Bulltetin 150515

Page 1

15 Mei 2015

015 307 7248





‘We need water’ Muhlava Cross and Sasekani residents say their blockade of the R36 road (Tzaneen to Lydenburg) in demand of clean water supply to their homes was initially meant to be peaceful.

A 28-year-old man using the situation to loot shops and cause havoc was, however, shot and killed by police. Disagreements with the Mopani District Municipality during negotia-

Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Fear lessl y the tr uth

tions had reportedly turned the protest violent. No traffic whatsoever could use the road, causing huge inconvenience for commuters. Photo: Joy Mojela

Of interest for NEXT WEEK Nuus vir VOLGENDE WEEK Die SAVF Tzaneen se krisis: Daar’s ‘n lig in die donker tonnel (nie ‘n aankomende trein nie!) Ekslusiewe onderhoud met me Desiree van der Walt, een van die DA se drie nuwe Federale ondervoorsitters Fresh news about the unfolding drama in the GTM’s land of milk & honey! A security situation that is shockingly lacking...!

Another GTM shocker




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Muhlava Cross and Sasekani residents (between Nkowankowa and Lenyenye) say there are a lot of underlying issues to why clean water is not supplied to their homes, but none of them are to do with the lack of water! The Mopani District Municipality is seen to be at the centre of the problem. Read more about the situation on page 3.

The unexpected resignation of the GTM’s director of corporate services, Mr Elias Mugari, has sent shock waves through the institution. Mugari is seen as professional, punctual, and reasonable. Elias Mugari The spokesperson of the GTM, Mr Neville Ndlala, said Mugari’s resignation “is still with the mayor and she will discuss it with the council”. “We will not comment until the council has considered the matter,” he told the Bulletin. Rumor has it that Mugari was “threatened” with a court interdict, but nobody seems to know what about such an interdict could have been. It is said that Mugari has been seen as a person who stepped away from anything that could be seen as irregular and that “he worked according to the book”.


15 Mei 2015


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joy Mojela 082 075 3031 joy@bulletin.us.com Elliot Mathye 060 402 1579 elliot@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com IT


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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg het eerder berig dat dit sy oorwoë mening is dat dit nie die regering of enige ander obskure karakter is wat die Afrikaanse taal se voortbestaan bedreig nie, maar die Afrikaner self. As motivering vir sy mening het hy die mistasting van sekere sogenaamde opvoedkundiges gebruik, asook die liberale omgang met die taal, en sekerlik deesdae ook soms met mekaar, deur maaiers en papies, veral op die sosiale media. Natuurlik ook die openlike verkragting van die taal deur RSV (Radio Sonder Voortande), check-Net van Mitchell’s Plain, en die onbeholpe nuuslesers van Jakaranda RMFM, om nie van die alternatiewe plaaslike weeklikse nuuspapiertjie te praat nie! Net so, mag Vlieg dalk van mening wees dat dit nie die regering of enige van sy rooi oorpak sidekicks is wat die Afrikaner se politieke graf al hoe dieper grawe nie, maar die Afrikaner self. Vlieg kon ongelukkig, weens die inperking wat sonbrandwonde op ongewone plekkies meebring, nie die “krisisberaad” by die Dwarstrekkermonument verlede week bywoon nie. Op doktersadvies kon Vlieg nog nie veel sit nie, en dus nie reis nie. Vlieg moes hom dus maar berus by die inligting wat hy in die media oor die beraad kon opspoor. Wat Vlieg eerstens opgemerk het, is die leed-vermakerige manier waarop ‘n sekere rammetjie-uitnek redakteurtjie se dagblad daaroor berig het, wat nie veel doen vir die saak nie; ook seker met reg — miskien! Vlieg het dieselfde stal se Sondagweergawe

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Website | Webwerf Vist our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare

onsself…” “…Afrikanerselfstandigheid en gemeenskapsfederalisme…” En dan is daar natuurlik die paar agterbanker-sotte wat enige moontlike geloofwaardigheid uit die hele affêre neem, met opmerkings soos: “…ons moet belastinggeld van die regering weerhou…” “…ons moet veg vir die behoud van die PUK se naam…” “….dit is weer tyd dat die Afrikaner ‘n gelofte aan God moet maak…” “…ons moet onsself voorberei vir die stryd wat kom. Dit gaan nie ‘n gepratery wees nie…” “…F W de Klerk moet van hoogverraad aangekla word…” “…ons wat destyds Nee gestem het, trek aan die korste end…” En volgens Vlieg die mees absurde: “…mense moet ophou om fooitjies aan volksvreemde kelners te gee in restaurante en wit mense moet net wit ondernemings ondersteun…” Vlieg is ‘n middeljarige, wit, Afrikaner, en ‘n man! Hy is nie ‘n “onderdaan” van ‘n mislukte korrupte regering wat toenemend besig is om ten gronde te gaan nie. Hy is ‘n hardwerkende entrepreneur wat die beste maak van ‘n slegte saak en op sy manier besig is om ‘n toekoms vir sy maaiers en papies te probeer verseker. Hy sorg vir homself, waar hy kan. Hy sal dit baie waardeer as hy ‘n gemeenskapsorganisasie kan kry wat hom kan help om vir homself te sorg. Hy dink egter die gedagte is dood gebore as die Afrikaner en witman dit op sy eie probeer doen, sonder die samewerking van die anderskleurige, andertalige man, wat ook nie ‘n onderdaan van mislukking is nie. As Vlieg so ‘n bende kan kry, sluit hy eergister aan! Intussen… elkeen vir homself!

meer geniet, waar verskeie menings uit die spreekwoordelike perde se bekke geplaas is, vir Vlieg om self sy mind op te maak. As Vlieg nou vir Flip Buys van die Sortdaaimoelikheiduit Beweging intelligent noem, sal hy seker nou nie in die dog box wees soos die knaap wat Dr Verwoerd so genoem het nie — maar die ou baardman is darem nie heeltemal stupid nie. Hy identifiseer darem die probleme korrek: “…die toekoms is te belangrik om net aan die regering oor te laat…” “ … die verswakking van die staatsektor dit nodig maak dat die gemeenskapsektor ‘n groter rol in die land moet speel…” “…grondwetlike gesag swig voor politieke mag…” Dis net in die oplossing wat dit V.I. (Vlieg’s Insiens) makeer. Die enigste sinvolle gedeelte wat Vlieg in die “krisisberaad” se moontlikhede kon opspoor was “…groter selfstandigheid word genoodsaak weens sneller agteruitgang van die staat…”. Vlieg plaas graag die klem op SELF! Vlieg het verder eerder verslag gedoen dat dit in die toekoms in hierdie ou landjie elkeen vir homself is, kom hell or high water! Sortdaaimoeilikheiduit, Afri-Kerm en al hul suster-, stiefsuster- en halfsusterorganisasies kan daarvan vergeet om hond haaraf te maak. Hoekom? “…ondersoek moet ingestel word na gebiedsgebonde selfstandigheid…” “…die Grondwet maak voorsiening vir selfbeskikking en die lewensvatbaarheid daarvan moet ondersoek word…” “…eie grondgebiede…” “…die regering moet goed regeer of ons regeer

Sê jou sê

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.

Scan QR code on the left with your smartphone, to join this discussion on Facebook.

This Week we asked: Are you happy with the troops of Vervet Monkeys in and around Tzaneen? Are there too many? Have they become a pest that needs to be controlled? The reaction was so overwhelming that we can only show a small sample here. Please visit the Bulletin Facebook Page to join the discussion. Willem Steynberg Dit is verseker n pes wat beheer moet word! Hulle getalle verdubel elke jaar. Waar hulle voorkom is daar n drastiese afname in die voël lewe. En moet my nie verkeerd verstaan ek is n groot natuur liefhebber maar dit raak nou buite beheer! Paul Vorbeck We have the same problem in Hillcrest KZN, and the monkeys are getting more and more, needs to be controlled. Frederick Hermanus Human Vervets were never in town when I grew up. They do not belong in town and should be driven out. Around town there is enough habitat without having them in town Nicolaos Nicolaou Aquapark is full... they eat all fruits in garden before we have chance to act. must say increase a lot... heard



Elkeen vir homself

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!


Emergency numbers Noodnommers

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Sonnig en warm

Sonop Sononder Humiditeit


06:29 17:28 41%

about a group of them that killed a small dog in golden acres ripped it apart... Protect: Lizette Wagenaar Quick question...who were here first? Monkeys or Humans? Tzaneen was a farm in the old days weren’t it? Aqua Park were a Mango and Avocado Farm! Yes that’s right A FARM! And what lives on a farm? Animals live on a farm. And what are monkeys? Animals. We as humans go and cut down all the fruit trees etc in their invoirement to build our houses and businesses. Now they come to town to to get some of the last fruits that is left for them to feed on. Do you people actually know how lucky we are to have some wild life around us. The people in the cities only dream of a place like Tzaneen to stay in. Next thing people are probably going to start moaning about the

Hadeda’s. Typical humans...never satisfied! Marietta Iuel Just too happy to have these guys visit me from time to time. Lucky to have them and love them to bits! Mark Stevens These little guys future has been destroyed due to human greed buildings are being erected up in their environment now they are to blame “Makes me sick” Even land around the dam is being demolished just so people can have a better view. Educated people believe it or not! The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others. Respect the facts of a situation. Avoid gossip.





Sonnig en warm

Meestal sonskyn. Matig

Bewolk in die oggend. Warm

Bewolk in die oggend. Warm

Woensdag Donderdag Sonnig en warm

Sonnig en warm
















































Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 73.8%

Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude

Middel Letaba





Blyde Rivier Poort


100.4% 103.0%

Tours 80.0%

Vergelegen Ohrigstad 97.1%


Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 11/05/2015

Baie Dankie! Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van

Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za


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15 Mei 2015


Water problems only the tip of an iceberg in Muhlava The residents of Sasekani and Muhlava Cross villages say a lack of clean water supply in the area is only a culmination of many problems in the management of the water supply system for the area. Corruption, dodgy contractors, poor resource management, empty promises and neglect of the area, amongst others, by the Mopani District Municipality are at the heart of their grievances. The residents recently embarked on a protest to demonstrate their frustration with the lack of clean water supply in the area and the municipality’s empty promises to supply water. According to them, although the area is full of water sources, they have not had clean water supplied to their homes for about 42 years. Amongst others, Lestitele River passes through the area. Although the river has a bridge over it, which

ABOVE: Statue of Chief Muhlava at the entrance to his palace. RIGHT: Residents sometimes rely on damaged pipes passing through the area for clean water. FAR RIGHT: This reservoir is also situated within the surrounding area. It is empty and not being utilised at all.

makes reaching it challenging, the residents have been collecting water from it. However, they say a lack of management of the river area and littering has now affected the quality of water. “The water is dirty and unhealthy to use,” one resident told Bulletin during the protest. Moreover, water pipes pass through the area to supply other areas? The residents say they do not understand why the pipes are not used to supply water to their area as well. Furthermore, the area and its surroundings are full of reservoirs and dams, which are not being utilised. According to the residents, a number of tenders were previously awarded to dodgy contractors who only went to the area to vandalise the existing infrastructure. “They only came to dig holes and cut up pipes that used to provide water to the area and then leave,” another angry resident told Bulletin during the protests. “This only points to corruption in the awarding of the tenders,” he added. In addition, boreholes sunk by the municipality in the area have allegedly dried up. Contracted water supply trucks also allegedly only go to the area when there is a funeral. The residents say they often resort to buying water from people with private boreholes, for which a 20L bucket generally costs over a rand. Bulletin contacted MDM’s communications manager, Mr

Neil Shikwambana, for a comment on the water situation in the area and allegations of mismanagement and neglect by the municipality. Shikwambana denied the allegations. According to him, the residents are responsible for the vandalism of pipes and reservoirs in the area. “They vandalised the boreholes and made multiple con- The only available water that nections to the pipe lines run- the residents can use is muddy and not a pleasant sight. ning through the area,” he said. Bulletin, however, visited the area and took pictures to prove some of the allegations by the residents. Shikwambana promised to return to the area with us to show situations that will counter the allegations. He added that the municipality is planning to drill more boreholes for residents in the area. The residents, however, complain that borehole water is salty and very harmful to electrical appliances like kettles and irons. — Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com


15 Mei 2015



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Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Wolkberg Akademie Pret Skietdag 16 Mei

Wolkberg Akademie, die Afrikaanse Privaat Laerskool in Tzaneen (naby Venbeck), in samewerking met die Letaba Sport Skietklub en Bosveld Jagtersvereniging, hou more (Saterdag 16 Mei) ‘n pret skietdag waaraan die hele gesin kan deelneem. Dit begin om 08:00 op die Jagtersvereniging se skietbaan langs die nuwe nywerheidsgebied (draai af van die pad na Agatha en die Coach House) . Die skietbaan sluit om 16:00, waarna ‘n kontantkroeg sal open. Ete, prysuitdeling en kuier tot laat. Daar gaan prettige skietaktiwiteite vir oud en jonk wees. Ook kettieskiet (vir die jongspan), windbuks, .22, kleiduifskiet, kegelskiet en “steel challenge”. In die oggend opleiding vir beginners. Alle teikens is reaktief! Wapens en ammunisie word deur die klub voorsien. Oogen oorbeskerming ook deur die klub voorsien. Mag ook eie wapen en ammunisie bring. Die nodige veiligheidsmaatreëls is van toepassing. Koskraampies, kindervermaak, uitstallings en musiek. Navrae: Alwin Fleischmann by 076 830 0698 of Johan Schwab by 076 558 9538.

NG Kerk Wolkberg Lekker basaar 29 & 30 Mei


“n Groot verskeidenheid kraampies met baie interessante artikels. Lekker basaarkos, die reeds bekende en uiters gewilde Kurumansosaties, verskeidenheid handwerkartikels, ‘n baie interessante kindertuin, vars vleis en gedroogde biltong, plante, pret-hondeskou en hope tuisgebak, asook ‘n lekker kuierplek vir wanneer jy moeg AGS Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS Letsitele Oosthuizenstr, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2 : 015 307 5112. Anglican Church Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen

word. Daar sal ook ‘n wit olifant-hoekie wees, wat Saterdag 13 Junie gaan sorg vir groot winskopies, van oefenapparaat ‘n Baie dinamiese spreker sal die manne se aandag geniet: Ds Hendrik Saayman van Moreletapark sal tot tweedehandse klere. Op die kerk se terrein. die tema “Man, jy is God se plan” behandel. Koste is slegs R100 per man en die kaartjies is beskikSA Vrouefederasie baar by Floris du Plessis (082 389 9093), Alex KidTzaneen son (083 627 3310) en Christie Landman (083 627 Die SAVF Tzaneen het ‘n winkel. 9277). Moet dit nie misloop nie! Sy naam is “Dit en Dat”, King Edward-rylaan 2 Items kan afgelewer word by “Dit en Dat” of by die SAVF-kantoor in Agathastraat 1 of by Van Heerden Apteek, Life Style Sentrum As u wil hê ons moet die items by u afhaal, kontak ons gerus by 015 307 2645.

Volgende Vrydag (22 Mei) is dit weer tyd vir die Laerskool Dr Annecke se jaarlikse opwindende en gesellige inry-fliek op die skool se rugbyveld. Daar Depression & Anxiety sal ‘n Koskombuis wees, dus is dit totaal en al onMeetings nodig om verversings in te pak. Sien die advertenMonthly sie vandag op bladsy 8 vir al die besonderhede en The Tzaneen branch of the SA Deplekbespreking. pression & Anxiety Group’s meetings: every first and third Saturday morning of the month. All welcome. No fees. For details: Denise on 072 287 1022 or Colleen on 083 456 7970.

Gemeenskapskoor Tzaneen Sondae 16:15

Die koor het weer begin oefen en hulle soek dringend mense wat lief is vir sing en optrede. Die koor fokus op Chrstelike/kerkliedere. Rina Klaver is die koorleier. Kontak Ivonne Olivier by 083 596 4144.

NG Kerk Letsitele Manne-ontbyt 241 Voortrekker Road: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld Claude Wheatleystr,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church

Community unleashes fury The Crime Scene

Man set alight

Vrydag 15 Mei

• UK-Verkiesing • Netbal: Limpopo oefenkamp by PHS • Boeredans 18:30 in die saal • Gholf: Frans du Toit en Stanford Lake College (Phalaborwa)

Saturday 16 May

Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk Pieter Joubertstraat , Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594.

the Police crime stop number 08600 10111 or the nearest Police Station.

Crime Reporter: Elliot Mathye - elliot@bulletin.us.com

Laerskool Dr Annecke Letsitele Inry-fliek 22 Mei om 18:00

Police in the Ritavi area are investigating a case of robbery at Muhlava Cross, where one of the suspects later died. The incident took place during a community service delivery protest late last week. Two armed men allegedly stormed into a Somali man’s shop to loot. They allegedly shot and wounded the owner in the leg during a scuffle while they were looting. The landlord of the building reportedly blew a whistle to alert community members about the incident. The community reportedly assaulted the suspects and pelted them with stones. The two were rescued by Police and taken to Ritavi police holding cells, where one of them collapsed and was declared dead on the scene by paramedics. The other suspect is being treated and under police guard at an undisclosed hospital. The Police are still investigating the incident.

A 45-year-old male shopkeeper is fighting for his life in hospital after he was attacked by assailants who robbed him of cash before setting him alight. The incident happened at Ga-Selepe Village in the Mecklenburg policing area late last week. Three unknown men reportedly attacked the shopkeeper in his sleep and robbed him of an undisclosed amount of money before pouring a flammable substance on him and setting him alight. He is currently receiving medical attention at a hospital which cannot be disclosed for security reasons. The police appeal to anyone who might shed light on the alleged assailants ‘Boko Haram’ saga continues to contact the investigator, Maj Martin Seabi, The ten men who were arrested for the on 082 414 3070. alleged killing of a member of terror group Police hunt down cable thieves ‘Boko Haram’ briefly appeared in the Ritavi The Police launched a massive manhunt for Magistrates’ Court late last week. The arrests came late last year, after angry the copper cable thieves who caused huge damage at Tarantaalrand Power station, as community members allegedly killed a ‘Boko well as last Saturday’s massive power failure Haram’ member after the death of a resident in the GTM’s area of jurisdiction. The thieves who was reportedly murdered by the gang. allegedly cut the fence surrounding the The alleged gang member’s body was found power station to enter the area. They then cut hanged close to a local cemetery at Charles Mathonsi High School. off a long electricity cable and disappeared. The so-called ‘Boko Haram’ gang reportedly There are reportedly no suspects at this stage. Anyone with information about the consisted of members as young as sixteen incident may contact the investigating officer, and was said to have terrorised residents of Det/const Eric Mathebula, on 073 610 2193 or Dan Village, Nkowankowa and Lusaka.

• Winter Sports: (Rugby, hockey, netball): Merensky vs Frans du Toit (home) • Archery: Limpopo Field Championships (16 - 17 May) • SAASTA Debate: Provincial Competition (Polokwane)

Maandag 18 Mei

• Aankondiging van Mnr. en Mej. Merensky finaliste • Kleedrepetisie: Revue 18:00

Tuesday 19 May

• Netball: Merensky vs Ben Vorster (away) •Entrepreneurs’ week (19 & 20 May) • Revue 18:30 in the Vrydag 22 Mei • Gholf: Ben Vorster vs school hall Woensdag 20 Mei PHS (Polokwane) • Seunshokkie: Meren- • Hoededag sky vs Heuwelkruin • Verkeising: Mnr. en Mej. Merensky (weg) • Revue 18:30 in die • Koorkamp @ Swadini skoolsaal (Gala-aand (22 - 24 Mei) Saturday 23 May vir ouers) • Eerste ronde: SAIPA • Archery: ABO (Leg 2) Nasionale Rekening- • Boys hockey: Merenkunde Olimpiade @ sky vs PHS (away) • Netbal: Oefenkamp MHS Thursday 21 May @ PHS (O.14, O.15 & • Tritech: Merensky O.16) • Meeting: Governing round 14:00 • World Knowledge Body at 14:00 in the conference hall Olympiad @ MHS

Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax/of stuur ‘n faks na 015 307 7684 or call/of bel 015 307 7248

NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstr, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen SAVF Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld

Robbery syndicate still at large The SAPS Tzaneen Cluster Trio Task recently launched a manhunt for an alleged armed robbery syndicate. A robbery was reported earlier in the year at Viewpoint Supermarket in Mokgolobotho Village near Nkowankowa, when a group of four armed men reportedly attacked a car which was off-loading boxes of cigarettes at the shop and took the stock. They made off with the boxes of cigarettes worth thousands of rands. A CCTV camera installed in the shop enabled the police to get a description of the suspects. No injuries or fatalities were reported during the robbery. Anyone with information about these suspects (pictured) may contact the nearest police station, the police crime stop number 08600 10111 Photos supplied by SAPS or investigating officer Boswell Baloyi on 079 591 1520 or 083 583 0741.

Bolobedu arrests

Bolobedu Police arrested 26 suspects for various criminal cases over the past weekend: seven suspects were arrested for drinking in public, five for rape, four for robbery, four for assault GBH, three for common assault and the rest for murder, shoplifting and theft.

Ritavi arrests

• Gr 11 Achievers Function at University of Pretoria 08:30 (TUKS Open Day) • Agri Merensky stal uit by TUKS loopbaanuitstalling in Pretoria (21 & 22 Mei) • Modelling Competition MDDA 18:00 (School Hall)

Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk Pearlmanstraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Info to: editor@bulletin.us.com

Police in Ritavi arrested 52 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week: five for assault GBH, one for attempted rape, 35 for public violence (released), two for attempted murder, one for theft, two for murder, two for robbery, three for malicious damage to property, one for rape and one for failing to comply with a maintenance order.

Maake arrests Maake Police have arrested 47 people for various criminal acts over the past week: three for assault GBH, three for assault, two for shoplifting, one for armed robbery, one for theft, two for rape, one for arson, two for possession of stolen property, 22 for contravening the Liquor Act, six for contravening the Road Traffic Act, three for malicious damage to property and one for failure to comply with a maintenance order.

No comment A number of criminal cases have been reported to the Bulletin by the community. Surprisingly enough, most of the cases, for some reason, had not reached the SAPS. Bulletin has tried to ask the SAPS on some of these cases, including amongst others, an alleged armed robbery at MTN in the Tzaneng Mall, a robbery in Station Street an accident at Minitzani and a robbery of valuable jewelry at a doctor’s house. We have to get hold of the Tzaneen police spokesperson, but she is on leave. We then contacted the station commander; she too is on leave but asked us to contact the acting commander, who said he has no jurisdiction to answer to media enquiries. The spokesperson of the cluster and the acting SAPS Provincial Head of Corporate Communication (his superior is also on leave!) could not assist us either, as they had not yet received any reports from the police station concerned. • Eventually we threw in the towel...


Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy — owned by Tzaneen’s Katryn Barwise and celebrating their sixth birthday — hosted their annual fashion show in Polokwane at Protea Hotel’s The Ranch. The theme of the fashion show was Candy Land and models had to create their own garments. The 41 models showcased a brand new Sissy boy range and various other garments from Foschini Mall of the North, as well as Italian gowns from La Collezione dei Conti (part of the Katryn Barwise Collection)

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and other designers. The models also had the opportunity to do a Candy Land styled photo shoot. The Tzaneen branch really stood out amongst other branches at this glamorous event,attended by four hundred guests. The following Tzaneen models received diplomas and a number of special awards were handed to models. Jeanne-mari de Jonge was crowned “Limpopo Beauty Top Model Tzaneen15” and Lesedi Hlokwe won Best Junior Top Model15. Jeanne-mari passed level 4B (81%), Ronnel

Jou eie honde byt die seerste


Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftree Beplanning Beleggings | Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Johan Smith is nog ‘n lid van die span ervare en kundige versekeringsmakelaars en finansiële beplanners in die span van Smit Garrun Makelaars en Koos en Riekie Smit Makelaars in Tzaneen. Hy het die volgende vrae oor hoe hy te werk gaan om sy kliënte te bedien, in ‘n onderhoud met die Bulletin beantwoord.

Die AGS se Tzaneengemeente het ‘n nuwe pastoor beroep. Hy is geen vreemdeling in die gemeenskap nie. Past Hannes Steyn is al ‘n geruime tyd besig, veral onder die jeug, met Woordbediening. Hy is die leier van die interkerklike jeugsentrum Herofield, reeds sedert 2010. Lees volgende week meer oor hom en sy gesin.

Wat is jou kwalifikasies en ondervinding? Ek is ‘n gemagtigde verteenwoordiger van Smit Garrun Makelaars en Koos en Riekie Smit Makelaars, en voldoen aan al die standaarde soos voorgeskryf deur die FSB. Ek het ook my RE 5-kwalifikasie voltooi, wat fokus op eerlikheid en integriteit in die verhouding met ‘n kliënt.




strate ook ‘n kritieke probleem en die lapwerk, wat behels dat grond in die gat gegooi word, hou net vir ‘n dag of drie; en waar daar swaar verkeer is, ‘n uur of drie.


Homu, level 3B (84%), Faith Ramalepe, level 2B (74%), Mikateko Nkuna, level 3B (79%), Charline Colbourn, level 4B (81%), Nyeleti Hlaniki, level 1A (81%) and Manto Shayi, level 1A (75%).

FSP: 44595

As jou eie hond jou byt… Dis nie net meer die inwoners van Agatha wat deur slaggate geteister word nie, maar munisipale voertuie loop self deur. Dié slaggat by die bruggie naby die DBV se afdraai het sy tol geëis toe ‘n band van ‘n GTM-sleepwa in die slag gebly het. Mnr Eugene Fourie van die omgewing het die foto’s geneem en gesê hy het al self twee bande in dié groeiende slaggat verloor. In Tzaneen raak slaggate in die

15 Mei 2015


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ling en advies wat waarde toevoeg en bou aan langtermyn sakeverbintenisse. Gaan jy die enigste persoon wees wat met jou kliënte sal skakel? Ek werk direk met my kliënte. Maar om diens te alle tye te verseker, is Kerusha Botma beskikbaar en heeltemal bekwaam om vir my in te staan.

Johan Smith

Watter tipe dienste lewer jy? Smit Garrun Makelaars beskik oor ʼn wye reeks versekering-oplossings vir verskeie risiko’s en behoeftes. Die volgende is die mees algemene produkte: Korttermyn: Kommersieel en Industrieel; Boerdery en uitgebreide boerdery praktyke; Vervoer en goedere in transito; Voertuigvloot; Algemene en gespesialiseerde aanspreeklikheid; Lugvaart- en marineversekering; Oesversekering; Persoonlike huishoudelike en voertuigversekering, ensovoorts. Lewens: Boedel- en aftredebeplanning; Sakeversekering — koop en verkoop; Dood- & ongeskiktheidbeplanning; Pensioen- en Voorsorgfondse; Testamente.

Wat is jou benadering tot finansiële beplanning en risikoversekering? Om die kliënt se behoefte vas te stel, deur deeglike ondersoek en ontleding en dan aan die hand daarvan vir die kliënt ‘n ingeligte oplossing aan te bied. ʼn Ingeligte besluit is dikwels die regte besluit.

Hoe betaal jou kliënte vir die dienste wat jy as finansiële adviseur bied? Deur kommissie en gestruktureerde fooie wat deel vorm van die premie van die kliënt betaal. Wetgewing reguleer al die vergoedingstrukture wat voortspruit uit enige transaksie. Alle kommissies en fooie moet aan die kliënt geopenbaar word.

Hoe bly jy op hoogte van sake in jou bedryf, veral ook wat betref veranderings wat intree? Die Smit Garrun-groep is gesteld op die professionaliteit van ons adviseurs. Ons skenk weekliks aandag aan ontwikkeling en opleiding. As adviseur word ek elke jaar vir die Opleidingsprogram van die Tegniese Skool vir Versekering geregistreer. Dit verseker dat ek aan al die vereistes van FIAS voldoen, en stel my in staat om diens en advies van die hoogste standaard aan my kliënte te kan lewer. Word jy gereguleer en indien wel, hoe? Ja, deur beheerstelsels, soos voorgeskryf deur die FSB en FAIS Hoe gereeld hersien jy jou kliënte se portefeuljes? Ek reël sake op so ‘n wyse dat ‘n jaarlikse hersiening gedoen word, maar as die behoefte vroeër ontstaan of die kliënt dit versoek, geniet dit dieselfde aandag en voorkeur.

Kan die kliënt alles op skrif ontvang? Watter tipe mark bedien jy? Ek het nie ʼn voorkeurmark nie — enige kliënt O ja. Die FAIS-wetgewing, asook die FSB vereis dit in elk geval. Ek kommunikeer is welkom, om die beste diens te geniet. dus ook skriftelik met elke kliënt en alle poWaarna streef jy? liskontrakte, polisbewoording en ooreenʼn Erkende diensleweringvlak, en aanbeve- komste word op skrif gestel.

10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


15 Mei 2015


Ons Mening


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Is dit nodig om iets te sê?...

Die Boodskap

Vrydag 15 Mei 2015

Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele

Misdaad begin pla Tzaneen was tot onlangs ‘n rustige en veilige hawe vir sy inwoners. Dit lyk of daardie goeie ou dae verby is, want daar is ‘n toename in meer ernstige misdaad en die booswigte raak duidelik al hoe meer astrant en waaghalsig. Dit is egter nie die enigste kommer nie. In die afgelope paar weke het ons ons nou verskeie kere teen ‘n klipmuur vasgeloop, as ons by die Polisie inligting oor misdaadvoorvalle wou kry. Dit lyk al die afgelope klompie maande of die linkerhand nie altyd weet wat die regterhand doen nie. Deesdae lyk dit soms of die linkerhand nie eens weet daar is ‘n regterhand nie. Nog erger is dat ons dié week moes uitvind dat in ‘n groot dorp soos Tzaneen met sy distrik wat wyd uitstrek, een junior polisielid met vakansie kan wees en dan weet die dosyne (paar honderd?) kollegas wat steeds die groot taak voortsit, nie eens dat hulle hande het nie! Daar is rede tot kommer oor misdaad in Tzaneen én oor die SAPD se doeltreffendheid.

Vervulde harte ‘n Man vertel dat hy eendag by sy motor gekom en gesien het hoe ‘n seuntjie na sy motor staan en staar.

Regte of voorregte? Hierby is nog ‘n aflewering in ‘n eksklusiewe reeks deur spelterapeut Margie van Tonder van Tzaneen. Vandag praat sy oor regte en voorregte. Kontak haar by 084 414 6166 of 015 307 5029 vir navrae.

Een van vandag se modewoorde is ”regte”. Menseregte en kinderregte is aan die orde van die dag. As ons mooi oor al die goed dink wat onder “regte” gelys word, lyk dit eintlik na voorregte! As ek dink aan kinders grootmaak, lyk dit vir my ook na ‘n voorreg. Kinders is immers geskenke van God. Is dit nie ‘n voorreg om al hierdie goed wat as kinderregte beskou word, aan jou kinders te gee nie: liefde, ‘n dak oor hul koppe en opvoeding en onderrig? Ons as ouers moet dan net ook onthou om ons kinders te leer dat al hierdie goed voorregte en nie regte is nie. ‘n Woord wat deesdae aan die agterspeen suig, is verantwoordelikheid. Wanneer ouerskap ter sprake kom, is ouers hul kinders se primêre opvoeders. Dit beteken hulle is in die eerste plek verantwoordelik vir die kind as geheel: (emosioneel, fisies en spi-ritueel). Wanneer die kind gedragsprobleme toon, bly die

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verantwoordelikheid die ouer s’n en nie die skool of onderwyser s’n nie. Dis sekerlik makliker om ouer te wees wanneer jou kind presteer. Ouers bly ook die kind se primêre ondersteuning (ook wanneer jou kind droogmaak!). Wees dus bedag op waaraan jy jou kind blootstel. Kinders kan maklik verkeerde voorbeelde navolg. Bly by jou beginsels en kies jou skool en mense wat jou kind onderrig en opvoed hiervolgens. Moenie dinge wat jou hinder oor jou kind as niks afmaak nie. Gaan gesels met die onderwyser of ‘n ander kundige. Onthou, voorkoming is beter as genesing. Wanneer jy as ouer ‘n verkeerde keuse gemaak het, neem dan die verantwòordelikheid om reg te stel wat jy verbrou het. Daar gebeur wel dinge in die lewe wat buite die ouer se beheer is. Neem verantwoordelikheid en stel sake reg, sover jy as ouer kan.

Hands down to the demonisation of single mothers! I was raised by a single mother, so by law (universal) I should be expected to defend single mothers’ efforts at raising children and be offended by the demonisation thereof. (I really never understand why people never see this coming when they say stupid things about single mothers.) Fair enough, it is not ideal to have a single-parented family. God, the universe or whatever form of creation you believe in obviously did not intend for children to be raised that way, for truly, as the saying goes, ‘it takes two to tango’. Also, being a single parent is hardly anyone’s desire (except perhaps for those who want to have it all, even children, by themselves, because the children will still grow). Hence, it is often not by choice that some people end up becoming single parents. And, maybe there are things that us children of single parents miss/ed out on while growing up. However, what works me up is when single parents (mothers, for that matter) are suddenly painted as all that is wrong with society. For one, why are we not pointing fingers at

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Toe hy die sleutel in die motordeur steek, vra die seuntjie: “Is dit Meneer se motor?” “Ja, dit is myne.” “Hoeveel het dit gekos, Meneer?” “Ou seun, ek weet nie.” “Meneer, dis jou motor; hoekom weet jy nie hoeveel dit gekos het nie?” “Want my broer het dit vir my gegee.” ’n Verlangende uitdrukking spoel oor die seun se gesig: “Ek... ek wens…” Die man dink die seuntjie gaan sê hy wens hy het ook so ’n broer gehad. Hy eindig sy sin egter anders as wat die man verwag het. Die seun sê: “Ek wens ek kon so ’n broer wees.” Die man vra hom om in te klim en te voel hoe die motor ry. Die seun keer: “Ek sal Meneer se kar net vuilsmeer.” “Nee, dit maak nie saak nie, klim in.” “Sal meneer voor my huis stilhou, asseblief?” vra hy dringend. Die man het na die seuntjie se huis gery en daar aangekom, spring hy vinnig uit die motor en

kom na ’n rukkie skuifelend terug met ’n kleiner seuntjie in sy arms. Die seuntjie is inmekaar getrek weens polio. Saggies sit hy die seuntjie op die sypaadjie neer en sê: “Daar is dit, boetie. Sy broer het dit vir hom gekoop. As ek eendag groot is, gaan ek vir jou net so ’n kar koop, dan kan jy self na al die winkelvensters gaan kyk.” Met ’n knop in sy keel sê die man: “Kom julle twee — jou boetie gaan sommer vandag nog die winkelvensters sien.” Hy ry toe na die grootste winkelsentrum in die stad. “Kom ons gaan kyk,” sê hy, terwyl hy die kreupel outjie in sy arms dra. “Soek uit wat julle wil hê.” Hulle het sy aanbod aangegryp en die volgende paar uur het die man die gelukkigste tyd van sy lewe beleef. Die loon om aan ander te gee, is nie altyd ‘n materiële loon nie, maar ‘n beter loon van ’n gelukkige, vervulde hart. “Daar is mense wat vrylik uitdeel en tog steeds meer het, dan is daar ander wat suinig is en tog arm word. Wie ’n ander voorspoed gun, sal self oorvloed hê. Wie die dors van ander les, sal self genoeg kry as hy dors is” — Spreuke.11:24, 25.

Inwoners was al heeltemal raadop en protesoptogte het gevolg. Na verskeie berigte van onderhoude met rolspelers, het Beeld uiteindelik in April ‘n in diepte ondersoek gedoen, waartydens hulle met bejaarde inwoners gepraat het. Verlede week was weer ‘n waterlose week in Naboom. Dit is Woensdag en die water het weer vandag gestop. Asseblief Tzaneen, word wakker en tree vroegtydig op. Ek weet, ek bring meeste van my tyd hier in Naboom deur, om my pa te versorg.

Letters | Briewe

Yvonne Du Toit van Tzaneen skryf: Toe ek ‘n vriendin in Naboomspruit (nou Mookgopong) vertel van die krisis in Tzaneen, het sy my aangeraai om ‘n onderneming te begin wat opgaartenks aan huishoudings verkoop. Pype wat bars, is die begin van groot ellende. Sedert 2013 ervaar Naboomspruit erge probleme met watervoorsiening, weens pype wat bars en die reservoir wat leegloop. In Januarie, Februarie en Maart was my pa weke sonder water. Inwoners moet water by waterkarre op ‘n sentrale plek gaan haal. Water moet met kannetjies in die huis rond gedra word, om te was, na die toilet gedra word, ensovoorts. In ondernemings moet elke werknemer ‘n paar kannetjies toilet toe dra wanneer daar ‘n behoefte is, en dan ook weer om hande te was.

• H Burger: U brief sal volgende week geplaas word • Leeutemmer: U brief sal ook volgende week geplaas word • Saartjie: Daar word hard aan ‘n plan gewerk en ons kan dalk volgende week al hieroor berig. • Jason Martins: Your letter will hopefully be published next week (if we can get the GTM to reply to our enquiries).

• Dit kan voordelig wees pret nie, skrik nie vir ‘n pappie se bankbalans vir sommige mense en invloed nie... dan is om weer toeka se vaakLet wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! ‘n sementvloer maar dié maakliedjie op te roep: As jy ooit ‘n leeu wil vang, tyd van die jaar koud. • Daar’s ‘n man, nie In die dag of in die nag sommer elke hierjy se man nie, wat moedeloos voel. gooi sout op sy stert of baard. Eers die plaas verloor, toe die blink klippies en nou • Minitzani se kruising raak nou ‘n regte ongelukswil hy sy skoonpa se dogter op die trein of bus sit. hoek. En die konstabels dra nou by tot erger ongeTerug na haar pa toe. Nou bid die famile kliphard rief. Soek papiere (rybewys?), wil nie aanvaar die dat hy betyds die nodige lIg sal sien... rookgoedjies (darem nie snuifgoed nie) is vir die

Die mense hoor

For crying out loud By Joy Mojela joy@bulletin.us.com

the fathers (I have never heard anyone say single fathers are problematic) who leave, if they leave? In one of their recent reports, the police gave notice of a program they planned to hold to tackle the rise in crimes against young children, including kidnapping, rape and murder. The direct report, before editing, listed “tendencies” with parents, “especially mothers who are staying alone with their children”, i.e. single mothers, which put children at risk. “My word,” I thought. How come the problem with children who do not have sufficient eyes looking after them is the eyes that are at least there to look? Was it a rushed report from the police, a flaw in discourse

or is it how everyone generally looks at the situation — ‘the oh so terrible and reckless single mothers!’? How about we applaud the single mothers who stay when their partners-in-child-making flee or cannot be present? Surely a better report would have pointed at parents who do not stay with their children. I once heard of a guy whose father raised him and his siblings as a single parent. He was quite open (and somewhat proud) about his up-bringing. The sentiment (I gathered from everyone who talked about them, myself included) towards his family was mostly admiration. The father was somewhat an inspiration of bravery, determination and hard work — tenaciously raising a family by himself like that. I am thinking, there are more families with single fathers that are not talked about so much because maybe they are not seen as problematic. One never really gets the same sentiment when it comes to single mothers. I think it is mostly pity and patronising sympathy I receive when I tell people that when it comes to me, my brave and strong mother might as well have tangoed by herself.


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15 Mei 2015


The most talked-about substance (dagga) explained

Focus is currently very prominently drawn into illegal substance abuse. There is none as controversial and topical as cannabis. Known by many names including marijuana, weed, pot, dagga, boom, dope, ganja and a host of others, it was declared illegal worldwide in the 1920s and in South Africa in 1928. Bulletin journalist Sue Ettmayr together with the Tzaneen Substance Abuse Prevention Centre, led by pharmacist Piet (Pille) Geldenhuys, reviews the herb.

When cannabis was banned in SA, mining officials turned behavioural patterns, a blind eye to the workers’ traditional use of dagga, as the alters perceptions, known euphoria made them work hard. The marijuana of the causes mood swings animal world has a playful and dopey effect on animals. Cats and has a negative turn cartwheels and become hilarious after eating and rolling effect on the memory centre. A user develops physical and/or in catnip and rhino become playful after their dose of the psychological dependency. The drug’s action succulent euphorbia. could take effect within anything between There are moves afoot in SA to five seconds and thirty minutes, depending decriminalise and/or legalise cannabis. on the mode of intake. The effect of cannabis Legalised means it can only be used on the hippocampus centre of the brain for medicinal purposes by people over leads to alterations in the way information is 21 years. The late SA Parliamentarian processed, changes or deforms memories, and leads to cognitive impairment. Mario Oriani-Ambrosini, who had The cerebellum and basal ganglia lung cancer, tabled a Bill in Parliament regulate balance, posture, coordination (which is still pending) for the use of and reaction time. THC affects this centre medicinal marijuana. Legal medicinal in the brain. People predisposed to, or cannabis must contain less than 15% having genetic vulnerability to mental cannabinoids (CBD) and less than 0, illnesses, can develop depression. 3% tetra-9-hydrocannabinol (THC). Almost 30% of recreational cannabis Recreational marijuana contains 5-10% users develop anxiety. THC. Decriminalised means cannabis of The intake of large doses of cannabis between 28 g and 56 g can be kept plus a . ely R350 at approximat es can cause acute psychotic episodes few small plants but only at home. At this or st ok bo Available at which include bipolar disorder (manic point in time cannabis is still classified as a schedule seven drug. depression), hallucinations, dissolution and loss of sense of For medicinal purposes, the CBD is the effective substance personal identity. It can interrupt sleeping patterns, increase and not the THC, which has physiological and psychological heart rate between 20-50 bpm, cause red eyes, dry mouth and side effects. THC interacts with specific receptors in the brain stimulate appetite. and mimics the effects of dopamine (the feel-good neuroThe biggest concern is the adverse mental effects of cannabis transmitters) which gives the euphoric effect. When the brain and the physiological responses to the substance. Researchers is over-stimulated it causes dependency and later addiction. have determined the serious side effects of THC on people who A drug can be defined as a natural or synthetic psycho-active are genetically predisposed to psychosis like schizophrenia. substance. Its mode of action is on the central nervous system, They also found that cannabis withdrawal syndrome including specific centres in the brain. The substance changes demonstrated restlessness, anxiety dysphoria, irritability,

insomnia, anorexia, muscle tremors, changes in heart rate, rise in blood pressure, sweating and diarrhoea. Cannabis use can lead to depersonalisation, derealisation, feelings of loss of control, irrational panic and paranoia. Use of large doses of THC may induce toxic psychosis with symptoms of confusion and hallucinations. Medical research supports the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. It alleviates chronic pain, nausea from chemotherapy and helps cancer patients generally. It’s used to manage vomiting, gout and fibromyalgia. It prevents the progression of glaucoma and epileptic seizures. It also slows the progression of Alzheimer disease. However, Geldenhuys says from a pharmacological point of view cannabis is no wonder cure. So far, four of fifty American States have legalised recreational marijuana. They are Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington. The financial benefit for Colorado was US $2 million in taxes related to the sale of recreational marijuana in January 2014 alone. Combined with taxes on sales for medicinal marijuana, the state pulled in nearly $3,5 million in cannabis-related tax revenue. Cannabis has also been legalised in almost half of the states for medicinal purposes. Legalising means cannabis must be sold by an Accredited Pharmacy (at least one in each participating State). The US Constitution allows each state to decide individually on the legalisation and decriminalisation of cannabis. With recent international and local demonstrations to protest the illegality of cannabis this age-old weed is now firmly in the international and local spotlight. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com


15 Mei 2015



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15 Mei 2015


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SCHOOL NEWS | SKOLE NUUS Don’t mess with the first girls hockey team of Stanford Lake College… unless you want to see a big score being achieved against you! The team members are, front: Kirsten Eastes, Palesa Masuluke, Katherine Gardner and Jaqueline Knott. Back: Franke Viljoen, Gabby Tout, Shikara Janke, Kirsty Westcott, Makungu Valoyi (Capt), Tshepo Modiba, Sarah Proground, Cassie Hawken, Kristen Tomes, Anke Vaughan, Mss Marmarie Pieterse (Coach) and Monique Steynberg.

‘n Hele spannetjie seuns en meisies van die Laerskool Tzaneen is in Limpopo se o.13A- en -B-hokkiespanne opgeneem. Voor is Christine Krüger (B-span), Zonica van Niekerk (B-span) en Nandy Mathebula (A-span). In die middelry is Lia Revelas (A-span), Jana Oberholzer (A-span), Danielle Kasselman (A-span) en Lorinda Esterhuizen (B-span). Agter staan Johndé Grobler (B-span), Johan Harms (A-span), Dylan Kotzé (A-span) en Pieter Engelbrecht (B-span).

Stanford Lake College’s first boys hockey team is no walk-over and the boys are doing well against much bigger schools. The team members are, front: Matthew Maritz, Bryce Reed, Aidan du Preez, Kganya Sebatyane, Julian Taylor, Pierre Smalle and Benno Prinsloo. At the back are Michael van Zyl, Mfumo Mongwe, Matthew Oosthuizen, Austin Johnson, Liam Wolff, Adam McGaffin, Jason Wright, Graeme Harty and Mr Shane Friedrichs. Photo: Courtesy: Sue Reed

Die tradisionele “Big Brag” vir die wintersportspanne is vroeg die maand op Plasieland gehou. Al die eerste spanne het die geleentheid gehad om te spog met ‘n skyfievertoning van hul toere en wedstrydprestasies. Spelers is bederf met ‘n mooi sertifikaat

en ‘n fliek-kombo as erkenning vir hul toegewydheid. Daarna het almal ‘n fliek op die grootskerm geniet. Die hoogtepunt was weereens toe Merensky se tradisionele M gebrand is, terwyl die Plasies “Merensky in Union” gesing het.

Leerlinge wys hulle is beslis nie vlak nie

Die sesde jaarlikse Kruistog in Tzaneen is weer op 6 Mei gehou. Die leerlinge van die twee hoërskole in die dorp — Ben Vorster en Merensky — hou die jaarlikse tog, wat by die Hero-

field Jeugsentrum eindig. Die tieners van die skole stap met dele van ‘n kruis, wat dan daar aanmekaar gesit en geplant word, as ‘n teken van hul geloof. Vanjaar was daar egter ook ‘n nuutjie, in dat leerlinge van die Kings Court in Modjadjiskloof en die Nazerene Christian Aacademy deelgeneem het. Byna 350 leerlinge het aan die Kruistog deelgeneem. Daar is eers saam gesing en toe het die hoofleiers van die skole Skrifgedeeltes voorgelees en gebid. Die tieners het daarna in klein groepies opgebreek, om vir hul huise, skole, gemeenskap en land te bid. Die kinders is vanjaar ook aangemoedig om foto’s met hul selfone te neem op Facebook te plaas. Sodoende kan ander gemeenskappe in die land ook uitgedaag word om soortgelyke geleenthede te reël.

Plasie-skrywers woeker met woorde Plasie-skrywers het in die Teatro by die Hoërskool Merensky vergader, om tydens ‘n kreatiewe skryfsessie hul penne te laat praat. Die tema was “inspirasie” en lede het mekaar se inspirasie-stories baie geniet. Musiek, medemens en emosies was die drie hoofbestanddele wat die skrywers Fumo Chabalala, Monique de Lange, Anice Basson, geïnspireer het om pennevrugte te lewer. In ‘n kort werksessie het elkeen ‘n Klarissa Nel, Matodzi Bele, Angie Nel, Blake Linder, Larkoerantopskrif as inspirasie ontvang en binne 45 minute ‘n kortverhaal daaroor yn Prins en Micaela Ball was deelnemers aan die skryfgeskryf. Die beste verhale sal in die 2015-publikasie verskyn. sessie

Visit our friendly website @ www.bulletin.us.com for our latest school news and pictures




WEN Bees

1ste plek

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se seunshokkiespanne het met dié van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt kragte gemeet en dit was voorwaar ‘n interessante kragmeting. Die o.15A’s het ‘n ligawedstryd gespeel. Die Vossies het die eerste doel aangeteken. Louis Trichardt het verbete teruggeveg en ‘n doel in die tweede helfte aangeteken. Die wedstryd het uiteindelik gelykop (1 doel elk) geëindig. Die 0/16A-span van die Vossies het ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Louis Trichardt se tweede span gespeel. Die Vossies het die wedstryd oortuigend met 5-0 gewen. Andy Ntuli is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Die Vossies se eerste span was die eerste twintig minute pal op die verdediging.

Die Triegies het baie sterk aanvallende hokkie gespeel, maar die Vossies het verbete verdedig en teen rustyd was die telling gelykop met twee doele elk. Die telling het botstil bly staan in die tweede helfte, totdat Louis Trichardt in die laaste paar minute ‘n doel aangeteken en die wedstryd met 4-3 gewen het. Op die foto hierby is die o.16A-seuns wat teen Louis Trichardt se tweede span gespeel het. Voor is Reuben Maritz, Bosman Hanaczeck Kruger, Vernon Harms, Adriaan Roets, Dewald Klopper en Andy Ntuli (onderkaptein). Agter staan Pele Shingange, Desmond Pilusa, Hayden Butler, Dian Bovill, Pierre Roos, (kaptein), David Moremi en Ruan Luus. Afwesig: Ryno du Plessis en Ruaal Kotze.

Friday Night @ Rosa Bar...

GOURMET BURGER Special at Tzaneen Country Lodge Only R75


*Ter waarde van R6 000

2de plek 3de plek

R2 000 R1 000

2 3 bulletin©10217tcl150417tb

Plasies stoot bors uit

Vossies en Triegies maak beurt om oortuigend te wen!

Bring jou vriende & familie saam! Vermaak vir kinders. Chris J Mocke maak musiek Kontant kroeg beskikbaar Inskrywing: R350 (3 per span)

Inskrywing geld moet voor 30 Mei betaal word

On the rocks

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073 571 6013 *Nie te ruil vir kontant nie.

Bookings: Tel: 015 304 3290/1/2 OR reservations@tznlodge.co.za


15 Mei 2015



In the name of religion

Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

We may do as we like All over the world wrong is being done, in the name of religion: war, corruption, promiscuity etcetera. The shameless abuse of others’ property — the (local) government, business people and even individuals — in the name of religion is becoming a serious problem in Tzaneen. Pastors, preachers, priests and other so-called spiritual leaders spoil the face of Tzaneen with unlawful posters. The GTM seem to shut their eyes for this and they should be challenged to stamp out this disgraceful behaviour which is per definition a criminal offence!

Nothing in Tzaneen escaped Pastor Mukhuba’s eagerness to advertise her “crusade”, in a shameless poster campaign last week: traffic signs, big flower pots, walls, even rocks placed in the nice open space next to the R71 (Total & Sasol)... The glue used to fix the posters to everything that was not moving, had been mixed with a white substance (paint?) and it will take time and effort to clean up the mess. But who will do the cleaning...?


Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”


15 Mei 2015


Advertensie in Sondagkoerante is ‘n nuwe skok vir agri

AgriLimpopo sê dis moedswillige wanvoorstelling Die suggestie dat georganiseerde landbou minister Nkwinti se 50/50-verdelingsbeginsel in grondhervorming steun, soos wat die afgelope naweek in die departement van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming se advertensies in Sondagkoerante gepubliseer is, is van alle waarheid ontbloot, sê die president van AgriLimpopo, mnr Leon Borcherds, in ‘n mediaverklaring. “Agri Limpopo distansieer hom ten sterkste van die departement se uitspraak in hierdie verband, en wil dit onbubbelsinnig uitspel dat die minister se voorstel selfs meer rampspoedige gevolge vir landbou sal inhou as die omvattende werkverliese, die in duiestorting en verlating van produktiewe plase, en die vermorsing van hulpbronne wat die grondhervormingpoging oor die afgelope vyftien jaar gekenmerk het” sê Borcherds. Borcherds Hy voeg by dat dié standpunt herhaaldelik in die minister se gespreksforums oor die aangeleentheid duidelik gemaak en op rekord geplaas is dat deelname aan die gespreksforums ‘n bona fide poging is om saam te werk, ten einde volhoubare modelle vir ordelike en ‘n bemagtigende grondhervormingprogram te ontwikkel — en nie gesien mag word as onderskrywing of inkoop in die minister se 50/50-voorstelle nie. Agri Limpopo betreur dit dat die inhoud van die departement se advertensie net vertolk kan word as moedswillige wanvoorstelling. Dit spreek van ‘n gebrek aan integriteit in die departement en die minister se “konsultasieproses” wat landbouers vir jare al skepties laat oor die intensies en modus operandi wat sogenaamde deelnemende gespreksforums ten grondslag lê, sê Borcherds. “Ons kan nie saamstem met die departement se aanname dat die huidige voorstelle nie beleggersvertroue in die landbou sal skaad nie. Dit ignoreer die realiteite in Limpopo, waar omvattende skade aan beleggersvertroue reeds gely is. “Agri Limpopo ondersteun die idee dat inklusiewe distrikskomitees ‘n sleutelrol in grondhervorming op plaaslike vlak kan speel, en neem in elke distrik in die provinsie aan die

poging deel. Feit is dat die komitees nie gestruktureer word bouers fokus laat verloor nie. soos ooreengekom is nie, en dat amptenare van die departe“Ons visie is ‘n welvarende landbou waarin almal wat ‘n ment dit misbruik om onrealistiese verwagtings in gemeen- bydrae kan maak, sal deelneem. Ons word telkens deur skappe en by indiwiduele potensiële begunstigdes te skep, politici daarop gewys dat ons grondhervorming moet maak dat hulle vanweë hul teenwoordigheid by die vergaderings werk. Dit is presies wat ons doen. Ons het reeds bewese sukplase gaan kry,” sê hy. sesse in Limpopo,” sê Borcherds ter bevestiging van AgriVoorts sê Borcherds: “In die- Limpopo se standpunt. selfde skrywe waarin ‘n beBoere wat navrae hieroor het, kan met Borcherds by 082 378 roep op landbouers gedoen 4621 of mnr Willem van Jaarsveld ( die HUB van AgriLimword om Agri-parke te steun popo) by 082 451 7913 of Dr Theo de Jager van AgriLimpopo en daarby betrokke te raak, se landbouwerkgroep by 082 332 2110 skakel. word grondplafonne in die vooruitsig gestel. Dit is juis hierdie boerderye wat groot volumes kan produseer, wat Agri-parke sal moet help aan die gang kry en vir lank sal moet stut, wat deur grondplafonne benadeel gaan word. Dit is jammer dat Van Jaarsveld die debat oor grondhervorming telkens benadeel moet word deur hierdie soort teenstrydighede.” Die standpunt wat in die advertensie gestel word dat grondeienaarskap die basis van ekonomiese bemagtiging en landbou-ontwikkeling vorm, word egter as ‘n vars bries in die grondhervormingsdebat hartlik verwelkom. Dit baan die weg om die huidige sagte vorm van nasionalisering van landbougrond met ware bemagtiging van begunstigdes te vervang, Close up of the Slipper Orchid. Dr Sarel Spies shows the award winning slipper orchid. deur titelakte gebaseerde grondeienaarskap en gepaardgaande toegang tot privaatsektorfinansiering. There’s something about orchids unflappable Dr Sarel Spies from Swart boere hoef dan nie meer huurders wat ‘n sukthat remind one of everything Modjadjiskloof. He pointed out that’s precious. It’s this ethereal a special orchid of excellence, a kel- bestaan voer op staatsgrond te wees nie, sê hy. quality that delights orchid lovers. twelve-year-old Slipper Orchid. “AgriLimpopo is vasbeslote om voort te gaan om This past weekend, orchids flew off It’s one of a kind as slippers can’t die winsgewendheid van al sy lede te bevorder, the Orchid Exhibition shelves at be cloned and this orchid won the terwyl die oogmerke van die Nasionale OntwikSA award of merit in 2014. Owner, the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. kelingsplan erken word. Dit is duidelik dat die Shoppers started buying Mr Nollie Celliers, is from Plantae minister nie op hoogte van sake is met die groot before the stall holders had set Orchids in Brits. vordering wat reeds op grondvlak gemaak is om up. However, everything went — Sue Ettmayr die verlede in ‘n blink toekoms te verander nie. smoothly under the guidance of sue@bulletin.us.com Die land kan egter nie bekostig dat dit ons land-

Orchids are precious

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15 Mei 2015



Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Matome Harry Morerwa I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English contact me on 073 241 4534 (4)_______________________________

My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392 (5)_______________________________

My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908 (6)_______________________________

My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780 (7)_______________________________

My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 I was a driver assistant checking invoicing as well or any general work contact me on 073 586 8558 8)______________________________


My name is Betty Ratabala I am looking for domestic work I can speak Afrikaans and I can also look after children sleep out, I have six year experience (ref: Matha Botha 082 780 6070) contact me on 072 297 0470 (98)______________________________

My name is Elisa M Shokane I am looking for domestic work or office cleaner I speak Sotho sleep in or out full time or part time contact me on 073 567 7574 (99)______________________________

My name is Tsakani Annah Maptosa I am looking for a domestic work sleep out, I speak Afrikaans full time or part time can cook and look after children. Office cleaner as well contact me on 078 0373075 (100)_____________________________

My name is Lydia M. Milazi I am looking for domestic work I can look after children I speak English sleep out, or office cleaner or any general work contact me on 084 224 4606 (101)_____________________________

My name is Doris M. Matlou I am looking for domestic work I can look after children, office cleaner, sleep out, speak English or any general work contact me on 079 377 4842 (102)______________________________

My name is Agnes M. Madia I am looking for a domestic work or work in a lodge I speak English sleep in or out office cleaner as well contact me on 073 025 5317 (103)______________________________

My name is Modjadji Rachel Semosa I am looking for domestic work I can look after children sleep in or out I speak English I have code 10 licence 1 year experience contact me on 072 789 2538 (78)______________________________

My name is Johanna Mukhari I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children, sleep in or out I also have business management N4 to N6 I have grade 12 contact me on 074 914 4281 (79)______________________________

My name is Michell Ramawela I am looking for domestic work or any general work I can speak English I have grade 12, I am computer littered and a licence, contact me on 078 379 1927 (80)______________________________

My name is Della Shai I have grade 12 I can speak English I am looking for job as receptionist, marketing, P.A I have a degree in media studies at University of Limpopo contact me on 076 985 1395 (81)______________________________

My name is Modjadji Rachel Semosa I am looking for domestic work I can look after children, I can do gardening, office cleaner, I have a licence code 10 for driver contact me on 078 641 8398 (104)______________________________

My name is Daisy Hlamazi Baloyi I am looking for domestic work I can look after children have 8 years experience in kitchen I speak English and Afrikaans office cleaner as well contact me on 063 092 4458 (105)______________________________

My name is Clement Charles Baloyi I am looking for any general work or gardening I speak English contact me on 083 874 5726 (106)______________________________

My name is Aubrey Shingange I am looking for any general work I have matrix and computer I speak English I will do gardening as well contact me on 078 401 7894 (107)______________________________

My name is Maite Iries Maowasha I am looking for domestic work I speak Afrikaans Mon – Fri or 2 or 3 days

a week sleep out contact me on 078 110 4748 (108)______________________________

My name is Sandra Chikuku I am looking for any general work , office cleaner, domestic, I speak English full time or part time sleep in or out contact me on 073 445 2558 (109)______________________________

My name is Mapula Suzane Monamedi I am looking for domestic work I can look after children at crèches or any other general work I speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me on 063 044 7013 (110)______________________________

My name is Johana Lucy Makwela I am looking for any office cleaning or domestic work I speak English, full time or part time contact me on 073 736 6051 (111)______________________________

My name is Modjadji Rachel Semosa I am looking for domestic work, gardening work, (I have experience at a nursery) I speak English, licence code 10 full time or part time contact me on 072 789 2538 (112)______________________________

tea lady or domestic work I speak English full time or part time contact me on 071 770 8398/073 424 4676 (119)______________________________

My name is Julia M. Masedi I am looking for domestic, of office cleaner work or any other general work I speak English I can sleep in or out and I speak English contact me on 076 884 8755 (120)_____________________________

My name is Pamela Manyenga I am looking for a office cleaner of domestic work I have seven years experience I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 828 3446 (121)__________________________

My name is Lawrain Mkansi I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner/tea lady, I speak English sleep in, full time or part time contact me on 076 095 1443 (122) My name is Ester Sewapa I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner, I speak English sleep in, full time or part time contact me on 079 718 6803 (123)_____________________________

My name is Mosibudi Maria Maake I am looking for a domestic work sleep out Mon – Fr or 3 or 2 days I speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 506 0833

My name is Selina M Nkwane I am looking for domestic work sleep in or out I can speak Afrikaans and English I can cook or any other general work contact me on 071 743 6350



My naam is Mapula S. Rapatsa ek is opsoek na huishoudlike werk ek praat Afrikaans, slaap uit, Maandag tot Vrydag of 2 of 3 dae a week skakel my op 073 544 7550 (114)______________________________

My name is Thaitha I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or tea lady contact me on 071 227 5436 (115)____________________________

My name is Mapula Juliet Malatji I am looking for domestic work, I speak English, sleep out, full time or part time I also can do security I have Grade E, D,C and PSIRA contact me on 083 769 4843 (116)______________________________

My name is Paulina M. Motupa I am looking for domestic work I speak English sleep out, full time or part time contact me on 078 888 2424 (117)______________________________

My name is Makoma Emmah Lebepe I am looking for any general work or domestic work, I speak English, full time or part time contact me on 071 630 3215 (118))_____________________________

My name is Matshidiso Sarah Mafokwane I am looking for office cleaning work or

on 071 700 6894

General My name is Odette Maseko I am looking for work in Journalism (BA degree), Photographic (BA degree), Media Communication (BA Honours) and I have a code 8 licence contact me on 071 813 3657 (38)______________________________

My name is Khanyisa Nkuna I am looking for any general work, shop assistant, cashier, or domestic work, office cleaner I speak English contact me on 078 937 2669 (39)______________________________

My name is Linah Nukeri I am looking for any general work, shop assistant, office cleaner or domestic work, speak English contact me on 078 053 5195 (40)______________________________

My name is David Mathonsi I am looking for a baker job I work for 2 years at Butterfield and 3 years at Tarentaalrand Friendly I speak English, Grade 10 contact me on 071 767 2671 (41)______________________________

My name is Tiyani Muhlarhi I am looking for work at a butchery I do packing and wrapping I speak English or any other general work I have Grade 11 contact me on 073 883 977 (42)______________________________

My name is Linda C. Dzivakwe I am looking for work as office cleaner of domestic worker 5 days of part time I speak English sleep in or out contact me on 073 793 2387

My name is T.P. Mahasha I am looking for a cashier or driver job I have a licence code 10 with PDP, I speak English contact me on 073 742 4730


My name is Thomas Mathebula I am looking for work as a plumber I speak English my contact nr is 078 641 3375

My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for domestic work 5 days I can cook look after children I speak English or part time work contact me on 083 861 7120 (126)______________________________

My name is Christina Moseomedi I am looking for domestic work 5 years experience sleep out, I speak English, or office cleaner I can look after children contact me on 073 517 1675 (127)______________________________

My name is Maria Moseamedi I am looking for domestic work or office/shop cleaner I speak English sleep in or out full time or part time I can look after children I also have security grade C and SIRA contact me on 078 263 6166 (128)_____________________________

My name is Martha Mawasha I am looking for domestic work I can cook or gardening or office cleaner, Mon – Sat. I speak English sleep in or out contact me on 060 935 0956 (129)______________________________



My name is Xisomisani Constance Mkansi I am looking for any general work or domestic work I speak English I have grade 11 full time or part time contact me on 073 518 3793 (45)______________________________

My name is Sibongile Makhanana Khosa I am looking for any general work is speak English I have grade 11, domestic work full time or part time contact me on 071 387 1883 (46)______________________________

My name is Pamela Manyenga I am looking for any general work, office cleaner is speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 828 3446


My name is Maggie Sakuneka I am looking for any general work I have grade 9 I have 2 years experience domestic I speak English sleep in or out and I can also look after children contact me on 079 3161314 (49)______________________________

My name is Lihah M. Setabola I am looking for any general work I speak English Sotho, Tsonga, full time part time contact me on 076 887 2934 (50)____________________________

My name is Gezani Christophere Baloyi I am looking for a plumbing job I have 10 years experience I have matrix and I speak English contact me on 078 093 8694 (51)______________________________

My naam is Rassie Erasmus ek is opsoek na enige opsigters werk of enige ander soort werk kontak my op 072 811 9860 (52)______________________________

My name is Thomas Samuel Ngobeni I am looking for paint work, plaster, building or tiling I speak Afrikaans job can be full time or part time contact me on 078 785 5257 (53)______________________________

My name is Phetole Edward Kgatla I am looking for building work, roofing, ceiling work I speak Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 083 619 0131 (54)______________________________

My name is Diboko John Makwela I am looking for any construction work, building, plastering, I speak English contact me on 082 740 9286 (55)______________________________

My name is Masilo Jeffrey Malapane I am looking for gardening work or painting I speak Afrikaans contact me on 073 647 3202 (56)______________________________

My name is Nyiketani Olive Tshavalala I am looking for work in catering (cook) or cleaning I have certificate in both and have computer certificate I speak English or any other general work contact me on 078 657 8262 (57)______________________________

My name is Sibongile Zitha I am looking for any general work I speak English or any domestic, office cleaner or cashier job full time or part time contact me on 073 300 6614



My name is Risimati Elvis Hombyani I am looking for any general work I have matrix and computer literacy I speak English contact m e

My name is Tintswalo Thoko Mabunda I am looking for any general work I speak English or any domestic or office cleaning work full time

or part time contact me on 072 773 5717 (59)______________________________

My name is Patricia Mahasha I am looking for a Security work I have grade E, D, C I speak English contact me on 060 322 7656 (62)______________________________

My name is Evans Mokwena I am looking for a painting and tilling job contact me on 072 705 7930

work as office assistant or administration I have a diploma in marketing managing, and diploma in office assistant I have a code 10 licences contact me on 083 370 5474 (9)________________________________

My name is Wendy Sibabelo I am looking for work in communication, or arranging and planning events, receptionist, PA I have a degree BA Journalism contact me on 076 330 9112



My name is Ngkhanana Sibongile Khosa I am looking for work at a butchery or in a store contact me on 071 387 1883

My name is Minah Ramopai I am looking for work as cashier or administration I speak English I have Grade 12, certificate of banking fundamentals, cashier and cleaning certificate, computer it outstanding (certificate0 contact me on 084 5020 653


My name is Kgaogelo Sekhula I am looking for store man work have experience (training on job) I speak English or any other general work contact me on 079 954 2154 (65)______________________________

My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP or any other general work I speak English contact me on 073 586 8558 (66)______________________________

Admin My name is Hellen Malatji I am looking for a cashier job/ receptionist job/ admin clerk job/ debtors and creditors job I have 4 years experience in pastel I have grade 12 I have code10 drivers licence I can also do cashbook and journal as well as filling customer service is my challenge contact me on 079 310 9754 (5) _______________________________

My name is Nellah Mabasa I am looking for a work as Receptionist or administration I have BSC Agriculture (Agronamie / Plant Production) contact me on 078 830 9876 (6)_______________________________

My name is Matsie B Ramsdike I am looking for Receptionist or Administration I have grade 12, Media study degree, Media study Honors, contact me on 079 932 5689 (7)_______________________________

My name is Grace Milazi I am looking for a job as administration or receptionist work at a lodge I know Paste, Word, Excel and I worked as a cashier, I also work in a shop receiving stock contact me on 073 742 5831 or 076 093 7021 (8)_______________________________

My name is Nyiko Eugene Mathonsi I am looking for


My name is Lemond Maemela I am looking for admin work I have grade 12, office computer certificate, I can speak English I have a licence code 10 contact me on 078 1134 365 (12)_______________________________

My name is Kgomotso Virginia Mphekgwane I am looking for admin work cashier or any general work I speak English have grade 12 busy with a computer course I have licence code 10 contact me on 079 095 7797/ 073 517 6671 (13)_______________________________

My name is Sylvester Mohale I am looking for admin work I have Bridging course certificate in Business Management and Diploma in Advanced Computer I speak English contact me on 072 732 4388 (14)_______________________________

My name is Thabo Chauke I am looking for any administrative work or receptionist I have computer and matrix I am a bench supervisor at KFC contact me on 078 260 8577 (15)_______________________________

My name is Sandra D Letsoalo I am looking for any receptionist work or cashier I can speak English I have matrix and computer contact me on 078 260 8577 (16)_______________________________

My name is Nkhensani Mabunda I am looking for a job I have N6 in Business Management I can work as cashier, receptionist, and bookkeeper. I can speak English I have 4 years experience as bank teller at FNB (ref: Maake Rhulani 083 434 4095) contact me on 078 380 5154 (17)_______________________________

My name is Kgomotso Pilusa I am looking for clerk work I speak English I have computer course and a code 10 licence contact me on 082 424 8318 (18)_______________________________

Legals l Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 900/2014 In the matter between: RIVERSIDE ESTATE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION Execution Creditor And PETER MOPAI MOKGAPHAME 1st Execution Debtor SALAELO TOEKIE MOKGAPHAME 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 6 NOVEMBER 2014, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 4 JUNE 2015 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: LETABA STORE ROOM


obtained in the above honorable court, 2The rules of the Auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, Tzaneen. 3Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (http://www. info.gov.za/ view/downloadfileaction ?id-99961) 5FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Mr T Robertson. 7Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution

creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 20th day of APRIL 2015 (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/ JB6762 Mei201__________________________


I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Portion 1 of Erf 292 Tzaneen X 4 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated at 33a Circle Drive Tzaneen, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 15 May 2015 (the

date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 15 May 2015. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J083 Mei202__________________________


DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 292 Tzaneen X 4 gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te 33a Sirkelweg Tzaneen, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4”.

Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 15 Mei 2015 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 15 Mei 2015 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J083 Mei203__________________________


Search “Bulletin”


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

15 Mei 2015


Property l Eiendomme For Sale Te Koop Homes/Huise Roodepoort 4 Slaapkamer huis. R890 000 Kontak Dirk: 082 490 0439/ 015 395 2112

Mar103 ___________________________

To Let Te Huur Flats/Woonstelle Netjiese 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur teen R4 100pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Elektriese omheining. Geen troeteldiere. Deposito verlang Skakel 083 276 7884

1 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur Splinternuut oorgedoen, eie ingang en onderdak parkering, klein tuintjie R3 800 pm water en ligte ingesluit Huur is vooruitbetaalbaar en deposito word verlang. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Junie 2015 Skakel Jaco: 076 9077 626 / Erna 079 4818 563

Meenthuis/Cluster Homes Moderne 2slp meenthuis in Letsitele te huur 2.5 badkamers, garage, veilige kompleks. R4000pm met koopkrag. bel Elzaan by 0835616062 Apr401_______________


Ruim 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, beskikbaar by Strelitzia Vanaf 1 Junie R4 300 pm water en ligte uitgesluit. Skakel 082 551 1971 Mei104_______________________


Macadamia Village 2 x groot slaapkamers, 3 lugversorgers, groot sitkamer en leef area. Mooi kombuis met in-en uitgang. Dubbel motorhuis. Goeie ligging in kompleks. Pragtige stoep. Ouderdomsperk van toepassing. R9 950 pm water en elektrisiteit uitgesluit Gerhard du Toit 082 752 5456

Office/Kantoor Office or workshop space to let old Industrial area R5 500.00P/M W&l incl. Contact: Rowan 082 888 5352

Premierpark (Pearlman)

3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, erf agter omhein.

R5 100


Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen 2 Office spaces to rent next to each other. Sizes 85m² &31m² at excellent address. Exquisitely tiled and designed, including bathroom, kitchenette and shower in larger premises. Interior can be partitioned according to your needs. Rent negotiable on application Call Stephanie or Kyla on 015-3077008/3071333


3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer , kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, rustige omgewing.

R4 800


3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, Pre-paid krag.

R5 000

Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property


Legals l Geregtelik Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 Application for: the Removal of the Conditions of Title of Erf 134 Letsitele Extension 1, And The amendment of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000 It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: (1) the removal of the condition of title of Erf 134 Letsitele Extension 1, situated at 1 Navel Street which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than that of trade or business purposes, and (2) the amendment of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000 to amend the existing zoning of Erf 134 Letsitele Extension 1 from “Business 3” to “Business 3” with an annexure describing the rights. This application will be known as Tzaneen Amendment Scheme 324. The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Director General: Dept of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, Hensa Building, c/o Schoeman and Rabe Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen until 8 June 2015. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director General, CoGHSTA, at the above address or, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700, on or before 8 June 2015 and shall reach this office not later than 14:00 on the said date. Mei204____________________________

Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 Aansoek om: Opheffing van die Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 134 Letsitele Uitbreiding 1 En die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepaling van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerk-

ers vir: (1) die verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van Erf 134 Letsitele Uitbreiding 1, geleë te Navelstraat 1, Letsitele, wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir handel en besigheid; en (2) die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000deur die hersonering van Erf 134 Letsitele Uitbreiding 1, van “Besigheid 3” na “Besigheid 3” met ’n bylae wat die regte beskryf. Die aansoek sal bekend staan as Tzaneen Wysigingskema 324. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur Generaal: Departement Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Sake, Hensa-Gebou, h/v Schoeman en Rabestraat, Polokwane en in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Phalaborwa tot 8 Junie 2015. Besware teen die aansoek kan voor of op 8 Junie 2015 skriftelik by die Direkteur Generaal: CoGHSTA by bovermelde adres, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien word en moet die kantoor nie later as 14:00 op genoemde datum bereik nie. Mei205____________________________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT TO ESTABLISH A PLACE OF AMUSEMENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 15 OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2000 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of the firm Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erven 2192-2194 Tzaneen X20 hereby give notice in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to utilise the property for the purposes of a “Place of Amusement” (Bingo Enterprise). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the applicant as well as the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 08 May 2015 (the date of

the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, as well as with the applicant, within a period of 28 days from 08 May 2015. Address of authorized agent: Omniplan CC, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: J076 Mei206____________________________

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, to executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 26348/2015 Surname: COSTA Name: MARTHA FAITH Identity Number: 2712310026081 Last address: 20 MACADAMIA VILLAGE, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street PO Box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R13594 Mei207____________________________

BOEDEL WYLE ANNEMARIE DU TOIT In the estate of the late Annemarie du Toit, identity number 6710200065082, married, Master reference number 2234/2013, who was ordinarily resident at Dries Young House no 1, Modjadjiskloof and, who died on the 16th January 2015

All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert &May Attorneys PO Box35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A E Rech/avs/R13735 May208___________________________

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 635/2014 Surname: SEKHALA Name: PHETOLE MOSES Identity Number: 6011256604082 Last Address: FARM BOEKENHOUTBULT, MOOKETSI Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street PO Box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R13241 Mei209___________________________


under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 4 June 2015 by public auction to be held at MAIN STORE NR 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, LETABA, MR T ROBERTSON to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X DESK 1 X LITTLE TABLE 1 X SAMSUNG PC PLUS 1 X HP PRINTER (BLACK) 2 X BIG BOOK SHELVES 1 X KENWOOD PERCULATOR 3 X 4 DRAWER STEEL CABINET 2 X CHAIRS 1 X HP PRINTER (WHITE) 1 X 2 WOODEN CUPBOARD 1 X LAW BOOKS SIGNED at TZANEEN o the 20th day of April 2015. (sgd) F H HUMAN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Email: Tel: 015 307 6797 Docex: 18 Ref: FH HUMAN File NO: BB1318 PLEASE NOTE: The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court, The rules of the Auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Mei210____________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF RITAVI HELD AT NKOWANKOWA CASE: 387/14 In the matter between: MATHYE LINDIWE MVHAYIWE EXECUTION CREDITOR And MASWANGANYI C.J NOMASWAZI EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT in pursuance of Judgment given by the above Honorable on 20th November 2014 and a warrant of execution dated the 03rd of March 2015, the following property will be sold in execution on the 29th of May 2015, at 10:00, at Ritavi sheriff office 1 , Bankuna road, Limdev Building. INVENTORY: 1 X VSX 653 JP (OPEL CORSA) WHITE 1 X HP PRINTER 1 X LG COMPUTER SYSTEM 1 X BLACK LEATHER SEAT 1 X KIC DEEP FRIDGE 1 X LOGIC PLASMA TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT: The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court, The rules of the Auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Bankuna road, Nkowankowa. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON THIS THE 06TH DAY OF MAY 2015 SGD T.F.MAMITWA T.F.MAMITWA ATTORNEYS

PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS OFFICE 08, VICTORIA BUILDING DANIE JOUBERT STREET TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7046 FAX: 015 307 7048 EMAIL: legal@mamitwaattorneys.co.za Ref: ZITHA/ms/CIV00110 Mei211____________________________


za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertuis Robertson or Christie Bouwer. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Signed at PRETORIA on the day of 2015 SHERIFF OF THE COURT ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR LINGENFELDER BALOYI ATTORNEYS 257 ISSIE SMUTS STREET CONSTANTIA PARK PRETORIA Tel: 012 993 1524 Fax: 012 993 1525/ 086 231 4128 Ref : CLINGENFELDER/vb File no: MP1065/MP1233

NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION PURSUANT to an award granted by the Dispute Resolution Council of the Motor Industry and duly certified by a commissioner of the CCMA in terms of Section 143 of the Labour Relations Act, Act of 1995 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 4 JUNE 2015 by public auction to be held at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE, NO 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the High Court LETABA to the highest bidder for cash, namely:



NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of judgment of the above Honorable Court and Warrant of Execution, the property listed below will be sold at the Magistrates Office at Ga-Kgapane on the 05th JUNE 2015 at 11:00 am without reverse to the highest bidder:

The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court, The rules of the Auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33 A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.

1 X AUDI A4, COLOUR BLUE, registration BVT147L





15 Mei 2015



Search “Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Adele’s Slimming Clinic Biominceur And absolute revolution in body wrap. Slim, firm and tone instantly. No mess, no fuss, loose cm’s. Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation; improve stretch mark, varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193 Dec104___________________________

Panelbeaters Multi Workshop Spraypainting Structural repair Rubberising Airconditioning 11 Plantation Road 015 307 3764

The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

King Trellis Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936


DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202____________________


TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061


Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________



Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109 ___________________________

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173

Dedam Security, Steelworks & Construction We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com.


015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!

Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


Kokkerotgif , geld terug waarborg. Skakel Annette by 083 276 7872. Geen ander produk werk soos die nie. Feb301____________________

We will beat any written quote!!

koop @ R15 p/sak. Minimum van 10 Tzaneen.


Skakel 0836307304

Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741


For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884

Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za

Feel like hitting your head against a brick wall? Tired of communication downtime? Unified Network Services Wireless – Broadband – Mobile – Certified Cabling – Fiber Unified Internet Services Business Internet – Home Internet – Hosting (E-mail & Domain) DSL – Lease Lines – Managed VPN Unified IP Telco Provider IP Telephony – IP PBX – Hosted PBX – VOIP – FOIP Unified ICT Services Support – Sales – Software – Hardware – CCTV – Alarms Contact us for a variety of internet packages! Contact Details Office: 015 590 1200 Fax: 015 590 1199 Email: info@uniwisp. co.za helpdesk@uniwisp. co.za Visit www.uniwisp.co.za For more information

Braaihout (swarthak) te

sakke vir aflewering in


TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202______________________


Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure

Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850

Lannie Motors


H-Effect t/a Van Vredens panelbeaters Panelbeaters and multi workshop Tel: 015 307 3764/5 11 Plantaiton Road Hannes 082 468 2227 Hennie 082 373 4636

2 x Mini racing bikes (three wheels) 2 x Brush cutters 1 x 2.4m x 2m Cold Room R14 000 1 x Potato Peeler R 5000 1 x Deep Fryer R1 200 Multi Cross Machines R6 000 Sanding Machines R4 800 Strapping Machine R1 500 Lots more to view All Industrial machines 082 476 3939 Apr401____________________

For Hire Te Huur Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer. Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630.


Your go-to-guys or fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126 2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483

Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557

Mr. Lawnmower Service & Repairs All Types of lawnmowers Brush cutters Chain Saws 082 476 3939

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com

DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowl needed 083 628 9257

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036



Vakante Poste

Paneelklopper & Spuitverwer Minimum van 3 jaar ondervinding. Goeie menseverhoudings, sober gewoontes Moet goed presteer onder druk. Pakket & salaris onderhandelbaar CV: dirkgrobler@mweb. co.za Faks 015 395 2175 Dirk 082 490 0439 Feb402_____________________

Experienced refrigeration technician required Contact Johann 083 3809 859 Apr301____________________

Personal Persoonlik


071 063 4983


24 Hour

Emergency Plumber


Oppi Plasie Mark Kom

YES!! Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

Therefore book your place NOW for the advance “Holistic Stop Smoking Program”.


Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3

Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062




Now the time is right to get ready for winter we do all upholstery cleaning and more. You know us and our work. Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Jan405________________

Services Dienste

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076


On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________

Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282 Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za Jan207___________________________

Force One Fuels Diesel at wholesale Open 24/7 17 Kudu Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen 015 306 0130


Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R19.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R22/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

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15 Mei 2015


Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Letaba bult spiere teen sterk Noordelikes • Vervolg van bladsy 16 op die telbord, maar ‘n dun reserwebank het ook in die laaste paar minute sy tol by die tweedes geëis. Wikus Steyn wat moes uithelp op senter is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys — wat wys hoe baie talent hy het. Hy is goed ondersteun deur slot Aalwyn van der Lith, sy sentermaat Daneel Retief en loskop Quinten Kruger het Noordelikes laat bontstaan met sy kraglopies. Puntemakers vir Letaba 2 was Quinten Kruger (twee drieë), Bennie Kruger en Joseph Monyela (een elk) en Lenis van Rooyen het met twee doelskoppe geslaag. Letaba se derde span was die oorwinnaars met 19-7 en heelagter Carel O’Neill het die oog gevang met skitterspel. Hy is goed bygestaan deur senter Wentzel Geldenhuys en voorlangs het haker Chris Malatjie en slot Michael dos Ramos

die pap behoorlik dik aangemaak. Die volgende spelers het elkeen vir Letaba gaan druk: Terblanche Vorster, Michael dos Ramos en Nikki Janse van Rensburg, terwyl Devon Robson met twee doelskoppe geslaag het. Letaba speel more weer weg teen Mankweng en eers die naweek van 23 Mei is ons manne weer tuis, teen Louis Trichardt. Alhoewel die resultate teen Noordelikes nie was wat Letaba wou hê nie, is die bestuur opgewonde oor die res van die seisoen, aangesien die klub gewys het dat hulle nie vir Noordelikes hoef terug te staan nie. Noordelikes oorheers nou al jare lank klubrugby in Limpopo en Letaba is lus om ‘n slag die bordjies te verhang. Die tekens dat dit vanjaar kan gebeur, is daar en met stille vasberadenheid in die klub en by die spelers kan ‘n stukkie

Miguel dos Ramos, tweede van regs met die klein trofee in sy hand, is Saterdag as die derde span se speler van die wedstryd aangewys. By hom is Wentzel Geldenhuys (kaptein van die derdes) en mnre Heinrich Pohl (spanbestuurder) en Pieter Human (Letaba se voorsitter). Foto: Roché Vermaak

geskiedenis in klubrugby in Limpopo vanjaar nog deur Letaba geskryf word.

Oppie Kassie On the Telly Dié naweek se gróót rugby word uit die Paarl uitgesaai Baie mense sal jou reguit in die oë kyk en sê die groot rugby wat dié naweek op televisie uitgesaai word, word in die Paarl gespeel: Paul Roos teen Paarl Gimnasium. Vir derduisende oudleerlinge van dié skole, hul familielede en stamboek-Bolanders is dié jaarlikse kragmeting inderdaad ʼn trappie hoër op die voorkeurlys as die naweek se Superrugby en internasionale sewes. Elders sal die Bulls se wedstryd in Auckland en die Lions en Cheetahs se tuiswedstryde nietemin as die hoogtepunte van ʼn naweek vol uitsoeksport beskou word. En die SA span het by die Londense sewes ʼn bietjie herstelwerk te doen. So tussen al die sport deur moet ʼn mens ook maar ʼn ogie hou op die T20-krieket in Indië, waar AB de Villiers verlede naweek 133 lopies van 59 balle vir Bangalore aangeteken het. Die internasionale atletiek in Doha en Sjanghai kan ewe skouspelagtige vertonings oplewer.

Bulletin Ronde 3 - Round 3

Sakeliga Telling | Business League / Score André Botha of Limpo and Norbert Altenroxel of Adams Café in action.


Keep the business rolling




The Red Devils






MazFord Used

6 7

Tennisklub Span

SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 15 Mei Atletiek: Diamantliga, Doha – 18:00 tot 20:00 op SS 6 Fietsry: Giro d’Italia, skof 7 – 14:30 tot 17:35 op SS 7 Kaliforniese Toer, skof 6 – 23:00 tot 01:00 op SS 6 Gholf: Spaanse Ope, dag 2 – 11:30 tot 13:30 en 15:30 tot 18:30 op SS 5 Wells Fargo-kampioenskap, dag 2, Charlotte – 21:10 tot 01:00 op SS 1 en GDN Krieket: T20: Indiese Premierliga: Hyderabad t Bangalore – 16:15 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Rugby: Superreeks: Blues t Bulls – 09:00 tot 11:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Reds t Rebels – 11:30 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en GDN Vodacombeker, kwarteind: Blou Bulle t Vrystaat – 19:00 tot 21:10 op SS 1 en GDN Tennis: Italiaanse Ope – 11:55 tot 18:00 en 20:55 tot 23:00 op SS 6 Vroue: Italiaanse Ope – 11:50 tot 14:00 op SS 7 en 19:20 tot 21:30 op SS 5 Saterdag 16 Mei Fietsry: Giro d’Italia, skof 8 – 13:00 ot 17:30 op SS 8 Kaliforniese Toer, skof 7 – 22:30 tot 00:30 op SS 2 Gholf: Spaanse Ope, dag 3 – 15:00 tot 17:25 op SS 7 Wells Fargo-kampioenskap, dag 3 – 19:10 tot 00:00 op SS 6 Krieket: T20: Indiese Premierliga: Pandjab t Chennai – 12:15 tot 16:15 op SS 2 Rajasthan t Kolkata – 16:15 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP, Franse kwalifisering – 14:00 tot 15:00 op SS 7 Netbal: SA reeks: Jaguars t Noordwes – 18:15 tot 20:00 op Kanaal 10 Rugby: Vodacomreeks: Hurricanes t Chiefs – 09:00 tot 11:30 op SS 1 en GDN Waratahs t Sharks – 11:30 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Lions t Brumbies – 16:30 tot 19:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Cheetahs t Highlanders – 19:00 tot 21:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Sewes: Internasionale

reeks, Londen – 10:00 tot 19:20 op SS 6 (24 wedstryde) Vodacombeker, kwarteind: Leeus t SWD-Arende – 14:00 tot 16:10 op SS 1 en GDN Skole: Paul Roos t Paarl Gimnasium – 12:10 tot 13:45 op SS 5 en Kanaal 210 Parktown Boys t St John’s – 13:55 to 15:30 op SS 5 Sokker: Nedbankbeker, eindstryd: Sundowns t Ajax CT – 14:00 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Tennis: Vroue: Italiaanse Ope, halfeind – 11:50 tot 14:00 op SS 7 Mans: Italiaanse Ope, halfeind – 19:55 tot 22:30 op SS 8 Sondag 17 Mei Atletiek: Diamantliga, Sjanghai – 13:00 tot 15:00 op SS 15 Boks: Gennady Golovkin t Willie Monroe, Los Angeles – 03:00 tot 07:00 op SS 7 Fietsry: Giro d’Italia, skof 9 – 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 8 Kaliforniese Toer, skof 8 – 19:00 tot 21:00 op SS 6 Gholf: Spaanse Ope, dag 4 – 13:00 tot 17:30 op SS 5 en GDN Wells Fargo-kampioenskap, dag 4 – 19:15 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Vroue: Kingsmill-kampioenskap, dag 4 – 23:00 tot 01:00 op SS 8 Krieket: T20: Indiese Premierliga: Bangalore t Delhi – 12:15 tot 16:15 op SS 2 Hyderabad t Moembai – 16:15 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorfietsrenne: Franse moto 3, moto 2 en Franse Grand Prix – 10:45 tot 15:25 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 02:30 tot 05:30 op SS 5 en 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 8 Netbal: SA Reeks: Crinums t Fireballs en Aloes t Baobabs – 12:15 tot 16:15 op Kanaal 210 Rugby: Sewes: Internasionale reeks, Londen – 10:00 tot 19:15 op SS 2 (eindstryd 18:27) Sokker: Nasionale eerste liga, uitspeelwedstryd – 14:30 tot 17:15 op SS 4 Tennis: Vroue: Italiaanse Ope, eindstryd – 13:20 tot 15:30 op SS 7 Mans: Italiaanse Ope, eindstryd – 15:55 tot 19:00 op SS 6

Log | Punteleer

Sakeliga | Business League

Basie Booysen of BB Motors concentrates on his roll effort.

Only two of the five fixtures are left in the Bulletin sponsored Tzaneen Bowls Business League, which will end on Thursday next week. A total of 24 teams from businesses and institutions compete in this popular league, which is held at least twice a year at the Tzaneen Bowling Club. Limpo Computers is leading the log, with the Red Devils second and the Bulletin in third place. A second tournament will be held later this year and entrants are advised to book in advance due to limited space. The person to contact is Mr Now why would that ball Hennie Botha on 076 224 8804. take the wrong turn?



Prev Up/Down

Log | Punteleer 6 30 6


Ronde 25 - Round 2 12 Telling 4 / Score 20 4


4 4

16 12


ZZ2 Groen


4 134 4

8 Bisset Real Estates Bissett9 RealLannie Estate Motors 10 NTT Toyota










5 5


ZZ2 Groen Span 15 Nulandis


BRBF16 Rymar


WD Saailinge






13 Hi-Q Megapaints








10 6









Lannie 12 Motors Adams Cafe


ZZ2 Rooi


5 1 8



4 W=29 Totaal van 12 6 L=0 rondtes 1 -6 D=1 gespeel


Tzaneen Tennisklub



8 -9 8 -16 -16



















Keyshop Tzn



Kings19Walden Reward Estates


16 -3




20 Properties BB Motors Reward


13 -7







21 Letaba Panelbeaters Ben Vorster 22 Ben Vorster 1 23 Ben Vorster 2 Bulletin 24 Ahead in Plumbing

1 81 101 0

ZZ2 Rooi Span




The Bulletin and NTT Toyota had a tough encounter in the third round.

Shot Aggregate


Bulletin 5


-14 15 -22 18 -32 -16


2 2


















Rondte 3 - Round 3

8 Week Winter Challenge

Wie speel teen wie - Who plays against who TZANEEN Bissett Real Estate 4 15 vs Tzaneen Tennisklub 4 12

Dawie van Niekerk of Lannie Motors shows his bowling style.

in 1 session per week with Rose (Personal

Lannie Motors


11 vs Megapaints Trainer)

ZZ2 Groen Span



COMPETITION Reward Properties






body composition & 2 -2 vs• First Ben Vorster


10 weeks of FUN &Bulletin HARD WORK Enter at Tzaneen Health & Fitness Gym






Keyshop Tzn

Starting 25 May 2015 ZZ2 Rooi Span

R250 entry fee

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

For more information: Ettiene 073 265 2650


vs BRBF Starts 1 June 20152 • 8 Personal training sessions

vs Kings Walden • Eating plan

endurance assessment •vs 3x Sketched Postnettraining programs0 (age & injury specific) Rionetstretch programs 0 •vs 2x Sketched

11 5


R400 entry fee For more information: Rose 082 338 5005


15 Mei 2015

Letaba bult spiere teen magtige Noordelikes Letaba het Saterdag in Polokwane teen likes het egter kort na die afskop vir die wespelers is Letaba Noordelikes met drie spanne gespeel, en tweede helfte ‘n gelykmakende drie gedruk. nie beskore nie. Ledie kragmetings was van meet af aan vuur- Die wedstryd het daarna vir die volgende taba het wel oorweeg Het hy eers gedruk voor die bal weggespat het, of is die bal uit sy warm. Die eerstes het die onderspit met 43-24 twintig minute wipplank gery, met Letaba om reserwespelers hande geruk voor hy kon druk? Raai maar lekker. Dié spanningsgedelf, maar die telling is nie ‘n getroue weer- en Noordelikes wat om die beurt punte uit te hou, maar dit oomblik was een van baie in die taai kragmetings van die Vossies teen gawe van die wedstryd nie. aangeteken het. sou die tweede span Helpmekaar van Johannesburg. Binne is nog lekker skolesportnuus. Gaan loer gerus. Letaba het vroeg voorgeloop, na ‘n monster Daarna het die laaste noodlottige twintig erg verswak het. Daar skrum op Noordelikes se doellyn. Letaba het minute vir Letaba 1 aangebreek. Noordelikes is dus besluit om dit het gewys dat hulle wel ysters is, as die teenNoordelikes se pak oor hul doellyn gestoom- het die luukse van ‘n hele reserwebank wat nie te doen nie. roller en ‘n mooi oorstootdrie aangeteken. glad nie vir hul tweede span speel nie en die Die tempo van die wedstryd het merkbaar standers op ‘n gelyke voet sou moes speel. Quintin Kruger, wat ‘n reusewedstryd vir Letaba se voorspelers het hulself oortref laaste twintig minute is vars bene opgestuur. gelig na die reserwes opgedraf het, en Letaba die tweede span gespeel het, is opgestuur en teen die veel groter, het met ‘n paar kraglopies Noordelikes laat swaarder pak van bontstaan — maar sy bene was moeg en ‘n Noordelikes en vars Quintin kon dalk ‘n verskil gemaak het. Noordelikes se speEweneens moes heelagter Ruan Roets, wat lers en selfs van die ‘n skitterwedstryd gespeel het, vasbyt met ‘n beamptes het na die beseerde enkel — want die tweede span se wedstryd opgemerk agterlynspelers is nog te jonk en onervare om dat hul voorspelers teen Noordelikes se eerste span te speel. nie eens in die geVleuel Cornel Jacobs was die beste agtermeenskapbekerreeks lynspeler en Uwe Sauer was die beste voorso ‘n drag slae op die speler vir Letaba. Letaba het gewys dat hulle lyf geloop het nie. Noordelikes kan wen; hulle sal net hard Spesiale vermelaan hul diepte moet werk, sodat hulle ook ding moet gemaak voldoende reserwes kan hê. word van Letaba Vir Letaba 1 het Uwe Sauer uitgeblink met drie se voorry: Picasso drieë en Deano Kruger het een gedruk. Gom Coetzer, JP Swartz Vuma het met twee doelskoppe geslaag. en Thulani Mathonsi Letaba se tweede span het net-net die onderhet hul teenstanders spit met 27-22 gedelf — maar daar moet in laat kreun. Hulle is, gedagte gehou word dat ‘n paar staatmasoos dit hoort, goed kers nie beskikbaar was nie. Dit het die eerste ondersteun deur die twee slotte, Eben Die manne wat maar selde publisiteit kry of eer geniet... maar sonder die derde span sal die Letaba Rugbyklub ook nie so lekker span sowel as die tweedes se diepte benadeel. kan funksioneer nie, want dikwels moet manne uit die Tiekies in die spanne hoër op gaan help. Saterdag het hulle in ‘n ligawedstryd Letaba 2 moes onder meer met ‘n flank op Fichardt en Jannus teen Noordelikes in Polokwane kragte gemeet en die beste daarvan afgekom; met ‘n telling van 19-7. Foto: Roché Vermaak senter speel en op losskakel moes daar ook van Loggenberg. Selfs in die lynstane het Letaba se Glen Die plaasvervangers het die verskil tussen se spelers kon eenvoudig nie die pas volhou met ‘n speler uit posisie gespeel word. Dit het Mafumo ‘n stroom goeie besit gewen en die twee spanne gemaak. in ‘n wedstryd wat deurgaans in ‘n hoë tem- die manne egter nie afgeskrik om hul beste te gee nie. Teen rustyd was Letaba 2 ook voor Noordelikes se lynstane ontwrig. Letaba het gewoon nie die diepte van po gespeel is nie • Vervolg op bladsy 15 Rustyd was Letaba met 12-5 voor. Noorde- Noordelikes nie en die luukse van vars reserMaar die eerstes is nie verneder nie en hulle


“Ban the Whites!” sigheid, tarting van opponente en ongeoorloofde spel het Oubal lanklaas beleef, met genoemde Nic White telkens aan die spits, selfs nadat die eindfluitjie geblaas het. As Schalk Burger nie so ‘n robuuste akrobaat was wat na ‘n dubbele agteroorsalto met ‘n wawiel in die middel op sy voete kon land nie, was sy nek vandag sweerlik weer gebreek. En Oubal is jammer om te sê, maar skeidsregter Stuart Berry was (minstens aanvanklik) nie in beheer nie. Die Schalk-insident het reg voor hom plaasgevind, maar hy het eers aan die anderkant van die veld opgetree, nadat die vlagman dit onder sy aandag ge-

bring het. Daarna volg ‘n reeks doelbewuste ineenstortings van die Brumbie-skram op hul eie doellyn, maar daar is geen sprake van ‘n strafdrie nie. Pateties! Oubal weet nogtans nie wat om van die Stommerds te maak nie. Ja, hulle het weer die voortou geneem in die SA deel van die kompetisie, maar daarvoor moet hulle dankie sê vir ‘n mislukte doelskop reg voor die pale. Of dit die nuutjie was van hul spesiale Moedersdagtruie weet Oubal nie, maar daardie eerste helfte was seker die swakste vertoning wat Oubal nog van hulle gesien het. Damian de Allende, tot voor Saterdag in die binnebaan vir die Boksenterposisie, kan nie ‘n bal raak vang nie en dan gee hy nog ‘n skop-aangee vir die opponente om deur te draf vir ‘n drie. Ja, die Stommerds kan skram, maar dis omtrent waar hul repertoire eindig. Schalk is nimmereindigend en speel soos ‘n twintigjarige, maar omtrent die enigste ander ligpunt is Vlam Kitshoff, vir wie Heyneke

sekerlik sal moet plek maak vir die Wêreldbeker. En van WB-plekke gepraat, Oubal hoop Heyneke kyk darem so nou en dan hoe die Leeus ook speel, hoewel Oubal ‘n jammerlike suspisie het dis nie hoe Heyneke wil hê die Bokke moet speel nie. Faf de Klerk en Elton Jantjies is by verre die opwindendste en invloedrykste skakelpaar in die kompetisie en is WB-plekke waardig. Maar die man van wie Heyneke kennis MOET neem, is Harold Vorster, die klong van Phalaborwa. “Jake White was ook mos by die Brumbies,” sê KK toe ons ounag uitmekaar gaan... “Wretched are those who are vindictive and spiteful.” — Pous Francis Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!



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Hy dink dis tyd dat die ANC-regering soos oorlede Dr Verwoerd maak en sekere kleure rakbiespelers van ander lande verbied om in SA te kom speel, verstom KoosKakie ons verlede Saterdag na afloop van die Stommerds se wedstryd teen die Brumbies. “Is jy van jou sinne beroof?” vra GertGrensvegter en voeg by, “Dit smaak my jy moes eerder by die DA se kongres gaan spanpraatjie hou het.” “Ôr mybie KyKy ies ymieng fôr tjêrmin of de Es-Aar-Sie at Wits!” sê ArthurIngelsman. “Whoe doe djoe want toe bên?” “Soos jy daar sê, die Wittes,” sê KK. “Ek het nooit ‘n probleem met die Otago Highlanders se Tony Brown gehad nie en nog minder met die Crusaders se Todd Blackadder, maar daai skoorsoekende nimcompoop van ‘n Brumbie-skramskakel, Nic White, hoort nie op ‘n rakbieveld nie!” ‘Tja, Oubal dink ou KK slaan die spyker op die kop. Soveel van uitlokking, geniep-

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