Bulletin Newspaper 20 January 2023

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Hybrid: The small business slayer

“We cannot please everyone.” This was the outcome of the meeting held between the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM), Agri Letaba, and the Tzaneen Chamber of Business last week. The meeting was called by the GTM to make clear their plans to manage the current nationwide power crisis through their current loadshedding schedule.

It is still not clear why the GTM opted to invite only the Business Chamber representatives to this meeting and not the media. It is also not clear why, when the media did join the meeting, we were prevented from live streaming the meeting. We feel that it would speed up communication between the municipality and their residents, given that the media by default speaks directly to a large portion of the rate payers and it would eliminate the dilution of information, or misrepresentation of any key facts. We digress.

Municipal management in attendance were the municipal manager, Donald Mhangwana, the newly appointed head of the Electrical Department Freedom Mthetwa - who thankfully replaced Sam Lelope who spent five years too long

at the head of this vital department, and Bheki Tshawe, one of the managers at the Electrical Department and chairperson of the basically defunct Energy Forum.

How loadshedding is calculated

The meeting started with a brief presentation by Mthetwa deciphering the Eskom situation and the need for loadshedding. He explained that the various “stages” indicated the number of Megawatts that needed to be shed in order to keep the system from collapsing. In other words, Stage 1 (1 000 Mega Watts) that needs to be shed, Stage 2 (2 000 Mega Watts), etc.

According to the municipality, they are instructed by Eskom on how many Mega Watts they must shed and in accordance, they switch off the areas that consume enough power to make up the required Wattage. It is for this reason that they cannot switch off the residential areas during the day and leave the businesses to run at night and then switch the businesses off in the evenings and give the residents power. They must calculate which areas consume enough power combined, to shed the required amount.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za FREE 20 January 2023 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 NOWFREE GET THE BEST OF US WITH EXTRA PERKS! CLICK SUBSCRIBE ON THE BULLETIN FACEBOOK PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT.
■ Joe Dreyer
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Fake travel claims to Blyde investigated

The DA in Tzaneen is currently investigating false travel claims by councillors of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality who attended the socalled “Strategic Planning Session” in December 2022 at the luxurious Blyde River holiday resort.

In December last year Bulletin reported on the R850 000 the GTM spent to send 136 of their councillors to a luxury holiday resort in Mpumalanga. The directors and senior management including all municipal councillors were housed at the Forever Resorts Blyde Canyon from Sunday evening, the 11th of December to Wednesday afternoon the 14th of December.

The municipality paid for all meals and accommodation and said at the time that they would reimburse all those employees who travelled to the holiday (meeting) destination in their own vehicles according to AA rates. In an ethical world, that would

have equated to a further estimated R80 000 in travel expenses if all claimants were honest.

One councillor who does not own a personal vehicle, allegedly submitted a travel claim for a Porsche.

Other councillors upgraded their vehicles from VW Polo’s to VW Golf 5 Gti’s in order to inflate their petrol claims, and others who shared a ride with a fellow councillor, put in individual claims as if they travelled in their own car. Allegedly, even a Proportional Representative (PR Councillor) of the DA is among the last category of false claimants.

Bear in mind that the current council was elected into office only recently. Remember too that the majority of the councillors and officials who swore their oaths to serve their communities in an ethical and honest manner, in the conference hall at Ivory Tusk in November 2021, are newly elected.

We have asked the director of communications at the GTM, Neville Nd-

lala for comment on this matter and his response was “noted, let me get the full report and give you a proper response.” At the time of going to print we had not received any further feedback.

The DA’s Lebbeus Ramalepe, Caucus Whip of the DA Tzaneen Caucus, told Bulletin that he has sent his own questions to the Chief Whip as well as the mayor and has to date not received any response. “The Democratic Alliance is aware of the irregularities through a whistle-blower and we are busy investigating the situation as it is much broader than just councillors, it involves all who attended and we are still getting all the facts of what happened. Once our investigation is complete we will keep the rate payers of the municipality informed on how we will hold those involved accountable in order to recover possible unlawfully appropriated funds in our quest to hold the Greater Tzaneen municipality accountable and safeguard its

coffers to ensure service delivery is prioritised.”

***Editor’s Comments: As infuriating as this debacle is, it is sadly, not shocking. When I first reported on the councillors heading to the Blyde for their three-day “meeting” I asked the question why. I also warned that the reimbursement of travel expenses would open the municipal coffers to even more looting. My concerns were dismissed by the spokesperson who attempted to justify the GTM’s actions. And here we are. Personally, when the actual facts are laid bare and it is proven beyond any doubt that some senior managers and councillors in fact acted unethically (when some of them ironically sit on the ethics committee), I would want to see them permanently removed from office. These are the people that we as residents trust with our rates and taxes, we trust them with our service delivery problems and our wellbeing. Clearly, the real problem here is we trust too eagerly.

Bolobedu gogo celebrates 107th birthday

whilst it is currently estimated that around 553 000 centenarians are still alive, Sarah is approaching an elite group of around 150 people who have reached the age of 110. These people are called “supercentenarians”. The oldest living person on Earth currently, is María Branyas Morera of Spain, who is 115 years and 323 days old (as of 20th of January 2023).

Bulletin spent an afternoon with Sarah and her children to find out more about her colourful life and how the world around her has change in her lifetime. Of her 11 children, her eldest already passed away leaving her second born to be her eldest living offspring at age 79. Her youngest daughter turned 52 this year.

Sarah was born in Magagapage as the second born of eight siblings. Her eldest sibling passed before she was born and so she only knew seven of them. Growing up, she followed in the footsteps of her husband and settled in the Bolobedu-area where she worked on Theo Mostert’s farm in the fields as a young girl.

“The very first time I saw an aeroplane coming over I ran and hid on the ground between the cattle we were herding. We thought this was a giant, angry bird that was coming to eat us!” she exclaimed. “But over time we came to understand that the flying machine was just that, a machine.”

her life in any way. “You must never worry about roads. All roads, tar or gravel or dust, lead to your front gate.”

Curious to find out what her secret to a long and happy life was, we asked her for advice to young adults and new parents. She pondered a while and smiled a skew grin as she answered.

“I didn’t talk much to my kids about what I expected them to do around the house. If they didn’t listen, I gave them a tjhesa palm (warm klap) and the discussion was over. Parents today think they can talk to a child and they will understand adult things. I still walk out of my house today and I find the young boys here and tell them to go and cut wood and mend the fences where they need repairing and if they wake in the morning, instead of siting around doing nothing productive, they must tend to the cattle in the fields. Teach your children to work because nothing comes for free.”

After more than a century, Sarah Mashao no longer fears aeroplanes and has long since overcome her phobia of white people. She was born on the 4th of December 1915, and as she sat on the stoep of the “maxi brick” and cement house she and her family built four decades ago, she sucked on a lollipop and recounted a time before tarred roads, cell phones and Isidingo.

When we first heard about a woman celebrating her 107th birthday righ on our doorstep, we were sceptical. But her identity document checks out which makes her one of the oldest living human beings on the planet. In fact, whilst the death rate has significantly declined over the past century, and

Sarah said that in the beginning she feared white people because there weren’t many times where they interacted with them, but after her time spent working on the farms, her fear for white people, like the fear of planes, subsided.

“One of the main reasons people today have so much stress and trouble with their health, is because of them storing food in the fridge. We never had fridges and so we had to make sure that we slaughter a chicken or a cow and eat that meat today or tomorrow. We also grew our own vegetables and fruits. There was none of this food that you can store in a fridge and it lasts for weeks without going off. That food is not healthy.”

One of the most profound statements came when we asked Sarah how she felt the first time she travelled on a tarred road, and whether it has improved

On relationships she said that it is very simple. “I will give you advice, but I know you will not listen, because the young ones don’t want to hear this. It is very simple. Make sure that if you are a man, you are home when the sun goes down, home with your wife. And if you have been drinking, don’t come home and fight with your wife and your children, go home and be thankful that you have a family and love them. Make sure you sleep in one bed, with one woman, and you will have no stress. If you are a woman, spend time with your children and guide them with love so that you can have grandchildren to love when you are old.”

In the hour that followed Sarah shared many more trinkets and tales of days before most of us reading this story existed. Bulletin filmed a documentary about Sarah’s life which is available to watch on our Facebook Subscribers’ page. You can access the Bulletin exclusive subscriber content by clicking the subscribe button on our page. It is only R17 per month and will grant you access to exclusive content not available to regular followers. Please show your support for the independent media and click that subscriber button. Your contribution helps keep news accurate and relevant.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 2 20 January 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 Noodnommers Emergency numbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe) E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2022 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. Verspreiding | Distribution Personeel | Personnel Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies. Kontak besonderhede Contact Details www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911 dave@rescue911.co.za 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317
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■ Joe Dreyer

Is the hybrid schedule the best solution?

The schedule which is comprised of the various areas and their allotted timeslots, is calculated by Tshawe and then implemented by the technicians. This is where the controversial four-hour “hybrid” schedule was born.

The problems with switching

Each of the areas receive power from their own substation which means that in some cases the areas are literally more than 45 minutes’ drive from one another. Area 9 and Area 10 which are both situated in the Aqua Park / Arbor Park areas in town for example, have substations close enough to each other to enable a single technician to drive from the one to the other and do the switching in the space of roughly 10 minutes. It becomes a problem with the higher stages which require more areas to be shed and some of those areas include substations situated in the outlying areas like Deerpark, Nkowankowa, Letsitele and Agatha.

“We simply do not have enough available electricians to run around switching areas on and off and not doing the other necessary work which they have been employed to do,” explained Thetwa. “If we are on stage 2 loadshedding we need two electricians to switch the areas on and off. This multiplies exponentially as the stages upgrade. Remember that the GTM’s power grid is the second largest in the country and we service an area of 3 500 kilometres with a limited team of technicians.”

Thetwa said that if an electrician needs to switch off Letsitele, he must drive there from Tzaneen, switch off and drive back, only to return to Letsitele to switch the area on again an hour later. “If you take into account the distances we drive in some cases just to switch an area on and off, you can see the time and diesel we are wasting if this needs to be done eight times a day on a two hour schedule during stage 6 and higher. It just doesn’t make sense.”

It is partly for this reason that the four-hour hybrid schedule was employed for the higher stages of loadshedding.

Hybrid pros and cons

For the industrial sector, the hybrid schedule is preferred as it affords them at least some production time in the day. One of the members who joined the meeting owned a pipe manufacturing plant in Tzaneen’s industrial area, and according to him, it takes his assembly line at least two hours just to start-up and with the two-hour schedule he was unable to manufacture a single length of pipe which led to a loss of income. With the four-hour schedule his factory can now produce at least a third of their capacity and supply some product rather than none.

The agricultural sector would likely have benefited from the hybrid schedule too, were it not for the consistent power outages they face daily over and above loadshedding. The farmers have invested large amounts of capitol into alternative power like solar panels and generators, but maintenance and running costs coupled with theft and vandalism seem to have snookered even those efforts.

Arguably though, the real victims of the hybrid schedule are the small businesses who simply cannot afford to keep a big enough generator running for long enough to keep their doors open. Currently on the GTM’s stage 6 loadshedding schedule, small businesses are afforded literally four hours of business every day. “We have loadshedding from 05:00 to 09:00 in the mornings and then from 13:00 to 17:00 in the afternoons. Every day. We can’t afford a big generator and our small generators cannot handle running four and a half hours every day, not to mention what a tank of petrol daily sets a small business back,” said one small business owner.

Possible solutions

Many international experts have expressed their opinion regarding

alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power. The consensus is that renewables are not the solution as they are expensive to install and expensive to maintain relative to the amount of power they generate. It is however possible to incentivize private home and business owners who make use of alternative energy at their premises, to integrate their systems into the grid and “pump” their excess energy into the system to help ease loadshedding. The problem is that the GTM currently only have one directional metering systems meaning they can only measure the flow of electricity out of the grid and not the flow back into the system.

The other alternative could be to have Eskom shut down the entire municipality all at once on a set schedule for a fixed time period every day. That would mean that every resident and business owner could plan their operations and schedules around this timetable knowing that every day they would for example not have any power between 08:00 and 10:00 in the morning.

“Mbombela has gone this route where the loadshedding is done directly by Eskom and the municipality is not involved in the planning or executing. It does seem like an avenue to explore,” said Thetwa. “We will have a sit down and look at all the possibilities discussed here and schedule a follow up meeting to discuss a way forward.”

At the time of going to print a new time and date for the follow up meeting had not been published. Bulletin was assured that the follow up meeting would be live streamed and we implore our readers to join us for that meeting to stay in the know and have their inputs tabled.

3 20 January 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
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Freedom Mthetwa

New Heads at Klofies Liam’s Voice echoes through Lushof

■ Jeff Jackson

As of the start of the new school year in 2023, Tzaneen welcomed the official opening of its first Montessori school located in Lushof just outside of town. The vision to open this school came about after Willem and Louina Oosthuizen decided to offer their only child a brighter future and thus, through the investment of local sponsors, the dedication by a literal army of friends and interested parents, Liam’s Voice Montessori became a reality. Young Liam was born with Down-syndrome.

Opening on Wednesday the 11th of January 2023 with 10 eager little students with anticipating teachers “Izzy” and Thandi to guide them along their new path.

Located on Plot 31 Lushof (no 14 Bosveld Lane), with an incredible view and a mere five minutes away from Tzaneen, the school is tranquil and accessible. Set on the same premises as “Calming Canters” known for its well established Equi-therapy centre run by Yolani Boersma. The horse assisted therapy in its basic form is part of the Liam’s Voice Montessori curriculum while more intensive lessons will be scheduled for extra-curriculum activities to those students who wish to participate.

“Order is one of the needs of life which, when satisfied, produces real happiness” – Maria Montessori. In your child’s journey of “becoming” the Montessori curriculum will nurture order, concentration and independence. Students are part of a close, caring community and will enjoy freedom within limits. They are supported in becoming active seekers of knowledge. Self-correction and self-assessment are integral parts of the Montessori classroom approach. The Montessori philosophy supports social-emotional skills through relationships, interactions and activities. Key areas of the curriculum include Practical Life Skills; Sensorial; Mathematics; Language and Cultural studies.

Liam’s Voice Montessori caters primarily to mainstream students in the 3-6 years age group, English

As the year commences, the school will review policy according to their growth and the needs of the community. For any further inquiries, parents are invited to contact Israel Pienaar, Directress, on 064 904 5640, Sarah Cornish on 061 536 2092 or via email on liamsvoicemontessori@gmail.com

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 4 20 January 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA
medium with Christian ethos with plans to appoint an Afrikaans-speaking tutor in the future. Duiwelskloof Primary School introduced their new head leaders for 2023. The Head Girl is Mia van Brouwershaven, and the Deputy Head Girl is Chanté Bester. Karabo Mahasha is the Head Boy and Christiaan Grobler the Deputy Head Boy. The school building Teacher Thandi with little Amelie van Wyk in her previous school. Directress Israel Pienaar taking in the completion of a dream.

Rainbows over Unicorns Educare greets first graders

Roelof de Jonge

It was officially back to school on Wednesday the 11th of January for the country’s inland learners.

Since then, the learners along with their teachers shook off the holiday dust and aside from attending school, eagerly participated in the first athletics events.

Various schools in the Tzaneen precinct welcomed a host of new grade one learners. Educare Primary School’s first grade teacher, Minette

Smith, along with the backing of class assistant Ntando Nkosi, welcomed 27 new learners over their threshold.

Dr Annecke Primary School in Letsitele received a total of 59 new grade ones while Duiwelskloof Primary School has 71 newbies. In total 50 grade ones started their primary school career at Unicorn Preparatory School. Tzaneen Primary School however received the most new learners with 180 grade one entries. In total 387 young pupils started their school careers at the start of 2023.

Unicorn Preparatory School in Tzaneen welcomed their new Grade 1 class at the start of the 2023 school year. After headmaster, Ian Houston, welcomed the new pupils they were led to their classes by Hendrika Beggs and Shelley Hoets.

Most of these new Grade Ones are used to a school environment since the inception of the Grade R pre-schooling system which eases them into the norm of uniforms, class times and recess.

Instead of having to comfort sad children, teachers Beggs and Hoets had them sat behind their desks ready to start learning before first break.

Unicorn’s theme for the new year is “Seek Excellence” and the new group of bright eyed first graders will be guided along this path by the caring staff at Unicorn to help them along their way to a sustainable future.

“Excellence is not an act, but rather what we repeatedly do, so that it eventually becomes a habit”, Houston said.

Nuwe Antjies reeds bedrywig

Die Laerskool Dr Annecke het altesaam 59 nuwe graad een leerders op die eerste dag van die eerste termyn vir hierdie jaar verwelkom. Dit het nie veel tyd geneem vir die nuwe generasie Antjies om hul voete te vind nie en was sommer op die eerste dag op skool al fluks aan die werskaf.

In die Engelse klas het altesaam 33 nuwe leerders hul opwagting gemaak en hulle sal deur Onica Hlungwani onderrig word. Die Afrikaanse-klas bestaan uit 26 nuwe leerlinge en hulle leerkrag is Liezl Venter.

Die Antjies het reeds ‘n voorsmakie gehad met die skool se atletiek-uitdunne hoe dit voel om in laerskool aan atletiek deel te neem. Dr Annecke se interhuis atletiekbyeenkoms vind vandag, Vrydag die 20ste Januarie, op die skool se terrein plaas.

5 20 January 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
■ Roelof de Jonge Rochè Rossouw Uthmaan Osman and Lesedi Mmola Elizabeth Maake


In the estate of the late IZAK SCHALK BURGER, identity number 4104095005084, Master’s reference number 009440/2022, married in community of property to MAGRIETA MARIA BURGER, identity number 4301300020086, and who was ordinarily resident at 48 Valencia Road, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 15th of August 2022.

All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof.

Joubert & May Attorneys. P O Box 35, Tzaneen. Ref.: A E Rech/ R16059


In the estate of the late NYATELA SALVAH MACHIMANE, identity number 2507010133082, Master’s reference number 009803/2022, widow, who was ordinarily resident at 971 Section A, Vongani Street,

Nkowankowa, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 16th of July 2022.

All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof.

Joubert & May Attorneys. P O Box 35, Tzaneen. Ref.: A E Rech/ R16046

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that application will be made for the surrender of estate for NEIL SWANEPOEL with ID 790729 5011 08 3, working as a Dispatch Manager, Divorced, with physical address Valley Farm, Portion 24, Taganashoek, Tzaneen, Limpopo in the High Court of South Africa, Limpopo Division, Polokwane on 16 February 2023 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicant may be heard. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Applicants’ statement of debtors’ affairs is available for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Polokwane and the Magistrate office, Tzaneen from 23 Janu-

ary 2023 for a period of 14 days.


Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T13965/1977, passed by ESTATE LATE JOHANNES JACOBUS MOSTERT (Estate Number: 8487/76) in favour of ANNA WILHELMINA MOSTERT (Identity Number: 160309 0054 081), in respect of certain ERF 175 DUIVELSKLOOF EXTENSION 1 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorpstreet, Polokwane Central within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice.

Applicant: ANNA WILHELMINA MOSTERT p/a Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: V2394 / J Jacobsz. Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen.

Smouskous | Classifieds

Legals & Notices

E-mail address: judy@ tslegal.co.za. Contact number: 015 307 1027


In the Estate of the late LUCAS CORNELIUS BRONKHORST, Identity Number: 470729 5556 084 who resided at 24 VAN VELDEN STREET, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO PROVINCE and died on the 24th of August 2021, Estate Number 10464/2021. Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notice STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC. Attorneys for the Executor. Lex Numeri, 32 Peace Street, P O Box 242,, TZANEEN, 0850



I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the Authorized Agent of the registered owner of Erf 790 Tzaneen Extension 10, hereby give notice in terms of Section 87 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, that we have applied for rezoning in terms of Sections 57 and 58 of the Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2017 from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”; the relaxation of dwelling unit density from “20 dwelling units/ha” to “30 dwelling units/ha”; and the removal of Title Conditions II(i)-(j) from the Title Deed as described in the Annexure in respect of Erf 790 Tzaneen Extension 10 situated at 9 Essenhout Street, Tzaneen. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 20 January 2023 (the date of the publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in re-

spect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Authorised Official at the above address or be delivered to Room 15, 15 Peace Street, Tzaneen on or before 21 February 2023, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) for the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations.

Contact person: Mr B Mathebula (015-307 8322).

Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: 015 307 3710




Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stadsen Streeksbeplanners, synde die Gemagtigde Agent van die eienaar van Erf 790 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 10, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 87 van Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017, dat ons aansoek het gedoen ingevolge Artikels 57 & 58 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit SPLUMA Verordening, 2017 vir hersonering van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 2”; die verslapping van digheid van “20 wooneenhede/ha” na “30 wooneenhede/ha” en en die verwydering van Titelvoorwaarde II(i)-(j) uit die Titelakte soos omskryf in die Bylae met betrekking tot Erf 790 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 10, geleë te Essenhoutstraat 9, Tzaneen. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir

‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 20 Januarie 2023 (die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 21 Februarie 2023 gerig word aan die Gemagtigde Amptenaar by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 15, Peacestraat 15, Tzaneen met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel.

Kontakpersoon: Mnr B Mathebula (015-307 8322).

Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: 015 307 3710

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Dawid lyk erg beswaard toe hy ateljee 13 binnestap. Die drie van ons se aandag verskuif eensklaps na sy aankoms.

Sonder om ‘n woord te sê en ons nuuskierigheid te bevredig, bestel hy ‘n koue een. Nie dat daar baie meer oor was in daardie stadium nie, aangesien Dawid heelwat laat was en ons drie maar intussen die lafenis moes gebruik om van die dag se stres te probeer vergeet.

Hoe harder ons probeer het, hoe makliker het ons vergeet...van alles...tot die hoeveelheid koues wat gebruik is. Nadat Dawid sy eerste keelstreel gebruik het, kon ons dit nie meer langer verdra nie...dis nou die frons op sy voorkop.

“Hier sit drie van jou beste vriende wat altyd gereed is om jou bekommernisse te deel, en jy sê nie ‘n woord nie”, begin Kommissaris.

“Ja, dis baie hartseer”, begin Dawid.

“My buurman, Trollie, se swembad het gister afgebrand”, en dit wil lyk of hy naby aan trane is.

Om drie vriende saam te hoor stik aan hulle sopies, is nie ‘n alledaagse gebeurtenis nie en boonop klink dit nes ‘n brandweerwa se brandslang wat oopgedraai word.

Dit is in oomblikke soos hierdie wanneer selfbeheersing en nugtere denke moet oorheers. Op daardie gegewe

oomblik was selfbeheersing makliker as nugter denke.

Dit is toe die selfbeheersing wat Weyers laat vra: “Hoe is dit moontlik?”

“Moenie my vra nie”, is al wat Dawid uitkry. “Ek was so geskok dat ek nie eers vir Trollie gevra het nie”

Daarom dat nie een van ons drie enige verdere vrae gevra het nie. Al wat Weyers toe opmerk is: “Hy was seker van sy naam af.” Toe lag Dawid vir die eerste keer met sy aankoms.

Kommissaris vertel toe, terwyl die atmosfeer effens ontspanne is, na Dawid se slegte nuus: “Dit laat my dink aan die ou wat sy vriende uitgenooi het om sy nuwe swembad te vier...toe daag vyf op. Hulle het dit so geniet om in die swembad in te duik dat hulle later besluit het om dit vol water te maak.”

Toe lag Dawid nog lekkerder. Soveel so dat dit nie meer saak gemaak het of die tweede koue wat hy bestel het, nog koud was nie. Weyers moes toe ook ‘n druppel in die swembad gooi.

“Ek het in ‘n stadium drie swembaddens gehad. Een was warm, een was koud en die derde was leeg...vir die ouens wat nie kon swem nie.”

Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat die koues al warmer geraak het.

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Die leerders van die Laerskool Tzaneen het Vrydag die 13de Januarie te midde van groot opgewondenheid aan die skool se eerste atletiekgeleentheid vir hierdie nuwejaar deelgeneem.

Vir die skool se graad 7-deelnemers het soveel moontlik aan die uitdunne deelgeneem aangesien dit hul laaste kans is om ooit weer aan ‘n laerskole atletiekgeleentheid deel te neem, wat menige van dié leerders nie deur die vingers wou laat glip nie.

Alhoewel dit slegs uitdunne was om talentvolle atlete te keur vir die huissportspanne, het almal al te gretig deelgeneem.

Van die ander leerders wie nie deelgeneem het nie, het

sonder om te skroom die personeel by die veld-items uitgehelp sowel as om kospakkies en koeldrank en koue water aan te dra. Van die ‘helpers’ sowel as van die personeel, seuns en mans inkluis, was in mini-rompies en allerlei versierings gekleë. Dit was bloot net om ekstra gees aan die geleetheid te verskaf.

Die atlete wie vir hul Interhuisspanne gekies is, gaan vandag (Vrydag 20 Januarie) aan die Larries se jaarlikse interhuis atletiekbyeenkoms deelneem.

Na afloop van hierdie byeenkoms sal atlete vir die skool se span aangewys word.

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Maryna Jacobsz, Minayha Moss en Linmari Duvenage het op die tre erliedjie van ouds, YMCA, se maat gees gevang. Rhulani Hosana Ruben de Wet Mari Bruwer Beronice Avontuur

Spor t

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Vrydag die 13de Januarie sy jaarlikse Interhuis Atletiekbyeenkoms gehou en sodoende hul voorste atlete vir hul skool se span geidentifiseer.

Die Vossie atlete het gewys dat die Desember vakansie nie hul fiksheid en stamina belemmer het nie en dat hul reg is om die nuwe jaar se atletiekseisoen aan te pak. Veral die skool se senior atlete, MeganLee Mans en Damian Bye, het nie op hulle laat wag om te skitter in die onderskeie items waaraan hulle deelgeneem het nie.

Mans sowel as Bye was uiteindelik vir hul prerstasies met veelvuldige toekennings beloon. Die Beste Meisies Veldatleet asook die Senior Victrix Ludorum is aan

Mans toegeken terwyl Christopher Jansen van Vuuren as die Beste Seuns Veldatleet aangewys is. Bye het die toekenning vir die Beste Seuns Baanatleet verwerf en het ook die Senior Victor Ludorum toekenning opgeraap. Chantelle Swardt het met die Beste Meisies Baanatleet toekenning weggestap.

Die Junior Victrix en Victor Ludorums was onderskeidelik deur Peggy Phakula en Kian Lotter verower.

Die Olifante-span wat deur die dirigente Shanique Matthysen, Nsuku Mathye en Dineo Letsoala aangevoer was, het luidkeels die Geesbeker verower.

Vossies slaggereed vir seisoen Groentjies sorg vir plaasvars rekords

Die Hoërskool Merensky het Donderdag die 12de Januarie hul skool se Interhuisbyeenkoms gehou. Die atlete van die vier atletiekhuise, Aqua, Ignus, Terra en Ventus, het mekaar behoorlik die stryd aangesê.

Dit was veral die skool se nuwelinge, die groentjies in graad 8, wie ywerig en in groot getalle aan die verskeie items deelgeneem het. Sowat 131 O/14 meisies het aan die gewigstoot meegeding en ‘n getal van 93 O/14 seuns het ondermeer aan die werpskyf-item hul slag gewys.

So tusen die swetterjoel O/14 atlete het Leandré de Lange en JP Botha met hul deelnames uitgeblink. De Lange het die Junior Victrix Ludorum ingepalm en Botha die Junior Victor Ludorum toekenning. Hul senior eweknieë, Klara Pretorius en Arno Haasbroek, was onderskeidelik met die Victrix en Victor Ludorums vir hul prestasies beloon.

Zoë Malherbe vir meisies O/19 het in die 3 000m ‘n nuwe tyd van 13:11.63 opgestel. Lané Kasselman, ook vir O/19 meisies, het met ‘n tyd van 01:19.45 die 400m hekkies-item verbeter. In die 100m vir meisies O/17 het Klara Pretorius met ‘n tyd van 12.83 sekondes hierdie item se rekord verbeter. Pretorius het nog twee verdere rekords

laat spat en gewys waarom sy een van die voorste aanspraakmakers vir die Senior Victrix Ludurom toekenning was.

In die 100m hekkies-item was haar wentyd vir die nuwe rekord ‘n blitsige 15.78 sekondes en het sy in die 400m hekkies wedloop ‘n wentyd 01:11.35 genael wat vir die nuwe rekord gesorg het.

In die driesprong-item vir seuns O/17 het

Carlo Moller se wenafstand van 11 meter ook vir ‘n nuwe rekord gesorg. Zila Kruger, die bekende plaaslike danser was die atleet om te klop in die gewigstoot vir meisies O/17 en haar afstand van 11,50m het haar ook met ‘n nuwe rekord beloon.

Leon de Lange het met sy wenlopie die nuwe rekord van 16,35 sekondes in die 110m hekkies vir seuns O/16 agter sy naam geskyf. In die 400m hekkies wedloop vir meisies O/16 was dit Sophia van Wyk wat haar teenstanders die hakskene gewys het. Sy het met dié wentyd van 1:11.35 die rekord verbeter. Arno Haasbroek wie die hoogspring-item vir seuns O/16 gewen het met sy hoogte van 1,77m, het in die proses ook die rekord na ‘n nuwe hoogte aangeskuif.

Thabane Ramalepe het daarin geslaag om met sy wentyd van 04:45.44 in die 1 500m wedloop

vir seuns O/15 die rekord te verbeter. Met die O/14 atlete wat vir die verskeie items in groot getalle deelgeneem het, was dit byna verseker dat ‘n rits rekords in die slag sou bly.

In die 90m hekkies-item vir meisies O/14 het Leandré de Lange met ‘n wentyd van 16,64 sekondes die nuwe rekord besorg. Sven Hedin het onderskeidelik in die 100m hekkies-item ‘n nuwe tyd van 16,54 sekondes opgestel en in die 300m hekkies wedloop het hy met sy tyd van 46,16 sekondes ook die rekord verbeter.

In die diskus-item vir seuns O/14 het Anrich Venter met ‘n afstand van 33,90m die nuwe rekord verseker.

JP Botha het in die spiesgooi-item vir seuns O/14 met ‘n afstand van 53,54m ook vir ‘n nuwe rekord gesorg.

Nkoka Mngoni
LIFTING EQUIPMENT SHORT COURSES: • Rough Terrain/Earthmoving /Agricultural • Forklift • Overhead Crane • Truck Mounted Crane Tel: 015 781 6280 Email: LMRegion@kbcsa.co.za Website: www.kbcsa.co.za Address: 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa
Darius Potgieter en Gideon Goosen JP Botha Zila Kruger

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