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17 June 2022
Phala crime up by 350% ■ Billy Sibuyi
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer:
In crime statistics released last week by the minister of police, Bheki Cele, for the first three months of the year, Phalaborwa documented a 350% increase in assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm. Last year, this time, GBH in Phalaborwa was recorded at two people, however, this year it has already reached nine. For the same period in Hoedspruit, the statistics show that there was a 50% increase in sexual offences and a 25% rape increase. The stats revealed that robbery at residential premises increased by 200% in Namakgale, 166 % in Hoedspruit, 28% in Lulekani, and 25% in Phalaborwa.
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It is not all bad in Phalaborwa, as they have had a 25% decline in rape cases in Phalaborwa and 27,3% in Lulekani. Theft of motor vehicles increased by 200% in Hoedspruit as they moved from two stolen vehicles last year during this period to six this year. During this period both Hoedspruit and Namakgale had a 100% decrease in attempted and murder cases. Hoedspruit spokesperson, Sgt Kenny Malele, said that Hoedspruit police were concerned. “Since lockdown was lifted, we see young children going to taverns, and it often ends with a young girl being sexually assaulted or raped. Some of the cases are never reported because families want to discuss it behind closed doors,” stated sgt Malele.
Uncertainty over GV farms
Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
■ Jeff Jackson The public meeting of the beneficiaries of the 13 farms in the Georges Valley area east of Haenertsburg in Tzaneen, called Serala Farms, nearly did not end well after the attendants and the members of the Serala Community Property Association (CPA) did not agree on matters pertaining to finances and the shares the community was supposed receive to annually once the farms are operational. The meeting attended by about 800 beneficiaries from many parts of the province was held at Hwiti High at Makweng township in Polokwane on Sunday, and people were transported from Tzaneen, Sekororo, Lenyenye, Molepo, Lephepane, Moletji, Phalaborwa and some parts of Polokwane where the majority of the beneficiaries resided. The biggest differences came when one group wanted the farms to be managed and another wanted the farms to be sold. The Serala farms are located in Georges Valley and some grow avocadoes while others are timber plantations. The farms belong to the Ramogale, Kgopa, and the Maponya clans after successful claims in early 2000. Among the issues on the agenda were the report of the delegation sent to the High Court in Pretoria to seek clarity on the state of finances in the farms, the beneficiaries and the financial reports which turned out to be the source of disagreement among the attendants. They sought clarity on the total revenue the farms might make and how it should be shared among the beneficiaries. According to a source who attended the
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meeting, beneficiaries did not accept the financial reports presented by the CPA, claiming the finances were undercounted and resolved that another delegation be sent to the High Court to obtain the financial standing of the farms. He said the youths accused the elders who comprise the CPA committee, of concealing some of the finances. “The matter came to a head when we wanted to know how much was used to transport the beneficiaries with some traveling from hundreds of kilometres away and money used to buy food for them. Others complained that they had to buy avocadoes while their ancestors left them the farms. They called for the selling of the farms and their amenities and that the money be shared among the beneficiaries,” said the source. “Salt was rubbed into the wounds of the beneficiaries when the suggestion to sell the farms and have money shared among them was met with fierce opposition as one group was concerned that selling the farms would leave their children with uncertain futures. The answer to this concern was that in the mountains there are timber plantations which most did not have plans with and that it was difficult to farm in the mountains,” he added. He said that each farm carried an estimated R30 million value and the delegation would have to establish how much each beneficiary would receive after the farms were sold together with the properties. After the delegation had returned from Pretoria to consult the Master of the High Court, the community will hold another meeting in August to chart the way forward.
Van Velden cleaned up
Lucas Prinsloo
■ Roelof de Jonge The first phase of the community clean-up project at Tzaneen’s Van Velden Hospital was conducted yesterday, on Youth Day, the 16th of June. Volunteers and ward councilors banded together to do something about the terrible state of this health facility’s gardens, and to repair, replace and clean the hospital’s curtains. The project was initiated by resident Arina Stassen after she visited a colleague admitted to this hospital. Stassen and fellow colleagues noticed the state of the curtains in the wards and decided to do something about it. After she posted a message over Facebook, she garnered the support of DA ward councilor, Chrizelle Dreyer and FF+ PR Councilor, André Moss who joined forces with Stassen to revive Van Velden to its former glory. “What started out as a small project turned out to be much larger, so much so that we will need to return. I simply did not realize how much work there is still to be done, but we have certainly made a big dent already.” The councilors present who helped with the clean-up were Ronnie Shai (AFP), André Moss (VF+), Chrisma Bredenkamp (DA) and Chrizelle Dreyer (DA). The sponsors who assisted were Santa’s Fabric Magic (curtain brackets), SKIP GO (skip), Talisman Plant Hire (brush cutters), Tzaneen Garden Centre (flowers), Zen Spa (refuse bags), Ok Minimarket Letsitele (refuse bags), Connie Koster (refuse bags) and Northern Hardware and Glass (fuel). Meridean College in Tzaneen also had a couple of learners who came to assist with the fixing of the curtains inside the hospital and went as far to clean the windows. Stassen said they are planning the second stage and people or businesses who want to assist can contact Arina Stassen on 072 1170 403.
Snared hyena rescued
■ Billy Sibuyi
A spotted hyena with a snare around its neck was reported to the Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF) in one of the lodges around Phalaborwa. Springing into action, the team of dedicated PNHF volunteers spent an entire Sunday, 12th of June, making sure they track and remove the snare before any more damage was done. The vet, Dr Rita Piso, from Mangata Veterinary Services in Hoedspruit, along with PNHF headed out to the reserve and attempted to call the hyena using recordings of a distressed prey as
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
Karabo and Lethabo Ledwaba.
Source: Information updated: 13/06/2022
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
this usually attracts hyenas into the area. Unfortunately, they had no success on the first attempt. A second attempt was made, this time using an impala carcass as bait on a trail. According to Eugene Troskie, within 30 minutes the sub-adult male came by and was darted by Piso. PNHF removed the snare, cleaned up the wound, and administered a reversal drug. A few minutes later more hyenas came to feed on the carcass of the impala. “We were glad to see the injured Hyena also came to feed with them about four times, as the pack originally kicked him out,” stated Troskie.
Ebenezer 100.3%
Merensky 101.9%
Middel Letaba 2.4% Blyderivierpoort 100.4%
Tzaneen 100.8% Dap Naude 99.6% Klaserie 101.3%
Tours 99.6%
for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
or 072 98 98 911
Vergelegen 102%
Magoebaskloof 100.4%
17 June 2022
Another new truck for Ba-Phalaborwa
■ Roelof de Jonge The Municipality, with Palabora Copper (PMC), launched a cleaning campaign earlier in January to reclaim the town’s former glory. Once in 2005, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality received an award for the cleanest town in the country, however, since then, it has become one of the worst. Different organizations have tried to restore the town’s glory days without much success, and now with the help of PMC, they will be a lot closer to achieving that success. This comes after the mine handed over 30 skip bins and a brand-new truck to the municipality on Wednesday, 15th of June, at the Impala Park Stadium. This was done as an integral part by the mine to assist the Municipality to help clean Ba-Phalaborwa communities up. The Mayor, Merriam Malatji, stated that the Phalaborwa town has had multiple illegal dumping sites and that caused serious frustrations for the municipality, as it worked against the idea of a clean and healthy
environment. “The fact that these illegal sites are spread by members of our communities is a red flag, we need more awareness around what the consequences of these actions are, for our health and for the Municipality in the long run. It is important for us to sensitize our communities on sustainable benefits of taking care of the environment,” she said. The mayor, also welcomed the appointment of 16 people through Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum who will be benefiting from this programme. “Our local Cooperative, Phalaborwa Bollanoto Recycling is also expected to hire an additional 16 people from the 100 that they work with,” she said. “I have also heard that they will be helping with the collection of rubbish and assisting with clearing the bush around sub stations for easy access during power cuts. The Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF) has also been roped in to help out during weekends for free where the team have been demarcated their own place,” stated Malatji.
Abby Ledwaba, the Transformation Stakeholder Engangement Manager for PMC, told Bulletin that John Rendy Holdings, a company which two years ago were a beneficiary for the mine, were awarded the project of cleaning the environment for a period of 12 months. Abby said that John Rendy was selected through various processes as the successful bidder and will be given a 12-month contract of which PMC would be facilitating their salaries. “The truck and its operations will be handled by the municipality, and we will be handling the payment of the staff,” stated Abby. When asked what would happen after 12-months, Ledwaba stated that they would test the market to ensure that the handling fee that they pay was reasonable and would look at how they would proceed. The Senior Manager, Community and Social Services for the Municipality, Kanwendo Molatelo, told Bulletin that the 30 skips would be placed in the most affected areas in town as town was the most prioritized and when they receive more skips, they would then allocate them to other communities.
Local farmers fed up with fruit theft
■ Roelof de Jonge
A meeting was held between the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Tzaneen, various security firms and Tzaneen’s Community Police Forum (CPF) and numerous farmers from sectors five and six of Tzaneen’s police jurisdiction. This meeting, held on Tuesday the 14th of June at Tzaneen’s Showgrounds, was aimed at finding a tangible solution to the continuous theft of fresh produce from farms in the area, find a better way to improve communication with SAPS, and to educate police officials on how to deal with these cases. The most affected sectors discussed were the areas of Merensky, George’s Valley, Agatha and the route along the R36 road which falls under sector 5 and sector 6 which in turn fall under the Deerpark, Tarentaalrand and Lushof areas. The problems farmers have will hopefully be eradicated after this meeting where the various attendees pledged to up their cooperation and communication to help curb the rampant thievery of fruit in the area. The SAPS was represented by Colonel Baloyi who admitted that they need the assistance of the farmers and private security firms as well as the CPF to help curb this problem. The Colonel admitted that their force was understaffed and said that the lack of vehicles and communication were hampering their efforts to curb this crime. The farmers suffer huge losses annually to these thieves who blatantly sell their loot along the R71 and R36 and even around Tzaneen and surrounding towns. The farmers have very little faith in the SAPS because of the slow response when cases do get reported. Colonel Baloyi pledged to be more directly involved and did not quiver to share his contact details to the meeting attendees, but only if they are not getting the desired response within the time frame of two to three hours from the SAPS. The battle against the theft of fresh produce has been an ongoing one for about two decades, and instead of it being curbed, the situation has escalated, and the thieves have become more brazen in
their tactics to steal from orchards. One of the main problems farmers face when they do report cases, even when the thieves are caught red handed, is that the police would rather side with the culprit rather than the complainant. Another tactic the thieves employ is to use children and send them into the orchards. When these minors are caught, they can’t be arrested and come off with a slap on the wrist or a warning. Uwe Kröh, Naomi Excell and Colonel Baloyi listening to the pleas of farmers during a CPF and SAPS meeting this week. The suggestion that came from the meeting to counter this underhanded tactic was to trace the parents and hold them responsible for their children’s actions. Once a few par- for the purchased goods with all their personal details as well as the ents receive a couple of hefty fines, it could help to spread the belief vehicle and its registration. that it is not a feasible idea. Another suggestion that arose from the meeting was that a database The blatant selling of stolen goods by illegal traders along the main should be established of vehicles that are linked to cases of stolen route, the R71 road, passing through Tzaneen. The GTM is well aware goods. This would help monitor such vehicles when they are noticed of the problem but shift the blame onto SANRAL which manages the in fresh produce areas in and around Tzaneen. route. Some of these traders have been caught numerous times, but Should farmers have a case to report, they can contact the following still, they continue because of lenient laws and fines. SAPS members responsible for the affected policing sectors: Some farmers have improved their security measures to curb the Warrant Officer Khoza (Sector 5 – Merensky area, George’s Valley, Agtheft, but that alone is not enough. atha and R36 route) – 082 729 1262 Some farmers implemented a system where they sell fresh produce Sergeant Mathabula (Sector 6 – Deerpark, Tarentaalrand and Lushof ) directly to informal traders with the buyer receiving a copied receipt – 082 729 1402.
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Mag daar nóg 60 wees ■ Tzaneen Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster vier vanjaar hul 60ste bestaansjaar, en die afgelope naweek het ‘n paar oud-Vossies en van hul vriende, hierdie aangeleentheid op die setperke van die Silverlakes Buiteklub in Gauteng, in styl gevier. Bulletin het hierdie aangeleentheid bygewoon en die kans gebruik om skouers met van die land se grootste sportshelde en bekendhede te skuur. Frik du Preez, John Smit, Victor Mattfield en Dawie Roodt (self ‘n oud-Vossie) het die Buffels se verjaarsdag saam gevier. Die Vrydagoggend vroeg was daar afgeslaan waarna die spelers in die klubhuis vir ‘n ete bymekaar gekom het. Tydens die aand se funksie het die spanne
pryse ontvang vir die naaste aan die putjie en langste dryfhou asook die wenners op die dag. Na die prysuitdeling is daar ‘n veiling gehou waartydens fondse vir die skool ingesamel is. Die res van die aand was ‘n geleentheid vir die Vossie alumni om die laaste sestig jaar se vooruitgang asook die toekoms van een van die Limpopo provinsie se voorste skole te bespreek. Die Tzaneense gemeenskap, sakelui en ondersteuners wens Ben Vorster baie geluk met hul ses dekades mylpaal en alle voorspoed vir die volgende sestig jaar. Mag julle die stryd tot oorwinning met deernis voortsit.
17 June 2022
Saam stry ons Buffels tot
oorwinning - vir nog 60 jaar
17 June 2022
Kwinkslae in die ateljee ■ Ben Theunissen Die missie van die SAUK was om op te voed, in te lig en te vermaak. As jy die drie dinge kon snap, kon jy ‘n radio-omroeper word. Baie van die penstoters en gangstappers het die drie dinge gesnap maar het nie omroepers geword nie, want hulle was nie almal Vermaak nie. Uitsaaihuis in Commissionerstraat in Johannesburg was ‘n groot gebou met lang spookagtige gange. Na my eerste paar honderd kilometer se stap in die gange, het ek my lekkerlag vriende, Dawid, Weyers en die Kommesaris beter leer ken. Humor is ‘n integrale deel van veral die ontbytprogram op ‘n radiostasie. Nog voordat ek by die geledere van die praters aangesluit het, was ek gereeld in kontak met die nie-Vermakers, want hulle het die humor gehad, maar nie die van nie. My begindae was in die Aanbiedingsafdeling waar my pligte bestaan het uit die beheer van klank wat uit die ateljees na die senders gegaan het. Ek het onder andere saam met Fanus Rautenbach in sy oggendprogram, Flink uit die vere, gewerk waar ek sy musiek moes speel. Die program was ‘n twee uur lange grap... hy het nie grappe vertel nie... hy het grappe gemaak. Hy het ook baie Afrikaanse woorde geskep. Bromponie was maar een daarvan. Sy boek, Lekker is ‘n lag lank, was ‘n topverkoper. Destyds was al die musiek op langspeelplate, 45 spoed enkelsnitplate en bande wat ek in die program gebruik
het. Die byklanke se afdeling was uiters opwindend. Dit is die afdeling wat verantwoordelik was vir die klanke of geluide wat in ‘n drama of kortverhaal gebruik moes word. Wanneer een van die karakters byvoorbeeld deur lang gras moes stap, het die byklanke operateur met ‘n bondel gebruikte opnamebande dit teen mekaar gevryf naby die mikrofoon om die effek van gras te kry. Om die wind wat waai na te boots, moes ‘n seil oor ‘n houtdrom gesleep word. Daar was dele van die vloer van die ateljee wat uit gruis, teels, sand en hout bestaan het. Wanneer die byklank van die nodige oppervlak benodig is, het iemand daarop geloop. Motors wat ry en motordeure wat oop en toe gemaak word, was op plaat opgeneem en is op die gegewe oomblik ingespeel. So ook dieregeluide. So van dieregeluide gepraat.... geskryf. Dit laat my dink aan Komessaris se storie van die hiëna wat in ‘n geveg met Koning Leeu betrokke was en Bobbejaan wat in ‘n boom gesit het en die petalje dopgehou het. Na die onderonsie waarin hiëna sleg op sy herrie gekry het, stap hy hinke pink en verniel by Bobbejaan verby en vra: “Hoekom het jy my nie kom help nie?” Bobbejaan antwoord: “Jy het so lekker gelag, ek dog jy wen!” Toe lag Weyers die lekkerste, want niemand het na hom gelag nie....
Legals & Notices IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GIYANI HELD AT GIYANI CASE NUMBER: 208/2021 In the case between: LEOPONT 299 PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR and DR SHISAKANE THOMAS NDLOVU EXECUTION DEBTOR (ID NR. 740531 5343 081) T/A DR ST NDLOVU PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate GIYANI given on 12 October 2021 the under mentioned goods will be sold at: SHOP NO.
8, SHOPRITE MASINGITA PLAZA, MALAMULELE MAIN ROAD, GIYANI, on 4 AUGUST 2022 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X LG LCD TV 1 X SAMSUNG PRINTER 2 X WOODEN CABINETS 1 X ACER COMPLETE COMPUTER 1 X BAUER BAR FRIDGE 2 X MEDICAL BEDS 1 X DP-2200 MACHINE 3 X CANON PRINTERS 32 X OFFICE CHAIRS
3 X OFFICE TABLES 1 X LENOVO LAP TOP 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act
68 of 2008; (Url http:// view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor.
J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR SHERIFF OF THE COURT JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE NO. 203, 2ND FLOOR, OLD MUTUAL BUILDING, GIYANI P O BOX 1363, TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307 5792 / 5694 Fax: 015 307 2553 E-mail: collections@ johansteynattorneys. Ref: J STEYN/sdj/ GA4016
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Testing station open again ■ Billy Sibuyi
The Ba-Phalaborwa Roadworthy Centre which was closed for over two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic was on Wednesday afternoon, the 15th of June, reopened. The Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor, Merriam Malatji, explained that when the pandemic hit, a lot was lost, including the life of one employee at the centre. “The Corona virus forced us to find new ways to ensure that services were being rendered, even though, we were in dangerous times. It was difficult to be productive as a municipality,” stated Malatji. “The community services Roadworthy Centre was one of the municipal spaces that were hit hard by the impact of Covid-19. One colleague who was stationed here passed away due Covid-19. Others no longer qualified to continue working due to comorbidities and the restrictions that we had to apply.” She also elaborated that the municipality in losing the centre, had lost one of its revenue generating sections for a significant amount of time. “We have a responsibility as the Municipality to provide better service to our community. Other than the fact that vehicle worthiness is one of the most important requirements for the safety of all our road users, we also felt that our community was losing the value for money because of having to go to private testing centres which charge approximately R550 to R650 per test depending on the size of the vehicle,” she explained. The municipality offered free safety checks to everybody who needed it on Wednesday for free, and any faults found were not fined nor any tickets issued. The mayor when launching the centre, was accompanied by the speaker, Oliver Mabunda, EXCO members, senior managers, local and provincial traffic officers, as well as representatives from Oliver Mabunda, the speaker of the Municipality, the local taxi associations. inspects a taxi.
SITE NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS INTERESTED & AFFECTED PARTY ON THE MINING RIGHT APPLICATION Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 39 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA), 2002 under application referenced LP 30/5/1/2/2/1/170MR for the intention to carry out the updated public participation processes for the mining right application lodged in the year 2012 with the Department of Mineral Resources for the Mining Right application in Burgersdorp village, Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Maranda Mining Company (Pty) Ltd appointed Phakanani Environmental to facilitate the Mining Right application public participation processes to form part of the updated application for mining right operation of the Gold ore mining at Burgersdorp village situated under the remaining extent of the farm Burgersdorp 19 KT within the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality of the Mopani District, Limpopo Province. The proposed mining area is under the Muhlaba Traditional Council. Site central coordinates are: 24° 0’56.34”S and 30°17’30.44”E Therefore, the Mining Right application in terms of Section 22 of the MPRDA (Act No. 28 of 2002) referenced LP 30/5/1/2/2/1/170MR was lodged and under review with Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). A meeting will be held at Muhlaba Tribal Authority by registration first to observe Covid-19 protocol. The EMPR is available upon request and at Muhlaba Traditional Council tribal offices. Any interested member of the public wishing to formally comment or object on the above-mentioned project are requested to register as interested and affected parties and forward any comments or objections by sending their name, residential address and contact details (email, cell, postal address or fax with reasons) and an indication of only environmental related issues or other interests regarding the proposed project within 30 days of publication of this notice. For further information pertaining to the project, kindly contact Phakanani Environmental on the details listed below. PHAKANANI ENVIRONMENTAL Tsunduka Hatlane 08 Burger St, Polokwane P.O Box 1198 Fauna Park 0787 Tel: 015 291 3189/079 504 4234 Fax: 086 668 5960 Email:
17 June 2022
Plasies oes die ligakroon in ‘n rillerstryd ■ Roelof de Jonge Die meisies eerste hokkiespan van die Hoërskool Merensky het die afgelope naweek met ‘n groot gejuig as die Limpopo ligawenners uit die stryd getree. Dit was tydens die halfeind- en eindstryde vir groot skole wat vanaf die 10de tot die 12de Junie op die terrein van die Plasies beslis was. In die halfeindstryd het Merensky teen die span van Elllisras te staan gekom. Die Plasies benut die tuisvoordeel om hul teenstanders met 5-0 te troef om sodoende na die eindstryd deur te dring waar hulle teen die Hoërskool Pietersburg te staan gekom het. In hierdie twee spanne se laaste kragmeting het Merensky juis hul eindstryd-teenstanders met 2-1 geklop. Die Plasies was dus wel bewus van die feit dat die Pieties vasbeslote sou wees in die herontmoeting om die bordjies te verhang. Beide spanne begeesterd aangevuur deur hul ondersteuners het in die eindstryd alles in die stryd gewerp om die gesogte ligakroon te beklink. Teen rustyd was daar nog geen doel deur enige van die spanne aangeteken nie wat ‘n aanduiding was hoe
goed die twee spanne teen mekaar opgeweeg het. Dit was egter in die derde kwart wat Merensky se staatmaker doelvraat, Nachandré de Lange, die bal uiteindelik verby die verdedigende stokke van die Pieties verby laat seil het om die Plasies met 1-0 te laat voorloop. Die Plasies het hul skrale voorsprong venynig verdedig om sodoende die Pieties weereens te troef. Hierdie keer was die oorwinning egter veel soeter gewees met Merensky wat as 2022 se eersteligakampioen uit die stryd getree het. Die O/15A- en O/16-spanne van Merensky het in hul halfeindstryde beide teen spanne van die Hoërskool Ben Viljoen te staan gekom. In die O/15A-halfeindrondte was dit Merensky wat met ‘n 2-1 oorwinnning na die eindstryd toe gevorder het. Die O/16-spanne se halfeindstryd was ook deur die Plasies met 1-0 gewen om hul plek vir die eindstryd te bespreek. Die Pieties se eerstespan het dalk met hul eindstryd nederlaag teleurgestel, maar hul O/15- en O/16spanne het die besoekers van Polokwane iets gegee om te vier deur beide eindstryde teen Merensky te wen en as ligawenners gekroon te word.
Bulle lig eindstryd trofeë ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Hoërskool Merensky se O/14A- en O/16B-spanne het die afgelope Saterdag die 11de Junie in afdeling 2 van Limpopo Hoërskole Rugby se halfeind- en eindrondtes by HTS Tom Naudé in Polokwane slag gebied. Dit was veral die 15-tal van die O/16B-span wat die bo-toon gevoer het om hul teenstanders van Hoërskool Hans Strijdom te troef en die ligakampioenskap na Plasieland terug te bring. Die O/14A-span het teen ‘n gedugte span van Hoërskool Ellisras te staan gekom en het nieteenstaande vir ‘n opwindende halfeindstryd te sorg. Die O/16B-spelers het van die meet af die pap dik aangemaak om teen rustyd ‘n voorsprong van 10-0 te geniet. In die tweede helfde het die Hansies ‘n verbete terugvegpoging geloods om hul agterstand op die telbord te laat krimp, maar dit was tevergeefs. Die onverskrokke verdediging van die Plasies het hul teenstanders min geleentheid gebied het om werklik ‘n kleim op die eindstrydkroon af te steek. ‘n Verdoelde drie het die kroon vir Merensky gespan om uiteindelik die eindstryd met 17-14 te wen en sodoende as 2022 se
O/16B ligakampioene gekroon te word. Merensky se drieë was deur Ratiba Mohale, Snyman Smit en Danie de Bruin gedruk. Louis van Schalkwyk het met sy doelskop bygedra om die ligakampioenskap te wen. Die O/14A-span het vir hul halfeindstryd teen die Hoërskool Ellisras te staan gekom. Die Plasies het alles in die stryd gewerp, maar ‘n sege was uiteindelik nie vir hul beskore nie met Ellisras wat met ‘n wentelling van 26-17 na die eindrondte deurgedring het. Dit het meegebring dat Merensky in die O/14A-liga die derde plek algeheel beklee. Dié span se drieë was gedruk deur Wiehan Gerber en Jan Pretorius en deur Marco Ras verdoel. Ras het ook ‘n strafskop oorgeskop. Die eerstespan, O/15- en O/16-spanne het reeds na die eindrondtes van Afdeling 2 van die Limpopo Blou Bulle Hoërskole liga deurgedring wat op die 23ste Julie by die Hoërskool Merensky beslis gaan word. Al die spanne van Afdeling 2 se eindstryde gaan by Merensky gespeel word, omrede die Plasies se bogenoemde eindstrydkandidate die boonste plek in die puntestand in hul onderskeie afdelings beklee.
Die Plaises juig triomflik na hul klinkenkende Limpopo eindstyd sege.
Plasies hokkieseuns vier fees op PHS turf ■ Roelof de Jonge Die halfeind- en eindstryde van die Limpopo Hoërskole Hokkie ligakampioenskap vir groter skole vir seunshokkie was op die 10de en 11de Junie by die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) aangebied. Die Hoërskool Merensky se spanne het in ‘n aantal van die uitspeelwedstryde met skitter spel vorendag gekom. Die O/14-span in die eindstryd teen een van hul gedugste teenstanders, Hoërskool Pietersburg, te staan gekom en te midde van verbete teenstand uit die Pieties se geledere nogtans daarin geslaag om hierdie aanskoulike wedstryd met 5-4 te wen om sodoende as ligawenners uit
die stryd te tree. Die O/16A-span het ook een van Hoërskool Pietersburg se spanne in die eindstryd ontmoet. Die Plasies se doelwagter, Henro Janse van Rensburg, het hardnekkkig die een aanslag na die ander afgeweer om PHS doelloos te laat. Merensky het uiteindelik met 2-0 geseëvier om as 2022 se Limpopo ligawenners gekroon te word. Die O/16B-seuns het in die halfeindstryd teen Hoërskool Louis Trichardt met 2-4 die onderspit gedelf. In die uitspeelwedstryd om die derde en vierde plekke te bepaal, het die Plasies teen Curro Heuwelkruin uitgespeel. Die Kruinies het egter die wedstryd met 6-1 gewen wat aan hulle die derdeplek besorg het met Merensky wat die vierdeplek algeheel op die rangleer vir vanjaar beklee. Die eerstespan het in die eindstryd teen PHS uitgespeel. Pietersburg het met ‘n genadelose aanslag die eindstryd met 0-9 gewen, met Merensky wat as die naaswenners van die liga uitgetree het.
Henro Janse van Rensburg Tristin Bredenkamp (onderkaptein), Wendy Dreyer (afrigter) en JP Botha (kaptein) na hul die o/14A-liga eindstryd gewen het
Merensky se o/16B-span is vanjaar se ligakampioene na hul met Hans Strijdom afgereken het.
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17 June 2022
Bobaas Antjies Boababs root out Queens wen liga in styl ■ Roelof de Jongge
■ Roelof de Jongge Altesaam drie rugbyspanne van Laerskool Dr Annecke het op Dinsdag die 14de Junie na Polokwane gereis waar hulle in die halfeind- en eindrondtes van die Blou Bulle Laerskole Rugbyvereniging se ligakampioenskap vir medium grote skole deelgeneem het. Die was veral die Antjies se tweedespan wat met hul uitmuntende vertoning in beide hul halfeind- en eindstryd kragmetings die kollig gesteel het. In die halfeindstryd het Dr Annecke se tweedespan teen een van die gunstelige van die ligakampioenskap, Julian Muller van Groblersdal, te staan gekom. Die twee spanne het alles in die stryd gewerp om hu plek in die eindstryd te bespreek. Dit was egter die Antjies wat die oorhand gekry om die halfeindstryd nouliks met 1412 te wen en na die eindstryd toe aan te vorder. In die eindstryd het die span van Laerskool Ellisras die Antjies begroet. Dr Annecke se tweedespan het egter kookwater rugby gespeel om daarin te kon slaag om hierdie eindstryd uit die vuur te trek. Hulle moes aanvanklik eers ‘n agterstand van 14-22 uitwis. Ellisras kon egter nie die Antjies se begeesterde 15-tal weerhou nie. Inteendeel, Ellisras kon geen verdere punte in die tweede helfde aanteken nie en Dr Annecke het met ‘n pragvertoning van 31-22 die wedstryd gewen om sodoende as die 2022 ligakampioene vir medium skole gekroon te word. Die spelers van Dr Annecke wie drieë gedruk het was PJ Moseamedi wie twee keer vir sy span agter die pale gaan kuier het vir sy twee drieë, en een drie elk was deur die onderkaptein Dawid van den Bergh, Adriaan Fichardt en Christian Duvenhage gedruk. Die span se stelskopper, Adriaan Fichardt, het duidelik aan sy stelskoppe gewerk en het vier van die drieé suksesvol verdoel. Dr Annecke se O/9-span het egter in die halfeindtryd naelskraaps teen Ellisras met 1217 verloor. In die O/11-span se halfeind het hulle teen Julian Muller te staan gekom. Die Groblersdallers het die halfeindstryd nouliks met 14-10 gewen en sodoende die Antjies vir die eindstryd uitgeknikker het.
The Limpopo Baobabs Netball Team is currently experiencing their best season to date in the B-division of the Telkom Netball League. The league continued this past weekend from the 10th to the 12th of June in Pretoria’s Heartfelt Arena for the A- and B-division teams. For the 11th match of the league, the Baobabs once again faced off against the KwaZulu-Natal Kingdom Queens. Eventually, the Kingdom Queens gave a strong performance in the first two quarters of the first half to hold a slender lead over their Limpopo rivals. The last time these two sides met earlier the season, the Baobabs just managed to edge out the Queens by a single
goal. The Queens gave a spirited performance this time round, but it was ultimately the Baobabs who had the last say as they clawed their way back to clinch the game by 43 goals to 36. The next encounter for the Baobabs is set for the 16th of June against the bottom of the B-division log Northern Cape Diamonds, when the league is set to continue once again at Pretoria’s Heartfelt Arena from the 15th until the 19th of June. In the B-division, the Eastern Cape Aloes maintained their unbeaten streak this season from 11 matches. The Aloes, along with the Mpumalanga Sunbirds and Limpopo Baobabs, have already secured their places for the semi-final rounds. The Aloes have an unassailable lead of 22 points after 11 matches while the Sunbirds and Baobabs are locked on 14 points each from the 11 games they have played.
Voor is Nicolas Burger, Xihluke Nkombyani, Junior Masinge en Ethan Phakula. In die middel is Janco Malan, Dawid van den Bergh (onderkaptein), Adriaan Fichardt, Masungulo Mushwana (kaptein), Musa Shiluvane, Nhletello Khoza, JJ Bosman en Tlangelani Sombhane. Agter is Muhluri Mhelembe, Ruan Duvenhage, Ruan Venter (afrigter), Ewan Potgieter, PJ Moseamedi, Chrisjan Genis, Christian Duvenhage, Carel van der Merwe (afrigter), Pieter Minaar, Marius Vermeulen en Ntyiso Ngobeni.
Book studio time Contact Joe Dreyer
072 930 1462
Sport 17 June 2022
Joubert barely misses podium Theuns Joubert
■ Roelof de Jonge Theuns Joubert, Letsitele’s 2021 national rally champion for drivers, along with his co-driver Schalk van Heerden, continued their quest for ultimate championship glory in their Salom Arbeid Toyota Yaris S2000 in the premier NRC1 class this past weekend. The third and fourth double-header rounds of the South African National Rally Championship (NRC) with the backing of MRF Tyres, was held on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th in Secunda, Mpumalanga. Championship rivals Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle’s Gazoo Toyota Starlet took a 14 seconds victory in the first stage over Joubert and van Heerden the Friday morning. Chris Coertse and Greg Godrich’s Rally Technic Hyundai i20 was third fastest. Joubert and van Heerden then struck back in the second stage with a two-second victory over Botterill and Vacy-Lyle, with Coertse and Godrich in close attendance. The rally-leading Starlet’s engine sounded a bit rough as Coertse and Godrich in the Hyundai took their turn to defeat Botterill and Vacy-Lyle in stage three, with Joubert and van Heerden close behind. Botterill and Vacy-Lyle were concerned about turbo issues, but still led Joubert by 16 seconds, with Coertse and Godrich in third place. Replacing that turbocharger ultimately cost Botterill and Lyle eight minutes out in the service park. They received a 1 minute and 20 seconds penalty which handed Coertse and Godrich’s Hyundai i10 the lead from Joubert and van Heerden with Botterill and Vacy-Lyle now lying third on the road and 47 seconds off the lead. Botterill came out with all guns blazing to win the fourth stage by almost 20 seconds from Coertse, who also took nine seconds out of
Joubert, giving the Hyundai a slender overall lead. Another victory of 19 seconds in stage 5 over Joubert and van Heerden saw Botterill and Vacy-Lyle closed the gap even further to the Salom Arbeid Yaris pair, who in the meanwhile moved into a 10 second lead over Coertse and Godrich. The Botterill Starlet was now just three seconds adrift in third place. Joubert eventually settled for second place overall. It was all action with an all-new rally for Saturday’s fourth round of the NRC. Botterill and Vacy-Lyle was in good stead from the outset in the Gazoo Toyota Starlet to win the first stage from Coertse and Godrich in the Rally Technic Hyundai i20. There was however drama when frontrunners Joubert and van Heerden’s NRC1 Salom Arbeid Toyota Yaris lost close to 14 minutes after breaking a wheel rim. The Gazoo Starlet pair gained a further 25 seconds to lead over Coertse and Godrich, with Joubert and van Heerden second fastest on the stage. Joubert and van Heerden then broke Botterill and Vacy-Lyle’s overall charge with a stage 3 win over the leaders, who were hobbled by a side shaft issue. Botterrill and Vacy-Lyle went on to win the fourth round by two min-
Theuns Joubert
utes and one second from Coertse and Godrich in the RallyTechnic Hyundai i20. Joubert and van Heerden’s Salom Toyota Yaris battled on to finish ninth overall. The MRF South African Rally Championship will now move on to Port-Elizabeth, now known as Gqeberha, for the fifth and sixth rounds of the NRC that will be held at the Longmore Forest in the Eastern Cape on the 16th and 17th of July.