LIFTING EQUIPMENT SHORT COURSES: • Rough Terrain/Earthmoving /Agricultural • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane Tel: 015 781 6280
3 Junie 2022
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa
Sakelui herstel grafte
NTT Tzaneen National Rally 2022
7 Ben Vorster takes on Lowveld Academy
Photo: Joe Dreyer
3 June 2022
Sakelui herstel Tzaneen grafte ■ Joe Dreyer
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer:
Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor
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Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe)
■ Roelof de Jonge
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
Die NG Kerk Tzaneen Wolkberg se gemeente het Saterdag die 28ste Mei by Jetty 3 van die Tzaneen Dam ‘n Familiefees en ‘n Hengelkompetisie aangebied. Nie net het die hengelaars die kans gestaan om groot pryse te wen nie, maar daar was ook vele aan te bied vir besoekgangers van hierdie fees. Nie een van die deelnemende hengelaars kon daarin slaag om die groot prys van R50 000 vir die gemerkte vis te wen nie, en die vissie swem nog veilig rond in die dam. Die organiseerders van die Tzaneen Wolkberg gemeente wie altyd verantwoordelik is vir die jaarlikse Kerkbasaar, het egter besluit hulle wie iets anders aanbied wat die breër gemeenskap ook sal betrek en nie net die gemeente van hierdie kerk nie. Volgens Cielie Osmers, een van die organiseerders, het hierdie geleentheid vir ‘n eerste probeerslag baie suksesvol afgeloop. Sy sê die oogmerk van hierdie geleentheid was om nie net uitstallers van die kerk te betrek nie, maar selfs onafhanklike stalletjie eienaars te nooi om hulle produkte te kom verkoop. “Ons wil beslis hierdie ‘n jaarlikse instelling maak instede van die gewoonlike basaar wat ons by die kerk aanbied. Alhoewel daar heelwat ander geleenthede op die selfde dag in Tza-
Die Thabaletsi Tombstones span Ryan Scarterfield, Jacobus Smith en Adolf Fray.
neen plaasgevind het wat moontlik ‘n effek op ons besoekergetalle gehad het, is ons nieteenstaande baie ingenome hoe hierdie geleentheid afgeloop het.” Besoekers van Saterdag se fees was begroet met allerlei lekker eetgoed in ‘n feestelike atmosfeer. Terwyl mense kon smul aan die verskeidenheid van kos soos kerrie en rys, vetkoeke en selfs pap en gebraaide kaaings kon hulle ondermeer vlotritte onderneem en die spoggerige motors van Tzaneen se Yester Car Club besigtig. Hannes Muller, een van die mede-organiseerders, het ieder en elk bedank vir hul betrokkenheid, opoffering, tyd en geld wat tot hierdie geleentheid se sukses bygedra het. Hy sê hierdie fees en hengelkompetisie is beslis nie die laaste nie en gaan in die toekoms selfs groter en beter word. Muller het wel in besonder die hengelaars van die Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub uitgesonder vir die organisering van die hengelkompetisie en sy opregte dank teenoor hulle uitgespreek. Dit ten spyte dat daar tientalle ander geleenthede in en om Tzaneen plaasgevind het, het Muller gevoel dat hulle steeds ‘n goeie opkoms geniet het. Muller en Chrizel du Plessis van die Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub het die vis gemerk en weer losgelaat om gevang te word.
Henri Meades van Yestercar Motorklub met sy besonderse Ford Granada Piranah het die motor ten toon gestel.
Kinders, en groot mense, het vir Magdel Watson van Dallas Delights se spookasem tougestaan
Source: Information updated: 30/05/2022
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
Melanie Smith, Natalie Moss en Roxanne Viviers
Eerste fees beslis een van vele meer
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads:
Na afloop van die vandalisme waartydens sowat 70 grafte van oud-inwoners in die Tzaneen begrafplaas twee weke terug erg beskadig is, het die Vryheidsfront Plus ‘n paar plaaslike besighede om hulp gevra om die grafte te herstel en die terrein op te knap. Raadslid in Wyk 14, André Moss, het vroeg Saterdagoggend, die 27ste Mei, met ‘n groep mense die begrafplaas se drumpul oortree en aan die werk gespring. Grafstene wat deur die vanadale omgeskop is, is weer regop getel en vas gesit, grafte is skoon gevee en gewas en die terrein is skoon gemaak. Die polisie is steeds besig met hul ondersoek en tot dusvêr blyk dit nie of hulle enigsins nader aan ‘n uiteinde vir hierdie saak gaan kom nie. Daar word vermoed dat die vandalisme deur dronk kinders laat Saterdagaand, die 23ste April na die rugbywedstryd tussen Letaba en Mussina veroorsaak is, maar niemand het nog met inligting om hierdie teorie te staaf navore gekom nie. “Die VF Plus het Saterdagoggend by die begrafplaas opgedaag om mense se menslikheid in ere te herstel. Dit is absoluut onaanvaarbaar dat mense nie hulle geliefdes mag besoek in absolute vrede nie. Ons bedank graag elke gemeenskaplid en besigheid wat so hartlik bygedra het tot hierdie dag,” het Moss aan die media gesê. “Thabaletsi Tombstones en Meraki Granite Tops wat die enorme taak aangepak het om stukkende grafte te herstel. Dankie aan Ryan en Kobus vir hulle harde werk en toewyding. Altesaam 67 grafte is herstel met die belofte om volgende week ander te kom regmaak. Hulle het met 20 werkers ingespring en ‘n reuse verskil gemaak.” Busy Bee het sonder om te skroom ingespring en die tuine uitgesorteer. Hulle het ook belowe om die tuine in stand te hou en op die dag is bome gesnoei en die buite grasperke netjies gesny. Ada het al die vulluisakke om rommel op te gaar op die dag geborg en Fountis Ro Water het seker gemaak dat al die spanne genoeg vloeistof in kry. Sement en bousand is deur Mr Build geborg. “Dis tyd dat die gemeenskap saam met die VF Plus op staan, sterk staan, saam staan!” het Moss bygelas.
Ebenezer 100.4%
Merensky 101.9%
Middel Letaba 2.7% Blyderivierpoort 100.5%
Tzaneen 101% Dap Naude 103.2% Klaserie 101.5%
Tours 99.9%
for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
or 072 98 98 911
Vergelegen 100%
Magoebaskloof 100.4%
3 June 2022
National rallying finally heading back to Tzn ■ Roelof de Jonge Local motorsport fanatics will be ecstatic to hear that the organisers of the 2022 NTT Tzaneen National Rally motorsport event are currently hard at work planning for this national motorsports event. The event is set to take place over one of the weekends in August. After years of absence from the National Rally Championship calendar, Limpopo and in particular Tzaneen is back on the map. Far North Bulletin’s Wheels & Deals team had a chat with rally director Theuns Viljoen and the rally’s secretary, Evan Saayman, who is a new vehicle and Hino sales executive at NTT Toyota Tzaneen. “Because the event will be hosted in Tzaneen and surrounding areas, we would really like to involve the community. We are planning to host promotions where people stand a chance to win sponsored prizes prior to the rally,” said Viljoen. “The Tzaneen Show Terrain will be the central point for the crews to service their vehicles during the rally, which means over the two days the cars will be entering and leaving town all the time which will be great for the spectators,” said Saayman. With the Tzaneen Show Terrain as the central service point throughout the rally, Viljoen and Saayman plan to invite local informal traders like Riana de Wet from Riana’s Pancake Den, Letaba Rugby Club with its established Bosbok Bar and catering facility, will also be involved to further help create a festive atmosphere. Saayman is in talks with Toyota South Africa who have agreed to make a range of its exciting Toyota GR (Gazoo Racing) models like the latest hot hatch, the GR Yaris, available for demonstration over the two days. Some of these GR high performance models are rare finds. The popular Tzaneen Dam and Canal stages will be included in the rally and there are a couple of excit-
ing routes planned for the Agatha stages. It seems the daunting ‘mineshaft’ stage in the area of the shooting range will also be included. The organisers plan to bring the action closer to the people, with two stages planned to run in town. The one stage planned for the evening, might be unique to the rally championship. The organisers are looking at the possibility of hosting the stage with the vehicles racing through the NTT Toyota Tzaneen workshop. Not only will this idea bring another form of excitement to the event, but the ambient sound of the cars thundering through a mechanical workshop would be music to the ears of any motorsport enthusiast. The other stage planned for Tzaneen will be held around the area of the Star Spars, NTT Tzaneen Toyota and Tzaneen Show Terrain. So, what can local residents expect when the rally circus arrives later in August? The 2022 South African Rally Championship crews will be running on MRF Motorsport Tyres and is officially known as the MRF Motorsport National Rally Championship. The season might have experienced a delayed start with the original opening round, the NTT Toyota Rally, postponed to September due to flooding in Delmas. But it was all action as the sport’s national stage returned to the Western Cape for the first time since lockdown. To start the most exciting rally season in years, the Cape Overberg Rally comprised the opening two rounds of the 2022 championship. But there’s far more to it, with 25 entries in for the opening
Rally champions Theuns Joubert and Schalk van Heerden will be defending their championship in the NRC1 Salom Arbeid Toyota Yaris.
round, new machinery for former champions and the champion driver and navigator up against each other as the sport enters a new era. The 2021 SA Rally Driver’s Champion, Theuns Joubert, now has the hugely experienced Schalk van Heerden reading his notes in the NRC1 Salom Arbeid Toyota Yaris. The reigning 2021 SA Rally Co-Driver’s Champion, Greg Godrich, continues alongside Chris Coertse in the Rally Technic Hyundai I20 R4 NRC1. This should, on its own, make for an interesting tussle. But there’s another novelty waiting in the wings. Former champions Guy Botteril and Simon Vacy-Lyle competed in the opening two rounds in their brand new two-litre turbo NRC 1 Toyota Gazoo Racing Starlet. This new machine is expected to see
its intrepid driver and navigator straight back into the sharp end of the field following an interim season last year. New rally cars are notorious for early career reliability, but Botteril and Lyle have been testing in secret, so expect them to be quick out of the blocks. Other NRC 1 crews include Johan Strauss and Elzaan Venter’s Subaru Impreza, Wilro Dippenaar and veteran navigatrix Carolyn Swan’s PZN Toyota Auris, and Anton Raaths and Louis Menge’s Ford Cosworth. The NRC 2 entries may be thin on the ground in the Cape. The NRC 2 field however is expected to swell by another seven vehicles at least for the second round of the MRF Tyres SA Rally National in Secunda.
3 June 2022
Gimnaste glinster by Limpopo kampioenskap ■ Roelof de Jonge ‘n Aantal gimnaste van Infinite Gymnastics het die afgelope naweek in Polokwane aan die Limpopo Ritmiese Kampioenskap vir Vlak 1 tot 3 hulself met uitstekende prestasies hulself sowel as hul teenstanders oortref. Nie net het al 19 hierdie gimnaste met ‘n rits medaljes teruggekeer nie, maar het sodoende ook daarin geslaag om provinsiale kleure te verwerf. Dit beteken hierdie gimnaste het gekwalifiseer om Limpopo by die opkomende Noord-Sone Kampioenskap in Johannesburg op die 11de Junie te verteenwoordig. Die gimnaste is onder die bekwame afrigting van Esri Hugo, wie op haar dag selfs uitgeblink het in die sport en as ‘n driejarige kleuter al gimnastiek beoefen het.
Die klub se Jordan Moss was die uitblinker onder die Infinite gimnaste. Sy was as die Beste Vlak 2 deelnemer van die kampioenskap aangewys. Hierdie gimnaste berei nou voor vir die opkomende North Zone kampioenskap wat op die 11de Junie in Johannesburg gehou gaan word. “Ons as klub is ongelooflik opgewonde om weer in persoon te kan deelneem aan kompetisies. Die virtual kompetisies was ‘n groot aanpassing en tog net nie dieselfde as om voor ‘n lewende gehoor en beoordeelaars op te tree nie”, het Hugo gesê. “My gimnaste word jaarliks al beter. Ek kan elke jaar sien hoe elke gimnas op hul eie manier groei. Ons as afrigters leer ook elke jaar meer en meer, en so verbeter die uitslae ook elke jaar” “Hierdie kompetisie seisoen vir die Infinite se juniors was sovêr ‘n ongelooflike goeie jaar. Ons is ‘n klub wat verseker nie terugstaan om hard te werk nie.”
Die Vlak 2 en 3 ritmiese gimnaste is: Voor is Danika Pieters, Atlegang Molokomme, Soria Meyer en Ilé Hanlie Fourie. In die middel is Emmalin Nel, Azwinndini Mathiva en Jordan Moss. Agter is Tanisha Davids, Jessica Pienaar, Jana Pieterse, Retha Mostert, Esri Hugo (afrigter) en Imke Lewis.
Legals & Notices LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T. 956/2017 passed by LAURENT CLAUDIUS CHANGUION and ILSA CHANGUION in favour of ERF 120 TZANEEN PROPRIETARY LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2001/010744/07 In respect of: PORTION 40 OF THE FARM PARSONS NUMBER 155, REGISTRATION DIVISION K.T. LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING: 21, 4133 (TWENTY ONE comma FOUR ONE THREE THREE) Hectares Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at POLOKWANE within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Applicant STEWART MARITZ BASSON , LEX NUMERI BUILDING, 32 PEACE STREET, TZANEEN, e-mail: elzette@smbattorneys. , Tel. no.: 015 307 3760 __________________________________
Die Vlak 1 gimnaste is: Voor is Lincke de Nysschen. In die middel is Monique Booyse, Mianke Louw en Carli Osmers. Agter is Thea Götze, Ofentse Zinhle Mabunda en Anu-Phia Sudi Hope Fourie.
der mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 23RD JUNE 2022 at 10:00 by the Sheriff of Nkowankowa to the highest cash bidder. Venue of the sale: 2946B, TAMBO STREET, NKOWANKOWA (MPEDEZA). 1 X TV STAND 1 X 4 PC LOUNGE SUITE 1 X DEFY 1 X LG DVD HOME THEATER 1 X 1 SONY PLASMA 1 X 1 FUSION FAN 1 X 1 LG MICRO WAVE 1 X 1 SAMSUNG TV 1 X 1 TANT C/O MOHLABA MOSHOANA INC House No 1196A Sasavona Street NKOWANKOWA P.O.BOX 547 MODJADJISKLOOF 0835 TEL: (015) 309 9820 CELL: 076 682 3936 Email:veleattorneys@ REF: HS537B/MBIZAX.S TO: CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT NKOWANKOWA MAGISTRATE’S COURT 68cm JACQUES DU TOIT __________________________________
TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2000 AND GREATER TZANEEN SPLUMA BYLAWS, 2017 PORTION 6 ERF 870 TZANEEN EXTENSION 8 AMENDMENT SCHEME: 517 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the Authorized Agent of the registered owner of Portion 6 Erf 870 Tzaneen Extension 8, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, that we have applied for rezoning in terms of Section 57 of the Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2017 from “Business 1” limited to ‘shops’ and ‘of-
fices’ to standard “Business 1”; and Section 58 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2017 for the removal of restrictive conditions C(h) and C(i) from the title deed, in respect of Portion 6 of Erf 870 Tzaneen Extension 8 situated at the southwestern corner of the intersection between Boundary Street and Harry Dilley Street, Tzaneen. The property is currently temporarily used as a Car Wash. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 3 June 2022 (the date of the publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Authorised Official at the above address or be delivered to Room 15, 15 Peace Street, Tzaneen on or before 3 July 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr B Mathebula (015307 8322). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 __________________________________
NEEN MUNISIPALITEIT SPLUMA VERORDENING, 2017 GEDEELTE 6 ERF 870 TZANEEN UITBREIDING 8 WYSIGINGS SKEMA: 517 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stadsen Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 6 Erf 870 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 8, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 87 van Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017, dat ons aansoek het gedoen vir hersonering ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017 van “Besigheid 1” beperk tot ‘winkels’ en ‘kantore’ na standaard “Besigheid 1” regte; en ingevolge Artikel 58 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir die opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes C(h) en C(i) ten opsigte van Gedeelte 6 Erf 870 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 8, geleë op die suidwestelike hoek van die kruising van Boundarystraat en Harry Dilleystraat, Tzaneen. Die eiendom word tans tydelik as ‘n Karwas gebruik. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 3 Junie 2022 (die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 3 Julie 2022 gerig word aan die Gemagtigde Amptenaar by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 15, Peacestraat 15, Tzaneen met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr B Mathebula (015307 8322). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 __________________________________
3 June 2022
Smouskous | Classifieds Services Dienste Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065
Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. ___________________________________
HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________
Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928 ___________________________________
Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packing and moving? Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking
SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 015-3451192 0846270956 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en dispensers. Heelhuis filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746
DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257
Jobseeker My name is Elsina Mohlagob Molele. I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, cleaning the house, look after the kids, general worker. Full time or part time. Cell: 066 153 3985
To let | Te huur 2 Bedroom prime property, recently renovated, to rent. Open plan living and dining area with a kitchen and full bathroom. 1 Single Garage. Available immediately. R 5 000-00. Call Kobus on 071 401 0950
Book your spot in the next edition!
083 252 8928.
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139
For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249
Contact Riaan 063 465 1524
HAVE A LEGAL NOTICE? Email: admin@ farnorthbulletin.
3 June 2022
Lowveld won after Bure lewer uithaler hokkie ■ thrilling encounter Roelof de Jonge
■ Roelof de Jonge The senior and junior football teams of Ben Vorster High School on their home ground took on the teams from Lowveld Academy for their last league games for the first term. The league is set to continue in the second term. It was especially the senior teams which provided the most exciting tussle which ultimately ended in a draw. Ben Vorster’s Njabulo Maseko scored the first goal of the match and for his team. The Red’s have smelled the blood of a goal and were seeking for more as they launch one attack after another, with the ball missing the nets narrowly on several occasions. Lowveld Academy’s defenders somehow managed to keep the ball away from and out of their net. In the second half the side of Lowveld Academy secured possession which gave Jimmy Mokhwibidu the opportunity to find the back of the net to equalise the match. Ben Vorster tried relentlessly to secure the match, but to no avail as Lowveld defended
vigorously their goal area. The match eventually ended in a draw with one goal each, which led to a penalty shootout. The visitors went on to win the penalty shootout by 3-2 to seal the match. The next league games will commence after the upcoming school holiday. Ben Vorster’s junior team started of the meeting’s proceedings and proved to much of a force to be reckon with a solid performance that seal the match with a 3-0 victory. Tumi Muavha found the back of the net twice for his side and the other goal was scored by Lesogo Mallatji.
Mahlatse Baloyi
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se meisies hokkiespanne het Dinsdag die 24ste Mei vir hul volgende rondte ligawedstryde sy bure van Tzaneen van die Hoërskool Merensky op hul tuisveld verwelkom. Die voorwedstryde het die tafel gedek vir ‘n titaniese stryd tussen die Rooies en Bloues se eerste spanne. Die luidkeelse toeskouers kon in naburige buurte gehoor word soos die senior hokkiemeisies mekaar die stryd aansê. Die eerstespan van Merensky het na ‘n intense wedstryd daarin geslaag om hul bure met 3-1 te klop. Merensky het hul rekening geopen toe hul kaptein, Chantell Meyer, die eerste doel aangeteken het vir die wedstryd. Ben Vorster se doel was deur Joalize Smit aangeteken. Dit was egter nie genoeg vir die gashere gewees om ‘n doelgerigte Merensky-span in toom te hou nie en hulle het nog twee doele aangeteken om die wedstryd in hul guns te beklink. Die wendoele was Jané Toerien in die laaste kwart van die tweede helfde binne enkele minute na mekaar aangeteken, eers deur Nachandré de Lange en to deur Desiré de Jager om die wedstryd in hul guns te beklink. Ben Vorster se tweedespan was ook in ‘n hewige stryd gewikkel en dit was die gashere se Michelle Ackerman se enkele doel wat die deurslag vir die 1-0 oorwinning gegee het. Die wedstryd tussen die O/16-spanne het net vir soveel opwinding gesorg met die twee skole se hokkiemeisies wat om die beurt doele aangeteken het wat die voortou laat wipplank ry het. Dit was uiteindelik Ben Vorster se span wat uitgelate na die wedstryd hul oorwinnning van 3-2 gevier het. Ben Vorster se drie doele was deur Jane Toerien en Nkoka Mgani aangeteken, met Toerien wie twee doele bygedra het. Merensky se twee doele was deur Larike Joubert en Minandi Schalenkamp ingeskiet. Beide skole se O/15-spanne het ‘n verbete stryd gevoer en die wedstryd het uiteindelik met die telling op een doel elk (1-1) geëindig. Ben Vorster se doel was deur Sharice Smith aangeteken en Merensky se doel was deur Praise Baloyi ingeskiet. Die juniorspanne van dié skole het in die O/14wedstryd ‘n klipgarde wedstryd beleef met geen van die spanne wat daarin kon slaag om ‘n doel aan te teken nie.
Nyiko Sono and Kamogelo Nkoana
Tumi Muavha and Thabang Makgobatlou
Business Directory | Sakegids FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING
Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111
While stocks last. 079 523 5253/015 307 2504
11 Plantation Avenue, Tzaneen
Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.
Jané Auret
Wanga Ramatshila en Suné Kotze
Sport 3 June 2022
Champs delivers knockout bouts ■ Joe Dreyer
Gift Chauke and Juan Mari Pretorius. Adam Kader and Tshepiso Chauke.
Close on 2 000 viewers logged in on Far North Bulletin’s Facebook page to watch the boxing in the comfort of their homes on Saturday afternoon when Champs Boxing Academy Tzaneen hosted the very first of its kind tournament at the Showgrounds this past weekend. It was a resounding success with 320 spectators passing through the gates to enjoy an entire day’s worth of top-class bouts, good food and great company. In total, the local club hosted 45 bouts on the day with a portion of the 90 fighters being from the Limpopo Provincial boxing team which ensured some nail-biting action in the elite boxing category later that evening. The day’s fights started at 13:30 with the juniors taking centre stage after which the female fighters took the show into the senior division where the elites went toe-to-toe. There were some notables in attendance on the day which bode very well for Tzaneen as a regular host of provincial and even national tournaments in the future. Included among the big names in the sport were Sanny Chuma, the President of Limpopo Boxing (Limbo), Mr Shiluvana from the Academy of Sports as one of the officials, Mr Mathonsi who is widely regarded as the father of Limpopo boxing and Mr Cassius Baloyi Snr, the father of former South African boxing legend Cassius Baloyi who wore the IBF super featherweight title twice between 2006 and 2009. Tzaneen’s fighters stood up to the challenge with all of Tzaneen’s Elite boxers winning their bouts in spectacular fashion. Juan-Marie Pretorius faced Gift Chauke, the current Limpopo Female Heavyweight champion for the second time this year and again, won her fight in the third round. The first time these two met, Pretorius won in the opening round, which showed some improvement in Chauke’s preparation for the bout. The shortest fight of the tournament was
Daniel Rossouw and Zwonaka Nemudzivhadi. Photos: Joe Dreyer
served by Tzaneen’s heavyweight powerhouse Juan Grobler. It took him just 13 seconds to end Samuel Masha’s stint in the ring when he delivered two jabs and a left hook to the body to stop Masha from even leaving his corner. Grobler said after the fight that he was not aware it was over until the referee stepped in and called it. Adam Kader had the crowd roaring when he delivered one of the most exciting fights of the evening as he stepped into the ring against a more experienced Tshepiso Chauke. Kader’s relentless volleys proved too much for Chauke who was knocked down twice before Kader pinned him to the ropes in the second round and the fight was stopped. One of coach Gerhard Rossouw’s most promising young fighters, Daniel Letsie, took complete control of his fight against Tshepo Mapodile when he sent his opponent to the floor also in the second to win his bout with a deserving KO. Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger, the local South African swimming sensation stepped into the ring for only the third time in his career, and took Terrance Magagula to within 15 seconds of the end of round one before he pummelled him into the bottom rope. The fight was over with seconds to spare after Magagula’s corner threw in the towel. The last fight of the evening was a middleweight bout everyone was waiting for when Daniel Rossouw, in his fourth fight of his career, met the team Limpopo’s Zwonaka Nemudzivhadi in a tournament closer. The crowds lifted the roof off the Showgrounds hall from the start of the bout when Rossouw narrowly escaped one of Zwonaka’s notorious right hooks which had in the past earned him a number of knockouts. Shaken, but not perturbed, Rossouw took the fight to his opponent and eventually won the fight in the second round after Nemudzivhadi’s corner threw in the towel. “We had a better than expected turnout for this tournament and we are very pleased to say that the feedback from Limbo and all the coaches and clubs present was tremendously positive. We had no incidents on the night and every fighter had the opportunity to display their hardwork and preparation before a massive crowd of appreciative boxing fans,” said coach Gerhard Rossouw in an interview after the tournament. “None of this could have been possible without our sponsors and our media partners and of course the community who supported us from start to finish. We look forward to our next tournament later this year and we invite anyone who wishes to improve their fitness, to come and join us at Champs Boxing Academy for our amazing Boxercise program.” The sponsors on the day were Cloud Mountain Spur, Rattlers, Serala Veterinary Clinic, HC Klinkert Boerdery, Van Veijeren Boerdery, Northern Security, Smit en Kie, Bricks@ Tzaneen, Rotec Engineering, AB van der Westhuizen, Large Workwear and Security, Rymar Auto, Paint Pot, Bakgalaka, Frogfoot, KM Bolt, NTT Toyota, Du Roi Nursery and Far North Bulletin. For more images and to watch the fights that were streamed on the day, visit Far North Bulletin’s Facebook page and click like and follow.