It is matric farewell season: last week it was Ben Vorster and tonight it will be Merensky. Stanford Lake College has also already had their turn. See more photos of Ben Vorster’s farewell function inside
12 October 2012
Photo: Snap Photography
12 October 2012
I know that they are many people out there whose mothers and fathers aren’t with us anymore. Everybody’s grief over the loss of a parent is unique. I lost my aunt earlier this year and I now understand that there is truly no way to fix yourself and get over the death of a loved one. There can only be offers of support and words of comfort.
Don’t get mad at your parents
I am still blessed enough to have both parents who love and support me. They do everything for me and will sometimes believe that I don’t appreciate it because as a teenager I get mad and tend to forget that they are human too.
We recently had the opportunity during Woman’s Month to show love and thanks to the beautiful ladies in your life for all they do. I believe that mothers deserve more than just a card and breakfast in bed. They are the backbone of the family, sent down by God because he couldn’t trust a man alone to
If you shout at your mother because she cannot do something for you, it hurts her more than you think. Next time you get mad at your parents I hope that you will think of this story. It really touched my heart and I hope it leaves a mark on you too. One day a young academically excellent boy went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview and when the director looked at his CV he discovered that the youth’s academic achievements were excellent all the way from primary school to university.
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This page is kindly sponsored by BERNINA build a home. There’s an old Jewish proverb that says “God could not be everywhere, so he gave each child a mother”.
Makoma Maponya Ben Voster High School
The director asked: “Did you obtain any scholarships in school?” The youth answered “none”. He was asked if it was his father that paid all his school fees. He answered “My father passed away when I was two years old, it was my mother who paid my school fees“. The director asked “Where did your mother work?” He answered “She washed peoples’ clothes at the Laundromat.” The director asked the boy to show his hands. His hands were smooth and perfect. The director asked, “Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” The boy said “Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, she washes clothes faster than I can so why should I help her?” The director asked the boy to go back home and clean his mother’s
hands and come back the next morning. The boy felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he got home he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. She felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings. Tears started to roll from his eyes as he cleaned his mother’s hands. It was the first time he noticed that her hands were so wrinkled and bruised. Some of the bruises were so painful that she shivered as he washed them. This was the first time he realized that it was this pair of hands that washed clothes everyday to pay his school fees. His mother’s bruises were the price she paid for his graduation and his future. After cleaning his mother’s hands he quietly washed the clothes that were left for the day. That night they sat together and they talked for hours. The next morning the director asked the boy what he had done and learned from his mother. He answered “I washed my mother’s hands and finished her day’s work for her. I now know what appreciation is. Without my mother I wouldn’t be where I am today. I now realize how tough it is to get something done and have come to appreciate the importance and value of the women in our lives. The director said, “This is what I am looking for in a manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others. A person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done and will not see money as his only goal in life. “You are hired.” Without this experience the boy would always put himself first in every aspect of life. He may be good academically and successful for a while but will not feel a pure sense of achievement. Don’t treat your mother like she owes you for bringing you into the world, because many children are not as fortunate as you might be, and you will regret it when she is no longer around. A last message to all my girl friends: enjoy being fun, fearless, females... I bet we are going to miss it when it’s time for motherhood. — Find the right quote for you! Have you realised that there is a quote out there to soothe every ego, match any situation that anyone might be going through and comfort anybody’s conscience? I feel we have become a generation that hides behind popular sayings and we twist things such as Bible verses to justify our actions or lack of action. Quotes I believe can be seen as strings of words designed to help pull people through challenges and unpleasant situations. They resurrect the spirit and comfort the soul. Quotes are therefore beautiful creations, especially in the times we live in where there is a rapid loss of hope. However, quotes are more often than not used inappropriately and in situations where they do not apply. We therefore see situations where, instead of someone who is going astray being honest with themselves and trying to change their situation, the person remains in a detrimental state of mind and uses quotes to soothe his/her conscience. For instance, you can have a lazy person who does not try hard in the classroom and therefore does not do well at school. Instead of changing their situation, the person comforts him/herself with quotes such as: Bill Gates once said that: “I failed in some subjects, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft! Therefore, they remain in their comfort zone where they lack effort to try and do better in the areas of their lives that are suffering, like school. However, they fail to see that Bill Gates is one in a million. Just because he didn’t do well at school and still made it in life does not mean the same will apply for you. His quote should not be used to backup lazy efforts. The friend mentioned in his quote that got the highest grades but ended up working for his friend who got the lowest should not be ashamed.
He ended up being an engineer at a company that is the world’s largest software maker measured by revenues: Microsoft! Yes, doing well at school may not guarantee one success in the future but it harbours a far greater possibility than failing at school. It’s your safest bet to a secure and better life. Then there are other people who read a quote and immediately assume that that is the way that thing should be taken. For instance, I often hear people say “there is no love without pain” or “love hurts”. Therefore these people remain trapped in unhappy relationships as they fool themselves into thinking it is okay for them to hurt, because love does not exist without pain. How far they are from the truth! Love should not hurt! And by staying in an unhappy relationship and not doing anything to change their situation, they are saying it’s okay to be unhappy, and it’s okay for the person they are in a relationship with to treat them the way they have been treating them. Yes, there are good and bad times in relationships but the bad should not outlast or outweigh the good to the point where the word love becomes synonymous with words like pain and sadness. Then there is the misused and much abused acronym: YOLO! This popular acronym quoted by teenagers from the rapper Drake’s song called “The Motto”. YOLO stands for: You only live once. I for one fail to see why this motto has made such a buzz! Did anyone actually think that they could live more than once? People have used this motto as a permit to live recklessly and waste their lives away, one beer at a time. YOLO should not be an excuse to throw your life away, but rather it should inspire you to make the most of the one life you have. Just because a music video in which the artist is raping a song with the acronym YOLO surrounded by half-
Lebo Maake Stanford Lake College naked woman, empty champagne glasses and cigar smoke everywhere does not mean that that is the life you should strive for. Whereas those artists are making money from their album sales and securing a fulfilling future for themselves and their families, you still have your whole life ahead of you! The outcome of your tomorrow will be determined by the choices you make today! Therefore, realise the value of your life. Do not take anything for granted. You only live once, right? Therefore think twice! Make the most of your life. Strive for excellence in every aspect of your life. Push yourself to be someone. Leave a legacy so when you have left this world, people know that you were here. Be remembered for the difference you made and not the menace you once were. I understand that quotes are there to inspire and even comfort us, but let us choose them wisely so that they do not end up crippling us. Yes, as Bernard M Baruch once said: “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” However if you’re actions are hurting those who matter most to you, those people are surely going to mind! Quotes therefore do not apply for any situation and we should choose them appropriately while being honest with ourselves. In ending, here’s a quote that applies to all of us, despite our situations: “Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.” — Orison Marden.
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Bulletin 12 October 2012
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Against all odds...
Matric revision program delivers an ace student “A journey of a million miles starts with only one step, and being part of the Nedbank Matric Revision Program was my first step towards achieving prestigious results”. These were the words of Ntseki Jeffrey, a former student of Lenyora La Thuto Comprehensive School in Botshabelo, Free State, who achieved top honours in last year’s matric exams. Jeffrey scored an astounding five distinctions in Life Orientation (86%), Sesotho (83%), Mathematics (91%), Physical Science (94%), and B aggregates in English (FAL). The eighteen-year-old was among 195 students who attended the 2011 revision classes organised by Ochre Active, in collaboration with loveLife centres supported by The Nedbank Foundation. According to Jeffrey, the program offered textbooks, laboratory accessories
and quality teachers who were passionate about the work they do. “These classes reduced my work load from 75% to 50% and this really made studying easier” he explained. His mother, Jane Ntseki, is a single parent and she worked as a domestic worker to pay for her son’s education. “Irrespective of the circumstances we as a family were in, my mum persevered and her sheer courage, strength and nurturing spirit prevailed,” he said. Jeffrey is a first year BSc Actuarial Science Student at the University of the Free State. When asked why he chose this particular field, he explained that it is his love for numbers and the challenge that came with entering such a dynamic field. “I want to be a qualified actuary which is not an easy thing. I want to be recognized as one of the successful entrepreneurs in years to come and use my career to benefit my family,” he explained. Jeffrey’s intensive study timetable included waking up at 03:00 to study for two hours before school, doing his homework during study time, leaving his weekends free for revision and assignments. “I told myself that nobody would do things for me. If I give up, it means that I have failed my plan on earth. God has been a great source of strength to me. Nothing beats hard work, so I was driven by this and selfmotivation,” he said.
SLC trout club grows The recent establishment of the Stanford Lake College Fly Tying Club has been an added asset to the school’s cultural program. Meeting every Friday, students are given the opportunity to learn about trout
Mr and Miss Spring The Super Kids playgroup in Tzaneen recently crowned their Mr and Miss Spring. The winners of the day were Karlose Maetseo and Angelique Lion. Ms Lizelle Harmsen is seen here with the pupils after they received their prizes.
Vossies “wys” hul skool
Die Ope A-meisieshokkiespan van die Laerskool Tzaneen het as naaswenners van die Limpopo-hokkieliga weggestap. Die meisies is (voor) Suné Minnaar, Anemé Jacobs, Stephanie Nagel en Telanie van Renen. In die middel is Meriam Modiba, Michaela Cheney, Melissa Naudé en Paula Ntuli en agter is Bianca Klopper, Marizelle van Zyl en Elzanne Engelbrecht. Lara Oosthuizen was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het teen die einde van die vorige kwartaal ‘n geslaagde opedag gehou, waartydens gr 7-leerlinge van laerskole geleentheid gekry het om te sien wat die skool alles aanbied, van akademie tot by kultuur en sport. Die bywoning was groot en die belangstelling ewe groot. Hier is enkele van die talle uitstallings wat die skool se aktiwiteite ter will van die besoekers vertoon het.
behaviour whilst tying their own fly patterns to match seasonal insect activities. Members will have a chance to put their creations to the test on the last Friday of every month, as the club will descend on local still waters and rivers to compete for bragging rights as the ultimate fly fisherman. The members of the Stanford Lake College Fly Tying Club would like to warmly thank Mr Ferdie Kirsten and Mr Giordiano (Zamps) Zam-
Die Laerskool Tzaneen se Ope B-meisieshokkiespan is as Limpopo-ligawenners gekroon! Voor is Lara Schutte (onderkaptein), Miha de Jager (kaptein), Jonelle Oberholzer en Deané Theron. In die middel is Janri van Staden, Clariska Venter, Marisa Haynes, Laryn Bezuidenhout en Risana Lambane. Agter is Musa Hlungwani, Cheeny Lourens, Marlu McLean en Ndavi Nokeri.
parini for their generous donation of eleven “fly tying kits” and various tying material. This has certainly helped secure the students’ passion and interest in fly tying and trout fishing! A spokesperson for the school said the door is always open to welcome the first female student member! Seen in the two photos are SLC pupils learning the task of fly tying.
Die Ope B-seunshokkiespan van die Laerskool Tzaneen dra ook die titel as Limpopo-ligawenners! Die seuns is (voor) Christian Schmidt, Rhyno du Plessis en Wilco Jansen van Rensburg. In die middel is Edrich Wentzel, Gunter Meyer, Floyd Ledwaba en WC Kriel. Agter is Ruaal Kotze, Morné Small, Bosman Hanaczeck-Kruger, Stefan Prinsloo en Adriaan Roets.
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12 October 2012
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This page is kindly sponsored by FABRIC MAGIC & MISTY RIVER SPUR
Farewell. The matriculants of Ben Vorster enjoyed a super matric farewell on Friday night. Here are some of the pupils upon their arrival. We thank Snap Photography of Tzaneen for having made the photos in the two top rows available for publication. Contact Lindy Kemp for bookings on 071 872 6096 or or visit their website at or Cape vulture IUCN Red List status: Vulnerable We easily underestimate the importance of vultures, perhaps because the term in itself has quite a negative connotation. But the essence of being a vulture is to clean up, and therefore, do good. By eating off carcasses they avoid diseases from spreading amongst the animal kingdom. Cape vultures are only found in southern Africa, limiting the already decreasing population. Major threats Loss of habitat, electrocution on pylons or collision with cables and unintentional poisoning. Current conservation efforts VulPro is one of the leading Cape vulture conservation organisations in the country. They aim not only to conserve and protect Cape vultures, but also to raise awareness around them. They launched a breeding and rehabilitation project fairly recently and the first captive bred vulture chick hatched on 1 September last year in the Johannesburg Zoo.
Honey Badger Red Species Data List: Endangered Their latin name is Mellivora capensis (Mellivora means honey and voro means devour). As their name suggests, conflict has erupted between Honey Badgers and beekeepers as they share the same interest. Major threats Beekeeper/farmer - animal conflict. Current conservation efforts The Badger Friendly Initiative by the Endangered Wildlife Trust. The initiative aims to minimise the conflict between badgers and commercial beekeepers in South Africa by providing awareness, cost effective practices and positive incentives for “badger friendly” beekeepers.
Cheetah IUCN Red List status: Vulnerable No one can deny the grace and beauty of the fastest land animal on earth. These beauties have been the subject of countless incredible wildlife images, with their dark tear stains and perfectly spotted, agile bodies. Unfortunately, many farmers don’t feel the same as cheetahs are smart enough to know that a sheep is a much easier catch than an antelope on the run. Many farmers end up poisoning, shooting or trapping the cheetah culprits. Major threats Farmer-predator conflict, loss of habitat. Current conservation efforts Cheetah Outreach in Somerset West and the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia are but two organisations that are dedicated to conserving cheetahs in their natural habitat. Both have active guard dog programmes that place Anatolian shepherd dogs on farms to chase away predators. As cheetahs aren’t aggressive animals, they’ll rather find dinner somewhere else than get into any kind of physical confrontation. These programmes have proven to be very successful.
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Riverine rabbit IUCN Red List status: Critically endangered This little nocturnal rabbit can only be found in the Karoo regions and is currently the most endangered mammal in South Africa. It only lives in the deep silt flood plains of seasonal Karoo rivers and can’t be found anywhere else in the world, making it incredibly vulnerable to habitat loss. Major threats Loss of habitat due to cultivation and livestock farming Current conservation efforts The Endangered Wildlife Trust runs a very active riverine rabbit conservation programme that aims to conserve the biodiversity of the Karoo region. They also encourage private landowners to participate in conservation stewardship.
Blue crane IUCN Red List status: Vulnerable If you didn’t know, the blue crane is South Africa’s national bird and is near endemic to our country. They’re found across the country, with the highest density being in the Karoo. Because they have a blind spot in the vision, they tend to collide with power lines and since they have very long, dangly legs, the get entangled in the wires. Major threats Habitat loss, collision with electric wires, poisoning. Current conservation efforts The Endangered Wildlife Trust has an active African crane conservation programme that aims to lessen the threats that not only blue cranes, but also wattled cranes, grey crowned cranes and black crowned cranes face. They’re working hard to implement ways of making power lines more visible to blue cranes.
African Wild dog (painted dog) IUCN Red List status: Endangered There has long existed a very negative misconception around the African wild dog, or painted dog. Because of this, there are less than 450 painted dogs left in South Africa. Violent snaring of wild dogs is one of the most brutal ways of killing, and unfortunately this happens much too often in our wildernesses. Major threats Human persecution Current conservation efforts There are many conservation organisations spread out around Africa that are working hard to protect the African wild dog in its natural habitat. In South Africa, the only viable population exists in the Kruger National Park, and the Endangered Wildlife Trust has sponsored a major monitoring and reintroduction programme here. They have already successfully reintroduced wild dogs into the park and hope to continue doing this great work.
How you can help Inform yourself and others about the endangered and vulnerable animals found in South African. Fund raise in order to make a donation towards the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s African conservation programmes. Buy a Lindt Easter bunny next year. Lindt donates a certain percentage of each bunny purchased to conserving the riverine rabbit.
12 October 2012 Bulletin
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The South African
Youth motivated at camp
Seafood Initiative
Vossies presteer by Tritech Tien Tritech-projekte van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het deurgedring na die onlangse nasionale Tritech-kompetisie. Die volgende uitslae is behaal: Lané Roos/Suné Engelbrecht (gr 8), silwer; Jacques Kriel (gr 8), silwer; Gretchen Bekker/Leandri Botha (gr 8), silwer; Dillon Miller (gr 8), silwer; Deidre Viljoen (gr 8), brons; Stefan Engelbrecht/Hanco van der Merwe (gr 8), brons; Mariska de la Rey (gr 8), brons; Megan Macicar/Daniëlla Barnatt (gr 8), brons: Mmadikhole Lesailane/ Blessing Mafogo (gr 9) brons; Laborius Bopape (gr 9) goud (beste
ingenieursprojek vir gr 8 en gr 9). Hier is, voor: Suné Engelbrecht, Leandri Botha, Hanco van der Merwe en Megan McGregor. Agter staan Lané Roos, Gretchen Bekker, Stefan Engelbrecht, Mariska de la Rey, Dedré Viljoen en Daniella Barnatt. Blessing Mafogo, Mmadikhole Lesailane en Laborious Boupape was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Onder is Laborious.
Young people who attended the NYDA five day camp at Merensky can be seen gathered around the kraal at the cattle breeding project.
The power of three hundred young people has been joined for the future of Limpopo and ultimately the entire country. The National Youth Developmental Agency (NYDA) held a five day youth camp at Merensky High School during the recent schools’ holidays. The camp was aimed at promoting nation building, teaching life skills and motivating the youth. Youth from all the districts of Limpopo were selected to take part in the camp. According to Mr Maropeng Mmola, the national representative of NYDA, young people from different backgrounds were chosen, to teach them to interact with different people. One of the main aims of the camp was to foster social cohesion, said Mmola. The youth were joined by fifteen administrators from NYDA to embark on
Some of the young people enjoyed taking the pedigree PinZ²yl cattle for a walk around the kraal.
the hopefully life changing event. Some basic information about the country — such as the national anthem and its meaning as well as the national coat of arms — was explained to the youth. This was done to give them a better understanding of the country and its functions. The team from Love Life also joined the camp to administer life skills and to motivate the youth on how to lead a responsible life.
ATKV vereer Merensky-span
Ma- en dogterdag
Excellent at show
Dit is reeds wyd bekend dat die poppeteater- en kinderkunsprojek van die Letabatak van die ATKV, onder die titel “Afrikaners is Plesierig”, wat deur vier dramaleerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky aangebied is, besonder goed gevaar het. Behalwe die blootstelling van landwye optredes is die projek ook tydens die ATKV se kongres as die beste nasionale projek aangewys (uit meer as sestig takke wie se projekte beoordeel is). Spesiale sertifikate is deur die ATKV aan die vierstuks oorhandig. Hier oorhandig me Aneen Malherbe (ATKV se Letabatak) die sertifikate aan Jayson Viljoen, Clarissa Esterhuizen, Mikhè Coetzee en Khutso Matlou.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se jaarlikse ma- en dogterdag word moreoggend (Saterdag 13 Oktober) om 11:00 in die skoolsaal gehou. Belangstellendes kan daar gaan kyk hoe mooi die meisies in hul matriekafskeid-uitrustings gelyk het. Die bekende sangeres Arina de Witt sal die gaste met haar pragtige stem vermaak. Laat-besprekings en betalings kan nog vanoggend by die skool se finansiële kantoor gedoen word, teen R100/persoon. Navrae: Elza le Roux by 083 965 0483
Micaela Ball, a Grade 8 pupil from Merensky High School, was placed second overall in the senior showmanship category at the Absa Future Farmers competition at the Pretoria Spring Show. Micaela excelled at the show and was duely recognised for her efforts. In all twenty Merensky pupils participated in the beef cattle section of the Future Farmers show. With four juniors in the top ten and four seniors in the top ten Merensky’s show team is keenly looking forward to the future.
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Bulletin 12 October 2012
This page is kindly sponsored by LETABA VERKOELING
Trio by SATCH bekroon Drie Merensky-leerlinge in gr 12 het die afgelope vakansie aan die South African Talent Championships in Pretoria deelgeneem, waar die standaard vanjaar as besonder hoog ervaar is. Desnieteenstaande het die driestuks van Merensky met ‘n paar handevol medaljes teruggekeer. In die vokale afdeling het Monika Marais drie goud en een dubbelgoud verower; Fiela Nel het in die musikale afdeling een goud en drie dubbelgoud losgespeel; Marijke Bezuidenhout dans een goud en twee dubbelgoud los. Marijke eindig met ‘n vierde plek, onder die top-
tien dansers. Dié prestasie is besonder groot, aangesien daar meer as een duisend deelnemers in die dansafdeling meegeding het. Marijke is vir die tweede keer genooi om SA in Januarie in die VSA te gaan verteenwoordig.
Lentebal Die Hoërskool Merensky het soos die tradisie bepaal, die koms van die lente met ‘n swierige bal gevier. ‘n Saal wat pragtig versier is, blomme en blomgeure, elegant geklede Plasies, voetejeuk-musiek en ‘n restaurant wat met die kos uitgehang het, het gesorg dat 2013 se lentebal lank onthou sal word.
Altacia Gubitz, Jo Raspel en Gwendy Botha lyk heel gemoedelik by die Lentebal
Michael J van Rensburg van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is dié week aangewys as kaptein van Limpopo se o.15krieketspan. Hier vier hy onlangs sy onoorwonne dubbel-honderdtal in ‘n wedstryd.
Marijke Bezuidenhout
Micaela Ball & Gideon Joubert
Wency Mthombeni & Bullet Sithole
Vossie-slimkoppe deel van olimpiade
Fiela Nel
Monika Marais
Vier van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gr 8-leerlinge het aan die Global WiskundeOlimpiade deelgeneem. Hier is Bernard Bezuidenhout, Jacques Kriel (goud), Tumi Mosegane (silwer) en Rikus Jacobs (silwer). Die Vossies se gemiddeld was 60,54%.
Krieket Laerskool Tzaneen Roehan Steenkamp, Franco Oberholzer en Jimmy Mothla, drie kranige krieketspelers van die Laerskool Tzaneen, is onlangs vir die Limpopo Laerskole-krieketspan gekies.
Matriekafskeid Merensky se matrieks is in rep en roer vir vanaand se matriekafskeid by die Fairview Hotel in Tzaneen. ‘n Beperkte aantal kaartjies vir sitplek langs die loopplank is by die skool se finansiële kantoor te koop (teen R20). Staanplek-kaartjies is by die hekke van Fairview te koop, teen R10 per persoon. Toeskouers en ouers word gevra om die R71 te gebruik na die parkeerterrein van Shekinah House, wat vir toeskouer-parkering beskikbaar is. Die ou Gravelotte-pad word vir die eregaste (gr12’s) se gebruik van 17:30 af gesluit.
Samantha de Freitas (Mej Merensky) & Arnu Vorster
Vossies hou maen dogterdag Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se jaarlikse Finessefunksie word vandag (12 Oktober) om 14:00 in die skool se saal gehou. Die gasspreker is Esté Pienaar en die gaskunstenaars wat gaan optree is Righard en Ingrid Linde. Die matriekmeisies sal ook hul matriekafskeidrokke vertoon. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skool by me Tercia Loots by Die Munt.
Vossie-afrigter word SA skolenasionale keurder Me Charmain Beetge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is aangewys as ‘n SA skolenasionale keurder tydens die onlangse vergadering van die nasionale bestuur van skolenetbal wat in Boksburg gehou is.
The fourth annual National Tritech Science and Technology Final was recently held at Merensky. Projects of an exceptional standard were presented by pupils from Gr 7 through to Gr 12 and 207 pupils qualified for this final. The Merensky entrants really did themselves proud. Anisca Croucamp won the overall best project with her project titled “Geen Grond – Geen Lewe”.
12 October 2012 Bulletin
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Vossies swem soos visse
Die Vossies het uitstekend gepresteer en was die seuns, meisies en skool se groottotaal-
wenners. Die Vossies het verder ook dertien uit ‘n moontlike sestien aflosse gewen. Heinrich Steenkamp is aangewys as die junior victor lodorum, Japke Engelbrecht is die senior victrix lodorum en Hendus J van Rensburg is die senior victor ludorum. Die Vossie-swemspan wen die interhoër reeds sedert 2008 elke jaar! Hulle word deur mnr Johan Grobbelaar afgerig.
Heinrich Steenkamp
Japke Engelbreght
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se swemspan het aan die jaarlikse interhoër deelgeneem, wat vanjaar deur die Hoërskool Frans du Toit aangebied is. Merensky, Frans du Toit en Ben Vorster het meegeding.
Tel hulle in Mark Mafambe en Janco Coetzee van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof was afwesig toe die leerlinge wat die LLSV-landloopspan gehaal het, afgeneem is (die ander spanlede se foto het reeds verskyn). Intussen is Kesia Pohl vir die Mopanihokkiespan vir 2013 gekies.
@lantic: Vossies speel in nasionale toernooi Agt Vossies was deel van Limpopo se o.18 Sewes-span wat die vakansie aan die nasionale @lantic-toernooi wat by Tuks deur die Blou Bulle aangebied is, deelgeneem. Limpopo het die Pumas met 26-12 en Griekwas met 22-17 afgestof. Ongelukkig het Limpopo teen die WP gesneuwel. Die WP het derde in die toernooi geëindig. In die kwarteindronde moes Limpopo die knie teen die Cheetas buig, maar die span het in hul afdeling se
halfeindronde teen die Leeus met 26-10 gewen. Die span het dus vir die Plaat-eindstryd gekwalifiseer en teen die SWD te staan gekom. Die Suidkapenaars het Limpopo egter met 38-7 oorrompel. Limpopo het algeheel sesde uit die sestien provinsies geëindig, twee posisies beter as verlede jaar. Die Cheetas was vanjaar se wenners. Die afrigters en spelers bedank hul borge wat gesorg het dat die spelers hul talente kon uitleef.
Sewes-hokkie was vet pret Die Hoërskool Merensky het die hokkieseisoen met’n prettige sewes-wedstryd tussen die koshuis- en dorpspersoneel afgesluit. Danksy mnr Jacques Vosloo, die eerste seunshokkiespan se afrigter het die dorp oortuigend met 5-1 gewen. Die koshuispersoneel het egter langs die
veld loshande gewen, met die meeste ondersteuners. Daar was ook ‘n wedstryd tussen die dorp en koshuisleerlinge, wat gelykop in ‘n merkwaardige doel-lose wedstryd geëindig het! Hier is die personeellede in hul prettige hokkiemonderings.
Yster-Vossies wen krieket Die Vossies se o/15 “Red Caps”-krieketspan het hul eweknieë by Merensky met honderd lopies gewen, om Ysterbergstreek te kampioene te word. Merensky het die loot gewen en Ben Vorster gevra om eerste te kolf, op ‘n baie mistige en grou oggend. Die Vossies was vroeg in die moeilikheid met hul telling op 14/2. Regardt Heiberg en Michael J van Rensburg het egter die Vossieskip weer op koers gekry, met ‘n 65 lopie-vennootskap om die vierde paaltjie (Regard 26 en Michael 38). Die dag het egter weer aan Roedolf Botes behoort, wat ‘n honderdtal van 77 balle gepiets het, om sy span tot ‘n onaanvegbare 244 lopies gehelp het. Kaptein
Tiaan Vorster het ook 32 stwige lopies bygedra. Merensky het na middagete moedig geveg, maar moes uiteindelik die knie buig. Hulleis almal uitgeboul vir 134 lopies. Die gewrigsdraaier Louis du Plessis het 4 paaltjies vir 14 lopies en Philip Bester 3 vir 29 lopies gekry. JP Prinsloo het ook 2 paaltjies laat kantel. Op die foto is ‘n triomfantelike Roedolf.
Mark Mafambe
Janco Coetzee
Kesia Pohl