o t e m o c l We
Student Planner & Handbook 2013-2014
Lake Land College Important Phone Numbers Faculty, staff and department phone numbers and email addresses are available on the telephone/email directory on Lake Land College’s homepage at www.lakelandcollege.edu All numbers are (217) area code Information for all college numbers except those listed below ............................................ 234-LAKE (5253) Accounting/Tuition & Fees Payment ........................................... 234-5214 Adjunct Faculty and Off Campus Locations ................................ 234-4053 Admissions Office ........................................................................ 234-5434 Agriculture Division ...................................................................... 234-5360 Allied Health Division ................................................................... 234-5447 Alumni Association ...................................................................... 234-5329 Athletics ....................................................................................... 234-5333 Bookstore/Textbooks ................................................................... 234-5420 Business Division ........................................................................ 234-5348 Career Services ........................................................................... 234-5288 Center for Technology and Professional Development ............... 234-5459 Community and Professional Programming ................................ 234-5470 Counseling Services .................................................................... 234-5232 Student Accommodations ............................................................ 234-5259 Dual Credit................................................................................... 234-5044 Financial Aid ................................................................................ 234-5231 Foundation / Scholarships ........................................................... 234-5363 Humanities and Communications Division .................................. 234-5271 International Studies/Study Abroad ............................................. 234-5382 Library.......................................................................................... 234-5367 Math & Sciences Division ............................................................ 234-5328 Lake Land College Police Department ........................................ 234-5432 Social Science and Education Division ....................................... 234-5331 Student Life ................................................................................. 234-5277 Technology Division ..................................................................... 234-5313 TRIO Student Support Services .................................................. 234-5456 TRIO Talent Search Program ...................................................... 234-5003 TTY (Hearing Impaired) ............................................................... 234-5371
Off Campus Eastern Region Center, Marshall................................................. 826-8490 Kluthe Center for Higher Education & Technology, Effingham .... 540-3555 Western Region Center, Pana ..................................................... 562-5000 Workforce Development Center, Mattoon ................................... 235-2222
Welcome from the President Welcome! Thanks for choosing Lake Land College, one of the best community colleges in the state and nation. As you look through this handbook you will see the wealth of opportunities that await you as a Lake Land student. My advice to you is to make the most of your experience here. Join a club or spend some time in Laker Point, cheer on our athletic teams and talk with fellow students and instructors. We really enjoy getting to know our students and helping them be successful! All of us at Lake Land College are ready to help you in any way we can. Please just ask. Have a great year and congratulations for working so hard to reach your goals! Dr. Josh Bullock President Lake Land College
did you know... The 308-acre campus hosts nine major buildings plus six supportive buildings, two campus ponds, a 160-acre agriculture land laboratory, computer labs, CAD lab, child care lab, cosmetology clinic and a dental clinic. The library provides access to books, magazines and several electronic databases. Classes are offered at the Kluthe Center for Higher Education and Technology in Effingham, Workforce Development Center, Western Region Center in Pana, Eastern Region Center at the Forsythe Building in Marshall, on the Internet and at many off campus locations.
Lake Land College
2013-2014 Student Success Guide Student Name____________________________________________ Academics: Information your counselor needs to know. Know your academic program. My program is_______________. (If you are undecided, you may choose undecided as your academic program) Do you plan to transfer to another college or university? Yes No Not Sure If yes, where? ________________________________ Specific questions about my academic program/career interest: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Paying for College Apply for Financial Aid. Apply online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Apply for Lake Land College Foundation Scholarships. Applications are available online at www.lakelandcollege.edu/ foundation. Priority application deadline is March 1st. If you are a veteran, contact Financial Aid Veteran Services. Pay your bill online through the LLC Hub or in person at Accounting. You may also join the payment plan. My financial questions are: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
you r gu ide to success Campus Services If taking online courses, take the online tutorial available on Canvas or contact the Center for Technology for Canvas training. If you are undecided about your major, contact Career Services for information regarding CAREER CRUISING. If you have a medical condition, have questions regarding health insurance or need a physical for your academic program or athletics, contact Health Services. Get Connected Learn LLC Hub -Check your student web mail -Access Canvas -Connect to LLC’s homepage, Facebook and Twitter -Check important dates and receive important campus and personal notifications -Find information on your academic advisor Academic Success Get involved in campus activities. Contact the Student Life office. If you have a disability that may require accommodations, contact the Office of Student Accommodations. Request TRiO Student Support Services if you are interested in participating in an academic support services program. Sign up for free tutoring with the Tutoring Center. Take advantage of the Lake Land Early Advantage Program. What’s Next Register for classes and print your schedule on the LLC Hub. Opt-in for text and email messages in the event of class cancellations, important notifications and emergencies on the Hub. Get your Lake Land College Student ID in the bookstore. You must have a photo ID with you. Pick up your books in the bookstore. You must have your LLC Student ID and textbook list printed from the LLC Hub. Check Important Dates for textbook pick up days and times. Pay your bill online through the LLC Hub or in person at the Accounting Office.
Lake Land College Any other questions I have :
The courses you want You can choose to study from a group of more than 130 degrees and certificates. From agriculture to nursing and from computer technology to child care, we have something for everyone.
did you know... Lake Land College is going green! Our academic departments have converted a gas car to electric and we are implementing geothermal technology and wind energy. The first two out of three wind turbines were installed on campus in 2010.
you r gu ide to success
Academic Programs
Allied Health Division (217)234-5448 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/ahd/index.cfm
Business Division (217)234-5348 http://www.lakelandcollege.edu/as/bus/index.cfm
Agriculture Division (217)234-5208 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/ag/index.cfm
Social Science and Education Division (217)234-5331 http://www.lakelandcollege.edu/as/sse/index.cfm
Humanities and Communications Division (217)234-5271 http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/hum/index.cfm
Math and Science Division (217)234-5323 http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/msd/index.cfm
Technology Division (217)234-5313 http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/tec/index.cfm
Lake Land College
Lake Land College Tips At Lake Land College, we take an interest in you. Students have high expectations of us and in return, we have high expectations for you. Below are some tips on how to be successful at Lake Land College. 1.
College is expensive! Apply early for scholarships and financial aid. See our paying for college tab for more information.
You arrange your schedule and you manage your time. College means more responsibilities.
Don’t miss class! Attendance may or may not be monitored and you might be withdrawn or receive a lower grade.
Class times vary and each student’s schedule is different. Full-time students spend approximately 15 hours in class per week.
2-3 hours should be spent on study time for each hour spent in class per week.
Instructors expect you to be informed of policies listed in their syllabi, review material on your own, come prepared for class discussion and actively participate.
Be aware of academic integrity and academic policies. D’s might not count toward graduation and all majors require you to have a minimum G.P.A. to graduate.
Federal law prohibits others, including parents and guardians from having access to your educational records.
It is your responsibility to speak with your academic advisor to determine graduation requirements and to apply for graduation.
It is your responsibility to ask for help when you need it and sign up for services when you want them. We reserve time to meet with you independently.
you r gu ide to success
Online Learning at Lake Land College.
Are online cou rses for me?
While online courses provide flexibility, they are not for everyone. Students considering an online course should first consider the following: • What is your learning style? • Is online learning for you? • What does it take to be a successful online student? • Do you have the necessary computer software and browsers to complete an online course?
Gather the above information and get answers to other frequently asked questions about online learning by visiting our online learning web page at www.lakelandcollege.edu/online. You can also check out OASIS (Online Assessment System for Internet Students). OASIS is an online readiness assessment designed for students considering or currently enrolled in an online course. Check out OASIS by going to www.ilcco.net/oasis. (This service is provided by Illinois Community Colleges Online). For assistance with your online courses, visit us at: The Center for Technology and Professional Development Lower Level of the Virgil H. Judge Learning Resource Center (217)234-5439 www.lakelandcollege.edu/online
K now you r academic program & get the requ ired advising you need. Check you r declared major in the Hub • To check your current major, log in to the Hub, choose IRIS and click on student •
demographics, my profile. If you have trouble logging in, contact the Center at 234-5439. If your major is incorrect, change it by following the Change Major link in your account. Wait 5 business days and then check on the Hub under IRIS, student demographics, my profile to confirm the academic program has been changed and a new advisor has been assigned. Please note, only degree or certificate seeking students are assigned an advisor. Non-degree seeking students are not assigned an advisor.
Lake Land College
Schedule an appointment with you r advisor • If you don’t know who your advisor is, log in to the Hub, choose IRIS and click on student demographics, my profile. Contact your advisor by email, phone or stopping by their office. If you need your advisor’s contact information – go to the LLC homepage and search the telephone/email directory. This will give you the email, phone number and office location. Be persistent. If you do not receive a response from your advisor, contact the advisor’s Division Chair.
Print off you r degree audit in the Hub • To do this, log in to the Hub, access IRIS and follow the Degree Audit link. •
The print out will show the classes you have taken and those you still need to fulfill your degree requirements. Schedule an appointment with your advisor and be on time. You may also contact them by phone or email. Your advisor is listed in the Hub.
Have an idea of where you want to transfer • Do your homework about possible colleges and programs to which you’d like •
to transfer. Students should talk to their advisor or a Counselor regarding articulation to their university of choice. Print off your degree audit from IRIS in the Hub so you know your graduation requirements and you can clarify questions!
Write down any questions you have • Academic advising assists you reach your goal! Communicate future •
transfer and employment plans to assist with the advising process. Some suggested questions to help with discussion: o Am I going to be able to take all classes and transfer in the time frame I have planned? o Can I substitute classes? o What can I do to prepare for the next advising time?
you r gu ide to success
Attend the appointment • •
Be on time. Your advisor has many advisees; their time is important. Be sure to let your advisor know if you will not be able to make it. Have realistic expectations. Your advisor’s role is to help guide you with classes and other future possibilities. Follow through! Pay attention to registration dates and follow through with the advice.
Follow up with any details from the appointment •
In case you have additional questions, discuss the best way for you to contact your advisor. Don’t hesitate to ask!
Register for classes •
Find out when registration begins. Register as early as possible. Earlier means better choices for classes and meeting times.
Report concerns or problems with you r advisor or the advising process. • •
If you have concerns about your advisor, you may follow through with the division chair of the department. Contact Counseling services, located in the Luther Student Center.
Lake Land College
Reasonable tuition & textbook rental College is an investment in your future. At Lake Land College we believe you should not be denied access to college due to financial circumstances. We’re here to answer your questions about financial planning, grants, loans, scholarship opportunities and other financial assistance. e. e.
did you know... Approximately 67 percent of Lake Land College students receive some type of federal, state, private and agency sponsored financial assistance.
you r gu ide to success
Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Services Webb Hall 234-5231 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/financialaid/index.cfm • Assists students with actively seeking financial resources including grants, loans, federal work study employment and scholarships. • Financial aid programs can assist with school expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies and transportation costs. • Assists military personnel and veterans with financial assistance and/or benefits available to them through the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs. • Free Application for Federal Student Aid may be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
paying for college
Lake Land College Foundation Administration Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5363 lakelandcollege.edu/foundation • Awards more than 500 scholarships annually. • Applications should be completed before March 1 of each year. • Applications are available in the Foundation Office and on the Foundation website.
Tuition and Fees www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/ar/tutionfees.cfm • Based on your legal place of residence. • Charged on a per semester hour rate. • Students must pay their tuition and fees in full by the due date. There will be a 1.5% interest fee charged to past due accounts. Textbook Rental Lake Land College Bookstore 234-5420 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/bookstore/index.cfm • All students are required to pay the textbook rental fee which is included in your tuition and fees. • The textbook rental fee includes the purchase of textbooks for, and management of, the textbook library service. • It is estimated that full-time Lake Land students may save up to $1,200 using the Textbook Library Services versus purchasing their books. • Textbooks may be purchased at the request of the student. Refer to the textbook section of the college catalog for more details or visit www.lakeland.cc.il.us/bs/bks/bookstore/index.cfm
Lake Land College
Paying your Bill www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/ar/tuitionfees.cfm Accounting Office Luther Student Center 234-5214 • Bills will be mailed to the address the student currently has on file in the Admissions and Records Office. Students who need a bill sent to another address must contact the Accounting Office. • Students who choose not to attend classes after registering are responsible for dropping their classes. • Students who do not drop their classes by the specified dates listed in the catalog are responsible for full payment. Our refund policy is listed in the college catalog and is also available on–line at www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/ar/tuitionfees.cfm • Tuition and fees may be paid online through the Hub or submitted to the Accounting Office via cash, check or bank card or credit card. • Students must pay their tuition and fees in full by the due date. There will be a 1.5% interest fee charged to past due accounts. • Payment option is available. Speak with the Accounting Office for more details.
Helping you advance Lake Land College offers a variety of student services to make sure you are receiving a quality education. From academic advising to academic assistance, we are ready to help you. Stay on track and look for us when you need direction. We can help you find your way!
did you know... Lake Land College students can receive a dental exam, cleaning, x-rays and fluoride treatment through our Dental Hygiene program, receive massages through our Massage Therapy program and get haircuts, perms, hair color, hairstyling, artificial nails, skin care treatments and other services through our Cosmetology program. Reduced service fees apply.
you r gu ide to success
Career Services Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5288 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/careerservices/index.cfm • Resume development and workshops • Career Counseling and career planning assessments • Mock interviews and workshops • Job Listings • Cooperative Work Study internship program Counseling Services Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5232 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/counseling/ • Educational and career development • Information regarding Lake Land College degrees and transfer requirements • Crisis intervention and referral • Strategies to enhance life and academic skills • Judicial affairs advisement and behavioral intervention counseling
campus services
The information below represents just a few of the services offered by each department. For additional information, links and a full list of services visit the department’s website.
Admissions & Records Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5434 www.lakelandcollege.edu/ss/ar/admissions/index.cfm • Obtain a transcript or ask for a transcript evaluation • Apply for graduation
Lake Land College Office of International Studies Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5382 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/international/index.cfm • Study abroad opportunities • International student recruitment Health Services Luther Student Center 234-5276 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/cln • Non-prescription medication available • First aid emergency care • Consultation on medical problems • Health Insurance available • Health promotion programs on substance abuse, nutrition, infectious disease, physical fitness and other topics • Notification of instructors due to illness, accident or hospitalization of three days or more. Missed assignments are the responsibility of the student. Student Fitness Center Field House 234-5339 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/studenthandbook/fitnesscenter.cfm • Available for everyone with a valid Lake Land College ID • You may use the facility for recreation or register for Aerobic Fitness (PED209 or PED210) Placement Center Webb Hall 234-5301 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/lac/assessielp.cfm • Administers the placement battery for all degree and certificate seeking students and/or those taking only a math or English course • Placement study guides available online on the Placement Center home page • ACT scores accepted • CLEP testing, special admission program testing and Intensive English Language testing
you r gu ide to success
The Center for Technology and Professional Development Lower Level of the Virgil H. Judge Learning Resource Center 234-5439 www.lakelandcollege.edu/online The center assists with: • On-line course support • Free downloads for online course component accessibility • Online and in person tutorials with Canvas, Word and PowerPoint 2007and LLC student e-mail • Scan equipment for coursework • Color printing for class materials • Assistance in converting WordPerfect and Works files to .rtf documents • Test proctoring • Provides audio-visual equipment for classroom use
campus services
Tutoring Center Webb Hall 234-5366 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/lc/tutorread.cfm • Free and available for most courses • Assists with time management skills, study skills, and can improve grades • Personalized attention from master degree, bachelor degree and student tutors
Office of Student Accommodations Luther Student Center 234-5259 www.lakelandcollege.edu/disability_services • Available to students with documented disabilities • Testing accommodations • Free tutoring • Sign language interpreters • Recorded materials/textbooks • Other reasonable accommodations
Lake Land College TRIO Student Support Services Program Webb Hall 234-5456 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/triosupportservices/ • Provides academic assistance to first generation, low income students and/or students with disabilities • Academic counseling, personal counseling and financial aid counseling • Scholarship opportunities • Social and cultural enrichment opportunities • Career research assistance with interviews and writing resumes • Laptop lending • Skills courses and workshops Perkins Program Neal Hall 234-5372 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/prk/perkins/index.cfm • Assistance with the purchase of supplies, supplemental texts, workbooks, and uniforms • Assistance with transportation costs to and from school • Available to students who have an economic disadvantage , academic disadvantage or disability • Available to students with single parent status or displaced homemaker status • Available to students enrolled in a program where one’s gender is underrepresented • Available to those with limited English proficiency Laker Point Luther Student Center 234-5272 • Subway • Vending machines available with fresh food and beverages • Lounge areas available • Microwave available for student use
you r gu ide to success
campus services
Lake Land College Bookstore 234-5420 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/bookstore/index.cfm • Provides textbooks, workbooks and supplies • Full selection of Lake Land College merchandise and supplies • Provides student I.D. cards
Child Care Lab 234-5295 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/cci/index.cfm • Licensed child care facility available on campus for students, faculty, staff and members of the community. • Children must be between the ages of two and five years old, and completely toilet trained • Summer program specifically designed for children ages six to 10 is available
Library / Virgil H. Judge Learning Resource Center 234-5367 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/library • Student computer labs available with free printing capabilities • Photocopy machine available • Subscribes to online databases, providing full text online access to millions of journal articles • Students have access to books, audio and video tapes, CD’s and DVD’s with Lake Land College library card • Study rooms available with reservations Student Housing www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/ss/housing/index.cfm • Lake Land College does not own or maintain housing for students • Lake Land College can provide housing information for your convenience and assistance, but does not accept responsibility for the nature of the housing facilities. None of the facilities have been examined or approved by College personnel ATM Access • An ATM machine is located in the Luther Student Center, in Laker Point. • Fees may apply
Lake Land College Lake Land College Police Department 234-5432 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/publicsafety/index.cfm Safety Tips Protect your Valuables • Lock your car and take the keys, no matter how long you will be away. • Lock valuables in the trunk. • Do not leave belongings unattended in hallways, libraries or classrooms. • Do not carry large amounts of cash. • Do not touch or move any part of your car if it has been damaged or broken into. Call the Police Department immediately at 234-5432 or, after 5 p.m., call 232-1908. Protect Yourself • Park in well-lit areas and avoid isolated areas when possible. • Look in the backseat before you get in a car. • If someone is following you, go to a well-lighted area where there are people. • Opt in for text and email message on the LLC Hub in the event of closing and campus emergency. Protect your Campus • Vandalism and theft raise educational costs and students are often the ones who pay for those increases. Report any suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety. • In the event of an emergency, 911 should be called. Emergencies include but are not limited to fires, accidents with serious injuries, medical emergencies, or any other situation in which any person is in imminent danger of injury or bodily harm. To report a crime or suspicious activity, call the Police Department at (217)2345432 (ext. 5432 from campus phones). After hours, or if no answer, call (217)232-1908. The officer on duty can also be paged at 235-8741. To review our campus security report please visit www.lakeland.cc.il.us/bs/ps/securityreport.cfm
Get connected In addition to the campus services that are available on departmental web pages, Lake Land College offers specific web-based services to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
did you know... Your safety is important to us. This is why we give students the opportunity to “opt–in” for text messages in the event of an emergency or weather closing. Text messaging also allows students to receive messages when their classes are cancelled.
you r gu ide to success
The LLC Hub Lake Land College communicates with students via email and the student portal, called the Hub. One of your first steps as a new student is to get connected to this system by activating your communication user ID and password.
get connected
Key communication terms at LLC User ID - your LLC student electronic identification Password - your birthday in six digits to begin with. Then you are prompted to change it. The Hub - a centralized portal containing all the communication and student engagement tools you need to be successful! LLC email - your key to communicating successfully with Lake Land faculty, staff and offices. IRIS - Internet Registration and Information System that contains your personal student account information, accessible through the Hub. Canvas - an Internet-based course management program that instructors and students use for both face-to-face and online classes. It is accessible through the Hub.
Once activated, you can access the LLC Hub where you will find your Lake Land email and important information such as registration, financial aid, the online learning system called Blackboard, academic deadlines and academic records. Bookmark for success at LLC www.lakeland.cc.il.us https://lakeland.instructure.com/login mail.lakeland.cc.il.us llcportal.lakeland.cc.il.us www.facebook.com/lakelandcollege Text Messaging / Email Notification www.lakelandcollege.edu Log in to the Hub Click on the text messaging / email notification feature • Students must Opt –in to receive a text message for - cancelled classes - college closings/emergencies - general announcements such as deadlines
Lake Land College
Get involved There are 168 hours in a week. If a student uses 45 hours for learning and 56 for sleeping, that leaves 67 hours to work, meet people, join a club, attend social events, or watch TV. Lake Land offers you a variety of organizations, activities & cultural events to enhance your campus experience.
did you know... Lake Land College annually serves more than 20,000 students.
you r gu ide to success
Why should you get involved? • Why not? It’s an excellent way to meet people. (And don’t forget – a great resume builder!) • Research has shown that students who get involved with at least one extracurricular activity are more likely to complete their degree and earn a higher G.P.A. • Almost every student can join an organization that is related to their area of interest Student Life Organizations and Activities Student Activity Board • Hosts free events from 11:00-1:00 every Wednesday (there are no classes during this time period) • Some activities held in the past include comedy shows, concerts and scavenger hunts • For more information on Wednesday events or the Student Activity Board, visit the student life website or contact the Student Life Office at 217- 2345277. You may also send an e-mail to studentactivity@lakeland.cc.il.us Intramural Sports • Sports include softball, golf, basketball, volleyball and bowling • For further information, contact the Field House at 234-5333
activities and events
Student Life Office Luther Student Center 234-5277 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/student_life/index.htm
Clubs • Clubs available for just about every Lake Land College program • Visit www.lakeland.cc.il.us/student_life/clubs.cfm for a complete listing Student Ambassadors • Group of students who serve as official representatives of Lake Land College • Inform prospective students of the opportunities available to them at Lake Land College • Assist with several campus organizations and personnel with special school functions • For more information, e-mail lshumard-shelton@lakeland.cc.il.us Student Government Association (SGA) • Student elected governing board consisting of 8 freshmen and 9 sophomores. Freshmen elections are held in the fall semester; sophomore in spring. • Acts as the official student voice on all matters appropriate to student government concerns • Represents the interest of the student body of Lake Land College • For more information; contact the Student Life Office 217-234-5277
Lake Land College Student Representative to Board of Trustees • Elected by the student body each Spring to serve as its representative on the College Board of Trustees • Voice of the students to the Board and has an important role in conveying student concerns The Navigator News www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/sv/navigator.cfm • Lake Land College’s award-winning student newspaper • Produced by the students for the students every month during the fall and spring semesters • Combines news and features, sports, entertainment and information about upcoming events on campus • No experience necessary, as we offer training sessions for new staff • To inquire about open positions or reach one of the Editors call 217-234-5269 or email studentpublications@lakeland.cc.il.us WLKL, 89.9 FM Lake Land College’s Radio Station Northwest Building 234-5373 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/themax • The College radio station must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission • Staffed by students enrolled in Radio/TV classes at Lake Land College • Alternative Rock, with a touch of 70’s hits, throwbacks from the 80’s and 4 hours of techno on Saturday nights at 11 p.m. • Reaches a 25-30 mile radius of the Lake Land College campus • Provides listeners with up to date news, weather forecasts, LLC events and sports scores Lake Land College Athletics Field House 234-5333 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/athletics/index.cfm • Baseball • Softball • Men’s Basketball • Women’s Basketball • Volleyball • Cheerleading
We care about you At Lake Land College, we respect your rights and responsibilities and we care about your success. As a result, we implement services and have policies and procedures in place so we can provide you with an affordable, accessible, and effective learning environment.
did you know... Lake Land College provides free tutoring for students. Tutoring is available in almost all subject areas.
you r gu ide to success
Here are some tips from our site! • Eat a healthy breakfast to start your day • If you need someone to talk to, stop by Student Services and speak to a counselor • Before heading out on a first date be sure to tell someone where you are going, who you are going with and when to expect you home
Making the decision to be a full-time student or part-time student. College can be a challenge and we want you to be successful. Consider the following when making your decision about your course load. Money • College is expensive. • Consider the cost of tuition and fees, transportation, room and board and other expenses BEFORE registering for classes. • Check our Paying for College tab for details on tuition and fees and financial assistance at Lake Land College.
academic concerns
Health and Wellness www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/cn/wellness/physical_wellness.cfm At Lake Land College, we care about you academically, physically and personally. That’s why we created the Lake Land College Wellness Website.
Time • Do you work? Do you have a family? Consider time spent on important obligations when deciding how many classes to take. • Students can spend very little time in class however, for every hour spent in class you should be spending 2 hours studying. • Consider how much time you have to spend on coursework and study time BEFORE registering for classes. • Buy a planner and schedule time for all of your responsibilities. Include some down time for yourself. Taking care of you will help you be successful! Financial aid eligibility • Talk to your financial aid advisor about how many courses you plan on taking. Most students do not have to be full-time students to be eligible for financial aid. Military service • Veterans grants have specific rules regarding part-time and full-time course load. • Check with your financial aid veteran advisor before registering for classes.
Lake Land College
Academic Assistance If you are struggling in a class, ask for help. Here is a list of campus resources that can help you. Visit them online, contact them by phone or gather more information on each program in the campus resources tab of this handbook. Counseling Services Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5232
Tutoring Center Webb Hall 234-5366 http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ss/lc/tutorread.cfm
Enroll in SFS 101 (Strategies for Success) For more information contact Counseling Services Office of Student Accomodations Student Services Wing, Luther Student Center 234-5259
TRIO Student Support Services Program Webb Hall 234-5456 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/triosupportservices/
Perkins Program Neal Hall 234-5372 www.lakeland.cc.il.us/as/prk/perkins/index.cfm
Student Handbook and Student Right-to-Know lakelandcollege.edu/studenthandbook The online Student Handbook provides critical information for all Lake Land College students. Highlights of the Student Handbook are included below. Students with questions regarding any of these areas should access the Student Handbook at the website above or on the Current Students web page. Student Rights Regarding Educational Records Students may review this area of the Student Handbook to understand their rights and responsibilities regarding their educational records according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Student Right-to-Know Prospective and current Lake Land College students may benefit from information regarding the college’s academic programs, completion and graduation rates, athletic program participation, financial aid programs, campus safety and security policies and crime statistics.
you r gu ide to success
Student Code of Conduct As members of the Lake Land College learning community, students are entitled to certain rights including a quality education and quality services. In addition, students have the responsibility to know and observe certain standards of behavior as defined in the Student Code of Conduct. Actions that constitute misconduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action which may include disciplinary reprimand, probation, suspension or dismissal from the college. Academic Integrity It is expected that Lake Land College students will honor the tradition of academic honesty. Actions that constitute academic misconduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action which may include an academic sanction as well as a disciplinary reprimand, probation, or suspension from the college. Reporting Concerning Behaviors Students are encouraged to report concerning or disruptive student behaviors that they observe at the college by filing a Behavioral Intervention Report. The report can be filed anonymously. All reports are acted upon by the college’s Behavioral Intervention Team. The information provided in the report can assist the college in providing needed resources to students. The information may also be considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action.
academic concerns
Student Concerns and Grievances Students concerned about issues that adversely affect them or someone else or who feel they may have been discriminated against should follow the official Grievance Procedure to resolve their concern.
Severe Weather Closing www.lakeland.cc.il.us/studenthandbook/weather.cfm • Students can opt in to receive text messaging for severe weather closings. Visit our web resources tab for more information. • Severe weather closings will be announced on various radio and television stations. For a list of stations and for our severe weather closing policy, visit www.lakeland.cc.il.us/studenthandbook/weather.cfm