Bulletin Newspaper 23 September 2022

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READ INSIDERIGHT ANGLE Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATISwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za R523 September 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 PAGE 8 4 3Follow up on Minitzani Rus sag Riekie Sporting action 7
Joe Dreyer

Bakgalaka pride restored in KNP

■ Billy Sibuyi

After many years of meetings and fights for recognition as the heirs to Mount Tshikumbu in the Kruger National Park (KNP) and its surrounding area, the Bakgalaka tribe have finally been recognized.

On Tuesday, 13th of September, the KNP added another landmark to its map, officially welcoming the Bakgalaka tribe into their home and subsequently launching Mount Tshikumbu as a heritage site. Mount Tshikumbu, better known as Shikumbu, is located in the Northern section of the park and is accessed via the Phalaborwa Gate, which was where the Bakgalaka tribe allegedly moved to from the south of Zimbabwe in 1658.

One of the descendants, and spokesperson of the tribe, Samson Mokgalaka, said they were happy to see that their history and heritage was finally documented. “We are still in the process of claiming the land, and we’re still struggling because commissioners do not want to gazette our land,” he explained. “In June last year, we took a SANParks official to the site to show them the homestead ruins, and proof that there was life at that mountain. But to date we are struggling to be gazetted and get our land back. But we hope this is a steppingstone because SANParks has recognized us and our history.”

The KNP general manager for socioeconomic transformation, Helen Mmethi , said that economic transformation was not only about money, but also giving the Bakgalaka tribe dignity. “It’s a transformation on its own. We come from a history where we were seen as nobodies, when we were considered unskilled, so this is a win, not only for the clan, but black people in general,” she stated.

The descendants performed a ritual to appease their ancestors and to also inform them of the recognition the KNP gave the tribe. A descendant of the Ramothwa clan, Tlotjane Evans Mokgalaka, explained the sacredness of the mountain and the importance of them to preserve it and its history.

According to legend, when Chief Tongogara died, his body was buried on Mount Tshikumbu and as per tradition, a sacred drum, called ‘Kutwane’, was empowered by his daughter, Tshumeni, through the use of traditional customs and medicine. The belief was that the powers of the drum would ward off any enemies and have the ability to summon rain, to help people reap crops in abundance and receive plentiful blessings.

“This day is important to us because, when we have regained our land, we will be able to re-establish our local economy. Our economy was stolen from us because we did not have land, but now that we’ve been recognized, we can see the finish line and we know that our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will benefit.”

Help install cameras Illegal advertising in Hoedspruit removed

“Our town is filled with so many signs that one wonders if they are all legal”. These were the words of Sammy Masete, the tourism officer for the Maruleng Local Municipality (MLM) which has started with a campaign to have all illegal outdoor advertising boards removed.

Last week Monday, the 12th of September, Masete posted a notice on several Hoedspruit Facebook groups and pages, warning business owners that the municipality would remove all illegal outdoor advertisements starting on the 13th of September.

“Take note that the municipality, starting from tomorrow will be enforcing the bylaw by removing all advertisements that are not compliant. You are therefore advised to either make application and payments for your billboards or remove them yourself. Failure to do so, the municipality will remove with penalties,” stated Masete on Facebook.

He explained that over the past week they removed countless illegal boards. Apparently so many were removed that he lost count.

“We removed a lot of billboards and signs and I never really counted. When we remove,

it is not for safe keeping, but we destroy in removal,” explained Masete.

He said that businesses should follow the correct application procedures and ensure that they pay their annual fees to stay compliant. “Businesses that fail to comply will face a penalty of R4 000 for non-renewal of billboards or R2 700 if we have to remove their billboards. And by removing, we mean tearing it apart,” stated the tourism officer. Masete told Bulletin that a person can acquire the application form either by physically going to the municipality or by sending an email to him at maseteletoane@yahoo. com.

“I know a private email looks like a scam, but I would like to assure the public that it is not a scam. We are having issues with our work emails, so I use my personal as it is faster. Everything that I will be sending out from my personal email will be accompanied by the municipality’s letterhead and so forth,” he explained.

Masete said upon approval of an application, one would be required to pay a once-off application fee of R622.56 and a monthly rate of R80.17 per m2 which is payable in advance for a period of twelve months.

■ Billy Sibuyi

New high-tech trail cameras are due to be installed in key spots in Phalaborwa following the recent spate of cable theft that has kept Phalaborwa in the dark for days on end. With an estimated cost of R60 000, the Community Policing Forum (CPF) in Phalaborwa has requested the community to assist towards funding this project.

“As you all know, cable theft is increasing drastically, and this happens mostly during loadshedding times. We don’t have the manpower to patrol everywhere at once,” CPF Chairperson, Anton Kellerman, told Bulletin. “CPF has initiated a challenging project to help the community with these recent power outages we as residents are facing lately.”

Recent cable and transformer theft has dumped Phalaborwa in darkness since Monday, the 19th of September, until Wednesday morning, 21st of September. As a result, house break-ins and theft have skyrocketed.

“We all know we won’t get funding from the Municipality so it comes down to us as residents to try and fund this project. So, please if you can find it in your hearts to donate money towards this initiative, we would appreciate it so much,” stated Kellerman. He said that if every household would donate just R50, this would add to the bigger sum and make a difference. If any member of the community is interested in donating to the project, the details are as follows: Phalaborwa CPF, First National Bank, Account number: 621 168 699 10, Reference: Trail Cams.

Descedants, and SANParks officials pose for a photo at the mount.. Display boards placed at the mount in KNP.
www.farnorthbulletin.co.za2 23 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 Noodnommers Emergency numbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Wheels & Deals ads: riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies. Kontak besonderhede Contact Details www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911 dave@rescue911.co.za 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Riaan Barnard 063 465 1524 riaan@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ebenezer 97.2% Merensky 101.5% Dap Naude 92.9% Middel Letaba 0.7% Blyderivierpoort 87.3% Klaserie 88.8% Tours 92.8% Vergelegen 97.1% Magoebaskloof 100.1% Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 19/09/2022 Tzaneen 88.7%

Anger and frustration over Minitzani signs

A storm is brewing over the removal of advertising boards by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality a week ago. Specifically, the removal of advertising boards from a fence around Minitzani park in Boundary Street. The public park has been a sensitive topic for residents since it was decided by a private citizen, Zantelle Ras, in 2019 to involve the community in a project to clean and beautify the site.

She also headed the initiative to erect a palisade fence around the park. The fence was donated to the project by various local businesses. In exchange for their sponsoring of materials and labour, Ras afforded the various donors’ specific space on the fence to hang specific size advertising boards. At the time she devised a process by which the size of the advertising board was directly linked to the size of the business’ contribution to the project. Businesses donated time and labour and, in some instances, made financial contributions towards the admirable initiative.

The waters became muddy however, when it was discovered that Ras had not obtained relevant permission from the municipality to erect the fence or display the large numbers of outdoor advertising boards before the start of the project, and that the financial contributions were paid into a business account belonging to a business that Ras had family ties to.

When asked how much money was collected and what happened to the money, Ras told Bulletin that a total of R35 000 was paid into the business account and that she had spent R38 617.27 on the project. Bulletin was later told by Ras that she had paid R14 600 to Promasec, her husband’s company, to do work at the park. “His normal day rate is R1 500 per day and his team worked at the park for a total of 23 days. But that would amount to R34 500 which was an amount that I would not have paid and so he gave us a special rate for the work done,” she told Bulletin on the 2nd of March 2021.

In the meantime, the project was completed, the fence erected, and the signs displayed. Each time she was asked to produce documenta-

tion from the GTM approving the project, Ras said that she would provide the relevant paperwork, but this never happened. One time she said she had received approval over WhatsApp but could not produce the proof as her phone had accidentally been wiped.

Eventually, she obtained a letter from the acting municipal manager at the time, Alec Nkuna, on the 15th of September 2021. Nkuna was acting in the position of municipal manager after the departure of Thapelo Matlala (the municipal manager at the time Ras planned the project who did not give approval).

According to this letter, Nkuna approved of the work done at the park and approved of the erection of the boards on condition that the bylaws be upheld and that only those involved in the project display their signs.

In the meantime, Ras has moved out of Tzaneen and now resides in Vivo. She lashed out against the removal of the signs over social media and said that she would take legal action against the “unacceptable and barbaric acts” by the GTM. She also said that she had not received any warning that the signs would be removed. This despite the GTM warning that the signs would be removed earlier this year when they first started removing advertising boards around the municipality that did not have the necessary approvals in place. At that stage, the GTM removed many billboards around town, but left the boards at Minitzani with the warning that in future they could be removed if the necessary processes in accordance to the bylaws, were not followed.

We asked the GTM why the signs were removed after Nkuna approved the project. According to the head of communications at the GTM, Neville Ndlala, the signage removed at Minitzani Park was to enforce the bylaws on Control of Outdoor Advertising which was promulgated on the 27th of September 2021.

“According to the approval letter sent to Ms Ras by Mr Nkuna, only the boards of the sponsors of the project were allowed to be hanged on the fence and she was not to benefit financially by any means. We removed the boards in accordance to the bylaws.”

André Moss, a proportional representative municipal councillor for

the Freedom Front Plus said in a statement on the matter that he had sent inquiries to the municipality regarding the issue. “We made inquiries to the municipal manager regarding the removal of the signs at Minitzani and was pointed out that there is indeed a municipal ordinance in place for the regulation of outdoor advertising signs and we rest with the Municipality’s answer regarding their actions. The FF Plus asks that the businesspeople involved, contact the relevant department to get the necessary accreditation in place.”

The DA ward councillor for Ward 15 in which Minitzani park is situated, Chrizelle Dreyer, attempted to contact Ras and she was sent Nkuna’s September 2021 letter in response. “At this stage, I cannot really say much, only that I am also confused by what happened, and the responses I receive. No one is taking responsibility for the losses to the companies who pledged their involvement. There needs to be some accountability from someone, whether it be the municipality or Projekte Sonder Grense. Processes are there for a reason. They must be followed. These companies will now do what they need to, to have the issue resolved. The companies who suffered damages to their property deserve answers from both parties.”

Dreyer also sent an inquiry to the Municipal Manager for comment on the issue and was issued with the same statement that Bulletin received from Ndlala.

We have attempted to contact Zantelle Ras to gain clarity from her side of the debacle, but at the time of going to print had received no response from her. We wanted to confirm with her whether she had received notice of the possible removal of the signs, two days before the GTM went ahead with their action. We also sought insight into how often the park was maintained and in which capacity the various donors were actively involved in that schedule. Ras has on many occasions in the past two years claimed that she was not aware of the right steps to follow and has also on occasion been very vocal on her disregard for the processes which she believed hampered progress of a “community project aimed at benefiting the safety of the children.” (Rooiseël).

● Oor bewese praktiese ondervinding en wye ervaring beskik in die herstel en instandhouding van trekkers, vragmotors en bakkies (minimum 5 jaar toepaslike ondervinding).

● Moet beskik oor ervaring in meganiese herstelwerk, algemene sweiswerk, asook die herstel en instandhouding van plaas implemente.

● Rekenaargeletterdheid sal as aanbeveling dien.

● Kandidaat moet beskik oor ‘n geldige rybewys, Kode EC sal voorkeur geniet.

● Herstel en instandhouding van die trekkervloot, vragmotors, bakkies en ander voertuie.

● Herstel en instandhouding van plaas implemente bv. spuite, sleepwaens ens.

● Voorkomende instandhoudings beplanning.

● Bystandsdiens, noodherstelwerk, handhawing van werksplek dissipline en nakoming van beroepsgesondheid en veiligheidswetgewing.

● Administratiewe take soos die voltooiing van werkskaarte en tydstate.

Minimum vereistes van kandidaat: Posvereistes sluit in: Minitzani Park a week after all the advertising boards were removed from the fence.
323 September 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za
Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (SA) Limited is a licensed FSP and Life Insurer. DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY OMBDS 09.2022 C6480 ATTENTION JR FUNERALS We would like to let you know that as of 23 October 2022, Old Mutual will no longer be the underwriter for JR Funerals If you are a JR Funerals member and have any queries, please contact your scheme directly on 082 258 1648 If you require additional information please contact Old Mutual via email at GSFMQueries@oldmutual.com or call us on 021 503 0424. If your query is still not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can contact the Ombudsman for Long Term Insurance on 0860 10 32 36 or the FAIS Ombudsman on 012 762 5000. ZZ2 bied ‘n onderhandelbare markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e pos aan talent@zz2.co.za. Dui asb in die onderwerplyn, die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen aan. Rig navrae aan: Johan du Plessis 083 676 0390 www.zz2.co.zaDieselwerktuigkundige Vakature beskikbaar Sluitingsdatum 6 Oktober 2022 Suksesvolle kandidaat sal verantwoordelik wees vir die herstel en instandhouding van alle trekkers, vragmotors en bakkies wat op ’n produksie eenheid gebruik word. ZZ2 Mooketsi, Limpopo Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende sleutelaspekte in: ● Voldoening aan ZZ2 se waardestelsel en etiese kode ● Vermoë om konflik te hanteer en goeie interpersoonlike vaardighede te toon ● Kandidate moet selfstandig en onafhanklik kan werk, maar ook in spanverband ● Kandidaat moet beskik oor goeie kommunikasie en leierskapvaardighede ● Kode EC (14) swaarvoertuiglisensie sal as aanbeveling dien ● ‘n Voltooide ambag in een van die toepaslike dissiplines, met bewys van registrasie

Vaccines to be destroyed Rus in vrede liewe Riekie

■ Roelof de Jonge

The South African government plans to destroy around 8.5 million doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine by the end of October. This is reportedly due to the low vaccination rate in South Africa and the disinterest by other countries to purchase these vaccine doses in bulk.

One of the members of the ministerial advisory committee on Covid-19, prof Francois Venter said that the government failed in their vaccination campaign due to a lack of a clear strategy and their own inexperience.

According to the spokesperson for the Department of Health, Foster Mohale, the low vaccination rate is not because of government’s failings, but rather because of the public’s perception that Covid-19 was not a serious disease.

Editor’s Comment: In arguably one of the saddest situations to hit our generation, the government o ers no recourse to those who fell ill after being vaccinated, nor do they o er any clarity on what plans they have in place to reimburse the public for the billions of Rands they wasted in purchasing all those vaccine doses. It also goes to show that the jig is up and that herd immunity has once again emerged the victor over mass hysteria.

Riekie Smit is Saterdagmiddag na ‘n lang stryd teen kanker oorlede. Sy was 59-jaar oud ten tye van haar afsterwe en laat haar man Koos, dogter Nadine, skoonseun, Gericke en kleinkinders Liam en Xander na.

Riekie is op die 14de Mei 1963 op Rustenburg gebore waar sy haar skoolloopbaan voltooi en later verpleegkunde gaan studeer het. Dit is hier waar sy vir Koos ontmoet en in 1984 getrou het. Die paar het Tzaneen toe verhuis waar Koos by Old Mutual as makelaar aangestel is en Riekie by een van die dokters se spreekkamers in diens geneem is.

Na Nadine se geboorte, het Riekie vir twee jaar by die huis gebly om na haar dogter om te sien. Sy het in daardie tyd vir Koos met sy admin werk gehelp. Dit sou die begin van ‘n leeftyd saam in besigheid wees. Van daar af het Riekie haar man bygestaan in elke een van sy besighede wat hy op die been gebring het. Al die planne en drome wat Koos gehad het, het Riekie die admin agter mekaar gekry en dit prakties uitvoerbaar gemaak. Sy het later die posisie as hoof van finansies ingeneem.

Sy sal onthou word as die persoon wie nooit die middelpunt wou wees nie en het verkies om eerder onder die radar te werk. “Maar mens kon egter haar hand in alles sien,” het die gesin gesê. “As daar funksies gereël moet word, sal sy die een wees wat seker maak daar is ‘n oulike kreatiewe geskenkie op die tafel. Met personeel vergaderings, het sy seker gemaak dat daar ‘n mooi

boodskap met ietsie wat saam gegee word om te onthou van die boodskap. Sy het ‘n passie gehad vir mense en altyd probeer help waar sy kon.”

Riekie was baie betrokke by Helpende Hand, waar sy haar passie om mense te help en veral om kinders te laat verder studeer, uitgeleef het. Sy was sag maar baie ferm en regverdig en was diep gelowig.

“Sy was op haar gelukkigste in die tuin tussen haar plantjies en saam haar kleinkinders. Sy was ‘n bok vir sports en altyd reg vir ‘n uitdaging, of dit nou om saam haar dogter die “rides” te ry by die skougronde, saam die kleinkinders by die grasbult af te rol, of saam met die jong klomp by die werk “beerpong” te speel; sy het voluit gelewe met passievolle vreugde en vrede.”

In 1999 is Riekie met borskanker gediagnoseer waarvan sy herstel, en in remisie was vir 21 jaar. Aan die einde van 2020 is long kanker gediagnoseer. Na ‘n operasie en ‘n reeks chemo behandelings was die kanker in remisie vir vyf maande, maar aan die einde van November 2021 het die kanker teruggekeer en baie vinnig versprei.

“Sy het verskeie chemo behandelings gehad wat nie een gewerk het nie. In Julie het ons uitgevind die kanker het versprei na haar brein toe, sy het bestraling ontvang wat in ‘n mate gehelp het maar die kanker was toe reeds te vêr versprei. Sy het tot op die einde haar waardigheid gehou, en is Saterdag oggend baie sag na die Here toe, omring deur haar geliefdes.”

Riekie se begrafnisdiens sal vanmiddag (Vrydag) uit die Gereformeerde Kerk Tzaneen om 12:00 gehou word.

Riekie en Koos Smit
www.farnorthbulletin.co.za4 23 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kolskote vir du Plessis

Skuts van die Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging se Letaba-tak op Tzaneen het Saterdag die 17de September tydens ‘n groepering skietkompetisie hul slag gewys.

Dit was veral Riaan du Plessis wie in die 100m afdeling vir mans met sy vernuf uitgeblink het.

Met ‘n syfer van 3.59mm het du Plessis die beste groeperingskote van die geleentheid geskiet en was ook as die algehele wenner aangewys. Pieter Grobler met 4.49mm en Francois Malan met 4.86mm het tweede en derde plek ingeneem.

Jenny Meyer was as die voorste skut vir die 100m item vir vroueskuts met haar groeperingsyfer van 19.645mm. Die tweedeplek met ‘n syfer van 21.935mm was deur Kylie Eberhard aangeteken en Rina Botes met ‘n meting van 23.195mm het in die derdeplek geëindig.

In die afdeling vir O/12-skuts het Barry Strydom met ‘n meting van 33.455 as die beste junior skut in die 100m-afstand uit die stryd getree. In die afdeling vir 25m Uit die Vuis was Pieter Bekker met ‘n lesing van 38.46mm die voorste skut.

Die voorste .22-kaliber Randslag-skut in die senior-afdeling was Francois Geldenhuys (8.29mm), gevolg deur Pieter Meyer (11.34mm) en JP du Plessis (11.60mm). In die afdeling vir junior deelnemers het Adriaan du Plessis (13.52mm) met die louere weggestap. Wynand Horak Junior (16.73mm) het die tweedeplek ingeneem gevolg deur Wilke Perry (25.85mm).

Die Penkoppe afdeling vir die .22-kaliber Randslag item is deur Gerhard Benade (9.04mm) gewen met MJ Pieterse (14.03mm) in die tweedeplek en Hanco Boshoff (14.25mm) in die derdeplek.

Die mans handwapenskuts se afdeling was deur Ray Dando (6.35mm) gewen met Pieter Bekker (11.17mm) en David Mul-

ler (15.51mm) in die tweede en derde plekke. Vir vroueskuts het Theresa Erasmus met haar syfer van 24.81mm bo haar mededingers uitgetroon. Merikie Bekker (38.52mm) en Jancke Nieuwoudt (89.12mm) het in die tweede- en derdeplek geëindig.

Daar was ook ‘n aantal skuts wie met windbukse aangelê en presteer het. Hier het Handré Beytel met sy syfer van 37.71mm die beste gevaar. In die tweedeplek was Gerhard Benade (43.28mm) en Armand Botes (44.38mm) was die derde beste junior skut. Liesel Roos (12.37mm) was die senior windbuksskut met die hoogste syfer gevolg deur Sydney Whitcomb (14.17mm) en Bianca Jones (15.71mm) het ‘n derdeplek behaal.

We are very social! Find us, follow us and go like us!
Francois Malan van Tactical Outfitter, die hoofborg saam met die wenner Riaan du Plessis wie ‘n gemiddelde groepering van 3.59mm geskiet het. Regs is BJV Letaba-tak voorsitter, Philip Robinson.
523 September 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drawn pairs come to a head

Tzaneen Bowls Club held a drawn pairs competition for its club members on Saturday, the 17th of September. The male and female games were contested separately and played in slightly different formats.

The women’s division consisted of five teams, with two players per team, who competed in a round robin format. The pair of Marushca Swiglaar and Sue Morrison emerged as the winners on the day. They managed to win all four their games with the runners-up being the pair of Elsje Beyer and Shirley Tyerman.

The men’s division was decided after teams of three players each competed in three pools. This format was to accommodate all the men’s players who outnumber the women in the club. Each game

consisted of 18 heads, whereas the women competed over 15 heads per game.

The team of Robbie Kruger and Bertie Nel was the first to book a spot in the final round. The other aspirant final match contenders, the teams of Malcolm Tyerman and Theo Wolmarans, and fatherson-duo Ben and Bennie Mundell, had quite a tussle to determine who was going to meet Kruger and Nel in the final.

The scores were even on 20 points each after the 17th head, but Tyerman and Wolmarans fought hard to claim the final point on the 18th which was enough to see them through to the final. Kruger and Nel could not stop the onslaught of their rivals and Tyerman and Wolmarans went on to claim the 2022 men’s drawn pairs competition. The club’s players will now prepare for the upcoming mixed pairs competition which will be held on the 29th and 30th of October.

Tel jou woorde, sê ek

■ Ben Theunissen

Ons weet almal ons moet ons “woorde tel”. In die uitsaaiwese is daar twee reëls wat streng nagekom moet word wanneer jy agter(of voor) die mikrofoon sit. Jy moet weet wat jy gaan sê en jy moet weet wanneer jy moet eindig met dit waaarmee jy besig is (dis nou praat) aangesien tyd die tweede balangrike reël is.

Wanneer jy iets wou sê moes jy dit eers mooi agtermekaar kry en dan kan jy jou sê sê. ‘n Nuusbulletin mag byvoorbeeld nie langer as soveel woorde wees nie, afhangende van watter diens ter sprake is.

Op die kultuurdienste was die nuus baie langer as die handelsdienste. Soms was daar net die nuushooftrekke wat baie korter was. Wanneer jy ‘n onderhoud op die handelsdienste gevoer het, moes daar na elke drie minute musiek gespeel word om die spraak te onderbreek.

Die goeie raad wat een van my seniors vir my gegee het, was; “Always come in from the top”, bedoelende dat jy moet weet wat jy gaan sê en dit met selfvertroue oordra.

Dit gebeur egter ook baie dat jy sommige aankondigings impromptu moet doen en dan moet jy vinnig dink. Ek kan onthou dat wyle Awie Labuschagne ‘n verslag moes opneem oor ‘n rugbywedstryd waarin Nieu-Seeland en Suid-Afrika betrokke was.

Die oorsig moes die aand in die program, “Wie het gewen” uitgesaai word. Awie het heel entoesiasties die verloop van die wedstryd weergegee. Soos dit nou maar gebeur, het hy in ‘n stadium die kluts kwytgeraak en sy feite nie behoorlik agtermekaar gehad nie.

Hy was nog heel hartlik aan die praat, toe hy skielik ophou en na ‘n stilte van 10 sekondes sê; “Nou praat ek mos strooi...” Hy het natuurlik die “ooi” met ‘n “ont” vervang!!!

Name van sekere popgroepe en die titels van liedjies het ook onder die knoop van die tong deurgeloop. Ek dink byvoorbeeld hier aan Starship, Chiquitita, ‘n Duisend Soene en Lucille.

Die eerste is met ‘n “t” vervang, die tweede moes jy kyk na die lyf, die derde het “skoene” geword en Lucille “had four hundred children”.

Tydens ‘n nuusberig oor ‘n ernstige motorongeluk waarin ‘n taxi betrokke was, het die nuusleser die berig afgesluit deur te sê: “Seven people were killed, two of them seriously”.

Met ‘n ander geleentheid het die uwe vir Mike Hobbs, ‘n kollega, sterkte toegewens terwyl hy met siekverlof was, met die woorde” Get well soon Mike. Even if it takes you a few months”

Wie sal Gerhard Viviers se entoesiasme vergeet toe Syd Nomis in ‘n rugbytoets op Ellispark die bal onderskep het. ‘n Kommentator is veronderstel om neutraal te wees en die gebeure op die veld te beskryf. Gerhard was bekend vir sy informele aanbieding en vriendskap met die “Bokke”. Ewe opgewonde het hy geskree, “ Syddie, Syddie, Syddie” terwyl Syd Nomis oor die doellyn val.

Die groot probleem van lewendige uitsendings...is wat gesê is, is gesê...

Legals & Notices

I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town

Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of both the Remainder of Portion 77 and Portion 94 of the farm Tzaneen 538LT hereby give notice in terms of Regulation 18(1) (a) of the SPLUMA Regulations 2015 and Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for consent from the Controlling Authority and the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the incorporation of the properties, situated adjacent to the Magoebaskloof Road (R71),

north-west of Tzaneen town, into the scheme and by the rezoning of the properties described above, from “Agricultural” to “Special” with Annexure 316 (Portion 94) & 317 (Re/ Portion 77) describing the rights respectively. Particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 23 September 2022 (the date of the first publication of the notice).

Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 9 at GTM Satellite Office, situated at 15b Peace Street, Tzaneen within 30 days from 23 September 2022, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assis-

tance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. B Mathebula (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J322 & J323

TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 513 & 514 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA BY-WETTE VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT 2016 EN TOESTEMMING VANAF DIE BEHERENDE GESAG INGEVOLGE REGULASIE 18(1)(a) VAN DIE SPLUMA REGULASIES 2015 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van beide die Restant van Gedeelte 77 en Gedeelte 94 van die Plaas Tzaneen 538-LT gee hiermee ingevolge Regulasie 18 van die SPLUMA Regulasies 2015 en Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Wette 2016, kennis dat ek by die Gro-

ter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir toestemming vanaf die Beherende Gesag en vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die insluiting van die eiendomme, geleë aangrensend tot die Magoebaskloof pad (R71) en noord-wes van Tzaneen, by die Skema en hersonering van die eiendomme hierbo beskryf, vanaf “Landbou” na “Spesiaal” met Bylae 316 (Gedeelte 94) & Bylae 317 (Re/ Gedeelte 77) wat die regte beskryf. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 September 2022 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik binne 30 dae vanaf 23 September 2022 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 9 by GTM Sateliet Kantoor te Peace Straat 15B, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing

na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/ redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/ haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. B Mathebula (015307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J322 & J323


Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of registered Sectional Title 52/1981 (10) (UNIT) in devour of: JEANETTE VALENTINE DEEKS (FORMERLY MILNE), IDENTITY NUMBER: 350214 0010 085 In respect of: (a) Section No. 10 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 52/1981 in the scheme known as LETABA VIEW in respect of the land and

building or buildings situated at ERF 2067, Tzaneen Extention 10 Township, Local Authority, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 82 (Eighty Two) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held under Certificate of registered Sectional Title 52/1981 (10) (UNIT). Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at 101 DORP STREET, POLOKWANE within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Applicant, STEWART MARITZ BASSON , LEX NUMERI BUILDING, 32 PEACE STREET, TZANEEN. E-mail: elzette@ smbattorneys.co.za Tel. no.: 015 307 3760

NOTICE : LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of

the Deeds Registries Act, 1937,I, the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T72149/2007 passed by AMBER SUNRISE PROPERTIES 3 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2006/008329/07 in favour of ROGEEMA KENNY, Identity number 801016 0091 08 9, Unmarried in respect of certain ERF 122 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO, MEASURING 495 (FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE) SQUARE METRES which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at POLOKWANE within six weeks after the date of the publication of this notice.

Applicant, Joubert & May Attorneys, Address 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-366.

Email address reandi@joubertmay.co.za


Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to

apply for the cancellation of the registration of B88807/2007 registered on 30 May 2007 passed by ROGEEMA KENNY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 801016 0091 08 9, Unmarried, for the amount of R150 000,00 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND RAND), in favour of THE STANDARD BANK LIMTED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1962/000738/06 in respect of certain ERF 122 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice, 22ND of September 2022, this being the first publication.

Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys. Address, 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no 015 307-3660.

Email address: reandi@joubertmay.co.za

Elsje Beyer and Shirley Tyerman, Ladies Drawn Pairs runners-up. Robbie Kruger and Bertie Nel were runners-up in the Men’s Drawn Pairs competition. Marushca Swiglaar and Sue Morrison, went on to win the Ladies Drawn Pairs contest. Malcolm Tyerman and Theo Wolmarans was winners the Men’s Drawn Pairs competition.
www.farnorthbulletin.co.za6 23 September 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA

Roelof de Jonge

The fourth round of the Inter-Provincial Mountain Bike (MTB) Series, hosted by Limpopo Schools Cycling, was held on Saturday the 17th of September at Westvalia, situated between Tzaneen and Modjadjiskloof. The Limpopo team riders competed against North-West, Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape.

In the division for Junior Boys, Janco Peens from the Mpumalanga Schools Team took first place with Thomas-Ross Patterson from the North-West in second. Willie Junior Willemse from HTS Tom Naudé in Polokwane rounded off the top three places and was the first Junior Boys Limpopo rider to cross the finish line. Merensky High School’s André van Deventer, finished in fourth spot followed by another Limpopo rider, Jaco-Hein Botes from Ellisras.

Zanri Grobbelaar, riding for North-West, was in a class of her own and finished a minute ahead of the rest of the field. She was followed by the Limpopo rider, Lianke Fourie, from Hoërskool Piet Potgieter.

Anneke van Rooyen, also from North-West, claimed third spot on the podium. She was chased down by Limpopo riders Karla Durant who settled for fourth place, and Mieke Veldman

Aron van den Borre from the Kingfisher Private School in Phalaborwa took the top step of the podium with the North-West Schools rider, Henrey Jacobs, some 15 seconds down behind in second place. The Limpopo rider, Mauritz Meiring from Louis Trichardt Primary School, was a mere second behind in third

In the category for Nipper Girls, another North-Westener, Jua Jonker, took the honors. She was followed by two Limpopo competitors, Janli Bester (Laerskool Bosveld) in second place and Mia Venter (Laerskool Louis Trichardt) in third place.

Ken de Lange from the Limpopo team just managed to snatch the win in the Sprog Boys division from the North-West

Schools rider, Henri Jonker, who finished five seconds behind him in second. Following Jonker for the third place overall was another Limpopo rider, Marlo van der Walt. The fourth and fifth places respectively also belonged to riders of Limpopo, Wihann Schalekamp in fourth place finished ahead of teammate Aiden Bruce.

It was a clean sweep on the podium for Limpopo in the Sprog Girls division. Cara Bruce from Louis Trichardt took first place with Leila van Wyngaardt and Kristen Thompson, from Duiwelskloof Primary School, in second and third spots respectively.

The Sub Junior Boys category saw Limpopo claim the first five places with Henro van der Walt in first, Daniel Eager in second and Zach Pretorius taking up the third spot. Jana Kotze took gold in the Sub Junior Girls race with Dané Strijdom and Chantelle Gouws, in the second and third places respectively.

Franco Grobbelaar from North-West took the win ahead of his Limpopo rivals, Christiaan Odendaal in second place and Jake Whitaker who came home in third place. The Northwest Schools riders however gave good reckoning of themselves in the Sub Nipper Girls class with their entries taking up all three steps of the podium. Katie Kriel won ahead of Jemma Gouws and Haniela Hans de Andrade. The young Releagile Mthombene was the only member of the Limpopo riders to finish the race.

Samuel Mcintosh from Mpumalanga was the winner of the Youth Boys category. He was followed in second place by Limpopo’s Gordon Noel from Stanford Lake College and fellow Limpopo cyclist Waldo Strijdom from Eric Louw High School.

The Youth Girls riders from Merensky High School, Anke Rood and Sophia van Wyk, showed their mettle as they claimed the first and second places on the podium. another Marlo


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es respectively also belonged to riders of Limpopo, Willie Jnr Willemse Christoff Erasmus September Boys popo rider, Lianke Fourie, from Hoërskool Piet Potgieter. who finished in fifth. place. In the category for Nipper Girls, another North-Westener, Jua Mia Ken de Lange from the Limpopo team just managed to Lungile Sithole-Wiltshire from Stanford Lake College competed in the Junior Boys category
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Anglers hit Tzaneen dam

The South African Bass Anglers Association (SABAA) Presidents International Test is an annual bass fishing tournament pitting the sides of South Africa (SABAA Open President’s team) and Zimbabwe (Zimbabwean President’s team) against one another in an international test. This tournament has been contested over the last two decades with hosting duties alternating between the two countries each year. This year it was hosted at the Tzaneen Dam. What made the 2022 tournament slightly different however was the inclusion of the Team Tournament Trail (TTT) team into the compe-


The top six anglers in the country form the national squad which is called the World’s Side and compete against international teams at the world championships. The 12 best anglers after the top six, make up the South African Protea side and the 12 best anglers after this group, make up the President’s Team.

The three teams consisting of 36 anglers and 18 boats, arrived in Tzaneen on Sunday afternoon, the 10th of September. They stayed over at Hotel@Tzaneen and spent the following two days on the dam scouting for fishing spots and preparing for the start of the tournament on Wednesday, the 13th of Sep-


The tournament officially kicked off that Wednesday morning at 04:45 the morning and saw the teams fight it out until the cut off at 16:00 the afternoon for weigh-ins. The gloomy cloudy weather on day one suited the Zimbabwean team’s aggressive fishing style and saw them

bring in some of the biggest bags on the day with good scores putting them in second place and keeping the two local teams on their toes. The biggest bag on the day came from the newcomers TTT team who weighed five fish for 11,32kg.

Day two and three however saw bright sunny weather and high temperatures which completely changed the fishing conditions on the dam and saw the visitors struggle. The biggest bag on the day belonged to the President’s Open team who weighed five fish for 12,74kg. Zimbabwe bagged the biggest fish on the day weighing in a 3.66kg specimen.

The final day of the tournament was a hair-raiser for every angler with temperatures touching the high 30’s and not a cloud in the sky making fishing extremely tricky. The biggest bag on the day belonged to another President’s Open boat who totalled 10.96kg.

When the scores were tallied it was the newcomers to the tournament who emerged as the victors with Team Tournament Trial scoring 145,72. The President’s Open team took second place on 142,2 and Zimbabwe

landed third spot on 121,06.


A gala prize giving event took place at Hotel@Tzaneen on Friday and saw Phillip Whitfield walk away with the Biggest Fish of the tournament award for the 4,14kg monster he bagged on the final day. The Biggest Bag of the tournament award went to the President’s Open boat of Berto Meyer and Jacques Schoeman who recorded 12,74kgs on Day 2. Best Boat of the tournament went to Brendon Zuydam and Lloyd Muirhead who bagged a total of 15 fish with a combined weight of 25,42kg for the

the bagged of


Next year’s tournament will be hosted in Zimbabwe. For those residents of Tzaneen who missed the excitement at Jetty 3 last week, be sure to check out the live video coverage on Far North Bulletin Facebook page.

excitement at

André and his dad Phillip Whitfield with the 4,14kg bass Johnny Verster from Tzaneen
23 September 2022

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