Bulletin Newspaper 11 February 2022

Page 1

11 February 2022


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS


Ba-Phalaborwa residents remain thirsty

The re-elected mayor of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipallity, Merriam Malatji, has once again downplayed her community’s service delivery issues, calling them “challenges” that she will continue to engage the district about. Catch phrases instead of actionable plans are why the communities riot. Read Page 3


Photo: Joe Dreyer


11 February 2022





Baby found abandoned Poachers look to ■ Billy Sibuyi

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:

Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit

A three-month-old baby was found abandoned in Lulekani, Matiko Xikaya, just outside Phalaborwa earlier this week. The baby was found on Sunday morning at around 08:00 near one of the residential streets in Matiko Xikaya. The Lulekani police outside Phalaborwa are now investigating a case of child neglect. “The police responded and found a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket and dumped on the side of the road,” said the SAPS. “The baby was taken to hospital. Her mother is unknown, and a case of child abandonment was opened at the Lulekani police station.” The case of Child Neglect was opened and transferred to Phalaborwa FCS unit for further investigation. The police are appealing to anyone with information or who can assist in locating the mother of the child to contact Sgt Ndlovu Phionah on 071 355 0556 or call crime stop num-

ber at 08600 10111. In an unrelated matter, a 47-year-old suspect, Thembani Vukeya, who was arrested for allegedly killing his 31-yearold girlfriend last week, appeared in the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court on Monday, the 7th of February and was remanded in custody. He will again appear before the magistrate’s court, ironically when most people will be celebrating their love for another, 14th of February on charges of murder. Vukeya allegedly visited his girlfriend at Shitlhelani village on Friday, the 4th of February, and an argument ensued. According to the police that was when he produced a knife and stabbed her several times. The victim, Xitshembiso Manganyi, succumbed to her injuries upon arrival to the hospital, the police were notified, and the suspect was subsequently arrested. The motive behind the murder is still pending as Police investigations are still unfolding.

New rules for schools Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za

■ Jeff Jackson

Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has provided a detailed breakdown of its draft Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) bill, and the changes it will introduce at schools in South Africa. The bill, which was first announced in 2017, seeks to provide updated amendments to sections of the South African Schools Act. This includes stricter rules around student attendance, admissions and language policies. New starting age: School attendance in South Africa will be compulsory from grade R and no longer only from Gr.1. Despite the age at which school attendance is compulsory, a parent may, if they so wish and subject to a few conditions, enroll a child at a school to start attending grade R at a younger age. Compulsory attendance: Stricter punishments will be introduced for parents who fail to ensure their children attend school, including up to 12 months jail time and/or a fine. The bill states that teachers, principals and school governing bodies must take responsibility and accountability for learners that are within their school community by ascertaining the whereabouts of a learner who is absent from

■ Billy Sibuyi The latest information on rhino poaching in the country indicates that the slaughter of protected animals in private game reserves is on the rise. As the rhino populations decrease in national parks due to the aggressive poaching to supply the Asian market, syndicates turned their attention to the private sector, where rhino poaching numbers have drastically increased. According to a statement released on Tuesday, the 8th of February, by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE), a total of 451 rhino were poached in South Africa in 2021, 327 within government reserves and 124 on private property. “While there is a 24 percent decrease in rhino poaching compared to the pre-Covid period in 2019, there has been an increase in poaching on private properties,” stated DFFE. According to them in 2021, 209 rhinos were poached for their horns in the Kruger National Park, a decrease in comparison to 2020 when 247 rhinos were poached within the national parks. In 2021 there were 189 arrests in connection with poaching activities of which 77 were within the Kruger National Park and 109 outside the park. This compares with 156 people arrested countrywide in 2020. In the 38

verdicts handed down by the courts, 37 cases resulted in the conviction of 61 accused rhino poachers/traffickers. DFFE revealed that none of the SANParks’ smaller rhino parks experienced any rhino losses from poaching in 2021, in comparison to the two rhino that were poached in 2020. The steady decline in rhino poaching in Kruger Park was attributed to the increase in the intensity of anti-poaching activities in the Kruger National Park. “A close working relationship between the police’s endangered species unit, the SANParks environmental crimes inspectorate has resulted in increased arrests, and convictions” said the DFFE. With the increase in intensity in the park, syndicates started looking to other areas for easy prey and this has resulted in their targeting private reserves in Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The department also said that their analysis capabilities have also improved, resulting in the increased identification of those involved in rhino poaching and trafficking. “We have also improved and expanded investigations by multi-disciplinary teams”. The department also said that SANParks, provincial nature reserves, and private rhino owners were dehorning rhino to deter poachers.

Heist mastermind behind bars ■ Billy Sibuyi The man who oversaw the operation that rammed and looted R17 Million from an SBV truck in 2017, Lehlogonolo Tleketle (44), was found guilty and sentenced to 61 years direct imprisonment by the Graskop High Court. He was found guilty and sentenced on charges of armed robbery, attempted murder, possession of firearm, possession of ammunition, pointing of a firearm, and malicious damage to property. The accused is already serving 30 years imprisonment for a Pretoria West cash-in-transit robbery which happened in May 2004. He will serve a total of 91 years behind bars. Tleketle who is widely known in Mpumalanga, was the driver of the Mercedes Benz that was used to ram an SBV truck

during a robbery which happened in July 2017 near Sabie. The SBV cash truck was attacked by 17 unknown suspects and R17 million was stolen. He was linked to the crime through DNA, from the bloodstains retrieved from the motor vehicle he was driving. In court, he pleaded guilty to four counts of attempted murder, robbery with aggravating circumstances, unlawfully pointing of firearm, malicious damage to property, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of ammunition and possession of explosives. The court ordered that the sentences in counts 1,4,5,6,7,9 and 10 run concurrently, and the effective sentence is 28 years of direct imprisonment. He was further declared unfit to possess a firearm.

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 24/01/2022

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


school for a period of more than three days without a valid reason. Corporal punishment: Corporal punishment is abolished, and no person may inflict or impose corporal punishment on a learner at a school, during a school activity, or in a hostel accommodating learners of a school. The bill also prohibits initiation practices in a hostel accommodating learners, and during a school activity. Governing body disclosures: Members of a school governing body, like other public officials, will be required to disclose on an annual basis their financial interests and the financial interests of their spouse, partner and immediate family members. Homeschooling: The bill introduces further clarity around home-schooling, including that South African learners may be educated at home only if they are registered for such education. Business with the state: The bill will prohibit educators from conducting business with the state or from being a director of a public or private company conducting business with the state and creates an offence should an educator contravene the abovementioned provision.

private reserves


Ebenezer 100.7%

Merensky 101.2%

Middel Letaba 4.6% Blyderivierpoort 100.7%

Tzaneen 101.1% Dap Naude 105.6% Klaserie 101.5%


Tours 100.5%

for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911

Vergelegen 101.6%

Magoebaskloof 100.9%





11 February 2022


“You have no water? Just remain calm” - Malatji ■ Billy Sibuyi

Local municipalities and horrid service delivery go hand-in-hand. In every municipality in Limpopo there exists corruption, theft, and a complete lack of competency in various departments. In Lulekani township outside Phalaborwa, the residents have had enough and have called for the heads of their respective councilors in order to put and end to the lack of running water and decent roads in their community. On Tuesday this week, the 8th of February, the residents banded together and blocked all roads within the township in protest to the ongoing service deliver issues. They were accusing long-serving councilor, Thomas Nkuna and his colleague, Richard Makasela, of not looking after the interests of their own community and have blamed them for the lack of water and tarred roads. Nkuna, who during the local elections was at the center of controversy after he withdrew his candidacy and requested that Mkhabele Lisbeth be appointed in his place, is now accused of neglecting the issues of service delivery in Lulekani. “Both Nkuna and Makasela use their cars to go and fetch water for their own households in Namakgale (the township neighbouring Lulekani) whilst we are struggling over here,” said a disgruntled resident. The residents are also complaining about the tarred road from Shipamela Primary School to the Lulekani Post Office, the tarred road from Mondzweni to Benfarm, and the lack of electricity in Extension Block D as well as the shortage of water in the area. In 2021 social media was buzzing with the news of a municipal water project rumoured to have cost R9 million which turned out to be Jojo tanks. This did not come as a surprise to many as the ANC has been known for its blunders of awarding exorbitant tenders to projects that don’t fit the price tag. It was later established that the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality did spend an amount of R2 449 631 (vat inclusive) on the JoJo project. Odas Ngobeni, the spokesperson of the Mopani District Municipality, acknowledged to Bulletin that they have over the past months been working with the community of Lulekani to implement a short-term water project. “As [an] intervention to the challenge of inadequate water supply to some residents of Lulekani, which is largely caused by the many unauthorized connections on the rising main to the command reservoir.” Now the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Mayor, Merriam Malatji, accompanied by the Speaker, Oliver Mabunda, MMC for Water and Sani-

Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor, Merriam Malatji and councillor Nkuna address Lulekani residents..

tation in the Mopani District, Sefufi, and Ward 16 councilor, Thompson Nkuna, met with the residents of Lulekani Matiko Xikaya in Ward 16 in a quest to resolve service delivery challenges in the area on Tuesday, 8th of February. Merriam Malatji said that the roads the residents are complaining about belong to the Provincial Government (Public Works) while Mopani District Municipality are responsible for the provision of water in Lulekani. “However, the municipality will continue to engage the public works department and Mopani District to intervene. As the municipality, we have been writing correspondence to the Provincial Department since from 2020 requesting them to intervene but with no response,” the mayor said. The disgruntled residents have since requested that the public works department and Mopani District Municipality resolve the matter within three weeks or face the consequences. ***Editor’s Comment: Is it not a slap in the face of every member of

Is this man just what the SALGA doctor ordered? ■ Joe Dreyer

Gerson Molapisane met the media yesterday (Thursday, the 10th of February) at the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s council chambers where he promised that under his umbrella there would be no tolerance for corrupt ANC officials. “We at local government level are not into the game of politics, we are in the business of serving our communities and that is that. My door has no key, and my number is freely available to anyone who has a serious issue that needs my attention.” Molapisane was inaugurated as the new Mayor for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality on the 1st of November last year and has since been meeting with various communities under his jurisdiction, not to talk, but to listen and take note of their grievances. Last week he was in Haenertsburg where he spoke with some of the concerned residents and acknowledged that restoration of the electricity supply in their area was to enjoy top priority. He swore that by the end of his term in office the Haenertsburg area would be “unrecognizable”. During the meet and greet press briefing the Speaker of Council, Sanie Tiba, expressed her concern that “some journalists” were continuously reporting on the municipality’s failures and expected that everyone in attendance would “work together” and focus on the successes of the municipality. “We had an issue previously with some media publications painting us in a negative light and overlooking the good we have done for our communities,” she said. “I would like to see that we all take hands and report positively in future.”

Surprisingly, the mayor addressed this issue and countered Tiba’s sentiment stating that he expected the media to point out the failures of his municipality. “The media is a very important role player in any community and the link between the man on the street and the people in this building. Nobody is perfect and there will come a time that I may falter on a promise I made, and when that time comes, I am fully aware that you, the Fourth Estate, will grill me on those failures. You must always report on both negative and positive. How else will we be held accountable, or gauge our performance?” During the Q&A portion of the breakfast, media was permitted to direct questions at the mayor which he then answered as best he could. Bulletin wanted to know what his plan was to deal with the hawkers along the R71, which Bulletin has been reporting on since 2012. We wanted to know how GTM Traffic officers could fine motorists along that route, when the officers themselves were parked next to an illegal hawker stall. We also asked how the new mayor planned to deal with the water tankers drawing water illegally at hydrants in the suburbs, despite an agreement between the GTM and the truckers that expressly forbids this. “I will personally answer you in detail on this matter,” he said. “There are plans in place to establish a market area and move all the hawkers to this area, including the hawkers in the CBD. All of these matters, I will discuss with you in person.” Gerson Molapisane, seems eager to handle the business of service delivery within his municipality. This is however a case of a new broom sweeps cleaner until proven otherwise, and time will soon tell.

the public that politicians, especially those at local government level, refuse to acknowledge the failures within their own ranks and continuously downplay serious problems faced by their residents as mere “challenges”? Meriam Malatji and her executive committee have done nothing for the Phalaborwa community in the last three years since she took office when Pule Shayi was redeployed as mayor for the Mopani District Municipality. She promised that service delivery would continue as it did before, when she was somehow re-elected in November last year. By all accounts she has kept to her word. It can then be understood why residents burn tyres and block roads when they have no water or electricity whilst their “leaders” live a life devoid of these “challenges”.


11 February 2022





Provincial ANC supports VBS accused nomination ■ Jeff Jackson Danny Msiza, the former treasurer of the Limpopo Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) who was asked to step aside after being accused of being a master mind in the VBS bank scandal, has now been tipped to be elected as the new secretary for the ANC in the upcoming ANC provincial elections scheduled for March this year. He set to replace the current secretary, Soviet Lekganyane, who is lobbied for the position of chairperson by others in the party. His name was put forward by both Mopani District and the Peter Mokaba regions of the ANC which are influential in terms of delegates to the conference to be held at a venue still to be announced by the organisation. The issue of this provincial conference of the ruling party has set tensions high among the various factions within the ANC. Msiza has since stepped aside from all the responsibilities of the par-

ty after he was charged along with others in the PEC, in relation to the disappearance of the nearly R2 billion belonging to VBS mutual bank. He was charged with racketeering, theft, fraud, and money laundering and he is due to go on trial in March in Polokwane. Simon Mpe, the regional chairperson of the Peter Mokaba region, and Mayor of the Capricorn District Municipality said that they preferred the name of Danny Msiza since the ”step aside rule” did not mean he is disqualified to contest positions within the organisation. “Danny Msiza remains an ANC member in good standing and he had to step aside pending the outcome of the process undertaken now, but he is still eligible to stand.” Limpopo Premier, Stan Mathabatha had made it clear that Danny Msiza he was not ready to be elected as the chairperson after having served for two consecutive terms in the Premier’s Office. The two regions are lobbying that he be re-elected. “We are lobbying the current chairperson, Mathabatha, because we want Limpopo to go intact to the national conference in December.” Provincial secretary , Soviet Lekganyane said the organisation sought self-introspection before choosing its leaders. “The ANC needs to do self- characterisation first. I was elect-

ed in 2008, so it would be a surprise if I am elected again. The party had just had an NEC meeting and we are awaiting a statement as to how to move because many regions had not held meetings.” Mopani forwarded the name of Pule Shai of Phalaborwa for the position of chairperson which the incumbent Stan Mathabatha is not set to contest. The contestation on positions brings to the fore the question if the ruling party is set to continue protecting its members entangled in corrupt activities.

New mayor for Maruleng ■ Billy Sibuyi Dipuo Thobejane, the former mayor of the Maruleng Municipality, handed over her resignation as mayor for the cash-strapped municipality on Tuesday morning, the 8th of February, to the speaker Raganya Blantin during a special council meeting. Thobejane who is not new to the media, after she destroyed three vehicles in as many months, will now serve the municipality as the chief whip, a position where her duties will be mapping out the time of the session, coordinating, monitoring, and management of the business of the municipality on behalf of the ruling party. The Former Maruleng Chief Whip, Tsheko Musolwa, was sworn in as the fourth Mayor of Maruleng Municipality at the Municipal Chambers in Hoedspruit on the same day. The change in administrative leadership came as a direct con-

sequence of the ANC NEC’s mayoral candidate selection process which could not be finalized prior to the November local government elections, where a decision was taken to appoint the former Mayor, Dipuo Thobejane, as interim Mayor pending the finalisation of the process. This was revealed by the Limpopo provincial executive committee (PEC) after a virtual special PEC meeting held last week Tuesday. The party revealed the move was in line with the directive from the national executive committee of the ANC at its headquarters in Luthuli House, to finalise the deployment of mayors to municipalities where disputes arose before the local government elections in November last year. The move was also made after considering the findings and recommendations of the National Dispute Resolution Committee (NDRC).

Tom Cruise in die Hoed

■ Joe Dreyer

Hoedspruit gons behoorlik na dit onder die inwoners se aandag gebring is dat die Hollywood superster, Tom Cruise en ‘n oorseese produksiespan tans in die klein toerisme-dorpie doenig is.

Foto’s is oor sosialemedia versprei wat wys hoe vragmotors vier vliegtuie na ‘n onbekende filmstel toe vervoer. Luidens een bekende radio-omroeper, word ‘n toneel uit die nuwe Mission Impossible fliek op dié dorpie geskiet.





11 February 2022


Sputnik rises over Fortnite Nerds and Olympic rings ■ Jeff Jackson

Stephanie Buys and Bianca Pretorius

Hannibal Lecter, Axl Rose, Laika, Pineapples, and the Mandela Effect were all topics of debate among the contenders in the inaugural Bulletin Quiz Night held on Thursday evening, the 3rd of February. Five teams of four sat spread across the newly installed deck at the Tzaneen Bowls Club clubhouse, pencils at the ready, to claim the title of #Bulletincountry Brainiac. The rules were simple. Five rounds, ten questions per round and a bonus question to level the playing field. Each answer was worth a point with the bonus question ranging in value from 20 to 50 points. Bribes were allowed and hints could be bought for a point and a shooter. Cellphone usage cost 50 points and the loser after each round had the honour of choosing the topic for the next round. Riaan Barnard, Regional Accounts Executive at Far North Bulletin wore the Quiz Master’s mantel whilst Mia Wiid, Birgitte Mac Gregor, Tessa Thompson and Roelof de Jonge kept their eyes peeled to spot cheaters and award penalties. Bulletin’s editor, Joe Dreyer, took on the role of chief bribery and corruption liaison officer. Meals were provided by Bertie Nel from Meet and

Franna Lamprecht, Marcel Coetser, Sammy Odendaal, Gericke du Plessis of the winning team Somnium Quadrigis with Joe Dreyer and Riaan Barnard of Far North Bulletin.

Malcolm and Shirley Tyerman, Lianne and Petrus Vermeulen.

Greet who just recently stepped up to take over the management of the Bowls Club restaurant facilities, and a cash bar took care kept the grey matter sufficiently lubricated. When the dust had finally settled it was the Somnium Quadrigis group of superhero t-shirt brandishing Fortnite addicts who took first place with the over-analyzing, second guessing Mensa Rejects in second and the delightfully cheerful femme fatales of Die Span in a very close third. The optometric optimists from team Luntona shared fourth and fifth place with the evening’s rent-a-crowd of hooligans team Wiid. The next Bulletin Quiz Night will be held on Thursday, the 3rd of March on the magnificent deck of the Tzaneen Bowls Club and will start at 18:30 (on the dot this time, we promise Juffrou Large). There will be welcoming drinks at the door which is covered by the R50 entrance fee (and yes, the drinks will be at the door as requested Ms Wiid). “Following feedback received from all the teams, we have bent the rules for future Quiz Nights and have removed the cap on the number of players per team, to make it a little more fun for everyone and ensure that team Somnium Quadrigis is dethroned next month,” said Dreyer after the evening’s proceedings. “This is not a once off event, we have already booked our Quiz Nights for the remainder of the year – on the first Thursday of every month - and so we implore, nay we challenge, all walking Chappie papers in Bulletincountry to bring their A-game and beat our Quiz Master.” There are some great prizes up for grabs and interesting spot fines during the evening which include free advertising space, bottles of cheap whiskey and no-name international beer along with corny jokes and innuendos at the expense of your rivals. “Thank you to each of the players who made our inaugural event a pleasurable one. It was such a

Yolanda Wiid en Lohandré Jacobs.

Beronice Avontuur and Anuska Large.

pleasure meeting all of you in a social environment and we cannot wait to meet again,” expressed Barnard. “To André Visagie, for the sound and Bertie Nel for the venue and catering, we say thank you. And to Gericke, Franna, Sammy and Marcell – you boys were lucky.” The Bulletin Quiz Night is every first Thursday of every month and starts at 18:30. Entry is R50 payable at the door. Teams can consist of two to twenty players so book a table in advance or pitch up and join a team if you’d like. For any inquiries, contact Riaan Barnard on 063 465 1524.


11 February 2022





Legals & Notices NOTICE : LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T65699/1987 passed by REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA, in favour of LETABA DISTRIKS LANDBOU-UNIE, in respect of certain PORTION 64 (A PORTION OF PORTION 9) OF THE FARM TZANEEN 538, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 4 FEBRUARY 2022 Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys Address : 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Telno : 015 307-3660 __________________________________

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 86 OF THE MARULENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BYLAW, 2016, FOR SPECIAL CONSENT TO CONSTRUCT A TELECOMMUNICATION MAST AND BASE STATION ON THE FARM ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT. Notice in terms of Section 86 of the Maruleng Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bylaw, 2016, is hereby given that we, Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd intend applying to the Maruleng Local Municipality in terms of Section 49(2) (d) of the Maruleng Local Municipality Spatial

Planning and Land Use Management Bylaw, 2016, read with Clause 21 of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, for Special Consent to use a portion of the above mentioned property in order to construct a Telecommunication Mast and Base Station. The property is situated at Ga-Mametja Township, Limpopo (zoned: “Government”). The application is to obtain Special Consent for the construction of a telecommunication mast and base station on the application property. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the Maruleng Local Municipal Offices, Directorate: Spatial Planning & Economic Development, 64 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, 1380 and the applicant. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application must lodge the objection in writing with both the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, and the undersigned not later than 30 days after the 1st newspaper advertisement on 11 February 2022. Any person who cannot write, may during normal office hours at the offices of the Maruleng Local Municipality, request any town planner employed at the municipality, to assist to transcribe that person’s objections or comments. A person claiming to be an interested person in a land development application has the burden of establishing his or her status as an interested person. An interested person has to provide contact details in order to be heard. Information has to be provided with regard to the grounds of an

objection and how rights and interests are affected. If an interested party has not demonstrated an interest in all of the issues presented in a particular land development application or an appeal, the Municipal Planning Tribunal or appeal authority may limit the interested person’s participation to only those issues in which an interest has been established. Date of first advertisement placement: 11 February 2022 Date of second advertisement placement: 18 February 2022 Objection expiry date: 14 March 2022 Our Reference: Ga-Mametja_Mopani Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 P.O. Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Tel.: (012) 346 2340 Email: rohanv@sfplan.co.za __________________________________

TSEBIŠO MABAPI LE KAROLO 86 YA MOLAWANA WA SELEGAE WA PEAKANYO YA SEKGOBA LE TAOLO YA TŠHOMIŠO YA NAGA, WA 2016 WA MASEPALA WA SELEGAE WA MARULENG, YA TUMELELO YEO E IKGETHILEGO YA GO AGA TELECOMMUNICATION MAST LE SETEIŠENE SA BASE POLASENG YA ARTHURSRUST NO. 219 – KT. Tsebišo mabapi le Karolo 86 ya Molawana wa Selegae wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo yaTšhomišo ya Naga, wa 2016, o file gore rena, Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd, re nyaka go dira kgopelo go Masepala wa Selegae wa Maruleng mabapi le Karolo 49(2) (d) ya Molao wa Selegae wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya

Naga, wa 2016, o badilwe gotee le Lefokwana 21 la Sekimi sa Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga wa Maruleng wa 2008, go Tumelelo yeo e Ikgethilego go šomiša seripa sa naga yeo e boletšwego ka godimo gore re kgone go aga Telecommunication Mast le Seteišene sa Base. Naga yeo e humanwa Lekheišeneng la Ga-Mametja, Limpopo (zoned: “Government”). Kgopelo e mabapi le go hwetša Tumelelo yeo e Ikgethilego ya kago ya telecommunication mast le seteišene sa base go kgopelong ya naga Dipeakanyo le/goba ditlhalošišo tšeo di amanago le kgopelo di ka hlahlobja nakong ya diiri tša mošomo go Maruleng Local Municipal Offices, Directorate: Spatial Planning & Economic Development, 64 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, 1380 le go mokgopedi. Motho mang goba mang yo a gananago le go fiwa tumelelo ya kgopelo ye o swanetše go dira boipelaetšo ka go ngwalela Molaodi wa Masepala, P.O. Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, le bao ba kgethilwego e sego morago ga matšatši a 30 ka morago ga phatlalatšo ya kuranta ya mathomo ya di 11 Dibokwana 2022 Motho mang goba mang yo a sa kgonego go ngwala, a ka re dinakong tša mošomo ka dikantorong tša Masepala tša Selegae tša Maruleng, a kgopela town planner yo a šomago ga masepala, go mo thuša go ngwala dipelaelo goba ditshwayotshwayo. Motho yo a ipotšago gore o na le kgahlego ka kgopelong ya tšwetšopele ya naga o na le morwalo wa go humana maemo a gagwe bjalo ka motho yo a nago le kgahlego. Motho yo a nago le kgahlego o swanetše go fana ka mekgwa ya kgokagano

ya gagwe, gore a kwewe. Tshedimošo e swanetše go fiwa go ya ka metheo ya kganetšo/pelaelo le ka fao ditokelo le dikgahlego di huetšwago. Ge mokgatlo o se wa laetša kgahlego ka go dilo ka moka tšeo di tšweleditšwego ka kgopelong ya tšwetšopele ya naga yeo e itšego goba boipelaetšo, Planning Tribunal ya Masepala goba bolaodi bja boipelaetšo bo ka fokoletša go kgatha tema ga motho yo a nago le kgahlego go dilo fela tšeo kgahlego e humanwego ka go tšona. Letšatšikgwedi la peo ya phatlalatšo ya mathomo: 11 February 2022 Letšatšikgwedi la peo ya phatlalatšo ya bobedi: 18 February 2022 Letšatšikgwedi la bofelo la boipelaetšo/kganetšo: 14 March 2022 Boitšhupetšo: Ga-Mametja Mopani Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 P.O. Box 908, Groenkloof, 0027 Mogala: (012) 346 2340 Emeile: rohanv@sfplan.co.za __________________________________


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mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN, on 3 MARCH 2022 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: TRAILER WITH BLADES TRAILER WITH SINGLE BLADE TRAILER TANK GRASS CUTTING MACHINE TRAILER POISON SPRAY MACHINE QUANTITY OF PIPES KIC FRIDGE ESSENTIA STOVE DEFY STOVE DIAMOND DRUM WASHING MACHINE KIC FREEZER DINING ROOM SUITE 4PCE LOUNGE SUITE SAMSUNG LCD TV SANSUI & SAKYNO AMP DIXON SPEAKERS 2PCE BEDROOM SUITE HISENSE LCD TV DIGMARK FAN IRONING BOARD TOYOTA DYNA TRUCK WITH REG NO. BFS 513 L HISENSE MICROWAVE TOYOTA DYNA TRUCK WITH REG NO. CBZ 743 L 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33 A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; pay-

ment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 7 FEBRUARY 2022 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR SHERIFF OF THE COURT EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1, AGATHA STREET TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 5792 / 5694 FAX: 015 307 2553 E-MAIL: collections@johansteynattorneys.co.za REF: J STEYN/sdj/BB5054 _________________________________

In the Estate of late ANNA CATHERINA SOPHIA NORVAL, Identity Number: 3711260060081 who resided at NO. 5 OMEGA TOWN HOUSES, CNR. SOETDORING AND KIEPERSOL STREETS, ARBOR PARK, TZANEEN and died on the 17th of October 2012, Estate Number 9659/2012. Notice is hereby given that Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notice. STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242, Tzaneen , 0850 __________________________________

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11 February 2022



12 Feb - Valentine’s Dinner will be held at Coach House. 12 Feb - Valentine Lovers Hike will be held at Magoebaskloof Hotel. 13 Feb - Valentine’s Luncheon at PAUSE Restauran 14 Feb - Valentines Dinner at Magoebaskloof Hotel. 14 Feb - Valentine’s Dinner at Coach House. 14 Feb - Valentine’s Date Night at The Red Plate. 14 Feb - Valentines Movie Night at Boma @ Warriors.

Mountain food for the adventurous soul in Magoebaskloof ■ Love Limpopo If open skies, magnificent mountain scenery and slow food deliciousness are enough to make your spirit soar, explore the misty mountains of Magoebaskloof, nestled in the embrace of the Wolkberg mountains and the Woodbush Forest. Along Route-71 between Polokwane and Tzaneen, the Magoebaskloof Pass is a dramatic way to descend into the lowveld. It is one of the steepest passes in South Africa, dropping nearly 600 metres to Tzaneen, offering spectacular views to be glimpsed through towering pines clinging to the sheer mountainside as you take the roller-coaster ride down the hairpin bends of the Magoebaskloof Pass. The precipitous pass winding through the kloof to the lowveld regularly detours trucks with heavy loads into the undergrowth as it did in the 1890’s when the Zeederburg Coaches travelled the frightening descent from Haenertsburg to Leydsdorp with a team of mules, horses and even zebras. But the Magoebaskloof Pass is not just an exhilarating drive in a stunning setting. It is a journey best enjoyed when you take the time to stop along the way for a meal or a chat. In Magoebaskloof, the unique local flavours are of the Wegraakbosch organic veggies and cheeses... or the award-winning Weekend Special beer from the inspiring young brewmaster, Luca Tooley at Zwakala Brewery. It’s in the cordials from Kuhestan Organic Farm, the sweet-treats at MaGriets Fine Foods; the handmade duck paté and pesto by Bittersweet or the blueberries you can pick straight from the bushes at Blueberry Heights and pop into your G&T. If the driving came to an end when you reached your forest-mountain hideaway, you can always stop in at Stella’s Farm Deli, a warm and welcoming place with a large variety of the best cuts of meat and necessities for your weekend braai. Apart from the tastiest local treats like jam, pesto, paté, rusks and biscuits, they also stock the best geelvet biltong. You should make some time for a coffee stop and all-day breakfast at Stella’s or pop next door for pancakes and waffles at the Pancake House. Over the weekend, stop in at the Cheese Stall and sample the most divine organic cheeses and chorizo to buy for your picnic. The Magoebaskloof Farmstall, hugging a

bend on the winding Route-71, is always buzzing because of its great location halfway down the pass - locals use the Farmstall as a virtual workstation or for meetings, and as a convenient space to catch up with friends. Tables are tucked into the shade of towering trees and the Farmstall is renowned for the delicious wood-fired pizzas and artisanal coffee on offer. Across the road, the Boma at Warriors is a relaxed pub and grill restaurant with tables in a laager-type circle around a central fire-pit. Managed by the gregarious Francois Van Schalkwyk, the Boma is known for its scrumptious burgers, ribs and their generous platters filled with a kilogram of Mozambique-style Peri-Peri prawns and chips. A day trip along the Magoebaskloof pass also offers the opportunity to stop off at the Magoebaskloof Hotel or Magoebaskloof Mountain Lodge for a range of delicious options from the a la carte restaurant menu to pub grub, Sunday carvery or tea and scones on the patio overlooking the spectacular views. Walk down the tree-lined Main Street of Haenertsburg and you will feel like you have discovered a town from the days of old when people greeted each other on the streets, where a lazy weekend stretches endlessly ahead of you and time stands still. Wander through the gold-mining-themed Pennefather shops with antiques, clothing, sweets and treats as well as the charming Memory Hold-the-door Bookstore with a coffee shop on the stoep. The Tin Roof has upmarket gifts but is also the Tourism Information Office in the Village. Pop in to Blackburn Leather for gorgeous handcrafted hats, shoes, belts and bags or Earth by Nature retail consortium where you can browse through local products all under one roof like Boerboel men’s clothing, veldskoen, interior design, gifts, lotions and plants or treat yourself to a massage and facial from the River Wellness & Spa. At the heart of this quaint hamlet of Haenertsburg are a

host of great dining options. Caffe Villa Trattoria specialises in pizza ‘n pasta while the festive Iron Crown Pub has a great outdoor space to enjoy a ‘Haenertsburger’ and cold Zwakala beer or meet up with the locals in the indoor pub. The Eatery on Rissik, is a coffee shop where locals meet for a capuccino next to the cosy fireplace or spend a virtual-workday on the sunny, glass-walled patio. The Red Plate restaurant is the perfect place to watch village life go by from the sunny deck or book out for a celebration. There are always locals with their dogs or horses, chilling out in the shade while their owners enjoy a Smoked Trout Wrap or Chicken Schnitzel. Up the road, Cheerio Café is to be found amongst the azaleas and cherry blossoms of Cheerio Gardens. Try them as a tranquil meal option for wood-fired pizza or a coffee and the best pecan pie this side of the equator. Another pizza favourite is the Pot ‘n Plow Pub on the R71 where locals stop in for a beer and a catch-up. This is just a whirlwind tour of the delights Magoebaskloof has to offer, but these mountains hide many more mysteries and magic to be revisited time and again. For now, the enticing glimpses down into the valley, so different at every bend, draw you onwards through Tzaneen to the wild heart of the province, the Kruger Park, along all the trails and tributaries of Route-71. Breathe in the fresh air of this mountain getaway, enjoy the views, the mountain-folk and the organic slowfood. Fall in love with Limpopo all over again!


11 February 2022





Set in the Village of Haenertsburg, Caffe Villa boasts an outside deck with a beautiful relaxed country atmosphere and a safe play area for the kids as well as a cosy inside replace for cooler days. Enjoy our range of freshly prepared starters, pasta dishes, wood red pizza, delectable steak, salads and kiddies me

Set in the Village of Haenertsburg, Caffe Villa bo an outside deck with a beautiful relaxed count atmosphere and a safe play area for the kids a well as a cosy inside replace for cooler day

Enjoy our range of fre pasta dishes, wood r salads and kiddies me


Letsitele Road to




11 February 2022



11 February 2022





Lizanzi opens at Lifestyle ■ Roelof de Jonge Tzaneen’s most popular shopping destination has just added another fantastic local talent to its ever-increasing retail bouquet. A new upmarket boutique and fashion house, Lizanzi The Shop, opened its doors on Wednesday this week. The excited owner of the new enterprise, Lizanne Steenkamp, is an avid businessperson with a dream to pursue her passion which is to own an exclusive fashion boutique. Steenkamp’s store offers a wide selection of ladies fashion, accessories and jewelry items and boasts a range of limited-edition ornaments and a variety of bespoke soft toys. This new outlet is situated at Shop 14 C at the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, right opposite Wimpy.

Steenkamp completed her honours in entrepreneurship and is currently studying through the University of Pretoria for her PHD in Entrepreneurship. “I am fortunate to be able to pursue my dream. Fashion is a passion for me, and to combine my career with my passion is really something not many people are privy to. The young local businesswoman will be assisted by Shieldah Mbuzi. The operating hours for Lizanzi The Store is from 09:00 until 18:00 from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays the store opens at 08:00 and closes at 15:00 and on Sundays the operating hours are from 09:00 until 14:00. For inquiries customers may contact the store at 079 694 7740 or send an email to lizanzi.africa@ gmail.com or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

The owner of Lizanzi The Store, Lizanne Steenkamp, officially opened the doors of this new fashion boutique on Wednesday 9 February at Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre.

Let’s get Social





11 February 2022


Redenaars praat wéér Moederstad lok Letaba Die Hoërskool Merensky se redenaarsprogram is in volle swang met die ATKV Interne Rondte wat op 2 en 3 Februarie beslis is. Buitebeoordelaars, Simoné Smalberger en Simoné Schoeman, asook Lize Crafford het die deelnemers op hul baadjies getakseer. Tradisioneel word redenaars by Plasieland aangemoedig om in beide die voorbereide en onvoorbereide afdelings deel te neem, en die sprekers het die gehoor en beoordelaars glad nie teleurgestel nie. In die juniorafdeling, met voorgeskrewe onderwerpe Krake, Gidse en Erfenis, het die seuns die voortou geneem. Henk de Wet in gr.9 het as die topspreker uit die stryd getree, met Jeandré Tolken en Campbell McLean wie onderskeidelik tweede en derde geëindig het. Die meisies het die onvoorbereide afdeling oorheers met Petla Venter as die wenner. Euné Pohl was tweede en Chané Gouws derde. Die seniors se temas was Keuses, Grense en Maatstaf. Drikus du Toit in gr.11 het die gehoor aan sy lippe laat hang, en was as die wenner in die voorbereide afdeling aangewys. Keynan Fox en Waldo de Kock wie ook goeie rekening van hul vermoëns gegee het, het die tweede- en derdeplekke ingeneem. Die gr.11 meisies het veral bewys met hul deelname dat ‘n vrou altyd reg staan om te redeneer, met Leané Craucamp wie die onvoor-

bereide afdeling gewen het. Michelle Robertson en Willané van Niekerk het die tweedeplek gedeel. Johan van den Heever was derde in die onvoorbereide afdeling. In die afdeling Eerste Addisionele Taal het die skiewies, Irma van Wyk (eerste), Karja Kruger (tweede) en Aeden Anderson (derde) mekaar die stryd aangesê. Van Wyk se gladde mond het aan haar die wen verseker met Kruger en Anderson onderskeidelik in die tweede- en derdeplekke. Kruger was ook dapper genoeg om vir die onvoorbereide afdeling in te skryf en het goed teen die Huistaal-leerders gevaar. Haar ouer suster, Zila Kruger, het egter die voorbereide en onvoorbereide afdelings vir senior leerders ingepalm. Volgens Louis du Preez, bemarkingsbestuurder van die Hoërskool Merensky, was dit ‘n fees vir die deelnemers om weer die beoordelaars en ouers terug in die gehoor te kon verwelkom. Hy sê naas die MDDK Eisteddfod in 2021, was hierdie Merensky se eerste lewendige, tegnologievrye redenaarsbyeenkoms in byna twee jaar. Die gladdesmoele van Merensky skud nou hul vere reg vir die eerste rondte wat op die 21ste en 22ste April gaan plaasvind. Die sprekers wat nie vir die ATKV Redenaars gekwalifiseer het nie, kan vir die ATKV se DigiPraat kompetisie inskryf.

■ Roelof de Jonge

maak. As die moontlikheid daar is volgende jaar, is ek beslis weer daar”. Die spel van tien-‘n-kant rugby is dalk nog nie so geDie Duka Old Boys het uitstekend gevaar en het vir wild soos 15-man en sewes rugby nie, maar tog is daar die eindstryd deurgedring waar hulle teen die Our landswyd jaarliks groot tien-man rugby toernooie wat Nemesis-span te staan gekom het. Our Nemesis was hordes spelers lok. Die jaarlikse Kaapstad 10’s Rugby egter ‘n gedugte teenstander en het Duka Old Boys Toernooi by die Groen Punt Stadium is geen uitsonde- met 33-7 geklop. ring nie. “Daar was egter heelwat minder spanne as voorjare, Hierdie toernooi het die afgelope naweek, Vrydag en wat grootliks te danke is aan die huidige Coronavirus Saterdag die 4de en 5de Februarie, plaasgevind. inperkinge. Een van die spanne wat teen die Duka Die plaaslike broers Jece en Wikus Swart, tesame met Old Boys moes speel, het nie opgedaag nie en ons het Carel O’Neil en Tian Knoetze, almal spelers van Letaba sodoende vir die eerste rondte wedstryd punte op ‘n Rugbyklub, het die Duka Old Boys vanuit Upington in skinkbord verdien.” die Noord-Kaap verteenwoordig. Wat tien-‘n-kant rugby so aangenaam maak is dat dit As te ware speel Swart (Jece) en O’Neil sedert 2012 nie so vinnige pas as sewes-rugby het nie en maak dit vir die Duka Old Boys Klub. Swart sê dit is vanjaar die moontlik vir ouer garde spelers om ook by hierdie spel vierde jaar wat hy en O’Neil aan die Kaapstad 10-man betrokke te raak. rugby deelneem. “Die Cape Town 10’s was daar heelwat ouer spelers wat Swart en Duka Old Boys se paaie het gekruis toe Swart deelgeneem het, dit is nie net jong spelers nie. Ons bedestyds as ‘n skolerugbyspeler vir Hoërskool Merensky plan om weer volgende jaar na die Kaapstad 10’s toeraan die Bokkie Week deelgeneem het. Dit was tydens nooi terug te keer.” een van hierdie Bokkie Week toernooie wat Volgens die organiseerders van die die Duka Old Boys breier, Bernard Visser, Kaapstad 10’s toernooi, is dit die grootSwart genader het en hom by die Noordste sosiale sport en leefstyl geleentheid Kaapse sportklub ingetrek het. in Suid-Afrika. “Die toernooi was weereens ‘n ongeDie ontstaan van hierdie toerlooflike ervaring, ten spyte van die nooi is te danke aan die voorwarm Kaapse hitte wat ons vanmalige Spingbok rugbyspejaar beleef het. Vir ons as spelers lers, Bob Skinstad en Robbie gaan hierdie ervaring meer oor Fleck, tesame met ‘n jaredie samesyn en sportmangees lange vriend, Ron Rutland, as die rugby.” van stapel gestuur. Die toer“Die Duka Old Boys-span nooi het sedertdien gegroei sowel as die ander spelers en selfs ander sportsoorte teen wie ons gespeel het is soos netbal, vlugbal (volleyalmal ongelooflike mense. En ball), hokkie, padwedlope en dit maak dit beslis die moeite selfs e-sports is oor die jare Jece Swart en Wikus Swart. werd om dit jaarliksemee te bygevoeg.

Junior Redenaars saam met die Beoordeelaars. Voor is Tamar Kellerman, Andrea van Deventer, Jeandré Tolken, Aeden Anderson en Campbell McLean. In die middel is Lize Crafford (beoordeelaar), Petla Venter, Chané Gouws, Euné Pohl, Ruhann Koekemoer, Rouxné Schnettler, Amoré Coetzee en Simoné Smallberger (beoordeelaar). Agter is Henk de Wet.

Die Duka Old Boys-span na afloop van die Kaapstad 10’s toernooi.

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Sport 11 February 2022

Lichties kry ‘n wen…vir nou

■ Joe Dreyer

Saterdagmiddag het die eerstespanne van Ben Vorster en Lichtenburg mekaar op die Tzaneeneers se tuisveld die stryd aan gesê en dinge het nie so goed vir die magtige Rooies verloop nie. Lichtenburg het die loot gewen en besluit om die tuis span in te stuur om eerste te kolf. Dit wou voorkom of die lang breuk tussen al die Covid gepaard met die bloedige warm son op die dag, net een te veel vir die Vossies-spelers was. Een na die ander het gesukkel om hul ritme te vind met die gevolg dat die Vossie-kolwers slegs 154 lopies kon aanteken voor hul laaste man in die 38ste boulbeurt terug na die kleedkamers toe gestuur is. Ruben Vosloo kon egter die Lichtenburgers vir ‘n wyle op hul tone hou en het

Cilliers van Heerden

45 lopies met sy kolf gemoker voordat hy uiteindelik in die slag gebly het. Dit was die draaiboulers wat die moeilikheid gemaak het. Cilliers van Heerden het ook sy deel gedoen om 23 lopies, nie uit nie, aan te teken voor die einde van hul kolfbeurt. Die besoekers was duidelik in ‘n verwoestende bui en het dadelik in die Ben Vorster boulers ingevaar om in slegs 25 boulbeurte hul teiken van 155 lopies te behaal. Die besoekers het die stryd met agt paaltjies gewen. Ben Vorster se eerstespan kom more, Saterdag die 12de Februarie, teen Zwartkop op Verwoerdburgstad te staan terwyl die O/15 spanne op eie bodem hier op Buffelpark gaan kragte meet. Plaaslike krieketaanhangers word genooi om die jong Buffels te gaan ondersteun.

Meyer Jacobs

Tristan Buglass

Gideon Goosen

Photos: Joe Dreyer

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