Bulletin Newspaper 29 October 2021

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29 October 2021


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LIFESTYLE GETS FABULOUS The 19th Miladys store opened its doors on Thursday morning at the ever expanding Lifestyle Centre. Seen here are the store’s management team which includes Teresa van der Westhuizen of the Tzaneng Mall branch, Sharon Makwela, Assistant Store Manager, Matlida Mangena, Store Manager, Alta Nel, the Area Manager and Noko Majoana, the store’s Visual expert. O



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Those R9 million JoJo tanks you saw were fake

P6 New P4 Double



Over the weekend the social media community was set alight when a picture of 13 standard JoJo watertanks made the rounds claiming that the Phalaborwa municiplality had spent R9 million on a supposed water project. Turns out the story was half wrong. Read on page 3.



e for Holgat adventure

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29 October 2021





Can independents make a change?

■ Jeff Jackson

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


The dominance of the major political parties in this local government elections set to start tomorrow with the casting of the special votes, will be challenged after the Civic Warriors in the Maruleng Local Municipality (MLM) promised to increase the number of the wards they won in the previous local government elections in 2016. They launched their manifesto on Tuesday at Lorraine village. The small party that formed prior to the 2016 local polls, said that they are prepared for this election and they will use the opportunity to cement the achievements of the past five years which included the construction of roads in the three wards that they won within the municipality, all of which were previously under the control of the ANC. Party president, Ben Mehlabe, said since the formation of the party by the community who were

disgruntled with lack of service delivery in the Maruleng area, they had fought hard to improve service delivery through the eradication of crime. He said that the problem is when ward councillors from the ruling ANC sabotaged their efforts to fight crime. He added that during the past five years they had won the confidence of the communities they were serving and constructed tar roads in the areas and they will in the coming term ensure that they are kept maintained. The discontent emanating from the selection of the ANC councillor candidates has resulted with members of the party contesting elections as independent candidates. Though chances of them winning are slim, it is not the case in Tzaneen where independent candidates win the seats and later re-join the ANC with those seats after being re-recruited with many

SANDF members deployed for V-Day ■ Jeff Jackson

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

With the 2021 local government elections set to be held from tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday for the casting of the special votes) and the election day on Monday, it is all systems go with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the other government agencies. Home Affairs offices will remain open during the weekend, and the nationwide curfew will be suspended during the election day. This was announced on Tuesday on the readiness of government to conduct a free and fair election. Minister of Defence, Thandi Modise, addressing the media on Tuesday said that protests will not be allowed on the day of voting and the subsequent days prior and after the elections. She said on the day of election any act of violence will not be allowed and the police will act on those found in the wrong. Modise further said that all relevant security departments are ready to ensure that the elections run smoothly without interruptions and that there will be increased police visibility and the SANDF will be deployed in large numbers at a cost of R10 million to the taxpayer. The defence minister added that protest action by community members in connection with lack of service delivery will be punished by law and though the SANDF members will not immediately deployed at voting stations they will be sent to areas prone to political violence. She also urged all political parties to adhere to the local government code they signed some weeks ago. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) also will have their offices opened from 07:00 in the morning to 21:00 on Saturday, Sunday and on the election day on Monday to assist those who might not be having Identity Documents as well as the issuing of temporary documents. However, police minister Bheki Cele said the police will be deployed to areas prone to political violence such as the KZN. Though it is still under discussion by the affected parties, it emerged that the government is intending to suspend, or lift the curfew for the whole weekend to allow political parties and the IEC to do their logistics as some of them will require working during the curfew hours. The National Coronavirus Command Council was still consulting stakeholders before a decision could be taken. On another note, the government through relevant structures, is reportedly working hard to ensure that there would be no loadshedding on the day of the elections. This at the time there is loadshedding expected to end on Saturday morning. When the voting stations close, party agents and the IEC staff will start with counting of votes before they are sent to regional and provincial offices.

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

Mokgoloboto tribe celebrates disputed land victory ■ Jeff Jackson The land dispute between the traditional authorities of Nkuna and Mokgoloboto in Tzaneen, finally ended in court last week. The disputed land between Broederstroomdrift (Ledzee) and Nkowankowa unit E, and the adjacent Mokgoloboto village, was awarded to the Mokgoloboto community by the Ritavi magistrate’s court. The farm Muhlava 567 LT was at the centre of disputes since in 2004 and was extensively covered by Bulletin. The land claim originated all the way back at the establishment of the Mokgoloboto village and has been at the centre of disputes regarding efforts to have the land rezoned into residential areas. The Nkuna Traditional Authority always disputed the decision. In 2005 the Greater Tzaneen Municipality acting on behalf of the Muhlava community obtained a court order to evict people who were erecting stands on the land. Many houses were demolished. Following the demolition of many houses built on the property, the erection of buildings stopped until 2020 when the headmen from the Mokgoloboto clan started selling sites on the land. When the Nkuna community objected, Chief Joseph Mokgoloboto was arrested in March

this year but released a day after. For some time this year people converged along the road purchasing stands even when the matter was still in the hands of the courts. Residents paid money for the stands and when they could not get the stands they waited until the matter was resolved. The court awarded the land to chief Mokgoloboto on the 1st Of October 2021 after the Nkuna community could not produce proof of ownership of the land. After the judgement the community were summoned where the news was announced which was met with celebrations. The Mokgoloboto community had named the land Sebogadi while the Nkuna community called the place the ancestral land of the Muhlarhi clan. On paper however it was named Muhlava 567 LT. Mokgoloboto was established in the 90`s and is occupied by people from Dan village and Bolobedu. The Nkuna traditional authority in the meantime, has been involved in a dispute over land at the Moime -Khujwana area against the Bathlabine Traditional Authority. They lost the bid by traditional leaders from Thlabine to establish a settlement intended to be called New Lenyenye. This was after construction of a cemetery by the municipality for Lenyenye residents.

Chrizelle Dreyer: 082 628 4181 Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 25/10/2021

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


***Editor’s comment: It is counter-productive to establish hundreds of small parties who, whilst they initially may have the interest of their communities at heart, can ultimately amount to very little in the form of resisting the wave of corruption that will come crashing into the local economies a week from now. There can only ever be a chance to stop the cancer from spreading, if there is a united opposition, big enough and experienced enough to meet the ruling party head-on in every arena. Each time some member of the opposition has a fanny-flap over another member of the party and splits off to establish a new party, it weakens the opposition. And do not, for a second, believe that the red jumpsuit millionaires and the ANC are opponents. That mannetjie with the loud mouth and the big watch is nothing but a distraction.

Book your spot!

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

shiny promises. Brian Mashele won as independent before joining the DA and later the ANC.


Tzaneen 81.1%

Ebenezer 94.2%

Merensky 100.8%

Dap Naude 88.6%

Middel Letaba 8.5%

Blyderivierpoort 80.9%

Klaserie 75%

Tours 82.5%

Vergelegen 94.8%

Magoebaskloof 100.2%

COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911





29 October 2021


The GTM’s rules don’t Jojo was “fake news” ■ apply to everyone Billy Sibuyi

■ Joe Dreyer The illegal dumping of garden refuse and building rubble in the open veld adjacent to Boundary Street is continuing unabated. This despite numerous complaints from the owner to the municipality. It started roughly a year ago when the piece of land in question was to be sold by Renier de Lange, the owner, to a potential buyer. During the negotiations the potential buyer failed to secure the financing needed for the purchase and the sale fell through. However, during the negotiations this same potential buyer started dumping building rubble onsite without the knowledge of the owner, de Lange. The consequence of this being that pretty soon every other contractor working on a building site started sending his drivers to dump on this site and that in turn led to residents from the area eventually just dumping their garden and household rubbish there too. Because that’s what one do when one assumes. The Ward Councillor at the time, who is now stepping out of the political arena, did nothing to stop this illegal activity snowballing to the point where it is now out of control. The dumpsite at Boundary has now become a serious health and safety risk and contravenes the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s bylaws. Despite this, the owner of the property is still expected to spend large amounts of money to clear the rubble away, only to be forced to repeat the process the following month when the site is filled up with building rubble once more. “I have now run completely out of options here,” said a dismayed de Lange. “The only option I have left to do here, is to erect a palisade fence to at least stop these people from illegally dumping on my property. I have met with the municipality about this before, but nothing has been done and nothing seems to be in the planning either. I will set-

up a meeting with them again to see how we can move forward together.” In the meantime, the Jetty 3 facilities remain out of bounds to the general public unless you want to launch your boat from there. In which case you need to apply for a license which you don’t pay for but without, cannot enter the facilities. The reasoning behind this flawed logic is because the Greater Tzaneen Municipality does not have enough manpower to (in their own words) adequately manage the Jetty 3 site in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations – yet a week ago they partnered with a guy who walks for single fathers every year and allowed a large number of tents to be erected on site. The mayor even held an official address to welcome the men. In other news it was rumoured that two wellknown property developers expressed their interest in buying and revamping the old Letaba Boulevard building. A presentation was made to the former municipal manager Thapelo Matlala and the proposal seemed viable enough until it landed before the exalted council members who halted any further developments on the matter.

NOTICE OF ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS LICENCE (AEL) VARIATION - INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE Notice is hereby given in terms of the following Act: - GN 893 of 22 November 2013 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (NEMA) (Act 39 of 2004). Activity & Locality: An application for the variation of the existing Atmospheric Emissions Licence (12/4/12L-M7/A1) will be submitted to the Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The following listed activity is applicable according to GN893 of 22 November 2013 of the NEMA (Act 39 of 2004): • Category 5: Mineral Processing, Storage and Handling. - Subcategory 5.1: Storage and Handling of Ore and Coal. The variation is for the storage of non-magnetite by-product in current unused sulphur storage bunkers, the expansion of the existing magnetite rail and road export capacity and the reclamation and export of phosphogypsum from the tailings facilities. Locality: Municipality: Proponent:

Tel: Email:

No. 1, Station Road, Farm Wegsteek No. 30 LU, Phalaborwa. Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. Bosveld Phosphates (Pty) Ltd Mr. Trevor Dunlop Private Bag X1022 Phalaborwa, 1390 015 780 6100 ext. 201 trevor@bosveldafrica.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) ONLY in terms of the AEL variation process, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the development to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this notice.

Odas Ngobeni, the Mopani District Municipality Spokesperson, was quick to come to the rescue of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality by refuting the claims of an alleged R9 Million JoJo project which set social ablaze over the weekend. Ngobeni labelled it as ‘fake news’ on Saturday, 23rd of October. On a post shared more than two thousand times across Facebook alone, a picture of 13 JoJo tanks each mounted on its own stand was thought to have cost the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality a figure well above half a million rand per tank. This did not come as a surprise to many as the ANC, leading to the election, has been known for its blunders of awarding exorbitant fee tenders to projects that don’t fit the price tag. “The Mopani District Municipality has noted with

Stanford Lake College A leading co-educational independent school in Magoebaskloof, Limpopo, providing a balanced, all-round, quality education, based on a Chris Christian foundation. Enthusiastic, innovative and suitably qualified persons, who will support the above mission statement, are invited to apply for the following two positions:

ADMISSIONS OFFICER AND ASSISTANT MARKETER This is a full-time position and the successful candidate will report to the Head of Marketing.

The successful candidate will: - Possess a relevant tertiary qualification; - Have proven experience in administration. Previous experience in marketing, digital marketing or working in admissions would be advantageous; - Act as first and continual point of contact for prospective families from enquiry through to the enrolment of new students at the school in a timely manner; - Provide information and advice to potential parents on Admissions from first enquiry through to enrolment; - Responsible for fielding, filtering, recording and effectively responding to enquiries, received via telephone, email, social media, website and in person; - Organise and conduct visits for prospective parents, ensuring the maintenance of high quality customer care at all times; - Effectively participate in initiatives to drive student recruitment and enrolment opportunities including the annual Open Weekend; - Cascade information in a timely manner about new students to colleagues and liaise closely with academic and admin staff with regards to the smooth transition / induction of new pupils; - Support arrangements for new starters including setting them up on various third-party application platforms; - Analyse enrolment data; - Assist the Head of Marketing with the overall branding and marketing strategy of the College including assisting at expos, functions, website, newsletters, magazines, social media; - Drive alumni engagement through regular committee meetings, managing the social media pages, organising reunions and ensuring effective communication; - Understand and be committed to Stanford Lake College’s values and ethos; - Perform other duties as requested.

Key Competencies: - Must have attention to detail and be highly organised with excellent administration skills; - A real “people person” with excellent interpersonal skills to develop purposeful working relationships with a variety of stakeholders; - Excellent verbal and written communication skills with the ability to communicate at all levels; - Be a self-starter who can manage themselves and work independently and as a proactive team member; - Ability to multi-task and adhere to deadlines; - Strong computer literacy essential. Proficient in MS Word, Excel and Gsuite; - Proficiency in the use of design programmes such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign or CorelDraw would be advantageous.

concern the fake news circulating on social media, alleging the Municipality to have spent R9 million on a water project at Lulekani. The Municipality refutes the allegations that we have spent R9 million on the project,” stated Ngobeni. He however acknowledged that they have over the past months been working with the community of Lulekani to implement a short-term water project. “As [an] intervention to the challenge of inadequate water supply to some residents of Lulekani, which is largely caused by the many unauthorized connections on the rising main to the command reservoir”. Ngobeni put it on record that the Municipality did spend an amount of R2 449 631 (vat inclusive) on the project depicted in the picture and not R9 million, however, he could not provide Bulletin with a detailed account of the project. “The work included but not limited to the supply, delivery, and installation of 130 thousand liters of water storage tanks, construction of boaster pump station, and pipework,” said Ngobeni. He also mentioned that the municipality was starting in this current financial year with a budget of R40 million to refurbish the water infrastructure and the construction of additional storage tanks as well as reticulation. “Our long-term intervention project in Lulekani will be the implementation of the multi-year project as part of Lulekani Water Scheme, which will be funded through the MIG and our funds, estimated at around R222 million targeting our communities in Lulekani, Matiko-Xikaya, Humulani, Kurhula and Benfarm,” he concluded.

VACANCIES MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL LITERACY TEACHER (GRADES 8 – 12) This is a full-time position and the successful candidate will report to the Head of Department.

We seek to employ someone who: • has an appropriate university degree and professional qualification • has experience in, and/or shows an innovative and progressive approach to, teaching Mathematics from Grades 8-12, preferably within the IEB syllabus; • is able to understand and be committed to Stanford Lake College’s values and ethos; • is willing to be part of the extra-curricular programme; • can provide proof of registration with SACE.

Key Competencies: • be an enthusiastic teacher who will be able to share his / her love for Mathematics with his or her students; • deliver engaging and effective lessons which enthuse his / her students; • be a self-starter who can manage themselves and work independently; • have good IT skills and be comfortable using technology in the classroom, where appropriate; • a strongly driven work ethic; • excellent interpersonal skills with colleagues, students and parents; • good organisational and administrative skills; • an open and creative outlook to education.

APPLICATIONS PROCESS FOR BOTH POSITIONS Applications for the posts must be accompanied by a full Curriculum Vitae (no longer than three pages) and the names of three contactable referees, marked for the attention of the Headmaster.

Applications will be received by e-mail ONLY at info@slc.co.za CLOSING DATE: 1st November 2021 Both positions to commence 1 January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. Stanford Lake College is an equal opportunity employer. We reserve the right not to fill this post. An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview or appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of the advertised post will result in applicants automatically disqualifying themselves from consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Protection of Personal Information Act (Act 4 / 2013) (POPIA) Disclaimer: Stanford Lake College is committed to ensuring confidentiality of personal information. By applying for this position and submitting your personal details and CV, you acknowledge acceptance of this disclaimer. By applying for this position, you expressly give Stanford Lake College consent to process your personal information for the sole purpose of recruitment and any required statutory reporting. All reasonable measures will be taken to protect the information of applicants in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act and the school’s Privacy Policy. The person hereby consents that, and authorises Stanford Lake College or agent to, at all times: a) contact, request and obtain information from any previous employer or registered credit bureau relevant to seeking references and employment history and to assist in conducting an employee assessment in respect of myself; b) to furnish personal employment information concerning myself to any credit bureau, or to any prospective employer seeking references and employment history and to assist in conducting an employee assessment in respect of myself.



29 October 2021





Thinking Kids centre opens Ultimate Gold for Liam ■ Roelof de Jonge

Margie Schebusch and SunitaGlanvill.

■ Joe Dreyer There exists a place where each child is treated as an individual and is afforded the opportunity to grow at his or her own pace. Thinking Kids, a home school system developed in 2012 specifically targeting the needs of high school pupils, opened its doors in Dekenah Street, Aqua Park earlier this year. When Sunita Glanvill and her family moved from Pretoria to Tzaneen in 2017 in search of better living standards for their own children, Thinking Kids was uprooted and replanted right here in the country’s food basket. A short while after her arrival she made the acquaintance of local therapist, Margie Schlebusch from MS Counselling. The pair immediately hit it off and a strong working relationship was forged. After a few years working together at one of the local private schools where they assisted students with their mental and emotional preparation, the two women decided to take hands and expand on the Thinking

Kids model. On the 1st of February this year the Thinking Kids Learning Centre officially opened its doors. The centre follows the Impaq curriculum and is fully fitted with learning areas, examination rooms and a host of other activities to assist the students in preparing for their exams and working through their grades. Sunita obtained her Honours Degree in Learner Support while Margie holds her Honours Degree in clinical psychology. They are supported by Lourika Schutte, a student teacher and Dian Bovill who just recently completed his psychology degree and is currently completing his internship at MS Counselling. Together, this formidable team ensures that both the academic and the emotional wellbeing needs of the students are catered to. This centre is aimed at providing all that the children need to reach their full potential and grow into functioning adults when they complete their primary education. For any further information please contact either Margie on 084 677 1016 or Sunita on 084 620 3253.

A group from the Dance Place @ Ben Vorster represented Limpopo at the annual South African Dance School Championships the past weekend in Centurion. As expected, these dancers did not disappoint and brought back many well-deserved accolades. Liam O’Brien (contemporary advanced solo) received one of the most coveted awards at this championship when the Ultimate Gold Award (91.7%) was handed to him. He also added a special award to his tally for his excellent performance, promise and technical ability. O’Brien and Tamar de Meyer took part in the modern jazz intermediate and advanced duet category and danced away with a gold award (83.3%). Lara van Veelen (open beginner solo) obtained high silver (79.3%) whilst Lia Coetzee and Hanne Kemp (Hip Hop duet beginner and novice) received high silver (78,3%) and for their acrobatics duet they were rewarded with a high gold (87%) award. Lia Coetzee (acrobatics novice solo) received the gold award (81.7%). Pieter Minnaar (Hip Hop beginner solo) managed a silver award (73.7%) and the judges handed Tegan Baker (Hip Hop beginner solo) a high silver award (76.7%). Kaitlyn Schoeman (open novice solo) went home with a high silver award (75.3%) and for her modern jazz novice solo item (Dance Creations), she received another high silver prize (79%). Aldré van Tonder (Hip Hop beginner solo) was also amongst the high silver awards receivers (76,6%). Zoe-Leigh Thompson (contemporary beginner solo) bagged a silver award (74%) for this item and for the Hip Hop novice solo (Dance Creations) item she was rewarded with a high silver award (78.3%). Katryn Coetzee and Soria Meyer (modern jazz beginner and novice duet) brought another high silver award (79%) back to Tzaneen. Elrene Knoetze (Hip Hop beginner solo) with her score of 81.3% received a gold award. Jani Minnaar (acrobatics novice solo) was another high silver award recipient with a score of 77.3%. Pedrie Minnaar (Hip Hop novice solo) add a gold award (80%) to the Limpopo team’s prize collection. Jani and Pedrie Minnaar (open beginner and novice duet) dance into a silver award (74.7%). More than 2 500 items were entered from dance schools all over Gauteng, Northwest, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. All the dancers competed in different dance styles and levels of excellence. The three judges who scrutinised the participants were Joubert Jonker, Sharonne van der

Vyver and Anette Njande, who are all very wellknown in the dance industry and have loads of judging and competition experience.

Elrene Knoetze

Lara van Veelen Liam O’Brien

Jani Minnaar


JOE DREYER 072 930 1462



29 October 2021





Kom luister saam na Ds Prinsloo


How to get the best price for your property When selling your home there are a few factors that will determine the price. Some of these factors the seller can control and some are controlled by market conditions, banks lending criteria and buyer preferences. When it comes to the factors sellers can control, it is very important to make sure that these are taken into consideration when pricing and putting your house on the market. So where to start. Firstly the appointment of an agent. When you appoint an agent make sure your agent have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience. A qualified agent will, with the assistance of a property report, explain to you whether the price is consistent with the selling prices in the

area. The agent will also be able to advice on buyers trends, the type of valuations the banks find feasible in your specific area and for your specific property. Secondly, you need to “dress your home to sell”. By this you look at small things that a buyer might find “not esthetically pleasing”. Changing and fixing up these might better your chances at a higher offer. These could be things like a new coat of paint, putting away the clutter, allowing natural light into the home, a sparkling pool, an inviting garden, well kept and green, no dogs welcoming your buyers (remember some people have a natural fright for dogs). A clean nice smell to a home also makes a buyer feel right at home. Thirdly, make sure that the following is also attended to and in good and working order where applicable. Are there any known roof leaks that might be of a concern to a buyer, does the pool pump function properly, is the

plumbing in order? What are your monthly rates and taxes? Do you have a valid electrical compliance certificate? If there is a gas stove, and if so, do you have a gas certificate? Once all the above are taken care of the chances of getting your price immediately increases. Paying attention to these small details will ensure a quick and effortless sale. At Seeff, our property consultants have years of expertise to assist you as the seller to dress your home. Our agents will walk with you through the property and advice where to improve if needed. We also assist with getting quotes from contractors and organize discounts on paint should the seller need that assistance. By going through this process it will ensure you as the seller get the best price in the quickest possible time. Give us a call today for a free market related valuation! Happy Selling!

Ds Hennie Prinsloo

Die Evangelies Gereformeerde (EG) Kerk Tzaneen bied ‘n reeks insiggewende boodskape, ‘Openbaring en die Eindtyd’, deur Ds Hennie Prinsloo. Hierdie reeks boodskappe wat handel oor die Wederkoms van Christus en die Eindgebeure sal vanaf die 31ste Oktober tot die 3de November aangebied word. Die dienstye vir Sondagoggend is 09:00, vir Sondagaand is dit 18:00 en in die weeksaande dienste sal dit om 19:00 gehou word. Vir navrae kan mense Ds Hendrik van Rensburg by 082 322 5430 skakel. Die EG Kerk Tzaneen is op die hoek van Douglas- en Adshadestraat geleë.

Briewe • Letters Pioniers inwoners sê dankie Graag bedank die inwoners van Pioniers woonstelle die volgende persone en instansies vir hul vrygewigheid en gereelde onbaatsugtige hulp. Romans Pizza vir die smaaklike pizza-bederf, Thys Steynberg en Boere vir die heerlike groente en vrugte, Henk Minnie en die anonieme skenker vir groente, Sugar Loaf vir vars brood, Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die maandelikse hoendervleis, Blue Berries vanaf Ansie Opperman en ZZ2 vir tamaties. Baie dankie, mag die Here julle seën!

61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 • nicola.strydom@seeff.com

Smouskous | Classifieds Services Dienste

Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928 ___________________________________

HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________

SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 nicola.strydom@seeff.com

Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587 __________________________________

Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065



Trophy Toyota 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof 015 309 9258

Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280 info@sikelelaskills.co.za


Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. co.za



The Vape Guy A variety of starter kits, mods, tanks, juice etc with friendly service and nationwide delivery. 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen 060 385 3884


Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005


Evac 911 Ambulance Dispatch Service Advance Life Support Paramedic. Deon van Tonder 083 708 8749 / 083 641 7406


Letaba Crushers Crusher sand, Stone, Gabion, Crusher Dust, G1 up to G7, Filling, Builders Mix, Dump Rock. André Nel: 076 871 3243.


NEED CASH! We buy GOLD & SILVER Contact: Dirk: C: 076 011 0978 Charmain: C: 060 324 3512


Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur @ R27/KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK @ R30/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK @ R44.50/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R37/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R37/KM +BTW. EENRIGTING (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Neat 2 bedroom flat available from 1 November for rent. Lights and water included. Covered carport and braai area. Monthly rent is R5500 Contact Arthur: 076 862 9683.

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29 October 2021





Local economy receives hogged injection ■ Roelof de Jonge Magoebaskloof Valley roared with the sound of 120 Harley Davidson motorcycles this weekend during the second annual Fun Run organized by Dave and Elmarie Martin and their friends, Groenie and Annie Groenewald from Gauteng. During the initial Covid-19 hard lockdown, the foursome, like many other Harley-Davidson motorbike owners were unable to hit the road for a very long time. This however did not stop them, and they soon birthed the first virtual bike rally which they hosted on Facebook, with the Magoebaskloof Hotel being the destination of choice. Following the success of the initial virtual tour, the Martins and Groenewalds went further in the planning of an actual rally for October last year. For that first event, more than a 100 Harley-riders joined in from across South Africa and headed to Magoebaskloof. The idea behind the rally was to stop at all the popular establishments along the way and show some support to the industry that was very hard hit during the lockdown. Saturday morning the pack left the hotel for a mass outride which took them down the mountain and through Tzaneen all the way around and back up to Haenertsburg. They toured the area and visited and supported various establishments before making their

way back to their hotel for the grand finale that evening. Deon Baker and his staff at the Magoebaskloof Hotel prepared a fitting feast for the riders who enjoyed some live entertainment and the fellowship of like-minded folk. Speaking to some of the riders at the event it was clear that this has become an annual institution which will see the 120-strong pack return next year for another worthy outride. Speaking to some of the restaurateurs in the area, it quickly became just as clear that the Harley pack, will again be welcomed with cold beers, hot food and open arms.

New gate for KNP Songstress does it again ■ Billy Sibuyi

The Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) launched its 2021 Limpopo Summer Campaign at the Phalaborwa Gate, Kruger National Park, on Friday, the 22nd of October. The campaign will headline activities leading to the festive season to promote and drive both domestic and international tourism to Limpopo and to ultimately regain international travel back to the province. “We wish to maintain first spot in domestic travel and second place in international travel across the country and the reason for wanting to maintain second place is because we cannot beat Gauteng as they have international airports,” the MEC of Limpopo Economic Development, Environment, and Tourism, Thabo Mokone, told Bulletin. He said that the focus was to showcase Limpopo as a suitable holiday destination for the summer season as well as welcome those citizens who may have stayed away in the past year from traveling owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chairperson of the board of LTA, Andrew Dipela, told Bulletin that the summer campaign was comprised of two legs, with the first leg being to reclaim the Kruger National Park as 70% of it is situated in Limpopo. “The second leg is to ready our establishment to say that they must

be ready to welcome tourists and offer them the beautiful experiences that they may have,” said Dipela. “In the next two years we will be able to openly say that we are ready to welcome people through this gate.” The new entrance gate, Shangoni, will be situated between Giyani and Malamulele. It is hoped that the activity hub will feature restaurants, fun parks, and creativity centres and will stretch from the south to the north.

■ Billy Sibuyi Modjadji Motlanalo Rammalo won the Best Sepedi Hit at the Limpopo Music Awards 2021 (LIMA21) for the second time. The awards which are supported by the South African Music and Performing Rights Association (SAMRA) was held last week at the Meropa Casino and Entertain-




ment World. Motlanalo won this time round with her hit, ‘Rato Laka’, which is loosely translated to ‘my love song’ after she had won the same award in 2019 for her song ‘Sewela’. In 2020 she won the Best Sepedi Afro POP/JAZZ/SOUL at the Sepedi Music Awards (SEMA) with her Rato Laka hit. She was also crowned as the best female on Mzansi’s Traditional and Cultural Awards. The song has already been nominated for the South African Traditional Music Awards (SATMA) later this year. “I honestly just worked very hard and pushed for votes. I did school tours in certain areas and campaigned very hard for this category. It was nerve wrecking though, but I’m glad it came home,” she said as she was congratulated by the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Mayor, Merriam Malatji. The mayor said that amid the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit hard the Creative Arts industry and with many activities being prohibited, Motlanalo continued to make Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality proud. “The challenges I face as an artist has always been a learning curve for me, they strengthen my brand and help me make better and clear decision on how to polish my craft. I always chose constructive criticism and block anything that’s not meant to build a brand but harm it,” she told Bulletin. Motlanalo is a Phalaborwa-based contemporary Afro Pop, Disco, and Afro Jazz Sepedi musician whose music is influenced by current social settings including events from the past. She was born in Sunkwane village, of Mogapeng in Tzaneen, where she was staying with her grandmother. She moved to Phalaborwa to stay with her mother.

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29 October 2021


Hikers overcome obstacles Rain hampers Bowls League

■ Roelof de Jonge

A group of bronze and silver President’s Awards candidates from Merensky High School completed their required hike for 2021. This hike took place from the 22nd until the 24th of October. This additional walk was arranged to accommodate the candidates who were absent during the previous trip. The destination on the first day for these hikers was at the Rooikoppies clubhouse, about 13km from the school where they started. Merensky also gave their gratitude towards Westfalia for allowing the hikers to make use of their property. The hikers however encountered an obstacle early on the route. The bridge over the Politsi River have washed-away. The group quickly made an alternative plan to get across safe and dry. The group then continued over farms, plantations and orchards with the searing heat intensifying as they went along. The GPS system the group used to navigate however had some ideas of its own. It looked down from above the route and therefore indicated the shortest possible route, which resulted in that some of the fences along the planned route were not picked up. However, this stubborn piece of technology did not deter the spirits of the hikers, and they reached their destination safe and sound at around 16:00. The group were treated to a braai, and

■ Roelof de Jonge

Photo: Roelof de Jonge

they exchanged their experiences of the first day. On their return on Saturday the 24th of October, the route took them back along the R71 road. They managed to safely navigate their path with water crossings and fences that provided the occasional obstacle. The heat of 36 Celsius degrees was especially tiring, but the high-spirited group never gave up and safely reached Merensky’s terrain before 12:00. On Sunday the following morning, three silver hikers completed the third day’s 15km route on and around the Merensky farm. Once the portfolios of the candidates are completed, they will receive the recognition for their different levels they have entered for.

With the summer now fully upon us, the accompanying rains have also made their arrival. There are a few sport types that just cannot be played in the rain and one such sport is bowls. And like cricket, it is possible to cause damage to the pitch when it is wet. Not to mention the likely scenario of getting injured by slipping on a wet play field. The consistent rain of the past two weeks with low temperatures and very little sunshine to help dry the pitch, has caused disruptions in the Tzaneen Bowls Club’s Business League. Which meant the rounds played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, had to be postponed several times. The teams of Group A, playing on Tuesdays, have since only been able to play three rounds so far. The teams in Group B, scheduled to play on Thursday’s, had the chance to catch up the one delayed round. Both groups are now locked on three rounds and until the rain subsides for a couple of days, there won’t be much change to the points logs. The team of Wile E Coyotes with 29 points took over the lead from Roumen Farms who dropped to third place on 24 points. The team of BB Nissan (28 points) holds the current second place, a mere point behind the leading team. The players from Hi-Q Tzaneen will want to make amends for the next round to move up the points log from their fourth spot placing. The tyres and fitment team is level on 24 points with Roumen Farms, with the agriculture team however having accumulated a better aggregate score to fill the third spot on the points log. For more information in regard with bowls or to render the club’s catering facilities, persons are welcome to contact club committee members Joan Bisset (083 893 5135) or Stoffel Vermaak (083 981 4994).

Legals & Notices LEGAL NOTICE In the estate of the late MODJAJI PAULINA MADUNA, Identity Number 640630 0262 08 9, who resided at 13 BOET LOMBARD STREET, AQUA PARK, TZANEEN, 0850 and died on the 24th of JANUARY 2021, Estate Number 3325/2021. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850 REFERENCE: WFB/EM/EST. MADUNA __________________________________

BA-PHALABORWA AMENDMENT SCHEME 89 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 & REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE CONDITIONS IN TERMS OF SECTION 58 OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPAL SPLUMA BY-LAWS 2016 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Portion 8 of Erf 1533 Namakgale-D hereby give notice

in terms Section 57 and 58 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the Removal of Restrictive title conditions and simultaneous amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated in Steve Biko Street, Namakgale-D, from “Residential 1” to “Institutional”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Ba-Phalaborwa Municipal Offices, Phalaborwa for a period of 30 days from 29 October 2021 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P/Bag X01020 Phalaborwa 1390 within a period of 30 days from 29 October 2021. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J289 _________________________________


TOWN-PLANING SCHEME GOYA KA KAROLO YA 57 LE GONSHA SITSHITISO TSA BO EMO GOYA KA MOLWAWNA WA 58 WA MASEPALA WA BA-PHALABORWA KA MOLAWANA WA 2016. Nna Willem Johannes Jacobsz wa Omniplan Town Planners, ke le motho wa maleba wa molao, wa karolo ya 8, stand 1553 Namakgale-D. Ke fa tsebiso goya ka molawana wa 57 and 58 wa masepala wa Ba-Phalaborwa goya ka molao wa 2016, gore ke dirile dikgopelo go masepala wa Ba-Phalaborwa, ya gotlosa ditshitiso tsa bo emo bja melawana ya semmaletee ya phetogo ya own-planning yao tsebiwa ke ba masepala wa Rezoning ya thoto ya mo ago wo o tsebeyago, wo o leng Steve Biko Street, Namakgale-D gotwa (bodula bja1” go ya go moago. Boteng bja kgopelo botla hlahlobiwa ka nako ya mosoma gona kua di offising tsa moetapele wa masepaleng wa Ba-Phalaborwa, Phalaborwa nako yao lekana matsatsi a 30 go thoma kadi 29 October 2021 (tsatsi la mathoma la o ntsha tsebiso). Dikganetso goba baemedi goya leka kgopelo di swanetse o tliswa goba di ngwalelwe go moetapele wa masepala mo atereseng ye elatelago goba mo go P/AG X01020 Phalaborwa 1390 goya ka matsaysi a 30 go thoma kadi 29 October 2021.

Aterese ya moemedi: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J289 _________________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T65272/1987, passed by WILLEM JACOBUS VAN DER SCHYFF and MARTHA ELIZABETH VAN DER SCHYFF, in favour of CHARLES VON GUNTEN in respect of certain PORTION 68 OF THE FARM CALIFORNIA 507, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 21st day of October 2021. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref:V2427 / MVR Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: marelize@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 _________________________________


STROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T7075/2019 passed by NGOMA TRADING CC, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2003/090366/23 in favour of NHLAKE PRISCILLA MOTHOBUKA, IDENTITY NUMBER: 680622 1061 08 2, UNMARRIED in respect of certain ERF 3471 TZANEEN EXTENSION 78 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 26TH OF OCTOBER 2021. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@ joubertmay.co.za


NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T7238/2019 passed by TINYIKO NORMAN SHIVIRI, IDENTITY

NUMBER: 741208 5265 08 0 AND TSAKANI TRACY SHIVIRI, IDENTITY NUMBER: 771219 0343 08 0, MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO EACH OTHER, in favour of NHLAKE PRISCILLA MOTHOBUKA, IDENTITY NUMBER: 680622 1061 08 2, UNMARRIED, in respect of certain ERF 3470 TZANEEN EXTENSION 78 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 26TH OF OCTOBER 2021. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@ joubertmay.co.za _________________________________

NOTICE Greater Tzaneen Municipality Spluma By-Law, 201 Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 86 to 89 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality Bylaw on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 that I, Dzunisani Maswanganyi, the undersigned of the SiphilaSonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, intend

applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for consent to use PORTION 53 OF THE FARM LUSHOF NO.540-LT. for the purpose(s) of constructing a cellular telephone mast on the property. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at civic centre, 1 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 town planning offices. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application, must lodge such objections together with the grounds thereof in writing, to the acting chief town planning, Department: Town Planning, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within 30 days from the first date of publication: 29 October 2021 First date of advertisement: 29 October 2021 Second date of advertisement: 05 November 2021 Objection expiry date: 29 November 2021 Applicant: Siphila Sonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, 86 Skilpad, Monument park Pretoria, 0002, Tel: (012) 346 4255 e-mail: dzunisani@ siphilasonke.co.za Site ref: NER_5966 - NER_ Tzaneen_Country_Lodge _________________________________

Tsebiso Greater Tzaneen Municipality Spluma By-Law, 2016 Ye ke Tsebiso go ya ka Sec-

tion 86-89 ya Greater Tzaneen municipality By-Law mo go Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 gore nna Dzunisani Maswanganyi, moemedi wa Siphila Sonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, ke ikemiŝeditŝe go kgopela Munisipaliti wag a Tzaneen go ntumelela go ŝomisa PORTION 53 OF THE FARM LUSHOF NO.540-LT. go aga Tawara ya notuweke mo go yona. Merero yeo e tswalanang le kgopelo ye ya konsente e ka lekolla ka nako ya di ofisi ko civic centre, 1 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 town planning offices. Motho ofe goba ofe yo a gananang le gore Tzaneen e dumelane le kgopelo ye, a ka lebiŝa taba ya ga gwe gomme e ngwadilwe fase go Molaodi wa Town Planning Department, greater Tzaneen Municipality, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within 30 days from the first date of publication: 29 October 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la pele la papatŝo: 29 October 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la bobedi la papatŝo: 05 November 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la bo felo la go ganetŝa: 29 November 2021 Mokgopedi: Siphila Sonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, 86 Skilpad, Monument park Pretoria, 0002, Tel: (012) 346 4255 e-mail: dzunisani@ siphilasonke.co.za Site ref: NER_5966 - NER_ Tzaneen_Country_Lodge



29 October 2021





Vossie matrikulante skud hul eksamenvere reg

Goue erepennings ontvangers. Voor is Esmi Nortjé, Helandré Venter en Elsjé Kriel. Agter is Juanté Paulse, Eben Fourie en Amogelang Modiba.

Die matrikulante van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Woensdag die 20ste Oktober ‘n verdere hupstoot van inspirasie ontvang vir die opkomende eindeksamen wat voorlê. Dit was na die top gr.12 akademiese leerlinge toekennings ontvang het vir hul prestasies gedurende hierdie jaar. Vanjaar was Esmi Nortjé aangewys as die Dux Leerling vir 2021. Sy is die gr.12-leerling wat die hoogste gemiddelde punt vir die jaar gehandhaaf het. Sy is ook as die Beste Leerder in Afrikaans Huistaal, Engels (First Additional Language) en in Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie aangewys. ‘n Aantal gr.12 leerlinge het erepennings vir volgehoue akademiese prestasies ontvang. Goue erepennings ontvangers: Amogelang Modiba, Eben Fourie, Elsjé Kriel, Esmi Norté, Helandré Venter en Juanté Paulse. Silwer erepennings ontvangers: Adzunisiwe Mathebula, Elske Smit, Jarike Stapelberg, Louise Snyman, Luyanda Mhlaba, Masana Mathebula, Ruan Paulse, Shammar Ngobeni en Werner Scheepers. Brons erepennings ontvangers: Brandt Scheepers, Brenda Hermann, Dezi Dreyer, Edward Clements, Erich Ackermann, Kyle Maritz, Lehlogonolo Senyolo, Lizané Van Schalkwyk, Mia Wiid, Nhlangano Hlongwane en Tshepang Nkhwashu.

Silwer erepennings ontvangers. Voor is Werner Scheepers, Louise Snyman, Jarike Stapelberg en Ruan Paulse. Agter is Luyanda Mhlaba, Adzunisiwe Mathebula, Masana Mathebula en Shammar Ngobeni.

Brons erepennings ontvangers. Brandt Scheepers, Brenda Hermann, Dezi Dreyer, Edward Clements, Erich Ackermann, Kyle Maritz, Lehlogonolo Senyolo, Lizané Van Schalkwyk, Mia Wiid, Nhlangano Hlongwane en Tshepang Nkhwashu.

Esmi Nortjé was as die Dux Leerling vir 2021 aangewys. Hier is sy saam haar trotse ouers, Elmarie en Louwrens Nortjé.

Holm praat oor ma-wees Eindrondte vir grootpraters Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Moeder- en Dogterdag Millie and Sage Leather (Melissa Wagner), Granny’s geleentheid was op Vrydag die 22ste Oktober gehou. Dots (Helena Venter en Estelle van Deventer) en Die moeders en hul dogters was tydens hierdie Dinamus (Johan en Charmain Fourie). smaakvolle geleentheid deur die gasspreker, Marion Holm, toegespreek. Haar kwinkslae het veral byval gevind onder die gehoor wat geskaterlag het vir haar humorsin. Dit het ook tot die ontspanne atmosfeer bygedra. Die gaste was veral aangenaam verras oor die gasvrouens wie die tafels so stylvol versier het en ‘n fees van heerlike verversings voorgesit het. Die organiseerders van hierdie suksesvolle geleentheid het ook erkenning gekry. Die volgende borge het die geleentheid se sukses moontlik gemaak: Evoque Events (Miemie Vorster), Fabric Magic (Santa van der Zee en Willa Kamf- Die gasspreker, Marion Holm, is hier tydens die geleentheid saam met die organfer), iseerder, Nikki Pohl.

Elsje Kriel

Nolan Robertson

Swemmers laat spat met uithaler prestasies ‘n Aantal swemmers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag die 16de Oktober in Polokwane aan ‘n ‘Age Group 4’ gala deelgeneem. Die swemmers het ‘n rits eerste en top drie plekke verower. Dit was veral Elné Haynes wat in die afdeling vir meisies o/14 die botoon gevoer het. Sy het altesaam vyf eerste plekke verower. Haar medeskoliere het ook nie op hul laat wag nie en met tientalle top drie plekke teruggekeer. Joszua Joubert (seuns o/14) het in vier items eerste plekke behaal en drie tweede plekke verder agter sy naam gevoeg. Juan Meintjes (seuns o/15) het ook vier eerste plekke agter sy naam geskryf en ‘n tweede plek in nog ‘n item behaal. Marnus Kruger (seuns o/17) was nog ‘n swemmer wie met vier eerste plekke gespog het. In die afdeling vir seuns o/16 het Armand van Vuuren met ‘n eerste en ‘n derde plek presteer.

Voor: Elné Haynes en Joszua Joubert. Agter: Juan Meintjes, Marnus Kruger en Armand van Vuuren.

Nolan Robertson en Elsje Kriel van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het hul deeglik laat geld in hul onderskeie afdelings van die onlangse Radikale Redenaars se nasionale eindrondte. Robertson is in gr.9 en het met sy item, genaamd Eksperimenteel, ’n vierdeplek uit die vyf deelnemers in sy afdeling behaal. Kriel is ‘n matrikulant en met haar item, Afrikaans Moedertaal, het sy ’n vyfdeplek in haar afdeling behaal teen die nege deelnemers teen wie sy meegeding het.





Gumbo wears third Iron Crown

■ Joe Dreyer

climbs 687 metres from 1 439 metres in the village to the top of the Iron Crown, the highest point in Limpopo at 2 126 metres. The new route goes via the beautiful Hunters’ Valley, so runners go on a different route down the mountain. The race has a 10km route which is less testing and rises to 1 600m and then a 5 kilometre fun run which is for the less energetic. In total, 44 runners took on the 22km half marathon to the top of the Iron Crown Mountain and back. Victor Gumbo running in his Nedbank club running colours raced through the course in a very impressive time of 2:02:04. It was his third time competing in the Iron Crown and also his third victory which makes him a record holder for the race. In second place was Brian Gardener in 2:10:47 with Steven Willson in third spot in a time of 2:26:47. In the over 40’s Men’s category Mark Alcock took first, Richard Noel was second and Jonathan Trusler finished third. Jan Jacob van Rooyen, Hennie Spies and Lybro Mavhandu took podium places in the over 50’s category whilst Christopher Noel won the over 60’s Men’s category. In the Women’s category it was Mariske Bosch who took first in the half marathon in a time of 2:47:56 with Tarryn-Mari Wille ending second in a time of 3:06:18, and Liezl Labuschagne taking third spot

After numerous postponements at the hands of the global pandemic, the popular Iron Crown Trail Run finally kicked off for the twelfth time last weekend. It was originally scheduled for July, but then the government changed the rules again and the race had to be postponed. On Saturday, the 23rd of October, 120 runners lined up on the hottest day in Haenertsburg to take on the legendary Iron Crown. This trail event takes place annually in stunning surroundings with superb views of the mountains especially Hunters’ Valley and Ebenezer Dam. They start and finish at the Haenertsburg Village Community Centre. The route follows village streets, dirt roads, firebreaks and single-track footpaths avoiding the main R71 and R528 roads. The 22 kilometre route

Shelley Swartz

in 3:31:29. The over 40’s section was won by Mientjie Els, with Louise van den Dool in second place and Anel Swart in third. The over 50’s saw Elsabe Cronje take the gold with Bronwyn Egan and Noelene Maré in second and third respectively. The 10km Men’s race was won by Michael Ward with Geoffrey Trusler in second. The over 40’s race was won by Matume Maponya from Wegraakbos Cheese Farm with Mashiane Matole from Stanford Lodge taking first in the over 50’s category. One runner over 80 years of age, also finished the race successfully. Local runner, Angelique Coetzee, won the 10km Ladies race with Shelley Swartz in second and Anna Bannink in third. The over 40’s race was won by Bernita Birkett while Ronel Wallace took first in the over 50’s category. The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg who host this event every year thanked all their sponsors for making the day a success yet again and look forward to welcome all the runners back again next year. Victor Gumbo

Matume Maponya

Celia and Chandre Heyns

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29 October 2021


Sport 29 October 2021

Skolesport uit die boonste Plasie-rak ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die afgelope Saterdag, die 23ste Oktober, het die Hoërskool Merensky ‘n fees van sport aangebied. Wat ‘n gesig was dit om uiteindelik weer skoolkinders na hartelus te kan sien aan sport deelneem, met beperkte getalle toeskouers wat geesbevange die deelnemers aangemoedig het. Veral in die lig dat skoliere so min tyd gegun is om sport te kon beoefen vanweë die ewig durende Covid-19 pandemie en gepaardgaande regulasies hierdie jaar, het die deelnemende spelers nie op hul laat wag om ‘n skouspel van sport op te dis nie. Die toeskouers en aanhangers kon uiteindelik weer hul verlustig aan ondermeer die sewes rugby met tientalle o/17- en o/15-spanne wat mekaar die stryd aangesê het. Merensky het ook ‘n Fast 5 netbaltoernooi aangebied, en terwyl die netbalmeisies flink doele aangeteken het, het die rakkette se snare op die tennisbane gesing. Op die skietbaan het die skuts van Merensky hul slag gewys met die pyl en boë. Die sewes rugbyspanne van Merensky het teen HTS Tom Naudé, Hoërskole Frikkie Meyer, Ellisras, Ben Viljoen, Frans du Toit, Pietersburg (PHS) en Piet Potgieter te staan gekom. Die o/17- en o/15-spanne van PHS was as die wenners gekroon. Die naaswenners van die o/17-afdeling was die span van Merensky wat op sig selfs uithaler rugby opgedis het. Die span van Frans du Toit se spel was geensins te versmaai nie en hulle is met die derdeplek beloon. Ellisras se o/15-span het die tweedeplek in hierdie afdeling opgeraap met die blitsrugby spelers van HTS Tom Naudé in die derdeplek. Terwyl die sewes rugbyspelers vir opwinding gesorg het, het die netbalmeisies hul laat geld in die Fast 5 netbaltoernooi. Altesaam 17 spanne, van ondermeer die gashere en van Hoërskole Louis Trichardt en Frans du Toit sowel as spanne van Gravelotte en Lukenani, het mekaar in die tipiese Tzaneen se snikhete hitte aangedurf. Die spanne het ondermeer in o/12-, o/13-, o/15- en o/17-afdelings gespeel. Die spanne het in ‘n rondomtalie-formaat deelgeneem. Merensky het altesaam sewe spanne vir hierdie toernooi ingeskryf. Die plaasmeisies het gewys dat die vars plaaslug baie goed is vir die gesondheid. Merensky het hul teenstanders in beide die o/17- en o/15-afdelings op hul neuse laat kyk. Die Plasies Xplosions het die o/17-afdeling gewen met dié

skool se Mad Haaie in die derdeplek. Die Plasies se Jaguars het in die o/15-afdeling koning gekraai. Chantelle Mmadi van die Jaguars-span was as die Speler van die Toernooi en Tyra du Plessis as die Doel van die Toernooi aangewys. Die Jaguars het die meeste doele as al die ander spanne aanteken. Op die tennisbane het Merensky aangetree teen ‘n sterk span van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt met heelwat hoër gerangde spelers in hul geledere. Die Triegies het om die juiste rede uit die staanspoor vir die gashere hoofberekenings besorg. Die Astro hokkiebane van Merensky en Stanford Lake College (SLC) het onderskeidelik die deelnemers van die Limpopo o/17- en o/15-afdelings gehuisves. Die o/17-spelers het by SLC en die o/15spanne het by Merensky kragte gemeet. Merensky se o/15 meisies het beide wedstryde teen SLC en ‘n ontwikkelingspan met 2-0 gewen. Teen die Limpopo-span en teen PHS het hulle egter hul rieme styfgeloop deur albei wedstryde met 0-1 te verloor. Merensky se o/17 meisies het teen die Universiteit van Limpopo, SLC en PHS Janke gelykop gespeel, met geen doele wat in Joubert enige van hierdie wedstryde aangeteken is nie. In die wedstryd teen die Limpopo o/16-span kon hul wel ‘n oorwinning van 1-0 behaal. In die drie wedstryde wat Merensky se o/17 seunshokkiespan gespeel het, het hulle PHS met 1-0 geklop. Teen die Limpopo senior ontwikkelingspan en o/16-span het hulle egter gelykop gespeel, met tellings van een doel elk vir beide wedstryde. Die o/15 seunshokkiespan van Merensky het ‘n dag van gemengde welslae beleef. Die wedstryd teen die tweede gekeurde Limpopo o/14-span het hulle met 2-0 gewen en dit met ‘n 1-0 sege teen die Limpopo ontwikkelingspan opgevolg. Hul wedstryd teen die eerste gekeurde Limpopo o/14-span het met ‘n gelykop telling, twee doele elk, gelykop geëindig.

Letlotlo Mohlala

Christo de Beer, Christo Reyneke en Aiden Ponto.

Sarie Vermaak

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