Fear lessl y the tr uth 10 February 2012
O-G se probleem met GTM is geen rooi lig Bongani Nkosi, ‘n 15-jarige leerling van Meridian College in Nkowankowa, het Woensdag inspanningloos R5 000 in sy sak gesteek, toe hy as die wenner aangewys is van Piet Dry Oogkundiges in Tzaneen se kompetisie om geld vir die SA Vrouefederasie in te samel. Vir slegs ‘n
blikkie kos (vir die SAVF) kon mense inskryf en moes dan die naam gee van die oogkundige by Piet Dry se nuwe praktyk in die nuwe Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. Hier staan Bongani by mnr Piet Dry en me Estelle Strauss (die oogkundige). Bongani sê hy gaan die geld belê.
Die gekwalifiseerde verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal vir die GTM se sake vir 2010/2011 is nie ‘n treinongeluk nie en beslis geen rede om gevaarligte te sien flikker nie. Vir elkeen van die agt sake is daar goeie redes en deursigtige verklarings. ‘n Betaling van ‘n substantiewe bedrag aan Eskom en die MDM se laksheid om verpligtings betyds na te kom, is van die “probleme” wat die O-G “aanspreek”. Geen ware onreëlmatighede is ter sprake nie en in sommige gevalle het dit om tydsberekenings gegaan. Ons sal volgende week in detail verslag doen oor die verslag en die sake wat aanleiding gegee het tot die O-G se verwysings.
Premier’s road to wealth Francois Aucamp
Premier Cassel Mathale has by all indications built a multimillion rand business empire, extending beyond the borders of Limpopo. Mathale has a close business relationship with Mr Thaba Mufamadi, chairman of the Parliamentary finance committee and former MEC for economic development in Limpopo. They are closely linked by Manaka Property Investments. Manaka rents out a number of buildings in Pretoria to central government departments at alleged highly inflated rates. At the moment, law enforcement agencies — including the Hawks and the Special Investigating Unit — are engaged in intensive investigations into alleged corruption, tender rigging, and a rampant culture of kickbacks and impunity in Limpopo, that seems to have precipitated the provinces financial woes. Manaka Property Investments’ portfolio of leased buildings includes a welter of government buildings in the administrative capital Pretoria. They include buildings occupied by the departments of public works, water affairs and home affairs, as well as Statistics SA and the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). Manaka also lists the Gauteng social development department as a tenant. The Pretoria buildings, listed on Manaka’s website, include: Manaka Continental Building (water affairs), Manaka House (public works, alongside Absa and several law firms), Hallmark Building (home affairs), and Manaka Heights. A Cape Town newspaper recently claimed that insiders say politically connected outfits like Manaka use a formula in
costing property deals with government agencies, whereby market rates are upped by a third to maximise profits at taxpayers’ expense. While Manaka declined to provide details of their charges, estate agents are said to confirm that Manaka charged prices well above current market prices, compared to similar properties. Both Mathale and Mufamadi have declared their interests in their respective legislature’s disclosure regimen. However, it has yet to be answered how a company connected to key public officials in the province came to be awarded the contracts — in defiance of Treasury’s Supply Chain Management regulations — in the first place. Mathale has in the meantime said that although he was still a shareholder, he was no longer active in the company and had not received any payment from it. “Even if I was still active, there would be no conflict of interest because I declared my interest,” he said. Mufamadi referred questions to Manaka’s chief executive, Joe Mathebula, the same Cape Town based newspaper reported. They said Mathebula confirmed that Mathale is a shareholder in the company, but claims he resigned as a director after he was appointed premier of Limpopo in March 2009. “However, there were delays in processing his resignation because of Cipro requirements,” Mathebula said last week. He said Manaka was unapologetic about doing business with the state because the government is a “big player” in the property sector, and is keen for transformation. Another key business partner in the Manaka web of influence is businessman and property billionaire Jannie Moolman, former chairman of the Limpopo Tender Board, who was appointed by Mufamadi when he was MEC.
While chairman of the tender board, insiders say, the board awarded some “handsome” tenders to companies belonging to another key Limpopo power player, multi-millionaire businessman Jimmy Kourtombellides. Kourtombellides and Moolman are joint directors of another company, Leopont 213 Properties (Pty) Ltd. One of the tenders awarded to Phamog Properties CC — 50% percent owned by Kourtombellides — was for the construction of the agriculture department building in Polokwane. Phamog gave the building contract to one of Moolman’s companies, Jan Moolman Bouers, just after he resigned from the tender board. However, the construction site displayed signs indicating the work was being done by a front company called Vision Construction, operated by Moolman. Shortly before Moolman resigned as chairman, he sold a luxury Pretoria home for R1,4m to Mufamadi, the politician who appointed him, at what is understood to have been a significant discount. Moolman’s trust paid R1,3m for the house in 2000, and sold it in 2004 for R1,4m. At the time the average value of a house in SA had gone up by more than 250 percent, making the estimated value more than R3m. Moolman has denied all the allegations, saying he did not have a sinister relationship with Mufamadi and Mathale. However, a former employee of Moolman, a Mr Nortje, had lodged numerous complaints to the now disbanded Directorate of Special Investigations about an alleged corrupt relationship between Mufamadi and Moolman. Instead, Nortje said, Moolman tried to sue him for defamation. Moolman withdrew the case when required to disclose key documentation around his relationship with Mufamadi and Mathale.
10 February 2012
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Fear lessl y the tr uth
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What is your opinion on the work that is done by the Lions, Rotary and Round Table Clubs of Tzaneen/Letaba? Wat is jou indrukke van die werk wat die Lions, Tafelronde en Rotariërs van Tzaneen/Letaba doen? Melanie Jane Bezuidenhout: Hul doen ’n amazing job. Ek hoor net goeie goed van hulle. Gordon G Miller: Lions is tops.
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin / Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans 015 812 1629 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 812 0628/5030 Police / Polisie 10111 Hospital / Hospitaal 015 812 3251 Water 015 812 0900 Telekom 0800 203 951 Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 781 1333 Police / Polisie 10111 Hospital / Hospitaal 015 781 3511 Electricity / Elektrisiteit 015 781 6300 Water 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Wees ’n man
Vlieg praat met die Volk, en krap waar dit jeuk
Estelle Robinson O’Brien: Lions doen soveel vir die gemeenskap al vir soveel jare! Hulle is ‘n steunpilaar vir ons gemeenskap! Dankie Lions! Christene Mans: Tzaneen, ons waardeer wat die Lions vir almal doen. Dankie. Anne-marie Strydom: Amaizing! Veral vir die minderbevoorregte kinders van die skole. Dankie julle! Bernard Nel: Hierdie groepe is baie aktief. Kan iemand vir ons meer spesifieke inligting gee van die laaste vyf aksies van elke groep wat gerealiseer het? Rika Roos: Ek wou net ‘n rolstoel by hulle huur vir my skoonma vir ‘n naweek so paar jaar gelede, en raai wat? Toe skenk hulle vir haar een wat sy nou nog gebruik. Baie dankie, julle doen goeie werk! Kotie Oosthuyzen: Hulle lewer goeie diens daar waar dit benodig word. Ten minste word fondse wat geïn word, aangewend vir dit waarvoor elke organïsasie staan! Mens kan hulle gerus meer ondersteun, daar is soveel organisasies wat geld insamel vir die of daai kwaal of geval, maar mens weet nie of dit wel wettig is of daarvoor aangewend word nie. Maritza Nel: Hulle het vir my ou tannie net verlede week ‘n kleiner, nuwe rolstoel gegee omdat die vorige een te groot was om by ‘n deur in te kom. Hulle is awesome! Nicolaas Jacobus Van Schalkwyk: Elke groep het hul eie projekte, Letaba Rotary het verlede jaar looprame en rolstoele vir die Tzaneen Hospice geskenk en is besig met ‘n Engelse woordeboek-projek met al die plaaslike skole. Hulle werk aan ‘n gemeenskapsprojek by die skool vir dowes by Letaba, met skenkers wat in Europa geld insamel, asook opleiding in Nwamitwa vir skoolverlaters wat sonder werk is. Hulle beplan later vanjaar ‘n “wine paring” en wynveiling, ondersteun ons asseblief. Groetnis, Gwenn van Schalkwyk, president Letaba Rotary (ons het ook ‘n facebook). Christo Coetzee: Die Lions doen regtig baie vir die gemeenskap. Een van die bestuurslede en ek is groot vriende, so dit is dalk die rede dat ek altyd weet waarmee hulle besig is. Baie dankie aan al die personeel van die Lions, julle is die naam om op trots te wees.
gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com
Vlieg raak vandeesweek skoon apologeties, en dit gebeur nie maklik met Vlieg nie. Dis nou nadat daar behoorlik met hom ‘n appeltjie geskil is oor sy klaarblyklik neerhalende aanmerking einde verlede jaar oor ‘ n sekere minderheidsgroep binne die groter familie van lesers van dié publikasie. Die uitgewer van dié publikasie is sommer helder oordag op straat oor die kole gehaal, oor hy durf toelaat het dat Vlieg na die bepaalde minderheidsgroep as moffies verwys. Dit nogal ten spyte van sy eie haarstyl. Vlieg self het nou nie eintlik gedink dit is so erg nie. Almal het mos maar hul ou troetelnaampies vir ander. Vlieg stem nie noodwendig met alles saam wat in sy Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal staan nie. Veral nie die deel wat die woord moffie as seksisties en neerhalend beskryf nie. Dis dan so ‘n mooi, sagte beskrywende woordjie, wat Vlieg in geen omstandighede as neerhalend sou beskou het nie. Byna so sag soos die moffies hulself. Of jy hulle nou gays, homoseksuele, mof-
fies of wat ookal noem, Vlieg het nog nooit ‘n probleem met hulle gehad nie. Van Vlieg se beste vriendinne slaap by mans, en hy het niks teen hulle nie, hoekom sou hy nou iets teen moffies hê? Wat Vlieg wel nie van moffies hou nie, is dat hulle hul moffiegeit alewig wegsteek. Komaan, wees ‘n man, wees ‘n mof! Vlieg self het ongelukkig nooit ‘n homoseksuele ervaring gehad nie. Miskien omdat hy in ‘n Protestantse Kerk grootgeword het, en nie in ‘n kerk waar hy saam met ander seuntjies kon koor sing nie. Vlieg was al baie katools, maar nog nooit Katoliek nie. Vlieg bied vandag as apologie-geskenkie die volgende wyse woorde van Breyten Breytenbach aan:
26 November 1975 Mag die bome groen bly en die sterre wit, en mag daar altyd mense wees wat mekaar sonder skaamte in die oë kan kyk — want die lewe is ‘n asem lank en die sterre op die Anderplek donker—
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie!
• En daar word die man toe dick getimmer, maar wat ‘n gesukkel was dit nie om by die polisie reg te kom... • ‘n Blommewinkel is nie altyd so veilig as ‘n man sy skelmpie so tussen die rose en die dorings ontmoet nie. Die mense hoor verder dat daar ‘n verskil is tussen ‘n gesnuif en ‘n gewuif en ‘n gefuif en, en, en... • So af en toe word daar sommer ook ‘n stukkie ivoor tussen die renosterhorings en die poeier gelaai en dan vlieg die ‘kopter dat die lemme swaai... • As ‘n man ewe skielik opdaag om iets te
koop by ‘n plek waar hy nooit kom koop nie, moet jy weet hy werk weer met ‘n plan. Want hy is mos bekend as ‘n man wat ‘n plan, veral as dit ‘n bose plan is, aanmekaar kan sit. Hy is mos nie juis ‘n man vir ‘n fair plan nie... • Iemand hoog in die provinsie, soos in BAIE hoog, het ‘n klompie (so ‘n paar miljoen) note verbrand, ter voorsorg van Valke en ander onwelkome besoekers wat dalk sy weelderige huis in Nkowankowa kan kom besoek. Nie om nes te maak nie... • Hier kom nog hofsake oor vleie, ens...
Bulletin supports any lawful action to end violence against women and children
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10 February 2012
Hoedspruit-boere raam skade op R150 miljoen Louis Roux
Mej Limpopo 2012, Katryn Barwise van Tzaneen, het die afgelope week by die inwoners van Gods Haven gaan kuier en sommer ‘n paar vars hoendereiers vir die seniors gevat...
Drie word vereer vir hul diens aan die gemeenskap
Die maandelikse toekennings vir uitstekende diens in en aan die gemeenskap, wat vir 2011 deur Coke Zero en die Bulletin aangebied is, het oor die vakansie tot stilstand gekom en die wenners en borge kon net nie bymekaar gebring word nie. Hierbo is mee Theresa Malatji, RR Selomo en Masefako Malatji by die Bulletin se uitgewer, Francois Auamp, en Yvonne Ndlovu, ‘n joernalis/grafiese ontwerper by die koerant. Die twee Malatji-dames werk albei in die GTM se motorlisensie-afdeling en hulle is vir Desember benoem om vereer te word vir hul goeie diens aan motoriste en motorhandelaars. Selemo is ‘n lid van die GTM-stadsraad se uitvoerende komitee. Heelbo is dr Ig van Rensburg wat vir November benoem is. Hy is benoem vir die sleutelrol wat hy gespeel het in die vestiging van die Mediclinic Tzaneen. Hy is steeds die voorsitter van dié hospitaal se direksie. Hy is eweneens benoem vir die leiding wat hy geneem het as eerste voorsitter van die direksie van die Tzaneen Ambulansdiens, die gemeenskap se eie ambulansdiens wat uit nood gebore is, toe Zambi tot stilstand gekom het.
Die boere van Hoedspruit krap kop oor vanjaar se opbrengs na die verwoestende vloed. Mnr Jurie van Vuuren van die Hoedspruit Watergebruikersvereniging sê toegang tot verskeie plase word nog bemoeilik weens verspoelde paaie en brûe. Sover het hulle al skadeaanmelding van meer as R60 miljoen ontvang. Hy sê benewens toegangspaaie het mango’s en sitrusboorde in die Blyde-omgewing erg ‘n hele dertig dosyn daarvan! Hier is sy saam met van die inwoners en personeellede met deurgeloop Dit is moontlik dat belowende van die houers met eiers. Katryn besoek tans sitrusboorde weens die vloed nie naastenby die oes sal lewer wat verwag is nie. ook skole oor die provinsie heen.
Nuwe gerugte oor diens ‘n Vars ronde gerugte dat Tzaneen en Phalaborwa se gemeenskap-ambulansdiens “onwettig” is omdat dit nie ‘n praktyknommer het nie, is ‘n hardnekkige voortsetting van die pogings van mense wat om een of ander onverklaarbare rede die diens wil verongeluk. Daar was ‘n probleem met die praktyknommer, nadat mnr Marlan Heeres homself as ‘n direkteur van die Art 21-maatskappy voorgedoen en die praktyknommer inderdaad by die Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa, die betrokke reguleringsgesag vir ambulansdienste, gekanselleer het. Dr Ig van Rensburg, die voorsitter van die diens (TAS) se direksie, sê “Heeres het minstens wanvoorstelling gepleeg, as dit dan nie bedrog is nie en in die proses het hy nog ‘n
poging aangewend om TAS te saboteer”. Die bestuurder van TAS, me Mariette van der Westhuizen, sê mense kan gerus die raad se webwerf by www.bhfglobal.com besoek en hulle vergewis van die registrasie van TAS, as daar steeds twyfel is. Sy bevestig dat alle registrasies van die diens en para-medici in diens van TAS in plek is. “‘n Week of twee gelede het dit onder ons aandag gekom dat alles nie kosjer is met een van die para-medici se registrasie nie. “Ons het dit nagegaan en gevind dat die persoon se registrasiekaart inderdaad vervals was. Die persoon is dadelik met die feite gekonfronteer en het op die plek bedank”, sê sy. “Intussen is al die ander personeellede se registrasies nagegaan en alles is reg en in plek. “Ons het drie ILS para-medici (Intermediate Life Support) en twee BLS’e (Basic Life Support) en ons adverteer en soek vir ‘n ALS (Advanced Life Support). “Laasgenoemde is baie skaars. Ons het twee aansoeke gehad, maar albei persone wil net gedurende kantoorure werk, terwyl ons iemand benodig wat in baie ernstige gevalle ook na kantoorure kan werk”, sê Van der Westhuizen. • Mense wat navrae oor TAS het, kan Van der Westhuizen by 083 497 2702 skakel.
Verskeie boere het pompe en besproeiingtoerusting verloor. Die omvang van dié skade moet nog finaal bepaal word. “Versekeringseise is ter sprake, maar in die meeste gevalle is verliese gely waarmee net die regering kan help.” Mnr Sybrand van Vuuren, wat tussen Hoedspruit en Blyde met groente, mango’s en sitrus boer, raam sy skade op meer as R1,5 miljoen. Pomphuise, transformators, pypstelsels en kragpale het in die slag gebly, terwyl damme ook meegegee het. ‘n Deel van die mango’s en sitrusboorde het uitgespoel of was onder water, terwyl die skade ook ‘n uitwerking op die komende sitrus-oes sal hê. Mnr Johan du Preez van Bavaria Landgoed sê hulle het groot skade gely, maar eintlik lig daarvan afgekom. Benewens verspoelde paaie is toegang tot mangoboorde gestuit. Die vrugte is ryp en val af, wat ‘n skade van tot 15% aan die oes beteken. Dié wat betyds gered kan word, gaan versappingsfabrieke toe, maar die res beland op die komposhoop. “Ons het ook ‘n verskuilde verlies. Weens die oorstroming kan sekere boorde nie bereik word om teen vrugtevlieg te spuit nie. Die na-effek hiervan sal eers later vasgestel kan word.” Hy is vol lof vir die samewerking van die gemeenskap om alles weer op dreef te kry. Mnr Mike Scott, ‘n boer en lid van die Plaaswag, sê hy raam die totale skade in die gebied op nagenoeg R150 miljoen, met erge skade aan mango’s wat nou in die oesstadium is, groente en verspoelde damme naby die oewer van die Blyderivier. Onbegaanbare paaie en gronderosie kom ook wyd voor.
10 February 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Premier’s wife’s brickyard seems to be a dead horse
Upon a special appeal by Merensky High School, 1900 units of water were delivered from Coca Cola to provide relief for the flood-stricken Hoedspruit. All the scholars were invited to contribute and bring water to school. Plasies that helped to load the water for delivery were Tommie Grobler, Johann Wagner, Steven Herbst, Armand Geldenhuys and Andries Enslin. In front were the Coca Cola representatives along with Mr Magnus Steyn (headmaster of Merensky).
Visit our interactive website www.bulletin.us.com DOODSBERIG
As die regering voortgaan met die drakoniese wet om die vloei van inligting te beperk, sal die doodsklok vir die media lui en sal korrupsie hoogty vier. Wat doen jy om jou stem hieroor te laat hoor?
Soil erosion due to excavations at a brickmaking factory near Lenyenye has caused serious environmental degradation. Open excavations are a dangerous hazard for children who have easy access to the site through broken fences. On the nearby hillside, where mining work has been abandoned, large craters have been left exposed, which is in violation of the Mineral Resources Act. This has led to rampant soil erosion, due also to overgrazing and tree felling in this fertile valley, and this in turn has resulted in deep dongas running down to the Thabina River which has eroded its banks. There is evidence of cultivation within the legal limit of 25 meter from the river. The company, Blue Platinum Ventures, trading as Bathlabine Brickyard, is owned by Mokgadi Kgohloane, wife of Premier Cassel Mathale. Several months ago the business was closed down by the department of mineral resources, following an accident which resulted in the death of a worker which was not reported. Inspectors of the department of labour found that quarries were not fenced off. Enquiries were also made as to the non-payment of contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Bathlabine has resumed operations after complying with certain regulations but is still in breach of the law. According to City
Nuwe nommer Die selfoonnommer van Hospice Tzaneen het verander na 073 203 7314. Vir navrae kontak Marietjie Naudé by 083 460 0309. Die vorige nommer van 078 090 7040 bestaan nie meer nie. Hospice Tzaneen is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie sonder winsbejag wat professionele versorging verleen aan pasiënte met lewensbedreigende siektes. Ons beskik oor ‘n tweekamer-eenheid by Macadamia waar pasiënte 24 uur per dag versorg word. Tuisverpleging word in die meeste gevalle gedoen. Alle pasiënte sonder ‘n siekefonds ontvang gratis verpleging en hulp.
Press, the company was awarded a clay mine operating licence in December 2005 for a ten year period. It has extended its mining activities in this environmentally sensitive area without Government approval or the required environmental management plan. In a separate development, the Limpopo department of economic development, environment and tourism funded the Bathlabine Soil Conservation project as part of the Expanded Public Works Programme. This gave temporary employment to 120 members of the community to rehabilitate the dongas with gabion retaining walls and the planting of vetiver grass along the banks. (Although an alien plant, this is widely used in soil conservation due to its spreading deep root system). However, a recent visit to the area following heavy rainfall, shows that erosion has not been stemmed. Furthermore, the project funding is now exhausted and there is no indication that it will be resumed. Ironically, a celebration was held at the very same Bathlabine brickfield sponsored by the department of environmental affairs, the Limpopo government and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality several months ago, to mark World Day to Combat Desertification. The keynote address was given by the deputy minister of water and environmental affairs, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi.
Help Zimbabwiërs Die diakonie van die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld het in 2010/2011 sover moontlik medisyne ingesamel/gekoop om aan veral bejaarde Zimbabwiërs te stuur. Dit het vanweë allerlei redes baie moeilik geraak om so te help. Met dié dat voedsel en medisyne deesdae algemeen in Zimbabwe beskikbaar is, is besluit om eerder op ‘n gereelde basis geld in die Senior Citi-
Excited pupils from Ritavi Senior Primary School in Nkowankowa recently took to the Polokwane International Airport on the Kiwi Shine Bus to get a grand tour of the world of travel, aircrafts and piloting. In Kiwi’s recent ‘Shine Bus’ essay writing competition, Dummy Mushwana from Ritavi Senior Primary wrote the winning essay in Limpopo, earning herself and nine other pupils at her school, their dream educational tour on the Kiwi Shine Bus. The initiative, which is
zen Service (Bulawayo) se rekening te stort. Hulle kan dit aanwend soos benodig. Ongeag moeilike omstandighede versorg hulle die bejaardes goed. Daar word beoog om vir minstens die volgende agtien maande R5 000 per maand oor te betaal. As u meer wil weet oor die projek, skakel met dr Edmund de Beer, Laeveld se leraar, by 015 307 1874 of 083 3911 065.
specifically aimed at previously disadvantaged schools, started in 2010 and offers pupils the opportunity to write about their future hopes and dreams, inspiring them to shine above the rest. Each pupil received a Kiwi hamper which included a pair of Toughees school shoes and a Kiwi Shoe Polish ‘shine’ kit because as Kiwi believes: ‘It all starts with shining your shoes’.
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
10 February 2012
MDM kry uitklophou Louis Roux
The Tzaneen Lions Club, always ready to assist where help is needed, collected R30 000 for the Hoedspruit disaster victims. John Meades, one of the club’s senior members, co-ordinated the collection and the subsequent delivery of much needed goods to Hoedspruit. In the photo above some of the goods at the Hoedspruit Air Force Base’s hall can be seen, where everything was carefully recorded. Meades wrote the following report about his experience. “The stock that was collected in Tzaneen and Phalaborwa, to the value of R49 000, was delivered to the disaster station in the SAAF hall in Hoedspruit. Everything was done very professionally. “Each company or person was given an allocated area where they could pack their goods, before they were taken stock of. No matter how small the item, it was taken into stock. Within about three hours the stock that we brought in was sorted, taken into stock and made up into parcels for the different families, ready for transport either by road or by chopper. The situation was a lot worse than what we saw on TV or in the printed media. “I met people there that had lost everything: homes,
lodges, vehicles, farm implements everything. I met one person who told me that the water even took off the shirt on his back. While I was sitting outside a young woman came and sat next to me on the lawn and was putting antibacterial cream on her hands. I asked what happened to her hands, and she told me that the wounds were caused by the barbed wire that she was hanging on to before the helicopter pulled her out of the water that flooded their farm. “A lot of people worked at the crisis centre as they did not have anywhere to go back to. On Monday we were told not to collect any more as Jacaranda had collected thirty tons of goods. However, on Thursday morning we received a call for help as the Red Cross came in and took all the goods and handed it out to anyone, even people that were not affected by the floods, and it was used as a political thing by the Mayor to score points. “So Doreen and I again were on the telephone and we managed to collect another R11 500 in cash (R10 000 came out of our club funds) as well as 300 kg maize meal. We delivered the second lot of goods to the local Dutch Reformed Church, from where it will be delivered to the people who are really in desperate need.
Die uitgerekte vervolgingspoging teen mnr Kobus Visser, afgedankte brandweerhoof van die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM), het tot stilstand gekom toe elf regters van die Grondwet-hof dié week ‘n einde gebring het aan munisipale bestuurder Tim Maake se abortiewe regspogings teen die gewese werknemer. Visser moet regtens ‘n uitspraak van die Appèlhof in Bloemfontein so gou moontlik heraangestel word in sy pos as brandweerhoof en finansieel ten volle vergoed word vir die jare sedert 2004 tot nou, wat die sukkelende MDM minstens R3,5m gaan kos. Dit sluit egter nie sy regskostes oor ‘n tydperk van agt jaar in nie, en ook nie dié van die MDM nie, wat by tye senior en junior advokate in die howe gehad het. Dit kan ‘n bykomende halfmiljoen rand of meer uit die belastingbetalers se sakke beteken. Visser se regsverteenwoordiger, mnr Christo van der Walt van Len Dekker Prokureurs in Pretoria, sê hy wil sy kliënt op 1 Maart by die Mnr Tim Maake MDM heraangestel hê. Die wat nou ‘n rekening van die regskostes naam kry as die sal terselfdertyd aan die “trigger happy” bestuur van die MDM oor- bestuurder van die MDM, wat handig word. “As die MDM nie hierop belasting betalers se geld reageer nie, sal ‘n bevel verroekeloos verkry word op beslaglegging spil op hofsake. van roerende en/of onroerende eiendom van die MDM. Dit kan beteken dat die brandweerwaens en eiendom in die slag
kan bly.” Visser se stryd met die MDM het reeds einde 2003 begin, toe hy as brandweerhoof in Giyani aangestel is. Hy het in Tzaneen gewoon en is vir ‘n paar maande vir sy brandstof na Giyani vergoed, totdat dit skielik beëindig is. Hy was nie bereid om op eie koste B u r g e m e e s t e r Matlou daarheen te reis nie en het Josua glimlag hier soggens in Tzaneen vir breed, maar hulle werk aangemeld. sal verantwoorDie uiteinde hiervan was ding moet doen dat hy in ‘n dissiplinêre oor die waarverhoor weens “drosting” skynlik meer as afgedank is. Sy saak het R4m wat dit die voor die bedingingsraad MDM gaan kos van die raad op plaaslike oor ‘n onbesonne bestuur verskyn en is in ontslag van ‘n werknemer. Dalk sy guns beklink. sal die goue ketHierna is die MDM met ting aangebied hom na die Kommissie vir moet word, as die Versoening, Arbitrasie, balju toeslaan... Bemiddeling en Rekonsiliasie, maar die saak het na die arbeidshof en uiteindelik na die arbeidsappèlhof gevorder, wat Visser se ontslag met kostes van die hand gewys het. Op aanbeveling van Maake is die Appèlhof in Bloemfontein genader, maar weer is die MDM bloedneus geslaan. Die laaste opsie was die Grondwethof, maar dié kon geen gronde kry om voort te gaan en ‘n ander uitslag ten gunste van die MDM te kry nie. Die MDM se bronne om hom van die vroeëre bepalings van die hof te red, het uiteindelik opgedroog.
Sterrevlieg • Minister to ban alchol in Province • 7 Dood in ongeluk buite Mooketsi • Ben Vorster tops Beeldtrofee
10 February 2012
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Die Booskap
Vrydag 10 Februarie 2012
Ds Barry van der Merwe NG Kerk Letsitele
Ouditverslag By die skrywe hiervan kon ons nog nie daarin geslaag het om met die GTM se munisipale bestuurder of die direkteur van finansies oor die jongste ouditverslag van die Ouditeur-generaal te gesels nie. Ons wil graag glo dat daar bevredigende antwoorde vir die gekwalifiseerde ouditverslag sal wees. Op die oog af lyk dit nie of daar gevaarligte flikker nie, maar alvorens die rekenpligtige amptenaar van die GTM nie kan verduidelik waarom sekere sake deur die ouditspan uitgewys is nie, kan ons nie ‘n mening lug nie. Daar is verlede jaar vir ons gesê die GTM werk hard daaraan om nie weer ‘n gekwalifiseerde ouditverslag te kry nie. Hoeveel die harde werk gehelp het, is in dié stadium ewe moeilik om te sê. Die finansiële chaos waarin Limpopo as provinsie gedompel is, is ‘n skok vir die provinsie se inwoners. Ons hoop daar wag nie ‘n verdere skok op die inwoners van die GTM se gebied nie. Die skok van ‘n rekening van om en by R4 miljoen wat nou op die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit wag, na ‘n hele reeks onnodige regsaksies, is reeds swaar genoeg om te verteer. Vergeet die MDM met wie se geld hulle werk, of gee hulle nie om nie?
Ouma kla Ouma van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Ek weet ek klink soos n tipiese ouma wat oor haar eie kleinkonders kloek, maar hierdie saak pla my al hoe meer namate ek daaroor top, en dit met ouers en onderwysers bespreek. Ek verstaan die laerskool nie. Dit lyk allerweë of hulle so behep is met sport, dat kultuursake aan die agterspeen suip. Waarom is daar balkies ter erkenning vir gholf (en hoeveel kinders speel nou gholf) maar nie vir redenaars nie? Kinders wat op provinsiale of nasionale vlak presteer, kry bloot ‘n kultuurbalkie, wat maak dat rugby-, netbal-, en gholfspelers dus eintlik bloot ‘n sportbalkie moes kry. Daar is ook baie min erkenning vir kinders (soos my kleinkinders) wat nie in sport presteer nie, maar in die kunste. By die laerskool se prysuitdeling word alle sportsoorte, asook akademiese prestasies vereer, maar nie sang, voordrag, dans en beeldende kunste nie. Ouers is Maandag in kennis gestel dat die redenaarskompetisie na eerskomende Dinsdag verskuif, en dat kinders in plaas van drie weke dus net ‘n week oor het om voor te berei. Die organisering lyk na afskeepwerk! Voorts was die beoordelaarspaneel verlede jaar ‘n haastige sameflansing van vrywilligers, waarvan min redenaarservaring gehad het. Dit is duidelik uit die feit dat kinders wat net-net in ons skool ingekom
Tongknopers Ons kyk vandag na nog ‘n paar terme en woorde uit die rekenaarwêreld: • Dos (disk operating system) — SBS (skyfgebaseerde bedryfstelsel) • ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber loop) — ADHL (asimmetriese digitale huurderlus) • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange — ASCII (Amerikaanse Standaardkode
vir Inligtingsoordrag) • Hacking — Indringing • Bytes — Grepe (dus kilogrepe vir kilobytes; afkorting kB) • OCR (optical character recognition) — OKH (optiese karakterherkenning) • PC board (printed circuit board) — GS (gedrukte stroombaanbord) • Mother board — Moederbord of moederkaart.
het, toe op elke ander vlak presteer het, terwyl kinders wat plaaslik baie goed gedoen het, boontoe nie die pyp kon rook nie. Weereens sê ek nie my kleinkinders moes ook na volgende rondes deurgegaan het nie, maar ‘n mens wonder tog of groter erns oor kultuursake by die skool, nie beter geleenthede vir ons kinders sou ontsluit nie. Ons is nie almal sportsterre nie, en sporttalent hou nie lank in die lewe nie. Kultuur verdien ten minste dieselfde toewyding!
Vaclav Havel, een van die wêreld se merkwaardigste staatsmanne, is op Sondag 18 Desember 2011 op die ouderdom van 75 jaar oorlede. Havel was `n dramaturg, wat met sy toneelstukke en ander skryfwerk, gehelp het om kommunisme in 1989 in die destydse Tsjeggo-Slowakye tot `n val te bring. Op aandrang van die mense is hy eenparig verkies as die eerste president van die nuwe demokratiese Tsjeggo-Slowakye op 28 Desember 1989. Nadat hy president geword het kon jy hom steeds in `n gewone kruidenierswarewinkel sy trollie sien stoot, om inkopies te doen. Wanneer hy in Praag was, het sy kantoordeur oop gestaan vir enige burger wat wou gesels. Sy leuse, wat hy ook as president probeer uitleef het, was: “Die waarheid en liefde sal seëvier oor die leuen en haat.” Hy het dit duidelik gestel dat dit die rol van `n president is om sy land en mense te dien. Hy is ook `n tweede en `n derde keer eenparig as president verkies. In 2008 het hy weer `n drama gepubliseer, wat goed ontvang is deur die kritici. Havel het gesê: “My terugkeer na die verhoog was nie maklik nie. Dit is nie `n algemene ding vir iemand wat betrokke is in teaterwerk om president te word en dan weer terug te keer teater toe nie.” Mag daar nog baie sulke leiers wees wat gerig word deur: “Die waarheid en liefde sal seëvier oor die leuen en haat.” Mooi naweek!
soos ooreengekom met die projekbestuurskomitee en ter tafel geleë vorderingsverslae. As deel vd projekbestuurseenheid se munisipale ondersteuningrol en ekonomiese ontwikkelingverantwoordelikhede, het die eenheid ook die GTM bygestaan om ‘n addisionele geleentheid te benut wat gedurende hierdie tyd beskikbaar gekom het. In die geval die Europese Unie (EU) se Limpopo Local Economic Development (LED) projek wat munisipaliteite in die provinsie versoek het om ekonomiese ontwikkeling-projekte te identifiseer en voor te lê — ‘n totale onafhanklike inisiatief! Gevolglik was die informele sektorknelpunt wat reeds as prioriteit deur die GTM geïdentifiseer was (agv van veral die potensiële stimulering van werkskepping en/of inkomstegenererende aktiwiteite geleenthede), voorgelê aan die EU LED projek en goedgekeur vir verdere ondersoek. Die Mefakeng projekbestuurseenheid het ook
Net sensasie Jan Vermeulen, Development Practitioner, PO Box 2382 Tzaneen, skryf: Met verwysing na u ope brief van die 3de Februarie 2012 aan Me Pohl en spesifiek u verwysing na die Ierse regering se betrokkenheid by die GTM. Die Ierse Regering het niks te doene gehad met die lewensvatbaarheidstudie van die informele Sektor van Tzaneen en omgewing nie. Die Iere het alleenlik die Mefakeng loodsprojek geborg vir die ontwikkeling van toersimegeleenthede vir agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in die Groter Tzaneen en Letaba Munisipaliteite. Na afloop vd Mefakeng projekbestuureenheid se betrokkenheid teen einde Junie 2010 was ‘n volledige oudit onderneem deur ‘n onafhanklike profesionele instansie. Die het bevind dat al die geld aangewend was
die studie onderneem en ‘n verslag gepubliseer in 2009. Dit vervat onder andere die resultate van ‘n intensiewe ontledingproses met bevindinge, strategiese aanbevelings en ‘n gepaardgaande implementeringsproses. Die verslag is algemeen beskikbaar en bekend as “Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality Hawker’s Research and Feasibility Study – Final Report 31 March 2009”. As deel van die ooreenkomste met die EU projek was dit ook onderworpe aan ‘n volledige oudit, onderneem na voltooiing van die studie sonder enige negatiewe
gevolge. Derhalwe is u aantygings dat immorele amptenary nie verantwoording oor die besteding van die geld kan doen nie, totaal onvanpas. Die enigste verklaring vir u ongegronde stellings is dat dit gemotiveer word deur sensasionele/kommersiële belange. My opinie is dat hierdie tipe van onverantwoordelike en gevaarlike verslagdoening die oorsaak is dat daar media beheer versoek word en sulke geraas veral nie bydra tot die oplossing van die talle probleme soos wat tereg deur u uitgewys word nie! • Dankie vir die inligting — en paternalistiese teregwysing. U trap in dieselfde slagyster as die res van die despote in ons land wat die skuld vir alles aan die media se bors vasspeld, en dit dan probeer regverdig deur die media te beskuldig dat hulle sensasie najaag. Die (beweerde) skenking van die Ierse regering is deur mnr Mabakane Mangena, die vorige munisipale bestuurder, aan ons bevestig, asook deur me Faith Mashianoke, die direkteur van beplanning en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die GTM. Ons verdere navrae hieroor is die afgelope meer as twee jaar reeds onbeantwoord. Dit is die gebrek by amptenare om behoorlik verslag te doen aan die belastingbetalers wat onverantwoordelik en gevaarlik is, en nie die verslagdoening deur die media nie. Die gebrek aan deursigtigheid is die probleem, saam met onverantwoordelikheid, korrupsie, bedrog, diefstal, nepotisme en kaderontplooiing. Miskien wil u as ‘n ontwikkelingspraktisyn vir die gemeenskap help deur te sê waarheen die beplanning en ontwikkeling in die dorp gaan. En kan u dalk vir ons sê waar die verslag van Maart 2009 oor die informele sektor nou lê en stof vergaar, asook al die ander geborgde navorsingbevindings en implimenteringsplanne? Laastens: moet ons asseblief nie woorde in die mond lê of ons sinstrukture verander om u aantygings te ondersteun nie. Ons het nêrens na immorele amptenare verwys nie— Redakteur
Vierde ope brief aan die DA-leier in die GTM-stadsraad Geagte me Pohl Ons het nie die afgelope week met mekaar gepraat nie, maar u het wel ‘n sms gestuur, waaruit ek kon aflei dat u kliphard besig is om die toepaslike sake te ondersoek. Intussen betoog ek voort, dat die baie sake wat om aandag soebat, uitgepluis word en dat daar ‘n rangorde sal wees. Ek sal probeer om dit kalm en beredeneerd te doen, want u sal sien dat ‘n leser my in die briewekolom hiernaas roskam, oor ons “sensasionele beriggewing”. Eers net ‘n apologie: in ‘n antwoord op ‘n brief het ons verlede week gesê daar is vier DA-lede in die stadsraad, terwyl daar vyf is. Genadiglik is ons nie beskuldig van syfertoordery of soiets onheiligs nie… Jammer oor die oorsig. Vandag stel ek ‘n kort en eenvoudige vragie: Wat sien die besoeker/toeris wanneer hy/sy Tzaneen nader en binnery? Die besoeker/toeris sien: Allerlei onhebbelikhede soos smouse wat hulle onwettig
tuismaak langs die R71, rylopers wat die verkeer ontwrig, taxis wat die nuwe verkeersligte op die R71 minag en dit ongehinderd doen, omdat die verkeerslui klaarblyklik vrede het met wat op en langs die R71 gebeur, ensovoorts; Belangriker: die besoeker sien ‘n verwaarloosde struktuur met ‘n nuwe grasdak, flenter naamborde, rommel wat nie verwyder word nie, ‘n onversorgde tuin en binne min of meer ‘n lugleegte… die Inligtingsentrum langs die Spur. Onlangs het ek op ‘n Saterdagoggend twee groepe besoekers daar voor dooimansdeur ontmoet. Hulle wou graag ‘n nag of twee in Tzaneen deurbring, om ‘n paar plekke in die omgewing te besoek. Ek het hulle na mee Marinda Thomas by die Fairview Hotel of Adri Kruger by die Tzaneen Country Lodge verwys, omdat hulle albei ingelig is oor toerismesake hier plaaslik en meer brosjures het as wat nog ooit in die sentrum beskikbaar was. Die sentrum is nie die GTM se verantwoordelikheid nie,
maar dit is ‘n verleentheid vir die dorp, want besoekers aanvaar dit is Tzaneen se Inligtingsentrum. Die vraag is wat doen die GTM om druk op die provinsiale toerismedepartement uit te oefen om sake hier reg te ruk. In die gebou is daar min om vir die besoeker aan te bied en die kennis van die omgewing by die personeel voldoen nie eens aan die basiese nie. Is ons tevrede dat ons dorp en omgewing se naam so weggegooi word? Wat sê die GTM se grootkoppe? Vir my sê hulle die afgelope jaar of meer dat die saak aandag geniet. Aandag geniet soos die probleme met die smouse, die besoedeling van die Letabarivier, die verval van sommige strate, die verval van die munisipale swembad, ensovoorts, en so meer! Ek hoop hierdie saak haal ook u problemelysie. Groete tot volgende week. Francois Aucamp
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Lies, lies, shameless lies Beaunice Mnisi
It is business as usual at the Van Velden and Letaba hospitals, according to the CEO of Letaba Hospital, Dr Joe Muhlari, and Van Velden Hospital’s CEO, Ms Ellen Madike. This surprisingly good news comes amidst a huge backlog in supply of essential services and even medicine and cleaning materials in the province’s public hospitals. But is it genuine good news? No! And the Bulletin will tell you exactly why it is not to be believed. According to the Chief Executive Officer of Letaba, there are no challenges with regard to supply thus far. Van Velden’s CEO said they were not experiencing any problems and whilst many hospitals struggled with catering, Van Velden is alright because they outsource their catering. However, earlier this week private doctors (three of them) had to perform a number of operations at Van Velden. The first on the list was a woman who had to undergo a hysterectomy. The doctor who had to operate made enquiries about an essential instrument before the time, since he had been told for the past two months that it was broken. He was given an assurance by the hospital management that the instrument was in perfect working order, more
than once. When he needed it, however, it was not working. They had to stitch up the woman without completing the procedure and she will have to be taken to theatre again, for the operation to be done. Health officials don’t hesitate to lie about the crisis in hospitals in Limpopo. The Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital is another hospital that is said not to have problems of a food shortage... by none less than the spokesperson for the department of health, Mr Joe Maila. In the meantime, reports the Zoutpansberger newspaper in Louis Tichardt, it has come to light (see the letter) that local businessmen were approached by the hospital last week for food donations. Some even described the situation as a humanitarian crisis. In another letter a farmer was approached to donate a cow, to be slaughtered to provide patients with meat. When Maila was approached for comment, however, he was adamant that there was no existing or looming food crisis at the hospital. “We don’t call it a crisis,” said Maila. He continued to explain that people must have read about the food shortages that some hospitals in the province have experienced and decided to donate food of their own accord. It was only when the existence of the letters were confirmed that Maila admitted that a food shortage existed at the hospital. “But suppliers are getting paid and the issue should be resolved soon,” said Maila. We contacted the two local state hospitals again on Wednesday, when it was confirmed that they did not experience any problems with drugs or any other medical necessities.
10 February 2012
Ki(t)s-klap Mnr Tjaart van Blommestein van Tzaneen het Woensdag ‘n klag van aanranding by die polisie ingedien, nadat hy glo uit die bloute deur ‘n vorige werkgewer aangerand is. Hy was in sy voertuig by die Total-vulstasie in die ou nywerheidsgebied toe die man hom bestorm en begin slaan het, sê Van Blommestein. Mense wat saam met hom werk, was ook op die toneel en het verklarings afgelê. Die gewese werkgewer is verbonde aan ‘n maatskappy wat kits-lenings verskaf. ’n Slagveld... dit is die gesig wat motoriste en reddingwerkers begroet het, toe tien mense in ‘n padongeluk op die N1 by Bandelierskop dood is. Die verminkte liggame van dooies het gestrooi tussen beseerdes gelê, terwyl ‘n klein seuntjie verward en verwilderd gestaan en huil en na sy ma geroep het. Die botsing tussen ‘n vragmotor en ‘n minibus taxi met Zimbabwiese passasiers op pad terug huis toe is een van die ergste in ‘n lang tyd in Limpopo. Op die foto is forensiese en patologie-personeel besig om lyke uit die erg verwronge taxi te haal. Beseerdes is na hospitale in Louis Trichardt en by Elim afgevoer. LiN Nuus/Zoutpansberger
No crisis at our local state hospitals
One 7kg Pocket of Onions One 7kg Pocket of Potatoes One Pocket of Butternuts One 5kg value bag of Carrots
Freshers Peach Halves 410g
1 X 1.5 kg Box of White or Red Grapes 1 X Sweet Spanspek 1 X Large Pineapple Freshers Baked Beans 410g
Freshers Tuna Shredded 170g
Freshers Tuna Chunks 170g
Freshers Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce 410g
It doesn’t get fresher than this!
Pork Rib & Loin Chops
per kg
per kg
Spicy Chicken Braai Packs
R26.99 per kg
Chicken Leg Quarters
R26.99 per kg
Shop No.1 Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Tzaneen • Tel No: 015 307 1288/7 • T/H: Mon-Fri: 08H00-18H50 • Sat: 08H00-17H00 Sun: 09H00-15H00 • Valid From: Thursday 9 - Sunday 12 February 2012 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 70212 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE
10 February 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Ritavi-polisie lewer flink diens Louis Roux
Die hulpvaardigheid van polisielede by Nkowankowa se Ritavi-polisiekantoor het daartoe gelei dat ‘n oneerlike diensverlater sy werk teruggekry het. Mnr Eben Schoeman, die eienaar van RS Plant Hire in Tzaneen, sê hy het dié week sulke flink diens van die polisie gekry dat hy dit graag met ander wil deel. Een van sy drywers het verlede week (voor die einde van die maand) sy salaris ontvang en besluit om te loop en nie weer terug te keer nie. Sy beskermende klere vir Sers GM Mowita en konstabels D Moloto, KB Ngoveni en NL Netzhwalo van die Ritavi-polisiekantoor het ‘n vinnige oplossing vir mnr Eben werkdoeleindes en sekere toerusting van die werkgewer was ook weg. Schoeman se probleem gehad.
Met die hulp van sy ander werkers het Schoeman die man in Nkowankowa opgespoor en hom gekonfronteer. ‘n Samedromming van mense het gevolg en twee polisievoertuie het opgedaag om vas te stel wat aangaan. Die vermeende oortreder is in ‘n vangwa gelaai en na die Ritavi-polisiekantoor geneem, waar hy bereid was om te praat anders sou hy die nag in die selle deurbring. Die uiteinde van die saak was dat Schoeman en sy vlootbestuurder, mnr Jacques Steyn, die ontroue werknemer nie laat vervolg het nie, maar weer in diens geneem en ‘n klomp regskoste bespaar het. Die werknemer se eie voertuig staan nou by RS Plant Hire as waarborg totdat hy al die geld wat hy aan die maatskappy verskuldig is, teruggewerk het.
Afleggings kom na skerp loonverhoging ‘n Skerp verhoging van 9,2% in minimum lone vir plaasarbeiders gaan ‘n beduidende invloed op die arbeidsmark hê en die regering se werkskeppingprogram erg in die wiele ry. Die minimum loon vir ‘n plaasarbeider, soos aangekondig in die Staatskoerant, sal van 1 Maart R 1 503,90 per maand beloop vir 45 uur se werk per week. Die weeklikse loon is R347,10 en uurliks R7,71. Die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, mnr Dries Enslin, sê die drastiese styging sal veral marginale boerderye onkant betrap en laat swaarkry, terwyl afleggings noodwendig sal volg as boere
wil staande bly. Hy sê die verhoging moet tweeledig gesien word. Terwyl die werkgewer skielik gebuk gaan onder ‘n bykomende lonelas, moet die plaasarbeider met R1 500 in al sy behoeftes voorsien in ‘n tyd waar kosinflasie reeds ver bo 6% gestyg het. “Wat die regering se werkskeppingplanne betref, is daar nie ‘n balans nie. Ander insentiewe sal geskep moet word, om ‘n ewewig in die arbeidsmark te skep.” Hy sê minimum lone sal voorkeur geniet op die agendas van AgriLimpopo en AgriLetaba vir volgende maand se eerste vergaderings van die jaar.
Dit is weer tyd vir die groot pret
Nadat die prettige en gewilde SmitGarrun Familiedag verlede jaar nie gehou is nie — weens botsings op ‘n oorvol sosiale jaarprogram — gaan mnr Koos Smit (links) en sy vrou Riekie vanjaar die dag ten bate van liefdadigheid weer aanbied. Elders in die koerant is meer inligting hieroor. Hou ons dop vir verdere aankondigings oor vanjaar se Familiedag-program.
Zenelle’s kick-starts 2012 Zenelle’s Day Spa is kick starting the New Year with an exciting range of treatments to get you looking your best in 2012. Sport massage Deon Broodryk - new member of Zenelle’s Day Spa - who offers specialised sport massage treatments which is aimed at increasing performance for both professional and non-professional athletes. Advanced nail technicians training Nail technicians can now advance their skills. Deune Schutte will provide advanced training for already skilled nail technicians and salon owners who are interested in improving trade. Therapeutic treatments Zenelle’s offers the Bellabaci treatment which helps to improve blood and lymph circulation, relieve pain
and tension, drain toxins as well as improve the appearance of stretch marks. Therapists Zelda and Jeanne who specialise in reflexology also administer facial peel and heal treatments, which is good for scarring, acne and anti-aging. Anti-aging injections Dr Rademeyer who specialises in anti-wrinkle treatment (botox) and volume enhancing injections (filler) will have you looking your youthful best. Permanent make-up Get your permanent make-up fix with eye, lip and brow lining to last a lifetime. Single semi-permanent eyelash extensions Enhance your facial features and accentuate your The team at Zenelle’s are: At the back: Mss Jeannè Truter, Deuné Schüteyes with this new treatment. Last up to 4 weeks, for te, Mr Deon Broodryk and Ms Marlize Rademeyer. In front is Ms Zelda weddings, parties and everyday beauty. Pretorius, the owner.
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin�
10 February 2012
10 February 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Merensky Megro Training: In front: Ms Lizette de Wet (lecturer Megro Learning), Messrs Magnus Steyn (headmaster), Dolf van Rooyen (CEO Megro Learning) and Andre Ernst (Trustee Laeveld Boerdery Trust). At the back are Messrs Dave Riekert (Skills Development Lecturer) and Johan van der Heever (Link between MHS and Megro).
Megro joins hands with Merensky It is with great excitement that Merensky High School and Megro Learning announced that they joined hands to provide further agri-educational opportunities for farmers, their workforce and scholars alike, during the opening of a new training center located at Merensky. “Our vision is to ensure that Merensky becomes an agricultural pillar, not only in our area or our province but nationwide,” said headmaster Magnus Steyn. Learners will now have the advanced opportunity to expend their career focused industry knowledge with national certification by attending some of the courses presented by Megro. “Apart from his or her Gr 12 certificate, scholars can now have several nationally recognized certifications to ensure that we give our learners that added benefit and cutting edge qualification that separate a Plasie from the rest,” continued Steyn. The Merensky Agri vision is threefold: • To have more learners enroll for an Agri focused curriculum • To have an interactive mutually beneficial relationship with the local agri-community • To sustain and contribute to growth within the local agri-community The training is not only focused on the learners, but aims to give quality-learning opportunities for the agri-
cultural communities. Currently several dynamic agricultural projects is underway at the school. Livestock is being reintroduced as part of a research study of livestock in wet conditions. Megro’s goal is to strengthen organisations with the skills and professional development they need through targeted training, partnerships and advice. Megro was the first training provider in SA to do a Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) course and has a proven track record of success in developing templates for the formulation of workplace skills plans. Some of the courses presented by Megro include basic food safety, fire fighting, harvesting, plant propagation, production management and more. Megro has trained over 3 000 facilitators in the process. They bring together diverse and complementary skills and experience. In addition to a broadly experienced advisory board, Megro is able to draw upon experienced sector specialists, through an existing national and international network of contacts. The network can be called upon to conduct organisational skills assessment, market research and training needs analysis, as well as to facilitate courses and assess learners. Megro is accredited by SA’s services SETA, which allows it to operate as a training provider throughout the country. They specialise in course customisation.
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin” Skiewie, aandag! Grappie? Nee, ek’s doodernstig. Die begin van die nuwe jaar is ‘n interessante tydperk. Ou graad sewes stroom na die hoërskool van hul keuse om vir die volgende vyf jaar hopelik die beste akademiese onderrig te kry. Hierdie graad aggies staan bekend as “Skiewies” en volgens populêre hoërskool-mentaliteit is hulle… laergraad. Minder belangrik. Die ongeskoolde dwangarbeid wat vir hul eie beswil tas-
Khutso Klets Khutso Matlou is in gr 11 in die Hoërskool Merensky. Hy presteer landwyd in redenaarskompetisies en hy doen dit in Afrikaans, wat nie sy huistaal is nie. Sy leergierigheid en sy passie vir kuns en kultuur dra daartoe by dat hy ‘n uitstekende kennis van Afrikaans het. Hy gaan voortaan gereeld vir die Bulletin skryf, saam met ander leerlinge van ons ander hoërskole. Kyk gerus volgende week vir die volgende aflewering uit ons jong mense se penne.
Die Laerskool Dr Annecke se duxleerling vir 2011 is Duan Schoeman, wat ook die hoofseun was. RIGHT: For 59 new pupils of Dr Annecke Primary School this year marked an exciting start. They are the gr 1’s of 2012. Pupils were sorted into two classes — one for Afrikaans speaking pupils and one for English speakers. A few of the English-speaking pupils are Lumukani Baloyi, Vutivi Shikwambana, Khanyisa Risimati and Jamela Mhlanga, and at the back are Nduna Nkuna, Samkelo Mlondobozi, Nkhenso Bvuma and Nhawuleko Risiba. RIGHT BELOW: Ms Dawn Zaayman of Dr Annecke is seen here with some of her new Gr 1E pupils: Ntsetselelo Seabela, Tshepo Mathebula and Gavaza Shingange. At the back are Thabiso Seerane, Vukosi Mhlongo and Nkateko Phakula. ONDER: Heini Ferreira (onderhoofseun), Tristin du Preez (hoofseun), Anri Janse van Rensburg (hoofmeisie) en Eljana Fleischmann (onderhoofmeisie) is die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se leiers vir 2012.
Die Laerskool Dr Annecke se hoofleiers vir 2012 is Ntsakisi Maluleke (onderhoofmeisie) en Ronnel Homu (hoofmeisie). Agter is Chris Bill (onderhoofseun) en Meyer Vorster (hoofseun).
Bulletin se moet dra, skoene moet afvee en die grond bekyk wanneer die reusagtige seniors met hulle praat. Ja, die eerste jaar ís opwindend, maar ek weet uit ervaring dat ontgroening jou mismoedig kan maak. Jy voel soms asof jy vergaan onder die titel ”Skiewie”. Asof jou naam irrelevant is. Nee, my vriend. Jy is spesiaal! Jy is oorspronklik. Onvervangbaar. Jy is nie ‘n woord of ‘n sinnetjie of ’n persoon wat ooit gedefinieer kan word nie. Jy het beslis nie per toeval in jou skool beland nie en ek daag jou
10 February 2012
vandag uit: Maak die volgende vyf jaar die beste vyf ooit. Hoe? Wel, wees betrokke! Ontdek jou talente deur nuwe rigtings aan te durf. Gryp elke goeie geleentheid met arendskloue; dis gratis. Lag harder, glimlag breër en wees eerlik met jouself. Dans asof niemand vir jou kyk nie en wees nóú eksentriek. Moenie vir die ouetehuis wag om pers te dra nie! Wees positief, wees slim en wees jouself. Onthou: Jy lewe net een keer — maar as jy dit reg doen, is een keer genóég. Gaan uit en wees ’n ster!
10 February 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Polisie trek los teen dwelms Die polisie in Limpopo is vasbeslote om ‘n nuwe stryd teen dwelms in die provinsie te wen. So waarsku lt-genl Simon Mpembe, Limpopo se provin siale polisiekommissaris, na die inhegtenisneming van ’n Tanzaniër en ’n Nigeriër. Die verdagtes is tydens twee verskillende voorvalle in ver band met dwelmverwante sa ke in hegtenis geneem. “Benewens die feit dat die besit én gebruik van dwelms krimi
neel strafbaar is, pleeg dwelmge bruikers soms misdaad om hul dwelmafh anklikheid te finan sier, en dit is een van die aspekte wat ons wil verminder.” Die Val ke was be trok ke by die inhegtenisneming van die veertigjarige Nigeriër. Die po lisie het beslag gelê op onder meer he roïen, ko kaïen, Ecs tasy en dagga ter waarde van R350 000. Beslag is ook op kon tant van R142 613 gelê. Die Tanzaniese verdagte is be-
trap met kokaïen wat in plastiek toegedraai was. Hy is onder po lisiebegeleiding na ’n hospitaal gebring, waar X-straalpla te gewys het dat hy van die plas tieksakkies ingesluk het. “Ek wil graag die gemeenskap daar aan her in ner dat ons hul ondersteuning benodig om mis daad te beveg. Ek doen ’n drin gende beroep op die publiek om ons te kontak, as enige verdagte optrede waargeneem word. Bel die polisie by 0800 765 423 of die misdaadlyn by 08600 10111 waar anonieme inligting ge The Herofield team: Jacques Lotriet, Jaco Pretorius, George Baloyi, Jaco van Zyl, Juanine laat kan word.” — LiN Nuus/Die Pos
Jackson, Clarissa Combrink and Hannes Steyn. Lotriet and his wife have in the meantime relocated to Durban. Photo: Retha Nel
Herofield looks back on 2011 The Herofield Community Youth Centre in Tzaneen has grown to be a favourite hangout for high school children, says Mr Hannes Steyn. “At Herofield they can do their homework, do skateboarding, play games, use the internet and even join in praise and worship and Bible study groups, all free of charge. Most children receive their only meal for the day at Herofield,” he says. They are open Monday to Thursday from 13:00 to 17:00 and on Fridays until 22:00. Steyn adds that “2011 was a year full of excitement and activity and by listening to the testimonies of the children that go to Herofield it is
evident that Herofield has effected great positive change in their lives”. In 2011 Herofield organized two youth camps, two talent shows, an international outreach, and the “Kruistog”, among others. Herofield assists teens, students and adults in Career Guidance through a program called Career Direct. Counselling teens and parents are also provided when needed. On Sunday evenings at 18:30 Herofield presents an evening service for the community in the Mini-Tzani park hall. “Herofield believes in helping to grow teens to maturity, hence the slogan ‘Reconstructing a gen-
eration’. We live in a society where everything goes and everybody is exposed to loads more information than in the past. A lot of this information is negative and breaks down society. “Herofield specializes in helping the community to focus on the information that builds rather than destroy. We believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the ultimate focal point in life,” says Steyn, Herofield’s Youth Worker. “Herofield is almost entirely run by donations and we would like to thank all our sponsors and the community of Tzaneen who help support us”, says Steyn.
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
10 February 2012
Talented Bongani Creative hands a way out of poverty not to be held back The arts “incubator” which was recently launched by leading heritage repatriation and creative development organization Ifa Lethu Foundation (ILF) at Ngove village, Giyani, is expected to stimulate employment. According to the CEO of the organisation, Dr Narissa Ramdhani, the Ngove Incubator is the culmination of a mobile development programme, which uses ILF’s mobile workshop to train creative entrepreneurs — who can then make a living
Yvonne Ndlovu
He is tall, shy and talented. Bongani Ndlovu (only 19) of Nkowankowa started drawing at the age of thirteen. His passion for drawing is inspired by cartoons. As a young boy he used to watch cartoons on TV and try to draw the same thing he had just seen on TV afterwards. “I have never given up. I tried my best for my drawings to resemble the original cartoon”, he says. We asked his cousin, Nyiko Mabunda, what made a fine, handsome and talented young man like Bongani to quit school. “He has a hearing problem. You need to speak softly when speaking to him. And the way he pronounces his words is not that clear; so you need to be close to him to ensure that you can hear him well,” he replied. The ex pupil of Meridian College showcased his stunning drawings and we realised that he is very talented. Has only his illness made him to quit school? “I think his mother’s death in 2003 contributes as well,” Mabunda replied. “I saw my mother
burning to death,” Bongani said. “There was no electricity that day. I was sitting with her outside while she was cooking. She went in to the house to check on her pots. When she got closer to the paraffin stove, it exploded. Her clothes caught fireand within seconds the flames engulfed her,” he tells. After her death Bongani’s performance at school deteriorated. He just couldn’t concentrate. “I think of my mom most of the time.” When the thoughts get too much for him he keeps himself busy drawing or hanging around with his two favourite people, his cousin and brother. His uncle was willing to take him to a doctor, but he sadly died before it could be done. Madunda said they are struggling and cannot afford to enroll him at a college where he can pursue his talent or even to get medical advice. Some family members think he is mentally disturbed and they don’t want to assist with the finances. • Anyone willing to help Bongani can contact Amu Ndlovu
Jacaranda delivers water, food to Hoedspruit
Lt Nico van Schalkwyk (Air Force Base Hoedspruit), Debby Thomson (Victims Support Unit) en Janie Wierenga (Jacaranda RMFM) is hier by die oorhandiging van 80 000 liter water en dertig ton nie-bederfbare voedsel aan Hoedspruit se mense. Dit is binne twee weke deur Jacaranda 94.2 ingesamel en daar is meer aan die kom, sê Jacaranda se bemarkingsbestuurder, me Jenny Griesel. Kontak George by 071 604 7755 of Max by 079 277 6938 vir enige versoeke of navrae vir skenkings of om hulp te ontvang. — LiN Nuus/Kruger2Canyon
on 083 897 8580 or Nyiko Mabunda on 084 776 9601/078 555 3236. yvonne@bulletin.us.com
independently. The organisation helps the trainees make a living by marketing their products in the local and various international markets. “Apart from our initiatives in visual arts and fashion, we want to ensure that our unique crafts industry not only becomes sustainable for the crafters’ families and communities, but are handed on to the next generation to create and sustain their own economic stabil-
ILF project coordinator Ms Liezl Kok shows some of the products that have been designed by trainees to Mss Muhloti Mathye of Absa and Joyce Mashamba MEC.
ity,” Ramdhani said. Limpopo MEC for sport, arts and culture Joyce Mashamba said “the people of Limpopo have the ability, drive and creativity to turn their talents into livelihoods.” She thanked ILF for its efforts to alleviate poverty in the communities, and said the government is thankful for any initiative that leads to the addressing of the backlog, as well as to empower and encourage the youth. Report & photo by Orlando Chauke
10 February 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Legals / Geregtelik MARULENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME 31 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality for the amendment of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme 2008, by the rezoning of Erf 713 Hoedspruit Extension 6, situated in Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate from “Private Open Space” to “Special for Equestrian Centre”, subject to conditions described in an Annexure. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for a period of 28 days from 10 February 2012. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, within a period of 28 days from 10 February
2012. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 feb201______________ MARULENG GRONDGEBRUIK SKEMA 2008 WYSIGINGSKEMA 31 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stadsen Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(I) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering van Erf 713, Hoedspruit Uitbreiding 6, geleë te Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate van “Privaat Oop Ruimte” na “Spesiaal vir Ekwestriese Sentrum”, onderhewig aan voorwaardes vervat in ’n Bylae. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 10 Februarie 2010. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van
die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 10 Februarie 2010 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 feb202______________ IN DIE ARBEIDS HOF VAN SUID AFRIKA GEHOU TE JOHANNESBURG Saak nommer: LP1324/04 In die saak tussen LAWRANCE MASHATOLE EKSEKUSIE SKULDEISER En MEREKOME FUNERAL SERVICES EKSEKUSIESKULDENAAR KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING VAN ROERENDE EIENDOM TEN UITVOERLEGGING van ’n vonnis van die Arbeids Hof Johannesburg gedateer 23 Augustus 2005. Ondervermelde goedere om 11:00 op 02nd Maart 2012 per publieke veiling te balju stoorkamer, Duiwelskloof farm, GaModikone, langs a an Madume Wa Zulu deur die BAJU vir die Arbeids Hof van
Johannesburg aan die hoogste bieër vir kontant verkoop wrod, naamlik: 1 X ISUZU BAKKIE PFS994GP (WIT) 1 X TOYOTA VENTER OKV737GP (WIT) GETEKEN TE TZANEEN op die 27ste dan van Januarie 2012 (Get) SHIRINDA B.J. EISER SE PROKUREURS BALOYI & SHIRINDA ING 10 MORGAN STRAAT TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3545 VERW: BS0149/09/ BJS/HTM feb203______________ IN THE GAUTENG NORTH HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NO: 41770/2011 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED PLAINTIFF And STUART ANTHONY CROWE (id 761210 5255 18 1) 1ST DEFENDANT CORNELIA MARIA CROWE (id 760504 0072 08 3) 2ND DEFENANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In terms of a judgment given by the above mentioned Honourable Court on the 4 OCTOBER 2011 and a writ of execution on immovable property
Bulletin Church
issued, in terms thereof and the subsequent attachement of the under-mentioned property, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on TUESDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2012, time: 10:00, at the SHERIFF DUIVELSKLOOF/ LETABA/TZANEEN, at: 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, TZANEEN, to the highest bid offered. Description of property: PORTION 47 (PORTION OF PORTION 42) OF THE FARM HASIVONA 561 REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING: 21,4133 (TWO ONE COMMA FOUR ONE THREE THREE) HECTARE HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER: T158974/2006 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED ALSO KNOWN AS: PORTION 47 (PORTION OF PORTION 42) OF THE FARM HASIVONA 561, LIMPOPO Improvements: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: PATIO, BOREHOLE, DINING ROOM, FAMILY ROOM, KITCHEN, PANTRY, 5 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOM, 2 OUTBUILDINGS, WITH BATHROOM. Zoning: Residential 1 TERMS
The purchase price shall be paid as follows: 1. 1 a deposit of 10% (TEN PERCENT) of the purchase price shall be paid immediately in cash or bank guaranteed cheque at the date of the sale: 1. 2 the balance purchase price shall be paid by way of an acceptable Bank guarantee within 21 (TWENTY ONE) days from the date of the sale. 2 CONDITIONS The conditions of the sale will be read out prior to the commencement of the sale, which conditions will be made availabe for inspection thereof at the offices of the SHERIFF HIGH COURT : SHERIFF DUIVELSKLOOF/ LETABA/TZANEEN, at : 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, TZANEEN. SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THIS 10TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2011 TO: SHERIFF OF THE HIGH CORT DUIVELSKLOOF/ TZANEEN/LETABA SNYMAN DE JAGER INCORPORATED (6th Floor Bureau Forum Building Bureau Lane Pretoria, Gauteng Docex7, Pretoria, PO Box 565, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 326 1250 / Fax 012 326 6335 OUR REF: MR A HAMMAN/R VAN ZYL/ F0004036
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com
Die Week
Die Maand
Goggatjie kom kuier
2 Maart, Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, Goggatjie Prof Veith High Grove vermaak kinders met sang en ‘n fotosessie Tent, High Grove Lodge, 17-19 daarna. Skakel Rosie 082 453 9161 of die February, 20-24 February Past kerkkantoor 015 307 4508. Johan Steyn. Various topics Reünie Hoërskool Nigel 1960 - 1962 concerning Christianity, God matrieks, 17 Maart. Onderwysers van 1958and world events. Contact past Johan Steyn 1962 ook welkom. Foto’s van skoolaktiwiteite 015 306 0194. word benodig. Navrae: Igna van der Walt
Herofield Lantern
5 kilometre fun walk, Herofield 48 Adshade Street Tzaneen - adults R40, children R40, free for kids under 5 years. Contact Hannes 082 309 83 35.
012 997 5644, Susan Fullard (Nooiensvan) 012 665 3474, Mervin Tankelowitz 011 882 3560.
Hoërskool Merensky 1962-matrieks, 13-20 April, Eiland Spa. Hoofbedrywighede 13-15 April. Bespreek by Heidi (015 386 8000). Skakel George Kinnear by 082 550 7030 (george@futurus.co.za) of Bets van der Linde (néé Neuhoff) by 072 LA VA BOR 707 4735 (bets@netstorm.co.za). ET CONSER
Mark & karnaval Alleenlopers
Almal bo 40 wat Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen belangstel om saam met vriende te kuier hou ‘n middag-/aandmark skakel 083 550 8626 of 083 453 3250. en ‘n kinderkarnaval op 2 The Tzaneen Maart op hul terrein. Goggatjie kom vir die Support Group kinders kuier en tree om 18:00 op. Kaartjies Depression and Anxiety Support Group
• AGS van SA, Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 082 925 8746, Past Johan Pieterse. Kantoor 015 309 9275 / 079 509 1500. Son 09:00, Sondagskool 08:30 vir gr 8’s tot gr 12’s, 09:00 vir 3 jariges tot gr 7’s. • AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele : 082 697 6881, Past Walter Benn, Son 09:00 (asook Sondagskool) • AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen, 015 307 5112, Past. Maans Schutte, Son 09:00 • Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen, 015 307 3534, Ven Gaile Blunden, Sun 09:15 • Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4634, Rev. Gordon Bull, Sun 09:00 & 18:00 • Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 6845, Fathers Philemon Thobela, Jimmy Kennedy, Daily 07:15 (not Wed), Sun 08:00. • Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg, 083 964 9859, Father Jeffrey, Sunday 08:30 • Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 015 276 1111, Pastor Ian Loughor-Clarke. Sun 09:00 • Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal, 082 823 1074, Johann Fourie. Sondae 09:00 • Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen,015 307 3371, Ds Hendrik van Rensburg, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00 • Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen, 015 307 1558•015 307 1874, Dr Edmund de Beer. Son 09:30, 18:30. • German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Modjadjiskloof Zwariri Road. 082 653 5498, Service in German (Eng & Afr Translations) • St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg 015 307 3534. Sun 09:30. Sunday school 09:30. • Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen, 015 307 4729, Pastor Bryan Varrie/Past Rassie Pretorius Sundays 09:00 & 18:00; 12:00 Sotho & Shangaan. • Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen 015 309 9920, Past. Wiets Oosthuizen, Vry 19:00, Son 10:00 & 18:00 (Afr & Eng) • Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4525, Rev Pierre Naudé, Sun 09:30. • Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof. Sunday service 08:00, Pastor Attie Botha on 015 309 8594. • NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9323, Ds Dewald Vermaak, Son 09:00 • NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele, 015 345 1618, Ds Barry van der Merwe, Son 09:00. • NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen, Ds Gouws van Zyl 082 829 2926/015 307 4498, Ds Chris Zietsman, 015 307 4497 of 083 269 1325, Son 08:30. • NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen, Ds Adriaan van Tonder 083 408 0939/015 307 4062, Sondae 09:00 • New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 4807, Shep. Petersen, Sondae 09:00 & Woensdae: 19:30.
Bulletin Events R25/p, beskikbaar by die kerk. Boeresport vir die kinders. Inskrywings R25/span van vyf. Vetkoek, pannekoek, worsbroodjies, yankees, gebak, groente en vrugte te koop. Vetkoek Helpende Hande AGS Kerk kan vooraf bestel word. Navrae: 015 307 4508 Tzaneen, môre, 10:00-11:00. Solidariteit of 083 438 2230 Helpende Hand Vroue in Aksie, geldinsaWêreld Biddag vir meling vir ‘n kleuterskool. Bibi Farnham vroue NG Kerk Wolkberg-gegaan praat oor ‘Take off your Mask’. Kaartjies meente, 2 Maart. Wêreld biddag vir R100/p. Verversings, koffie en tee. Pryse. alle vroue. NG Wolkberg bied ‘n program Skakel Mandi Naudé 082 306 7442. aan. Skakel Margie van Tonder 015-3075029 of 084 414 6166.
Vir dienstye gedurende vakansies en/of langnaweke skakel met die kerke. Times may change during school holidays and/or long weekends; check with the churches.
meetings will be held every alternate Thursday evening at 18:00 at the Macadamia Community Centre. Contact Colleen on 0153075137 or 0834155137.
Round Table Tzaneen 96 Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Call Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.
Herofield aanddiens
Sondae, 18:30, Minitzanisaal. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn vir enige navrae: 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com.
Bulletin Sport Die Maand Visvangkompetisie
Piesangdam, Letaba Estates, môre, 05:00. Aangebied deur Lede in Christus Kerk se jeugaksie. Baber, karp en kurper. Pryse soos vleispakkies op die spel. Kaartjies R100 vir twee stokke. Skakel Pieter 073 304 5508 en Pieta 082 370 8242.
• Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9580/084 584 0059, Ds Gerhard Viviers, Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal, 015 345 1128, Dr Jan Truter - Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen, 015 307 4508 Ds Richard vd Westhuizen, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00. • Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen, 015 307 1111 of 083 717 4034, Past B Wilken,Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen, 015 307 3240/082 893 6351, Ds Francois du Plessis, Saterdae 11:00 (Afrikaans & Engels). • Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen, 015 307 3387, Past Dawid Venter, Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531, Dr Rev TJ Mukoki, Sun: 09:00 (English & Tsonga),
Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45
Mountain Yacht Club, Ebenezer Dam, Haenertsburg, 18 March, 08:00. Prizegiving at 13:30. Miles and 3000 m entries on www.entrytime.com are R100, 500 m swim is R75.
PRE-RELEASE SCREENINGS 14 FEB BOOKINGS NOW OPEN English Subtitles... Tue: 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————
I DON’T KNOW HOW ˛ Ç ß STAR WARS EPISODE 1: SHE DOES IT Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:00, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:00 THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:50, 20:00 ¸ ˛ ◊ Ó
Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE SAFE HOUSE ¸ ˛ ◊ ≤ GHOST PROTOCOL ˛ Ç œ Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:45, 22:20 Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:10, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: ˛ ◊ å CHIPWRECKED Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:20, 17:00, 19:30
Ebenezer Mile
Daily: 11:00, 14:10, 17:20, 20:30
˛ ◊ ß
˛ ◊ ∞
Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 —————————————————————————————————— Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 14:45, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20
Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:20, 17:10, 19:45
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO ˛ ◊ º Daily: 11:00, 14:10, 17:20, 20:30
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For efficient advertising that can work for your business, contact 015 307 7248 or miniads@bulletin.us.com
10 February 2012
10 February 2012
Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1 Accounting – Management accounts & Annual Financial Statements as prescribed by the new companies act 2 Returns for 2 1 Income tax 2 2 Vat 2 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT & Registered Tax practitioner) of Butler Accountants At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 june401______________
Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501
Services Dienste
Smouskous Services Dienste
PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111___________________ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106___________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128__________________ Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129__________________ We offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and couples treatments at our day spa. Phone for bookings 015 307 6220. 16B King Edward Drive. jul130__________________
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________
Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897 Oct212_______________
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact Vezi & de Beer – 015 307 6797. Sept426________________
AAA “Pressure metal Exchange” I buy Antiques I also buy old gold, diamond rings and chains. All for cash and is very discreet. Your Friend in need Call Johan 083 680 3270 Oct104________________
ing machines, Trucks and Tractors. Contact Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ 071 826 6298
For all your stationery needs, gifts, books and much much more. Contact 0153072049. Sept430________________ Photo’s are memories forever! Contact me to capture those special occasions! Sonia 0822178322. Sept432________________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI VERVOER VAN MEUBELS VASTE ROETES ELKE WEEK VERPAKKING MATERIAAL BESKIKBAAR OP AANVRAAG SKAKEL MICHELLE VIR KWOTASIE 073 976 7605 / goldentransporttzn@gmail.com
Nov302________________ Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________
The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________ Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc.Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401 We can help you with accounting, DTI Incentives, BEE, Foreign Exchange, Insurance, Statutory, Payroll and Taxation. Phone us for an appointment. 015 307 1646 jan302________________ Looking for the perfect car at the perfect price? Call us to make it happen. 015 307 5020 jan303________________ Not in the mood to make dinner??? Call us for the perfect pizza and we deliver! Debonairs – 015 307 2001 jan306_______________ Audio Repairs, DVD, TV and VCR Repairs, Spares and Accessories, IC’S and TR’S. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307________________ Lost your keys, need a new lock or need a new number plate? For quick, friendly and professional service, contact Bruce 079 222 2900. jna309________________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310________________ I stock and use products from Schwarzkopf, Great Lengths, ghd, Eco.kid and many more. Come visit me for the perfect hair cut, colour or highlights. I do extensions and sell products for childrens hair too. Contact Lanie 015 307 4604 jan311_______________ Lou-dri Field services Specialise in all earth movCARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018
Lou-dri velddienste Spesialiseer in grondverskuiwingmasjiene, trokke en trekkers. Kontak Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ 071 826 6298 feb102________________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057,
BKR Complete variety of lubricants. Contact: 015 307 7501 Afsim: Code 08 and 10. Simulator training available at R130 per hour. Learners licence at R500, Mock Exams R50. Practical in vehicle available with full courses at competitive rates. Learn to drive… The safe way! Aqua Mall, Aqua Park, Tzaneen. 079 726 9997 Oct105________________ Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________
Do you have a problem with cockroaches? Are they taking over your house and home? I have the solution! Money back guaranteed and very satisfied clients! Call Anette: 083 276 7872 or 015 307 6741 Dec202_________________ A standard Maxidor Slamlock can withstand a pull force of 2,6 Tons. Order from me now! 083 469 5978 Nov513_________________ All kinds of African extensions (from human hair to braiding) open Monday to Sunday. Call 015 307 2220 Nov514_________________
To advertise in the Bulletin contact 015 307 7248
Services Dienste Festive Feast @ Romans pizza. Tel: 015 307 4021 Nov506________________ Computer repairs and sales. Tel: 015 307 7676 Nov507_________________ Pastel suite and IT support specialist. Cell: 072 811 9875 Nov508_________________ Bookkeeping and salary management. Tell: 015 307 7676 Nov509_________________ Pastel accounting and payroll sales. Cell: 072 811 9875 Nov510_________________ Awesome children’s gifts! Bath pops, bath crayons, squish ‘n squeeze jelly bubbles set and much more, Contact 072 569 8411 Nov511________________
For Sale Te Koop Koelkamer te koop Coolroom for sale Volledige 5m x 7m koelkamer in werkende toestand. Tans gebruik. Kompressor 2 jaar oud Addisionele panele vir koelkamer beskikbaar. R35 000 Bossie 083 229 7551 Koos 082 323 2140 Dec301_______________ KARAVAAN TE KOOP Caravette 5 2 dubbelbeddens en een hangmat, yskas (elektries), 2 plaat gasstoof, Yskas en ligte werk elektries of op battery Die dak is nuut oorgedoen Nuwe bande (300 km) asook ‘n nuwe spaarwiel Beddens en Hangmat is nuut oorgetrek Voltent en ‘n “Add a room” Lisensie op datum betaal Kontak Wim 082 786 9904 feb101________________
To Rent Te Huur 2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________ Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R15.00/km + btw & 25 ton @ R22/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasies: 076 410 9503/082 851 7139 of 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 Sept101_______________
Vervoer & Verpak van Meubels Skakel Melody vir kwotasie 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Vakatures Vacancies Sales Rep position available. Experience in the printing industry will be an added advantage. Salary: Basic+Comm. Cellphone & Own Transport essential. Fax CV to 086 632 8558 Feb205_________________
3 x 2deur kombuiskaste 1 x 1deur kombuiskas 12 x stoele 2 x Golfstelle jnr volledig 2 x Staalkluise 1.2/1.0/1.32 1 x plumber vise Prys navraag kontak 072 246 8210 / 072 5505 178 feb203__________________
Vacancy: Production Foreman Job description: Ensure production of services and goods according to set protocols and standards. Lead a team of workers, ensuring property and equipment is well maintained. The role is diverse, and may also involve purchasing of goods, logistics and R & D. Requirements: Grade 12 / Standard 10 Good communication skills Good computer skills Driver’s licence / own transport Sober, hard-working individuals that are willing to learn, are encouraged to apply. Please send CV to 086 626 8321 (fax) or desertexpres@gmail.com Feb206_________________
Mosaiek offers a variety of Gospel cd’s and gifts for those special occasions! Come sit and relax with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake! Visit us at the Star Spares building, contact 015 307 2586 Oct203_________________
Sales rep position available. Experience in the printing industry will be an added advantage. Salary: Basic+Comm. Cellphone and own transport essential. Fax CV to 086 632 8558 Feb207_________________
1 Parker Knoll hout 6 sitplek sitkamer stel. 2. Slaapkamerstel: Koningin grootte bed met nuwe matras, Pakplek in kopstuk en voetenent . Spieëlkas met 3 Spieëls met pakplek agter Kantspieëls Kontak : 074 104 7978 of 015 307 6695 Nov504________________
Ervare gekwalifiseerde werktuigkundige beskikbaar vir herstel en diens van veral trokke, trekkers, plaastoerusting en waterpompe. Skakel 084 909 3625 Feb208_________________
Forklift te koop Kontak 082 4944221 feb202__________________
Looking for donations or contributions of second hand clothes and shoes (age newborn to teenage) for a children’s orphanage in the Tzaneen are. Please Contact Belinda 072 419 2982. I will collect! Jan202_________________
Legals / Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 4040/2011 In the case between: BRENNER MILLS – ZOUTPANSBERG a division of FELTEX HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD previously as ZOUTPANSBERG MILLING (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR And KHO-ZAS SUPERMARKET CC REGISTRATION NO 2002/094814/23 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR MAHMEDSLAM ISMAIL VALI PATEL ID NO 730131 5645 189 T/A KHO-ZAS SUPERMARKET 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 9 January 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 12 ANNECKE STREET, LETSITELE, on 2 MARCH 2012 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X SAMSUNG CASH REGISTER 3 X DEEP FREEZERS 1 X STAYCOLD FRIDGE 2DOOR DATED AT TZANEEN ON 06 FEBRUARY 2012 SHERIFF OF THE COURT Execution Creditor’s Attorneys WOLVAARDT INCORORATED THE WORKS 258 BROOKLYN ROAD MENLO PARK, PRETORIA, 0081 Po box 9376, Pretoria, 0001, Tel No 012 362 3087, Fax no 012 362 0160 Docex 422, Pretoria Ref: WOLVAARDT/ ZOU4/0044 Service address: JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHA & SHORT STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: J STEYN/cvr/ AA8101 feb206______________ Likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bestorwe boedel ter insae lê Ingevolge Artikel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierkening (eerste en finale, tensy ander vermeld) in die boedel hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meester te Pretoria en Landdros te Tzaneen en vir ’n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan ter insae lë vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne ge-noemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rek-
ening. Registrasienommer van boedel: 6637/2011, Boedel wyle Stephen John Roulston Identiteitsnommer: 5105055105185, wie getroud was binne gemeenskap van goedere met Mavis Mapula Roulston van die 5 Green Gables, Tzaneen. Joubert & May Prokureur Posbus 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Tel 015 307 3660 Verw: Mnr Rech/avs/ R12307 feb206______________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GIYANI HELD AT GIYANI CASE NO 338/2010 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Plaintiff And SIPHO VICKY MANGANYI N.O. (ID 801109 5758 081) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a Judgment of the above Court and Writ of Attachement dated 17 June 2011, the under mentioned immovable property will be sold in execution on: THURSDAY, 01 MARCH 2012 at 13:00 IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF GIYANI OFFICES AT SHERIFFS STORE, LIMDEV BUILDING, GIYANI, LIMPOPO PROVINCE To the highest bidder OWNERSHIP UNIT NO 533 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GIYANI – F DISTRICT OF GIYANI Registration Division L.T. Limpopo Province MEASURING: 510 (FIVE HUNDERED AND TEN) SQUARE METRES HELD UNDER DEED OF GRANT TG78628/98LB Subject to all conditions contained therein (“the property) Subject to the following conditions 1. The property shall be sold “VOETSTOOTS” to the bidder and the sale shall be subject to the provisions of Section 66 of the Magistrate’s Court Act of 1944, as amended subject however the confirmation of the sale by the first bondholder, namely ABSA BANK LIMITED. 2. The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 % (TEN PERCENT) of the purchase price in cash on the date of the sale and the unpaid blaance, together with interest thereon at the rate of 15.50 % p.a to the date of registration of transfer, shall be paid or secured by a Bank Guarantee, within 14 (FOURTEEN) days after the sale. 3. The following improvements are reported to be on the property, but are not guaranteed: “1 X RDP House consisting of 1 x Lounge, 1 x bathroom, 1 x kitchen, 2 x bedrooms”. 4. CONDITIONS OF SALE: the full condi-
tions of the sale may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the Magistrate’s Court, GIYANI, SH PARK LIMDEV BUILDING, GIYANI, Tel: 015 781 1794 DATED AT POLOKWANE this 03 February 2012 (SGD) PJ VAN STANDEN ESPAG MAGWAI ATTORNEYS PLAINTIFF’S POLOKWANE ATTORNEYS ADAM TAS BUILDING 26 JORISSEN STREET POLOKWANE Tel: 015 297 5374 / Fax 015 297 5042 REF: PJ VAN STADEN/ SJ/MAT1973 c/o JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS GIYANI OFFICES: NO 206 2ND FLOOR OLD MUTUAL BUILDING GIYANI TEL 015 812 2870 Ref Jsteyn/CVR/GA1384 Address of Execution Debtor SIPHO VICKY MANGANYI N.O SITE NO 533 GIYANI – F 0826 feb206______________ IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NO: 5001/2011 In the matter between: LETABA CRUSHERS (PTY) LTD Execution Creditor And SIMATA HOMES CC Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Magistrate, TZANEEN, given on 24 NOVEMBER 2011 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 2 LORETTO PARK, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff of the Magistrate’s Court, TZANEEN at 09:00 on 24 FEBRUARY 2012 to the highest bidder for cash: 1. 18 x Office Chairs 2. 2 x 4 Drawer Steel Cabinets 3. 1 x Copier/Fax 4. 6 x Office Tables SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON THIS 7TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012 COETZER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7524 REF: PCOETZER/ LP/1567 feb207______________ NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NUMBER: 9016/2008 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SA LIMITED (1962/000738/06) Plaintiff And MAITJIE DONALD RAMOSHABA First Defendant NKHENSANI JONKI BEATRICE RAMOSHABA
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Second Defendant AUCTION – NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment and a Writ of Execution of the above mentioned Court, a sale in execution of the under mentioned property is to be held without reserve at the Sheriff’s office, 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, TZANEEN, on TUESDAY, 28 FEBBRUARY 2012 AT 10:00. Full conditons of sale can be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of TZANEEN/LETABA at 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, TZANEEN and will also be read out prior to the sale. No warranties are given with regard to the description and/or improvements. PORTION 1 OF ERF 1104 TZANEEN EXTENSION 12 TOWNSHIP REGISTATION DIVISION: L.T.THE PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO MEASURING: 570 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO T161816/2006 STREET ADDRESS: 50 TONY LAWS STREET, AQUA PARK, TZANEEN EXTENSION 12, LIMPOPO PROVINCE ZONE: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling consisting of 3 x bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 x dining room, 1 x lounge, 1 x scullery Outbuilding: 2 x garages. 1 x bathroom Take not of the following requirements for all prospective buyers: 1. R2 000 refundable registration fee on date of auction 2. Presentation on the Sheriff of the following FICA documents 2. 1 Copy of Identity Document 2. 2 Proof of Residential Address SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THE 27TH DAY OF JANUARY 2012 HAASBROEK & BOEZAART INC ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF HB FORUM 13 STAMVRUG STREET VAL DE GRACE, PRETORIA TEL NO 012 481 3555 FAX NO 086 673 2394 REF: BVDMERWE/fg/ S1234/3932 C/O DOCEX 171 VERMEULEN STREET GENERAL POST OFFICE BUILDING CHURCH SQUARE PRETORIA
10 February 2012
Property / Eiendomme
Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 50m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 086 130 3404 Feb201___________ FOR RENT! Bachelor and Lofts – R4000 per month Two Bedrooms – R5900 per month Terms - 6 to 12 month contract. Include the following for FREE: Fully furnished, Daily cleaning of room, Bed linen changed every week, DSTV limited bouquet, fully equipped kitchen (R200), Covered parking, Water & Electricity, Airconditioning. Lane – 087 150 5305 feb202_____________
HOUSE FOR RENT 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Study, I Granny Flat/Office. Centrally located in King Edward Street. R5500.00 p/ month excl Water and Lights. 1 months deposit required. Available 1 March 2012 Danie 083 928 7200 Dale 076 276 8694
Small farm to rent in Magoebaskloof.House with 4 bedrooms, bathrooms 2.5, dining-, living-, lounge, kitchen and scullery.Double garage and workshop. R6000pm. Contact Herby 0832933443.
To advertise in the Bulletin contact 015 307 7248
10 February 2012
Bulletin Job Seeker
ADMIN / CLERICAL Felicity is op soek na algemene kantoorwerk of kassierwerk. Ondervinding in pastel en rekenaargelettred kontak 076 432 9801 (42)__________________
CONSTRUCTION / SKILL TRADES My name is Kington Zifambe I am looking for a job in operating a Excavator, TLB, 1 year experience call me at 078 854 3533 (17) __________________ My name is Johannes Shai I am looking for a painting,
paving, housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (18)___________________
DOMESTICS / OFFICE CLEANERS/ GARDENERS I’m Nkhensani khosa I am looking for a domestic job, guest house cooking or general work cleaning contact me on 078 778 2450 (123) _________________ I am looking for a domestic job or office cleaner can look after children also my name is Maggie Maake contact me 078 141 7802 (131)_________________ I am looking for a domestic position have years experience please contact me Martha Kapa on 073 459 5570 (132)_________________ My name is Welhemina Ramolefo I am looking for a domestic job for 5 days a week can look after children sleep out contact 072 604 7020 (133)_________________
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin” My name is Suzan Mongwe I am looking for a domestic work please contact me on 074 759 2865 (134)__________________ I am looking for a domestic work contact me my name is Mongwe Ellen on 073 4999 100 (135)_________________ My name is Martha I am
looking for a domestic work or business cleaner I can look after children and can cook contact me on 073 459 5570 (136)_________________
My name is Selena I am looking for a domestic job Mon – Frid Ref: Adel 082 454 1328 contact me on 072 1924 762 (138)_________________
I Tebogo E Matsimela I am looking for domestic cleaning jobs please contact me on 076 100 1436 (137)__________________
My name is Joyce Mraba I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning or clerical job please contact me on 078 251 3833 (139)________________
Plasie-atlete presteer LINKS: Rirhandzu Shikwambana, ’n atleet van die Hoërskool Merensky, is die naweek as die beste veldatleet by ’n byeenkoms by Wonderboom in Pretoria gekroon. Sy het die rekord in die gewigstoot van 11,66 m na 12,44 m verbeter. ONDER: Nog vier atlete van Merensky is gekies om Limpopo by die SA Tweekampkampioenskappe in April te verteenwoordig. Michelle Stevens en die talentvolle Varriebroers, Joshua, Samuel en Timothy, is vir die span gekies. Michelle Stevens en Joshua Varrie neem in die afdeling vir o.15’s deel, Samuel Varrie in die afdeling vir o.17’s en Timothy Varrie in die afdeling vir o.19’s. Timothy is ook as kaptein van Limpopo gekies. Foto’s voorsien.
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Beate Altenroxel, Lesley Goulding, Sakkie Theron and Teneze Henrico from Duiwelskloof Bowls Club played exceptional bowls in the Limpopo Novices finals in Polokwane recently. They were the newest novices on the day. Beate ended in fifth place, Lesley third, Sakkie fourth and Teneze seventh. The winners were Koos Labuschagne and Annelie Janse van Rensburg from Hoedspruit. Teneze Henrico has also been selected to play for the Limpopo u.25 team.
the Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane on Saturday. Stanford Lake College competed among nine other schools and did extremely well despite the high temperatures. Nineteen of their students beat previous records and five of their relay teams set new records. Spectators cheered the team to a 95 points victory against their closest rival. Team captain Shaun Lamminga was awarded the senior Victor Ludorum trophy. LEFT: Shaun Lamminga. FAR LEFT: Michaela McGaffin won the 400 m race for girls u.19.
Konsert ten bate van Pippie Kruger daan Arno Jor reira Karen Fer aarsveld j n a v n e i Karl jaarsveld n a v y b b Bo Kaartjies ook beskikbaar by KOEDOE APTEEK, LE CAFÉ DES SPORT & NOORDELIKE NUUS KANTOOR Mogol Sportsaal Ellisras - 18 Februarie 2012 - 19h00 Volwassenes & Hoërskoolleerders R80, Laerskoolkinders & Pensioenarisse R60, Kleuters is gratis. Kontak 072 340 9016 / 071 907 9908 vir kaartjies!
This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist) You can go to any person now that is suffering from some health disease and ask what he would give just to get his health back and live a normal life. All of them would say anything, and all of them would also tell you that had they known this, then they rather would have lived a healthy life. Don’t follow in the same footsteps as those unhealthy people. You can still change the future, so make sure it’s healthy and positive. Start exercising and eat healthy. It’s that easy!
10 February 2012
Duiwelskloof novices play well at Limpopo finals
SLC wins in Polokwane The annual Independent Schools Athletics event, hosted by Mitchell House, was held at
IMPORTANT NOTICE • SPCA Phones The Tzaneen SPCA moved to new offices in Peace Street, but their Telkom phone lines still haven’t been moved to the new office (despite various attempts and promises by Telkom).
10 February 2012
Möller gee tree nader aan titel Sportkantoor
Die spoedvraat van die Hoërskool Merensky, Jaco Möller, het Saterdag ’n tree nader aan sy doel gekom. Uiterste weerstoestande, ‘n moeilike roete en mededingende renaksie het vir ‘n opwindende H-TEC Junior Nationalwedren, die eerste ronde van die 2012 Junior Nasionale Veldrenkampioenskappe, wat die naweek in die Hankey-omgewing in die Oos-Kaap gehou is, gesorg. Jong motorfiets- en vierwielmotorfietsdeelnemers tussen die ouderdomme van sewe en sewentien het die eerste punte op hul telkaarte aangeteken. Möller neem aan die junior-afdeling vir vierwielmotorfietse deel en het Saterdag sy staal gaan wys. Hy het Vrydag eerste in die kwalifiserende uitdunne gekom en kon Saterdag eerste wegspring. Dit het aan hom die oorwinning besorg. “Ek is so dankbaar vir die uitslag. Dit bring my darem so bietjie nader aan my droom, om die SA-kampioen vir 2012 te wees,” het ’n stralende Jaco na die wedren gesê. Die volgende ronde is op 3 Maart by Montagu in die Wes-Kaap.
Merensky is R30 000 en Stanford’s Ubuntu conquers Limpopo-kriekettitel ryker Red Ants Rumble Adventure Nadat die eerste krieketspan van die Hoërskool Merensky verlede Woensdag die Pro20-kampioene van Limpopo geword het, moes hulle Vrydag na Pretoria reis om in die halfeindronde van die nasionale Pro20-reeks teen Menlopark te speel. Die Plasies het 131 lopies aangeteken, met Tian Koekemoer wat weer eens ’n skitterende vertoning met die kolf gelewer het, deurdat hy 69 lopies van 50 balle gemoker het. Menlopark het die wedstryd naelskraaps
met twee lopies gewen met slegs vier balle oor. Die Plasies is egter trots op hul titel as Limpopo-kampioene en het sodoende R30 000 gewen. Die span het Saterdag teen Kempton Park in die Super 18-reeks gespeel en met agt paaltjies geseëvier. Aubrey Louw het 60 lopies van 50 balle aangeteken en die staatmaker in die span, Tian Koekemoer, het vyf paaltjies vir slegs 38 lopies laat kantel. Johan Louw het drie paaltjies vir 34 lopies laat kantel. Die o.15’s was nie so gelukkig nie en beskou hul nederlaag as waardevolle ondervinding. Hul sterspeler was Nabeel Carrim wat drie paaltjies vir die verlies van 28 lopies in tien boulbeurte laat kantel het. Tian Koekemoer voor die penne in aksie.
Team Ubuntu from Stanford Lake College competed in the Red Ants Rumble adventure race over 130 km recently. Ubuntu competed against seasoned adult racers as the only school team in the challenge. The race was held over seven legs, a
total of 22 hours and 20 minutes of non-stop racing. They managed to finish in fourth place, five hours behind the winning team. The team consists of Tam Johnson, Mark Jarman, Thomas Wilken and Tarryn Brent.