Personeel | Personnel

South Africans have been patient with the ANC-led Government since loadshedding occurred for the first time in 2007.
With many small to medium businesses in the country still carrying the effects of the ludicrous Covid-19 lockdowns, and electricity loadshedding at its worst ever, there is a storm brewing amongst honest tax paying South Africans.
This ongoing energy crisis is plunging the country even further down the dumps. And South Africans at long last are starting to take a stand against the South African State which is solely responsible for the mess at Eskom.
The Democratic Alliance, encouraged South Africans to take a stand with them against the corruption, the unaffordable electricity price hikes and the current energy crisis at Eskom.
On Wednesday, the 25th of January, the DA announced a National Day of Action and marched to the headquarters of the ANC at Luthuli House. According to the DA, Luthuli House is where
most of the corruption and cadre deployment within Eskom originated.
The provincial branch of the DA in Limpopo joined this National Day of Action and organised gatherings across the province to protest against the current energy situation. The gatherings were all held at the same time, 12:00 exactly.
DA members from Tzaneen, brandishing slogans on posters, gathered at the traffic intersection on the R71 road passing through Tzaneen. According to the DA, electricity blackouts are now the single biggest crisis that South Africa is facing in the history of this country’s democracy. The party said that the current energy crisis has a devastating effect on South Africa’s economy and is costing an estimated 4 billion rand a day.
The result of the ongoing crisis is that more people are left in poverty, it further rises the unemployment and crime rate, and it is driving away much needed international investment.
According to the DA, South Africans are spending from six to eight hours a day without electricity, and still the government wants its citizens to pay even more for a product they cannot provide. This after the parliament approved another 18% increase in tariffs.
To prevent this electricity price increase from occurring, the DA has instructed its lawyers to apply to the High Court to interdict its implementation. The DA wants the High Court to declare Nersa’s latest price increase as inconsistent with the Constitution, invalid and to be set aside.
It is morally wrong to expect South African families who spend on average a R1 000 a month on electricity, to pay an extra R330 over the next 16 months.
***Editor’s comment: Is a march enough? Is standing at the crossroads brandishing politically branded posters with catchy slogans enough? Is crying “foul!” enough? I don’t know. I don’t have the solution for this problem, and quite clearly neither do any of the politicians with their fat salaries and paid for overseas trips. What I do know, is that clearly there is no intent by any of the parties opposing the ruling ANC, to band together and ght for the citizens of this country. And the reason for this is because in the political realm it really is every man for himself. Where was the Freedom Front Plus, and the red jump suit brigade, or the IFP or any of the hundreds of smaller parties on Wednesday when the DA organized this march? Where were the average citizens in their numbers? It is easier to send out voice notes and sound clever over WhatsApp groups, than to actually get up o your backside and take a stand. This is not a political opportunity to be raped by any opposition party in order to gain more votes at the polls. This is supposed to be a nation fed up with being violated and enslaved, standing up to its oppressors and forcing them into submission. But this won’t happen as long as the politicians keep us divided and we accept it.
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za
Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za
It appears that the public outcries to stop illegal water tankers from looting the fire hydrants in their neighbourhoods, and the so-called agreements in place between the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and the group of private water tankers mean very little in the way of ending the problem. Even less help has been the project driven by the DA and the Freedom Front Plus to lock certain hydrants with special locking mechanisms which would prevent the water tanker crews from drawing water. The hydrants that were identified as “hotspots” were indeed fitted with these locking devices paid for by the public, but this has simply sent the water tanker crews looking for alternative points.
One such water drawing point is situated at Frederick Street where up to three tankers per hour are spotted drawing water for free, which they then transport to the outlying areas and resell at a price per litre. The hydrant in Frederik Street has been
damage beyond repair and a resident in that street reported seeing a GTM municipal vehicle linked to the parks department, parked in the shade near this hydrant watching as the truckrs draw water without lifting a finger to chase them away.
Bulletin has reported numerous times on this issue and the ludicrous idea the municipality has, that actually makes them believe they can control these water tanker operators. Quite clearly they either cannot enforce their own bylaws and policies, or they issue agreements and statements to lull the public into believing that they have the capacity to act in the welfare of the citizens.
An agreement was entered into which stated clearly that only registered water tankers may draw water from the hydrants and that these registered vendors would have to pay for the water the draw per kilolitre. This never happened and two years later the GTM decided to grant anyone a permit to draw and transport water.
The GTM and its toothless traffic department have issued numerous warnings to the water tanker op-
erators and their crews that they would be liable for a fine if they were caught drawing water at any fire hydrant other than the designated distribution point in Plantation Road in the old industrial area.
This has to our knowledge never happened and there is still no clarity on exactly how the GTM monitors the amount of water drawn to invoice these truckers. In fact, we still have yet to see and actual invoice, and accompanying proof of payment from anyone who has ever drawn water at a hydrant.
We also have no verification that the Traffic Department has ever issued a fine to any of these truckers.
Could this be because one of the owners of these illegal water tankers is in fact the head of the Traffic Department who the GTM has openly admitted draws water illegally from the municipal hydrants?
Bear in mind that this is the same Traffic Department that cannot prevent illegal street hawkers from setting up shop along the R71 provincial road and have yet to stop a single taxi from parking in a no-stopping zone.
If you have a prepaid electricity meter in your home or business premises, you could be in trouble. Around 70 million prepaid electricity meters around the world are set to stop accepting new tokens on the 24th of November 2024. This means that if the situation is not resolved before the deadline, every household or business that uses prepaid electricity, will literally be left in the dark.
To explain in layman’s terms; about seven million prepaid electricity meters in South Africa need to be reset before November 2024 because the system that generates the credit tokens (that really long 20 digit number you have to type into your meter), will run out of numbers at that time, and all existing meters will stop accepting new tokens.
South Africa’s metering standards industry body, Standard Transfer Specification Association (STSA) embarked on a campaign to inform all power utilities to upgrade their vending systems and visit each
meter in its region to clear its memory and change its meter key before the 2024 deadline.
Technically, the token identifier (TID) which is the 20-digit voucher number you punch into your meter, is calculated as the number of minutes which have elapsed since a defined base date of 1993 up to the date of creating the new token. This TID has a limited range and will run out on the 24th of November 2024. At this point, all existing prepaid meters will stop accepting any new generated tokens.
In order to prevent this from happening, each meter needs to be cleared of all stored TID’s and its cryptographic key (the meter’s software that reads the voucher numbers) must be changed.
Once this is done, the new range of TIDs will start from a new base date in 2014 and will only run out again in 2045.
In order to do this key change, each member needs to be physically visited either by employees of the municipality, or Eskom or whichever compa-
ny has installed your meter, or by the end-user.
This is not new information either, as the first roadshow by the STSA was held in Cape Town at the African Utility Week in May 2018. At that time, the various utilities and municipalities had a six-year window in which to action the necessary processes to circumvent the looming blackout.
In the Greater Tzaneen Municipality there are currently 3 034 installed electricity meters belonging to the municipality, which excludes the number of meters installed by Eskom and other private utilities.
When we sent our inquiries regarding this urgent matter to the municipality’s communication department, they were unaware of the issue. We have asked them to communicate their plan to prevent an area-wide blackout, so that we could inform our readers on the steps that need to be taken timeously. At the time of going to print however, we have not received any feedback on the matter.
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has not said another word regarding the fraudulent travel claims submitted by their own councillors following their R850 000 trip to a holiday resort in Mpumalanga in December.
Among the preposterous claims submitted was a claim for travel for a Porsche, submitted by a councillor who doesn’t even own a vehicle, and another councillor who claimed for travel expenses when said councillor did not travel in their own vehicle, but hitched a ride with a fellow councillor.
It has also been reported that all 136 councillors who attend the so-called strategic planning session at Forever Resorts Blyde, could submit claims for a “working away allowance” which is rumoured to be in the region of R200 per day. This is still not confirmed as we await any feedback from the GTM’s media liaison department.
These same councillors attended another very important meeting yesterday (Thursday) held at the old fire station on the premises of the GTM in Tzaneen. It is not certain what the meeting entailed, other than a notice the GTM posted over their social media platforms announcing the council meeting.
We would sincerely hope that the councillors at this
meeting, specifically the opposition party members, raise issues of importance that require urgent attention. We would hope that the opposition demand immediate disciplinary action be taken against all their colleagues (even their own) who were involved in the fraudulent travel claims, and demand an explanation as to why the Head of the Traffic Department has not been reprimanded for not declaring his interests in the water tanker business which the council was only made aware of after this newspaper reported on it.
In another development, it has come to our attention that several members of the management team, will vacate their positions this year after their contracts come to an end. They include William Molokome, Director at Engineering Services, Alec Nkuna who acted as Municipal Manager in the absence of a permanent appointee, and Mikateko Palesa Makhubela, the controversial Chief Financial Officer reportedly linked to the VBS bank debacle. We have also been informed that the follow up electricity meeting will be held on the 16th of February. “The next meeting will be on the 16th of February 2023, it’s the Energy Forum that will address the load shedding coupled with other electrical issues,” said Vutive Makubele, spokesperson for the GTM.
Two suspects were arrested at different locations in the Maake policing area for dealing in drugs and possession of suspected stolen properties respectively. The suspects were arrested during operation “Vala Konke” conducted on Friday, the 20th of January.
The Police received information about a suspect who was dealing in drugs from his residence at Sofaya village, Ga-Sekororo. The house was searched, and the police seized 134 packets of nyaope, 65 small packets of crystal meth, one medium sized crystal meth crystal, five packets of dagga and one plastic container of dagga seeds.
The suspect, aged 47, was immediately placed under arrest for possession and dealing in drugs.
In another operation a 37-year-old suspect was arrested at Tickeyline village after he was allegedly
found in possession of suspected stolen properties worth R49 000.
Five black Dell computer boxes, a Philips Led computer screen, a Packard Bell computer screen, an Led projector, an HP computer, a Corsair Delux computer, an Orion computer, three keyboards, one Power Kingdom battery, two side cutters, two hammers, two spanners, two screw drivers, four mouses, three computer cables, one mic, one cable, one crowbar and a Temperature tester (thermometer) were recovered and confiscated.
Preliminary probes conducted at the scene led the members to the physical address of the origin of the stolen properties where the owner made a positive identification of said stolen properties.
The two suspects appeared in the Maake Magistrate’s court on Monday, the 23rd of January on charges of possession of stolen property and possession and dealing in drugs.
The Police in Dennilton have launched a manhunt for three dangerous inmates who escaped whilst being transported from Groblersdal to Witbank Prison on the morning of Wednesday the 25th of January at approximately 11:00.
The three awaiting trial prisoners, Michael Masimula, Mahlatse Matebane and Lovemore Moshui aged between 20 and 40, appeared in Groblersdal magistrate court on Tuesday and were being transported to prison that following Wednesday along with three other prisoners, when they escaped next to Moutse Mall in the Dennilton policing area.
The escapees appeared on charges of murder, rape, armed robberies, cashin-transit heists and possession of unlicensed firearms and
The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo Lt Gen Thembi Hadebe, has ordered that the escapees be hunted down and brought back to where they belong. The circumstances surrounding their escape are still being investigated.
The suspects are considered extremely dangerous and the public is cautioned against approaching them, and must instead call the police. Anyone with information may contact Lt Col Richard Boshomane on 079 894 5501, crime stop number 08600 10111 or may send message via MySAPSApp. A case of escaping from lawful custody has been opened and investigations are continuing.
A severe thunderstorm on Friday the 20th of January caused a well-known landmark at the Masorini picnic site in the Kruger National Park, between Phalaborwa Gate and Letaba camp, to fall.
A huge knobthorn tree, home to many red headed bishops, red billed buffalo weavers and a variety of other birds, succumbed to the strong winds and heavy downpour.
The fallen tree partially obstructed the entrance to the picnic site. Elize Olivier of the Bushveld Region of the SANParks Honorary Rangers (SHR) saw the fallen tree over the weekend.
She was approached by Karien Keet, the SANParks’ Section Ranger for the Phalaborwa Gate region, for urgent assistance. Olivier alerted her fellow Honorary Rangers and by Sunday the 22nd of January a team, under the guidance of fellow SHR, Neville Gobey, started the clearing up process. By Monday, bearing many scrapes, cuts and pricks later, a group of the SANParks Honorary Rangers from the Bushveld Region had cleared the tree and removed all the debris.
This popular picnic site is now fully accessible again and no doubt the birds and other former inhabitants of the huge knobthorn have since found alternative accommodation.
There is little doubt that the matric class of 2022 bore the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent fallout.
The effect of disrupted schooling during their formative Grade 10 and 11 years cannot be underestimated. Research suggest that this year’s group could have been the hardest hit by the pandemic in relation to academic performance.
Not only did they face disruptions to their academic programme, but their social and emotional lives were also thrown into turmoil. This group of Stanfordians displayed enormous resilience, agility and determination in earning a set of Matric results that are remarkable.
A huge tribute goes to the incredibly committed staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that Stanford Lake’s pupils were equipped to tackle their matric exams confidently and well prepared. The hard work and dedication under extremely trying circumstances is hugely appreciated and is certainly recognised.
Stanford Lake College is proud to announce that 92% of its pupils achieved a Bachelor Degree pass, enabling them to pursue further study at tertiary institutions.
The class of 2022 achieved 103 A’s, with the Stanfordian Dux learner, Zoë Burman, achieving a remarkable total of nine A symbols. She obtained 100% for Mathematics and was placed in the top 1% in the country for Maths, English Home Language, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.
She was also placed on the Independent Examinations Board’s (IEB) ‘Outstanding Achievers’ list which recognises those students who came in the top 5% in six or more of their subjects plus a distinction in Life Orientation.
Rachel Thompson (English Home Language), Jack Tasker (Mathematics), Christian Krüger and Heidi Katzke (Maths Literacy) were also placed in the top 1% in various subjects.
Lulu Cooper and Rachel Thompson earned six distinctions each while Heidi Katzke, Koni Fobbe,
Jemma Henning, Jack Tasker, Micaela Wight and Anika Willemse all achieved five distinctions.
The Head Boy, Christian Krüger, and Head Girl, Tanatswa Murasiranwa, along with Asma Modan, Emmana Mohlaba and Cara Prinsloo, all earned four distinctions across their chosen subjects. Stanford Lake College congratulate all of its matrics for the outstanding marks they received.
“As a community, we are extremely proud of this group of young Stanfordians. I look forward to monitoring their progress as they close this chapter of their lives and open the next exciting one”, said Alan Redfern, the Headmaster of Stanford Lake College.
The 59 new Grade One learners from Dr Annecke Primary School have settled in well since the opening of schools on the 11th of January, and the beginning of their educational journey.
The Antjies’ newbies have had their first ever experience of primary schools athletics which was held on
Friday the 20th of January. And also what it felt like to sit on a pavilion with all the other school learners and seeing cheerleaders for the first time.
The Grade One English classes with teachers Onica Hlungwani and Liezl Venter consist of 33 new learners.
The Afrikaans Grade One classes with teachers Elize Hallat and Surika Knoetze have 26 new Grade One entries.
• 27 January
The Bohemian is hosting a Live Music Evening on 27 January 2023 from 18h00 at R250.00 per person. For more information contact 083 413 4980.
• 28 January
The Thriving in 2023 High Tea will be held on 28 January 2023 at Mina’s Farm Venue from 14h00. Tickets available at Quicket. For more information contact Reneilwe on 079 421 5111.
• 11 February
The Valentine’s Day Quiz Night & Dance will be held on 11 February 2023 at the Old Packhouse Distillery from 17h30 at R100.00 per person.
For more information contact 071 876 8969 or email opdgin@gmail.com
• 14 February
Blueberry Farm Cafe is hosting a Valentines Dinner on 14 February 2023 from 18h00 at R550.00 per person. For more information contact 083 366 8999.
• 14 February
Een van die mees onverklaarbare vrae wat ‘n mens kan vra, word deur Weyers gevra, nadat die regering ter sprake was.
“Hoe dom kan ‘n mens wees?”
Waarop Dawid antwoord: “So dom as wat jy wil wees. Vra ‘n dom vraag en jy kry ‘n dom antwoord.”
Dis toe Kommissaris se beurt met ‘n skewe glimlag: “Goed. Hier is die vraag...”
Hy word deur Weyers in die rede geval: “Nee man, ek gebruik dit by wyse van spreke.
“Hoekom op die wysie van Spreuke?” vra Dawid laggend.
Na die lekkerlagsessie sê Kommissaris: “Kom ons kyk bietjie na dom vrae”...en hy kyk vir Dawid.
Hy gaan verder: “‘n Ou wat ek ken moes ‘n trein haal na sy werk toe. Een oggend was hy laat en op die platform aangekom, was die trein al besig om te vertrek. Met die hoop dat hy nog die ysterwiele wat rol, kan inhaal, hardloop hy agter die bewegende trein aan.”
“Ongelukkig was al die deure reeds toe en hy maak dit toe nie. Uitasem kom hy aan die einde
van die platform met die geleentheid daarmee heen...en daar trek die trein. Ek het nog nie gehoor van ‘n treindrywer wat “reverse” vir ‘n passasier wat laat is nie.”
“Terwyl hy die agterkant van die trein beskou, kort van asem, staan ‘n vreemde kêrel nader en vra vir hom: “Het jy jou trein verpas?”
jy en
“Moeg en kwaad oorlat hy laat was, het hy nie lus vir verdere irritasies nie.”
Hy antwoord toe: “Nee. Ek het nie van hom gehou nie, toe jaag ek hom uit die platform uit!” Dawid vertel ‘n soortgelyke storie.
“Die gesin is besig om te trek en die meubels staan die oggend op die sypaadjie voor dit gelaai word. Die eienaar van die meubels hou ‘n ogie sodat daar nie van die meubels
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beskadig word nie. ‘n Buurman, met wie hy nie op goeie voet is nie, stap nader en vra: “Trek julle?”
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Kort van draad antwoord die eienaar: “Nee. Ek vat elke oggend my meubels vir ‘n spin”
van eienaar stap die skielik om
“Die einste eienaar se vrou het in ‘n stadium voor hulle trek, gaan inkopies doen en onder andere belang gestel in ‘n mat. Sy stap die matwinkel binne en sien die mooiste mat op die vloer lê. Sy buk vooroor om die mat te “voel”. Per ongeluk laat sy ‘n windjie en kom skielik regop om te sien of iemand dit dalk gehoor het.”
Toevallig staan die verkoopsman agter haar en om die situasie te red, vra sy vir hom: “Sê my, hoeveel kos hierdie mat?” Waarop hy antwoord; “Tannie, as jy ‘n windjie laat as jy aan hom voel...moet jy weet wat jy gaan doen as ek jou sê wat hy kos.”
The Valentine’s Cruise will be held on 14 February 2023 at Letaba Junction from 11h00 at R550.00 per couple. For more information contact 015 004 0873.
• 14 February
The Bohemian is hosting a Valentine’s Dinner on 14 February 2023 from 18h00 at R450.00 per person. For more information contact 083 413 4980.
Die Pioniers bedank die volgende persone: Suurlemoene van ‘n anonieme skenker. Henk Minnie vir die gereelde aflewering van Woolworths produkte. Thys Steynberg en die boere vir die weeklikse groente en vrugte.
My name is Elsina Molele. am looking for full or part time domestic or office work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 066 153 3985
Jobseeker Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant Number TG128/1982LB in favour of MASILO SAMSON
My name is Abram Mankgela. I am looking for full time domestic or office work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 066 538 4216
My name is Nsovo Khosa. I am looking for full time domestic gardening work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 071 109 8739
My name is Gloria Mankgela. I am looking for full or part time work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 072 176 4696
My name is Maria Senyolo. I am looking for full time domestic work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 060 792 4470
In the estate of the late IAN PETER SAUNDERSON, identity number 7310065331080, Master’s reference number 009804/2022, divorced, who was ordinarily resident at Haenertsburg, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 24th of May 2022. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof.
Joubert & May Attorneys, P O Box 35, Tzaneen.
Ref.: A E Rech/R16004
Held by Deed of Transfer
Number TG128/1982LB.
Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice.
E-mail: Deeds2@ coetzeevdmerwe.co.za
Tel: 015 781 1365
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number
TEBELE Identity Number:
3712210220080 in respect of certain ERF 1487 SITUATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NAM-
AKGALE-A REGISTRATION DIVISON L.U., LIMPOPO PROVINCE. Measuring 465 (FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE) SQUARE METRES. Held by Deed of Transfer Number TG707/1992 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Applicant
So dom as wat mensdom kan wees
Studies, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematical Literacy Afrikaans First Additional Language, Business Studies, Life Orientation, Mathematical Literacy,
Business Studies, English Home Language, Geography, Mathematics, Physical Sciences
First Additional Language, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation,
Visual Arts Life Sciences Asma Modan 4
First Additional Language, English Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Visual Arts
First Additional Language, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Visual Arts
Language, Business Studies, Life Orientation, Mathematical Literacy
Die Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord, ook alom in die Limpopo kontrei bekend as die Rooiskool, het nie net vanjaar die nuwe Graad Een leerders verwelkom nie. Altesaam drie nuwe leerkragte
was in die Rooi Skool-familie welkom geheet. Die nuwe onderwysers is Andie Condogiannis, Henkus Steenkamp en Simoné Steenkamp.
Roelof de Jonge
With most Primary Schools Interhouse Athletics meetings done and dusted, the best of the best athletes from these schools were chosen for their respective teams to compete in the Cluster Athletics meet held
It is a very close affair in the Limpopo Impala’s Premier League championship with a mere point separating the two top teams, Nkowankowa and Tzaneen’s BB Motors Hornbills Cricket Clubs. This after both teams competed in 11 matches so far since the start of the 2022/23 season.
On Sunday the 11th of January, Nkowankowa visited the team of BB Motors Phoenix Cricket Club in Modjadjiskloof for the next encounter. The visitors did not arrive for a friendly cup of tea, and it was especially the bowling attack from Nkowankowa that helped them secure a win of 52 runs along with a much needed bo-
nus point.
Nkowankowa won the toss and elected to bat first. Their batsmen battled on to reach 117 runs, all out after 23 of the allotted 50 overs. Don Radebe was the team’s top scorer and contributed 36 runs from the 34 deliveries he faced.
In reply, the Phoenix batsmen were bundled all out for 65 runs after just 21,2 overs. The visitors’ stalwart, Radebe, proved once again to be a thorny issue for the hosts as he took six wickets for a mere 13 runs, which included a hattrick too. He was well supported by Atwell Mokgoloboto who took three wickets for 11 runs. This was also the second time Radebe claimed five and more wickets in this 2022/23 season.
on Wednesday, the 25th of January. Teams from Unicorn Preparatory, Tzaneen Primary and Unity amongst others took part in this event held at Tzaneen Primary school.
After the cluster meetings the athletes who qualified to progress further will keep preparing for the upcoming Limpopo circuit meetings.
■ Roelof de Jonge
‘n Aantal laerskole het Vrydag hul jaarlikse Interhuis Atletiekbyeenkomste oftwel Huissport gehou. Die leerders en personeel van Laerskool Duiwelskloof het met groot geesdrif hul Interhuis-geleentheid gehou.
Dit was uiteindelik Karabo Mahasha wie die Senior Victor Ludorum verower het met sy uitstekende prestasies. Die toekenning vir die Senior Vixtrix Ludorum Atleet was deur Leila van Wyngaardt ingepalm.
Die Junior Victor en Victrix Ludorum toekennings was onderskeidelik aan Palesa Maenetja en Makhari Selowa oorhandig. Die ondersteuners vanuit die Bosbok-
ke, Springbokke en Rooibokke se spanne het luidrugtig hul onderskeie atlete op die baan en veld aangemoedig.
Die Bosbokke met 284 punte, volgens die beoordeelaars, was die voorste span en het welverdiend die Geesbeker gewen.
In die tweedeplek was die Springbokke met 256 punte en die Rooibokke met 240 punte, is van voornemens om volgende keer op hul derdeplek te verbeter.
■ Roelof de Jonge
Wolkberg Akademie se leerders en personeel het Vrydag die 20ste Janaurie op die atletiekterrein van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster hul jaarlikse Interhuis Atletiekbyeenkoms gehou. Dit was weereens die spanne van die Berghane en die Kroonarende wat die stryd gevoer het.
Hierdie geleentheid was gedurende die middag en vroeë aand beslis. Die skool se afrigters het na afloop van die byeenkoms ook ‘n uitstekende aanduiding gekry van vanjaar se atletiektalent wat hul kan ontgin.
Volgens Annie Schoeman, een van die onderwysers by Wolkberg Akademie, het die byeenkoms alle verwagtinge oortref.
“Daar was altesaam 84 items op die program, en ons is verblydend om te kan sê dat ons atlete 26 nuwe rekords opgestel het.”
Die voorste senior meisies-atleet was Dunay Vorster, en sy was die wenner van die Senior Victrix Ludorum. Hugo Hough se verrigting het aan hom die Senior Victor Ludorum toekenning besorg.
Aldré Vorster en Abigail Snyman het onderskeidelik die Ju-nior Victor en Victrix Ludorums toekennings verower. Al vier hierdie atlete is met welverdiende geskenkbewyse vir hul uitmuntende vertonings beloon.
Die Rooi- en die Groenspanne van Laerskool Dr Annecke het Vrydag die 20ste Januarie tydens die skool se jaarlikse Interhuis Atletiekbyeemkoms mekaar die stryd aangesê, luidkeels en kleurvol op die pawiljoene asook op die atletiekveld en baan.
Die dirigente van beide spanne het kort na die ampetelike opening van die geleentheid, hul intree vertoning gelewer waarna die langasem-atlete van die 1 200m item aangetree het.
Synde die hitte reeds vroeg fel aan die broei was, en die sonbesies reeds lustig begin het met hul knaende ‘gesingery’, (die natuur se voorspelling dat die kwik nog hoër gaan styg soos die horlosie gaan aanstap) het die organiseerders vroeër reeds besluit om die langafstande eerste op die program te sit. Wat natuurlik voorkom het dat atlete moontlik aan hitte-uitputting ly.
Dit was egter die Senior Victor en Victrix Ludorum
wenners wie die kollig helder op hul laat skyn het. Die twee atlete, Dawid van der Bergh en Lia Coetzee, het uitstekend presteer en het ook ‘n rits ander toekennings by hul Ludorum-pryse gevoeg.
Van der Bergh het ook die silware vir die Beste Veldatleeet, Beste Baanatleet asook vir die Veelsydigste Atleet vir seunsdeelnemers opgeraap. Coetzee het verder met die Beste Baanatleet, Beste Hekkies Atleet en met die titel as die Veelsydigste Meisies Atleet weggestap.
Die Beste Seuns Middelafstand Atleet was De Nys Gubitz en vir meisiesatlete was dit Ntokoto Mukhari wie vanjaar met die toekenning gespog het. Die beker vir die Beste Meisies Veldatleet was deur Zinhle Baloyi verower.
Die titel vir die Beste Seuns Hekkies Atleet het aan Ndzetelo Makhubele behoort. Die Junior Victor en Victrix Ludorum toekennings was onderskeidelik deur Nyikoyanga Mhlongo en Heila Eastman verower.
Local athletes have not let the grass grow beneath their soles as they took to the track and field items in primary schools athletics across Limpopo. This was the case too, at Tzaneen Primary where the annual interhouse athletics meeting took place on Friday afternoon.
The purpose of this meeting was to select the athletes who would comprise the school’s team to compete in the circuit against other schools in the area. These athletes will likely catch the eyes of selectors and rake up enough Athletics South Africa (ASA) points to earn them a spot in the provincial teams.
Three houses, the Springboks, Kudus and the Impalas (Rooibokke) faced off on the blisteringly hot bushveld day whilst those unable to compete on the track or the field were tasked with vying for the much sought after Cheer trophy.
At its conclusion, the day delivered some fantastic performances by the young athletes and eventually saw the Springboks take the win with a total of 490 points. The Kudus came in second on 415 points with the Impalas (Rooibokke) taking third spot with 372 points.
Individually, Ilé Fourie scored the most ASA points in the Junior Girls division with Kia Shipalana scoring highest in the Senior Girls category. Mantju Molesela was the highest scoring Junior Boy whilst Humble Manzini took the lead in the Senior Boys division. Both these boys
earned the Junior and Senior Victor Ludorum trophies respectively.
Inge Janse van Vuuren hoisted the Junior Victrix Ludorum ahigh whilst Kia Shipalana was named Senior Victrix Ludorum.
Leah Fourie improved the 60m for Girls U/8 sprint record (11,81) when she crossed the line in 11,53 seconds. Frost Kgopotso mirrored this feat a few moments later when he bettered the current 11,65 seconds and crossed the line in 11.56 seconds. In the field events Neli Mvelasi set a new high jump record for the Girls u/10 item when she jumped a height of 1,07m, improving on the 1,04m previously set.
Humble Manzini’s time of 12,65 for the Boys U/13 80m hurdles event was good enough to beat the exiting record of 12,90 and placed him squarely in the record books.