Holiday Recipe Book

Page 1

Southwest Louisiana


y r r e b n a r C Champagne Cocktail

Perfect for celebrating with friends, family and guests. Raise a glass of this sparkling cocktail and enjoy the spirit of the season!

n ratio eather Savoie, t s i n i H adm nna Landr y, son

John Sh a iston, , Cindy m a t d s E o e c l A Ky Alecia


• 1 oz. cranberr y juice (sweetened) • Champagne or sparkling wine (can • Garnish with frozen cranberries sugar coat them) ary • Garnish with a sprig of fresh rosem

Instructions 1. In a wine glass or champagne flute, pour in your ch illed beverage mix . 2. Garnish with a few plai n or sugar-dusted cr anberries and a sprig of rosemar y. 3. Enjoy!

e d a m e m g

o HEggno

? gnog g e t t thou dds a hin i w s a a ristm ay drink rties. h a p C s d ’ t id an Wha ional hol ings r e h t t i ga trad er to e This h c liday of ho

Ingredients • 2 cups milk • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, plus more for garnish • ½ tsp. ground nutmeg • ½ tsp. vanilla • 6 large egg yolks


Kyle E dm


nistr iston, ation Sh a n n Alecia a Acost Landr y, He a, Cin dy Joh ather Savoi e, nson

• ½ cup granulated sugar • 1 cup heavy cream • 1 cup bourbon (optional) • Whipped cream for serving

, , combine milk over low heat an ep c u g in sa l 1. In a smal illa. slowly br tmeg and van cinnamon, nu w boil. mixture to a lo yolks with wl, whisk egg bo e rg la a in , color. 2. Meanwhile lks are pale in yo il nt u ar g su egg yolks in milk mixture to t ho d combined. ad ly w 3. Slo d whisk until an s g eg r pe m medium batches to te and cook over an ep c u sa to oon) but ture ats back of sp 4. Return mix o (c k ic th ly ht , mixture heat until slig thermometer dy an c g n si u (if does not boil 160 degrees). h ac re ng, should y cream. if usi av he in ir st d om heat an 5. Remove fr . add bourbon y to serve, ed. when read ll hi c il nt u e mon. 6. Refrigerat ream and cinna c ed pp hi w h garnish wit

n i d u o B DIP

te avori f s ’ a sian Loui uests. t s e eg hw Sout to pleas f o e e sur y on nitel his dip is fi e d nd t i n is Boud snacks, a

Ingredients 8 oz. cream cheese 1 cup cheddar cheese 8 oz. sour cream 1 lb. boudin


grees. ven to 350 de 1. Pre-h eat o dar ch eese, ch ed m a e r c e in b 2. Com our cream. ch eese, and s ing and din from cas u o b e v o m e R ixture. 3. eam ch eese m r c to in e in b com g 2 quart bakin a to in ip d in s. 4. Pour boud for 30 minute dish and bake a ers or tortill k c a r c h it w 5. Serve chips.

tour i

Kait ly n

sm d

epa Ga lleg os, An rtm ent ne Tab er K len ke

DI p

d fe, an e i l n ju st of Ca a little ta t r a d is p ill bring season! o o f a Se dip w into the p m i shr “sea” e h t of tour i

Ingredients 3 cups cooked shrimp 2 stalks celer y ½ green bell pepper 16 oz. cream cheese 3 Tbsp. pickle relish 1 jalapeño


water . lted/season ed a s in p im r h s 1. Boil op. 2. Drain & ch es; m ix into small pi ec s ie g eg v p o h 3. C with sh rim p. e and m ix . , cream ch ees h is el r le k c 4. Add pi te. pepper to tas 5. Add salt & os. ckers or Frit ra c h it w e v 6. Ser

Kait ly n

sm d

epart Ga lleg ment os , A n ne Tab er K len ke

n e k Chic

s liciou e d r we h ou e wit arr y it if v o l m in . o fall we would n recipe d y l e u t k r a t c i h so, th ajuns h is c We C , so much “yes” to t food uld! Say co


es Hoenes , Taylor B Tara Joh nson, Er eard Stanley, ic Zar tle r


Ingredients • 1 Tbsp. olive oil • 3-4 large chicken breasts • Salt • Pepper • 2 cloves Garlic (minced) • 1 tsp. thyme • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes (add only ½ tsp. for less spice)


• ¾ cup chicken broth • ½ cup heavy cream • ½ cup sundried tomatoes (chopped) • ¼-½ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese • Fresh basil

large degrees. In a 5 37 to en v o ium-high 1. Preheat t oil over med ea h t, le il k s lt oven-safe ously with sa er en g en k ic h c about 4-5 heat. Season until golden, r ea s d n a er plate. and pepp r chicken to a fe s n a Tr e. id s minutes per rlic and m heat. Add ga iu ed m to t le red pepper 2. Return skil . Stir in thyme, te u in m 1 r fo am. k coo , and heavy cre th o br en k ic h ir in flakes, c ring often. St ir st , s te u in m cheese. Cook for 5 and parmesan es o at m to ed sundri ce nd spoon sau a t le il k s to icken until 3. Return ch breasts. Bake en k ic h c e th 8 all over gh --about 15-1 u ro th ed k o o rated chicken is c ith basil and g w h is rn a G . s minute ed. se, if so desir parmesan chee




n u j a C y ta am

s e a r p C hrimp usage s h sa wit

ght l deli , l i w n on s e a so inati b s a m o m rf c rist s! nd tu ts this Ch r second a f r s fo su This inner gue ably ask b d o your they’ ll pr and



• ½ lb. large shrimp, peeled & deveined, tails removed • 1 andouille sausage, about ½ lb., sliced into rounds • 1-2 Tbsp. Cajun/Creole spice mix, adjust to your spice/heat level • Olive oil • ½ med. yellow onion, thinly sliced • ½ red bell pepper, thinly sliced • 1 tsp. dried thyme • 1 tsp. smoked paprika • 1 Tbsp. Cajun/Creole spice mix • 1 tsp. brown sugar

• 1-2 cloves garlic, finely chopped (1 large or 2 small) • ½ cup crushed tomatoes • ¾ cup chicken broth • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce • ¾ cup heavy cream • 12 oz. fettuccine or farfalle (bowties) • Kosher salt & fresh cracked black pepper • Grated Parmesan & chopped parsley for serving



ales e Hoe nes, T ay Tara J ohnso lor Beard S n, Eric ta Zar tle nley, r

coat well. of Cajun seasoning; . sp Tb 1-2 in p rim . sta. Toss sh rimp; cook for 2 min of water to boil for pa with olive oil. Add sh n pa d le Ad . 1. Bring large pot izz dr ide ; as at t he se ove and er med-high other 1-2 min. Rem an Heat large skillet ov ok . co ide d as an t p se d rim an e curl. Flip sh zed 4-5 min. Remov until shrimp starts to brown until carameli e; ag us sa d Ad n. pa e instructions. more olive oil to in. less than packag m 1 e, nt de al til un d cook , lted boiling water an yme, smoked paprika 2. Add pasta to sa , red bell pepper, th ion on er d pp ad pe n, d pa an to ion medium; add olive oil of salt. Sauté until on 3. Lower heat to and a generous pinch r ga su n ow t, about 30 sec. br , ing d cook until fragran an c rli 1 Tbsp. Cajun season ga d Ad s. bit pe up browned ng have softened, scra ing to a simmer, stirri cestershire sauce. Br or to W d ing an br h r, ot sti br d en an atoes, chick . Add cream m in to m d 2 he er us m cr d sim n, Ad pa at 4. of Stir to combine; he n bits from bottom d andouille sausage. an and scraping up brow lt sta Sa pa ). ed ch ok ea co of d p ad cu mering, e sauce (¼ or m e lik u’d yo if a simmer. Once sim m pa ea top of sta. d chicken broth or cr e or place shrimp on bin m co d an p through 2-3 min. Ad rim ed sh Chow down! . Lastly, add blacken d chopped parsley. an an es rm Pa ed and pepper to taste at gr er, cracked black pepp Sprinkle with freshly




a n a i s i u o L t s e w South Sugar Cookies

In communications, we sometimes sugarcoat our words, and we do the same with our cookies! Enjoy this sweet recipe and use your imagination on the shapes and decorations of your Southwest Louisiana Christmas Cookies!


tionsmos Orr, a c i n m mu i n g, A

ann t ngie M , Will Prech A , r e l l n i a c M n n u D Colte n Shea Kathr y


• 1 ½ cups butter, softened • 3 cups white sugar • 4 eggs • 2 tsp. vanilla extract

• 5 cups all-purpose flour • 2 tsp. baking powder • 1 tsp. salt


1. In a large bow l, cream together butter and sugar until sm ooth. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour, baking pow der, and salt. Cover, an d chill dough for at least one hour (p referably overnigh t). 2. Preheat oven to 400°. Roll out do ugh on floured surfac e 1/4 to 1/2 inch th ick. Cut dough into Lo uisiana-themed sh ap es with cookie cutt ers. Place cookie s1 inch apart on ungr eased cookie shee ts. 3. Bake 6 to 8 minu tes in a preheated oven. Cool completely.

u o y a B a n ing ia

s d i d u o u L ead p

t h is m to west u R u Bayo of South d e c e i of Sp sts a tast ors! h s a spl gue flav little ive your avor the a g n s g Addi ill truly a as they w n e sia recip Loui





• • • • •

• • • •

15 oz. white sandwich bread 3½ cups skim milk 2½ cups sugar 5 eggs 2 Tbsp. vanilla extract

½ lb. butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg ¼ cup Bayou Spiced Rum


bread pudding


Colten om mun ica Mi l l Kathr er, Angie M tions y n Sh ea D u a n n i n g, A m ncan, Will P os Orr, recht

en to 350°. oking spray. 1. Preheat ov g pan with co n ki ba h c n -i l pieces. 2. Spray a 13x9 ices into smal sl d ea br ar te bowl, d stir until 3. In a large and vanilla, an s, g eg , ar g 4. Add milk, su . room well combined n. Let come to pa ed ar ep pr re into 5. Pour mixtu utes. min. , about 45 min re tu ra tempe own, about 45 br en ld o g d puffed up an icing. 6. Bake until utes before sl in m 30 r fo d 7. Let stan rum sauce h speed until bayou spiced in mixer at hig ar g su d an er 1. Cream butt reamy. c d an ht lig il blended. g and mix unt eg d ad d, ee 2. At low sp ded. d mix until blen fluffy. 3. add rum an ntil light and u s te u in m 3 h for 2 to 4. Mix on hig ing. the bread pudd p o Serve at tesy of Pujo St. Cafe Original recipe cour Bayou Rum.) (with the addition of

e l o r e s s a C o t a t Sweet P o pecan with g praline toppin Life is sweet with sweet potato casserole - and even sweeter with pecan praline topping!

n atio m r es nfo ist i re guida Hammond r u l to entu , Ange adv l Nidecker

Wil owe, D t a P


• 3 lbs. medium sweet potatoes • 1 ½ cups sugar • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 2 large eggs • 4 oz. evaporated milk • ¼ cup butter, softened


• 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar • ⅓ cup all-purpose flour • ⅓ cup butter, melted • ¾ cup coarsely chopped pecans


1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Grease a 9 x 5 x 3 inch baking dish. 2. Peel and slice th e potatoes, place them in a medium saucepan, and cover them w ith water. Cook over medium heat for 15 to 20 mi nutes or until fork-tender. 3. Drain the potato es, and pour them into a large mixing bowl. Mash them well with a po tato masher or a hand mixer. Add the suga r, vanilla, eggs, evaporated milk, and butter. mi x well. Pour the mixture into the baking dish . 4. for topping, Co mbine the brown su gar, flour, butter, and pecans in a medium bowl. Spoon the mixture over the po tatoes. Bake 30 to 40 min.

n u j a C tuffed

-s omse the talk of b a cr shrohrooms willybour guests! muic” stuffed mpuarse plenty for

re st ab-ta sure to p r c “ e Thes party. Be h t e

Ingredients • 1 cup crabmeat • ½ cup cream cheese • ½ cup fresh parsley leaves – chopped • ½ cup green onions – chopped • 4 Tbsp. Parmesan • *House seasoning • 2 Portobello mushroom caps (or 10 white mushroom caps)

• ½ cup bread crumbs • Non-stick cooking spray _________________ *HOUSE SEASONING INGREDIENTS • 1 cup salt • ¼ cup black pepper • ¼ cup garlic powder


eese, eat, cream ch m b a r c e in b m esan 1. Co ions and Parm n o n e e r g , y parsle ouse eason with H S L. W O B A TO IN taste. Seasoning to ith the room caps w h s u m e th ff bs. 2. Stu h bread crum it w p to d n a mixture ay to h nonstick spr it w ps to e th 3. Spray wn. help them bro bout nd bake for a a n e v o to r ing is hot 4. Transfe until the fill r o s te u in m 20 375 degrees. and melted @

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Melan ie


i nfor Sta hl, matio Meliss a Tra h n a n, K r isten S hiver

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x nal bo u a e b Gum ditio Gum


fe ted a ese n e v a n ” Tr vingn the go, sor!hDeoi n’t worroys, -thever. a and o ittle faste ous gumb s y s u b e r is always the table a lst scrumpti m i T “ beaux Gator gumbo on e of the mo

Gum o get you s make on st ck trick aving tri s time

gu m b

eaux gato r

Ingredients • 1 large pre-cooked rotisserie chicken (not lemon pepper) (Don’t tell Mama, cher!) • 2-3 lbs. smoked sausage • Small jar of dark roux (Trappey’s or Savoie’s) • 3 bell peppers, fresh (orange, yellow, green)

• 1 Vidalia sweet onion (Can use regular, white onion) • 1 yellow onion • 1 bunch of green onions • 1 bunch of celery • Tony’s seasoning • Garlic powder & filé


illet. Heat/stir tables to grease in sk ge ve d Ad 4. all to pot; cover. r and start ions turn clear. Add pot ½ full with wate on ck til sto un ge lar a ll Fi ux 1. e ro and en, add a Tbsp. mor eole seasoning, filé, heating it to a boil. Th stock e th to ason with Tony’s Cr te Se ica the ind 5. s in g ion ct hin yt tru er ins ev ste. Bring p ta than what jar t-u to cu er n wd ow po br c il, rli bo ga starts to ating to in/ lling boil until chicken pot. While water is he sk ro e a ov to t m po Re t. ck ille sto sk st iron desired. smoked sausage in ca add chicken stock if an *C t. ar ap ll fa . en chick bones from rotisserie ! Let gumbo cool ss grease 6. Key: This is a time-saving trick ce ex ur po r, te wa g boilin cooling, fill sink 2. Add sausage to . While the gumbo is in skillet. ve er sto lay on ht lig a g vin lt (salt helps heat in safe container, lea with ice water and sa y wa ½ t. po ck sto e ter). Carefully place Add chicken to th fer from pot to ice wa ns tra ts. ar e he eping the ice water apple corer to remov pot into ice water ke ck sto d rin -g 3. Skin onions; use se Stir inside of pot, od processor to coar getting into the pot. m fro e water Hand chop or use fo n ee gr y stalks and elt and then drain th m ler ce ice t of Le ds . en lly fu off re t ca onions. Cu t this time – ately ⅛ inch slices. ater/salt mix. Let se im /w ox ice pr at ap o pe re int d op an ch gerator n onions; . Place gumbo in refri ll peppers; using spoo bo be m 3 gu e r th sti of t no ds en do Chop off op or ated the next day. d insides; discard. Ch overnight to be rehe scrape out seeds an s er pp pe r to slice cleaned at (heat the gumbo use a food processo Y TO SERVE: Rehe AD RE 7. over a rolling boil). Serve into small pieces. but do not bring it to ! ily friends and fam rice and amaze your




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