Bulletin Newspaper 24 June 2022

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24 June 2022


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS


READ INSIDE Overtime bonanza?


Tzaneen’s crowning beauty



Photo: Joe Dreyer

Two skulls discovered, investigation continues

Sugarman on the greens



24 June 2022





Massive R211M overtime addressed ■ Joe Dreyer

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer:

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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

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10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850

The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has spent more than R210 million on overtime in the last seven years. This, according to the Democratic Alliance’s Political Head for the Mopani Constituency, Solly Malatsi, points towards a “syndicate operation”. According to a report tabled in council recently, overtime expenditure in the municipality in the past seven financial years stands at a staggering R211 million, while service delivery in the municipality continues to crumble. The report further showed that at least 60% of the municipality’s employees (431 out of 660) have been receiving overtime pay every month for the past seven consecutive years. In addition, between 47 and 253 employees have been claiming more than 40 hours for overtime every month. In an extraordinary display of the abuse of the municipality’s overtime reward system, one employee claimed 194 hours overtime totalling R88 634.16 in November of 2021 alone. To put this into context, municipal officials earned a generous R23.5 million in 2013/14 financial year and this figured inflated to R34.3 million in 2020/21, representing a massive increase of approximately 40% over the same period. “Employees in the Solid Waste Management Division in the municipality are the serial abusers of the overtime reward system having amassed a record R7.4 million for the 2021/22 financial year,” said Malatsi. “It is very clear from the excessive millions spent annually between 2013 and 2021 that municipal officials have been abusing the overtime reward system without any intervention from the different ANC mayors in Solly Malatsi charge.”

our employees to work overtime,” said their media statement. “The Executive management has taken several decisions to curb this excessive overtime expenditure. These are the measures that the DA has conveniently missed. The Executive Management has implemented other measures previously, which have failed to yield the right results.” Measures that have now been put in place for implementation include that all planned overtime work for payment must be preapproved by the Municipal Manager a week in advance, municipal vehicles must be installed with tracking devices to monitor the movement of employees, and an internal audit has been tasked to conduct an investigation into excessive overtime expenditure and report back to the Executive Management. Furthermore, the organizational structure must be analyzed to establish whether it assists the GTM in addressing the overtime challenge, the overtime management policy and the overtime management tool must be reviewed, and it must be ensured that the services of high-spending departments generate income and that the municipality does not run at a loss. “We are confident that if these measures are implemented effectively, we will reduce the amount of money that we spend on overtime.”

Finally caught! Not enough information

■ Billy Sibuyi

■ Billy Sibuyi

A 29-year-old suspect linked to several cases of robbery in Namakgale using a traffic officer’s firearm has finally been arrested by the police. The police made this breakthrough on Monday, the 20th of June, when they found him at about 08:00 in his rented room at Bosveld Location in the Namakgale area. This was after an intelligence driven joint operation comprising of the Mopani District Task Team and the Phalaborwa Crime Intelligence Unit, with the assistance from community members. It is reported that the team followed up on information about a suspect in possession of an unlicensed firearm, and a 9mm pistol with one round of ammunition was recovered during his arrest. According to a police report, the preliminary investigation indicated that the firearm belonged to a traffic official and was stolen in the Namakgale township in April this year. The police also suspect the gun to have been used in other serious and violent crimes in the district as he was out on bail for several cases of business robbery committed in the area. The suspect appeared in the Namakgale Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, the 21st of June, facing charges of unlawful possession of firearm and ammunition, and possession of a suspected stolen firearm and he was remanded in custody.

A 27-year-old man accused of raping his biological daughter outside Phalaborwa two weeks ago, has been released by the police. The police spokesperson in Limpopo, Brig Motlafelo Mojapelo, said the man who was arrested in Majeje Village on the 11th of June for allegedly raping his 7-year-old daughter was released as the case could not be enrolled due to outstanding information. Mojapelo could not reveal the outstanding information in question, as according to him, it formed part of the ongoing investigations. “A case cannot be enrolled if the prosecutors, after perusing the docket, realize that more information is needed, and if the case is not enrolled, that the suspect has to be released because some of the information that is needed to formerly charge him in court is still missing,” said Brigadier Mojapelo. In a police statement last week, it was reported that the incident allegedly took place

at their family home, where the suspect and his wife together with their two minor children were asleep in the same room. “The mother woke up around midnight only to discover that her husband was not in bed. She shockingly realized that her husband was raping their 7-year-old daughter and immediately confronted him. The suspect retaliated by assaulting her,” the police stated. According to them, the incident was reported to the on the 16th of June and a case of rape was opened. Preliminary investigations indicated that the rape ordeal had started in February of this year but was never reported. The case was transferred to the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses (FCS) Unit, and the suspect arrested shortly after the case had been opened by members of Community Service Centre on patrol. The suspect was expected to appear in the Lulekani Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 20th of June facing charges of rape.


Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 20/06/2022

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


Malatsi added that while there was nothing wrong with the principle of overtime pay for additional work, employees in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality were permitted a maximum of 194 hours for over-time work in a month which is beyond the normal standard rate for overtime. “It’s a disgrace that these municipal officials are on a self-enriching crusade at taxpayers’ expenses while service delivery suffers,” Malatsi concluded. Bulletin referred the statement to the GTM for comment and in response to the opposition’s allegations they accused the DA of being disingenuous with the truth. “Or let us say creative with the information. What the DA has forgotten to mention was that their media statement is based on a report commissioned by the executive management of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and presented during its meeting last week. This report provides a detailed analysis of the municipality’s overtime expenditure over the past seven years. Again, the DA has purposefully omitted content contained in that report, which outlines measures to address the excessive overtime expenditure.” The municipality said that the overtime expenditure was a serious concern for both the political leadership and the management of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and that the view of the new Council was that some of the funds spent on paying employees for overtime must be saved and channelled towards service delivery. The political leadership has instructed management to urgently address the matter. “We must state that the nature of our work requires our employees to work overtime regularly, however, the amount paid to them for overtime is excessive and cannot be justified. We provide 24hour services for electricity and water. We also provide waste removal services, traffic services, road maintenance, and many other services that require


Ebenezer 100.3%

Merensky 101.9%

Middel Letaba 2.2% Blyderivierpoort 100.3%

Tzaneen 100.5% Dap Naude 98.6% Klaserie 101.3%


Tours 98.5%

for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 98 911

Vergelegen 100%

Magoebaskloof 100.3%



EXCLUSIVE ■ Joe Dreyer On Monday afternoon two human skulls were discovered in plastic bags near a dirt road leading to residential property near the Tzaneen Prison. The skulls were discovered when a team of workers were installing tar poles for a fibre network in the area and noticed a black refuse bag lying on the ground a short distance from where they would be working. One of the workers picked up the bag to dispose of it and noticed the bag was not empty. Upon opening the black bag, he noticed the two skulls and an OK Stores shopping bag inside. When they opened the smaller shopping bag, they found a jawbone. Both skulls were intact but were missing the lower jaws and it is presumed that the jawbone discovered in the OK bag could possibly be from one of the skulls. The workers called the police. The police arrived and opened a case of inquest. The skulls were transported to Letaba Hospital where the skulls will be examined and DNA analysis will be done to determine the cause of death. At the time of going to print the police had not released any further information on the matter but confirmed that their investigation was underway. In the meantime, Bulletin has obtained an impact assessment study from January 2011 for a proposed development of a residential area on the remainder of portions 143/200 and portion 299 of the farm Pusela 555 – Tzaneen. The skulls were discovered on this specific piece of land. According to this report the original property deeds were studied to determine whether any historic structures were evident in the area and no structure were evident up until 2007 when the original deeds from 1885 were edited. The report did state at the time that it may be possible that

sub-surface historical findings could be made during excavation or construction in future, but that it was highly unlikely. Bulletin was at the site where the skulls were found and it does not appear as though the remains could be from the specific area considering they were discovered not buried, but lying atop shrubbery as though they had been discarded from a vehicle in passing. Furthermore, we deduced that the remains could not have been lying undiscovered in the specific area for very long, as roughly five years ago a large portion of that area which is mostly comprised of invasive plants such as Lantana and paraffin bush, was destroyed by a fire. The black bag in which the remains were discovered seemed new and un-weathered, and was discovered not far from the road. It is our unschooled assumption that the skulls were found somewhere else and driven to the bush near the prison to be discarded. We spoke to some of the residents who live on the property and they said that illegal rubbish dumping occurs so frequently in that specific bush, that they have erected warning signs as deterrent. It remains to be seen what the forensic report uncovers and whether it will ever be discovered who the skulls belonged to. Judging by the slow response from the police pathology unit who reportedly only arrived on scene some four hours after the find was reported, chances seem slim.



24 June 2022


Skulls found near prison


24 June 2022





Former Miss Vossie vying for the Miss SA crown ■ Roelof de Jonge Bulletin spoke to 23-year-old Ndavi Nokeri who was a former learner from Ben Vorster High School and once wore Miss Vossie 2016 crown. She just made it into the Top 10 finalists for the 2022 Miss South Africa pageant on Monday evening the 20th of June. Nokeri is the only Top 10 finalist from Limpopo. The finalists are set to vie for this year’s title at the finale set to take place at Sun International’s flagship venue, the SunBet Arena at Time Square in Pretoria, on the 13th of August. She obtained a BCom Investment Management degree from the University of Pretoria and is currently working for an asset management firm in the Western Cape. She was also voted the People’s Choice for this year’s Miss SA Pageant. It all started when she competed in her first ever pageant at the tender age of five years old. “I clearly remember that I was quite nervous for this big event, although I just had to look cute. I reckon this was where my competitiveness started. My second pageant only occurred many years later when I was 17 years old and my friends voted for me in the Miss Vossie pageant back in 2016, which I went on to win.” Regarding the Miss SA pageant she said that it was likely the most competitive event she would ever be participating in. “What I do

love about being in the top 10 finalists is that we are like-minded women, we share the same strengths, and we all want to make a positive impact in our different communities.” The support she has received from her hometown has been quite spectacular and the young beauty hopes that her achievement will inspire the youths from the area to reach for their dreams as she has done. “I would like to encourage people back home, especially from humble backgrounds, to see and believe that anything is possible and that it can be achieved, but you still need to work hard for it. For me to ignite someone’s hope and to help them keep on believing in their dreams is truly encouraging for me. I am really grateful for the support, it is truly the wind beneath my wings.” Should she go on to win Ndavi Nokeri the prestigious title of Miss

SA, Nokeri said that she would continue investing in the youth of her province. “If I do get to be crowned as Miss SA, I would like to focus on bridging the gap to reduce the information barrier that exist at impoverished schools, so that these learners can also be encouraged to work hard and complete their studies and realize there is a life beyond the small village where they grew up.” Her advice to young girls who want to emulate her dreams, is to have the courage to take that first step. “If you don’t take that first step in your own thousand mile journey, your dreams will always seem to be so very far away. Know that you are worthy and capable of achieving it. Never give up on your dreams,” she said. “South Africa holds the highest inequality gap globally and I am passionate about seeking out plausible solutions that will produce equal opportunities for all. I want to empower learners from underdeveloped areas with the resources that they need, so that they can be equipped to make informed decisions about their futures. Ultimately, I would like to create a world with sustainable education, an empowered youth and increased innovation.”

They Kloof’d it

ATKV rolbal in volle swang

■ Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge

This weekend on Saturday the 18th of June, bowls players from clubs across Limpopo competed in the Limpopo Four’s contest and the Limpopo Women’s Pairs championships respectively. The fours’ competition was held at Louis Trichardt’s Bowls Club, and the women’s pairs competition was hosted at Duiwelskloof Bowls Club. Duiwelskloof Bowls Club entered a formidable team for this tussle with Tjokkie von Straate, Damien Stefaans,

Zane Fanie and Doug Reed stepping up to the greens. The Kloof players went on to meet Louis Trichardt’s team in the final and managed to clinch the top spot with a fine win in the end. The runners-up team’s players were Carel, Marie and Bernard Volschenk along with teammate Jaco Oosthuizen. The winners of the Limpopo women’s pair competition were Annelie Janse van Rensburg and Carolynn James from Hoedspruit Bowls Club. They were up against Lyn Lambert and Desiré Chantler Brits from Polokwane Bowls Club.

Die Granor Passi Pietersburg geborgde rolbalwedstryd het op Saterdag die 18de Junie by die ATKV Eiland Spa Rolbalklub plaas gevind. Naas Gouws, die president van dié rolbalklub, het namens die borg vir hierdie dag se wedstryd die pryse aan die onderskeie wenners oorhandig. Jonel Hudson met John Moir en Suzette Bester was die uiteindelike wenners. Die tweedeplek is deur die span van Michael Grech, Estelle de Beer en Marié van Aarde bekleë terwyl die derdeplek aan Nico de Bruyn, Sonja Hartman en Kevin van Staden gegaan het. “Jaarliks is dit een van die funksies van die bestuur van ATKV Eiland Rolbalklub om borge te kry vir die seisoen se wedstryde vir hul lede sowel as vir vakansiegangers. Die wedstryde word gewoonlik op Saterdae gehou”, het Karen Kruger, skakelbeampte van dié rolbalklub gesê.

“Tot hede, was die ondersteuning van plaaslike maatskappye ‘n riem onder die hart, veral wanneer daar besef word dat daar menigte ander geleenthede en instansies is wat net so graag borgskappe benodig en aanvra.” “Dit was dus ‘n aangename verrassing toe die bestuur van ons rolbalklub genader is met ‘n onverwagte kontant skenking wat ons toe kon aanwend vir pryse vir Saterdag die 11de Junie se rolbalwedstryd. Die bestuur wil graag hierdie vrygewige skenker, wat verkeis het om anoniem te bly, hartelik bedank vir hierdie mooi gebaar.” Die wenners van hierdie kompetisie was Michael Grech, Lynn de Bruyn en Connie Coetzer met die span van Jonel Hudson, Jan Koen en Kevin van Staden wat die pryse vir tweedeplek ontvang het. Die span in die derdeplek se spelers was Manie Engelbrecht, Arina Conradie en Daan Swart. Jonel Hudson, John Moir en Suzette Bester het die Granor Passi rolbalkompetisie gewen. Saam hulle is Naas Gouws, die rolbalklub se president

Tjokkie von Straate, Damien Stefaans, Zane Fanie and Doug Reed after winning the Limpopo four’s competition


24 June 2022





Two gunmen arrested Rapist in court ■ Billy Sibuyi Two suspects appeared in the Hoedspruit and Phalaborwa magistrate’s courts respectively on Monday, 20th of June, after being arrested for robbery at gunpoint in Phalaborwa of a foreign national. Their arrest came after a well-coordinated operation involving the Phalaborwa detective and tracing team which was led by the acting station commander, assistance of the community, and Hoedspruit Farm Watch. Reportedly a 37-year-old foreign national and his family were robbed of a cellphone, undisclosed amount of cash, house keys, and a VW Polo motor vehicle at gunpoint. According to the police, later on the same day at about 22:00, one suspect was traced to Namakgale but he managed to evade the arrest.

The police, joined by community members, recovered one of the stolen items, the cell phone. The second suspect was arrested shortly afterwards in Hoedspruit with the assistance of the local farm watch as he was found in possession of the stolen motor vehicle and crystal meth drugs. Further investigation led the police back to the complainant’s house after it was discovered that he was actually a suspected drug dealer. The foreign national was arrested for possession of crystal meth after he attempted to flush them down a toilet. The search for the remaining suspect continues according to the police, and anyone with information should contact the acting station commander of Phalaborwa, Lieutenant Colonel Freddie Lubbe on 082 565 8244 or the crime stop number 08600 10111 or the nearest police station.

Kwinkslae in die ateljee ■ Ben Theunissen In die vorige uitgawe van Uitsaaistories het ek verwys na die lang spookagtige gange van uitsaaihuis in Commissionerstraat in Johannesburg. Dit was veral so wanneer jy nagskof gewerk het, alhoewel sommige spoke ook in die dag bedrywig was. As jy by die hoofingang van uitsaaihuis instap, was daar n hysbak vlak op linkerkant. Die hysbak het nog een van die traliehekke gehad wat jy moes oopskuif voor jy die deur van die hysbak kon oopmaak. Daar word vertel dat Esmé Euvrard (Tannie Esmé, soos ons haar geken het) helder oordag by die hysbak gaan staan en wag het vir die hysbak om op die grondvloer te stop. Uiteindelik daag die hysbak toe op met ‘n man wat in die hysbak staan. Sy moes self die traliedeur en houtdeur oopmaak, aangesien die man in die hysbak geen poging aangewend het om haar te help nie. Hy het ook nie die hysbak verlaat nie. Sy het met haar rug na die man gaan staan. Die hysbak bedien net twee vloere. Die hysbak het by die eerste vloer verbybeweeg. Toe die hysbak op die tweede vloer stop, moes sy weer self die deure oopmaak want weer wou die man nie help nie. Toe sy omkyk om te sien of die man reageer, was daar geen teken van hom nie Die man het spoorloos verdwyn.....’n kwessie van agter elke suksesvolle vrou staan daar dalk ‘n man… Ateljee 13 in die Federal hotel, skuins oorkant die SAUK, was die personeel se watergat. Met ‘n kuier daar na werk, vertel ek die storie van tannie Esmé vir die geselskap.

Dis toe dat Kommesaris opmerk, “Nee man jy het dit verkeerd! Dit moet wees; agter elke suksesvolle man staan daar ‘n vrou.” Toe voeg Weyers by; “Want as sy op enige ander plek gestaan het, was sy in die pad!” Gelukkig was daar nie suksesvolle mans in die geselskap nie. Tannie Esmé was ‘n dierbare mens, geliefd by almal. Wie kan nog haar Springbokradioprogram, Hospitaaltyd, onthou? Hier is die woorde van die kenwysie wat deur Jimmy Rayson gesing is; Daars ‘n lied en ‘n glimlag vir jou in hospitaaltyd onthou verkleur die wolke van grys tot blou in hospitaaltyd onthou vanaf Maandag tot Vrydag om halfeen is daar musiek vir moeder vader vir dogter en seun Ja, daar’s ‘n lied en ‘n glimlag vir jou in hospitaaltyd onthou Kan jy die wysie onthou? Sy was ook natuurlik bekend vir haar klein Chiuaua hondjie wat sy soms werk toe geneem het. ‘n Mens kon ook nie te na aan haar waag wanneer sy die hondjie in haar arms vasgehou het nie. Hy was heel geniepsig. Die gewildste program wat sy saam met wyle Jan Cronje aangebied het, was natuurlik, So maak mens. Sy het altyd ‘n sagte glimlag op haar gesig gehad en tyd vir ‘n vinnige, hoe gaan dit? Sy en wyle Lance James was die twee vriendelike gesigte in die diskoteek, ongeag wanneer jy daar besoek afgelê het om programme op te stel. Die diskoteek was waar al die SAUK se musiekopnames te kry was. Soos Dawid eenkeer van ‘n sanger gesê het, as hy sing klink dit goed, maar as hy nie sing nie, klink dit nog beter.

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■ Billy Sibuyi

The Bangladesh national, Akter Hosain (36), who is accused for forcing himself onto an unsuspecting 10-year-old girl was remanded in custody to appear again in court on the 6th of July. According to the police, the 10-year-old child went to the suspect’s shop in Namakgale on the 8th of May, shortly before noon to buy an airtime voucher. “Instead of serving her, the suspect locked the door and raped the child inside. He thereafter let her go,” the police stated. The matter was further reported to the police and he was arrested on the same day at his shop. Subsequent to that, two of the suspects’ friends were arrested following an attempted bribe for the case to have outside influence. The two suspects aged 30 and 40 from Phalaborwa were arrested on the 3rd of June 2022, for allegedly attempting to bribe a Community Activist to persuade the parents of the 10-year-old child who was raped, to drop the charges. They appeared in court for the first time two weeks ago and were remanded in custody to appear again on the 15th of June, however, the magistrate presiding over the case could not make it on that day as they had fallen ill, so the case was postponed to Friday, last week the 17th of June. Both suspects were granted bail of R3 000 each and are set to appear again in the court on the 6th of July. Community activist, Edmond Mbetse, said that he was very disappointed that the suspects received bail, however, he had complete faith in the judiciary system.

To join the Bulletin WhatsApp distribution group, send a message to 064 650 7123

Legals & Notices LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Ritavi. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 009096/2021 Surname: NYATHI, Name: SITHEMBISO ELIZABETH, Identity Number: 3508280197087 Widow, Last address: 960 NKOWANKOWA-A, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Joubert & May Attorneys, 50 Boundary Street, P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen, Tel (015) 307 3660, Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/ N58 __________________________________

In the estate of the late PETER JACOB

CORNELIS HAGE, Identity number 3002165082184, Master’s reference number 004515/2022, pensioner, widower, who was ordinarily resident at 420 Macadamia, Aqua Avenue, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 3rd of May 2022. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys, P O Box 35, Tzaneen, Ref.: A E Rech/ R15964 __________________________________

In the estate of the late JOHANNES HENDRIK LOOTS, Identity number 3404025008088, Master’s reference number 002083/2022, pensioner, married out of community of property who was ordinarily resident at 19 Doreen Street, Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 7th of November 2021. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorney, P O Box 35,

Tzaneen, Ref.: A E Rech/ R15883 __________________________________

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 3338/2021, Surname: KRUGER, Name: WIEDSE JOHANNES, Identity Number: 6801075008081, Last address: FARM 6 TARENTAL 578 LT, AGATHA TZANEEN, Joubert & May Attorneys, 50 Boundary Street, P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen, Tel (015) 307 3660, Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R15634 __________________________________





24 June 2022


Limpopo Blou Bulle werf aantal Buffels uit Vossie-kamp ■ Roelof de Jonge Met die tweede skooltermyn se vakansie op hande is daar natuurlik ‘n groot afwagting wat heers vir vanjaar se nasionale skolerugby toernooie, veral in die lig gesien dat die afgelope twee jaar se toernooie erg deur die Covid-19 pandemie ontwrig was. Die skolespelers is duidelik uitgehonger vir rugby en dit was duidelik te bespeur tydens die vele rugbywedstryde wat Bulletin tot dusver van omliggende skole bygewoon het. Die Limpopo Blou Bulle Hoërskole Rugbyvereniging het onlangs sy provinsiale spanne bekend gestel wat in verskeie nasionale rugby week-toernooie gaan slag bied. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster spog vanjaar weereens met ‘n aantal O/18- en O/16-spelers wie vir Limpopo se onderskeie spanne aangewys is. Die grootste afwagting is natuurlik vir die O/18 Cravenweek Toernooi wat vanaf die 3de tot die 9de Julie in Kaapstad by Rondebosch Hoër Seunsskool beslis gaan word. Altesaam drie van die Buffels-spelers is in die Limpopo Blou Bulle se O/18 Cravenweek-span ingesluit, naamlik Malahlela Makwala, Juan-Jacques Joubert en Joy Ngobeni. Vanjaar se O/18 Akademie-week Toernooi word in Wellington vanaf die 3de tot die 9de Julie gehou. Die spelers van Ben Vorster wie in die Limpopo Blou Bulle se Akademie-span ingesluit word is Ben Mashele, Letago Sekokotla en Kagiso Ramoloto. Die spelers vanuit Ben Vorster wie vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle se Grant Khomo O/16-span gaan uitdraf is Damian Bye,

Nkateko Ngoveni en Lethabo Sejake. Vanjaar se Grant Khomoweek Toernooi gaan vanaf die 26ste Junie tot die 9de Julie in Kimberley gehou word. Shaun Nic Matthysen is vir Limpopo Blou Bulle se Reitz Week VKB O/19-span gekies terwyl ‘n aantal spelers Limpopo se naam in die Noordvaal O/16 Toernooi gaan hoog hou. Die Noordvaal-spelers vanuit Ben Vorster is Nikelo Moyo, Christopher Janse van Vuuren, Tihandré Reynecke, Pontsho Selowa en Quinton Schrader.

Die vlank, JJ Joubert (7) met die bal en Juan Meintjes (6) ter ondersteuning.

Schools’ rugby ready for nationals ■ Roelof de Jonge

Philip Ludick

Coetzee (centre), Henro Delport (eigthman), Tian Viljoen-Krügel (flanker), Jonathan Kruger (flanker) and Waldie Haasbroek. The players from Merensky who were included in the U/16 Grant Khomo team are Byron Hendricks (scrumhalf ), Molatelo Thoka (hooker), Ofentse Mauwane (fullback), Caleb Mokgalaotse (wing) and Hardus Terblance (eigthman). Several players were also included in the u/18 and U/19 VKB team which will be comepeting in the Reitz Week in the Free State as well as for the U/16 Noordvaal team. These players are Neil van Vuuren (centre), Nyakala Sethaba (flank), Divan Pietersen (prop) and Samuel Phalani (lock). The Merensky players included in the Noordvaal-side are Ethan Maritz (flank), Ulrich Maré (centre), Phetogo Shubane (flyhalf ), JJ Goosen (flank) and Ruan Marcos (prop).

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Several rugby players from Merensky High School were selected for various Limpopo schools’ rugby teams set to compete during the upcoming school holidays. The most anticipated schools’ rugby tournament which is the mainstay of school boys’ rugby in South Africa is the 2022 U/18 Craven Week, set to take place at Rondebosch Boys’ High School in Cape Town. This prestigious tournament will commence from the 3rd until the 9th of July. The U/16 Grant Khomo Week will be held from the 26th of June until the 9th of July in Kimberley. The U/18 Academy Week tourney will be held in the same time frame as the U/18 Cravenweek, from the 3rd until the 9th of July. The Academy Week will be held in Wellington this year. It is no secret that the Merensky First rugby team is on a roll this year and remain undefeated in all of their matches, home and away, and has made the play-offs which is set to take place at Merensky High School after the June, July school holiday. It is thus no surprise to see no less than six of their players selected for Limpopo’s U/18 Craven Week team. These players are Johan van den Heever (hooker), Carl Dohse (scrumhalf ), Philip Ludick (flyhalf ), Clifford Ledwaba (wing), Tirelo Mashapa (prop) and Letlotlo Mohlala (wing). The players selected for Limpopo’s U/18 Academy Week side are Mahlatse Semosa (wing), Reese

Kagiso Ramoloto


24 June 2022





Sugarman gives back R80 000 ■ Joe Dreyer Following a very successfulinnuagural Sugar Stores Golf Day held this past weekend, Lino De Carvalho and his team decided to give back to selected local institutions in support of local charitable causes. A total of R80 000 was donated by the OK Sugar Stores franchise, to be divided equally among the eight chosen institutions. Goue Jare, God’s Haven, Noah’s Ark, Tzaneen Care Group, Tzaneen Primary School, Ben Vorster High School, CHOICE Trust, the SAVF each received OK Rewards Cards preloaded with R8 000 in credit.

“We took the decision to give each of these institutions R8 000 in credit which they can spend at any of the OK Sugar Stores for groceries and other necessities. In this way, the institutions and their beneficiaries can have assurance that the funds are spent on actual necessities and not squandered,” explained De Carvalho. “We will also be able to offer them a detailed statement of where the money was spent and on which products, so that they can have a better idea of the items that are most in demand and need to be stocked up on.” The handover was done on Friday afternoon (yesterday) at the head office of the Sugar Stores at Sugarhill.

Ben Vorster Goue Jare

God’s Haven Tzaneen Care Group

Laerskool Tzaneen CHOICE Trust


Noah’s Ark

Sport 24 June 2022

Sugary win for Geldenhuys bros ■ Roelof de Jonge

Gerhardus and Altus Geldenhuys emerged as the winners of the inaugural OK Sugar Stores Golf Day which was contested in a two ball better ball format on Friday the 17th of June at Tzaneen Country Club. A total of 25 teams consisting of four players per team entered the tournament which had plenty of prizes on offer for the players. Sugar Stores in Tzaneen gained the sponsorship from Francois van Deventer’s Pro Solutions as the main sponsor for the lucrative R100 000 hole in one prize for the 18th hole. The difficult 18th hole once again proved to be a tricky affair as golf players all attempt to win the big prize, but to no avail. According to Lino de Carvalho, owner of the famous Sugar Stores in Tzaneen, all proceeds from this golf day would be in aid of various charities. Ok Sugar Stores thank their sponsors who contributed in the success of the first and certainly not the last Ok Sugar Stores Tzaneen Golf Day. They include; Lannie Motors, CAS Workshop and Gearbox Centre, Allegraine Dairy, Farm Trace Payroll Solutions, Intercore Petroleum, Trophy Tyres, Gym@Ben Vorster, Pest Control Specialists Tzaneen, Paintpot, RSA Group, Limpo Claude WiFi, Marana Liquor, Freshlinq, Okuhala Swammers Construction, Idwala Carriers, GCON Steel & Construction, Pro Solutions, Safari Pub and Grill and the NTT Motor Group.

CAS Workshop golf team with JP van Niekerk, Johan Bester, Jacques Fox and Frederick Meyer. Photos: Roelof de Jonge

Francois Swammers

Marius Bekker

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