Medicalbulletin 180302

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INDEX 2018





Medical practitioners | Mediese praktisyns

6 Pharmacies | Apteke

6 Therapists | Terapeute

Cover: Dr Gary Middleton and Dr Thabo Motsoane

3 Specialists | Spesialiste 7 Dentist | Tandartse

5 Optometrists | Oogkundiges 9 Special Services | Spesiale Dienste




Dr. Pieter Botes

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00 (Sat 08:00 - 12:00)

Dr. Ig van Rensburg

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00 (Sat 08:00 - 12:00)

Dr. Henri Burger

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00 (Sat 08:00 - 12:00)

Dr. Marika Voigt MB ChB (Pret)

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner Botox behandelingsdiens

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00

Dr. Dries Nel

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 16:00 (Sat 08:00 - 12:00)

Dr. Aléta van der Vyver

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

Algemene Praktisyn/ General Practitioner

Tel: 015 307 2854 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00 (Sat 08:00 - 12:00)

Dr Salna Grove

Peacemed Mediese Sentrum Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen

MB ChB (Pret)

MB ChB (Pret)

Medical Practioners | Mediese Praktisyns


MB ChB (Pret)

MB ChB (Pret)

MB ChB (Stellenbosch)


Tel: 015 307 3650 Werksure: 08:00 - 17:00

Tandarts/ Dentist

André Venter Annin van Ransburg

Peacemed Pharmacy/Apteek Peacestraat 34, Tzaneen


Tel: 015 307 1096 Trading hours: 07:30 - 17:30 Sat 08:00 - 12:00

Far North Bulletin•Tel: 015 306 0198•17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen

Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.


Medical practitioners | Mediese praktisyns

DR. ALEX REVELAS MB ChB (Stell), M Med (Ortho) (Pretoria)


Orthopedic Surgeon/ Orthopediese Chirurg

Practice Number: 0520365

Dr PJ Maredi

Dr MJ Mashiane



Business address: Ivory Tusk Lodge 75 Douglas Street, Suite#4, Tzaneen Tel: 0153071141/42 • Cel: 0662001831 Email:

Tel: 015 307 2491 or 015 590 1479 Fax: 086 608 7353 For all emergencies please call the hospital casualty dept./ Vir noodgevalle kontak die hospitaal ongevalle Address: Specialists Rooms, Tzaneen Mediclinic

MB ChB, M Med(Psych), MECI

Suite #2 Ivory Tusk Lodge 75 Douglas Street, Tzaneen

Psychiatrist Psigiater

Tel: 082 578 1658 Email:

Dr Michelle King Practice nr 0281573

Specialists | Spesialiste

Children are our passion, and we are committed to giving them the best possible experience and care. We believe in preventative care, early detection of illness and prompt management.

General orthopedic surgeon specialising in hip and knee replacements/Algemene orthopediese chirurg spesialiseer in heup- en knie vervangings.


015 307 6749 015 307 3592

• MB ChB (Pret) • Dip Ophth (SA) • FC Ophth (SA) • Pr No. 026 000 0304816

MB ChB (Stell), FC UROL (SA)

Specialist Room B10, Ivory Tusk Lodge Tzaneen

Spesialis Uroloog Specialist Urologist

Tel: 015 308 0041 Fax: 086 621 7140

Dr Nathan October Pr no: 0478725

MEDICLINIC Tzaneen Consulting Rooms B14 Ivory Tusk Lodge

MB ChB (Pret), M Med(O&G)

First Floor Cnr Peace & Morgan Street, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4537

Verloskundige & Ginekoloog Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

MediClinic Tzaneen Spesialis Spreekkamers A2 Tel: 015 307 3974

Dr HE Haber

Specialists | Spesialiste


Dr Gert van der Merwe

Ivory Tusk Lodge 15B, 75 Douglas Road, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3410 Fax: 086 604 7073 Email:

Dr Louw du Toit

Kinderarts Paediatrician

Dr MD Ntsoane

MediClinic Tzaneen Spesialis Spreekkamers A2 Tel: 082 556 0996

Dinsdae / Woensdae | Tuesdays/Wednesdays

DR M.E MAOWASHA B.Sc. (Unin) M.B CH.B (Medunsa) PR: 0140000000566 • MP0495700

Bophelong Medical Centre, 28 Wolkberg Building, Joubert Str. Tzaneen P.O. Box 7452, Tzaneen Mall, 0855 • Email: Tel: 015 307 7550 • Fax: 086 510 2255 • Cell & Emergency No.: 082 820 1399


MBChB MPraxMed MMed (Str.Onk.) • Practice No. 4001192

ONKOLOOG • ONCOLOGIST • NGAKA YA KANKERE Dr Malan has an oncology practice with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy facilities in Polokwane. He has been doing an oncology clinic at No 5 Ivory Tusk Lodge next to Tzaneen Medi-Clinic for the last 15 years. Laboratory and radiology services are within walking distance of the clinic.

Dr Malan het ‘n onkologiepraktyk met chemoterapie en bestralingsfasiliteite in Polokwane. Hy bied reeds die afgelope 15 jaar weekliks ‘n onkologiekliniek by Ivory Tusk Lodge no 5, langs Tzaneen Medi-Kliniek aan. Laboratorium en radiologiedienste is binne loopafstand beskikbaar.

Specialists | Spesialiste

Dr. Hercules Malan


45A Thabo Mbeki Street Polokwane Tel: 015 295 5933 Cel: 074 068 0060 Email:




Hea hear

ENT Specialist and Head & Neck practice no: 0454141

Ivory tusk lodge, specialist room B17, 75 Douglas street, Tzaneen (next to Tzaneen mediclinic)

Tel: 015 307 3639 Fax: 015 307 3638

Optometrists | Oogkundiges

Specialists | Spesialiste Dr RK Maringa

MB.Chb (Medunsa), FCORL(SA)



Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

Jaques van Niekerk B Optom (RAU)

Oogkundige / Optometrist Kontaklens praktisyn

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

11 Rencole Building Loop Street, Tzaneen

Tel: 015 307 3703

Pharmacies | Apteke

*Termes *Termes&&voorwaardes voorwaardesgeld. geld.

Tropical Pharmacy 43 Douglas Street, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4869 • Fax: 015 307 1968 Nicolien van Aarde & Carys Smith

Sports Therapist and Personal Trainer 079 361 3146

Post-op and stroke rehab Migraine treatment Sports injury Sports massage Any other injury

Hettie van Nikkelen Kuyper

Audiologist / Speech & Language Therapist Practice No. 8213437 | STA 0016268

Therapists | Terapeute

Hearing & Speech Centre Hearing tests, hearing aids, swim plugs, hearing protection

• Stimulation groups for babies & toddlers. • Individual therapy for babies, toddlers and older children presenting with developmental delay.

Lina Noel BSC Occ Ther (UCT) SI (SAISI) • DHT (UP)

Specialist Rooms No. 3, Ivory Tust Lodge, Tzaneen Cell: 082 658 3979 Tel: 015 307 4547 E-mail:

• Difficulties with attention, concentration & hyperactivity. • Therapy for children experiencing learning difficulties at school.

• Therapy for children presenting with a physical disability.

• Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

• Sensory Integration Therapy.

• Hand Rehabilitation.

• Disability Claims Assessments.

Jean Trusler BSC Occ Ther (UCT)

Tel: 015 307 7637 • Cell: 072 697 8626 • Email: • 24 Koos Nel Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen


Elma Lategan - Van Jaarsveld

Cell: 083 302 1496 Fax: 086 663 9867 E-mail: Letsitele & Phalaborwa

Arbeidsterapeut | Occupational Therapist

B.Arb (UP), Dip. Voc Rehab (UP) | SI(SAISI) WorkWell accredited | TRE provider

Stimulasiegroepe • Skoolgereedheid • Sensoriese integrasie disfunksie • Ontwikkelings-agterstande • Skolasties: Lees, spelling, skrif, wisk ens. • Rehabilitasie • Handterapie Funksionele kapasiteit evaluasie • Mediese geregtelike evaluasie • Trauma/Stres ontladings oefeninge.

Marianne McKenzie BSc (Physio) Wits

16 Peace Street, Tzaneen

Physiotherapist - General Practice

Cell: 082 835 4185

‘For all ages and every body’

Johan du Plooy Psychologist / Sielkundige

Suite #2 Ivory Tusk Lodge 75 Douglas Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: 015 307 6925 • Cell: 082 971 1907 E-mail:

BA (Psyc), BA (Hons), MA (Psyc) PU for CHE, MA (Counselling Psyc) UFS PR NO: 018 0629

Ann-Suné Grobler SPECIAL INTERESTS IN: Acute & Chronic Illness, accident related injury, disability. Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Motor Neuron Lesions, Oncology, Alternative Augmentative Commununication, Swallowing & Feeding. In hospital rehabilitation & out of hospital recovery plans. Return to work programmes post injury or illness. Individual or Group therapy for adults & children. Road Accident Fund & Third party claims

Ivory Tusk Lodge, Tzaneen. (Next to Dialysis unit)

Speech Therapist & Audiologist Kathryn Glendinning: 082 939 9036

Prac. No.: 0328456

Occupational Therapist Ann-Suné Grobler: 072 137 6485

Prac. No.: 0553255

Therapists | Terapeute

Individual Psychotherapy • Overcoming Depression • Anxiety & Panic related conditions • Grief & Bereavement therapy • Martial Counselling • Trauma Debriefing & Counselling • Resilience & Well-being training • Relationship Enrichment • Self-Enhancement Emotional evaluations • Play Therapy for children • Expressive Art Therapy (Rogerian)

Dentist | Tandartse


Special Services | Spesiale Dienste











DR ERIKA COERTZEN TEL: 083 453 3253 Agatha 25, Proforum C1, Tzaneen


Contact 015 307 1800 43 Boundary Street Tzaneen



Karen Pretorius NHD.Pod.S.A.

Practice No.: 6802648

A Podiatrist provides a comprehensive foot health service.

Plot 35, Lushof, Tzaneen 0850 Tel: 015 308 0515 | Cell: 082 822 0657 Fax: 086 295 6311 |

Consult a podiatrist for: Plantarfasciitis and Heelspurs; Painful feet due to diabetes; Corns & Callus; Ingrown toenails or other nail pathologies; Leg ulcers or wounds; Sport injuries and advice on running / training shoes; Shoe wear advise and assessment of children’s walking; Gait analysis and bio mechanical assessment in adults and children; Prescription moulded orthotic devices and insole devices as to correct balance and alignment of ankle, knee and hip joints.

Podiatric treatment provides relief from pain caused by imbalance and deformity.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Child line 0800 055 555 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer

015 307 5555 / 7000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand 076 844 1646 Electricity / Electrisiteit 015 307 4356/8190 a/h Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality 015 307 8000


Ambulance / Ambulans 015 812 1629 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 812 0628/5030 Police / Polisie 10111 Hospital / Hospitaal 015 812 3251 Water 015 812 0900

Special Services | Spesiale Dienste

our H 24 vice Ser

1 Ivory Tusk Lodge Medical Suites Medi-Clinic Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4348 Cell: 073 589 5924

Available Services: HIV Monitoring tests Wellness tests Pre-natal tests General pathology tests DNA paternity testing


Practice No. 8700958

Room 9, (B11) Ivory Tusk Lodge, Medical Centre

Tel: 015 307 2704 Emergency: 082 941 5514/5

Special Services | Spesiale Dienste

Mobility Assist

Foot Orthotics


Assistive Orthotic devices - Post-operative and General

In association with


Dialysis Unit in Tzaneen Convenience for dialysis patients

Tzaneen Care Group Caring for all patients with cancer, at home or at the Tzaneen Cancer Care Centre. Furnished doctors’ rooms available to rent, equipped for chemotherapy. Come visit us at 36 Maritz st, Aqua Park Contact us: 083 635 4132 or visit our website:

As part of our commitment to improving patients’ lives, B. Braun offers the latest technology, both in machines and consumables, enabling optimal treatment ability to our patients. Tzaneen Dialysis Centre 75 Douglas Road, Ivory Tusk Lodge Consulting RoomA4, Tzaneen, 0850 Unit contact number: 015 307 3463 Emergency Number: 072 286 9710 E-mail:

Serving others, Sharing Faith, Hope and Love

VERSEKER JOU LEEFSTYL! Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering | Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning | Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds | Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering | Aandele


SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184

FSP: 44595

INSURE YOUR LIFESTYLE! Medical aid | Short term insurance | Life insurance | Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks

10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587

Special Services | Spesiale Dienste

B. Braun Avitum B. Braun Avitum (Pty) Limited Tel: 010 222 3000


Diagnostic Radiologists

Special Services | Spesiale Dienste

X-Rays • CT Scans • Bone Density • Ultrasound • MRI Scans Mammography • Fluoroscopy • Interventional Radiology

Our state of the art equipment & highly skilled staff are at your service.

Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 • MAKE YOUR BOOKING TODAY!


Congratulations on 15 years! We are proud to be associated with you

Mediclinic Tzaneen 0845792740

Tel: 015 307 1213 Faks: 015 307 3090

1 Circle Drive Tzaneen 015 307 4435 083 626 4204

015 307 2949

DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGISTS Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 0098

Dr Alex Revelas MB ChB (Stell), M Med (Ortho) (Pretoria)

Orthopedic Surgeon

Specialists Rooms Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 307 2491 015 590 1479

Specialists Rooms Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 308 1000

Wolkberg Avenue R71, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 306 8500 | 24HR Emergency Centre: 015 306 8526


Mediclinic Tzaneen is celebrating its fifteenth birthday this year. Most Tzaneen residents can probably not remember what the town was like without a private hospital. What started as a 63 bed, two theatre hospital in 2003, with general practitioners and one gynaecologist, has grown into a 131 bed, 4 theatre multidisciplinary hospital in 2018. Mediclinic Tzaneen is proud of what it has achieved in the past fifteen years. Not only has it brought much needed state-of-the-art medical facilities to the town and region, but recruited specialist medical practitioners to serve our community. Mediclinic Tzaneen now offers not only the basic medical specialist disciplines of general surgery, internal medicine, gynaecology and paediatrics, but also anaesthesiology, psychiatry, ear-nose and throat surgery, ophthalmology, maxilla-facial surgery, urology, neuro-surgery and orthopaedic surgery. Mediclinic Tzaneen is at the forefront of clinical governance, a process of measuring its clinical performance with the goal of improving its clinical outcomes and safety to patients. Mediclinic Tzaneen is the first in the Mediclinic group, and the country, to publish clinical guidelines to standardise the management and care of certain conditions to make sure that patients are safe. It is playing a leading role in introducing measures to improve not only patient experience but also clinical outcomes and safety. Therefore Mediclinic Tzaneen rates as one of the top hospitals in this field. During 2017 Mediclinic Tzaneen has established an improved Emer-

gency Centre with full time emergency doctors on site to attend to emergency patients more timeously and appropriately. The radiology department now boasts two full time specialist radiologists and have added Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to its array of diagnostic tests, apart from the standard X-Rays, Mammogram, Ultrasound, Bone Density and CTScan. Mediclinic Tzaneen is excited about the prospects of more expansions soon, brought about by the needs of their patients and in the interest of the community. Pending licencing by the Department of Health, Mediclinic Tzaneen will be adding a day ward to accommodate patients admitted for minor procedures, an endoscopy suite for gastroscopies and colonoscopies, a fifth theatre for increasing numbers of patients, a new and larger Intensive Care Unit, a new and larger Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and consultation rooms for its resident specialists. These expansions will increase the bed capacity to 187 beds. A sixth theatre is envisaged for future cardiology and vascular surgery as well. During 2019 Mediclinic Tzaneen will establish an Infertility Clinic, headed by Dr. Jackson Ndhlovu. Mediclinic Tzaneen is also in the process of gaining stature as a centre of excellence in laparoscopic surgery in the fields of general surgery, gynaecology and urology, the future of surgery! Mediclinic Tzaneen is excited about the future and is looking forward to being of service to the community.

Mediclinic Tzaneen

Past, Present, Future


In case of emergency In July last year, Mediclinic Tzaneen contracted with an independent medical practice to provide emergency services to its patients in the Emergency Centre. This is why many locals have noticed some familiar faces wandering around in the emergency centre, including that of Dr Gary Middleton and Dr Thabo Motsoane. The contracting of the emergency room (ER) to Middleton and Partners, means that inpatients admitted to the ER in case of an emergency will immediately upon their arrival be met with an emergency doctor. The new move allows for the availability of an ER doctor 24 hours a day. It was birthed from the need to render a faster and more efficient service to the patient emergencies. Before the arrival of Middleton and Partners to the ER, Mediclinic Tzaneen had a “doctor on call” system in place. That meant that no doctor was on site, and during an emergency the doctors had to be called from their respective practices during the day and from home after hours.

tion as a child with an out of control fever or broken collar bone etc. It is a system that works.” In addition to the ER fee, you will be charged a fixed fee by Mediclinic according to your specific triage. The fee payable to Mediclinic Tzaneen includes the fee for use of its facility and staff, any disposable items used for the diagnosis or treatment, including tongue depressors, syringes, needles, sterile equipment, local anaesthetics, suturing materials, dressings, bandages etc. and medications dispensed. Green patients pay the minimum, yellow patients more, orange patients more and red patients the maximum. This is based on the premise that the higher the triage, the more equipment is used and the higher the fee is.

aids and even different options of the same medical aid have different rules and benefits. Some medical aids pay fully for Emergency Centre visits while some do not pay at all, which makes the member liable for the bill. Mediclinic Tzaneen and Tzaneen Emergency Care are contracted to most medical aids and are able to tell patients if their medical aids will cover the costs directly or whether they are required to pay themselves for services rendered. Neither Mediclinic Tzaneen nor Tzaneen Emergency Care will refuse any patient a proper assessment and emergency care based on their ability to afford further treatment. Once the emergency is managed, the cost of further care and management is discussed with each individual patient and their families.

That situation was not ideal as it often lead to delays in patient care. With the new arrangement and the introduction of the internationally accepted Triage System, Mediclinic Tzaneen is now in-line with with national and international standards in the running of an Emergency Centre. It is the norm in most Mediclinic Hospitals. In the case of Mediclinic Tzaneen the hospital awarded the tender to render the emergency service in the Emergency Centre to Middleton and Partners t/a Tzaneen Emergency Care. Tzaneen Emergency Care is owned and managed by 12 general practitioners who rotate shifts in the Emergency Centre and render their services independently of Mediclinic Tzaneen and all other medical service providers. The 12 emergency doctors have had additional training in emergency medicine and subscribe to continued professional development in this field of medicine. How the system works

What if I don’t have medical aid?

Patients presenting to the Mediclinic Tzaneen Emergency Centre are firstly evaluated by a registered nurse or an enrolled nurse, formerly known as sisters and staff nurses, who are specifically trained in this field.

“In that case one of our doctors in the ER will asses you, stabilize you and inform you that you will be moved to the nearest state hospital, or if you can lay down a deposit at Mediclinic, you will then be admitted there. We will be able to find out the estimated cost and duration of your hospital stay before you are admitted, which will allow you and your family to make arrangements,” Middleton explained. “We will never turn anyone away because they have no medical aid. When you arrive here by ambulance we will do our utmost to stabilize our patients.”

‘Triage’ means sorting patients according to the acuity (urgency) of care needed. This is calculated based on an international triage score taking into account the complaint, history, age of the patient, vital signs and general examination. Patients are then sorted in four different categories, red, orange, yellow and green. The level of acuity of care needed is also in that order and patients will be attended to by the emergency doctor according to their triage and not necessarily in order of arrival. “Some cases require more urgent attention than others,” explained Dr Middleton. “What the triage system entails basically is that if you bring your high-fevered child into the ER one night and you find there are a number of patients in the line before you, but your child’s affliction is more serious than any of theirs’, you will be placed in the front of the line. A person with flu symptoms certainly does not require as urgent atten-

One last point It must be remembered that any additional service providers needed will also render additional fees. The pathology laboratories, radiology department and medical specialists are all also independent service providers and will render additional accounts for services provided when needed. Important to note is that different medical

Dr Thabo Motsoane

Dr Gary Middleton





WOLKBERG DRIVE, R71, TZANEEN 0850 T 015 306 8500

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