13 Mei 2022
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Ons knoop ‘n geselsie met Liezl aan
Merensky leer Frikkie ‘n les
All the action of the 2022 Dirt Dash p3 Photo: Roelof de Jonge
8 An African in Holland
Transvalia seëvier in Buffelkraal
13 May 2022
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:
Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe)
The “Hood” under Toddler killed in head on crash surveillance ■ Billy Sibuyi
■ Billy Sibuyi
Hoedspruit will be monitored by a CCTV surveillance network as of next week, after the community came together and raised enough funds to buy enough cameras to survey the town. This was according to the Deputy Chairman of Hoedspruit Town Watch, Thierry Boulanger. In conversation with Bulletin, Boulanger stated that the objective of the town’s watch was simple; to make Hoedspruit one of the safest places to live and work in, and in doing so, also complying with the Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPIA). PoPIA has been initiated to encourage South African individuals and organisations to practice responsibility when collecting, processing, storing, and sharing information. It also ensures that an entity is held accountable should it abuse or compromise personal data in any way. According to him, it is necessary to stay ahead of criminals, and the use of technology to achieve those goals, in this case the CCTV cameras, was fundamental. Boulanger said that their mandatory duty was to observe and report. “So, we are the eyes and ears of the authorities. We work very closely with the police and the fire brigade, traffic department, and other authorities.” He explained that the town watch has been doing driving patrols every night and reporting to the correct authorities. When asked whether they would stop patrolling since surveillance would be recording everything, he responded with a firm “no”. “It is easy to install the cameras, but the difficult part is the maintenance, running costs, and the monitoring of the camera network, which is what makes it successful and sustainable. We have partnered with local companies to ensure the sustainability and affordability of this project,” he said. Boulanger told Bulletin that this was a community funded project that raised more money than what was expected for the 12 camera’s that they wanted to install. They currently have 13 cameras installed at strategic points around town with the target being 32. The majority of the camera’s were installed on private property with consent from the owners of such properties in order to mitigate the expense of electricity. Bulletin was invited to be a part of some of the patrols and we will have a follow up report in the weeks to come.
Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
A 36-year-old foreign national shop owner from Namakgale outside Phalaborwa was arrested for the alleged rape of a 10-year-old girl who was sent to buy airtime. It was after the child was sent to purchase airtime at around 11:00 on Sunday morning, the 8th of May, that the shop owner allegedly took advantage of the minor. According to the police the 36-year-old reportedly locked the door of the shop and proceeded to rape the child and after the incident, the suspect let the child go. When she arrived home, she informed one of the family members and the police were notified. A case of rape was opened. The suspect was apprehended at his shop on the same day, and he appeared in the Namakgale Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, the 10th of May, for formal bail application. His case was remanded in custody, and he is set to appear again today, Friday the 13th of May (today), and community members have vowed to attend the case in numbers, including ‘operation dudula’s’ leader, Nhlanhla Lux Dlamini. “I think it is time now that we take a firm stand as a community to boycott these nonsense spaza shops because they don’t appreciate our support ‘a bana dankie’, otherwise we will continue to have cases every day and putting our children’s lives in danger,” said one of the residents in attendance at the court. “We have survived without the spaza shops, and we can survive without them again, even if they jail this one in a few days another one will do the same but the damage to our children will forever stick with the children, their families, and the community. So, let’s act now and protect our children,” said another resident.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
Spaza man arrested ■ Billy Sibuyi
Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
Failed Maake heist ■ Jeff Jackson
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za
A mother who had just graduated from the Mopani South East TVET College and her toddler died in hospital after being involved in a fatal car accident on her way back home from Phalaborwa. The mother was returning from her convocation ceremony at the Mopani College on Tuesday, the 10th of May. The driver and another passenger of the vehicle also died in the crash. The accident occurred along the R40 road, between Phalaborwa and Mica at about 15:30 and according to the police preliminary investigation, a white VW Polo with registration number DB 61 DB GP was headed towards Mica from the direction of Phalaborwa and attempted to overtake a truck. While the Polo was overtaking another vehicle, a VW Amarok bakkie, with registration number JW 16 WL GP was approaching them from the opposite direction, and the two vehicles collided head on. According to the police spokesperson in Phalaborwa, Sergeant Elvis Prince Mongwe, the impact was of a serious nature, and it resulted in two people, the driver and the passenger of the Polo vehicle being certified dead on the scene. “The passenger who was seated at the back, and the toddler were seriously injured and were transported to the hospital for medical attention where they later succumbed to their injuries,” stated Mongwe. He said that the driver of the Amarok bakkie was alone in the vehicle and was rushed to hospital where he is recuperating from the injuries sustained. The police in Phalaborwa are investigating a case of culpable homicide. The Mopani College spokesperson, Given Sebashe, shared her heartfelt condolences. “It is not a beautiful thing to lose someone shortly after they received their qualifications as we were expecting a lot from them,” she said.
Motorists using the R36 road leading to Tzaneen and Hoedspruit were shocked on Friday when they had to change routes after a burning car blocked the road at the Maake Plaza precinct. This was after a failed attempted cash in transit heist which led the would-be robbers to set their getaway vehicle alight to destroy forensic evidence. According to a hawker in the vicinity who witnessed the events as they unfolded, the cash in transit vehicle was traveling from Hoedspruit to Tzaneen when it reached the cross at the plaza precinct. It was at this moment that a vehicle came speeding into the crossing and attempted to hit the cash delivery van. After the truck ducked the accident, it drove to a nearby fuelling station. “It was just after midday when the drama unfolded in the middle of the road. The small truck that had been missed by the car which could not stop at the crossing, stopped at the nearby fuelling station instead of continuing with their journey. The owner of the provoking vehicle set it alight before he was picked up by another car leaving the burning one in the middle of the road,” said the witness. The incident occurred a day after the post office at Lenyenye was robbed of an undisclosed amount of money after thieves took the money from the cashiers immediately after it was dropped by the cash in transit delivery truck. The incident left hundreds of pensioners in the area stranded as they could not access their social grant pay outs. Many resorted to ATM`s to receive their grants. With the attempted heist taking place far from the nearest police station, the local satellite station at the Maake complex manned by just a few police officers with one vehicle, was not equal to the task. They had to call back up from the traffic department and the police at Lenyenye to manage the situation. Just two weeks ago a fuelling station at Makhubudung village was robbed of its night earnings, after robbers arrived in the morning and took money from the cashiers at gun point. Crime in the area is reported to be on the rise with robberies topping the list. A few weeks ago a man was shot in the complex by the police while he fought a police officer when reprimanded for breaking an ATM with a panga. In another incident a cash depot was robbed of money on the day it was supposed to pay out social grants and most of these incidences occur either in front of, or mere metres from the police station.
Ebenezer 100.4%
Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 09/05/2022
Tzaneen 101.2%
Merensky 102.3%
Dap Naude 104.9%
Middel Letaba 2.9% Blyderivierpoort 100.4%
Klaserie 100.6%
Tours 99.7%
for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
or 072 98 98 911
Vergelegen 100.3%
Magoebaskloof 100.5%
13 May 2022
It was the dirtiest Dash by far, so far ■ Roelof de Jonge The Smit & Kie sponsored 2022 Dirt Dash at Magoebaskloof Adventures on Saturday the 7th of May was once again a hive of activity after a two-year absence due the Covid-19 pandemic’s safety regulations. The main sponsor also entered six teams for the event which boasted a total of 20 business teams. It was not only the adult adventurers who had fun. No less than 53 ‘Sluggers’ consisting of 9 to 13-year-old children also took part. There were a further 286 Delta Dirt entries which were for children 14-years and older who did not shy away from getting some dirt on their hands, and faces. According to Halima Omar, Centre Manager of the Tzaneen Cancer Care Group which is an organization that helps take care and support cancer patients, at the time of going to print, they were still finalizing the total amount of money raised on the day. According to her, they hoped to raise in the region of R100 000. “This was our most successful Dirt Dash to date, despite the pandemic that sidelined us for the past two years.” The best dressed team was Goldrush. In the Delta Dirt section, the top five teams to complete the route was Team Industrial Liquor in first place, second place went to FVLN - The Going Concern and the third team to complete the route was Running Raspberries. In fourth place was The Six Pack with the team of Mahela on the Move 2 rounding off the top five finishers. In the ‘Sluggers’ division it was the muddy faced “Brudders from other Mudders” team who took the honours with the team of the Rainbow Rascals in second place. The next big event on the agenda for Tzaneen Care Group is the second Online Auction that is planned for a little later in the year - watch their Facebook page for more details. “Last year’s online auction proved to be such great fun, I think the banter during the auction was almost as much fun as when people had the winning bid,” Omar said. “The proceeds of the fund will be used mainly to install a security gate for the sliding door in the first room of Tzaneen Care Givers and to build a ramp and pave it to make it wheelchair accessible. Funds will also be set aside for our pro-bono patients. During Covid-19 we covered the cost of 18 patients that passed at the centre.” The Kruispad congregation generously gifted the center a sliding door for the first room so that it would be easier to wheel patients into the garden for some fresh air. “A big ‘thank you’ to Hannes Steyn and the Kruispad congregation for the generous donation. The other two rooms already have sliding doors.” Tzaneen Care Group would like to acknowledge the sponsors who contributed in making the 2022 Dirt Dash even bigger and better than before: Smit & Kie Brokers, Goody Bag Sponsors, Forest View Cabins, Al-
legraine Dairy, Beads Bazaar, Miami Canners, Premjees, Mooketsi Hardware, Spar, Obstacle Sponsors, Alesia Boerdery, Peppadew International, Gym @ Ben Vorster, Miami Canners, AGS Letsitele, Cooper Estates, Roma Fuels, Trophy Toyota, Fabric and Decor, Lowveld Fuels, Agrico, Wisani, Skip and Go, all the various Water Point sponsors, Paint Pot, DJ Solar and Electrical, Bekmar Irrigation and Dick Graham (sponsored bananas). “There were once again some interesting prizes for this year and we would like to thank them for their generous contributions”. These sponsors were Mahlhala Game Lodge, Saffron Art Studio, PNA, Supa Quick, Agatha Sawmills, Jason Scriven, Forest View Cabins, Wilna Basson, Mia de Bruyn, Shirley Stewart, Industrial Liquor, Peppadew International, Miami Canners and Roma Fuel.
13 May 2022
Mine managers assist Majeje’s needy children ■ Billy Sibuyi The Association of Mine Managers in South Africa (AMMSA) handed over a cheque of R30 000 to the Philadelphia Drop-in Centre in Majeje village last week on the 4th of May. AMMSA which was represented by Expect Kwinana, Sam Ngidi, and Rendani Nemathithi were accompanied by the PMC Senior Manager Human Resource, Dennis Modise when they handed over the cheque to Philadelphia Drop-in Centre that runs a feeding scheme which caters for over 160 destitute children in Majeje. According to them, the donated amount will assist with the day-to-day running of the centre and lessen poverty in the community of Majeje, especially to orphans and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Speaking on behalf of AMMSA, Sam Ngidi, said that AMMSA aimed to touch lives which is why they donate a certain amount of money to those in need. “I would like to urge the people of Philadelphia to continue making a difference in the lives of others. Your
work is commendable and appreciated. Keep it up,” stated Ngidi. The centre also received food parcels, toiletries, and sanitary towels that were donated by the Palabora Mining Company (PMC) employees and contractors. “The communications team would like to thank and appreciate the generous contributions from everyone who heeded the call and donated items as part of the employees Easter donations drive. Let us continue living up to our value of caring and work together towards building a sustainable life,” stated the mine. Conveying her heartfelt message of thanks, Bridget Mgiba, caregiver at Philadelphia said that they felt honoured to have been the fortunate centre to receive this donation. “I would like to thank PMC and AMMSA for the donations. These will go a long way and it will make our jobs easier and enjoyable. It is not easy to go on when no one is supporting you. We feel blessed to know that PMC and AMMSA care about the people,” said Mgiba.
Buffalo kills park ranger ■ Billy Sibuyi A 36-year-old SANParks field ranger and dog handler, Shando Mathebula, was shot dead last week Wednesday, the 4th of May, during a routine patrol in the Kruger National Park (KNP). Mathebula was based in the Shangoni section north of the KNP, between Punda Maria and Malopene, west of Shingwedzi camp. The SANParks spokesperson, Isaac Phaahla, confirmed that the field ranger succumbed to his injuries after being shot while on duty with two of his colleagues in the Shangoni section of the park after an encounter with an aggressive buffalo which charged at them and was eventually shot and wounded. Phaahla told Bulletin that the details surrounding the death of Mathebula remained unclear as the park was still waiting for the SAPS in Phalaborwa to provide them with a post-mortem report, he also said that SANParks were working closely with SAPS to establish the circumstances around his passing. Claims are that the bull may have hidden in the bush after it was shot the first time and charged at the rangers. The second time likely gorging Mathebula and it was then that shots were fired in an attempt to save him by killing the buffalo. Allegations that Mathebula could have been shot during a brawl with his colleagues could not be supported by Phaahla, as he said that since it
was an unnatural death, the police were responsible for investigating it. Phaahla said that they would wait for the true story from the investigations and the post-mortem from the police. The KNP Head Ranger, Cathy Dreyer, has also expressed her sincerest condolences to the family on behalf of management. “It is a sad day when we lose one of ours in the line of duty. We are working closely with the police and the colleagues and will provide an update at an appropriate time.” The acting SANParks Chief, Dumisani Dlamini paid tribute to the fallen ranger and expressed his sincerest condolences to the family, colleagues, and friends of Mathebula. He also said that Mathebula upheld the values of rangers and flew the SANParks flag high. “Shando will rank among the rangers who have died whilst in the line of duty serving the people of the country and protecting the environment and what the organisation stands for. His dedication was driven by the need to promote the principle of conservation and making sure that our fauna and flora are protected.” This incident follows the arrest of two field rangers by the Hawks on charges related to fraud, money laundering, and corruption in April and is not the first of its kind as in 2018, when Respect Mathebula was shot and killed by poachers in the park.
ANC in Limpopo divided ■ Jeff Jackson
Letters | Briewe Die Pioniers bedank die volgende persone: Thys Steynberg en boere vir die heerlike groente. Ansie Opperman vir die heerlike jaarlemoene. Apex Academy School en Magic Build vir die smaaklike koekies wat hulle vir ons uitgedeel het. Tamaties vanaf ZZ2 wat Michael vir ons uitgedeel het. Sugar Loaf en Henk Minnie vir die vars brood. Paint Pot vir die Kiwi vrugte, dit is heerlik. God seën julle almal.
The contest for the upcoming leadership of the ANC in Limpopo, which had since turned into a trading of insults among fellow members, has in Mopani turned into a contest between Ba-Phalaborwa and Giyani. This after it initially appeared to be between the mayor of Mopani, Pule Shayi and Cogta MEC, Basikopo Makamu. The conference will take place in two weeks’ time. The contest had also brought back the VBS scandal in which those implicated in the furore were ordered by the National Executive Committee (NEC) as part of the step aside policy, not to contest any position in the party. Though the current secretary, Soviet Lekganyane, seems to be favoured by all the camps, he is not so popular in the Mathabatha camp which is seeking a third term in office. The biggest name in the running for the third term is Basikopo Makamu who was the Mopani regional secretary before he was elected to the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of Limpopo together with the former Mopani Executive Mayor, Nkakareng Rakgoale, who had since been appointed the MEC for Social Development. Pule Shai from Phalaborwa, who is the regional chairperson of Mopani, is contesting the position of Deputy Chairperson in the slate in which Dickson Masemola is to chair if he can win the conference. To supporters of the party in the region the debacle has turned into a mud-slinging contest between fellow party members. Even the old unsettled
scores were brought back where Giyani does not support the Mathabatha third termists. The ANC seems very much divided. The ascension to the top office of the party for Pule Shai came at the time Mopani District Municipality (MDM) which he lead, received a qualified audit from the office of the Auditor General. In Giyani there is a serious lobby led by MP Ponani Makhubele bent on removing both Stan Mathabatha and Basikop Makamu at the PEC and replace them with Dickson Masemola. Ponani Makhubele from the Giyani subregion once made news when Mathabatha did not appoint her for the Education Portfolio and threatened to take the PEC to court. She was then deployed to Cape Town as an MP. This time round, Makhubele is leading the camp set on removing Mathabatha from the top seat in the province but she is supporting Soviet Lekganyane to retain his position. Though it is reported that Limpopo mostly supports Cyril Ramaphosa for the second term as the President of the party, there are those who want him be replaced by the Radical Economic Transformation (RET) leaders associated with former head Jacob Zuma. Branches in the province had already met and chose their preferences and the delegates to vote for the leaders of their choice. Though the additional members are likely to be nominated and voted for from the floor on the day of the conference, the slates are as follows; Stan Mathabatha is to be deputised by Florence Radzilana, Reuben Magadzi for Secretary, Basikopo Makamu for Deputy secretary, and Nakedi Kekana as additional member. Dickson Masemola goes with Pule Shai, Soviet Lekganyane, Livhu Ligaraba and Faith Chauke. The name of Danny Msiza who was punted for the position of secretary in the slate of Dickson Masemola who had to be withdrawn after the NEC ordered that those facing criminal charges need not contest the positions. Though Florence Radzilana was once implicated in the VBS scandal she had not been charged and therefore she is entitled to contest. She is punted as the future Premier.
13 May 2022
Big Balls trump Legends ‘n Gesig vir draf ■ Joe Dreyer And so it came to pass that on the 5th of May in the year of our lord 2022 the Bulletin hosted its fourth Quiz Night. Thus ‘twas that a new venue was identified and besieged by the legions locked in the cranial crusades. Graciously hosted by High Grove Lodge, the teams settled in and readied themselves for a new round of battle which saw the reigning champions compete under a new banner “The Big Balls” birthed from the alliance forged between King James XXV and Lord Deonastix. The theme for the evening was “Sports” and given the evening’s affairs, sports was indeed had. There can however be but one victor after every battle and so it was that The Big Balls retained their championship title on 60 points with the Bittereinders (winners of the last round) in second place on 50
points. Third spot went to the overly zealous team from Duiwelskloof “Koekies met ‘n Handle” with the Legends in fourth spot on 30 points total. The evening was another resounding success and with winter around the corner, the glass box at High Grove Lodge proved to be the ideal battlegrounds for the next three months’ Quiz Nights. “It really is perfect as the quiz goers are removed from the rest of the venue and safe from the elements as the glass box is enclosed with ample heating if required,” explained Quizmaster Joe. “The other advantage is of course that our participants will not be in the way of other events held on the same evening and there are enough waiters to ensure that ever table has a separate bill.” The next Quiz Night will be at High Grove Lodge on the 2nd of June with the evening’s theme to be announced over our social media platforms so stay tuned for more information.
Abré Cilliers, Xenia Jewaskiewitz, Gerrit Boersma, Deon van Tonder, Hanneri van Tonder, Naomi Excell and James Excell.
Mpho Magabule, Willem Badenhorst and Maria Machete.
To advertise, book your spot! Contact Riaan: 063 465 1524
Kevin Wienand
■ Joe Dreyer Wanneer daar nie hoenders gevoer word, kliente se naels en wenkbroue geverf word, of kinders heen en weer gekarwy word nie, hardloop Liezl Labuschagne tussen 10- en 32 kilometer om haar kop skoon te kry. Op ‘n goeie dag sal Tzaneeniers hierdie 32-jarige ma van drie iewers langs die pad tussen Mooketsi en Duiwelskloof in die verbygaan merk waar sy hard aan die oefen is vir haar volgende padwedloop wat heel waarskynlik die Wolfpack Marathon in September gaan wees. Alhoewel sy meestal die 21.1 kilometer afstande aanpak, het sy twee weke terug op Potgietersrus haar heel eerste 32 kilometer wedloop voltooi en ‘n tweede plek algeheel los gehardloop. “Die 21’s is eintlik my kos maar ek ek wil stadig maar seker opskuif na die langer afstande toe en ten minste een keer ‘n volle marathon van 42.2 kilometer voltooi. Vir geen ander rede eintlik as net persoonlike ambisie nie,” vertel sy oor ‘n koppie koffie. Liezl is deur een van haar kliente aangemoedig om vir die Sarie Voorbladgesig kompetisie in te skryf en nadat vriendinne en haar man, Vehan, haar uiteindelik oortuig het, het sy ingestem. Die sluitingsdatum vir stemme sluit vandag, Vrydag die 13de Mei. Deur die laaste week is Bulletin lesers aangemoedig om vir Liezl te gaan stem op die Sarie webtuiste en die uitslae behoort binnekort bekend gemaak te word. Sou Liezl wen, sal sy en ‘n metgesel Kaap toe gevlieg word vir ‘n fotosessie en ‘n onderhoud met die Sarie redaksiespan. “Ag dis eintlik nie iets wat ek enige spesifieke gevoelens oor het nie, maar dit sou lekker wees om te wen natuurlik. Ek is meer van ‘n plaasmeisie as die tipiese poppie, en het nog nooit regtig myself aan hierdie tipe kompetisies en dinge gesteur nie. Baie dankie aan al my vriendinne en kliente wat soveel mense gekry het om te stem! Dit maak my nederig!” Liezl en Vehan het mekaar op hoërskool ontmoet. Sy het in 2009 by Hoërskool Merensky gematrikuleer en drie jaar later is die twee getroud. Vandag het hulle drie pragtige kinders en lewe rustig op Mooketsi waar Vehan by ZZ2 werksaam is. In September sal die Labuschagnes hul 10-jaar huweliksherdenking vier. “Ek is oortuig daarvan dat hardloop die beste medisyne is. Verseker is hardloop en koffie die rede waarom ek nog nie heeltemal van die bus afgeval het nie!” Hou Bulletin se Facebook-blad dop om te hoor hoe Liezl in die Sarie Voorbladgesig kompetisie gevaar het.
13 May 2022
Phoenix reward best Plaaslike rolbalspanne ■ Roelof de Jonge The Modjadjiskloof-based BB Motor Group Phoenix Cricket Club awarded its players who excelled during the past 2021/2022 season on Saturday the 7th of May at the Tzaneen Show Terrain. Whilst it might be a small community, it’s diversity makes the club stand out in the region as a force to be reckoned with. But, without leadership no sport entity would be able to operate successfully on the field and on the administrative side. During the awards presentation the new elected committee was also announced to lead the club forward. The award for the Best Bowler of the Year was handed to Hendrik Botes. The Lifetime Achievement Award went to André de Beer and Mias Rossouw received the ‘On Our Toes’ Award. Stiaan Coetzee received the award for the Most Improved Senior Player of the Year as well as the coveted Clubman of the Year award. One of the youngsters in the club, Luka Heinlein who is 15
years old, impressed the awards panel with his play and walked away with the Player of the Year award. Kian Loughor-Clarke had an outstanding season for his club with two of the annual awards brandishing his name. He received the Players Player of the Year and Batsmen of the Year awards. Zander Botha, the youngest player in the club at 12 years of age, was awarded the Most Improved Junior Player of the Year. The Club Captain, Johan de Beer, provided the most chuckles during the prize giving ceremony when he was handed the prize for the Player with the Most Ducks. He will certainly have to get his ducks in a row for the upcoming T20 tournament that is going to be hosted in Polokwane. The newly elected committee for the sponsored BB Motor Group Phoenix Cricket Club are: Johan ‘Dippies’ de Beer - Club Captain, Stiaan Coetzee - Vice-Chairman, Rainart Schoonbee - Admin and Treasurer, Hein de Beer – Chairman and Kian Loughor-Clarke - Additional member.
rig oë na eindstryde ■ Roelof de Jonge
Die tafel is gedek vir ‘n stryd soos min wanneer die eindrondte van die Limpopo parespel op die 21ste en 22ste Mei op die bane van Polokwane Rolbalklub beslis gaan word. Die afgelope Sondag, die 8ste Mei, het spanne mekaar die stryd aangesê in die halfeindrondte van die mans en vroue parespel. Die mans se wedstryde was deur Tzaneen Rolbalklub aangebied terwyl die vrouespanne sake op die bane van Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub uitgespook het. ‘n Groot aantal parespanne van Duiwelskloof sowel as Tzaneen se klubs het die tuisvoordeel ten volle benut om na die eindrondte deur te dring. Die plaaslike pare-spanne vir mans wat deurgedring
het na die eindrondte is: Rynier de Jager en Leslie Klopper (Duiwelskloof) David Wiid en Doug Reed (Duiwelskloof) Theo Wolmarans en Jovani Kattrakazas (Tzaneen) Zane Fanie en Aiden von Straate (Duiwelskloof) Hendrik van der Linden en Uwe Sauer (Duiwelskloof) Dirk Steyn en Jacobus Steyn (Duiwelskloof) Tjokkie von Straate en Damien Stefaans (Duiwelskloof) Koos Luyt en Peter Mogale (Tzaneen) Ally Morrison en Stoffel Vermaak (Tzaneen). Die plaaslike vroue spanne wat hul klubs by die eindstryd van die parespel gaan verteenwoordig is: Beate Altenroxel en Deidré Sauer (Duiwelskloof) Joan Bissett en Shirley Tyerman (Tzaneen) Terry Morgan en Adriana Jacobs (Tzaneen).
Joan Bisset
The newly elected committee members for Phoenix Cricket Club are Dippies de Beer, Stiaan Coetzee, Rainart Schoonbee, Hein de Beer and Kian Loughor-Clarke.
Legals & Notices In the estate of the late JEANETTE VALENTINE DEEKS, Identity Number 350214 0010 08 5, who resided at MACADAMIA VILLAGE, TZANEEN and died on the 21st of DECEMBER 2021, Estate Number 2174/2022. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. (SGD) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850 __________________________________
I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Portion 14 Erf 4414 Tzaneen Extension 75, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, that we have applied for a Departure from the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 in terms of Section 57 of the Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2017 to amend the density from “1 dwelling unit per 1000m²” to “1 dwelling per 500m²” in respect of the property situated along Sandiper Street in Riverside Estate, Tzaneen. The property is currently vacant and zoned as “Residential 1”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from
13 May 2022 (the date of the publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Authorised Official at the above address or be delivered to Room 15, 15 Peace Street, Tzaneen on or before 13 June 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr B Mathebula (015-307 8322). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit &
Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 __________________________________
TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNING SKEMA 2000 GEDEELTE 14 ERF 4414 TZANEEN UITBREIDING 75 WYSIGINGSKEMA: 512 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stadsen Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 14 Erf 4414 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 75, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 87 van Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017, dat ons aansoek gedoen het vir ‘n Afwyking van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanning Skema, 2000 ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017 om die digtheid van “1 wooneenheid per 1000m²” na “1 wooneenheid per 500m²” te wysig. Die eiendom
Deidré Sauer
is geleë te Sandpiperstraat in Riverside Landgoed, Tzaneen. Die eiendom is tans vakant en gesoneer as “Residensieël 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 13 Mei 2022 (die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 13 Junie 2022 gerig word aan die Gemagtigde Amptenaar by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 15, Peacestraat 15, Tzaneen met verwysing na bostaande
opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr B Mathebula (015-307 8322). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T47783/1996 passed by PALABORWA MINING COMPANY Registration Number: 56/02134/06 in favour of ROBERT JOHANNES JONES Identity Number: 440128 5042 004 and MABEL HILDA JONES Identity Number: 450407 0078 006 married in community of property to each other in respect of certain ERF 2940 PHALABORWA TOWNSHIP EXTENSION 7 REGISTRATION DIVISON L.U.,LIMPOPO PROVINCE Measuring 1407 (ONE FOUR ZERO SEVEN) METRES Held
by Deed of Transfer Number T47783/1996 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at PHALABORWA This 22nd day of APRIL 2022 Applicant COETZEE & VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS Address: 20 PALM AVENUE PHALABORWA, 4 TOVANCO BUILDING E-mail address: deeds3@coetzeevdmerwe.co.za Contact number: 015 781 1365
13 May 2022
Thabazimbi se beste val vas op Plasieland ■ Roelof de Jonge Die rugbyspanne van Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer vanuit Thabazimbi het op die 7de Mei na die Hoërskool Merensky vir hul rondte ligawedstryde gereis. In die die hoofwedstryd van die dag het albei spanne vir opwinding soos min gesorg wat hul ondersteuners op die punte van hul stoele gedryf het. Na ‘n strafskop het die besoekers aanvangklik met 3-0 voorgeloop. Die Plasies se losskakel, Philip Ludick, het sy span se drieërekening oopgemaak en was deur die binnesenter, Neil van Vuuren, verdoel om die Plasies ‘n voorsprong van 7-3 te gee. Die vreugde was egter van korte duur vir die tuisspan se ondersteuners met Frikkie Meyer wat ‘n verdoelde drie en ‘n strafskop deur die pale gestuur om die rustydtelling na 13-10 in hul guns te swaai. Dit was veral die losvoorspelers van die besoekers en hul kragtige skrums wat die Bloues hoofberekeninge besorg het. Na halftyd het Frikkie Meyer nog ‘n strafskop by hul telling gevoeg om hul voorsprong na 16-10 te rek. Ludick was Saterdag die spreekwoordelike doring in die besoekers se vlees met sy glibberige lopies doellyn toe wat dan ook vir sy tweede drie van die wedstryd gesorg het. Van Vuuren het die bal deur die mikke geskop om Ludick se drie te verdoel en sy span die voortou met ‘n enkele punt (17-16) te gee. Die Bloues se regtervleuel, Letlotlo Mohlala, het kort daarna ‘n steekskoppie skelmpies verby hul teenstanders geskop wat hul heel onthuts gevang het. Met die bal al rollend oppad doellyn toe kon Frikkie Meyer nie die bal onder beheer kry nie en dit het Mahlatse Semosa op linkervleuel wie die bal opgeraap het ‘n guldige weg na die doellyn vir sy drie gebied. Die doelskop was onsuksesvol en met die telling binne trefafstand op 22-16 kon Merensky nie juis bekostig om te houtgerus te raak nie. Merensky se binnesenter, Neil van Vuuren, het ook ‘n uitste-
kende wedstryd beleef en hy het vir ‘n onderskepdrie onder die pale gesorg wat hy dan ook self verdoel het. Hierdie laaste suksesvolle aanval van die tuisspan het die besoekers se knieë lam gelaat Met ‘n voorsprong van 29-16 vir die tuisspan wat uiteindelik ook die wentelling was, het Frikkie Meyer net nie meer genoeg petrol in die tenk oorgehad in die laaste paar minute van die spel om die agterstand te laat krimp nie. En dit was veral duidelik in die skrums waar Merensky se voorspelers hulle op die uiteinde heeltemal uitmekaar geskrum het. Die eerstespan van die Hoërskool Merensky is sovêr vir hierdie seisoen nog onoorwonne in al hul ligawedstryde waarin hulle gespeel het wat hul seersekerlik een van die gunstelinge vir vanjaar se ligakroon maak. Die O/14-spanne het soos gebruiklik die dou van die veld af gespeel. Die twee skole se O/14Aspanne eindig gelykop met ‘n 10-10 telling, terwyl die Plasies se O/14Bspan vir die eerste oorwinning van die dag sorg met ‘n telling van 12-10. Daarna was dit tyd vir die O/15-span waar die Plasies koning kraai met 185. Ongelukkig moes die tweedespan bes gee met ‘n eindtelling van 0-15. Die derdespan het naelskraap met 19-20 verloor. Die kookwater O/16span het Frikkie Meyer met ‘n pragtige Philip Ludick het Saterdag ‘n telling van 38-7 getroef. uitnemende wedstryd beleef.
Neil van Vuuren met die bal. Philip Ludick agter links en Carl Dohse agter regs.
Neil van Vuuren seil oor die doelgebied van Frikkie Meyer vir nog ‘n Merensky drie.
Frikkies left feeling blue ■ Roelof de Jonge The girls hockey teams of Merensky High School were up against the visiting teams of Frikkie Meyer High School from Thabazimbi for a league encounter on Saturday the 7th of May. Merensky’s First team once again showed some impressive skills to completely dominate the match against a hapless Frikkie Meyer side to win by 11-0. Merensky opened their goal account thanks to the visitors goalkeeper who accidently kicked the ball into the box which gifted the hosts their first goal. Lané Kasselman and Chantell Meyer had a field day and scored no less than four goals each while teammates Nachandré de Lange and Verliza Fox added a goal each, to the dismay of the visitors.
The U/14A team’s Zoë Venter managed a crucial goal to ensure a one-all draw. The U/15A girls also drew 1-1 following a goal from Praise Baloyi, whilst the U/15B side won their encounter by 2-0. The goal scorers in that match were Andrea van Vuuren and Jamie Crowe. The U/16 side was also too strong for the visitors and secured a 4-0 victory off the sticks of Lara Leicester, Larike Joubert, Veroneque Lessing and Zelri Gubitz. Veroneque was also named Player of the Match. The Second team match ended in a well-contested goal-a-piece draw thanks to an equalizer by Safiyah Tarmahomed. Merensky’s teams will be travelling to Ellisras High School for the next league games scheduled for the 14th of May.
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Lané Kasselman
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SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 015-3451192 0846270956
Book your spot in the next edition! Contact Riaan 063 465 1524
Sport 13 May 2022
ONE Membership - TWO Locations!
Windsor Street Golden Acres
For more info contact: 076 413 9257
Classes time table 2022 Monday • 5:10pm: Fitbox Tuesday • 5:10am: Spinning • 5:10pm: HIIT • 6pm: Spinning Wednesday • 5:10pm: Bootcamp Thursday • 5:10pm: HIIT • 6pm: Spinning Bookings must be done at gym to secure a place.
Stadige begin vir Buffel-seisoen
■ Joe Dreyer
Slegs ‘n minuut voor halftyd het Ben Vorster ‘n belowende agterlyn beweging Ben Vorster het nie die beste van tye verlede naweek op die rug- aan die rol gesit, maar die bal is onderskep byveld gehad toe hulle die manne van Vanderbijlpark vir ‘n rondte li- deur Transvalia se binnesenter, Kéan Rosgawedstryde op eie bodem gehuisves het nie. Die hoërskool Transval- souw, wie nog vyf punte vir sy span gaan ia staan bekend vir hul harde hardloop-rugby en groot voorrye, en die aanteken het. Wééreens is die doelskop Vossies het van die staanspoor af geweet hulle sou nie ongedeerd uit onsuksesvol en teen die halftydfluitjie is die stryd tree met die agt beserings reeds op die Eerstes se spanlys nie. die telling 5-10 in die besoekers se guns. Toe die manne mekaar omstreeks 12:00 Saterdagmiddag oor die halfMet die afskop het die Vanderbijlers lyn in die oë staar was dit egter duidelik aan die toeskouers gemaak dadelik begin aanval. Binne die tweede dat beide spanne hul alles in die stryd sou werp. minuut het hul haker Devon Strydom, nog Ben Vorster was van die afskop af reeds op die aanval en het aanhou- ‘n drie onder die pale gaan druk wat dié keer gedende druk op die besoekers geplaas om uiteindelik vir Kagiso Ramo- maklik deur losskakel Duan du Toit verdoel is om loto eerste oor die doellyn vir vyf punte te stuur. Met die doelskop wat die telling 5-17 in Transvalia se guns te swaai. skerp regs van die pale verby geseil het, het Transvalia moed geskep ‘n Verdere vyf punte het gevolg na nóg ‘n en vier minute later vir Frikkie Smit oor die Vossie doellyn gestuur. onderskep-drie, die keer deur die blitsvinHulle skopper kon egter ook nie sy teiken tref nie en die tellings is ge- nige Transvalia vleuel, Keaton Ehlers. Du lykop op vyf elk gelaat. Toit het dit ook verdoel om sy span ‘n 5-24 voorsprong te gee. Die tuisspan Kagiso Ramoloto, Shaun Matthysen het geweier om te gaan lê en die Transvalia verdedigers genadeloos aangeval Kagiso Ramoloto word deur Kean Russouw aangepak met Lambert Grobler ter ondersteuning. Foto’s: Joe Dreyer om uiteindelik vir Dillen Gouws reg onder die pale oor die doellyn te dryf. Die drie is deur Tristan Burglass verdoel om die Vos- het dit vir ons nog moeiliker gemaak, maar toe ons ons voete vind sies met ‘n telling van 12-24 en 15-minute se speeltyd het dinge baie beter begin gaan,” het afrigter Tiaan Valentine na die oor, weer hoop te gee. wedstryd gesê. “Ons skrums het vir ons ‘n goeie aanvallende platform Daardie hoop is egter verpletter to Ehlers twee mi- gegee en goeie verdediging. Ons speel die naweek Hoërskool Kempnute later weer oor die doellyn geduik het om nog ton Park tuis hier by ons en sien uit na nog ‘n tawwe wedstryd.” vyf punte op die bord te hang. Du Toit het verdoel en Die res van die Vossiespanne het ook met die Gautengers gesukkel met 10 minute oor op die klok, het die Vossies drie met slegs die O/14A-span wat ‘n prag oorwinning van 13-5 aangetekverdoelde drieë benodig om te wedstryd te verseker. en het. Hul B-span het met 15-41 verloor terwyl die O/16B-span met ‘n In die doodsnikke van beseringstyd het Trans- enkele punt hul wedstryd met 15-14 gewen het. Die O/16A-span het valia ‘n pragtige drie deur hul heelagter Jaundré Nel met ‘n telling van 5-20 vasgeval en beide die Vossies se O/15 spanne aangeteken om die wedstryd met ‘n telling van 12-36 kon nie daarin slaag om punte op die telbord aan te teken nie. Die te wen. Vir hul moeite het die besoekers ook met ‘n seisoen is egter lank nie verby nie. bonuspunt uit die stryd getree. Plaaslike ondersteuners wie die afgelope paar wedstryde nie oor “Ek was baie gelukkig met die wen sowel as die bo- die internet kon kyk nie, kan gerus wees dat daar binnekort weer nuspunt, ek dink ons het baie goed gedoen om die wedstryde regstreeds vanaf die veld uitgesaai sal word. Verdere inligeerste 15 minute hulle te kon uithou en die druk goed ting hieroor sal in die Bulletin asook op ons sosialemedia kanale gepBen Vorster hakker, Dillen Gouws, bars deur die verdediging van Jaundre Nel en Transvalia kaptein, Frikkie Smit. verwerk het. Die omstandighede, veral die humiditeit laas word sodra besprekings afgehandel is.