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Editor: Joe Dreyer Marketing: Jacques Smuts (concept) & Lizan Botha Design and Layout: Tessa Thompson & Tamryn Lancefield

A Far North Bulletin Publication


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




The Township of Tzaneen The area where Tzaneen started developing to grow into a town (these days the second biggest in Limpopo, after the capital Polokwane) was surveyed and planned by land surveyor H Manaschewitz in 1919. It was in that year that a Certificate of Township Title was issued by the Government of the Union of South Africa, providing for a township called the Township of Tzaneen. Tzaneen thus celebrates its 100th birthday next year. The origin of the name Tzaneen is unclear. There are three theories; all assuming that it is derived from the Sesotho language. One theory states that it derives from Batsaneng (meaning “People of the Small Village”), the name of a group who split away from the Bokgaga tribe. Other theories state that the name derives either from the word Tsaneng, which means come together, or Tsana, which means basket of hills or the basket used to seperate the wheat from the chaff . However, there is another theory which says that the name Tzaneen came from the name Dzanani. This was the place where the vha-Venda lived many years ago; it is said that the whole area from Limpopo (Vhembe) River to the now called Olifants River was occupied by vha-Venda, and in the East to the area known as Madzivhanombe

(around Giyani). Not far from Tzaneen is Bolobedu (where some Venda-origin people are still living). It comprises an area of approximately 3 240 km², and extends from Haenertsburg in the west to Rubbervale in the east (85 km), and just south of Modjadjiskloof in the north, to Trichardtsdal in the south (47 km). The municipal boundaries form an irregular, inverted T-Shape, which results in certain developmental implications for the municipality, and more specifically the distance to markets, difficulties in respect of service provision, and constraints to implementing development vision/ strategy. The area encompasses the pro-

claimed towns of Tzaneen, Nkowankowa, Lenyenye, Letsitele and Haenertsburg. At least 125 rural villages are to be found in the jurisdiction of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM). Almost 80% of households reside in these rural villages. The municipal area is further characterized by extensive and intensive farming activities (commercial timber, cash crops, tropical and citrus fruit production); mountainous, inaccessible terrain in the west and south, and uneven topography (gentle slopes) to the north and east — areas with exceptional natural beauty, with considerable untapped tourism potential.

Public and Protective Services The South African Police

In the very early days of the district, the South African Constabulary set up a Police post at Krabbefontein, (part of Tzaneen Estates). Among the Sergeants stationed there, were Sergeant Huntly and Sergeant Morgan, who looked so very ‘natty’ in their jodhpur uniforms with pitch helmets. Another young constable who came to the post in May 1926, was Johan P Coetzee. He later told of long patrol he made on horseback, when he would be away for a month or more at a time and had to live off the land, shooting game to feed his bantu constables and their prisoners. With the tireless encouragement of his wife Maxie, he progressed to the rank of Brigadier and served in the Police for 35 years. He was Deputy Commissioner of the South African Police when he retired in 1953. The Police station consisted of three rondawels along the side of the main road at what is now the entrance to Merensky School. Opposite the rondavels the police had constructed and maintained two tennis courts. There was also a long thatched roof open shed on the side, where folks gathered on Sundays with their lunch hampers, to enjoy a great social

As this supplement is not a scientific account of the history of Tzaneen but to a large extent the memoirs of people of the town, Far North Bulletin cannot accept responsibility for the factual correctness in all respects. Acknowledgements: Sue Ettmayr, Prof Louis Changuion, Anton van Zyl.

gathering. Over the main road opposite the Police station lived the Native Commissioner Mr Pandell. At the end of the little street, lived Boet Osmers’s parents and later the Dekenahs. On the 19th of June 1924 the Tzaneen Health Committee passed a resolution that the Magistrate (in Pietersburg) be requested to have the Police station transferred to the Tzaneen township. No records are to hand as to when the move was made, but according to calculations it must have been shortly after 1925. The Police Station in Tzaneen was not first a house as some people has thought, but was designed as a charge office with a residential flat at the one end for the Station Commander. There was one cell block, a small barrack and a horse stable (opposite the present Magistrate’s court) and a tennis court that is now used as a parking area. - Dawn Boman

A Far North Bulletin Publication




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018

The Tzaneen Experimental Farm

Die NTK Aan die begin van die twintigste eeu was boerdery in groot dele van die land nog ongeorden. Daar is van staatskant af besef dat die landbou vinnig besig is om agteruit te gaan. Die sukses van die koöperasies in Engeland en Europa het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat in 1908 deur die aanname van Wet nommer 17 in Transvaal voorsiening gemaak is vir die stigting van en beheer oor koöperasies. Op 9 Julie 1957 is die naam van die Waterbergse Ko-operatiewe Landboumaatskappy Beperk verander na die Noord-Transvaalse Koöperasie Beperk. Teen 1961 amalgameer N T K en F C T en ‘n nuwe statuur word opgestel. Dit tree teen 1 November 1961 in werking en opdrag word gegee dat take onder andere op Ellisras, Louis Trichardt, Tzaneen en nog meer plekke gestig word. In April 1964 word ledegoedkeuring gevra om die kaskredietrekening by die Landbank uit te brei ten einde produkte vir maaldoeleindes te kon koop. Teen 1965 was die meule hier al in aanbou. Teen 1967/68 is ‘n massa-installasie (losmaathantering) by die Tzaneen Meule in gebruik geneem. Teen Oktober 1990 is die tak gemoderniseer. Tans beskik Tzaneen oor ‘n handelstak, besproeiingstak, ‘n Fiat en Massey Ferguson werkswinkel wat die heel goedere asook onderdele verkoop. -D J Bester

- Forerunner to the Founding of the Town Heinrich Altenroxel and Conrad Plange were German immigrants who, since 1892 were intimately connected with the district and its early history. Heinrich Altenroxel, who in 1889 had immigrated from Germany at the age of 22, started off his career in South Africa at the trading store of the firm Natorp and Tamsen at Tweefontein, a little north of Warmbaths. There he met his friend Conrad Plange, also an immigrant from Germany, who in the future would become Altenroxel’s partner. Altenroxel later set up and managed a new trading store for his firm at Middelfontein, a mail-coach halt near Nylstroom. Although the store did well, Altenroxel had still not found what he was looking for. He took leave from Natorp and Tamsen and in 1892 we find him on top of the present Magoebaskloof looking down onto the fertile lowlands below him and he knew that his search was over. After some wanderings, during which Altenroxel

and his partner, Plange, built and managed a hotel on New Agatha and a trading store at the Thabina Drift, the pair began to acquire farms of 200 to 300 morgen. Soon they were the owners of 23 farms of which 11 formed a continuous block. One of these farms was called KRAWEFONTEIN; later better known as KRABBEFONTEIN. It is at this time that the story of WESTFALIA began when Altenroxel and Plange bought the farm BUK-HANNIE in 1895 and changed his name to Westfalia. More capital was needed to run the farms. Altenroxel returned to Germany where, in 1894, he established a company called ‘The Thabina Farming Associated Limited’ with a capital of 140 000 marks. The company took over the block of 11 farms from Altenroxel and Plange. At that time the Transvaal Government was looking for well developed farms. It took an interest in Altenroxel and Plange’s property and the partners offered their block of farms for sale. The District Commissioner of Lands of Zoutpans-

berg, PC Jones, who was keen that the Government should purchase the property, urged the Government to close the deal with Altenroxel soon as “… a large financial firm (a consortium headed by Lionel Phillips) was also interested in the ‘Thabina Association Farms’. After Lord Milner had personally inspected the property, the Government on the 16th of September 1903 bought 11 farms as a going concern, totalling 3 300 morgen, for the sum of 17 000 pounds. The eleven farms were collectively called TZANEEN GOVERNMENT ESTATE, of which the TZANEEN EXPERIMENTAL FARM (Krabbefontein) formed part. In October 1914 the diagrams of 9 farms, forming part of the Estate, were cancelled viz. Vlakfontein, Krawefontein, Leliefontein, Grootland, Tweefontein, Schmidtstad, Spitzkop, Zomerkomst and Grootboom. A new diagram was then issued for the farm TZANEEN NO. 5. This was the first time that the name TZANEEN appeared on a title deed.



November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




ZOUTPANSBERGER, 27 JULY 2018 • (Uittreksel uit die Zoutpansberger koerant)

Op die spore van gister se treine … Die opening van Tzaneen se stasie in 1912 het sy kwota ekstra opwinding gelewer. Kort voor die trein die stasie ingestoom het, is die reuse kobra gevang en doodgemaak. Mnr. James Butler (regs), die Suid-Afrikaanse verteenwoordiger van die konstruksiemaatskappy, kon vinnig vir ‘n foto langs die slang poseer. (Foto: Transnet Gedenksentrum, afkomstig uit die Desember 1912 uitgawe van The South African Railway Magazine).

Deur Anton van Zyl Verlede week het ons die ietwat ongemaklike treinspoor gevolg vanwaar dit in die vroeë 1890’s by die Oosterspoor in Komatipoort begin het en geeïndig het met ‘n tydelike brug oor die Sabierivier. Die bedrogspul rondom die toekenning van die kontrakte is in Augustus 1894 finaal oopgevlek en alle konstruksiewerk is gestaak. Dit was sekerlik die grootste verleentheid wat president Paul Kruger en sy Volksraad moes absorbeer en dit het nog jare daarna vir baie ongemaklikheid gesorg. Dit het die regering ook honderde duisende ponde gekos en die bou van ‘n spoorlyn na die noorde met meer as twee dekades vertraag. In 1909 keur die Transvaalse Regering ‘n besluit goed dat die eerste fase van die lyn, wat so bietjie meer as 122km lank sou wees, vanaf Komatipoort tot by Newington gebou moet word. (Newington is oos van die area wat ons vandag ken as Bosbokrand.) Die tweede fase van die lyn sou dan via Leydsdorp tot op Tzaneen strek. Omrede groot gedeeltes van die lyn tot op Newington reeds gebou is, het dit relatief vinnig gegaan en op 15 Mei 1910 is die eerste fase amptelik geopen. Bouwerk kon toe in alle erns aan die tweede deel begin, wat noordwes deur Leydsdorp en die Murchison bergreeks sou strek. (Dit is nie te ver van wat ons vandag ken as Gravelotte nie).

Die roete deur die wildtuin

Voordat ons egter by Tzaneen-stasie uitkom, is dit nodig om eers uit te brei oor die roete

deur die wildtuin en hoekom die spoorlyn so ‘n belangrike rol gespeel het in die vestiging van wat ons vandag ken as die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin. Die brug oor die Sabierivier is vroeg in 1910 voltooi en die roete vanaf Komatipoort verder noordwes het deur die ongerepte Sabie wildsreservaat gestrek. Die drome van ongekende rykdom uit die Selati-goudvelde het toe reeds begin kwyn, maar prospekteerwerk vir onder meer steenkool het voortgegaan. Daar is geglo dat die spoorlyn steeds belangrik was om die mineraalryke gebiede in die ooste en noorde van die land te bedien. Die waarde van die spoorlyn as ‘n toerisme-lokmiddel het egter meer en meer na vore gekom. In 1923 het die SA Spoorweë (SAS) ‘n “Rondomtalie in nege dae” diens bekendgestel wat besoekers

vanaf Johannesburg tot by Lourenzo Marques en terug geneem het. Die hoogtepunt van die reis was egter die gedeelte deur die wildsreservaat. Die trein het gestop by die Huhlastasie (die latere Skukuza) naby die brug oor die die Sabierivier, vanwaar dit net na sonopkoms die volgende dag vertrek het. Hierdie besoeke (wat ook ‘n besoek in 1925 van die Prins van Wallis, Edward VIII, ingesluit het) het ‘n reuse bydrae daartoe gelewer om bewustheid vir bewaring aan te wakker. In 1926 is die Nasionale Krugerwiltuin amptelik geproklameer en heelwat meer toeriste het van die treindiens gebruik gemaak. Veldwagters het saam met toeriste op die trein gereis en by elke stilhouplek is kort wandeltogte deur die bosse onderneem. Gaan na bladsy 5...

Die eerste trein nader die Tzaneen stasie met die opening in November 1912. (Foto: Transnet Gedenksentrum, afkomstig uit die Desember 1912 uitgawe van The South African Railway Magazine).

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(Uittreksel uit die Zoutpansberger koerant) • ZOUTPANSBERGER, 27 JULY 2018

Heelwat diere is beseer in die eksperiment

Die roete deur die wildtuin het egter sy kwota probleme ingehou. Die toename in treinverkeer het beteken dat meer ongelukke plaasgevind het. Dit was ook moeilik om die roete in stand te hou. Die besluit is toe geneem om ‘n nuwe spoorlyn te bou wat aan die westekant van die wildtuin verby sou strek. In 1968/69 is die spoorlyn gebou wat van Kaapmuiden in die suide, wes van die Nsikaziririvier gebou is. Dit het by Metzi, ‘n paar kilometer noord van Newington, by die ou Selati-lyn aangesluit. Vir die volgende klompie jare is die lyn verby Skukuza nog bedien, maar nadat die nuwe teerpad vanaf Skukuza tot by Hazyview voltooi is, is die diens in 1973 finaal opgeskort. Die laaste trein het in September 1973 by die wildtuin-halte ingestroom. Die enigste oorblyfsels van die spoorlyngeskiedenis is die treinrestaurant en lokomotief op Skukuza. Die lokomotief, wat diens gedoen het op die Selati-lyn, is in 1978 deur die SA Vervoerdienste aan die ruskamp geskenk.

George Pauling & Co, teen ‘n totale projekkoste van £377 500. Die tydperk wat gegee is om die lyn te voltooi, was twee jaar en nege maande, maar die 204 kilometer projek is twee maande vroeër voltooi. Die amptelike opening van die spoorlyn tot op Tzaneen is op 9 November 1912 gehou. Die openingseremonie is bygewoon deur al die baie belangrike persone van die streek en provinsie. Die gastelys het die Administrateur van Transvaal, mnr Johann Rissik, asook twee “Sirs”, naamlik Thomas Cullinan en T.R. Price, ingesluit. Die Goewerneur-Generaal van Mosambiek, mnr. H.C Hull, het deurgereis vir die seremonie en sy vrou was “agter die stuur van die trein” toe dit die stasie ingestoom het en die seremoniële bottel vonkelwyn gebreek het.

Terug op die spoor na Tzaneen

Die werk aan die gedeelte van die spoorlyn vanaf Newington tot by Tzaneen het minder as drie jaar geduur. Die roete het in ‘n noordwestelike rigting langs Leydsdorp verby gegaan, teenaan die Murchison bergreeks. In vandag se dorpname volg ons dit beter deur te verwys na die spoorlyn verby Mica, Gravelotte, Letsitele en Nkowankowa, tot by Tzaneen. Die konstruksiewerk is gedoen deur mnre.

Sir Thomas Price, die algemene bestuurder van die destydse CSAR (Central South African Railways) was ook teenwoordig op die opening van Tzaneen stasie.


Toeka tot Nou

November 2018



November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




The business hub in the early 1920’s Commerce is the pulse of any town and to feel the pulse you have to know the heart beat. In this issue of Toeka tot Nou, we will take you on a short tour through Tzaneen and how the town was formed, as well as who were the prominent pioneers and businessmen of the times. Tzaneen has an interesting history and thanks to Prof Louis Changuion and his research, the Bulletin is able to bring you some facts and memoirs as it is written in his book Tzaneen 75 (1919-1994.) It is believed that in the early 1900’s a small canteen of sorts (or pub) was run by a Mr Hirchfield and a little trading post run by a Mr Lloyd at what was known as the Letaba Drift. Mr Abraham Perlmann, better known as Perlie, is believed to have been the first trader to settle in Tzaneen. He bought stand No 54 at an auction in 1920 where he built a shop along the Yamorna Street frontage (later to be named Danie Joubert Street), with an adjoining flat at the back on Agatha Street. He also built two rondavels on the station side of the stand, from where he conducted a monkey nut shelling and processing business. The huge heap of shells in the yard had the health committee up in arms about the plague of rats. He later concentrated more on real estate and bought numerous farms in the district. He moved onto the farm Oceana beyond Lushof, where he lived for many years. Perlie leased the shop on the corner of Yamorna Street to Mr Hymie Gold who ran the popular Tzaneen stores for many years. Shops in those days looked nothing like the supermarkets we know today. Firstly, there were no large display windows and no chrome door frames

installed by shopfitters. The verandah roof was supported by sturdy pillars, the windows were small and the double door was made of planks. Tzaneen Stores consisted of a groceries section on the left hand side with a wooden counter stretching along its width. Behind the counter

shelves, not forgetting the overcoats hanging from the ceiling. In the far corner of the gents’ department was a connecting door that led to the hardware section. Many people were sure that Gold never knew what was stacked away in that section, as it was probably never cleaned or dusted. Anything you needed, Gold was sure to find somewhere under bags of nails or behind a plough or the saddles. In fact, he stocked everything from the proverbial needle to an anchor. He had a keen sense of humour and everyone was caught by the coin glued to the counter in the hardware later Yamorna Street in 1924. It department and wired to a car bateet.

changed to Danie Joubert Str

tery under the counter, which gave a shock to anyone trying to pick it up. He had a passion for challenging you to a game of matches, there was not a thing he bought and sometimes sold that he didn’t offer you double or quits, be it a cabbage or a pound of nails or even his daily purchase of meat from the butcher. In those days there was no ice-cream to be bought in Tzaneen, so Gold arranged for large green canvas containers filled with dry ice and ice cream, to be trailed from Pietersburg. It was a red letter day when the train arrived with the ice-cream. The customers crowded at the verandah to buy straight from the containers, and in no time it was sold out. — Excerpts from the book Tzaneen 75 (1919 to 1994) by Louis Changuion

Yamorna Street a few years later. The photo was taken from the old Post Office with Lannie Lane on the left. The big tree on the left is in front of the hotel with Troyes Garage across the road. were the shelves containing the stock. You were served by assistants who weighed and measured out your sugar, rice and mielie meal, and had your empty bottle filled with paraffin for your lamps and refrigerators. In the centre of the shop was the ladies department and household goods, towels and blankets. The women’s clothing was packed into boxes with a clear celluloid end panel on one side. They looked something like school suitcases. On the right hand side was the gents’ department, also with its clothing boxes and shoe boxes on the










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Toeka tot Nou


November 2018


A much needed dam for the Lowveld The main sources of the water of the Great Letaba River are found in the drainage of several points in the Drakensberg escarpment above Tzaneen viz. the Iron Crown, Letaba Point and the Wolkberg. Secondary sources of the Letaba River are the Broederstroom and the Helpmekaar spruit, both originated near Haenertsburg. Another two large tributaries are the Magoebas River, often erroneously referred to as the Politisi River, and the Ramadipa River. The first irrigation development in the area was on the Magoebas River in 1905 when a 6 km canal was constructed for the Tzaneen Experimental farm and a turbine installed in the river, generating electricity for the cigar factory at Krabberfontein (the present Merensky High School). In 1911 a new canal was constructed with the intake weir in the Magoebas River at the farm Turksvyebult. In 1918 the Tzaneen Irrigation Board was established and became responsible for the distribution of the canal water to the eleven plotholders on Tzaneen Estate, which had an area of 1200ha of irrigatble land. In later years several other irrigation schemes were proclaimed which diverted water from the Great Letaba River. In addition, the Murchison mine was given permission to extract water from the river for its mining activities near Gravelotte. It soon became apparent that there was insufficient water to adequately serve the existing land under irrigation along the Letaba River and in 1955 the construction of the Ebenezer Dam was started and was completed in 1960. However, even with the additional storage in the Ebenezer Dam there was still not nearly enough water available from the Letaba River to satisfy the riparian farm owners who had a total of 33 000ha under irrigation, whilst there was only enough water to irrigate a total of 10 500ha.

Matters deteriorated when Pietersburg started to draw water from the Ebenezer Dam for its domestic use; the supply from the Dap Naude dam falling short of the Pietersburg total water consumption. Even Tzaneen itself suffered the effects of this water shortage. There was a marked decline in development, which could be ascribed to the overall water deficiency. Over the years the Department of Water Affairs had investigated several possible dam sites on the Great Letaba River. One site was near Tzaneen on the farm Doornhoek, which was roughly surveyed in 1936 and was considered the best site for a large storage dam. The catchment are above the site was 652 sq. kilometres with most of it in the high rainfall area. In 1967 a detailed survey of this site was carried out and in March 1968 the building of this dam was approved by the Minister of Water Affairs. The dam was to be built to its full capacity and not in two stages as originally proposed. However, several obstacles had to be overcome; one of which was the relocation of 17km of the main and secondary roads from Tzaneen

to Duivelskloof. The second was the relocation of the railway line and station. Several routes for the new main road were investigated; a bridge over the Letaba River’s upstream arm of the dam was found to be the best solution. The relocation of 11km of railway was more complicated as it involved re-routing the line away from Tzaneen and the building of a complete new station and yard, which unfortunately had to be sited one kilometre outside Tzaneen. It also necessitated the construction of a tunnel under the Magoebaskloof road turnoff on the newly aligned main road to Duivelskloof. The dam was completed in October 1976, and it was calculated that it would take 3 years to fill it. However, it started to rain heavily on the 2nd of February 1977 and to everyone’s delight the dam started to overflow on the 20th of April 1977. The dam has been known under three names: in the first White Paper (1968) it was referred to as the ‘Doornhoek Dam’; after it was built it became officially the ‘Fanie Botha’ Dam, whilst the popular name is the Tzaneen Dam. A few statistics: the dam wall is 1155m long and is 49.4m high. Its capacity is 154 million cubic metres and its total water area at full supply level is 1163ha. The dam has an earth embankment with a concrete spillway section. As a result of the topography of the area, with water storage in four large valleys, the total shoreline is an impressive 79km.

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November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




Avokado’s deur generasies heen

Dr Adalbert Henry Ernst, gebore in Ceylon (nou Sri Lanka) het in 1927 besluit om sy familie te hervestig in Suid-Afrika. Boerdery het in daardie dae bestaan uit sitrus, vee, houtplantasies en groente. Gedurende die 1960’s is sy seun Alex Henry “Chicot” Ernst gedwing om al die sitrus van kant te maak weens die besmetting met vergroeningsiekte. Dit was die begin van die avocado en piesang era in die Boerdery.

Dr André Ernst het met sy toetrede gedurende 1980 groot waarde kom toevoeg tot die familiebesigheid met die begin van die avokadokwekery, wat tot vandag toe ‘n wêreldleier is. Vandag boer sy seuns Edrean en Zander Ernst saam met hom.




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




Merensky’s founding father A conservation pioneer

Born in Botshabelo in 1871, Dr Hans Merensky became a legend in his time – a famous prospector and geologist, humanitarian, devotee of nature, afforestation and agriculture and a visionary. In a brilliant career of close on 50 years of active field work, Dr Merensky achieved an international reputation as an outstanding analytical geologist. His major discoveries of platinum, diamonds, chrome, gold and phosphate ores will long be remembered, and his conservation work left a legacy for today’s generations to appreciate. By establishing a Trust in 1949, Dr Merensky hoped to combine the two things dearest to him: first, the assured perpetuation of his work on Westfalia Estate’s agricultural, horticultural and forestry resources, so that the great strides he had made with water and soil conservation, the reclaiming and revitalisation of the soil, and the welfare of his staff, could be continued. Second, South Africans as a whole had to benefit half advert from the Merensky activities of thehor Trust, whichFMin supplement.ai 1973 became

the Hans Merensky Foundation. The Foundation was also to provide bursaries for the education and training of students, and grants and loans to individuals or institutions to carry out research in fields including forestry and agriculture. This was to be the heart of the Foundation – an instruction that the Trustees have carried out ever since. Dr Merensky died in October 1952. DID YOU KNOW? Dr Merensky became a pioneer in the growing of Eucalyptus saw timber in South Africa and firmly believed in local production on a long-rotation basis. His vision to develop a renewable resource of high-quality hardwood saw timber with Eucalyptus plantations has been realised in Merensky’s Hardwood operation at Northern Timbers in Politsi, Limpopo, which is considered a global pioneer in the management and silviculture of plantation-grown 1 2015/06/01 Eucalyptus lumber. 11:47 AM
















Toeka tot Nou

November 2018

A legacy left to Tzaneen Tzaneen is a sub-tropical town nestling at the foot of the Drakensberg range on the southern bank of the great Letaba River. Historian Professor Louis Changuion from Haenertsburg believes that Tzaneen was named after one of the local chiefs called Tzanene. Other towns around Tzaneen were also named after the area chiefs. Throughout the district the name Hans Merensky crops up. A trust, a waterfall, a dam, a nature reserve, a school and a country club all bear the name of Hans Merensky. Dr Hans Merensky (1871-1952) was internationally considered as one of the finest analytical geologists of all time and amongst his finds and mining developments were diamonds at Alexander Bay, platinum at Lydenburg, Rustenburg and Mokopane, gold in the Free State, chrome near Polokwane and the rich abundance of minerals at Phalaborwa. In addition he was a dedicated conservationist, farmer and great humanitarian. Westfalia Estate near Modjadjiskloof is part of the Merensky Trust and forms only a small portion of the enormous legacy left to South Africa by this remarkable man.

Until the early 1930s malaria was an extremely serious problem in the district and it was reported that the annual number of patients needing treatment for malaria averaged over 4000 at that time. Despite historical reference to Dr David Hugo Siegfried Annecke (18951955) as the man behind managing the effects of the disease in the area, it was actually a Dr Botha de Meillon who was responsible for establishing the Malaria Research Station at Tzaneen and doing all the initial work on the life cycle of the parasite. It was later named the Siegfried Annecke Research Institute, but it is de Meillon who is the real hero, and the man who hired Annecke to carry out the malaria control programme that was to bring the disease under control. The incidents of malaria decreased steadily and by 1966 there were no cases of malaria reported in the district.

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November 2018

Toeka tot Nou



The crowning of Carnation Queen The late Susie Lancefield, who died at Macadamia Retirement Village, was crowned Carnation Queen at the Tzaneen Town Hall Ball in 1947 at the age of 17. The late Mr Alan Duffus from Merkel Motors, who took the photograph, was the only photographer in Tzaneen in those days. The Town Hall was also the place where people went to spend an evening at the Town Hall Ball. The Town Hall, a big shed, was opposite the now FNB. Her aunt had entered her in the competition.


A lifetime spent finding African treasures

Lancefield says she wore a long light green evening dress. She smiled and said, “I’ve got knock knees, so wouldn’t have won if I’d worn a short dress. My mother, Mrs Lettie Alberts, made my outfit.” There were numerous carnation growers from Tzaneen to Polokwane. The carnation business died when carnations went out of fashion. Susie recalled that the Tzaneen main street was not tarred and often vehicles got stuck and chains had to be attached to the wheels.

Jürgen Witt (87) has a passion for vanishing and current African culture in the form of art. He houses the art at the little Tzaneen Museum on Agatha Street. The Museum was established in 1995 and Jürgen’s lifelong collection is on display. Mr Witt worked for the German Research Council in Johannesburg as a scientific assistant and with Professor Otto Fränzle from Kiel University in the field of archaeology, ethnology and early history. He has also penned publications for a museum in

Paris, France and the Linden Museum in Stuttgart, Germany. The Tzaneen Museum houses some 2, 000 ethnological artefacts from South African tribes as well other parts of Africa. It is regarded as one of the best museums in the country and deserves far greater recognition and resources. The veranda houses the Tsonga fairy tale figures. Each group tells a story and this keeps verbal literature alive. Jürgen has spent years recording these tales on tape and in writing.



Massive contribution to the art world Ina van Schalkwyk is one of the few recognised and prolific artists alive in South Africa. In peaceful surroundings, on her 29 hectare farm off the George’s Valley road, Ina spends at least seven hours a day painting in her well lit studio. She attributes her success to an inborn talent, tenacity, dedication and sheer hard work. Petite Ina, now in her mid-70s and still looking fabulous, moved to Tzaneen from Pretoria some 40 years ago. She was already a well known artist having held her first exhibition of District Six works at an art gallery in Pretoria in 1976. Then she held another successful wildlife art exhibition. A few years ago Ina was commissioned to paint an oil portrait of Princess Michael of Kent holding a cheetah. The Princess and her husband, Prince Michael, are patrons of the cheetah project at Kapama Lodge near Hoedspruit. Princess Michael is passionate about Africa. When her parents divorced, her mother went to live in Australia and her father bought a farm in Mozambique. She spent many happy holidays in Africa. Not only does Ina still produce masterpiece oils every month, she is also travelling throughout South Africa giving art lessons and sharing her wealth of artistic knowledge with her students.

Toeka tot Nou


November 2018



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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




A brief history of Haenertsburg The history of Haenertsburg began in 1887. A scroll, on the wall of the Iron Crown Pub & Bistro, depicts important dates that make up the rich historical tapestry of the area. The John Buchan Memorial, on the George’s Valley road near Ebenezer Dam, is testament to the famous Scottish writer later Lord Tweedsmuir. Buchan once resided in the Magoebaskloof and based his novel Prester John on the area. The Zeederberg family introduced stage coaches in 1891. The stage coach stopped for the horses to rest at the farm Traveller’s Rest that belonged to the late Ken Strang some 8 kms outside the village. There was a Haenertsburg Hotel in the village where travellers spent the night. The Hotel no longer exists and the stand is up for sale. Prior to the Zeederberg stage coaches the ox-wagon was the only form of transport. Zeederberg tried zebras but they lacked the necessary stamina. He used mules and horses until 1916 when trains and cars took over. The Haenertsburg pavements are wide to allow for ox-wagons to turn. The streets were named by land surveyor Mr Rissik. He also surveyed and named the streets of Johannesburg and Pretoria. A man of little imagination, he repeated the street names in Haenertsburg. Businesswoman, Linda Changuion, recreated the period when gold was discovered during the stage coach era. In Rissik Street she built an old-style mining complex called the Pennefather Gold Mining Company Ltd and the two Trading Posts, Never Despair and New Found Out. All three are named after mining companies that mined gold when Haenertsburg was founded. The Cottages in keeping with historic names are Karl Mauch, Ferdinand Haenert, Doel Zeederberg, Rider Haggard, Long Tom and Prester John. Haggard was a 19th century writer who based his novels largely on the area. Karl Mauch, a German geologist, and Ferdinand Haenert, a German prospector, came to

the area because of gold. In 1867 Mauch announced that he’d discovered two gold-bearing

came the foundation for the village name. Linda’s husband, historian

reefs. These early prospectors settled in Haenertsburg as it was cool enough to be free of mosquitoes and the dreaded fatal malaria disease. The gold didn’t last. Mauch returned to Germany and Haenert moved to Polokwane where he died years later. However, Haenert’s name be-

Professor Louis Changuion, was singularly responsible for bringing the village history to life. Author of many historic books, his best seller remains Silence of the Guns. It traces the history of the Long Tom guns that were used during the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902). The last Long




-1 018

Tom was destroyed at Rondebult on the Cheerio Road. Louis erected a war memorial at the arboretum in the village. Together with Linda, Louis created the museum in the Pennefather complex. Now, together with Haenertsburg Rotary, a tourist spot has been fashioned at Rondebult. The Magoebaskloof, regarded as one of the most dangerous passes in the country for motorists, is a deeply wooded pass between Haenertsburg and Tzaneen. It is named after Kgoshi (Chief) Makgoba, leader of the Tlou Tribe. A bronze bust of the King resides in the grounds of the Magoebaskloof Hotel. The grasslands from Haenertsburg to Tzaneen have all but disappeared. These were replaced by pine plantations and in the last few years big business has been buying up the Kloof farms to turn them into avocado plantations. Legends who have since passed were Ted Strever, the world’s first skyjacker, the 11th Duke of Atholl (John Murray) who commanded his own private army at Blair Atholl Castle in Scotland and astronomer Cyril Jackson who discovered 73 minor asteroids and gave them South African names like Letaba and Messina. Cyril built an observatory outside Haenertsburg in the early 1950’s and the ruins can still be seen today.




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


A master cabinet maker leaves his mark For almost half a century an Italian master cabinet maker produced furniture to grace hotels and private homes in the Haenertsburg area and beyond. Enrico Usseglio (85) fashioned a rosewood mantelpiece in the pub at the Magoebaskloof Hotel. The Hotel patio is home to Enrico’s water wheel. He furnished the pub at the Coach House Hotel in Agatha. He also made the bar counter at the hotel and camping ground that later became Stanford Lake College. Many of his comfortable chairs grace private homes. After a bad fall earlier this year, and losing the conďŹ dence to walk easily again, Enrico decided to return home to Italy this year. His farewell party at the Pot & Plow was so large that well wishers spilt out of every doorway.

Proudly part of the

MAZDA TZANEEN 26 Skirving Street, Tzaneen www.bbtzaneenmazda.co.za | FSP: 20848


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou

(Compiled in conjunction with historian Professor Louis Changuion) •

Tzaneen was named after one of the local chiefs called Tzanene. The town name does not mean fruit basket as was popularly believed.

Tzaneen was officially registered in the Government Gazette as a town in 1924. Hence the centenary is 2024. Tzaneen began as a village in 1919 but was only officially recognised in 1924. (This was refuted in the Tzaneen – 75 1919-1994 publication by Professor Changuion).

When the bronze bust of Makgoba was erected at the Magoebaskloof Hotel, the owner the late Guy Matthews asked Professor Louis Changuion for an inscription. In the process the inscription incorrectly labeled the bust as that of King Makgoba. He was, in fact, not a King but Kgoshi (Chief) Makgoba, leader of the Tlou Tribe.




First dedicated irradiator in the world Ron Lunt, who died recently at Macadamia Retirement Village in Tzaneen, was not just any farmer. With his academic background he went on to get involved in ground breaking projects. Ron’s grandparents hailed from Schleswig Holstein in Germany. His father was born in South Africa and he was born in Pretoria in February 1934. Lunt went to Pretoria Boys High School and then on to the University of Pretoria where he studied for his BSc in Geology and Chemistry. He began farming in the Tzaneen area and then had his major breakthrough. A university contemporary was looking for good quality fruit to research on irradiated foodstuff. This would slow down the ripening process. Ron got involved with the Atomic Energy Board. The Board wanted to get into the commercial application of irradiation. Lunt was appointed project manager. He designed the cheapest radiation plant, an open pool plant. The nuclear ramifications are for the intellectuals. Suffice to say the aim was to slow down the ripening of fruit thus offering a longer shelf life. The avocado cannot be irradiated as it breaks up. Ideal ‘subjects’ are strawberries, bananas and mangoes, as they have a shelf life. As project manager Ron started the first dedicated food irradiator in the world in the industrial area of Tzaneen. It was designed in Canada. Ron went on to design an irradiation plant in the industrial area of Cape Town that still works today. The Tzaneen plant was shut down due to the drought all

those years ago. He then designed a plant for Robertson Spices in Durban. That plant is also still running today. He also designed the Atchar factory in Nkowankowa. Ron and his wife retired to the farm Koppie Alleen outside Haenertsburg in 2000. The cold of the area made them rethink and they moved to Tzaneen.




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018

Mediclinic Tzaneen Mediclinic Tzaneen has just celebrated its fifteenth birthday and would like to congratulate its great grandfather, the town of Tzaneen, with its centenary. Mediclinic Tzaneen might still be but a mere teenager, but these first fifteen years have felt like a century! Mediclinic Tzaneen was born in 2003 after a long and difficult labour, including a 6 year long legal process of obtaining a licence to open a hospital and an 18 months process of planning and construction. It opened its doors in October 2003 to a 63 bed hospital with 2 operating theatres, no Intensive Care Unit, a Casualty Department manned by part time doctors and supported by 20 General Practitioners and one Gynaecologist. As they do, the infant soon grew into a busy toddler with a number of specialists joining the hospital and a series of two different expansions to the hospital. Mediclinic Tzaneen is now a fully functional multi-disciplinary hospital with 131 beds, 4 operating theatres, a 10 bed Intensive Care Unit, a 6 bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and an Emergency Centre manned 24 hours by an emergency doctor. Specialities include General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Ear-nose-and-throat Surgery,

Anaesthesiology, Psychiatry and Oncology, supported by 3 pathology laboratories and a state of the art Radiology practice. Like most, if not all teenagers, Mediclinic Tzaneen has realised that it has a pimple here and there and has shown a bit of disproportionate growth in a few places and is therefore planning a few improvements and expansions for the near future, pending licencing approval by the Limpopo Department of Health which is eagerly awaited. We are planning to expand to a 180 bed hospital with six theatres and need to increase beds in the Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, with consulting rooms for specialists and a 20 bed day ward. This project will also include an upgrade of the existing hospital and an enlargement of the Emergency Centre. We are ready to grow into an adult, just awaiting approval of our licence. Mediclinic Tzaneen has also recently recruited another four specialists who will be joining us during November 2018 in Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedic Surgery and Internal Medicine. Mediclinic Tzaneen is grateful for the support of our community and pledge that it will remain in the forefront of health care services for our community.

Geen dorp kan sonder mediese praktyke en apteke wees nie, dus het apteke ook van die vroegste tye in Tzaneen geopen. Die eerste eienaar van die Tzaneen Apteek was mnr André Ingram. Hy het van Johannesburg gekom en het in 1926 as apteker geregistreer. Hy open die apteek op 1 Januarie 1936. Die apteek is vandag nog op dieselfde plek. In 1939 het mnr Claude Wheatley die apteek gekoop. Wheatley het aansienlike uitbreiding aangebring. Hy het die bestaande apteek-geboutjie tot op die grond laat afbreek en die eerste dubbelverdieping gebou in the Laeveld opgerig. Tzaneen Apteek het beslis nie toevallig deur die jare bly voortbestaan nie. Die sukses van hierdie apteek en die oorlewing deur dikwels moeilike ekonomiese toestande landwyd, is toe te skryf aan die goeie sakesin en ondernemingsgees van die verskillende eienaars deur die jare. Gedurende 1952 het mnr Ronnie van den Berg die apteek by

Wheatley gekoop. Van den Berg lei in die tyd wat hy die apteek besit het, twee kwekelinge op, naamlik mnre John Warmenhoven en Jannie Kapp. Warmenhoven begin sy vakleerlingskap op 2 Januarie 1952 en op 1 Julie 1960 tree hy in vennootskap met Van den Berg. Op 1 Maart 1966 het hy al die aandele van Van den Berg oorgeneem en die alleeneienaar van die Tzaneen Apteek geword.

Tzaneen Apteek is die oudste besigheid in Tzaneen wat nog op sy oorspronklike standplaas sake doen. Inderdaad ‘n merkwaardigheid.


Future plan after extension


Extension 2010


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November 2018

Toeka tot Nou





Van Velden Hospital: The birth dae uit vervloeë 8

28 Maart 2014


Nuus uit vervloeë dae

In 1920 there was an existing hospital on Tza- in the Legal Department in the Smuts Governneen Estate (Krabbefontein) nine kilometers ment. He also became the chairman of the Cenneen het sothe ‘n new intereshy besluit die Board. besigheid te verkoop en die awaynet from Tzaneenhet Township. Al- om tral Land though at omgewing. the time it was not After his retirement he die bought a piece the ie dorp en die voortbestaan van die “Zeederberg” isbesigheid kort geknip. Die koerantwese in Tzaneen hetcontemplated net so ‘n intereshet hy besluit om teofverkoop en die that this hospital should bedorp moved the farm Broederstroom Drift Tzaneen (what sante geskiedenis soosmet die die omgewing. voortbestaan van dienear “Zeederberg” is kort geknip. rie 1959 kon Tzaneen Inen to die 6new November 1959-uitgawe van die Impala township, the then district surgeon, DrTzaneen Hoare, met is Lushof he started farming. Both Reeds sedert 15 Januarie 1959 kon In today) die 6 where November 1959-uitgawe van die Impala was ‘nhegetikte berig vanTzaneen Makoma, dogter suggested that some erven should be reserved and his wife loved and van wanted to sy eie gratis was ‘n getikte berig Makoma, dogter for a future hospital, when an extention to the do something for the district. The couple, being van die ontslape Koniging Modjadji 111 koerant spog, van die ontslape Koniging Modjadji 111 new township would be planned. childless, drew up a will to the effect that on die “Impala”. wat amptelikModjadji as Opperhoof 1V op wat amptelik as Opperhoof 1VModjadji op Boere van die omgewing en ander lede van aangesien die stoep as ‘n kroeg gebruik is. When in 1921 land for the first extension of the last spouse’s death everything must be sold Dit is destyds 22 Oktober 1959 ingehuldig is. 22 Oktober 1959 ingehuldig is. die publiek het geld geskenk vir die huur ‘n Paar jaar later is daar ‘n groter kamer met Tzaneen was being surveyed, the surveyor, Mr and the proceeds (or part of it) must go to the deur mnr RonIn ‘n ander inskrywing word ‘n 1958 van ‘n kamer vir ‘n biblioteek in die eerste meer rakke beskikbaar gestel. Gracy, reserved six erven for a future hospital establishment of a hospital inword Tzaneen.‘n 1958 In ‘n ander inskrywing nie van der of the district surgeon. When Chevrolet LAW, amet 18auction 000 myl vir £750 Toe die beampte van Binnelandse Sake dorpsraad se kantore. Die eerste biblioteek and the residence After Ms Van Velden’s death large LAW, verkoop, metfarm 18which 000as became myl vir £750 vanen die enen ander jaar later is daar groter kamerlandmet Berg begin was proclaimed in 1924Chevrolet wat ‘n winskoop beskou is. isPerin 1946Boere geopen is omgewing georganiseer be- lede se kantoor geskuif het‘nna die nuwe the first extension these was held on the the sale van die publiek het geld geskenk vir meer rakke beskikbaar gestel. Boere van die omgewing en ander lede jaar later is daar ‘n groter kamer met en in daardie desport, hengelnuus en forel vang was deel verkoop, wat as ‘n winskoop beskou is. Perheer deur ‘n kommitee bestaande uit Spike droskantoor, het die biblioteek na twee seven erven were registered in the name of the of the year. First the farm was sold, which was die huurTrosky, van ‘n kamer vir ‘n biblioteek Toe die beampte van binnelandse stadium was Committee, which was van die nuus. Die koerantjie is propvol invan die publiek het geld geskenk vir meer rakke beskikbaar gestel. kamers aan die regterkant van die dorpsaal Barry, Gilliland, Len Dekenah en Tzaneen Health the considered valuable due to its proximity to desport, hengelnuus en forel vang was deel in die eerste dorpsraad se kantore. Die sakeDie se kantoor geskuif het na die nuwe Tzaneen teressante van Awie Wessels. geskuif. kantore is later verforerunnerwaarto the Tzaneen Village Council. Re- Tzaneen. It could also be subdivided and sold nuus die huur van biblioteek ‘n kameris in vir1946 ‘n biblioteek Toe munisipale die beampte van binnelandse van die nuus. Die koerantjie is propvol ineerste is landdroskantoor, het die biblioteek na skynlik een babas se geboortes, na die TPA -gebou regoor die huidige Die persone het beurte gemaak omgeopen boeke enskuif searching the records of these erven, it seems as plots, as it eventually turned out. After that in die eerste dorpsraad se kantore. Die sake se kantoor geskuif het na die nuwe georganiseer en beheer deur ‘n komitee twee kamers aan die regterkant van nuus van te reik. Heelwat later was me Marie van polisiestasie in Danie Joubertstraat. Die van die of kleininbrake, the idea establishing a hospital in Tzaneen the furniture was sold,teressante including valuable an- reënvaluiten bestaande uitinLaws Spike Barry, Gilliland, die dorpsaal geskuif. Diehuidige munisipale eerste biblioteek is 1946 geopen en is landdroskantoor, het die biblioteek na biblioteek was hier totdat die muder Steen en mnr Tony ook betrokke fell by the wayside on all day iteksamenkoors. is still ste dorpe in as the seven erven were sold tiques. The sale went babas Dit se and geboortes, Trosky,en Len Dekenah en isAwie Wessels. kantore is later na regterkant die TPA by die biblioteek. Heelwat boeke aan die nisipale kantore gebouverskuif is. georganiseer beheer deur ‘n komitee twee kamers aan die van by the healthwat committee in the early 1930’s. Two talked about to this day. die land was ook die jaar inbrake, reënval en Die persone het beurte gemaak omVolgens -gebou regoor die“Impala” huidige ispolisiestasie die koerant die eerste biblioteek geskenk. weresysold the Pretoria Dioscesson Trustees At that time hospitals were controlled wat and produksiue admet eie to koevan bestaande uituit Spike Barry, later Gilliland, die dorpsaal geskuif. Die munisipale boeke tein reik. Heelwat was me in Danie Joubertstraat. Die biblioteek eksamenkoors. Dit Die biblioteek was ‘n aantrekkamer op boeke in 1962 van die TPA se biblioteekdiens (new Anglican church), one transferred to the ministered by the Transvaal Provincial Adminrant kon spog. Fanta-koeldrank Trosky, Len Dekenah en Awie Wessels. kantore is later verskuif na die TPA Marie van Steen en Tony Laws was hier totdat huidigeboekwa. munisipale die verhoog van dieder dorpsaal (oumnr Checkers ontvang, danksy diedie mobiele In government was jaar the wasin Nelspruit ook die Die Impala for is a residence for the postmaster istration. Mr Rob Ferreira begin het. ook betrokke by die biblioteek. Heelwat kantore gebou is. Die persone hetMotors). beurte -gebou regoor diedie huidige polisiestasie dié tyd was mnr B Fouché streekbibli— in regoor Northern Die gemaak biblioteka- om and1968 four aan to other MPC of Hospitals. Mr Claude Wheatley, in ‘n Tzaneen residents. Diewas koerant is wat produksiue van boeke is aan die biblioteek Volgens die koerant “Impala” is die resse moes opreik. die verhoog staan engeskenk. boeke otekaris van Noord-Transvaal. WeensDie swak That Duiwelskloof, in 1922, had opened an then Tzaneen’s mayor and he was also a memboeke uit te Heelwat later was me in Danie Joubertstraat. biblioteek ander bekende Julie 1979 deur mnr Die biblioteek was in ‘n‘naantrekkamer eerste boeke in 1962 probleme van die het TPA Fanta-koeldrank grondpaaie en meganiese uitreik. Die biblioteek ure was op Dinsdag eight-bed hospital could have been the reason ber of the Board of Shiluvane Hospital. He thus Marie van der Steen en mnr Tony Laws was hier totdat die huidige munisipale inwoner van Piet Snyman geoptot die12:00, verhoog van dievan dorpsaal se biblioteekdiens ontvang, danksy van 10:00 Donderdag 15:00 (ou die boekwa ook nie altyd betyds aangekom not to proceed with one in Tzaneen. It was knew the workings ofbegin the administration het. koopand die dorp, mnr en die ook naam betrokke by die biblioteek. Heelwat kantore gebou is. Checkers — regoor Northern Ford). Die die mobiele boekwa. Indie dié tyd Van was tot 17:00 en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 12:00. nie. Boeke is ook ontvang van vorige nearly forty years later that Tzaneen possessed he went to see Ferreira to try to get the hospital Die koerant is in Theo Senekal, Die 6 Mei 1966 uitgawe is verander na Letbibliotekaresse moes op die verhoog mnr B Fouche die streekbibliotekaris boeke is aan die biblioteek geskenk. koerant “Impala” is die Landgoed die en ene mnr Berman se Die bibliotekaresse se salaris was £3 per VeldenVolgens its own hospital — the Van Velden Memorial built. Wheatley left that meeting with the novan Noord-Transvaal. Weens met swak staan enis boeke uitreik. Die biblioteekverkoop. abamnr Herald. In 1983 van die Impala. Julie 1979 deur plaas. Die nuwe standaardbiblioteek ‘n die TPA maand. Wessels genader vir ‘n verhoging Hospital. Onder tion that the building of a hospital in Tzaneen Die biblioteek was in ‘n aantrekkamer eerste boeke in 1962 van urestadsklerk, was op ‘nmnr Dinsdag vanis10:00 tot grondpaaie en probleme syAtbestuur weens na die £5. Die Ted dorpsaal King, ge- (ou vloeroppervlakte van meganiese 1 019 vierkante meter danksy present het there is little known about Van was not going to be such an easy matthet er asSnyman he Piet Snyman geop verhoog van die se die biblioteekdiens ontvang, 12:00, Donderdag van 15:00 tot 17:00 het boekwa ook nie altyd betyds die koerant van krag tot krag gegroei gesondheidsredes nader om ‘n groter lokaal beskikbaar te stel. is teen ‘n koste van R1,7 miljoen gebou en Velden and his wife. Both were born in Hol- thought and events proved him right. Province koop en die the naam Saterdag van tot en12:00. nie. inBoeke is ook ontvang Checkers —toe regoor Ford). Die die mobiele boekwa. In dié totdat hy in besluit het om meer Dirk kept stalling and excuses is in aangekom Augustus 1990 gebruik geneem. Die tyd was Die spensenis gebruikNorthern as die 09:00 biblioteek land, his full1974 name and title wasnie colonel kept coming,besluit lastom dit weer bibliotekaresse se die salaris was £3 van Van Landgoed en na Letbibliotekaresse moes verhoog mnr Bvorige Fouche dieDirekteur: streekbibliotekaris ‘n koerant uit gee nie. aanhosdie Laevelderdie stoepDie as die plek waar op boeke uitgereik gebou isdie amptelik deurVelden die BibOvergauw vanteVelden. He was employed in the one was that they hadis noverander staff for a new Mei 1966 uitgawe per daar maand. Wessels is genader vir lioteek‘n eneen mnr Berman se plaas. Dieselfde jaar het die Laevelder-groep groep terug te Museumdiens, me BS Hansen, op is. Wanneer ‘n dans of konsert in die Legal Department of the Netherlands Governpital. But at last the hospital was built and on staan enverhoging boeke na uitreik. Die biblioteek- van Noord-Transvaal. Weens swak aba Herald. In 1983 n die Impala. £5. Die nuwe met ‘n saal was, moes die biblioteek Saterdae sluit, 19 Oktober 1990standaardbiblioteek geopen. van onder die Dutch bestuur van verkoop, inwas mentNelspruit, in Batavia in the then East Indies. 14 February 1964 the Van Velden Hospital was maar ure op ‘n Dinsdagmnr vanTed 10:00 grondpaaie en probleme het Snyman weens Die stadsklerk, King,tot is vloeroppervlakte van meganiese 1 019 vierkante AfterJan hisCilliers, resignation, he and hisnuwe wife immigratofficially opened by the Administrator1985 of the mnr besluit om ‘n koehet hy weer genader om ‘nvan groter lokaaltot beskikbaar is teen ‘n koste van 12:00, Donderdag 15:00 17:00 meter het die boekwa ookR1,7 niemiljoen altyd betyds ot krag gegroei gesondheidsredes ed to South Africatewhere he In worked for a while Transvaal, Mr FH Odendaal. rant in Tzaneen begin. September die koerant van die te stel. Die spens is toe gebruik as die gebou en is in Augustus 1990 inisgebruik en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 12:00. aangekom nie. Boeke ook ontvang dieselfde jaar het die eerste uitgawe van Die 6 November 1959 uitgawe Laevelder-groep het om nie meer besluit om dit weer van die biblioteek en die stoep as die plek waar geneem. Die bibliotekaresse vorige Van Velden en die Letaba Laevelder op straat verskyn. gekoop. Impala. aan die Laevelderboeke uitgereikseis. salaris Wanneerwas daar£3 ‘n van Die die gebou is amptelik deurLandgoed die In 1976 het Senekal se hande egter — Uitreksel uitmaand. per Wessels is genader vir ‘n ene mnr Berman se plaas. dans of konsert in die saal was, moes direkteur: biblioteeken museumdiens, Laevelder-groep groep terug te begin jeuk en hy het ‘n sukkelende “Zeederberg” die boek Tzaneen-75 (1919-1994) deur verhoging Louis die biblioteek BS nuwe Hansen,standaardbiblioteek op 19 Oktober 1990 met ‘n £5. Saterdae sluit, aangesien meDie die bestuur van verkoop, maar inChanguion. diena oorgeneem en op meer vaste voete geplaas. In 1978 stoep as ‘nmnr kroeg gebruik is. ‘n Paar Die stadsklerk, Ted King, is geopen. vloeroppervlakte van 1 019 vierkante

eerste biblioteek biblioteek DieDie eerste


om ‘n nuwe koe1985 het hy weer genader om ‘n groter lokaal beskikbaar n. In September die koerant van die te stel. Die spens is toe gebruik as die rste uitgawe van Die 6 November 1959 uitgawe van die Laevelder-groep biblioteek en die stoep as die plek waar straat verskyn. gekoop. Impala. boeke uitgereik is. Wanneer daar ‘n se hande egter — Uitreksel uit dans of konsert in die saal was, moes DYNAMIC CHRIST-CENTERED EDUCATION FOR sukkelende “Zeederberg” die boek Tzaneen-75 (1919-1994) deur Louis die biblioteek CHRISTIAN FAMILIES WHO ARE SEEKING A STRONGSaterdae sluit, aangesien vaste voete geplaas. In 1978 Changuion. die stoep as ‘n kroeg is.Word ‘n Paar CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION FOR THEIR CHILDREN Destinedgebruik to win through the

Christian School

Raising Students with Christ - Centered Values Zwariri Drive | Modjadjiskloof | 0835 | (015) 309 9792 | email: admin@tkcschool.co.za Member school of The Association of Christian Schools South Africa. SOUTHERN AFRI C A

Independent Examination board exams offering high quality university preparation. Destined to win through the Word

meter is teen ‘n koste van R1,7 miljoen gebou en is in Augustus 1990 in gebruik geneem. Die gebou is amptelik deur die direkteur: biblioteek- en museumdiens, me BS Hansen, op 19 Oktober 1990 geopen.




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


The heartbreak Hotel of Tzaneen The Tzaneen Hotel was the heart of the town. Everything grew and radiated from a little shop owned by a Mr Lloyd and a small shack or house of sorts that was referred to as a hotel and pub that was built by Mr Hirchfield. Ex Sgt George Morgan resigned from the SA Constabulary in 1907 and became the proud owner of the hotel, not far from the Letaba River Drift. With the establishment of the Tzaneen station, improvements were made to the buildings. A single storey building was built with a verandah around it and the words hotel painted on the roof. Rows of rooms and a few rondavels were built behind the main building. At the side of the main hotel building, he later built a hall in which dances and other functions were held, until he later installed a projector and permanent seating for Tzaneen’s first bioscope. The hall also had a stage where, in later days, amateur productions were staged by Mr Kriek, Ms Dilly and Mr Bevil Granville, who was considered to be an electrician of sorts. Many a time when the lights went out Granville, dressed in his costume, had to coax the small engines back to live. Ms Maude Meese managed the hotel. All the baking and most of the

cooking was done by Mrs Smalberger at her boarding house. She also did all the laundry for the hotel. Morgan died in 1936. After considerable negotiations and with the approval of the Supreme Court, Celia (his first wife) bought the hotel from the estate. She borrowed money to renovate it and a double storey and a large new dining room to the north side were added. Through hard work, the help of her second husband, Mr Peter Gregg, and financial backing of her friend. Gregg made an immense success of the hotel. Its reputation spread far and wide. The hotel became the social centre of the district. Gregg took charge of running the bar and bottle store and Sgt Snyman assisted him. During the war, Peter was called up to serve in the forces leaving a heavy burden on Celia, who suffered a slight stroke which left the side of her face slightly affected. This made her decide to sell the hotel in 1944 for £45 000. She died in 1974. The hotel was bought by Mr Charlie Malan and his wife Patsy, who ran it for a few years. The rooms on the second floor were divided by double hard-board, filled with wood shavings. Charlie sold the hotel to Mr Pat Venables in 1955. He had the hotel demolished and a modern three storey building built in its place. When it was completed, Venables gave a lavish ball to celebrate its opening. Proceeds were donated to Ms Ida Dilly in aid of the new hospital.


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




ZZ2 skep waarde vir alle landsburgers

“ZZ2 wil die maatstaf van sukses in landbou wees, wat as ‘n lewende, oop sisteem, volhoubare waarde vir al sy belanghebbers skep.” -ZZ2 se Inspirasie. Die ZZ2-handelsnaam word gebruik om die uitgebreide landboubedrywighede van Bertie van Zyl (Edms) Bpk, wat sy ontstaan 110 jaar gelede in die Mooketsi-vallei in Limpopo gehad het, te omskryf. Vandag bestaan die ZZ2 Groep uit ’n konglomoraat van maatskappye en bedrywighede wat landwyd en in Namibië werksaam is. Die handelsnaam het oor dekades heen bekend geword vir die verbouing van tamaties, maar uitbreidings op hoëwaardeprodukte soos avokado’s, kersies, bloubessies en amandels word toenemend onderneem. ZZ2 verbou ook uie, appels en pere in die Wes-Kaap. Dadels word in die suide van Namibië verbou. ZZ2 se werksmag van nagenoeg 9000 mense is multi-kultureel waar produksie- en pakhuispanne en die bemarkingspan skouer aan skouer met spesialiste soos landboukundiges, ingenieurs en ambagsmanne werk. Die

maatskappy word deur ‘n geïntegreerde menslike hulpbronne-departement ondersteun wat opleiding, beroepsontwikkeling, administrasie, kleuterskole, klinieke, behuising en vervoer van werknemers bestuur. ‘n Span rekenmeesters, inligtingstegnoloë, finansiële en administratiewe personeel gee ondersteuning aan die operasionele en korporatiewe bestuur van die groep. Agt tegnologies-gevorderde pakhuise met verkoelingsisteme word bedryf om aan kliënte se behoeftes nasionaal en internasionaal te voldoen. In die laaste twee dekades het ZZ2 vennootskappe aangegaan met plaaslike en internasionale organisasies en sakelui wat waarde toe-voeg het tot die interne omsetters van produksie, verpakking en bemarking. ZZ2 het aandeelhouding in ‘n internasionale saailingkwekery, ‘n aanlyn-varsprodukte-verhandelingsplatform, ‘n distribusiedepot vir vars produkte, produksie van biologiese kompos en ‘n biologiese insek- en plantbeskermingslaboratorium. Ander vennootskappe sluit in die dadelplaas in Namibië, ‘n vennootskap om avokado- en

makadamia-aanplantings uit te brei, leiding en ondersteuning van trustgronde, kersiegenetika en ‘n plantweefselkultuurlaboratorium.

Van Kaapse tuine tot Laeveld-plaas

(1700-1960) ZZ2 is deur die Van Zyl-familie opgebou tot ‘n leidende sakeonderneming in Suid-Afrika en internasionaal. Die strewe na onafhanklikheid en ‘n passie vir boerdery kom ‘n lang pad in die Van Zyl-familie. In 1702 het Willem, die Van Zyl-voorvader, as tuinier vir die Nederlandse Oos-Indiese Kompanje in die Kaap van Goede Hoop gewerk. Hy het sy werk verloor weens weerspannigheid en sy eie plaas in Franschhoek gekoop. Die afstammelinge van Willem het die Kaap verlaat en geleidelik noordwaarts getrek totdat hul hulself rondom 1880 in die gebied oos van Polokwane gevestig het. Die tydperk na die Anglo-Boereoorlog was moeilik vir die Van Zyls. Hulle het hul plaas verloor en het as bywoners gewoon en as arbeiders die treinspoor gebou wat Polokwane en

die Ooskus van Afrika sou verbind. In 1908 het hulle verder oos getrek na die Mooketsi-gebied. Hulle het eers ‘n gedeelte van die plaas Boekenhoutbult gekoop en mettertyd die hele plaas. Na die Anglo-Boereoorlog het die regering van die dag vereis boere moet ‘n brandmerk vir hul beeste registreer. Die merk, ZZ2, is aan die Van Zyl-familie toegeken, vandaar die handelsnaam wat tot vandag toe gebruik word. Burt van Zyl is in 1923 oorlede en sy seun Flip het saam met Flip se seun, Jimmy, met aartappels geboer. Die voltooiing van die spoorlyn het bygedra om hul produkte te kon versprei. Op die aartappelsakke was die handelsmerk, ZZ2, in rooi met die brandyster aangebring.

Van Laeveld-plaas tot familie-onderneming (1961-1989)

Bertie van Zyl is in 1932 gebore. Hy het op 16-jarige ouderdom skool verlaat en begin boer weens sy pa se swak gesondheid. Bertie het gou agtergekom dat sy buurman meer geld as hy maak deur tamaties te plant. In 1953 het hy sy


eerste suksesvolle tamaties ge-oes. In 1961 het hy Boekenhoutbult by sy pa gekoop en sy uitstekende sakesin, geloof in homself en vermoë om met werknemers te kommunikeer het hom goed te staan gekom. In 1965 is die privaatmaatskappy, Bertie van Zyl (Edms) Bpk, geregistreer. Die boerdery het vinnig gegroei en in 1967 het hy sy jonger broer, Flip, in die besigheid met aandeelhouding ingebring, effektiewelik die begin van die ZZ2-familieonderneming. In die 1960’s is met vee begin boer en in 1981 is die eerste 50ha avokado’s geplant. Met tamaties is daar op ekonomie van skaal geboer en die eerste plase nader aan Polokwane is in 1969 gekoop. Twee jaar later is 1 miljoen kassies tamaties vir die eerste keer gepak. Die laat 70’s en begin tagtigerjare is uitgebreide studietoere na Israel, Nederland, Duitsland, Oostenryk en die VSA onderneem. Dié eksterne invloede het tot verbeterde en gevorderde praktyke en tegnologie gelei. Baie aandag is aan waterbestuur gegee, die kritiese komponent van ZZ2 se strewe om volhoubaar te boer. In 1980 het die maatskappy sy eerste direksie aangestel om die korporatiewe beheer te verbeter. Vier jaar later het ZZ2 42 000 ton tamaties, 1 500 ton aartappels en 200 ton avokado’s verhandel. Die toename in produksie het ZZ2 genoop om hul eie vervoerafdeling te begin wat tot ‘n vloot van 65 vragmotors uitgebou is. Teen die tyd het ZZ2 reeds 3000 mense in diens gehad, insluitende ‘n aantal professionele spesialiste.

Beskerming en bou van die onderneming (1989-2000)

In die vroeë 1990’s het ZZ2 na Ceres in die Wes-Kaap uitgebrei waar appels, pere en uie vandag verbou word. Die plase word as ZZ2 Ceres bestuur. In dieselfde tydperk is ook nog plase in Limpopo bekom. In die middel 1990’s is ‘n afgetrede professor in filosofie, prof. Freek Engelbrecht, as adviseur by ZZ2 aangestel. Hy het die oop, lewende sisteem-denke aan ZZ2 voorgestel wat as sakefilosofie aanvaar is. Dit verskuif klem vanaf korttermyn winste vir aandeelhouers na waardeskepping op die langer termyn vir alle belanghebbers. Die filosofie leen hom goed vir boerderye weens die afhanklikheid van die natuur se siklusse.

Die laat 1990’s en vroeë 2000 was uitdagend vir ZZ2. Nie net het Bertie se gesondheid ‘n terugslag gekry nie, maar ZZ2 het ook onder onredelike druk gekom vanaf afvallige ANC politici, iets wat later deur die premier van Limpopo en Nelson Mandela se ingryping opgelos is. Nog ‘n ramp het ZZ2 getref toe vloede die Laeveld getref het en al die damme weggespoel het wat noodsaaklik was vir tamatieproduksie. Om te betaal vir die herstel is die grootste deel van ZZ2 se beeskudde verkoop. Met die draai van die eeu (2000) – het ZZ2 gegroei vanaf ‘n gemiddelde landbouonderneming tot ‘n super-familiebesigheid. Hierdie groei was te wyte aan Bertie se lewensuitkyk en deursettingsvermoë. Teen dié tyd het ZZ2 110 000 ton tamaties, 20 000 ton uie en 10 000 ton apples en pere en 2000 ton avokado’s verhandel.

Van ’n grootskaalse landbouonderneming tot ‘n geïntegreerde oop sisteem organisasie wat as ZZ2 bekend staan

Vanuit ‘n korporatiewe bestuursoogpunt het die draaipunt in ZZ2 se geskiedenis van ‘n familieonderneming na ‘n familie-sakesisteem in 2001 gekom. Tommie van Zyl is as hoofuitvoerende beampte bevestig en ‘n geoktrooieerde rekenmeester, WE Johnson, is as voorsitter van die direksie aangestel. Moderne landboupraktyke soos wat onder andere in Mexico en Israel bestudeer is, is toenemend in gebruik geneem. In die eerste dekade van die nuwe millennium is ZZ2 se bestuurspanne geïntegreer om die oop sisteem te omarm. Hoogs bekwame senior bestuurders is aangestel om die drie generasies van die Van Zyl-familie te ondersteun. Die ontwikkeling van die konsep van Natuurboerdery is ook ontwikkel. Die gebruik van plantbeskerming en -voeding het op biologies-gebaseerde produkte begin fokus. Internasionale navorsing is gebruik om dit te vestig wat tot verhoogde produksie en verbeterde boerderypraktyke gelei het. Bertie is in 2005 oorlede. Hy het in sy huis op die plaas Boekenhoutbult gebly tot en met sy dood. Die oop, lewende sisteem is deur Tommie uitgebrei deur die aanstelling van sisteemfilosowe Erik en Dieter



Holm (albei afgetrede professore) op die direksie. In 2013 het Johan Koorts as voorsitter oorgeneem en die topbestuur is geleidelik in ‘n horisontale interaktiewe span geïntegreer. ZZ2 glo in die natuurlike markkragte van vraag en aanbod wat op die nasionale varsproduktemarkte bepaal word. Met die kliënt se behoeftes wat altyd eerste in ag geneem word, word waarde toegevoeg deur middel van kwaliteitversekering; verpakking en verspreiding na die markte en supermarkte. Die klassieke ronde tamatie is steeds ZZ2 se grootste produk. Ander produkte is spesialiteitstamaties, avokado’s, uie, appels, pere, dadels, kersies, amandels, mangos en bloubessies. Tans verhandel ZZ2 166 000 ton van die klassieke ronde tamaties en 10 000 ton spesialiteitstamaties. Avokadoproduksie sal vanjaar meer as 12 000 ton beloop en groei elke jaar eksponensieel. 85% van die avokado-oes word uitgevoer, meestal na Europa. Ander produkte is 13 000 ton uie, 8 000 ton sagtevrugte wat ook meestal vir uitvoer bestem is, terwyl dadels, kersies,

amandels en bloubessies ook in produksie is. In totaal, word 209 000 ton vars produkte tans jaarliks gepak en bemark wat ZZ2 een van die grootste ondernemings nasionaal en internasionaal maak.

Toeka tot Nou

November 2018



November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




The woman behind the elegant era of the Imp Inn Audrey Rea Pharoah, who died recently at Macadamia Frail Care Centre, will be remembered as the boss of the Imp Inn in Modjadjiskloof. Audrey was born in Armagh in Northern Ireland in 1927 and arrived in South Africa with her parents at the age of ten. She and her first husband moved to Tzaneen in 1965 and bought a small orange farm at Broederstroomdrift. They sold the farm and her husband was offered the post of manager at the Duiwelskloof Hotel which later became known as Imp Inn in Modjadjiskloof. When her husband died at the age of 55 in 1979, Audrey took control of Imp Inn. The women would come to Audrey and sit in their candlewick dressing gowns waiting for their husbands. The pub was only for men initially. Often Audrey would send errant husbands home and she learnt a good few swear words from the men in that pub.The Imp Inn became renowned for its old hotel full menus. Audrey was a strong but compassionate woman and drew people to the 20-roomed Imp Inn. She gave half of all her earnings to charities such as Boys’ Town and the Salvation Army. No matter until what time she ran the pub on a Saturday night, she would always be in Church on Sundays to play the organ for any religious denomination. She met her second husband, Brigadier General Stanley Pharoah, who had been an

air force pilot during the war. The couple married in 1991 and they lived in his home in Panorama, Modjadjiskloof. The Imp Inn changed hands and Audrey stopped work when she remarried. When her husband died she moved to Macadamia Retirement Village in 2004.

Hoërskool 1936

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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


89 Jaar Tzaneen se trots Joubert & May geniet die groot eer om nie slegs die Kaap. In 2009 sluit Desire-Lee Ernst by die die oudste regspraktyk in Tzaneen te wees nie, firma aan en word sy in 2018 ‘n vennoot van die maar om inderdaad die oudste oorlewende firma. In 2014 sluit Daneel Retief aan by die firsakeonderneming in die dorp te wees. Vandaar ma. Van Aswegen tree in 2015 af. In 2016 sluit dat Joubert & May reeds ʼn huishoudelike naam Lunghile Mayimele by die firma aan. in die dorp en omgewing is. JOUBERT & MAY VANDAG – Joubert & May GESKIEDENIS - Danie Joubert begin in 1929 lewer die afgelope 89 jaar ‘n diens van uitsonin Tzaneen praktiseer. derlike kwaliteit in alle Kort hierna het Kaptein velde van die reg, wat Frank May by hom aangonder meer insluit famesluit en is Joubert & May iliereg, strafreg, komin 1929 gevestig. May, ‘n mersiële reg, eiendomskaptein in die destydse transaksies, grondeise Louis Botha-regiment veg en waterregte. J&M is in die Tweede Wêreldoortrots op die firma se log en sneuwel in 1942. Sy kundigheid op alle graf is deur sy dogter in vlakke wat hul in staat Italië gevind in 1977. stel om goeie, doeltrefIn 1953 sluit Frik van der fende kliënte-diens en Vyver aan by Joubert. Hy advies te gee. Die firma was onder meer lank lid dien op die paneel van van die stadsraad en ook verskeie kommersiële vir een jaar burgermeester banke. Die firma word van Tzaneen. Op 9 Julie ook geassosieer met 1959 sterf Joubert toe hy baie van die groot en in Mosambiek verdrink gevestigde besighede in het. Hein Kruger sluit in die Tzaneen omgewing. Januarie 1960 by die firma J&M se erfenis, indrukaan. Op 1 November 1970 wekkende geskiedenis het Ras Brits hom by die en ‘n kliënte lys wat Wyle Frank May praktyk aangesluit. In 1974 wissel van die grootste verlaat Kruger die praktyk toe hy verkies is as bankgroepe en boerderye tot die man op die lid van die eerstydse Provinsiale Raad. straat, getuig van die firma se vlak van diens Op 1 Julie 1986 het Aldo Rech by die praktyk en aandag aan die behoeftes van elke kliënt. aangesluit. Rech is steeds die senior vennoot Joubert & May is trots op die feit dat hulle BEE van die firma. Op 13 Julie 1995 is Van der Vyver gesertifiseerd is. Die firma is ook ‘n agent vir na ʼn kort siekbed oorlede. In 1995 het René van Legal Wise. Aswegen by hom aangesluit en ook mettertyd Hierdie jaar het Joubert en May begin met ʼn vennoot geword. “rebranding” om hul unieke identiteit, asook In 1998 het Johan Jacobsz by Joubert & May hul innoverende en geïntegreerde diens aanaangesluit en in 2005 word hy ‘n vennoot van bieding te weerspieël. Die firma se nuwe handie firma. Elana Goosen sluit in 2003 by die fir- delsmerk fokus op sy posisie as ‘n bekende en ma aan as aktevervaardiger. Brits tree geduren- vertroude top vlak Tzaneen besigheid met sterk de 2007 af en praktiseer weer as prokureur in netwerk regoor die streek.

(Lawyer) 1959 Wyle Mnr Danie Joubert het in 1929 ‘n praktyk in Tzaneen geopen en vir dertig jaar tot en met sy dood in 1959 was hy alombekend as ‘n briljante kriminele en watersake prokureur. Saam met mnr Jack Duffus het hy tydens ‘n visvangekspedisie in Mosambiek verdrink. Sy bydrae tot Tzaneen se vooruitgang is erken toe die dorp se hoofstraat na hom vernoem is. Hy was burgemeester van Tzaneen van 1936 tot 1940 en weer van 1949 tot 1950.

Seen here are the men who went on the fatal fishing expedition to Mozambique. They were Messrs Manie Schoeman, Danie Joubert, Harry Crown, Len Drake en Fred Drake.

Joubert & May geniet die groot eer om nie slegs die oudste regspraktyk in Tzaneen te wees nie, maar is inderdaad ook een van die oudste oorlewende sakeondernemings in die dorp.

Sedert 1929 (015) 307 3660 | Posbus 35, Tzaneen, 0850 | Grensstraat 50, Tzaneen, Limpopo www.joubertmay.co.za


Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




The garages of Tzaneen

A prominent garage was Troye’s Garage, which occupied the present Trust Bank site for 24 years. The company was registered in 1930, the shareholders being Mr Arthur Troye, Mr G W Kemsley and Mr O C Kemsley. The initial capital was 1 000 pounds. Four years later it became the authorised Ford Dealer for the Letaba District. In 1937, Mr Troye hold his interest to Mr T A Lawrie of Johannesburg. Captain Edwards, Lillian van Reenen’s father, was the manager from 1934 – 1947, when the business was sold to Mr Albert Keller. As there was no electricity, hand pumps supplied Atlantic petrol. In 1953 the company bought land from the Tzaneen Village Council for the building of new premises “on the outskirts of the town”. By 1954 electric pumps were installed and B P petrol sold. The building is now occupied by BB Nissan. During 1972 Mr Albert Keller and his son, Douglas, established Merkel Motors in Peace Street. Having obtained the Mercedes franchise – the name “Merkel” is a combination of the first three letters of Mercedes, and the first three letters of Keller, the founders. It became a Trek garage. Apart from Mercedes, Peugeot vehicles were sold for six years, followed by Honda. In 1975 Mr Theunis Botha became the own-

er and was in 1979, joined by his son Willem, who in 1988, took over as managing director. Two other personalities steeped in the motor industry in Tzaneen, are Mr George Taylor and Mr Phil du Toit. Mr Taylor started a Datsun agency in 1963, 100m from the Roman Catholic Church in Danie Joubert Street. The first Datsun bakkie he sold cost R1230. The Datsun garage was closed in 1974, when Danie Joubert Street exit to Pietersburg was changed because of the construction of the Fanie Botha Dam. Mr Taylor then opened Tzaneen Toyota in 1975 in Agatha Street. Later he took over a second outlet, Mr du Toit’s Shell filling station in Morgan Street. The latter was closed in 1993 and replaced by a bigger and better premises in Agatha street, opposite Lannie Motors. Lannie Motors, with the Volkswagen and Audi franchise, is owned by Mr Phil du Toit, who built and founded a flourishing company. Lannie Motors started in 1964 and was so called because is was originally situated on the corner of Morgan street and Lannie Lane (named after Mr Lancefield an early pioneer). Used cars were sold, and it was a Shell petrol station. Phil obtained the Volkswagen franchise in 1968, and in 1974 developed the present large premises in Agatha street. His son, Paul, joined him in 1978, and is now the sales director.


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and Les Ger wife, Lizzie, Maurice’s shows while Ms . oth bo manned the ticket ter ll was not very wa The rat infested ha lot a d ne rai it d ned, an tight and when it rai ellas. br um eir th ed us ns in those days, patro ch gle projector and ea sin a ly on s wa it As uld wo ns tro nd, the pa reel had to be rewou the and congregate on ll ha e th of t traipse ou xt to the bar. Hotel verandah ne file g, they would all ran ll When the be e ok br lm fi e th n l. Whe back for the next ree hts lig e th , on t pu s wa or the wrong reel just had to wait. d yousilent an on d he itc The fi rst black and white movies in of Tzasw re we d’Arc (JoanequipJean the film neen were by Mr Jan Haar. Hisow enshown ce wh On was sh n, nnof rgma Ingrid ment loaded onBe the back his Modele T rring c) stawas Ar d — so th ls arriveprojector e ree tre truck. It consisted of a portable with e th of o tw ly on see ek to at xt we negave ck theHe a Homelite petrol engine. shows the go ba ests had to gu rled his r huused mewas far e On sideen ofdTzaneen Hotel. A canvas for a . lm fi e th of the ating was st. Se screen. The fiscr rsteeshow was “Die Voortrekker”, disgu in n e th at boot u had to bring that brought sobs from the Heyo also u audiences. ; yo ry primitive at first ve n ee tw be g un screened other well-known fi lms i.e. “Tom Mix str air or sit on planks n chand ow re we ts sea Story” “Dicken’s Tale of two Cities”. pe sco cond-hand bio s. SeMr bo very Inxe1935, George Morgan decided totinstall re no a later stage. They we at d ire qu t. en em aacsingle 35 mm sound wa projector in the hall next ov pr s an im but it table Messrs comf an d to theor Hotel. Maurice and Les Gerber, an en op pt ke was The west side door right was placed at the h nc be en rd ga old

e autiful scenes of natur guests to soak up be ul. so d an dy bo pampering F A R


Toeka tot Nou


November 2018


Let’s go to the bioscope with Mr Ted King, ran the shows while Ms Lizzie, Maurice’s wife, manned the ticket booth. The rat infested hall was not very water tight and when it rained, and it rained a lot in those days, patrons used their umbrellas. As it was only a single projector and each reel had to be rewound, the patrons would traipse out of the hall and congregate on the Hotel verandah next to the bar. When the bell rang, they would all file back for the next reel. When the film broke or the wrong reel was put on, the lights were switched on and you just had to wait. Once when the film Jean d’Arc (Joan of Arc) starring Ingrid Bergman was shown, only two of the three reels arrived — so the guests had to go back the next week to see the end of the film. One farmer hurled his boot at the screen in disgust. Seating was very primitive at first; you had to bring your own chair or sit on planks strung between boxes. Second-hand bioscope seats were acquired at a later stage.

tertaining provides a superb en Mangela Animal Farm eract with int d an d fee , They were not very comfortable buton it was an ren to touch play area envir ment for child improvement. The west side door was. Th kept covers an all weather imals e playground an es. us ho e ings and tre open and an old garden bench was placedaat with jungle gym, sw

the right angle so that the black staff could sit and watch the show. ing castle • Pony rides m • Playground • Jump far al & im An The old Tzaneen Hotel was demolished in 1952 a garden, curio shop • Birthday parties • Te tle cars and Maurice and Lizzie decided toLitbuild their fresh produce own cinema in Morgan Street. They opened the new bioscope on 2 September 1952. It boasted two projectors, a sloping floor and curtains that mechanically opened and closed in front of the screen, and a balcony. A slide projector was used to project the “finger marked” advertising slides. In 1973 the Gerber’s refurbished the little bioscope, adding new plush comfortable seats, velvet curtains to improve the sound and large cut-outs of the continents of the world were attached to the side walls. Concealed lights shone us Venues through the little holes that marked the capin Centre with Vario tio en nv Co tals and the borders. The Gerber’s also brought people • Modern mmodating 20 - 500 corat some cats to the bioscope to deal withAc the staurant, tering Services • Re problem. Equipment • Full Ca eatre with Stage Maurice Gerber died in d Ladies Bar • Amphith ge an bo Loun mantic Chapel • Gaze 1976. Lizzie felt she could erlooking a Dam • Ro ov no longer continue so she nqueting team iendly & Efficient ba sold the bioscope to Fr Mr Gordon and Ms Jean Torrance, who owned the local bottle store. Then the drive-in came and the support and interest dwindled. Gordon decided to move out of the large bioscope building, which was demolished, to a smaller venue in Boulevard Building with forty seats. With the advent of TV there was no longer a market for a bioscope in Tzaneen, so Gorge.co.za don closed it down in 1979. .co.za • www.tznlod

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d in the r’s Cinema place The advert Gerbe r. Impala Newspape


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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




Respected and loved by all Mr Gerhard Jacobus Maritz, better known as Oom Billy Maritz, was the first attorney in the Letaba district. He was not only a brilliant attorney but also a compassionate and caring young man who was respected and loved by all. He was born in Pretoria on 25 December 1899, a direct descendent of the Voortrekker leader Gerrit Maritz. His mother, Sophie, was an elder sister of General Christiaan Beyers. After he completed school at Pretoria Boys High, he enrolled in the Medical School of the University of Pretoria, but was stricken down with rheumatic fever which left him with a weak heart. He was therefore compelled to change his course, after trying Veterinary Science he decided to study Law instead. He graduated as an attorney on 12 November 1924.

On the advice of friends in legal circles, who knew that the village

Gerhardus Jacobus (Billy) Maritz.

Billy Maritz in front of his office in the little building he shared with the first Bank agency.

of Tzaneen in the Lowveld was being proclaimed as a town on 16 April 1924, he packed his bags and moved here in February 1925. He found accommodation in the home of Tannie Smalberger in Agatha Street. He started his practice in the one corner of Mr Hymie Gold’s Tzaneen Stores. He hired premises from the National Bank whose building was being used only as an agency. When the bank reopened its branch in Tzaneen, he moved into a little office that later became the doctor’s consulting rooms and the then Tzaneen Pharmacy. In 1937 he moved to the opposite side of the street, the former site of Gerber’s Garage, next to John Smith’s Lowveld Butchery where he practiced for many years. He married Ms Mavis Cowie of Pretoria and set up home in a house opposite the Tzaneen Hotel, where the Tzaneng Mall now is. They then moved out of town to a little house near the tobacco factory on a site which is now part of Merensky High School’s premises. On 17 July 1929 Billy Maritz was appointed as Deputy Sheriff of the Letaba District, a post he held until his death in 1949. He had a heart attack at the age of 49 and died in his sleep.

George Augustus Morgan (Hotelier) 1876-1936

After resigning from the South African Constabulary he eventually arrived at the spot at the drift through the Letaba River which was to become Tzaneen. In 1907 he opened the first Hotel there and later built a more imposing structure where the Tzaneen Karos Hotel was. He was also the mayor from 1933-1935.

Otto Klostershulte (Businessman, garage owner and farmer) 1885-1943 Farmer, sawmill owner, roller mill owner and finally garage owner... The OK Garage was for many years one of the larger garages in Tzaneen. The OK Charity Fund was formed from money bequeathed in his estate.




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e project created job opportunities to e than 400 local people, while a group orty young people were placed with the F A R N O R T H M tractor to gain practical construction ls as part of the National Youth Service. e new facility will also be based on ller prisoner cells which can accommoe a maximum of eight inmates. It will boast an electronic monitoring system. e regional coordinator of the departnt, Mr Moses Makhubela, said the old on was meant as a temporary facility. It corrugated iron construction, which will used for storage when the new facility is mpleted. The regional commissioner of department of correctional services in popo, Mpumalanga and North West, Alfred Tsetsane, said the main aim of the For many years, Dr Albert Patterson Adams w facility it to only accommodate offend- (1881-1971) was the only medical doctor in with a maximum sentence of up to ten Tzaneen and the surrounding areas. He rs. was a well-know and much loved district surgeon in only the medical early thirties and forties. years, Droff Albert Adams (1881-1971) was the doctor in Tzaneen and the e said For themany facility ers Patterson rehabilitation surrounding areas. He wasby a well-known and much loved district surgeon in the early thirties and forties. ortunities to off enders, educating m through learning and developing their ls.

Toeka tot Nou


November 2018


Colonel Dixon

Dr Albert Patterson Adams

Dr Albert Patterson Adams (1881-1971)

One of the first-generation settlers.

Mr. Lancefield Claude Wheatley (Pharmacist, Farmer) 1914-1979

‘n Hoogtepunt in die ontwikkeling van Tzaneen, ‘n Hoogtepunt in die ontwikkeling van wat die dorp ook nuwe status gegee het, was Tzaneen, wat die dorp ookennuwe status gegee die bou van die Sybrand Marietjie van Niekhet, was die bou van die Sybrand en Marietjie erk-brûe oor die Letaba-rivier/Tzaneendam; in volksmond bekend die Tweelingbrug. van die Niekerk-brûe oor asdie Letaba-rivier/ Sybrand van was toe die administrateur Tzaneendam; inNiekerk die volksmond bekend as die van die Transvaal. Die brug 1973 voltooi Tweelingbrug. Sybrand vanis in Niekerk wasentoe ingewy. In die voorgrond is die spoorlyn en deel die administrateur van die treinbrug.van die Transvaal. Die brug is in 1973 voltooi en ingewy. In die voorgrond is die spoorlyn en deel van die treinbrug.

The man who brought electricity to Tzaneen and the Letaba District. He also initiated the drive to have the main streets in Tzaneen tarred. Mr Claude Wheatley was a councillor for 25 years and was mayor for a record nine terms of office. His terms of office were 1943-44, 1950- 1955, 1959-1961 and 1965-1966. One of the pioneers of Tzaneen, after whom Lannie’s Lane is named.



NEW HOLLAND: Where it all began New Holland history is the sum and integration of four agricultural brands that converge and merged: Ford, Fiat Trattori, Claeys and New Holland. New Holland was founded in 1895 by Abe Zimmerman in New Holland. Pennsylvania and was producing agricultural products, including a feed mill, to help the farming community around him. In 1947, the company changed its name into Sperry New Holland, due to a take over by the Sperry Rand Corporation. The same year it made a major breakthrough in hay harvesting technology with the

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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




Tzaneen rolbalklub Onderhandelinge vir ‘n rolbalbaan het finaliteit bereik toe ‘n ooreenkoms tussen die Rolbalklub en Tzaneen-dorpsraad bereik is. “Nademaal die Tzaneen Rolbalklub inevolge ‘n Notariële Huurkontrak nr 26/19254 die reg besit om vir ‘n periode van negentig (90) jaar vanaf die eerste dag van Januarie 1948 ‘n sekere stuk grond 1 morg 181 vk roede 98 vk/vt te huur…”. Genoemde stuk grond was geleë tussen Agatha- Pienaaren Peacestraat. Hierna volg die amptelike stigting van die klub soos gereflekteer in ‘n brief aan die S.A Bowling Association: “22nd November 1948 The Secretary, SA Bowling Association Johannesburg I take pleasure in advising you that on the 13th November the above Club was instituted and the following committee was appointed: President: Mr G S A Coetzee Vice-President: Mr D J M Joubert Secretary: Mr A Keller Green Ranger: Mr S Le R Malan Other Members: Mr A V McKay, Mr C Wheatley, Mr A Burman Before we can apply for affiliation the question of colours will have to be decided on and we ask you to submit us colours that have not yet been taken up. Also advise whether we will be allowed badges on pockets and in what form these colours usually are adopted. Yours faithfully Secretary”. Uit die notuleboeke van die klub kan die verdere ontwikkeling gevolg word. So vind ons onder andere die antwoord op hierdie brief: “10th April 1949. Letter from Pretoria and Northern Transvaal, Sub-District Bowling Association: ‘Your application for affiliation has been accepted.” Die klub se geboue word ook die jaar deur Jacobs en Stewart

Teen die einde van die jaar kon die amptelike opening plaasvind: “Opening Function of Tzaneen Club. To be held on the 13th and 14th of August 1949. Invitations to: Mr Ferguson, President SA Bowling Association, Mr Powell, Editor of Bowling Magazine”. Dit is ook interesant om die pryse van destyds te vergelyk. So word die volgende aangeteken: “Henselite Bowl: Black – Seven pounds, seventeen shillings and six pence. Mahogany – Eight pounds, five shillings. Round leather bags32/9d (for 2 bowls). Square leather bags with zipp – 42/0d (for 2 bowls) Op 14 Julie 1949 verskyn die volgende inskrywing in die notule: “We have just had our colours approved. These are maroon blazers and hat bands with a white stripe in the middel. ‘n Ander noemenswaardige inskrywing is die 1949 s Openingsdag 21 Augustu volgende: “The following gentlemen were presidents of the club for six years: J P Coetzee: 1961, 1962, 1963, 1966, 1972 & 1976 Paul Blandy: 1954, 1955, 1956, 1964, 1965 & 1980 Mrs D Bissett was chair Lady for ten years 1968-1980 as well as ladies single champion”. Na 1945, einde van die Tweede Wêreld Oorlog, het Tzaneen ‘n geleidelike toeloop van nuwe inwonders beleef en ontwikkeling het betreklik vinnig gevorder. Gevolglik het die behoefte van grond in die middedorp ‘n probleem geword. Notariële Huurkontrak no. 25/19254 word gevolglik s. grootte die In herhinnering van deur Tzaneen Dorpsraad gekanselleer en die Raad onderneem om op sy gesentraliseerde sportterrein; twee kontrakteurs voltooi. rolbalbane met spreiligte en een kiosk op te rig. Alle koste in “29th April 1949, Jacobs & Stewart, Building verband met die bou van die bane en kiosk sal deur die Raad Contractors.: ‘On 29th April 1949 we submit tender for erection gedra word. Geteken die 13de dag van Junie 1969 namens die of a lavatory block consisting of one mens and one ladies lavato- Rolbalklub: K A Bissett en D R Purdon en names die raad: J S ries; with the necessary screen walls, and sign writing to be built Lombaard en P R Collin. Sodoende het die Rolbalklub verskuif at the Tzaneen Bowling Green and waterbourne system to septic na hulle nuwe perseel waar hulle tans nog is. tank and French drain: 192 pounds.” - HJ (Oom Bossie) Boshoff

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Toeka tot Nou


November 2018


Tzaneen rugby - The founding of the club The very first Letaba rugby team (1932). Back row: George Adams (wing), Jan Lombard (flank forward), Mannie Maritz (centre), Robbie Robinson (fullback), Max Vermaak (prop forward) and Pine Pienaar (wing). Squatting: Ross Purdon (hooker), Unknown (centre), Bill Mocke (no.8 vice-captain), Piet Joubert (lock forward, captain), Sandy Munro, leaning on Joubert’s shoulder (scrum half), Attie Maritz (lock forward), and Van der Vyver (prop forward). In front is Toitjie du Toit (fly-half). Not long after this photograph was taken Van der Vyver, who was a teacher at Merensky, was killed by a lion near Gravelotte.

Until the formation of the Letaba Rugby Football Club in 1932, the rugby in Tzaneen was not well organised and a few make-shift teams competed for the Tooley Cup. However, in 1932 the new club was registered with the Northern Transvaal Rugby Sub Union which consisted of teams from Musina, Louis Trichardt, Potgietersrus, Zebediela, Pietersburg Town, Pietersburg Farmers and Letaba. Piet Joubert, a clerk at the South African Railways was Captain and Bill Mocke, a clerk at the Native Commisioners Office was vice Captain. The badge depicted a lions head and the jerseys were green with gold cuffs and collars (Spring-

bok colours?) The first field used was at the site near the “Laerskool” where the present tennis courts are situated. In 1934 a new rugby field was made where the present Library was later to be built. The ground was allocated by the Health Committee. However this field was eventually abandoned as the gradient was too steep, and the “Laerskool” field was again used. From 1951 it was only used for practices as all matches were played at Merensky. By 1955 the present field had been built and Tzaneen Rugby Club finally had a respectable rugby field. -Archie van Reenen

Tzaneen Rugbyklub se 1st span 1959, wenners van die Naudé-liga en Mentz-skild en die Ferguson Slabbert-beker. Agter: Bul Furness, John Warmenhoven, Okert Botha, Neels Huyzers, Bekka Penning, Francois Furstenburg, Ernst Kapp en Kokkie Haar. Middel: Frik van der Vyver (sekr.), Boet Lombard, Jan de Beer (vise-voorsitter), Philip de Wet (kapt.), Attie Maritz (pres.), Sybrand Schaap, Lerock Furstenburg (afrigter). Voor: Ben van Kasterop en Speedy van Dyk. Inlas: Billy Kukuk. Afwesig: Ben Osmers.

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Tzaneen Rugby Club - Eerste Span 1936

Letaba Rugby Voetbal Klub - 1942

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November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




Die jare van gister – 1962 “Ek wil jou na Tzaneen stuur om die nuwe skool en koshuise in Januarie volgende jaar te begin – om politieke redes kan ons nie uitstel nie” het die Direkteur van Onderwys op 26 Oktober 1961 aan my gesê. Hierdie uitdaging is aanvaar. Van toe af was dit middae en snags harde werk om alles te bestel – van ‘n soutpot tot ‘n matras vir die koshuise – en van ‘n tol gare en skaaf tot ‘n stoel en boeke vir die skool. Dit was twee maande. By my eie skool was dit eksamentyd en totsiens sê. Hoe sal ek ooit daardie Sondag agtermiddag van 15 Januarie 1962 vergeet toe ek by daardie Meisieskoshuis woonstel aanland en my “suitcasies” indra in ‘n plek sonder ruite of elektriese krag. Gelukkig was meeste van die bestelde goedere deur die spoorweë afgelaai en kon ek darem ‘n matras in die hande kry. Op 31 Januarie 1962 word die skool met ‘n orreluitvoering geopen en kan aan ouers en gaste tee bedien word – danksy die hulp van Tannies Geyser, Le Roux, Pretorius en Ina de Jager. Ongeveer 260 leerlinge loseer nog tydelik by Merensky omdat die koshuise nog nie voltooi was nie (vir drie weke). Dit woel en werkskaf by die skool en koshuise – almal gee raad en wil saamwerk – hierdie mense van die Laeveld het vlam gevat – die kole moes net reg aangeblaas word. Dit was ook so! Die sport en die sports het begin. Twee weke na die opening hou die Belastingbetalings vergadering in die nuwe saal – dit was die dae van Nat en Sap – en niks vermoedend was ek as skoolhoof in die midde van die stryd. Mnr Albert Keller skakel en verneem of daar vergadering gehou word – ek sê “ja”. Die saal met sy vars geoliede vloere word vol klaskamerstoele gepak – teen 7 uur die aand was daar reeds sowat 260 mense in die saal – toe gebeur dit. Sowat 200 anderdenkendes daag gelyktydig op – by die deur staan Daan de Jager en van der Merwe en hulle weier toegang. Maar die andersdenkendes se stormtroepe was saamgestel uit ongeveer ‘n sestigtal vooraanstaande, armswaaiende, giggelende Laeveldse Evas beur vorentoe en die saal word

oorlopens toe beset. Almal praat – papiere word geswaai “ons wil ‘n voorsitter kies!” Intussen word gerook en al die stompies word op die nuwe vloere dood gewurm. Die koerant skryf: “Hierdie nuwe moeilike prinsipaal (volgens ds Dup se Doppers) kon hierdie stompie doodtrappery nie vat nie. Hy het op ‘n stoel geklim, die “gauntlet” uitgegooi en aan die 600 belastingstrydende oproeriges gesê: “Oor my dooie liggaam – maar niemand sal weer hierdie saal kry voordat hy weet hoe om van ‘n stompie op ‘n eerlike ordentlike manier ontslae te raak nie.” Die koerant skryf verder: “So teen 11 uur was die saal se vloer met sakdoeke skoongevee deur vriend en vyand onder die aanmerking van ene Funke “What a cheek – mind you I’ve got 10 servants at home.” Daardie gebeure was die Majuba waarop hierdie nuwe Hoërskool vorentoe kon bou. Dr Kees Slabbert het mos gesê: “dissipline en die Laevelders gesels saam.” “Onthou u nog daardie Saterdag toe sowat tien trekkers en ‘n stootskraper gehelp het om sowat ‘n duisend ou suurlemoenbome van die skoolgronde te verwyder?” Op 10 Maart – ja na 7 weke, “Inter hoër” op Kuscke. Hierdie nuwe skool verower die 4de plek tussen die 10 Noord Transvaalse skole. Twee leerlinge Marieta Hattingh en Brian Alberts word gekies om vir Noord Transvaal op die S.A. kampioenskappe deel te neem. Kort daarna word Genis vir die Noord Transvaalse skole rugbyspan gekies. Om die kroon te span neem mej Suid-Afrika ons uitnodiging aan om ‘n modeparade in die skoolsaal te hou: Hierdie nuwe hoërskool het

Dr. N. Weideman

is oorhandig 'n Mnr. B.J. (Ben) Vorster na wie die skool vernoem die hoof, mnr. aan em) emble se skool gemonteerde buffelkop (die 1967. ber Okto , H.J. Kriek sy plek op die landkaart uitgestippel. Onder die ou grootboom langs die skool was gedurende die week ‘n ou ongelisensieerde groen Ford bakkie geparkeer. Pinkie het die bakkie, vir ons drie jagters, vir R30 gekoop. Baie naweke was ene Zaayman van Fauna en Flora op ons spoor tot die aand toe hy langs die kombuis die buffelkop en die rooibokvelle ontdek. “U moet asseblief in die toekoms die adresse neerskryf van persone wat geskenke aan die koshuis gee” was mnr Zaayman se opdrag. “Baie dankie vir die wenk” was wyle Tool de Jager se woorde die volgende dag. Met die hulp van wyle oom Ben Vorster kon

die skoolterrein met stootskrapers gelyk gestoot word. Die sportstadion kon begin ontwikkel word en die baie boompies wat ons geplant het, het begin groei – dit was ‘n groot taak en om dit alles te herdenk is die groot rots voor die ingang ingestoot as die simbool: Hierdie skool het gekom om te bly – Dit is die rots van oorwinning. In die tydperk van een jaar het hierdie nuwe Hoërskool groot hoogtes bereik maar ook vir my persoonlik was die wording van Hoërskool Ben Vorster altyd die simbool van groei, samewerking en ondersteuning van die ouers en die publiek. Dit was sport, sports gepaard met goeie eksamen resultate.

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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


Skool in die ou-ou dae

Alhoewel skool as sulks vir enige kind ‘n las is, is dit een van die eerste dinge waaraan gedink word wanneer ‘n dorp begin vorm kry. So was dit ook met Tzaneen. Die eerste volwaardige skoolopening van die Tzaneense Afrikaanse Laerskool was op 19 Julie 1921. Van dié datum tot Junie 1926 was die skoolhoof mnr CA van der Merwe. Die onderwysers het dit nie maklik gehad nie. Waar daar vandag ander krisisse is (meestal intern), was die krisisse van daardie tyd ekstern: swaar reëns, onbegaanbare paaie, malaria, ondoeltreffende geboue, siekte, ongeletterdheid van leerlinge wat toegelaat is, ensovoorts. Die relatief klein leerlingtal se ouderdomme het gewissel van sewe tot negentien. In Julie 1926 neem die geliefde mnr S le Roux Malan (onder almal wat hom geken het, sommer bekend as oom Slêr), oor as hoof. Hy was in dié pos tot einde Maart 1952. Hy het ook ‘n moeilike pad geloop, deurdat hy van sy eie kinders deur malaria aan die dood moes afstaan. Met sy aftrede was daar vyf permanente klaskamers. Sommige onderwysers het op die stoepe van hul eie huise klas gegee. Ander het die voorportaal en verhoog van die destydse stadsaal in klaskamers omgeskep. Ten spyte van dié uitdagings, het onderwysers steeds geld ingesamel om hul leerlinge op opvoedkundige toere te neem. Op 1 Julie 1952 is mnr PJJ (Piet) Joubert as hoof

aangestel.Die skoolterrein het nog steeds bestaan uit wilde bome en bosse. Pouses was ‘n fees van wegkruipertjie in die lang gras. Van lopende water was daar nie sprake nie, en leerkragte en leerlinge het hul eie waterbotteltjies skool toe gebring, om hul dors te les. Elektrisiteit was daar ook nie en op onweersdae moes almal hul oë op skrefies trek om te kan sien. Vroeg in 1953 is die fondament van die huidige skoolgebou gegooi. Benewens vyf permanente klaskamers was daar ook ‘n sinklokaal (‘n sauna in Tzaneen se somer!). ‘n Grasdaklokaal is deur ouers gebou en is gebruik vir die bediening van tee tydens pouses. Daar was ‘n ander lokaal waar die skoolsaal vandag is. Nog ‘n klas was in die SAVF-kliniek. Omdat die klasse so verspreid was, moes die hoof sy motor gebruik om van een klas na die volgende inspeksie te doen. Daar was twee stelle put-sinktoilette. Daar was nie ‘n kantoor nie en ‘n staalkis in elke ‘n klaskamer het die administrasie gehuisves. Die registrasie van leerlinge en probleme wat met die hoof bespreek moes word, is op die stoep afgehandel. Selfs die inspekteurs moes tevrede wees met ‘n geselsie onder die bome! Vir tikwerk het die onderhoof sy tikmasjien vir die hoof geleen. Wasvelle wat getik moes word, is deur die vriendelike samewerking van die bestuurders van Troyes-vulstasie daar toegelaat, wie se sekretaresse dit dan gedoen het. In dié stadium het die dorp drie teerstrate gehad: Agatha- (tot by die Laerskool), Peace- en Danie Joubertstraat. Die skool het vinnig gegroei tot 290 leerlinge, waarvan 38 in Engelsmedium onderrig is. Vir kinders wat ver moes ry om by die skool te kom, is drie verskillende lokale vir huisvesting geoormerk. Ouers het saamgewerk en geraap en skraap om beddegoed en eetgerei aan te vul. Omdat dié toedrag van sake nie ideaal was nie, is die onderwysdepartement uiteindelik oortuig om ‘n provinsiale koshuis te bou. Die skool se eie, volwaardige koshuis het met 168 leerlinge afgeskop! Skoolkonserte, kermisse en optogte is gehou, om geld in te samel vir noodsaaklike aanvullings, sodat die skool behoorlik kon funksioneer. Die onverwagse bevolkingsontploffing het gemaak dat die Laerskool Tzaneen in vroeër jare met ‘n leerlingtal van meer as een duisend die grootste laer-

skool noord van Pretoria was. Die stryd teen malaria is gewen, maar die bilharzia-gevaar het die skoolraad genoop om ‘n swembad te bou, omdat die leerlinge in die hitte nie uit die Letaba-rivier kon bly nie! En hier is die skool nog vandag: trots, versorg en volhoubaar! Mnr Vic Rijnen staan al vanaf 1998 aan die hoof van ‘n uitgebreide personeel. Hoewel talle Engelse kinders in Unicorn Primary ‘n tuiste gevind het, het die Laerskool Tzaneen sy deure as ‘n veelrassige leer-instansie oopgegooi. Die skool bars nou uit sy nate en is een van die trotse nalatenskappe van hardwerkende en toegewyde voorgangers.


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




Oudste Hoërskool in Noordelike Laeveld Merensky is die oudste hoërskool in die Noordelike Laeveld en met sy leuse, Labor et Conserva, oftewel “Werk en Spaar” het die skool ‘n tradisie van harde werk en volharding. Die Hoërskool Merensky is vernoem na Dr Hans Merensky wat £2 000 geskenk het om middele te koop wat nie deur die Departement van Onderwys en Opvoeding voorsien is nie. Daar is, onder meer, ‘n klavier gekoop wat steeds gebruik word. The farm originally belonged to a Mr Altenroxel who sold it to the Milner Government. Merensky High School was originally started as training grounds for British Settlers. On the premises were a hospital, mortuary and rondavels for the first English students. Die plaas waarop die plaasskool opgerig is, was vroeër bekend as Tzaneen Nr 5, ‘n gedeelte van die oorspronklike plaas Tzaneen 538, wat omtrent 6 000 akker beslaan het. Die proefplaas is veral gebruik vir die verbouing van tabak. Van die ou inwoners van die distrik het op die plaas gewerk. Die Cederellabome wat

agter die adjunk-hoof se huis gestaan het, is spesiaal aangeplant om as hout vir sigaretdosies te dien. Die boere van Brits het egter vertoë gerig dat die staat met die boere op landbougebied meeding en die plaas is na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog deur die staat in hoewes verdeel en aan oudgediendes beskikbaar gestel. Twee van die hoewes is later deur twee finansiers van Johannesburg, mnre. Carliss en Donaldson, vir ‘n bedrag van £5 000 gekoop. Die destydse administrateur van Transvaal, mnr Simon Bekker, was baie bekommerd oor die plattelandse kinders en na oorweging het sewe skoolplase, waaronder Merensky, tot stand gekom. Die Transvaalse Provinisale Administrasie het die twee hoewes, saam 318 morg groot, gedurende 1934/35 gekoop. Dit is waar die Hoërskool Merensky tans is. The TPA bought the ground during the depression years of the 1930’s, when the inhabitants of the country districts were reduced to an existence upon the barest necessities. In those days the school catered for people who could not afford to send their children long distances to school, nor keep them at boarding school. The agricultural land as well as pastures, which today form such an attractive setting for the school, were once a main source of food supplies. Op die plaas is geboue vir verskillende doeleindes opgerig. Daar was die ou Fabrieksgebou waarin hoofsaaklik tabak verwerk is. Die plaas het ook met sy eie skool, die Estate Skool, met mnr Len Dekenah as hoof, gespog. In daardie stadium het

die meeste van die leerlinge egter oorkant die spruit gewoon. Op versoek van die ouers is ‘n skool en woning opgerig. Daar is ook gevrees vir die leerlinge se gesondheid as gevolg van Malaria. Om die siekte te bekamp is Suster Naudé, ‘n verpleegster, in 1936 aangestel. Daar het ontsettende harde werk op haar gewag – malaria het elke jaar talle slagoffers geëis. Gedurende die eerste jare na haar aankoms was die hospital gedurende die somermaande na ‘n vakansie en naweke gedurig vol. Soms moes selfs van die bovertrekke in die kombuis gebruik word, om al die pasiënte te huisves. Te midde van al die harde werk, is die hospital in ‘n brand verwoes en het Suster Naudé baie van haar persoonlike besittings verloor. Dr Siegfried Annecke, na wie die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele vernoem is, het dikwels dokters en student na die hospital op Merensky gebring, om aan hulle te toon hoe die hospital ingerig was en watter uitstekende behandeling malaria-pasiënte daar ontvang het. More than 45 years ago Merensky High School became an Agricultural School. At that stage more than 500 pupils had enrolled at the school. 45 Years ago, the present buildings were officially opened and the ceremony was conducted by the Director of Education, Mr A J Koen. In 1972 shortly after Mr Roets became principal, there was a celebration and each class planted a Red Essenhout tree. In 1975 the school was officially christened Merensky High School.




Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


Unicorn Primary School Pioneering English medium education in Tzaneen When I arrived in Tzaneen in 1947, I became the second teacher in the newly founded English medium primary school, forerunner of the present Unicorn School, Mrs Win Miles and I shared a large log cabin classroom with blackboards at either end, built by the local residents at their own expense, in the middle of the Tzaneen Laerskool grounds. Mr Slêr Malan was the principal of this dual medium school. The community worked together to establish its sport fields, swimming pool and hall. Gradually the pupils grow to over 1000 and the Unicorn School was established for English speaking children. Few people will remember the first nursery school to be established in Tzaneen. It was started by Mrs Phoebe Jordaan (now living in Paarl) and myself in 1951. We had 25 children and used a portion of the Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie building in Skirving Street. The other half of the building was a clinic run by Sister Haar. All that remains of that establishment today is a large Spithodia tree growing outside Radio Centre, which was planted by the mayor of those days, Mr Danie Joubert, at the opening ceremony. - Beth Keller The founding of the English medium primary school It was indeed a ‘red letter’ day in the annals of the English speaking community of our district, when on 20 July 1971, two hundred and nine pupils and various members of staff the Tzaneen Laerskool marched to their new school, situated in Circle Drive and the first school assembly was conducted by the acting Principal Mr Malan and the Reverend Alan Wright. There were no trees, no garden, very few facil-

Protecting your

ities and the school had no name, character, motto or school uniform. All we had was the nucleus on which to build and a proud parent body who reacted magnificently to the challenge of creating something from the raw material which we had been handed. The dedicated staff assisted at every turn and the enthusiasm of the pupils made every advancement or innovation so much easier. On 24 March 1972 the new name of the school was announced – “Unicorn Primary School” and the motto – “Integrity”. At the same time the current school uniform was shown to the parents and pupils. Mr Nico Nel became principal that year. The 1970’s with an enrolment hovering around 200 – 220 pupils saw the greatest transformation of the school, especially in the grounds where large trees were transplanted, gardens laid out and the playing field grassed. A museum had been established and a kiosk for serving refreshments to the pupils at sporting events had been built and in addition two all-weather tennis courts had been constructed for the staggering amount of R8 700. During the 1980’s we were able to address more basic needs such as security systems, new teaching aids, mowers, tractors, a pavilion and eventually our own school bus. It was also during this period that computers were introduced. During this decade we saw a gradual climb in our enrolment and the figure fluctuated between 250 and 300 pupils) As we start the third decade of our existence, with pupil enrolment already up to 340, Unicorn Primary can be proud of what it has achieved in a relatively short period of time, in the academic as well as the sporting field. We face great challenges as we enter this exciting new era, with educational costs spiralling

all the time and much needed introduction of multi-racial education, but in retrospect nothing has really altered – perhaps the names and faces of the parent and pupils and some of the members of staff, but the present parent body, staff and pupils realise that changes are sometimes necessary. - Archie van Reenen New challenges and a new name During mid 1991, the Department of Education stated their Rationalization Programme of Schooling in South Africa. In simple terms, this meant that should Unicorn opt to retain its status and be labelled a model “B” school, we would lose two of our teaching staff, thus increasing class sizes. Within the content of the new South Africa the governing body decided to apply to move Unicorn to a Model “C” school. The school opened in January 1992 as a non racial school with 7% Indian and 7% black pupils. Unicorn had once again entered the history books recorded as the first non-racial school in the Northern Transvaal. Trevor Thom was Acting Principal at this time and took Unicorn through this very difficult transition period, guided by Howard Blight as chairman of the

governing body. School fees were raised from R200 per year to R1 000 per year. The additional monies were used to pay the salaries of the two school teachers who would no longer be paid by the Department. The school remained determined to maintain its academic standards. In October of 1993 the parents voted overwhelmingly to change Unicorn to a private school. Further rationalization by the Department of Education left the governing body with no option but to recommend privatisation to the parents. Eighty percent of the parents voted in favour of privatising Unicorn. The school’s name was changed to Unicorn Preparatory School and opened its doors on 1 January 1994 as a full fledged private school. Fees were raised to R3 360 per year. Ninety eight percent of the old model “C” parents signed the new private school registration forms for 1994. The Bursary Committee gave out almost R200 000 in bursaries in the first year to assist needy families in the community. This was done to back up our privatisation terms of “We pledge a place at Unicorn for all our children”. A vice principal position was created and Dawn Schultz was appointed to the post. - Howard Blight

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Toeka tot Nou

November 2018




Stry tot oorwinning Net soos in 1962 met die aankoms van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se heel eerste skoolhoof, Dr N Weideman, sal die einde van 2019 die dagbreek van nog ‘n nuwe era in hierdie skool se bestaan inhuldig. Chris Denysschen, het in 2008 in die Laeveld aangekom waar hy as waarnemende skoolhoof vir ‘n tyd gedien het voordat hy die leisels as hoof oorgeneem het. Onder sy toesig oor die laaste tien jaar, het die gemeenskap asook die personeel en leerders van hierdie prominente Hoërskool merkwaardige veranderinge waargeneem. Die drie mees prominente suksesverhale was die open-

ing van die Buffelskraal kafeteria in Augustus 2012, die inhuldiging van ‘n nuwe tradisie naamlik die Buffelhek in 2015 en die opening van die Tzaneen omgewing se heel eerste Astro hokkiebaan in Oktober vanjaar. Denysschen het hierdie maand die pos as skoolhoof van die bekroonde Waterkloof Hoër Seunsskool aanvaar en sal in Desember die stoel aan Me Isolde Fasondini oorhandig. Fasondini sal as waarnemende hoof dien tot tyd en wyl ‘n gepaste kandidaat aangestel word. Intussen word al die belanghebbendes gerus gestel deur die belofte van die Beheerliggaam dat die kultuur en gees van Ben Vorster sal ge-

stalte aan hul leuse – Stry tot Oorwinning – gee. Vanjaar vier Ben Vorster hul 56ste bestaansjaar. In 1962 toe die skool geopen is en die nuwe skooldrag aan die gemeenskap bekendgestel word, was die hele middedorp een groot parkeerterrein soos die mense en hul motors die paaie en sypaadjies toegestaan het om die skoolkinders se optog te besigtig. Daardie selfde jaar is die heel eerste skoolbeheerliggaam op die been gebring. Die skoolwapen en leuse soos dit vandag erken word, is offisieël in 1969 deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Heraldiek erken en geregistreer en in 1983 word die eerste koshuise opgerig.

Chris Denysschen (Toeka)

Die eerste beheeraad 1962

Ons Skool 1983

1962-2018 Skool met tradisie

Toekie Vorster Meisieskoshuis

Nuwe skooldrag word aan die publiek bekend gestel 1962

Die koshuise (1983)

Hoërskool Ben Vorster

015 307 4490/1/2

Chris Denysschen (Nou)








Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


Lady Tzaneen gets her wings From 1948, and for a time after that, various attempts to establish an airfield for Tzaneen were embarked upon, without success. The failures of the committee tasked with this project rested upon the shoulders of the indigenous chieftans, who continuously turned down requests to use their land for the proposed airfield. For the members of the committee, which included a number of war veterans and other aerial heavyweights, the refusal by the chieftans was a stumbling block in the advancement of the local economy, and so they rushed around seeking alternatives. The Westfalia Estate, situated between Tzaneen and Duiwelskloof made 30 morgen (a unit of measure equivalent to around 60 hectares) of land available on the farm Rietbokspruit for a period of 20 years. The farm was owned by Merensky for mining rights which is about all that it was good for. The site is without a doubt the most ideal site from a weather point of view. If there is a hole in the cloud anywhere it will be over the Airfield. It was then decided that a Great Rally would be held over a weekend to construct the airfield. The volunteers would camp the weekend and clear the field. The next order of business was to establish the Letaba Flying Club. This was dually done and the very first committee was chaired by Albert Kellerman, a navigator with Wing Commander D.S.O. and D.F.C Cookie Leon as the vice-chair. Leon had flown in the great Battle of Britain. The club’s secretary was JP Lambinon. Other members of the committee included Harry Taylor, owner of Troy’s Garage, Kosie Pienaar, a saw miller, Nic Maritz, an attorney and ACF pilot and AH Hoole, a Treasure with Tzaneen Citrus Co-op. Other notables who played a part in the construction and running of the airfield was Tony Laws, Freddie van Zyl, Dave Cousins, Bob Coppen, Arthur Jones, Tats Graham and Bruce Devenish. Ernest du Toit, General Manager of the Tza-

The official opening of the Letaba Aerodrome by Dr. J.C. Fick on 7 September 1957. Behind him is Mr. Albert Keller. neen Citrus Co-op lent most of his permanent staff and there was a host of other helpers who all assisted in the clearing and debushing of the land. The land was heavily wooded. Many termite heaps up to 18 feet (5.49m) studded the ground. Cookie Leon was in charge and he adopted methods used by the Americans to clear Airfields in the jungle during World War II. Cookie set up camp on the Thursday afternoon 30th of November 1956. At 04:15am the next day the camp became alive and in no time the scene was a cloud of dust as the bush was attacked. Natives dug out tree roots and the tractors would then pull them over and off the field. Dozers were pushing others over and the scrapers were levelling ant heaps and filling in depressions. The very large trees were cut up with chain saws for the tractors to haul away. By Friday evening there were more than 300 labourers with about 25 farmers- (some reports say 400). Altogether about 10 morgen were

The Tiger Moth of Bram Klapwijk and Theo de Marillac with which they often entertained the club members with aerobatics-1958

cleared in one and a half days. There is also the report about the grave that was discovered in the bush at the end of the field. Instead of just levelling it and saying nothing, the workers reported the grave to the foreman. “Papas” grave became a sore point. The long drawn out procedure to have the grave flattened took many years as all the family members had to give their consent and none of them even knew about it. On coming in to land on runway 24, the flattened grave can be seen. Colonel Krige of Division Civil Aviation was invited down to inspect the field and a licence was duly granted. The first aircraft of the club was an Aeronca Chief Z5-BON on which many learnt to fly. This aircraft was later crashed into one of the decks by a Mr Swart and was replaced by a Taylor craft Z5-BLH and a Piper Cub ZS-AUP followed. The club also bought a Piper TRipacer CGO for transport. A man known only as Phillemon, was the first employee who looked after the aircraft

and spent many hours of hard labour swinging the props of the first trainers. He retired after the Greater Tzaneen Municipality bought the airfield and is still living in the area. He contributed to the education of Professor Hudson Ntsanwesi, the late Chief Minister of Gazankulu. The first hanger was constructed by Manie Schoeman. Theo de Marillac built the “tower” office and a fence between the hanger and the runway. Later a second runway was built parallel to the main road. When the Letaba Airways was started by Johan Schoeman, who flew Hercules in the Air Force, the wear and tear on the runway became severe and more staff had to be engaged. The Greater Tzaneen Council budgeted an annual payment for the upkeep of the strip. Eventually it was agreed that the Council would buy the Airfield. After Gazankulu bought a controlling interest in the Airways they tarred the strip. They modernised it and built amenities including a beacon.


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou







Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


Komkor Kombuise groei vooruit Omstandighede verplig Basie Engelbrecht in 1986 om die besigheid Komkor Kombuise vanuit Pretoria te begin. Aangesien 1985 en 1986 ‘n baie slegte ekonomiese tydperk was, was dit vir Basie en sy vrou, Erika, ‘n groot risiko. Tog maak hul egter ‘n sukses van Komkor Kombuise en drie jaar later, in Julie 1989, besluit hulle om die gesin en besigheid te verhuis na Tzaneen. Die Engelbrecht-gesin maak in 1989 hul tuiste in Tzaneen en sluit dadeklik by die gemeenskap in. Daardie selfde jaar begin dié besigheid spesialiseer in die ontwerp van installasies en die verwerking van materiaal benodig vir die vervaardiging van kombuis- en kamerkaste. Vier jaar later, begin Komkor Kombuise ook soliede kombuiskas-deure uitvoer na Ierland. In 2002 brei die besigheid verder uit en word daar ‘n nuwe afdeling geloods wat die publiek in staat stel om hul eie kaste en kombuise te ontwerp en bou. Komkor Kombuise begin toe rou en verwerkte materiaal aan die publiek verkoop as deel van hul “Nutsman” of “Doen Dit Jouself” uitbreiding. Die volgende jaar word daar besluit om die uitvoer been van die bedryf te staak en daar word nou geheel en al op die

plaaslike mark gefokus. Drie dekades na hul ontstaan, lewer Komkor

Suster Anna Margrieta Catherina Haar

Kombuise steeds hoë gehalte kombuiskaste, kamerkaste en ander projekte soos Kroeë en

vele meer aan die gemeenskap en besighede in en om Tzaneen. Basie Engelbrecht staan steeds persoonlik aan die stuur van sake en die publiek sal ook sy vrou, Erika Engelbrecht, ken as die besigheid se verteenwoordiger. Met jare se ervaring as ontwerper bied Erika hoë gehalte ontwerpe en selfs 3D-gegenereerde beelde van kombuiste en kamerkaste aan kliente. Komkor Kombuise laat die kliënt dan met drie verskillende opsies om hul projek asook hul sak te pas. In die eerste geval besoek Erika die klient. Die projek word dan in sy geheel deur Komkor Kombuiskaste hanteer. Opsie twee vervaardig Komkor Kombuiskaste die kaste en die klient doen self die installasie of die derde opsie – die kaste word volgens spesifikasie gesny deur Komkor Kombuiskaste, maar word deur die klient vervaardig en installeer. Basie en Erika Engelbrecht is vandag nog deel van die Tzaneen gemeenskap en sien uit daarna om vir die volgende jare vorentoe nog met hul kundigheid vir baie gesinne hul droom kombuis en ander projekte te help realiseer. Hul wil ook die gemeenskap en besighede bedank vir al die jare se getroue ondersteuning.

Henri Philippe Junod (Theologian & Author) 1897 – 1987

(Vroedvrou en Suster) 1906 – Het meer as ‘n duisend kraamgevalle gedoen, dikwels sonder betaling, vanaf 1933 tot diep in die vyftigerjare. Het onder uiterse toestande saam met Dr Adams kraamgevalle en siek pasiënte met Malaria en Swartwater bygestaan. Sy was ‘n persoonlike vriend van Dr Merensky wat haar finansieël bygestaan het om by Lady Buxton Huis en Clairmont te studeer. Sy het hom op sy laaste siekbed verpleeg.

Charles Thomas Astley Maberly (Artist & Author) 1905 – 1972 A man of God, historian, linguist and author. Prison chaplain – he walked more that 900 convicted prisoners to the gallows. Linquist in ten languages. He was born in this District. He was a recipient of the Rotary Paul Harris Award.

Wildlife champion and protector; author illustrator and artist; conservationist. He farmed on the site where the present Hospital is situated, before moving to NARINA in the Shelock Valley.

Capt. P.G. Joynt with a lion he shot. He was Mayor of Tzaneen in 1971-72.

The memorial to Alexander James O’Connor, the ‘father’ of the forests on the slopes of the Wolkberg, erected by the people of Haenertsburg. The inscription in Latin reads: ‘If you want to see his memorial, look around you.’

Dr. Knobel Die eerste Superintendent van die Van Velden Hospitaal. Harry Diley who came to the Letaba in 1904.


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou




In love with our community since TOEKA TOT NOU Disclaimer Notice Though the events contained within the pages of this historical recount of the origins and subsequent history of Tzaneen were obtained from reputable sources, much of the dates and information may be open to scrutiny. We at Far North Media welcome such scrutiny and invite you, our loyal readers, to communicate any objections in writing, to joe@bulletin.us.com or jacques@bulletin.us.com. We feel that it is worth mentioning that though the factuality regarding the centenary is up for debate, it is widely accepted that this year (or at the very least 2020) marks the 100 years since the establishment of Tzaneen. To celebrate this, we have tried to focus on as many interesting individuals and businesses within our town as possible, but should you feel that we have overlooked or omitted anything or any person, please send an email with the information to any of the above mentioned email addresses.

Keep an eye out for the Toeka tot Nou follow up!


Tzaneen Chronology



Toeka tot Nou

November 2018


Kerke/ Churches of Tzaneen

— Menno Klapwijk 1893

Heinrich Altenroxel and Conrad Plange purchase the farm Krawefontein No. 1899 and named the area TZANEEN. This farm becomes known as Krabbefontein. Die eerste N.G. Kerk in Tzaneen, gebou in 1940, en later opgegradeer.


The Department of Lands obtain a block of 11 farms, including Krawefontein from the Thabina Farming Association in which Altenroxel and Plange are joint directors. Government establishes an experimental farm, calling it “Tzaneen Experimental Station”. This property, also called “Tzaneen Government Estate” later becomes plain “Tzaneen Estate”.


“Tzaneen Estate” is transferred to the Department of Agriculture and a cigar factory is established on the Estate.


The railway line from Komatipoort reaches the Letaba River and the halt is called “Tzaneen Station”.


The title deeds of 9 of the 11 farms comprising the “Tzaneen Government Estate” are cancelled and consolidated into a new fam “Tzaneen No. 5” which later becomes “Tzaneen No. 538”.


Die N.G. Kerk Wolkberg.

The Government farm “Pusela No. 55”, on which Tzaneen Station is situated, is surveyed and subdivided into 26 portions, some of which are leased to settlers in 1917.


The railway from Tzaneen Station to Soekmekaar is opened.


The farm “Tzaneen No. 5” is subdivided into 16 portions of which eleven portions are leased in 1918 to settlers.


June – At a public meeting at “Tzaneen Station”, which is situated on Portion 26 of the farm Pusela No. 55, the Government is requested to lay out a new township at “Tzaneen Station”. Sept – After an inspection by the Township Board a recommendation is made for the laying out of a township near “Tzaneen Station”. Nov – The Minister of Lands approves the recommendation of the Township Board. Nov – A local “Tzaneen Township Board” is constituted and is officially recognised by Department of Lands. This Township Board also acts as a health board. Nov – The first survey is done and plans from a township near “Tzaneen Station” are drawn up by Manaschewitz.

Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk in Agathastraat.

Die Gereformeerde Kerk in 1957.


Jan – The final survey and planning of the new township on Portion 26 of Pusela No. 55 in extent 19 morgen 74 square roods in extent is carried out. Oct – A Certificate of Township Title No. 11436/1919 is issued in respect of a portion of the farm Pusela No. 55, 19 morgen 74 square roods in extent. March – Government Gazette Notice of Sale of 40 lots in Tzaneen Township.


April – Public auction of 40 erven in Tzaneen Township.

The Catholic Church in Voortrekker Street.

The Methodist Church.


April – Certificate of Township Title is issued in respect of Portion D, now known as “Tzaneen Township Extension”. Notice in the Government Gazette constituting a Health Committee in respect of Portion 12, 13, 17, 18 and 26 of Pusela No. 55 and regulations for framing voters list.


June – Crown grant to Tzaneen Health Committee of 184 morgen of Portion 26 of Pusela No. 55.


Tzaneen proclaimed as a Village Council


Tzaneen proclaimed as a Town Council The original Saint Peter’s Church in Agatha Street.

The Saint Peter’s Church today.


November 2018

Toeka tot Nou










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