In the middle of Sealane Street in Phalaborwa, is an abandoned shopping complex. Next to which is an entrance gate which was once under lock and key. Recently, however, that gate is used as an entrance way for scores of people who crowd the alleyway after dark to partake in what they call “flight risk”.
When the building next to Spar (the old Ivory Gardens pool bar) burned down, most of the sex-workers and drug addicts who were living in that abandoned lot, were faced with a dilemma as they had nowhere to conduct their business. Soon, these groups of people moved into the abandoned buildings in the town’s CBD.
This soon caused an outcry from residents of the apartment buildings in the CBD near many of these sites. According to residents the police must step in and remove the people before another fire is started or someone overdoses inside one of the vacant shops.
Bulletin spoke to one of the drug users who said that he had been living in one of the buildings in the CBD
for little over two months. “I have just lost my job as a salesperson, one of the highest paying jobs I have had in a long time. It is times like these when I get stressed out and then I revert to drugs.”
The man explained that he was let go at his work after sleeping with his manager’s girlfriend and his partner who he stayed with, kicked him to the streets.
“I didn’t know what to do and a friend of mine who happens to smoke weed with me, told me to come here (behind ultra-liquor) so we could smoke, 12 hours later I was still sitting here using a globe and crystal meth,” he said. “Before I knew it, it was already the next day and I needed to keep smoking so I remained here longer, which eventually led me to staying here where we can access drugs from the other users.”
The Phalaborwa police have on several occasions visited the abandoned areas, but nothing comes of it despite their statements to the contrary. The police have said that they were paying attention to Sealene Street and hope to have the situation resolved.
“We think the police have been on a hiatus for a long
time as these people (drug users) are more on the streets now than ever before,” explained a business owner, who has a shop nearby.
Residents in Sealene Street have reported violent fights, deafening noise, constant breaking of things, and hearing women begging to go home. The latter has people convinced that some sex workers are there against their will.
A 35-year-old resident of Wildevey Street told Bulletin that sex work had always been around in his area, but had never really posed a problem over the six years he’s lived there. In the past three months, however, the activity has grown dramatically as he claims to see as many as 20 sex workers on his block at any given time.
“There are groups of men hanging out in cars at my street, and they frequent have loud altercations,” he said.
At the time of going to print it was not clear whether the police in Phalaborwa have a strategy to deal with the influx of drugs and prostitution in their town’s CBD. What is shockingly clear however, is that the situation is fast spiraling out of control.
■ Billy SibuyiA 40-year-old poacher who was arrested inside the KNP more than three years ago, has finally been sentenced. Sylvester Zitha will spend the next 17 years behind bars. He was sentenced on Tuesday, the 15th of November, by the Skukuza Regional Court, which because of its high rate of successful convictions and sentences, was dubbed the ‘Rhino Court’ - among the poachers it is known as ‘Maheteleleni’ a Xitsonga phrase meaning ‘the dungeon without an exit door’.
The court heard during the trial that at the time of the arrest, Rangers heard shots being fired, followed a spoor of two suspected poachers, and then gave chase in the Tshokwane Section of the KNP.
The state prosecutor detailed that the Rangers spotted two suspects fleeing and apprehended them, and they were found in possession of a high calibre hunting rifle which was fitted with a silencer, two rhino horns, an axe, and ammunition.
After the apprehension of these suspected poachers according to SANParks, they were handed over to the Police for further investigations. After being handed over to the SAPS the two suspects applied for and were granted bail, which allowed the second accused, Richard Phiri, to abscond. He is still being sought by the police.
Zitha, during the trial on Tuesday, was found guilty on six charges that included trespassing in a National Park, for which he was sentenced to two years. He was also found guilty of being in possession of an illegal firearm with a silencer, and was sentenced to five years on that charge. For being in possession of ammunition he received a further two years and an additional one year was added for being in possession of an axe. Zitha was handed a 10-year sentence for the killing of a rhino and four years imprisonment for conspiracy to commit a crime.
It has been a week since we reported on the surprising development at Jetty 3 and still the GTM has not offered any answers. Last week a local fisherman was shocked when he was stopped at the entrance to Jetty 3 and requested to pay R100 per boat, R40 per vehicle and R20 per person to enter.
On Sunday when Wayne Kirton approached the entrance to Jetty 3 he was met by two men brandishing a clipboard and demanding he pay an entrance fee. According to Kirton one of the men identified themselves as a subcontractor for the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation.
“The guy told me that starting tomorrow (Monday the 7th of November) there would be an entrance
fee payable each time one wishes to enter the facility, or one had the option of an annual pass which was R1 500,” he said.
There is a tender process currently underway in which the GTM is seeking a suitable contractor to lease the facility from them as they usually do, but as far as we know, this process is still underway and no contractor has yet been appointed.
We sent an inquiry to the spokesperson for the GTM, Vutivi Makhubele who confirmed that the GTM had no knowledge of any entrance fee arrangements, nor were they aware of the DWS’s involvement at the facility.
The last information received from the GTM stated that they had no knowledge of the entrance regulation or the involvement of the DWS at the facility.
The Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) held a Strategic Planning Session on Monday the 14th and Tuesday the 15th of November. The two-day session comprised of a host of GLM representatives including executives and management, as well as representatives of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), Treasury, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), GLM Audit Committee, GLM Risk Committee, Mopani District Municipality (MDM), and other local municipalities.
Issues related to Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure (UIFW), assessments of annual financial statements, the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) and the separation of functions were some of the topics that were ‘tackled’.
According to the GLM, the outcome of this strategic planning session was that the MPAC Committee emerged as a better and stronger committee. Hopefully for rates and taxpayers, these public officials have found some preventative solutions to these issues that seems to plague many a municipality across Limpopo.
Especially since they spent the two days of this session at the beautiful and tranquil Blyde Canyon Forever Holiday Resort, in Mpumalanga. Away from a bustling office environment where the elected delegates were enabled to ‘come out better and stronger’.
It boggles the minds of rates and tax payers, not to mention the many hospitality, accommodation and facility owners in the whole of the Mopani District Municipality, that there local council would rather support a business in another province and not opted for local support?
***Editor’s Comment: Irony is politics and politicians. I have a few questions here which I feel are important. Firstly; where was the opposition to prevent this type of perpetual wasteful expenditure? Surely the opposition who wishes to run the country, could find it in their arsenal of objections and ‘points of order’ to stop this from happening BEFORE it happens? Or is it easier to let it happen and then point out that it happened and request a probe? The problems we as residents face, will forever remain as long as there exists a politician tasked with preventing it.
Die beslissing van die Maruleng-Plaaslike Munisipaliteit om Fikile Mudau te ontvang as ‘n lid van die ouditkomitee het Donderdag, 10 November , ’n opskudding veroorsaak onder die politieke partye.
Die VF Plus in Hoedspruit het tydens ʼn spesiale raadsitting sterk kapsie gemaak teen die aanstelling van Mudau. Pieter Gerber wat met Bulletin gepraat het, het verduidelik dat sy in 2016 weg is met ʼn goue handdruk tenspyte van dissiplinêre stappe wat teen haar ingestel was.
Muda was die hoof finansiële beampte van die Polokwane-plaaslike munisipaliteit.
Gerber het aan Bulletin gesê dat volgens die Polokwane-munisipaliteit het sy versuim om “toe te sien dat die korrekte verkrygingsproses gevolg word, om binne die bestek en mandaat van die tender-evalueringskomitee op te tree, om toestemming van die raad te vra om ouditkomiteevergaderings van die Mopani-distriksmunisipaliteit en Makhado-munisipaliteit by te woon, en om diensverskaffers reëlmatig aan te stel”.
“Volgens Polokwane kom haar optrede neer op growwe oneerlikheid en wangedrag. Haar aanstelling as lid van Maruleng se ouditkomitee, is niks anders nie as kaderontplooiing en ʼn beloning vir haar vernietigings-
werk in Polokwane,” het Gerber gesê.
Hy het ook gesê dat die ANC-beheerde Maruleng het met hulle ondersteuning van haar aanstelling bewys dat hulle nie omgee vir die inwoners van die munisipaliteit nie, maar net hulle kaders en vriende se belange voorop stel, “Hoedspruit verdien beter as die ANC”.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het aan Bulletin gesê dat hulle beoog om Mudau se aanstelling te betwis aangesien hulle nie tevrede is met haar aanstelling nie, gegewe haar agtergrond.
There is still no word from the GTM on what they plan on doing about the manager of their traffic department, Johannes Malatji’s extracurricular dealings. Two weeks ago, Bulletin unearthed proof that Malatji owned at least one water tanker which was drawing water from the fire hydrants in town and transporting it to the outlying areas where the water was sold to those in need.
Despite several attempts to gain clarity from the GTM’s communications department on this matter and the reports that Malatji was being paid a full salary every month without reporting to work every day, our inquiries remain ignored.
ed a permit, and should they be caught in contravention of the rules, their trucks would be confiscated. We also wanted to know whether Malatji would be granted a permit considering that the GTM’s own head of communications admitted that they knew he was selling water. Again, no response. We, like our readers, are concerned that the new resolution is nothing more than the municipality’s attempt at pacifying its ratepayers. How would the municipality gauge the amount of water these tankers were drawing? If there is no accurate way to measure the litres drawn, then how accurate will the billing process be, and at how much of the deficit will be for the ratepayers’ ticket?
nisipaliteit. die die
Mudau is ‘n deeltydse dosent van die CPMD Finansies-program by Wits Besigheid Skool, sy is ook die voorsitter van die ouditkomitee van Nkangala Distriksmunisipaliteit in Mpumalanga, en is ook ‘n lid van die ouditkomitees van Ba-Phalaborwa, Giyani, Letaba, Tzaneen , Mopani-distrik, en nou Maruleng-muBulletin het die munisipaliteit gekontak en hulle het ons na die kantoor van die munisipale bestuurder verwys, waar ons met Priscila Mathebula gepraat het, wie vir ons gesê het dat sy nie kommentaar oor die saak kan lewer nie, maar sy het vir ons eerder na die bestuurder, Nanki Sedibeng Hoaeane, verwys.
We also need clarity on the municipality’s plan to control the private water tankers following a resolution passed last week, the 10th of November, prohibiting these private water tanker drivers from drawing water at any hydrant other than the one located at Kudu Street.
Bulletin asked the municipality how it intends to police the new rules which state that water tankers would be billed for the water they draw, they need-
Lastly, we would like clarity on the difference between the two groups of water tanker operators as claimed by the municipality. Allegedly there is a group of water tankers employed by the municipality on tender to assist with distributing water to the rural areas, and then there is a group of privateers who illegally draw water and resell it. Can the municipality with any confidence state that their subcontractors are not also reselling the water?
Ongelukkig kon ons nie met haar praat teen druktyd nie, aangesien sy ‘n vergadering bygewoon het.
The Warriors Wolfpack marathon which saw huge success with its inaugural run in 2021 was postponed this year due to various unforeseen circumstances. For local runners the postponement was a major blow as the race has become known as one of the most challenging on the annual circuit and to complete it, would inspire confidence and greatly add to preparations for the rest of the year’s calendar.
Two young runners from Tzaneen, Liezl Labuschagne and her best friend, Lisa-Marie Stoltz, had decided a year ago to train for the Wolfpack and complete the 32km run together. It was a bucket list entry for the inseparable duo. Sadly, Lisa passed away in May.
Liezl decided that despite the race having been postponed, she would still run the race on the day in Lisa’s honour. “We always ran together and we wore matching outfits. Lisa actually bought me a pair of ski pants specifically for the Wolfpack and they arrived in the mail a week after her passing,” Liezl remembered. “I decided that running the race despite its postponement would be one last run that Lisa and I could do
together. It was a very emotional moment for me, and one that I will cherish in my memories of my friend for time immemorial.”
After sending out a call to other runners in the area to join her, she soon garnered a group of girls who formed their own ‘pack’ and together they completed the run and paid tribute to their dear friend. “It would have been the first 32km run we completed. And now, we have completed it. Bucket list ticked.”
Another runner, Cecilia Freiheur Von Houwald, who just recently moved to Tzaneen, also ran on the day, but opted for the gruelling 42km marathon. She completed the race, making her the official, unofficial winner of the 2022 rendition of the Warriors Wolfpack marathon.
The organizers of the event were touched by the gesture and decided to honour the group for the efforts with medals and orchids. “I was moved to tears when I saw what these girls did and we decided to have the medals manufactured and award them to these runners. It is testament to the love they felt for their friend, and the love they have for road running. Just beautiful,” said Tracey van den Dool at the medal ceremony held at Olive Tree.
■ Je JacksonThe Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club in association with various motorcycle clubs in and around Tzaneen encourage the community to support the upcoming Limpopo North Toy Run charity event.
This event which will be held as a festival, is scheduled for Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of November which will also feature live entertainment and lots of activities for the whole family.
All that is needed for an entry to join in this fun filled event is some soft toys, toiletries, stationary, non-perishable food or even a cash donation. The mass ride for the motorcycles is scheduled for the Sunday (27th of November) and is set to start at 08:00 for 08:30 at the parking lot of Merensky High School. The mass ride will then head to Letaba Rugby Club situated at the Letaba Show Terrain where the tour will end.
The organisers are also offering a prize for the best decorated motorcycle and rider. For more information about the Limpopo North mass ride, contact Ryno at 082 401 6013 or Steven at 076 989 0475.
The organsisers also made provision in the program for the Limpopo North Cycling Competition which will take place on the 26th of November. The race will be held from the Letaba Show Terrain. Entries for this cycle race over a distance of 35km is R50 with emergency services at hand as well as water points. Entries can
be registered with Tanya and her contact is 072 703 1048.
Also on the 26th of November, the organisers are planning to host a Potjiekos Competition and invite businesses and individuals to challenge one another to be crowned as the official Potjiekos Master.
The entry fee is R500 per team, including a soft toy to donate, and two to four people are allowed per team. The organsisers have acquired the services of two chefs who will be doing the tasting and judging.
The potjiekos teams are set to start cooking at 08:00 and the judging will commence at 14:00. The winners will win the grand prize of five nights at the ATKV Eiland Holiday Resort. Over the two days there will be stalls that will have a variety of items on sale. People or businesses who want to sell and display their products, can contact Tanya for bookings at 072 703 1048.
Vanjaar se Phalaborwa Kersmark, aangebied deur VJM Events, het op die 4de en 5de November op die rugbyveld van Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord plaasgevind. Hierdie geleentheid is ‘n geldinsamelingsprojek vir die nie-winsgewende Phalaborwa Animal Welfare Society oftewel PAWS soos hulle in die gemeenskap meer bekend staan.
Die besoekers tot vanjaar se Kersmark was reg deur die program getrakteer met allerlei vermaak. Op die Saterdag oggend het die organiseerders ‘n ‘Colour Run’ pretwedren aangebied en die eindstreep was met kleurvolle, gevlekte atlete begroet.
Een van dié hoogtepunte was die “Ons Kan Braai” kompetisie wat ‘n aantal spanne van ondernemings op Phalaborwa en omgewing sowel as menige braaikenners gelok het. Een van die beoordeelaars was Tommy Dickson, meer bekend as die befaamde Sjef Vaatjjie van die Toks en Chops televisie reeks op KykNet.
Die deelnemers is genoodsaak om ‘n driegang-ete met voor-, hoof- en nagereg voor te berei. Die reëls het bepaal dat al die disse op die dag van die kompetisie voorberei moes word.
Shannon Jorissen en Leon Neuhoff van die Maruleng Auto Useless Bunch-span was as die uiteindelike wenners verklaar. Hulle het ook die prys vir die Beste Gereg
Aanbieding opgeraap. Die algehele naasbeste span was die Braai Buddies met Christo Slabbert en Johan Pienaar van Klevan Mining. Slabbert en Pienaar het ook die prys vir die Beste Gereg ontvang.
Die Ding-a-Ling en Peaches Hansworse kombinasie van Chris Jansen en Paul Terblanche het die derdeplek ingeneem.
Hulle het ook die prys vir die Beste Spangees gewen.
Die prys vir die Beste Braai Tegniek het aan Adriaan Grobler en Aranza Vosloo van die Smokies-span gegaan. Daar was ook ‘n prys op die spel vir die Individuele Wenner, en dit was deur Thea Trotter
Terwyl die braaikompetisie se deelnemers vanaf 10:00 die oggend al begin swoeg het om die braaivure, want hulle moes teen 13:00 kant en klaar wees om vir die beoordeelaars reg te staan, het die Kersmark besoekers hulle geniet aan die verskeie items en lekkernye wat by die talle uitstallers te koop aangebied was.
Die lewendige stoeivertoning sowel as die optrede later die Saterdagaand deur sanger, Wikus van der Merwe, het ook baie aandag geniet. Die volwassenes wie se droeë kele geles moes word, het hulle na die biertent gewend. Vir avontuurlustiges en veldry geesdriftiges was daar ‘n 4x4 Park wat deur lede van die Land Cruiser Klub beman was.
Die organiseerders het Phalaborwa en omgewing se gemeenskap en besighede hartlik bedank vir die ondersteuning wat tot die sukses van vanjaar se Kersmark bygedra het.
Die Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) se Lavender Aandtak het Donderdag die 10de November in die George’s Valley omgewing tydens hul laaste vergadering van die jaar hierdie samekoms op ‘n swierlike wyse afgelsuit. Met die Koraalstreek se Voorsitter, Adri Joubert, as eregas in die teenwoordigheid, het die aandtak ook hul nuwe bestuur vir 2023 aangewys. Aan die voorpunt van die nuwe aangewese bestuur is Genevieve de Wet, wie al voorheen op die bestuur gedien het, maar vir die eerste keer ‘n leidende rol gaan speel.
Tweede in bevel as die ondervoorsitter is Una van Wyngaardt en Riana Jooste sal as die tak se beoordeelaarsameroeper optree met Thea Botha wat as die sekretaresse sal dien. Elna Fourie sal na die finansies van die aandtak omsien na sy as tesourier verkies is. Vir enige navrae en algemene inligting is
Letitia Jacobs as die nuwe skakelbeampte aangewys.
‘n Jaar van samekoms mag dalk op sy einde wees vir die Lavender Aandtak se lede, maar daar is ten minste die opwindende voortuitsig vir deelname aan die Miami Kinkelkok kompetisie. Die takke van die VLU Noord Streek maak hul reg om hul geregte te beplan en gereed te hê vir die uiteindelike beoordeling wat vir die 19de Januarie beoog word.
Die opwindende kookstryd begin in alle erns wanneer die takke se lede eerstens onder mekaar gaan deelneem. Die wenners van die tak-kompetisie van elke streek dring deur na streekkonferensie waarna die eerste drie kookkundiges van elke streek kwalifiseer om tydens die VLU Kongres hul talente ten toon te stel. Die kroning van die wenner sowel as bekendmaking van die naaswenners in die tweede- en derdeplekke sal by dié kongres geskied.
AMENDMENT SCHEME 269, 268 & 267
We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owners of the properties mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Maruleng SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 Part C Section 57 of the Maruleng Spatial Planning & Land Use Bylaws 2016 for the rezoning of: Erf 226 Hoedspruit Extension 6 from “Rural Residential” to “Special for Overnight Accommodation and/or Rural Residential Purposes” as described in the Annexure applicable to Erf 226 Hoedspruit Extension 6. The property is situated within the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Extension 6) at 226 Rotsvy Road (Amendment Scheme 269); Erf 430 Hoedspruit Extension 6 from “Rural Residential” to “Special for Overnight Accommodation and/or Rural Residential Purposes” as described in the Annexure applicable to Erf 430 Hoedspruit Extension 6. The property is situated within the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Extension 6) at 430 Taaibos Street (Amendment Scheme 268) ; and Erf 629 Hoedspruit Extension 6 from “Rural Residential” to “Special for Overnight Accommodation and/or Rural Residential Purposes” as described in the Annexure applicable to Erf 629 Hoedspruit Extension 6. The property is situated within the Hoedspruit
Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Extension 6) at 629 Groendoring Street (Amendment Scheme 267);
Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for the period of 30 days from 18 November 2022 (the date of publication of the notice).
Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, PO Box 627 Hoedspruit 1380 or be delivered to Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit on or before 19 December 2022, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations.
Contact person: Mr G Mailula (015-793 2409)
Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: 015 307 3710
Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van die
eiendomme hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 87 van die Maruleng SPLUMA Verordeninge 2016, kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het ingevolge Hoofstuk 5 Deel C Artikel 57 van die Maruleng Spluma Verordeninge 2016 vir die hersonering van: Erf 226 Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6 van “Landelike Bewoning, na “Spesiaal vir Oornagverblyf en/of Landelike Residensiële Doeleindes”. Die eiendom is geleë binne die grense van Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6) te Rotsvyweg 226 (Wysigings Skema 269); Erf 430 Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6 van “Landelike Bewoning, na “Spesiaal vir Oornagverblyf en/ of Landelike Residensiële Doeleindes”. Die eiendom is geleë binne die grense van Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Uitbeiding 6) te Taaibosstraat 430 (Wysigings Skema 268); Erf 629 Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6 van “Landelike Bewoning, na “Spesiaal vir Oornagverblyf en/ of Landelike Residensiële Doeleindes”. Die eiendom is geleë binne die grense van Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate (Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6) te Groendoringstraat 629 (Wysigings Skema 267); Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 18 November 2022 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 19 Desember 2022 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 627 Hoedspruit 1380
of afgelewer word by Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/ redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres.
Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel.
Kontakpersoon: Mnr G Mailula (015-793 2409)
Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, Tel: 015 307 3710
In die boedel van wyle : ANNA SUSANNA LA GRANGE. Gebore 7 September 1946; Identiteitsnommer: 4609170031086. Boedelnommer: 02489/2021 Meesterskantoor POLOKWANE
Datum van afsterwe: 24 Maart 2020. Laaste Adres: Greystraat 37 Phalaborwa, Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae sal lê te kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Polokwane en die Landdros Phalaborwa vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf 18 November 2022.
Naam van eksekuteer of gemagtigde agent: Pieter Daniel Francois la Grange.
Greystraat 37 Phalaborwa 1389;
Epos: pieterlg@telkomsa. net Tel: 076 560 4604.
In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Ga-Kgapane. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 5756/2020 Surname: MAKHONANYANE. Name: SELLO DAVID. Identity Number: 5403295458088. Married in Community of Property to: MAGGIE MAKHONANYANE Identity Number: 6002021255088. Last address: HOUSE 1293 GA-KGAPANE Joubert & May Attorneys, 50 Boundary Street, P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen, Tel: 015 307 3660, Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R15515
Notice is hereby given in terms of sections 10(1) (b), 16(4)(b) and 39 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, as amended (NEMA) and related Regulations & Listing Notices. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY & LOCATION: Makidimela Holdings is in the process of consulting the land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) as required by the law stated above in relation to prospecting activities for Copper + Zinc + Nickel + Tungsten + Gold + Antimony + Phosphate + Vermiculite + Vermiculite-Chloride Group (Clay) + Iron Ore + Vanadium + Titanium on farms Solomons Mine 762 LT [RE] and a Portion of Mon Desir 782 LT in the magisterial district of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. DMRE Ref. No.: LP14767PR.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: A Public Participation Pro-
cess (PPP) meeting will be scheduled following engagements with the Traditional Leadership and other stakeholders. The notices of the PPP meeting will be published in the public areas around the affected farms. I&APs are also welcome to contact the contact person below for such meeting details and/ or comments. Land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are given the opportunity to access more information on the proposed activities and to give comment on the process. Please submit your name, contact information and comments and/or requirements in writing to the contact person by 09 January 2023.
CONTACT PERSON / CONSULTANT: Arnold Muindisi, Cell: 071 012 2607 or 081 439 7788.
Email: ARNOLD. MUINDISI@GMAIL. COM and DESMOND@ PSHGROUP.CO.ZA Fax: 086 758 2869 / 086 512 6724, P.O.Box 509, Morula View, 0196.
• 18 November
The Blue Donkey Sanctuary Classic Golf Day will be held on 18 November 2022 at the Tzaneen Country Club from 10h00 at R400.00 per person. For more information contact Esmé on 082 853 1524.
• 19 November
The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (October - March) from 07h00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill. For more information email tzaneen@parkrun.com
• 25 November
The Pollen - Art Exhibition will be held on 25 November 2022 at The Bohemian from 10h00.
For more information contact 083 782 8855.
• 26 November
The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (October - March) from 07h00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill.
For more information email tzaneen@parkrun.com
• 4 December
For a quote contact: Maria: 072 553 7249
My name is Elsina Molele. I am looking for part time domestic work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 066 153 3985
The Mina’s Neighbourhood Market will be held on 4 December 2022 at Mina’s Farm Venue from 10h00 till 17h00.
Tickets available at Quicket
For more information contact 083 980 8433 or email minasartcafe@gmail.com
Die Pioniers bedank die volgende persone:
Steynberg en die Boere vir die heerlike groente en vrugte. BEKMAR Besproeiing vir die heerlike vleis en Kaas. Ansie Opperman vir Blue Berries. Henk Minnie en Woolworths vir die heerlike kosse wat hy uitgedeel het. ZZ2 vir die Tamaties en Michelle wat dit uitgedeel het.
The Mayor of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM), Dagma Mamanyoha, was the guest of honour at the annual awards event of the King’s Court Christian School in Modjadjiskloof. This awards ceremony was held on Tuesday the 8th of November. The pupils were awarded for their excellence in academics and sports.
It was also during this event that the school’s Student Leadership Body for 2023, formerly known as prefects, were announced. The Ambassadors of the newly announced Leadership Body are Keabetswe Mothibi and Oscar Kgapane. Mayor Mamanyoha gave a message of motivation to the learners and encouraged them to study hard for the upcoming exams. He told them that they should stay away from things that are sinister and that they should rather focus on their academic progress. The Principal, Glynis Labuschagne, handed the special awards to the learners.
Die atlete en afrigters van Le’Club het die afgelope Saterdag, die 12de November, by die APC Kamp op Mooketsi gesellig verkeer. Dit was tydens die sportklub se jaarlikse toekenningsgeleentheid waar ‘n aantal atlete vir hul prestasies vereer was.
Die atlete wie prestasie toekennings ontvang het wat Limpopo by die Suid-Afrikaanse Landloop Kampioenskap vanjaar verteenwoordig het, was Ashton October, Yolindi Visagie, Louis Joubert, Reuben Vorster, Jayden du Plessis, Andrew Dauth en Jennifer Visagie. ‘n Aantal atlete het ook toekennings ontvang vir hul deelname en prestasies aan verskeie atletiek dissiplines sowel as in landloop. Hierdie atlete is Theo Dauth, Luné Joubert, Liam Dauth, Marita Joubert, Sharon du Plessis, Pieter Human en Erika Human.
Die Vasbyter Atleet van die Jaar toekenning vir die individue wie die meeste deursettingsvermoë en vordering getoon het deur die loop van die seisoen was aan Reuben Vorster toegeken.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag die 12de November op die bane van Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub ‘n eerste van sy soort Rolbaldag aangebied. Die dag was grootliks gehou as ‘n fondsinsameling vir die skool se 2023 netbalseisoen. Nie eens die vooruitsig van reën kon die 20 spanne wat ingeskryf het stuit nie. Die reën het wel uitgesak, maar die bui het vir sowat 15-minute geduur en selfs dan het die spelers onverpoost gespeel, min met die weer gepla. Na die reënbui het die weer mooi uitgedraai vir ‘n dag van rolbalsamesyn.
Die span van Large Security bestaande uit Uwe Sauer, Leslie Klopper, Kevin Wienand tesame met Damien Stefaans van Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub het uiteindelik die kompetisie gewen.
Mandi van Heerden, die direkteur van netbal by die Vossies, het meer oor hierdie geleentheid uitgebrei.
“Ons netbalspanne se seisoen begin as te ware al in Februarie en strek deur tot in Oktober. Dit noodsaak dat ons spanne wyd en syd moet reis om aan vele byeenkomste in ander provinsies te gaan deelneem. Deur hierdie rolbalkompetisie aan te bied stel dit ons as netbal organiseerders en afrigters in staat om die geld in ‘n fonds te sit wat dan vir hierdie doeleindes aangewend kan word.”
Die kompetisie het behels dat ondernemings spanne met drie spelers moes inskryf. Op die Saterdagoggend voor die kompetisie begin het, het die organiseerders ‘n veiling gehou. Die spanne het dan die geleentheid gekry om ervare spelers vanuit Duiwelskloof sowel as van Hoedspruit aan te koop. “Ek sou beslis sê dat hierdie baie suksesvol was in die doel wat ons wou bereik het, en dit is om ons 2023 netbalseisoen finansiëel te versterk. Weens die sukses en belangstelling van Saterdag se rolbaldag beplan ons verseker om hierdie ‘n jaarlikse instelling te maak,” het Van Heerden verder gesê. “En die feit dat rolbal as sport dit moontlik maak vir feitlik enige iemand om te kan speel, het ook tot die gewildheid van hierdie geleentheid bygedra”