Join one of
60+ Student CLUBS
Make sure you get involved and make the most out of your university experience! This is the best time to work on yourself, try new things and make memories for a lifetime! Whatever it is you love – student government, leadership, music, gaming, or volunteering – there will be no shortage of opportunities for you to get involved in ways that suit your life. Join one of 60+ student clubs Stroll through Culture Days to explore different countries and cultures Roll up your sleeves and help out at the Community Garden Celebrate our Aboriginal culture and traditions at the annual Powwow Run for the Lakehead University Student Union (LUSU) And discover so much more!
LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Develop new skills and grow as a person while getting involved in group activities and meaningful projects through various on-campus leadership programs. Our EXCEL Leadership Program, Niiji Indigenous Mentorship Program and Student Ambassador Program allow you to pursue your own personal aspirations while gaining experience and skills that will stand out to future employers. 58