5 November 2021
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
SAME SERIES NEW SEASON South Africa went to the polls this week to elect their representatives who will stand for their rights in municipalities across all provinces. As with every election, this year’s script read much the same as the last with disorganization at voting stations, problems with voter registrations and the usual reports of irregularities during the counting processes. This has left many begging the question of whether their vote really mattered. Read more inside.
Elderly man (73) forced to live with broken hip An elderly man has not received any assistance from the government health department after he broke his hip back in June this year. Following another incident this week, his wife alleged that the medical staff at the Van Velden hospital turned him away because of the “long weekend”. Read more on page 2
Photo: Roelof de Jonge
5 November 2021
Broken hip, old man told to go home ■ Joe Dreyer
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za
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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
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Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
The trial of the controversial businesswoman, Shamira Rinderknecht, was once again postponed by the Phalaborwa Regional Court last week. The magistrate had to stand down the matter yet again on Wednesday, the 27th of October, as Rinderknecht’s senior legal counsel, was reportedly isolating because of Covid-19. The case was postponed to March 2022. She faces six charges relating to environmental violations which include contravention of Section 49 of the National Environmental Management Act and Contravention of the National Environmental Management, Waste Act. These charges are related to raw sewage being disposed of directly into the environment and a nearby water resource, also failing to dispose sewage in an environmental-friendly manner and thus causing a danger to health and nuisance through odour respectively.
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
Conservationists around Phalaborwa raced against time to rescue both a hyena which had fallen into a manhole, and a young female elephant with a snare around her leg. A helicopter was used to chase the other members of the elephant’s herd away from her after it was tranquilized so that the wildlife vets could remove the snare. On Monday, the 1st of November when everybody was busy voting, some conservationists had to remove 15 snares in the vicinity of a number of homes at Jakalsbessie Street and subsequently rescued a hyena from a manhole at the Lepelle waterboard. The hyena was treated for dehydration and shock and it was reported that it is in good health. On Friday, the 22nd of October, the Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation was alerted of a young female elephant with a snare around her leg. With Elephants Alive, a non-profit organization from Hoedspruit, notified and just waiting for a location, the PNHF directors, Owen Dixon-Paver and Imhran Mahomed, rushed into action to locate the herd, which they did with the help of Foskor Mine’s security and members of LEDET. A Hope for Wildlife, also a non-profit organization from Hoedspruit, a helicopter was sent to the pin location and the arrival of the aircraft successfully sent the rest of the herd deeper into the grounds of the
■ Billy Sibuyi
Noodnommers Emergency numbers
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
still no doctor has referred him for surgery. “In the meantime, my husband’s health is deteriorating drastically and all I want is that the Health Department be made aware of this situation so that something can be done to help us. We are both pensioners and no person, regardless of colour or creed deserves this type of treatment.” Bulletin has asked the spokesperson for the department of health, Niel Shikwambane, for comment on the situation and a possible solution that the Health Department could submit to rectify it. Shikwambane requested the man’s identification number as well as his patient file and has promised to look into the matter and provide feedback. At the time of going to print however, we had received none.
mine. Sasha Bornman from PMC was on hand to help as everybody scrambled to keep the elephants in a clearing for safe darting. According to Mahomed, within minutes of the chopper arriving, pilot Jana Meyer, called out that their target elephant was darted, and she was ready to push the herd away from the snared elephant. “The ground crew were ready and when Dr Ben Muller gave the “all clear” it was a dash and jump here and there to get to the elephant. We all were glad the snare was not deep, nor had it cut the skin. The thick cable snare was removed quickly and efficiently without hurting the ellie,” said Mahomed. The team from Elephants Alive took blood and hair samples for tests, and other measurements were done to ensure the health of the animal was on par. “After all was done and the area was cleared, the
reverse injection was administered. Shortly afterwards, the elephant stood up, a bit wobbly and dizzy from the ordeal but walked off the effects and headed in the direction of the herd who was nearby,” stated Mahomed. “A huge thank you to Jessica Wilmot, Dr. Ben Muller, Jana Meyer, Dirk de klerk, Owen Dixon-Paver, Sasha Bornman, Foskor Security, and Elena Alonso.”
Shamira Rinderknecht’s trial postponed
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band
“When we arrived at the hospital, a doctor eventually examined my husband at 22:30 that evening, and then advised us to go back home. I pleaded with him to keep my husband overnight just to make sure everything was okay but was told that it was long weekend, and the staff would therefore not be able to look after him.” The wife further alleged that the staff were very rude to them and that the male nurse handled her husband very roughly which caused him further discomfort given his already confused and disoriented state. The man has a fractured hip which still has not been operated on and according to the wife, the couple has been travelling between Van Velden and Letaba hospitals since the 10th of June this year and
Female elephant rescued from snare ■ Billy Sibuyi
A 73-year-old pensioner with fast deteriorating health is lying in his bed at home with a broken hip and no medical assistance as a direct result of Limpopo’s failed health care system. The man and his 65-year-old wife reside at the Pioniers Village in Tzaneen and have allegedly been trying to get medical treatment since June this year, but to no avail. The situation escalated last week when the elderly man fell ill and was taken by ambulance to Van Velden hospital. “It was Friday at around 14:00 the afternoon when my husband fell ill and I called the ambulance to collect him. The ambulance arrived at just after 17:00 that afternoon and he was taken to Van Velden,” his wife explained.
Other charges included the Contravening of Section 151 of the National Water Act where she is accused of unlawfully and intentionally or negligently committed an act which detrimentally pollutes or is likely to affect a water resource; and contravening the National Environmental Management Act which Rinderknecht is accused of failing to comply with a compliance notice issued on April 28, 2002. Rinderknecht pled guilty to a lesser charge as part of a plea bargain for numerous charges relating to contravention of the environmental act committed over a period of 10 years at the local
golf estate in Phalaborwa. If found guilty, Rinderknecht could face five years imprisonment or fines of up to R10 million.
Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 01/11/2021
Tzaneen 80%
Ebenezer 93.9%
Merensky 100.8%
Dap Naude 82.5%
Middel Letaba 6.2%
Blyderivierpoort 80.8%
Klaserie 74.5%
Tours 81.9%
Vergelegen 94.8%
Magoebaskloof 100.2%
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
or 072 98 98 911
5 November 2021
GTM, GLM, BPM remain under ANC control ■ Joe Dreyer
The ANC has retained its stronghold over the Limpopo province and the municipalities within it, despite the efforts by opposition parties and the widely reported poor voter-turnout. According to the country’ electoral authority only 8 million citizens cast their votes by 17:00 on Monday out of a total of 26.2 million registered voters. This was decidedly lower than the 58% voter turnout for the 2016 elections with only 31% of voters having crossed their x’s a few hours before the polls closed. As was expected however, the two wards historically DA controlled within the Greater Tzaneen Municipality – Wards 14 and 15 – remained under the command of the official opposition. Ward 14 was a tightly contested battle as the DA managed a narrow victory of 41.3% of the vote with the ANC garnering 39.7% and the Freedom Front Plus logging 11.81%. It was in this ward where the biggest controversy played itself out as voters were forced to stand in long queues for up to three hours in the blistering hot sun outside the Catholic Church. The excuse provided by the IEC officials was that their systems were either down or sluggish which they said caused the delays. Many believed however, that this was an underhanded tactic employed by the ruling party to frustrate voters into turning away from the voting station and secure the ward for the ANC. When comparing the smooth running of the voting stations in the other wards, this theory does start bearing weight. If Ward 14 fell to the ANC, the entire GTM would have only a single small ward under the control of the DA. Rene Pohl won the race for Ward Councillor and will represent residents of Ward 14 (Aquapark and surroundings) in council matters. The voting in Ward 15 ran smoothly with the average time to cast a vote being in the six-minute region at either Laerskool Tzaneen or Ben Vorster High School. In this ward, the DA boasted a runaway victory, securing 48.59% of the vote as opposed to ANC’s 26.92% and the Freedom Front Plus’ 12.46%. The only voting station where the ANC featured strongly was the Talana hostel voting station where they recorded 52.55% of the vote and the DA received not one vote. Ironically, Talana Hostel is
also the most poverty-stricken part of Ward 15 where many people live in shacks without running water and electricity. It is also the area where the ANC government delivered “housing to the people” in the form of shipping containers. Chrizelle Dreyer won the race for Ward Councillor and will represent the citizens of Ward 15 (Arbor Park and surroundings) on the council. In Phalaborwa the two traditionally DA controlled wards, Ward 11 and 12, remained under control of the official opposition. In Ward 12 the DA secured 72.01% of the vote compared to the ANC who managed 14.02% and the Freedom Front plus who garnered 9.09% of the ballots. In this ward it is Sybrant de Beer who will represent the residents on the council. Ward 11 saw the DA win with a 53.59% majority while the ANC managed only 32.49% and the Freedom Front 6.1% of the vote. The only areas in this ward where the ANC held their footing was in the three voting stations in the KNP where they secured 78.13% of the vote, the EFF took 12.5% and the DA 5.2% of the vote. Lonika Booysen will represent this ward’s citizens in council. In the Greater Letaba Municipality (Modjadjiskloof ) the ANC had a runaway victory with 77.46% of the vote with the EFF garnering 12.22% and COPE managing 3% of the vote. The ANC will control the council with 47 seats, the EFF has 8 seats, COPE has 2 seats, and the DA has 1 seat along with MIM and LIRA. In Tzaneen in total, the ANC received 112 493 votes, the EFF received 19 738 votes and the DA received 9 841 votes. This means Tzaneen’s council remains ANC-led with 51 seats, the EFF has 9 seats, the DA has 5 seats and the Freedom Front Plus has one seat along with the APC, the AFP, and one independent candidate. In Phalaborwa in total, the ANC received 38 683 votes, the EFF received 8 246 votes and the DA received 6 226 votes. This means that Phalaborwa’s council will remain ANC-led with 24 seats, the EFF has 5 seats, the DA has 4 seats, the NIP has 2 seats and the Freedom Front Plus has one seat along with the MIM. This is a developing story as at the time of going to print yesterday afternoon, not all the official numbers had been made available to the media. We will have a detailed follow up in next week’s edition.
5 November 2021
Of goals and ziplines Manor Fees is wéér ■ Roelof de Jonge “It was a bit of a mission to organize a bunch of excited and energetic youngsters into a vehicle and cart them off to the adventure of their lifetimes, but we managed and it turned out to be a day that they would not soon forget.” That is how the enthusiastic sport and outdoor organiser from the Haenertsburg Junior Soccer Initiative, Bronwyn Egan, described their visit to the Makgobaskloof Canopy Tours and Adventure camp in Georges Valley. This adventure camp took
place from the 6th until the 7th of October. Aside from the various sports activities the 21 soccer players partook in, they also had the opportunity to enjoy camping and the delight of campfire stories told by the elders. The Haenertsburg Junior Soccer Initiative is a club comprised of children from around the Georges Valley and Makgobaskloof areas who are keen soccer players and needed a place where they could hone their skills, whilst learning valuable life skills. Bongani Mangarela (coach) and Matomi Makgoga (assistant coach) accompanied the players on their adventure and through fun and exciting activities they managed to cement the bond among the boys. “To explain the situation of the soccer players, these children live as far as 15 kilometres away from the closest soccer pitch, on hazy tracks that are bogged down in the rainy seasons,” explained Egan. “The lack of boots, balls and goal posts puts a damper on their training, as does the sporadic nature of their means of transport. But just recently Copper Moon Events, Makgobaskloof Canopy Tours and Rotary Haenertsburg jumped on board to further bolster the confidence of these children, by arranging this amazing excursion.” Egan expressed their thanks and appreciation to all involved in spoiling the children over those two days and assured them that their acts of kindness would not go unnoticed. “Nathaniel, Marcus, and all the other members of staff who made us smile and laugh and kept us safe, much gratitude! Thank you for an amazing two days and the best sleepless night I’ve ever experienced!”
volstoom aan die gang
Monika Marais
■ Jeff Jackson Die Manor het verlede naweek sy jaarlikse Manor Fees aangebied en vir die plaaslike musiekliefhebbers het die dag meer as genoeg vermaak gebied. Die geliefde Afrikaanse sanger, Jakkie Louw het die oggend se verrigtinge afgeskop waarna die plaaslike kontemporêre rock en blues orkes, Rock Regime, die leisels oorgeneem het. Louw het selfs drie van sy bekendste treffers saam met die Tzaneense musikante opgevoer en die feesgangers het hul tevredenheid daarmee luidelik oorgedra. Daar was talle kosstalletjies en uitstallers van tuisgemaakte juwelliersware tot speelgoed vir die kinders. Ingang tot die fees was gratis en donasies
van kos en klere is gevra wat alles aan die Noah’s Ark kinderhuis geskenk is. Eienaars en nuwe bestuurders van The Manor, het groot planne vir hierdie gewilde funksielokaal. “Daar het vir so ruklank onsekerheid oor die toekoms van hierdie lokaal geheers, maar sederdien het ons as eienaars van die eiendom besluit om self meer betrokke te raak en daar is groot planne vir die toekoms,” het Heinrich Oosthuizen vertel. “Ons wil graag weer hierdie Manor Fees jaarliks, of selfs twee-maal per jaar aanbied om nie net vir die Tzaneeners iets te gee om te doen nie, maar dit is ons kans om iets in die gemeenskap in terug te ploeg. Hierdie jaar het ons die Noah’s Ark kinderhuis as begunstigde gekies en met die volgende fees sal ons na ‘n ander begunstigde soos die DBV of een van die outehuise kyk.” Die naweek se fees het goed verloop en alhoewel Covid steeds in die agterkoppe van die plaaslike gemeenskap sit, was daar ongeveer ‘n 100 feesgangers op die dag.
NOTICE OF ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS LICENCE (AEL) VARIATION - INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE Notice is hereby given in terms of the following Act: - GN 893 of 22 November 2013 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (NEMA) (Act 39 of 2004). Activity & Locality: An application for the variation of the existing Atmospheric Emissions Licence (12/4/12L-M7/A1) will be submitted to the Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The following listed activity is applicable according to GN893 of 22 November 2013 of the NEMA (Act 39 of 2004): • Category 5: Mineral Processing, Storage and Handling. - Subcategory 5.1: Storage and Handling of Ore and Coal. The variation is for the storage of non-magnetite by-product in current unused sulphur storage bunkers, the expansion of the existing magnetite rail and road export capacity and the reclamation and export of phosphogypsum from the tailings facilities. Locality: Municipality: Proponent:
Tel: Email:
No. 1, Station Road, Farm Wegsteek No. 30 LU, Phalaborwa. Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. Bosveld Phosphates (Pty) Ltd Mr. Trevor Dunlop Private Bag X1022 Phalaborwa, 1390 015 780 6100 ext. 201 trevor@bosveldafrica.co.za
In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) ONLY in terms of the AEL variation process, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the development to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this notice.
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5 November 2021
Come meet the stylish new Corolla Cross ■ Roelof de Jonge It seems the Toyota fraternity, especially avid Corolla owners, cannot wait for the official launch of the new Toyota Corolla Cross into the frantic South African cross-over market. This new model can be viewed on Saturday the 6th of November at NTT Toyota Motor Dealership in Tzaneen. Reading from the comments prior to the official launch date, the pricing of the locally manufactured Corolla Cross and its styling will be in high demand, as much as Klippies and Cola at a Blue Bulls match. Then there are the current and brand-loyal Corolla owners who said without hesitation that they would trade their current model for the new Corolla Cross in a heartbeat. It seems that Toyota might just have found a new firm favourite for South Africa’s peculiarly picky motoring public. There are three grades, namely Xi, Xs and Xr, in the model line-up. The Xi will be introduced as the entry-level model, aimed at customers seeking for core value motoring. The mid-tier Xs model adds additional comfort and convenience specification, while the flagship Xr grade receives upgraded exterior aesthetics, larger alloy wheels and additional features. Standard specification on the Xi includes colour coding, keyless entry, power-adjustable and auto-retractable exterior mirrors, LED taillamps and automatic light control. Interior items include four cupholders, stowage binnacles, 60/40-fold-down rear seats and steer-
ing switches. Cruise Control, air-conditioning, 12-volt power outlet, all-round one-touch power windows and a Multi-Information Display (MID) round off the spec offering. The Xs model adds foglamps, an upgrade to LED headlamps, Park Distance Control (PDC) and rain-sensing wipers. The interior trim is upgraded to leather, while the air-conditioning switches to a dual-zone variant and the Multi-Information Display (MID) is upgraded to the TFT-type. The audio system too receives an upgrade to touchscreen ‘spec’ which brings with it a reverse camera, Apple CarPlay/Android Auto
functionality and two additional USB ports for a total of three. Toyota Connect is included across the board. The top-of-the-range Xr models offer customers an additional convenience and safety specification and an upgrade to 18-inch wheels.
All models include an anti-theft system, auto door-lock and ISOFIX anchor points. The airbag array includes driver, passenger, side and driver-knee (on the Xi and Xs models) while the Xr model gets added curtain airbags. The Xr model comes with the Toyota Safety Sense (TSS), which encompasses semi-autonomous driving aids and an enhanced safety-system functionality. The standout elements here are Adaptive Cruise Control, Blind Spot Monitoring (BSM), Lane Trace Assist (LTA) and a Pre-Collision System (PCS). This newcomer will feature two different power plants. The first is a 1.8- litre petrol engine with 103kW of power and 172Nm of torque. The other engine is the fuel-efficient 1.8-litre Hybrid with a total output of 90kW. There are five-model in the line-up to choose from: Corolla Cross 1.8 Xi - R 349 900 Corolla Cross 1.8 Xs - R 390 100 Corolla Cross 1.8 Xr - R 425 400 Corolla Cross 1.8 Hybrid Xs - R 413 000 Corolla Cross 1.8 Hybrid Xr - R 448 300 Peace of Mind: A six-services or 90 000km service plan is standard on all Corolla Cross models, with service intervals every 12-months or 15 000km. A three-year or 100 000km warranty also forms part of the offering. The Hybrid model carries an eight-year warranty on the Hybrid battery. Customers can also purchase additional service and warranty plan extensions from their nearest Toyota dealership of which there are 220 outlets nationwide.
5 November 2021
Fun and Interesting Dental Facts This week, I thought I would do something a little different and share some of the more uncommon and interesting facts about our smiles. Your teeth and your smile are some of the most appealing parts of your body, and for more than 37% of people, the first thing they notice about a person is their smile. Facts about the mouth • We are born with 20 baby teeth. The first one emerges between 6 to 12 months. • We have 32 permanent teeth. • We have a bite force of about 200 pounds or 90 kg. • A person produces more than 378 500 litres of saliva in their lifetime. • There are 700 different types of bacteria in the mouth. • People who drink 3 or more glasses of soft drinks per day are 62% more likely to develop tooth decay and tooth loss. • Right-handed people tend to chew on the right side of their mouth and left-handed people tend to chew on the left side of the mouth. • Like fingerprints your tongue is also unique. No two people share the same tongue print.
Facts about teeth • Teeth cannot repair by themselves. The only way to repair teeth is by your dentist. • A person spends approximately 38.5 days in their life just brushing teeth. • 25% of adults do not brush their teeth twice per day. This increases their risk of tooth decay by 33%. • The hardest substance in the human body is your tooth’s enamel. Floss facts • Flossing is an essential part of keeping our teeth clean. When you do not floss you miss more than 40% of tooth surfaces. • Many people do not like flossing. It is estimated that 73% of people would rather go to the grocery store than floss their teeth. • The first commercial floss was produced in 1882 by Codman and Shurtleff and was later acquired by Johnson and Johnson in 1965. • An inmate in a west virginia prison once used dental floss to braid a rope,
which he used to scale a building and escape in 1992. • Only floss the teeth you want to keep Fun facts Your smile is a strong point of attraction. 61% of adults admit that they are attracted to somebody’s smile alone. • The colour of toothpaste seems to matter. More people prefer blue toothpaste over red toothpaste. A woman smiles • on average 68 times per day while men smile on average 8 times per day. The first tooth• brushes were twigs. Please visit our Facebook page for some fun Black November specials! Dr Ruan Rademeyer
Still no lights ■ Billy Sibuyi About three years ago, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality hired a contractor to replace all the streetlights in Phalaborwa. At the time, Bulletin reported that the contractor followed none of the prescribed protocols and had to borrow the municipality’s trucks to get the job done. Despite this, the contractor failed to install the new led lights in the correct manner with some of them pointing up toward the sky and most others not working at all. To this day, nothing has been done to rectify the embarrassing situation and the majority of neighbourhoods are now cast in perpetual darkness. Bulletin has, in previous publications, reported on the lack of lighting in several areas of town which in turn creates a portal for criminals looking to exploit the vulnerable. Even after enquiring with the spokesperson of the municipality about this situation more than a year ago, to this day we have not received any response. Bulletin has compiled a list of some of the streets that have faulty streetlights in Phalaborwa. Greystreet, Batavier, Nolie Bosman, Reitz, De Freyn, Grosvenor, Frans du Toit, Bronkhorst, Dekuiper, and Hardekool are amongst others that have the most faulty streetlights. We can confirm that there are more than 50 streets in Phalaborwa with this problem and the municipality, for over two years, have been struggling to arrange a cherry picker to have the matter tended to. Re-elected DA ward Councilor, Sybrandt de Beer, told Bulletin that the streetlight problem was something the municipality has been battling with for a long time now and he was hoping to sort it out soon. Shockingly the same ANC-run local government has once again retained the majority vote.
General Dentistry: Cleaning • Extractions • Fillings • Root Canal Treatments Orthodontics • Cerec Crowns and Bridges • Full and Partial Dentures • Sedation Dentistry • Smile Design • Teeth Whitening
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i ‘ s
m fi w
5 November 2021
Final farewell for SLC matriculants Blondi’s murder spree ends ■ Jeff Jackson
Here are gr.12 students from Stanford Lake College who received awards during their Valediction Service.
■ Jeff Jackson The Class of 2021 students from Stanford Lake College (SLC) enjoyed their official last day of school on Friday the 15th of October. The day was a rollercoaster of emotions as the matriculants enjoyed the last day’s traditions, including receiving gifts and words of encouragement from the gr.1 learners from Unicorn Preparatory School. They were also presented with roses from the gr.11 class.
The matric class gathered at the bottom Astro pitch for the Valediction and Prize Giving Ceremony, where they heard stories of old from the guest speaker and previous headmaster, Brian Dawson. The matriculants also heard some heart-warming and inspirational speeches from the principal, Alan Redfern. Many of the students received trophies for their contributions to the school and the formalities were followed by the ceremonious throwing of coloured paint and, of course, jumping in the lake.
A total of six of Stanford Lake College’s (SLC) teams competed in the Tritech National Round on Thursday the 21st of October. The theme for this round was ‘A murder was committed’. The teams of scientists needed to follow up all clues in the murder scene using their scientific problem-solving techniques. This included a comparing of notes, DNA extraction, ink chromatography, fingerprint studies, footprint analysis, identification of the mystery substance, a textile test, and a spatter analysis. The teams had great fun while they completed their forensic investigation. Blondi was eventually identified as the murderer in the end. The “Beauty with Brains” team, consisting of Isabella Dando, Nsovo Mabila, Jana Prinsloo and Krisha Kanyongolo and “The Conquerors” which comprised of Dylan Turner, Tristan Brett, Mickey Mkhabele, Debbie Maswanganyi, Caitlin le Roux and Mieke van Wyngaardt all obtained above 90% for their tasks and received platinum medals. “The Science Geniuses” which was comprised of Wihan van Eeden, Steven Thompson, Krish Pandya and Nicholas Boyum and team “Otis” of Shriya Patel, Thato Moleya,
Mokgale Mamabolo and Relotilwe Sekhula managed to get gold medals. The “Oestrogen Overload” team with Nanaki Kgopong, Chelsy Mathebula, Makungu Shiwundlana, Isabella Alcock, Omphile Masuluke and Safiyyah Modan as well as the “Technitium” team with Sophia Leher, Finn Straughan, Connor Veldsman and Yash Kalan all received silver accolades.
The Science Geniuses busy solving the murder case.
TRATES COURT TZANEEN FROM 2 NOVEMBER 2021 FOR A PERIOD OF 14 DAYS. EDMUND TALJAARD – JET LAW INC jetlawinc@outlook.com __________________________________
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in
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NOTICE This advert gives notice of 21 working days for Lumiblade Refrigeration (PTY) Ltd to be re-instated with CIPC _________________________________
NOTICE Greater Tzaneen Municipality Spluma By-Law, 201 Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 86 to 89 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality Bylaw on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 that I, Dzunisani Maswanganyi, the undersigned of the SiphilaSonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, intend applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for
consent to use PORTION 53 OF THE FARM LUSHOF NO.540-LT. for the purpose(s) of constructing a cellular telephone mast on the property. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at civic centre, 1 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 town planning offices. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application, must lodge such objections together with the grounds thereof in writing, to the acting chief town planning, Department: Town Planning, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within 30 days from the
first date of publication: 29 October 2021 First date of advertisement: 29 October 2021 Second date of advertisement: 05 November 2021 Objection expiry date: 29 November 2021 Applicant: Siphila Sonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, 86 Skilpad, Monument park Pretoria, 0002, Tel: (012) 346 4255 e-mail: dzunisani@ siphilasonke.co.za Site ref: NER_5966 - NER_ Tzaneen_Country_Lodge _________________________________
TSEBISO Greater Tzaneen Municipality Spluma By-Law, 2016 Ye ke Tsebiso go ya ka Section 86-89 ya Greater Tzaneen municipality
By-Law mo go Municipal Land Use Planning, 2016 gore nna Dzunisani Maswanganyi, moemedi wa Siphila Sonke Peoperty Holding (Pty) Ltd, ke ikemiŝeditŝe go kgopela Munisipaliti wag a Tzaneen go ntumelela go ŝomisa PORTION 53 OF THE FARM LUSHOF NO.540-LT. go aga Tawara ya notuweke mo go yona. Merero yeo e tswalanang le kgopelo ye ya konsente e ka lekolla ka nako ya di ofisi ko civic centre, 1 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 town planning offices. Motho ofe goba ofe yo a gananang le gore Tzaneen e dumelane le kgopelo ye, a ka lebiŝa taba ya ga gwe gomme e ngwadilwe fase go Mo-
laodi wa Town Planning Department, greater Tzaneen Municipality, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within 30 days from the first date of publication: 29 October 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la pele la papatŝo: 29 October 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la bobedi la papatŝo: 05 November 2021 Letŝatŝikgwedi la bo felo la go ganetŝa: 29 November 2021 Mokgopedi: Siphila Sonke Property Holding (Pty) Ltd, 86 Skilpad, Monument park Pretoria, 0002, Tel: (012) 346 4255 e-mail: dzunisani@ siphilasonke.co.za Site ref: NER_5966 - NER_ Tzaneen_Country_Lodge
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Sydney the hardest Gravel Grinder ■ Roelof de Jonge
On Saturday morning the 30th of October, a host of mountain bike racers and avid riders took on the mighty triple G - Gravelotte’s Gravel Grinder. This race was organized by the Jakkalsroep Venue and Tzaneen Cycling Club with NTT Isuzu as the event sponsor. The race with various distances to compete in, was held on the property of Jakkalsroep. The main race challenged the riders over 120km with the heat intensifying as the race progressed. Sydney Swart conquered the hot conditions to win the race in a time of 04:26:55.1 and managed to win the Sub Veteran Men’s category, ahead of Alan Gordon who finished the race in fourth place overall. The Stanford Lake College rider and Insect Science MTB Team member, Gunther Katzke, was the winner of the Men’s Elite division. He crossed the line in second place, with just 3,31 seconds separating him from Swart. Bill Noel, who was the first Veteran Men’s entry over the line, took up the third sport. Retha Beukes was the first female entry over the line, she competed in the Veteran Women’s category and finished in 24th place overall. A total of 42 riders entered for this 120km with only 36 making it to the finish line. Willie Junior Willemse (Youth Men’s Division winner) had a race-long tussle for the lead in the 35km race with John Menster (Master Men’s Category winner). The younger and more energetic Willemse just managed to eventually keep his nose in front of his older rival to take the first place. Willemse completed the race in 01:14:25.8 with a hard chasing Menster hot on his heels, with just 0.01.7 of a second
Maximillian Drewett
separating the two riders in the end. Menster’s overall time was 01:14:27.5. Anke Rood from Merensky High School’s MTB team was the winner of the Youth Women’s category and the first female cyclist to finish the 35km race. Rood who finished in an excellent 10th place overall, showed many of the male participants the way home. Her finishing time was 01:26:03.6. A total of 107 cyclist entered for this race. There was also a 15km race for the less adventurous and fitness conscious cyclists who had more of a sightseeing excursion in mind than racing at full speed. Robert Noel (winner of the U/12 Boys Sprogs category) blitzed through this 15km course to take the win in just 37 minutes. Aron van den Borre (U/10 Boys Nippers division winner) pressured the winner hard all the way to the line and missed out on the victory by the narrowest of margins, with just 0.58 of a second separating the first two place finishers. Shirlene van den Borre who kept a keen eye over her young one leading the 15km race, was the first women’s entry to complete the race in third place. She was the winner of the Open Women’s class and finished in a time of 38 minutes, a mere second behind the front running finishers. A Total of 54 riders entered for the 15km fun race. Willie Jnr Willemse was te overall winner of the 35km race.
Anke Rood from Merensky High School was the first female rider acrross the line in the 35km race.
Richard Noel leading a pack of riders home.
Graham Chrystal enjouyed himself in the mighty tripple G’s MTB Race.
Sarie Vermaak
Madeleine Wasserman