The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation requests public assistance to identify four suspected armed robbers. It is alleged that on the 23rd of September, a G4S security officer was at the Palamine shop in Namakgale outside Phalaborwa to collect money. Due to technical prob-
lems, he was unable to access a safe and returned to the cash vehicle.
Whilst walking towards the G4S vehicle, the security officer was allegedly accosted by four armed men who took the empty trolley bag and disarmed him of his pistol. It is also reported that the suspects fired several shots before fleeing the scene. No one was injured during the shooting, but a customer’s
vehicle was reportedly damaged.
It is believed that the individuals who appear in the security footage screengrabs could assist the police with the investigation. Anyone with information about the people appearing in the pictures or the whereabouts of the suspects is requested to contact Det WO Doit Malebe on 083 338 2676 or Capt Aaron Masete on 071 351 7279.
A man was sentenced to 10 years behind bars after he was found guilty of defrauding the Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) in a roads tender in 2017. Phasoe Jabu Matlala was found guilty and sentenced on the 28th of September 2022 by the Mankweng Regional Court. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment half of which was suspended for a period of five years.
In 2017, Matlala approached a company director and told him there was a tender to construct a road in the Tzaneen area which was advertised by Roads Agency Limpopo. He requested to use the company’s particulars to bid for this tender as his own company did not meet the minimum requirements.
The tender was worth R1 423 86,68.
After the two parties agreed and made the necessary arrangements Matlala returned at a later stage and told the victim that he was not awarded the tender, and therefore he would not share any money with him.
Two years on, the victim was surprised to receive information from SARS that he was owing money from the tender that he was awarded by the Road Agency Limpopo. The same tender he was told he was not awarded.
The matter was reported to the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation unit for further probing, and it was established that the victim’s company was actually awarded the tender but Matlala changed the original banking details of the company to have the funds transferred to his own account.
Residents in Modjadjiskloof’s Panorama neighbourhood which falls under the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) have had no water for the past seven days. Modjadjiskloof’s water is supplied by Lepelle Northern Water. One disgruntled resident who preferred to stay anonymous, took their plight to the Bulletin since the complaints of the residents seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.
According to the homeowner, the excuses by the GLM and Lepelle Northern Water ranged from electrical cable theft to loadshedding which according to them affected their pumps and causes inadequate water supply to the town’s reservoir. This has led to what should be regarded as a criminal situation where ratepayers must fork out more money for Jojo
tanks and water pumps to alleviate the lack of services which they already pay for. Water pumps which rely on electricity to operate, of which there is very little available.
Bulletin contacted both the spokespeople for Lepelle Northern Water, and the GLM in an effort to garner some clarity on what exactly will be done about this serious situation. According to Yolande Nel, Lepelle Northern Water’s marketer and media liaison officer, the Panorama suburb in Modjadjiskloof receives water from the Politsi Water Treatment Works. The facility is adversely affected by Eskom’s load shedding schedules.
“Lepelle Northern Water is looking at alternative energy sources to counteract loadshedding in future,” Nel said. At the time of going to print, no response was received from the spokesperson of the GLM.
A man was robbed of his cell phone in broad daylight as he exited the Lifestyle shopping centre on Saturday, the 1st of October. According to eyewitnesses seated at the Wimpy on the morning of the incident, they were shocked as the man came running from the centre yelling for security. Blood was dripping from his forearm.
A young man was seen running through the parking
lot and the man claimed he had robbed him of his cell phone. Upon hearing the cries for help, the centre’s security and car guards jumped into action and chased the suspect down. They caught him in the parking lot and returned the cell phone to the victim who explained that the man took the phone from his shirt pocket and when he turned to grab the device back, the suspect cut him across his forearm with a knife. A car guard told Bulletin that they took the suspect to the Tzaneen Police station to have him booked, but
because the victim had given up on receiving help after waiting at the police station for close on an hour, the police could not book the suspect and he was set free.
“This is why it is so important that victims open cases against perpetrators so that they can be processed into the system by the police. This helps in future if the suspect is arrested for any other offense, they can be linked to other crimes and received punishment accordingly,” said Nicole Jones of High Risk Protection and Investigations.
Farmers in Letsitele are burning more than 2 473 litres of diesel every two days to keep their operations running as the Greater Tzaneen Municipality continues to struggle to supply power to the country’s breadbasket. “We have spent in excess of R60 000 on diesel for our generators over the past two days because we have had no power from our municipality,” said a frustrated Mariaan de Nysschen of JJ de Nysschen farms on Thursday. “All of us are struggling to produce viable yields as we battle to water our orchards. To top it all off we have loadshedding in between the power outages.”
On Wednesday afternoon the GTM announced that they would be switching off the main 33Kv Eiland feeder in order to install a transformer to replace a damaged unit. The Letsitele transformer reportedly tripped due to high pressure and upon inspection the GTM’s electrical team discovered an oil leak on the unit’s tap changer. According to the electrical department a specialist contractor from Gauteng was consulted and the GTM was advised against switching the unit back on as it was in danger of causing an explosion.
In the meantime the GTM moved to what they termed to be “Plan B” which was to bring back their old 2MVA units. They explained to the residents that this process would take the team approximately five hours after which the power to the area would be restored, but not to all customers and the farmers would gain preference. This was to be a temporary solution as they awaited the contractor from Gauteng who would be delivering a new transformer to be installed.
Because of the amount of load lost in Letsitele over the past few days the GTM’s new electrical chief, Freedom Mthetwa, instructed his department to suspend loadshedding in the Letsitele area until the situation was resolved.
At the time of going to print, the power was still not restored to Letsitele, after the transformers were installed on Wednesday and the area was energized for a sum total of two hours between midnight and 02:00 on Thursday morning.
Under the former director of electrical, Sam Lelope, the crisis in Letsitele rapidly escalated from bad to worse with his reluctance to show any compassion, coupled with his inability to articulate the problems
to his customers finally breaking the camel’s back. The situation was so bad that in June of 2021 the management of Agri Letaba petitioned a parliamentary committee to look into the matter. Lelope, former mayor Maripe Mangena and former Municipal Manager, Thapelo Matlala all appeared before this committee and the GTM were warned to improve communications with their customers and find a speedy solution to the unacceptable situation.
By all accounts it appears as though Mthetwa, the new director who replaced Lelope, at the very least understands the importance of open and clear communications. Whether he will finally be the one to rescue the situation, however, appears to be seen.
Mthetwa took over the reigns – rather picked the reigns up off the floor where it was dropped by his predecessor – in August this year. As a registered engineering technologist who has worked as a design engineer at Eskom and private consulting firms, he is all too familiar with the situation facing Tzaneen. Mthetwa worked as a project manager for Eskom in Tzaneen for the past decade and appears to be up for the tremendous task at hand.
There was a break in at a lodge in Tzaneen on Sunday morning between 03:00 and 05:00 during which four phones and a laptop was stolen. Three rooms in total were burgled whilst the occupants were asleep in their beds. One of the victims woke up at 05:00 after loadshedding for the area came to an end and he was looking for his phone to charge it. Realizing his phone was gone, he noticed his laptop bag was also gone and so he went to the manager of the lodge and reported the matter.
They looked through the cameras which went off during loadshedding and there was no backup. At around 07:00 another guest reported that he and his son’s phones were also stolen. The manager of the hotel reported that a third guest also reported that she was robbed. A witness said that he heard someone walking through the corridor with keys clanging on their side.
On Monday one of the victims managed to trace his phone to a foreigner’s cell phone repair shop situated in Peace Street. The matter was reported to High Risk Protection and Investigations who traced the device to the shop in the CBD. One of the group’s investigators compiled evidence and presented it to the police.
On Wednesday morning the police’s Crime Intelligence Unit accompanied the investigator from High Risk Protection and Investigations, and performed a raid on the suspicious cell phone shop. During this raid all the phones and laptops stolen from the lodge were recovered and will be returned to the owners. The owner of the shop, a Pakistani national, was taken into custody by the police. Police confiscated a total of 55 cell phones, four laptops and four tablets which are all currently forming part of an extensive investigation.
At the time of going to print there was no further information available and police are busy with their investigations. A source has alleged that there might be other outlets in the CBD involved in the illegal trade in stolen goods and that these vendors might be the final resting place for the goods stolen in Aqua Park by the infamous Nightstalker.
Eugene Coetzee (69), a well-known businessman from Tzaneen, passed away on the 24th of September after a long struggle with diabetes. Coetzee is survived by his wife of 49 years, Yvonne, his children Jacques, Maurice and Jean along with their wives and children. He is also survived by his brothers Erik and Anton, several loving relatives, cousins, and a host of friends.
The Coetzee couple are well-known as the owners of The Clean Team but even more so for the Leather Shop in the Tzaneng Mall which they owned for more than 15 years.
“Oupa Gene” as he was known amongst his relatives will be remembered for his “Dad-jokes”, his famous Coetzee-Chicken-braai and his love of the Bible. His love for accurate Bi-
ble-truth was evident in his studies of the scriptures and the loving way he would share these truths with everyone.
The memorial service will be held today (Friday the 7th of October) at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yvonne and the family would like to thank all their friends, congregation members as well as the community for their loving support.
As a last note, the family would like to thank Sophie Shilaluke of Vurhonga Cleaning Services, a colleague of Eugene and Yvonne. She has taken over management of the Clean Team as of the 1st of October.
“The community will be in good hands with Sophie and the rest of the Clean Team and we thank them for making this happen so fast!”
The Police in Makhado have launched a search operation for Elizabeth van der Merwe (Smith) aged 37, and her two sons Jundré van der Merwe (9) and Reghardt van der Merwe (7).
Elizabeth was last seen on the 27th of September 2022 at around 16:15 when she left her place of residence on a farm 2kms before the Hendrik Verwoerd tunnels outside Louis Trichardt town after having an argument with her husband. She then left everything behind including her cell phone.
According to the social workers, the mother could not be reached for confirmation on picking up Jundre and Reghardt who are currently at Abraham Kriel Children’s Home in Modimolle and were due for an arranged visit to the mother at a verified address under the social worker’s supervision.
There are allegations that Elizabeth picked up the children in Polokwane after they alighted from a
bus coming from the children’s home on the 1st of October 2022, and thereafter departed to an unknown address.
Anyone with information can contact the investigating officer Detective Sergeant Tshifhiwa Netshia on 066 263 4915 or Social Worker Joyce Sadiki on 064 752 1344, crime stop number 0860010111or the nearest police station or MySAPSApp.
BASE SERIPENG SA 11 SA POLASE YA BORDEAUX NO. 21- KT. Nna, Rohan Paul Vorster legatong la Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd, ke le mokgopedi wa Seripa sa 11 sa Polase ya Bordeaux No. 21 - KT, ke fa tsebišo mabapi le Karolo 86 ya Molawana wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga ya Masepala wa Greater Tzaneen, wa 2017, gore re kgopetše go Masepala wa Selegae wa Greater Tzaneen go hwetša Tumelelo ya go šomiša seripa sa lefelo leo le boletšwego ka godimo mabapi le Karolo 68 ya Molawana wa Peakanyo ya Sekgoba le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga ya Masepala wa Greater Tzaneen, wa 2017. Lefelo le hwetšagala Tseleng yeo e sa Tsebjego, Bordeaux, Porofentsheng ya Limpopo. Kgopelo e dirwa go hwetša Tumelelo ya go tlhoma telecommunication mast le seteišene sa base ka lefelong leo le kgopelwa-
go. Kganetšo/dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ ditshwayotshwayo tše dingwe le tše dingwe, go akaretšwa metheo ya kganetšo/dikganetšo le/ goba tshwayotshwayo/ ditshwayotshwayo gotee le dikgokagano ka botlalo, ntle le gore Masepala a ka se kgone go ikgokaganya le motho goba mokgatlo wo o romelang kganetšo/ dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ditshwayotshwayo, di tla dirwa le, goba go ngwalela go: Šedi go: Director: Planning & Economic Development; Address: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 le/goba P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 go tloga ka di 30 Lewedi 2022 go fihla go di 31 Diphalane 2022. Ditlhalošišo ka botlalo le dipeakanyo (ge di le gona) di tla lekolwa nakong ya diiri tša tlwaelo tša mošomo ka go dikantoro tša Masepala bjalo ka ge di laeditšwe ka mo fase, mo lebakeng la matšatši a 30 go tloga ka letšatšikgwedi la lengwalo le. Motho mang goba mang yo a sa kgonego go ngwala a ka tla nakong ya diiri tša mošomo go bolela bjalo ka ge go laeditšwe ka mo fase fao mošomedi yo e lego leloko la Masepala a tla thušago batho bao ka go ngwala dikganetšo, ditshwayotsh-
wayo goba dikemedi tša bona. Aterese ya Dikantoro
tša Masepala. Šedi go: Molaodi: Planning & Economic Development. Aterese: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 le/goba P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850. Letšatšikgwedi la bofelo la go romela kganetšo/dikganetšo le/goba tshwayotshwayo/ditshwayotshwayo : 31 Diphalane 2022.
Leina la mokgopedi: Rohan Vorster on behalf of Smit & Fisher Planning.
Aterese ya mokgopedi: 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0027 le/ goba P.O Box 908, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181 Nomoro ya mogala: 012 346 2340. Emeile: rohanv@ sfplan.co.za. Nako ya tsebišo: Go tloga ka di 30 Lewedi 2022 go fihla go di 31 Diphalane 2022
Planning (Pty) Ltd, being the applicant of Portion 11 of the Farm Bordeaux No. 21 - KT, hereby give notice in terms of Section 86 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, 2017, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality for the Consent to use a portion of the above mentioned property in terms of Section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, 2017. The property is situated at Unknown Road, Bordeaux, Limpopo Province. The application is to obtain Consent for the erection of a telecommunication mast and base station on the application property. Any objection(s) and/or comment(s), including the grounds for such objection(s) and/ or comment(s) with full contact details, without which the Municipality cannot correspond with the person or body submitting the objection(s) and/or comment(s), shall be lodged with, or made in writing to: Attention: Director: Planning & Economic Development; Address: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 and/or P.O. Box 24, Tza-
neen, 0850 from 30 September 2022 until 31 October 2022. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours at the Municipal offices as set out below, for a period of 30 days from the date of this letter. Any person who cannot write may during office hours come to address as set out below where a staff member of the Municipality will assist those persons by transcribing their objections, comments or representations. Address of Municipal Offices: Attention: Director: Planning & Economic Development. Adress: 01 Agatha Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, 0850 and/or P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850. Closing date for any objections and/ or comments: 31 October 2022. Name of applicant: Rohan Vorster on behalf of Smit & Fisher Planning.
Address of applicant: 371 Melk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0027 and/ or P.O Box 908, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181. Tel. No.: 012 346 2340. Email: rohanv@ sfplan.co.za.
Notice Period: From 30 September 2022 until 31 October 2022. Our Ref.: Bordeaux Mopani
The annual Dance Fusion Limpopo 2022 competition was held at Merensky High this past weekend and as per usual, the local dance talent put up breath-taking performances. The judges were extremely impressed with some of the individual performances by especially the Tzaneen-based dancers, some of whom were awarded the prestigious ‘Golden Ticket’ to represent their country at the Get the Beat World Finals in Singapore.
To qualify for this international event, dancers entered the competitive category where they were judged on international level and had to score 85% or higher to make the South African team. International level scoring is a lot stricter than regional level and for a performing artist to attain a Pro Gold or better is no small feat and shows dedication and discipline likened to that of an Olympian.
Which is why when Pedrie Minnaar of The Dance Place at Ben Vorster was handed a Diamond award (95%-100%) for his Hip-Hop performance and Best Overall Solo for Dance Fusion Limpopo 2022 his invite to Singapore was a given. Minnaar was awarded this opportunity despite not having entered into the Competitive category as the judges thought his performance was of such high standard that he should compete at the highest level.
Five of The Dance Place’s artists received their Golden Ticket and the opportunity to showcase their talents on Singapore’s Gateway Theatre stage on the 23rd of December. Minnaar’s dance mates Ansuretha Perold, Diné Booyse and sister-duo Karja and Zila Kruger also received their Golden Tickets after stellar performances.
In total, there were seven dance schools from all over Limpopo who participated in this prestigious two-day event, and many of their dancers scored exceptionally well in both the solo events and the groups. At the time of going to print we had received only the results from The Dance Place at Ben Vorster and will follow up on the rest of the dancers in a future edition as the result are made available.
The judges were Sheila Flathery and Lebo Chauke, both well-known in the dance industry and competition world. The dancers scores were calculated on an average between the two judges on a set criterion. (Bronze below 70%, Silver (70-74%), Pro Silver (75-79%), Gold (80-84%), Pro Gold (8589%), Platinum (90-94%) and Diamond (95-100%).
The Dance Place’s entrants all recorded impressive scores. In the Hip Hop category Pedrie Minnaar and the group ‘Don’t Stop’ with Aldré van Tonder, Mincke Coetzee, Miané van Veelen and young MJ Perold received a Pro Silver medal for their dance routines.
MJ, Tegan Baker, Wilmarie Gouws, Cara van der Westhuizen, Tyra du Plessis, Aldré van Tonder, Lia Coetzee, and Elrene Knoetze all received Pro Gold whilst Ashley Weideman took home a Platinum for their Hip Hop solo routines.
Diné Booyse and the group Revolution with Tyra du Plessis, and Pedrie Minnaar received Platinum for their routine while Ansuretha Perold received a Pro Gold for
her routine in the Open category.
For their solos, the impressive young Imke Lewis and the ever elegant Jenavé Coetzee received the distinguished Platinum, whilst Perold partnered with Lewis in their deut ‘Burn’ to add another Platinum to their tally. The sister-duo Karja and Zila Kruger delivered a mesmerizing performance of their duet ‘Believer’ to claim a well deserved Platinum as well.
In the Contemporary category the local stars kept up the pace with Tyra du Plessis, Ané Thiart, Imke Lewis, Sarah-Leigh Phillips, Lara van Veelen, Lumé Eusman, Elrene Knoetze and Tihana Venter scoring Pro Gold for their ‘Runaway’ group item. They repeated this performance in the group item ‘Take me to Church’ where they joined Ansuretha Perold, Karja and Zila Kruger, Diané Swanepoel, Tabitha Dippenaar, Jenavé Coetzee and Tyra du Plessis on stage for another Pro Gold.
A Platinum awaited them when Perold, the Kruger sisters, Swanepoel, Dippenaar, Coetzee, and Du Plessis took to the stage with their widely talked about ‘Cinema’ group item. Lara van Veelen walked away with a Diamond for her performance in this category.
One of the most challenging categories, the Acrobatic category, saw Karli Human and Inge Jansen van Vuuren take Pro Gold in their solo items while Lia Coetzee and Ansuretha Perold added another Pro Gold to the local tally with their duo ‘Human’.
Hanné Kemp, Lincke de Nysschen and Lia Coetzee with ‘Salem’s Secret’, and Kaylee and Dunay Dreyer with ‘Moving Free’ were awarded Platinum medals for their respective performances.
In the Modern Jazz category these extraordinary performers showed their versatility by claiming a series of medals in both solo acts and groups. Diné Booyse received a Gold for her jazz routine whilst Ané Thiart, Karja Kruger, Cecelia Krugel, Danika Pieters, Emmalin Nel and Katryn Coetzee with ‘Glam & Gucci’ and Melissa Meyer and Mika Coetsee with ‘Awoo’ all received
Katryn Coetzee and Ané Thiart, Inge and Marny du Plessis, Tihana Venter, Maya Vosloo and Aldré van Tonder with ‘Al Pacino’ stepped their way to Platinum for their performances. At the end of the event a few special awards were handed to some of the dancers in the various categories who impressed the judges on a variety of occasion for a variety of reasons. Here too, The Dance Place brought home a battery of accoLincke de Nysschen for being a confident dancer with a wonderful stage personality and great precision in her routine. MJ Perold for paying close attention to details with his performances, Lara van Veelen for being very entertaining and getting right to the point, Pedrie Minnaar for being very entertaining with power and precision, The duo ‘And Burn’ (Ansuretha and Imke) for having fantastic tricks with great execution and risk, and lastly the duo ‘Human’ (Ansuretha and Lia) for being visually appealing with great partner work.
The Best Overall Contemporary Dancer award was handed to Lara van Veelen, Best Overall Hip Hop Dancer, and Best Overall Soloist went to Pedrie Minnaar, Best Overall Modern Jazz Dancer was Katryn Coetzee, and finally the Best Overall Acrobatic Dancer was awarded to Lincke de Nysschen.
The South African Western Mounted Games (SAWMG) national championship took place in Parys from the 3rd until the 5th of October at the Afridome show terrain. The 17-yearold Tayla von Pannier from the Thundering Hooves Stables and her horse, Wings Al-Waheed, qualified to participate in their first ever national event on Sunday the 2nd of October.
The pair placed second in the Poles 2 event and followed it up with a fourth in the Barrel Race, and third in the Keyhole events. In their first competition, they took fourth place overall for the category J1 riders.
Von Pannier held her own in the Figure 8 Flags event and recorded the 14th fasted time through the course among 18 riders in the J1 category. This plucky rider from Merensky High School has been in the saddle since the age of seven.
“It was amazing to see so many riders and horses gather at one event. What makes this so unforgettable for me is the absolute sportsmanship that exists amongst the riders, even the competitors urge one another on which is truly awesome.”
Von Pannier said it was initially quite a challenge to adapt from show jumping to Western Mountain Games. “Showjumping is a bit more
technical and precise, which makes it quite expensive too. What caught me eventually with Western Mounted Games is that speed is an important factor if you want to be competitive and it makes it more exciting. I have adapted to the pace of the sport and am immensely proud to have been selected to represent Limpopo.”
The main prize giving for this event was on Thursday the 6th of October, and Bulletin will report on all the other Limpopo riders who performed at the nationals.
‘n Aantal van Limpopo se voorste laerskole krieketspelers het Vrydag die 30ste September en Saterdag die 1ste Oktober op Tzaneen hul beste voetjie voor gesit in die jongste streeksuitdunne. En om moontlik vir Limpopo se provinsiale spanne in ag geneem te word.
Die streke vir laerskole krieket in Limpopo is in drie streke opgedeel, naamlik Letaba 1, Letaba en Polokwane. Dit sluit al die laerskole van Limpopo in. Hierdie streekspanne vir O/11-, O/12- en O/13-spelers het ondermeer by die Hoërskole Ben Vorster en Merensky sowel as by Unicorn Preparatory School hul slag
Volgens Jacques Rossouw, waarnemende voorsitter van laerskole krieket in Limpopo, het hierdie spelers wat in die streekspanne ingesluit is, vroeër vanjaar aan proewe deelgeneem om vir die onderskeie streke se spanne in aanmerking te kom. Elk van die streekspanne het drie wedstryde van 30 beurte elk gespeel.
Dit is hierdie juiste streekspanne se spelers wat die afgelope naweek hul bes probeer het om die keurders met hul vermoëns te oortuig.
Rossouw sê die spelers wie uiteindelik vir die provinsiale spanne gekies word, gaan in Desember aan verskeie provinsiale krieketweek toernooie deelneem.
Teen druktyd is die name van die verkose spelers nog nie bekend gemaak nie en sal hulle in ‘n volgende uitgawe publiseer word.
Durban again played host to the grueling Ironman 70.3 triathlon on Sunday the 2nd of October. Several athletes and fitness addicts from Tzaneen’s area travelled down to the KwaZulu-Natal coastal city to compete
this epic race.
Ruan Rademeyer, a prominent local dentist, was the first of the local athletes to finish in the age group for men 35 to 39 years old. Rademeyer’s stellar performance with a time of 05:06:26 proved good enough to afford him an eighth place in his age group. He was the 41st male athlete to cross the line and 45th overall out of 1 000 participants.
The Insect Science Team cyclist, Allan Gordon, attempted his first Ironman this year and gave good reckoning of his abilities, especially in the cycling division, where he made up a lot of ground and
made up for his weaker disciplines. Gordon managed to finish in a time of 05:19:04 which was 15th place in the men’s 30 to 34 years category. He was 63rd out of the 713 male participants in this category. He went on to finish in a fine 72nd place overall.
The other athletes who completed this physically demanding event were Shirley Scriven, Kyle Burelli, Grizel Gubitz, Anel Swart and Chantelle O’Connell.
Scriven finished in a time of 06:22:42 and in an excellent 6th place in the category for female athletes between 45 to 49 years. Burelli crossed in a time of 06:31:16 which placed him in 53rd spot out of the 94 entries for the men’s 30 to 34 years category. He was followed by Gubitz who competed in the age group for female athletes 40 to 44 years. She finished 18th out of 41 rivals in her age group. Swart and O’Connell were the last of the local athletes to complete this exhausting triathlon. Swart managed a time of 07:18:15 and O’Connell battled on to reach the finish line in a time of 07:45:10
This event usually takes place in June, but after the recent flooding in Durban, the race was postponed as organisers did not deem it safe to swim because of possible contamination. Even a few days before the race commenced it was not sure if the swimming section would be held. Luckily for the participants the organisers gave the go ahead after the water was tested for a final time.