2022 - 23 Residence Handbook

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Residence HANDBOOK 2022-23

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 3
CONTENTS Welcome Home ...................................................................... 4 Who’s Who .............................................................................. 5 Residence Assistant................................................................. 6 Residence Fee Payments ......................................................... 8 Move In ................................................................................... 9 Living in Residence ................................................................. 10 Safe-walk Program .................................................................. 13 Rights and Responsibilities..................................................... 14 Residence Code of Conduct .................................................... 15 Community Standards ............................................................ 16 Discipline System.................................................................... 17 Possible Sanctions .................................................................. 18 Conduct not Permitted ............................................................ 20 Replacement and Repair Costs ................................................ 26 Advantages to Living on Campus ............................................ 27 Isolation Plan for Covid-19 ...................................................... 28 VERMILION CAMPUS 5707 College Drive Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 LLOYDMINSTER CAMPUS 2602–59 Avenue Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 3N7


We are excited to welcome you to your new home away from home. It is our promise to each of you that we will make every effort possible to comfortably accommodate you while you are attending Lakeland.

We are happy you chose to live here and have prepared this handbook to give you valuable information that will make your stay here successful. For many of you, this will be your first time living away from home. You may be very excited and possibly a little nervous, but living in residence will be one of the most unforgettable, fun and rewarding experiences of your life.

This handbook is meant as your guide for living and succeeding in residence. We welcome your input and feedback about any compliments or concerns regarding life in residence. Please remember that our door is always open and we are here to support and assist you.

We hope you enjoy your stay with us! Welcome home!

The Residence Services Team

Residence Mission Statement

Lakeland College residence’s mission is to create a community where students can live and study in a safe environment conducive to academic achievement and personal growth.

4 Residence Handbook 2022-2023
This handbook is a guide for living in residence. Any additions or changes to the enclosed information will be made at the discretion of Residence management.



Coordinator, Residence Services



Randy is responsible for residence, Alumni House, Campus Security and parking at the Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses. He splits his time between both campuses.


Administrative Assistant, Residence Services



Michelle works at the Lloydminster and Vermilion campus residence and is responsible for room assignments, rent collection, maintenance requests, mail, parking, and customer service.

Residence Life Facilitator (Vermilion)



Judy is responsible for the training and supervision of the residence assistants, community standards and residence life programs at the Vermilion campus.

Katelyn Ewanus

Residence Life Facilitator (Lloydminster)



Katelyn is responsible for the training and supervision of the residence assistants, community standards and residence life programs at the Lloydminster campus.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 5
Fines Judy Eyben Gaboury


What is a residence assistant?

Residence assistants (RAs) are trained student employees who live in your residence and are your first point of contact for support and questions. They wear many hats including organizer, security, advisor, social convener, referee, confidante and friend. They will always try to deal with you in an honest, courteous and respectful manner and they expect the same treatment in return.

Why do you need them?

A residence assistant position exists for the benefit of the student. As they work for the college, RAs must report violations of the community standards, or any other behaviour believed to be detrimental to the community of Lakeland College and/or its residents. Please support their efforts in helping with roommate conflicts, or organizing activities for the residents.

What are the duties of a residence assistant?

• They are responsible for a specific residence

• They mediate roommate disputes

• They meet regularly with their specific residence

• They pass on information and receive feedback from the students so that any problem can be addressed

• They organize and promote social, educational, recreational and cultural activities for the residence

• They follow the student residence and college rules, alway setting a positive example

• They participate in all required training programs and attend weekly RA meetings

• They inform all students of rules and policies, enforce rules and follow up on violations according to residence community standards

6 Residence Handbook 2022-2023

How do you contact the RA?

There is always an RA on duty in the evenings and on weekends until 11 p.m. RAs can be reached by calling 780.581.4493 in Vermilion or 780.808.0332 in Lloydminster. After 11 p.m., please contact security at 780.853.8505 (V) or 780.808.1265 (L).


Caretaking staff assist in maintaining common areas in the Vermilion residence only. They assist the residence office in ensuring a clean and safe living environment is maintained.

Caretaking is NOT a maid service. You are responsible for your own room/bathroom, garbage and kitchen duty. You, as a resident of Lakeland College, are responsible for maintaining the space.

Campus Security

Campus Security staff are on shift 24 hours per day. Their duties include: customer service, building patrol, providing a safe walk service, and informing students of residence and college standards. Please respect college security staff and use the service that they provide. Security has the right to ask for ID if they require it.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 7


Security Deposits

All residents are required to pay a $500 damage deposit when applying for residence. The deposit is refundable in whole, or in part, depending on the condition of your residence and the condition of the common areas of the building. When you leave, please be aware that if you owe any college fees, those will be taken from your security deposit.


Rent is based on a weekly rate. Students must be prepared to pay their first semester rent or all their rent upon move in. Second semester rent is due at the beginning of the semester term.

Payment Terms

Rent can be paid in person at the residence office, through your MyLakeland account or by setting Lakeland College up as a “bill payment” through your online banking provider. Our office accepts cash, cheque, debit, Visa, Mastercard or money order. Please contact our office for more information regarding your payment options if you have any questions.

Practicum and Rent

Single students on practicum will be granted a 50 per cent reduction in rent if they are away for a minimum of three weeks during the academic year. Students who move out early for a practicum at the end of the year will be refunded the appropriate weeks of rent. You must also advise the residence office of the dates of your departure and if applicable, your return. If it is a midterm practicum, you will be allowed to leave all of your personal belongings in the room for the time you are away. However, your keys must be turned into the residence office when you leave for this practicum.

8 Residence Handbook 2022-2023


Check In

You will check in with residence staff on move in day.

Check In Inspection

Upon checking in, you must complete a unit/ room inspection sheet. In order to ensure that you will not be charged for damage done by a previous resident, it is crucial that you thoroughly complete your move in inspection sheet and hand it in to the residence office as soon as possible.

Failure to submit a move in inspection may result in additional charges at move out time.

Room Assignments

Room assignments are done based upon the information provided on your residence application. These assignments are not necessarily permanent and may be changed upon your request, if and/or when a different residence is available. The residence office reserves the right to move students if it is deemed necessary. For example, room consolidations may require a new room assignment.

Move Out Procedures

When moving out of residence, you are required to fill out a “Notice of Checkout” form and return it to the office along with your key when you are ready to leave. Possible fines will be given for failing to complete the move out procedure.

Your room inspection report that you filled out prior to moving in will be used to report any cleaning problems and damages in your room or unit at checkout. You may receive minimum deductions for not cleaning (all minimum charges are noted on the inspection report). Any damages not recorded on the initial inspection report will also be assessed. Charges and/or deductions will be taken from your security/damage deposit.

Damage deposit refunds will be processed as quickly as possible. They will be mailed to your permanent home address. If this address changes from your initial application, please let the office know on the back of your check out form.

Please note your damage deposit may be applied to any outstanding rent or college fees such as tuition that you owe.

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Residence WiFi

Academic WiFi is supplied to each residence. Please check your main bulletin board for login information. If you do a lot of gaming, streaming, movies etc. you may want to go with your own WiFi at your expense. Please contact the residence office for instructions.


Laundry is also included! In the traditional dorms in Vermilion, the laundry is located in the basement. In the Delta units, the laundry is located at the end of each unit. In Lloydminster, laundry is located in the basement of the Prairies building.

Please do not leave your laundry unattended. Lakeland College is not responsible for lost clothing items.

Cleaning and Inspections

To assist you in maintaining your residence, residence staff will inspect all residences.

Garbage and Recycling

The large dumpsters located in the parking lots are allocated for your garbage. You are responsible for keeping the outside of your residence free of garbage, bottles, cigarette butts and other trash. Bins for cardboard recycling are also located in the parking lot.

Snow Removal

You are responsible for clearing snow from the doors of your unit to the main pedestrian sidewalk. Each unit is provided with a snow shovel.


The RAs are trained to handle emergency situations in residence. In case of an emergency, immediately contact the RA on duty.

It is important that your smoke alarm be operating at all times. Fire extinguishers are located in each residence. If an actual fire occurs requiring a fire extinguisher to be discharged, immediately call 911 and inform security and the RA on duty.

Tampering with safety equipment could lead to injury of residents and violations are dealt with seriously. For extreme emergencies requiring immediate medical, police, or fire assistance call 911. For all emergencies, the RA on duty and security should be contacted as soon as possible so they can direct any arriving emergency personnel.

10 Residence Handbook 2022-2023

Parking – speed limit is 30km/h

Parking is included in your residence fee. A limited number of energized parking stalls are available. Student residence parking tags do not allow you to park in other college lots. Parking is scramble, meaning you do not have an assigned stall.

Guest parking is available in Lots B, C and F in Vermilion. Residence parking is in lots F, K, N, Q and U.

Guest parking in Lloydminster is available north of the residence complex in lot V.

Non-parking areas: on the Vermilion Campus, the red brick road is a time limited loading and unloading zone as well as access for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Vehicles parked for more than 15 minutes on this road will be towed. Absolutely no parking on Harcus Road, grass, sidewalks or fire lanes.

Parking – Vermilion only

The Municipal Enforcement Peace Officer for the Town of Vermilion has the authority to issue parking tickets to violators parked in reserved stalls, the red brick road, roadways, fire lanes, barrier free locations, grass areas and any other non-parking section.


Mail is delivered to the residence office and filed by last name. Please remember to check your mail regularly. The addresses are:

• Lloydminster Campus, 2602−59 Ave., Lloydminster, AB, T9V 3N7

• Vermilion Campus, 5707 College Drive, Vermilion, AB, T9X 1K5


We recommend a basic tenant’s insurance package to cover your personal possessions for lost, stolen or damaged articles and third party liability. Lakeland College is not responsible for the loss of personal possessions.


For safety purposes, please don’t put any drip trays, foil, etc. in the oven.

Personal or Roommate Problems

You are encouraged to attempt to resolve any personal or roommate problems on your own or as a group. If this is not possible, contact an RA or the residence office for assistance. Every effort will be made to resolve or mediate the problem. Remember, the best way to resolve things is to talk about them!

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Keep an eye on your roommates in the case of an unattended illness. Report any concerns to the RA on duty or the residence office.

Right of Entry

Residence Services, Campus Supervision and Lakeland College reserve the right to enter your unit to make necessary repairs, determine issues regarding health and safety, take inventory, assess damages, perform unit inspections, and/or confirm a violation or breach of policy.


Take responsibility for your own personal safety. For example:

• Lock your doors, use the security peephole in the doors.

• Don’t give your keys to others.

• At night, walk to and from the college with a buddy.

• Don’t let strangers into your building.

• Check in and around your car before getting in.

• Limit your alcohol consumption.

• Don’t place yourself in a compromising situation.

• Call for help if parties get out of control (i.e. fights).

• Store propane cylinders for barbecues outside.

• Don’t overload electrical circuits.

• Report all strangers to the student residence office, an RA, security or the police. Call an RA, security or the police (911) if you need help of any kind.

Additional Services

• Nurse – The nurse’s office is located in Student Services.780.853.8432

• Wellness Coordinator – The Wellness Coordinator is located in Student Services. If you need assistance, please stop by Student Services. 780.871.5722

• Financial Aid – If you have questions about student loans, awards and bursaries available at Lakeland College, stop in at the Student Financial Aid office located in Student Services on both campuses. 780.853.8418

• Counsellor – 780.853.8650

• Recreation -– 780.853.8402

12 Residence Handbook 2022-2023


We’re with you every step of the way Our Campus Patrol Officers are available 24/7 to help you safely reach your next destination. Contact our Campus Security team and a Campus Patrol Officer will walk with you to wherever you’re going, whether it’s another spot on campus or to your vehicle.

On campus late?

If you’re working or studying after 6 p.m. on weekdays or anytime on the weekend, let Campus Security know so they can patrol your area. And, if you live off-campus and are travelling home late, you can ask a member of Campus Security to call you at home after your expected arrival time to make sure your journey was safe.

Lloydminster campus – 780.808.1265

Vermilion campus – 780.853.3772

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 13


You have the right to a safe and secure residence environment.

You have the responsibility to keep your room door locked, to not prop doors open and to not allow strangers in your unit.

You have the right to a reasonably peaceful and quiet space where you can sleep and study.

You have the responsibility to respect others and to keep your music and your voice at a reasonable volume.

You have the right to reasonable privacy both in terms of space and time.

You have the responsibility to notify your roommates of your wishes and preferences for hours of sleep, study and visitations as well as to work through any differences that you may have in a peaceful manner.

You have the right to choose your means of recreation and relaxation.

You have the responsibility to know and abide by the provincial and federal laws, including those pertaining to alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.

You have the right to know what is okay and not okay in residence.

You have the responsibility to read the information provided to you by residence staff especially your housing contract and handbook.

14 Residence Handbook 2022-2023


Residence is a community of students who have a common purpose in educational advancement and personal development.

Lakeland College’s residence community standards policy provides all residents with a fair process of resolving incidents of misbehaviour. The residence discipline policy covers behaviour that occurs within residence or the areas adjacent to the residence complex including the residence parking lots.

Living in residence is much more than just occupying a room. It is living in a community that includes individuals with different national, racial, ethnic and social backgrounds. It includes individuals with a broad spectrum of religious and political beliefs and individuals with different sexual orientations and gender identities. Within residence, we believe in mutual respect. By working and living together, we learn from one another and strive toward an atmosphere of positive contact. Every community member has the right to live in an environment free from harassment and unfair treatment. Bigotry has no place within our community and no one has the right to degrade another human being. We are committed to maintaining and promoting a healthy and diverse community. All residents are accountable for their own behaviour.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 15


Community standards have been established in order to create a safe, comfortable living and studying environment. Community standards are in place to ensure your physical and emotional well-being and to protect personal and college property. The following principles apply to all residents:

• Respect the physical and emotional rights of fellow residents

• Respect the educational mission of the college, helping to maintain an environment conducive to academic achievement

• Exercise care and consideration when using college facilities

• Be concerned with your own personal development and purpose for residing in this community

• Accept responsibility for your behaviour and that of your guest(s) at all times

Student residence views discipline as an acceptance of one’s responsibility within a community with respect for the rights of others and as an educational means of correcting inappropriate behaviour.


Misconduct by residence students or guests in residence will result in discipline against the individuals involved in the incident. If the college deems the violation to be of a more serious nature, the college will evict the individual(s) from residence within 24 hours, and/or take further steps if deemed necessary.

The standard of whether a resident is “responsible” or “not responsible” for the violation of the policies rests with the “preponderance of evidence” – that is, would a reasonable person, upon reviewing the information provided, come to the same conclusion as the administrator reviewing the case. The standard in residence discipline cases is unlike criminal cases which are usually “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” Restorative justice will be administered on a case by case basis.

Standard of Proof

Lakeland College is governed under administrative law. In an investigation, the applicable standard of proof is “Balance of Probabilities” as opposed to the criminal standard, “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.” This means that in order to make a finding, the investigator need only be persuaded that it is more probable than not that the incident in question occurred. In other words, 50 plus one. Any behaviour (not limited to the following), which adversely affects a student's or staff’s rights or adversely affects the college or personal property, is subject to disciplinary procedures.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 17



Fines may be assessed by the residence office. All fines will be directed toward residence life programming. All fines must be fully paid within 30 days. Non-payment of fines or restitution for damages will result in an eviction.

Residence Probation

Residence probation will last for a 12-month term for semester students and on a case-by-case basis for students staying less than 17 weeks. The terms of probation may involve restriction of student privileges and/or set behavioural expectations, violation of which will result in further sanctions. The student may request review of probation after six months, or before they return to residence for another term.

Denial of Residence

Individuals applying to live in residence for a subsequent year can be rejected based on previous behaviour that resulted in warnings, fines or probation, and/or non-payment of fees. Residence staff reserves the right to request additional information and/or refuse to accept applications to residence.

Residence Eviction

The Residence Life Facilitator and the Residence Services Coordinator are responsible for notices of eviction. Any resident is subject to immediate eviction from residence for behaviours including, but not limited to:

• Verbal or physical abuse to a college official

• Break and enter

• Hazing

• Possession of firearms, weapons, ammunition, fireworks, or dangerous chemicals on residence premises

• Non-payment of rent

• Physical/sexual assault

• Repeated violations of residence policies

• Tampering with the fire safety equipment, pulling fire alarms, discharging fire extinguishers, disconnecting or impairing heat and smoke alarms (RCMP will automatically be called)

• Use or possession of illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia

• Withdrawal or suspension from an academic program

Lakeland College reserves the right to contact authorities including the RCMP if any violation warrants.

Notice to Vacate

Residents have 48 hours notice to vacate residence. Under certain circumstances immediate eviction is required. If it is deemed that the presence of the student is a risk to him/herself, other students, staff or property of the college, the student can be asked to leave immediately. A student who has been evicted from residence will not be permitted into residence for a minimum of 12 months and will forfeit his/her damage deposit.

18 Residence Handbook 2022-2023

Residence Appeals

The Residence Appeal Procedure provides a formal mechanism for hearing grievances. Appeals may be made for the following reasons:

• Sanction is inappropriate for violation

• There was a serious procedural error that was prejudicial to the student

• New evidence not available at the time of the decision has come to light

Appeal Procedure

The Residence Services Coordinator or designate will decide if the student is allowed to remain in residence during the appeal procedures. There also may be instances when a decision is deemed final and not subject to residence appeal.

Level One

a. The student will provide a written and dated residence grievance appeal form (available at the residence office) to the Residence Life Facilitator (decision maker) within two working days of the decision being rendered.

b. The decision maker will meet the student within two working days of receiving the student grievance and appeal form from the student.

c. The decision maker will complete the bottom half of the student grievance and appeal form upholding or revising the original decision with reason and return a copy to the student within one working day of meeting the student.

Level Two

a. If the issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, a further appeal to the Residence Services Coordinator (or designate) and two Lakeland College students must be made within two working days as stated in the form.

b. The student will update the student grievance and appeal form and deliver to the Residence Services Coordinator outlining the basis for the appeal and the solution sought.

c. The Residence Services Coordinator and two Lakeland College students will meet with the student within two working days following receipt of the form. A student support person and/or decision maker may be asked to join the meeting.

d. The Residence Services Coordinator will provide a written decision including reason within one working day of meeting the student.

Level Three

Director, Facilities and Infrastructure (or designate)

If the student wishes to appeal further, within the next three working days s/he may make one final appeal to the director, facilities and infrastructure (or designate). The decision of the director, facilities and infrastructure (or designate) will be final.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 19


Allowing unauthorized persons into residence overnight or longer (breach of guest pass policy)

$100 fine & no guests Eviction for remainder of stay

Break and enter

Immediate eviction

Note: This includes empty locked bedrooms in the Lloydminster spinwheel units.

Bringing or keeping pets in residence 1st

Verbal warning & removal of pet

Written warning & $250 fine Eviction

Causing mischief, disruption or obstruction of college activities within residence 1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd

Verbal warning

Written warning & $100 fine Eviction

Consumption, possession or distribution of alcohol in unauthorized areas including outdoors, which is public property. This includes drinking games such as beer darts. 1st Offence 2nd

Verbal warning

Written warning & $150 fine Eviction

Driving and/or parking on non-road surfaces including sidewalks

Written warning & $100 fine $300 fine plus probation

Failure to comply with and/or identify oneself or furnishing false information to college officials or law enforcement officers

Verbal warning Written warning & $100 fine

Failure to maintain clean kitchen/living area

Verbal warning Written warning of cleaning

Failure to return inspection report (within one week of check-in)

$75 fine & liability for damages

Failure to report to office when requested

cost of cleaning

20 Residence Handbook 2022-2023
3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence
3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence
3rd Offence
Offence 3rd Offence
Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
$100 fine plus
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
fine $200 fine Eviction

Failure to check-out

$75 fine plus costs of key

Failure to vacate premises 1st

RCMP will be called & forfeiture of damage deposit

Giving unauthorized persons residence keys

Immediate eviction

Harassment and/or verbal assault

Immediate eviction

Lost keys

$20 replacement fee

Making own repairs to college property

$100 fine plus


Moving without authorization

Written warning & $100 fine Eviction

Noise/quiet hours/exam quiet hours violations 1st Offence

Verbal warning

Written warning & $150 fine

Loud Speakers/Amps/Sound Systems

Verbal warning

Non-payment of rent

Written warning & $150 fine

Written warning Eviction

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 21
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Eviction maintenance
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence


Open flame (candles, incense) 1st Offence

Verbal warning

Open outdoor fires 1st Offence

Immediate eviction

Operating a business from residence

Verbal warning

$100 fine plus cost

of mail delivery

Possession of firearms/paintball guns/air and airsoft rifles/bow & arrows/fireworks/ammunition or dangerous chemical on residence property

Immediate eviction

Parking in reserved parking, loading, handicap or tow zones, and fire lanes 1st

$100 fine plus cost of tow $300 fine plus cost of tow

Party violation 1st Offence

Verbal warning

$200 fine plus loss of party privileges

Performing an act that may be a safety hazard to yourself and others

Immediate eviction

Propping internal or external doors/tampering with doors

Verbal warning

Physical assault

Immediate eviction

Written warning & $150 fine

Use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia

Immediate eviction

22 Residence Handbook 2022-2023
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
$100 fine
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence

Removing furniture from common areas to outdoors/bringing in unauthorized furniture

$100 fine $200 fine & cost Eviction of replacing furniture

Riding horses on residence grounds

Verbal warning

Smoking in a non-smoking area 1st

Written warning, Eviction $150 fine plus clean up

Verbal warning Written warning & $200 fine

Cigarette butts on ground around dorm

Tampering with fire safety equipment

Theft of college or other residents’ property

Immediate eviction & cost of damages

Garbage/recyclables left on or beside outside steps 1st Offence Repeat Offence

& forfeiture of damage deposit

*Bottles left outside will

Verbal warning Written warning & $100 fine be collected for donation.

Stickers, graffiti (etc.) on walls/appliances/furniture or any other surface in residence

LED/string lights on ceilings or walls

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 23
3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence
1st Offence
Offence 3rd
2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
$100 fine
of damage deposit
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Immediate eviction
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Immediate eviction Vandalism
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Cost of removal/repair
Cost of removal/repair
removal/repair plus $100 fine
$200 fine
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
Cost of removal/repair Cost of removal/repair
Cost of removal/repair
plus $100 fine
$200 fine



You must be 18 years of age to have alcohol in your residence. Consuming alcohol is not permitted on student residence grounds (i.e. parking lot, outside dorm building). Keep an eye on your roommates or friends for alcohol poisoning. If this occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

Displaying items in residence that glorify alcohol consumption is prohibited. Beer can walls, beer case displays, and displays of alcohol bottles or any other large collection of recyclables are not to be kept in a resident’s living space and must be removed immediately.

Smoking and Vaping

All units in residence are non-smoking. Smoking and vaping are only permitted outside. Smoking in areas where second-hand smoke is affecting the community is also prohibited. Such prohibited areas may include, but are not limited to, doorways, balconies, near windows or air intake vents. Provincial law states that smoking is prohibited within nine metres from any university building/facility.

Illegal Drugs

Students in residence are prohibited from being involved with trafficking, possessing, using, consuming of any illegal substance while in residence. Evidence of drug traces or drug paraphernalia will be assumed to be conclusive of use or possession.

Canabis Policy

The possession or use of any non-medicinal Cannabis Products on Lakeland College property, including College residences is prohibited. The College’s prohibition of non-prescription cannabis is compliant with both municipal bylaws and the Alberta Cannabis Framework. The College will seek to accommodate persons who disclose the need to use medically Prescribed Cannabis Products.


You are held financially responsible for all damages or losses to your room and furnishings. All members of a residence are held financially responsible for damages or losses to all common areas including outside lights, doors, doorbells, windows, screens and woodwork. Damages or losses caused by your guests are your responsibility. All damages must be reported immediately to the residence staff. You may not attempt to make your own repairs. Repair costs will be charged equally among all residents in a unit unless individual residents accept the responsibility. Should the person(s) responsible for damages fail to accept responsibility, the residence office may conduct an inquiry to determine responsibility.

The $500 deposit must be maintained throughout the duration of the agreement period. If you are not returning to residence, any damages and/or cleaning costs noted in the final checkout inspection by residence staff will be deducted from your deposit. In the event that damages exceed the deposit, you will be billed for the balance. If the balance is not paid, the matter will be referred to a collection agency and you will retain an unpaid account at the college. A financial hold will be placed on your accounts until balance is paid. Until that time you will not be able to receive any transcripts or your credentials. Excessive damages may result in eviction for those responsible.

24 Residence Handbook 2022-2023

Firearms and Combustibles

Storage or use of airsoft guns, paintball guns, bows, arrows, firearms, offensive weapons, ammunition and combustibles or explosives of any type is not allowed in residence.


If your roommates are in agreement, you are permitted to have an overnight guest for a maximum of two nights in a row and no more than four nights a month. Guests must be registered at the residence office or with an RA by completing a guest pass form.

The college reserves the right to not approve guest passes. You are responsible for the conduct of your guest(s). As an example, if they tamper with the safety equipment, you may be evicted. Lakeland College residence is intended for single students. If you wish to pursue a co-habitation lifestyle, you must secure off-campus housing.


You will be issued a key once you have paid your rental fees and signed your contract. Failure to return keys will result in a $20 charge. You will incur the cost of any damages or cleaning in your assigned unit until keys are returned.


We love animals! That is one good reason why we ask you to leave your pets at home. Consideration for your roommates is another.

Propane and Gas

Propane cylinders (i.e. gas barbecues) and other similar containers of flammable materials (i.e. gas cans) are not permitted indoors.

Repair and Maintenance

Repair and maintenance costs incurred as a result of vandalism or damage beyond fair wear and tear will be charged to the occupants of the space or area concerned. Residence services will determine the charges to be levied based on the costs detailed in the following table (labour not included). Repairs of a non-emergency nature will be carried out on a routinely scheduled basis which may mean after the space or area is vacated.

Work Orders

When there is an item in your unit that needs to be repaired, please let the residence office know. Please note that once you have informed the Residence Office, you have given permission for maintenance staff to enter your unit any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday in order to fix the problem.

Please note that all work orders are done by priority and may not be completed the day you submit your request.

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 25


26 Residence Handbook 2022-2023 Estimated Replacement Costs Fire extinguisher $150 Bathroom mirror $70 Bedroom desk mirror $150 Room door $250 Missing door stop $15 Door hinges $75 Cupboard door $100 Window screen $40 Room floor covering $500 Room bed $500 Light fixture $60-$130 Light shades $20 Thermostat cover $50 Bedroom smoke detector $90 Hallway smoke detector $195 Shower head $25 Mattress $300 Short curtains (pair) $125 Long curtains (pair) $300 Tree $500 Couch $1000 Loveseat $600 Night table $75 Kitchen Table $300 Kitchen Chair $100 Estimated Repair Costs Door $100 Door jamb $200 Door lock $50 Window frame $75 Chair $50 Table $75 Towel bar $25 Window crank $75 Bed $150 Other Repair Estimates Recharge fire extinguisher $75 Hole in wall (per hole) $75-$150 Broken window $200 Vinyl planks $100 Unplug toilet $50 Burned carpet (min.) $100 Carpet stain (min.) $100 Handrail $50 Handrail bracket $25 Deadbolt $100 Bedroom lock $50 Closet door $50


1. You're always in close proximity to class

2. You won't freeze on your morning commute

3. You'll get more out of your college experience

4. You'll create lifelong friendships

5. You'll be a part of a safe, fun and rewarding community

6. You'll have access to support from trained residence assistants

7. You'll learn invaluable survival skills

8. You have a ton of residence activities to take part in

9. We'll work with you to make sure your stay is the best possible

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 27


Residence Services is committed to support students who are experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms or have been tested positive for the virus. In efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the following Isolation Plan has been implemented.

Reporting to Residence Services

Students must report to Residence Services if they:

• are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms (mild or severe)

• have been around someone who is now experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

• have been around someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

• have been told by public health directly or through a self-assessment tool that they may been exposed to COVID-19

• have been told to self-isolate after completing a self-assessment tool

• are entering Canada from another country

Relocation off Campus

• Students will be encouraged to go home if they become infected with Covid-19.

Relocation within Residence

• Residence Services may require symptomatic students to temporarily move units to help minimize spread of the virus to other areas within Residence

• Residence Services has dedicated Residences to allow for symptomatic residents and residents with COVID-19 to isolate.

Communication to Residents

• All impacted students will be sent an email with instructions that will include how to isolate and resources available to them while they are isolating

• Students will be communicated with regularly by a Residence Staff member to support them in monitoring symptoms and offering resources necessary to isolate independently

Support to Isolating Students

• Residents will be provided with the following when they are self-isolating in residence

• Information on how to receive testing and medical support

• Direction when test results are received (positive or negative result)

• Information on receiving support and resources from Residence Services (including but not limited to groceries, medications, cleaning supplies & laundry services)

28 Residence Handbook 2022-2023

Expectations while Isolating within Residence

• Students are not to leave their unit unless it is to seek medical care

• Avoid any physical contact with other residents

• Under no circumstances will other people visit your Residence

• When opening front door to retrieve groceries or supplies from the front step, students will wear a face covering

• Students isolating should be communicating with Residence Staff regularly and monitoring symptoms

• Residents should keep their hands clean and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

• Cough or sneeze into the bend of arm or into a tissue

• Students should be at least once daily, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are being touched often (toilets, bedside tables, doorknobs, phones and television remotes)

• Students should place contaminated items that cannot be cleaned in a lined container, secure contents and dispose of them with other household waste

Disinfecting Isolation Units

• Any isolation unit that has had a symptomatic student living within it will be cleaned and disinfected three days after that student has moved back to their assigned unit

Residence Handbook 2022-2023 29
RESIDENCE SERVICES − VERMILION CAMPUS 780.853.8543 5707 College Drive Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 RESIDENCE SERVICES − LLOYDMINSTER CAMPUS 780.871.5414 2602–59 Avenue Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 3N7 lakelandcollege.ca QUESTIONS? Contact Residence Services

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