18 March 2022
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NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS The newly appointed GLM Mayor is only 35
Eyebrows were raised when it was discovered that the newly appointed mayor in charge of the Greater Letaba Municipality is 35-years old . Bulletin spoke to the man in an exclusive one-on-one interview this week to find out what his plans were to save the embattled Modjadjiskloof. Read on Page 2
Photo: Joe Dreyer
18 March 2022
Young mayor (35) in the hotseat ■ Jeff Jackson
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:
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The new mayor of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) in Modjadjiskloof is only 35 years old. Mamayoha Dagma was appointed on the 22nd of November this year following the municipal elections and his youthfulness was met with much skepticism from the community he will be serving. Bulletin conducted an interview with Dagma this week. “I was inspired by former leaders Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, who themselves showed leadership skills at a very young age. It has been proven that young and bright minded people equal innovation,” he said. He further claimed (as did his predecessors) that as the appointed mayor he intended to play an integral part in leading the community to greater heights during his time in office. With regards to the horrific state of the municipality and the town of Modjadjiskloof in particular, and specifically the complete lack of service delivery which the residents have been subjected to over the last decade, Dagma placed the emphasis on communication. According to him, if communication between the municipality and the community is improved, service delivery would improve. “It is important as a council to strengthen the bond with its residents. Close communication with our communities will also help to eliminate the lack of service delivery.” ***Editor’s comment: a noble-sounding statement, but somewhat vague. Whilst the community is hopeful that young blood in office will bring the promise of change, they will need to hear more than simply “we need to communicate”. If anything, Mr Dagma, the lack in communication is on the part of the municipality who has successfully managed to ignore the daily
cries of their community with as much grace as an Olympic figure skater. The community cannot be expected to improve communication, unless by “improving communication” you mean issuing each resident with a loud hailer. Service delivery is the responsibility of your house, sir, not the residents. Therefore, the communication needs to be improved between your management and the employees on the ground. The mayor wants the community to know he is a leader who aims to lead by example, as a person who has a vision for the future, and firmly believes in discipline and respect. He said that in this way it will be possible to move forward. “I have engaged with several communities and business entities to plan and move ahead in making Modjadjiskloof great again. This town has the potential for tourism and business opportunities to be developed. It is also a prime area for agriculture, so I will engage with businesses as well, to benefit the future of the Greater Letaba Municipality.” Mamayoha Dagma In December of 2021, he met with the management of ZZ2 during a stakeholders’ engagement programme as part of its operations in order to provide effective service dethe Mayor’s Programme to meet all stakeholders of livery to the people of Greater Letaba Municipality. the municipality following his appointment as the ***Editor’s Comment: with all due respect to the mayMayor of GLM. In the agenda was commitment from or, the councilors are all fully aware of the Local Governboth sides to take forward and strengthen relations ment Legislation. The problem is not their knowledge, between the two parties for the benefit of the com- but their will to execute their duties as per the oath they munity. solemnly swore at their inauguration. Your focus, if you The mayor also expects councilors to be fully aware hope to attain your goals, will have to be on your own of the Local Government Legislation and understand house, not those of your community.
Danie Joubert “cleaned” (again)
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za
■ Jeff Jackson
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Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality restarted its clean-up campaign in the notorious Danie Joubert Street where street hawkers have once again completely taken over the pavements and sidewalks with their rickety pallet-wood stalls and tattered umbrellas selling their wares to pedestrians. Residents of Tzaneen know this story all too well; the GTM and various local security companies sweep through the CBD and confiscate all illegal street hawkers’ goods and break down their stalls proclaiming that they will come down hard on all hawkers who do not have a valid trading permit. The community rejoices and the following day before sunrise the hawkers are back and the dance continues.
In a press statement issued to the local media on the day of the operation, the GTM stated that the purpose of the clean-up was to “encourage environmental hygiene and raise awareness.” At the time of going to print it was not clear what awareness was being raised, or whether the municipality would be conducting these clean-up campaigns more regularly than in the past where it was clearly proven that a single annual clean up was simply not enough to halt the practice of the illegal street traders. It is also not clear whether the hawkers who paid for their trading permits two years ago, have once again renewed their permits, and whether those who have expired permits, or no permits at all, were actually fined. There is also no indication at this stage whether a plan is in place to police Danie Joubert Street and enforce the street trader bylaws.
Vaarwel Brazie Nog ‘n skok het die gemeenskap van Tzaneen hierdie week getref met die skielike afsterwe van Neelsie Fourie op die ouderdom van 43. Hy is onverwags op die 8ste Maart aan ‘n bloeiende maagsweer oorlede. Neelsie was alombekend in die area en het jare-lank as reaksiebeampte vir Letaba Alarms gewerk. Hy word oorleef deur sy eggenoot Marietjie Fourie, sy kinders, Maryna Janse Van Rensburg, Neelsie Fourie en Altie Fourie, asook sy kleinkinders Connie en Tyrone. Neelsie se roudiens is op die 14de Maart by Wisani in Tzaneen om 11:00 die oggend gehou. “Rus in Vrede ons gaan Brazie baie mis.”
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
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084 400 0911 Help for Tourists
The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
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or 072 98 98 911
Jason Westwood Professional Accountant (SA)
Ebenezer 100.3%
Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 14/03/2022
Tzaneen 100.6%
Merensky 101.5%
Dap Naude 103.5%
Middel Letaba 3.7% Blyderivierpoort 100.3% Tours 99.7%
Vergelegen 99%
Klaserie 101.3% Magoebaskloof 100.4%
18 March 2022
Large female python undergoes surgery ■ Billy Sibuyi An injured python measuring a massive 4.1 metres will undergo multiple surgeries at Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital over the next few days after it was hacked numerous times by people around Phalaborwa. The 4.1-metre-long female snake weighing just over 20 kg was spotted by a resident who notified the Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF). Hannes Van Wyk, a local snake catcher, who had a big enough cage to capture the snake, was called in to assist in capturing the behemoth. Eugene Troskie, a member of the PNHF, said that after they had cleaned its wounds, they realised no vital organs were exposed. “Its ribs were exposed, its bones compromised, and it had other visible injuries from other attacks. After a discussion with the vets in Johannesburg it was decided that the python needed to be transported to the city for surgery.” The operation could not be performed in Phalaborwa as it is a specialized procedure. “A snake cannot breathe under anaesthesia because they do not have a diaphragm, so it needs to be ventilated while surgery is taking place and that is something that cannot be done in Phalaborwa.” Troskie believed the attack on the snake could have been executed with a shovel, panga, or a machete due to the type of cut it had on the side and the broken ribs. The snake was transported to Johannesburg last week Saturday, and is being monitored closely. According to Troskie the amount of time for recovery will vary as the snake is set to undergo several operations that could result in a couple of months for full recovery. “After the vets are satisfied that she recovered enough they will inform us and we will transport her back to Phalaborwa where she will be micro chipped and released far away from any people and in a protected area,”
Konstantin Fey, a German conservationist with a keen interest in herpetology and Eugene Troskie. Veterinarian Fernando Prados Nieto.
It is a go for Marula 2022
■ Billy Sibuyi
held before the pandemic and Mokone said that this year, they took advantage of the relaxed lockdown. The festival is expected to start on the 6th of April and run through to the 9th of April, covering activities such as the carnival, SMMEs showcase, career funfair, golf day, and an open-air festival. This, however, does not sit well with some residents who live adjacent to Impala Park where the festival is held annually, as they have raised some safety concerns in terms of their safety and that of their properties as in the past, Marula partygoers have camped out in front of residents’ gates in the evenings and mornings. Another concern raised every year, is the noise, the littering and the drunk people sleeping on the pavements.
The MEC of the Limpopo Economic Development, Tourism and Environment, Thabo Mokone, officially launched the Limpopo Marula Festival for 2022, on Wednesday evening, the 16th of March. During the event opener it was revealed that a staggering R10 million budget was allocated to accommodate the expected 2 000 revelers. It is not yet known how this budget would be allocated, nor the price of the tickets once they go on sale, however, the department said they would upload these details to their website. Mokone, when asked how the community would benefit from the festival, stated that too many locals expect to receive handouts during this event, as opposed to enriching themselves. He made an example of one of the events he had attended and a local had blocked off a parking lot and made it a VIP parking charging at least a R100 per vehicle. “Our people need to use this opportunity to make money for themselves, and there many ways to make the money. I love the idea of a fan park as more opportunities will be opened,” The MEC, Thabo Mokone, Foskor Communication, Sharon Mmola, Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor Merriam Malatjie, LTA stated Mokone. The festival was last Chairperson, Andrew Dipela, and behind him the CEO of Limpopo Tourism Agency, Moses Ngobeni wait to drink some Amarula during the launch on Wednesday night.
18 March 2022
Tender scammers arrested Another strike at Palabora ■ Jeff Jackson
A Limpopo prosecutor and his wife were arrested along with 14 accomplices, by the Hawks on Tuesday this week. This after they reportedly received money totalling R900 000 for work they had never done, and never visited the site they were hired to work at. According to the Hawks in Limpopo the 14 suspects were appointed as ghost workers in the Community Working Programme (CWP) to clean at Makhado in Vhembe. The prosecutor had appointed his wife as the site manager for the project between 2016 and 2021 and the pair had paid the suspected 14 ghost workers about R2 540 and later demanded back that R1 500 be paid back to them. The 16 were expected to appear in court on Wednesday, the 16th of March, where they would face corruption charges. The Hawks said that they expect to arrest more people in connection with the matter. Spokesperson for the Hawks in Limpopo, Cpt Matimba Maluleke, said the offences were allegedly committed between 2016 and 2021 after a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) Thembalethu, was awarded a tender by the Limpopo Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and,
Traditional Affairs to clean the Makhado area. According to Maluleke the site manager, who is the prosecutor’s wife, allegedly hired friends and relatives as employees of the CWP. He said the investigations by the Hawks revealed that the workers never set foot in the Makhado area to do the work, but they were paid R2,540 each month. “Further investigations revealed that after the money was paid into the ghost workers’ bank accounts, they would request them to pay back R1 500 through various means. Following an intensive investigation, the suspects were arrested at their respective homes in Thohoyandu, Majosi, and Bochum. The Department lost R900 000 in this illegal operation. The CWP is a poverty alleviation project where unemployed community members in rural areas are employed to work for two days a week and are paid R1 000 per month while their foremen receive R2 540 per month. Though the project has served communities, it had not gone without scandals as in some instances project leaders were accused of hiring their relatives, until it was handed to councillors. The CWP project was launched by former Limpopo Premier Cassel Mathale in Lephepane outside Tzaneen and it later spread to the other regions in the province.
Three poachers sentenced ■ Billy Sibuyi Three more poachers were sentenced in the Kruger National Park’s Skukuza ‘Rhino’ Court last Friday, the 11th of March. Sibusiso Mahlaule (29), George Manyise (30), and Rodrigues Ngobeni (34), were sentenced at the Skukuza Regional Court for poaching after they plead guilty. This is after they were caught by field rangers in the Kruger National Park, on 18 April 2021. The rangers, working at Pretoriuskop Section discovered something disturbing that raised their suspicions and using the dogs, they followed some tracks and eventually caught up with the suspects, who were cornered and arrested. According to the police spokesperson, Brig Selvy Mohlala, the men were taken to court while the
probe was ongoing, and detectives were still waiting for the forensic results. “A charge of contravention of the Immigration Act was added to Rodrigues Ngobeni’s charge sheet after police established that he was from Mozambique and was in South Africa illegally. The case was handed to the Stock Theft Unit of SAPS at Skukuza,” he said. “They decided to plead guilty. The court accepted their plea. However, they were not exempted from punishment.” He said that they were each sentenced to five years for conspiracy to commit a crime and to two years imprisonment for trespassing. The 34-year-old Ngobeni was handed an additional eight years for the contravention of the Immigration Act. According to the police a .375 bolt action rifle with a fitted silencer, as well as three .375 cartridges, were found in their possession.
■ Billy Sibuyi Palabora Copper (PMC) mine workers are refusing to accept the R8 900 offer per employee made by the mine for their dividend shares of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) which according to them matured a few years ago. According to reports and insider information from the mine, the workers were initially promised R8 900 per employee that was to be paid pro-rata. However, miners refused this amount as they believed that their investment share of 10 years was more than this. “We were supposed to have been paid this money in 2018 but we were told that the mine wants an extension and would pay the money this year. Now we are being promised the same amount of money, why has it not matured,” questioned one of the miners. After receiving news that there was a possible strike, the mine issued an internal statement informing all of their employees to report to work, or face the consequences. “All employees, irrespective of union affiliation are advised that such action is illegal and may constitute a serious misconduct and will result in the termination of employment,” read the statement. At the time of going to print, the mine management were still negotiating with the representatives of various unions to resolve the issue, as production on the mine has, at the time of going to print yesterday, been halted.
BPM Swindler arrested
■ Jeff Jackson
Simphiwe Samuel Radebe (27) appeared in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on the 16th of March following his arrest by the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation members. Between 2017 and 2018 the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality requested quotations for accommodation from different hotels. It is alleged that the quotations were sent to the municipality and the money was paid. The municipality was reportedly surprised when the hotels started to demand their money amounting to R80 000 for
services rendered. The matter was reported to the Hawks and the investigation was instituted. During the investigation, it was discovered that the Municipality was furnished with the quotations bearing fraudulent banking details. After a thorough investigation, Radebe was arrested on the 15th of March at his workplace in Pretoria. The accused was remanded in custody until the 23rd of March 2022 and his case was transferred to Polokwane Specialised Commercial Crimes court. The search for his accomplices is still ongoing.
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18 March 2022
Steenkamp amptelik nou Larries hoof ■ Roelof de Jonge Willis Steenkamp, die hoof van die Laerskool Tzaneen, was tydens ‘n informele geleentheid Donderdag die 10de Januarie ampetlik as die skool se hoof ingehuldig. Steenkamp is slegs die sesde hoof in die bestaan van Laerskool Tzaneen se 100 jaar na Vic Rijne as hoof verlede jaar na 21 jaar se diens die leisels aan Steenkamp oorhandig het. Rijne wie ook by hierdie geleentheid was, het aan Steenkamp sy amptelike Larries baadjie oorhandig. Steenkamp is vol vertroue dat hy hierdie pos met welslae sal kan vul, te danke aan ‘n personneelkorps wat bankvas agter hom staan asook ‘n gevestigde ouer beheerraad wat die passie van die Larries net so hoog op die hart dra. Rijnen het in sy toespraak genoem dat dit moeilik was om uiteindelik die tuig neer te lê, maar dat hy met vertroue sy aftrede kan geniet met die wete dat Laerskool Tzaneen in goeie hande is met Steenkamp aan stuur van sake. Hierdie geleentheid was in die laerskool se nuwe Larrie Den gehou wat spog met allerlei onthaal toerusting om gaste te trakteer tydens byeenkomste soos die onlangse
Interlaer Atletiekbyeenkoms wat deur die skool aangebied was. Hierdie gebou was teen einde verlede voltooi te danke aan die uithaler samewerking van die Larries gemeenskap.
Willis Steenkamp en sy vrou, Gerda, na sy amptelike inhuldiging as hoof.
Darius van Eeden, hoofseun Eddie Mostert, Schalk Rossouw en Duncan Smith.
Sisulu praises Lim Social Workers
■ Billy Sibuyi
Ahead of the Human Rights Day on Monday, 21st of March, the Department of Social Development (DSD) celebrated the country’s social workers on World Social Workday on Tuesday, the 15th of March. The theme of this year’s Social Workday was aimed at Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind and in a statement on Tuesday, the department said it appreciated the crucial role those social workers play in communities. The department said that it also supported an initiative by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) to raise awareness about how climate change impacted on the quality of life and the livelihood of communities. “Our social workers and social auxiliary workers are always at the forefront responding to the needs of communities in times of natural disasters,” said the DSD. Phalaborwa-born social worker, Wiseman Mathebula, said he was pleased with the gesture from the minister as it showed that their work was being noticed. The department called on all South Africans to work with social workers to ensure that communities take part in the initiatives aimed at promoting the value of the environment. “Let us support social work practitioners in their endeavour to fully utilise and promote the person-in-environment interactions as a contribution to the new eco-social world we all aspire to live in,” stated the Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu.
Fuel limits incoming
■ Jeff Jackson
Limpopo residents are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best ahead of a possible introduction of fuel limits per motorist which is one of the interventions the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is considering. The DMRE stated that it would be looking at ways to minimize the impact of the ever increasing fuel prices. Local resident, Bertus Viljoen, said that it costs about R1 200 to fill his tank, and that lasts him about 700km, so if the prices go up according to him, he would not entirely be affected as he works from home. Another resident, Tanya Venter, told Bulletin that she felt like the increase in fuel would affect the food prices, which is a big concern. In a presentation to parliament on Tuesday, the 15th of March, the DMRE said that high fuel prices are a global issue driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the successive rise in oil prices. “There is a lingering post pandemic impact being felt in the energy market, as oil suppliers underestimated the rebound of countries following successful vaccination campaigns, and the global economy is now consuming slightly more than what is being produced, leading to upward pressures on the oil price” stated the department. According to the DMRE, increases of R2/litre should be expected over the coming period, with developing economies such as South Africa likely to see diminished economic growth. Should the situation deteriorate further, the department confirmed that it would consider introducing fuel limits on how many litres each motorist is allowed per visit. It gave the example of a motorist being limited to 50 litres of fuel per petrol station visit. However, it said that this would largely be a worst-case scenario and that the situation would hopefully be avoidable as diplomatic efforts between Russia and Ukraine continued. While Treasury decided not to increase fuel levies in its February 2022 budget, it said that this money would still have to come from somewhere. It added that it could not ‘freeze’ the petrol price as it did back in 2018, as the slate account does not have the same financial resources as four years ago.
Stanford Lake College A leading co-educational independent school in Magoebaskloof, Limpopo, providing a balanced, all-round, quality education, based on a Christian foundation. Enthusiastic, innovative and suitably qualified persons, who will support the above mission statement, are invited to apply for the position: HR Consultant
To commence 16 May 2022 This is a full-time position and the successful candidate will report to the Headmaster. Applications for the post must be accompanied by a full Curriculum Vitae (no longer than three pages) and the names of three contactable referees, marked for the attention of the Headmaster.
Minimum Requirements: Qualifications: • Relevant Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in Human Resources Management. Experience: • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a Generalist HR environment and knowledge of the relevant HR Legislation and Payroll procedures.
Key areas of responsibility: Recruitment and Selection • Assist the Head with Resource Planning including Skills and Competency Assessments, Redeployments and Succession Planning • Manage the Recruitment process based on the Head’s requirements • Assist the Head and Bursar to complete the contracting process, including preparation of documentation • Manage the Exit process Orientation, Motivation and Retention • Design, plan, execute and monitor Staff Orientation, the Mentoring Programme and Staff Welfare Programme in conjunction with the Senior Management Team • Assist the Head and Bursar with Staff Communication, in line with the Communication Strategy Performance Management • Manage the Performance Management processes, including Goal Setting, Appraisal and Performance Improvement Training and Development • Create and maintain staff Development Plans in conjunction with the Senior Management Team • Design, plan, execute and monitor Internal Training in conjunction with the Senior Management Team • Source, plan and monitor External Training • Facilitate and monitor networking opportunities • Monitor and ensure regulatory, ISASA and other affiliate training/skill development requirements • Manage the staff training and development budget • Communicate achievements back to the staff, snapshot and social media
Remuneration and Benefits • Manage the Time and Attendance process • Manage Staff Benefits in conjunction with the Finance Department Labour Relations and Compliance • Manage the Discipline, Grievance and Dismissal processes in conjunction with the Head • Liaise with the Estate Manager to ensure compliance with OHS Act • Assistance with EE Act • Seta compliance and submissions • Workmen’s Compensation compliance and facilitation of claims (COIDA) General • In conjunction with the Head and HR Committee, as required: research and design/ update HR policies, strategies and processes • Ensure compliance with BCEA in all SLC policies • Maintain all documentation relating to HR processes • Assist the finance department with staff training on specific programs/ platforms as required • The liaison between the external service providers and the staff. • Renewal of HR documentation (in line with our branding)
Key Competencies The successful applicant is likely to possess the following key competencies: • Must have attention to detail and be highly organised with excellent administration skills; • A real “people person” with excellent interpersonal skills to develop purposeful working relationships with a variety of stakeholders; • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with the ability to communicate at all levels; • Be a self-starter who can manage themselves and work independently and as a proactive team member; • Ability to multi-task and adhere to deadlines; • Strong computer literacy essential.
Applications will be received by e-mail ONLY at info@slc.co.za CLOSING DATE: 31st March 2022 Stanford Lake College is an equal opportunity employer. We reserve the right not to fill this post. An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview or appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of the advertised post will result in applicants automatically disqualifying themselves from consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Stanford Lake College is committed to ensuring confidentiality of personal information. By applying for this position, you expressly give Stanford Lake College consent to process your personal information for the sole purpose of recruitment and any required statutory reporting. All reasonable measures will be taken to protect the information of applicants in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act and the school’s Privacy Policy. The person hereby consents that, and authorises Stanford Lake College or agent to, at all times: a) contact, request and obtain information from any previous employer or registered credit bureau relevant to seeking references and employment history and to assist in conducting an employee assessment in respect of myself; b) to furnish personal employment information concerning myself to any credit bureau, or to any prospective employer seeking references and employment history and to assist in conducting an employee assessment in respect of myself.
18 March 2022
Kruger awarded Oscar after showcase ■ Joe Dreyer The annual Dance Place Showcase was held on Saturday, the 12th of March in the Ben Vorster High School’s Hall. This year, the show was set in 1899 during the real-life Newsboys strike in New York City. Loosely inspired by the famous movie “Newsies”, the entire hall was covered in newspapers with the opening scene featuring the senior dancers dressed as newspaper street sellers setting the scene for the 300-strong audience of the extravaganza that was to come. Immediately following the showcase, owner, and teacher at The Dance Place, Annemieke Osmers, proceeded to the highly anticipated obligatory prize giving. “Every one of the dancers on this stage has the talent and the potential to achieve the highest accolades this industry has to offer and I love each one of you equally. If you are not awarded tonight, don’t dismay, rather use this as motivation,” Osmers said. “Some of the awards were impossible to single out just one recipient and had to be shared. This bears testament to the immense talent contained in this group.” The Best Overall Junior Dancer award was bestowed upon Imke
Lewis and Lia Coetzee whilst Ansuretha Perold and Hanne Kemp each received the Best Acrobatic Dancer award. Best Junior Modern Jazz award was shared between Katryn Coetzee and Soria Meyer while the Best Senior Modern Jazz Dancer award went to Dine Booyse and Karja Kruger. Pedrie Minnaar walked away with the coveted Best Overall Boy award whilst Zila Kruger took home the Best Overall Girl award and the Oscar accolade which is awarded to the best performing dancer in the school. Tyra du Plessis and Elrene Knoetze were named Best Senior and Best Junior Hip Hop Zila Kruger dancer respectively. In the Contemporary Dance category, it was Lara van Veelen and Jessica Herholdt who walked away with the Best Junior and Best Senior titles. Aldré van Tonder and Lincke de Nysschen were recognized as the Most Improved Dancers of 2021. There were some Outstanding awards handed to various dancers as follows; Karli Human (Dedication), Tegan Baker (Passion), Melissa Meyer (Technique), MJ Perold (Showmanship), Ashley Weideman (Star Quality) and Reese Fuller (ShowElrene Knoetze manship).
Annemieke Osmers
Legals & Notices In the estate of the late MARIE HENRIETTE MARAIS Identity number; 3401210037088, Master’s reference number 10677/2021, pensioner, divorced, and who was ordinarily resident at 1 Maculata Street, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 12th of October 2021. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days
from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/R15826 _________________________________
NOTICE : LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of MORTGAGE BOND B4173/2019 passed by in favour of 1. BOSCHPLAATS BOERDERY (PTY) LTD,
(PTY) LTD, REGISTRATION NUMBER 1970/012720/07 12. VAN COLLERSPAS BOERDERY (PTY) LTD, REGISTRATION NO 1998/001579/07 13. VLAKSLOOT BOERDERY (PTY) LTD, REGISTRATION NO 1996/015470/07 All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication
of this notice. Applicant Joubert & May Attorneys Address 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Telno 015 307-3660 Email address lilize@ joubertmay.co.za __________________________________
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T21808/1998, passed by MANDEG REAL ESTATE
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18 March 2022
Shamuans make the finals TASK ryg medaljes in
■ Roelof de Jonge
Shamu Swimming Club had 13 swimmers who qualified for the Swimming South Africa Level 2 swimming gala in Germiston from the 11th to the 13th of March. A total of 10 swimmers made it through to the finals. Amelia Booth (u/17) was Shamu’s star of the weekend after she bagged one gold, five silver and two bronze medals. The other swimmers who went through to the finals along with Booth were Mari (u/10) and Mia (u/13) Bruwer, Kaylie Groenewald (u/13), Johan (u/14) and Hannah (u/11) Landsberg, Amaris Nortje (u/16), Adelia (u/15) and Simoné (u/13) Schonken
and Jamie Venter (u/12). Shamu brought home amidst some fierce competition a total of five gold, six silver and four bronze medals. Shamu’s other swimmers who emerged as medalists in the final heats were Kalie Groenewald with one gold and one silver, Hannah Landsberg with one gold, Amaris Nortje with one gold and two bronze whilst Jamie Venter received one gold and one bronze. This gala has heats in the final where a swimmer is seeded according to time and not age, then the first 10 swimmers swim in the finals that evening according to age.
Amelia Booth
■ Roelof de Jonge
‘n Aantal van Tzaneen Amateur Swemklub (TASK) se swemmers het onlangs vir Swem Suid-Afrika (SSA) se Vlak 2 kampioenskap gekwalifiseer waar hulle die afgelope naweek, vanaf die 11de tot die 13de Maart in Germiston, hul deeglik laat geld het. Dit was veral Cianke Louw, Carmé Louw en Liné Brits wie met spogvertonings vorendag gekom het om na die eindrondtes deur te dring. En hulle het beslis nie teleurgestel nie. Carmé Louw wie in die ouderdomsgroep vir 13-jarige meisies geswem het, het gewys dat die borsslag styl haar spesialiteit is. Sy het in beide die 50m en 200m borsslag items met goue medaljes gepronk en het met ‘n silwer medalje vir die 100m item weggestap. Cianke Louw het in die ouderdomsgroep vir 14-jarige meisies deelgeneem. Sy het in beide die 100m en 50m vryslag items gewen om met goue medaljes beloon te word. Sy het later ook ‘n brons medalje by haar goues
The Shamu Team during the level 2 gala hosted by Swimming SA the past weekend.
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gevoeg toe sy ‘n derdeplek vir die 100m rugslag item behaal het. Sy het nouliks uitgemis op ‘n medalje in die 50m rugslag item toe sy in die vierdeplek die muur geraak het. In die 50m vlinderslag het sy onder die voorste vyf swemmers geëindig. Liné Brits het in die afdeling vir meisies 12jaar oud deelgeneem waar sy ‘n rits top-5 plekke behaal het. Dit was egter in die 100m rugslag item waar sy die ys gebreek het om die brons medalje vir die derdeplek agter haar naam te skryf. Sy het in beide die 100m vryslag en 50m rugslag items in die vyfde plek klaargemaak, en in die 50m vryslag item het Brits so byna ‘n medalje huistoe te gevat waar sy uiteindelik die vierdeplek beklee het. Milan Ferreira (meisies 12 jaar-oud) het in die 100m vryslag en in die 100m rugslag items vierde plekke behaal. Die res van die span sal voortaan hierdie deelname se ervaringe vorentoe neem en seersekerlik daaraan werkskaf om nog meer edelmetale na die TASKkamp toe te bring.
Tzaneen Amateur Swemklub .
Sport 18 March 2022
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Aqualad sets sights on the ring
■ Roelof de Jonge
It was all or nothing for some of Tzaneen’s boxers when they travelled to Nkowankowa this weekend to square off in a Mopani District championship round. On Saturday, the 12th of March, a very well-known local sports star from Champ’s Boxing Academy, stepped into the ring for his second fight after having gloved up only a year earlier. Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger, the fastest young man in any Limpopo swimming pool, climbed into the ring to fight Tebogo Mogale, an experienced fighter from the Namakgale Boxing Club. This district championship served as a qualification round for the Limpopo Championships, scheduled for the 7th of May in Malemulele. Despite having no experience against ranked fighters and despite having only one fight under his belt, Hanaczeck-Kruger snubbed his nose and competed in the Light Heavyweight Elite division. “Ruan is a natural and very versatile sportsman,” said coach Gerhard ‘Soutie’ Rossouw. “He has that big match temperament which stems from years of competing at a very high level in other sports such as swimming. His lack of experience is currently hampering his progress, but he has the potential to become a recognized competitive boxer.” Rossouw further said that his young boxer might be biting off a little more than he can chew at this early stage in his career, but that would not deter him in the slightest and he has made it clear that he wants to take on the established fighters instead of taking the long route through the bottom ranks. “I warned him before hand that suffering successive losses or being knocked out might dampen his confidence but this young man is extremely driven and won’t let anything, or anyone deter him from achieving his goals. For him, this appears to be more a way to accelerate his learning by facing experienced opponents rather than starting off with the newcomers, rather than winning. This kid is tough!” Even though he lost the fight on points in the end, his performance was still good enough for him to qualify for the Limpopo Championships
where he will again face off against more experienced opponents in his bid to lay claim to yet another sporting code. Champ’s Boxing Academy also has three other members who qualified to attend the championships in May. Gerhard Rossouw as coach and judges Michelle Heydra and Shaun Theron will also make their way to Malemulele. Rossouw currently has 11 boxers who have shown a keen interest in boxing and will have their first outing in the ring on the 28th of May when Champ’s Boxing Academy plans to host a tournament. For many years Tzaneen has been starved of boxing bouts which is why Rossouw established the academy last year. He runs the academy from one of the halls at the Tzaneen showgrounds. From there, Rossouw offers Boxercise classes to anyone wanting a new way of getting into shape. It is a newish form of exercise which has taken the global fitness community by storm and has already seen its numbers grow in the last few months. Champ’s Boxing Academy is hosting a training session on Saturday, the 19th of March (tomorrow) from 08:00 until about 13:00. Contact coach Gerhard Rossouw on 062 873 7252 or email him at champstzn@gmail.com Champ’s Boxing Academy would like to thank its sponsors and other supporters in helping them become an established sports entity in Tzaneen; KM Bolt, Far North Bulletin, Northern Security Tzaneen, Smit & Kie and Bricks@Tzaneen.