Letaba FET College_130920

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Letaba FET College Knowledge is life

Celebrating ten years

10 Produced by Bulletin: Design: David Morrison, Tamryn Branch, Yvonne Ndlovu, Winnie Baloyi • Marketing: Jacques Smuts, Humana Mboweni, Thinus van Deventer • Research: Sue Ettmayr, Orlando Chauke


September 2013

Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life

Ms Martie Botha

CEO & Principal, FET Tzaneen

Ms Martie Botha (53) is the CEO and Principal of Letaba Further Education and Training (FET) in Tzaneen. She heads up all three campuses, is involved in kickboxing, has been hap-

pily married for more than three decades and has three adult children. With her unflappable personality, she is ideally suited to the formidable task of managing such a vast amount of students, teachers and support staff. Botha matriculated at Ben Vorster High School in 1977. After her four year Diploma in Education, at Normaal College in Pretoria, she began teaching at Frans du Toit High School in Phalaborwa. She then moved to the Technical College in Namakgale, where she initiated the Commercial Section. This was the beginning of her career into Further Education Training Colleges.

She relocated to Tzaneen and became a lecturer at the (then) Tzaneen Technical College. She went through all levels of teaching until the merger of FET Colleges, and was was appointed Principal/CEO of Letaba FET College in 2003. Botha completed a multitude of courses and workshops and has attended many conferences to hone her education skills. She has also travelled to the Netherlands and the United States of America to conduct in-depth studies on community colleges. She had a stable upbringing with hard working and wise parents who formed her personality and gave her

the courage to realise her dreams. She says, “Focus on the task at hand. Do what you do to the best of your ability. Look at what you wish to achieve and then work to get there. Nothing happens by itself. Enjoy what you do. “Anything that you attempt with passion, is inevitably successful. Give your all, not just your best. Do what feels right for you, not for others. Work hard and be prepared to do more than what’s expected of you. Choose your friends carefully. Surround yourself with the good. Know yourself, accept yourself and enjoy life. The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.”

Mr Khongotela Abel Manganyi Deputy Principal: Corporate Services

Proud to be associated with Letaba FET College Mr Khongotela Abel Manganyi (47) joined Letaba FET College on 1 July this year. His position at the College is Deputy Principal: Corporate Services and he is responsible for leading strategic human resources management, facilities management and marketing. He hopes to inspire his team members to produce quantity and quality deliverables for all the clients of the Corporate Services of the College.

Jackie: 072 347 3408 • Tel/Fax: 015 307 5688 jackie@poppyshiring.co.za • 11 Aqua Avenue, Aquapark

He says: “The management of this College offered me this job with many challenges and I love challenges. I hope to achieve team spirit, collaboration and support between employees and management. I want to break the gap between us and them. I want one team that is serving the college and the community and we are heading towards the goal that the minister and government have mandated. This is to

make FET Colleges the first choice for each child completing matric as this is where careers are offered.” Manganyi adds: “I aim to change the perception people have of this College as the word is that we’re a second option when you haven’t been admitted elsewhere. However, viable employment is found through the College. This country needs people with skills not academics.” Manganyi hails from Malamulele North East of Giyani. He has worked for several government departments. Before joining the College, he was the Organisational Development Manager in the Department of Mineral Resources, responsible for organisational design, job grading, business processes, culture and climate. He holds a National Diploma in Organisation and Work Studies from the former Technikon Southern Africa in Florida and an MBA from Management College of Southern Africa. He is currently doing his thesis for a Masters Degree in Applied Ethics for Professionals from Wits. He hopes to complete this by the end of this year and will then study for a PhD in Business Administration. Education is important in his own family. He’s father to four children, the youngest being ten years old. His 19 year-old daughter has spina bifida and is cared for at home. His son has an LLB from the University of Pretoria and his other daughter obtained her BCom through Unisa.

Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life


September 2013

Ms Annetjie van der Walt

Mr Lunga Tukani

Acting Finance Manager

Support CFO (SAICA)

Ms Annetjie van der Walt holds the position of acting Finance Manager. She is a qualified teacher with Accounting as her main subject. She became a senior lecturer at the Maake campus in 1992, and later joined the Modjadji campus, which was part of Letaba FET College but has since closed down. She was acting as Campus Manager there until 2006. She then held the position of Quality Assurance at Letaba FET College and has been in her current position since 2009.

The youngest member in the management team is Mr Lunga Tukani (31). He holds the position of Support CFO (Chief Financial Officer) from SAICA (SA Institute of Chartered Accountants). Lunga hails from Port Elizabeth and studied BCom Accounting through Unisa. He joined Letaba FET College in September 2012. He worked in Pretoria in an auditing environment and needed a new challenge. Relocating to Limpopo was a challenge, as the culture and the environment was new to him. Lunga works closely with Ms Annetjie van der Walt.

Born in Makhado, Van der Walt trained in Pretoria and has been in teaching her entire career. She confirmed that the College tries to be fair in all its decisions. That is, fair towards students, staff and expenditure. She also said that the College has quality teaching and learning as can be seen from the results.

DHET Fet Colleges And Bursary Scheme In order to facilitate access to the National Certificate (vocational) and report 191 qualifications, the Department of Higher Education and Training has made bursaries available. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme administers the bursaries on behalf of the department of higher education and training. Through the FET College Bursary Scheme, the Department of Higher Education and Training aims to provide access to eligible students for vocational education and training at public FET colleges.

NDZALAMA COMPETENCY LEARNING cc Tel: 015 307 1418 • Fax: 015 307 1419 • Cel nr: 083 454 5405 • email: headoffice@ncl.co.za 4 Annecke Street • PO Box 3049 • Tzaneen, 0850 Contact Person: Sanette Wevell

What is the Department of Higher Education and Training FET College Bursary scheme? The Department of Higher Education and Training FET College Bursary Scheme are funds made available by government to assist students enrolled, or intending to enroll, at FET colleges for NCV and NATED programmes but are unable to fund their studies.

Who may apply for the DHET FET Colleges bursary scheme? You are eligible to apply for a bursary if you are: • A South African citizen • Enrolled or intending to enroll for the NCV or NATED programs at Letaba FET college or any of the 50 public FET colleges in South Africa. • In need of financial assistance. • Able to demonstrate potential for academic success. • Eligibility for a bursary is subject to successful application according to the bursary guidelines.

Learning Programme:

NQF Level




Assessor Course




2 days


Moderator Course OBE Facilitator Course

115759 117871 15217 15218 15232 15227 15228 114924

6 5 5 6 5 4 5 5

10 10 6 4 6 4 10 5

1 days 2 days


What are exit opportunities at FET Colleges? Students will have the following options: • Access workplace opportunities in a work environment or sector relevant to your vocational specialization (such as a bank/insurance company after doing the financial, economics and accounting programme). • Access the workplace with the occupational specialization if you might have opted for through the 4th subject option (such as motor mechanics after opting for automotive repair and maintenance) • Progress into higher education ( must reach required academic performance) • Pursue further training at the same/horizontal level • Self-employment.


Skills Development Facilitor Course (SDF Training)

Success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm, congratulations Letaba FET for your10 years of great achievements.

3 days


Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life

September 2013

This year Letaba Further Education and Training (FET) College celebrates its tenth anniversary and Vocational and Continuing Education and Training (VCET) Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has also declared 2013 “The Year of the Artisan” with the slogan “It’s cool to be an Artisan.”

The three Letaba FET College Campuses are in the Mopani district, the north eastern part of the Limpopo Province. They are Giyani, Maake and Tzaneen. Ten years ago the then Minister of Education, Prof Kader Ashmal, officially announced the merger of the public Technical Colleges in the country and there were fifty public FET Colleges throughout the country. There are approximately 5 000 students at the three campuses collectively with 2 000 on the Tzaneen

campus. The Tzaneen Campus is on the corner of Claude Wheatley Road and Sapekoe Drive. The student head count in 2006 was 400. The CEO and Principal of the Letaba FET, Ms Martie Botha, says that the jump in figures can be directly linked to the hunger for education. People want to improve their lives and there are socio-economic pressures. Since 1994 the opportunities for disadvantaged children changed markedly for the better and access to decent education became open to all.

September 2013

There are 134 lecturers and a total staff complement of 231, which includes support staff. The College Management consists of the Executive Management plus the Campus Managers. Executive Management consists of the Principal and three Vice Principals. The three Campus Managers are Messrs M B ‘Jomo’ Mabale from the Tzaneen campus, Jack J Rikhotso from the Giyani campus and Abie Phaaphla from the Maake campus. Fees are determined by the Department of

Higher Education and Training. There are two main Faculties, Business Studies and Engineering Studies. The medium of teaching and learning is English. The Department of Higher Education and Training makes bursaries available and in this way provides access to eligible students for vocational education and training at FET Colleges. On completion of their studies, students will be able to work in the private sector, government or business environments, either in business or engineering.

FET Maake Campus

FET Tzaneen Campus

FET Giyani Campus

Congratulations FET on your 10th Birthday! We’re proud to be associated with FET

Tel: 015 307 1990


Given the vast geographical footprint of the College, the communities in contact with the College are diverse with strong rural area dominance. People in the Mopani district are employed in the farming, industry, mining, trade, government, transport, tourism, manufacturing, construction and energy sectors. The government sector is by far the largest employer in the district and 38% people employed in Greater Giyani work for government.


Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life

September 2013

The country needs Artisans! The Deputy Minister of Higher education and Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana, says South Africa was in dire need of artisans, as the majority of young people opted for universities rather than going to FET colleges where most of the practical skills are learned. Speaking during his visit to Letaba FET College in Giyani as part of the campaign to get learners to choose FET colleges, he said South Africa needed to produce 30 000 artisans per year by 2014, and that the country was currently only producing 14 000, less than half the number that is needed. “When we built the Medupi power station in this province we had to import skills from Thailand, because we did not have some of the practical skills we needed. That cannot be right if we still faced with many unemployed youth in our own country,” he said. According to him, most of the country’s youth is either unemployed or unemployable because they shun FET colleges, and opt for easy subjects while at university, in order to finish quickly. “It is better to have unemployed youth, rather than the latter, because with the unemployed ones we might be able to do something to equip them,” he said, urging students to enrol for practical skills in order to be employable. “For every engineer, four artisans

The Deputy Minister for Higher Education and Training speaks to the learners of Risinga High School during his visit to Letaba FET College. He is flanked by the school principal, Mr Moses Maswanganyi (left), and Giyani Mayor Pat Hlungwani

Smit Garrun Brokers (Pty)Ltd • • • • • • • • • •

Louis Naude (FSP 11184) 082-300 9957 Johan Smith (FSP 11184) 071-170 9540 Allan Forbes Makelaars (FSP 15415) 015-307 2061 Charmaine Thompson (FSP 11184) 076-642 9193 Cornel Van Schalkwyk (FSP 11184) 083-706 9571 Cronje Makelaars (FSP 25637) 083-268 1932 Darius Geldenhuys (FSP 11184) 076-618 8058 Jacques Lamprecht (FSP 166635) 082-469 7558 Leon Roode (FSP 11184) 083-345 3171 Retief Jacobzs (FSP 11184) 082-850 9499

were required, to complete the work force.” Responding to skills shortages in the country, Eskom’s provincial manager for talents and skills, Mr Norman Khosa, said the company had suffered a severe loss of artisans due to migration, and that it was now doing anything it can to bridge the skills gap. “Despite the current financial difficulties that the company is in, we’re involved in various initiatives aimed at boosting skills development in the country,” he said — adding that the company had taken 109 young people to school in the province, as part of the attempts to regain the needed skills. Meanwhile a Seta executive in the Seen above with the white safety helmet, is the Deputy Minister of province, Mr Errol Gradwell, said Higher Education and Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana, and officials of his the challenge they had as a Seta department, exploring what the Letaba FET students do during his recent visit to the college was that they were only using local municipalities for the practical part part of training of our FET students,” he said. of the FET students’ training. He asked the private sector, especially in the “The challenge which makes us unable to meet the required number of artisans in the country, is that mining sector, to employ FET students so they could we only use the local municipalities for the practical get practical training experience.

FET choir’s soulful tribute.

Ms Martie Botha, CEO and Principal of FET Tzaneen, getting her hard hat on

Educated people educating each other as educated people from educational institutions about insurance and life.

Change, Innovation, Creativity Korttermynversekering

Geakkrediteerde Makelaars

Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life FET Faculties and Programmes

There are two main faculties namely: Business Studies and Engineering Studies. Fundamentals are offered as additional subjects in NC(V) courses only. The National Certificate (vocational) is offered at level 2, 3, and 4. The practical component of the study may be offered in a real workplace environment or in a stimulated workplace environment. Students have the

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Q: What is the difference between the NC(V) and NATED programmes A: The NC(V) consists of three consecutive qualifications on NQF level 2, 3 and 4. Each level is full of a full qualification and takes one academic year to complete when studying full time. A student, who wishes to do the NC(V) part time, can take up to 3 years to complete each level. The NC(V) qualification is offered in 18 different vocational programmes, each specializing in a particular field of study. Each NC(V) level is made up of 3 fundamental subjects( English, life orientation, mathematics of mathematical literacy), three in compulsory vocational subjects and one optional subject that focuses on specialization in a particular occupation. The NATED programmes refer to the report 191, to N6 offerings that were developed for what was previously known as technical colleges. A student who has achieved a N2 certificate in engineering studies, and who has proof of 2 years work experience in the same field as the subjects on the N2 certificate, can apply to take a trade test to qualify as an artisan. The only other qualification that is achieved through the report 191 system is the national diploma, which is currently issued by the DHET after successful completion of N6 plus 18 months (2 000 hours) work experience for business studies and 2 years engineering studies, in the same field as the subjects on the N6 certificate.


September 2013

opportunity to experience a work environment during for Letaba FET College are the following: the period of study. • Management • Finance, economics and accounting National Certificate (Vocational) • Office administration Programmes • Electrical infrastructure construction There are currently 18 National Certificate (vocational) • Civil engineering and building construction programmes on offer. More programmes and subjects • Engineering and related design will be developed in the future. The NC(V) programmes • Transport and logistics




Actual Enrolments = College FTEs 2007














FTE’s 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2007








Q: What is the difference between studying at an FET college and/ or university? A: Programmes offered at an FET college falls in the NQF level 2-4 band and the qualification is called a certificate, whilst higher certificates, diplomas and degrees offered at Universities of Technology fall on NQF level 5 and above. Colleges may also offer skills programmes, short courses and learnerships under the authority of SETAS and are also allowed to offer NQF level 5 and higher qualifications on behalf of and under authority of Universities and Universities of Technology. Colleges may not offer programmes that are not registered under any of the quality councils. Colleges can also offer matric subjects to give matriculants a second chance to obtain a matric or to improve their matric marks

Q: Do I have to pay a registration fee at a college if I do not have the money? B: Students who meet all the bursary conditions, eligibility criteria, qualify for the bursary, and cannot afford to pay a deposit fee, should be exempted from paying the deposit after negotiation with the campus manager. The deposit fee of R1 000 NC(V) R500 Nated business studies and R333 for engineering Nated Studies.

Q: Can I go into higher education institution from a college? A: Yes. Articulation into higher education institutions is possible for NC(V) level 4 students who have met the minimum entry requirements. Higher education South Africa (HESA) has approved the policy on minimum admission requirements into higher education programmes in terms of section 74 of the HE act, 1997. Note that higher education institutions may have additional entry requirements. Take note the students must pass mathematics L4 and physical science LA as well a English at a prescribed minimum percentage.

Baie geluk, Letaba FET, met jul 10de bestaansjaar. Simpson Motors is trots om geassosieer te wees met dié opvoedkundige instansie in Limpopo.

Q: How do I make sure that I have made the correct choice? A: The department in partnership with SAQA has made available a dedicated website: www.careerguide.org.za, to assist young people to make the right career choice.



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September 2013

Celebrating 10 years • Knowledge is Life

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