2022/23 Business Student Handbook (updated 08/30/2022)

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Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca BUSINESS Student Handbook 2022 – 2023 Chair: Angela Minish Office: 2044 Phone: 780.871.5756 E mail: angela.minish@lakelandcollege.ca Academic Advisor: Kaitlyn Clarey Phone: 780.871.5755 E mail: kaitlyn.clarey@lakelandcollege.ca Mission: To inspire lifelong learning and leadership through experience, excellence, and innovation. Vision: Transforming the future through innovative learning. Values: Learner success, integrity, respect, community, excellence, innovation.

2 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the Business Program .................................................................................................... 3 Important Dates ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Course Information 4 A. Business Programs Offered at Lakeland College 4 B. Course Selection and Changes/Audit 4 C. Repeating Courses ...................................................................................................................................4 Grades 5 A. Business Program Grade Strip 5 B. How to Calculate your GPA 5 C. Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Performance.........................................................................................6 D. Academic Probation and Suspension ....................................................................................................6 E. Dean’s Honor Roll 7 F. Official Transcripts 7 G. Final Grades 7 H. Graduation Requirements........................................................................................................................7 Business Program Guidelines.............................................................................................................. 7 A. Roles and Responsibilities 7 B. Business Program Policies & Academic Regulations 9 a. Attendance Policy ...................................................................................................................9 b. Academic Honesty 9 c. Examination Policies and Regulations 9 d. Challenge Exams 10 e. Rewrite Exams 10 f. Handling of Student Marks/Assignments/Exams ..............................................................10 g. Electronic Device Use 10 h. Travel in Inclement Weather................................................................................................11 i. Assignment Submission 11 j. Formal Revaluation of an Assigned Mark 11 k. Student Fees..........................................................................................................................11 l. Financial Aid & Awards 11 m. SHOUT OUT ..........................................................................................................................11 Lakeland College Account Access Information 12 A. Computer Access 13 B. My Lakeland 13 C. Desire2Learn (D2L) ...........................................................................................................................13 D. Commonly asked Technology Questions ......................................................................................13 Faculty and Staff................................................................................................................................... 14 Lakeland College Services for Students 15

winter term

April 7, Good Friday College 10, 2023 Easter Monday College

Last Day of Fall Term:


This Academic Schedule and refund dates apply to most college programs commencing on September 7. This schedule does not include apprenticeship programs, programs with major work experience or practicum components, and continuing education courses. Please check with the Office of the Registrar or your program head for further information. Tentative Dates for 2023 24: Registration Day: September

March Last to from winter term courses with “W” grade or change from “credit” to “



February 21 24, 2023


April 21, Last day of for Lloydminster Convocation 5, 2023 First Day of Winter Term: January 8, 2024 December 15, 2023 Last Day of Winter Term: April 26, 2024 Lloydminster Convocation: May 31,

most Business programs May 26, 2023


20, 2023

most programs

3 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca WELCOME TO LAKELAND COLLEGE BUSINESS PROGRAM Congratulations on your decision to pursue studies in the Business program. We welcome you to Lakeland College and wish you success in reaching your goals. This program guide provides important information to all students enrolled in the Business department. Students are responsible to read this guide at the beginning of the semester and be aware of the policies and procedures. The Lakeland College Student Policies & Procedures document is referred to throughout this handbook. Please review the link for a complete listing of current policies and procedures. IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2022–2023 ACADEMIC YEAR September 6, 2022 Registration Day — Fees due September 7, 2022 Classes begin for fall term September 14, 2022 Last day to add courses September 26, 2022 Last day to drop courses. Last day to withdraw from College with full refund. October 10, 2022 Thanksgiving Day College closed November 7, 2022 Last day to withdraw from fall term courses with “W” grade or to change from “credit” to “audit” November 10, 2022 Fall break for students November 11, 2022 Remembrance Day — College closed December 12 16, 2022 Fall term final exams December 16, 2022 Last day of fall term December 17 January 3 Christmas break for students December 23 - January 2 College closed January 4, 2023 Classes begin for winter term Fees due January 11, 2023 Last day to add courses January 24, 2023 Last day to drop courses. Last day to withdraw from college with full refund of winter term fees.

February 20, 2023 Family day — College closed Reading Week Spring break for students in


closed April

April 17 - 21,

2023 Winter term final exams


4 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca COURSE INFORMATION A. Business Programs Offered at Lakeland College

If you’ve made it this far, you will have met with the Academic Advisor to choose your courses. You can view your individualized schedule and print out a personalized weekly timetable at My Lakeland (www.lakelandcollege.ca/My Lakeland/). Keep this with you, so you know where you need to be and when. If you are thinking about withdrawing from a course because you are concerned about the material, your progress, your grades, etc., you should speak to your instructor first. Sometimes, students are struggling and there is not time to recover and pass the course; however, if you act early, you may be able to get a peer tutor or access other resources and be successful in the course.

Lloydminster Campus Certificates (1 Year) • Accounting Technician • Administrative Professional • Business Administration (Please see Academic Advisor) Diploma (2 Year) 5 Majors • Business Administration: Accounting • Business Administration: Real Estate Appraisal & Assessment • Business Administration: General • Business Administration: Small Business & Entrepreneurship • Business Administration: Marketing Post Diploma Degree (3 Year) Athabasca University • Bachelor of Commerce Post Diploma Degree (4 Year) – Athabasca University • Bachelor of Commerce

B. Course Selection and Changes/Audit

To officially change your courses, you must see the Academic Advisor. Important withdrawal dates are listed in this handbook. Familiarize yourself with those dates as you may be eligible for a full or partial refund, and withdrawing on or before the appropriate dates may affect your grades. Failure to meet the deadlines and/or follow the proper process may result in a failing grade (“WF” or “RW”) which is not what you want. The Academic Advisor may hold “drop in days” on withdrawal days for students to do the necessary paperwork. The majority of students are taking courses for “credit” but do have the opportunity to switch to “audit” status. “Audit” means that you have paid for the course and will attend lectures but not complete assignments or earn a grade. This is most beneficial for students who are struggling in a course and are not likely to pass but plan to repeat the course at a later date.

1. Students may attempt a particular course three times. However, students successfully completing a course are limited to one further attempt.


2. Students may attempt a practicum twice. However, students successfully completing a practicum may not attempt it again.

3. When a student has repeated a course, the higher mark shall count in the student’s GPA. While the lower mark will not count in the ending cumulative GPA, the record of this registration and mark will remain on the student’s transcript.

C. Repeating Courses

Refer to Procedure 5.89 of the Student Policies & Procedures manual on the Lakeland College website.

Refer to Procedure 5.88 of the Student Policies & Procedures manual on the Lakeland College website.

1. Collect your percentage (%) or letter grade (X+) marks for each class.

2. Convert each mark to point form using the four point scale shown below. This scale can also be found in the course outline. e.g. AC130 C+ 2.3 points For each class, multiply your point score by the number of credits in the course. e.g. 2.30 6.9 points



4. When you have calculated the grade points earned for each course, add them together. Add together the total available credits from all of your courses. e.g. Calculate your GPA


for this semester: GPA = total grade points earned divided by total credits attempted e.g. 34.9 ÷ by 15 = 2.3266666 which is rounded to 2.33 LETTER F D D+ C C C+ B B B+ A A A+ % 0 49 50 52 53 56 57 59 60 64 65 69 70 74 75 79 80 84 85 89 90 94 95 100 POINTS 0.00 1.00 1.30 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.00 Fail Minimal Pass Satisfactory Good Excellent (%) 0 49 50 52 53 56 57 59 60 64 65 69 70 74 75 79 80 84 85 89 90 94 10095 (X+) F D D+ C C C+ B B B+ A A A+ Points 0.0 1.00 1.30 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.00 AC 130 2.3 (3) = 6.9 AC 230 2.7 (3) = 8.1 CO 110 2.0 (3) = 6.0 EC 111 3.0 (3) = 9.0 BA 120 2.3 (3) = 6.9 36.9Total Grade Points Earned

→ 67% →

5 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca GRADES A. Grading System Lakeland College has adopted a system of letter grades with numeric values for reporting final grades. In special circumstances, permission may be given through the course approval process to use a pass/fail grading system. Final marks will be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by your instructor in the form of a Letter Grade. This grade will be assigned according to your achievement in a course. Each letter grade has a numeric value. The GPA is the weighted average of grades over a specific time period, calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points by the sum of the weights of the graded courses. Business Programs Percent Grade Conversion

B. How to Calculate Your GPA (Grade Point Average) in the Business Programs


AC130 →

(3 credits) =

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 credits 6.

MD Mark Delayed Awarded as an interim grade in situations where marks submission is delayed.

In accordance with Procedure 5.63 of the Student Policies & Procedures manual, Lakeland College students must satisfy minimum standards of academic performance and adhere to standards for behavior and attendance. Probation is a method of alerting students that they are not meeting these standards and that improvement is necessary for successful program completion. Students who are placed on Academic Probation are not considered “in good standing.” Good standing is necessary to be eligible for awards or bursaries or to participate in college athletics programs. Business students who fail to meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.00 or above will be placed on Academic Probation by the Registrar for a minimum of one academic term. After review of the student’s performance at the end of the probationary period, the Department Chair may recommend that the student be released from probation, continued on probation, or suspended from college. See Procedure 5.78 of the Student Policies & Procedures manual for more information on Academic Suspension.

You are encouraged to set personal goals and strive for the highest grades possible in order to keep transfer options open. Many post secondary programs are competitive and require competitive GPAs. As per the chart on p. 5, grades of “C” (which means an overall GPA of 2.0) are considered “satisfactory” but may not be competitive enough to transfer to the institution and degree of your choice. Most students with a GPA below 2.0 will be unable to transfer.

AU Audit Student attended course on a regular basis. Performance not evaluated. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA.

Students in this situation may receive a warning letter from the department Chair. Even though grades of “C “ or “D” are passing grades, they are considered a “minimal pass” and may jeopardize your opportunities to transfer and complete a degree. Therefore, be sure to access the resources available and ask for help before things fall apart.

AC Advance Credit Awarded to students with informal learning experience.

IP In Progress A permanent grade awarded when course instruction continues after the prescribed end date for the term. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA.

P/F Pass/Fail Awarded as final grade in specially designated courses as stated in the course outline. Credit earned for Pass grade. Not calculated in GPA.

TC Transfer Credit Awarded to students with prior formal learning experience.

CF Challenge Fail Student failed to demonstrate a satisfactory level of achievement. No credit earned. Not calcu-

Students who have concerns about their academic performance are encouraged to speak to their instructors, the Academic Advisor, or Department Chair and to use the resources available such as tutorials, peer tutoring, or the Learning Commons. In order to avoid academic penalty, students must officially withdraw themselves from courses within the stated deadlines.

CC Challenge Credit Credit earned for successfully challenging an examination. Not calculated in GPA.

RW Required to Withdraw Suspension from a course. No credit earned. Calculated as failing grade in GPA.

WF Withdrawal with Failure Student withdrew from the course after the prescribed deadline. No credit earned. Calculated as a failing grade in GPA.

IN Incomplete

Academic performance satisfactory but course requirements not completed. A temporary grade awarded in special circumstances to students who require a specified amount of extra time (maximum six months) to complete course requirements. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA. Incomplete will be changed to failing grade of F if course work not completed by pre-

W Withdrawal Student officially withdrew from the course prior to the prescribed dead line. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA.

Additional Grading Symbols

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Refer to Procedure 5.66 of the Student Policies & Procedures manual on the Lakeland College website.

C. Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Performance

D. Academic Probation and Suspension

Students and Advisors

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As a student, you are responsible for ensuring your course registration is complete and appropriate for your desired Business program. If you would like to change your intended major or career path, be sure to meet with the Academic Advisor as soon as possible. Each program has different course requirements, so do not assume that all of your courses will fit into all programs. Your Academic Advisor can help you weigh the pros and cons of making that change. Academic Advisors provide information and resources that help students make informed decisions about their transfer options and course selection.

A good working relationship between instructor and student is important to student success. Part of the responsibility for achieving this relationship rests with you, the student. What can you do? The answer is not, of course, to simply try to please the instructor at all times without considering the quality of the teaching offered or its relation to your individual needs. You should feel free to respond positively or negatively to an instructor and be active in your own learning. Courtesy and frankness are necessary to maintain a satisfactory and productive relationship. Your instructors are approachable and welcome constructive feedback from students. If you are dissatisfied with the explanations you receive on an assignment, you should certainly request clarification. Instructors need feedback from you about both the successful and unsuccessful aspects of their teaching. To this end, you will be asked to complete course evaluations near the end of each academic term.

A. Roles and Responsibilities


Refer to the Procedure 5.11 Lakeland College Student Code of Conduct for more information.

E. Dean’s Honor Roll

F. Official Transcripts

Full time students who achieve a GPA of 3.50 and above at the end of a term will be recognized by the Dean of the academic school and will have their name published on the "Dean's Honor Roll" which will be displayed by each school. This is truly an honor!

Official transcripts bear the Lakeland College seal and the signature of the Registrar or designate and are available at the request of the student and on payment of the current fee. You should note that most educational institutions and employers prefer that the transcript be mailed directly to them by the educational institution. To obtain an official transcript, complete the Transcript Request Form and submit to the Registrar’s Office (contact information provided on the form).

Students and Faculty

Final grades are typically posted in the week following the end of the semester. You may view their final marks online by accessing your My Lakeland account.

The College experience works best when we communicate and work together. Here are some tips on how to do that:

H. Graduation Requirements

G. Final Grades

You must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in order to graduate. You must complete an Application for Credential through your My Lakeland account in order to graduate and receive your parchment. Even if you do not plan to attend the convocation, an Application for Credential must be submitted to receive your credential. Student Services will send notification to you once the Application for Credential opens.

Students who register at Lakeland College agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and are expected to conduct themselves in a forthright and honest manner.

• to treat your instructors and College staff with respect.

You can expect your instructor:

• If a dispute cannot be resolved informally, you have recourse to a formal appeal procedure. However, do be aware that deadlines and guidelines are in place. Refer to Procedure 5.58 Student Appeal for more information.

• to treat students with respect.

• to provide and review the course outline at the beginning of the course.

• to find out from other students what you have missed when you have been unable to attend a class. Instructors cannot give individual catch up classes or notes.

• to adhere to standards of academic integrity

• to stay up to date, keep good notes, and do all your work in a timely fashion.

• to give a clear schedule of material to be covered and assignments to be completed.

• to mark tests and papers, and provide constructive feedback in a timely fashion.

• to be prepared to deal with a variety of instructional styles. Enjoy the variety; the flexibility to cope with this variety is a life skill and will prepare you for further education in other institutions.

• to take exams at times specified.

• to not cause distractions through the use of personal electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, iPods, etc.

• Keep in mind that your first step is to talk to your instructor. Problems can usually be solved by doing so. If necessary, your Department Chair can also help you find solutions to academic problems.

• to seek clarification of what you do not understand in classes or assignments, and to ask for further information as needed.

• to come to class prepared to participate.

• to be available for consultation through posted office hours or arranged appointments.

• to review returned work.

Your instructor can expect you:

• to explain the purpose, scope, and objectives of the course.

• to explain assignments fully and clearly.

• to evaluate students fairly according to the stated evaluation procedures.

8 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca

• to hand assignments in on time.

• to specify evaluation procedures.

• to adhere to course work standards.

If an academic issue arises:

• to observe all health and safety procedures outlined for classrooms, laboratories, field trips, and practicums.

• to refer students to the Learning Commons and other resources when necessary.

• to see the department Chair if you have an extended illness or absence.

• to make clear the purpose and scope of each lecture or class.

• to attend all classes regularly and punctually.

• Learn how to address concerns and utilize the proper channels; this is a skill that will be of benefit to you as you further your education and as you enter the work place. Consult the Department Chair or Academic Advisor if you are uncertain of the proper procedure.

(c) Examination Policies and Regulations

• You may communicate only with the instructor. Copying or exchanging materials between students is not allowed.

Regular attendance is essential for success in any course. Instructors have the authority to require attendance at classes. Consult the relevant course outline for the Attendance Policy of that course. Absence for any reason does not relieve a student of the responsibility of completing course work and assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor. Poor attendance may result in academic consequences such as a mark of zero in an affected activity, academic probation, suspension and termination of a student from a course(s). Students with legitimate reasons for being absent must inform their instructors either prior to their absence or immediately upon their return to class. An instructor may request a medical certificate from a doctor to substantiate an absence (three days absence for illness requires a medical note). Please note: to call the Business office or the Department Chair is not an alternative to contacting your instructor. You must contact your instructor directly It is recognized that absences, whether they be excused or unexcused, will seriously hinder the learning experience, particularly in classes where students are to work in groups or are meant to learn from each other through class discussions. Accordingly, if the total number of absences exceeds 20% of the class hours, a student may be required to withdraw from the class and will automatically receive a grade of “RW.” In this case, no credit is earned and the course is calculated in the GPA as a failing grade of “F.”

• Items not allowed in examination area are: backpacks, jackets, hats, pencil cases and electronic devices (including cell phones, laptops, calculators, iPads, etc.) unless authorized by your instructor. Students are to leave these items at the front of the examination room at their own risk.

• Do not touch the exam or exam papers until instructed to do so.

It is expected that each student honour the principles of truth and honesty in all academic matters. Dishonesty in academic matters includes cheating and indirect aiding and abetting to do so. Students misrepresenting their work and not citing or giving credit to the original author, may be subject to disciplinary actions. Plagiarism is the taking and using of other peoples’ ideas, thoughts, pictures, writings, inventions etc. as your own. Paraphrasing is putting ideas into your own words without changing the author’s intention.

• No student will be allowed into the exam room more than 30 minutes after the exam has begun, without acceptable and legitimate reason for the lateness.

• Once you complete the exam and leave the room, you are not permitted to re enter the room until all other students are finished the exam.

Cheating or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. The Business department has a position on this contained in our Academic Honesty Policy and Agreement. As part of the orientation process, students will be informed of this policy and the document must be signed and submitted by all students at the beginning of the year.

• Failure to attend a scheduled exam without a legitimate excuse will result in a zero grade. In accordance with Procedure 5.81, final examinations are retained by the College for a period of one year after the date of the exam.

B. Business Program Policies & Academic Regulations

(b) Academic Integrity (Procedure 5.12)

• Any student may be asked to leave before completing the exam if suspected by the instructor of dishonesty in the exam.

9 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca

A final examination is held in each course, unless otherwise stated in the official course outline. During an exam, students are expected to follow these department rules:

• Only one unmarked water bottle will be permitted no food unless permission is given by the instructor.

• Violation of any of the above rules will lead to expulsion from the exam, with a mark of zero on that exam, and possible expulsion from the College.

• Only books and resources that are permitted by the instructor are allowed in the exam room.

• You may not leave the room during the examination period without permission of the instructor.

• Scheduled dates and times for all exams will be adhered to.

(a) Attendance Policy (Procedure 5.83)

• Completes quizzes and midterms

Disciplinary Action:

To provide an opportunity for students to practice proper decorum and courtesy for workplace use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices (and to prevent distractions in the classroom), Lakeland College enforces the following policy to restrict their use:

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(e) Re-write Exams

Challenge for credit is defined as undertaking an assessment in lieu of completing a course through the normal registration and completion process, in order to obtain the credits attached to the subject matter covered in the course. Lakeland College recognizes that many students enter the College with work and other experience that may reflect subject matter of courses offered for credit at the College. This procedure of challenge for credit outlines a method for assessing and recognizing this prior learning (knowledge and skills) acquired by a student that is relevant to the content of a credit course at Lakeland College so as to fulfil graduation requirements. Challenge for credit assessment is only available to domestic students.

• Students will restrict their computer work to authorized use only in the classroom and exam rooms. Authorized use is dictated by coursework and instructor guidance. Unauthorized use includes checking email messages, playing games, blogging, and opening software that is not required at the time for the class or the exam.

FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) is provincial legislation with which Lakeland College must comply. Lakeland College supports the right of the public to access information about the College and the right of individuals to the privacy of their personal information. If students have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information or on any matters of access or privacy, they should contact the Registrar’s Office. Marked exams and assignments will be returned to students during class time. Marks may be placed on the back page at the discretion of the instructor. If the course is online, your marks may be published online. Instructors may post final or interim marks for courses by randomized student I.D. numbers at a specified location. You have the option of making other arrangements with the instructor if you do not want marks/assignments/exams returned in this manner. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the “Student Marks/Assignments Consent Form” and arrange with each instructor for an alternate method to return marks/assignments/exams.

• Punctuality for class • Paying attention in class (not on Facebook, playing games on computers, chatting, texting)

• Students who are caught with electronic devices in a test situation will be given a “0” grade on the exam or course if it is a repeat offense.

At the end of the semester if a student fails one course, the student may be allowed to re write an exam if the instructor deems the student to be deserving of one. If a student fails more than one course during the semester, re write exams are not permitted. The following criteria may be used to determine if a student is eligible to complete a re write exam:

• The use of cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom and exam rooms unless expressly authorized. Unauthorized use may result in confiscation of the equipment and/ or disciplinary action. Students will keep electronic devices turned off and in their backpacks/book bags in the classroom and exam rooms.

• Any student who violates this policy may have his or her phone or other electronic devices confiscated.

• Satisfactory attendance at class

• On subsequent violations, the student may be removed from the course and will receive an RW (Required to Withdraw), a failing grade, in the course.

• Hands assignments in on time

• Contacts the Teaching & Learning Commons for additional support (peer tutor, workshops, handouts)

(f) Handling of Student Marks/Assignments/Exams (Procedure 5.85)

(g) Electronic Device Use (Procedure 5.96)

(d) Challenge Exams (Procedure 5.67)

(j) Formal Re-Evaluation of an Assigned Mark (Procedure 5.91)

(i) Assignment Submission

If you feel a formal re evaluation is necessary, you should first discuss the matter with the instructor. You have five business days from the assignment of a mark to question or report discrepancies to the instructor. Refer to Procedure 5.91 for more information on the formal re evaluation process.

(k) Student Fees Financial Holds If you have an outstanding account or have failed to return College equipment, your examination results, official transcripts, diplomas/certificates/degree and other information and services will be withheld. Applications and registrations for students with accounts outstanding will not be processed. Non payment of fees will result in cancellation of your registration at Lakeland College.

Emailing of assignments to instructors is allowed ONLY if your instructor has given prior approval. Instructors are not responsible for lost e mails, e mails ending up in junk folders, e mails incorrectly deleted, or otherwise missed.

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(h) Travel in Inclement Weather Absences due to weather and road conditions will be reviewed by the instructor. Students should use discretion and can call the department or check the Lakeland College app to confirm if classes have been cancelled.

(l) Financial Aid & Awards

There are many different programs and potential sources to help you pay for your education. Lakeland’ s Financial Aid and Awards Office can help you determine what you are eligible for and how to apply. Visit Financial Aid and Awards for available options or email financialaid@lakelandcollege.ca Lakeland also offers awards, scholarships, and bursaries. Learn the difference between the three options by visiting Financial Aid and Awards for more information.

(m) SHOUT OUT If you see faculty, staff, or fellow business students going above and beyond in a positive way, you can give them a SHOUT OUT. Just email schoolofbusiness@lakelandcollege.ca with the name of your nominee and a brief description of why they deserve a SHOUT OUT and the nominee will be entered into a draw for a prize.

12 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca

When using a Lakeland computer, please remember to save all your work to either your Microsoft OneDrive or to external storage, such as a USB stick. Anything saved to the computer’s hard drive is erased when you log off the computer. This includes areas such as the C: drive and Desktop.

Where can I save files? Your edu email address provides access to 1TB of cloud storage on OneDrive. When using a Lakeland computer, please remember to save all your work to either your Microsoft OneDrive or to external storage, such as a USB stick. Anything saved to the computer’ s hard drive is erased when you log off the computer. This includes areas such as the C: drive and Desktop.

A. Computer Access Computers and computer labs are available for student use across campus. Open access computers are available in the Student Lounge and Library, for example. Computers may be available in computer labs, depending upon scheduled classes; please refer to posted schedules BEFORE occupying a workstation.

13 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca WHERE TO GO FOR HELP

Please note: We recommend you use your Lakeland edu email address for all college based communications and to access college related materials including D2L. Check out all the benefits of your Lakeland edu email

What are printing costs? 10 cents a sheet for letter sized black and white copies and 40 cents a sheet for letter sized colour copies. Print credit cards are available at the campus bookstores. You'll be using a PaperCut account to add credits, view print history, and more. Visit lakelandcollege.ca/ current students/printing for all you need to know about student printing. Need IT help? IT is available to assist you Monday to Friday 8:15am to 4:30pm in office 2067 beside the Library, at 780.853.8599 or by email at client.support@lakelandcollege.ca.

C. Desire2Learn (D2L) Desire2Learn (D2L) is Lakeland College’s learning management system. You will use D2L to access course content, post to discussions, submit assignments, complete online quizzes, email instructors and students, and check grades. If your instructor is using D2L, you will have access to the course on the first day of the course, and up to 30 days after the last day of the course. You will access D2L at lakelandcollege.ca/campus life/get connected/d2l/ D2L Support is available 24/7: 1 877 325 7778 (in Canada and US). Please refer to the D2L help desk page for additional international toll free support numbers and D2L support resources.

B. My Lakeland Lakeland students can access their student records online to verify enrolment in classes, pay tuition and residence fees with a credit card, check grades, and update personal information in real time and the self serve portal, My Lakeland. Visit the My Lakeland webpage for more information about the self serve portal. If you have difficulty activating your account or have forgotten the password, email the Help Desk at MyLChelp@lakelandcollege.ca

D. Commonly asked Technology Questions

Darcia Roach, 780.871.5542 2052 darcia.roach@lakelandcollege.ca

Faculty Phone Office E Mail address

JOIN US To stay informed about upcoming events, college or program updates, and class cancellations join us on the Lakeland College app. We are always looking for new friends on Instagram at Lakeland Business 2022 2023 Business Department Staff and Faculty Phone Office Email address

Ben Acquaye, BA, PGCE, MSc 780.871.5476 ben.acquaye@lakelandcollege.ca

Ken Rutherford, AACI, PApp, BComm, MBA 780.871.5768 2051 ken.rutherford@lakelandcollege.ca

The Business Department faculty and staff welcome you to Lakeland College. We look forward to our educational partnership throughout your journey. We encourage you to seek our assistance and support as well as other College resources in achieving your goals. Please contact each of your instructors individually as he/she advises in each class, or contact the Administrative Assistant, Business program at 780.871.5424.

Tori Lloyd, BComm, MBA candidate 780.871.5413 tori.lloyd@lakelandcollege.ca

Regular office hours are 8:15am 12:00pm and 1:00pm 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Statutory holidays are observed.

Dean: Brad Onofrychuk, B.Mgt, MBA 780.871.5782 2043 brad.onofrychuk@lakelandcollege.ca

Administrative Support: Cassandra Kirkland 780.871.5424 2046 cassandra.kirkland@lakelandcollege.ca

14 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca

Melanie Mutter, BSc, MBA 780.871.5490 2048 melanie.mutter@lakelandcollege.ca

Program Chair: Angela Minish, BComm, MBA 780.871.5756 2044 angela.minish@lakelandcollege.ca Academic Advisor: Kaitlyn Clarey 780.871.5755 kaitlyn.clarey@lakelandcollege.ca

Neil Napora, CET, Journeyman Carpenter, Blue Seal & Interprovincial Red Seal 780.853.8540 neil.napora@lakelandcollege.ca

John Turvey, BA, PID, MA 780.871.5418 2050 john.turvey@lakelandcollege.ca


Roxene Lockhart, BEd 780.871.5715 2048 roxene.lockhart@lakelandcollege.ca

Doreen Der, BComm, BA, MBA, CertAdEd, PMgr, CMgr 780.871.5791 2054 doreen.der@lakelandcollege.ca

Rob Koebel, BComm, MBA 780.871.5438 2052 rob.koebel@lakelandcollege.ca

Erin Bandola MBA, CPA, CMA 780.871.5433 2050 erin.bandola@lakelandcollege.ca

Angela Minish, BComm, MBA 780.871.5756 2044 angela.minish@lakelandcollege.ca

15 Lakeland College www.lakelandcollege.ca Lakeland College in Lloydminster has many resources to assist you. Please make use of them! Our toll-free number is 1.800.661.6490. Instructors Instructors are the first line of academic support. Personal contact makes the instructors aware of your particular concerns and interests, allowing them to help you succeed (Faculty list page 14). Academic Advisor Kaitlyn Clarey (for program planning, academic issues, and transferring). Department Chair – Angela Minish (for course, program, and general academic issues and concerns). SERVICES FOR STUDENTS LAKELAND COLLEGE SERVICES FOR STUDENTS COLLEGE NURSE Kim Dary 1116 780.853.8432 Alternate number: 780.853.1053 (text only) BOOKSTORE - textbooks, office and personal supplies, gift items as well as a wide variety of Lakeland College gear Idella Matthews 1059 780.871.5726 Open Monday to Friday 9am 4pm FINANCIAL AID OFFICER financial assistance, student loan application, scholarship information and budgeting Keira MacKenzie 1048 780.871.5475 Located in the Student Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY account information or general technical problems and services Steven NicholasMcConnellKroeker 2067 780.853.8599 LIBRARY provides a range of services and resources to meet the teaching and learning needs of the Lakeland College community Kristine Bertoia 2071 780.871.5731 library@lakelandcollege.ca WELLNESS ADVISOR Sarah Popil 2074B 780.871.3013 sarah.popil@lakelandcollege.ca RESIDENCE visit residence office at Residence Village Michelle Gaboury LV107 780.871.5414 lloydres@lakelandcollege.ca Katelyn Vallee 1058 780.871.5535 Residence Life Facilitator ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES tutors, exam accommodations, notetakers, assistive technology Tami Smith 2078 780.871.5457 tami.smith@lakelandcollege.ca STUDENT ASSOCIATION peer student support and student activities, extramural and fun activities Lloydminster SA 1022 780.871.5733 CAREER AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Online Job Board Visit the Career and Employment Services webpage LEARNER SUCCESS STRATEGIST Karen Harris 2074C 780.808.9623 COUNSELLORS Chantel Walker 2074A 780.214.2687 To book an appointment, please contact Kristine Bertoia at 780.871.5731 or book online Lakeland Wellness (office365.com) INDIGENOUS SUPPORT SERVICES Rikki Ducharme 2023 780.871.5444 indigenous@lakelandcollege.ca SECURITY Security Officer 780.871.5531 Alternate number: 780.808.1265

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