Energy I Sustainability
Wednesday March 6, 2013
Energy Innovation Con 8:00 - 8:30 Registration / Packet Pick-up
8:30 - 9:15
Presenter Room #
Introduction to Residential Solar Power
Jeff Oder
WB 102
How to Go Green and Save Green
Michelle Hibbard and Eric Kuzan
WB 103
Green Campus Tours
Hillary Rhode and Tori Daniels WB 105
LEED and LLC’s Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB)
Neal Haarman
WB 106
3D Software/Printers, What Can They Be Used For?
Leo Kitten
WB 112
Residential Wind
Joe Tillman
WB 113
Ornamental Grasses
Dyke Barkley
WB 119-20
Home Makeover: Green “Addition”
Rick and Lisa Madlem
WB 121
Autumn Berry Inspired: Discovering a Fruitful, Sustainable Ecosystem
Dustin Kelly
WB 127
Employment Opportunities in the Nuclear Industry
Larry Weber
WB 138
9:30 - 10:30 Keynote Presentation Keynote
10:45 - 11:30
Presenter Room # Bob Dixson
WB 045
Presenter Room #
Question & Answer
Bob Dixson
WB 045
Geothermal 101
Chris Smith
WB 102
Home Food Preservation
Lucinda Horton
WB 103
Tree Care and the World We Live In
Tom Caldwell
WB 105
Waste Oil to Bio-Diesel Production
Dan Johnson
WB 106
Biomass Gasification
Wei Wang, Jacob Hixson and Chengdong Hu
WB 112
Compost in the Vineyards
Becky Weber and Charlie Bedinger
WB 113
Permaculture Primer
Bill and Becky Wilson
WB 119
CBJT Community Education
Adra Baldwin and Mark Dyer
WB 120
How Social Media Can Help You Go Green
Lisa Shumard-Shelton
WB 127
Energy Efficiency for Buildings
Jason Vogelbaugh
WB 138
11:45 - 12:30
Presenter Room #
A Dramatic Renewable Energy Transition and the Future of Food
Peter Schwartzman
WB 102
Sustainability at EIU
Ryan Siegel
WB 103
Top 40 Hits of Planet Earth
Denise Willenborg
WB 105
SMART Shopping! (Save Money and Resources Today)
Carol Jo Morgan
WB 106
3D Software/Printers, What Can They Be Used For?
Leo Kitten
WB 112
Nuclear Power/Naval Nuclear Power Program
Marmaduke Simms
WB 113
Own You Own Power Plant
At a Glance
Craig Pals
WB 119
Natural Daylighting for your Home
Mark Dyer
WB 120
The Patterson Technology Center
Roy Shelley
WB 127
The Nuclear Industry in America
Larry Weber
WB 138
12:30 - 1:00 Lunch Witt’s Smokehouse
1:00 - 1:45
Presenter Room #
Award Ceremonies
Bob Dixson
WB 045
Geothermal 101
Chris Smith
WB 102
Top 40 Hits of Planet Earth
Denise Willenborg
WB 105
Sustainable Products for Interior Spaces
Cindy Davis
WB 106
Biomass Gasification
Wei Wang, Jacob Hixson and Chengdong Hu
WB 112
Eco Careers: Energy, Environment and the Economy
Lola Lucas
WB 113
Energy Efficiency for Buildings
Jason Vogelbaugh
WB 138
2:00 - 2:45
Presenter Room #
Sustainability Gardening
Jeff Oder
WB 102
How to Go Green and Save Green
Michelle Hibbard and Eric Kuzan
WB 103
Green Campus Tours
Hillary Rhode and Tori Daniels WB 105
One More Time: The Art and Science of Reusing
Carol Jo Morgan
WB 106
Nuclear Power/Naval Nuclear Power Program
Marmaduke Simms
WB 112
Sunshine Ahead for Green Jobs (and Not Just Solar)
Lola Lucas
WB 113
Permaculture Primer
Bill and Becky Wilson
WB 119
CBJT Community Education
Adra Baldwin and Mark Dyer WB 120
Solar Racing Team of SIUE
Amy Sunderlin
WB 121
Autumn Berry Inspired: Discovering a Fruitful, Sustainable Ecosystem
Dustin Kelly
WB 127
Recycling and the Zero Waste Economy with an inside look into a Material Recovery Facility
Marie Streenz
WB 138
3:00 -3:45
Presenter Room #
Own Your Own Power Plant
Craig Pals
WB 102
Sustainability at EIU
Ryan Siegel
WB 103
Waste Oil to Bio-Diesel Production
Dan Johnson
WB 106
Residential Wind
Joe Tillman
WB 113
Solar Hot Water
Mark Dyer
WB 120
How Social Media Can Help You Go Green
Lisa Shumard-Shelton
WB 127
4:00 Conference Wrap-up / Prize Drawings
Mayor Bob Dixson is a native Kansan and has been a resident of Greensburg since 1985. In the evening of May 4, 2007, Greensburg was devastated by an F5 tornado that traveled rapidly through the area, leveling at least 95 percent of the city and killing 11 people. The tornado was 1.7 miles in width and winds reached 205 miles per hour. Dixson took office as Mayor of Greensburg in May 2008 and he is leading the way in the process of rebuilding the community after the May 4, 2007 tornado. Sustainable building, renewable energy and “green” technologies are the cornerstones of the recovery of Greensburg.
Tornado’s destruction - May 2007
Rebuilding Greensburg
Wind farm
Big Well Museum & Visitor Information Center
City Hall
Arts Center
8:00 - 8:30 Registration / Packet Pick-up
8:30 - 9:15 Jeff Oder Title: “Introduction to Residential Solar Power” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: Join Jeff as he talks about the
fundamentals of photovoltaic power as it applies to residential applications. Topics covered include system types and sizing, photovoltaic modules, invertors and system siting. In addition, the grid interconnections associated with different types of power systems will be discussed. Participants will also learn about proper installation procedures and a cost and return on investment analysis.
Michelle Hibbard and Eric Kuzan Title: “How to Go Green and Save Green” Location: West Building Room 103 Description: This session will discuss how business and NFP’s can benefit from assisting businesses/ non-profits with cash incentives to implement energy efficiency projects.
Hilary Rhode and Tori Daniels Title: “Green Campus Tours” Location: West Building Room 105 Description: Join the Lake Land College Ambassadors
on a tour of the “greener” parts of our campus. Walk out to the wind turbines and check out some of the other cool sustainable projects, through the eyes of current students. Wear your walking shoes! Emily Adams, Marie Lock, Jamie Rexroat, Christian Lovell, and Madison Spence will be helping with the tours.
Neal Haarman Title: “LEED and LLC’s Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB)” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: This session will cover an ntroduction to
LEED standards and how LLC is applying them to ZEB.
Leo Kitten Title: “3D Software/Printers, What Can They Be Used For? ” Location: West Building Room 112 Description: Have you ever had a wonderful idea
for a new product or building design and wanted to
share it with others? Today with advancements in 3D software and 3D printing, it’s possible for everyone. We’ll show how. Examples of the technology at work, including windmills, automobiles, buildings, 3D design and prototyping systems, 3D software, laser cutter, 3D printers and how to use them. This session will discuss low cost options.
Joe Tillman Title: “Residential Wind” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: Thinking about the possibility of owning
a wind turbine? Wondering if a wind turbine would pay for itself? If you answered “yes” to one or both of these questions then this presentation is for you. This session covers the basic parts of wind turbines and looks at some of the residential wind systems that are on the market. Attendees are encouraged to bring along their electric bill for matching their electrical consumption to expected turbine production.
Dyke Barkley Title: “Ornamental Grasses” Location: West Building Room 119-120 Description: Join Dyke as he discusses the use of
ornamental grasses in your landscape. These beautiful plants are easy to grow and require little care. Dyke presently grows 80 types of grasses in his landscape. We will discuss many types that will work in your landscape and cover how best to care for them.
Rick and Lisa Madlem Title: “Home Makeover: Green 'Addition’” Location: West Building Room 121 Description: Have you ever considered converting
your house to green technology? Or do you have plans for a new addition to your home? Join Rick and Lisa Madlem as they share how their dream garage/bedroom/bath addition resulted in a “green” makeover. They will share their plan, the build, and the end result to include green tips of what they learned and what they would do differently.
Dustin Kelly Title: “Autumn Berry Inspired: Discovering a Fruitful, Sustainable Ecosystem” Location: West Building Room 127 Description: Americans have introduced many species
to this terrain. Some spread quickly, and became labeled as invasive. But this mindset has led most to ignore some of the most productive species thriving here, including the Autumn Olive tree. Autumn Berry
Larry Weber Title: “Employment Opportunities in the Nuclear Industry” Location: West Building Room 138 Description: Please join Larry Weber in a discussion
on the availability of jobs in the nuclear industry. Bring questions.
9:30 - 10:30 Bob Dixson - Keynote presentation Location: West Building Atrium 045 Description: See pages 5-6.
10:45 - 11:30 Bob Dixson Title: “Question and Answer” Location: West Building Room 045 Chris Smith Title: “Geothermal 101” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: This session is an introduction to the
features and benefits of geothermal technology plus information on how the system works and the 30 percent tax credit.
Lucinda Horton Title: “Home Food Preservation” Location: West Building Room 103 Description: Join Lucinda for a brief introduction to
drying, freezing, and canning of your garden crops.
Tom Caldwell Title: “Tree Care and the World We Live In” Location: West Building Room 105 Description: This session will discuss tree care
techniques for sustainable landscapes as practiced on the LLC campus, with applications for the surrounding community and private homeowners. Topics include organizations dedicated to tree care, as well as tree species selection, planting, and pruning.
Dan Johnson Title: “Waste Oil to Bio-Diesel Production” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: Here you will learn the logistical and
chemical process of bio-diesel production from waste oils.
Wei Wang, Jacob Hixson and Chengdong Hu Title: “Biomass Gasification” Location: West Building Room 112 Description: This presentation will include an
introduction of a laboratory scale biomass gasification system at EIU. In addition, the process to pelletize and gasify biomass fuel, testing fuel HHV, as well as analyzing produced syn-gas from biomass will be discussed.
Becky Weber and Charlie Bedinger Title: “Compost in the Vineyards” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: This session will discuss benefits of using
compost to enrich vineyard soil, neutralize Ph levels and increase water holding capacity.
Bill and Becky Wilson Title: “Permaculture Primer” Location: West Building Room 119 Description: What kind of skills do we need for 21st
Century Living? Can we create and live in a whole system that is by its nature sustainable? Permaculture design is exemplified when there is a convergence of common sense, indigenous wisdom and appropriate technology. The objective is to design livable systems for people and the planet that support and mimic nature’s own ability to create real abundance. Permaculture is grounded in a respectful approach to others, to all of life, and to future generations– dedicated to leaving the planet in better condition than how we found it.
Adra Baldwin and Mark Dyer Title: “CBJT Community Education” Location: West Building Room 120 Description: This session will discuss activities
involving area 4-H, Williams and Riddle Elementary field trips, workshops held, and what will be available in the future.
Inspired explores what can be done to control the spread of what is widely considered a pest while creating jobs, increasing development, and securing local food sources.
Lisa Shumard-Shelton Title: “How Social Media Can Help You Go Green” Location: West Building Room 127 Description: This is a roundtable discussion on how
to utilize social media to help your company go green. Please bring social media success stories to share.
Jason Vogelbaugh Title: “Energy Efficiency for Buildings” Location: West Building Room 138 Description: Why, how, and what criteria are important
for an energy efficiency project for a building? This session will discuss the myths versus the facts of energy efficiency projects and present a case study of an energy solution.
11:45 - 12:30 Peter Schwartzman Title: “A Dramatic Renewable Energy Transition and the Future of Food” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: We have virtually unlimited renewable
energy to draw from and we have significant ways to reduce waste. Both bode well for our energy and food futures. Come see how dramatic a change is possible.
Ryan Siegel Title: “Sustainability at EIU” Location: West Building Room 103 Description: This session will discuss sustainability
initiatives at EIU and information about the projects undertaken and planned to reduce the environmental impact. Also, presenters gather information from the audience regarding a potential Center for Appropriate Technology.
Carol Jo Morgan Title: “SMART Shopping! (Save Money and Resources Today)” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: You shop! I shop! We’re all shoppers,
but being an eco-conscious consumer goes beyond the “paper or plastic” question. The I.D.E.A. Store’s Environmental Specialist, Carol Jo Morgan, will help you consider strategies for saving resources of all types and arm you with take-along aids.
Leo Kitten Title: “3D Software/Printers, What Can They Be Used For? ” Location: West Building Room 112 Description: Have you ever had a wonderful idea
for a new product or building design and wanted to share it with others? Today with advancements in 3D software and 3D printing, it’s possible for everyone. We’ll show how. Examples of the technology at work, including windmills, automobiles, buildings, 3D design and prototyping systems, 3D software, laser cutter, 3D printers and how to use them. This session will discuss low cost options.
Marmaduke Simms Title: “Nuclear Power/Naval Nuclear Power Program” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: This session will discuss nuclear power,
submarines, basic concepts of fission, basic reactor operation, jobs available in the Navy/post Navy job availability, nuclear Navy schooling and benefits.;
Craig Pals Title: “Own Your Own Power Plant!” Location: West Building Room 119 Description: Each time you pay your electric bill
you, are essentially paying rent to the local utility company. How would you like to be the power plant owner instead of the tenant? This session will show you how energy-efficiency, solar and wind, and energy management can allow you to “own” your power and provide energy independence.
Mark Dyer Title: “Natural Daylighting for your Home” Location: West Building Room 120 Description:More than a skylight, sun tubes can bring
natural sunlight into any room to brighten it up. In this session we’ll explore products, costs, and how you can do this DIY project in an afternoon.
Larry Weber Title: “The Nuclear Industry in America” Location: West Building Room 138 Description: Come hear about the current industry
situation and the future of nuclear power.
the new Patterson Technology Center’s LEED certified building in Effingham, IL.
12:30 - 1:00 Lunch / Witt’s Smokehouse Location: West Building Atrium 045 Description: Choice of Witt's Smoked Pulled Pork
Sandwich, Turkey Breast Wrap, Pappy LeDeaux's Baked beans, Ranch Pasta Salad, Regular Chips, Chocolate Chunk Cookie and choice of drink. The cost is $10.00.
1:00 - 1:45 Bob Dixson Title: “Award Ceremonies” Location: West Building Room 045 Description: Awards for the junior/senior Energy Fair will be presented along with the awards for the Film Shorts competition.
Chris Smith Title: “Geothermal 101” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: This session is an introduction to the
features and benefits of geothermal technology plus information on how the system works and the 30 percent tax credit.
Cindy Davis Title: “Sustainable Products for Interior Spaces” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: Why design green? What makes a
product green? This session will educate on 3rd party certifications that prevent “greenwashing”.
Wei Wang, Jacob Hixson and Chengdong Hu Title: “Biomass Gasification” Location: West Building Room 112 Description: This presentation will include an
introduction of a laboratory scale biomass gasification system at EIU. In addition, the process to pelletize and gasify biomass fuel, testing fuel HHV, as well as analyzing produced syn-gas from biomass will be discussed.
Lola Lucas Title: “Eco Careers: Energy, Environment and the Economy” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: Find your green job by using Renew, a
free website produced by the Illinois Department of Employment Security. It includes key reports, industry sites and green job boards to find up-to-the-minute openings and salary information. Learn about the growing field of disaster prevention and remediation as we deal with the extreme events produced by climate change.
Jason Vogelbaugh Title: “Energy Efficiency for Buildings” Location: West Building Room 138 Description: Why, how, and what criteria are
important for an energy efficiency project for a building? This session will discuss the myths versus the facts of energy efficiency projects and present a case study of an energy solution.
2:00 - 2:45 Jeff Oder Title: “Sustainability Gardening” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: Calling all gardeners, hobbyists
and sustainability enthusiasts! This spring, Lake Land College is piloting a sustainable agricultural community garden and invites community members get involved with this effort. College officials have dedicated an acre and a half on which several fourfoot-by-twenty-foot raised garden plots will be created. College employees, students and community members are welcome to participate in this endeavor, at no cost to them, by taking ownership of a plot and growing vegetables, fruits and other edible plants.
Michelle Hibbard and Eric Kuzan Title: “How to Go Green and Save Green” Location: West Building Room 103 Description: This session will discuss how business and NFP’s can benefit from assisting businesses/ non-profits with cash incentives to implement energy efficiency projects.
Roy Shelley Title: “The Patterson Technology Center” Location: West Building Room 127 Description: This session will provide an overview of
Hilary Rhode and Tori Daniels Title: “Green Campus Tours” Location: West Building Room 105 Description: Join the Lake Land College Ambassadors
on a tour of the “greener” parts of our campus. Walk out to the wind turbines and check out some of the other cool sustainable projects, through the eyes of current students. Wear your walking shoes! Emily Adams, Marie Lock, Jamie Rexroat, Christian Lovell, and Madison Spence will be helping with the tours.
Carol Jo Morgan Title: “One More Time: The Art and Science of Reusing” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: Of the traditional “three Rs,” Reusing
is rewarding educationally, environmentally, and creatively. Prepare yourself to be amazed as The I.D.E.A. Store’s Environmental Specialist, Carol Jo Morgan, introduces you to the incredible range of possibilities.
Marmaduke Simms Title: “Nuclear Power/Naval Nuclear Power Program” Location: West Building Room 112 Description: This session will discuss nuclear power,
submarines, basic concepts of fission, basic reactor operation, jobs available in the Navy/post Navy job availability, nuclear Navy schooling and benefits.;
Lola Lucas Title: “Sunshine Ahead for Green Jobs (and Not Just Solar)” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: There are hundreds of green job titles
with new ones evolving every day. Expand your ideas of what constitutes a green career by using the Green Career Interest Survey and Find Your Green Job within ReNEW. These are all free online resources produced by the Illinois Department of Employment Security. You’ll also receive the latest update of Careers of the Future with ideas for greening the world with new ideas, processes and gadgets.
Bill and Becky Wilson Title: “Permaculture Primer” Location: West Building Room 119 Description: What kind of skills do we need for 21st
Century Living? Can we create and live in a whole system that is by its nature sustainable? Permaculture design is exemplified when there is a convergence of common sense, indigenous wisdom and appropriate technology. The objective is to design livable systems for people and the planet that support and mimic nature’s own ability to create real abundance. Permaculture is grounded in a respectful approach to others, to all of life, and to future generations–dedicated to leaving the planet in better condition than how we found it.
Adra Baldwin and Mark Dyer Title: “CBJT Community Education” Location: West Building Room 120 Description: This session will discuss activities
involving area 4-H, Williams and Riddle Elementary field trips, workshops held, and what will be available in the future.
Amy Sunderlin Title: “Solar Racing Team of SIUE” Location: West Building Room 121 Description: Come hear about SIUE’s Solar
Racing Team’s solar car that they built. Learn about the system of a solar car and how they work.
Dustin Kelly Title: “Autumn Berry Inspired: Discovering a Fruitful, Sustainable Ecosystem” Location: West Building Room 127 Description: Americans have introduced many
species to this terrain. Some spread quickly, and became labeled as invasive. But this mindset has led most to ignore some of the most productive species thriving here, including the Autumn Olive tree. Autumn Berry Inspired explores what can be done to control the spread of what is widely considered a pest while creating jobs, increasing development, and securing local food sources.
Marie Streenz Title: “Recycling and the Zero Waste Economy with an inside look into a Material Recovery Facility. ” Location: West Building Room 138 Description: Marie will cover the impacts
recycling has on the economy- local, state and national- and the impacts on the environment.
3:00 - 3:45 Craig Pals Title: “Own Your Own Power Plant!” Location: West Building Room 102 Description: Each time you pay your electric bill,
you are essentially paying rent to the local utility company. How would you like to be the power plant owner instead of the tenant? This session will show you how energy-efficiency, solar and wind, and energy management can allow you to “own” your power and provide energy independence.
Ryan Siegel Title: “Sustainability at EIU” Location: West Building Room 103 Description: This session will discuss
Mark Dyer Title: “Solar Hot Water” Location: West Building Room 120 Description: Heating water for domestic uses
has been around for centuries. In this session we’ll explore the basics of modern solar hot water including equipment, costs, and whether this might be something for you.
Lisa Shumard-Shelton Title: “How Social Media Can Help You Go Green” Location: West Building Room 127 Description: This is a roundtable discussion on
how to utilize social media to help your company go green. Please bring social media success stories to share.
4:00 Conference Wrap-up / Prize Drawings
sustainability initiatives at EIU and information about the projects undertaken and planned to reduce the environmental impact. Also, presenters gather information from the audience regarding a potential Center for Appropriate Technology.
Dan Johnson Title: “Waste Oil to Bio-Diesel Production” Location: West Building Room 106 Description: Here you will learn the logistical
and chemical process of bio-diesel production from waste oils.
Joe Tillman Title: “Residential Wind” Location: West Building Room 113 Description: Thinking about the possibility of
owning a wind turbine? Wondering if a wind turbine would pay for itself? If you answered “yes” to one or both of these questions then this presentation is for you. This session covers the basic parts of wind turbines and looks at some of the residential wind systems that are on the market. Attendees are encouraged to bring along their electric bill for matching their electrical consumption to expected turbine production.
Register for today’s Energy Innovation Conference and be entered to win a Google Nexus 7 and a $25 Staples gift card! Today’s drawing will take place at 4 p.m. in the Atrium of the West Building and the
must be present to win. selected winner
She will also go into commonly confused recyclables and show an inside live look at the working of a recycling Material Recovery Facility.
Vendors Lake Land College Environmental Club and Horticulture Club
CBJT-Renewable Energy Programs Representatives: Adra Baldwin and Mark Dyer green_jobs/index.cfm
A1 Energy Citizen’s Utility Board Representative: Rajiv Ravulapati Advanced Disposal Services Representative: Ed Woker
Advanced Energy Solutions Group, inc Representative: Aur Beck
Alpha Controls & Services Representative: Jason Vogelbaugh
Coles County Sheriff Department Representative: Brian Huston
Coles Moultrie Electric Cooperative Representatives: Sam Adair, Aaron Ridenour, and Marla Eversole
Com2 Recycling Solutions
Ameren Illinois ActOnEnergy Representatives: Michelle Hibbard and Eric Kruzan
DayStar Representative: William Schlabach
Autumn Berry Inspired Representative: Dustin Kelly
Douglas Hart Nature Center Representative:
Business Solutions Center at EIU Representatives: Tiffany Kline and Jeanne Dau
Eaton Corporation Representative: Craig Vedvik
Ewe Poo Compost Co Representatives: Becky Weber and Charlie Bedinger
GeoComfort Geothermal Systems Representative: Chris Smith
Home Depot Representatives: Aaron York and Jerry Krebs http://
Resource One Representatives: Lauren Davis and Cindy Davis
SIUE - Solar Car Racing Team
The I.D.E.A. Store Representatives: Shauna Carey and Carol Jo Morgan
Tick Tock Energy Representatives: Eric Pals and Craig Pals llinois Environmental Council Representative: Tamika Gibson U S Navy Representative: Jon Dickson and Robert Ishum Illinois Green Business Association Representative: Cassandra Carroll
KC Summers
Midwest Permaculture Representatives: Rebecca Wilson, Bill Wilson Olmsted Brothers Representative: Eric Olmsted
University of Illinois Extension-Serving CCDMS Representative: Dave Shiley
WLKL 89.9 the Max Alternative
Integrys Energy Services Representative: Debra Lucas energy
University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences Representative: Wendy White
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Register for today’s Energy Innovation Conference and be entered to win a Google Nexus 7 and a $25 Staples gift card! Today’s drawing will take place at 4 p.m. in the Atrium of the West Building and the selected winner must be present to win.
Help support the Seventh Annual Energy Innovation Conference on March 5, 2014! Visit
dv/fd/index.cfm to make your gift today.
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