Agriculture Transfer Agriculture Business Agriculture Production & Management Crop Production Diesel & Ag Power Technology Horticulture John Deere Tech Livestock Production Pre-Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Exploratory Area of Study
for 14 years, Agriculture Business Instructor Ryan Wildman said she was blessed to have the opportunity to return to Lake Land as an instructor. Wildman is also an alumna of the Lake Land College agriculture program. “Looking back, Lake Land was a great transition from high school to college, as it continued on the quality education and caring atmosphere with instructors who knew their students,” Wildman said. “I believe that has always been a foundation of Lake Land and hope to continue that tradition for current and future students. I feel very fortunate to work with a hard-working group of people in the Ag Division who are sincere in expanding student knowledge and success.”
What Wildman said she enjoys most about teaching agriculture is the relevance of the curriculum. “Students can and do use what we are teaching them in everyday life, and I think that’s really important in seeing them succeed,” Wildman said.
For more information or to get started in an Agriculture Area of Study visit or scan this QR Code.
Wildman also advises students to take advantage of Lake Land’s opportunities both in and outside the classroom. “The connections that you make will have a great impact on your future,” Wildman said. “It’s interesting how I get to see and work with Lake Land classmates and alumni from throughout the years. I think it says something for the impact the Agriculture Division has had on the industry even from when the program began.” LAKE LAND COLLEGE s 217-234-5253