READ INSIDETHEY TWICEESCAPED Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: R526 August 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 3PAGE Laerskole Hokkie 7 6 MagoebamightyThe8

It has been 45 days and counting without potable water in the entire Phalaborwa Municipality. Several residents in Nollie Bosman Street, have had to endure an entire month without any water in their faucets, and still the municipality seems unphased.
Editor’s Comment: It should be viewed as gross negligence of public duties for a spokesperson of a municipality to simply ignore a journalist. Jonas Mahesu, the spokesperson for the BPM has made it very clear that he views the media and his community with absolute disregard. His job is to communicate with the residents of the municipality he works for, on municipal issues, through the media. In 2017 Mahesu accused me of being sent to Phalaborwa “to cause problems” and ever since, we have had issues in receiving feedback on important community issues.
■ Billy Sibuyi Multiple sightings of different animals were reported in Phalaborwa over the past week, and on Wednesday morning, the 24th of August, elephants were spotted on the R40 road, but were assisted back into the reserve before any incidents were reported.
Lions were reported in the Brand Street area near the Phalaborwa airport a few weeks ago, but there has been no confirmation of new sightings since. A Hyena was also recently spotted near Bollanoto Tourism Center in Phalaborwa and conservationists have urged people walking at night to be cautious. Whilst the Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF) were busy with a hippo operation at the same spot, they had people walking right past the animals, oblivious to what was happening. “Give it space, do not blind it with super bright torches as these animals live here too,” said a PNHF conservationist. “We are aware of the spotted hyena coming into town from time to time, they are monitored and have not caused any issues yet.”
One resident, Noelene du Plessis, said that she has not had water in her household for over 40 days, besides two Saturday’s where she at least had a small bit of water coming out of the tap. She said that water came back at 14:00 and again stopped at 16:00, which was not even enough to wash a load of“Iwashing.askedon Whatsapp groups but I am not getting any answers. What more must we do to receive the basic water of which we pay a levy for every month. Who should I contact, or who is it that I need to see?” 26 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 EmergencyNoodnommersnumbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: Briewe/Letters: Sport: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website,aswellasbackcopies. KontakContactbesonderhedeDetails COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua PRIVATEPOSTNETTzaneenPark#911BAGX4019TZANEEN,0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor Ebenezer 99.3% Merensky 101.5% Dap Naude 93.4% Middel Letaba 1.1% Blyderivierpoort 96.7% Klaserie 95.1% Tours 95.9% Vergelegen 96.1% Magoebaskloof 100.3% Source: Information22/08/2022updated: Tzaneen 96.8% ■ Billy Sibuyi
Baboons are mostly making it to people’s homes as it is part of their foraging path. They will search for food in gardens and sometimes make it into homes. In situations where males have few opportunities, they resort to violence to achieve what’s necessary to survive. For more than a month, the PNHF helped monitor the baboon situation. “We had asked people to pick their fruit trees and remove the ones that they do not use. We also asked for people to assist us with baboon sightings and place their bins in a proper manner, but we have had very little cooperation from residents,” stated the PNHF.
Instead of engaging the community, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality (BPM) simply pushes the blame onto the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) and blatantly refuse to engage Bulletin.
Still no water in theDon’tPhalaborwashootanimals
Thief remains unperturbed Follow up
Lulekani has been without water for several weeks and Mbalati Xikwemba said that “We are hungry while our cupboards have food, because we can’t cook without water”. The district municipality spokesperson, Odas Ngobeni, told Bulletin last week that the problem was not with them but with the waterboard, Leppelle Northern Water (LNW). The waterboard strategy and planning manager, Norman Nukeri, told Bulletin that the scheme has had to put temporary water shedding plans in place to try recover reservoir levels and have had to stop transfer pumps on the outstations from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 20:00 toNukeri03:30.said that Lulekani was receiving bulk water from Lepelle where they cover the area. “The main challenge in the area is the illegal connection along the bulk line to Lulekani reservoir which then affects the reservoir levels recovery,” he said. “Those which are getting water from illegal connections get water 24/7 while this has a negative impact on the ones getting water from the reservoirs because water depends on the pressure to fill the reservoirs and this pressure is lost where illegal connections have been done. Every pipeline’s pressure is calculated during the design phase and once the pressure is tampered with, it affects the entire system supplied by such pipeline,” explained Nukeri. He also said that there was a vandalized Lulekani booster, meant to boost the pressure to the reservoir, and that it was part of the current financial year’s budget to be repaired. Nukeri admitted that the challenge where there was no water was Matikoxikaya and the surrounding villages which Mopani District had outlined plans to address the areas without water.
■ Billy Sibuyi Godfrey Rabali (31), after appearing in court for 10 cases of theft in Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, and Tzaneen, allegedly continued his theft spree. Rabali, who appeared in the Lenyeye Magistrate Court last week Monday, on the 15th of August, was caught on camera searching through a bag of one of the victims in Phalaborwa.Rabaliallegedly portrayed himself as a parent at Frans Du Toit High school, and stole laptops. Not only did he terrorize the High School, but went to several schools in Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit until his eventual arrest on the 16th of August, at an unknown gambling establishment. His first theft was at Tzaneen Primary School after school hours in July where he stole two laptops. In Hoedspruit, he reportedly stole from five shops, three of these in the Kamogelo Tourism Centre.Asource told Bulletin that she reported the thief to the police after seeing a social media post from a victim in Phalaborwa who was allegedly also scammed by the same person. From screenshots of CCTV footage, she saw that the person who stole from her was wearing the same clothes when he stole from another shop in Phalaborwa. She said the thief was arrested in Hoedspruit on Friday, 22nd of July. On Monday, 25th of July, he appeared in the Hoedspruit Magistrate’s Court and was released on bail. “I told the police that the suspect is being sought in other cases in Phalaborwa and Tzaneen, but somehow, he managed to get bail. I think it might be due to a lack of communication. Other victims from Hoedspruit were supposed to identify the man in a police line-up, but that never happened,” she told Bulletin. “At the police station, he was wearing the same cap as the one on the CCTV footage. He also said he was in Phalaborwa on the morning he was arrested. When I saw the posts about people being robbed, I was able to connect the incidents.”

The PR Councillor said Bulletin misquoted her. We contacted the DA’s Political Head for Limpopo, Solly Malatsi, to have a meeting with him and the PR Councillor to set the record straight. That meeting has been postponed numerous times. Send your juicy stories to
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has denied that any money from the tax payers’ coffers would be spent on this welcoming event. “The municipality cannot spend money from our own purse if it is not in the official approved budget,” said spokesperson Neville Ndlala. “Miss SA has a host of private companies behind the brand who will be contributing to the various activities and the event itself. The Miss SA title is a brand on its own and they have their own teams who coordinate public appearances and events that involve their pageant and their queen.”Onthe 13th of August 2022, Ndavi Nokeri was crowned Miss SA 2022. The 23-year-old is originally from Gabaza Village, outside Tzaneen. She is the second contestant from Limpopo to win the crown in the in the last three years after Shudufadzo Musida was crowned back in 2020. She is also the third woman from the province, the first being Bokang Montjane in 2010. Limpopo Premier, Stan Mathabatha, tasked Limpopo MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture, Thandi Moraka, to organize and facilitate Social Cohesion Programmes in the Province. Therefore, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture will execute the responsibility of the Miss SA 2022 homecoming event from the 25th to the 27th of August this year. ■ Roelof de Jonge A house fire was reported in Aqua Lane on Sunday evening, the 21st of August. A vehicle parked in a garage had inexplicably caught fire and threatened to burn down the home adjacent to it when neighbours sounded the alarm. True to form the Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch jumped into action and rushed to aid the occupants. They were first on the scene while frantic onlookers attempted to contact the Tzaneen Fire Department. According to one of the neighbours, they first tried to reach the Fire Department and then tried to reach Tzaneen SAPS but had no luck and then resorted to calling one of the local security companies. The security personnel on scene also tried without any success to get hold of the police or the fire department. One of the security guards then drove to the fire department to alert them about the fire which threatened to spread from the garage to the house. By the time the Fire Department arrived on scene, the fire had already been doused and all they had to tend to was the smoldering aftermath in the garage. The first police vehicle pitched up on the scene about ten minutes after the fire brigade.
Bulletinconfirmed.interviewed DA PR Councillor Chrisma Bredenkamp a month ago regarding her statement that the water in Letsitele was unfit for human consumption. This after she said that a resident from that town had contacted her about the dirty water from his filtration system at his home. Since then, she has campaigned for the GTM to provide her with a Blue Drop certificate. Her statement led some parents to send water to school with their children and instructing them not to drink the tap water. Through our investigations we determined that this was not the case, and that the water in Letsitele was in fact drinkable and according to the Department of Water Affairs (DWS) standards.
Moss said that his party would direct questions to council regarding the amount and the approval of this expense. According to him the party would want to see that a more realistic and affordable welcoming be arranged for Miss Nokeri, especially since being native to Tzaneen, she would be very aware of the lack of service delivery and the gradual decay of its infrastructure.
Occupants escape
“An unnecessary waste of money would unfortunately make this welcome visit from the reigning Miss SA, a bittersweet one,” Moss added.
What about Jetty 3 Brand new fourway stop Medical equipment on Publiclydumpsitehumiliated
326 August 2022FAR NORTH
According to one of the witnesses, after the fire department doused the remains of the fire, they left the scene. It was about five minutes after they left, that flames started to emerge again. This time the people in attendance did not bother calling the fire fighters back, but rather doused the fire themselves. At the time of going to print the Tzaneen Fire Department had not responded to the accusations levelled against them by the public and neither had the police returned any comment on the matter. In a strange twist of fate, the occupants of the house where the fire had started, lost all of their belongings in a house fire exactly three years ago, almost to the date, in a house they were renting in Deerpark. On the 17th of August 2019, Bulletin was on scene with William Roux and his family, a day after the house they were living in, had caught fire, and was destroyed leaving the family with nothing but the clothes on their backs. At the time of going to print it was not clear how the fire in Aqua Lane started and none of the occupants of the home were available for comment. It is also unclear whether an investigation was launched by the police or the Fire Department.
The spokesperson for the GLM, Lovers Maenetje said that they had cleaned up the mess and urged local medical practitioners to steer clear of this practice. We still don’t know where the drips came from.
Motorists complained about the young man at the traffic lights near Lifestyle Centre who would spend his days on his knees clapping hands and begging for money. Many a motorist had a near miss as they attempted to avoid hitting the young beggar as they moved through the intersection. It has come to light that the young beggar has disappeared off the streets and a source in the community has claimed that he was in fact struck by a vehicle and later succumbed to his injuries. This has not yet been
The Limpopo Health Department MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba was filmed this week at a Bela Bela Provincial Hospital where she publicly shamed a Zimbabwean patient shortly before a scheduled medical procedure. In the video, the MEC can be heard asking if the patient can speak Tswana, to which she responds that she speaks Shona. “You speak Shona. And how do you find yourself in Bela Bela when you are supposed to be with Mnangagwa [referring to Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa]? You know, he doesn’t give me money to operate on you guys and I am operating on you with my limited budget.” Her large entourage laughed loudly at her comments. Ramathuba went on to state that her people of Limpopo cannot receive health services because of the foreigners who receive free medical services from her. “Everywhere we are operating on foreign nationals and you not even registered. You are not counted anywhere and you are even illegal. You are abusing me. It is not fair. I can’t go to Zimbabwe and get health services.”
“But how much will it cost?”
When your number’s up What happened to Lucky? Were they misquoted? second fire in three years
Unconfirmed reports this week suggested that a man everyone in Tzaneen used to see loitering in the area around Lifestyle Centre has disappeared. A source rumoured that the man had played the lotto and won a few thousand Rands. He then showed the winning lotto ticket to a group of his fellow vagrants who then allegedly murdered him. We have not been able to confirm this story with the police at the time of going to print.
The Bassmasters will host an international event in September and nobody knows who the Jetty 3 facilities will be managed by. The Bassmasters have asked if they could start cleaning up the facility and fix some of the potholes in what is left of the roads inside the grounds, but have received no answer at the time of going to print. Will the municipality clean the grounds? Will the new lessee clean up the grounds? The current picture the international visitors to the event will see, might not be the picture we want outsiders to take back home with them. This week a group of volunteers accompanied their ward councillor and repainted the fourway stop at the intersection between Bohemia Street, Francis Street and Park Street in Medipark. A team of ladies led by Chrizelle Dreyer, Helena Taljaard and Ilze Czubora, with the support of GTM Traffic Head, André Liversage, Du Paint and Tools Tzaneen, Victrix Signs and Dewald Swart spent their Saturday morning repairing the stop signs and painting the road markings. Councillor Dreyer made it very clear that the action was not a political one, but a municipal endeavour given that she is still a municipal employee regardless of her political affiliation and the residents deserve proper service delivery. A week ago a Duiwelskloof resident arrived at the Modjadjiskloof dumpsite and found a heap of hospital drips still in their original packaging, dumped among the household refuse. The resident photographed the bags and sent it through to Bulletin. We contacted Niel Shikwambana of the Limpopo Health Department who said we should ask the Greater Letaba Municipality’s health department if they knew who the drips belonged to.
■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen’s taxpaying public will not fit the bill for a lavish reception for newly crowned Miss SA, Ndavi Nokeri, when she arrives here today. This despite the confusion around the event in the camp of the Freedom Front Plus who voiced their concern in a press statement on Tuesday, the 23rd of August. According to the party, councillors were informed by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality that it would fit the bill for a gala dinner at Tzaneen Country Lodge on the 27th of August (tomorrow). Freedom Front Plus PR Councillor, Andre Moss said that they were led to understand that the municipality would pay the bill for 200 guests, pay for the hiring of stage and sound equipment, pay for the hiring of the hall, pay for the guest artists who will perform on the day, pay for the luxury VIP tents, and pay for the accommodation of Miss SA and her 20-person entourage for two days. According to the Freedom Front Plus, the costs involved for this lavish event is excessive, especially given that it will be fronted by a municipality currently buckling under failing service delivery and financial constraints.
“It is not certain at this stage how much this lavish affair will set the local taxpayers back, and we agree that having a local girl from our community win this prestigious crown, is a truly proud moment,” said VF Plus PR Councillor, Andre Moss. “There must be a certain level of discernment, and we feel that it would have been reasonable to discuss this expense in council before making decisions.”

John and Terresa Edmond pose for a photo at the event
■ Billy Sibuyi More than R30 000 was raised in Hoedspruit to aid pangolins confiscated from illegal wildlife traders in the Lowveld. Scales Pangolin Rescue Fund, in partnership with John Edmond, Notes for Scales, and The Thirsty Giraffe Pub and Grill, hosted a very well attended event on Saturday, the 20th of August.The“Stand for the Pangolin” fundraiser included a campfire concert with the legendary John Edmond who entertained patrons under the stars before they enjoyed a ‘potjie’ buffet and aromatic glühwein (glow wine). John released his new single, “Stand for the Pangolin” on the night of the event and the song has since been available for download on various platforms with a percentage of the proceeds being donated to the Scales Pangolin Rescue Fund.Amy Aucamp-Clark, founder and CEO of Scales Conservation Fund, told Bulletin that all the pangolins are housed and treated offsite at undisclosed secured locations for their safety and that of her staff. She said that Pangolins were the world’s most illegally trafficked animal, poached for both traditional African, as well as rapidly developing Asian markets for use in traditional Eastern medicine and as a delicacy. Just like rhino horn, pangolin scales are made of keratin and are no different to human fingernails and toenails. “South Africa is home to the little-known Temminck’s ground pangolin. These shy and endearing creatures are extremely vulnerable to humans. Once a pangolin is spotted, it can simply be picked up and carried away into the sinister world of wildlife trafficking,” explained Aucamp-Clark. She said that to cope with the rising number of pangolins being seized in the Lowveld, Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre stepped up to provide a much-needed rehabilitation service and centre for the rescued pangolins. “They are at the cutting edge of these conservation efforts and are leading the way in the rescue and rehabilitation of these elusive and critically endangered animals. They have been caring for pangolins seized from the illegal wildlife trade since 2019. The pangolins arrive severely compromised, stressed, badly malnourished, dehydrated, and often very sick with pneumonia or parasitic infections,” explained Aucamp-Clark.UmoyaKhulula Wildlife Centre works very closely with Hoedspruit’s, Dr Debbie English, of Provet Wildlife Services as rescued pangolins require around the clock medical care and support. Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre is a private, non-profit wildlife rehabilitation centre and relies heavily on donations. They focus on the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of pangolins back into the wild as soon as possible. Once pangolins are released in a carefully selected protected area with sufficient food and water, they wear a GPS and VHF trackers, so that their progress and well-being can be monitored remotely, without intruding on their hard-earned freedom.“Wedesperately need to create more awareness of the dire predicament that pangolins find themselves in and raise funds for the extremely intensive and costly process of successfully rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing healthy pangolins back into the wild, where they belong. The cost of saving one pangolin can quickly amount to R70,000.00,” stated Linda Poultney of Notes for Scales. “We are grateful for all of the support that our event received. So many people and businesses assisted with donations and sponsorships. Our event was sold out and everyone had a proper ‘hooley’ and were supportive and eager to help in any way they could to raise awareness and financial support for the pangolins,” she said. With the application of a Raffle and prizes being won, a total of R34 943 was raised through the event. She also said that the Scales Conservation Fund was constantly busy with various fundraising initiatives. Visit their Facebook page or website - - for more information on how you may help to make a difference. You may also contact the founder, Amy Aucamp-Clark on +27 78 993 5678 or to find out how you can help to save the pangolin from extinction. 26 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA
Hoedspruit raises over R30 000 for pangolins
Amy Aucamp-Clark and Warren North stand behind the raffle and merchandise table

be to there LET’S TALK REAL ESTATE 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 • MEET THE TEAM Girl Boss Our licensee and principal started at Seeff at the humble age of 24. In 2012 Nicola bought the Seeff Tzaneen License. She studied and qualified in NQF Level 5 in 2013. In 2014 Nicola qualified in NQF 7 and 8 . Nicola is hardworking and driven with an immaculate leading reputation and a strong team.
Wellness (Yoga, Meditation and Breath Work Classes for any “body” and “everybody”) takes you on a journey to bliss where we heal, nourish, and move our bodies through the practices and teachings of Yoga. Physically building strength, exibility, and mobility. Breath work and meditation tools to reduce anxiety and stress. Yoga is not only a work-out, but also a work in connecting to yourself and re-igniting the spark of “Ananda” within. The best advice I can give in order to succeed in business is simple; believe in yourself. Stand strong in your faith and be consistent. Connect and share with your community around you. Be whole-heartedly committed in your business and what you have to o er. I have a Mantra I live by “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”. Translated it means “may all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness, and to that freedom for all.”
Sandra Opperman: General Manager I chose this career path because it gives me a platform to explore, meet new people and learn from di erent cultures, whilst simultaneously delivering my speci c skillset to the world. Tzaneen Country Lodge really is the embodiment of the adage “where strangers leave as friends.” My purpose as GM is nding and living my own de nition of “success” and helping others to do the same. Consistency is key! If you want to thrive in your own business, there really is no better advice than the mantra of the warrior which states “adapt, improvise, and overcome.” Make sure the basics are covered and grow from there. Have passion for what you do, persevere and be resilient. Be proactive and have the right positive attitude. I have a quote by one of the greatest statesmen of our time, Benjamin Franklin “proper planning prevents poor performance. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
I workingstarted with Willie Jonker for PropertiesSeeff Tzaneen 2 years ago as an time.intoAgent.InternIlikeplaybowlsmyfree NICOLA DANIE SCHOEMAN
The birth of Mirandi’s Aesthetic Ladies Spa really came about after I spent a time working as a young Cum Laude Somatologist in all types of beauty industry environments which ranged from home-based salons to luxury cruise ships spas all over the world. I felt that there was a gap in the market for woman-only community that slotted in right between the two extremes of the home-based and the cruise ship. Also, I was never in a position as an employee, to fully operate and implement my personal vision of what a high standard Beauty Spa should be and feel like. In a nutshell, Mirandi’s is a place where women support one another and cultivate self esteem without breaking the bank and gaining value for their money. If I could o er only a simple paragraph as advice to any other young women wanting to enter the business environment, I would say that the key to success is to maintain high standards and ensure return business, and most all to pray. There is a lot of prayer involved! Always stay updated with refresher courses and training in the latest developments within your industry and continue adding to your menu. Most importantly, I live by the credo “be kind to yourself”. Aesthetics
BEATIFUL UCelebrating powerful women!
I recently joined the real afiinterestsMywherewillingandgoodfuture.tieswithviewbusinessestatewiththetogrowingSeeffProper-TzaneenintheIhaveverysocialskillsamalwaystohelpoutIcan.hobbiesandareshingandIlovegoodbraai.
I am Janet, not only an estate agent but also a lover of tennis, swimming, dancing and the fresh outIdoors.joined the estate agency world in 2009, and over the last 13 years, I have had the opportunity to build sellers.bothrelationshipswonderfulwithbuyersandIam Gertie Anna-Mart Wall working as a successful real estate agent since 2018. I am passionate about what I do, ambitious, honest, loyal, and friendly and have strong values. To me every client is important and love to see how a house transforms into their home. When I am not working, I love spending time with my family, enjoying the outdoors and appreciating the natural beauty of Tzaneen.
The word “Ananda” means Divine Joy, Utter Bliss or Happiness! We all need a little more “Ananda” in our ever changing and chaotic lives. Yoga is my “Ananda” and transformed my entire life, body, mind and spirit. This practice and its teachings helped me take control of my severe anxiety and stress which gave me more peace to cope with the many obstacles in my life. Everyone should experience “Ananda” and not only every now and then, but every day, and Yoga can give youAnandathis. 26 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA
Most people already know me in Tzaneen, being in the Real Estate business in Tzaneen for 30 years. I have spent the last 6 years with Seeff Properties in Tzaneen and can honestly say that this has been the most enjoyable time in my career due to their honesty and profesIsionalism.amavery enthusiastic tennis and bowls player.
I joined Seeff Properties Tzaneen in January 2018. I am very passionate about what I’m doing, for me being an estate agent is a calling and I love helping my clients, I care for providing good service for my clients. My hobbies and interests are socializing, watching TV and travelling. Danie has been in the real estate business for over 20 years. I have an outgoing and caring personality; I also believe I am a good leader and andIsolver.problemlovetotrainworkout as I know body, mind and soul I started working as an estate agent in February 2020 but only started at Seeff Properties during the Covid lockdown in June 2020. I am passionate about my career and my clients. My hobbies and interests are needlework, crochet and gardening. I am very passionate about animals and used to be very closely involved in rescuing dogs and cats.
Ananda Wellness Tzaneen Country Lodge Mirandis

Midstream College breek die Plasie-harte heelagter, Cale White, ‘n bloutjie geloop teen die Plasies se teenoorgestelde teenstander, Dirk de Nyschenn, wie White met een van sy rolskoppies uitgevang wat daartoe gelei het dat De Nyschenn vir Merensky se eerste drie in die hoekie gesorg het. Merensky het met ‘n skrale voorsprong van 5-3 teen rustyd voorgeloop. Na die begin van die tweede helfte het Merensky ‘n verbete aanslag geloods wat Midlik beproef het. Die Plasies se Reese Coetzee Fotos: Marie Huysamen Haasbroek (pet) en Philip Ludick Henro Delport (pet) en Carl Dohse
Dit was uiteindlik Midstream se skrumskakel, Rhynhardt Henning, wat na ‘n duikslag omgekeerde besit bewerkstellig het en so langs die kantlyn af gehol het en die bal vir die regtervleuel, Thomas, aangegee het. Met sowat ‘n minuut oor in die eindstryd, het Thomas sy tweede drie gaan druk om die stryd vir sy span te verseker. De Leeuw het met twee doelskoppe en ‘n strafdoel gehelp om die aanskoulike kragmeting met 2212 in die guns van sy span te swaai. Die Plasies 15-tal kan hul egter self op die skouer klop na ‘n ongelooflike jaar van sprankel rugby wat hul week na week opgedis het. Hierdie was die manne van Merensky se enigste nederlaag in die 2022 rugbyseisoen.
726 August 2022FAR NORTH
■ Roelof de Jonge Die Eerstespan van die Hoërskool Merensky het so hittete die knoop in ‘n opwindende eindstryd van Afdeling 2 van die Noordvaal-beker deurgehaak. Die Plasies se seëvierende 15-tal het Saterdag die 20ste Augustus in Centurion teen die span van Midstream College die stryd om die gesogte Noordvaal-beker gevoer. Maar, dit was uiteindelik die Blou Bul-kontrei se span wat in die doodsnikke ‘n oorwinning van 22-12 gevier het. Vir die besoekende Merensky wat as die beste Limpopo-span in Afdeling 2 van die Noordvaalreeks beskou word, het ‘n verbete stryd om die Noordvaal-koppie gewag. Afgesien daarvan om weg te speel, het Midstream se hardnekkige spel verder vir ‘n taai stryd tussen die twee spanneMidstreamgesorg.het die sowat eerste 15 minute van hierdie eindstryd beheer, maar Merensky het hul doellyn vir al wat hul werd was verdedig. Die wind wat oor die naweek gewaai het en vir die week se koue gesorg het, het ook ingemeng met die spel wat skopwerk vir beide spanne bemoeilik het. Alhoewel Midstream meer balbesit en gebiedsvoordeel in die eerste helfte geniet het, kon hulle net nie daarin slaag om Merensky se doellyn te bereik nie. Die Midstream losskakel, Jaedon de Leeuw, het vir hul enigste punte in die openingshelfte gesorg toe hy met ‘n strafskop geslaag het. En om sake vir Midstream in die eerste helfte te vererger, het hul stream se verdediging behoorvlugvoetige losskakel, Phillip Ludick, het deur die Midstream verdedigingslinie geglip om vir Merensky se tweede drie te sorg. Die drie was deur die senter, Neil van Vuuren, verdoel. Van daar het die momentum terug in Midstream se guns geswaai. Hilton Thomas op regtervleuel het vir sy span se eerste drie van die wedstryd gesorg wat deur hul losskakel, Jaedon de Leeuw verdoel is. Dit het Midstream se agterstand na slegs twee punte laat krimp, 10-12, wat hulle ‘n nuwe lewenslus vir die wedstryd gegee het. Na ‘n aantal aanslae deur Merensky, het Midstream se binnesenter, Rowan Lindeque, daarin geslaag om die bal in sy eie kwartgebied te onderskep en uit gegee wat die linkervleuel, Nathaniel Manonga, op sy weg doellyn toe gestuur het.

We want to see a generation fully awakened to the love of God We believe God can still grab the attention of entire nations We continually stir our spirits with faith to align with God’s dreams. BE CONSECRATED
Die hokkiebane van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster was Dinsdag die 23ste Augustus ‘n miernes van bedrywighede. Instede wat mens hoërskool spelers teen mekaar sou sien speel, was dit egter die hokkiespanne van Laerskool Tzaneen, Laerskool Duiwelskloof, en Unicorn Preparatory School wie mekaar die stryd aangedurf het. Die Laerskool Tzaneen-wedstryde teen die Klofies was skoleliga kragmetings en die meisies en seuns se ope A-spanne teen Unicorn was ‘n rondte van die Limpopo Premier Liga (LPL). In die kragmeting tussen Laerskool Tzaneen se meisies ope A-span en hul bure van Unicorn, het die Tzaneen meisies die botoon gevoer om uiteindelik met 3-0 die wedstryd te beklink. Laerskool Tzaneen se seuns ope A-span het wel hul wedstryd gewen, maar dit het nie sonder teenstand gepaard gegaan nie. Unicorn het gevaarlik voorgekom wanneer hul balbesit gehad het en was ietwat ongelukkig met ‘n paar verbroude kanse wat hul verhoed het om die doelhok te vind. Laerskool Tzaneen het uiteindelik met 3-1 geseëvier.
Spiritual awakening will lead to a great reformation in society As people come to understand and apply the teaching of Jesus, every area of society will be transformed
The world is waiting for an encounter with Jesus. Fire & Fragrance, South-Africa, is a community located in Potchefstroom, dedicated to train and equip individuals with a diversity of skill sets to bring revival & reformation in all nations and spheres of society.
Laerskole pak mekaar op hokkieturf
Fire & fragrance die Cohen Dreyer en David Spies 26 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA
WHAT DEFINES THE FF COMMUNITY? We are circle within YWAM committed to raising up a generation that carries a fire in their hearts for Jesus that becomes the fragrance of Christ to the lost. By joining the Great Commandment with the Great Commission we keep the fire in our hearts stoked with love for Jesus and the lost.
Leandré de Lange en Lesego RanotoNtato Mabunda en Maryna JacobszNicholas Dando en Ndzalama Mbhalati Emily Noel
We are living with purpose and mission Therefore, we joyfully run from everything that hinders our relationship with God or gets in the way of our mission We set ourselves apart so God can fully utilize our energy, finances and passion
In die skoleliga-wedstryde teen Laerskool Duiwelskloof het Tzaneen met gemengde welslae van die veld afgestap. In die O/11B meisies se wedstryd het die spanne 0-0 gelykop gespeel.Tzaneen se O/11B seunsspan het met 1-0 gewen terwyl Duiwelskloof se meisies ope B-span vir Tzaneen se ope C-span met 3-0 geklop het. Die wedstryd in die seuns se ope B-spanne het egter vir ‘n tawwe stryd gesorg met beide die Larries en Klofies wat uiteindelik slegs een doel elk kon aanteken om gelykop van die veld af te stap.
LIVE PRESENCE CENTERED Our first priority is to put Jesus at the center of everything we do. The fire of intimacy in our hearts becomes the fragrance of Christ to the lost
■ Roelof de Jonge

confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution (SGD)creditor.JH JACOBSZ, JOUBERT & MAY, 50 BOUNDARY STREET, PO BOX 35, TZANEEN, TEL: 015 307 3660, REF: JH JACOBSZ/KM/J8356
Tel. 015 307 3710 MARULENG RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN WYSIGINGSKEMABESTUURGRONDGEBRUIKS-VERORDE-NINGE2016ERF411,560,573&575HOEDSPRUITUITBREIDING6255,257,258&259 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stadsen Posbusdewerkers,JacquesAdresMailula:Kontakpersoon:stel.ofbesware,versoekpaliteitdiebinnedurendekanEnigefoonnommerdomsbeskrywing,beswaarmakervirsaak,makeropskrif,wysingHoedspruit,Springbokstraatby1380Posbusnisipalegerigopmoetsigteteenkennisgewing).publikasie(dievanafvirstraatBestuurder,toorkantooruregedurendediedelik.RotsvyRooibosstraatKanniedoodstraat,RotsvyspruitWildlifegrensedomDoeleindes”.LandelikevirBewoning,dingHoedspruitErfdieVerordeningedie5hetpaliteitdie2016,Spluma87meeondervanagentsyndeStreeksbeplanners,diegemagtigdevandieeienaarsdieeiendommehier-genoem,geehier-ingevolgeArtikelvandieMarulengVerordeningekennisdatonsbyMarulengMunisi-aansoekgedoeningevolgeHoofstukDeelCArtikel57vanMarulengSpluma2016virhersoneringvan411,560,573&575Uitbrei-6van“Landelikena“SpesiaalOornagverblyfen/ofResidensiëleDieeien-isgeleëbinnedievanHoedspruitEstate(Hoed-Uitbruiding6)teWeg411,560573en575Wegonderskein-Besonderhedevanaansoeklêterinsaegewonebydiekan-vandieMunisipaleSpringbok-65,Hoedspruit,‘ntydperkvan30dae26Augustus2022datumvaneerstevanhierdieBeswareofvertoëtenop-vandieaansoekskriftelikvoorof26September2022wordaandieMu-Bestuurder,627HoedspruitofafgelewerwordBurgersentrum,65,metver-nabostaandediebeswaar-sebelangindiediegronde/redesdiebeswaar,dieseeien-tele-enadres.persoonwatnieskryfniemagge-kantoorureendiebeswaretydbovermeldeMunisi-besoekenhulpomsy/haarkommentarevoorstelleopskrifteMnrG0157932409vanagent:duToit&Me-754,Tzaneen,
015 307 3710
In the estate of the late ERIKA WIENFRIEDA DANDO, identity 3509190039088,number Master’s reference number 006090/2022, Widow, who was ordinarily resident at Groenfontein Farm, Duivelskloof, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 17th of June 2022. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys, PO Box 35, Tzaneen, Ref.: A E Rech/ R16007
Letters Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 marinda.durand@uniwisp.1200 HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249 Legals & Notices 26 August 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Business Directory | Sakegids Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl The Vape Guy 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen. 060 385 3884 DASSSERVICES Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, 082015Tzaneen.30717988980468 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR 015KWOTASIE3451192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 VERVOER/TRANSPORTSTEYNBERGTROK&TREKKERTEHUUR STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8, 12, 20, & 32 TON TROKKE & LOWBED TE HUUR. BAIE BILLIKE TARIEWE (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD) SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 015-345119271390846270956 MEUBELVERVOERDUVENHAGE Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packingmoving?and Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking 083 252 8928. Smouskous | Classi eds DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en Heelhuisdispensers.filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTIONAUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUHT AFRICA LIMPOPOPOLOKWANEDIVISION, ON THE INSTRUCTIONS of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on Thursday 8 September 2022 at 10H00 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of Tzaneen to the highest cash bidVenueder: of the sale: SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN. CASE NUMBER: 546/2022 1 x KAWASAKI NINJA ZX 10 R MOTOR BIKE AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the O ce of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of;;ofregistrationofR1000.00inTheofficeoftheSher-willconductthesaletheauctioneersTertiusRobertsonanyrepresentativeofoffice.Goodswillbesoldforonlytothehighestorsoldsubjectto
CASE NO: LP.TZN/ RC24/2022AUCTION In pursuance of a Judgment and Warrant of Execution issued in the above Court for district of TZANEEN the under mentioned goods have been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder at 10H00 ON 15 SEPTEMBER 2022 AT THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, 1.TZANEEN.Thesale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the o ce of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; P281Tzaneen,;view/downloadfileac-;pay-ofregistrationofR1000.00inTheofficeoftheSher-willconductthesaletheauctioneersTertiusRobertsonanyrepresentativeofoffice.GoodswillbesoldforonlytothehighestorsoldsubjectconfirmationasperConsumerProtec-Actuponinstruc-fromtheexecu-creditor.xWATERCERTIFICATET18108/1969FILENR202,MARITZBAS-INC.LEXNUMERI,PeaceStreet,Ref:WFB/MK/ 560, 573
Die Pioniers bedank die persone:volgende Cornelle Erasmus vir die Peppers. Jaques du Toit van Crusaders International vir die installering en skenking van die motorhek ...nou voel ons sommer baie veiliger. Thys Steynberg en die boere vir die heerlike groente wat hul so gereeld skenk. Mahela Boerdery vir die heerlike soet lemoene. Die Here seën julle almal.
We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owners of the properties mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Maruleng SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 Part C Section 57 of the Maruleng Spatial Planning & Land Use Bylaws 2016 for the rezoning of Erven 411, 560, 573 & 575 Hoedspruit Extension 6 from “Rural Residential” to “Special for Overnight Accommodation and/or Rural Residential Purposes” as described in the Annexure applicable to Erf 411, 560, 573 & 575 Hoedspruit Extension 6. The properties are situated within the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Extension 6) at 411 Rotsvy Road, 560 Kanniedood Street, 573 Rooibos Street and 575 Rotsvy Road respectively. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for the period of 30 days from 26 August 2022 (the date of publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, PO Box 627 Hoedspruit 1380 or be delivered to Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit on or before 26 September 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the Tzaneen,Associates,JacquesAddressMailulaContactresentations.tions,transcriberequestingmentionedperiod,andmaysonbersscription,objector’stion/representation,objec-thepropertyde-phonenum-andaddress.Aper-whocannotwriteduringofficehourswithintheobjectionvisittheabove-Municipalityassistancetohis/herobjec-commentsorrep-person:MrG:0157932409ofAgent:duToit&POBox754, Tel.
Rus sag Hester Bekende Tzaneen inwoner, Hester Erika Marais, is op die 19de Augustus vanjaar op ouderdom 63 jaar oorlede. Sy laat haar man, Johan, hul drie kinders, Richard, Natasja en Debbie en haar ses kleinkinders na. Haar familie sal haar onthou vir die wonderlike ma, ouma en vrou wie sy vir hulle was. ‘n Openbare gedenkdiens word om 12:00 op Maandag, die 29ste Augustus uit Dinamusgehou.Gemeenskapskerk

3 September 2022 13:00 A-VELD Biertuin / Uitstallers / Kinderhoek / Kosstalletjies MINI HOKKIE / KRIEKET / VOSSIE CINEMA / RUGBY / VERMAAK Bring eie kampstoel, GEEN koelbokse / kos word toegelaat nie. K a art jies is no g beskikba ar!

Bring eie kampstoel, GEEN koelbokse / kos word toegelaat nie. K aartjies is nog beskikbaar!

The Magoeba Trek again proved to be scenic yet a tough event for riders. Alan Gordon from Insect Science pedals on in the three-day event. Leonora Changuion competed in the women’s solo category and nished in eighth place overall. Alan Gordon and Insect Science team mates took on the mighty Magoeba Trek 2022.
Locally sponsored riders in the Insect Science, Kings of Neon team, raced superbly during the grueling three-day Magoeba Trek event this past weekend. The race was held from the 19th until the 21st of August. Alan Gordon showed his class in the men’s solo category, earning top spot in the general classification followed by Jan Montshioa and Wian van den Bergh in second and third spots respectively. The Kings of Neon men’s teams also had a solid weekend, taking both the first and third places in the men’s 70km race division. Arno du Toit and Keagan Bontekoning led the pack with the team of Pieter du Toit and Rudi Koen from Imbuko Type Dev in second and CP van Wyk and Herman Fourie from Insect Science followed in“Thisthird.weekend was another spectacular Magoeba Trek, and the podium was proudly painted yellow!” said an ecstatic Alan Gordon afterwards. Mountain bike races can be very unforgiving towards the riders and their equipment as Insect Science stalwart Gordon experienced on the first day. In the lead on the first day’s 70km route for solo men riders, Gordon’s mountain bike incurred severe damage about 25km from the finish. He managed to get going again but only with a single gear at his disposal, making it very difficult to peddle along and in the process lost ample “Thank you for everyone’s support and every person who offered their bikes to me. After losing a lot of time with the mechanical calamity on the first day, I had to claw back about 18 minutes on the second day’s ride and some more time on the final day to be able to take first place overall in the solo category”, said Gordon after his amazing fight
26 August 2022
Toit spectacularthird. single and time“Thankenroute.youfor back.
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