Bulletin Newspaper 29 April 2022

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29 April 2022


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

DESECRATED! Vandals, or something more sinister? p3



Mayor makes promises just in time

5 Youngster downs champion in dad’s boots


Photo: Roelof de Jonge

Merensky maak skoonskip


29 April 2022



Robbed in the Kruger R685M budget to be ■ spent where? Billy Sibuyi

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:

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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

■ Billy Sibuyi

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Giving in to crime and closing the Kruger Nationals Park’s Numbi Gate is not an option for the park according to the spokesperson Isaac Phaahla. This is after four visitors to KNP were allegedly robbed by four armed men after exiting the Park via the Numbi Gate almost two weeks ago on the 18th of April. According to the police spokesperson, Capt Nanikie Nonyane, there was an unmarked police vehicle nearby the gate that witnessed the incident and intervened, causing the attackers to flee. “There have been two meetings organised by different stakeholders at the Mdluli Safari Lodge. It has been decided that a security company will be deployed along the route, cameras will be installed, and a joint operations centre will be part of the new security arrangements,” Phaahla told Bulletin. He stated that private donors would fund the operation which should be implemented in three months.

Nonyane detailed that the vehicle slowed down at one of the speed bumps that was self-erected, possibly by the attackers or the community, and the suspects pointed a firearm at the driver ordering him to stop. According to the police, when the suspects noticed the unmarked police van heading their way, they fired one round at the police before fleeing the scene, with a stolen phone, on foot. The tourists then drove to a nearby police station being escorted by the unmarked vehicle. No one was injured and the tourists reportedly did not press charges. According to Phaahla, the second meeting was in Nelspruit when SANParks met with Business Chambers, SAPS, the local Community Council, and other interested parties to address and discuss ideas to curb crime at the Numbi Gate. “Meanwhile the SAPS will maintain visibility while community leaders will also offer support. SANParks will not close the gate and give in to criminals as security has been scaled up at the gate,” he told Bulletin.

KNP rangers arrested

Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe)




poaching syndicates in exchange for large sums of money. Two field rangers in the Kruger National The suspects were remanded in cusPark (KNP) were arrested by the HAWKS tody until the 4th of May, for formal during an extensive investigation for bail application as police investigafraud, money laundering, and corruptions continue. tion on Saturday, the 23rd of April. The Managing Executive of the KNP, The arrest of Daniel Chikwa MaluleGareth Coleman, commented that they ke (60) and Solly Ubisi (56) comes were proud of the teamwork and dediafter a collaboration between the cation of the Rangers Corp, Aviators, K9 Hawks, Skukuza Stock Theft, and the Units and ECI Unit, and the partners in Endangered Species Unit during opother law enforcement agencies who eration Blood Orange. execute their responsibilities in exThe accused were remanded in custremely difficult conditions. tody by the Skukuza Magistrate Court “It is unfortunate that some of our on Monday, the 25th of April, after employees are alleged to have chobeing arrested during the weekend in sen to become involved in illegal acSkukuza Camp. The pair were charged tivities. As these arrests indicate, law with corruption, money laundering, enforcement agencies are closely and fraud linked to wildlife trafficking. monitoring our actions. When emAccording to the Hawks spokesperployees are exposed, it has far-reachson, Capt Dineo Sekgotodi, the arrest ing consequences for themselves, followed a comprehensive investitheir families and their own commugation which included their financial nities. Only through discipline, honaffairs. It is alleged that the suspects esty, and teamwork combined with provided tactical information to rhino the desire to serve the people of our country selflessly will we be able to stem the tide of rhino poaching in KNP,” concluded Coleman. Major General Zodwa Mokoena appreciated a multidisciplinary investigation by the team and further request anyone with further information on the investigation to contact the Hawks investigating officer, Colonel Danie Hall Chikwa Maluleke on 071 481 3281. Solly Ubisi

■ Billy Sibuyi After threats of a strike planned for Tuesday, the 26th of April, by the masses of Ba-Phalaborwa, the mayor Merriam Malatji stepped in and intervened. The communities of Ba-Phalaborwa have, over a long time, been complaining about the state of their electricity which mostly left them in the dark, sometimes for days at a time. However, seemingly at the tipping point, Malatji stepped in and held a meeting between her municipality, Eskom, and representatives from community at the municipal council chambers on Tuesday, the 26th of April. The meeting was facilitated by Malatji in a quest to resolve the power outages in Mashishimale, Boelang, Maseke ward 10, and Selwane Ward 18 and 17 and it was resolved that the power outages would be tended to during the month of June 2022. Malatji has also called for the relaunch of the Community Police Forum (CPF) to deal with cable theft. “A WhatsApp group should be created to improve the level of communication between Eskom, Ward Councillors, and the community with regard to receiving updates of power outages,” stated Malatji. The meeting also resolved that Malatji would engage with the Gerson Molapisane, Mayor of the Tzaneen Local Municipality in a bid to resolve power


Merriam Malatji

Python finally released ■ Billy Sibuyi After dedication by vets and conservationists, a 4.1-metre-long female python, which was hacked by machetes was operated upon and released back into nature. This brought much joy to Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation directors as they were initially the people who oversaw the capturing and transportation of the python to Johannesburg for its much-needed surgery. This was after the snake was spotted in the light industrial area of Phalaborwa and was reported to them, then captured by Bernice and Gustav van Zyl, who took it to the Phalaborwa Animal and Bird Clinic and received its initial treatment from veterinarians Dr Fernando Prados Nieto and Dr Lani Anagnostou. “We love happy endings and today was no exception! We successfully

released the Southern African Python today after she was rescued over a month ago,” stated Eugene Troskie. According to Troskie, Carel Coetzer from the Herpetological Society of Phalaborwa graciously looked after the snake for a week while she received follow-up treatments. It was decided however that she needed more specialised treatment and was transported by Ryno van der Westhuizen, a member of the SA Hunters Mopani branch, to the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital. The veterinary team at the hospital did an amazing job on the snake that her recovery time was less than half of what they had all expected. She was released back into the wild on Sunday, the 10th of April, far away from people, with the help of Sasha Bornman from PMC.

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 25/04/2022

Ebenezer 100.6% 4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

outages in the Selwane area. This also came on release of the most recent IDP draft budget participation meeting led by Malatji. This was a budget residents of Phalaborwa vehemently objected to, stating that there was no plan by the municipality to adequately address the extreme service delivery and infrastructure failures of the past decade. According to Rachel Longster, the chairperson of the Let’s Change Ba-Phalaborwa, they made it clear to the mayor that they rejected the draft budget in its current format. “We called upon both the Ba- Phalaborwa and the Mopani District Municipalities to review their budgets and make provisions to fix the decaying and broken infrastructure. We noted that despite an overall budget of some R685-million, nothing was set aside in the proposed 2022/2023 budget, nor in the projected budgets for the subsequent two years, to fix the most basic of services: the failing water and sewage infrastructure, the decaying road infrastructure, and the failing electrical infrastructure in wards 11 and 12,” stated Longster.

Merensky 101.9%

Tzaneen 100.8% Dap Naude 101%

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911



Tours 100.2%


084 400 0911 Help for Tourists

The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

Middel Letaba 3.1% Blyderivierpoort 100.6%

or 072 98 98 911

Vergelegen 101.6%

Klaserie 101.7% Magoebaskloof 100.5%





29 April 2022


Tzaneen cemetery desecrated, but by who?

■ Joe Dreyer

The cemetery bordering the Tzaneen Showgrounds was vandalized over the weekend leaving more than 70 graves desecrated. The municipality and the police have no clue who might be responsible, none of the residents in the area saw anything, and some members of the community are suspecting racism, or even satanism. Some have suspected that the well-documented business of stealing tombstones and steel grave markers might be to blame, although none of the tombstones were removed from the graves, instead they were simply toppled over and destroyed. The Freedom Front Plus and Democratic Alliance councillors for the municipality visited the scene of the vandalism on Wednesday morning. Both parties strongly condemned the desecration and called for the police and the municipality to step in and prevent future occurrences of that nature. The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) released a statement claiming that the incident occurred on Monday night and said that despite their best efforts, they were unable to do so as the police wanted the family members of the deceased individuals to lay individual charges. Later that afternoon however, Andre Moss of the FF+ spoke to police captain Sekoto from the Tzaneen police who said that it would be better to open one case to investigate, and then add extra charges to the sheet as each of the family members came forward. According to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Cemetery by-laws no person may be inside a cemetery after 19:00 and before 05:00. The by-laws further state that no person may destroy or damage any monument, tombstone or building within a cemetery. The by-laws can be viewed and downloaded from the municipality’s website at www. greatertzaneen.org.za Local businessman and member of the Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch, Richard Bouwer has put out a R10 000 reward for information that would lead to an arrest of anyone involved the heinous act. Bulletin has managed to piece together some of the puzzle. We have deduced that the destruction must have occurred sometime over the weekend, and not on Monday evening as stated by the GTM in their hastily released statement on Wednesday. A Tzaneen reader sent us a video he took at the cemetery on Monday morning which showed the many vandalized tombstones. Furthermore, Satanism should be ruled out considering that there were none of the usual objects related to rituals found at the scene. “I don’t believe for an instance that this was a political or racist act. What would any political party accomplish by kicking over tombstones?” said Moss. “There appears to be no evidence at the moment to point at occultic or Satanic rituals either. It might simply be a case of a group of drunken youngsters up to mischief.” The DA’s Ward Councillor, Chrizelle Dreyer said that her party did not condone such vile actions regardless of the motives of the perpetrators. “We will be looking at possible solutions to present to council to perhaps better secure our cemeteries and prevent this disgusting behaviour from repeating.” In the meantime, Tzaneen Tombstones has come forward and offered to assist the families of the loved ones whose graves were desecrated. At the time of going to print, no new information was made available and investigations were ongoing.


29 April 2022





Who built the Kloof’s R2.7M Stonehenge? ■ Joe Dreyer

The Modjadjiskloof town entrance is currently being renovated at a cost to the ratepayer of R2.7 million. The tender was awarded to a company “Lera2 Trading”. It is an eight-month long project (four months per entrance on each side of town) and will include an artistic rendering of a portrait of the late Rain Queen Makobo Modjadji, a 3D welcoming sign and a standard canvas signboard upon which the portrait of the Rain Queen would be printed. There are also a number of concrete pillars planted as part of the installation against which the signs would be mounted. Bulletin sent an inquiry to the spokesperson of the GLM, Lovers Maenetje, requesting a breakdown of the scope of work as well as a detailed background on the contractor, Lera2 Trading. We also wanted to know where the tender was advertised. Furthermore, we wanted a break down of costs from the contractor to support the R2.7 million price tag. Maenetje provided us with the project scope and confirmed that Lera2 Trading was appointed. She couldn’t however provide us with the scope of work or even the location of the contractor’s offices. “Unfortunately, I can’t have access to the bidding document at the moment. Please go and check our website and Sowetan you will find the advert,” she said. “I am not sure of their offices.” What we found Bulletin found the register of awarded tenders on the Greater Letaba Municipality’s website. On this register we found Lera2 Trading was also awarded a contract in 2018 for R156 475.72 per Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) along with three other contractors. The description for this contract read “Procurement of panel of service providers for supply and delivery of stationery for a period of 36 months.” The contract ended on the 4th of December 2021. Four days later, on the 8th of December 2021, they were appointed for the Beautification Project. The project start date was listed as 13 December 2021 and the end date was 13 June 2022. An internet search revealed that Lerat2 Trading was founded on the

9th of November 2015 and is based in Lemondokop Village, Limpopo. The company has two active directors, both in their twenties. On the 12th of February 2019 the company was in the process of deregistration due to Annual Return Non Compliance – the last AR Year/Month payment was made in November 2016. On the 31st of May 2021 the company was again in the process of deregistration due to Annual Return Non Compliance – the last AR Year/Month payment was made in November 2018. Shockingly, the municipality was unable to provide this information to the public, on a contracThe “newly beautified” entrance into Modjadjiskloof from the Mooketsi direction into town. tor which has been doing business with them for four years. We asked Maeall the designs and the labour, you’re looking at roughly R100 000 usnetje for comment on our findings. “I am sure you know that we followed all supply chain processes ing top quality material, installing LED lights and solar panels to power upon hiring the company and we rely on the central data base system them.” Two other companies estimated that the signage alone, as pictured of government for compliance including the gradings,” she said. “So upon them being hired, their papers were in order. Your search and in the images accompanying this article, would cost no more than R10 what we require are not compatible and we need to do things by the 000 a-piece (R25 000 total for the printing of the signs at both entrances including installation). One of the local sign writers also told us that book on our side.” they were approached for a quote to print said signs. What would it cost Regarding the concrete pillars, one construction company estimated Furthermore, Bulletin asked a number of local signage companies to estimate a quote for the printing of the signs that that at most, the cost of the pillars, if they were reinforced concrete, are to be mounted on the concrete pillars at the entrances in would cost in the region of R100 000 – R200 000 depending on the this project. One company said “worst case scenario, if we do material used and the transport to the site as well as the labour to install them. Adding up the “best guess” estimations of these local suppliers, one arrives at a total cost for the project of no more than R500 000, or if one factors in paint, tools and diesel, perhaps even R600 000. The Democratic Alliance in the GLM has said that it would be probing the matter and would be directing similar questions to council. According to them, the money could have been better spent in other areas within the municipality such as the ailing electrical grid, the filling of potholes or even the upgrading of the municipal office to improve service delivery. We have sent a follow up inquiry to Maenetje and at the time of going to print had received no further responses. We will be following up on this issue in the weeks The supposed artistic rendering of a portrait of the Rain Queen sporting some graffitti. to come.





29 April 2022


Knockouts by the dozen ■ Roelof de Jonge The Champs Boxing Club fighters competed on Saturday the 23rd of April in an invitational tournament at the Sports Centre in Nkowankowa. “All our Elite boxers won their bouts by technical knock outs (TKO),” reported a brimming with pride coach, Gerhard Rossouw. “Except for Adam Kader who fought in his first fight on Saturday and showed great potential for the future. His boxing match fitness however was his downfall, but we will work on that for the next bout. This fighter has great potential and will soon be back with his eyes set on redemption.” One of the tournament highlights was when Daniel Rossouw in the middleweight division stepped into the ring wearing his brand-new pair of boxing boots. The young Rossouw could not hide his pride as he stepped into the ring to face his rival. And he certainly did not disappoint with a fantastic win by TKO. In the women’s heavy weight division, Juan-Mari Pretorius, boasted with her brand-new pair of boots which seemed to have offered her some extra bounce in her step. As soon as the bell rang Pretorius made it clear there was only going to be one fighter stepping out of the ring as the winner. Pretorius was all over her opponent from the start of the bout and soon the fight was ended by a TKO in the first round. The last bout of the tournament saw heavyweight Juan Grobler versus L Chewe. According to Rossouw, Grobler should actually be a cruiser weight division fighter. His opponent was a heavy weight boxer and

did not have an opponent on the day, so Grobler stepped in to take him on. After a gentlemen’s agreement was reached, the organizers allowed the boxers to go ahead and fight. It soon became apparent however that Grobler’s opponent was no match for him. His foe’s trainer threw in the towel within the first round to stop the fight from continuing. Grobler was declared the winner by TKO. Another Champ’s fighter Juan Grobler in his corner with coach Rossouw. Daniel Rossouw during his bout. who impressed again was Junior entrant David Radue who went on to won of his boxers. He said aside from the bouts that were won, all his boxers against T Selowa. In only his second fight, Radue remained undefeat- who had to complete the three required rounds, did just that. Be sure ed. Many a boxer and trainer will tell you it is almost impossible to win to mark off the 28th of May on your calendars when Champ’s Boxing a first fight, which shows that Radue is certainly set for greater things Academy in Tzaneen will host their inaugural local fight night at the to come. their gym at the showgrounds. More details will be published closer to Rossouw was very satisfied with the performance and improvements the event, so keep an eye on this publication.

A new jump in their step

■ Jeff Jackson

Last week we told the heart-warming story of Daniel Rossouw, the local middleweight boxer who fought his in first-ever fight against the Limpopo champion in Malamulele. Daniel won this fight by judges’ decision and gave the current champion his first defeat. What made the story all the more moving, was that Daniel had fought this fight wearing the boots his father fought professionally in, more than two decades earlier. The boots were well-worn and in the third round of the fight, the sole of one of the boots had come loose which caused Daniel to fight through the remainder of the bout with a

handicap. Bulletin contacted couch Rossouw and arranged to have a pair of brand-new boots delivered to the boxing gym ahead of the tournament in Nkowankowa. “We added a pair for the only female heavyweight boxer at the club to help her on her way as well. For us, as a locally owned and managed business, it is a tremendous privilege to be able to plough back into our community. Bulletin is proud to be the official media partner for the Champ’s Boxing Academy and we look forward to documenting the futures of these young stars,” said Bulletin owner and editor, Joe Dreyer as handed over the boots to the appreciative young athletes.

Juan-Marie Pretorius, Joe Dreyer, Gerhard Rossouw and Daniel Rossouw with their new boots.


29 April 2022





Rain hampers bowls league


■ Roelof de Jonge

THE EVER ASKED QUESTION ABOUT HOUSE PRICES ANSWERED Recently and in the past there has been the ever asked question on everybody’s lips... Why are the house prices in Tzaneen so expensive? Under an ever changing economy and political factors, it is undeniable that prices in all sectors are affected. This includes house prices. House prices in Tzaneen seems abnormally expensive but taking in consideration a few factors one would certainly understand the growth in property prices and also realize that property is and remain an excellent investment. Looking into these factors the most important currently is that Tzaneen is very low on properties, due to Tzaneen not having proper infrastructure to allow growth. The current population in Tzaneen Town is about 33 000. About 480 000 people reside within a 19 kilometer radius from Tzaneen. All these clients compete in the same property sector in Tzaneen. With the change in times people became more aware of the importance of owning a home. As it stands Tzaneen is extremely understocked in the property market due to more people wanting to buy properties. With the current infrastructure and land shortage, no

new houses are being constructed in town, besides the houses constructed on previously proclaimed stands in Security estates such as, Riverside, Golden Acres, Letaba Real Estate and Aquapark North. Unfortunately there were only limited amounts of stands of which 90% was sold out during the first 3 months of being on the market. The shortage of stock therefore causes a higher question than demand, which in turn create higher asking prices. Furthermore due to the flood damage in KZN, the war between Ukraine and Russia, corruption, instability of Eskom, poor political leadership, petrol price increases and many more factors, building costs and building materials just sky rocketed. In the past houses could be constructed between R5 500 and R6 500 per square meter. Currently houses are being constructed between R12 000 and R15 000 per square meter depending on finishes. This will not stabilize any time soon, on the contrary, it will just get worse. This factor is then causing a huge demand for already constructed and older properties, in turn increasing the prices. Now clients ask the question. Am I not paying to much? The answer is no. If a client deal with a qualified, experienced and professional agent, the agent will always guide and explain the situation pertaining to a purchase price. If an agent is appointed

to sell a property there are a few things the agents advise and lead sellers on how to determine a selling price. Firstly a deeds office report is pulled to determine the sales in the area. From there certain factors are looked into, such as improvements, location, size and condition of the property. According to those factors a market related selling price is determined. One thing to keep in mind is that the banks work on exactly the same stucture. Meaning that there cannot be a ridiculous price put onto a property. On conclusion of a sales agreement and on loan application, the bank will send a qualified property valuator to do a valuation. If the valuator determines the price is too high the loan will be rejected based on the purchase price. The bank will then give a counter offer of what they determine the property value to be worth. Meaning that this also protects the buyer from unrelated market values on any property at any certain time. It is therefore crucial that a buyer and Seller deals with an experienced area agent to ensure a successful sale. Always make sure to ask for proof of the agents qualifications as well as a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate. Never deal with unqualified agents and NEVER pay monies into agents accounts. ALWAYS pay into an Attorneys trust account. Be money wise and financially safe! Happy house hunting.

The Tzaneen Bowls Club Business League is well under way as the 28 teams that are competing concluded the second round on Thursday the 14th of April. On top of the current points log is the team of Thomas & Swanepoel 1 with a total of 20 points. In second place, level on points with the leaders, is the team of Bisset Real Estate, with the leaders having a greater aggregate score of 23. A single point separates the third and fourth placings and both these teams are within striking distance of the first and second placed teams. In third, on 19 points, is Instant Lawn with the bowlers of HI-Q on 18 points. But the front runners cannot rest on their laurels just yet as there are a couple of teams vying to improve their current positions. One such team, also on 18 points, is the fifth placed team of Jack Smashers who has the hard pressing BB Motors players breathing down their necks on 17 points. After the consistent rainfall over the area during the past Easter Holiday, it was decided to postpone the next round scheduled for the 21st of April because the greens were not dried out completely. The organisers feared that it might cause damage, and that prevention is better than cure. The past weekend was greeted by warm and sunny weather, until Monday evening when the rain came down in buckets and persisted through to Tuesday the 26th of April. By the time of going to print the organisers were unsure whether the next round would persist or not. Bulletin however will release the latest standings in next week’s edition.

HAVE A LEGAL NOTICE? Email: admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Legals & Notices In the estate of the late JURGEN WALTER KOPP Identity number: 4701285584180,

Master’s reference number 003229/2022, pensioner, unmarried and who was resident at Pharari, Limpopo province and who died on the 13 January 2022. All

61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 • nicola.strydom@seeff.com

persons having claims against the estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. T. Neill Dore Portion 419 Pusela P.O.Box 1800 Tzaneen __________________________________



Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 16 of the Thabazimbi Local Municipality Land Use Management By-law, 2015 read with Clause 25 and 26 of the Thabazimbi Local Municipality Land Use Scheme, 2014, we the undersigned, have applied to the Thabazimbi Local Municipality for Special Consent and Relaxation of Building Lines to establish a telecommunication mast and base station on the Remaining Extent of Erf 267 Northam Extension 2 zoned as “Business 1”,

situated at Botha Road. Plans and particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the address of the applicant: 418 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, Pretoria or at the Thabazimbi Local Municipality, Planning Division, 7 Rietbok Street, Thabazimbi. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Planning Division Office at 7 Rietbok Street Thabazimbi, or at Private Bag X530, Thaba-

zimbi, 0380 and the undersigned not later than 31 May 2022. APPLICANT DETAILS: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. PO Box 32017, Totiusdal, 0134 418 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Fax: 012 804 7072 / 086 690 0468 E-mail: pp@infraplan. co.za Reference Number: ATLM283 __________________________________




Hiermee word kennis gegee dat, in terme van Klousule 16 van die Thabazimbi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Grondgebruikbestuur, 2015, gesaamentlik gelees met Klousule 25 en 26 van die Thabazimbi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Grondgebruikskema, 2014, ons, die ondergetekende, aansoek gedoen het aan die Thabazimbi Plaaslike. Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming en Boulyn Verslapping vir die konstruksie en oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasiemas en basesstasie op die Restant van Erf 267 Northam Uitbreiding 2,

gesoneer as “Besigheid 1” geleë te Botha Straat. Planne en besonderhede met betrekking tot die aansoek kan gedurende kantoorure besigtig word by die adres van die applikant: 418 Rusticweg, Silvertondale, Pretoria of by die kantoor van die van die Thabazimbi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Beplanning Afdeling, 7 Rietbok Straat, Thabazimbi. Enige person wat besware het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar tesame met die gronde daarvan skriftelik indien by die beplanning

afdeling by 7 Rietbok straat, Thabazimbi of by Privaatsak X530, Thabazimbi, 0380 en die ondergetekende, nie later as 31 Mei 2022. APPLIKANT BESONDERHEDE: Vukani Infrastructure planning Services Ing. Posbus 32017, Totiusdal, 0134, 414 Rusticweg, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Faks: 012 804 7072 / 086 690 0468 E-Pos: info@infraplan. co.za Verwysingsnommer: ATLM283






29 April 2022


Plasiemeisies genadeloos op tuisveld Die Hoërskool Merensky se meisieshokkiespanne het op Saterdag die 23ste April behoorlik die doele tydens die ligawedstryde teen die spanne van Hoërskool Hans Strijdom ingeryg. Dit was veral die Plasies se eerste meisiesspan wat ‘n soete oorwinning van 8-0 behaal het. Dit na hulle reeds halftyd met 3-0 voorgeloop het. Lané Kasselman en Chantell Meyer het albei vier doele aangeteken, insluitend die twee uitsonderlike “penalty flicks” in die eerste kwart en derde kwart van die wedstryd. Vir die leke, ‘n “penalty flick” is waar die bal wel in die doelhok beland, maar ‘n verdediger se lyf was in die pad. Sodoende kry die speler ‘n tweede kans om die doel aan te teken en slegs die doelwagter moet dan verdedig. Amerie Kotze op die middelskakelposisie het ook ‘n uitmuntende wedstryd beleef om die besoekers deurentyd met haar venynige spel onder druk

te plaas. Die O/14-span het in ‘n opwindende wedstryd gelykop met twee doele elk geëindig. Die O/15-span het met ‘n oorwinning van 2-0 van die astro gestap. Die O/16-spelers het selfs beter gevaar om met 3-0 te wen. Die tweede-span het egter vasgeval teen die besoekers van Mookgopong en verloor 0-3.

Danya Fernandes

Amerie Kotzé

Business Directory | Sakegids

Letaba gee Musina gas ■ Joe Dreyer Letaba Rugbyklub het die manne van Musina die naweek ‘n behoorlike rugbyles geleer toe die eerstespan met 39-12 op hul tuisveld met hul gaste afgereken het. Die ster speler van die wedstryd in baie se oë was die reusagtige vleuel Rasenge Kubayi wat meer as ‘n paar keer die Musina agterlyn se verdediging verplettered op die grond agter gelos het.

Andre Klopper


Aanvanklik het dit geblyk of die kragmeting vir die tuisspan ‘n optraende stryd sou wees met Musina wat binne die eerste twee minute na die afskop hul regtervleuel oor die lyn gestuur het vir ‘n prag drie onder die pale. Die drie is verdoel en die besoekers was dadelik met 0-7 op die aanval. Letaba het egter vinnig herstel en slegs vyf minute later met ‘n drie skuins van die stokke deur binnesenter, Du Toit Hartzenberg, geantwoord. Met ‘n gelykop telling het die spanning op die veld vinnig opgebou en uiteindelik is Letaba met ‘n strafskop voor die pale beloon. André Klopper het met gemak die strafskop verdoel en sy span met drie punte die voortou laat neem. Die oorblywende 10 minute van die eerste helfte het Letaba en Musina verkeie kere agter mekaar se doellyn gaan kuier. Die laaste drie van die helfte is in die verste hoek deur Kubayi in die nommer 11trui, met drie Musina verdedigers op sy rug, gedruk. Hartzenberg kon nie die baie skuins doelskop suksesvol oorskop nie an teen halftyd het die telbord 25-12 in die tuisspan se guns getel. Die tweede helfte het stadig begin met altwee spanne wat blykbaar aan hul strategie tydens die breuk gewerk het. So teen die middel van die tweede helfte het Tzaneen se manne nog ‘n sewetal by hul telling gevoeg en skielik die krane oopgedraai om nog ‘n keer vir Kubayi oor die doellyn te stuur. Beide drieë is deur Hartzenberg verdoel en met die klank van die eindfluitjie het Letaba met 39-12 uit die stryd getreë. Damian Brass is as Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys na sy prag-vertoning op flank.

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Rasenge Kubayi


■ Roelof de Jonge


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Hansies kon toe Blou berg nie klim

■ Roelof de Jonge

Die vreugdevure het Saterdag die 23ste April hoog opgevlam in die kamp van die eerste rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Merensky na ‘n uitmuntende sege van 48-3 teen die span van die Hoërskool Hans Strijdom vanuit Mookgopong (Naboomspruit). Die besoekers het eerste punte aangeteken binne die eerste minuut toe die Hansies se loskakel, Hannes Fourie, met ‘n strafskop geslaag het. Dit was ook die laaste keer wat hul kans gekry het om punte op die telbord te sit. Hierna het die Plasies 15-tal soos ‘n goed geoliede masjien Hans Strijdom in al die fasette ore aangesit en beide helfdes oorheers. Merensky se vlugvoetige hardloop rugby tesame met ‘n bulpak voorspelers het die een aanval na die ander geloods en kort na die agste minuut het Henro Delport vir sy span se eerste drie gesorg. Daarna het die manne van die plaas die druk volgehou en die besoekers min geleentheid gebied om balbesit te kry. Die voorspelers het gereeld omgekeerde balbesit verseker wat Hans Strijdom verder verhinder het om die agterstand te probeer uitwis. Toe die skeidsregter, Danie van Staden, skril op sy fluit rustyd aankondig, het Merensky reeds ‘n voorsprong van 22-3 geniet. Die driedrukkers in die eerste helfde tesame met Delport se eerste drie was Philip Ludick, Niel van Vuuren en Nyakala Sethaba. Die Plasies se stelskopper, die losskakel Niel van Vuuren, het met twee doelskoppe en ‘n strafdoel geslaag. Sowat ‘n minuut in die tweede helfde het Ludick weer die besoekers se doellyn vir sy tweede drie in die kragmeting oorgesteek. Van Vuuren het hierdie drie ook verdoel wat die telling Nyakala Sethaba na 29-3 aangeskuif het.

Terwyl die Hansies afrigters begeesterd hul span aangemoedig het om hul koppe omhoog te hou, het Sethaba vir nog ‘n doring in die Hansies vlees gesorg toe hy vir sy tweede drie in die wedstryd oor die doellyn seil. Die ligawedstryd het net meer mismoediger vir die besoekers geword toe Dirk de Nysschen die Plasies se sewende drie op die telbord sit wat ook deur van Vuuren verdoel is om die telling na 41-3 te rek. Maar nog was dit einde niet vir die Blou Mas-

Heinrich Lubbe

jien wat genadeloos die doellyn aangeval het. In die 48ste minuut sorg Merensky se regtervleuel, Letlotlo Mohlala, vir nog ‘n drie wat hy ook dan self verdoel het wat die wenteling op 48-3 te staan gebring het. Die O/16A-spanne van dié twee skole het in die voorwedstryd vir die eerstespanne op die A-veld vir ‘n opwindende stryd soos min gesorg wat hul ondersteuners se naels as te ware in skerwe gelaat het. Merensky het na die eerste helfde met 12-8 voorgeloop. ‘n Terugvegpoging soos min deur die besoekers na rustyd het gesorg dat die tuisspan letterlik uit hul velle moes speel om die begeesterde Hansies te weerhou van ‘n oorwinning. Sowat ses minute voor die eindfluit met die besoekers wat 20-17 voorgeloop het, het Merensky in die doodsnikke van die weddstryd daarin geslaag om die wendrie te druk om nouliks met 22-20 te wen. Die tweedespan het met 47-23 gewen en die derdespan het met 24-19 die kroon gespan. Die O/16B-span het met 28-12 gewen. Die O/15A-span klop die Hansies met 20-7. Hans Strijdom se O/15B-span het met 20-14 geseëvier. Die O/14A se 15tal wen met 20-0. Die Hansies se O/14B het met 15-5 die skool se tweede oorwinning behaal.

Dirk de Nysschen

Daniël “Vark” Coetzee

Henro Delport

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