Bulletin Newspaper 12 August 2022

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READ INSIDE GOEBAAI PIET! Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATISwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za R512 August 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 Fight like a girl Merensky onstuitbaar 5BLADSY 84Foto: Verskaf Phelophepa4heretohelp

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“Decreases offer immediate relief, but increases filter into the economy over time, especially as those sectors affected by them don’t immediately adjust their prices downward, but instead wait for more consistent fuel cuts that lower their input costs,” stated the AA.

“Given this, and based on the current data, the decreases to the prices for petrol and diesel are expected to be around 15c/L and 32c/L. Although these would be more significant if the GFL relief was still in play, a reduction is nonetheless welcome, and will ease some pressure on consumers,” the AA noted. The association said that despite the forecast decreases, fuel prices in South Africa remain high and that the previous sizable increases will still impact the economy in the coming months.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za2 12 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 EmergencyNoodnommersnumbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website www.farnorthbulletin.co.zaatandreadthelatestnews,aswellasbackcopies. KontakContactbesonderhedeDetails www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua PRIVATEPOSTNETTzaneenPark#911BAGX4019TZANEEN,0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 dave@rescue911.co.za911 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ebenezer 100.3% Merensky 101.5% Dap Naude 96.7%

Jackson Mawila sits on a burning tyre during a strike over water in Lulekani on Wednesday.

■ Je Jackson Finally, moneyless South African motorists are expected to receive a little relief in September as soaring petrol prices are expected to decrease. Motorists enjoyed good news as the petrol price for both 93 and 95 dropped by R1.32 per litre last week Tuesday at midnight, and diesel prices dropped by 88cents and 91 cents per litre.

The issues originally started with the MDM not paying their accounts at Lepelle Northern Water. Four years ago this same issue resulted a massive march organized by the late Manie Kriel and George Hepburn under the banner #Gatvol. During that march the group handed a memorandum to the then mayor, Pule Shayi, along with two bound books of letters written by children including the mayor’s daughter, begging for water. Nothing happened.InMay this year, the organization with other community groups again held a march to the local municipal offices, demanding that water be restored. Again nothing has come of this and the municipality’s spokesperson refuses to answer the media. The mayor has not been forthcoming either. Now Lulekani residents, have vowed to spend nights on the streets until someone from the presidency addresses them. In the meantime the water faucets at old age homes and schools remain dry.

■ Je Jackson A 65-year-old man spent his Friday afternoon repairing potholes on the R36 heading towards Nkowankowa. Alpheus Malatji was seen filling potholes on the corner of the R36 and the Venbeck Road on Friday, by a motorist heading from Tzaneen to her work place in Nkowankowa. She stopped and asked him whether he was contracted by the municipality and whether this was part of a bigger project to rehabilitate parts of the route. “He told me that he works for himself and because he travelled the route daily, decided that the potholes needed to be repaired. Even though he only filled them with sand and stomped them as a temporary fix, it made my heart smile to think that someone his age was willing to do something about a situation which the municipality has not seen to,” said the motorist.Alpheus is a prime example of two things; how the government has failed in its basic mandate of maintaining infrastructure and providing services, and how fed up its citizens have become.

In July the Automobile Association (AA) had predicted a drop in fuel prices for August and according to the data, the drop in international petroleum prices is driving the decreases, but they are being offset by a weaker rand/US dollar exchange rate, which is eroding otherwise sharply declining fuel prices.

Madala motorists’makesmorningSpokespersonruns from the media Fuel set to drop


Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information08/08/2022updated: Tzaneen 100.6%

These decreases will be further limited due to the return of 75 cents per litre to the General Fuel Levy (GFL). The government has indicated that it will not alter its position that the initial R1.50 it cut from the GFL in April and May, and which was halved to 75c for June and July, will end in August. This means the GFL returns to its normal rate of R3.93/L in August.

According to a statement by the Automobile Association (AA) the outlook for petrol prices in the country was positive, with the potential for another even larger price drop in September, but only if the international oil price, a key driver of high petrol prices, continued to “Southdecline.Africa’s fuel prices are adjusted monthly, informed by international and local factors. International factors include the fact that South Africa imports both crude oil and finished products at a price set at the international level, including importation costs,” the department of mineral resources said in a statement.

■ Billy Sibuyi The water scarcity in Ba-Phalaborwa is nowhere near ending as cries for a drop of water keep falling on deaf ears. Jonas Mahesu, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s notoriously quiet spokesperson, ran to his car and drove off when Bulletin attempted to obtain comment from him during a strike on Wednesday, 10th of August, at Lulekani. Residents of Lulekani, just like most residents in Phalaborwa town, have not had water for a very long time and posting on social media about it does not get the job done according to them. Which is why they decided to block the roads leading out of the area. Even with a commitment by stakeholders to work together to resolve the water issues, there still seems to be no end to the water crisis, as an old age home in Phalaborwa has had barely any water in at least a week. Most residents who live further up the supply line, are fortunate to receive a small portion of water, but have resorted to paying R300 to have their JoJo’s filled up by a water tanker which allegedly belongs to municipal employees. During a meeting called by Let’s Change Ba-Phalaborwa (LCBP) at the Council Chambers on Wednesday, the 3rd of August, it was decided that water problems would be dealt with. The organization invited the water authority, which is the Mopani District Municipality (MDM), the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, and Lepelle Northern Water (LNW), to sit-down and address the water problems facing the area. A day after that meeting, the entire town suffered an all-day dry spell due to a repair being done somewhere on the main pipeline.

■ Joe Dreyer In Nkowankowa there currently reigns an air of tension as community members embarked on protest action against a group of businesses operating in that area. The situation was sparked by approval from the Greater Tzaneen Municipality which granted a group of unionized residents known as the Dan and Nkowankowa Concerned Group (DANKOW) in partnership with the South African National Civic Organization (SANCO), permission to embark on a peaceful, legal march to certain businesses to hand over memorandums of grievances. This march was scheduled for the 1st of August and business owners were invited via formal letters on the 26th of July, to attend the plenary meeting a week prior to the march, at the boardroom of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Though not all the businesses attended thatAccordingmeeting.to Mulawu Mathye, spokesperson for DANKOW, the residents have legitimate concerns regarding the operations of the businesses in their area, whom they feel do not prioritize the needs and wellbeing of the local community. “These industrialists use up our roads to transport their heavy hauls because their own roads have been damaged so badly, it is undriveable. Their trucks have destroyed our town’s roads and damaged infrastructure like powerlines in our residential areas when they lose their way and need space to turn around. Our roads are not designed for these heavy haulers,” he said. “Furthermore, these companies employ foreigners to work for them, when they have many labourers to choose from, living right around them. We don’t mind if you are going to employ a foreigner with a scarce or specific skill, but when it comes to general labour, why not draw from the community within which you conduct your business?” The group’s primary focus appeared to be the management of one specific company operating in Nkowankowa, with whom the group allegedly attempted to meet and discuss their grievances but were unable to. In a document sent to the relevant parties, the group stated that they attempted to engage this company in July, and after failing to do so, were left with no other option but to unionize and embark on a Amongprotest.the group’s concerns listed in their application for the march, were the hiring of local labour from the area in which the company operates, that foreigners only be employed on scarce skills and not general labour, and that the companies become more transparent regarding their contributions to the youth and local community development as well as their BBBEE status. Although the group named only one company specifically in their application with the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, DANKOW and SANCO set out to hand memorandums to several identified businesses. “We secured a legal protest against the industrialists in Nkowankowa and secured an appointment with some of them to sit around the table and discuss our issues. We want to establish and address issues with certain companies for the matters to not repeat in future,” MathyeInitially,said. the march was a peaceful one and in videos Bulletin received, the protestors were seen approaching the gates of one of the businesses in an orderly fashion. The trouble started earlier this week however, when other videos were circulated over social media showing aggressive and threatening behaviour by protestors towards employers and employees of these companies. In one video a woman was accosted by a couple of protestors as she was driving to her place of work. In the video, as she drives past them a man shouts “f@#k you!” whilst another hits her vehicle. When she winds down her window to ask what the problem is another man, believed to be one of the leaders of the group, shouts “hey what are you doing here? We told you not to come because we are on the strike and I didn’t hit your car, you hit me wena!”. When the woman’s phone is noticed the man threatened her with “you are white lady, you will tell us nothing, we are the community here and you don’t have the right to take my photo because I will break that f$%^ing phone” before he smacks the phone from her hand. Another man joins the commotion and shouts “you are a stupid white girl, f%#k you!” She can be heard calling for the police who were present at the time, but the video cut off shortly thereafter. Earlier on in the altercation caught on video, the man presumably referred to the police at the scene stating that they would not intervene as it was not their territory.Inanother video, a man was in a similar situation on his way to work when protestors prevented him from entering the premises by threatening to burn him and his vehicle if he did not turn around. Yet another video showed protestors brandishing rocks, preventing trucks from moving in and out of the area. In yet another video, another businessman was threatened by a protestor with a pole. Bulletin spoke to a representative of one of the companies who requested anonymity. According to this representative, the companies in the area were expected to engage the communities who demanded certain labour practices be followed in accordance to the law, but they themselves were not following the laws as per their approval letter for a peaceful march. “When two parties want to engage on any platform legally, to discuss legal matters such as employment protocols, it is important that both parties abide by the law. You cannot break the terms of your approved protest march and expect the other parties to prioritize your cause.

Nkowankowa stand off a hot potato

In the week since these incidents were first recorded, DANKOW and SANCO have managed to engage with three of the companies in civil meetings at their premises. According to some representatives of these companies, the matters were tabled and discussed, and the community was satisfied with the outcomes. Currently the situation is balancing on a knife’s edge as some of the businesses have reportedly grouped together to approach the situation as a united front from a legal angle. “We have said that we will not intimidate workers or prevent anyone from going to work, but we will not allow these trucks to continue driving through our communities and damaging our infrastructure anymore,” said Mathye. “We live right next to one of the companies’ water treatment plants and the stench is unbearable. The dust from their trucks makes matters even worse and despite us trying to engage them on this, they have ignored us. One company’s representative refused to read our memorandum and tore it to shreds right in front of us. We have a legal team onboard and we are prepared to fight this in court if need be.” Mathye said that the group was satisfied with the meetings that they managed to secure with some of the companies this week and stated that they will continue their efforts to secure meetings with the rest of theThisinstitutions.isadeveloping story and Bulletin will keep our readers updated as the matter unfolds. We will continue communicating with members from both groups to offer balanced reporting on this delicate situation.

You cannot hurl racial abuse or threaten to assault or burn the person that you expect to later employ you. It just doesn’t work that way, relationships go both ways. Obtain approval to march legally, abide by the conditions of that approval, march to my gate and hand me your grievances so that we can setup a meeting with the relevant parties and their representatives and have a documented discussion to find common ground. But once you break any of those conditions which approved your march, that action becomes an illegal march and then no discussions can take place.”

312 August 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za

The manager of the Phelophepa mobile health care clinic who is an optometrist, Thelma Satekge, said they would be offering a wide range of services to the public during the clinic’s two week stay in Tzaneen. Aside from the train, there will also be a mobile clinic travelling by road along the same routes as its railed counterpart. “We have a psychology clinic that will offer counselling and workshops. Our health clinic offers primary health care services and free cancer screenings,” she The dental services of the Phelophepa train consists out of two dentists with six dental students as assistants. There are four professional nursers tending to patients with the help of six final year nursing students. The psychology clinic has one psychologist at the helm who is assisted by four social workers. There is also a pharmaceutical service. “Aside from the established personnel onboard, we also make use of about 70 local employees like general health practitioners, nurses and cleaners,” Satekge added. “Phelophepa” translates into “good, clean health” and is owned and operated by the Transnet Foundation. This railway clinic started its first journey all the way back in 1994.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za4 12 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

Women rise for women’s rights

The event was hosted at Champs Boxing Academy at the Tzaneen showgrounds and attended by a group of 15 women from across Tzaneen’s Ward 15. Coach Gerhard Rossouw addressed the group with a brief motivational talk on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and learning skills that will enable you to react appropriately in a potentially dangerous physical altercation.

The DA donated sanitary pads for the girls at Driehoek Primary to enable them to attend school throughout the year without missing important classes.

The Phelophepa arrived at Tzaneen Train Station on Sunday the 7th of August and will be in town to assist patients until Friday the 19th of August.

■ Roelof de Jonge For people unable to afford the fees charged by private practices, and who do not have the time to spend an entire day in line at any one of the state hospitals or clinics, the Phelophepa train is in town again this month.

The Transnet-Phelophepa train is a free, mobile healthcare clinic with a host of medical services on offer which travels to rural areas around South Africa. In most of these outlying areas there is just one doctor per 5 000 patients.

“You don’t have to be stronger than your attacker, and you don’t have to be a better fighter than your attacker. You only need to be a better fighter than his previous victim,” Rossouw explained. “If a predator goes out on the prowl he will focus on the meek and will count on your fear of him. Once you don’t fear him, and you don’t appear to be a soft target, he will move on to someone else.” The women spent an hour in the boxing gym under the guidance of female coaches Carleine Rossouw and Juan-Marie Pretorius, learning how to throw a punch, avoiding a punch, and enjoying a short introduction to a boxer’s fitness regime. After the training programme they were treated to a light lunch before heading off. On the same day, the local DA caucus leader, Rene Pohl, hosted an initiative at the Driehoek Primary School in Maribethema just outside Polokwane. Her focus on the day was also aimed at raising awareness around gender-based violence specifically aimed at women in the rural areas where it is far more prevalent.

The Phelophepa trains run 36 weeks a year and travel to 70 remote communities annually. In addition to these general health services, individual counselling sessions and group workshops to help people cope with psychological issues such as stress and depression are offered. The trains also house special coaches for education, where members of the local communities can participate in classes on general health issues such as nutrition, hygiene and dental health. More specialist services have been introduced, including diabetes prevention, hypertension and cancer screening.The result of the broad reach of Phelophepa is better awareness of common health issues within these remote and often poorly educated communities. There is an increased likelihood of people presenting for examination, and consequently more chance that patients can receive appropriate treatment. Since the first train started its journey more than 25 years ago, the trains have touched the lives of approximately 14 million people, dispensed medication to over 3 million patients and provided health screenings to over 2 million people.

“We discussed another important issue facing many women in our country today, namely becoming financially independent. We discussed economic empowerment to enable one to thrive in life instead of merely surviving,” said Pohl. “It is a very harsh reality in our rural communities that affects women of all backgrounds. The current economic state of our country has exasperated the situation.”

The “good health” train is back in Tzaneen again said.The six more Thelma Satekge, train manager, and pharmacy manager Rendzo Marima welcomed André Moss and Christina Zulu from Greater Tzaneen Municipality on their visit Dr Thabiso Manamela is the Dental Clinic Manager on the Phelophepa since 2015 Ward Councillor Chrizelle Dreyer The group of women who joined the DA’s initiative with the coaching team from Champs Boxing Academy in Tzaneen.

■ Joe Dreyer As part of their Women’s Day campaign the Democratic Alliance in Limpopo held a series of events and outreaches aimed at not only celebrating the power of women, but also highlighting the importance of various issues they face. Arguably the violence against women and children is at the top of the agenda when one starts addressing serious issues that affect society. In 2021, Statistics South Africa released a report, Crimes Against Women in South Africa, indicating that one in five women (21%) had experienced physical violence by a partner. “It is because gender-based violence in our country is such a serious matter, and because this matter is not being addressed with the seriousness that it should be, that I decided to host a boxing event for the women in my area,” said DA Ward Councillor for Ward 15, Chrizelle Dreyer. “If the government cannot adequately protect our women, then we will learn how to protect ourselves.”

A woman from Driehoek Primary School in Maribethema receives the sanitary pads.

Sun 15 000 people will see you here! 3 7 Drop it like it’s hot off the people’s press! People’s 26 August 2022 FREE NEWS:BREAKINGTHE SUN RISES WE WILL BUILD OUR COMMUNITYYOURWETOGETHERSPEAKTOCUSTOMERS TWICE A MONTH • FREE OF CHARGE OFFICIALLAUNCH26AUGUST 280mm x 64mm (28 x 2) Ad Space PRIMESPOT 4 2

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The Deputy Minister in the Presidency Thembi Siweya accompanied by the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Mayor, Merriam Malatji donated food parcels and other necessities to underprivileged families on Monday, the 8th of August, at the Lulekani Community Hall. The Municipality through the assistance of the Department of Social Development identified some Child-headed-households and the underprivileged to receive the parcels, and 95 households benefitted. The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s Mayor, Merriam Malatji, applauded the department of the presidency for helping the less fortunate in the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. (Editor’s note: One would think the mayor would ask the presidency to help her failed municipality restore the water to her thirsty residents who pay her salary).

The South African Police Service in Lulekani represented by the Communication Officer, Sgt Ntsako Reoh Mabunda, ensured that partnership policing is still in line and well-coordinated within the policing precinct of Lulekani. This was done during a prayer sermon conducted at the Lulekani AFM Church under the leadership of Pastor Chauke on Sunday, the 7th of August. Mabunda, told Bulletin that he would keep motivating the community of Lulekani in different ways, so that they will be off the streets.

The Namakgale SAPS Support Head, Lt Col Makhubele OG, Lulekani SAPS Women’s Network Treasure, Mopani District CPF Secretary Doctor Ngobeni, and the Lulekani SAPS CPF executive Deputy Secretary, Portia Ngwenya, Khumbekani VEP delegate Tinyiko Hlungwani, and the Lulekani SAPS CPF Subforums also attended the event.

Mabunda shared with the congregation matters related to sexual offences, Gender Based Violence (GBV), Children’s Rights, Domestic Violence (DV), Community Policing, Partnership Policing, mob-justice, and illegal mining. He also spoke at length about how residents could obtain the contact details of the police Management, Community Service Center (CSC), including safety tips to prevent burglary.

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512 August 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za

■ Je Jackson Pieter Burger, die skoolhoof van die Groen Skool was oorweldig met emosies toe hy die skoolterrein vir die heel laaste keer verlaat het. Na ‘n roemryke-42-jaar lange onderwysloopbaan, en nadat hy daar was om die skool van krag tot krag te help bou, het Burger einde Julie afgetree. Die nou-afgetrede skoolhoof het op sy laaste dag ’n staande ovasie by die skool se rugbyveld ontvang, ’n emosionele oomblik wat hy sekerlik nog baie lank sal koester. Met gejuig en toejuiging van beide leerders en onderwysers begroet, wat twee lang rye langs die skool rugbyvelde gevorm het wat na die gange lei, waar hy ook begroet is deur die eggo van die lang herinneringe wat hy sedertdien in die skool gehad het. Nadat hy eers 18-jaar lank as onderwyser by Laerskool Phalaborwa gedien het, is Burger as hoof aangestel –‘n pos wat hy vir 24 jaar bekleë het. Hy het diep spore getrap en Groenskool laat groei het van krag tot krag. Die skool het gesê dat Burger se insette, ferm hand, en deernisvolle hart hom ‘n besonderse mens gemaak het. Met sy liefde en kennis van die natuur was Burger ‘n inspirasie vir oud en jonk, nie net by sy skool nie, maar in sy gemeenskap ook. “Burger word hoog geag as hoof, kollega, familiemens, en toegewyde Christen. Groenskool wens meneer en mevrou Burger alle voorspoed toe vir die toekoms en ‘n rustiger lewe. Geniet dit in tergniet!” het die skool gesê. “Ons stem saam met die digter, Jan F.E. Cilliers wat sê: ‘Stil, broers, daar gaan ‘n man verby.”

Beauties and best friends Academics earn colours Wolkie sit die saal vol Groot leerkrag groet Groenskool Lowveld Academy Primary School Hoedspruit OPEN ODAY PEN DAY Gr R Gr G6 r R Gr 6 9 September 2022 13:15 - 15:00 STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE Contact us: 015 004 1194 LA Primary Hoedspruit Meet our staff, Fun activities for new learners, Refreshments will be served Marongwa Frost Xanke Coetser Sefura Mabasa

■ Roelof de Jonge Sefura Mabusa, a student at Lowveld Academy in Hoedspruit, recently completed a series of trails and tournaments that led to her inclusion in the Limpopo netball U/15 girls’ team. She managed to attain her provincial colours in March this year and went on to progress to the national tournament during the June school holidays. Fellow student, Marongwa Frost, participated in various hockey tournaments over the past school holidays as an umpire in some of the games played at Northwest University. She completed her Level-0 umpiring course and umpired 11 games on national level, after which she umpired the U/12 National Regional Tournament in Tzaneen and, in the process, completed her Level-1 mini-grading. “This is quite a remarkable achievement considering Frost’s young age. Lowveld Academy is proud to have such exceptional sport stars in its midst”, said Tilana Harding, media liaison for Lowveld Academy. Xanke Coetser, tans in Graad 1 by Wolkberg Akademie, het met haar perd, Shamrock aan die Western Mounted Games op Marble Hall deelgeneem. Sy het in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Rykuns Skole Vereniging (SANESA) se afdeling vir ruiters drie tot 14-jaar oud haar uitstekend van haar taak gekwyt en het in die Barrel Race, 8 Stake, Keyhole, Poles en Speedball items telkens die derdeplek bekleë wat aan haar die tweedeplek algeheel in haar afdeling besorg het.

■ Billy Sibuyi The Phalaborwa Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) together with VJM Events Phalaborwa, and the NG Kerk Basaar, will be hosting a fun dog show, a first of its kind in many a year, on the 27th of August. The fun dog show, which forms part of a two-day event for charity from Friday, 26th of August to the 27th, will be held at the Phalaborwa Primary School’s (Green School) rugby field. On that Friday, the NG Church will have a market day where they have invited all community members to participate in, either by acquiring a stall to sell items or just being present. A stall is set to cost R200, however the church requested that neither food nor drinks should be sold at those stalls as the church would be selling these and all proceeds would go towards the church’s fundraising account. Following this, on the Saturday, from 07:00 to 10:00, dog owners are asked to enter their ‘man’s best friend’ to the competition at R50 per dog with the requirement of every dog being on a leash. Categories for the dogs include the dog with the waggiest tail, owner and dog look alike, prettiest female dog, most handsome male dog, ugliest dog, and the tiniest adult dog. From 10:00-14:00 the church will host its 2022 NG Church Phalaborwa Beauty Pageant, where 50 finalists will compete in four different categories. For more information about the activities contact Anita Mavasa on 071 142 0909 and about the dog show contact Mary on 0765096146 or Andie on 0720182258.

Ek, Floris

Sleebok Granite & Tombstones Wannabe Costume Pot Beauty & Tramp oor verke

We started on the 1st of March 1998 as a small start-up furniture business and developed into a manufacturing concern that supplies both Quartz and granite for any indoor or outdoor installations. We supply kitchen tops as well as tombstones. We have six retail outlets in Limpopo with the manufacturing factory and head o ce situated in Tzaneen. We wanted to have our own business, and also wanted to create employment so we saw a niche gap in the market and took the opportunity it presented. Sleebok aims towards serving a broad demographic and we like to make affordability part of our ethos. Our slogan since we started has been “Quality and Service - Guaranteed” and we still stand by this today. Perseverance has been at the core of the business right from the beginning. As times have varied according to the economy we believe in the saying, “no risk, no gain”. We do our best to adapt according to our market and offer products that are tailored to all income and demographic groups . It’s not about opportunities being handed to you, it is what you do with those opportunities that matters. Take care of your employees and your clients, and they will take care of your business.

BEATIFUL UCelebrating powerful women! ■ Ben Theunissen Daar word vertel dat Daniel Kirstein, een van die top nuuslesers van die Afrikaanse diens, destyds, een oggend om 08:00 by die werk moes wees vir ‘n omroepersvergadering. Alle omroepers van die diens moes teenwoordig wees en was ook. Die verkeer het daardie oggend geweldige knope veroorsaak, ook uit die monde van motoriste. Daniel was laat vir die vergadering...heelwat laat. Toe hy sy plek inneem, merk die voorsitter op dat dit onaanvaarbaar is dat iemand laat opdaag vir werk, waarop Daniel toe antwoord; “Ek is jammer meneer, maar om op te maak daarvoor sal ek vanmiddag ‘n bietjie vroeër huis toe gaan!” Daniel was bekend vir sy skerpsinnigheid. Die opname-ingeneur was reeds in die kontrolekamer van ‘n suite om een van Daniel se musiekprogramme te verpak (op te neem). Dit was een van die ingeneur se minder goeie dae en hy was gefokus op die koppeling van mikrofone en lyne vir die opname. Daniel het die ateljee ingestap en agter die mikrofoon plek ingeneem.Hyhetdie man in die kontrolekamer gegroet, maar daar was nie reaksie van die opname-assistent nie. Toe merk Daniel op; “Ou Sprokie. Jy kan gerus maar groet.” Die Assistent vra toe; “Waarvandaan die naam Sprokie?” Daniel se antwoord was; “Jy lyk so GRIMM vanmôre” verwysende na die skrywers van talle sprokies; The brothers Grimm! Dit was weer ‘n dors wat geles moes word en ateljee 13 was die bron van “soetsappigheid.” Die personeellede wat nie lank sonder Mossie (die kelner) se Germaanse bruisaanvulling kon uithou nie, was onder andere Daniel Kirstein, Nic Swanepoel, Johan de Bruin, Weyers, Dawid, Kommisaris, Ben Theunissen en ek. So sit ons die aand en vergelyk Louis Luyt se nuwe keuse vir die bierman se beginspan. As jy so na almal geluister het sou jy kon dink dat dit toevallig was dat nie een van die teenwoordiges hul Springbokbaadjies aangehad het nie. Ons praat toe ook oor hoe ‘n persoon jouself moet motiveer om met die verskillende fases in jou lewe onder te begin en die leer na bo te klim. Toe sê Dawid...”Vat nou maar vir Louis Luyt. Hy het onder begin en tot heelbo uitgestyg waar hy self by die bakoond en brouery betrokke was.” Soms moet ‘n mens liewer nie name noem nie, maar feite, want Weyers merk toe op; “Daar was ‘n man wat ons almal goed ken. Hy het sy bes probeer, maar nooit gevorder nie.” “Oo, sê Kommesaris, praat jy van daai ou wat ons almal goed ken. Nee, dis nie ‘n asof hy nie sy bes gedoen het nie. Hy het net onder begin en besluit hy hou daarvan!”


When my four boys turned 21 it was always a theme party. I made their costumes and those for the invited friends. Once they were all grown and independent; I left the city and moved to Tzaneen in 2014. Having boxes of costumes, I decided to open a costume rental shop which has since grown more than I had ever imagined. After my mom retired, she moved from Phalaborwa and joined me in Tzaneen. It’s a blessing to be able to have my mom with me in this venture. In a nutshell, I design and supply costumes for all ages, and all events. Be it for birthday parties, year-end functions, school theme days or concerts, you’ll find what you’re looking for here. I truly love what I do and the more complicated the costume, the more exciting it is to create. Sometimes my creations win the best dressed; It’s so rewarding. My favourite theme is medieval or 18th century. A time of open fields and wild forests, prairies, mountains filled with mist and hilly farms. When love wasn’t clouded by worldly possessions and family lived in proximity; and time was followed by sun set and sun rise.

plication will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 12 August 2022 (the date of publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 12 September 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the Tzaneen,Associates,Agent:6879/6873.Shikwambanatactorobjections,torequestingmentionedperiod,withinduringwhoandtion,tor’sresentation,objection/rep-theobjec-propertydescrip-phonenumbersaddress.Apersoncannotwritemayofficehoursandtheobjectionvisittheabove-Municipalityassistancetranscribehis/hercommentsrepresentations.Con-person:Ntwanano015-780-AddressofJacquesduToit&POBox754,0850Tel.01557 & 58 VAN DIE RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN GRONDGEBRUIK VERORDENING, 2016 VAN DIEPLAASLIKEBA-PHALABORWAMUNISI-PALITEIT Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, en kantooruregedurendeaansoekBesonderhedelaborwa.RepubliekstraatDiedieengetitel2(a)(i-ii)perkendedieVerordeninge,Ba-PhalaborwaenofsiaalIndustrieelwavan2016SPLUMAvanhetteitPlaaslikebyninge,wa87kennisbreidingErfstreerdeagentsyndeStreekbeplanners,diegemagtigdevandiegeregi-eienaarvan419PhalaborwaUit-1,geehiermeeingevolgeArtikelvandieBa-Phalabor-SPLUMAVerorde-2016datonsdieBa-PhalaborwaMunisipali-aansoekgedoeningevolgeArtikel57dieBa-PhalaborwaVerordeninge,virdiehersoneringErf419Phalabor-Uitbreiding1,vanaf3”na“Spe-virBesigheiden/PlekvanOnderrig”;Artikel58vandieSPLUMA2016viropheffingvanbe-voorwardesen2(b)vandieakteomdiehuidi-besigheidtebehou‘nOnderwysplekopeiendomtevestig.perseelisgelête1,Pha-vandielêterinsaegewonebydiekan-


www.farnorthbulletin.co.za6 12 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

In die pekel oor verkeersknope Legals & Notices

toor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandelarylaan, Phalaborwa, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 12 Augustus 2022 (die datum van publikasie van die kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres ingedien of gerig word aan Privaatsak X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 voor of op 12 September 2022, met vermelding van bogenoemde opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar / vertoë, die beswaarmaker Tzaneen,dewerkers,Jacques6873.banaNtwananowoord.taarhaaromMunisipaliteitdperkengedurendenieadres.telefoonnommerseiendomsbeskrywing,seen‘nPersoonwatkanskryfnie,kankantoorurebinnediebeswarety-diebogenoemdebesoekhulptevraomsy/besware,kommen-ofvertoëtever-Kontakpersoon:Shikwam-015-780-6879/AdresvanAgent:duToit&Me-Posbus754,0850Tel.015-

307 3710 LOST ORDEEDDESTROYED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T39032/1972, in favour of MARGARET ELIZABETH SEYMOUR BROWN (born HARBER on the 10th day of January 1941) in respect of certain PORTION 11 (A PORTION OF PORTION 7) OF THE FARM LANGBULT NO. 580, REGISTRATION DIVISON L,T., SITUATE IN THE DISTRICT OF LETABA, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel tactlize@tslegal.co.za.E-mailStreet,Address:Ref:B2946/MVRAttorneys/19PeaceTzaneen,0850,address:mare-Con-number:015307 1027 Send your legal notices to: admin@ farnorthbulletin.co.za

I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the Authorized Agent of the registered owner of Erf 419 Phalaborwa Extension 1, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality in terms of Section 57 of the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 for the rezoning of Erf 419 Phalaborwa Extension 1 from “Industrial 3” to “Special for Business and/or Place of Instruction”; and Section 58 of the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 for the removal of restrictive conditions 2(a)(i-ii) and 2(b) from the Title Deed in order to retain the current business rights and establish a Place of Education on the property. The subject property is situated at 1 Republiek Street, ParticularsPhalaborwa.ofthe ap-

They say that if you love what you do then you’ll never work a day in your life. Well, I love animals and love working with them, so I can tell you that a doggy parlour really does add credence to that old adage! I started the doggy parlour purely out of love, and it has grown from that love, into something truly spectacular. I guess you can say that I have learnt to deal with each individual animal’s unique personality and specific quirks. They really do have varying tastes and noticeable personalities comparable to humans. I would say that my business can best be described as beauty salon and spa for your beloved pet. I think that’s how we managed to persevere through the tough times, especially the pandemic and all it brought with it. If I look back at the last few years, I can tell you that we made it through on prayers, faith, and the guidance of more experienced businesspeople in our community. Believe in yourself, believe in your staff and treat everyone with respect whilst upholding a golden standard in the manner in which you do business, and you will succeed. That was the best advice I received and the best advice I can impart on young entrepreneurs. “Life is not about the destination, its about the journey!”


The last time this major motorsport event was hosted in this area was in 2006. Come rain or sunshine, it is going to be a blast of an event this weekend. There are a host of local drivers and co-drivers who will also be amongst the entries and various spectator points have been carefully planned and setup to provide the ultimate experience. Top on the list to watch out for is the 2021 SA drivers champion, businessman Theuns Joubert from Letsitele, racing in his trustworthy Salom Toyota Yaris S2000. Joubert is partnered by co-driver Schalk van Heerden. He will be vying for the top step on the podium this weekend in order to close in on the current championship leaders, Chris Coertse and Greg Godrich in their Rally Technic Hyundai i20. Both these crews will however be on the look out for former champions, Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle with their Gazoo Racing Toyota Starlet. The new Starlet rally car has so far shown some great speed, but unfortunate mechanical niggles sidelined them somewhat through the 2022 season. the Agatha plantations on Friday (today) will start at 12:19 which will be followed by five other stages. The rally teams will then return for the last timed section at 19:00 this evening for an adrenalin filled night stage through the streets of Tzaneen. The teams will be taking on much of the same stages of the first day which will be repeated, except for one stage. The first stage on Saturday morning will see the return of the daunting ‘mineshaft’ stage near the vicinity of the Letaba Bosveld Jagters Vereniging. The crews will once again finish the rally with another stage in town, this time a spectacular tar and gravel combined section around the area of NTT Motor Group and the Tzaneen Show Grounds. The show terrain will also be the headquarters and service point during the whole event and will be accessible to the public to see the cars and crews close up. During the rally live timing will be available at www.sarally.co.za and spectator guides will be distributed throughout the event to allow motor racing enthusiasts the best vantage points.


■ Roelof de Jonge

In die tweedeplek was die span van Prop du Plessis, André de Beer, Sharon Campbell en Manie Engelbrecht.

The first timed sections in Die Pioniers bedank die persone:volgende Sugar Loaf vir die heerlike warm vars brood. Pizzas vanaf Romans wat Henk Minnie afgelewer het. Groente en mieliemeel vanaf Thys Steynberg en die Boere. Heerlike sagte warm komberse vanaf BTG Breakfast Braai manne. Geseënd is julle almal.

■ Roelof de Jonge After a 16-year absence, the South African National Rally Championship (NRC) makes a welcome return to Tzaneen with the 7th and 8th rounds of the MRF Tyres SA National Rally Championship to be contested today, Friday the 12th, and tomorrow, Saturday the 13th of August. This return of the National Rally Championship is proudly brought to you by NTT Tzaneen.

For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249 Residential, O ces, Hotels, Shopping Malls, Hospitals and Warehouses.

Die span in die derdeplek se spelers was Daan Fisher, Esmé Esterhuizen, André Snyman en Daan Swart. Die derdeplek se pryse was deur Manie Engelbrecht behartig

712 August 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za Business Directory | Sakegids Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl The Vape Guy 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen. 060 385 3884 The National Rally is finally here! Ford ondersteuning sit spel aan die rol DASSSERVICES Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, 082015Tzaneen.30717988980468 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR 015KWOTASIE3451192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.zawww.steynbergmeubel-vervoer.com VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER TE HUUR STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8, 12, 20, & 32 TON TROKKE & LOWBED TE HUUR. BAIE BILLIKE TARIEWE (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD) SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 015-345119271390846270956 MEUBELVERVOERDUVENHAGE Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packingmoving?and Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking 083 252 8928. Smouskous | Classi eds DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en Heelhuisdispensers.filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens


Die ATKV Eiland Spa Rolbalklub het Saterdag die 6de Augustus sy weeklikse borgdag kompetisie gehou wat hierdie keer deur die BB Ford Tzaneen handelaar moontlik gemaak was. Die wenspan van hierdie kompetisie se spelers het uit Harry Malan, Robbie Strachan, Jan Beukes en Floors Visser bestaan. In die tweedeplek was die span van Prop du Plessis, André de Beer, Sharon Campbell en Manie Engelbrecht. Die span in die derdeplek se spelers was Daan Fisher, Esmé Esterhuizen, André Snyman en Daan Swart. Die bestuur van die ATKV Eiland Spa Rolbalklub wil graag Patrick Cahill, handelaarshoof van BB Ford Tzaneen, bedank vir hulle borgskap, veral in die lig dat die handelaar alreeds vele ander instansies deur die jaar bygestaan het. Manie Engelbrecht, Vakansie Rolbalspel Organiseerder, het die spelers van die span wat derde geëindig het, hulle pryse gegee. Daan Swart, verteenwoordiger vir BB Ford in hulle afwesigheid, het die oorhandiging van die pryse vir die eerste en tweede plek spanne hanteer. van alle suiweraars waterversagters. 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746

Harry Malan, Robbie Strachan, Floors Visser en Jan Beukes het die BB Ford Tzaneen kompetisie gewen. Daan Swart het aan die wenspan hul pryse oorhandig.

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Spor t

12 August 2022

■ Roelof de Jonge

Plasies staar Rassies in die gesig

Die Eerste- en die O/15A-spanne het Saterdag die 6de Augustus hul teenstanders van die Hoërskool Ermelo ingewag. Die O/15A-spanne was in ‘n tawwe stryd gewikkel, maar dit was uiteindelik die Plasies se 15-tal wat met 22-15 hul plek vir die hal-

Merensky die aftog geblaas. plek feindstryd bespreek het. mal Op se Reese Coetzeé en Philip Ludick Luhann Janse van Rensburg Ruhann Koekemoer

Merensky se kookwater Eerstespan sowel as die O/15A- en O/16Aspanne het hul teenstanders oortuigend gewen om na die volgende uitspeelrondtes te vorder. Die O/16A-span het Vrydag die 5de Augustus na Gauteng gereis waar hulle teen die span van Hoërskool Pretoria-Noord kragte gemeet het. Die Pretorianers het geen antwoord gehad teen die gedugte besoekers nie en het met 22-6

Die Hoërskool Merensky spog nie net met één nie, maar met drié spanne wat die afgelope naweek na die halfeindstryd in Afdeling 2 van die Noordvaal Rugbyliga deurgedring het.

Die Eerstespanne was daarna met ‘n groot gejuig op die veld verwelkom. Merensky het vanuit die staanspoor hul voornemens duidelik gestel en in die eerste vier minute van die wedstryd reeds twee drieë gedruk. Dit het die besoekers heeltemal ontsenu wat hulle vir die res van die kragmeting op die agtervoet gesit het. Merensky het met 45-5 die wedstryd beklink om na die halfeindstryd deur te dring. Carl Dohse, kaptein en giftige skrumskakel van Merensky, het die leiding geneem om vir die eerste drie te sorg. Die Plasies se binnesenter, Niel van Vuuren, het sy kaptein se voorbeeld gevolg met nog ‘n drie. Van Vuuren se skopskoen het soos ‘n geoliede masjien gewerk en hy het verder drie strafskoppe ook by die telling gevoeg. Die verdoelling van die twee drieë in die eerste helfde was onsuksesvol, maar danksy van Vuuren se drie suksesvolle strafskop pogings het Merensky ‘n gerieflike voorsprong van 19-0 teen rustyd geniet. Van Vuuren het kort na die aanvang van die tweede helfde weer Ermelo se doellyn oorgesteek om sodoende sy tweede drie van die wedstryd te druk. Philip Ludick het om ‘n mismoedige Ermelo-span geglip vir sy drie en dit was deur Reese Coetzee verdoel. In die laaste 10 minute van die wedstryd het Merensky behoorlik die drieësluis oopgemaak. Mahlatse Semosa het na ‘n uitstekende agterlynbeweging agter die pale gaan druk en Ludick het die Plasie ondersteuners begeesterd gehad toe hy sy tweede drie gaan druk het. Coetzee het beide Semosa en Ludick se drieë verdoel. Merensky het uiteindelik Ermelo, wat daarin kon slaag om ‘n troosdrie te druk, met 45-5 getroef.Op Saterdag die 13de Augustus gaan Merensky se drie spanne vir die halfeindstryd op hul tuisveld slag bied. Die O/15A-span gaan teen Hoërskool Hans Moore speel en die O/16Aspan gaan sake teen Potchefstroom Gimnasium uitspook. Die Eerstespan gaan teen Hoërskool Ellisras te staan kom.

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