The Greater Tzaneen Municipality remained mum about the allegations that one of their employees, the manager of the Traffic Department no less, owns a number of water tanker trucks which transport water to the rural areas from the fire hydrants in Tzaneen.
Last week we received information from a resident who spoke to one of the water tanker drivers, who claimed that a Mr Malatji who works at the GTM traffic department, benefitted from a tender to deliver water to drought stricken communities around Tzaneen on behalf of the municipality. We received photographs of one of the trucks allegedly owned by Malatji, busy filling up at a fire hydrant in town. A check of the license plates on the vehicle revealed that the vehicle indeed belonged to Malatji.
We sent an inquiry to Neville Ndlala, head of communications at the GTM for clarity on this issue as well as on the rumour that Malatji was no longer permanently employed at the Traffic Department, yet was receiving his monthly salary in full.
Ndlala denied the latter stating that Malatji had not been sacked, nor had he resigned and said that he was still the manager of the Traffic Department. We asked Ndlala why, if Malatji was still the manager of the Traffic Department, was André Liversage acting as the manager? Ndlala said that Liversage was not acting as the manager of the Traffic Department in Malatji’s stead, but he was only assisting.
“We don’t have a chief for the Traffic Department, we have a manager which is Mr Malatji. Mr Liversage is the manager for Licensing and is currently assisting in the Traffic Department,” stated Ndlala. We asked him why Malatji was not reporting for
work daily at the GTM offices which Ndlala defended by blaming Covid. “It was during Covid and people over 60 had to work from home due to their vulnerabilities. He is back at work.” He offered no clear explanation on the dynamics within the Traffic Department currently, with what now appears to be two managers heading its operations.
On whether or not Malatji owned water tankers and was benefitting financially from a tender issued by the GTM to deliver water to drought-stricken areas, Ndlala denied having any knowledge. “I need more evidence like a registration number for one of his alleged trucks.”
We sent Ndlala the image of one of the trucks as well as the registration number and told him that we have confirmation that the truck is registered to Malatji. At the time of going to print we have not yet received any feedback on the matter and Ndlala was on leave.
the money claimed by employees for
past month was exceedingly high,
arrived at his residence to repair a broken pipe but they ended up taking three days to complete the job.
should be reduced to the ministerial overtime period of five hours.
suggested that the municipal employees tend to claim exorbitant overtime hours, which resulted in the municipality having to pay close to R1 Million every month towards overtime, and they finally called a stop to it.
The municipal employees decided it was best they downed their tools on Monday, the 24th of October, and Tuesday, the 25th of October, following the dispute. The municipality came to a standstill the entire day whilst shop stewards we’re locking horns in a meeting with the municipality’s management and labour officers.
Dozens of employees roamed the streets of Phalaborwa during this time, whilst dozens of others sat outside the municipal buildings, as if it were not a working day, dressed in full work uniform and when asked, they simply responded that “we are at work.”
The municipality’s spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, told Bulletin that the employees were angry about overtime being stopped as according to him, overtime was a cancer to the municipality and the management decided to stop it.
The notoriously media shy Mahesu believed that the municipality should stick to the ministerial overtime of five hours, as according to him, it assisted the municipality in saving money. “Workers have a tendency of receiving a call, responding to a call, and spending an extra hour or two at that call, so as to claim overtime,” he said.
One resident told Bulletin that these, employees
“It was a job I could have done on my own, but because the pipe was the property of the municipality I reported it, and 12 men came. I was so excited to see 12 people as I thought that it would be dealt with faster, but little did I know it was the beginning of a three-day nightmare for me,” explained the disgruntled resident.
The Police in Tzaneen are investigating a case of business robbery which took place at Central Park in Tzaneen. The 60-year-old female victim alleged that on the 22nd of October at about 21:00 she was asleep at her house, when an unknown intruder entered her home, armed with a table knife. According to the victim, the intruder ransacked the house and forced her to open the office where he also stole items. He allegedly forced her back into the house and locked the burglar doors behind her. He then fled the scene with various items including jewellery, an undisclosed amount of cash, and computer equipment to the estimated value of more than R80 000.
At this stage there is no further information available and it is not clear how one burglar managed to carry the amount of computer equipment and other valuables as described by the victim. No reports of a motor vehicle were released and a description of the suspect has not been made available. The police have also not made it known whether this could be the same burglar responsible for a series of burglaries in the Tzaneen area over the last few months of this year.
The police are appealing to anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect to contact Det Col Zitha at 082 414 3309 or alternatively at 10111 or 015 306 2111.
“They dug a pit, and they all sat down for up to four hours until a municipal bakkie came to fetch them again. The following day, they did the same thing, until I reported it to the ward councilor, and that was when on the third day, the team came and fixed the broken pipe.”
DA Ward Councilor, Sybrandt de Beer, told Bulletin that the municipal employee standstill had a crippling effect on the economy and the state of the town. He reported that during their standstill the employees did not respond to any calls, nor were any municipal offices opened, neither did they get their salaries on time.
The municipality has since arrived at some form of agreement between the two parties as workers were back at their posts by Wednesday, the 26th of October.
A municipal lamp post planted in the parking lot of a local gymnasium was reportedly struck by a vehicle around three years ago.
Over time, the damaged lamp post slowly started deteriorating until it was structurally incapable of remain upright and eventually tumbled to the ground and shattered on the paved lot.
Owner of the Tzaneen Health and Fitness gym, Ettienne van Wyngaardt explained that he reported the matter to the municipality but two years have gone by since, and nothing has yet been done.
In that time, the rubble was cleared but the live wires have been left sticking out of the ground. The gym eventually covered the exposed wires with three used vehicle tyres to ward off pedestrians and prevent a potentially fatal electrocution.
The gym is situated right opposite the Tzaneen Primary School. Children cross the road in the afternoons and wait in the gym’s parking area for their parents to collect them after school. Van Wyngaardt is fearful of what might happen should a child touch the exposed live wires.
“This is not a matter of repairing the street light, because there is no street light left to repair. This is a very serious public safety matter, and I cannot understand that the municipality has not made any effort to rectify the situation. Children sit at the spot every afternoon and wait for their parents to collect them. I dread the day I am alerted by fearful screams from my parking and run out to find a mother clutching her lifeless child in her arms.”
Bulletin contacted the spokesperson for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Vutivi Makhubele, who insured us that the matter would be handled with the utmost urgency. This was on Wednesday this week. At the time of going to print on Thursday, Makhubele said that she was told a team from the GTM Electrical department had been sent to the site that evening. “I will find out why they had not been there, this is indeed a very urgent matter.”
Members of the public are urged to avoid the area of the Health and Fitness parking lot until the matter is resolved. The wires are live and potentially life-threatening.
I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the Authorized Agent of the registered owner of Erf 42 Gravelotte, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality in terms of Section 57 of the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 for the rezoning of Erf 42 Gravelotte, situated at 42 Tambotie Street, from “Residential 1” to “Special for Vehicle Testing Centre
and Ancillary Purposes” in order to establish a vehicle testing centre on the property. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 28 October 2022 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 28 November 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property de-
scription, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/ her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Ntwanano Shikwambana 015-7806879/6873 Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710
Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Associates, Stads- en Streekbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 42 Gravelotte, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Artikel 87 van die Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Verordeninge, 2016 dat ons by die Ba-Phalaborwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Verordeninge, 2016 vir die hersonering van Erf 42 Gravelotte, geleë te Tambotiestraat 42 van “Residensieël 1” na “Spesiaal vir Voertuigtoetsstasie en Verwante Gebruike” om sodanige stasie te vestig. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder,
Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandelarylaan, Phalaborwa, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 28 Oktober 2022 (die datum van die eerste publikasie van die kennisgewing). Besware teen, of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres ingedien of gerig word aan Privaatsaak X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 voor of op 28 November 2022, met vermelding van bogenoemde opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar / vertoë, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommers en adres. ‘n Persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretydperk die bogenoemde Munisipaliteit besoek om hulp te
vra om sy / haar besware, kommentaar of vertoë te verwoord. Kontakpersoon: Ntwanano Shikwambana 015-780-6879 / 6873. Adres van Agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710
On Friday, the 21st of October a number of local dancers from The Dance Place @ Ben Vorster took part at the annual South African Dance School Championships in Pretoria. The annual event is seen as the pinnacle of the dancer’s career, and to win any award on this stage is a feat not to be shunned. This year’s event, as was the case last year, was held at Lewende Woord in Centurion and ran from the 14th of October to the 29th.
The SA Dance School Championships is one of the oldest, largest, and modern dance festivals and competitions for dance schools and young dancers in South Africa. During various weeks in the various regions the competition is hosted, more than 4 000 dancers from the ages of 3-years and up enjoy and compete in front of family and friends in various age sections. The aim of the SA Dance School Championships is to offer novice dancers the experience of performing on stage and for the amateur dancers, the chance to compete against their piers for top honours.
There were two judges on the judges panel this year. Joubert Jonker and Annette Deneen Mnyande are both wellknown in the dance fraternity and indeed the competition world. They exude a level of professionalism and attention to detail that could only be expected to push the dancers to offer the best they have available in their bag of choreographic dexterity.
In the Open dance category (mixed styles), the sister pair Karja and Zila Kruger achieved a High Gold (85.5%) for their visually striking duet titled ‘Believer’ whilst the promising youngster Ansuretha Perold, mirrored their performance to garner a High Gold (85.5%) for her solo. Imke Lewis, one of the region’s most elegant young dancers wowed the judges with her solo which earned her a High Gold on 89%. Lewis and Perold would team up for a duet ‘& Burn’ later during the competition
which saw them bag another High Gold, this time on 88%.
In the Contemporary dance category, The Dance Place were rewarded with a Gold and two more High Golds which spoke to the versatility of both their teacher and the dedication of their dancers. Lara van Veelen swept across the stage to achieve a Gold (81.5%) for her solo while Perold paired with Lia Coetzee for their duet ‘Human’ to add another High Gold (85%) to their portfolio. Zila Kruger, dished up another striking performance in her solo to walk away with a well-deserved High Gold (87%). Hip Hop is regarded as one of the most physically demanding genres due to its energetic intensity and even in this category the local performers impressed the judges. Wilmarie Gouws scored a 77.5% High
Silver whilst Pieter Minnaar and Aldré van Tonder each scored a 78% High Silver for their performances. Elrene Knoetze stepped her way to Gold (83.5%) with Tegan Baker taking High Gold on 85%. Senior hip hopper Pedrie Minnaar scored a High Gold (86%) with MJ Perold matching his performance with an 86% High Gold himself. The highest scoring local hip hop dancer was Lia Coetzee with her 87% High Gold. Equally straining and perhaps even more physically challenging is the Acrobatics dance category. In this section of the competition the local dancers performed exceptionally well amid the toughest of competition. Hanné Kemp earned Gold (82%) and later paired with Lia Coetzee for the duet ‘Salem’s Secret’ where they were handed Gold (83%) for their performance. Lincke de Nysschen scored an impressive 85% High Gold for her solo which made her the highest achieving local acrobatics performer at the competition.
Regarded as the classiest dance style, the Modern Jazz category saw two of The Dance Place’s artists score incredibly well with Katryn Coetzee achieving High Silver (76.5%) and Karja Kruger hoisting Gold (82.5%).
Along with the remarkable scores, some of the dancers were also handed special awards during the prize giving. Ansuretha Perold and Imke Lewis’s breath-taking performance in their & Burn duet earned them a special award from the judges who called them “fantastic, entertaining, thrilling and advanced.”
Of MJ Perold’s performance the judges “vibe, groove, funk, attitude, check!” The judging panel called Lia Coetzee’s solo “lovely style and confidence. Thoroughly enjoyed it!” The young dynamo Imke Lewis was called “a stunning, strong and dynamic little dancer.”
Die Plasie Jol word aangebied op 28 Oktober 2022 vanaf 15h00 tot 20h00 & 29 Oktober
vanaf 06h30 tot 23h45 by Hoërskool Merensky. Vir meer inligting kontak
305 7901.
The Wine Tasting and Food Pairing with Sewela Wine will be held on 28 October 2022 at Tzaneen Country Lodge from 18h00 at R395.00 per person.
more information contact 015 304 3290/1/2.
• 29 October
The Market @ Highgrove will be held on 29 October 2022 from 09h00 till 15h00. Contact Paula on 082 258 4596.
• 29 October
The St Peter’s Church Farm Fair will be held on 29 October 2022 at Cnr Agatha & Hermanus Streets from 09h00 till 14h00. For more information contact 015 307 3534.
• 29 October
The Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club presents the Run To Beer Fun Run on 29 October 2022 at the Fairview Hotel Golf course from 11h00 at R100.00 per person.
For more information contact Sheri on 084 323 8181 or Brenda on 081 013 7155.
Kings Walden Garden Manor is hosting a Beer Festival on 29 October 2022 from 11h0018h00. Contact 015 307 3262.
Duiwelskloof and Tzaneen Bowls Clubs players had a strong showing in the Limpopo Singles Championships on Saturday and Sunday the 22nd and 23rd of October in Polokwane. Especially Tjokkie von Straate from Duiwelskloof Bowls Club who reigned supreme in the men’s open division to clinch the title from fellow club mate, and the second placed player, Zane Fanie. Danie du Bruyn from Polokwane eventually settled for third spot overall.
The women’s open category was a bit of a tough nut to crack for the ‘Kloof’s’ and Tzaneen’s players. Beate Altenroxel from Duiwelskloof though gave her rivals a good run for their money, but eventually had to settle with a fourth place overall. Evelyn Cloete from Polokwane was declared as the eventual winner of this division.
Stoffel Vermaak from Tzaneen triumphed in the division for veteran men with Ampie Greyling from Duiwelskloof in second place. The third place went to Hoedspruit Bowls Club’s player Hannes Lindsay. The women’s veteran division was won by Polokwane’s Lyn Lambert.
The Duiwelskloof player, Armand Nel, had a field day in the men’s novice category to win the title with Tzaneen Bowls player Theo Wolmarans settling for second place. In third place was Uwe Sauer from Duiwelskloof.
• 29 October
The Orchids & Plant Based Cleaning Workshop will be held on 29 October 2022 at The Olive Tree from 09h30 at R200.00 per person. Contact Theunet on 073 490 1141.
The Pot ‘n Plow A Witches Halloween will be held on 29 October 2022 from 19h00.
For more information contact 082 691 5790 or email thepotandplow@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
Joshua na die Reën is performing on 30 October 2022 at Tzaneen Country Lodge from 12h00 at R150.00 per person.
For more information contact Sandra on 072 380 7772.
Dit was weer dorstyd. Die een wat geles moes word. Ateljee 13 was die “mikrofoon” waar alles wat saak gemaak het “verkondig” is, sonder dat dit oor die eter die luisteraars bereik het. Sit die “viervreters” van die lekkerlaggroep en les...dis nou die dors.
Weyers open die geselskap; “Ek moet julle vertel van die “date” wat ek gehad het verlede Saterdagaand.” Kommisaris val hom in die rede. “Jy bedoel ‘n afspraak”
“Presies”, sê Weyers, en om sy ontsteltenis met Kommisaris se onderbreking van sy storie te beaam, sê hy verder “ dit was nie ‘n Engelse dadel nie, ook nie ‘n Engelse datum nie en ook nie enigiets anders wat die woord ‘date” in hierdie konteks moontlik kan vervang nie.
Dawid se oë beweeg vinnig van kant tot kant asof die voggies al ‘n behoefte ontwikkel het. Toe gaan Weyers voort; “ Sy het voorgestel dat ek haar by haar woonstel moet kry, aangesien dit haar veiliger laat voel” Toe sê Dawid; “Tuisveldvoordeel...want dan is sy nie so gespanne nie en jy is op haar gemak.”
Weyers gaan voort: “Ek het ingestem vir haar voorstel en sit toe af na haar blyplek. Daar aangekom, klop ek aan die deur en toe sy die deur oopmaak sien ek dat al wat sy aan het was die radio.
“Sy het nie eers tyd gehad om my binne te nooi nie, want toe ek myself kry (nadat ek myself vir ‘n wyle gesoek het), toe sit ek op haar bed met my rug na haar gekeer.”
“Uit respek vir haar en haar radio?” vra kommisaris. “Nee” sê Weyers. “Die lig was ook af en ek kon
nie sien waar sy was nie.” Later sou ek agterkom dat die arme meisie nie iets het om aan te trek nie...haar klere was in die was.
Dawid snork soos ‘n rooibok wat alarm maak vir die trop wanneer ‘n leeu die trop bekruip. Dit het beteken dat hy nie die rugkantstorie glo nie of dat hy dink Weyers het haar klere weggesteek.
Almal sit in afwagting vir Weyers om verder te vertel. “Die res van die aand het glad verloop... “ Kommisaris merk toe op; “Hoe oud is sy?” Weyers antwoord, “Ek weet nie presies nie, maar ek het in ‘n stadium agtergekom dat sy nie meer nat agter die ore is nie.”
Dawid wou toe by Weyers hoor hoe vêr die woonstel van ateljee 13 af is. Ek is oortuig daarvan dat hy net wou weet wat die brandstofverbruik van sy motor sou wees.
Weyers se antwoord was; “Soos die oumense sê; “So halfuur met ‘n perd”, waarop Dawid toe vra; “En as die perd JOU dra?”
Toe besef ek weer waarom ‘n mens lekkerlagvriende in jou lewe nodig het.
Looking for a full time position and can start immediately.
066 551 9257.
My name is Lilian Maake.
have 4 years experience.
literate. Looking for Admin position or start as
start immediately.
Marushca Swiggelaar from Tzaneen emerged as the overall winner in the women’s novice class. Retha van Zyl from Marble Hall took second place with the Duiwelskloof player, Deidré Sauer, rounding of the top three in this division.Horse riders as far as from the Western Cape and Gauteng trotted down to Tzaneen for the first leg of the National Reining and Performance Horse South Africa Circuit’s Western
The event was hosted on Saturday and Sunday the 15th and 16th of October by Buckles and Boots Equestrian Club at Uitzoek Stables just outside Tzaneen. This first leg in Tzaneen was one of three held across South Africa to
Local rider, Gabbi de Carvalho and her horse Amarillo Sails Tomygun, made an excellent debut to the national circuit to win the Youth Novice Western Performance division. Diné Booysen on Cosmic Zeus was second and the third place went to Natalie Dos Ramos on Javta Lunar.
This equestrian organization deemed the development of young riders as very important and were delighted to see the number of youths competing.
For the folks who are not familiar with this form of horse riding; the riders compete in classes like Western Performance which basically simulate the movements of a working horse on a ranch. This includes trail and ranch riding patterns to display the skillful movements of
In the Reining class the riders are expected to complete a set of circled patterns, spins and sliding stops which is regarded by the competitors as one of the most difficult equestrian disciplines.
David Beard on SD Gunners Last Secret
took the honours in the Western Performance Adult Intermediate division with Julia Stoppel on Silky Rascal in second place and third sport went to Claire Beard on NJQ Double Smart Delta.
The highest score of 72 in an individual Western Performance class was achieved by Dusan Janjic on Callaway Docs Superkid.
The internationally recognized rider, all the way from the Western Cape, Jordan Wright du Plessis on SD Flash Yer Fancy Guns, won the Reining Adult division in fine style.
Double in SD division
David Beard with SD Gunners Last Secret was second and third was Claire Beard on NJQ Double Smart. Wright du Plessis on Flash had a sensational run, and his 74 points was the highest individual score of the day.
Wright thanked the gener-
Association for branded
The organizers thanked all the sponsors for their generous contributions of cash and prizes worth in the region of R100 000. Gratitude also went to the South African Quarter Horse Association for the SAQHA branded buckles donated and promotion of the versatile Quarter horse breed that is so popular amongst the equestrian fraternity.
The 2022 edition of the demanding NTT Isuzu Gravel Grinder Mountain Bike (MTB) Race which was held on Saturday the 22nd of October, drew a large number of entries to the Jakkalsroep Venue, outside Gravelotte and Leydsdorp.
The Gravel Grinder provided for plenty excitement in the different race distances, though the main event, the 130km race, proved to be quite an exhilarating sprint to the finish. The eventual winner, Alan Gordon from the Insect Science MTB Team, finished a mere thousandth of a second ahead of team mate Herman Fourie. This after Gordon just managed to outwit his younger team mate on the second last corner before the finish by taking the inside line which forced Fourie to go wide.
This move sealed the win for Gordon with Fourie in second. Gordon won in a time of 04:16.28 with Fourie a split second behind in a time of 04:16.29.
Sydney Swart, another Insect Science rider joined his teammates on the podium in third spot after he crossed the line in a time of 04:51.50. But Swart’s third place was far from secure as he had to contend with Billy Noël who was snapping at his heels right to the end which provided for yet another close finish. Noël’s time was 04:51.51.
The female riders provided another spectacularly close race with Dalene van Zyl taking the honours in a time of 05:23.15. Van Zyl however had to wrestle with Taryn-Maie Wille all the way to the finish line.
Wille finished within a blink of an eye behind the winner in a time of 05:23.23 with Shirley Scriven finishing a further five minutes down the road for third place.
Willie Junior Willemse managed by the finest of margins, to claim the top step of the podium in the 60km race in a time of 02:05.23, ahead of Insect Science rider Gunther Katzke whose time was 02:05.24. The pair was a split second ahead of the younger Gordon Noël who came third in a time of 02:05.26.
The first female rider in the 60km race, Monique Fourie, crossed the line a few minutes behind the first three male competitors in a time of 02:15.09.
The Sub-Junior division rider, Henro van der Walt, was in a class of his own in the 35km race and took overall victory in a time of 01:08.26,
almost seven minutes ahead of his nearest rival, Nicky Willemse in 01:15.16 and André van Ree in third in 01:17.09. The first female rider over the line and in seventh place overall with a time of 01:24.30 was Jenna Adlam.
The shortest race, the 15km Gravel Grinder, provided an opportunity for the young and upcoming talents to test their mettle. The top three spots were contested be-
Gordon grinds Gravel gold tween Ken de Lange, Mario van der Walt and Aron van der Borre.
In the end de Lange, took the win in a time of 00:35:02 with van der Walt in second and v an den Borre in third place. The first female rider and fourth overall, a further second behind the top three, was Shirlene van den Borre, keeping a keen eye over son Aron.