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Wedding W edding September 2011

Wedding roots 2 Waar is die trouring? 11 Famous celebrity weddings 16 Wedding cakes to suit all tastes 10

Graphics and Layout: David Morrison, Keegan Kemp, Yvonne Ndlovu, Cassandra Mongatane Marketing: Jacques Smuts, Nicky Altenroxel, Stephanie Eslick • Editorial: Beaunice Mnisi & Retha Nel

Celebrity rings: Priceless or Pricey?



A Bulletin Publication


September 2011

Wedding Roots

From the Middle Ages to the Present Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi Sourced from

Medieval Weddings In 1076 the Council of Westminster made it a law that marriage must be blessed by a priest, and in the 16th century it was said that the marriage must be performed by a priest with witnesses present. Contracts and legal documents started to be drawn up, similar to today’s prenuptial agreements, marriage contracts and licenses. Dowry, property, rights, etc… would be contained in these documents. The woman’s face would often be painted with some sort of cosmetic. She might sun-bleach her hair. Some women plucked their hairline as it was considered fashionable to have a high forehead. Hair would be worn loose or with a garland of flowers. This might be the only flowers adorning a bride. Some carried a sachet of herbs and potpourri, but not the traditional bouquet that contemporary brides carry. If a woman came from a wealthy or noble family, she would have a nice hot bath, followed with some flower and herb scented oils. If she wasn’t, she would be dirty but still get some sort of perfume to cover the smells. The finest silks with gold or silver embroidery would be worn. Brightly coloured fabrics were popular.

Men wore their finest court attire, or even a newly made set of clothes. Jewellery, furs and elaborate belts adorned every noble body. The Brides would wear blue most often, as blue was the symbol of purity. If her gown was not blue, she would wear something blue, like a ribbon on her person. Hence today’s, “something blue.” The garter also became popular in medieval times, as guests followed the bride and groom to their room, where they “put” the couple to bed. For a person of noble birth, their wedding may take place in the castle. Great feasts would follow, with fools, minstrels, musicians, and other entertainers. Today’s tiered wedding cakes actually stemmed from the Middle Ages when guests

would bring little cakes and stack them on top of one another. The bride and groom would then try to kiss over top of the cakes without knocking them to the ground. Now peasants were a little different. They would often marry for love… or perhaps a quick love-fest that resulted in pregnancy would push them down the aisle. Despite differences, peasants still considered marriage to be a legal contract, and there were some who also suffered through an arranged marriage. Betrothal ceremonies would be held in the home, attended by some of the villagers. A village tradition was to shower the bride and groom with seeds of grain to wish them a fertile marriage. Rings were exchanged amongst the wealthy, however among peasants, often the groom would break a coin in half keeping one side for himself and giving the other to his bride.

A lot of the customs from the middle ages were still upheld during Elizabethan times. Religion still played a major role in weddings, and ceremonies would be conducted by a priest, most likely in a church. A procession would take the bride from her home to the church. Prior to marrying, a Crying the Banns would be done. This was the couple’s announcement of their intention to marry. Should anything bar that from happening, it would be brought up during the banns. This custom still occurs in British churches today. The announcement would be made in church, three Sundays in a row. Anyone who married without conducting the Crying the Banns, their marriage would be considered illegal. If they lived in different parishes, the banns would need to be cried in both. If someone needed to get married right away however, they could be issued a Marriage Bond, by the bishop. The marriage bond contract required only one week of Crying the Banns. Weddings were held in the mornings, before noon, followed by the feasts. The bridesmaids would be in charge of making bouquets for guests, and to make

Elizabethan Weddings

the wedding garland with rosemary and roses. The bride would carry her garland until after the ceremony, where she would then place it on her head. The cost of the wedding fell to the bride’s father, however in small villages; neighbours could prepare food for the feast. Invitations were still not sent out. People knew of the wedding and they would attend. If it was to be held at court, courtiers knew to go. Sometimes little notes might be sent out, but nothing formal. Strict social order is observed in the church, nobles up front, peasants in the back. The marriage contract was still very important, with details of the dowry and jointure (what the grooms family would provide to the bride should she become a widow).

Scottish Weddings In Scotland marriages were a lot different. There were not all the rules that applied to England. In Scotland a couple was considered married if they announced it to witnesses and then consummated the marriage. In England, people would elope to Gretna Green in Scotland to avoid the laws and restrictions. These marriages were considered legal in England, although they were discouraged.


September 2011

Regency Weddings

During the Regency, weddings became mostly private affairs, and even if held at church was not attended by that many. A very popular place to have a wedding was at St. George’s Church in Hanover Square. In fact, in 1816

there were 1063 weddings held that year in the church. Reading of the banns was still done in the Regency era but there were also a couple of other ways you could go about it. There was the common license, which was obtained by a bishop or archbishop. The couple had to be married in a church or chapel where either the bride or groom had lived for four weeks. The third way was a special license, which was issued by the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Doctors Commons in London. The special license allowed the couple to marry anytime, anyplace. Weddings were still done in the mornings and could be followed by a breakfast feast.

Victorian Weddings

Queen Victoria is often given credit for making the white wedding gown popular since she herself wore white to her wedding. However, there

have been many royal and non-royal brides before her that did not wear white. Flowers began to play a bigger part in the wedding. The church or chapel would be decorated with them. Men would wear a flower in the lapel of their frock coat or morning coat. In the country, a bride would walk to the chapel on a carpet of flower blossoms. Church bells rang to alert the people that the wedding was taking place, and to ward off evil. By 1880, weddings could be held as late as three in the afternoon.

Fun Fact William Shakespeare and his wife elicited a Marriage Bond from the bishop for their own wedding.


September 2011

Vlamvat ramparty ‘n Gefuifery en oordadige drankgebruik is byna tradisie vir hedendaagse rampartye, maar jy sien nie uit daarna om met ‘n allemintige babalaas langs die bruid te staan nie. Dalk lus om iets anders te doen? Hier is ‘n paar interessante idees. Saamgestel deur Retha Nel

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How to embarrass the groom

Bachelor parties tend to be affairs including strippers, excessive drinking and, of course, embarrassing the groom. Here are a few ideas on how to embarrass the groom but still keep the fun going.


wedstryd van die Pirates in die Peter Mokaba Stadion is goeie moontlikhede. Bespreek ‘n oornag visvang-kamp vir die bruidegom As hy ‘n gholfliefhebber is, verras hom met ‘n middag en ‘n paar vriende. Of vir iets heelwat meer avontuurop sy gunsteling gholfbaan. lik bespreek ‘n ‘canopy tour’ of ‘tubing’ by ‘n avontuurorganiseerder. As die bruidegom hou van mededin- Rekenaarspeletjies (Gaming) mging, vaar die bos met vierwielmotorfietse in of gaan Vir die meer tegnologie-ge-orieenteerde bruidegom, speel vir ‘n paar ure verfbalskiet. oorweeg dit om ‘n LAN-party te hou in die vorm van ‘n kompetisie. Speel iets soos ‘Call of Duty 4’ of ‘Need Sport for Speed Hot Pursuit’ waar spelers teen mekaar kan As die bruidegom lief vir sport is, kyk of daar nie dalk ‘n meeding. Bestel Pizza’s om geld te bespaar of koop groot sportbyeenkoms in die omgewing is nie. ‘n Midborde vingerkos met al die bruidegom se gunsteling dag by Loftus om te kyk hoe WP en die Bulle speel of ‘n eetgoed.

Hoe om

‘n prettige bachelorette party te hou Strooimeisies kies deesdae om eerder die vroulike weergawe van ‘n ramparty (bachelors) te hou, as die tradisionele kombuistee. Hier is ‘n paar partytjie-voorstelle.

Spa-bederf Bespreek ‘n dagpakket by ‘n spa en bederf die bruid en vriendinne met masserings, gesigbehandelings, manikure en pedikure. Dit sal sommer ook sorg dat sy mooi lyk op haar troudag.

Dress the groom in drag or as hideous as possible. Fancy dress costumes and bright red lipstick makes the groom the centre of attention in a crowd. Get the groom to serenade a lady in public. The middle of a pub or just outside a club works well. Gather embarrassing stories about the groom and share with the group. They may also have interesting stories to share. Put together a few dares. If he refuses, make him pay a penalty…like doing an even worse dare. Drinking games are also an interesting way to embarrass the groom. Just don’t overdo it.


of ‘tubing’.

Gaan eet by ‘n deftige restaurant en gaan daarna vir ‘n paar drankies by die bruid se gunsteling kroeg.

Iets meer eksoties Verras die bruid met ‘n eksotiese dansles of joga-sessie.

Vir somer-weer In somermaande is dit ‘n goeie plan om ‘n swembadpartytjie te hou. Versier die omgewing met fakkels, kry ‘n vriend of vriendin om kroegman te speel en vir die dames interessante drankies te meng en gee vir elkeen ‘n vrolike Hawaiise blom-


Adrenalien-verslaaf As die bruid van avontuur hou, bespreek ‘n ‘canopy tour,’ vierwielmotorfietsrit in die bos of watersport soos river-’rafting’

Remember Bachelor parties tend to get out of hand when a lot of drinking is involved. Be responsible and appoint a designated (sober) driver to drive everyone home or hire a taxi to fetch the party at the end of the night. The party is supposed to be fun for the groom. Don’t push him too far or let him do anything dangerous. Make sure to include the family for a least half the party. Hold a dinner or a braai at a family member’s house and then head out on the town. Holding separate parties is also an option.

September 2011



September 2011

Wie het die ring?

Om ‘n senuagtige strooijonker of ‘n woedende bruid tydens die troue te vermy is dit baie belangrik dat almal weet waarvoor hul verantwoordelik is. Saamgestel deur Retha Nel

Inligting verky van Bruidsgids 2011 (bylaag tot die Pos/LiN-Koerante) | |

Die Strooimeisie

Die Strooijonker Reël die ramparty vir die bruidegom en sy vriende. Huur of koop ‘n pak vir die troue. Is die bruidegom se regterhand en kan gevra word om met reëlings (soos die vervoer na en van die troue) te help. Hou die ringe en wag saam met die bruidegom in die konsistorie tot hulle die kerk binnegaan. Hy staan regs van die bruidegom in die kerk. Stel die eerste heildronk in by die onthaal en stel ‘n heildronk in vir die strooimeisies. Reël na die troue dat hy enige klere wat gehuur is, terugbesorg. Help om die bruidegom kalm te hou.

Daar is gewoonlik meer as een strooimeisie. Reël ‘n henneparty vir die bruid. Betaal vir haar eie rok en bykomstighede. Help die bruid aantrek. Rangskik die bruid se sluier en sleep voor hulle die kerk binnegaan. Hou die bruid se ruiker vas terwyl die ringe aangesteek word. Hou ‘n wakende oog oor die blommemeisies/jonger lede van die trougeselskap wanneer hulle die kerk binnestap.

Die Bruid Kies haar trourok en bykomstighede. Kies haar gevolg en hul rokke. Huur ‘n trou-koördineerder, spysenier, DJ, bakker vir die troukoek, ensomeer. Stel die gastelys saam (gewoonlik saam met haar ma). Reël die blomme vir die kerk en onthaal, asook bruidsparty se ruikers.

Koop ‘n trouring vir die bruidegom. Skryf bedankingsbriefies aan gaste vir elke geskenk, kaartjie of gelukwensing.

Die Bruidegom Kies sy strooijonker. Tref reëlings met die predikant, orrelis en koster om die kerk te bespreek. Koop die bruid se trouring. Reël die vervoer na die kerk en na en van die onthaal. Drank/drinkgoed vir die onthaal. Reël die wittebroodsreis en hotelbesprekings. Kry die huwelikslisensie en ander regsdokumente.

Die bruid se ouers Die bruid se ma help met die beplanning van die huwelikseremonie en -onthaal. Die ouers moet gaste by die onthaal ontvang en laat tuis voel. Volgens tradisie hou die bruid se ouers vir die paartjie ‘n verlowingsparty en help soms om trou-uitgawes te dek.

In Chinese customs, the betrothal gifts are delivered up to a month or at least three days before the wedding day. The groom and a friend will deliver the gifts. The gifts are usually packed in a multi-tiered wedding basket, borrowed from a wedding cake shop. It typically includes Chinese and western wedding cakes, two bottles of brandy, an even number of oranges, peanut or rice candies (depending on the bride’s ethnicity), two pairs of dragon and

Chinese custom phoenix candles and betrothal jewellery (dragon and phoenix bangle or four items of gold) from the groom’s parents to the bride. The bride’s parents will give a return gift, replacing the two bottles of brandy with two bottles of orange syrup. An even number of all the other gifts are returned to the groom’s family along with the two phoenix candle. The two sides then light their respective candles on the wedding day.


September 2011 Celebrity Engagement Rings Photo Gallery - Celebrity Bride Guide

Hil’s is so beautiful! Posted by gina on December 12, 2010

BEAUTIFUL rings! Sad thing is about half of those couples are no longer. Posted by bell on December 18, 2010 See photos of celebrity wedding dresses, including Vera Wang, Dior and Reem Acra.

I don’t think you should waste that much money on a girl because what if she rejects you?

Celebrity engagement glamour

More Photo Galleries

Posted by Shelby Atherton on January 15, 2011

This is the best ring of all in the list… Channing is not only so Charming but he also has excellent taste !!!! OMG !!!!! Posted by Erina Iwasaki on March 18, 2011


Movie Brides

Bachelorette Parties

Proposal Stories

Wedding Invitations

Wedding Venues

Wedding Cakes Wedding Hairstyles

Wedding Favors See All...

Compiled by Yvonne Ndlovu

Sourced from

Natalie Portman got engaged to Benjamin Millepied when he proposed with a round diamond surrounded by pave diamonds. The couple met while filming “Black Swan”

Film/TV Weddings

Ryan Reynolds is so cheap, a 30k ring for Scarlett, really?

See the most memorable wedding dresses from film and TV including "The Hangover," "I Love You, Man" and "When in Rome."

Posted by Helena on May 2, 2011

That’s a quarter of a million dollars on a ring. has similar style rings for 1/10th of the price. Posted by TheJewelryMaster on May 4, 2011

This is an amazing post and i have been looking for such an information for quite some time Posted by Cheap Engagment Rings on May 24, 2011

Reece Witherspoon wears a rare four-carat Ashoka diamond engagement ring by William Goldberg. Witherspoons’ beau, Jim Toth, spent approximately R2 018 300,00 on the ring.

I’d like to see more of Leann Rimes engagement ring. they say it has fleur de lis

Submit Your Wedding Photos

Standard diamond cuts

on it and thats what I would love to have. But i could never find a good picture of it. Posted by Jen on July 5, 2011

1 MILLION DOLLARS for Hilary Duff’s ring? WHAT??!!!! I like the girl but that

is obscene and almost criminal. Who needs or wants a million dollar ring? If you must have opulence spend $50K and then give the other $950K to charity. Dear Lord, these people have no sense. Posted by Jonah Lambeert on July 26, 2011

Did she really find that ring on the beach?

Was your wedding inspired by a celebrity? Send us your story and wedding photos, and you may be featured on Celebrity Bride Guide.

A couple of years ago, my step dad found a ring in the washer at a laundromat.

See which details Katie Oleske (above right) borrowed from Jessica Simpson's wedding.

We never thought much of it because, who would lose a ring that huge at a crappy little laundromat in this tiny town? But I got curious about it and took it to a jewelry store. It ended up being a 1.1ct. diamond with no flaws on a platinum band. We still can’t hardly believe it… We’ve never really been able to find out how much it’s worth yet. Posted by diane on August 10, 2011

Are diamonds an investment? While jewelers love to tell you that a diamond ring is a great investment, that's not necessarily true. Diamond's may or may not increase in value, but "antique" rings rarely cost as much as new ones do, because of wear and tear. Instead of looking at rings for their investment value, buy ones that symbolize your love, and that you'll want to wear for the rest of your lives.

Salma Hayek wears a five-carat oval-cut diamond with trillions on each side from her husband Francois-Henri Pinault. The ring is set in platinum and estimated to cost around R1 614 640,00[2011/09/25 10:07:01 PM]

Hillary Duff’s 14-carat diamond engagement ring cost hubby Mike Comrie R8 073 200,00. Comrie proposed on the balcony at sunset in Hawaii.

Did you know? Four c’s of diamonds Anyone shopping for a diamond engagement ring should first acquaint themselves with “the four Cs”, namely colour, cut, clarity, and carat. (Some include the fifth c for cost.)

Kate Hudson’s 9-carat rock from beau Matthew Bellamy is an emeraldcut diamond with tapered baquettes worth R1 614 640,00.



September 2011

Wedding budget

Your budget should include the overall cost of the wedding. A smart way to draw up the budget is to list all the components of the wedding. This can also double up as a checklist for the planning stages

Coordinator: Hourly fee or 15% of the total budget Consultant’s fee Planner, organiser or computer programme Printing: Invitations & envelopes Reply cards & envelopes Programs Table plans Table number Guest book Escort cards Place cards Menus Present boxes, thank you cards, postage fee and associated fee Church ceremony: Church or chapel fee Ring pillow & kneeling pillows Confetti Preacher Maintenance person Flowers: Wedding ceremony

Flowers for the reception Bride’s bouquet Bride’s maids & matron of honour bouquet Shoulder bouquet and button hole flowers Brides maids hair decorations and baskets Flower stands Candles and candle stands Set up fee Delivery fee

Delivery and collection Other

Reception: Venue hire Food Champagne, wine & fruit juices Rented items Wedding cake DJ/band Table gifts Transport Parking/transport for guests Tips Drinks before the ceremony Snacks Bar man Waiters Draping Fairy lights Underplates Table cloths and serviettes Chair covers Plants Set up fee

Before planning your honeymoon, answer the following questions

Photos: Engagement photos Wedding photos Wedding album Parents’ album Additional prints and enlargements Videography (DVD copies for parents) Travel and accommodation costs Gifts: Gift for bride Gift for matron of honour Brides maids & flower girls Best man & ring bearers Bride’s parents Groom’s parents Other Parties: Braids maids lunch Rehearsal dinner Breakfast after wedding Music: Church music (organist, singer, string ensemble etc) Reception DJ/band Extra time after midnight Travel & accommodation costs

Miscellaneous: Attorney Wedding car Ribbons Serviettes decorations Honeymoon: Accommodation Travel tickets Visa & airport insurance Car hire Travel costs; taxi, train, buses Honeymoon package Travel bags Spending money Role players: Bride Bride’s outfit: Dress Hair decoration & veil Delicates & pantyhose Shoes, accessories, jewellery, hair, make-up & beauty treatments. Groom Groom’s outfit: Suit, shoes, bowtie, cufflinks, escort, belt, rings Gift for the bride Bridal party’s outfits Bridesmaids dresses Flower girls’ dresses Best man suit Ring bearer suit.

Honeymoon Planning Schedule Your date is set, your dress is chosen and wedding plans are underway, but don’t leave your honeymoon till last. Now is the time to plan to make it perfect.

Do we want to get married in the same place that we honeymoon? Destination weddings are ideal as they save you the trouble of packing and rushing to the airport after the wedding. This fast growing trend can also save you money because you can go with a few friends and family.

Do we want to save or splurge? Work out whether you want to splurge on luxury rooms or opt for simplicity to and memory making activities you can afford.

Start planning six to nine months out: Decide on your destination and find a travel agent. Make an appointment and discuss your wants and needs. Book your resort, air plane tickets, car rentals and any other special arrangements. Ask about the airline’s baggage regulations. If you have particular dietary or other needs, this is the time to mention them. Don’t forget to reserve a GPS for your rental car if you need one. Get your passports. If your passport is in your maiden name, you airline ticket should be too. Let your travel agent know this before any flights are booked. Find out what the temperature at your destination will be. Call the nearest tourism office of your destination and request brochures and information. Ask for names of romantic restaurants. Check out their web site.

Do we want to go around the corner or around the world? Decide how long you can afford to be away and arrive at a general budget, this will determine how far you can go.

1 month out:

Do we want sunshine or snow? Discuss the climates you like best and choose your honeymoon destination. This is the perfct opportunity to see the world in, but what works for you skiing in the snow or tanning under sunny skies.

Do we want an all inclusive resort, a cruise, a honeymoon package or a trip tailored for just the two of us? Each of these options has advantages, the key lies in choosing one that matches your dreams. All-inclusive resorts are an easy way to go as most meals, sports equipment, tips and some drinks are part of the price. Honeymoon packages available from hotels, airlines and tour operators are designed with romance in mind. If you choose to cruise the ship is your home away from home. Most onboard meals and activities are included in the cost. If you have a special place in mind and want a trip tailored to your very own wishes and pace, work with a travel agent to make sure that everything you dreamed of is built in.

Do we want to learn something new that we can enjoy together? You might like to combine your honeymoon with a golf, tennis, skiing or sailing school to learn a sport that you can enjoy together for the rest of your lives.

Ask your travel agent to re-confirm all arrangements. Plan your wardrobe Double check the details for special endeavours

Before you say I do In South Africa marriages are automatically in community of property, unless a valid ante-nuptial contract has been entered into before the marriage. Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi

Sourced from Vezi & DeBeer Attorneys | | www.

should be furnished and if any of the persons getting married are widowed, the deceased spouse’s death certificate must be submitted.

Types of marriages In Community of Property South African Common Law provides that a marriage without an antenuptial contract results in the parties being married in community of property. Here a joint estate is formed with the parties as joint administrators. Assets are equally shared and the parties are jointly and severally liable for all debts incurred by either party to the marriage. Each party has right of disposal over the assets of the joint estate although consent is required from the other party. Out of Community of Property This form of marriage is where, by means of an ante-nuptial contract community of property, profit and loss is excluded. In this case there is juristic equality in that each party has full right of disposal over his/her own assets. Very basically, this regime is one which stands for the description of “What’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine”. This model is most often chosen by parties who have substantial estates or incomes at the time of marriage. Out of Community of Property with Accrual This form of marriage also excludes, by means of ante-nuptial contract, community of property, profit and loss but provides for a system of asset sharing. This marriage system is a popular choice for couples who have not established themselves financially at the time of marriage. “Accrual” implies the sharing, on termination of the marriage, of the profits generated during the marriage. Upon dissolution of the marriage, whether it be by death or divorce, the estate values are determined separately. The larger estate values are determined separately and then the larger estate must transfer half the net difference to the smaller estate.

Drawing up an ante-nuptial contract If you decide to get married out of community of property or out of community of property with accrual system, you have to draw up an ante-nuptial contract. This has to be done before the wedding day, by a qualified lawyer. A notary public (an individual authorized by state to officially witness signatures on legal documents, collect sworn statements and administer oaths) will have to witness the contract. The costs of drawing up the ante-nuptial will differ from one law practice to another but is estimated to range from R1 800 to R2 500. The ante-nuptial contract will then be given to the marriage officer. The contract will have to be registered at the deeds office within three months.

Registering your marriage A couple must present the following documents to the person officiating at the marriage: Identity documents (for each person getting married). If a foreign national is marrying a South African citizen, they should both present their valid passports as well as well as a completed BI-31 Form. If any of the persons getting married are divorced, then the final decree of divorce

Officiating a marriage Only marriage officers authorised in terms of Act No. 25 of 1961 to perform marriages may do so. A marriage must be conducted in the presence of at least two witnesses in: A church or another building used for religious services In a public office or private house, with open doors In the case of serious illness or injuries, the marriage may take place in a hospital or any concerned facility.

Marriage certificates Two witnesses and the marriage officer must sign the marriage register after the solemnisation of a marriage. Then the marriage officer must issue the parties with a handwritten marriage certificate (BI-27) free of charge. The marriage officer must then submit the marriage register to the nearest office of the Department of Home Affairs, where the marriage details will be recorded in the National Population Register (NPR). The first issue of an abridged marriage certificate is free, and a re-issue is R15.

Registering customary marriages Customary marriages must be registered within three months of taking place. This can be done at any office of the Department of Home Affairs or through a designated traditional leader in areas where there are no Home Affairs offices. The following people should present themselves at either a Home Affairs office or a traditional leader in order to register a customary marriage: The two spouses (with copies of their valid identity books and a lobola agreement, if available) At least one witness from the bride’s family and another witness from the groom’s family should be present. Customary marriages are registered by completing BI-1699 and paying the required fees. An acknowledgement of receipt BI-1700 will then be issued by the Department. Registering more than one customary marriage If a male person is already in a customary marriage and wishes to enter into another customary marriage he has to, at his own cost, get a court order from a competent court which will regulate his future matrimonial property system. It is also possible for a male person who is already in a customary marriage to enter into a civil marriage. They should follow the normal procedure for civil marriages.

Civil Unions The Civil Union Act (effective from December 2006) allows anyone regardless of their sexual orientation to marry either through a civil union, a civil marriage or a customary marriage. Civil unions may be conducted by designated marriage officers for specific religious denominations or organisations or designated officers employed by the Department of Home Affairs and the Magistrates’ Courts. At least two competent witnesses must be present at the ceremony. Requirements for registering a Civil Union Both persons must be 18 years or older to enter into a Civil Union. Both persons may not be already married in terms of any other Act.


September 2011 Seven Tier Cake Wedding cakes inspired by different seasons (say, fondant maple leaves for fall or sugar cherry blossoms for spring) are always a smart idea, but this winter-themed cake simply blew us away. A hound’s-tooth pattern was stencilled onto fondant covered tiers to evoke the cosiness and warmth of this quintessential wool fabric; it also features a hand-cut fondant ornament and (edible!) non-pareil pom-poms.

Damask Cake This opulent five-tier cake is a graphic interpretation of damask; it plays up the pattern, which is traditionally toneon-tone. The intricate scrollwork is best suited to a square cake because the flat surfaces display the repeating motif to greatest advantage. To create this magnificent design, the pattern is placed under waxed paper, then piped over and filled in with royal icing. After it dries, the hardened frosting is removed from the waxed paper and affixed to the cake. The Wedgwood-blue fondant and dark brown decorations look elegant on a chocolate cake.

Traditional Cake



Basket Cake Buttercream baskets brim with crystallized flowers, including pansies, roses, lavender, cornflowers, and violets. Sugaring flowers gives them a sparkling appearance; if you want guests to be able to nibble on these lovely decorations, be sure to acquire them from a reputable supplier

It usually is a large cake, multilayered or tiered, and heavily decorated with icing, usually over a layer of marzipan or fondant. Achieving a dense, strong cake that can support the decorations while remaining edible can be considered the epitome of the baker’s art and skill.In the United Kingdom, the traditional wedding cake is made from a rich fruitcake, although many modern cakes now consist of vanilla sponge, chocolate sponge or carrot cake.

Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi

Sourced from

Cupcakes Tons of chocolate and vanilla wedding cupcakes. Wedding cupcakes keep popping up again and again in the media as a way to save money on your wedding or adding a bit of whimsy to the reception.

September 2011

8 wenke om te

bespaar op jou troue Met die stygende lewenskoste in Suid-Afrika kan ‘n troue vinnig baie duur raak. Dit beteken nie dat ‘n asembenemende troue onmoontlik is met ‘n klein begroting nie. Hier is ‘n paar wenke om kostes te besnoei. Saamgestel deur Retha Nel

Inligting verky van

te hou of op ‘n Sondag. Dié dae het ‘n veel laer aanvraag en sal baie geld Die uitnodigings is die spaar. Donderdag is ook ‘n eerste aspek van jou goeie dag vir ‘n troue. troue wat gaste gaan sien en verklap baie oor die Spaar geld met troue self. Jy hoef nie iets kerkversierings spesiaals te doen nie, hou dit eenvoudig. As die troue by ‘n Jy hoef nie dit te laat vakansieoord of hotel grafeer nie, normale gehou word kan jy gedrukte uitnodigings voordeel trek uit die gratis kan pragtig lyk. Soek rond versierings. Die plek is op die internet, jy kan gewoonlik klaar versier pragtige ontwerpe vir met blomme of ander goedkoop kry. versierings, dus hoef jy Jy kan selfs die kaartjies op geen ekstra versierings te jou persoonlike drukker by koop nie. die huis druk. Spaar geld met kerkversierings Posgeld op die trou-uitnodigings As vriende en familie Moenie ‘n binne-koevert beskikbaar is om te help, of plakpapier in die sal dit die las op jou ligter uitnodigings sit nie. maak. As een van jou Uitnodigings raak baie vriende ‘n musikant is, vra keer weg in die pos en of hy/sy nie by jou troue bereik nooit die persoon sal optree nie, in plaas nie. Antwoord-kaartjies is daarvan om ‘n groep vir ook nie noodsaaklik nie. die onthaal te bespreek. Gaste kan op facebook Vriende en familie kan ook of per telefoon jou help met die troureëlings uitnodiging aanvaar. Dus en het dalk ander maniere spaar dit drukkoste. om geld te bespaar, sonder om die troue af te skeep. Toonstuk Spaar geld met uitverkopings kerkversierings Toonstuk-uitverkopings (sample sales) word Daag vriende en familie gewoonlik by ontwer- uit om te help met die perswinkels gehou, een troue en die persoon wat keer ‘n jaar wanneer nuwe die meeste hulp aanbied, produkte bekendgestel kry ‘n spesiale prys. Dit word. skep ‘n opwindende, Trourokke kan hier teen uitdagende atmosfeer en baie lae pryse gekoop help om almal te motiveer word. om te help. Sodoende Daar is dalk selfs ‘n pragtige kan trougeskenkies, rok vir jou strooimeisie. uitnodigings en ander ‘n Ander alternatief is om handgemaakte skeppings jou trourok by ‘n boetiek vinnig voltooi word. te huur. Goedkoop kos en drinkgoed Verander die dag van die week Die kos by die onthaal Die meeste hotelle en hoef nie baie duur te wees trouplekke hou die meeste nie. Vra die spysenier om van hul funksies op Vrydae kos te maak wat deftig en en Saterdae. Dit sal stylvol is, maar nie duur is gewoonlik veel duurder nie. Die meeste spyseniers wees om op hierdie dae het spyskaarte waarvan jy te trou. Kies om die troue kan kies en wat die prys eerder op ‘n weeksaand bepaal.


Goedkoper trouuitnodigings










September 2011 There’s an indisputable energy to the colour red — an energy that has the power to transform an otherwise unassuming flower into the essence of desire, strength, and passionate love. With beauty, courage and heat as its symbolism, it’s no surprise that a bouquet filled with rich, red blooms knows no restraint.

While purple is the colour of royalty, and pink the colour of youth, lavender is femininity all grown up. Representing refinement, grace, and elegance, lavender holds an almost sacred place in nature with violet flowers often considered the most delicate and precious. An arrangement filled with these genteel blossoms send a message of feminine beauty.

There’s a good reason why it can feel all but impossible to refrain from smiling when you spot a bouquet of bright daffodils, or a pot filled with sun-drenched chrysanthemums — the colour yellow evokes feelings of joy and light heartedness. Also a symbol of friendship, a bouquet bursting with yellow blooms sends a message of new beginnings and happiness.

Flower power Compiled by Retha Nel

Sourced from

The pale blue hues of a hydrangea or the deep blues of an iris can calm worries and preoccupation representing peace, openness, and serenity. A fresh floral arrangements filled with blue flowers offers a cooling antidote to anxiousness.

With its origins tied to royalty and ceremony, purple flowers represent dignity, pride and success. Whether grouped alone in a bold range of rich hues or mixed in with other colours to provide depth and contrast, an arrangement filled with purple blooms represents accomplishment and admiration.

Synonymous with nature and the perfect complement to any other bloom — the colour green represents health, resilience, good fortune and youth. Whether used to throw together a diverse mixture of shapes and hues or as a restful tone-on-tone bouquet, green flowers send a message of optimism and renewal.

Often associated with innocence, humility, and reverence, white flowers evoke simple beauty. Whether they take their shape as the luxurious, silk petals of fragrant gardenias, the small, white bells of a lily of the valley, or the quiet drama of a dozen white roses. A fresh floral arrangement dominated by white blossoms conveys modesty and elegance.

Think pink and you think of grace, gentility and happiness. Regardless of the shape of the flower from the tight, small buds of a pink garden rose to the delicate, open petals of a pink caellia in full bloom pink blossoms convey youth, innocence, and joy.

There’s nothing bashful about the colour orange–its message is clear and blatantly proud. Symbolizing energy, enthusiasm, and warmth, an arrangement of blooms in this vibrant colour conveys confidence, satisfaction and a passion for life.

Roses are the most popular choice of flowers for brides. A white rose stands for innocence, beauty and charm, just the traits every bride wants to portray. A bride that chooses red roses for her wedding flowers is sending a message of passion and of fiery love. If dark pink roses are used for a wedding, the couple is expressing a thankfulness that they found each other. An ivy coloured rose stands for fidelity in the marriage, something every new couple strives for. Daisies are many people’s favourite flower, but not a lot of brides use them in their wedding. They might if they understood their significance. Daisies stand for romance and an innocent spirit. Calla Lilies: These graceful flowers are reminders of our past generations when grace and beauty were the rule. Associated with elegance and charm, a calla lily would be the perfect flower if you wanted to create a sophisticated atmosphere for your wedding.


September 2011

Lobola Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi

Traditionally/in the past, women used to be financially dependent on men, and lobola was one way of ensuring or checking that the man was financially able to take care of a family. Different tribes view/regard Lobola differently. For some, it serves as compensation to the bride's family, because traditionally, once married, she belonged to the husband's family. It also compensates for the giving up of one's maiden name to assume the husband's last name. More and more African men regard it as a thank you gift to the fiancée’s family, for having raised her well, taught her well and for just allowing him to marry her. Lobolo or Lobola in Zulu, Xhosa and Ndebele and Mahadi in Sesotho and Sepedi is a traditional Southern African custom whereby the man pays the family of his fiancée for her hand in marriage. The custom is aimed at bringing the two families together, fostering mutual respect, and indicating that the man is capable of supporting his wife financially and emotionally. Traditionally the lobola payment was in cattle as cattle were the primary source of

wealth in African society. Nowadays most modern urban couples have switched to using cash. The process of lobola negotiations can be long and complex, and involves many members from both the bride's and the groom's extended families. Often, to dispel any tensions between the families, a bottle of brandy is placed on the table. This is usually not drunk; it is simply a gesture to welcome the guest family and make everyone feel more relaxed (it is known as mvulamlomo, which is Xhosa for 'mouth opener' i.e. price for opening your mouth {to speak}) to express the purpose of your visit). In families where tradition and intention override greed, lobola can be a great way of showing commitment between families, not just between the bride and groom. Many traditional marriages utilise a cashbased lobola; this can then be followed by a European-style wedding ceremony, where the lobola funds are used to pay for expenses. In this way, any outlaid costs are returned to the payer in another form, preserving tradition, honour and finances.

Islamic weddings

The wedding itself doesn’t need to take place in a Mosque, and any Muslim who understands Islamic tradition can officiate. There are two aspects to a Muslim wedding: the ceremony, and the legal contract which legitimises the marriage and must be witnessed by two men. The marriage traditions differ depending on culture, but during most ceremonies, men and women remain separate.

Jewish weddings (Kabbalat Panim) It is customary for the bride and groom not to see each other for one week preceding the wedding. They will prior to the wedding ceremony greet guests separately. This is called Kabbalat Panim. Jewish tradition likens the couple to a queen and king. The bride will be seated on a throne to receive her guests, while the groom is surrounded by guests who sing and toast him. At this time there is an Ashkenazi tradition for the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom, to stand together and break a plate. The reason is to show the seriousness of the commitment, just as a plate can never be fully repaired so too a broken relationship can never be fully repaired.

Hindu Weddings

The majority of the wedding ceremony will take place in a Mandap (the four-pole canopy at centre stage). The sacred fire in the Mandap symbolises not only the illumination of the mind, knowledge and happiness but is also a clean and pure witness to the ceremony as it progresses. The ceremony itself is a collection of rituals performed by the bride, bridegroom and their respective parents and close relatives. The priest chants “mantras” from the Vedas that were originally written in Sanskrit.



September 2011

Modern: Plastic Alternate: clocks Flowers: Pansy Alternate Stones: Gold Jewelry Alt: Peridot




Modern: Cotton and Calico Alternate: China Flowers: Cosmos Alternate Stones: Garnet



Modern: Iron Alternate: Wood Flowers: Calla Lily Alternate Stones: Amethyst Alt: Turquoise



Copper and Wool

Modern: Brass Alternate: Desk Sets Flowers: Jack-in-the-Pulpit Alternate Stones: Onyx Alt: Yellow Sapphire

Anniversary gifts by year Compiled by Retha Nel Sourced from

Struggling to buy a suitable wedding anniversary gift each year? Or are Mom and Dad celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and you have no idea for a party theme? We list the various materials associated with certain wedding anniversaries. You can use these as a guideline for interesting, creative or romantic gifts.




Modern: Plastic Alternate: Crystal and Glass Flowers: Fuchsia Alternate Stones: Pearls Alt: Jade


Modern: Pottery Alternate: Linen Flowers: Clematis Alternate Stones: tourmaline Alt: Tanzanite


Modern: China Alternate: Platinum Flowers: Day Lily Alternate Stones: Emerald Alt: Yellow or Golden Diamond


Modern: Linen, Silk, Nylon Alternate: Appliances Flowers: Geranium Alternate Stones: Blue Topaz Alt: Blue Zircon



Fruit and Flowers


Modern: Willow Alternate: Leather Flowers: Poppy Alternate Stones: Lapis Lazuli Alt: Amethyst


Modern: Silver Alternate: Silver Flowers: Iris Alternate Stones: Silver Jubilee



Modern: Pearl Alternate: Pearl Flowers: Sweet Pea Alternate Stones: Pearl Jubilee


Modern: Wood Alternate: Silverware Flowers: Daisy Alternate Stones: Sapphire Alt: Pink Tourmaline



Modern: Garnet Alternate: Ruby Flowers: Nasturtium Alternate Stones: Ruby



Modern: Sapphire Alternate: Sapphire Flowers: Alternate Stones: Cat’s Eye


Modern: Aluminum Alternate: Diamond Flowers: Daffodil Alternate Stones: Diamond Alt: Blue Sapphire



Modern: Coral and Jade Alternate: Jade Flowers: Alternate Stones: Emerald

50 40



Modern: Gold Alternate: Gold Flowers: Violet Alternate Stones: Golden Jubilee Alt: Imperial or Golden Topaz


September 2011

Traditional invitations:

Traditional wedding invitations make a statement of elegance and class.

Wooden invitations

Invitations are made of high quality wood veneer, which is engraved with wedding details.

Tin box invitations

Traditional, square wedding invitations are presented in designer tin boxes. Most often, there is a diverse range of tin box patterns to choose from.

Butterfly box invitations

A softer and more feminine box option for wedding invitations, the butterfly box is a newer choice for the modern bride.

Beads and Jewels

A classy addition to any invitation, jewels and beads will indicate your wedding to be formal.

Scroll invitations

The traditional invitation of Indian kings, scrolls are guaranteed to be memorable announcements of your wedding.

DVD's invitations

Technologically savvy invitation options, these DVD’s are truly personalized. Couples often include photo slideshows, music and personal messages.

Flowers invitations

From roses to calla lilies and from cherry blossoms to daisies, there is a flower for everyone. Choose a single flower or a few to represent the fresh start of this new beginning.


September 2011 remembered weddings in history. And with over 3 500 people in attendance at St. Paul's Cathedral and over 5 000 police officers needed, it's also no surprise that it's one of the biggest. 750 million folks watched the wedding on TV and another 600 000 lined the streets of London when 20-year old Diana Spencer (donning her infamous 25-foot train) married Prince Charles. Later in the day, the pair inaugurated the Buckingham Palace balcony kiss. Sadly, the marriage didn't last. The couple separated in 1992 and divorced in 1996. Princess Di later perished in a paparazzi-related automobile accident in 1997.

2000, just weeks after Douglas' divorce was finalized. A traditional Welsh choir (Côr Cymraeg Rehoboth) sang at their wedding. Her Welsh gold wedding ring includes a Celtic motif and was purchased in the Welsh town of Aberystwyth.

John F. Kennedy & Jacqueline Kennedy An estimated 700 guests attended the ceremony between beautiful socialite Jackie Onassis and Senator John F. Kennedy in 1953, and 1 200 attended the reception that followed. Always ahead of the times when it comes to fashion, Jackie made a stir with her wedding gown, designed by Ann Lowe, an AfricanAmerican designer. Seven years later, the glamorous couple moved into the White House.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Who didn't watch this wedding? Unarguably the most expensive wedding to date, Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding cost is in the estimated US$40 million range. Small price to pay for that super sweet balcony kiss seen around the world.

Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi Sometimes it doesn't take a lot of money to have a beautiful wedding. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi's small and intimate wedding ceremony was much less grand than most celebrity weddings, but was nevertheless just as beautiful, with the couple marrying in a laidback California ceremony at Ellen's home in front of only about 20 people Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes They married in 2006 after a whirlwind romance that included "Oprah Winfrey Show" couch-jumping and lots of awkward Katie Holmes public appearances. A-list celebrity guests at the over-the-top wedding in the Odescalchi Castle in Italy included David and Victoria Beckham, Brooke Shields and Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Fun fact: Katie's lingerie alone was rumoured to cost US$3 000.

Grace Kelly & Prince Rainier of Monaco Straight out of a movie, the beautiful Grace Kelly and the Prince of Monaco were engaged just three days after meeting. It reportedly took six weeks and 36 seamstresses to perfect Kelly's dress, which is said to have inspired Kate Middleton's own lace-sleeved wedding dress. It's rumoured the lace used on Grace's dress was 125 years old and purchased from a museum. Sadly, the actress died in an automobile accident in 1982 in Monaco.

Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson With an 11-carat headband, Vera Wang gown and a 25-member gospel choir, the marriage between pop stars Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey couldn't have been cheap. A ballroom filled with 30 000 roses, personalized menus and lobster Prince Charles & Diana Spencer bisque are just a few of the details that Prince Charles and Diana Spencer's 1981 surrounded the wedding, which turned out ceremony is one of the most watched and to be doomed. The pair split in late 2005.

Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas Michael Douglas married Catherine ZetaJones in a US$1.5 million wedding at The Plaza Hotel in New York in 2000. The bride wore a Christian Lacroix dress. They became engaged on 31 December 1999, and were married at the Plaza Hotel in New York City on 18 November

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian has said 'I do' to her basketballer fiancé Kris Humphries in a beautiful sunset ceremony attended by her A-list friends. The bride wore a Vera Wang gown with full tulle skirt, basque waist and Chantilly lace appliqué. She changed into a second Vera Wang mermaid gown with more Chantilly lace on the bodice and handcut organza petals on the skirt. The wedding had 440 guests, including Ryan Seacrest, Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, Mel B and Avril Lavigne. The groom wore a white peak lapel tuxedo jacket, black tuxedo pants with white shirt and white bow tie by Ermenegildo Zegna. Soul singer Robin Thicke sang for the newlyweds' first dance. It was a big pay day for the bride as People magazine bought the rights for the exclusive photographs for US$1,5million. Plus, she has already pocketed US$300 000 for the engagement announcement back in May and another US$100 000 from OK! magazine for the bridal shower photos.

Fairytale weddings of famous people Compiled by Beaunice Mnisi Sourced from

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