Cowboy and Cowhorse Competition 2023

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Lakeland College

Ranch Rodeo  Friday, March 17, 2023

Cowboys and Cow Horses Competition  Saturday, March 18 & Sunday, March 19, 2023

“Top Hand” Awards for Saturday Events

Vermilion Campus Equine Centre



Friday, March 17 ● 7 pm

• Ranch Rodeo with Ranch Sorting and Ranch Doctoring

Saturday, March 18 ● 11 am

Event #1

• CRRA Ranch Roping – Open and Novice

Event #2

• Two-Man Doctoring

Event #3

• Novice Cow Horse Rein and Box

Event #4

• Open Ranch Horse Competition Pattern and Cow Work

Sunday, March 19 ● 10 am

• CRRA Ranch Roping – Open and Novice


Event #1 – CRRA Ranch Roping – Open and Novice

We are again hosting a ranch roping sanctioned by the Canadian Ranch Roping Association (CRRA).

Open Roping Fees: $70 per person

1 pick team, 1 draw team

Novice Roping Fees: $40 per person

1 pick team, 1 draw team

Entries at 9:30 am.

Roping starts at 11 am.

Rules and scoring forms are attached.

Rules subject to change for 2023.

Entries close on March 18, 2023 for Ranch Roping only.

2021 CRRA Rules


Heading - each team member must head once.

Cattle Roped Deep - If calf is roped deep, a qualified header must rope for 6 pts includes lost rope, or if dallied on or not. Deep rope must come off after cow is laid down but before time is called. One deep rope can be dropped in the interest of safety for no penalty.

Deep Heel Shot – If a heel shot comes tight with at least one front foot, it is considered a miss, and will be treated as deep head shot.

Roping Wrong Animal - If you rope the wrong animal, it must be headed and heeled, laid down to remove ropes. Ground man must be re-mounted before roping proper animal. If you touch the loop with your hand to remove it, you are DQ. Waving a head loop off or running animal through is okay.

Backing Cattle into Shot - If you back a cow into a functional heel shot you will be awarded full points. An animal that backs into a nonfunctional heel shot will be 6 points

Dally on ONE High Hock – minus 3 points

Adjusting Loop – No head loops to be adjusted by hand after been thrown, doing so will be a DQ. If a heel shot is panty-hosed (1 or 2 back feet) it may be adjusted hand from the ground or on horseback

Moving Shots – Benefit of doubt to roper if the loop hung (judges call is final).

Lost Rope or Lost Horse – is a -5 point penalty. If a rope is lost the other 2 ropes may be used to finish the run. If you hang off your horse to pick up your lost rope on the ground, you are DQ

Loping - A minimal amount of loping is allowed for personal safety issues. Otherwise it is -5 points

Rim Fire (-5 points) - Defined as the rope touching the horse that is blocking the calf, the rope touching the horse that is between the header and the calf, or the rope wrapping around the header. Any horse stepping over a rope that is attached to an animal is considered a rim fire with the exception of a lost rope.

Animal Abuse/Cattle Stirring – Judges discretion to deduct points. Verbal warning first, then DQ.

Rope on Horn - Rope can be left coiled on horn or tied on. A loop hanging below your stirrup is -5 points.

Two Ropers Head - If two ropers head the calf at the same time, it will be a 6 point head shot and -2 for the miss.

Rope Removal - Ropes cannot be removed by a ground person unless the animal is headed and heeled. DQ

4th Team Member - A second ground person may be used if a team member has physical limitations. This must be approved by judges. The 4th must be mounted and ride in from the start line tagging the 3rd person who rides back to start line. Judges’ discretion + orpoints.

Rope Swap - Rope swap has no penalty. Third person may swap with header or heeler. If you lose 1 foot in the process you will lose one point.

Roping Front Feet - No limit on how many loops can be used for roping front feet. Catch is +4 and each miss is -2. No dallying on 1 front foot or DQ. Animal must have 2 feet in loop when it hits the ground. You may lose 2 points if you change sides (judges’ discretion). In Novice, if Open roper catches front feet it is +4.

Loop Laid - A loop laid but not released is considered a miss unless the animal enters the loop, then it will be counted as a 6 point shot.

Ropes - Only 1 rope per roper may be carried into the arena.

Rodear Line - A line is determined by judges prior to roping Plus 2 points if cattle are held in rodear while heading or if just the cow to be roped crosses the line.

Time Limit – 2 minutes to head, 4 minutes total time.

Judges’ Decisions - All judges’ decisions are final. Any conduct deemed unsportsmanlike by a judge/director will result in a DQ

Cowboy Dress Code - Includes long sleeve shirt with collar, cowboy hat, chaps, and boots (chaps and winter hats are at discretion of host).


• Novice ropers that have been promoted to the Open are not eligible to rope at the Finals.

• Novice ropers will be evaluated by directors and may be moved to Open

• Any team member can head.

• Each novice team must have 1 Open roper. The Open roper will not pay entry fees or receive any monies. Any loop the Open roper throws will be considered a 6-point shot.

• Novice has 2½ minutes to head and 4 minutes to complete the run.

• Novice may have rubber on the horn and chinks are optional.

• 4th team member – if the Novice roper wants to do the ground work, a 4th person can be off horse and assist when safety becomes a concern. The 4th person can tail and hold the cow, but is not allowed to work the ropes. Judges’ discretion + or 1 points.


• Youth under 16 years will wear a helmet at the discretion of parent/legal guardian. A waiver must be signed.


Head Shots - Cow Points

Backhand +10 points

Backhand Turnover +16 points

Houlihan/Backhand +10 points

Over Hand +6 points

Scoop +10 points

Turnover +14 points

Offside/Behind +2 points

Rodear +2 points

Head Shot Misses -2 points

Heel Shots – Heeler

Backhand Hip +12 points

Backhand Over the Hip +14 points

Backhand Trap +8 points

Backhand Turnover +17 points

Backhand Turnover Trap +12 points

Karate +12 points

Over the Hip +13 points

Overhand Trap +6 points

Scoop Hip +13 points

Standard Hip +10 points

Straight Behind Hip +12 points

Turnover +15 points

Turnover Trap +10 points

Offside/Behind +2 points

One Heel -1 point

High Hock -3 points

Heel Shot Misses -2 points

Added Points

Front Feet (miss -2) +4 points

Less than 1 minute +3 points

Less than 2 minutes +2 points

Ocean Wave +3 points

Step Over +2 points

Stockmanship +1 to +3 points

Deleted Points

Animal Abuse/Rubber on Horn -2 points

Loping, Lost Horse, Lost Rope -5 points

Rimfire, Rope on Horn with Loop -5 points

Stockmanship -1 to 3 points



Event #2 – Two-Man Doctoring

Only the head horse is being judged, except for penalty points, such as animal abuse.

1. Only the header is in the arena to start. Cow will be released in arena and header will catch cow. Points will be awarded on the horse’s ability to run to and rate a cow.

2. Legal catch is around the neck or neck and one front leg. Header has a maximum of 3 loops or 1.5 minutes to catch.

3. Heeler enters pen after cow is caught. He is not awarded points. He will have 3 loops to obtain a legal catch which is one hind leg or two. If one leg caught and heeler dallies on high hock, a 5-point penalty will be assessed.

4. Header will be scored on how he handles cow for heeler. After cow is heeled, header may use a step over to lay cow down or dismount and tail cow down after tying off. Head horse will be scored on how he works rope for header while he ensures that both heels are in heel loop and head rope is transferred to front legs.

5. Header then remounts and cow is turned loose.

6. Time will only be used to break scoring ties.


March 18, 2023

Hosted by the Animal Science Technology – Equine

Entries close March 14, 2023

Registration Fee: • prize money (jackpot) $ 50 • office and stock charge $ 50

Total Entry Fee: $100

Name: Address: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

Horse’s Name:

Number of Stall(s) Required ($25 per stall): $___________

Please make cheque payable to:

TOTAL OF CHEQUE $___________
5707 College
No.: 780 853 8704
RANCH AND FEEDLOT RIDER CLUB Lakeland College Animal Science Technology – Equine c/o Ron Hoffman
Drive Vermilion, Alberta T9X

Event #3 – Novice Cow Horse Rein and Box

Open to contestants roping in CRRA Novice Class or having won less than $500 in Cow Horse, cutting or ranch horse events.

Contestants will complete the same reining pattern as Open Ranch Horse. They will work the cow, holding it on the end of the arena for 50 seconds.

Any AQHA legal bit may be used and can be ridden two-handed or one-handed.

Lead changes may be simple changes with credit given for flying changes.

Only 2½ spins for Novice rein and box.

Event #4 – Open Ranch Horse Competition

We will use rules and scoring from the AQHA. A summary of credits and penalties for scoring is attached. Horses five years and under may be shown two-handed in snaffle or bosal (copy of registration papers to accompany entry for age verification). Can use AQHA legal bits only.

VersatilityRanchHorse WorkingRanchDivision



Maneuver Scores

-1½ -1 -½ 0 +½ +1 +1½

Penalty Scores

Penalty ½ - Not changing leads simultaneously, over/under spin 1/8 jogging less than 2 strides after rollbacks or spins

Penalty 1 - Each quarter circle out of lead, over/under spinning 1/8 to ¼

Penalty 2 - Failure to run past marker, freezer up in turn or rollback, breaking gait, jogging beyond 2 strides

Penalty 5 - Spurring or hitting in front on cinch, blatant disobedience, kicking, bucking, rearing or striking, holding on to saddle horn

0 Score - Off pattern, 2 hands on reins unless snaffle or hackamore, fall of horse or rider, backing more than 2 strides, illegal equipment


Guide for “New Cow” (at judges’ discretion, rider will receive new cow(s) as necessary to show horse) Cow that won’t run, cow that doesn’t respect the horse, when the cow leaves the arena, the cow won’t leave the end of the arena


Maintaining control of the cow at all times, exhibiting superior cow sense and natural ability without excessive reining or spurring

Penalty Scores

Penalty 1 - Loss of working advantage, using corner or end of the arena to turn cow, changing sides of arena to turn cow, for each length horse runs past cow, turning cow before passing middle marker on first turn

Penalty 2 - Going around corner of arena before turning cow

Penalty 3 - Biting or striking the cow, refusing to turn

Penalty 5 - Not getting a turn each way (5 points each way)

0 Score - Turn tail, fingers between the reins in a bridle class, except the two rein class, balking, illegal equipment, fall of horse or rider, leaving working area before pattern is complete, schooling between rein work and cow work

Note: Judge may blow the whistle at any time to terminate the cow work. A score of zero in the cow work segment, will be given if the cow work is not complete at that time. The exhibitor may continue after the whistle and rope the cow.


1. In order for a catch to be legal, the loop must hold in front of the shoulders or neck and one front leg.

2. Only three loops are permissible.

3. All maneuvers judged +3 to -3 with ½ point increments.

For shows conducted in Europe, the exhibitor has the option of circling the cow each direction instead of roping or breakaway roping.

Maneuver Scores

See section 470(m) 1 for details.

Penalty Scores

Penalty 2 - Setting up or scotching

Penalty 3 - 2-loop run and 3 points for third head loop

Penalty 4 - Blatant disobedience (kicking, striking, biting, bucking, rearing), running into steer, failture to catch

Penalty 5 - Whipping or striking the horse with rope

Penalty 0 - (for entire class) – Failure to attempt any part of the class

Penalty 0 - If the rope falls off the saddle

NoviceCowHorse(ReinandBox)Entry Form

March 18, 2023

Hosted by the Animal Science Technology – Equine

Entries close March 14, 2023

Registration Fee: • prize money (jackpot) $ 25

• office and stock charge $ 25

Total Entry Fee: $ 50



Telephone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Horse’s Name:

Number of Stall(s) Required ($25 per stall): $___________

Please make cheque payable to:


Lakeland College

Animal Science Technology – Equine

c/o Ron Hoffman

5707 College Drive

Vermilion, Alberta

T9X 1K5

Fax No.: 780 853 8704


OpenRanchHorseCompetitionEntry Form

March 18, 2023

Hosted by the Animal Science Technology – Equine

Entries close March 14, 2023

Registration Fee: • prize money (jackpot) $ 50 • office and stock charge $ 50

Total Entry Fee: $100 Name: Address:

Telephone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Horse’s Name:

Number of Stall(s) Required ($25 per stall): $___________

Please make cheque payable to: RANCH AND FEEDLOT RIDER CLUB

TOTAL OF CHEQUE $___________
Lakeland College Animal Science Technology – Equine c/o Ron Hoffman
College Drive Vermilion, Alberta T9X
780 853

Top-Hand Awards

Saturday Only

Contestants entered in two or more events will be eligible to accumulate points for the Top-Hand Award. There are two divisions – open and novice.


Open to all riders. Anyone roping in the open division of the CRRA roping will have points accumulated in open events only. Trophy buckle and $1000 to the highest point earner.


Open to those competing in CRRA novice roping and novice rein and box classes. Trophy buckle to highest point earner.

Point Calculation

1. Points will be awarded as one point for every entry you beat in a class, up to a maximum of ten points for a first place in a class with more than ten entries.

2. Contestants may only count points from one placing in each class even if they have entered that class more than once.

Example: Joe Contestant

3. CRRA novice ropers who also enter the open CRRA roping can collect points only once. They can use the highest point placing from either roping.

Points Ranch Roping – 18 total entries – placed 2nd and 4th 9 for 2nd Ranch Horse Competition – did not enter 0 Two-Man Doctoring – 7 entries – placed 1st 6 for 1st Total Points 15 points


1. Time starts as riders enter pen. There will be nine (9) head of numbered cattle in pen.

2. Cow number is given as riders enter pen. Riders will bring cattle through centre gate, starting with given number (ie. #8) and bring cattle through centre gate in numerical order (ie. #8, #9, #1, #2, etc.) until time is called by riders or maximum time of 1 minute, 30 seconds expires.

3. Riders may call time after any number of cattle, but all riders must be at centre gate.

4. Any cow crossing gate out of order results in disqualification. Any cow leaving the collection pen is a disqualification.

5 Cattle must have all four feet across line to count or be disqualified.

6. Teams may be disqualified for roughing.

RanchRodeoFunEvent–CowboyHorse Race

1. One team member holds an unsaddled horse at far end of arena. Two team members at bucking chutes with saddle, pad and bridle

2. Second team member runs to catch their team’s horse and lead it back to rider to saddle and bridle.

3. Third team member (rider) mounts and rides horse back to far end of arena.

4. No entry fee (points only).

Aggregate Winners

The team with the highest point total that entered both sorting and doctoring and the “Fun Event” will be declared Ranch Rodeo champions and will win matching vests. Points will be calculated on one point for each team you beat in each event. In case of a tie for first place, a run off in team doctoring will decide the winner.


March 17, 2023

Hosted by the Animal Science Technology – Equine

Entries close March 14, 2023

Registration Fee: • prize money (jackpot) $ 60 • office and stock charge $ 50

Total Entry Fee: $110

Exhibitor’s Names: Address:

Please make cheque payable to:


Lakeland College Animal Science Technology – Equine c/o Ron Hoffman 5707 College Drive

Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 Fax No.: 780 853 8704

TOTAL OF CHEQUE $___________
Telephone Number:


1. Team draws for a numbered cow.

2. All participants start behind the line.

3. Walk or trot in herd.

4. Three riders only.

5. Legal head catches are full head, or head and one front leg.

6. Head loop first. If cow is roped deep around belly, that rope is dropped and other two riders must catch. If there is a second belly catch, team is disqualified

7. Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if rope goes up heels, then lay cow down. If heeler catches only one leg above hock, heeler must shake it down before dallying. If dallied, there will be a 30-second penalty.

8. Put both heels in heel loop and head rope moved to front legs.

9. All riders must be on horse before releasing cow, rope swap is legal. A cow released before all riders astride will result in a disqualification.

10. Time is taken when both ropes are stripped and all riders are remounted.

11. Roughing livestock will result in no time.

12. Elements are:

a. Roping head

b. Roping heels

c. Rope to front legs and heels

d. Mount

e. Remove ropes

13. Two minutes maximum to get first legal head catch or team is disqualified.

14. Four minutes maximum to complete the run.


March 17, 2023

Hosted by the Animal Science Technology – Equine

Entries close March 14, 2023

Registration Fee: • prize money (jackpot) $ 60 • office and stock charge $ 30

Total Entry Fee: $ 90

Exhibitor’s Names: Address:

Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

Please make cheque payable to: RANCH AND FEEDLOT RIDER CLUB

Lakeland College

Animal Science Technology – Equine c/o Ron Hoffman 5707 College Drive

Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1K5 Fax No.: 780 853 8704

TOTAL OF CHEQUE $___________

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