUIPMENT SHORT COURSES: • Telescopic Boom Handler • Mobile Elevated (MEWP) Work Platform • Defined Purpose Lift Truck • Mobile Crane Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@sikelelaskills.co.za Website: www.sikelelaskills.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa

Pilots leave Phalaborwa in awe ■ Joe Dreyer

The South African National Aerobatics Championship was held in Phalaborwa last week and provided spectators with some nerve-shattering displays as some of the best pilots in the country tore up the bushveld skies. The event kicked off on Wednesday afternoon, the 18th of August and ran its course until Saturday evening. Bad weather on Saturday placed a damper on events and by lunchtime when it was deemed safe to take to the skies, the programme had already run behind schedule making it impossible for some of the classes to compete. Nevertheless, it was a great event which went off without a hitch. Some 30 pilots from across the country participated in the championship with most being based at Hartebeespoort in Gauteng. Some of the noteworthy names in the game included veterans Glen Warden, Nigel Hopkins and Patrick Davidson. There were six classes on the day namely RV, Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, Unlimited and Freestyle with

Gary Glasson

points determined on the skill level of the pilots, the class of plane they fly and their routines. The contest is conducted in a virtual 1 kilometre cube, or “box” in the sky some 2 600 feet above the airfield. Each pilot starts their routine with a perfect score of ten and the judges deduct points for each error they pick up during the routine. Pilots start by flying a known program (routine) which is published at the start of the year, and they can practice as much as they like. The second flight is the Free programme, which pilots design themselves and again can practice in advance. Finally, they fly the Free Unknown flights. These sequences pilots must fly without practice and are generally trickier and where the most mistakes are made. Martyn Redelinghuys took top honours in the RV Class with a total of 75.190% with Thys Khun and Dave Thomas in second and third spot 74.347% and 70.150% respectively. In the Sportman Class it was Quinten Taylor who took first on 82.496% in his Extra200 with Warren Eva in second, Dicky Maritz

Patrick Davidson

in third and local pilot Ingmar Bezuidenhout in fourth. The Intermediate Class saw Dustin Hughes in first spot with 77.746% and Tristan Eeles in second on 76.375% with Trevor Warner taking third on 75.656%. The Advanced Class was where the veterans showed their colours with Elton Bondi in first on 78.116%, Kayle Wooll in second spot on 73.770% and Pierre du Plooy in third on 71.783%. The Unlimited Class was dominated by Patrick Davidson who finished first overall on 84.172% with Nigel Hopkins on 82.455% and Gary Glasson in third with 74.686%. Finally the showstopping Freestyle ended off the championship with Nigel Hopkins in first, Patrick Davidson in second and Barrie Eeles in third. Photos: Joe Dreyer

Warren Eva

Dustin Hughes

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