LHJ 9-21-17

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Raiders rolling to undefeated record See SPORTS Page 11

La Habra’s Independent Community Newspaper


No. 95511

September 21, 2017

La Habra to begin city road projects

Tearing it all down

By Jay Seidel La Habra Journal

File Photo

The walls come down: Demolition to the former city hall, post office and art gallery is taking place. This scene of the former council chambers and planning department shows how quickly the removal is taking place. The site will be home to approximately 62 townhomes and nine single family homes.

LH installs time capsule

By Jay Seidel La Habra Journal

With the building of the new city hall, La Habra city officials planned to install a time capsule at the entrance of the new building. Rob Ferrier, assistant to the city manager, explained that they sought input from residents regarding what to place in the capsule. The contents include: • FY17-18 City Budget (along w/ copy of FY68-69 City Budget that was in the old City Hall time capsule • Copy of the City’s General Plan • Letters from current City Councilmembers to future City Councilmembers • A City flag • A City coffee mug • City lapel pins • Key to the City • City of LH hard hat

Courtesy Rob Ferrier

Capturing time: La Habra Councilmen Jim Gomez, Tom Beamish, Mayor Rose Espinoza, Councilman Michael Blazey and Mayor Pro Tem Tim Shaw stand next to the time capsule to be placed at that location.

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LHPD shoulder patch Dedication program from the new City Hall (along with a copy from the old City Hall dedication) City of LH cap City of LH canvass bag Pictures of the New City Hall construction Copy of LH Journal Copy of Life in La Habra Children’s Museum magnet and info brochure

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City employment application LH Community Resource Guide • Certificates of recognition presented to City at new City Hall dedication ceremony La Habra City School District Superintendent Joanne Culverhouse also provided an assortment of material on the city schools. The ceremony took place Monday and the capsule will be placed this week.


The La Habra City Council approved a road rehabilitation for Idaho Street between Whittier and La Habra Boulevards at its meeting Monday. The road project will take place in early spring and projected to be completed by early summer. Funding for this project comes mainly from state funding for municipal road repairs under the Road Repair and Accountability Act signed by the governor this year. The city will receive just over $350,000 from the state for road repair. The remaining $165,333 will come from the city’s gas tax revenue, which is already slated for road repair. The pavement condition index of that section of Idaho is rated at a 59, which is poor. Once repaired, it will be rated at 100. In addition to the Idaho rehabilitation, city officials will be starting on the long-awaited Lambert Road repair project early next year. The project will involve Lambert Road from the city’s western limit to Harbor Boulevard, then again from Palm Street to the city’s eastern limit. The section of Lambert between Harbor and Palm will be repaired after the Beckman business park is completed. La Habra City officials are working with the City of Fullerton to complete that section when the Fullerton project is finished. The work on Lambert from the western city limit to Idaho will involve a few dig-outs of the roads in problem asphalt areas with repair where needed. There will also be a slurry coat of that portion of the street. Rob Ferrier, assistant to the La Habra City Manager explained that the stretch of Lambert from Idaho to Harbor is “a bit more involved.” There will need to be more reconstruction to bring up to higher PCI rating. The rehabilitation of Harbor is projected to cost approximately $5 million and is estimated to last about three to five months.

Sonora student receives high military award

Volunteers spend morning cleaning Los Coyotes Creek

LHPD 's night bike patrol shows success







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The Boys & Girls Clubs of La Habra provides a free, nutritious meal to all youth ages 0- 18. Youth in the community are welcome to come to the club Monday-Friday between 3:45 p.m. - 4 p.m. to receive a free meal.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

La Habra Goes to College! Parents and students are invited to attend this free event to learn everything there is to know about sending your kids to college, such as how to prepare, apply and pay for college. Location is at the LH Community Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for more information call Advance! at (562) 691-2117.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Homework Help at the La Habra Library Monday-Thursday from 4-5:30 p.m. High school volunteers help elementary school children with their homework in the Library Meeting Room. Parents need to register their students at their first session. La Habra City Planning Commission Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

La Habra Heights Planning Commission meeting begins at 6 p.m. Pacific Community Credit Union is offering a free Dinner Workshop to educate seniors about new changes to Reverse Mortgages. This workshop is meant to be strictly educational, with nothing being sold or offered. The workshop is open to the public, adults only. To save your spot call (714) 626-1455 or visit www.yourcreditunion.com/ RMWorkshop. Dinner Workshop will be held at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 110 E. Santa Fe in Fullerton at 5:00 p.m.

Friday, September 29, 2017

La Habra Family Resource Center La Loteria Night Fundraiser from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W La Habra Blvd. All ages are welcome. Dinner and refreshments available for purchase. For more information contact (714) 447-3460 ext. 212. See their ad page 5. Now playing at the Mysterium Theater is “Anything Goes.” This family friendly classic musical is playing Friday and Saturday at 8:01 p.m. and Sunday at 5:01 p.m. For more information or to purchase tickets visit www.mysteriumtheater.com or call (562) 697-3311. Mysterium Theater is located at 311 S. Euclid, La Habra.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

La Fiesta at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. located at 900 W. La Habra Blvd. Free admission and parking. Also, free shuttle service from La Bonita Park/LHHS and the La Habra Community Center from 7 a.m.

to 8 p.m. Event includes live music, food, rides, games and free giveaways. See their ad on Page 12 for more information.



Monday, October 02, 2017

La Habra City Council Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. La Habra Pop Warner Golf Tournament at Westridge Golf Course, 1400 S. La Habra Hills Drive. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Contact Rosannac21@ gmail.com for more information. See their ad Page 11

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Everyone has a story to tell! Learn how to get started by coming a Memoir Writing Class. Meetings held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. 10:30am – 12noon at the La Habra United Methodist Church, 631 N. Euclid St, La Habra. For more information call 562-691-1797

Have an event? Want people in the community to know about it? Have it listed here! Contact the La Habra Journal at:

news@lahabrajournal. com

Or call: (562) 665-8954

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Young Volunteers: The members of the 2017-18 La Habra Youth Committee were introduced to the La Habra City Council Monday night. The members will be volunteering at the Love La Habra event Saturday.

La Habra Heights to set up LA Sheriffs office at city hall

The La Habra Heights City Council unanimously voted to establish an office for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Deputies in an unused room at the civic center last week. The office will allow the two deputies to work from the city hall thus extending their time in the city. Currently, the deputies are working out of the LA Sheriffs station in the City of Industry. They must return to the station to write reports and other office-related duties. The cost for the development of the office will be $16,500 to pay for air conditioning, simple furniture, locker, safe and locks. Councilman Michael Higgins said that he supported the idea and he knew many residents will be grateful that the deputies will be in the city longer.

La Habra to hold Complete Streets Master Plan workshop

The City of La Habra has started to prepare a Complete Streets Master Plan for the city. They are encouraging residents to come and provide input at a workshop on Tuesday, October 3, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at the La Habra Community Center. The plan includes the promotion of street design principles that facilitate active transportation, and the creation of a network of complete streets in La Habra that incorporate active transportation measures. For decades, planners and engineers have been planning our public street infrastructure for the automobile, prioritizing safe and efficient travel for vehicles on the roadways system, and creating wide, fast streets with minimal infrastructure provided to other travel modes. Streets have traditionally been planned “from curb-to-curb”, focusing on vehicle throughput, rather than planning from “building front



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to building front”, focusing on providing great streets for all users. A complete streets approach recognizes that streets need to serve all users of the transportation system. The plan will ultimately contribute to the long-term well-being of the communities of La Habra.

LH Heights working to alleviate traffic on Hacienda

La Habra Heights and its city council are working to help the traffic congestion on Hacienda Road. According to Councilman Kyle Miller, changing the traffic signals along Hacienda Road to their previous timing was important to ease traffic. Due to resident outcry about the increased traffic, the signal timing is set to be restored. The LHH Council is working on creating traffic breaks to ease congestion at Avocado Crest and Hacienda Boulevard, Miller explained.

La Habra proclaimed September as National Preparedness Month

Due the hurricanes in Texas and Florida and the earthquakes in Mexico, Councilman Michale Blazey said that now more than ever people should be prepared for disaster. The La Habra City Council established September as preparedness month in the city. Residents are encouraged to prepare themselves for any unforeseen natural disasters. Information and resources on how to get prepared are in the city's website under Emergency Preparedness.

La Habra continues paver program at City Hall

Residents and businesses can sponsor a customized engraved paver to celebrate a family, honor a loved one, remember a special occasion, or highlight a business or organization. There are two options when ordering a paver: 12 x 12 inch paver for $300 and an 8 x 8 inch paver for $200. The City will review all submitted text and has the right to accept or reject all proposed engraved messages and logos. For more information, please contact the Community Services Department at 562-383-4200, ext. 5202.

Be sure to follow La Habra Journal on Facebook www.facebook.com/lhjournal



COMMENTARY NEWS BRIEFS Only one award for each 4,000

Sonora cadet leader receives high military award

Hanna Suh from Sonora High S chool Junior Reser ve Officer Training Corps cadet received the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement by the Legion of Valor of the United States of America last week. The annual award is to stimulate the development of leadership and for scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects. This award, a Youth Committee bronze cross and certificate, is awarded to an outstanding thirdyear JROTC Cadet. Army JROTC cadets across the country compete for the award at the end of their junior year of high school.

JROTC juniors enrolled in each ROTC brigade is presented. Marine Sergeant Scott Montoya, a Navy Cross Recipient and resident of Montclair, presented the award to Suh. As a member of a Marine sniper platoon, Montoya earned the Navy Cross for Valor, second in precedence to the Medal of Honor, for his role during combat in the Battle for Baghdad in April 2003. Montoya, a representative of the Legion of Valor Organization, also presented Suh with his personal Navy Cross coin. Suh currently serves as the Cadet Battalion Commander of the JROTC Raider Battalion at Sonora High School and is in the top one percent of her academic class.

Photo courtesy Hans Hunt

Honor: Sonora Cadet Commander Hanna Suh shows off her Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement award with Sergeant Scott Montoya (left) and Army instructor Lieutenant Colonel Hans Hunt.

Being read abroad but home is the focus Recently, La Habra Chamber of Commerce President Mark Sturdevant sent me a photo of locals in Bali, Indonesia, reading the La Habra Journal. A couple years ago, La Habra Mayor Rose Espinoza shared a photo of her with the LH Journal in Havana, Cuba. I’ve always loved these types of photos, even when I was a kid and it was the Daily Star Progress. To me, it showed me that a little bit of La Habra went global and our little city had a larger connection. So I thank Mark Studevant and Rose Espinoza for sharing those photos. If anyone else goes on a trip and happens to snap a photo of the LH Journal, please feel free to share it with us. However, while the photos show that the LH Journal has an “expanded” circulation, the most important part is what I liked so much as a kid. Part of La Habra went there, wherever it might be. When the LH Journal was started in 1995 by a group of enterprising and dedicated women, it was committed to sharing La Habra’s stories. When we too over more than five years ago, we reiterated that commitment. We want to tell the stories and share news stories that aren’t being told in the OC Register or Whittier Daily News. Where else will you find out about Sonora Cadet Commander Hannah Suh's prestigious award, the Gonzales' 50th anniversary, volunteers with the inter-coastal cleanup and an update on the much needed road repair, among other local information? The answer is this issue of the La Habra Journal. Yeah, I'm a little biased. But I am

Photo Courtesy Mark Sturdevant

Locals catch up on La Habra news in Bali, Indonesia last week thanks to La Habra Chamber of Commerce President Mark Sturdevant.

a proud La Habra native and I love when people who are not familiar with our community (La Habra Heights included) find out one of our many local happenings. They realize that overall, we have a pretty great community. So, feel free to take the LH Journal on your next trip. Let's see the many places where people will be informed about our little corner of the Earth. In case we don't say it enough, thank you for reading and thank you for supporting our community. —The Editor

The La Habra Journal is an independent, locally owned and run, community newspaper published bimonthly and serving the cities of La Habra and La Habra Heights. The Journal’s mission is to provide a vehicle of communication for the whole community and bring the community members together. The La Habra Journal welcomes views and comments from the community. All letters to the editor need to have a name for publication. Comments by the community are the views of the community and subject to verification. Authors will be contacted and notified prior to publication of their letters. The La Habra City Council meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. The La Habra Heights City Council meets on the second Thursday of the month at City Hall at 6 p.m. The La Habra Journal is a proud member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

Publisher/Editor: Operations Manager: Advertising Director: Founding Partners:

“A Commitment to Excellence Since 1959” H l Sales l Residential Es abl pa a l Refinance l Commercial ño l l Short Sales l Vacant Land l Notary Public

Jay Seidel Jennifer Seidel Sue Thompson Jane Williams, Dotty Shively, Nancy Bishop

Reporters: Taylor Engle, Jason Burch, Leon Romero, Alondra Urizar. Photographers: Miguel Pola

Contact: news@lahabrajournal.com sports@lahabrajournal.com P.O. Box 60 La Habra, CA 90633

(562) 665-8954 Advertising: (562) 665-9711

410 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 265-3127 k Fax: (562) 265-3132 Independently owned and operated under CA Dept of Business Oversight Lic #9630201



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Clip & mail to: La Habra Journal PO Box 60 La Habra, CA 90633 Enclose a check for $36 for a one-year subscription and we will mail the next edition of the Journal to you First Class mail! Thank you for your support!



on September 30, 2017

Joseph P Gonzales and Maria C. Gonzales met in 1966 on Fourth Street in La Habra. They were married in 1967 and then they started their family in 1968 with daughter Nancy, sons David, Joey and Manuel, six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The couple still calls La Habra home after 50 years of marriage.

Joseph and Maria Gonzales

If you have a special announcement like a wedding, birth of a child, significant anniversary, or obituary let us know. news@lahabrajournal.com

Be sure to follow La Habra Journal on Facebook www.facebook.com/lhjournal



By Dennis Laherty, the Co-Pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church, La Habra

Let’s celebrate the teenagers of our community. This group of people has always known of smart phones, the United States’ presence in Afghanistan and the war on terror. Teenagers of today have grown up with a spirit of adaptability like no other generation has experienced. There have been people in our nation’s history who have had to adjust to the unexpected. The Greatest Generaton of World War II, as they are known, is probably the finest example of people who needed to adjust their lives as radical changes in history occurred. But even the Greatest Generation, by 1946, could see stability ahead and a calmer future. Teenagers of today are thrust into a society where change is the norm. Stability for a teenager of today is change. For the teenager of today, change is not viewed as a negative or unsettling or something that interferes with calm in one’s life. Change is the way life is, the way life has been and is viewed as the way life will always be. For the teenager of today, change is the new stability. For every previous generation this is a new way of thinking and a new approach to life. If you are of a younger generation, you can fight this current trend but that would be futile because it is here to stay. One way for the previous generations to adapt is to celebrate who teenagers are. Another way to celebrate teenagers and who they are is to emulate them. They understand life in 2017 and they have an understanding of life to come. There is an old saying, “The only place you can’t find change is in a Coke machine.” Teenagers are the first generation to hear that and say, “So?” Celebrate teenagers! They understand our society like no other generation.

on Twitter @lhjournal on Instagram @lahabrajournal

City of La Habra Community Services Department 101 W. La Habra Blvd.


daddy/daughter Luau dance Per $20 Person Attend on

Friday, October 6th OR Saturday, October 7th 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd.

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Community comes together for annual Creek Cleanup

By Jared Hardy La Habra Journal

Volunteers of all ages in La Habra devoted their Saturday morning to clean out a stretch of Coyote Creek that runs near the intersection of Beach Boulevard. and Imperial Highway. The event is a part of the statewide initiative “Coastal Cleanup Day” where California towns and cities near the coast gather volunteers to clean up beaches, rivers, or any other body of water that leads to the ocean. The volunteers ranged from the local boy scout troops; Pack 87 and 883, to city council members Jim Gomez and Mike Blazey as well as the Mayor Rose Espinoza. The event opened with Espinoza's thanking the volunteers. “I'd like to thank you all for being here today, giving your time and volunteering," she told the volunteers.

"Each of you are good stewards of our planet, and your actions will help preserve the environment for generations to come.” The La Habra Creek Cleanup was organized by city engineer Christopher Johansen, who has been working with the event for the past eight years. “We start meeting months before, we prepare to have everything ready to go,” Johansen said, One of the biggest challenges for the cleanup was retrieving shopping carts that were tossed in the river. Public Works fleet supervisor, Jayson Blackburn crafted a grappling hook for pulling these heavy objects up the steep concrete river banks. “A while back, a lead from the street department came up to me and asked if I could create something to remove shopping carts from storm drains,” Jayson commented, implying the issue is not something new to the

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File Photo

Volunteers took part in the annual Inter-coastal Cleanup event last Saturday where trash was removed from Los Coyotes Creek in an effort to stop it flowing to the ocean and helping clean up the city.

public works department. Among the volunteers were families, schools, and local Cub Scouts that wanted to do something for their community. Tom Dunne, assistant Scout Master to the newly reactivated Pack 883, was there cleaning the creek with some scouts. “Stuff like Coastal Cleanup, it's actually pretty fun," commented 12-year-old Dakota Freeman. "People just throw their trash in the water; it's kinda stupid, you're polluting your own water. I like the environment and the stuff I do out here is just fun.” First-year scout Braulio Jimenez, age 11, agreed, “I like being out here and doing stuff for the community, especially with friends.” Some of the objects retrieved from the creek and along the banks included a mattress, a sleeping bag, and fire extinguisher. Also a few sharp objects such as broken glass were found and were

marked with orange flags to be picked up later by city workers to keep the volunteers safe. For organizers, the cleanup of Coyote Creek is important because the waterway eventually runs into the ocean. This ties into the Coastal Cleanup's goal of helping to clean the coasts. Having residents and organizations volunteer and take part in the cleanup in La Habra helps build community. “It's very important for us in the community because it brings people together," Espinoza said. "It benefits our community and it benefits all the other communities going down the channels; that's what our motto is, we live up to a caring community. Also its about teaching the young children as well that they're going to be stewards of the community as well and by us leading by example we're forming the legacy we want to carry on.”

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Cops on bikes at night is getting results

By Shawn Price Behind The Badge OC

They’re practically invisible. They can roll from one end of town to the other, in an almost silent crisscross in the wee hours of the night. They travel from business parks to neighborhoods, churches to schools. Whether on the toughest streets or the quietest ones they make a lot of arrests. They are La Habra bike patrol officers. Veteran La Habra PD patrol officers Sgt. Kyle Davis and Sgt. Eric Ocampo don’t spend every night on their specially equipped bicycles, but they spend as many nights as they can on them. So do the other 13 officers trained for the auxiliary assignment. Sgts. Davis and Ocampo are often in their regular police units, doing their primary job as patrol supervisors, but it turns out the bike patrol is one of local policing’s most effective tools and a preferred way for these two sergeants to police the city. “The amount of stuff you can see and hear is unreal,” Sgt. Davis says. “And the bike is more mobile. We’re right on them before they can act.” Both say the ability to work at night allows them to be more effective. Having worked the graveyard shift for years, they say a typical night in the patrol car might yield a few arrests, but over the last four to six patrol shifts on bikes, they’ve netted over 25 arrests of wanted gang members, taggers and drug offenders. “Nobody expects to see two cops on bikes at 2 in the morning,” Sgt. Ocampo says. “They’ll say, ‘You guys are sneaky.’ They feel like we’re cheating.” With no headlights, no engine sound and no easily identified black-

and-white unit coming down the street, there’s very little to tip off gang members, car thieves, burglars or taggers. “We could hear the clank of the can,” Sgt. Ocampo says of one tagger caught in the act. One night they rode along the canal at the edge of the city and discovered a group of thieves with a treasure trove of stolen material. Sgt. Davis says the moment they ride up to someone in the middle of a crime, the look on the person’s face is “just confusion, by the time they figure out what’s going on, it’s too late.” Both consider themselves big Batman fans and they liken the idea of the stealthy, two-wheeled retro-technology to a piece of Batman tech. The result is certainly the same. “It’s the graveyard shift,” Sgt. Davis says. “If we can put a bit of concern into them, then we’ve accomplished our job.” Sgt. Ocampo jokes about the change they’ve made in certain neighborhoods, “I wonder how many times somebody has taken off after getting a glimpse of a bike and it was just a guy on a bike?” The bike patrol was re-established as a pilot program in 2013 and “it kind of took off from there,” Sgt. Ocampo says. The two of them welcomed the fresh approach and quickly saw how it could make them more effective, especially at night. “The results we had from our first ride were exactly what I expected,” Sgt. Davis says. Sgt. Ocampo adds, “It was another reason for us to get out of the car.” Halloween, Christmas, high shopping periods, the Corn Festival, Citrus Fair or Fourth of July will

Photos by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

La Habra Police Department Sgt. Kyle Davis, left, and Sgt. Eric Ocampo, members of the department’s nighttime bike patrol, help provide safety, security and community outreach from their bikes.

often find bike patrol officers at their busiest. One of their favorite things about being on the bikes is the interaction they get with the community, whether it’s kids on Halloween or homeowners leaving for work early in the morning. The bike can be a real icebreaker. “It often elicits a 20-minute conversation with residents,” Sgt. Davis says. “It shows the public is appreciative of what we’re doing for the betterment of the community.” The years of working together also enable Sgt. Davis and Sgt. Ocampo to be a better team when they have to be virtually silent. But it’s also a team effort that extends to all members of the patrol. “I have absolute faith in him and the other guys,” Sgt. Ocampo says. “We’re each other’s eyes and I know his finger snaps.” Being on the bikes has its pluses

and minuses, of course — sometimes at the same moment. One recent night when the two were focused on an area where a wanted gang member, who had allegedly intimidated witnesses, was known to hang out, the two officers quietly rounded a corner to find the suspect and eight to 10 fellow gang members drinking on a porch. They calmly called for immediate support, ditched their bikes and started making arrests. Putting experienced, well-trained officers on bikes is getting results in the city of La Habra. Putting them there out in the middle of the night might even be innovative. The officers don’t mind if everyone has caught on to the idea yet, especially the bad guys. “The uniform is kind of goofy,” Sgt. Davis says, “but the only thing goofier is being arrested by the guys in the goofy uniforms.”

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ACCOUNTING/BOOKKEEPING Tax Help Team - CPA, EAs 1201 S. Beach Blvd. Suite 106 La Habra, CA 90631 (x Imperial) (562) 943-1456 “For You & Your Small Business” Tax Debt Relief Expert

ATTORNEYS CRIMINAL LAW Brian McDonnell The McDonnell Law Firm 418 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 694-3827 (562) 694-4280 Fax www.lahabracriminalattorneys.com AUTO ACCIDENT INJURY Law Offices Clinton W. Holland, Inc. Derek Holland 418 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 694-3821 (562) 691-5569 Fax www.lawcwh.com BANKS Pacific Mercantile Bank 1530 W. Whittier Blvd. #B La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-7117 www.pmbank.com Dawn F. Stille COUNSELING Lifeline Counseling Services Abuse & Addiction Counseling Christian Counseling Available 1701 E. Lambert Rd. Unit C La Habra, CA 90638 (562) 706-4251 therecoveryexpert@gmail.com DENTISTS Ezaki Dentistry Ramsey Ezaki, DDS 16336 Whittier Blvd #101 Whittier, CA 90603 (562) 947-9958 www.ezakidentistry.com ESCROW COMPANIES v Mercury Escrow 410 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 265-3127 Debbie Dudley debbie@mercuryescrow.com ELECTROLYSIS Facials & Waxing Karen's Place 221 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 694-1234 www.misskarensplace.com

FAMILY MEDICAL SERVICES Friends of Family Health Center Primary care services for all OB/ GYN Services, Family Planning & Pediatric Dentistry 501 S. Idaho Street La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 FINANCE/INVESTMENTS Edward Jones Making Sense of Investing Anna Li Financial Advisor 15739 Imperial Hwy. La Mirada, CA 90638 (562) 943-5787 GERMAN DELICATESSEN v Continental Delicatessen 1510 W. Imperial Hwy. Ste. CD La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 697-0333 Party Platters, Sandwiches, Domestic and Imported Foods HAIR SALON v Primarily Hair 820 E. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 694-6581 www.primarilyhair.com Find us on Facebook MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS Perisho & Associates (562) 547-6569 7771 Bacon Road Whittier, CA 90602 jerryperisho@gmail.com CA License #0I04403

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TREE TRIMMING v Williams Tree Service PO Box 5557 Whittier, CA 90607-5557 (562) 692-8677 wtreedude@aol.com License#941245

PRINTING Guardian Printing & Signs 1050 E. Whittier Blvd. Suite 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (888) 270-0984 (884) 520-3648 Fax www.guardianprinting.com ordernow@guardianprinting.com

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REALTORS v Keller Williams Reality The Kennedys 16310 Whittier Blvd. Suite F Whittier, CA 90603 (562) 902-5100

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Lady Raiders & LHHS look to battle in new Freeway League season By Erik Markus La Habra Journal

With league play around the corner, the La Habra and Sonora volleyball teams prepare for successful seasons. Last year the Lady Highlanders finished in third place in the Freeway League behind Sunny Hills and perennial league champion Troy High School. Sonora finished one place behind their city rivals in fourth place. With a new season underway both teams took steps towards improvement and saw their improvement materialize into key wins. La Habra received a confidence boost after taking an early season victory from Troy High School in the Dave Mohl’s tournament. They followed that up with a victory against Long Beach Wilson and Laguna Blanca. In the Whittier tournament, La Habra again took first in their pool, but fell in an emotional loss to La Serna in three sets. Spear said the officiating of the game got under the players’ skin, and allowed it to take away their focus. “They started to get mad at him, and then things spiraled out of control,” Spear said. With this being a concerning development, she has used it to prepare her team mentally so it doesn’t become a recurring issue. With big wins against Troy, Long Beach Wilson, and Whittier Chris-

tian, she knows her team has talent, she just needs to see them focus. “They just need to get up and go,” Spear said. For the first time since Sonora head coach Andy Johnson began his tenure, the Raiders defeated both Brea Olinda and Whittier Christian, which are both teams which are consistently at the tops of their leagues and have extensive CIF runs. The victories against Brea and Whittier Christian begin to break down mental barriers which Johnson hopes will allow them to take down some of the powerhouses in their league. “Those were big hurdles for us mentally, because we’ll see a team like Troy that we haven’t seen in awhile, and to compete and be on the other side of that was a relief,” Johnson said. For Sonora, this team thrives off of balance. Rather than only having dominant outside hitters controlling Sonora’s success, the Raiders have utilized a balanced attack. They benefit from the strong play of their setter, Natasha Desatoff. The girls will also say that this team probably is the closest to each other and has the best team chemistry across the board. The feeling of togetherness is reflected in the balanced distribution of the ball. “This year, there’s so much chemistry and we’re so connected on the court,” Katelyn Popoff said. The Raiders and Highlanders have

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Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Rivalry: The Sonora and La Habra volleyball teams are finishing the preseason strong and looking to do battle for a Freeway League title. The two teams face each other for the first time Sept. 27 at Sonora.

benefited from a strong emergence in leadership especially from their crop of seniors. The Highlanders have three captains, seniors Hannah Alvarado and Taylor Richter and junior Amanda Gamez. These three captains bring different elements to their team which La Habra head coach Adrianne Spear hopes will propel her team to a strong freeway league season and deep CIF run. Hannah Alvarado has been compared to a fireball because of the energy and spunk which she brings to the court. She is respected by her teammates, and knows when it’s time for her to speak up. Taylor Richter is one of La Habra’s top defensive players and outside hitters. Richter’s been compared to a light switch in her ability to change momentum when she is on the court. Amanda Gamez brings a vocal presence and positivity to the court both when she is out there as well as when she is on the bench. Her ability to keep her team upbeat and cheerful helps them stay focused. One thing many of the players for the Highlanders mentioned as an area to focus on was when things were not going their way, they look for good plays to bring them back. Gamez’ ability to highlight positives allows for this to happen. For Sonora, Ari Gonzalez has emerged as a leader and high level talent. Gonzalez finished first team all league as a sophomore, as a middle blocker. Aija Mines and Katelyn Popoff are two physical outside hitters, and second year captain, opposite Sophia

Kane brings balance to the attack. Popoff also says this team is probably the most competitive team she has been on in her four years with Sonora Volleyball. The key cog to everything, Johnson says, is Natasha Desatoff who pulls it all together. “She’s just fantastic. Her work rate, effort, and skill, are all what coaches desire in that position,” Johnson said. Sonora hopes that with their balance and experience, they can knock down old barriers and achieve new heights. For the Highlanders, their energy level helps drive their success. “If they play with a lot of energy, good things happen,” Spear said. Because of La Habra’s unusually loud and vocal presence, their energy and noise level allows them to thrive and bounce back. “I try to keep the energy up, because that’s when we play best,” Gamez said. “Everybody will be loud and obnoxious and it just helps,” Victoria Rollins said One thing that is unique about the Highlanders that is not new this season is their numerous sets of siblings and even twins. Coach Spear enjoys being able to flip flop lineups and player combinations, and the players agree that many times they actually prefer to play separately. Freeway League games begin on September 21. Sonora will host Fullerton, and La Habra travels to Sunny Hills. These two teams first meet on September 27 at Sonora in what should be a tightly contested matchup.

Commans leads Heralds past Bell at home By Jay Seidel La Habra Journal

Herald Quarterback Quinn Commans continued his efforts to be one of the leading passers in the county and Whittier Christian beat 42-38 Friday. Commans was 29 for 45 for 495 yards and 5 touchdowns. Ryan Romero was one of Commans' main targets. Romero had 10 receptions for 168 yards and two touchdowns. Noah Sanchez had eight receptions for 146 yards and a touchdown Cole Muncie and Isaac Williams also each added a receiving touchdown : Not just in the air, Commans lead the Heralds' ground attack with eight carries for 42 yards and running it in for a touchdown.

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Whittier Christian Quarterback Quinn Commans lead the Heralds to a 42-38 win Friday against Bell.



Highlanders quickly upend Oak Grove’s long trek By Jason Burch La Habra Journal

La Habra High School’s 42 first half points spoiled the Oak Grove Eagles’ trip south from San Jose abruptly Saturday afternoon at Mission Viejo High School. Following a tough loss to Mission Viejo at home last week that capped a gauntlet three game stretch to open the season, the Highlanders(2-2) were able to even up their record with a 49-0 win behind Zach Fogel’s three first half touchdowns, with nine different Highlanders reaching the end zone. “We’ve been playing some really good teams and I think we’ve been playing hard and doing what we are supposed to do,” head coach Frank Mazzotta said. “You know every once

Photo by Paul Luna

La Habra’s Deavyn Woullard makes one of his receptions, en route to a Highlander touchdown Saturday.

in awhile you’re due for an outing like this where things just kinda click and go your way.” Skyler Taylor opened the scoring with a 7-yard touchdown run on the Highlanders opening drive. It was Taylor’s team leading the ninth touchdown this season. Fogel then spread the ball around on 5-8, 155 yards passing. He found Mitchell Anderson and Deavyn Woullard early for scores, then capped off his impressive half by hitting Kelani Washington with an over the shoulder 29yard touchdown with :07 seconds left. In a game where everything seemed to go the Highlanders way, Mazzotta said he was most impressed with the offensive line and Fogel’s improvement at quarterback. “I think Zach threw the ball a little better, and that’s one thing that we’ve been trying to impress upon.” “I’m always going to put a lot of pressure on myself to get better every week,” Fogel said. “I got better this week and we’ll try to do it again next week.” Special teams got in on the scoring as well. Isaiah Alcocer returned a missed field goal 99 yards for a touchdown on the Eagles opening drive. With the score being lopsided so quickly, Taylor gave way to linebacker Kobah Fuamatu in the backfield midway through the second quarter. Fuamatu carried the ball twice for 40 yards and a touchdown. Aaron Young added the final score in the fourth quarter to make it 49-0. La Habra and Oak Grove(0-3) were both CIF Champions in 2015. The Highlanders will take on Colony(3-1) in Ontario next Friday in their final non-league game. The Titans are coming off a 41-20 victory over Norte Vista.

Raiders rolling, record third straight victory By Jay Seidel La Habra Journal

The Sonora Raiders kept rolling with their third straight victory Friday, this time a 33-22 win over visiting Esperanza. Senior quarterback Ryan Martinez was 13 – 23 for 205 yards and three touchdowns for the Raiders. Martinez spread the passes around, but found his main target Chigozie

Anusiem six times for 111 yards and two touchdowns. Marcos Muro picked up another Raider Touchdown after a 22-yard reception late in the third quarter. Sonora’s Tommy Mendrin took charge on the ground with 25 carries for 174 yards and two touchdowns. The Raiders (3-0) will travel to Garden Grove to face Bolsa Grande (1-3) Friday night.

Photo by Miguel Pola

Sonora’s Tommy Mendrin runs without touching the ground on his way to one of his two touchdowns in the Raiders' 33-22 victory Friday.

Photo by Paul Luna

La Habra’s Skyler Taylor pushes through Eagle defenders Saturday in La Habra’s 49-0 victory.

Next Games Friday LHHS@ Colony in Ontario SHS vs Bolsa Grande WCHS vs Stellar Prep

9/22 at 7 p.m.

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