Bulletin Newspaper 16 September 2022

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READ INSIDEWHAT NOW ? Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATISwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za R516 September 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 programLetabaskoubinne 3PAGE 45Snake season T10 Cricket 8

The draft regulations were first published in July this year (2022). In a gazette on Wednesday the 14th of September, the department said the strategy will now be open for comment until the 26th of September 2022.

“We have been instructed to obtain a warning statement from the person who the allegations have been made against.”

would like to put it on record that it deplores any act of harassment and abuse against women and children. This appalling act must be condemned in the strongest of terms. SANParks is extremely concerned about how such an incident could have taken place on their property. It a sensitive matter and we are still investigating the exact circumstances under which the alleged sexual assault took place,” said the Managing Executive of the KNP, GarethTheColeman.HumanCapital

New venison laws Man found hanged Trespasser set free Hippo halts efforts

The South African National Parks (SANParks) has since confirmed, “with deep regret and sadness, that the organization was made aware of an alleged incident of sexual assault at the Skukuza living quarters involving a minor recently.”

SANParks said the SAPS in Skukuza confirmed having registered a complaint and having transferred the docket to Acornhoek for further handling. According to the SAPS docket, the incident was reported on 27th of August this year by the mother of the alleged victim.

“We are also sensitively looking at the issues raised by the Women’s Forum in a memorandum handed to management on the 8th of September in their march against Gender Based Violence. The memorandum makes a series of recommendations for immediate action; which have been shared with the SANParks Board and the Minister,” concluded Coleman.

According to the department, game meat can be the meat of animals and birds that are traditionally hunted for sport or food instead of being raised on a farm under controlled circumstances.

“We cannot rule out the possibility that he was running, as he only had a set of keys with him and was wearing sport attire. He did not have any visible injuries, beside the nosebleed he probably suffered when he fell,” said Sgt Elvis Mongwe of the Phalaborwa police.

“Upon arrival the police officers were pointed to a room where the deceased was and found the man with visible injuries on his neck which was caused by the rope.”

According to the mother of the deceased, her son came home during the day at around 11:00 and he was under the influence of alcohol. “The mother became suspicious when she saw that he had become strangely quiet and that’s when she sent his cousin to check on him,” continued Mabunda.

Members of the SAPS Search and Rescue Unit, on Saturday evening retrieved the body of a 26 year-old man from the Thiergaten farm dam, amid a tit-for-tat with a very aggressive hippo. The area falls under Ritavi Policing area near Tzaneen. The victim and his 34-year-old colleague were reportedly working at the dam on Tuesday 06 September, removing illegal fishing nets left behind by poachers. They were busy removing nets using a canoe without life jackets and in the process one of the nets caught a crocodile and the canoe capsized, both men fell into the dam and one managed to swim out, the other drowned.

The search operation was suspended after dark as the dam is infested with crocodiles and hippos. The rescue team had to acquire suitable equipment to repel the hippos before retrieving the body.

■ Roelof de Jonge

“A doctor examined the female minor and handed the findings over to the police for further investigation. SANParks has not had sight of the medical report and requests the public to respect the rights of the alleged victim and her family as well as the space to deal with the matter” stated SANParks spokesperson, Isaac“ThePhaahla.organization

Again, earlier last month, the Minister of Finance, Eric Godongwana, also was allegedly accused of sexual assault by a massage therapist at one of the luxury hotels in the KNP. The Police spokesperson, Brig Selvy Mohlala, said that the docket involving an allegation of sexual assault was returned to the police by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), with instructions a warning statement should be obtained.

Environment minister Barbara Creecy said the strategy and implementation plan are aimed at creating a formalised and transformed game meat industry in South Africa that contributes to food security and sustainable socio-economic growth.

Management Division in the Park has arranged counselling for both the mother and the alleged girl victim which is ongoing.

Incidents of rape and sexual abuse see to be on the rise in the Kruger National Park (KNP). Earlier this year, the KNP dismissed their CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, after he was accused of sexually assaulting an employee, a case he later won in court.

It is alleged that a letter believed to have been written by the deceased was found at the scene. The emergency services were contacted and the deceased was certified dead and his body was taken to Maphuta Malatjie government mortuary where an autopsy would be conducted.

■ Billy Sibuyi

Another sexual assault report in KNP

This was said during a march last week Thursday, the 8th of September, when the Democratic Alliance’s Women’s Network marched against GBV to handover a memorandum of grievances to the Skukuza Police Station.

The body of an elderly Caucasian man was found between Hendrick van Eck Street and Copper Road across Spar and Total Masorini on Monday, the 12th of September. Phalaborwa police believe that man estimated to have been in his 60’s or 70’s and was out jogging at the time of his death.

The most commonly produced and consumed venison in South Africa includes impala, kudu, wildebeest and springbok. The department said that although ostrich is considered game meat, it is predominantly produced through conventional livestock farming methods.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za2 16 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 EmergencyNoodnommersnumbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website www.farnorthbulletin.co.zaatandreadthelatestnews,aswellasbackcopies. KontakContactbesonderhedeDetails www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua PRIVATEPOSTNETTzaneenPark#911BAGX4019TZANEEN,0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 dave@rescue911.co.za911 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ebenezer 97.6% Merensky 101.5% Dap Naude 92% Middel Letaba 0.7% Blyderivierpoort 89.1% Klaserie 89.8% Tours 93.7% Vergelegen 96.4% Magoebaskloof 100.1% Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information12/09/2022updated: Tzaneen 90.1%


“We are not happy with the turnaround time of this police station in regards to gender based violence cases, they blame it on resources and sometimes have to move cases to other police stations,” said one of the residents in Skukuza.

The police in Lulekani are investigating a case of inquest after a person was found dead on Monday. The police said that a 27-year old man was found hanging from the roof trusses inside his room at Matiko-Xikaya Settlement.

According to Sgt Reoh Mabunda, it is alleged that on the 12th of September at about 14:00, the police received a message of a possible death.

The cause of death was also not yet known and at the time of going to print, the man was not yet identified.

Jogger found dead

A Zimbabwean man was set free by Tzaneen police on Wednesday afternoon after he was found hiding under a bed in a resident’s house in Aqua Park. The man was spotted earlier, walking through the neighbourhood carrying copper pipes. After being startled by neighbours, he dropped the pipes and jumped a fence into one of the residential properties in Awie Wessels Street. The domestic worker chased him through the yard with a garden rake and he jumped into a neighbour’s yard where that domestic worker also chased him away. He jumped into a third yard and ran into the house through an open door unbeknown to the domestic worker who was busy inside the home. The owner of the home was away at the time, but his neighbours, and his domestic worker informed him telephonically. He then contacted the Neighbourhood Watch who arrived with security companies and found the man inside the house in one of the children’s rooms where he had locked himself in. The Neighbourhood Watch removed him from the home and the police interrogated him. He was set free allegedly because he had not gained entry forcibly, nor had he stolen anything from the home, and he had reportedly told the police he was 17-years old. The police could not be reached for comment at the time of going to print.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has extended the deadline for comments on its draft Game Meat Strategy for South Africa, which aims to formalise the industry and expand what can be sold on store shelves.

And now, the latest incident is that of an 8-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped in the staff houses a few weeks ago, and the perpetrator is yet to be arrested. The residents of Skukuza and workers living with their families in the park are accusing the local police of dragging their feet when it comes to attending to issues of gender-based violence.

“We have now opened a case of inquest and investigations are underway.”

“Nightcrawler’s days are numbered” - SAPS Uproar over removal of signboards

The trust in the police has declined because of the various problems SAPS stations face across the country, like being undermanned and not having vehicles available to respond to cases timeously. The SAPS face all kinds of shortcomings daily and in a country with rampant crime statistics, this has dented the public’s trust and willingness to report cases.

Kröh said that because of this reluctance to report any criminality, the police are left with the impression that crimes in certain areas are not as bad as what it seems. “We encourage the community to report crimes at their nearest police station. If there is crime in an area and only 20% of residents report a case, then obviously the SAPS is going to think that crime is not that bad and requires less patrolling.”

“We already have plans set in place to catch these suspects. We have managed to positively identify two suspects and have placed a police tracking team on their trail, we are expecting arrests soon which could perhaps lead to more arrests, so that we can put an end to these burglaries,” he said. “Even though we have positively identified two suspects, we established that only one of them was involved at a time when these burglaries occurred. How they operate is by gaining entry through unlocked doors and windows, and even through glass sliding doors. So, they are not physically breaking in, rather gaining entry through unsecured entrances.”

The chairperson of Tzaneen’s Community Polic-

This week the Greater Tzaneen Municipality embarked on another of their clean-up campaigns and removed what they termed illegal outdoor advertising boards from various areas around Tzaneen town. Some of the most contentious areas that were targeted, was the popular Minitzani park situated in Boundary Street, and Adshade Street leading up past Sugarhill.

“We suspect there is more than one person involved. It was agreed after a meeting between the SAPS, the security cluster, Tzaneen’s Neighbourhood Watch and the CPF, that we need to be more visible. We are intensifying our patrols in the affected areas,” said Kröh.

■ Joe Dreyer

farmworker’s dwelling whilst the rest of the group said that they were heading up to the main house on the property to retrieve the employer. A few minutes later however, the men were seen running away from the main house past the farmworker’s dwelling.Thevictim

said that after he managed to untie himself, he noticed that his assailants had robbed him of an undisclosed amount of cash, clothes, groceries, three car batteries, a solar torch, and two cell phones. No shots were fired and no injuries were sustained.Thesuspects

316 September 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za

■ Roelof de Jonge

According to the municipal bylaws, no person can erect or display any advertising sign or board against any structure or building without first obtaining permission from the municipality. To gain approval, an application must be made to the municipality detailing the locale and size and positioning of the intended sign or board and an application fee is to be paid. Upon approval, there is a contract entered into with the advertiser and the municipality and an annual fee is to be paid. Many upset and frustrated businesspeople aired their unhappiness at the removal of the advertising boards, more specifically the way the municipality removed the offending signs. The boards were ripped from their fixtures and piled onto a heap on the ground. In some instances, boards attached to poles buried in the ground, were pushed over with a truck, destroying the steel structures and rendering the boards unusable.

He was met by a group of around ten African men, two of them armed with firearms and the rest all carrying sticks “looking ready for battle.” The farmworker said that he was pointed with a fire arm and forced back inside his room where the men bound his hands and feet together with shoelaces before they ransacked his dwelling. The men allegedly made it clear to him that they were not looking to harm him, but they were after his employer – whom they mentioned by name.

Some of the owners of advertising boards in Adshade Street have in the meantime approached the Tzaneen Police to lay a charge of vandalism against the municipality, but according to one of the plaintiffs, the police officers were unwilling to assist him with opening a case. More businesspeople have in the meantime said that they too would be laying charges with the police.

did not manage to gain entry or rob the main house, and the owner told police that he did not see or hear anything on the night of the attempted robbery. The farmworker alleged that the assailants were speaking fluent Sepedi, but that their accents were Zimbabwean. The police are now investigating a case of house robbery.

ing Forum (CPF), Uwe Kröh, said they have since received some new information which will help to fast track the apprehension of these burglars.

In the case of Minitzani park, the originator of the idea to fence off the park and hang the signboards upon it, had not followed the correct processes and did not at the time obtain the relevant permissions from the Municipal Manager at the time, Thapelo Matlala. Matlala resigned in September 2021 and was temporarily replaced by Aleck Nkuna, the director of community services, as acting Municipal Manager. Only then, on the 15th of September 2021, the approval of the Minitzani Park project was approved. By that time,

“We are removing every sign in town that has not been approved by the municipality. This week we have been removing signs without fear or favour, if you don’t have an approval letter from the GTM, your sign will be removed. We want people to adhere to our bylaws. We will extend this programme to our townships as well,” said Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM.

The local police are investigating a case of house robbery on the farm AH J3 in Agatha just outside Tzaneen. According to reports a Mozambican national working on the farm was busy cooking a meal in his room at around 19:00 on Monday evening when he went outside for some fresh air.

Two of the men remained at the entrance to the

■ Joe Dreyer

Farmworker robbed on Agatha farm

Kröh also emphasized improving security habits at home, like making sure the garage door is not only shut, but properly locked. And to make sure valuable items are out of reach from prying eyes. He also noted that generators during loadshedding create a lot of noise that criminals use to mask their entry into homes.

The circle of justice is finally narrowing for the suspects responsible for a spate of burglaries, in Tzaneen’s residential area of Aqua Park. According to Brig Charles Masinamela, station commander of Tzaneen police, the SAPS have since met with various stakeholders in the security industry to attempt to apprehend these suspects.

The items most sought after by these suspects are easy to carry electronic devices like laptops, tablets and smartphones. Masinamela said that they have made two SAPS vehicles available to assist with patrols at night of which one vehicle will be dedicated to Aqua Park which is the most affected area currently. He hoped with all the cooperation from Tzaneen’s security cluster that arrests will be made soon.

a year had passed since the erection of the fence and the accompanying signboards. The originator of the project has said that she will take action against the municipality.

Responsibilities will include:

tening and creating and performing music.

There are over 78 different snake species in Limpopo, 37 of which are not venomous, while nine can inflict rather painful bites and seven other species are considered potentially deadly. Five deadly species call Phalaborwa, Tzaneen, and Hoedspruit home.

■ Roelof de Jonge

• instructing learners in essential skills such as music literacy, music lis

(GRADES 8 - 12) to commence January 2023

Key competencies include:

The more visible patrolling by members of the CPF, SAPS, Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch and security companies helped bring down the number of criminal elements in town. The meeting attendees were urged to keep up the good work.

Applications Curriculum longer than contactable the

• have strong leadership qualities and be able to manage the department

attention of the Headmaster.

• knowledge of operating a sound desk would be advantageous

According to Kröh, they have agreed with the station commander, Brig Charles Masinamela, that any person can report directly to him if any of the SAPS members fail in their duties to assist them.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za4 16 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

• be an energetic, innovative and committed educator

Vitae (no

• identify with the core values of the school

Studies show that there is no such thing as a snake repellent and extensive experimental research done at two South African universities showed that nothing repels snakes. This includes the commonly used Jeyes Fluid, old car oil, diesel, various plants, and commercially available snake repellents.

Strydom said that should anybody encounter any snake on their property or in their homes, they should immediately retreat at least five paces as spitting snakes such as the Mozambican Spitting Cobra can spit up to three meters. He said it is safe to observe the snake from a safe distance.

• deliver engaging and effective lessons which enthuse his or her stu quality of teaching and learning in the department

It is rumoured that these water tankers consume in the region of 50% of Tzaneen’s water, which can certainly put a strain on this town’s water supply. The rumour has not been confirmed.TheCPFurged its members, as well as any other civilian, not to approach the drivers of these tankers, but rather call upon the SAPS or Traffic Department to deal with the situation. It has come to light when civilians approach them to inquire whether they have a permit to draw water, they are met with aggression.Alsoonthe agenda was discussions with SAPS into the idea of having a fully-fledged satellite station established for Tzaneen. The CPF said such a facility would help ease the workload of the police station in Danie Joubert Street and would provide residents with an alternative option to report crime.

• coach sports

three pages) and the names of three

• Conduct choir

• Assist with school plays and school assemblies


The African Snakebite Institute says around 4 000 people are bitten by snakes each year in South Africa, with close on 800 being hospitalized.

The successful

discussed, one of which was top of the agenda, namely the lack of police vehicles to support security groups in patrols and crime prevention. The usual reason for the lack of police vehicles is that they were sent away for services or Accordingrepairs.to


Stanford Lake College is an equal opportunity employer. We reserve the right not to fill these posts. An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview or appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of the advertised posts will result in applicants automatically disqualifying them selves from consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Protection of Personal Information Act (Act 4 / 2013) (POPIA) Disclaimer: Stanford Lake College is committed to ensuring confidentiality of personal informa tion. By applying for these positions and submitting your personal details and CV, you acknowledge acceptance of this disclaimer. By applying for this posi tion, you expressly give Stanford Lake College consent to process your personal information for the sole purpose of recruitment and any required statutory reporting. All reasonable measures will be taken to protect the information of applicants in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act and the school’s Privacy Policy. Stanford Lake College This is a full-time position and the successful candidate will report to the Head of Academics. • a Bachelor’s Degree in Education • a professional post-graduate teaching qualification • proof of SACE registration • a minimum of five years teaching experience in the FET phase, at an IEB •schoolexperience as a Grade 12 marker, preferably within the IEB The minimum requirements for the post are: www.slc.co.za Enthusiastic, innovative and suitably qualified persons, who will support the above mission statement, are invited to apply for the following two positions: This is a part-time position and the successful candidate would report to the Headmaster. • Music qualification • Proof of SACE registration • Teaching experience in the FET phase for a minimum of 3 years. The minimum requirements for the post are: Applications will be received by e-mail ONLY at hr@slc.co.za CLOSING DATE: 30th September 2022 APPLICATIONS

“Never attempt to kill or catch any snake, it is best to immediately call a snake catcher in your region and the best way to find the closest one to you, is to download the free app called ASI Snakes,” stated Strydom. “Do not lose sight of the snake until the snake-catcher arrives. That is why there must be a spotter to keep everyone up to date on the snake’s whereabouts and when the snake catcher arrives, he will take it from there.”

• demonstrate an on-going commitment to his or her professional growth

with a snake

• deliver engaging and effective lessons which enthuse learners

• be able to build a rapport and mutual trust with his or her pupils, and within the Life Science Department

• possess strong inter-personal skills

The crisis around the streetlights that are not working in certain suburbs was also discussed. The CPF plans to have a meeting with Tzaneen’s electrical department to discuss how this issue can be resolved.

Len Kruger


According to Fanie Strydom a registered snake-catcher from Phalaborwa, snake encounters are quite common as snakes often venture into gardens or houses.“Keeping snakes out of properties is no easy task as many of them are active hunters and they could enter your property when searching for food,” he said.

Uwe Kröh, chairperson of the Tzaneen CPF, they are liaising with Tzaneen SAPS around the idea to rather source local providers to service SAPS vehicles. This will help to get the vehicles back much sooner so that SAPS members can perform their duties without any hinderances.

• be an enthusiastic teacher who will be able to share his/her love for Life Science with his or her students

• have a thorough knowledge of the content of the syllabus, and a result ant ability to stretch his or her pupils

referees, marked for

• have good IT skills and be comfortable using technology in the class room, where appropriate

• work in the boarding house

• possess strong inter-personal skills

• Teaching learners to play marimbas and djembes.

• develop lesson plans

• Tuning and care of instruments.

• be organised, hard-working, flexible and self-motivated

It is a known fact that some SAPS members are not willing to assist people who want to open cases or report a crime.

• identify with the core values of the school

He said that a total of 54 eggs were removed and placed in an incubator. “We also had another call for a male Boomslang that went into an air-conditioning unit so we had to remove the outside covers so that we can remove him safely and relocate him away from town.”InTzaneen, the public can contact George Luis on 082 322 2436, Richard Radue on 083 288 7164, or Gideon Vorster on 082 704 1814

He also said that they had a couple of snakes and water monitors that were nesting and one mother who was nesting was killed by people who walked past her den. “She was next to the road and it was so sad that we had to intervene and remove the eggs so that they stood a better chance of survival.”

Sun’s out, snakes out

Tzaneen CPF requests a SAPS satellite station to curb crime

Second on the list of hot topics was the fire hydrant issue. More specifically the lack of enforcement by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality of the agreement they entered into with the private water tankers which stated that water may only be drawn from the hydrant in Koedoe Street and that a record would be kept of the approved tankers. The water tankers are spotted daily all around town drawing water from hydrants in residential areas.

■ Billy Sibuyi

A leading co-educational independent school in Magoebaskloof, Limpopo, providing a balanced, all-round, quality education, based on a Chris tian foundation. PROCESS FOR BOTH POSITIONS

The CPF suggested that these hydrants should be locked which will help to prevent water tankers drawing water from them. Many of the fire hydrants are damaged with these operations which causes a lot of wastage.

The summer season is here and ‘snake season’ rears its head, as temperatures soar above 30 degrees Celsius across Limpopo. Residents in Tzaneen, Hoedspruit, and Phalaborwa might just stumble across these scaley visitors in their yards, or while on the trails as it is the perfect time for snakes to slither out of their hiding places after the winter hibernation.

• be organised, hard-working, flexible and self-motivated

applicant will:

for the posts must be accompanied by a full

• have a thorough understanding of appropriate assessment levels

(GRADES 8 and 9) to commence January 2023

Egss of a monitor lizard that are in vermucilte and in incubation.Dalton de Bruin

• be an energetic, innovative and committed educator

• demonstrate an on-going commitment to his or her professional growth

• be an enthusiastic teacher who will be able to share their love of music with learners


Tzaneen’s Community Police Forum (CPF) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday the 13th of September at the offices of Northern Security. Various law enforcement entities and the Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch, as well the FF+ and the DA were in Severalattendance.issueswere

Die vriend van my het onlangs sy werk verloor en dit is iets waarna jy nie kan soek nie....jy moet maar iets anders soek. Werk kry kon hy egter nie en dit het later ‘n krisis vir hom geword. In sy soektog ry hy voor die dieretuin verby en wonder of daar nie iets is vir hom nie.

TZANEEN EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY: GREATER TZANEEN LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 118 (ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN) square metres in extent; and


certified copy of Deed of Transfer T143221/2004 in favour of HERMANUS FRANCOIS DE VILLIERS in respect of certain PORTION 1 OF ERF 2167

a special council sitting, the ANC tabled an item on the placement of councilors in portfolio committees and snuck in an addendum that imposed the placement and removal of council members on portfolio committees,” stated Portia Moropane, a DA councilor in the MLM.

The letter emphasizes the Democratic Alliance’s position on the placement of its councilors in portfolio committees during a meeting on the 31st of August.“During


L.T., Limpopo Province, which has been lost or destroyed.All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Limpopo within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / H930. Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850, E-mail address: marelize@tslegal.co.za. Contact number: 015 307 1027

Af en toe kry ‘n mens ‘n Maandag wat jou laat uitsien na die res van die week. Dit was toe een Maandag so. Apie was in ‘n besondere goeie bui. Hy spring op en af, ruk die tralies en swaai aan die tou......en die besoekers staan.....Weer en weer doen hy dit.

Hy kyk vir die leeu en die leeu kyk meer deurdringend na hom. Skielik gee die leeu ‘n tree nader, asof hy vir Apie bekruip. Apie begin bewe.

■ Billy Sibuyi

Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST 58524/2015.

HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN) square metres being as such part of the common property, comprising the land and the scheme known as PARKLANDS, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at PORTION 2 OF ERF 298 TZANEEN EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AU-

■ Ben Theunissen


3.Sheriff.Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: • Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of (URL2008:

Passed by in favour of JOHN WILLIAMS VILJOEN. Identity number: 271220 5041 08 8. Unmarried. In respect of certain property namely: - A unit consisting of:

“Failure to follow due process in appointing portfolio committee members has led to a situation where there is a lack of accountability in the municipality. And an example of this is that the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) that is meant to provide oversight over the ANC-run municipality’s executive and ensure good governance, consists of three ANC councilors and one EFF councilor.”

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za6 16 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

and address particulars • Payment of registration deposit of R1000.00 in •cashRegistration of condi-

4.tions.The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Notarial Deed of Cession SK3546/2015S passed by in favour of JOHN WILLIAMS VILJOEN. Identity number: 271220 5041 08 8. Unmarried. In respect of certain property


1991/025145/23 in favour of NEIL JAMES GILLIESIDENTITY NUMBER: 621114 5010 085 AND ELIZABETH JANE GILLIES IDENTITY NUMBER: 610505 0294 181 in respect of certain PORTION 18 OF THE FARM GRIETJE REGISTRATION8 DIVISON K.U., THE PROVINCE OF MeasuringLIMPOPO 8, 5653 (EIGHT COMMA FIVE SIX FIVE THREE) HECTARES Held by Deed of Transfer numbermerwe.co.zadressBUILDING.ABORWA,PALMATTORNEYS.ZEEnotice.theweeksPolokwanethetheherebyissuehavingAllbeenT2074/2021WhichNumberhaslostordestroyed.interestedpersonobjectiontotheofsuchcopyarerequiredtolodgesameinwritingwithRegistrarofDeedsatwithintwofromthedateofpublicationofthisApplicantCOET-&VANDERMERWEAddress20AVENUEPHAL-4TOVANCOE-mailad-Deeds@coetzeevd-Contact0157811365



Opposition excluded in MLM

Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T2074/2021 passed by MAGLIN MARKETING

portfolio committees,” she said.

The MLM refused to respond to the allegations as they stated that the DA was part of council and they knew their reasons. “If they have any grievances, they should follow proper procedures,” stated the acting municipal manager of Maruleng Municipality, Nanki Hoaeane.

(a) Section Number 4 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan number SS984/2007 in the scheme known as PARKLANDS, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at PORTION 2 OF ERF 298

Dit was na 10 op ‘n Woensdagaand en ons het klaar gewerk......vir die dag. Wanneer ons klaar gewerk het, na die dag se spanning en stoei met die tyd, het die behoefte gereeld ontstaan om ons dors te Kommissarisles.

“Wat nou gedaan? ‘n Gorilla skree mos nie help en hardloop weg nie!”

Nou ja. ‘n Gorilla spring op en af en maak gorilla geluide, wat Apie goed kon doen. Elke dag is daar meer mense by die gorilla-hok en hulle geniet sy manewales.

TZANEEN EXTENSION 20, Registration Division

was van mening dat dit baie gesond is om te werk, aangesien dit jou met ‘n dors laat wat geles moet word, en ‘n mens leer altyd uit ‘n les. In hierdie stormagtige tye waarin ons net-net leef, is dit ook goed om oor dinge te praat wat nie van belang is nie.

5. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.

Dit is egter so dat die “tye” in elk geval in ‘n gesprek opduik. Terwyl Weyers die skuim van sy bolip en neuspunt afvee, sê hy; “My arme vriend wat in Waterkloof bly....” en toe val Dawid hom in die rede.

“Imposing portfolio committees on DA councilors does not comply with the Municipal Structures Act 117 and the rules of order. The DA, like any other party, as is common practice in other municipalities, has the right to decide how, and who it allocates to

Moropane said that they previously wrote to the whip regarding the exclusion of DA members from portfolio committee meetings, but the matter was never resolved. She also added that should the allocations not be resolved through a multi-party whipper meeting that seeks to find an amicable solution, the DA would escalate the matter to the MEC for Coghsta.“TheDA will continue to reject the attempts by ANC to keep DA councilors out of critical committees as they seek to avoid accountability and transparency,” stated the councilor.

She said it was unacceptable for the ANC, its whip in council, and the speaker to allocate DA councilors to portfolio committees as it deems fit on behalf of the DA.

Die kurator was baie aangenaam. My vriend vra toe vir hom of hy nie toevallig ‘n “joppie” vir hom het nie. Die kurator was dadelik positief.

My vriend, by gebrek aan werk, het ingestem om die rol te vertolk. Die daaropvolgende Maandag is my vriend, sy naam is Apie, by die dieretuin om die dag se werk te begin. Die gorillapak aangetrek stoot hulle hom by die agterste staaldeur van die hok in.

In die middel van die hok hang daar toe ‘n tou en elke nou en dan, nadat Apie aan die tralies van die hok geruk het om die besoekers skrik te maak, het hy die tou gegryp en heen en weer in die hok geswaai. Apie se baas was in vervoering oor hoe goed hy ‘n gorilla na-aap.

Hy skree toe kliphard; “HELP”, waarop die leeu toe antwoord; “Sjarrap, wil jy hê ons moet altwee ons werk verloor?”


Toe gee die leeu nog ‘n tree nader.

(b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the partici-


join the Bulletin WhatsApp distribution group, send a message to 079 653 6317 Bulletin in your pocket!

2.Court.The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the

Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a

CC Registration number

Met ‘n soveelste keer dat hy die tou gryp en swaai, gly sy hande los van die tou af....en booor die heining. Toe hy land, kom hy tot sy ontsteltenis agter dat hy in die leeu se hok beland het.......en hier staan ‘ta’ vyf tree voor hom.



“Wat de joos gaan ek nou doen”, dink Apie. Gelukkig bewe Apie so dat dit lyk of die gorilla die leeu wil storm. Toe die leeu die derde tree nader aan Apie gee, kon Apie nie meer die vrees hanteer nie.

In pursuance of a judgment in the Regional Court for the Regional Division of Polokwane issued on 27 September 2021 and a warrant of execution dated 21 October 2021, the property hereunder listed will be sold in execution at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN at 10H00 on 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 to the highest bidder: 1 X TELEFUNKEN COM1PUTERXLENOVA LAPTOP 1 X COUCH 2 X WOODEN FILE

Hy maak toe so en verneem by ontvangs of hy met die kurator mag gesels. Die vriendelike dametjie agter die toonbank was so aanvattig.... aanvallig, dat hy vir ‘n oomblik gedink het dat haar naam Alice kon wees.


“Ja”, sê Weyers. “Al die armes trek nou Waterkloof toe want eiendom is niks meer werd nie. Toe gaan hy verder, maar nie te vêr nie, soos ‘n meisie wat na haar ma verlang.”


“Arm en in Waterkloof?”

-namely:AnExclusive use area described as YARD Y4 measuring 347 (THREE

Toe doen die lekkerlag vriende hul naam gestand.

1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above Honourable

“Ja”, sê hy. “Jy kom of jy deur die Dierebeskermingsvereniging gestuur is. Sê jou wat. Ons gorilla is onlangs dood en ons kry net nie ‘n ander een nie. Ons het ‘n gorilla-pak wat ons vir jou kan aantrek en dan moet jy gorilla speel in die gorilla se hok. Dit gaan baie van jou vereis maar die geld is goed.”

The Democratic Alliance in Hoedspruit, Maruleng Local Municipality (MLM), has written to the speaker of the municipality, Blantina Raganya, and the former mayor now turned chief whip, Thobejane Dipou, to reject the portfolio committee allocations which according to them have been imposed on them.


pation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan which have been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, LIMPOPO at Polokwane within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. APPLICANT: Connie Marais Attorneys, P O Box 1202, Richards Bay, 3900. Tel: 035 – 789 7968. Email: convey@cmap. co.za

Gorilla manewales in die leeukuil

Legals & Notices

-THORITY:GREATER TZANEEN LOCAL MUNICIPALITY as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS984/2007 which have been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds LIMPOPO at Polokwane within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. APPLICANT: Connie Marais Attorneys, P O Box 1202, Richards Bay, 3900, Tel: 035 – 789 7968, convey@cmap.co.zaEmail:

My name is Mohlago Elsina Molele. I am looking for a job as a domestic worker. Full time or part time. Washing and cleaning. I can speak English. I have references. Given: 079 122 9412. Getrut: 066 024 5585. Contact 066 153 3985 / 079 091 9430

Warren Venter with Gerrit Du Toit Jnr and Dalton de Bruin

In die wedstryd teen Oosskool het Tzaneen se seuns met twee doele teen nul die wedstryd beklink om later met die span van Suidskool met ‘n telling van 4-0 af te reken. Op hul beurt het Laerskool Tzaneen se eerste meisiesspan as naaswenners in hul wedstryde teen Pietersburg geëindig. Die meisies het hul eerste wedstryd gelykop teen Oosskool met een doel elk gespeel en later vir Suidskool met 4-0 gewen.

Du Toit Jnr was partnered with Dalton de Bruin and Warren Venter. The SA women’s team consisted out of Hanneli Zondagh and Christelle van der Meulen.

The International BMW GS Trophy 2022, which is held every two years, took place last week in Albania from the 4th until the 10th of September. The South African men’s team made history when they won this event for a fourth consecutive time.

Laerskool Tzaneen se eerste seuns hokkiespan het as die wenners van die Limpopo Premier Hokkie liga uit die stryd getreë. Dit na ‘n reeks wedstryde wat Saterdag, die 10de September teen Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) en Laerskool Pietersburg op Ben Vorster se hokkiebaan gespeel is.

“It was so awesome to be part of the SA team and to be able to bring it back home for a fourth consecutive time. I must compliment BMW Motorrad for

To add to the South Africans’ celebrations, the women’s team also managed to clinch the top spot to make it a double whammy of International GS Trophy titles. It was the first time the SA ladies team managed to win the coveted title. The South African men won the last three GS Trophy International events in 2020 (New Zealand), 2018 (Mongolia) and in 2016 (Thailand).

What makes this event even more significant is that local rider, Gerrit du Toit Junior, formed part of the winning team, who competed against some of the best adventure bike riders in the world. This after he won the national qualifying round in September last year and so became the youngest rider ever to accomplish this feat and be selected for the South African

Welmi Joubert, Laerskool Dr Annecke

716 September 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za Business Directory | Sakegids Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl The Vape Guy 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen. 060 385 3884 Local boytjie in GS win Tzaneen klop Polloks in Limpopo hokkie liga DASSSERVICES Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, 082015Tzaneen.30717988980468 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR 015KWOTASIE3451192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.zawww.steynbergmeubel-vervoer.com VERVOER/TRANSPORTSTEYNBERGTROK&TREKKERTEHUUR STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8, 12, 20, & 32 TON TROKKE & LOWBED TE HUUR. BAIE BILLIKE TARIEWE (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD) SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 015-345119271390846270956 MEUBELVERVOERDUVENHAGE Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packingmoving?and Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking 083 252 8928. Smouskous | Classi eds DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en Heelhuisdispensers.filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746 Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 marinda.durand@uniwisp.1200 co.za HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249 Jobseaker

Fuwani Makhubele, Laerskool Dr Annecke

Bulletinteam.spoke to the 19-year-old du Toit about his team’s amazing victory, telephonically, as he was still in Albania at the time. “It was a once in a lifetime experience that I will certainly never forget. It was a challenging event, but that did not prevent me from enjoying every moment,” the elated youngster said.

■ Roelof de Jonge

My name is Joyce Rasetsoke. I am looking for domestic work. Full time or part time. Sleep in or out. I can speak English. Start immediately . Contact 066 057 7462

hosting us, they went out of their way to accommodate us during the GS Trophy.”

For Du Toit Jnr and his teammates it was no simple task claiming top spot and it was only in the last few days of the competition that they really started to stamp down their authority. South Africa topped the score sheet with a final tally of 217 points, with the United Kingdom’s team in second on 204 and Germany in third place on 185 points. The South African women won their hotly contested division with a final score of 297 points with Germany taking second place on 296 points and the Mexican women’s riders in third on 264 points.

■ Joe Dreyer

The Vikings batsmen clearly had their sites fixed on the boundary lines from the very first ball and soon amassed an impressive 98 runs for just six wickets before they took to their fielding duties.

win century stands for the finals. the Gladiators

Phoenix Cricket Club in Modjadjiskloof had to find a way to upgrade and maintain their cricket pitch at the Modjadjiskloof Cricket grounds to preserve the area’s only stand-alone cricket grounds and keep the sport from dying a silent death. The club’s management brainstormed an ingenious cricket format which they titled the T10 Series.

In their turn between the wickets, The Spears seemed to be in trouble on 59 for five in just the sixth over when Armand Pansergrouw (34) stepped up the pace with his big hitter partner, Don Rade (24) to secure a nail-biting 101/7 and win the round to progress to the next round.

Spears hoist inaugural trophy


in five overs during his bowlingTherun.funds raised in this first tournament was sufficient for the Phoenix Cricket Club to upgrade their water supply and sprinkler system and will go far in the upkeep of the pitch. The next T10 Tournament is already being planned for September 2023 and promises to feature more teams and more action. For those wanting to get in touch with the management and organizers at Phoenix Cricket Club, contact Dippies on 083 530 8930 or André on 076 497 0137.


SHORTEQUIPMENTLIFTINGCOURSES: • Rough /AgriculturalTerrain/Earthmoving • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: Address:Website:LMRegion@kbcsa.co.zawww.kbcsa.co.za22aPotgieterStreet, Phalaborwa

Following a loadshedding break, the Spears walked onto the pitch to face the Gladiators in the final of the day. The Spears went in to bat first and managed to navigate around the mighty Gladiator fielders to rack up a larger than expected 98/3 in their 10 overs. The Gladiators took to the wickets with a very

The Spears’ star bowler, Michael Mahlaba, laid most of their fears to rest when he took out the mighty Galloway with a top class catch off his own bowling to halt the heavyweight’s runs tally on just 24 in the third over. With Galloway’s scalp in the Spears’s changeroom, the Gladiators lost their momentum and four wickets in the space of just two overs to end their run on 87/7 after 10 overs. The CJJ Spears took the win in comfortable style to hoist the inaugural Bulletin T10 Tournament trophy.Batsmen of the tournament was the partnership between Justyn Trueman and Emile Kruger who raked up 100 runs off 47 balls. The tournament’s leading bowler was Leon Olwagen who pencilled in 4/27 in four overs including a hattrick against the Spears.

attainable target of 99 before them.


space their

The Gladiators took to the wicket and through a magnificent opening partnership between veteran batsmen Andrew Galloway (34) and Pieter Haasbroek (31) managed 91/3 in 8 overs to send the Vikings back to the spectator

Batsmen balls. tournament’s gen

16 September 2022

The second game saw the BB Gladiators take on the Vikings in an equally intense match that saw the Vikings again bat first. The Gladiator bowlers and exceptional outbound fielding prevented the Norsemen from attaining their century and they ended their run on 90/4 after 10 overs.

In this series, three teams comprised of players from across the province, would compete in a round-robin style one-day tournament in 10-overs-games for the trophy. Three sponsors for the event, BB Motor Group, CJJ Spares and All About Apparel bought the players for their teams on auction a week before the games were played. The players were capped at a ceremony on Friday evening, the 9th of September, and the games started that following morning. Bulletin took on the role of the media sponsor for the event and so the Bulletin T10 Cricket Series was born.

In the first match, the All About Apparel Vikings took on the CJJ Spears team with the Spears winning the toss and electing to field first.


The funds the on took boundary

Joe Dreyer

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