SHORTEQUIPMENTLIFTINGCOURSES: • Rough /AgriculturalTerrain/Earthmoving • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane Tel: 015 781 6280 Email:, Phalaborwa READ INSIDE TSONGA QUEEN Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: R519 August 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 National Rally action Midrand sal blou wees 4PAGE 738 How the riots started Photo: Frennie Shivambu

“Cattle that are already at shows, auctions and enroute into the republic will be given 48 hours to be permitted to move to final destination after being sold, the local state veterinary office should be contacted for these permits” said Didiza. She warned perpetrators that illegally move cattle, that they will be prosecuted for contravention of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act no 35 of 1984). She further said that she recognized the major disruption that the movement ban will cause in the normal business of many sectors.
SANParks confirmed that the matter was referred to SAPS for investigation. “This reprehensible act once again highlights the ever-present danger of poisoning by unscrupulous people,” said Hapiloe Sello, SANParks acting CEO. “We cannot afford to let our guards down and we call on law enforcement agencies outside the Park to move swiftly to arrest the perpetrators.”
DidizasuspectMariticidecaughtbansthe of cattle 19 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 EmergencyNoodnommersnumbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: Briewe/Letters: Sport: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website,aswellasbackcopies. KontakContactbesonderhedeDetails COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua PRIVATEPOSTNETTzaneenPark#911BAGX4019TZANEEN,0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor Ebenezer 100.2% Merensky 101.5% Dap Naude 94.4% Middel Letaba 1.3% Blyderivierpoort 99.2% Klaserie 97.3% Tours 96.7% Vergelegen 98.4% Magoebaskloof 100.3% Source: Information15/08/2022updated: Tzaneen 99.2%
According to a report from the Limpopo SAPS spokesperson, Brig Motlalefelo Mojapelo, they received information about the incident and responded. Upon their arrival at the scene, they found the deceased who had suffered multiple stab wounds lying in a pool of blood inside the house.
100 vultures poisoned
Yolan Friedman, the CEO of the EWT, expressed her concern that given the critical status of vultures globally, poisonings at this scale places the species at increasing risk of extinction.Globally,the population of vultures have suffered a serious decline with some species recording about a 95% decline. This decline was blamed on various factors including direct persecution, poisoning, death from diclofenac biomagnification, use of vulture parts for traditional medicines. Initial indications were that some of the carcasses were harvested for their body parts. The scene had to be cordoned off for further investigation and the carcasses burned to ensure that there were no further poisonings.
Fire Season hits Kruger National
Park LOADING... cious clinical symptoms
The country currently has 116 outbreaks of FMD on farms, feedlots and communal areas in KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Free State Provinces. Didiza acknowledged the efforts made by farmers, communities and industries to curb illegal movements of animals from known positive areas, and to improve biosecurity on animal holdings.
“However, the disease continues to spread, with 15 new properties and two new provinces affected in the last two weeks alone,” her department said in a statement.Theban will be declared in the Government Gazette and any disregard for the movement ban is a criminal offense. The exception will only be upon a veterinary permit for cattle for direct slaughter at registered abattoirs, or the slaughter for ritual purposes.
“For this reason, the ban is only applicable to cattle, as the movement of cattle was identified as the main cause of the continued spread of the outbreaks. However, the public is reminded that all cloven-hoofed animals can spread the FMD virus, and the movement of sheep, goats, pigs and cloven hoofed game animals should also be handled with the necessary caution.” Animals showing suspicious clinical symptoms (salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping or hoof lesions) must not be moved under any ately.iansprivateinaryDistrictlicMemberscircumstances.ofthepub-mustcontacttheirStateVeter-Servicesortheirveterinar-immedi-
■ Je Jackson
“A sharp object believed to be the weapon that was used to commit the murder was found on the scene,” said Mojapelo.According to him, the suspect was later arrested after he handed himself over to the police at the Lulekani Police Station. Mojapelo explained that the motive for the murder was not yet clear at the time of going to print, but domestic violence could not be ruled out. The suspect appeared in the Lulekani Magistrate’s Court yesterday, Thursday, the 18th of August, facing a charge of murder and at the time of going to print the case was still being heard.
■ Je Jackson A 71-year-old man handed himself over to the police after allegedly killing his wife, Patricia Ngobeni (45), in Lulekani on Tuesday afternoon, the 16th of August. The incident occurred at noon at the Biko settlement and horrified the community who flocked to the victim’s house when they heard of the news.
■ SANParks With the winter coming to end, and all grass being withered, the Kruger National Park will implement its annual land management tool which is to set fire to the dry grass so that come September, new grass could sprout in its place. The Kruger National Park announced its management plans for the current fire season which usually takes place between June and October. As part of the Savanna biome, KNP is dependent on fires to maintain a healthy ecosystem and veld-fires are a natural and a common occurrence in the KNP.
“Last year, nearly 20% of the Park burnt due to very high amounts of grass which accumulated as a result of the high rainfall experienced during the 2020/21 summer months. For the last few years, less than 10% of the KNP would burn on average,” explained KNP’s Abiotic Scientist, Tercia Strydom. She said that following another year of substantial rainfall in KNP, they were anticipating another year where approximately 15% or 300 000 hectares of the park to burn and most of these burns would be part of their controlled burning programme conducted by “However,Rangers.wedo also anticipate the likelihood of unplanned fires in the coming months, but these will be managed as they occur by our trained and equipped personnel,” said Strydom. She explained that the proactive use of fire in a fire-driven landscape such as the KNP was important to limit the risk of large and unwanted wildfires later in the dry season. As such, the Kruger has already begun burning early-season fires to break up the grass layer as well as burning and grading firebreaks around key infrastructure such as camps, staff facilities, and the KNP border to reduce the risk of unwanted“Wefires.encourage tourists to be fire-wise when visiting the park. Only make fires in designated braai areas and do not leave them unattended, especially on a hot, windy day. If you happen to drive past a veld fire in the park, please drive slowly and put on your lights if visibility is obscured. If you suspect that a fire is unattended and do not see personnel on site, please report to the nearest camp and Section Ranger.”
Luckily, 20 of the birds found next to the scene were still alive, and with the assistance of the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), they were rushed to Shingwedzi and Mohololo Rehabilitation Centre for treatment.
SANParks said that last week Thursday, on the 11th of August, rangers on patrol found a site full of death near the fence in Punda Maria. About 100 vultures were dead and next to them were the carcasses of a hyena and a buffalo.
The buffalo, according to the park, appeared to have been laced with poison and the hyena possibly died after having fed off it.
The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, has suspended all movement of cattle across the country. Her decision is aimed at halting the continued spread of Foot and Mouth Disease throughout South Africa. It also means that cattle may not be moved from one property to another for any reason for a period of 21 days reviewable weekly.
■ Je Jackson More than 100 vultures were found dead after a suspected poisoning in the Punda Maria section of the Kruger National Park (KNP).

319 August 2022FAR NORTH
■ Je Jackson The Limpopo-based water agency, Lepelle Northern Water (LNW), is in hot water after a proclamation was signed by the office of the president that it be probed for corruption and maladministration of public funds. Along with the Amatola Water Board in the Eastern Cape, the probe will focus on drought relief services and the technology contracts that were awarded in 2019. Special Investigations Unit (SIU) spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago, said that it emerged that payments were not made in a fair, competitive, transparent, equitable and cost effective manner. “The probe will seek to establish whether or not there had been an intentional or negligence of public funds, or damage to public property, and furthermore the investigation will also probe any unlawful conduct by the suppliers and service providers in question,” saidSpokespersonKganyago.
for LNW, Yolande Nel, said the matter was under investigation and she could therefore not comment. Both water agencies had their CEOs removed and their properties confiscated in order to recover funds which were reportedly misappropriated in 2020. The matter is still in the courts after the SIU obtained a preservation order to recover all the lost funds from the water boards.
Residents of Lulekani, just like last week, blocked off all entry points into Lulekani demanding that water be restored to every tap within the community. Ngobeni who is widely known as the ‘masterminder’ also serves as the chairperson of the Maxi Taxi’s in Lulekani. He told Bulletin, after his arrest and subsequent release on bail, that his reputation was tarnished due to the lack of water.Inan exclusive interview with Bulletin, Ngobeni explained that he constructed an illegal water connection to his neighbour’s home, who was also connected to an illegal pipeline, and had to pay a R300 joining fee for it. His reason for connecting to his neighbour was that he and most of his community had no water. However, there was a pipeline coming from another community that somehow had water, so he was going to have a part of this available water even if it meant paying a once of fee of R300. According to him, things ran smoothly and he had water at his home, until he discovered that another resident, not too far from his house, had to pay R1 500 to illegally connect to the pipeline. It was when that specific man discovered that Ngobeni only paid R300, that things soon changed and escalated to an all-out protest.
“I decided to also go and cut the main feed of the pipeline so that nobody will get water, because if I could not have water, nobody should have water. This action of mine angered the men and we had an argument,” Ngobeni told Bulletin. “They asked why I cut the main feed and I explained to them what had happened, after which they seemed to realize I was not in the wrong. We spoke and we sorted it out, however, the man who started all of this, and some of his friends, went to my neighbour and started causing trouble demanding to know why she connected me to her line,” he explained. “Things went from bad to worse as some of my friends started a fight with the other group and one person was injured. The injured person opened a case against me stating that I was the one who hit him, and I was arrested even though I fought nobody.”
Ngobeni believed that had the community had water like it should have, the situation would never have happened.
Teen shot WaterboardsNkowa-protestduringprobed Protests over water persist
“We are here because of water my brother, if we had water then we would not need to close and barricade all the roads. These people do not care about us, that is why we do not have water,” he concluded. Last week Bulletin reported that an agreement was reached between stakeholders who agreed to work together to resolve the water issues. We reported that an organization had invited the water authority, Mopani District Municipality (MDM), Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, and Lepelle Northern Water (LNW), to sit-down and address the water problems facing the area. It was agreed that the water issues would be dealt with, but it was just that, ‘an agreement’ as the town of Phalaborwa and other neighboring communities still sit without water.Bulletin contacted the MDM’s Spokesperson, Odas Ngobeni, and he assured us that they were on good terms with LNW and that the problem was now with them (LNW) and not the municipality.
One of the protesters told Bulletin that Mokgoloboto had no water for several weeks with their complaints to the municipality never being addressed. He said that they decided to close the road after residents felt they were not being taken seriously. What further enraged the protestors was that a new extension in Nkowankowa had already been supplied with water, while the more established, older settlements were left dry. The Mopani District Municipality (MDM) which is the water authority, said that the water problem was resolved. MDM spokesperson Odas Ngobeni said the problem was caused by a burst water supply pipe which technicians were working on. On Tuesday, the MDM reported that the areas supplied by the Nkowankowa water works were once again receiving water. The MDM’s statement however did naught to halt the protestors as they continued protesting and looting stores. On Tuesday evening the R36 road was closed once again and had to be reopened on Wednesday morning. At the time of going to print on Thursday (yesterday), the situation had returned to normal and all roads leading to and from the R36, were open.
■ Billy Sibuyi “Water has me cost my life!” These are the words of Nicholas Sibusiso Ngobeni, one of the disgruntled Lulekani residents who was one of the protestors that closed off the R71 on Wednesday the 17th of August in reaction to a continued lack of water supply.
“He is the one who started the rage when he went and told the forum for the guys who dug these illegal connections, and that is when the forum came to my house. I agreed with them, that I would pay the remainder of R1 200 in about a weeks’ time as I currently did not have any money,” Ngobeni said. “That did not sit well with the person who paid R1 500 and he decided to cut my illegally connected pipe.” Ngobeni said that the actions of his fellow community member infuriated him. He realized that they were not entering an era of dictation, but of an unsafe community where men could just form groups and decided who should be illegally connected to non-government pipelines.
■ Je Jackson A seventeen-year-old pupil of Magoza High School at Dan village east of Tzaneen had to be rushed to hospital on Wednesday afternoon after she was shot with live ammunition. This allegedly occurred when the police started firing at crowds during a protest action by residents of Mokgoloboto. It occurred when police were dispersing the protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas. The protest sparked by lack of water and unreliable electricity supply on Sunday, escalated to adjacent areas including Dan village, Khujwana Cross Bridgeway, Lenyenye and Letsitele R71 crossing. Protestors blocked off the R36 and all routes branching from it. As a result, schooling was affected as teachers arrived late because they had to use alternative routes to bypass the strikers. Criminal elements hijacked the strike and forced motorists to pay money to road blockers to pass the barricades. Some motorists were threatened with their lives. On the third day of the strike protesters resorted to looting shops at the Bindzulani shoppingThiscomplex.forcedthe police to step in and use appropriate force to disperse the protesters and clear the roads. During the ensuing clash between police and strikers, the girl was shot in her hand and had to be taken to Letaba hospital. A police chopper was brought in and hovered around the area while the road was cleared by authorities as strikers fled. Though water supply was restored, protesters went on to revolt.
“It’s a concern for us. LNW had committed to get expert technicians to address the challenge on the water scheme. It appears they are still struggling. We may need to have another session with them. LNW is responsible for bulk distribution of water in Phalaborwa, Lulekani and Namakgale. They have been issuing notices that the water scheme is experiencing challenges,” he said. At the time of going to print on Thursday (yesterday) Lulekani residents vowed to spend sleepless nights on the streets until something is done to supply them with water as it is their basic right. 19 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA
• DIE PLAAS STYLDRIFT 192 (PTY) Ltd Vacancies Available • LIZILOR (PTY) Ltd Vacancies Available • HENLEY CITRUS (PTY) Ltd Vacancies Available Position: Pickers Language: Sotho / English Requirement: Required to live in the surrounds of Mooketsi and Let sitele area or be willing to relocate. Must be hard working. Duties: Duties will mainly consist of general farm labour Soil preparation and planting Put down fertilizer and maintain irrigation Harvest of fruit and vegetables And other reasonable task as my required Duration: The Duration of the contract will be for +- 6 months Area: Mooketsi and Letsitele Contact details: Please email CV with contact details to or or phone 083 372 1442. Closing date: Closing date of application 30 August 2022. If you have not heard for us by 5 September 2022 consider your application unsuccessful. VACANCY Newly crowned Miss SA, Ndavi Nokeri with her family.Local beauty, Ndavi, at the crowning ceremony
“We always knew she was going to win it!” ■ Billy Sibuyi On Saturday, the 13th of August, Ndavi Nokeri outshined nine other beautiful women, to become the country’s first ever Tsonga Miss South Africa at the SunBet Arena in Pretoria. As a result, Nokeri won R1 million in cash and a sponsorship package totaling more than R3-million including the use of a serviced apartment at the lavish Ellipse Waterfall, and a Mercedes-Benz C-Class sedan for the duration of her reign. Ndavi completed her primary school years at Laerskool Tzaneen before finishing high school at Ben Vorster High where she was crowned Miss Vossie in 2016. Her sister, Fanisa Nokeri told Bulletin that from a young age, Ndavi, always achieved whatever she put her mind to, and that winning Miss South Africa was one of her greatest aspirations.“Aphrase we always said was “not even the sky is the limit” and the one thing I’ve already noticed is that our level of faith has increased. This encouraged all of us to dream more and aim for the best because clearly nothing is impossible if you really work hard. There is absolutely nothing too hard for the God we serve,” continued Nokeri. Ndavi said that she understood the importance of representation, because it was through seeing other women look beyond their fears and their circumstances, that she gained the courage to rise to the call.
“We would also remind her that she’s not only doing this for herself, but for those looking up to her, her supporters as well as those who need help out there in relation to her advocacy.
Already, as a family, we always made sure to give to those in need whenever we could, so to help Ndavi implement what she has promised the country would be easy,” said her family.
“I will represent South Africa, in all its diversity, resilience and beauty. It really does take a village, and I am so grateful that my village showed up for me. It is now for me to work and ensure that every success of mine overflows into my country,” said Ndavi. “As this journey begins, I will work to make it a chapter in which anyone who has ever felt ostracized feels included and reassured of the value that they bring into the world.”Herfamily told Bulletin that everyone was overjoyed, and that the reality has not yet set in. “Many of us still wake up in the morning and pinch ourselves because everything still feels so surreal. But honestly, we had dreams of her wining, my mother had a dream where people were giving my dad flowers and congratulating him. So, even though the other girls were just as incredible, we didn’t doubt that she would take this,” said mom Fanisa. Her parents who are pastors, told Bulletin that they always made sure she knew that they were praying for her and she would always ask her sister and friends to regularly send her words of encouragement.

Good Game, Well Played
■ Je Jackson Die Limpopo Ope Gholftoernooi vir hoërskool spelers is Maandag die 15de Augustus op Polokwane Gholfklub se setperke uitgespeel. Drie spelers van die Hoërskool Merensky het deelgeneem en met uitstekende uitslae teruggekeer. Hulle het ondermeer aan die A-, B- en C-afdelings meegeding. Vir die Plasies was dit veral Morné Huysamen wat met sy spel uitgestaan het. Hy het in die C-afdeling sy teenstanders op hul neuse laat kyk om met die Limpopo louere vir hierdie afdeling weg te stap. Luka Heinlein het die Plasies in die A-afdeling verteenwoordig en het daarin geslaag om ‘n vierdeplek te vermag. In die B-afdeling was dit Otto Muller wie uiteindelik derde geëindig het. Die Noordstreek se Interhoër Gholftoernooi gaan op die 22ste Augustus by die Hans Merensky Gholfklub op Phalaborwa beslis word.
Tzaneen oorheers sewes toernooi Huysamen lig trofee
To join the Bulletin WhatsApp distribution group, send a message to 079 653 6317 Anytime, Anywhere, right there!
Rebelle voos
Roelof de Jonge Wanneer die rugbyseisoen begin kwyn en daar is tog ‘n hunkering om te speel, dan is die sewes-spel die volgende vorm van rugby waaraan spelers gewoonlik deelneem. Dit is presies wat die spelers van Laerskool Tzaneen hul mee besig hou.
■ Roelof de Jonge Tzaneen Veerpyltjieklub het Saterdag die 13de Augustus die volgende rondte van die Rebels Liga by sy nuwe klubhuis aangebied. Spelers het van wyd en syd van regoor Limpopo gereis om hulle klubs te verteenwoordig. Volgens die klub se president, Tinus Jacobs, het sowat 10 spanne bestaande uit ses spelers per span vir hierdie toernooi ingeskryf.Terwyldie Springbokke moedeloos moes sien hoe die Kiwi’s die wedstryd op Ellispark verseël, was die veerpyl-deelnemers opsigself in ‘n stryd van hul eie gewikkel. Gelukkig hoef die Rebels Liga deelnemers nie hul self oor geel of rooi kaarte te bekommer nie. Dit was uiteindelik die A-span van Louis Trichardt wat met die Rebels Liga se wenbeker beloon is. Polokwane se A-span het die tweedeplek beklee en Tzaneen se A-span het in derdeplekVolgensgeëindig.Jacobs gaan die volgende rondte van die Rebels Liga op die 3de September op Louis Trichardt beslis word. “Ons het wel dié keer die onderspit teen Louis Trichardt en Polokwane gedelf, maar ons oefen hard om te verseker dat ons die wenbeker terug huistoe gaan bring,” het Jacobs gesê. Mense wie sou belangstel om by Tzaneen Veerpyltjieklub aan te sluit, kan gerus vir Tinus Jacobs op 076 753 3532 skakel.
Laerskool Tzaneen se senior sewes rugbyspan wat Oosskool se toernooi gewen het. Skoolhoof Willes Steenkamp saam die seëvierende sewes rugbyspan. Die spelers is Darius van Eeden, Llewellyn Botha, Ruan Beyers, Cohen Dreyer, Jaimie de Carvalho, Ntsako Ngoveni, Pex Mametja, Arno Richards, Ndzalama Mbhalati, Ndzalo Makhubela. Tinus Jacobs, president van Tzaneen Veerpyltjieklub, tydens spel in die Rebel Liga wat Saterdag in Tzaneen gehou was.
Die Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos van Polokwane het op Saterdag die 30ste Julie ‘n sewes-toernooi vir senior en junior-spanne gehou. Laerskool Tzaneen se O/13- en O/11-spanne het vir deelnames na die toernooi gereis.
Sarel Barwise (29), a beloved member of the gaming community and long-time resident of Tzaneen, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, the 16th of August, in his hospital bed in Gauteng. His sudden passing followed less than two weeks after receiving a leukaemia diagnosis. He is survived by his parents, Diekie and Corrie, his brother Ockie, his fiancé Stefan, his motley crew at Bulletin, and a large group of close friends within the tightknit online gaming community where he was a significant “carry”. Sarel’s memorial service will be held next week in Tzaneen and details will be published as soon as they are made available. Sarolious, you will be forever in mine and the rest of your media family’s hearts. I for one, will never know another as ultimately unique. “Maybe forever was a word meant for memories and not people.”
519 August 2022FAR NORTH
Beide spanne het goeie rekening van hul sewes-spel vermoëns gegee. Dit was veral die senior spelers wie met hul uitmuntende spel uitgetroon het bo die res om die toernooi algeheel te wen. Tzaneen se O/13-span het met Laerskool Drakensig, Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord en met die gasheer skool se A- en B-spanne afgereken om uiteindelik te seëvier. Die O/11-span het self nie op hul louere gerus nie, en het die Osies se A- en B-spanne geklop. Hulle het egter hul rieme teen Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord vasgeloop en het uiteindelik die derdeplek algeheel beklee.
gooi veerpyle

Hauptfleisch wat in daardie stadium een van ons voorste akteurs was. Tientong was die ou staatmaker op die plaas en het geweldige respek vir sy werkgewer gehad. Een luisteraar het geskakel om te vra hoe hy vir Tientong kan kontak om vir hom werk aan te bied, sou hy belangstel om in die stad te werk, aangesien hy so beleefd is met die eienaar van die plaas, Kobus le Grange, vertolk deur Ben Dekker. Tientong is later oorlede wat ‘n treurige dag in die verhaal veroorsaak het. ‘n Paar luisteraars het geskakel en gevra hoe Springbokradio dit kan toelaat dat so geliefde mens sterf en wanneer die begrafnis sou wees. Talle kaartjies en telegramme van medelye het Springbokradio bereik. Briewe wat Kobus en sy familie sterkte toewens in die moeilike tyd was ook volop. Een van die gewildste verhale kort voor Springbokradio se laaste uitsendings, was Wolwedans in die skemer, deur Leon van Nierop. ‘n Reeksmoordenaar het die inwoners van ‘n dorpie in die Oos Transvaal op hol gehad. Voor elke moord gepleeg is, het die moordenaar ‘n rooi roos aan die slagoffer gestuur. Luisteraars het so intens betrokke geraak by die situasies dat die Bestuur van Springbokradio ‘n koevert met ‘n droë rooi roos daarin ontvang het. Of dit persoonlik vir iemand op die bestuur bedoel Lerina Erasmus het die rol van Adele in die verhaal vertolk...seker die ongewildste karakter in die verhaal. Terwyl sy in die ateljee was vir die onderhoud wat ek met Adele gevoer het, wou van die vroulike luisteraars met haar praat om haar “op haar plek te sit” Ek moes met allerhande verskonings vorendag kom om te verhoed dat hulle met haar kontak maak. Hulle was woedend, maar Lerina het saam gespeel. As Adele in die onderhoud was, het sy die dames nog meer briesend gemaak. Nou, in die TV era, raak ons as kykers, net so betrokke, want die klein snip van ‘n Gaby in Binnelanders, moet ‘n les geleer
In the estate of the JOHANNAlate PETRONELLA LOOCH, Iidentity Tzaneen,Attorneys,hereof.dateinthefiherebythehavingofwhoLimpopoFloradentwhoMaster’s4704020003086,numberreferencenum-ber002664/2020,marriedincommu-nityofpropertytoCLIVEJOHNLOOCH,identitynumber4608025002086,wasordinarilyresi-at22HeideStreet,Park,Tzaneen,Provinceand,diedonthe14thMay2020.Allpersonsclaimsagainstaboveestatearecalledupontoletheirclaimswithundersignedwith-30daysfromtheofthepublicationJoubert&MayPOBox35,Ref.:AERech/
Ons het voorheen verwys na luisteraarsbetrokkenheid by die aanbied van programme. Om ‘n bydrae te lewer tydens die uitsending van ‘n “lewendige” program is ‘n heeltemal ander reaksie as om by ‘n storie of verhaal betrokke te raak. Iemand het eendag gesê televisie het ons lui gemaak want met radio moes jy jou eie prentjie skep. Jou verbeelding het ‘n groot rol gespeel wanneer jy na radioverhale geluister het. Springbokradio was bekend vir sy “stories”. Veral die middagsessie van 2 tot 4 was uiters gewild. Soms moes ek die sessie hanteer en my pligte het hoofsaaklik daaruit bestaan om advertensies en tydseine aan te kondig tussen die verhale. Later van tyd het ek die persoonlikhede wat rolle vertolk in die stories, na die ateljee genooi om met die “karakters” wat hulle vertolk, onderhoude te voer. In die tagtigerjare was daar ‘n verhaal met die naam, “Die Wildtemmer.” kan jy nog onthou? Dit was geskryf deur Willie van Rensburg, met wie ek op ‘n stadium die voorreg gehad het om ‘n onderhoud by sy huis te voer. Een van die karakters in die verhaal, was ‘n swart plaasarbeider met die naam, Tientong. Die rol is vertolk deur Pieter
Woedend betrokke Legals &
Notices 19 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA We are very social! Find us, follow us and go like us!
I think I have always been an attorney at heart, wanting justice and fairness for all. I started my legal profession as a prosecutor in Gauteng and thereafter went into private practice at a rm now known as BDK attorneys. After my divorce I moved back to Tzaneen and opened my own practice, specializing in criminal work and family law. My rm strives to provide personal attention to each client and their matter. With us, you are not just a number, you matter, and you matter to us. Having gone through a divorce myself I have experienced the emotions and stress thereof and therefore have empathy for my cliThe wellbeing of all children is something close to my heart and the work satisfaction when making a di erence in a child’s life is indescribable. I survived the tough times on my knees, with gratitude and faith that God would provide. My advice to succeed in business would be to stick with what you know and elevate or distinguish yourself by being apprised of the latest developments in your eld. As Edmund Burke famously said; “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for the good men to do nothing.”
BEATIFUL UCelebrating powerful women!
Loka Moi Anita Campbell Attorneys Lana’s Graphics ents.The the and I what. very only to was...Lerina raak klein
■ Ben Theunissen
Everyone used to ask me why I didn’t start my own business, given that I have 16 years of designing experience, and really love what I do. I moved to Tzaneen from Pretoria in 2010, worked here for four di erent print companies, and soon realized that in a small town like Tzaneen, clients tend to hang on to building a relationship with a designer, no matter where that designer is working. And where the customers’ work will be printed or manufactured, in a tight knit community, customers need to feel that they are not just another number, they need to feel they are the ONLY customer. I try very hard to make each customer feel they are important, and that I will do my very best to try and meet their needs. After all, we help each other grow. My husband and I started the Business in October 2020, during Covid-19. He borrowed as much as he could from the bank, and then we jumped balls and all into this. Because he believed in me, I was determined to make this work no matter what. We had to either be very brave or very stupid. and I am still trying to be brave every day! The only way to succeed is to start every day on your knees. Everything we have, every opportunity, no matter how big or small comes from above. And if you receive, try and give back, however you can. Keep your feet rmly on the ground, be honest and fair, and always plan ahead.
POLOKWANE, 0700. TEL. 015-2914177, FAX: 086 218 3267. KENNISGEWING Ek,Theo Kotze, as die agent van die eienaar van aansoekhedeinperseelomboulyneenTitelaktevoorwaardefiidensieel“ResidensieelryTzaneensoneringstuurenRuimtelikeMunisipalevanKlousulessipaliteit,Grotergedoenkenniseiendom,ondergemeldegeehiermeedatekaansoekhetbydieTzaneenMuni-intermevan57,58&68dieGroterTzaneenBy-wetopBeplanningGrondgebruikbe-(2017)virdieher-vanErf667Uitbr.8(Har-Dilleystraat9)vanaf1”na“Res-4”,dieophef-ngvanbeperkendeC.(h)uitT99849/2008dieverslappingvanmetdiedoelwoonstelleopdieopterig(16totaal).Besonder-vanvoormeldelêterinsae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die
NOTICE I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, in terms of Clauses 57, 58 & 68 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipal Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law (2017) for the rezoning of Erf 667 Tzaneen Ext 8 (9 Harry Dilley Street) from “Residential 1” to “Residential 4”, the removal of restrictive title condition C.(h) from Title Deed T99849/2008 and the relaxation of building lines for the purpose of dwelling units (16 in total). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Town Planning, Municipal satelite office, 15B Peace street, Tzaneen, 0850 for a period of 30 days from 19 August 2022. ground(s)esttheapplicationtheresentations,siondateonBoxdressabove-mentionedTownwrite,orwithtionsobjections/representa-Anymustbelodgedormadeinwriting,verballyifunabletototheManager:Planning,atthead-orpostedtoP.O.24,Tzaneen,0850orbeforetheclosingforthesubmis-ofobjections/rep-quotingabovementioneddescription,objector’sinter-inthematter,theoftheobjection/representation, the objector’s erf number and phone numbers and CLOSINGaddress.DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF REPRESENTATIONS: 18 September 2022. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN, P.O. BOX 1883, 015-2914177,WANE,POSBUSSTADSBEPLANNERS,AGENT:18BESWARE/VERTOË:DIESLUITINGSDATUMnommer(s)nommerbeswaarmakerbeswaar/vertoë,diebelangdiewingbogenoemdemetofneen,ofbydanigediedieStadsbeplanning,ofuofmoetEnigeafdperkTzaneen,tenisipaleStadsbeplanning,Bestuurder:Mu-satelietkantoorPeacestraat15B,0850vir‘nty-van30daevan-19Augustus2022.beswaar/vertoëhetsyskriftelikmondelings(indienniekanskryfnie),bytotdieBestuurder:voorsluitingsdatumvirindieningvanso-besware/vertoëbovermeldeadresbyPosbus24,Tza-0850ingediengerigword,tesamevermeldingvanbeskry-vandieaansoeke,beswaarmakerseindiesaak,grond(e)vandiedieseerf-entelefoon-enadres.VIRINDIENINGVANSeptember2022.DEVELOPLAN1883,POLOK-0700,TEL.FAKS: 0862183267. I was inspired by the clothing brand I stock in my shop, Loka. I was wearing it long before I became an agent for them, mostly because it’s good quality and a locally manufactured feel-good brand. I guess you could say that I am very proudly South African. Being a woman has its challenges for sure, and I have found that the best way to help other women overcome some of these challenges is through empowering them and boosting their self-con dence so that they can feel comfortable and driven just beingWethemselves.survivedthrough the tough times these past few years simply by never giving up. Currently we have 19 exhibitors in Moi and we try and source new and exciting products frequently in order to keep our shopping experience exciting. If you wish to succeed in any industry my advice would be to remain original. My main focus is to never steal someone else’s market and to remain unique. Look after your sta and they will look after your customers. I am always inspired by the words of Nelson Mandela; “it only seems impossible until it’s done.”

719 August 2022FAR NORTH Business Directory | Sakegids Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl The Vape Guy 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen. 060 385 3884 NTT Tzaneen Rally a racing success DASSSERVICES Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, 082015Tzaneen.30717988980468 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 VERVOER/TRANSPORTSTEYNBERGTROK&TREKKERTEHUUR STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8, 12, 20, & 32 TON TROKKE & LOWBED TE HUUR. BAIE BILLIKE TARIEWE (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD) SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 015-345119271390846270956 MEUBELVERVOERDUVENHAGE Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packingmoving?and Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking 083 252 8928. Smouskous | Classi eds DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en Heelhuisdispensers.filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746 Die Pioniers bedank die persone:volgende Sugar Loaf vir die heerlike warm vars brood. Pizzas vanaf Romans wat Henk Minnie afgelewer het. Groente en mieliemeel vanaf Thys Steynberg en die Boere. Heerlike sagte warm komberse vanaf BTG Breakfast Braai manne. Geseënd is julle almal. Letters Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 marinda.durand@uniwisp.1200 HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249 Residential, O ces, Hotels, Shopping Malls, Hospitals and Warehouses. Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle JJ Potgieter and Tommy du Toit Theuns Joubert and Schalk van Heerden
The South African National Rally Championship (NRC) made a welcome return to Limpopo this past weekend. Scores of spectators line the R71 across the bridge to view the most popular of the stages on Saturday afternoon as the drivers sped through the Tzaneen CBD. The NTT Tzaneen Rally hosted round 7 and 8 of the MRF Tyres NRC that tested the crews with some challenging gravel stages in the forests surrounding Tzaneen. The 7th round was on Friday the 13th of August and the next round was held the following day on the 14th of August. The top tier class, NRC1, was hotly contested and some of the crews and their machinery found the forestry stages a bit too much of a challenge and had to throw in the towel.
■ Roelof de Jonge
Former champions Guy Botterill and Simon Vacy-Lyle in their NRC1 Gazoo Racing Toyota Starlet had a trouble-free run-in Friday’s Round 7 to win from NRC1 debutants, JJ Potgieter and Tommy du Toit, in their newly acquired Hyundai i20. Johan Strauss and Elzaan Venter in their Subaru Impreza finished in third place while the current championship leaders, Chris Coertse and Greg Godrich, in their new Rally Technic Mazda2 completed the rally in fourth spot. The Mazda was unveiled a day before the start of the NTT Tzaneen Rally and just missed out on a podium spot in the crew’s first outing with the car. Local rally hero from Letsitele and the defending driver’s champion, Theuns Joubert, with Schalk van Heerden in the co-driver seat, started well in their Salom Labour Toyota Yaris. The third stage of 18km however proved to be a dramatic one for Joubert and van Heerden which saw electrical gremlins forcing the Yaris to a grinding halt. This ended Joubert’s aspirations of taking a possible victory on home turf. The Salom Labour Yaris crew managed to sort out the electrical niggles that hampered their progress on the first day to be ready for the start the following morning for Round 8. The Tzaneen NTT Rally and its challenging forest stages however were not done yet and provided some more drama amongst the top Friday’,Botterill and Vacy-Lyle, won the Saturday’s opening stage by two seconds ahead of Potgieter and du Toit. The runners-up stormed into the rally lead with a 20 second stage 2 win over Joubert and van Heerden. But they picked up a 1 minute 50 second penalty to drop down the overall order. Potgieter also claimed the win in the 15km of stage 3. Overall, Potgieter held a 42 second advantage over Botterill. The 10-kilometre stage 4 proved to be another turning point in the pecking order. Joubert and van Heerden claimed a 20 second win as they fought back. Botterill and Vacy-Lyle’s Gazoo Starlet was halted by electrical issues which ended their hopes for a second victory in Tzaneen. This handed the overall lead to Potgieter and du Toit. Championship leaders Chris Coertse and Greg Godrich followed the leaders in their new NRC1 Mazda2, with a resurgent Salom Labour Yaris of Joubert and van Heerden closing in on the leaders.Coertze and Godrich and the NRC2 frontrunners, Klopper and Aucamp, hit trouble in Stage 5 to finish well down the order. Joubert and van Heerden meanwhile maintained their fightback with the quickest time in the 12.5 km test. Rally leaders Potgieter and du Toit were back on top with a 15 second win in the 18km stage 6 which was enough to move back into second overall.Joubert and van Heerden took another stage win in the short, final 3km stage over Potgieter and du Toit. It was still not enough to prevent Potgieter and du Toit taking a stunning overall victory in their first ever top class outing aboard the Rally Technic Hyundai i20. Joubert and van Heerden’s fight back to second though could yet prove significant in the long run as they kept their title hopes alive with some valuable championship points scored. Jono van Wyk and Ingrid Jeacocks drove to double overall podiums and NRC2 victories in their Ford Fiesta, ahead of the NRC1 crew of Johan Strauss and Elzaan Venter in their Subaru Impreza. The MRF SA Rally Championship heads to Delmas next for another double header on the 16th and 17th of September, before the final round in Dullstroom in October.

Joe Dreyer Merensky se Eerstespan is die enigste uit die drié van hul rugbyspanne wat tot die eindstryd van die Noordvaal-trofee Afdeling 2 deurgedring het. Dit na hul Eerstespan se uitmuntende vertoning teen die manne van Ellisras uit die laeveld op eie bodem op Plasiepark. Merensky se onoorwonne Eerstespan sal hierdie komende naweek teen Midstream College vir die Noordvaal Afdeling 2 kroon in Midrand gaan kragte meet. Die Plasies se o/15A-span het in hul half-eindstryd teen Hans Moore uit Benoni te staan gekom. Die wedstryd is deur die besoekers se skopskoen beslis met Hans Moore heelagter, Troy Strydom, se 11 punte wat hy met drie strafdoele en ‘n doelskop aangeteken het. Merensky het ‘n verbete stryd opgesit maar selfs met hul stut Carel Volschenk se prag-drie en losskakel, JD Boshoff, se doelskop en strafdoel, kon hul nie daarin slaag om die wen deur te trek nie. Hans Moore het uiteindelik die stryd met 10-16 gewen om die Plasies uit die eindstryd te skakel. Die tweede kragmeting van die dag was die o/16A-span se stryd teen Potchefstroom Gimnassium. Van die staanspoor af was dit duidelik dat die besoekers nie van plan was om die eindstryd maklik vir hul gasheer te gee nie. Die Gimmies het dadelik op die aanval gegaan en twee drieë binne die 20 minute gaan druk. Merensky se Rico Pieterse het met ‘n drie net voor rustyd geantwoord en Byron Hendriks het dit verdoel om die halftydtelling 7-12 in die Gimmies se guns te los. Die tweede helfde het Potch egter heeltemal oorheers met Merensky wat net nie ‘n antwoord vir die besoekers se aanhoudende aanvalle kon gee nie. Potch se haker, Jaco Nel, en hul senter Lourens Jacobs het elkeen twee keer oor die lyn geseil met Wian Coetser en Dian Smith wie elkeen ook ‘n drie gedruk het. Die losskakel, André Grobbelaar, kon vier drieë verdoel om sy span se 7-38 oorwinning te verseker.
Plasies sal Midstream nou aanvat minute halfeindstryd met 20-12 geklop.
Ellisras kon slegs een drie en een doelskop deur hul vleuel Koketso Ledwaba en heelagter Mabotho Gwangwa bemagtig. Die wedstryd het uiteindelik 36-7 in Merensky se guns geëindig. Die naweek se eindstryd teen Midstream College in Midrand behoort ‘n tawwe een vir die Plasies te wees aangesien Midstream ook die afgelope naweek in hul halfeindstryd teen Frikkie Meyer met ‘n telling van 23-18 geseëvier het. Merensky het laas in die Limpopo-liga vir Frikkie Meyer in die eindstryd Windsor Street Golden Acres 9257
19 August 2022Spor t ONE MembershipTWO Locations!
Die Plasies se binnesenter Niel van Vuuren het binne die eerste vyf minute oor die lyn geseil en self sy eie drie verdoel voor hy wéér ‘n paar minute later oorgestuur is vir sy tweede drie wat hy ook verdoel het.
In die hoofwedstryd van die dag het Merensky teen Ellisras opgedraf.
Rassies se Koketso Ledwaba vat Plasies se Phillip Ludick vas. Foto’s: Joe DreyerCaleb Mokgalaotse en Hardus Terblanche verdedig teen Potch se reuse vleuel, Daviv Ndala. staan besoekers drie het. doelskop nie.
Erard Geyser stry met Merensky se besige vlank, Nyakala Sethaba
Die Plasie vlank, Nyakala Sethaba, het self ook twee drieë gedruk wat almal deur van Vuuren verdoel is. Die kookwater skrumskakel, Carl Dohse, het ‘n briljante drie vanaf ‘n hoë skop deur van Vuuren wat deur losskakel Phillip Ludick opvolg is, onder die pale gaan druk. Clifford Ledwaba het ook ‘n drie by die Merensky telling gevoeg waarna buitesenter Reese Coetzee ‘n strafskop deur die mikke gejaag het.
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