Appendix B FOIP - Employee Personal Information Policy Collection, Storage and Accuracy of Employee Records 1. Employee personnel files are housed in Human Resources. 2. As a general principle, personal documents belonging to employees should not be stored on the Institution premises. Employee’s personal documents stored on college premises are under the custody of the college and, therefore, may be subject to access under the FOIP Act. 3. If the records of an employee relate to the operational functions of Lakeland College, then the records are the property of the college and are covered by the Act. The records remain the property of the college even where these records are stored off-site or on personal devices. Access to an Employee’s own Records 4. Employees are permitted access to their own personal information, subject to only a few limited exceptions under the legislation. An employee may make an appointment through the Human Resources Office to view his/her personnel file. 5. All written information pertinent to a grievance proceeding will be made available to the appropriate parties. In determining pertinence, the college shall consider all relevant circumstances as identified in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Access to Employee Records by Third Parties 6. Where an outside caller is attempting to locate an individual within the college, the name of the department and the telephone extension of the individual may be given, but no personal information may be disclosed. 7. When an individual is hired by the college certain information is presumed to be a matter of public record and may be disclosed to third parties without consent, at the discretion of the Dean/Director: • Employment status • Business – address, telephone number, email address • Job title, job profile • Classification • Salary range • Relevant education qualifications • Attendance at a public event or activity related to the college (e.g. graduation, sporting, or cultural event) • Personal information already in the public domain
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