Phalaborwa rate payers will have to make do with only 20% of their normal water supply as of Monday the 21st of March. And it is not their fault.
Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) announced earlier this month that the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality (Phalaborwa) will only receive 20% of its normal water supply as from 21 March due to outstanding debt.
The outstanding debt to LNW is not owed to them by the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, nor the residents and ratepayers, but shockingly by the Mopani District Municipality. The District Municipality is responsible for paying LNW’s water bill from the money they receive from the Phalaborwa Municipality who in turn collects the money from its residents.
Not surprisingly, the ANC controls both the Phalaborwa and the District Municipalities.
LNW indicated in their notice that the restriction on the water supply will only be lifted once the outstanding debt was settled or a repayment agreement was reached. According to a letter by the Director-General of the Department of Water and Sanitation, Sean Phillips, the Mopani District Municipality owed LNW R257 million on the 31st of January 2023.
The DA said in a statement that according to Phillips, the District Municipality is not paying off any new or old debt, nor is it honouring its repayment agreement. This is not the first time that Phalaborwa residents are being punished with water cuts due to the Mopani District Municipality’s non-payment of its water bill.
In May last year, residents also protested when Phalaborwa’s water supply was reduced to 20% as well. The water supply was restored after Mopani had settled a portion of its water debt.
“The FF Plus expressed its concern about the situation in an official letter to Ba-Phalaborwa’s acting municipal manager, Dr Kgoshi Lucas Pilusa, and demanded urgent intervention. The party also wants to know whether the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality is paying residents’ payments for water to Mopani, and how much the Municipality owes Mopani for water.”
Loyal taxpayers are being punished for the ANC’s maladministration of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality and Mopani District Municipality.
“The ANC has destroyed the once prosperous Phalaborwa by playing political games and redeploying incompetent cadres from Ba-Phalaborwa in the District Municipality. Residents deserve better than the ANC,” said the DA’s Jana Pullen.
■ Joe DreyerEugene Mulder (19) is Maandag, die 20ste Maart in die landdroshof op Phalaborwa borgtog van R5 000 toegestaan. Mulder word van die moord op Hannes van Dyk (59) aangekla en sal na verwagting weer op die 8ste Mei vanjaar weer in die hof verskyn.
Volgens berigte het Mulder en van Dyk in die vroeë oggendure van Saterdag die 11de Maart in ‘n onderonsie by ‘n gewilde nagklub, Royal Bliss, betrokke geraak waartydens Mulder blykbaar vir van Dyk met ‘n vuishou op die mond bygekom het. Van Dyk het na bewering in mekaar gesak en die polisie is ontbied. Met hulle aankoms op die toneel het die polisie vir van Dyk bewusteloos op die grond aangetref en die nooddienste ontbied. Hy is later, volgens die polisieverslag, in die hospitaal aan sy beserings dood.
Die oorsaak van sy dood is steeds nie bekend nie en na afloop van ‘n nadoodse ondersoek sal hierdie inligting aan die hof bekend gemaak word.
Die polisie op Phalaborwa het ook bevestig dat hulle ondersoek voort duur end at hulle die gerugte van ‘n bende jongmans wat ouer mans by kuierplekke teiken, ook ondersoek. Teen druktyd is daar geen verdere inligting bekend gemaak nie.
‘n Roudiens vir die ontslape sakeman is Vrydag, die 17de Maart, uit die NG Kerk op Phalaborwa gehou.
Bell Equipment’s Tzaneen branch was a hive of activity this week at their Open Day held on Thursday, the 23rd of March.
The purpose of the event was to provide clients and invited guests a perfect opportunity to view its product range as well as Bell Equipment’s facilities and service offerings.
Bell Equipment, a proudly South African company with a substantial global footprint is also in partnership with top end brands JCB Construction, Kobelco Mining and Construction as well as Finlay Crushing and Screening to sell and distribute these company’s products.
Charl Coertse, Tzaneen’s sales representative and his friendly colleagues were first to welcome the guests at 1 Mangaan Street in the New Industrial Area.
“We are truly excited to welcome our clients and new prospective customers at our premises, not only to showcase our latest product range, but what kind of services we can offer them as well,” said Coertse. “Bell Equipment has branches in each of South Africa’s provinces, with Tzaneen being the preferred choice for Limpopo, because it is more central. There are however technicians who are permanently located in other locations like Polokwane.”
Apart from the wide product range that Bell Equipment’s sales team has on offer, the Tzaneen branch also has a fully equipped workshop with a team of technicians.
Also on site is a well-run parts division that has about every part in stock, and if not in available, can be ordered to be delivered as soon as the next day, as promised by its Parts Department team and Supervisor, Ruan Bester.
For more information about Bell Equipment’s full line of products and service offerings, contact the Tzaneen Branch at 015 307 1129.
The long-awaited launch of Volkswagen’s new Amarok into the ultra-competitive South African bakkie market took place at the beginning of March this year. An Amarok, or Amaroq, is a gigantic wolf in Inuit religion, said to stalk and devour any person foolish enough to hunt alone at night.
Finally, local Amarok enthusiasts who have only seen photos doing the rounds until now, had the opportunity to meet the latest rendition set to take on the ever expanding bakkie-market.
On Saturday morning the 18th of March the staff from Lannie Motors welcomed guests and clients to the introduction of the new and exciting Amarok in Tzaneen
The outgoing Amarok model was launched in November 2010 and has since sold 41 422 units in the local market and close to a million globally. That the Amarok is a popular choice of Bakkie is not disputable.
VW, with its new design second generation Amarok is certainly going to cause a stir amongst the local bakkie market. The Germans have succeeded in retaining the classic form of the Amarok, now more aerodynamically streamlined and much more superior when it comes to engine power, technology, safety, security, space and comfort.
From the bottom of the range model to the top model in the series, the Amarok Aventura with a powerful 3.0 litre V6 turbo diesel engine offering 184kW of power and a sturdy 600Nm of torque, will encourage potential buyers to take serious note.
Another superb function of the Aventura model is the fully automatic security lid for the loading bay that slides open and close with the push of a button.
Instead of Bulletin telling you about all the futuristic advances in the all-new Amarok and all the bells and whistles that are included in each of the different models, rather visit Lannie Motors in Tzaneen today where dealer principal Paul
du Toit (Senior) and his staff are eager to show you.
Contact Lannie Motors today on 015 307 5016 or the New Vehicles Sales Manager, Iwan van der Merwe on 082 465 8382 or email him at newcars@lanniemotors.co.za
They say that the highest form of flattery is when your competition copies you. Well, I am truly flattered. Bulletin was the very first independent locally owned and managed newspaper to take the giant leap of faith and move over to a completely digital and online publication. At the start of the lockdowns in March 2020 all presses across the board came to a grinding halt and deliveries to and from these presses became a logistical nightmare. Financially, Bulletin would not have survived were we to have remained completely reliant on ad sales. Ad sales which also came to an ear-piercing halt as our clients were forced to shut down their business operations.
Being an independent newspaper, we do not have the advantage of being backed by a large corporate machine like our colleagues at the Letaba Herald who are owned by Caxton, one of the largest corporate media houses in the world.
We adjusted our strategy and took our paper online through a digital version of the Bulletin weekly which we distributed to our readers over WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook. Accompanying this new medium was the series “The Daily Drive with Joe” which became an instant hit and saw us garnering roughly 2,5 million video views per month, every month.
As the lockdown ended we expected the interest in the digital paper to subside as well. But it did not, and in fact the demand continued to grow to a point where we shifted to digital completely at the start of March this year.
You are reading this piece on a truly revolutionary platform, the very first of its kind in South Africa. This Bulletin is completely interactive (click on one of the adverts and you will see you are directed to the advertiser’s Facebook page or website) and in the weeks to come we will be introducing more and more elements to this platform which will keep you truly informed and entertained no matter where you find yourself in the world. If you have network reception, you will receive your Bulletin. We have also grown our Facebook following and as that platform announced their new integrated subscriber function earlier this year, we jumped on that opportunity as well. We can now offer our subscribers exclusive content only visible to them and not the regular Facebook users, so head over to Facebook and join the cool kids in the VIP section. Simply click the subscribe button and you will be asked how you would like your membership to be deducted. Most people choose the cellphone data option. We just recently moved onto Tiktok as well, and we hope that you will find us there for some light hearted banter about the topics of the day that affect your quality of life. Cheers to all our loyal supporters, thank you and we look forward to blowing you away as the weeks progress.
Om met hoenders te boer is nie perdekoop nie, want ‘n hoender en ‘n perd lyk nie dieselfde nie. En is ook nie kinderspeletjies nie, want kinders is bang vir hane, ook niemand se maat nie. Want ‘n maat is iemand besonders en vir ‘n hoender voel jy eintlik vere.
Dis ook nie vir sissies nie, want as jy in die hoenderhok rondbeweeg, voel dit asof jou skoensole al dikker word. Dit laat my dink aan wyle vriend Daan se vertolking van die bekende lied, Boereplaas.
Die lirieke is soos volg:
O Boereplaas, geboortegrond, net waar jy kyk, lê hoenderstro...ooi want ‘n hoender hou van skrop.
Om vir hoenders name te gee, is ook nie raadsaam nie, aangesien ‘n hoender gou misbruik kan maak van sy omgewing. Dit was die fout wat ek en vroulief gemaak het.
Daar was Antjie, die rooibruin hen, wat ook in ‘n ou Afrikaanse liedjie gevestig is. Dan was die een haan Rooies, Blackie die ander en Jana en Spikkels....nog twee henne.
Spikkels het dieselfde kolle soos ‘n luiperd gehad. Wanneer hulle langs mekaar gestaan het, kon jy maklik sien watter een die hoender en watter een die luiperd was...die luiperd se tande was groter as die hoender s’n.
So raak mens geheg aan die geveerde ‘volkie’. Op ‘n dag kom ons agter dat Spikkels hinke pink loop. By nadere ondersoek
sien ons dat een van die tone aan die een poot ‘n sny opgtedoen het.
Dadelik word die noodhulpkissie nader getrek en met ‘n pyndodende salf en pleister word die skade herstel in ‘n vertrek wat van alle kieme en bakterieë gereinig is. SPIKKELS WAS GESOND!
Na ‘n dag of wat kom ons agter dat Spikkels ons agtervolg, waar ons ookal gaan. Dit was duidelik ‘n teken van dankbaarheid vir die behandeling van die toon. Die groep hoenders sal die plaas vol wandel, maar Spikkels sal by my en vroulief staan.
Op ‘n Sondag, nadat Ma en ek lankal uit die Sondagmiddagkoffieklub bedank het, sal Spikkels haar tyd saam met ons spandeer.
Jana was die stompsterthen en vroulief was besonder gaande oor haar. Sy wou net vir Jana vashou. ‘n Plan is gemaak en ons vang toe vir Jana. Vroulief het haar ‘n wyle gesit en streel en toe laat gaan. Tot ons verbasing kom Jana die volgende dag na vroulief toe, waar sy sit, en spring op haar skoot. Nie n bangveer op haar kop nie.
Om ons almal weer na die werklikheid te laat terugkeer, sê Weyers, terwyl hy na die leë glas voor hom staar: “Ja nee, ‘n halwe eier is beslis beter as ‘n leë dop, want ‘n leë dop is soos ‘n haan sonder skop!”
■ Ben TheunissenCopper waterpipes and cables have become the focus of a gang of thieves targeting the controversial Eden Gardens residential estate in Tzaneen. For the past few weeks the homeowners were waking up in the early hours of the morning to dogs barking, neighbours screaming and tyres screeching as the gang fled the scene.
On Wednesday morning one of the homewowners awoke to the sound of a vehicle dragging a heavy length of municipal power cable through the streets of the complex. It appeared to witnesses that the gang of four white males and one female were stealing the power cable that supplies municipal power to their estate.
“They had tied the cable to the back of their Citi Golf and they were busy dragging this cable out of the complex to wherever they would spend the rest of the day stripping it for the copper inside to be sold to whichever unscrupulous scrap metals dealer they have contact with,” said one of the homeowners. “Because of this we are now sitting without power and obviously without water too considering that the pumps now have no power either.”
Earlier this week the same gang broke into one of the homes whilst the owners were not home, and completely cleaned out the property, taking with them even the stove and other appliances.
“This is ridiculous because when we bought this stand, it was sold to us as a secure estate and we were told by the developer that once all the stands were sold he would erect a boundary wall. All the stands were sold and we are still waiting for the promised fence but in the meantime
we are soft targets being exploited literally every night.”
The homeowner said that a few nights in the previous week their estate had power outages that were not because of loadshedding, and the GTM would visit the site and repair the fault.
“We believe that these frequent outages were as a result of the gang attempting to steal the cable, but failing, and then trying again the following evening. This time they succeeded on Wednesday.”
Earlier in the week the DA Ward Councillor for the area in which the Eden Garden Estates is nestled, Chrizelle Dreyer, contacted the head of the GTM’s electrical department, Freedom Mthetwa, in an attempt to highlight the possibility that one of the main cables supplying power to the estate was lying above ground in the open, and was at risk of being stolen.
Bulletin has in the past reported on the Eden Garden scandal (read those articles here https://farnorthbulletin.co.za/2021/06/20/we-cant-move-into-our-homes/ ).
In summary, the developer at Eden Garden sold package deals at R860 000 plus to the potential buyers, with the promise of a secure estate. Once the buyers started moving into their homes, they noticed that they had no basic amenities and also needed to obtain their own occupancy certificates.
The trouble has since escalated and reached a level where the developer has moved out of his own home within the estate and has allegedly told residents that he cannot build a wall as he has no money.
More on this ongoing story in future publications.
The St Patrick’s Day Festival will be held on 25 March 2023 at Blueberry Heights from 09:00 until 18:00.
Tickets available at Quicket
For more information contact 079 845 0707 or email magoebasmarket@gmail.com
The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (April - September) from 08:00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill. Visit www.parkrun.co.za
For more information email tzaneen@parkrun.com
Shirley Joubert, die alom bekende ‘ma’ van die wêreldberoemde mak seekoei koei, Jessica, net buite Hoedspruit is Sondagaand die 19de Maart in haar slaap oorlede. Shirley se man, Tonie Joubert het aan die media gesê dat Jessica op dieselfde aand ook van haar twee-dae oue kalfie moes afskeid neem.
Shirley was 56-jaar oud teen tye van haar afsterwe en sy het oor die afgelope twee dekades die rol van ‘n ma in Jessica se lewe ingeneem.
Shirley is aan natuurlike oorsake oorlede, vermoedelik na ‘n siekbed, maar die presiese oorsaak van haar dood is nie bekend gemaak nie.
Die egpaar het veral roem verwerf na hulle Jessica as ‘n dag oue kalfie gered, versorg en groot gemaak het. Jessica het van haar ma tydens die 2000 vloede geskei geraak en is hoofsaaklik saam met die vloedwater weggespoel.
Die vloede het veral Mosambiek, Zimbabwe en die noordelike provinsies van Suid-Afrika, Limpopo en dele van Mpumalanga, geteister. Op die einde het die uitgeputte en geskokte kalfie op die oewers van die Blyderivier uitgespoel. Reg op die voorstoep van die Joubert egpaar se woning.
Dit was op daardie dag, die 11de Maart in 2000, dat Shirley ‘n hengse geraas tussen die gras gehoor het op hul grasperk wat tot by die oewer van die rivier gestrek het. Soos wat sy die omgewing
stip dop gehou het van waar sy die geraas gehoor vandaan kom, het Shirley gesien daar is iets wat die gras laat beweeg.
Sy en manlief het na die oewer gegaan om vas te stel wat die oorsaak van die geraas is. Groot tot hulle verbasing het ‘n baba seekoeikalf, wat toe uiteindelik as Jessica gedoop was, haar verskyning gemaak.
Die Joubert egpaar het nader aan die kalfie beweeg en gou besef sy is hopeloos te swak, getraumautiseerd en uitgeput om eens op haar eie pote te kon staan en dat sy dringend hulp benodig.
Tonie het haar opgetel en na hulle huis toe gedra waar sy al die nodige hulp ontvang het om te kon oorleef. Gelukkig het Tonie geweet wat om te doen aangesien hy ‘n voormalige wildbewaarder was en kon hulle daarin slaag om die seekoeikalf te red.
Nodeloos om te sê, danksy Shirley en Tonie het Jessica ‘n wonderlike tuiste gevind waar daar vir haar omgegee word en tot in die tone bederf word. Sy het selfs met die Jouberts se honde maats geraak en baie tyd saam gespandeer, selfs saam geslaap op die voorstoep, nogal onder ‘n kombers, vyfster styl.
Dis nie net Tonie en die familie en vriende wat Shirley oneindig gaan mis nie, maar sy gaan beslis ook ‘n groot leemte in Jessica se lewe laat, veral toe hulle saam in die rivier geswem het.
solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065
Stay Home & Make Money Online. No Get Rich Quick Sheme. WhatsApp 0764519200
The Galaxy Bingo Wolfpack 4 in 1 will be held on 15 April 2023 at Merensky High School from 05:30
Enter online
For more information contact Tracey van den Dool on 083 968 0902 or email tracey@ warriors.co.za
Joe Niemand is performing on 15 April 2023 at The King’s Court Christian School from 18:00.
Tickets available at Quicket
For more information contact 082 934 8562 or email admin@ tkcschool.co.za
Die EG Kerk Tzaneen bied ‘n Visvang Kompetisie aan op 22 April 2023 by die Piesangdam Letaba Landgoed vanaf 05h00 tot 16:00 teen R100.00 vir 2 hengelaars. Vir meer inligting skakel Thys Steynberg by 076 410 9503.
My name is Ruel Ramaila. I am looking for a position in Agricultural science. I have a diploma in Agricultural Science. I have experience in Microsoft Word and Excell and experience in fruit, vegetables and Agronomic crops. Form management, nursery, packhouse or logistics administrator. Contact me on 078 436 9953
House Keeping/Cook
My name is Tinny Mokgalabone. I am looking for full time house keeping and cooking work. I can start immediately. I have references. Contact me on 072 467 5362
My name is Gloria Mankgela. I am looking for full or part time work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 072 176 46
My name is Rodney Maake. I am looking for full time driving, security or assistant work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 079 865 9740 or 083 926 1166
My name is Solomo Sitoe. I am looking for full or part time security work. I can start immediately. Contact 076
A young elephant bull was killed on the Ribbervale road near Gravelotte sometime in the early evening on Wednesday the 22nd of March. According to witnesses at the scene a bakkie was travelling toward Gravelotte when it struck the animal which was crossing the road. The driver of the bakkie and a passenger sustained minor injuries, the vehicle was a complete write off and the animal was killed by the impact.
“It is not clear whether the driver was speeding at the time of the accident, but elephants are notoriously difficult to see at night,” said an emergency services member. “I have had near misses with these guys so many times at night that I have lost count. Those big bodies are impossible to spot after dark.”
At the time of going to print it was not made clear how the animal’s carcass was disposed of, but authorities cleared the scene soon after the accident.
Vrydag 24 Maart
Aankoms 15:00
Parkering vir Busse: Agathastraat
Mnr Philip de Villiers
Aandete: 16:30 Koshuiseetsaal:
Mnr Jacob Ngwenya
Opening van Rugbyweek: 18:10 : Mnr Jan van Staden
Ben Vorster Buffels vs Hoërskool Hans Strijdom: 18:30
Slaap by High Grove Lodge (Oorkant Vyfster Koshuis)
Afrigtersfunksie: (Ben Vorster-Voerkraal): 20:00
On Friday the 17th March, the Class of 2023 at Stanford Lake College attended their Mafia themed Matric Dance. After their stylish arrivals, the class of 53 pupils enjoyed an evening of delicious food, fun and dancing.
There were some stunning entrances and every last one of the matriculants stole the limelight in their most glamorous designer outfits. Contrary to popular tradition, the matriculants all left the venue by 21:00 that evening.
Stanford Lake College has always hosted its matric dance in the first quarter of the year. This way, the pupils can knuckle down and get back to the books in preparation for their prelim exams in September and finals in November. It does appear to be the winning recipe that has afforded Stanford Lake College exceptionally high results.
More photographs of the matric dance can be viewed on Stanford Lake College’s website and
Laerskool Tzaneen kon die afgelope naweek, 17 en 18 Maart, vir die eerste keer ‘n volwaardige Premier Rugby en Netbal Toernooi vir O/9- en O/10 rugbyspanne hou. Die netbal het alle ouderdomme (O/9 tot O/13) gespeel.
Volgens dié skool se bemarkingsbestuurder en woordvoerder, Ula Schoeman, het die aanbied van hierdie toernooi reeds in 2018 begin wending neem en die beplanning was om dit vanaf 2020 aan te bied.
“Die Covid-19 pandemie het gevolglik ons planne om die toernooi vir 2020 en 2021 aan te bied, in die wiele gery. Verlede jaar, 2022, het ons reggestaan om skole hier te verwelkom, maar die keer het swaar reën neerslae ons gekniehalter en moes aantal van die wedstryde kanselleer.”
Hierdie jaar het niks egter in die Larries se pad gestaan nie en kon tientalle rugby- en netbalspelers hier verwelkom word.
Volgens Schoeman is die toernooi slegs ‘n vriendskaplike geleentheid en daar nie werklik ‘n algehele wenner bepaal word nie. Dit bied egter aan die deelnemende skole ‘n guldige geleentheid om hulle spanne te skaaf vir die opkomende rugby- en netbalseisoen wat voorlê.
Die Larries se O/9A- en O/10A rugbyspanne het uithaler rugby ge speel en was beslis die spanne om mee rekening te hou.
Die O/9A-span het al vier hulle wedstryde waarin hulle ge speel het met oorwinnings gespog. In die wedstryd teen Laerskool Lydenburg wen die Larries gemaklik met 42-5. In die volgende kragmeting teen Laerskool Phalaborwa (Groenskool) is die eenrigting verkeer met die Larries wat vir al 49 punte op die telbord gesorg het.
Die O/9-span van Laerskool Duiwelskloof het alles in die stryd gewerp om wal te gooi teen die Tzaneeners, maar die oormag was net te veel. Tzaneen se O/9A-kaal voetknapies wen met 56-0. Die span van Laerskool Witrivier het ‘n moedige stryd gevoer, maar moes toe ook uiteindelik die aftog blaas. Tzaneen het die wedstryd met 39-17 beklink.
Tzaneen se O/9B-span het in hul drie wedstryde een gewen, een verloor en die ander wedstryd gelykop gespeel. Die krag meting teen die span van Dr Annecke het vir ‘n baie aanskoulike wedstryd gesorg. Tzaneen het egter daarin geslaag om die wedstryd met een punt, 15-14, in hul guns te swaai.
Die O/9-span span van Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord (Rooi-skool) was vir die Larries se O/9B-spelers egter ‘n taw wer neut om te kraak. Die wedstryd het uiteindelik met 15-15 gelykop geëindig.
Die O/9-span van Laerskool Dui welskloof het in hul wedstryd teen die Larries se O/9B-span hul toernooi op ‘n
hoogtepunt afgesluit deur die tuisspan met 20-10 te klop.
Die O/10A-span het wel in al vier hul wedstryde koning gekraai, maar moes in van hierdie wedstryde diep grawe om te kon seëvier. In die wedstryd teen Laerskool Lydenburg het Tzaneen met 12-7 gewen.
In die volgende wedstryd kom hulle teen die 15-tal van die Klofies se O/11-span te staan. Tzaneen stu onverpoost voort om die wedstryd met 12-5 te beklink.
Die oormag was net te veel vir Phalaborwa se Groenskool en moes met 57-7 die spit afbyt teen die Larries wat gewys het hulle is lus om met die bal te hardloop. Die span van Witrivier het groter teenstand gebied en die Larries het beslis nie die oorwinning op ‘n silwer skinkbord ontvang nie. Tzaneen slaag om die wedstryd nouliks met 14-10 te wen.
Die Larries se O/10B-rugbykannetjies het egter ‘n vuurdoop beleef in die twee wedstryde waarin hulle kragte gemeet het. In die wedstryd teen ‘n hardnekkige Klofies-span het die wedstryd met 17 punte elke geëindig.
Die O/10-span van Letsitele se Antjies het egter ander planne in gedagte en het uitmuntend gespeel om ‘n stewige sege van 29-10 teen die Tzaneense gashere te vier.
By die netbalwedstryde het spanne in die ouderdomme van O/9 tot O/13 afdelings onderskeidelik in rondomtalie rondtes vriendskaplik teen mekaar gespeel. ‘n Wen was net so belangrik vir die spanne, maar die doel was eerder om grootliks die netbalspelers aan soveel wedstryde moontlik bloot te stel. Wat verseker gehelp het dat die afrigters hul uiteindelike spankeuses kan maak voor die amptelike seisoen begin.
Die deelnemende laerskole se netbalspanne was die gasheerskool Tzaneen, Mariepskop, Phalaborwa, Duiwelskloof, Witrivier, Malebane, Orichstad, Gravelotte en Phalaborwa-Noord.