Bulletin Newspaper 29 May 2020

Page 1

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Doolittle’s big move 9

Cele’s men arrest more than 230k during lockdown Page 2

Local pilot snaps Zim border runners Page 3



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29 May 2020





230 000 arrested during lockdown Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Walter Hohensee 078 893 2721 walter@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123 Kantoor: 015 306 0198

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa

■ Joe Dreyer More than 230 000 people have been criminally charged since the start of the nationwide lockdown on the 31st of March. On the 22nd of May, the fedora-wearing police commissioner, Bheki Cele, told journalists at a media briefing that a significant portion of these arrests had been affected in the last few weeks. According to him 107 000 cases were opened, and 118 000 people were charged with contravening the lockdown regulations in the runup to May. He noted that the provinces with the highest number of arrests were the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng. Most of these arrested people have either already been released


Bheki Cele

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

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Services has said that they are currently working on new legislation which will stop admission of guilt fines attracting criminal records in South Africa. This according to the deputy police minister, John Jefferies. Jefferies made the announcement in a parliamentary briefing on Monday (18th of May) after opposition parties raised concerns about how many people have been arrested for breaking the country’s lockdown regulations. This will not have any bearing on serious crimes which fall outside the lockdown regulations. Almost as though lending further credence to the absurdity of the ban on cigarettes and alcohol, Cele stated that the SAPS have noticed a sharp increase in the smuggling of contraband between South Africa and its neighbouring countries. “There has also been an increase in the sale of these products on the black market,” he said (surprise, surprise). “There has been a notable drop in the rate of crime since the lockdown, especially in the contact crimes such as domestic violence and robberies. Although the lockdown figures for serious and violent crimes are still lower in comparison to 2019, we have noted an increase in hijackings, especially if we compare the first two weeks of level 5 to the first two weeks of the level 4 lockdown,” he said.

Zamalek yes, but still no Gwaai for you ■ Jeff Jackson The banning of the sales of alcohol which had so far resulted in most of the youths in rural areas drinking traditional beers and concocted substances in order to get high, was well accepted by tavern owners most of whom described it as a relief. “I was exactly a day away from shutting my doors for good because of the amount of business that I had lost,” said one owner. However, the sale of tobacco products remain prohibited for “health reasons” as the department of health said that smokers are more likely to require ventilators should they contract the covid-19 virus. Minister Nkosazana DlaminiZuma reportedly attended a meeting where the cigarette ban was finalised armed with medical books to prove her point that smoking kills. The exact “medical books” referred to are yet to be made public, but as she mentioned in an interview this week, her lawyers are busy with the matter and so she will not comment on it any further.

This was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa last Sunday as the number of infections continue to rise. Apparently among the more than 22 000 infections recorded thus far, about one third was recorded in just one week. The number of the people allegedly dying from the disease stood at 429 on the day of his speech, while Limpopo province had their infection tally standing at 120 from the 24 previously announced last week by Premier Stanley Mathabatha. Ramaphosa said they are involved in a plan to discover a vaccine for the disease including plans to develop the vaccine in South Africa. He said that there was “a massive global effort to develop the vaccine” and the government is “supporting and funding several projects to manufacture the vaccine locally as long as there are candidates”. He added that they had resolved that if the vaccine was successfully discovered it could be distributed equitably to all citizens of the world. “Models were built to help predict the trajectory of the virus and this assisted to realize that the pandemic in

South Africa will get worse before it gets better and secondly the duration and scale of the disease will be guided by the action as society and the behaviour as individuals towards the disease.” Finally, Ramaphosa put to rest the matter of the banning of cigarettes sales when he said that cigarettes will not be sold for health reasons. This after there were complaints that banning of cigarettes left businesses without income while the Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, and the South African Revenue Services (SARS) head, Edward Kieswater, said the economy has already lost billions in sin taxes. On the sale of alcohol, Ramaphosa said the sale of alcohol will be allowed but with strict conditions and limited hours. He said conditions are to be announced by various ministers which was due on Tuesday, but was then moved to Wednesday and finally Thursday. However, it has since been leaked that though the President said taverns will remain closed during the alert level three, it emerged that they will open and be used as collection points for their clients.

Ministers endorse SADC regulations ■ Joe Dreyer “There is no building going on there at our site, Minister of Land Reform Agriculture and Rural Development (LDARD), Thoko Didiza, attended a virtual joint meeting of SADC’s ministers responsible for agriculture, food security and aquaculture on the 22nd of May. The ministers noted the erratic rainfall that occurred during the 2019/2020 season in many parts of the region, which reduced area planted, contributed to poor germination and crop establishment. The ministers also noted that, inversely, the northern parts of the region received excessive rains that caused flooding, which resulted in loss of lives, displacement of populations, destruction of infrastructure and washing away of crops in specifically the north-eastern parts of the region. The impact that Covid-19 had on the region, especially on the smooth undertaking of field operations and timely distribution of agricultural inputs, especially in rural based communities also did not go unnoticed. According to the ministers at this meeting, the pandemic had a negative impact on the food and nutrition security and livelihoods of communities in member states. The ministers went as far as to note that prior to

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on warnings or are currently out on bail. The more serious offences such as gender-based violence, rape or murder are currently being heard in the respective courts across the country. More concerning the incredibly high number of lockdown arrests, is the arrests where an admission of guilt fine is attached. During the lockdown the SAPS may give you the option to pay what they call an admission of guilt fine after they arrest you. Such a fine allows a person to admit guilt for a less serious offence without having to appear in court. This, in theory, is meant to prevent the unnecessary overload of the court system and resolve less serious matters quickly. The problem is that people who pay these admission of guilt fines also attract a criminal record. A criminal record for something as trivial as not exercising while being outside, or not wearing a facemask while driving alone in your car, brings about a whole other set of challenges such as difficulty in finding employment and leaving the country at a later stage. The Department of Justice and Correctional


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Covid-19, the food insecurity in the Southern nutrition section data in the face of restrictions for African region was already alarmingly high, face-to-face data collection due to the Covid-19 but this has been exasperated by the virus. The pandemic. On transboundary pests and diseases, the pandemic also has seen a delay in the assessment ministers noted that the migratory pests, especially of food and nutrition status of the region due to African migratory locusts, African armyworm and travel restrictions many countries have put in fall armyworm, continue to undermine regional and place to contain the spread of Covid-19. national efforts to improve crop production, due to The ministers adopted the commitments the serious damage they cause to crops. Member states were encouraged to made at the African Union Commission ensure that measures are put in place (AUC) and Food and Agricultural to address transboundary pests. Organisation (FAO) AUC/FAO Ministerial Meeting, as a response to The ministers also endorsed the SADC Animal Genetic Covid-19 and encouraged Resources Conservation and member states to implement Utilisation Strategy, after these measures. Member noting that there was a rising states were also encouraged, through an intervention global demand for food of animal origin and other made by minister Didiza livestock commodities. on behalf of the minister of Furthermore, they endorsed Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy, to the implementation of the Harmonised Seed implement these measures Regulatory System (HSRS), for the aquaculture to ensure that there are industries too. harmonised regulations The group also endorsed Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural the guidelines for virtual that would allow safe and Development Thoko Didiza quality seeds for the region. collection of food and

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29 May 2020


Zimbabwean cigarette smugglers crossing the national border at the Limpopo river on foot.

Exclusive: Tzaneen pilot photographs border trade ■

Joe Dreyer

Cigarette smugglers have continued raking in the profits of their labour while legitimate companies such as British American Tobacco (BAT) continue arm-wrestling with CoGTA head, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. Earlier this week, a Tzaneen-based pilot and close friend of the Bulletin, provided us with photographs taken from his helicopter as he was flying over the Limpopo River near Musina this past week. In these exclusive photographs one can see a caravan of approximately 17 people crossing the river from Zimbabwe to South Africa carrying boxes of cigarettes. According to the pilot, a white bakkie was waiting for the deliveries on the South African side of the river. “It was right at the spot where the new border fence the government erected a few weeks ago, meets the old dilapidated border fence. A bakkie was reversed over the fence, flattening the wire to the ground on the South African side, and was being loaded with these boxes by the people who were coming from through the river from the Zimbabwean side,” the pilot recalled. The people, upon noticing the helicopter, dropped their packages and ran back through the river towards the Zimbawean border and hid in the bushes. The bakkie on the South African side drove off. Our pilot source did not interfere or follow the bakkie as he was on official business elsewhere. Bulletin has forwarded the images to the national police spokesperson, Brig Vish Naidoo. We asked him about the

plans to curb the trade of illicit cigarette smuggling across the border between Zimbabwe and South Africa and he promised to provide us with a detailed response as soon as he has taken the matter up with the relevant parties. At the time of going to print however, we had not received any such information. Before minister Dlamini-Zuma decided to place a ban on the sale of cigarettes, South Africa had started making progress in the fight against the rampant illicit cigarette trade which at the time was costing the country R10 billion a year. This is according to a statement by BAT who have decided to drop their planned legal action against the government in favour of negotiations to have the ban lifted earlier this month. Despite calls from opposition parties and outraged taxpaying citizens, Dlamini-Zuma has yet to provide any real data to support her outlandish decision to enforce the cigarette ban. This has led to speculations by opposition parties as to the true intent of the ban, given the lack of any medical research to support it. Retailers who support the ban on cigarette sales have defended the decision by claiming that they would not want people rushing to their stores for non-essential items such as cigarettes. Counter-arguments include that retailers should then also stop selling other “non-essential” items such as fizzy drinks, sweets and biltong and that if a smoker was allowed to buy cigarettes before the lockdown, they would have stocked up enough and then stayed home, thereby illuminating the crowding of the stores which seems to be the primary fear of the retail industry. Nevertheless, the cigarettes counters have stood vacant for more than two months while the illicit cigarette trade has boomed. This journalist has managed to find a cigarette dealer in less than two minutes by simply driving into Tzaneen’s CBD. In fact, not just one dealer, but around eight of them in the space

of 300 metres in the vicinity of the Tzaneng Mall and the Claude Wheatley taxi rank. This was captured on video several times during the popular “Daily Drive with Joe” shows. In an interview on Tuesday, Dlamini-Zuma sited a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) which listed the benefits of stopping to smoke. She also claimed that a study by the HSRC found that a lot of people did not go out looking for cigarettes. It appears that this was motivation enough for the minister to further double down on her decision to ban cigarette sales. In the same interview, the DA’s Cathlene Labuschagne launched a cheeky attack at the minister stating that there has been no scientific studies to support that smokers are more at risk of contracting Covid-19 and that despite the ban, smokers have continued to smoke, but have been forced to support the illicit trade. According to Labuschagne, this would appear to be the sole reason behind the ban, specifically from the minister’s point of view considering her alleged friendship with the businessman, Adriano Mazotti. “The minister is known to have visited Greece and the United Kingdom with Mr Mazzotti, who now denies that they are friends. Where will the two unfriendly travel partners be going with your profits once the lockdown is completely lifted, minister?” asked Labuschagne. Dlamini-Zuma denied this statement. “I must put it on record that I am not Mazzotti’s friend. If anyone is doing crime in South Africa, they must be arrested, no matter the crime.” Shortly after the ban on cigarette and tobacco sales was announced, images and articles from 2017 started circulating on social media, showing the minister pictured next to the “self-confessed tobacco smuggler”. What is your opinion on the cigarette and tobacco products ban? Let us know on our Facebook page in the comments section under this article.

CoGTA Minister, NkosazanaDlamini-Zuma refuses to budge on the cigarette ban she implemented.


29 May 2020





Level 3: Can we go into the out now? ■ Joe Dreyer Despite so much uncertainty and the ever-changing rules of the ministers who form the so-called National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), President Cyril Ramaphosa determined that South Africa will move down to threat level 3 as of next week Monday, the 1st of June. He announced this in another live address on Sunday, in which he also said that the various ministers attached to the NCCC would explain in detail what the new regulations would encompass, by Tuesday (three days ago). The country held its breath and then came the notice that there would not be any announcement on Tuesday, because the ministers had to “relook their strategy” after Ramaphosa announced that places of worship would also be reopened. The NCCC said they would finally reveal their plans on Thursday afternoon (yesterday). Churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and other recognised places of worship will be allowed to resume services with a maximum amount of 50 people or less depending on the space available from 1st of June. In response to this the country’s biggest church, Zion Christian Church (ZCC) has stated that they will not reopen under Level 3 and all their churches will remain closed until further notice. ZCC Bishop Dr BE Lekganyane made this announcement on Thursday (yesterday) and said that they do not feel it is safe enough to reopen yet. What South Africans can expect under Level 3 lockdown regulations include a complete scrapping of the 20:00 to 05:00 daily curfew and a further relaxation of the ridiculous three-hour morning exercise window period – although you will not be allowed to exercise in groups. You will be allowed to go to church, but not to the homes of family or friends, which seems about as illogical as the prohibition on the sale of shorts a week ago. In the briefing which was finally broadcast on Thursday afternoon at 14:00 (yesterday, a half an hour before our deadline), Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma stammered through her prepared speech which included a number of repetitions related to the alleged scientific studies upon which her and the rest of the council’s decision were seemingly based. NDZ reiterated that anyone who moves into a public space would need to wear a mask, preferably a cloth mask or any other homemade material that covers the mouth and nose. Announcing the drop to alert level 3 from the current level 4, it was clear that she was not overly excited about the relaxing of the regulations but had to abide by the president’s wishes. “In the areas that are not hotspots we will allow movement to work, to buy or obtain goods and services, for exercise, for medical procedures but the movement between provinces will still be prohibited unless for work or business, for moving house or for funerals. Given that schools will open in a phased approach, there will be open travel between provinces for students and teachers.” Restaurants, shebeens, taverns, nightclubs, bars, casino, cinemas will remain closed. Food will be available from restaurants only for collection or delivery. Hotels and lodges and all other accommodation facilities will have to remain closed except for confined tourists, quarantine, and isolation, but also for people who are traveling for business and work. Travel between provinces is not permitted except for essential services or carriers of permits to attend funerals. International ports of entry remain closed except for repatriation or evacuations and imports and exports. (No mention of the open gates between Zimbabwe and South Africa as highlighted on page 3 in this publication). Sale of tobacco and tobacco products including vaping is still prohibited except for exporting. Sales of alcohol will be permitted between Mondays and Thursdays from 09:00 to 17:00 only. No liquor licenses will be issued for events or functions. A special court will be setup to enable the granting of eviction notices to those who have not paid rent. This, according to Dlamini-Zuma, will be in cases where it is deemed fair. More on this will be announced in future. Transport All public transport services will be able to resume which has led many to fear a sudden spike in the number of infections as roughly eight million people prepare to return to their place of business. Ramaphosa said there needs to be a partnership between commuters, taxi and bus operators, businesses, and government to prevent the spread of the virus on public transport but he said that Fikile

Mbalula would detail how it would work. Businesses are encouraged to take responsibility for transporting their workers where possible. Education Grade 7 and Grade 12 learners can return to school during Level 3 and higher education institutions can allow up to 33% of students back on campus. Nobody knows what he meant by 33% exactly, or which students this will include, or how the percentage will be determined. Will the universities decide which year-students will be allowed back, will there be a lucky draw, will there be guidelines


from government, or will it only include those who live on campus? Teachers’ union SADTU has warned that schools in KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo were not ready to open due to a shortage of PPE and sanitizers. They have urged their members to stay away from work until all the issues have been resolved. There have also been reports of PPE being stolen from some schools. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page and our website at www. reallysa.co.za for any updates on the Covid-19 regulations as they are made public.

Not Allowed

Domestic air travel for business travel will be allowed

No social gatherings

Sale of liquor will be permitted from Monday to Thursday 9:00 - 17:00

No interprovincial travel

All construction will be allowed

Mask wearing will remain compulsory

All clothing sales

All household appliances sales

High-risk economic activity such as restaurants, pubs, lodges and hotels remain closed Sale of Tobacco products will remain prohibited Gyms and fitness centres to remain closed

No more restrictions on outdoor exercise. People will be allowed to exercise any time during the day. Wholesale and retail, including spaza shops, will be allowed to completely reopen.

Conferences, events and gatherings Hotels and accommodation for leisure





29 May 2020


SADTU urges member teachers not to go to school ■

Jeff Jackson

The South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) in Limpopo has urged its members not to endanger their lives by going to schools which had not been fumigated or supplied with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The teachers’ union said that they are not satisfied with the materials delivered to schools thus far, as they are insufficient, and described the situation as shocking. This comes at the time members of the School Management Teams (SMT) including headmasters, were due to report at various schools to receive PPE and sanitisers. This was in preparation of the arrival of their teachers on Tuesday this week to prepare to resume teaching Grade 12 and Grade 7 pupils returning to school on Monday, 1st of June. The phased return to school was announced by the Department of Basic Education (DBE), Angie Motshekga last week. The teachers’ union started raising their objections just minutes after the announcement by the minister last week that only grade 12 and grade 7 classes would resume only after the schools were fumigated. They claimed that, despite the promise by the minister that educators will receive two surgical masks, that was not case as only a few masks and a few bottles of a sanitizers were delivered. SADTU Limpopo chairperson, Esther Mokwele, said that health and safety are the two top priorities for the union. “We say to our members do not endanger your lives by returning to unsafe environments like this. Stay at home until the department has delivered what they have promised us as the union. They make commitments, they made promises but as we are going through schools we can see that nothing has been done,” she said. “It’s shocking. I am so disappointed. They promised us two gloves and masks. When we went to the cir-

cuit we found surgical masks for one day. This means principals will have to commute to the circuit office to collect the surgical masks for the teachers.” Most teachers were not happy with what they had received, but they are hopeful that all would be delivered by Friday (today) so that they could begin with learning and teaching. The teachers are not alone in opposing the return to work as the student organisation, Congress of South African Students (COSAS) together with the organisation representing some of the school governing bodies had joined the Democratic Alliance (DA) in taking the government to court. This is in opposition to the lockdown. The department had since said that stock had arrived, and they are waiting for delivery. Although the provision of water remains a challenge in most of the rural schools, the department remained mum while the office of the premier said that they are going to deliver water tanks to schools which are in dire need of water. Limpopo provincial spokesperson, Kenny Mathivha said the government will be delivering water tanks as of this week, and that schools who do not yet have adequate PPE or sanitizers

Ramathuba snubs sangomas’ herbs ■

Jeff Jackson

The Limpopo Health department has snubbed its nose at the requests of traditional healers in the province who are pushing for the right to prescribe traditional medicines to patients suspected of being Covid-19 positive. The suddenly silent MEC for the department, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, has cautioned against the use of medicines which have not been adequately tested and has cautioned traditional healers not to prescribe these medicines that could put the lives of many people in danger. The scientific community has in the meantime allegedly called on the government to investigate the traditional medicine known locally as Mhlonyani, which has been sold next to the side of the road for many years and is claimed to contain many healing properties which could help in the fight against the spread of the disease. Ramathuba doubled down on her decision and advised communities against using the herbal remedy, especially if they are currently on prescription or chronic medication. According to traditional healer, Khomotso Mokwena, the medicine has been available for a very long time and was used by herbalists to heal respiratory related diseases like the Coronavirus. He said that since the outbreak, the medicine which is harvested from the mountains in the area and cooked before being bottled and sold next to the highways, is in high demand. Mokwena said with the lockdown regulations having had affected most of the street hawkers, the sale of the medicine has helped to improve the incomes of the many people in the province most of whom are unemployed. He appealed to the health department to take the medicine and have it tested in their laboratories to determine if perhaps it could help in the fight against the pandemic. “In the past there were diseases such as polio and before Europeans arrived, African people were taking care of these diseases on their own. The government should allow traditional healers to join hands with the Western doctors so that the cure for the pandemic could be found in time,” he said. Ramathuba, who initially stated that the virus should not be feared as Limpopo is ready to fight the spread, has been rather scarce since the sharp increase in the infections in her province. In defence of her stance on the traditional medicine issue, she said “as the department or the doctors we are not against with the issues of the traditional medicines that we see people drinking or smearing on themselves. What we want to show to the nation is that we don’t drink anything before it could be taken to the laboratory to test its efficacy and to check if there are side effects.” SADC leader for traditional leaders, Dr Sylvester Hlathi appealed to the department to work hand-in-hand with traditional healers so they could assist in establishing a traditional cure for the disease. He said that traditional healers in rural villages meet with more than a hundred patients per day, and if they are not informed about the disease, they can be infected or infect their patients.

Read The Bulletin online www.issuu.com Far North Bulletin

will not be permitted to open. With regard to parents not willing to return their children to school due to health and safety concerns, President Cyril Ramaphosa said that parents are not forced to take their children to school when they have concerns. This was supported by BDE minister, Angie Motshekga on Tuesday when she said she understood the concerns of the parents as she is a parent too.

Basic education minister Angie Motshekga


29 May 2020





LET’S TALK REAL ESTATE Buying commercial property Owning property is one of the most satisfying and rewarding pleasure to any individual. Whether you buy residential or commercial property you can be sure to reap the fruits of financial gain. However make sure that you know exactly what costs can be hidden and how future sales value can be determined by numerous factors. Commercial property can end up being either a burden or a joy. Depending on a few risk factors. There are 3 different types of commercial property. Retail, offices and industrial. When looking to buy commercial property do consider the following: What is the purpose of the purchase? Are you buying to “owner occupy” or are you buying as an investment (Renting out to tenants)? Retail property usually secures the owner a good long term income when buying correctly. Good retail property is usually situated in CBD

(Central Business District), walking distance from all public transport, taxis and major bus stops. Retail shops with anchor tenants can yield excellent income when buying. These properties are always in great demand by different markets. These can work for Furniture stores, clothing stores, car sales, doctor’s practices, food stores andmany other retailers. These also usually need to yield an ROI (Return on Investment)of between6 and 10%. The costs of rates and taxes and municipal accounts are for the accounts of the tenants. Insurance, cleaners salary and maintenance is for the account of the owner. Also look at the maintenance needed on the building at time of purchase in comparison to purchase price to be sure you don’t pay too much and still need to spend a fortune to upgrade. Offices can yield good return on investments, should the property be in a high demand area, well maintained, well located and the price when purchasing gives an income of between 7 and 10% ROI (Return on investment). Rates and taxes and municipal charges are usually for the account of the tenant while insurance costs and maintenance is for the account of the owner. When looking at offices do take in consideration the distance from public transport, visibility, maintenance costs, parking availability and tenant interest in the area. Also always make sure before you invest in offices as an investment that there are tenants in the building with a good payment history or that a new prospective tenant will have sustainable income to cover lease payments. Also ensure that there are proper long term leases negotiated with tenants to ensure a steady income.

When the property is owner occupied, one must bear in mind that all fees re, insurance, levies, municipal accounts and rates and taxes is for the owners own cost. This must be taken into consideration when putting in an offer on an office building. Industrial property is very need specific. When looking at industrial property one should ask oneself the question what is it that needs to be done on the property, will tenants be in the market for that specific property and what term of lease agreements can be secured on these properties. Industrial property also usually incur higher costs due to the capacity of electricity available and the size of the ground. These are specifically designed for heavy machinery, manufacturing, warehousing and fuel depots. When investing in industrial property the owner must consider the risk of his tenants to neighbors. The amount of available electricity for the specific need of the site, accessibility to roads, is there efficient water and parking for machinery etc. Security in Industrial areas also creates quite an expense for an owner or a tenant. So now that we discussed the basic costs on each of these commercial properties we have to go more in depth as to future costs commercial properties can involve. Once a contract is signed on a purchase of a commercial property it has to be determined whether VAT ( Value added tax) is payable on top of the purchase price. Once a seller is registered for VAT, it becomes payable by the buyer. Currently VAT is calculated on 15% of the full purchase price. Should the purchaser be VAT registered as well, the property can be disposed of as a going con-

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cern. Giving that the property is income generating and therefore SARS will set it off as a zero rated transaction. In this case VAT is not payable but only transfer fees to the attorneys. Let’s take a closer look at VAT on Commercial property There are several additional costs payable in order to transfer the purchased property to the new owner. Aside from Deeds Office fees, administration costs, conveyancing fees and clearance certificates, either transfer fees or VAT will be payable on the deal. It would be wise to determine which charges apply to your transaction in order to budget for the added finance you may need to cover these costs. There may also be sufficient grounds to apply to have the deal zero-rated for VAT. Would VAT or transfer fees be the correct fee for your transaction? When is VAT payable? Transfer fees are payable on any property transaction where the minimum sale price of the property is R750,001 or more. Transfer fees are calculated on a tiered scale which begins at 3% of the purchase price. At no stage will the transfer fee exceed 15% of the purchase price. In contrast, VAT requires no minimum price threshold and is always calculated as 15% of the full purchase price. This would be far costlier than transfer fees which are about 8% of the purchase price. If both parties are registered VAT vendors then VAT will be payable instead. You, the purchaser, are responsible for paying this additional cost and should budget for this on top of the basic bond when considering a commercial property purchase.

Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. - Dallin H. Oaks

Legals LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Deed of Grant TG15883/2014, in favour of THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA: LENYENYE ASSEMBLY, in respect of certain ERF 2120 LENYEENYEE-A TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar

of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen the 22nd day of May 2020. Applicant: Doctor Thompson Mathebula p/a Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys Ref: A789/M van Rensburg Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Email address: Marelize@ tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 May501__________________________

NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,

1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T22924/1964 passed by Flats Milling Company Proprietary Limited, Registration Number: 1905/010312/07 in favour of Allesbeste Beleggings Eiendoms Beperk, Registration Number; 1993/005868/07 in respect of certain Portion 104 (A Portion of Portion 73) of the farm Pusela 555, Registration Division L T Province Limpopo, In Extent 725 (Seven Hundred and Twenty Five) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in

writing with the Register of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 25 May 2020 Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address : 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: dalene@joubertmay.co.za May502__________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer

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T26941/2006, passed by DIE TRUSTEES VAN TYD TOT TYD VAN DIE GERHARD OOSTHUIZEN TRUST Registration Number: IT4677/1994(T), in favour of RAUBEX EIENDOMME (EIENDOMS) BEPERK Registration Number: 1977/003922/07, in respect of certain REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 20 OF THE FARM MANORVLEI 556, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane Central within two

weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 22nd day of May 2020. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys Ref: O337 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 May503__________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Title T94197/2007, regis-


tered in favour of RAUBEX EIENDOMME (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Registration Number: 1977/003922/07, in respect of certain PORTION 28 (A PORTION OF PORTION 20) OF THE FARM MANORVLEI NO. 556, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane, Limpopo, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane Central within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 22nd day of May 2020.

Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys Ref: O337 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 May504__________________________

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29 May 2020


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29 May 2020





New home for local Doolittle

Roelof de Jonge

Anzelle Grobler and her animals have started moving into their new home at the Sanwild Wildlife Sanctuary outside Gravelotte. The move was mostly down to a lack of space at the Tzaneen Wildlife Rehab Centre in King Edward Street where Grobler was caring for injured and sick animals since time immemorial. Grobler admitted that the current location for Tzaneen Wildlife Rehab Centre was bursting out of it seams and there was a dire need for a larger property to cater for all the animals that continuously landed upon her doorstep. “We are now located on a few thousand hectares of land which is part of the SanWild Sanctuary in the area of Gravelotte. And the name explains exactly what this facility is all about, a sanctuary dedicated to animals. This land was identified specially to serve as an animal sanctuary. Now the animals can be treated and released right here”, said Grobler. Grobler said she could not have done this without the generous support from the community, businesses and friends who have helped her to relocate all the cages and animals safely without so much as batting an eyelid. The move itself, however, was one for the record books. According to our information, if Grobler were to have made several trips to and from the new location, she would have had to apply for special travel permits for each and every person and vehicle involved in the trek. This is why she was advised to involve the local traffic department and travel in convoy.

“I would like to extend a special thank you towards the local traffic department. Without their help to escort the whole entourage of vehicles from Tzaneen to Gravelotte, it would have meant that all the vehicles involved would have had to get a permit to partake in the relocation”, said Grobler. Grobler said about 60 cages and 283 animals were moved to this new location over the weekend. “I am incredibly happy for the animals, they now have a haven, away from people. Aside from the existing facilities available, there is adequate space to expand even further to accommodate more animals in distress.” This passionate animal lover who grew up amongst animals as a child on the farm, said what seemed like a one-day task to relocate all the animals eventually took them five days to move. But, in the real world, nothing is perfect or goes according to what a person had in mind. The geyser at the new location of Tzaneen Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre has packed up and needs to be replaced completely. Grobler said the amount is just short of R8 000 for all the repairs as quoted. She kindly requested for any form of financial assistance to help elevate this burden. Persons who would like to asAnzelle Grobler handle with care one of sist in this urgent matter can contact the common barn owls. Photos: Roelof de Jonge Tzaneen Rehabilitation Centre at 083 273 6793.

Persons or businesses who would like to contribute to this urgent cause can use the following bank account for donations: Tzaneen Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre FNB Tzaneen Account number: 6279 004 1174 Branch Code: 204 909. One of the helpers dismantling one of the cages at Tzaneen Wildlife Rehabilitation centre.

Axel Tarrisse en Wouter Pretorius with one of the two African Harrier Hawks being captured in its cage during the relocation of Tzaneen Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

The local traffic department also assisted with an escort for the entourage of Tzaneen Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre on Saturday.

Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen 073 265 2650 • 076 413 9257







29 May 2020


Sherratt claims virtual win at ‘Green Hell’ ■

Roelof de Jonge

Professional kart and Formula 4 racer, Jordan Sherratt, demonstrated incredible versatility as he dominated the third iteration of the Seagate Gaming Solidarity e-Race series. The recent round of the popular racing event took place at the virtual rendition of the Nürburgring Nordschleife race track over the past week. Sherratt quickly got to grips with the daunting ‘Green Hell’ to secure the fastest time during the Hot Lap qualifying sessions and continued with leading performances through the quarter- and semi-finals. For the Grand Final, the drivers slotted in behind Sherratt, all in a fixed set-up McLaren P1 GTR race cars. Once again Jordan was the man to beat as he claimed pole position for the six-lap Grand Final race. With the preliminary heats only two laps, the final was a major step up in terms of concentration, race craft, tyre and battery conservation and strategy, but the opening lap of the 23km-long track looked more like a one-lap sprint with Chris Langeveldt, Julian Fameliaris and Leslie Oliphant in hot pursuit of Sherratt. At the end of lap one, Sherratt managed to break away from the pack and create a five-second lead which continued to grow as the train of cars following him, battled for position. By lap five Oliphant and his McLaren, which had been put under pressure by Lorenzo Gualtieri for four laps, started to show signs of tyre fatigue and was unable to capitalise on the mistakes that were made by both Langeveldt and Fameliaris during the last lap. Sherratt was the first to cross the finish line, 23 seconds ahead of second-place driver Langeveldt with Fameliaris taking third and Oliphant fourth.

Gualtieri held it together to come in fifth place ahead of Robert Whiting which managed to keep, well-known race and rally driver, Charl Wilken, behind him. On a track, this complex and of this magnitude, completing one quick lap requires a huge amount of concentration and skill. To do it for six consecutive laps requires a lot of discipline and a calm temperament. Sherratt was rewarded for employing both by walking away with the R12 000 prize and an Afrihost 1GB fibre line and router for 12 months further adding to the cash rewards he earned during the Hot Lap sessions and staggering performances in the quarter- and semi-final races. The second and third positions in the Grand Final earned R7 000 and R3 500 respectively. The winner of the Plate Final, Brandon Kruger, walked away with R2 000 and a G-Force Sim Race Rig, narrowly escaping a last-lap incident. Close behind the flagto-flag winner of the three-lap race was Mitchell Licen and Riaan Theunissen, who earned R1 000 and R500 for their second and third position results. Sim racing is more than just fun and games, it requires sharp and forward-thinking drivers and the display that the talented drivers gave the fans during the recent event proved that this digital world will work hand in hand with the real track action in the future. This virtual racing event indicated that innovative and sustainable collaboration between virtual and real-world racing is can be a close affair with the recent motorsport commentator search that took place parallel to the recent event. Kyle Lawrence and George Smith rose to the top as commentating talents and could see a blossoming career in both the virtual and real-world racing industry. Volkswagen Motorsport Academy further

demonstrated the collaboration of the two worlds as they rewarded youngster Arno Visagie, the best-placed sim racer, with a spot in their 2021 programme, where he will learn all the aspects of competition driving. Over R70 000 worth of prizes were awarded during the last week and a share of the money raised by the team behind the Solidarity e-Race series

will go to benefit the Solidarity Fund which aims to assist South Africans during the Covid-19 lock down. If you are a simulation racing driver or just an enthusiast of motorsport in general, head over to www.solidarityerace.co.za or follow the Solidarity e-Race Facebook and YouTube pages to find out more about upcoming events and competitions.

The recent round of the popular Solidarity e-Racing event took place at the virtual rendition of the Nürburgring Nordschleife over the past week.

Mazda releases virtual racing car ■

Roelof de Jonge

Mazda Motor Corporation has announced the release of its virtual racing car, the Mazda RX-Vision GT3 Concept. Jointly developed with Polyphony Digital Inc., the vehicle is available for download in Gran Turismo Sport. The RX-Vision GT3 Concept is Mazda’s newest virtual race car in the Sony Interactive Entertainment’s PlayStation®4 driving simulation title, Gran Turismo Sport, and Mazda hope that all players will enjoy taking it for a spin. Mazda is aiming to gain more fans from the wide range of people who love Digital Motor Sport, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. Moreover, even under the influence of the recent coronavirus, car enthusiasts all over the world can connect online and enjoy the same conditions regardless of country, region, language or generation. Through Mazda’s support of Digital Motor Sport, the Japanese car maker hopes to contribute to the expansion of this car enthusiast culture. Players who use Mazda vehicles, such as the RX-Vision GT3 Concept in Gran Turismo Sport, will automatically be granted seed rights to participate in the FIA certified Gran Turismo Championship (world tours) to be held in various locations around the world in the 2020 season. Players can also use the RX-Vision GT3 Concept to participate in e-Sports competition at Japan’s 2020 National Sorts Festival cultural program in Kagoshima prefecture. In addition, to commemorate Mazda’s 100-year anniversary, Mazda have started to offer various online events, which people who enjoy Gran Turismo Sport can participate in.

The RX-Vision GT3 Concept is Mazda’s newest virtual race car in the Sony Interactive Entertainment’s PlayStation®4 driving simulation title.


29 May 2020





Jy kan nou saam veerpyltjies “online” jol ■

Roelof de Jonge

Veerpyljiespelers van die Groter Tzaneen Veerpyltjie Vereniging (GTVV) het nie gras onder hul voete laat groei tydens hierdie grendeltydperk nie. Instede wat hul sit en wonder oor wat hierdie jaar kon gewees het, het die spelers ‘n weeklikse aanlyntoernooi begin. Die spelers hoef glad nie hul huis te verlaat om aan die toernooi deel te neem nie. Volgens Tinus Jacobs, voorsitter van die veerpyltjie vereniging, is hierdie aanlynspletjie wat in die 501-formaat gespeel word, al ‘n geruime tyd in die rondte. Hy sê sedert die inperking weens die Covid-19 pandemie het hierdie aanlynspeletjie nou werklik posgevat onder plaaslike spelers in Tzaneen en omliggende dorpe. Jacobs sê dit het nie lank geneem dat die woord soos ‘n weghol-veldbrand versprei het nie soos meer mense aangesluit het om deel te neem nie. Volgens Jacobs is daar selfs mense so vêr as vanuit die Wes-Kaapse Provinsie wat teen hulle deelneem. Danny Toerien, een van GTVV se bestuurslede en ‘n toernooi-koördineerder, het gesê dat hierdie konsep om aanlyn te speel nie iets nuut is nie. “As mense dink ons speel op rekenaars aanlyn teen mekaar, dan is hul heeltemal misgis hoe hierdie konsep werk”, het Toerien gesê. Toerien het verduidelik hoe maklik dit werklik is om te kan deelneem. “Jy benodig ‘n veerpyltjiebord met ‘n stel veerpyltjies, betroubare internetverbinding waarvan ek eerder iets soos Wi-Fi sal aanbeveel, ‘n slimfoon om die videofunksie van die WhatsApp kommunikasie-program te gebruik en rekenaar, skootrekenaar of tablet om in te skakel by die webtuiste waar die telbord gehuisves is”, het Toerien gesê. Volgens Toerien kan ‘n speler feitlik enige persoon van enige plek in Suid-Afrika vir ‘n 501-spel uitdaag, want uit drie rondes per spel bestaan. Toerien het verduidelik dat hulle op ‘n webwerf genaamd nakka.com inskakel. Die “Op hierdie webtuiste sal ‘n mens die telbord vir ‘n 501-formaat spel kry. Jy kontak dan telefonies die speler wat jy wil uitdaag, hy skakel ook in op die telbord. Jou slimfoon stel jy op naby genoeg aan die telbord sodat die ander speler duidelik kan sien wat jy gooi. Sodra jy klaar gegooi het, vul jy jou telling eletronies op die telbord.” Soos wat die punte na elke beurt elektronies ingevul word, sal jou teenstander dadelik die telling kan sien soos wat dit aangepas word, en anders om”, het Toerien verduidelik. Volgens Jacobs het die aanlyntoernooi sedert die Covid-19 inperk-

ing gegroei en sowat ‘n 100 spelers van regoor die land daag mekaar op hierdie platform uit wat ook op Facebook beskikbaar is om gespeel te word. Toerien het vertel dat hy reeds vir sowat ‘n jaar al aanlyn speel, maar nie so ernstig soos nou nie. Hy sê sedert die inperking het hierdie aanlynspelse spelers vanuit verskeie oorde bymekaar gebring, sonder dat hulle fisies bymekaar hoef te wees. “Ons spelers van Tzaneen het onder mekaar begin speel, toe hoor klubs van elders in Limpopo dat ons ‘n aanlyntoernooi aanbied en hulle sluit ook toe aan. Voor ons kon besef, het spelers vanuit Mpumalanga, Gauteng en die Kaap aangesluit”, het Jacobs gesê. Volgens Jacobs is hierdie aanlynspel ook erken deur die sport se beheerliggaam, Veerpyltjie Suid-Afrika. Hy sê nie alle spelers sal genoeë wees om aanlyn te wil speel nie. Jacobs sê ‘n mens moet in ag neem dat spelers elk ‘n eie manier het om te speel, soos byvoorbeeld die pas waarteen hulle speel. Jacobs sê veral as jy nie internetskakeling soos Wi-Fi het nie, kan dit nogal ‘n foon se data kortsny as ‘n persoon te lank neem om ‘n spel van drie rondtes te voltooi. Toerien het vertel dat sowat 45

Cameron van Dyk is een van die spelers van die Groter Tzaneen Veerpyltjie Vereniging, wys hoe ‘n mens jou foon vir ‘n aanlynspel opstel. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge

spelers gedurende die week teen mekaar speel, maar die naweek se toernooi wat van die Vrydag tot die Sondag strek nagenoeg ‘n 100 mense van regoor Suid-Afrika lok. Toerien het gesê hierdie aanlynkonsep kan net aanhou groei en verbeter met tyd. Mense wie belangstel om veerpyltjies as ‘n sport te wil beoefen, kan Tzaneen Veerpyltjie Vereniging se voorsitter, Tinus Jacobs (076 7533 532) of die toernooi-koördineerder, Danny Toerien (061 406 7987), vir meer besonderhede skakel.

Hierdie spelers van die Groter Tzaneen Veerpyltjie Vereniging moedig mense aan om by die sportsoort aan te sluit. Van links is Jaco van den Berg, Cameron van Dyk, Tinus Jacobs (voorsitter) en Danny Toerien (bestuurslid en toernooikoördineerder).

Mede-speler Jaco van den Bergh van die Groter Tzaneen Veerpyltjie Vereniging hou die telling dop op die tablet wat die telbord vir die 501spel bevat, terwyl Cameron van Dyk sy teenstander laat les op sê.





29 May 2020


Better vision with Land Rover’s ClearSight ■ Roelof de Jonge Imagine being able to see through the bonnet of your vehicle as you drive so that any obstructions, such as rocks when driving off-road or kerbs in challenging urban situations, are made easy to see to be able to manoeuvre around them. Land Rover introduced a world first, namely ClearSight Ground View, the realisation of a transparent bonnet concept that was previewed on the Discovery Vision concept six years ago. Land Rover has made this fantasy idea a reality. Available now on the new Land Rover Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque, ClearSight Ground View displays a camera view of the front underside of the vehicle onto the large central Touchscreen. In normal circumstances this blind spot area would be invisible to the driver, but Ground View enable drivers to virtually see through the bonnet. Cameras in the front grille and on the door mirrors project a feed onto the central touchscreen to show what is ahead of and underneath the front of the vehicle with a virtual 180-degree view. Helping the driver maintain visibility when negotiating extreme terrains as well as high city-centre kerbs, this is yet another technological evolution that makes the new Discovery Sport and Evoque ideal for negotiating along in the urban jungle and the actual jungle. ClearSight Ground View is offered in conjunction with the optional 360° Surround Camera and makes driving the Discovery Sport or Evoque on or off-road even more satisfying. The system uses four digital cameras around the vehicle

to provide a bird’s eye view of the exterior, almost as if a drone was hovering a few metres above. It also has the capacity to display multiple views of the exterior at the same time to help get in and out of tight parking spaces and make navigating out of tricky situations much easier. Land Rover’s ClearSight technology also extends to the interior rear-view mirror in new Discovery Sport and Evoque models. The new smart rear-view mirror transforms into an HD video screen at the touch of a button. Featuring an additional camera placed in the antenna roof pod at the rear of the vehicle, a video feed is displayed on an embedded digital display in the mirror, providing a much wider 50-degree and therefore an improved field of view. Designed with a protective lip to prevent mud and water soiling the lens, there is also a hydrophobic coating that repels water spray. In the unlikely occurrence that the camera is ever obscured, drivers can change back to a traditional rear-view mirror at the flick of a switch under the mirror unit. By displaying a rear-facing camera feed onto the mirror, the driver’s view remains unrestricted by passengers or large items in the back, while also delivering clearer visibility in low light conditions. The ClearSight interior rearview mirror is included as standard equipment on the HSE variants of both vehicles and on the First Edition version of the Evoque, and is available as an option on all other models. These latest visibility-enhancing features ensure the new Land Rover Discovery Sport, Range Rover Evoque and soon-to-be-introduced New Defender meet the digital demands of the entire family, delivering greater convenience, confidence and safety.

By displaying a rear-facing camera feed onto the mirror, the driver’s view remains unrestricted by passengers or large items in the back.

Electrified power and refreshed design for KIA Rio ■ Roelof de Jonge KIA Motors has announced a significant upgrade to the fourth-generation KIA Rio. The upgraded model features a range of enhancements to strengthen the Rio’s position within the highly competitive B-segment. The upgraded KIA Rio is expected to make its South African debut in the fourth quarter of 2020. More information about the South African specification, powertrains and transmissions will be released closer to the local launch date. The upgraded Rio pairs an updated exterior and interior design with ‘big car’ safety and infotainment technologies. The new model also offers drivers with new and more efficient powertrains, including KIA’s first petrol 48V mild-hybrid system, equipped with the company’s new clutchby-wire intelligent manual transmission. The updated Rio features a handful of design updates for 2020. The refreshed design retains the car’s iconic ‘tiger-nose’ grille, narrowed for a more focused appearance and matched by a lower, wider front bumper and distinctive new fog

lamp housing. These changes give the front of the car a smoother, yet more purposeful appearance, along with a more confident stance on the road. All models now feature new full LED headlamps with integral running lights. The upgraded model is also offered with a new eight-spoke 16-inch alloy wheel design. Inside, the Rio features a series of visual, material and technological upgrades to create a more upscale atmosphere and enhanced quality. The main update is a new larger eight-inch widescreen, and a higher-resolution 4.2-inch digital display in the driver’s instrument cluster. The Rio is the first KIA powered by a petrol mild-hybrid electric vehicle (MHEV) powertrain. The new ‘EcoDynamics+’ powertrain combines KIA’s new ‘Smartstream’ 1.0-litre T-GDi (turbocharged gasoline direct injection) engine with KIA’s 48V MHEV system, maximising fuel efficiency with electric torque assistance and

The upgraded KIA Rio is expected to make its South African debut in the fourth quarter of 2020.

regenerative braking. EcoDynamics+ has been engineered to deliver greater efficiency from internal combustion engines on the road, seamlessly deploying and recuperating electric power. The system supplements the engine’s torque output with power from a compact 48-volt lithium-ion polymer battery, and extends engine ‘off time’ with a new Mild-Hybrid Starter-Generator (MHSG) unit. The MHSG is connected by belt to the engine’s crankshaft, and switches seamlessly between ‘motor’ and ‘generator’ modes. In ‘motor’ mode, under acceleration, the MHSG provides electric power assistance to reduce engine load and emissions. As the car decelerates, the MHSG has the ability under certain conditions to switch to ‘generator’ mode, recuperating energy from the crankshaft to recharge the battery. The new Smartstream engine replaces the Rio’s earlier ‘Kappa’-generation 1.0-litre T-GDi. The Smartstream engine produces the same power as the previous Kappa engine line, 74kW or 88kW, but enables a 16% higher peak torque output for the 88kW variants to produce 200Nm of torque. Both of the 48V powertrains will be equipped with a Drive Mode Select system, giving drivers the choice to customise their drive with ‘Eco’, ‘Sport’ and ‘Normal’ modes. The Rio EcoDynamics+ is one of the first KIA’s to be equipped with the brand’s new intelligent Manual Transmission (iMT). The ‘clutch-by-wire’ system contributes to the MHEV system’s greater fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions, while retaining the driver engagement of a conventional manual transmission. KIA engineers have also upgraded the Rio’s Idle Stop and Go (ISG) system, in recognition of the car’s use in urban areas in markets around the globe. The new brake-linked ISG system switches

off the engine when both the brake and clutch pedal are depressed as the car comes to a halt. The engine switches back on when both pedals are released and the car re-engages the driver’s selected gear. Previously the system was linked exclusively to the clutch. This small adjustment contributes to the Rio’s improved fuel economy and lower emissions. The Rio with the 74kW 1.0-litre T-GDi engine is now offered with a six-speed manual transmission (replacing the earlier five-speed manual) and KIA’s seven-speed double-clutch transmission (7DCT). The Rio features an upgraded touchscreen navigation system, and is one of the first KIA models to offer the brand’s innovative ‘Phase II’ UVO Connect telematics system, enhancing vehicle connectivity and control, and taking the stress out of journeys. The upgraded Rio offerers Display Audio or Satellite Navigation depending on vehicle specification. The new system also features Bluetooth multi-connection, enabling users to connect up to two mobile devices at the same time, one for hands-free phone and multimedia use, the other for media use only. Its advanced split-screen functionality lets users control or monitor different vehicle features at the same time, customising the screen with a series of different widgets. The system offers wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto on models equipped with the new eight-inch Display Audio system. The upgraded Rio features several of KIA’s latest Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS), such as Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) with pedestrian, vehicle and the newly introduced cyclist recognition. The updated Rio is equipped with KIA’s Vehicle Stability Management (VSM), Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Cornering Brake Control (CBC) and Straight-line Stability (SLS) systems as standard, helping drivers maintain control under braking and cornering. The new Rio will be fitted with six airbags throughout the cabin, as well as ISOFIX child-seat tether and anchor points.

Sport 29 May 2020

Tzaneen’s Chawane on lockdown ■

Roelof de Jonge

If the lockdown restrictions which have severely impacted the world of athletes on the amateur circuit, one could only imagine the impact it has had on the lives of professional sportsmen and women. This week a report was released which detailed how players who practice team sports, are finding the lockdown especially difficult without their team mates to support them. Bulletin had the opportunity to chat to Tzaneen’s own Protea netball star, Khanyisa Chawane, on the disappointment the Covid-19 lockdown has caused her and what she has done to adapt to this, potentially new, way of life. “The netball season in the UK has been cancelled, I will not be playing at all during my contract, which is disappointing. I was really looking forward to the next step in my netball career, the intensity of the new environment, meeting different people and learning the different way netball is played, said Chawane. “My way of coping with this situation is, whenever you get time off from net-

Khanyisa Chawane playing for South Africa during the Netball World Cup in England last year. Photo: by Nathan Stirk/Getty Images/New Frame

ball, you must utilise the time to take care of you mental health. Also, I get time to reflect what I have achieved and what still needs to be realised. I set about to highlight these goals I would like to achieve, making sure they are on a pedestal. It gives me time to dream a bit too”, she said. Chawane said the players all received fitness programs to ensure they are in shape and ready to perform whenever the season resume. I went to Bath for the 2020 Vitality Superleague in January. I played for two months before the season was cancelled. I will not be returning back this year”, said a disappointed Chawane. Chawane would have adapted well with the cold weather in the UK. She is a former student of the University of the Free State, and this was the setting where her netball career really took off. She said the cold weather in Bloemfontein was not that bad. “Once I am active on the netball courts during practice sessions, the cold was not much of a bother. We practiced twice a day, so even on a cold day it was not an issue”, said the international netball star who was born in Mpumalanga and raised in Tzaneen. “Sport at primary school was compulsory”, said Chawane. She said as a youngster she was athletic and competed in different kinds of sports. “I have taken part in athletics, netball and hockey. I started to realise I was particularly good in netball than in other sports. That is why I have started to take netball more seriously.” “Netball at school was fun. As a child I have never thought of playing professionally. I was just having fun, to play with friends, getting a medal, a trophy, or compliments from the teachers. I believe that sport for children should be about having fun. It is fine to set pressure goals for children, but they should not forget to have fun.” Bongiwe Msomi, the captain of the Proteas netball team, is a person that inspires

Chawane. “Coming from a similar humble background, not having a family that were able to provide everything for their children, and still be able to make a success from your life afterwards, that inspires me to succeed. I did not have all the resources to think big like playing international netball.” “Our captain was able to make her dreams come true. For me she was able to become someone worthy. I think our paths are quite similar, that being able to finish school and to start a career to enable us to look after our families” said Chawane. “The modest circumstances I grew up in, the people that I inspire and those who look up to me, never to limit yourself to the environment and the people you know, but to go out of your comfort zone and work hard, that is what drives me to succeed on and off the netball court.” Chawane captained amongst others the first team of Hoërskool Ben Vorster and the Limpopo u/16 team at the South African schools championship. “Being a captain at a young age or at school is an ideal opportunity to learn about leadership skills that you can carry forward in life. Once you get to a senior level, every person should aspire to be a leader, to be able to take responsibility and ownership of your actions. To become a disciplined person and to serve as an example for the people that surrounds you.” “To be a captain you need to train and work hard so that the persons around you can draw inspiration from. Whether in training or playing in matches, if you work hard the rest will follow.” Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica and England is some of the greatest rival netball countries in Chawane’s opinion. She said especially Australia and England are the teams one has always have to put in the extra mile to come out on top. Chawane said one of the most formidable players she probably ever faced was Laura Langman from New Zealand. “When I started to play for the Proteas, we went on tour to New Zealand. Langman completely dominated me, she is a very experienced player with a lot of tests behind her name. She made it so difficult for me during that tour”, Chawane said on her first outing overseas with the Proteas.

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