A group of men were apprehended by local security companies and later taken into custody by the Tzaneen police moments after an attempted murder was perpetrated in Tzaneen’s CBD. The incident occurred on Tuesday, the 27th of September at around 14:00 the afternoon in the parking lot near the Boxer retail store – an area notorious for illegal gambling and widespread dealing in dagga and other illegal substances.
Allegedly a fight erupted between the nine men and a man identified as Jack Malatji (29) from Topanama village. The fight escalated and the group chased the victim around the area inflicting stab wounds on him whenever they came within reach. Eventually they caught up to him and robbed him of R3 000 before they fled the scene. Eyewitnesses said that Malatji ran through the parking lot before he finally collapsed at the entrance to a popular liquor store. He had open stab wounds on his back and the back of his head.
Emergency services were summoned to the scene and Malatji was transported to hospital where, at the time of going to print, he was in a critical condition. Police and various security agencies took hands and a hunt for the suspects was underfoot.
At around 16:00 that same afternoon the SAPS Tekkie Patrol Unit in a joint effort with private security firms, Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch and the Tzaneen Community Police Forum apprehended five of the suspects in Aquapark on the corner of Aqua Ave and Voortrekker Road. Three more were caught in the CBD and the ninth was picked up a
while later. The suspects are between the ages of 15 and 32 years old.
The suspects were all in police custody at the time of going to print. They were arrested on charges of attempted murder and robbery and according to Sgt Maurice Mkwashu of the Tzaneen police, investigations are underway.
“I am the boss here”, said recently appointed municipal manager, Dr Kgosi Pilusa, during a community meeting held at the Impala Park Hall in Phalaborwa on Monday, the 26th of September. The meeting attended by more than 130 people was called by the Let’s Change Ba-Phalaborwa movement. The purpose was to create a platform for the municipal managers to engage the concerned residents on topics currently affecting their livelihoods, specifically the continuous cable theft that continues to destroy the municipality’s economy.
The Ba-Phalaborwa municipal manager, during a brief outburst, claimed that he was the one in charge, after residents suggested that he ask his technical managers, two of whom were present at the meeting, when they would get the job done and restore power to the affected areas.
Pilusa said that he was aware of the many back-
logs within the municipality, but he was working tirelessly to eradicate the inefficacy.
“I am always available to respond to any queries and to speak to our residents. That is why when the ward councilors call me and tell me that the people on standby are not assisting them, I make that call and things instantly are taken care of. I don’t always have to make these calls however, as I need those on standby to do their jobs effectively.”
During the meeting it emerged that the municipality had incurred financial losses of roughly half a million rand because of cable theft.
“If any employees are found to be a part of the syndicate that is stealing cables, we will not deal lightly with that individual or individuals, he or she will, with immediate effect join the masses of the unemployed,” stated Pilusa.
Anton Kellerman, the CPF Chairperson, told the residents in attendance that they should assist in the CPF’s drive to install a camera network across
the municipality to assist in eradicating cable theft.
“I have seen it working in Hoedspruit and other places including in the mines, and they simply send video footage to security companies before the perpetrator gets there. So, we stand a bigger chance of being ahead,” stated Kellerman.
The meeting was not well attended and some of those at the meeting blamed the lack of turnout on a lack of communication by the municipality with their residents through the local media channels.
“How many people live in town and are affected by these thefts? Yet there is less than 200 people here for the meeting. Is it because people do not want to attend or is it because most of them did not know about the meeting,” asked a resident.
It remains to be seen whether the statements made by the newly appointed Pilusa will bear fruit in the form of noticeable change in the current status quo of the municipality, or whether this too is a case of a new broom sweeping the cleanest.
■ Je JacksonCurry Letsoalo, who is the newest member of the Haenertsburg Rotary Club, received a warm welcome from this club’s fellow members. Letsoalo was inducted on the 7th of September 2022. He is a resident of Haenertsburg and a financial manager at Letaba Hospital. He was introduced to the club by Maurice Stander and Haenertsburg Rotarian President, Daria Gorbaszewicz, presented him with his membership pin.
Gorbaszewicz also presided over the induction and welcoming of four new members to the club. These new members are Nkululeko Mjola from Modjadjiskloof, Wiam Haddid from Mooketsi, and Randy Makgoba and Johan Jacobsz from Haenertsburg. According to Gorbaszewicz, these new enthusiastic members will add more legal and agricultural science skills as well as experience in non-governmental organisations to the club.
Jeanne Rae Trusler was inducted by past President, Deneys Barry. She is the youngest member in the club and her enthusiasm and energy will be a great asset to the club,
according to Gorbaszewicz. She is an IT specialist who recently moved to Haenertsburg with her husband Geof.
The proud Rotarian members of Haenertsburg are currently running a very successful Food Gardens Global Grant Project at Making, Segwashi and Spitzkop villages.
“We are very fortunate to have partnered with CHoiCe Trust in Tzaneen which is a very professional organisation. The training we have witnessed at a recent practical course was absolutely fantastic, lots of fun for the participants who gained an obvious understanding on how to be self-sustainable, said Gorbaszewicz.
“This is what Rotary is about, changing lives and community’s for the better. We sorely lacked the knowledge on the benefits of permaculture (the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient). We have learned a lot since the inception of this Food Gardens Global Grant Project”, said Gorbaszewicz.
“This is a magnificent project and well done to all involved who contributed to its success.”
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937. I, the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T72149/2007 passed by AMBER SUNRISE PROPERTIES 3 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2006/008329/07 in favour of ROGEEMA KENNY, Identity number 801016 0091 08 9, Unmarried in respect of certain ERF 122 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO, MEASURING 495 (FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE) SQUARE METRES which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at POLOKWANE within six weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Applicant, Joubert & May Attorneys, Address 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-366. Email address reandi@joubertmay.co.za
No. 21 - KT, ke fa tsebišo mabapi le Karolo 86 ya Molawana wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga ya Masepala wa Greater Tzaneen, wa 2017, gore re kgopetše go Masepala wa Selegae wa Greater Tzaneen go hwetša Tumelelo ya go šomiša seripa sa lefelo leo le boletšwego ka godimo mabapi le Karolo 68 ya Molawana wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga ya Masepala wa Greater Tzaneen, wa 2017. Lefelo le hwetšagala Tseleng yeo e sa Tsebjego, Bordeaux, Porofentsheng ya Limpopo. Kgopelo e dirwa go hwetša Tumelelo ya go tlhoma telecommunication mast le seteišene sa base ka lefelong leo le kgopelwago. Kganetšo/dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ ditshwayotshwayo tše dingwe le tše dingwe, go akaretšwa metheo ya kganetšo/dikganetšo le/ goba tshwayotshwayo/ ditshwayotshwayo gotee le dikgokagano ka botlalo, ntle le gore Masepala a ka se kgone go ikgokaganya le motho goba mokgatlo wo o romelang kganetšo/ dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ditshwayotshwayo, di tla dirwa le, goba go ngwalela go: Šedi go: Director: Planning & Economic Development; Address: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 le/goba P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 go tloga ka di 30 Lewedi 2022 go fihla go di 31 Diphalane 2022. Ditlhalošišo ka botlalo le dipeakanyo (ge di le gona) di tla lekolwa nakong ya diiri tša tlwaelo tša mošomo ka go dikantoro tša Masepala bjalo ka ge di laeditšwe ka mo fase, mo lebakeng la matšatši a 30 go tloga ka letšatšikgwedi la lengwalo le. Motho mang goba mang yo a sa kgonego go ngwala a ka tla nakong ya diiri tša mošomo go bolela bjalo ka ge go
laeditšwe ka mo fase fao mošomedi yo e lego leloko la Masepala a tla thušago batho bao ka go ngwala dikganetšo, ditshwayotshwayo goba dikemedi tša bona. Aterese ya Dikantoro tša Masepala. Šedi go: Molaodi: Planning & Economic Development. Aterese: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 le/goba P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850. Letšatšikgwedi la bofelo la go romela kganetšo/dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ditshwayotshwayo : 31 Diphalane 2022.
Leina la mokgopedi: Rohan Vorster on behalf of Smit & Fisher Planning. Aterese ya mokgopedi: 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0027 le/ goba P.O Box 908, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181 Nomoro ya mogala: 012 346 2340. Emeile: rohanv@ sfplan.co.za. Nako ya tsebišo: Go tloga ka di 30 Lewedi 2022 go fihla go di 31 Diphalane 2022
I, Rohan Paul Vorster on behalf of Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd, being the applicant of Portion 11 of the Farm Bordeaux No. 21 - KT, hereby give notice in terms of Section 86 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, 2017, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality for the Consent to use a portion of the above mentioned property in terms of Section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law
of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, 2017. The property is situated at Unknown Road, Bordeaux, Limpopo Province. The application is to obtain Consent for the erection of a telecommunication mast and base station on the application property. Any objection(s) and/or comment(s), including the grounds for such objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full contact details, without which the Municipality cannot correspond with the person or body submitting the objection(s) and/or comment(s), shall be lodged with, or made in writing to: Attention: Director: Planning & Economic Development; Address: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 and/or P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 from 30 September 2022 until 31 October 2022. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Municipal offices as set out below, for a period of 30 days from the date of this letter. Any person who cannot write may during office hours come to address as set out below where a staff member of the Municipality will assist those persons by transcribing their objections, comments or representations. Address of Municipal Offices: Attention: Director: Planning & Economic Development. Adress: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 and/or P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850. Closing date for any objections and/ or comments: 31 October 2022. Name of applicant: Rohan Vorster on behalf of Smit & Fisher Planning.
Address of applicant: 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0027 and/ or P.O Box 908, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181. Tel. No.: 012 346 2340. Email: rohanv@ sfplan.co.za. Notice Period: From 30 September 2022 until 31 October 2022. Our Ref.: Bordeaux Mopani
Not even wet weather on the first day, or stage 6 load shedding throughout the week could prevent the determined Agri Letaba organizers from hosting this year’s Letaba Show Tzaneen. The show started on Wednesday the 21st and ran through to Friday the 23rd of September.
According to Naomi Excell, Manager and Event Coordinator at Agri Letaba, a total of 11 000 visitors passed through the showgrounds’ gates to take in the excitement of the live action wrestling, show stopping performances by artists like Bernice West and shop the 110 exhibition stalls.
“We received a lot of positive feedback from both the exhibitors and visitors to the show. Even though the numbers of both exhibitors and visitors were less than in previous years, we still managed to present a very successful show. We believe the current economic climate and the uncertainty and virus cautiousness the Covid pandemic left in its wake, all contributed to the dwindling numbers.”
The outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Limpopo hampered the livestock shows with a prohibition on the transport of cattle, but the Boerbok and Kalahari Red Goats contributed to a spectacular show.
“This year we faced a few challenges, but with the help of our stunning community, we have managed to overcome these challenges. One of these obstacles was the continuous rain on the first day which brought with it muddy and miserable conditions that played a role in the decisions by many members of the public to stay away. We gathered the community troops though and organized truckloads of saw dust to eliminate the mud and used to a bulldozer to take care of the uneven and sludgy access roads.”
530 September 2022FAR NORTH MEDIAwww.farnorthbulletin.co.za brought
Generators were brought in to combat the frequent loadshedding.
“In the end, the success of the 2022 Letaba Show was possible only through the the unwavering support of our community.
We thank you, every sponsor, exhibitor and visitor, we truly appreciate your support!”
Die Interhoër swemgala het op Woensdag die 21ste September op Phalaborwa plaasgevind. Die swemspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het nie net daarin geslaag om met feiltlik al die toekennings weg te stap nie, maar het vir die 15de agtereenvolgende jaar as die wenspan uit die swembad geklim.
Die twee toekennings vir die seuns en meisies wenspanne gaan ook tot volgende jaar se byeenkoms in die Buffelkraal se vertoonkas staangemaak word.
Die Vossies het ook twee van die vier individuele toekennings voor hul teenstanders weggeraap. Marnus Kruger was vir sy uitmuntende vertonings met die Senior Victor Ludorum beloon terwyl ‘n skitterende vertoning van Elné Haynes aan haar die Junior Victrix Ludorum besorg het.
Die Senior Victrix Ludorum is aan Stanford Lake se Jenny Zhang oorhandig en die juniorswemmer van die Hoërskool Frans du Toit, Phillip Schaap, het gesorg dat die Junior Victor Ludorum in Phalaborwa agterbly.
Jason Loucao het met sy vertoning in die 100m rugslag vir senior swemmers die Beste Individuele Hy-Tek pretasie met 705 punte behaal. Stanford se Zhang het in die 50m rugslag vir senior meisies swemmers die beste individuele prestasie behaal nadat sy met haar wenslag 512 Hy-Tek punte opgestapel het.
Die beste Hy-Tek individuele prestasie vir junior seuns swemmers het aan Jan Pretorius gegaan wie 459 punte behaal het vir sy deelname in die 50m vryslag item. Elné Haynes het nog ‘n toekenning agter haar naam gevoeg vir die beste individuele prestasie vir junior meisies swemmers waarvoor sy 555 Hy-Tek punte verdien het.
Die stryd om die beste meisies-span het vir ‘n fel stryd tussen Ben Vorster en hul bure van Merensky gesorg. Ben Vorster se meisies het met 883 punte net-net daarin geslaag om Merensky se 871 punte te troef.
Die Vossies seuns-swemmers het met hul 912 punte redelik gemaklik bo hul teenstanders uitgetroon. Merensky se seuns het met 772 punte die tweede plek ingeneem. Ben Vorster het uiteindelik met ‘n span-totaal van 1 795 punte die eersteplek ingeneem met Merensky op 1 643 punte in die tweedeplek, Stanford Lake het derdeplek ingeneem met 1 422 punte en Frans Du Toit het die vierde plek met 1 249 punte behaal. Vir die swemspan van Louis Trichardt is dit ‘n kwessie van skouer aan die wiel sit nadat die span slegs 306 punte op die telbord kon vermag.
Hierdie uitslae beteken dat die Ben Vorster swemmers vir een-en-half dekades nog onoorwonne in die swembad bly.
The annual BB Motors Hornbills Festival took place for the first time since the harsh Covid-19 restrictions in 2019. This popular event organised by the BB Motors Hornbills Cricket Club usually consisted of cricket and hockey matches, but the organizers included volleyball games as well this year.
This festival serves as a fundraiser for the club and part of the proceeds go to a charity cause.
Bulletin spoke to Hornbills stalwart player, committee member and event co-organiser, Zylon McGaffin, who shared the excitement and fun that took place at this year’s festival.
“The volleyball was a big success, and we really had a great turn out. The sport complimented the whole set-up of our festival. Our cricket club has always been a family orientated club, with the addition of the volleyball it has allowed all ages to participate. We will definitely keep the volleyball in the mix for future festivals.”
The cricketers competed in a T20 cricket tournament over two days, and on the Saturday, the second day of the event, a series of
Seven-A-Side hockey games and volleyball matches added to the excitement.
“We were fully booked again this year with nine cricket sides, six hockey squads and five volleyball teams. We aim to increase the hockey and volleyball sides for next year’s event.”
The CBC cricket side captained by Colin Davson, a cricket side that plays in the premier league in Pretoria, went on to win the T20 cricket tournament. The GOATS captained by Cassie McGaffin won the Seven-ASide hockey tournament for the second consecutive time and the “Kiss my Ace” volleyball team captained by Klippe Venter, took the honours in the volleyball tournament.
“Being the oldest club in the area, we utilise the funds to maintain the cricket standard of our club. We have a junior academy that attracts young talent, and we like to give back to the community and share our successes.”
In the past the Hornbills were able to use the funds raised to sponsor cricket nets for a club in Nkowankowa. McGaffin thanked their current main sponsor, BB Motor Group, and a host of other sponsors for the support they received.
Winners of the cricket tournament, the CBC team of Pretoria. Winners of hockey tournament, the GOATS.