Bulletin Newspaper 24 September 2021

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In this week’s special Braai Day FEEL GOOD EDITION of your favourite local newspaper, we present you with a few new recipes to try out over the weekend. If you pull them off, you might win a R1 000 Tops@Spar voucher, a Peppadew hamper or a mid-week getaway at ATKV Eiland Resort and Spa. Check Page 10.



Photo: Joe Dreyer

2 24 September 2021





Mining Truckers come under fire ■ Billy Sibuyi

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


Trucks came to a standstill around the Hoedspruit area over the weekend as concerns of an attack against them in the Bushbuckridge area escalated. Several truck companies issued warnings to their operators using the R40 road from Phalaborwa transporting copper, phosphate, and other minerals to areas across South Africa and even cross-border, to avoid having to pass through Bushbuckridge. The reason for the supposedly planned attacks on all trucks passing through the area, was because of the high amount accidents reportedly caused by truck drivers in that area. One resident said that the community blamed the drivers who according to them were driving recklessly. It was reported last week that a truck driver hit a minibus taxi in Bushbuckridge, and some victims lost their lives. Bulletin issued an inquiry to the Mpumalanga Hawks last week, and we were told to check with the Mpumalanga Community Safety Spokesperson, Moeti Mmusi. We wanted to know whether an investigation is being launched into the spate of accidents and even alleged hit-and-runs

An image shared by a road user in Hoedspruit. reported over the last three weeks, and if so, what would be done to prevent these from happening in the future. Mmusi never responded but only promised to call us back and never did. It has since come to light that the community of Bushbuckridge who were attending a funeral of one of the victims, caused by these truck drivers

on the R40, were blaming truckers for the high accident rate in their area. They claim truckers were rushing in order to do more loads as they earn their salaries per load, and that is putting the livelihood of residents in grave danger. These communities gathered over the weekend in Dwarsloop outside Acornhoek to attack any passing trucks. This caused the truckers to camp out next to the R40 and others opted to take the long route through Lydenburg and Sabie. The community have vowed to unite and said that they will make sure trucks from Phalaborwa’s mines use alternative roads to Maputo. ***Editor’s Comment: In the meantime, many residents from Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit voiced their concerns and close encounters with some these truckers over social media. Many said that they narrowly avoied potentially deadly accidents because of the bullying behaviour displayed by some of the drivers of these large haulers. The question remains; why do the mines employ trucks to transport their product, when there is a railway line at their disposal? The latest data at our disposal shows that up to 80 trucks pass through Phalaborwa along the R40, per day.

Still no water even after project Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

■ Jeff Jackson Residents of Khujwana units of both ward 18 and 16 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) had expressed dissatisfaction with the continued lack of water in the villages while the project to supply them with water had long been completed. Community leaders told the Bulletin that the reason there is no water in the village is because the main reservoir needed to be filled before a hand over. Residents currently fetch water from surrounding dams and rivers. Chairman of the Project Steering Committee (PSC), Lasty Mhlarhi, said that the second phase of the Khujwana Water reticulation project had been completed and the local councillors refused to sign for the handover of the project before they could be sure the project was functioning correctly. He said

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

Poaching “not as bad” as in Phalaborwa An extremely dense bush surrounded with thorns did not stop the Phalaborwa Heritage Foundation (PNHF) from accomplishing what they had set out to do over the past weekend in Guernsey outside Hoedspruit. On Friday, 18th of September, the PNHF packed their bags and made their way to Guernsey, a reserve outside of Hoedspruit, to conduct a snare sweep operation and to compare the amount of poaching in that area to the number in the Phalaborwa and surrounding areas. The group, in a space of two days, the 18th and 19th of September , managed to bulldoze their way through the dense vegetation in Guernsey and patrolled well over 40 kilometres on foot, removing at least 30 snares from various sites in that area. According to Eugene Troskie, one of the directors of the foundation, the thick vegetation made it difficult to maneuver and as a result they were a lot slower as compared to the other places. Troskie emphasized that poaching was ripe in the Hoedspruit area as some of the snares they removed were fresh and regularly checked. “Some of the snares were small rope snares set for hares and

Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band

than other areas as the villagers had not yet received a single standpipe compared to ward 16 where people receive water from street taps every second day. The committee member added that the purpose of the second phase was to ensure that water would reach the affected communities but now it seemed not to be the case because of illegal connections made by the residents. He explained that each time there are attempts by the contractor to close these illegal connections, residents take to the streets in protests. On Tuesday morning water supply which was cut to allow the reservoir to be filled had not yet been restored and people were complaining that they had to fetch water from far while others had to pay R150 from bakkies selling water. Unemployed bakkie owners in rural villages are making a killing in profit through fetching water from hydrants and selling it to the villagers.

■ Billy Sibuyi



that the community were advised to wait until Tuesday to get water. Councillors wanted to be sure that the contractor finished the job. The second phase of the project started in January this year but not without controversy as complaints emerged that family members and friends of the councillors were receiving preference when it came to employment for the project. The community alleged that even though the hiring process was public, some people were hired right from their homes. The project is under investigation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU). According to a member of the ward committee in ward 18, the project was aimed at alleviating the water crisis experienced by the two communities, but it has since served no purpose as the standpipes initially promised to the community had not yet been planted. He said the situation at ward 18 was even worse

birds, and some were massive cables set for giraffe and buffalo,” he explained. “The snaring there, is not as big an issue as it is in Phalaborwa, but poaching remains a massive problem there because they have incursions on a monthly basis where people cut through fences and enter with their dogs and rifles,” stated Troskie.

Troskie also mentioned that their GlobalGiving fundraising campaign was still running and needed the help of the community to reach their goal. “In doing so we will be able to continue making a difference in the lives of the animals we rescue and the lives of the communities, property owners, and those of our own volunteers”.

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 20/09/2021

Tzaneen 86.3%

Ebenezer 96.6%

Merensky 100.4%

Dap Naude 91.1%

Middel Letaba 7.2%

Blyderivierpoort 87.8%

Klaserie 82.6%

Tours 87.3%

Vergelegen 88.9%

Magoebaskloof 100.1%

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911



COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911




24 September 2021



Affluent Polokwane suburbs are drug nests

■ Jeff Jackson

Two suspects, aged 18 and 27, were arrested by the police in Malamulele on Saturday, the 18th of September for allegedly assaulting and raping a 16-year old, grade 10 learner at Roodhuis Village. The suspects reportedly met the victim as she was walking with friends on Friday, the 17th of September around 20:30 that evening. They allegedly grabbed her and pulled her to the nearby bushes where they severely assaulted her and then took turns raping her. The victim managed to find her way back home and informed her grandmother who called the police. The suspects were traced and arrested and were expected to appear in the Malamulele Magistrate’s court this week. Meanwhile, the Provincial Organised Crime Unit and Tracing Team arrested three foreign nationals, aged between 27 and 42, in Polokwane on Wednesday, the 15th of September for possession and dealing in drugs. The police received a tip-off about suspects dealing in drugs and planned an intelligence driven operation. During the first incident, police followed up on information which led them to a house owned by a foreign national in Bendor, Polokwane. The house was searched and 50 sachets of nyaope to the value of R2,000 and 15 grams of Crystal Meth with a street value of R15,000 were found in his possession and he was arrested on the spot. In another incident, a 42-year old man was arrested in Thornhill, Polokwane for possession of Crystal Meth with an estimated street value of R100 000, pure Heroine valued at R200 000 and “Boss” mandrax tablets with a street value of R26 000. At the last scene, the team followed up on information which directed them again to Bendor, where a 29-year old suspect was arrested for possession of 100 grams of Crystal Meth with a street value of R100 000. A silver-grey Mercedes Benz was also seized. In a separate incident, a 29-year old suspect was arrested by the police in Modjadjisklooof for a house robbery that occurred in the area on Friday, the 17th of September just after midnight. The members received information from a local security company about three suspects armed with rifles who had committed house robbery. The suspect was arrested on the same day at a house in Mokgolobotho Village following a positive tip-off. Some of the stolen items including a fridge, stove, electric appliances, clothes, blankets, bicycles, grinders, and solar power batteries were re-

covered. Police further confiscated three pellet rifles. The suspect will appear in Tzaneen Magistrates Court. The hunt for the remaining suspects continues. Anyone with information is requested to contact the Detective Commander Captain Pikana Shikwambane on 082 414 2736, Crime Stop number 0860010111or the nearest Police Station. To fight against smuggling, possession and dealing in illicit cigarettes, members of the Limpopo Highway Patrol (LHP), on the 14th of September, reacted and arrested three foreign nationals aged between 29 and 43 at Masodi Village under Mahwelereng policing area after they were found transporting illicit cigarettes. The Police received a tip-off about a White Toyota Quatum panel van from Zimbabwe transporting the illicit cigarettes along R521 to Polokwane. The vehicle was spotted along the N11 road towards Mokopane. More than 50 boxes of illicit cigarettes containing more than 100 cartons of illicit cigarettes with an estimated value of more than R2 million were confiscated.

IEC offers ruling party a lifeline ■ Jeff Jackson The confusion caused by the late registration of candidates was resolved after the Constitutional Court ruled that reopening of registration of candidates was not unconstitutional, unlawful, and valid. However, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has insisted that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) `s decision to reopen candidates’ registration was a political favour to the ruling party. This followed complaints by various branches of the ruling party that regional and provincial leaders failed to register their preferred candidates and demanded answers. The failure to submit the names of candidates in time was as result of the employees of the party downing tools because of lack of salaries for some months. Deadline for the registration of candidates was Tuesday this week. The move to oppose the registration of candidates launched by the DA was supported by the fighters while the ANC filed papers in the last minute in support of the IEC which was also supported by the other smaller parties such as the Freedom Front Plus

which did not meet the deadline to register their candidates. The decision of the apex court sent mixed feelings through the political arena. The decision was preceded by the registration weekend in which various political leaders crisscrossed the country urging people to register or check their status on the voters roll at many voting stations. The IEC reported that over 1,7 million people had registered to vote in the past weekend. It also welcomed the decision of the concourt. The ANC, before the extension of the registration by the IEC had failed to register almost all of their proportional councillors in a move that would make them lose certain key municipalities without a fight. In Tzaneen, only 16 candidates out of 36 were submitted while there were nine municipalities where no PR candidates at all were registered with the IEC. By close of deadline on Tuesday at 17:00 all the parties which were affected by late registration of candidates reportedly submitted the names to the IEC. Had it not been for the IEC allowing this favour to the ruling ANC, they would have likely lost power in the majority of local municipalities.

Don’t miss the next one!

R1,2 million for single borehole ■ Jeff Jackson

between R1,2 million and R1,4 million to sink a single borehole which was supposed to be charged at only R20 000. The suspects will also face a charge of bribery in which they reportedly called an official of the SIU to a hotel in Polokwane where they allegedly gave him R300 000 to remove certain information in the case so the case would be in their favour. The two suspects were arrested in a joint operation with the Directorate of Priority Crimes also known as the Hawks in 2019. The R50 million tender to alleviate water in the region was awarded by the district municipality to Twin Corner Construction and Projects 35 for the construction, installation, repair, refurbishment and maintenance of 38 boreholes. Spokesperson for the SIU, Kaizer Kganyago, said

The trial of two Limpopo businessmen in connection with the R50 million borehole scandal in Mopani District Municipality (MDM) and the subsequent attempts to bribe an official from the Special investigating Unit (SIU), set for this week at the Polokwane Commercial Court was postponed after the accused reported that they changed their legal representatives. The case against the accused, Jack Maake and Matome Mathole, emanated from the R50 million project issued by the MDM to alleviate the water crisis through the sinking of boreholes in various villages within the jurisdiction of the municipality. It is alleged that the contractors were charging the municipality

they were directed to investigate allegations of corruption, malpractice, maladministration and financial irregularities in relation to tenders in Mopani. He added that the service provider submitted invoices amounting to R17,9 million for services not rendered according to the terms of the contract and the invoices were processed by the municipality. Last week there were reports that nearly half a million was paid to several construction companies in Mopani to supply residents with water, but nothing had since come of this. The MDM’s accounting officer, Republic Monareng, ended up resigning from his post while the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) was shown the door by the municipality.

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4 24 September 2021





Legals & Notices TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 501 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAWS OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY 2016 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 354Tzaneen Extension 4 hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for consent from the Controlling Authority and the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, from “Residential 4” to “Special” with Annexure 307 describing the rights. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office

of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 23 September 2021 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen within 30 days from 23 September 2021, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN,

0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J302 __________________________________

TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 501 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA BY-WETTE VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT 2016 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van Erf 354 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4 gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Wette 2016, kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir toestemming vanaf die Beherende Gesag en vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf “Residensieel 4” na “Spesiaal” met Bylae 307 wat die

regte beskryf. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 September 2021 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik binne 30 dae vanaf 23 September 2021 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel.

joereally.c .really o.z w a ww

Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J302 __________________________________

NOTICE MARULENG LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME REZONING PORTION 88 A PORTION OF PORTION 15 FARM BEDFORD 419KT Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 of the Maruleng Municipality SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016, that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, have applied to the Maruleng Local Municipality for rezoning of Portion 88 (a portion of Portion 15) Farm Bedford 419KT from “Agricultural” to “Special for Self-Catering and/or Long-Term Residential Accommodation Purposes” as provided for in the Scheme, on the property situated east of Roos Avenue and north of Boekenhout Avenue. The current zoning of the land is “Agricultural”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspec-

tion during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for the period of 30 days from 23 September 2021. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to P.O Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380 on or before 25 October 2021, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. Gabriel Mailula Tel. 015 793 2409 Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Asso-

ciates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 __________________________________

KENNISGEWING MARULENG GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 WYSIGINGS SKEMA HERSONERING GEDEELTE 88 ‘N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 15 PLAAS BEDFORD 419KT Ooreenkomstig Artikel 52 van die Maruleng Spluma Verordeninge 2016, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, aansoek gedoen het by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit vir hersonering van Gedeelte 88 (‘n gedeelte van Gedeelte 15) Plaas Bedford 419KT geleë oos van Roos Laan en noord van Boekenhout Laan, van “Landbou” na “Spesiaal vir Selfsorg en/ of Lang Termyn Residensiele Verblyf”. Die eiendom is tans vir “Landbou” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge grondgebruikskema. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone

kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 September 2021. Besware teen, of vertoë ten opsigte van, die aansoek moet skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres ingedien, of gerig word aan Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380 voor of op 25 Oktober 2021, met vermelding van bogenoemde opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar / vertoë, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommers en adres. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, kan gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaarperiode die bogenoemde Munisipaliteit besoek om hulp te vra om sy / haar besware, kommentaar of vertoë te verwoord. Kontakpersoon: Gabriel Mailula Tel. 015 793 2409 Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 __________________________________





Book studio time Contact Joe Dreyer

072 930 1462

6 24 September 2021




We are open on Friday 24 September from 8:00 – 13:00


Smouskous Classifieds Services Dienste HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________

SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 nicola.strydom@seeff.com __________________________________

Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280 info@sikelelaskills.co.za __________________________________

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Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 060 739 2048/ 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. co.za __________________________________

Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928


Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587 __________________________________

Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 ___________________________________


Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur @ R27/KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK @ R30/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK @ R44.50/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R37/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R37/KM +BTW. EENRIGTING (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Book your spot!

Chrizelle Dreyer: 082 628 4181 • chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za • www.farnorthbulletin.co.za

NEED CASH! We buy GOLD & SILVER Contact: Dirk: C: 076 011 0978 Charmain: C: 060 324 3512

Authorised dealer & Service centre 015 307 1849 contact@starspares.com www.starsparestzaneen.com

LETABA ORGANIES Goed geswete kraalmis afgelewer Tzaneen en omgewing. • In sakke gelewer R300/ KUB. • Losmaat 7,5 kub of 15 kub vragte R250/kub. • Losmaat kwaliteit vrugbare bogrond/ topsoil R250/KUB 7,5 KUB OF 15KUB VRAGTE. • Groter hoeveelhede 20 tot 50 kub vragte kraalmis prys op aanvraag afhangend vervoer distansie. KONTAK HELGARD: 073 379 3142

Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 082 387 2880 of Willem: 083 263 3321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit ____________________________________


so goed soos nuut. R10 000 (Nuwe prys R14 000). Kontak 073 379 3142 ____________________________________

TE HUUR TO LET TE HUUR Strelitzia woonstelle: Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer woonstelle beskikbaar vanaf 1 Oktober. Boonste en onderste vloer. Geen troeteldiere. R6000-00 pm (W&E uitgesluit). Skakel 0825511971 To advertise in the Classifieds section, email: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za





24 September 2021


Bacon Wrapped Vienna Cheese toastie

Jou tannnie se skilpadjie

Braai Day is usually reserved for the adults around the fire with a Captain or a Ricky as company while they argue over whose technique is better. But this weekend we would like our younger readers to enjoy the day as much as their parents. So here’s a bit of a tasty treat to keep those hunger cramps at bay, courtesy of oom Cobus Louw, from Phalaborwa.

How about some nose-to-tail dining done the South African way? Have a go at these variations on the traditional “skilpadjies” to keep your guests’ hunger at bay while you restart the fire, watch the Bulls receive a hiding from the Sharks and pour another round. It is very likely that these starters are the only things standing in the way of your kids, your pets, your guests, and your small intestines grabbing the meat right off the grill. They say that skilpadjies come in two variations; the best thing you’ve ever put into your mouth, and minced lamb liver in netvet.

This dish is the perfect starter for any braai, especially if there are little ones around. Ingredients: 4 slices of normal white bread 4 breakfast Vienna’s grilled on fire. 50grms Cheddar cheese grated 8 slices of rindless streaky bacon Method Place two bacon streaks next to each other. Cut crust from bread slices, roll the slices flat with rolling pin, place flattened slices on top of the bacon. Now spread cheddar cheese over bread slices evenly. Place 1 Vienna at edge of bread slice, grip bacon under bread slice and roll. Ensure an even roll until bacon has rolled completely. Place on grill with coals at a low heat and roll over every 30 seconds until bacon is crisp and bread becomes lightly toasted. Slice in half. Tips 1. Serve with a sauce of choice 2. Perfect breakfast treat. 3. Have fun with ingredients, change Vienna with a boerewors roll or cheese griller. Keep the coals burning. (Louw)

Skop-padjies 9 prepared skilpadjies 6 preserved green figs, diced 1 Camembert cheese wheel (225 g), cut into 9 blocks Half a cup (125 ml) roasted and salted cashews, roughly crushed. Method Open the skilpadjie netvet wrapping and spread out the minced liver. Sprinkle some cashews and a few pieces of diced fig onto the liver, then toss a block of Camembert into the middle. Scoop the liver together to form a rough ball in the centre of the netvet, wrap it all back up and re-seal the way you found it. Don’t be scared to use one or two extra toothpicks to secure. Braai slowly over medium heat for about 15, minutes until the fat is a deep, golden brown and crispy. These skilpadjies are seriously rich, so a little goes a long way. Works great sliced on some baby greens. Let us know if you survived them by sending us a message with your name and surname, and the word SURVIVOR to 072 930 1462.

8 24 September 2021



Chicken Flavoured lollipops Okay, so in keeping with traditional non-tradition, we decided we’d give you, our esteemed braai-masters a bit of a challenge. Enter the mouth-busting tastebud assaulting Peri-Peri Chicken Lollipops. You heard that right, lollipops that are chicken flavoured. If you think you have the cahonas for this one, go ahead and read further. If not, turn the page. Ingredients 12 chicken drumsticks 12 toothpicks Peri-Peri Rub Salt and pepper To serve, 1 lemon, cut into wedges Peri-peri Marinade 2 red peppers, charred, peeled and diced 1 onion, finely chopped



18 plum tomatoes 8 – 10 bird’s eye chillies seeds in, chopped 5 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 4 Tbsp (60 ml) NoMU Peri-Peri rub 4 Tbsp (60 ml) sugar 1 Tbsp (15 ml) paprika 1 C (250 ml) white vinegar Juice of 1 lemon

Method: Prepare the chicken lollipops by cutting off the small end of the drumstick (use the heel of a large knife); push the meat and skin forward to expose the bone. Nip off any exposed tendons with a pair of kitchen scissors. Using a toothpick, secure the skin at the top end of the drumstick, to prevent it shrinking and coming off while cooking. Once the lollipops are ready, put them in a roasting pan and season liberally with the peri-peri rub, cracked salt and black pepper. Peri-peri Marinade: Start by charring the skin of the red peppers – this can be done on the braai. Once the skin is charred, put the peppers in a bowl covered with cling wrap. Peel and roughly chop the peppers. Put all the ingredients into a blender, and whizz everything to create the marinade. Put the peri-peri marinade into a small saucepan over a medium heat. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. While the sauce is simmering preheat the oven to 180 °C. When the sauce is finished, baste the lollipops and place in the oven to roast for 30 minutes. Finish the lollipops on the braai over a medium heat. Baste with the marinade every time you turn and build up that lekker crust. Serve the lollipops with a slice of lemon and decent helping of braaidbroodjies.

It’s a pizza, you chop So lamb is a thing. A very expensive thing which not many of our braaimasters usually have the luxury of placing over their expertly prepped coals. But if you can get your hands on some lamb, try this easy recipe.

Braaied lamb chops with pizza Ingredients: Ready-made pizza bases Chopped tomatoes 2 crushed garlic cloves Sliced cheddar cheese Sliced red pepper Lamb chops Lamb wors Salt and pepper Method:

Preheat your oven to 200°C, and then add nonstick spray to a large baking sheet. Place your pizza base on the prepared baking sheet and spread the tomatoes over. Sprinkle the garlic on it and layer the cheese and the sliced red pepper. Cut the meat that you have chopped and slice it into strips. Then, slice the wors into medallions and arrange it on the pizza with the meat strips. Add your salt and pepper and allow it to bake for about 15 minutes or until the base becomes crispy and the cheese melts. At the point when you are serving, you may then sprinkle the herbs on top and slice the pizza.





24 September 2021


DIT is ‘n braaibroodjie! So, jy dink jy kan ‘n braaibroodjie maak? Of miskien dink jy dat die regte “girl”, die een wat jou heelal gaan verander, ten minste ‘n goeie aartappelslaai met kondensmelk aan mekaar kan slaan as die tamatie en kaasbroodjie een te veel raak? Wel, Bulletin is hier om jou idee van die perfekte toebie by die sub-tropiese venster uit te gooi. Wat jy nou gaan leer, is hoe om die welombekende, hoogs gewilde Bulletin Braaibroodjie te bou. Ek belowe jou, as jy hierdie outjie by die volgende kuiersessie uitruk, gaan jy beslis nie laat ‘n waterige aartappelslaai jou hinder nie.

Getrekte Vark Braaibroodjie (as die skoen pas) Bestandele: Spesiale Sousie Klein bietjie olie 1 Ui, fyn gekap 3 Knoffelhuisies fyn gekap 1 Koppie tamatiesous Halwe koppie geelmostert

Kwart koppie sojasous 2 Eetlepels paprika 2 Eetlepels bruin suiker Kwart koppie heuning Kwart koppie appelasyn

Nou hoe maak jy hom: Vir die sous, sit ‘n mediumgrootte pot oor medium hitte en voeg ‘n skeut olie by. Braai die uie tot dit begin sag word. Voeg die knoffel by en braai nog ‘n minuut tot geurig. Voeg die res van die bestanddele by en meng goed. Prut vir 5-8 minute tot effens verdik. Die getrekte varkie Voorverhit die oond tot 150 ºC. Verhit ‘n pan oor medium hoë hitte en voeg ‘n skeut olie by. Geur die varkvleis met sout en peper en braai dit aan al die kante om die buitekant te karameliseer. Haal die varkvleis uit die pot en bedek dit met jou gunsteling braaispesery. Voeg die uie in die pot en braai tot dit begin sag word. Giet die pot met die bier en voeg die varkvleis terug in die pot. Smeer die varkvleis mildelik met

Getrekte Vark Bietjie olie om in te braai Sout en peper 2 kg Vark boud Braai speserye 4 Groot uie

1 Blikkie bier 1 wit brood Botter Cheddar kaas Mozzarella

sous, sit die deksel op en sit die pot in die oond. Kook vir 4 ure tot die varkvleis sag is. Verwyder die deksel en borsel die varkvleis weer met sous en kook vir 45 minute met die deksel af. Haal die vark uit die pot en laat dit vir 10 minute staan voordat dit met twee vurke uitmekaar getrek word. Syg die uie uit die smoorvloeistof en voeg dit by die varkvleis. Voeg dan die sous by die vark en geur met sout en peper. Die broodjie Sny die brood en botter die skywe aan beide kante. Voeg ‘n laag kaas by ‘n sny en dan ‘n groot hoeveelheid varkvleis. Bedek met nog ‘n bietjie kaas en maak toe die broodjie toe. Herhaal totdat al die broodskywe gebruik is. Braai die broodjies in ‘n toebroodjie -rooster oor matige kole tot die kaas gesmelt is en die buitekant goudbruin is.

10 24 September 2021





Celebrating 21 years!

Here’s to two more decades of blessings ■ Joe Dreyer Makarios is derived from the ancient Greek term meaning “happy, fortunate or blessed” and was thus the most fitting name for a business that celebrated its 21st birthday this week. Sarie Vermaak and her team at Makarios have been helping Tzaneen insure their lifestyle since they opened their doors at the turn of the millennium. During an intimate gathering hosted at Arbor park Lodge on Tuesday this week, Sarie thanked all her clients for their support during the past two decades. “When I look at the support we have received throughout the years, I cannot help but get emotional. This journey was one that would not have been possible without the support from my community. We have cried together, laughed together and grown together, but most importantly we have forged lasting friendships and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As a surprise to round off the luncheon, a special private performance by the Afrikaans singer and song writer Manie Jackson, provided the perfect crescendo to the array of splendid canapes and light-hearted networking on the morning. Bulletin congratulates Tannie Sarie on this remarkable milestone and extend our sincerest thanks for the unwavering support we have enjoyed from her and her team throughout the last 18 years. May the road ahead be paved Manie Jackson with abundance.

Makarios Makelaars offer various insurance products which include life insurance, short-term insurance, pension funds and estate planning. Feel free to make an appointment with one of their consultants at their office situated at Arbor Park Lodge in Soetdoring Street for a

Sarie Vermaak

free consultation and see how they can help you. Alternatively give them a call on 015 307 3316. Makarios Makelaars is a licensed financial service provider.

Sanet Bergmann, Cheney Kleinhans, Pemela Vermaak, Sarie Vermaak, Ina Brink and Natasha Smit.

Impress the Master and win!

Braai Master George Luis, the well-known Crawdaddy’s resident will be judging the best braai in the exciting Bulletin Braai Day give-away competition. Up for grabs is a fantastic Peppadew hamper, a mid-week stay at ATKV Eiland Resort and Spa and (very likely the one hamper to rule them all) a R1000 Tops@Spar voucher to spend on as much happy juice as your next kuier requires. To stand a chance of winning any of these amazing prizes, all you need to do is have a braai this weekend, take a short video and send it via WhatsApp to 072 930 1462. The videos will all be expertly analysed by our resident Braai Master and the winner announced in the next edition (1st of October 2021). Bonus points will be given to those who manage to pull off any of the recipes included on page 7, 8 or 9 of this edition. Have a fantastic Braai Day weekend from everyone at Bulletin, and get those fires started!

12 24 September 2021





Gold status for Bourne ■ Press Release

Lowveld Academy’s Monay Bourne completed gold status with the President’s awards. With assistance of adult volunteer leaders, the President’s awards mission is to empower young people between the ages of 14 and 24. These awards further provide a balanced, non-competitive framework for self-development that will increase the self-esteem and enhance the capacity to achieve in whatever context learners find themselves, thus enabling them to become responsible active citizens within their community. Bourne completed the gold level during her matric year. Her hard work, determination and perseverance allowed her to achieve this award that surely will serve her well in the years to come.

Sumari Vorster. Foto’s Verskaf

Minnaar bring gholfkroon huistoe ■ Press Release

Monay Bourne

Altesaam nege gholfspelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Vrydag die 10de September aan die Limpopo skole gholfkampioenskap deelgeneem by die Zebula Buiteklub in die omgewing van Bela-Bela. In die C-afdeling se kampioenskap het Pedrie Minnaar met

sy totaal van 38 punte dié gholfkroon syne gemaak. Sumari Vorster het ook goeie rekening van haarself in die B-afdeling gegee en het met ‘n puntestand van 36 in die tweedeplek geëindig. Hierdie kampioenskap was dan ook die einde van die skole se gholfseisoen vir hierdie jaar.

New Fransie royals ■ Billy Sibuyi Frans du Toit High School recently crowned their 2021 Mr and Miss Fransie. Itumeleng Seduma and Bongiwe Ndubane took the throne with Brandon Van Niekerk and Lerato Mmola as 1st Prince and Princess and Mixo Tshai and Ché-Lynn Daniels as 2nd Prince

and Princess. Due to the so-called Covid rules and regulations, the annual Mr and Miss Fransie competition was conducted differently with the Fransies and the community voting for their Top 6. Together with the votes, the finalists were chosen according to points built up through fundraisers held in school.

Our principle together with the Kulture management team.

Pedrie Minnaar





24 September 2021 13

Ysterperdridder is verseker reg vir Albanië

■ Roelof de Jonge

Die voormalige leerder van die Hoërskool Merensky het geskiedenis gemaak om as een van die jongste spanlede in die Suid-Afrikaanse GS span opgeneem te word. Dit na hy die nasionale uitdunrondte bonop algeheel gewen het, wat ‘n eerste in die geskiedenis van die nasionale GS Trophy is. Die Suid-Afrikaners het die laaste drie GS Trophy avontuurtogte, Nieu-Seeland 2020, Mongolië 2018 en Thailand 2016, gewen. In Kanada 2014 en in Suid-Afrika 2010, het die Suid-Afrikaners tweede plekke algeheel behaal. Hierdie rekord van prestasies is verseker ‘n aanduiding dat hierdie land van oor die wêreld se beste motorfietsryers beskik. BMW Motorrad internasionaal het die GS Trophy van stapel gestuur om die BMW GS avontuurmotorfiets se elemente van buitelewe, avontuurlustigheid en gerieflikheid aan die deelnemers bloot te stel, maar ook ‘n element van kameraadskap te weeg te bring. Sowat 16 lande se spanne neem elke tweejaarliks aan die avontuurtog deel.


DANCE MONKEY 10|09|2021 - 29|10|2021



Elke tweede jaar neem van die beste BMW GS motorfietsryers van regoor die wêreld aan die GS Trophy teen mekaar deel. In die Somer van 2022 gaan hierdie Duitse ysterperdridders sake in Albanië uitspook om te sien watter land se span die kroon sal dra. Slegs 31 van die beste ryers van elke streek (oftewel provinsie) het na die Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale rondte vanaf die 9de tot die 12de deurgedring. Na afloop van die nasionale rondte is slegs vyf ryers aangewys om Suid-Afrika te verteenwoordig. Gerrit du Toit vanuit Tzaneen is een van hierdie vyf top ryers wat gaan help om Suid-Afrika se internasionale GS kroon te verdedig. Die 18-jarige du Toit het vanaf die staanspoor verras met sy knapheid op ‘n motorfiets en het voort gegaan om hierdie nasionale byeenkoms algeheel te wen. “Ek is baie opgewonde, maar ook senuweeagtig wat vir ons voorlê. Ek glo met al die nodige ondersteuning en aansporing gaan dit een ongelooflike ervaring wees om mee te maak”, het ‘n opgewonde du Toit aan Bulletin vertel. “Daar is nog heelwat tyd voor die internasionale GS Trophy volgende jaar begin, wat my meer as genoeg tyd bied om my vaardighede op te skerp. Maar ek sien uit daarna om ons land te gaan verteenwoordig. Ons het ‘n baie sterk span wat ‘n goeie samestelling van jeug en ervaring bevat. En synde ons (Suid-Afrika) die vorige drie internasionale rondtes gewen het, gaan ons die beste moet uithaal om wéér die GS Trophy huistoe te bring.”





Take a friend along to record a video of you performing your best rendition of the now super-popular “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I, upload it onto your Facebook profile, tag Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, tag Far North Bulletin and get your friends to do the same. The winner will receive a R1 000 shopping voucher from the store of their choice inside the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre and a 1 hour recording session at Katbok Studios. Second place will receive a R500 shopping voucher and third prize will be a R250 shopping voucher.

Gerrit du Toit tydens sy deelname aan die nasionale rondte van die GS Trophy met sy BMW GS avontuurmotorfiets. Hy het die nasionale byeenkoms algeheel gewen.

14 24 September 2021





Changing of the Green Guard Win some, lose ■ some for Plasies Roelof de Jonge

Tzaneen Bowls Club recently held its annual year-end prize giving event for the 2020/2021 season. The award for the drawn mixed trips was handed to the team of Terry Morgan, Adriaana Jacobs and Richard Bisset. The club’s outgoing president, Carine Chadwick, along with Terry Morgan, walked away with the drawn ladies’ pairs prize. Alwyn Venter and Allen Brett reigned supreme in the drawn men’s pairs to swing the championship in their favour. Chadwick teamed up with Fritz Sontag for the selected mixed pairs title, which they duly won. The novice singles club title went to Stoffel Vermaak. In fact, Vermaak raked up a series of titles at this year’s club championship awards. He further went on to clinch the men’s open singles and men’s senior singles titles. The club’s newly elected president who was chosen prior to the awards presentation, Ally Morrison, received the award for the singles men’s hand-

icap title. Terry Morgan received the single women’s handicap award. The open singles women’s prize was handed to Sue Morrison, who together with Sarie Vermaak, went on to clinch the women’s selected pairs competition. The men’s selected pairs title went to Peter Mogale and Phillip Fourie. Chadwick added another title to her name by winning the senior women’s single title. Ben Mandell was the winner of the men’s two bowls singles battle. Sue Morrison made the title for the women’s two bowls title hers whilst William Cliengen was the winner of the mixed singles title. Tzaneen Bowls Club will be hosting the annual Business League Bowls tournament which started this week and already has a full field of 28 teams, but an extra 14 teams are being catered for. Sarie Vermaak explained that there are also a number of exciting changes happening at the clubhouse in King Edward Drive which includes a completely revamped pub and restaurant area. More on this in next week’s Bulletin.

Hendrik Botes, wicketkeeper of Merensky High School’s u.19 team.

■ Roelof de Jonge

Sue Morrison was the winner of multiple club championships. The club’s outgoing president, Carine Chadwick, congratulated Morrison on her achievements.

Stoffel Vermaak from Tzaneen Bowls Club was the winner of numerous awards. Here he is congratulated by Carine Chadwick.

Peter Mogale en Philip Fourie was the winners of the men’s selected pairs club championship. With them is Carine Chadwick. Photos: Roelof de Jonge.

William Cliengen was the winner of the mixed singles club championship. Carine Chadwick handed the awards to the winning player.

Merensky High sent two of their teams to face off against the might of the Bochum Boys in the latest round of the Limpopo Schools Super League this weekend. The U/15 boys travelled to Polokwane where they took to the crease at the Polokwane oval while their First Team counterparts hosted their rivals on their home turf. The u/15 team showed their class against a hapless Bochum side. Batting first, Merensky posted 202 runs for the loss of 10 wickets after 44,4 overs. This target was eventually too much of a tall order for the Bochum junior batsmen who conceded after losing 10 wickets for just 122 runs. Merensky’s bowler, Luka Heinlein, claimed three of the Bochum scalps for 19 runs in his six overs spell which included two maidens. Heinlein was named Man of the Match for his brilliant bowling spell and was well supported by bowlers Carel Jacobs,

Maan Mistry

Timothy Baker and Christiaan de Beer who dismissed two wickets each. The Merensky batsmen who helped set up the win with some superb innings were Waldo Pretorius who added 34 runs from 58 balls, Adriaan du Plessis with his 35 runs from 58 balls and Christo van Niekerk who scored 15 off 11 balls. Merensky’s u/19 team batted first and was dismissed all out for a mere 60 runs on the scoreboard. Plasies skipper, Louis Botha, and fellow batsman Nic Adendorff were the only ones who contributed noteworthy runs. Botha posted 20 runs and Adendorff added another 14 before they were dismissed. The pressure was on for the Merensky bowlers to try and salvage the impossible. The Bochum batsmen were however up to the task and played a patient game to initially win this 50 overs match by seven wickets. Merensky is scheduled to face-off against the sides of Stanford Lake College after the October school holiday.




24 September 2021 15


PYGA Euro Steel wins the Great Trek battle ■ Roelof de Jonge

incorporated into the Magoeba Trek race which was postponed numerous times. The Limpopo Classic formed part of the second stage of the Trek. The first female team across the finish line was Theresa Ralph and Samantha Sanders from the Galileo Infinity SPOT team in a total time of 11 hours, two minutes and 24 seconds. The honour for the solo women category belonged to the Insect Science rider, Danielle Strydom. She completed the Magoeba Trek in a total time of 10 hours, 53 minutes and 18 seconds. David Cook was the first solo men’s rider to conquer the mighty Magoeba Trek and it took him nine hours, five minutes and 43 seconds to finish. The 40km odd stages from the Trial division over the three days also provided plenty of action for the riders as well as for their supporters and spectators. The Insect Science men’s team of Herman Fourie and Gunther Katzke showed their class by streaking ahead to win the men’s team category in a time of five hours, 22 minutes and 22 seconds. The Olia women’s team with riders Olivia Penfold and Lianke Fourie bagged the medals in the women’s team division with a winning time of seven hours, ten minutes and 29 seconds. The local team comprising of Anke Rood and Jani Jordan from the Insect Chix team, followed the winners for the second podium spot. The winner of the solo men’s category for the 40km trial race was Dobri Stanisavljevic with John-Hendrik Muller who eventually settled for second place. Monique Fourie was the winner of the solo female category and posted an overall time of seven hours, 32 minutes and 32 seconds.

After three days of intense racing through the beautiful scenery of Magoebaskloof, the mountain bike pair of Philip Buys and Pieter du Toit from the PYGA Euro Steel team, rode a fine race to win the 2021 edition of the Magoeba Trek Mountain Bike race. This MTB race was held from the 17th to the 19th of September (last weekend) with the start and finish line as well as the base camp for the participants situated at Stanford Lake College. Buys and du Toit managed to fend off challenges from some of the country’s best mountain bike riders to finish in a time 07:55.06. They were pressured all the way by the hard charging pair of Keagan Bontekoning and CP van Wyk of the Insect Science MTB Team. The Insect Science riders eventually crossed the finish line in a total time of 08:07.36. Buys and du Toit topped the time sheet after Friday’s first leg of the trek which took the riders along some fast-flowing trials around Dap Naudé Dam and the Woodbush forest reserve. Each of Igna de Villiers and teammate Burger Bester. Martin van Ghent the day’s race stages consisted of a touch over 70km. The distances for the trial division riders Buys and du Toit once again headed the time sheets ahead of Bonwere about 40km per day. On the second day the Haenertsburg and Iron Crown stage sorted tekoning and van Wyk, having to negotiate an array of river crossings the real riders from the rest. Here the mountain bikers had to work along the tricky sections that included a fearsome downhill stretch. On the third and final day, riders took on the Stanford Lake and Ebentheir way up the infamous Rocky Horror climb to reach the summit of the renowned Iron Crown Mountain, which is more than 2 100 metres ezer Dam stage. The single-track route provided riders with some serious climbs along the edge of this dam. This fast and fun stage saw above sea level. Buys and du Toit stretch their lead ahead of Bontekoning and van Wyk, who were ready to pounce on any misfortunes of the front-runners. Because of the ongoing Covid regulations, The Insect Mountain Bike Classic, which is a Limpopo Marathon MTB qualifying event, had to be

Herman Fourie and Gunther Katzke.

Gerhard Booysen

Louisette van Helsdingen

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Sport 24 September 2021

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Wolfpack a howling success ■ Joe Dreyer

At 06:00 on Saturday, the 18th of September, an 18-month long silence was shattered by the sound of a starter’s pistol and 220 pairs of rubber soles kissing the provincial tarmac. It was the start of the Warriors Wolfpack 4-in-1 Marathon, the first real outrun for athletes across the province since the lockdown was instituted in March 2020. The event offered four distances for runners of all levels to enjoy which included a 10km, 21.1km, 32km and a 42.2km race. The latter was an official Comrades qualifying event and saw some of the elite runners from clubs all over the region, as far as Phalaborwa and Gauteng, enter. One woman travelled up from Pretoria on Friday night, to enter the race at the last minute. Waterpoints were manned by local businesses and were stocked with enough water, nutritional snacks, juices, music and gees to ensure that every last runner finished their race. The course was clearly marked and inspected by the Limpopo Athletics inspector and covid-compliance officer to ensure that all protocols were observed, and marshals were posted strategically all along the route. The only component that did not feature was the Provincial Traffic Department’s officers, under command of Victor Khumalo, who were supposed to regulate traffic and ensure the safety of runners crossing busy intersections. They were shining in their absence, which meant that the organizers and marshals took on the responsibility of traffic control. Nevertheless, the day went off without a hitch and saw the veteran Nedbank Club runner, and 2012 Comrades Marathon champion Ludwick Mamabolo, cross the finish in a time of 2:33:50 to take gold in the 42.2km marathon event. The silver medal went to Polokwane runner, JJ van der Merwe, in a time of 2:36:18 with Pfarelo Mathada hot on his heels in third place in a time of 2:36:18. All three these men were well within the Comrades qualifying time of 4:50:00. Tzaneen’s Le’ Club runner, Greta Bekker took gold for the women in the 42.2km with a time of 4:35:56 with Team Vitality runner, Nomvula Ndlovu, finishing in second place with a time of 5:53:33. There were no other women who completed the marathon on the day. In the 32km race it was Jacob Malefo of team Entisika who took first place in 1:55:24 with Timothy Munzhelele of the Murray & Roberts stable in second with his time of 1:57:46 and Frans Phetha of team Nedbank in third in 2:07:35. In the ladies race it was Beryl Makokha who took first in 2:30:54 with the two Nedbank runners, Gift Ramabele and Monique Smit in second and third respectively. Emmanuel Ramohlale won the 21.1km in a time of 1:17:50 with Lucky Maahlo and Arthur Reynolds in second and third spots respectively. All three these runners were from the Murray & Roberts stable. In the ladies event it was Maria Bendana from Morningside who took gold in 1:43:28. Second spot went to Angelique van der Merwe with Michelle Bierman in third. “It was such a fantastic day out and every last runner who crossed that finish line was exhausted, but smiling nonethe-

less. They had been deprived of their passion for so long, that when this event came round, they literally jumped at the opportunity to get out there and just run!” said Race Director and organizer, Tracey van den Dool. “This day could not have been such a massive success, had it not been for the support of the local business community. For that I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. We pulled off this event in less than six weeks!” The following businesses were cruLisa Main cial in the success of the Wolfpack: PPS Petroleum, Oasis Water, Merensky High School, Talisman Plant & Tool Hire, Star Spares, Tzaneng Mall, Fairview Hotel, HK Houers, NTK, SEEFF, Build It, Allegrain Dairies, Tzaneen Marathon Club, Colorweis Nursery, Polokwane Athletics Club, Limpopo Athletics, The Boma and the official media partner, Bulletin. Special thanks to the many hands on deck at the 18 waterpoints: PPS Petroleum, AIDA, SEEFF, Lions Club Tzaneen, BB Motors Ford, Meet and Greet, Frogfoot, Vox, Limpo Wifi, Build it, Fairview Hotel, Star Spares, Kiddeo and Tiny Tots, Tzaneng Mall, Oasis Water. For all the photographs of the runners on the day, visit www.farnorthbulletin.co.za or like and follow our Facebook page, Far North Bulletin. All images on the Facebook page are downloadable and high-resolution images are available on order.

Lucky Maahlo

Ludwick Mamabolo

Polokwane Athletics runners. Photos: Joe Dreyer & Roelof de Jonge

Angelique Els

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