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Tzaneen’s infrastructure not coping
■ Joe DreyerAccording to the DA’s PR Councillor, Chrisma Bredenkamp, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s (GTM) water and electrical infrastructure is unable to sustain the number of new property developments cropping up all over the municipality. Bredenkamp also stated that the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) owed GTM R40 million.
“The reality is the system is failing us and area 9 is the most affected by this. There are five huge leakages (on the water supply pipeline) that needs to be fixed next week. That will not solve the problem either, it might make it perhaps a little bit better by a very small percentage.”
Bredenkamp said that the problem is that the moratorium on new developments was lifted.
“The reality is that they lifted the moratorium on new developments, and nobody knows who did it, but they did it. So, the infrastructure cannot keep up with the number of new developments in Tzaneen. We will be sitting with this problem for a while.”
The councillor stated that she wrote a letter to the municipal manager to inquire about the lifting of the moratorium and she wanted to know specifically who authorized this and when it was put into effect. “This is mismanagement and goes against many of the guidelines contained in the municipal systems management act.”
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She went on to say that another issue affecting the water delivery to many parts of town is the erection of water tanks on residential properties, specifically in some cases where some homeowners have erected five or six of these water tanks.
“The moment there is water, these water tanks are first filled up which causes the end users lower down the pipeline to be without water. The solution is that the municipality must work on the infrastructure. There was a budget meeting held in council which I attended and, in this meeting, the acting manager for water, Olga Tshiseve, admitted that there is a problem and that it is currently chaos.”
Furthermore, Bredenkamp claimed that she sent an email to the chief financial officer (CFO) to gain clarity on the R240 million that, according to her, the GTM wrote off in monies owed to them by the MDM over a period of three years.
“That was up until last year June and from July 2022 to date, Mopani al ready owes us R40 million and they do not deliver services. For some reason the minister gave water authority to the MDM whilst the Tzaneen dam is in the GTM’s jurisdiction. Nobody understand why and it is actually the responsibili ty of the municipal manager to appeal to the minister to give this to the GTM,” she said.
“They must an swer to us be cause the public has the right to know. The directors said that they would act immediately

because the system is going to fail us. One day we are going to wake up and the line will be in the Ebenezer dam. It is asbestos pipes which is no longer permitted to be used by law. The GTM is fixing the leakages now because they are billing us and it is therefore a service they are delivering. It is not the municipality’s responsibility, but because they are billing us, they must fix it.”
When Bulletin questioned Bredenkamp on some of her statements made in a voice note which she published over WhatsApp, and which has since been shared widely by Tzaneen’s residents, Bredenkamp said that she wasn’t sure, but she had sent questions to the municipal manager’s office as well as to the chief financial officer, to gain clarity.

We asked her what she meant with her statement regarding the supposed R40 million owed by the district municipality which is the water authority. It is our understanding that the GTM as a local municipality pays the MDM as a district municipality the revenue collected from their water users each month, and not the other way around.
“I am waiting for the CFO to answer questions I sent to her regarding this matter. She has until Friday next week to answer and I will then give you feedback on the matter,” Bredenkamp said. “In the same document I asked whether GTM owed Mopani money because there were allegations made on the side of Mopani.”
We also sent our inquiries to the spokesperson for the GTM, for clarity on these statements and at the time of publication we had not received any feedback.

In the meantime we have received insider information from a reliable source regarding the issuing of so-called “dummy guarantees” by a building contractor which bear no bank guarantees but is allegedly good enough to convince the municipality to allow certain developments to take place.
According to our source this means that the contractors guarantee the municipality that they will lay sufficient sewerage and water lines in the development to accommodate the new units being built and the occupants who will Our source alleged that there was a moratorium placed on the construction of all new developments until such time as the existing infrastructure was upgraded to accommodate new residential properties. This is the same moratorium referred to by
We have also learnt that developments are allegedly being approved by the municipality despite objections by surrounding residents.
We have compiled a list of all of these rumours and forwarded such to the municipality for further clarity.

Oningelig, of net onbelangstellend?
■ Joe DreyerDit het slegs nege maande se soebat en gesmeek gevat om uiteindelik die aandag van die munisipaliteit oor die haaglike toestand van Minitzanistraat, wat verby die Laerskool Tzaneen tussen Greensstraat en Agatha Straat loop, te kry.

Wat die situasie vir baie van die inwoners langs hierdie straat vereger het was die feit dat die munisipale raadslede wie in hierdie omgewing woon, daagliks hierdie straat benut om hul kinders skool toe en terug te vervoer, en dat ten spyte daarvan, dit eers drie verslae in die Bulletin geneem het voordat daar aan hul klagtes aandag geskenk is.
“Dit is absoluut onaanvaarbaar dat ons as huiseienaars elke maand ons erfbelasting betaal en vir dienste moet opdok wat ons net glad nie kry nie,” het een huiseienaar in Minitzani Straat gesê. “Ons kla by ons wyksraadslede, ons kla by die munisipaliteit self, en uiteindelik wend ons onself tot die media toe. Hoekom moet ons sulke drastiese stappe neem voor daar na ons ge luister word? Nie één van die raadslede was bereid om uit te kom en na die toestand van ons pad te kom kyk nie.”

Bulletin het in Februarie oor Grensstraat berig en die volgende dag het die GTM ‘n span gestuur om die slaggate daar te herstel. In daardie selfde uitgawe het ons ook oor Minitzani Straat berig gelewer, maar dit het onder die radar van die mense in die wit gebou geseil.
Ons het navrae by die munisipaliteit ingedien en wéér oor die toestand van dié pad berig gelewer, en steeds het niks daarvan gekom nie. Ons het in hierdie week, Woensdag, weer navrae aan die wyksraadslid gerig om vas te stel wanneer die munisipale onderhoudspan werk sou maak daarvan om die pad wat teen dié tyd ‘n veiligheidsrisiko ingehou het, uiteindelik te herstel.
“Ek het vanoggend weer die erns van Minitzanistraat aan die Waarnemende Direkteur van die Ingenieursdienste Departement gerapporteer en sy het instruksies aan die toesighouer gegee om die herstelwerk van Minitzanistraat te prioritiseer,” het DA Wyksraadslid, Chrizelle Dreyer, gesê. “Spanne werk voortdurend
daaraan om slaggate in Tzaneen reg te maak. Hulle is tans besig met die hoofpaaie van die dorp, wanneer die hoofpaaie klaar is, sal die spanne in woongebiede intrek.”
Wonder bo wonder het ons gister (Donderdagoggend) gemerk dat ‘n onderhoudspan besig was om herstelwerk in Minitzanistraat te verrig. Ons het by die span gaan stop en is vertel dat daar altesame 174 sakkies teer vir hierdie 50m stuk pad gebruik is. Een van die lede van die span het ook genoem dat hulle nie werklik volgens ‘n skedule werk nie, maar elke oggend deur hul skofbestuurder ingelig word presies waar hulle daardie dag werksaam sal wees.

Ons is steeds nie nader aan ‘n antwoord oor waarom dit so lank gevat het om die inwoners se noodkreet te antwoord nie, en daar is geensins enige verduideliking oor waarom instandhouding nie gereeld gedoen word om situasies soos Minitzanistraat in die toekoms te voorkom nie. Ons het wel die foto’s van die herstelwerk aan die betrokke lede van die munisipaliteit gestuur.
Dit wil voorkom of die munisipaliteit selektief luister na die klagtes van die belastingbetalers wie hul salarisse betaal en wie niks meer as net dienslewering in ruil daarvoor verwag nie.
Indien enige van ons lesers sukkel met dienslewering, slaggate of antwoorde van hul raadslede af kan hul gerus daardie klagtes aan 072 930 1462 stuur sodat ons dit kan verder vat en moontlik tot ‘n vinniger oplossing kan kom.

There is no more powerful voice
Local media has long been an essential part of any community. We serve as a voice for our people, a watchdog for the government, and a source of information on developments that affect the community.
However, in recent years, the importance of supporting local media has become increasingly urgent, especially as local municipalities increasingly fail to address the needs of our communities. Supporting local media is crucial in standing up against the failures of local government and is more effective than relying upon local municipal councillors exclusively.
First and foremost, we serve as a vital link between you and your local government. We provide information on issues and developments affecting the community and give residents a platform to voice their
concerns and opinions. This information is critical in ensuring that your municipality remains transparent and accountable. Without local media, important issues and developments will go unnoticed or unaddressed, leaving the community vulnerable to neglect and harm. Furthermore, local media outlets are uniquely positioned to hold local government accountable for its actions. We have the resources and expertise to investigate and report on issues that impact the community and can provide unbiased coverage of local politics, expose corruption and misconduct, and shed light on service delivery failures. On the other hand, local municipal councillors, while elected officials, are often limited in their ability to effect real change in their communities. While they may have a voice in council, they are often restricted by party politics and bureaucratic red tape. Additionally, municipal councillors may have competing priorities and interests that may not align with the needs of their constituents. As such, their ability to effectively advocate for the needs of their communities may be limited.
Moreover, local media outlets have a broader reach than local municipal councillors. They can reach a wider audience and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issues that affect the community. While councillors may only be able to represent a specific ward or neighborhood, local media can provide coverage of issues that impact the entire community. This broader reach makes local media more effective in informing and mobilizing the community around issues that matter to them.
In conclusion, the importance of supporting local media cannot be overstated. We remain the most effective tool for standing up against the failures of local government and ensuring that the voices of the community are heard. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us all to support our local media outlets, to ensure that they can continue to serve as the voice of the community for years to come.
Nuuskierigheid ontaard in ontroue waarheid
■ Ben TheunissenWanneer ‘n man afdwaal is daar gewoonlik ‘n doring of twee op die pad wat steek. Soms is dit nie die man wat dwaal nie, maar sy oë, al loop hy die pad waar hy diep spore trap.

Angus Buchan het met ‘n geleentheid in ‘n onderhoud geantwoord dat hy wel na ‘n mooi vrou kyk, maar net een keer...met elke oog. As dit ‘n besonderse mooi vrou is, dan vergeet ‘n man maar van die een kyk.
Toe sê Dawid: “Daar is nie lelike vrouens nie...sommige is net mooier as ander. ‘n Oog, of dit nou aan ‘n man of vrou behoort, is maar geneig om te dwaal.

Ek lees onlangs in die waarheid dat die hoof van ‘n sekere skool geskors is omdat een van die onderwysers die Dawid beeldjie aan die jong leerlinge vertoon het. ‘n Ma van een van die dogters was erg ontsteld en het ‘n klag oor die aksie ingedien.
Skynbaar was sy omgekrap omdat die naakte waarheid nie vroeër na vore gekom het nie. Sy was nogtans dankbaar dat dit nie Goliat se beeld was nie. Dan sou die verleentheid groter gewees het. Die beeld van Dawid en sy slingervel was egter genoeg om haar te laat kla.
Van mans wat oor die muur loer, laat Dawid dink aan die kêrel wat met sy huwelik aan sy vroutjie gesê het dat daar geen geheime tussen hulle moet wees nie. Daar was net een uitsondering. Hy het ‘n laai in sy kas wat gesluit is en
sy moet hom belowe dat sy nie daarin sal krap nie. Sy het ingestem.
‘n Paar jaar na die belofte, het sy baie nuuskierig geraak en soos die waarheid maar die lig sien, gebeur dit dat sy eendag alleen by die huis is en begin wonder oor die laai.
Haar oog wat dwaal sien ‘n bos sleutels op die kas lê...en so wrintiewaar...een van die sleutels pas op die laai se slot. Sy maak die laai oop en wat sou sy sien. ‘n Klomp geld en drie eiers in die laai.
Toe manlief die aand by die huis kom, kon sy haar nuuskierigheid nie beteul nie:
“My skat. Ek moet bieg. Ek het jou laai vandag oopgemaak.”

Sonder om te reageer, kyk hy vebasend na haar.
Sy vra toe: “Hoekom het jy drie eiers in die laai gesit?“

Hy huiwer vir ‘n oomblik en sê toe: “Ek moet bieg. Elke keer wat ek ontrou was aan jou, het ek ‘n eier in die laai gesit.”
Sy was geskok, maar dink toe...drie keer is darem nie te erg nie. Sy vra toe weer:

“En waarvoor al die geld?”
Waarop hy toe sê: “Elke keer wanneer ek ‘n dosyn eiers bymekaar gemaak het, het ek dit verkoop.”

Soektog na Oom Charles eindig in hartseer

Die soektog na die vermiste boer, oom Charles Tolmay (74) uit die Tarentaalrand omgewing net buite Tzaneen, het Woensdagoggend tot ‘n tragiese einde gekom toe sy lyk in ‘n dam naby die plaas vanwaar hy vermis geraak het, gevind is. Oom Charles het sowat ‘n week gelede vanaf die plaas Gladstone verdwyn. Hy was ‘n diabeet en het aan Alzheimer’s gelei.

‘n Reuse soektog is onderweg gesit en honderde mense vanuit die plaaslike gemeenskap het onverpoost na oom Charles gesoek. Daar is daaglikse terugvoering oor die Facebookgroep “Soektog na Oom Charles Tolmay” gelewer en leidrade is deur die gemeenskap aan die betrokke koördineerders van die soektog deurgegee en opgevolg.

Bulletin het verlede week berig dat Oom Charles omstreeks 12:00 die betrokke middag laas op sy plaas gesien is voordat hy en sy hond gaan stap het. Sy hond het later alleen teruggekeer huistoe en Oom Charles is nooit weer gesien nie. Daar is teen tye van hier-
die berig geen duidelikheid gegee oor die oorsaak van Oom Charles se dood nie en ‘n nadoodse ondersoek sal moontlik aan die familie uitklaring kan gee. ‘n Roudiens vir Oom Charles sal op die 26ste April gehou word. Die ty den die kerk is ten tye van hierdie berig nog nie bevestig nie.
“Vandag het ‘n groot reus in ons gemeenskap ‘n onherroeplike groot leemte gelos. Charles was ‘n pa, ‘n oupa, ‘n vriend en n mentor vir baie mense in ons gemeenskap hierdie wie deur Charles Tolmay grootgemaak was. Ek glo daar waar Charles nou langs ons Hemelse Vader sit, glimlag hy breed vir sy gemeenskap se deursettingsvermoë in die soektog na hom,” het Emma Schourie op die Facebookgroep geskryf.

“Die soektog na Charles was groot maar sy hart vir sy mense was groter as dit. Charles het weer vir ons die waarde van ons geliewe gemeenskap bewys met die saamtrek wat sy leemte gebring het.”
Daar word versoek dat die familie se privaatheid respekteer word in hierdie tyd van rou.

Crown Run set to iron out the unfit

On the 8th of July this year, hundreds of long distance athletes will be competing in the 2023 edition of the popular Iron Crown Run which is set to start and finish in Haenertsburg.
Organised by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg as part of their annual charity drives, the Iron Crown Run will captivate athletes with its scenic surroundings along the routes. The routes will consist out of a 22km trail as well shorter routes over distances of 10km and 5km.
The start will be at the end of Kerk Street and the finish is at the Haenertsburg Village Arboretum Park’s parking area.
The 22km route is much more demanding race and will start at 07:30. The online entry fee is R150 or R160 on the day of entering the race.
The 10km is less of a test than the 22km route but will still demand some effort from the athletes. The start time is at 08:30 and athletes can pay R130 for online entries or R140 on race day. The 5km fun run for the less energetic participants will start at 08:00 and will cost R60 to enter.
Registration will be done at the Haenertsburg Clinic’s waiting room on Friday the 7th of July from 16:00 until 18:00 and on race day from 06:00 to 08:00.
Athletes will also be able to enter on Wednesday the 5th of July from 16:00 to 18:00 at The Farmyard in Polokwane. Local athletes can enter on the 6th of July at the Lifestyle Centre in Tzaneen with entries
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open from 16:00 until 18:00.
Race entry can also be done online at www. myactive.co.za or www.rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za
All participants who finish the 22km and 10km runs as well as children under 12 taking part in the 5km run will receive a medal of participation. Dogs are welcome but unfortunately no medals will be offered for the mutts.
The 22km route to the top of the Iron Crown climbs a further 687 metres from the 1439m start in the village, which is also the highest point in Limpopo at 2126m.
The new route goes through the beautiful Hunters’ Valley and the runners will use a different route when going down the mountain. The 10km route rises to 1600m and the climb in height of the 5km fun run is not even worth mentioning.
Participants are advised by the organisers to use trail shoes with ankle supports rather than taking part with standard road running shoes.
Water points will be provided on the route and toilets are available at the start and finish points. There will be food and cold drinks at both the start and finish.
The money raised from the event will go towards an approved fund of Rotary Projects. This is especially for the ‘Preserve Planet Earth’ venture and other community projects such as establishing robotics amongst rural schools.
Die EG Kerk Tzaneen bied ‘n visvangkompetisie aan op 22 April 2023 by die Piesangdam Letaba Landgoed vanaf 05:00 tot 16:00 teen R100.00 vir 2 hengelaars.
Vir meer inligting skakel Thys Steynberg by 076 410 9503.
The Haenertsburg food & wine festival will be held on the 29th and 30th of April. For more information contact Kurt on 083 326 5836 or email kurtwacker182@gmail.com
6 May
Joshua na die Reën tree 6 Mei 2023 op by The Olive Tree vanaf 17:00 teen R200.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel Clinton by 076 961 3761 of Belinda by 072 877 0184.
Fibre to the home and business. 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp.co.za

Die Antjies Bulletjie Rugby & Mini Netbal Dag word aangebied op 6 Mei 2023 by Laerskool Dr Annecke vanaf 08:00 tot 13:00.

Vir meer inligting skakel Paula by 082 258 4596

6 May 20 May
Die Pottery Verf Workshop word aangebied op 20 Mei 2023 by Paint Pot vanaf 09:00 teen R480.00 per persoon.
Vir meer inligting skakel Desiré Bester by 079 099 7054.
The Out in Africa Gala Dinner will be held on Saturday, 20 May 2023 at the Dream an’ Do Centre at Stanford Lake College. For more information contact 015 276 6103.
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Veelsydige Shaun oppad na VSA
■ Roelof de JongeShaun Matthysen, ‘n talentvolle en veelsydige voorspeler wie net verlede jaar, 2022, sy skoolloopbaan by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster voltooi het, kan die afgelope paar dae skaars sy opgewondenheid in toom hou.
Matthysen het enkele dae gelede die goeie nuus ontvang dat hy toelating verkry het om by die Life University in die Verenigde State te gaan studeer waar hy by hierdie sportgesentreerde instelling se rugbyprogram ingelyf gaan word.

“Ek verkies om in die hakerposisie te speel, maar ek is gelukkig om gedurende my skoolloopbaan ook as loskop- en vaskop stut sowel as flank in die skrum te sak, wat natuurlik baie tot my ervaring en ontwikkeling as speler bygedra het.”
Matthysen vertel hoe hy in 2020 gedurende die Covid-19 pandemie reeds toe al die gedagte gekry het om in Amerika te gaan studeer en daar sy rugbyloopbaan voort te sit en verder te ontwikkel. Hy beplan egter na afloop van sy Baccalaureus van Wetenskap studies om ook vir sy Meestersgraad in dieselfde rigting te studeer.
“Ek wil so graag vir so lank dit moontlik is aanhou rugby speel. Ongelukkig is rugby een van die sportsoorte wat mens nie vir altyd kan aan deelneem nie. Daarom wil ek na afloop van my rugbyloopbaan eendag met my studies terugploeg in rugby deur te help om die sport verder te help ontwikkel.”
Matthysen vertel hoe sy agent, Heindrich Kotse van Pro Sport Pathways, sy profiel na ‘n aantal universiteite in Amerika toe versprei het vir moontlike toelating.
“Ek was egter baie geseënd omrede ek ‘n aantal aanbiedinge van ‘n verskeidenheid
universiteite ontvang het. Ek het uiteinde lik op Life University Amerika besluit.”
Hierdie Universiteit in Marietta, Georgia, gaan vir die volgende vier tot ses jaar die tuiste van Matthysen wees. Hy beplan om so teen Augustus met sy studies te begin wanneer hul rugbypro gram ook dan in alle erns begin.

“Ek sien regtig uit om in Amerika te gaan studeer. Die Amerikaners doen die afgelope tyd baie werk om rugby by hulle te bevorder. Ek is ook baie op gewondende om my ervaring en liefde vir rugby daar met hulle te deel.”
Matthysen vertel daar is soveel mense, familie en die vele afrigters, wat hom sedert as ‘n kaalvoet rugbyspelertjie van Laerskool Phalaborwa op sy weg gehelp en ondersteun het. En dat dit werklik moeilik sal wees om enige persoon in dié opsig uit te sonder.
“Ek bedank ons Hemelse Vader vir al die seëninge op my weg, ek het hard gewerk vir die veelvuldige akademiese toekennings wat ek veral in my finale skooljaar behaal het, en wat veral bygedra het dat ek goedkeuring kon kry om oorsee te gaan studeer.”
Hy het wel die aap uit die mou gelaat waar hy sy liefde as te ware vir rugby begin kweek het.
“Ek het die liefde vir die spel van rugby by my pa en stoere rugbyondersteuner, Willie-Nic, oorgeërf. Toe ek vier jaar oud was, het ek in my Kersfeesbriefie aan Santa Klaus gevra dat ek baie graag ‘n rugbybal en ‘n duiksak wil hê. My Pa het nie twee keer getwyfel nie en dit was my eerste voors-
Legals & Notices
makie om rugby te speel.”
Na laerskool het Matthysen gekies om by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster sy hoërskoolloopbaan te begin en eindig.
“Van my laerskoolhoof en afrigter, Mnr Piet Burger, tot al die verskillende afrigters op hoërskool het almal bygedra tot my ontwikkeling as rugbyspeler. Ek het verseker by ierder en elk van my afrigters geleer. Wat my veral bygeval het en wat ek nou nog helder onthou, is hoe passievol elke afrigter van die Vossies is en die liefde wat hulle teenoor ons spelers getoon het.”
In terms of Section 71(A)(1) of the Magistrate Court Act the undermentioned goods will be sold to cover storage fees and the sheriffs’ costs at the STOREROOM, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, MAIN STORE NO.2, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, on 11 May 2023 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court Letaba (Tzaneen) HL, to the highest bidder for cash, namely:
CASE NUMBER: 7269/21
In the case between:
1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court.

2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A, Pieter Joubert Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen.
3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia.
4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.
info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961)
5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R1000.00 in cash.
6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneer being Tertius Robertson.
7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.
In the estate of the late
EZECHIELA GIUSEPPA MARIA DURANTI, identity number 3506300030189, Master’s reference number 001417/2023, widow, who was ordinarily resident at Macadamia F/Care, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 17th of July 2022
All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys. P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/ R16081


wins marathon

Galaxy Bingo was the main sponsor of the 2023 Wolfpack marathon held on a chilly Saturday morning this past weekend. This was the second instalment of the marathon which is fast becoming a popular fixture on the annual running calendar since it’s inception in 2020 when it was the first marathon to be held after the Covid lockdown regulations were lifted.
All the races started and finished at the grounds of Merensky High School who graciously offered their facilities to the event organizers again this year. The Galaxy Bingo Wolfpack Marathon is also a Comrades qualifier which means that the competition would always be tough as runners vie for their best possible times to secure favourable starting positions at the Comrades.
As per the inaugural race, this year’s event featured a 10km, a 21km, a 32km and a 42km run which attracted runners from as far afield as Gauteng. A beautiful story related to a group of the runners from Gauteng developed on the eve of final registrations which took place the Friday evening before race day.

“Many of the runners rely on winnings from the races as an income and they literally travel from one race to the next. Many of them do not have two cents to rub together for a place to stay and end up sleeping in the bathrooms or under trees or in the parking lots at the event the night before,” explained Tracey van den Dool the race director and organizer of the marathon.
“As a godsend, Louis Jordaan from Satvik came to our rescue and offered accommodation for free to nine of the runners, including an 81-year-old man. He even came and collected them and made sure to drop them off on time the following morning without charg ing them a single dime!”

And so, it unfolded that three of the runners who went on to claim top podium positions in the various race distances were from the group who spent the night in a warm bed at Satvik. One of those runners was the Carlton Athletics Club runner Given Baloyi who came first in the 42km Open for Males in a splendid time of 2:33:21.
Second, third and fourth spots went to Murray & Roberts runners, Emmanuel Ramohlale in 2:36:20, Lucky Maahlo in 2:38:38 and Calvin Malatji in 2:39:56.
Jennifer Koech led a remarkable race to cross the 42km for Open Ladies finish line more than half an hour ahead of second placed Gift Ramabele (who was the Tuffy 42km winner in 2022). Koech ran under the Nedbank Kenya banner and completed the race in 3:07:47. Ramabele finished in a time of 3:39:08 with Pearl Hughes in third in a time of 3:40:49 and Polokwane’s Monica Erasmus in fourth in a time of 3:55:28.
The 10km Open Ladies race was won by Sina Malatji (44:08), with Mokgomole Khapahathe in second (44:29) and Leandré Friedenthal in third (44:48). In the 10km Open Male race it was Karel Morethe who finished first in a time of 31:09 with Hloboko Msaopha in second in 32:23 and Musa Twkenana in third in a time of 34:06.

The 21km Open Ladies race was won by Rosaline Isaiah (1:32:37) with Makoma Napo in second place (1:47:18) and Danika Coetser in third (1:59:32).
Given Makgoba won the 21km Open Men race in a time of 1:09:50 with Bethuel Netshitenzhe in second in 1:17:49 and Chrispen Muchemwa taking third spot on the podium in a time of 1:19:29.
The distance in between the short and long distances which is a relatively new race for specifically local runners, the 32km race saw the Open Ladies category won by Joyce Netshitenzhe (2:26:25) with Jane Mudau in second (2:37:52) and Marlene Mackenzie in third (3:04:36).
The 32km Open Men race was won by Remaketse Lekaka in a time of 1:49:32 with Ananias Masila in second place in a time of 1:52:19 and Ludwick Mamabolo in third in a time of 1:53:31.
One of the most astonishing finishes of the day went to the 81-year-old runner Johannes Mosehla who finished the 42km marathon in a time of 4:13:24 to take gold in the 60+ age category. Johannes beat every other 60-year athlete in the field. He was also one of the runners who slept over at Satvik the
A word of thanks and appreciation goes out to Galaxy Bingo Gaming Entertainment as the main sponsor for this year’s event, Merensky High School, Oasis Water Tzaneen, Talisman, Provincial Traffic Department, Fairview Hotel, Satvik, Peak Timing for their outstanding service, The Warriors who ensured smooth sailing for the runners on the day, Far North Media as the official media partners and Tracey van den Dool who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the event which included the registration of the races, the approval from the provincial traffic department and Limpopo Athletics (LIMA).