Bulletin Newspaper 11 November 2022

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READ INSIDE ROCK IS NOT DEAD Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS www.farnorthbulletin.co.za R5 11 November 2022 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 3 4 Bats in the sky Tekkies 4 Tieties
Photo: Joe Dreyer

The cost for South African National Parks (SANParks) to continue to combat the attack on protected species has over the years increased, and now with the fuel-e cient Bat Hawk aircraft, which was donated last week Thursday, 3rd of November, by Anglo American Platinum it lightens their load.

Anglo American Platinum, with a sponsorship agreement of over R3.8 million, donated the four Bat Hawk surveillance aircraft to SANParks to aid in their surveillance, conservation, and anti-poaching e orts.

The Kruger which spans over 2 million hectares of land and is divided into more than 20 sections, has over the years continued to encouter operational challenges which are linked to animal poaching, snaring, killing of animals due to speeding cars, and the poisoning of animals.

The four Bat Hawk aircraft, which were assembled in South Africa, in Nelspruit, are said to be an affordable and much safer alternative to helicopters, and would go a long way in assisting with the Park’s conservation and anti-poaching e orts.

Barbara Creecy, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment said that as a result of broad anti-poaching e orts, in the rst six months of this

year, 69 people were arrested in connection with rhino poaching and rhino horn tra cking, while four alleged rhino horn tra ckers were arrested for trying to smuggle 56 pieces of rhino horn out of the country.

She also stated there were several search and seizure operations that took place countrywide, leading to the con scation of 29 rhino horns.

“Anglo Platinum joins several international and local companies and individuals who work with SANParks to protect our natural world and our threatened species. These Ultra-Light aircraft will assist us in carrying out aerial patrols as well as monitoring

and e ectively managing the environment,” she said.

The minister added that 51 people had already been convicted this year for o ences related to rhino poaching.

“The heaviest sentence handed down was a 34 years imprisonment, while two Mpumalanga men were sentenced to 28 years behind bars for killing rhino, and being in possession of illegal rearms and ammunition,” she stated.

The Bat Hawk is not a new face to the park as the Kruger is familiar with it as it has been ying these aircraft for a few years.

Measles reported in Phalaborwa

Two cases of measles were con rmed in Phalaborwa last week Wednesday, 2nd of November, no longer than a week after the rst two cases were confirmed in Giyani by the Mopani District.

This according to the MEC of Health in Limpopo, Dr Phopi Ramathuba, who advised that Mopani was the second district after Sekhukhune to have an outbreak. Measles is a viral infection that is serious for small children and spreads through the air by respiratory droplets produced from coughing or sneezing.

The symptoms don’t appear until 10 to 14 days after exposure and symptoms may include cough, runny nose, in amed eyes, sore throat, fever, and a red blotchy skin rash that usually appears rst on

the face and behind the ears, then spreads downward to the chest and back and nally to the feet.

According to the constitution concerning measles, it states that an outbreak can be declared when two or more cases are reported, within a population of 100 000 in a space of a month.

According to Ramathuba, the ages of the measles cases in Giyani range between two and five years.

She said that this year alone, the province recorded over 20 accumulative cases which began earlier in the year in the Vhembe district, with two cases and Sekhukhune being the hardest hit region with 16 cases.

She said that with the Phalaborwa cases they had a history of visiting the Sekhukhune area, which suggested that they could have become infected in that region.

The MEC also con rmed that all the victims of the virus range from the ages of six months to 24 years and that is why the Department of Health started a campaign to vaccinate children from six months in the outbreak zones.

“I urge all parents to take their children to the clinic to get vaccinated, and for those who have vaccinated to get booster vaccines. If you see that your child has a fever and three days later the fever is accompanied by coughing, runny nose, red and itchy eyes, consult a doctor or go to the nearest clinic for an examination,” stated the MEC.

“I urge people to get their children vaccinated when travelling during the festive season, and in January after school re-opens, we will embark on a vaccination campaign at schools with the aim of preventing further infection.”

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 2 11 November 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 Noodnommers Emergency numbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2022 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies. Kontak besonderhede Contact Details www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911 dave@rescue911.co.za 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Bemarking / Marketing Adinda Tolmay 083 777 4055 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ebenezer 93.8% Merensky 101.9% Dap Naude 93.4% Middel Letaba 0.7% Blyderivierpoort 71.6% Klaserie 76.4% Tours 86.8% Vergelegen 92.3% Magoebaskloof 100.2% Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 07/11/2022 Tzaneen 78% New Bats in the Kruger skies

Mhlongo’s pension benefits frozen Mum over Malatji

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has obtained a preservation order from the Special Tribunal to freeze the pension bene ts of the former Head of Department (HOD), Dr Thokozane Florence Mhlongo who resigned in June this year. His resignation came amid an investigation into the R180 million Covid-19 procurement irregularities. This was after the o ce of the premier ordered the SIU to launch probes when it emerged that there were irregularities in relation to the procurement and deliveries of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Limpopo.

It was alleged that tenders were given to businesses from Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal at the expense of local businesses in Limpopo. Also alleged were that children of former provincial cabinet members were preferred when tenders were issued.

The preservation order enables the SIU to interdict the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) from paying or transferring bene ts due to Mhlongo while processes to recover the money lost during the procurement process are underway.

The investigation by SIU also uncovered irregularities in the appointment of service providers to supply the PPE’s and that the 10 000 cell phones which were supposed to be given to Communi-

ty Health Workers for screening, were counted in storage and only 9 500 were distributed. That was labelled wasteful expenditure as the department could only a ord 388 cell phones.

“The SIU approached the Special Tribunal to freeze the pension bene ts of Dr Mhlongo after she resigned with immediate e ect in June 2022, in the face of the disciplinary hearings emanating from the SIU investigations into the a airs of the department relating to the procurement of personal protective equipment in response to the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Kaizer Kganyago, spokesperson for the SIU.

“Furthermore, the SIU investigations revealed that Dr Mhongo allegedly exposed the department to wasteful expenditure when she authorised the procurement of 10 000 cell phones to the value of R10 million for Covid-19 household screening. The department could only manage 388 of the 10 000 cell phones between September 2020 and March 2021 and the phones were distributed without the required screening applications,” added Kganyago.

Both the Limpopo Health department spokesperson, Neil Shikwambana, and the o ce of the premier spokesperson, Willie Misoma, could not respond due to a media ban imposed by the premier until the investigations are completed.

The matter came to the fore when during a debate on the budget in the o ce of the premier, Stanley Mathabatha announced that his o ce appointed the SIU to investigate graft in relation to Covid-19 response by the province.


The Greater Tzaneen Municipality have not said a word further on Bulletin’s discovering that their manager for Tra c, Johannes Malatji, owned water tankers which were drawing water from Tzaneen’s hydrants and reselling it in the rural areas. This after the municipality’s own tra c department conrmed that trucks photographed drawing water at hydrants in town were in fact registered to him.

They also have not responded to the allegations that Malatji was reportedly leasing VIP toilets to the Department of Education, nor have they disproved the rumours that Malatji was receiving a full monthly salary whilst not reporting for work. In a previous correspondence the GTM confirmed that he was still employed with the municipality, however.

On Wednesday this week, the 9th of November, a meeting was held between the GTM staff and the owners of the illegal water tankers. In this meeting which was not open to the media or the public, a resolution was reached that all water tankers should

only collect water from the plumbing workshop in Kudu Street and that permits would be issued to those operators who apply. It was reportedly agreed that all those with permits will need to pay for the water they draw and that water tankers who collect water from any other hydrant other than Kudu Street would be impounded.

The resolution was apparently implemented as of yesterday, Thursday the 10th of November. Bulletin asked the GTM spokesperson whether Malatji attended the meeting and whether any disciplinary action would be taken against him, or whether an investigation would be conducted into the matter. This considering that a municipal employee, at management level no less, did not declare his interests in the water tanker operations.

We also have no clarity on how the GTM plans on monitoring the quantity of water being drawn by the individual tankers, how the billing system would be implemented or what the charging structure would look like. The GTM have offered no plan for the enforcing of the new resolution either.

R100 per boat at Jetty?

Joe Dreyer

This week a concerned member of the local shing community raised the alarm bells at the Jetty 3 gates when he was expected to pay R100 per boat, R40 per vehicle and R20 per person to enter the facility.

On Sunday when Wayne Kirton approached the entrance to Jetty 3 he was met by two men brandishing a clipboard and demanding he pay an entrance fee. According to Kirton one of the men identi ed themselves as a subcontractor for the Department of Water A airs and Sanitation.

“The guy told me that starting tomorrow (Monday the 7th of November) there would be an entrance

fee payable each time one wishes to enter the facility, or one had the option of an annual pass which was R1 500,” he said.

There is a tender process currently underway in which the GTM is seeking a suitable contractor to lease the facility from them as they usually do, but as far as we know, this process is still underway and no contractor has yet been appointed.

We sent an inquiry to the spokesperson for the GTM, Vutivi Makhubele who confirmed that the GTM had no knowledge of any entrance fee arrangements, nor were they aware of the DWS’s involvement at the facility.

This is a developing story and we will post updates as new information becomes available.

3 11 November 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
■ Joe Dreyer Thokozane Mhlongo

Many tekkies hit the road for ‘tieties’

Both Hoedspruit and Phalaborwa towns have joined hands in raising awareness for breast cancer over the last two weeks. Hlokomela Clinic in Hoedspruit partnered with the Breast Health Foundation, The Hoedspruit Café, and Cape Vulture Conservancy to host its rst annual ‘Tekkies 4 Tieties’ breast cancer awareness fun walk on Saturday, the 5th of November.

Meanwhile in Phalaborwa Two Summers Health Centre and PRO Health and Wellness wound clinic hosted their rst annual Shavathon breast cancer awareness.

The Pink Walk for cancer was also hosted by MarulaMed on the 29th of October in the morning before the Shavathon started. The aim was to raise awareness of breast cancer and to raise funds to help those in need to be able to get proper support in their route to treatment.

The Hoedspruit fun walk started at the Kamogelo Tourism Centre parking area and went up the main street, passing the police station, right to the Hoedspruit Fire Department.

At the re department, participants turned around and walked back to Kamogelo bringing the total walked distance to about 2,5 km.

“It was heart-warming to see all the pink support for the cause! With over 150 participants and so many competitors dressed according to the di erent categories, it was very di cult to pick a winner,” said one of the members of Hlokomela, MJ Du Preez.

Du Preez thanked everyone who had put in the e ort of being part of the fun walk. “It means the world to us here at Hlokomela and to those friends and families who have been directly a ected by cancer.

In Phalaborwa supporters could either choose to shave their hair o in support of cancer patients, or spray it in any color, or could just donate any amount of money to the cause.

According to Linda Viljoen from the Pro Health Clinic, they also had ra e tickets for sale during the month of October for a lucky draw that was conducted yesterday, Thursday morning, the 10th of November.

“The funds we raised is going to Bouganvilla Frail Care centre as they also have a hospice. We are very happy with the funds that we raised for our rst fund raising event and have met out target. Bouganvilla Frail Care Centre also sold hotdogs on the 29th of October during the Shavathon. It really was a lovely day.”

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 4 11 November 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA
To join the Bulletin WhatsApp distribution group, send a message to 079 653 6317 HOEDSPRUIT PHALABORWA

Vanjaar se November het tot dusvêr vir Thinus Erasmus ervaringe van ‘n leeftyd gesorg wat hy vir jare lank met trots sal onthou en met nostalgie sal terugblik.

Soos die Afrikaanse liedjieskrywer Anton Goosen se liedjie, Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, het Erasmus ook twee bu els met een skoot geklits deur twee mylpale in ‘n kort bestek te bereik.

Eerstens na volgehoue en getroue diens in die polisiediens sedert 1984, was hy uiteindelik na die rang van ‘n Kolonel toe bevorder. Erasmus, wie in die diens van die SAPS op Tzaneen is, het intussen ook die nuus ontvang dat hy amptelik deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Praktiese Skiet Assosiasie (SAPSA) as die spanbestuurder van die Suid-Afrikaanse span aangewys is.

Erasmus en die Suid-Afrikaanse skuts gaan eersdaags na Pattaya in Thailand toe vertrek. Hier gaan hulle vanaf die 16de November tot Saterdag die 3de Desember aan die Internasionale Praktiese Skiet Konfederasie se Wêreld Skietkampioenskap deelneem.

“Dit is die eerste keer ooit dat ‘n lid in die diens van die SAPD as ‘n nasionale spanbestuurder, in enige skietsport, aangewys word en bonop bevorder word tot die rang van ‘n kolonel. Ek is ongeloo ik trots daarop!”

Soos sy passie en lojaliteit vir die polisiediens, het Erasmus ‘n ewegroot liefde vir die praktiese skiet sport gekweek en geniet dit

veral baie om dié sportsoort te bevorder.

Erasmus se nou betrokkenheid by praktiese skiet spreek boekdele vir sy liefde vir die sportsoort. Hy is die SAPD se provinsiale koördineerder sowel as die Limpopo voorsitter vir SAPSA. Hy dien ook as die sekretaris vir SAPSA se nasionale kommitee.

Erasmus is dit eens dat Suid-Afrika met van die beste skuts ter wêreld spog wat met die beste kan kers vashou. Die Suid-Afrikaners is tans 13de algeheel op die ranglys van internasionale praktiese skiet. Die SA-spanbestuurder is vol vertroue in die span en reken daar is ‘n aantal skuts wie ‘n goeie kans staan om vir moontlike medaljes te sorg.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse skuts gaan teen 1 600 skuts vanuit 50 lande hul vermoëns op die proef stel. Erasmus is tevrede dat die span se verblyf, vlugkaartjies, permitte vir vuurwapens en amunisie alles reeds in plek is en dat hulle slegs op die skietkampioenskap hoef te fokus.

‘n Wêreld kampioenskap van die aard word oor 36 fases beslis wat ‘n minimum getal van 650 rondtes verg. Dit is omtrent ‘n groot hoeveelheid kruit en lood wat deur hierdie 1 600 skuts afgevuur gaan word.

Die pos van spanbestuur verg baie meer van Erasmus as net om die span te vergesel. Hy was ondermeer van die staanspoor deel van die keuringskommittee van die SA-span, maar moes verder toesien dat al

die skuts vir die kampioenskap geregistreer is, in gereedheid te kry vir deelname en bonop toesien dat die span se verblyf en permitte ondermeer in plek is.

“Ek is regtig opgewonde en baie trots om hierdie verantwoordelikheid aan te pak”, het Erasmus gesê. Sy betrokkenheid tydens elke dag se deelname is ook een van die verantwoordelikhede wat van hom vereis gaan word, maar Erasmus is meer as gereed daarvoor.

Soos wat dit enige spanbestuurder betaam word daar gewoonlik deur kritici gekyk na so ‘n persoon se geskiedenis ten opsigte van deelname opsigself. Erasmus het provinsiale kleure vir praktiesie skiet deelnames met handvuurwapens, gewere en haelgewere verwerf asook vir ‘n baanbeampte. Hy is immers ook die afgelope vier jaar al deel van SAPSA se kommittee om die SA-span saam te stel.

Die Wêreld Skietbyeenkoms word elke tweede jaar gehou, maar weens die Covid-19 pandemie was Thailand se organiseerders genoop om die kampioenskap na vanjaar toe uit te stel.

“Ons as SA-span en die bestuur van SAPSA is natuurlik ook baie opgewonde omrede ons ook ‘n voorlegging gaan maak om die volgende toernooi in 2024 in Suid-Afrika aan te bied. Ons behoort na die Thailand toernooi te weet of ons voorlegging die internasionale beheerliggaam se goedkeuring geniet.”

Tommie van Zyl, chief executive of the ZZ2 farming enterprise and fresh-produce company, is one of the ve recipients who will be awarded with an honorary doctorate by the University of Stellenbosch.

Van Zyl will be awarded with his honorary doctorate at the University’s annual graduation week, which is set to take place from the 5th until the 9th of December.

He will receive the degree of Doctor of Agriculture (DAgric), honoris causa. He has been at the helm of the ZZ2 farming enterprise and fresh-produce company for more than 20 years.

Van Zyl and his fellow award recipients are being honoured

for their steadfast commitment to changing people’s lives for the better, which resonates strongly with the University’s vision of not only promoting excellence, inclusion and innovation, but also advancing social engagement and reciprocal knowledge-sharing for the bene t of society.

“The ve recipients of honorary doctorates this year are exceptional individuals who have contributed signi cantly not only to their immediate communities, but also to the world at large,” says Prof Wim de Villiers, SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor. “Their achievements speak for themselves, and the University is proud to be associated with them.”

The ZZ2 group comprises of various independent companies managed under the ZZ2 umbrella and is a megaproducer of tomatoes, avocados, blueberries, cherries, dates and nuts.

The ZZ2 Farms is a signi cant contributor to the socioeconomic development of South Africa, creating multiple employment opportunities. Van Zyl is considered a global agricultural thought-leader and has been sharing the stage with peers deliberating on innovation and the future of the sector. He believes that entrepreneurship is imperative to create sustainable economic value.

van Microsoft Office pakket of Google sheets sal as aanbeveling dien.

● ‘n Geldige rybewys is ‘n vereiste.

● Optimale en effektiewe bestuur, benutting en aanwending van alle hulpbronne in die boerdery.

● Verbouing van vrugte, groente en ander hoë waarde produkte.

● Optimalisering van produksieprosesse met die oog op verhoogde opbrengs en produktiwiteit.

● Uitvoering en ondersteuning van projekte.

● Kwaliteitsbeheer van uitsette en hantering van alle personeel aspekte.

● Instandhouding van vaste bates.

● Daaglikse uitvoering en bestuur van take ooreenkomstig ZZ2 se waardestelslel.

■ Press Release
■ Press Release
5 11 November 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za Van Zyl receives Doctorate Plaaslike skut stuur SA-span www.zz2.co.za Projekbestuurder: Tamaties Vakatures is beskikbaar vir Landbou Projekbestuurders in die Soutpansberg en Limpopo Vallei area wat doelgerig en sistematies take kan uitvoer en suksesvol afhandel binne die ZZ2 etiese kode en gevestigde waardestelsel. ZZ2 bied ‘n onderhandelbare markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e pos aan talent@zz2.co.za. Dui asb in die onderwerplyn, die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen aan. Rig navrae aan: Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390. (gedurende kantoorure) Primêre pligte en verantwoordelikhede sluit in: Minimum vereistes: ● UItgebreide kennis en ondervinding van verbouingspraktyke in vrugte en of groente produksie. ● Bewese kennis van plantvoeding, besproeiing , produksie en na oes praktyke in die hantering van groente of vrugte.
Kennis en toepassing van arbeidswetgewing word verlang.
Kandidate met ‘n toepaslike kwalifikasie in landbou of beroepsgerigte opleiding sal voorkeur geniet.
Kandidate moet oor uitstekende kommunikasie , probleemoplossing en besluitnemingsvaardighede beskik.
Rekenaarvaardigheid asook ondervinding in die gebruik
SLUITINGSDATUM: 30 November 2022 Tommie van Zyl
FAR NORTH MEDIA BOOK YOUR SPOT! ADINDA TOLMAY 083 777 4055 adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Thinus Erasmus

Believer earns gold Events

Two of Tzaneen’s most promising young dancers, Karja and Zila Kruger, competed in another major dance competition earlier this month in Centurion. The Stage Quest Competition was held at Lewende Woord on the 5th of November following the recent SA Dance School championships where the Kruger sisters both attained exceptional placings.

The duo form part of the distinguished dance school, The Dance Place based at Ben Vorster High which has over the past few years established itself as a formidable force within the dance fraternity.

The elder of the two sisters, Zila, competed as an Advanced Contemporary dancer and received a Gold medal with 82.5% in her section. Sibling Karja, competed as an Amateur Modern Jazz dancer in her section and received a Silver medal with 79.5%.

Following their solo performances, the duo presented a goosebump rendition of their “Believer” duet routine which wowed the judging panel into awarding them a score of 88%, a gold medal and announcing them as the category winners with a rst place.

Arrie Paulus was in ‘n stadium voorsitter van die mynwerkersvakbond en ook (in die dae van blanke politiek) die KP kandidaat vir Carletonville. Nou word die storie vertel dat hy een aand ‘n vergadering bygewoon het in ‘n saal wat loopafstand van sy huis af was. Hy was op pad huis toe na die vergadering toe hy vir Jan “Dunlop”, raakloop wat ook oppad na sy huis toe was, maar van die kuierplek af. Sy naam Jan Dunlop is hom toegeëien omdat hy soos ‘n eend gestap het wanneer hy voggies ingehad het. Danlop hy hier, danlop hy daar, danlop hy weer hier en danlop hy weer daar…

Daardie aand wat hy toe vir Arrie raakloop, was hy ook sterk en slim. Die twee loop feitlik inmekaar vas as gevolg van Dunlop. Toe Jan tot sy sinne kom, staan Arrie Paulus reg voor hom. Om uit die situasie te kom, vra Jan vir Arrie:

“Nou wie is jy?” Arrie antwoord: “Ek ia Paulus” waarop Jan Dunlop reageer: “Sê my, het daai Korinthiers al die briewe geantwoord wat jy aan hulle geskryf het?”

Toe vra Weyers: “Wat is in ‘n naam?”

Waarop Dawid antwoord: “Net ‘n klomp letters.”

Kommisaris, wat van beter weet, sê toe; “Jy kan baie meer as net ‘n naam in ‘n naam lees. Vat nou van die beste Springbok rugbyvleuels. Daar was Chester Williams en nou Cheslin Kolbe, so as daar ’n ‘i’ in jou naam was moes jy eintlik vir die Bokke vleuel gespeel het.

As een van die genoemde twee ‘n familielid in die vroue se Springbokrugbyspan gehad het, sou sy ook uitgeblink het, want sy sou sy Chester gewees het. As die keurders van die Springbokvroue ‘n goeie vleuel wil kies, moet hulle dalk kyk na iemand met die naam Jessica.

Name kan soms verwarrend wees. Met een geleentheid, toe die Franse rugbyspan in Suid-Afrika kom toer het, het die nuusskrywer, wat ‘n baie goeie vriend van

Legals & Notices



I, Willem Johannes

Jacobsz of Omniplan CC

Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 581 Tzaneen Extension 6 hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA ByLaw 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning

Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated at 3 Adshade Street, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal o ce hours at the o ce of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 11 November 2022 (the date of the rst publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 9 at GTM Satellite Office, situated at 15B Peace Street, Tzaneen within 30 days from 11 Novem-

ber 2022, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address.

A person who cannot write may during o ce hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations.

Contact person: Mr. B Mathebula 015 307 8031

Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, Tel: 015 307 1041 Ref. J338


Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 581 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6 gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Wette 2016 kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur

my was, my ‘n streep getrek en die hele Franse span se name in ‘n nuusbulletin ingesluit.

Ek het ‘n keuse gehad...of ek lees die berig sonder die name met net die inligting dat die span na Suid-Afrika kom of ek kon die name lees, met die wete dat niemand sou weet dat ek van die name verkeerd uitspreek nie.

Ek het die tweede opsie gekies en was trots op my “verkeerde” uitsprake van die name. Ek wou nog gaan vir ‘n oudisie as ‘n rugbykommentator, maar die Franse se toer hier in Suid Afrika, het my laat besluit dat hierdie skoenmaker hom eerder by sy lees moes hou en dit is wat ek gedoen het...lees sonder Franse invloed. Byname word in baie gevalle gekoppel aan die van die persoon. Byvoorbeeld, Ollie Olivier, Rassie Erasmus, Doepie du Preez, Blikkies Blignout en Barries Barnard.

Ander vanne is byvoorbeeld Holtzhausen, Hall…en ‘n paar ander.

die hersonering van die bogenoemde eiendom, geleë te 3 Adshade Straat Tzaneen, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4”.Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 11 November 2022 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik binne 30 dae vanaf 11 November 2022 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 9 by GTM Sateliet Kantoor

te Peace Straat 15B, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres.

Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel.

Kontak persoon: Mnr. B Mathebula 015 307 8031

Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1041. Verw. J338

•12 November

Die Vossie Netbal Rolbaldag word aangebied op 12 November 2022 by die Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub vanaf 08h00 teen R1000.00 per span.

Vir meer inligting skakel Mandi by 082 902 0060 of e-pos netbal@benvorster.co.za

•12 November

Join Letaba Lions in the ght against Diabetes on 12 November 2022 at the Lifestyle Centre from 09h00 till 12h00.

For more information contact Kate on 079 032 3342.

• 12 November

The Crestview Academy Open Day will be held on 12 November 2022 at 73 Maroela Road, Lushof from 09h00 till 15h00.

For more information contact 083 295 0012 or email crestviewacademy1@gmail.com

• 18 November

The Blue Donkey Sanctuary Classic Golf Day will be held on 18 November 2022 at the Tzaneen Country Club from 10h00 at R400.00 per person.

For more information contact Esme on 082 853 1524.

• 19 November

The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (October - March) from 07h00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill. For more information email tzaneen@parkrun.com

• 25 November

The Pollen - Art Exhibition will be held on 25 November 2022 at The Bohemian from 10h00.

For more information contact 083 782 8855.

• 26 November

The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (October - March) from 07h00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill.

For more information email tzaneen@parkrun.com

• 4 December

The Mina’s Neighbourhood Market will be held on 4 December 2022 at Mina’s Farm Venue from 10h00 till 17h00. Tickets available at Quicket

For more information contact 083 980 8433 or email minasartcafe@gmail.com

• 5-9 Desember

Die ATKV Oppi Eiland Matriek Fees word aangebied op 5-9 Desember 2022 by die ATKV-Eiland Spa vanaf 13h00 teen R1250.00 tot R2500.00 per persoon.

Vir meer inligting skakel 015 386 8000 of epos eilandspa@atkv.co.za

• 9 December

The Exclusive Summer Pool Party will be held on 9 December 2022 at the Wanga Guest House from 12h00 at R100.00 per person. For more information contact 065 854 3759 or 066 417 5448.

• 10 December

The Christmas Market @ Highgrove will be held on 10 December 2022 from 09h00.

For more information contact Paula on 082 258 4596.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 6 11 November 2022

Landbou dryf vorentoe

■ Roelof de Jonge

SJ Wolvaardt en Niel Jacobs het kragte saamgesnoer in die jaarlikse Agri-Letaba Gholfdag. Die paar het aan die einde van ‘n snikhete warm dag onlangs op die baan van Tzaneen Buiteklub as vanjaar se wenners uit die stryd getree.

In die tweedeplek was Michael du Plessis wie kragte saam met JC Buitendach gespan het. Ryan Hyde en Richard Atherstone het pryse vir hul derdeplek ontvang. Die spelers wie die vierdeplek pryse ingepalm het was Hansie Homan en Ockert Maritz. HJ van Jaarsveld en Ricus Greyling het in die vyfdeplek geëindig met EC Landman en medespeler Carel Minnaar in die sesdeplek.

Landman het ook ‘n prys gewen vir die speler met ‘n dryfhou naaste aan die pen. Die ander prys vir ‘n dryfhou naaste aan die pen was deur Buitendach gewen wie saam du Plessis in die tweedeplek was. Hertzog Landman en Kallie Erasmus was sewende algeheel en die samestelling van Dheon Marais en Johan Visagie het die pryse vir die agtsteplek ontvang. In die negendeplek was Johan Barnard en Eric Hefer. Die laaste van die top tien spanne was Christopher Atherstone wie saam met Nic Human gespeel het.

Daar was ook ‘n prys op die spel vir die speler wie die verste dryfhou op die vyfde bof kon moker. Hierdie prys was aan Marnus Nel toegeken. Sonder die lojale ondersteuning van Tzaneen en omgewing se besigheidsgemeenskap, te midde van strem ekonomiese tye, kan so gholfdag geensins suksesvol aangebied word nie. Agri-Letaba wil in dié opsig ieder en elke borgskap bedank vir hul ontbaatsugtigheid wat tot die sukses van vanjaar se geleentheid bygedra het.

7 11 November 2022 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
Smouskous | Classi eds ADVERTISE FOR ONLY R100 www.farnorthbulletin.co.za SERVICES DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER TE HUUR STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8, 12, 20, & 32 TON TROKKE & LOWBED TE HUUR. BAIE BILLIKE TARIEWE (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD) SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 015-3451192 084 627 0956 DUVENHAGE MEUBELVERVOER Where’s the fairy Godmother when you need help packing and moving? Bel Marlien vir enige trekke. Groot of klein, naby of ver. Ons doen ook verpakking 083 252 8928. DBV/SPCA 083 628 9257 Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en dispensers. Heelhuis ltrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746 Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. co.za Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour emergency numbers 083 513 4988 helene@wisani.co.za Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your sta and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 Domestic/O ce My name is Obertina Malati, I am looking for Part-time or full time domestic or o ce work. Monday - Friday. Can start immediately. References available. Contact 083 506 3875 Domestic My name is Seboe Patji, I am looking for Part-time domestic work. Monday - Friday in the Tzaneen area. Can start immediately. Contact 073 438 1585 Domestic My name is Elsina Molele. I am looking for part time domestic work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 066 153 3985 Jobseeker Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl Business Directory Die Mahela-span met Nico Smit, Carl Fourie, Hansie van der Walt en Pieter Vorster het ook die snikhete dag vir Agri-Letaba se gholfdag aangedurf. Nico Smit Kallie Erasmus

Spor t

Champs undefeated after 3

On Saturday the 5th of November, Champs Boxing Academy hosted the rst ever national boxing tournament at the showgrounds in Tzaneen. It was a long bill featuring 55 bouts which saw ghters from Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Eswatini and Limpopo, trading leather in the holy square to the delight of a hall packed with spectators. The entire tournament was streamed live by the Far North Broadcasting Corporation (FNBC) and can be viewed by following their Youtube channel FNBC Live.

Fight Night started o with the junior warriors who slugged it out in what would be some of their rst ghts in their careers. By the evening the senior ghters took to the ring starting with the Elite Women category which saw Karin Coertse from Champs face o against long-time opponent, Minkie Ngobeni from Lulekani in the 81+ kilogramme division. It was Coertse’s second ght and the second time she faced Ngobeni in the ring after losing to the Lulekani powerhouse a month prior at a tournament in Namakgale. Coertse showed guts and grit and fought well against her much more experienced opponent to eventually bow the knee and give Ngobeni the bout on points.

Next up in the Elite Women category was former Tzaneen resident now boxing out of Gauteng, Makushla du Toit who touched gloves with Champs Boxing Academy’s Juan-Mari Pretorius also in the 81+ division. The talented Pretorius who has been making waves in the female boxing arena seemed visibly o balance before the ght and this became evident when she went three rounds with du Toit who eventually took the ght by judge’s decision. Pretorius after the ght stated that she was not happy with her performance but would soon be back on top and ready for her next ght.

Daniel Letsie held the Champs Boxing Academy banner high against Vincent Hlungwani from Waterval in their Elite Men 67kg division ght which went the full three rounds. It would however come down to a judges’ decision and see the bell ring in favour of Letsie.

Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger stepped inside the ring for his rst appearance back in the ring after a lengthy hiatus which saw him focusing on his swimming career. He faced Terance Magagula of the Nwaabe stable in the 75 kilogramme division. Kruger landed some good combinations in the second round and knocked

Magagula to the canvas twice before the Nwaabe corner throw in the towel, handing Champs another win.

Champs’ rising star, the young Daniel Rossouw, stepped into the ring for the second last ght of the night when he faced Mpumalanga’s Mpho Motha in the 79 kilogramme division. Rossouw has proved himself against some of the more experienced ghters in the game since he started his career earlier this year. Having not lost a ght yet, Rossouw entered the ring on this night with a broken toe following an accident whilst working with steel earlier this month. Remarkably, he adapted his ghting style to compensate for his injury which seemed to work in his favour when the ght was stopped in the rst 40 seconds of the bout after Rossouw knocked Motha to the mat to claim his seventh win in his seventh ght.

The local club’s heavyweight, Juan Grobler had to pull out of the tournament after he sprained the muscle in his right forearm whilst at work. He should be back in action next year for Fight Night 4. The organizer of the event, Gerhard Rossouw thanked all the local businesses who made the event possible and now has his sights aligned on hosting the National Championships in Tzaneen in 2023.

11 November 2022

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