Bulletin Newspaper 8 April 2022 Printed version

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8 April 2022


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

FILLING THE VOID The old age care centre in Modjadjiskloof, Goue Jare, is urgently seeking residents as they currently have 13 flatlets available for occupation. To read the full story, be sure to checkout our digital Bulletin and our website www.farnorthbulletin.co.za

Goue Jare resident George Hammon.


Residents of Phalaborwa will have to endure the devastating effects that tonight’s (Friday the 8th of April) fireworks display will have on their pets. This after the BPM deemed the exalted “surprise celebrity” that will grace the Marula Festival tonight, as above the opinion of the ratepayers. Read page 3


Photo: Roelof de Jonge


8 April 2022


Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

■ Jeff Jackson

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit

Two vets walking behind and between the hippo, Dr Joel in black and Dr Ben in Khaki.

■ Billy Sibuyi Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

The badly injured hippopotamus cow which had a snare around its mouth for a couple of weeks has been found, darted, and treated by the Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF) last week. The rescue occurred exactly a day after Bulletin published the story of the hippo and her calf that was loose in town. In a search and rescue last week Wednesday, 30th of March, the hippo and its calf were found close to the airport but were allowed to graze down to Bollanoto Tourism Centre, where both the mother and her calf were darted by Hoedspruit based Dr Joel Alves and Dr Ben Muller from WildScapes Veterinary and Conservation Services. Both went down, right next to the busy crossing at Spar to the amusement of unexpecting onlookers coming from work, who parked their vehicles to watch as experts dealt with a full-grown hippo. The hippo was treated and a very thick cable snare that was on this hippo for weeks was removed from its mouth before cleaning the wound and administering a reversal drug. According to Eugene Troskie of the PNHF, it took a lot of drugs to immobilize the hippo and it took them almost ten times longer to get up compared to an elephant. Troskie explained to Bulletin how they waited for both animals to get up after the reversal drugs were administered and eventually the calf got up and walked away. “The mother was weaker than we initially thought, and it took two more reversal darts to get her up. She slowly walked away in the direction of the municipal dam. Residents might see her walking around with the two darts still in her neck, this is nothing to be concerned about and they will fall out by themselves,” stated Troskie. It is now quite evident that this hippo can open her mouth wide enough to feed herself adequately as she was again spotted by some residents on Tuesday evening, the 3rd of April, albeit still with the two darts on her body. However, Troskie has advised residents to not worry about the darts, as they would fall off on their own. Putting down the hippo cow was not possible without Ivan Carter Wildlife Conservation Alliance who funded the operation, SA Hunters Mopani Branch members and Dr Lani Anagnostou, the veterinarian that assisted PNHF directors in locating and monitoring the hippos. A special thanks was also extended to Dirk de Klerk from Ledet and Anton Kellerman with his CPF team for assisting in the operation as well.

Wie het so geskree?

■ Jeff Jackson

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


A trouble maker at a bank teller in Maake Plaza was shot and killed by a policeman last week Thursday after he damaged a vehicle with a machete. The police officer was dispatched to the Capitec bank after a call about a mentally deranged man harassing patrons. Upon arrival there was an altercation between the officer and the man with the machete which resulted in the officer shooting the man twice in the chest. According to one witness, the man who used to roam the centre frequently and who was thought by locals to be mentally disturbed, arrived at the centre armed with a machete where upon he hit the rear window of a parked sedan outside the bank. “Thereafter the man went inside the bank where he attacked the outside ATM with the machete.” The police who had a mobile station at the complex arrived in the process and a reprimand from a police officer to stop what he was doing left the victim angry. The man accused the police officer of siding with the bank officials and lunged at the officer with the machete. The action roused the anger of the police officer who allegedly produced the gun and shot the victim in the chest. He was later declared dead by the paramedics. People started converging at the crime scene which was cordoned off with danger tape. The body had been removed by police forensics. The sedan which the man attacked, reportedly had two children inside at the time of the incident which angered many people at the centre. According to the witness when the deceased arrived at the bank security officers fled for their safety. After hitting the ATM`s which were then empty as people ran for their safety, the deceased then closed the doors of the bank and started hitting the ATMs inside the bank.

New SAPS Commissioner ■ Jeff Jackson

The deputy national commissioner and former Limpopo police commissioner, Fannie Masemola, was appointed as the national commissioner to replace Kehla Sithole whose term in office came to an end last week Thursday. The announcement was made by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday and he was due to commence his duties on the 1st of April. Though this is not politics, the appointment came at a time in Limpopo, Dickson Masemola (not related) is contesting for chairperson of the ANC as part of a camp which does not support Ramaphosa for the presidency of the party in December this year. The departure of Kehla Sithole comes on the heels of the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) that following the July unrest last year there will be changes in the security cluster. This was preceded by the public spats between Sithole and the Minister of Safety and Security, Bheki Cele. During the announcement which was also attended by Minister Bheki Cele and the incumbent Masemola, Ramaphosa said that Masemola had an outstanding record in the service of the South African Police. He said that he played a role in the de-escalation of crime in Kwazulu-Natal in 1996 and the prevention of cash in transit crimes in 2016. Last week the Limpopo police service parted ways with one of their long serving personnel after the departure of Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe who had retired after serving the force for decades as police spokesperson. He made a name for himself as the spokesperson for police in Bolobedu. He rose within the ranks to be the spokesperson for Mopani and later the province.

Daar is Woensdagaand om middernag ‘n man in Ash Close, Arborpark gewaar. Blykbaar het hy om hulp geskree, verder by die pad af gehardloop en weer om hulp geskree. Van die omgewing se inwoners het hom tot in Soetdoring Straat hoor skree en die plaaslike sekuriteitsmaatskappye laat weet. Ander inwoners van die area het beweer dit kon moontlik in Geelhoutstraat gewees het, maar hul was nie seker nie. Daar is in die verlede gerapporteer dat die enkele sekuriteitswag wie in daardie straat by die nuwe ontwikkeling gestasioneer is, in die verlede deur rowers aangerand en beroof is na hy hulle met gesteelde goedere betrap het. Teen druktyd het ons nog geen inligting oor hierdie voorval ontvang nie.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen



Follow up: Machete-man Hippo rescued gunned down

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:



Ebenezer 100.4%

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 04/04/2022

Tzaneen 101.1%

Merensky 101.9%

Dap Naude 104.6%

Middel Letaba 3.5% Blyderivierpoort 100.3%

Klaserie 101.3%


Tours 100.3%

for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911

Vergelegen 100.0%

Magoebaskloof 100.4%





8 April 2022


Locking of hydrants not a viable solution

■ Joe Dreyer

The ongoing water tanker saga in Letsitele and Tzaneen appears to have finally reached some semblance of progress. Last week a decision was taken to lock all fire hydrants in Letsitele to prevent the continuous illegal drawing of water from the municipal hydrants by private truckers from the outlying areas. The police and municipal traffic department were informed that they now have the powers to arrest anyone illegally drawing water (without a permit in other words) and charge them with damage to municipal infrastructure. ***Editor’s note: Bulletin has been reporting on the water tankers plaguing our local municipalities since 2017 and the story seems to change each time we attempt to gain clarity on the matter from the municipal spokespeople. We are still trying to determine who is paying who and why, who is policing these water tankers and why the municipality does not own enough water tankers to deliver water to the affected areas themselves instead of using contractors who they maintain are not contractors. Locking fire hydrants ARE NOT THE ANSWER and will lead to potentially more complications and damage to municipal infrastructure. Actually believing that the police and especially the municipal traffic officers will approach and reprimand anyone drawing water from a hydrant into a JoJo tank on the back of a truck, is naïve. The Agreement in 2021 In 2021 the Greater Tzaneen Municipality allegedly entered into an agreement with these private truck owners, who formed a group calling themselves the Group of Private Water Tankers (GPWT). Before his resignation in September this year, former Municipal Manager for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Thapelo Matlala, drew up an agreement between the municipality and this group of water tanker owners back in June, to allow them to draw water from the municipal fire hydrant in Koedoe Street at a cost of R16.50 per kilolitre. The agreement stated clearly that the water tankers needed to provide proof of payment to the municipality before they were permitted to draw water, and that all other hydrants around the residential areas of town were strictly off limits. The details of the trucks which were

to be doing the water drawing, were also to be provided (license and registration) so that a database could be compiled. “Any truck found to be drawing water form the municipal supply lines without adhering to the above conditions, will be doing so illegally and will therefore be subjected to a fine” read the contract which was signed by Matlala and Benjamin Mathebula. We sent an inquiry to the municipality’s spokesperson, asking how the conditions of the contract was being enforced given that the trucks were spotted drawing water from hydrants all over town; specifically in King Edward Street. We wanted to know (as we have asked in three previous correspondences) how the volumes of water being drawn by these tankers were calculated and how the truckers were being billed. The answer we received was vague. “As it still stands, water tankers are only permitted to draw water from the hydrant in Koedoe Street. Residents are advised to report water tankers drawing water from any other hydrant,” explained Vutivi Makhubele. “Lastly they are not tasked by the GTM to assist in providing clean water, they are doing it independently.” Different in 2022 So, according to the municipality at the time, the GPWT were not contracted by the GTM but were acting “independently”. Interesting. Especially considering that the response we received from the GTM this week, told a different story. According to spokesperson Vutivi Makhubele, illegal water tankers do not have contracts with the municipality to supply rural areas. “GTM tankers and contractors don’t sell water but supply water to rural areas for free and they don’t draw water illegally they are authorised to supply water. GTM condemns the illegal drawing of water from hydrants, we have partnered with SAPS to take legal action against the illegal water tankers going forward.” This does not answer any of the questions. We want to know how much these truckers are being paid by the municipality to deliver water to the outlying areas, who these tankers are and how to identify them, and why the story has changed once again. Contractors or Privateers? Last year the water tankers were being charged per kilolitre as per an

agreement with the GTM. This year, they are no longer paying for the water but are indeed being paid to draw the water. Last year they were not contracted, they were privateers and this year they are contractors and everyone else is drawing water illegally. What happened to the agreement that the trucks are charged per kilolitre between the GTM and the GPWT? And in all of this, why did the GTM deny that the truckers were contracted to them? And why does the GTM only have one working water truck of their own? We have received reliable information from residents in the rural areas that these water tankers are selling the water to villagers – a fact that even the manager of the water and sanitation department at the GTM, Tedia Molewa, is apparently also aware of according to this resident. So, if the agreement is in place and there are in fact two groups of tankers, one group private and one group contracted to the GTM, then the following is true; the GTM is paying truckers to draw water and deliver it to the rural areas whilst they are also invoicing truckers to draw water and take it to the rural areas. In both scenarios the question remains; who is monitoring them? ***Editor’s comment: At the time of going to print we had not received an answer to our question into how much the contracted water tankers are being paid to deliver the water to the rural areas. We are convinced that the amount would far exceed the cost of the GTM purchasing a fleet of water tankers, employing a driver and assistant, and delivering the water themselves. We thus do not support the idea of locking the hydrants and handing a set of keys to the fire department as this would lead to a number of new problems such as people breaking the hydrants to draw the water; grinding off the locking mechanisms; and territorial disputes among the various groups of private and contracted water tankers. It makes sense that the privateers make far more money than the contractors and one wonders how long it will take them to realize this. Alternatively, what prevents a contractor from also being a privateer and making money on both ends by being paid by the GTM on the one hand and selling the water at a massive profit margin on the other hand? Because there is no policing of the bylaws and therefore the locking of the hydrants is a flawed system from the start.

“We will detonate fireworks, sorry nê” ■ Billy Sibuyi Talks about a “Marula Festival boycott” have over the past week circulated around Phalaborwa. This was due to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality failing (no surprise there) to fulfil their promise of road infrastructure development. The situation escalated this week after an announcement by the inconsiderate municipality that they plan to detonate fireworks at a certain time during the festival in order to welcome a ‘surprise act’. The notice the municipality issued, read: “Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality would like to inform its residents who reside within the vicinity [of ] Impala Park Stadium, of the display of fireworks which will take place during the Marula festival on the 9th of April 2022 around midnight. However, this will only be for a few minutes during the introduction of the surprise performance act of the night. “Therefore, we request our community members to keep their household pets protected from exposure to the fireworks during this period,” they mentioned, also apologising for any inconvenience this will cause.” Residents have not taken this news lightly. “Unfortunately, there is no interdict for this, as the municipality approved this on behalf of themselves,” said a disgruntled resident.

Community activist, Edmond Nduna Mbetse, has urged party revellers to attend the event, even if they do not have tickets. “The prices are ridiculous, and our brothers and sisters cannot afford it, so we will go with or without a ticket because this is our event as well,” he said. The festival kicked off on the 6th of April, Wednesday, and will end tomorrow with an open-air concert that will feature three international artists. With all of this, the residents of the area are not happy with the provincial and local municipality for their demand of fixing the potholes, sewage, and cleaning up the town has not yet been fulfilled. Not only that, but residents are questioning the crowd control, as in the past, revellers would party in front of residents’ gates. What is more alarming is the festival over the last couple of years was said to be moved from its current venue, Impala Park, to a new venue outside of town in order to accommodate more people and to avoid uncertain situations with residents. However, this has not yet happened, and Bulletin is not sure whether it will ever happen. Rachel Longster, the Interim Chairperson for Lets Change Ba-Phalaborwa, said that they have been monitoring the barrage of comments and opinions that have flowed since the announcement regarding the fireworks display as part of the Marula Festival. “We hear your anger, we see the questions raised, and we certain-

ly feel the emotions that are on display. Unfortunately, this thing is planned many months ahead, has significant input at provincial level, and honestly it is fate accomplished for 2022,” stated Longster. “As a Community Forum, and all of you are part of said Community, what is proposed is that wherever possible you gather whatever evidence you can with regard to any unlawful or immoral acts that you personally witness and ensure that your committee is provided therewith.” She asked that residents send their photos and videos to info@ lcbp.co.za which she will use to compile a report. ***Editor’s Comment: First off, the BPM is not a municipality as much as it is clearly a dictatorship. It would appear from the evidence presented that neither the inexplicably reappointed mayor, nor any of the executive members posses the necessary insight to make decisions WITH the community they SERVE and instead opt to use the power they mistakenly think they have, to allow their friends to do as they please. Secondly, the LAW – yes the one the BPM officials believe they are exalted above – states the following “no person or organisation is allowed to present a fireworks display unless formally authorised to do so by the Council (at least 14 days’ notice). Authorisation is also required from the Civil Aviation Authority and the Chief Inspector of Explosives. What’s more, a pyrotechnician and SA Police Services explosives expert must be present at all times. I would like the to see the name of the Chief Inspector.


8 April 2022





Bigger, better D-Max bakkie almost here ■ Roelof de Jonge Following a significant investment of R1.2-billion in 2019 to upgrade its Struandale production facilities in Gqeberha, Isuzu is finally launching its all-new D-Max bakkie on local soil in early April 2022. Isuzu is also expected to bring its new-generation trucks to market in the same year. Thanks to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the local launch has been pushed back to 2022. The new Isuzu D-Max has the look and it’s bound to win South African hearts when it arrives in local showrooms. With the current D-Max being the second best-selling bakkkie in the country, there are undoubtedly many Isuzu fans that can’t wait for the new model to arrive. Unfortunately, Isuzu South Africa has said very little about what the bakkie will offer, except that the 3.0-litre turbo-diesel engine from the MU-X SUV will also be available. Isuzu Motors South Africa says the new D-Max bakkie set to go into production in Port Elizabeth will boast “some uniquely South African features and characteristics”. Dominic Rimmer, Isuzu SA’s senior-vice president of technical operations, added the new D-Max would be a “significant step forward for Isuzu in all respects”. “It offers state-of-the-art technology to enhance the driving experience, efficiency and safety. As you know, we have very high expectations for the D-Max here in South Africa, so a significant amount of work has to be done to ensure that we deliver a vehicle which is capable of coping with our challenging environment and customer demands,” Rimmer said. Isuzu says, “key projects” include testing of the load box, which in the current bakkie “has significantly thicker steel in strategic areas such as the load box inner panels, load box front panel and tailgate”. Other areas receiving attention from local engineers include dust sealing; suspension tuning and the development of local dampers; and the development of all-terrain tyres, a rear differential lock and axles, wiring harnesses and accessories such as canopies, roll bars and nudge bars.

The new Isuzu D-Max to be launched in Aprill 2022.

The fresh-faced D-Max is powered by a newly developed version of the 3,0-litre turbodiesel engine, with peak outputs hiked to 140kW at 3 600rpm and 450Nm between 1 600 and 2 600rpm. The D-Max will also be offered with a 1.9-litre turbodiesel engine with 110kW and 350Nm of torque. The D-Max will be built to suit various customer needs and buyers will be able to choose from single-cab, extended-cab and double-cab body styles. The new D-Max will undoubtedly look to build on its reputation as a formidable offroad vehicle and will feature 240 mm ground clearance and an 800mm wading depth. Approach, departure and break-over angles are improved too and an electro-magnetic differential lock will also be fitted on 4×4 derivatives.

The new D-Max range starts with the single-cab D-Max which will only be offered with the 1.9-litre engine choice while the extended-cab and double-cab D-Max’s will offer both the 1.9-litre and 3.0-litre turbodiesel engines. Each body style will also be offered in either 4×2 or 4×4 guise. Trim grades include HR and HR L for the single cab variants while the extended cab derivatives will be offered in HR, HR L, HR LS, HR LSE and LSE trim. As for the double-cab D-Max, trim grades include HR L, L, LS, LSE and range-topping V-Cross trim. As for the interior, the new D-Max will be a vast improvement over the outgoing model with modern infotainment systems and connectivity solutions as well as a range of comfort and convenience features that customers in this segment have come to expect. The exact specifications and pricing will be communicated closer to the launch date.

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No winners in divorce

■ Joe Dreyer

The hugely popular and very successful monthly Bulletin Quiz Night turned out to be another sparkling success on Thursday the 31st of March at the Tzaneen Bowls Club where 70 brainiac hopefuls took their seats and prepared for cranial combat. The theme for the evening was Glow in the Dark and by all accounts most of the glowing emanated from the glaring lack in general knowledge on display by one particular group of fermented hops fans – and later that evening from the resident MC himself. Last month’s champions, Guns and Roses, entered this month’s contest incognito as the Jumper Cables after their divorce from former besties, The Red Herrings. In a desperate attempt to make seeing your ex less awkward, they too decided to enter the event under the pseudonym Lumolicious (which is an old Anglo-Saxon term for “he of glowing hair”) and by the end of the evening they were a massive 10 points ahead of the other teams. In the final round however, Lumolicious team captain Naomi Excell cost her team an 11-point penalty for having the most awesome husband on the night which then placed them in second place tied with Luntonia on 67 points. James’ inexplicable and uncontrollable natural luminescence nudged Die Bittereinders into first spot on 68 points which gave them the victory. This

means that so far the monthly Bulletin Quiz Night has yielded three different winners and three major upsets. The winners of the first Quiz Night back in February, Somnium Quadrigis, still managed a top 5 spot this month but blamed their recent lacklustre performance on the poor visibility around the course and stale ale. The rules were simple. Five rounds, ten questions per round and a bonus question to level the playing field. Each answer was worth a point with the bonus question carrying a value of 5 points. Bribes were allowed and hints could be bought for a point and a shooter. Cellphone usage cost 50 points and spot prizes were dished out like goodwill on an Opera Winfrey set. Riaan Barnard, Regional Accounts Executive at Far North Bulletin wore the Quiz Master’s mantel whilst Mia Wiid, Birgitte Mac Gregor, Tessa Thompson and Roelof de Jonge kept their eyes peeled to spot cheaters and award penalties. Bulletin’s editor, Joe Dreyer, took on the role of chief bribery and corruption liaison officer. The next Bulletin Quiz Night will be held on the 5th of May at High Grove opposite Ben Vorster and entry is R50 which includes your welcoming drink. The theme for this fourth monthly eve of extraordinary ridiculousness will be announced in your favourite local newspaper in the weeks to come. Maximum of six people in a team and a minimum of two.

Anandi de Villiers, Leslie Klopper, Yolanda Wiid, Marike de Beer, Phillip de Villiers and Bulletin representative Birgitte Mac Gregor

Legals & Notices NOTICE : LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer

T5915/2021 in favour of LAURETH RIRHANDZU MAKHUBELE, IDENTITY NUMBER: 690410 0813 08 5 in respect of certain ERF 5564 TZANEEN EXTENSION 94 TOWNSHIP, In Extent: 505 square meters which has been

lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from

HAVE A LEGAL NOTICE? Email: admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

the date of publication of this notice. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: yolanda@joubertmay.co.za _________________________________



Game, set and 45 match ■ Roelof de Jonge The senior men’s players of Tzaneen Tennis Club sweat it out on Saturday the 2nd of April during the club’s first tournament of the year for under 45, and over 45-yearold players. In the singles matches the club’s chairman, Bernard Schoeman, came up against the club treasurer, James Excell. Schoeman bettered Excell in two sets 6-3 and 6-2. Taurai Ndadzibaya in the over 45 division came up against JC van Rensburg in the under 45 years category. Ndadzibaya secured the match 6-1 and 6-0. Abré Cilliers for players under 45 won his encounter with Jorge Freitas from the over 45 age group 6-4 and 6-0. Craig Johnson in the under 45 category took on the over 45 age group player, Ettienne van Wyngaardt, and won in two 6-2 and 6-2. Another under 45 contestant,

Duncan Bothma, took the victory against an over 45 entry when he beat Brian Johnson in three sets with 1-6, 6-4 and 10-5. These over and under 45 age group players tussled in a few doubles matches whilst the sun was blazing down on the court. The players who overcame the sweltering conditions were: Brian Johnson and Ettienne van Wyngaardt (over 45) won 6-4 against Duncan Bothman and JC van Rensburg (under 45), Jorge Freitas and Bernard Schoeman (over 45) won 6-2 against Abré Cilliers and James Excell (under 45), Taurai Ndadzibaya and Jorge Freitas (over 45) won 7-6 against Abré Cilliers and Craig Johnson (under 45), Brian Johnson and Bernard Schoeman (over 45) won 6-3 against James Excell and Duncan Bothma (under 45) whilst Taurai Ndadzibaya and Ettienne van Wyngaardt (over 45) won 6-3 against Craig Johnson and JC van Rensburg (under 45).

Ettienne van Wyngaardt



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■ Roelof de Jonge Linda de Nysschen is ‘n leerkrag wat mens nie sommer vlak aan kyk nie. Wanneer sy nie Afrikaanse klasse vir skoliere van die Laerskool Dr Annecke gee nie, dan is sy besig om een of ander uitmergelende sportsoort aan te durf. Dis wat sy immers hierdie afgelope naweek gedoen het toe sy aan die 2022 Isuzu Ironman-kompetisie in die Nelson Mandela Baai deelgeneem het, en bonop met klinkende sukses voltooi het. De Nysschen was egter effens teleurgesteld omdat die organiseerders op die dag van die byeenkoms die swem-afdeling van die kompetisie moes aflas. Dit weens ongure weersomstandighede wat rowwe seegolwe veroorsaak het en dit te gevaarlik vir die deelnemers sou maak om te kan swem. “Hierdie is my eerste volwaardige Ironman kompetisie. Ek het al voorheen aan Ironman kompetisies deelgeneem waar ek slegs vir die half-afstand afdeling ingeskryf het. Ek het hard vooraf geoefen om fiks en voorbereid te wees.” Sy het nietemin vir haar eerste poging die 25ste vroue deelnemer oor die eindstreep geword en die sesdeplek in haar afdeling vir vroue tussen 35 en 39 jaar oud beklee. Die Antjie onnie het die Ironman in ‘n tyd van 10 ure, 23 minute en 24 sekondes voltooi. Sy het die fietswedren van 180,2km se eindstreep in 06:23.33 bereik vanwaar dit haar ‘n tyd van 03:54.45 geneem het om die marathon seksie kaf te draf. “Ek is baie tevrede met my deelname, nie sleg vir ‘n eerste probeerslag nie. Net jammer hulle moes die swem afstel, maar dit het soveel gereën dat ek in elk geval net so sopnat op my fiets was as wat ek sou wees as ons sou geswem het”. In Mei beplan sy om wéér ‘n Ironman-kompetisie aan te durf, alhoewel sy vir nou eers beplan om vir die halfafstand-weergawe in te skryf. Afgesien van die Ironman-byeenkoms het De Nysschen onlangs ook ‘n tweedeplek in die gewilde Ebenezer Myl swembyeenkoms losgeswem. Later die dag het sy die 3000m afstand geswem waar sy die eerste vroueswemmer terug by die eindstreep was en die derde swemmer algeheel om hierdie afstand klaar te Linda de Nysschen maak.

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8 April 2022

Sport 8 April 2022

Eagles secure Kloof win ■ Roelof de Jonge

Hein de Beer

Pieter Haasbroek

The BB Motors Phoenix Cricket Club from Modjadjiskloof hosted the Polokwane based Eagles Cricket Club at the BB Motors Oval on Saturday, the 2nd of April, for their Sunday Premiere League (SPL) clash. The visitors won the toss, elected to bat first, and set the total for their hosts to chase down. One of the stalwarts for the Eagles was Pieter Haasbroek who was in sublime form with the bat. His devastating play which contributed 120 runs to the Eagles tally eventually came to a halt when he was caught off the bowling of Luka Heinlein. The Phoenix bowler went on to claim two wickets for 42 runs in his spell of nine overs. He was well supported by fellow bowlers André de Beer who clipped two Eagles’ wings for 41 runs in his 10 overs spell. The other wicket takers were Sean Roodt and Gideon Swanepoel who took one wicket each. Swanepoel’s second wicket came after bowling a zinger to Keeper Rinaldo Borman who

stumped the experienced Barend Jacobsz for a mere 16 runs. The Eagles side went on to set a target of 255 runs in their allocated 50 overs. It was a tall order for the home batsmen to deliver. They would face some ferocious bowling by C van Zyl and G van Zyl who took three wickets a piece and helped secure the game for the Polokwaneans. Pierre Naudé was the only Phoenix batsman who withstood the bowling onslaught and was just short of a half century, on 42 runs, when he was caught off the bowling of Tim Baber. Eagles dismissed their opponents for 120 runs all out. The BB Motors Phoenix team would be hoping for better fortunes this coming Sunday when they visit their neighbours in Tzaneen, the BB Motors Hornbills at the Unicorn Oval. The Hornbills are currently on top of the Sunday Premier League log standings with 58 points and the side of Nashua Aces from Polokwane on 49 points. The Eagles are third on 45 points with the Phalaborwa Cricket Club in fourth spot on 36 points. The Phoenix team rounds off the top five teams on 25 points. Whereas the top four teams all have played between 14 to 16 matches so far, the Phoenix team only contested in 12, meaning there are more points for them to possibly push them higher up the ladder.

Dippies de Beer, with hat, and Sean Roodt sets up the field for the next over for the Phoenix side.

Phoenix wicketkeeper, Rinaldo Borman, dismissed Eagles batsman Barend Jacobsz with this stumping attempt.

Hein de Beer is ready to field with brother André de Beer bowling. Pieter Haasbroek from the Eagkes is the player with the bat in hand.

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